#uber cab resume
k8epot8e · 8 months
Train in Vain Chapter 2: Decisions
The three of you hatch a plan to get to the show, much to Kid's disdain.
This chapter is a little short but I'm setting up some fun things to come. Thanks for reading, everyone! It means a lot <3
Immediately following your confident acceptance of the night’s new course, the three of you started walking in a roughly southerly direction. The alley the guys had dodged into was lined with dumpsters, and the smell had started to seep down towards you like a fog, slowly and then all at once. You were happy to be out of that dank alley, but you were not confident that Kid or Kil had any sort of plan.
Kid led your motley crew, walking directly in front of you on the inside hand of the sidewalk, his broad shoulders dwarfing you and intercepting all incoming gusts of wind. Walking directly behind him made you feel comfortably warm despite the cold night air nipping at the exposed ribbons of skin between the tops of your socks and the bottom of your cropped jeans. Kil walked next to you on your left side. While this arrangement was not necessarily thought through, it made you feel very safe, like a general flanked protectively by his soldiers from an incoming attack. After walking in silence for a few minutes, the comfort of their closeness waned and you realized that none of you knew how to get to your destination.
“Hey, wait. Do you know where we’re going?” You called to Kid as you stopped short. Kil lingered a step after you looking at Kid who hadn’t stopped walking until he was multiple steps ahead of you both. “No. I don’t.” Kid said without turning around. Kil looked between the two of you, his large hands shoved into the front pockets of his jeans. “It’s probably too far to walk. We wouldn’t make it by showtime.” Kil confessed. Kid hesitated before turning around. He looked at Kil and huffed “Well, what are we supposed to do? We don’t have money for an Uber.” “We’d normally drive with our mates to the show, but those idiots forgot the gear at our practice spot. They’re getting it to set everything up. We can’t ask them for a ride too or we’ll all be late.” Kil explained. You crossed your arms, “Where exactly is this place?” “It’s a venue at the docks.” Kil said, “It’s a stage and bar inside of an old shipping container.” “Of course it is,” you said looking askance. “If it’s not fancy enough for you, girlie, you can run along home,” Kid said, eyebrow cocked towards you judgementally. “That’s not what I meant, you ass. I just mean an Uber or a cab would be pretty expensive for that far a ride this time of night.” You responded curtly.
You hadn’t realized that your conversation was taking up most of the sidewalk. The street you were on wasn’t bustling, but it’s Brooklyn and there’s always bound to be someone walking around. Kil moved out of a man’s path by taking a step towards you. He placed his large right hand on your left elbow to warn you of his incoming closeness. The sudden touch of his calloused palm on your arm made every one of your hairs stand on end. Blood rushed to your cheeks and you felt your face get hot as you tried to keep an even expression. Kid, stared at you, the right corner of his blood-red lips curling up towards his cheek.
After the man had passed, Kil stepped back into his original distance. You swallowed, attempting to regain your steadiness as Kid’s smirk turned into a full grin. He noticed your obvious nervousness from being close to Kil and wanted to make sure that you knew he’d noticed. Trying to wipe the smug smile off his face, you resumed the earlier conversation.
“So what are we going to do? Should we walk to another train station?” You suggested. “The only other one close to here is a D. We’d have to transfer twice,” Kil said looking at his phone. After a couple seconds of silence, Kil sighed. “I have an idea. But you’re not going to like it.” Kid looked at Kil as his expression sank. “What? What is it?” You looked between the two, tentatively. “Doesn’t, uh, Luffy live around here?” Kil said resignedly to Kid while rubbing the back of his head. “NO. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.” Kid bellowed. His volume made you jump. The two men immediately started arguing back and forth, Kid continuing to yell over Kil’s steady voice as he gesticulated wildly. “I CAN HARDLY STAND THAT FECKIN GOWK I DON’T WAN HIM THINKIN WE’RE FREINDS” Kid yelled, his brogue getting harsher with his anger. “Kid, we’re just asking for a ride. You know he and his roommates have a car. Do you want to miss the show?” Kil asked calmly. He obviously knew how to handle his friend’s outbursts. “Woah, woah, woah, who’s Luffy?” You asked, arms outstretched to get their attention. “A little, feckin, cunt that’s who.” Kid grumbled as his metal hand massaged his forehead, his brogue lighting as he calmed. “He’s a guy we know through mutual friends. He’s not a bad dude he’s just, an acquired taste.” Kil said as he looked in your eyes reassuringly. “Well I mean if he has a car it’s worth a shot, right?” You said mostly to Kid. He was silent for a second, head in his hands. He growled and threw his head back. “Alright fine. ONLY because we need to get to the goddamn, fucking, show.” Kid spat, hands still covering his face. “I think I have his number,” Kil said, scrolling on his phone. “Yep. Here we go.” He raised the phone to his right ear.
As quickly as the call was placed it was answered. You heard a loud, happy voice blare through the speaker, “JAGGY’S FRIEND?!” The voice’s volume took Kil by surprise. He shot his phone hand away from his ear. “Jesus,” You heard Kid grumble. “Uh, yeah Luffy it’s Kil.” He said into the phone. “You’ve never called me before! What’s up?” The happy voice asked curiously. You heard other voices overlap in the background, some were yelling angrily while others were laughing as upbeat music played steadily. “Jag-I mean Kid and I need a favor. You live in Sunset Park right?” Kil corrected himself as Kid shot him a death glare. “Yep! Are you coming to the party?” The voice asked sounding thrilled. “What? No. We-” Kil started. “GREAT! Haha, and Nami said you’d never come! Get here soon!” The voice laughed and hung up.
The three of you looked at each other. “Well, that wasn’t a no,” Kil said wryly. Kid sighed out his nose, his jaw clenched tight. “It’ll be fine! We’ll go to the party and convince someone to give us a ride! If he’s excited to see you that means he’ll be up for a favor.” You said, sensing Kid’s annoyance. “She’s right. We’ll make a quick appearance, he’ll give us a ride, and it’ll probably make him so happy that he won’t ever bug us to go to his parties again.” Kil said, looking at Kid. “Fine.” Kid huffed, arms crossed. “Let’s get this over with.” “He seemed really nice. I don’t know why you-” You started, smiling at Kid mischievously. “Drop it, girlie” Kid said, unamused. Kil held up his phone. “Okay, his apartment is three blocks that way.” He pointed down the street, back in the direction you’d come from. Two guys pushed their way past Kil, complaining, “Why are you standing in the middle of the goddamn sidewalk?” “Fuck off” Kid spat. “You gonna make me, lipstick?” One of the dudes stopped and spread his arms, the universal sign for ‘come at me, bro.’ Before Kid had time to act, you wrapped your right hand around his metal forearm and pulled him along as you started walking. With Kid’s forearm in your right hand, you grabbed Kil’s blue t-shirt with your left and shuffled the men in the direction of your new destination. “We don’t have time for another fight. Come on!” You declared. Either one of them could have easily broken your grip or resisted your tug in the opposite direction, but surprisingly neither one did. Kid called over his shoulder at the guys, “Ya got lucky, bastards!” as he allowed you to pick up your pace, leading the way to Luffy’s apartment.
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jmagnabo92 · 9 months
Storm of the Century
For one of two RWRB exchanges I signed up for.
My first First Prince fic :). Post Canon.
When the weather calls for the Storm of the Century, Henry makes sure to make it back home in time to be snowed in with Alex. Cue Snowed in shenanigans.
Storm of the Century 
Despite living on the East Coast, more specifically, New York City for the better part of five years (although only New York for one), Alex hadn’t quite grasped the concept of paying attention to the weather.  
Or more precisely, he’s gotten used to Henry paying attention to the weather for him.  Henry, unfortunately, had just texted him that his flight was delayed, and he’d get in as soon as he could, but he didn’t know when that would be, which is why Alex had donned a light jacket and taken David out for a run.  
Except due to the weather, they had gotten just far enough in the run that Alex was now a lot further than he should be when it started coming down fast and every step ran the risk of slipping and falling (which with his luck would get caught by the paps – he does not want that).  
 He stops and contemplates his options.  He could walk back, but it was a terribly long way and it’s coming down faster and faster.   He could call a secure car (he’s sure Cash is going to argue for this), but it would take ages of waiting in the worsening storm and city traffic in this weather could mean that he would walk back faster.  He could attempt the subway or a bus, but really it would still involve walking in the snowstorm to the stop, wait for the train or bus, and walk to the brownstone in the snow anyway, which seems utterly pointless.  His last option is a taxicab (Ubers for some reason are highly discouraged even more than a random taxi), so he would have to hail one like a real new yorker.  
Admittedly, since he can see them everywhere, he wouldn’t even have to move to get one and wouldn’t have to wait, a taxi is the best option – especially because he really wants to be a real new yorker, even if new yorkers don’t typically have security chasing them around all the time stopping them from dealing with the masses the same way they normally would.  
He hasn’t been in a taxi before (at least not that he can remember), so he’s eager for the experience.
Just as he comes to this conclusion, he turns to Cash, who says, “You know taxis are a security risk.”
Alex snorts as he shivers.  “I swear you can read my mind.  We can’t wait for a secure car, and the snow is getting heavier by the second.  David’s freezing – it’s hail a taxi or freeze to death.  And somehow, I think that you don’t want ‘let the First Son freeze to death’ on your Secret Service Resume.”
“I think I would change ‘first son’ to ‘little shit that wasn’t smart enough to wear a proper coat’ and the public would forgive me,” Cash jokes.  
Alex is not impressed, and Cash relents when he shivers, again.
“Fine, fine.  Hail a cab, but they are signing an NDA.”
He pulls one out of his pocket and Alex stares.  “You brought that on our run?”
“Of course I did,” Cash states.  “You tend to need them rather randomly – more so before you got with Henry, but often enough.  Now, just do it.”
Alex grins and steps to the curb to hail the taxi headed his way.  He’s never done it before, but he’s thrilled to attempt it now.  
Unfortunately, he gets skipped over by the first, second and third taxi cabs in the vicinity.
“Jesus, how do they get any fares when they skip potential fares like this?” Alex complains.
“Maybe they have people in them.”
“That last one definitely didn’t,” Alex argues as another one passes.  “I just don’t get it – they’re already obsolete with Uber and other rideshares, why make it worse by skipping fares?”
Cash shrugs.  “There could be any number of reasons, maybe they’ve been called to a location, already.  Maybe they’re done for the day and don’t want to pick up another fare.  Maybe they’re trying to avoid driving in the snow any more than they have to – given that they don’t know where you’re going, they could figure that it might be a far drive and it’s better to head home…”
“I wasn’t looking for an actual reason, Cash,” Alex interrupts.  “Just complaining.”
“Or maybe… they saw your ugly mug and figured you’d complain their ear off in the short drive to the brownstone,” Cash says, grinning.
“Oi!” Alex yells, turning back to him and away from the road.  He winces at the Britishism.  He’s been spending too much time in London (or at least around a Londoner).  
Cash teases just that, while Alex deflects, but luckily a taxi finally pulls up.  
Before he can even turn around, he hears, “Well, I certainly wish we spent more time together, and I’ll get you to speak proper English eventually.”
“Henry?” Alex asks, turning around and gleefully spotting his boyfriend in a taxi.  The boyfriend that was supposed to be overseas and unable to come home.  The reason Alex had gone on an admittedly dumb run right before a storm in a light jacket.  “How – what – oh, I don’t care,” Alex says, as the door flings open and he half hugs him, half climbs into the back of the cab barely not on top of him.  
Cash and David get in beside them, making it cramped (a PPO is in front with a clearly disgruntled cabby driver).  Once the door shuts, the cab takes off, but Alex is more focused on Henry.
“Okay – okay.  You said that you were stuck in London.  And – and you’re in a taxi… a prince in a taxi… I’m totally in shock,” Alex rambles quickly.  “Not that I’m complaining at all … the thought of weathering a storm without you is highly disappointing.”
Henry grins at him.  “Which is why when I saw the call for the storm of the century, I made sure to leave early… not early enough though to completely avoid the chaos.  When we reached the airport, we couldn’t get a car and I’ve heard you talk about being a real new yorker and hailing a cab, so I figured it was this was the best opportunity for me to get that – no one else was particularly happy, but I am.”  He notices Alex’s slight shiver, despite being in the warmth of the cab, and asks, “Why are you only wearing a light jacket when it’s zero degrees out?”
“I didn’t realize that it was that cold.  The sun went down between when I got home and when David and I decided to go on a run, and I figured it wasn’t that cold and the run would keep me warm enough.”
“So, essentially, you didn’t check the weather and note that it’s supposed to be like three days of freezing temperatures and the snowstorm of the century?  That they are warning that you shouldn’t be outside for more than five minutes once it hits?  Yet, decided a spring jacket was enough?”
Alex shrugs.  He hadn’t realized it was set to get that bad.  “I was fine until we got caught in the storm.”
Henry’s not impressed, but Alex doesn’t care as they pull up in front of the brownstone.  “Well, at least we saw you and picked you up before you could freeze to death.”
“I wasn’t going to freeze to death – Cash wouldn’t let that happen, it’d be bad for his secret service resume.”
He spares a look at Cash, who snorts as he gets out of the cab and gets the NDA stuff sorted (even though the cabby would have had to sign one for Henry).  It’s still nuts that there’s all this paperwork sometimes, but getting it signed after a cab ride is a lot better than getting it signed after a one-night-stand.  
God, those nights had been so embarrassing at times.
Still, at least now he doesn’t have to worry about that, Alex thinks as he and Henry head into their home with David leading the way (after a quick thank you to the driver).  It was honestly embarrassing to think of Cash or Amy collecting phones before and signing paperwork after, knowing that they knew exactly what happened in between.  Not that they didn’t know when he was with Henry, but somehow, knowing grins or teases about ‘enjoy your summit’ was a little different.  Especially, now, since he lives with Henry so every time they get together isn’t meticulously scheduled through handlers and security teams anymore.  
“What are you thinking about?” Henry asks as he takes off his coat and opts to leave his suitcase in the entryway for now.  
Alex is relieved to take off his wet coat, even as he shivers.  “Just how annoying and awkward the paperwork was before you.  Or even the fact that people like knew every time we got together and what we were doing.”
Henry laughs.  “Why are you randomly thinking about this now?”
“The NDA for the cabby and the fact that Cash had teased about how he carries them around because he used to ‘randomly need them’.”
Henry, who knows about Alex’s exploits, simply kisses him.  “Well, lucky for me, you don’t really need them as randomly anymore.”
Alex laughs.  “Definitely not.”
He shivers again despite the warmth of their home and quickly decides that he needs to get out of all of his clothes.  A hot shower would probably be best.
“You best get out of those wet clothes,” Henry states.  “It’ll be easier to get you warm again.”
Alex grins, devilishly, as he pulls Henry close by his belt loops.  “Trying to get me naked already?  Not even going to wine and dine me, you must think I’m so easy,” he teases.
“Alex, you are ridiculously easy, especially considering that one kiss and you were ready to do me in a room next to a room full of very important people.  Had Amy not reminded us that five minutes was not enough, you would’ve taken me right there.”  Henry laughs.  “And if you recall, I asked if we should slow it down, and go to dinner and you quite frankly told me to shut up because you wanted in my trousers.”
Alex refuses to blush.  “I didn’t say those exact words by any means.  I simply …”
“Wanted to snog my trousers off me?”
Alex huffs.  “That’s not fair.  I spent weeks dealing with my bisexual crisis because I couldn’t get that damn kiss out of my head and – and I just … the bar was low okay, I wanted to kiss you and…”
“…and had very little restraint,” Henry finishes, grinning.  “Because you’re easy.”
“I had enough restraint not to kiss you in front of everyone,” Alex states, defending himself.  “And I was going to say that I think a hot shower or warm bath might do the trick, and thought about inviting you, but I don’t want to be easy.”
“I never said it was a bad thing,” Henry says, retracting a bit.  “I love that you were so … eager.  It helped my nerves for you to be so gung-ho.”  Then he lowers his voice seductively, “And we both know that I would make that shower much hotter and warm you up quite quickly, and after a week away, surely, my easy boyfriend would be as eager for me to join him as I am to join him.”
He's right, naturally.  Alex has been craving Henry since the moment he left, only his exams had kept him here and he had been planned to celebrate the brief reprieve with a naked Henry.  
He grins.  “I’ll race you?”
Henry smiles.  “Always.”
“Good – Go!”
Now warm and snuggly, Alex wearing Henry’s Oxford sweatshirt and sweatpants, snuggles up to Henry in his own sweats, and quite put out that he doesn’t fit into Alex’s clothes as easily, but thrilled with having beaten Alex in the race up the stairs.  
Dinner had been a quick affair, and now, they were snuggling in front of the fireplace with the shade of the bay window open so that they could watch the snow fall and listen to some soft music.  Alex never really loved snow since it wasn’t a big factor in Texas (or California), and it still hadn’t grown on him aside from random snow fun that he doesn’t get to have all that often – snowball fights, building snowmen, and making silly things in the snow – it’s usually not enough or he’s usually busy and it melts or he doesn’t have anyone to do those things with, so it’s really just a nuisance to his life rather than anything fun.  
It is pretty though.  Watching it fall from the warmth of their living room, cuddling with his boyfriend and reveling in being together after a week apart.
“So, how were your exams?”
“Great,” Alex admits.  “I know I get in my head about them before and it was probably better you weren’t here this week to be annoyed by my overzealous studying and being in the zone, but I’m sure that I aced them.”
“Of course you did, you’re brilliant, but even if you failed them all, you did your best and it’s good enough,” Henry assures him.
If there’s one thing that Alex appreciates about Henry, it’s the assurance that he’s enough, that he doesn’t have to keep pushing all the time as long as he does his best.  
He kisses his cheek.  
“How was Bea?  Did you enjoy the concert?”
“I did.  I wish you’d been there, but it was nice to visit with Pez since he’s been abroad lately, and Bea did absolutely wonderful as always.  She’s thinking of expanding and doing more concerts outside of the UK.  Possibly, more in Europe, and maybe even some here in the States.”
“That would be fantastic, especially if it means you’d get to see her more,” Alex offers.  He knows how much Henry misses Bea, especially since he avoids London as much as possible.  “Besides, it’ll be nice to attend one of her concerts and see her myself.  Gotta get her to love me as much as June loves you.”
He’s teasing, of course.  He talks to Bea almost as much as Henry talks to June, largely because they have a bit of a connection as rebels of sorts, so despite rarely seeing one another, they still have a deep friendship.  Plus, she loves Alex on the basis that he helped Henry find the courage to fight and that he loves him on purpose.  Protective older sister at her best.
Henry laughs.  “Speaking of, she mentioned that you were up to something for our upcoming anniversary, and she hopes the storm doesn’t ruin things… I told her the weather should clear in a few days and her flight will probably make it out.”
Alex huffs, he’d been planning to surprise Henry with a visit from Bea and Pez for the annual Balls Out Bananas White House Trio New Year’s Eve party, and then a trip out of snow-land to the much warmer lake house – three days with them and three days alone (they would be coming on the third, spending the first and second with June and Nora since he wanted to be alone with Henry on their actual anniversary).  “I thought she was a good secret keeper.  What the hell?”
“She is… usually,” Henry states, smiling.  “But I saw some texts on her phone and may have overheard a bit of your conversation with her the other day.”
Alex pouts.  “They were supposed to be a surprise.  There’s not a lot you can get for a prince, you know?  It’s totally unfair.”
Henry kisses his cheek.  “There’s nothing I need more than you for our anniversary, but I do like you inviting Bea and Pez to your party just for me.”
“It’s not my party.”
“It rather is,” Henry argues.  “You put the most efforts into it, even though you don’t live there anymore.”
“It still belongs to the three of us,” Alex retorts, but it sounds like Henry doesn’t know about the secondary part of the plan, which is fantastic.  “Anyway, I still want to get you something to celebrate.”
“You can gift me yourself as a gift, wrap yourself up in a bow and everything,” Henry teases.  
Alex laughs, “And you say I’m easy.”
“You are.  Need I remind you of the race up the stairs?”
“If that makes me easy, that makes you easy, too.”
“I never said I wasn’t easy, especially when it comes to you, just that you are because you’re the one that’s denying it.”
Alex hums.  It’s certainly true.  “I guess so… why don’t you tell me more about your trip?”
The first full day of snow was happily spent cuddling up together watching it snow, sharing stories about weather days that kept them inside – this meant, Alex was a bit jealous of Henry’s snow days the same way he was jealous that Henry got to attend Uni in a more normal way than Alex got to attend Undergrad (although, now, in law school, he was starting to get a more normal college experience despite dating a prince and still being the First Son).  The second full day was spent reliving Alex’s indoor activities which includes board and card games, with an added bonus of holiday movies that all involve couples getting snowed in and falling in love.  He teases Henry that they’re already a step ahead in that, and honestly, he still couldn’t believe it.  
The third day, however, Alex finds himself staring out at the endless snow (it’s now over two feet and still snowing), wanting to get out and about.  Alex doesn’t do well locked up – evidence by his reaction after he was relegated to his bedroom for falling in love with Henry and getting fired from the campaign.  Those were tough days, although, luckily, now he’s not alone.  
Henry knows plenty of ways to distract him – and some of them are even clean! – but he’s still feeling rather… listless stuck inside like this.  
“Snow, snow go away, come back another day,” Alex sings, changing the song from ‘rain, rain’ to snow, not that he believes that a silly song like that would work.
Henry appears from the kitchen with his tea and Alex’s coffee.  “Isn’t that song for rain?”
“Yes, but I’ve repurposed it.”
“And you think some silly song will make the snow stop?”
“One can hope.”
There’s a pause as Henry hands Alex his coffee and wraps an arm around him.  “You know, the snow doesn’t have to keep us inside.”
“Yeah, it’s a little warmer today.  Why don’t we fulfill some of those snow activities that you’ve only vaguely gotten to do growing up?” Henry offers.  “Building snowmen, creating things in the snow and a snowball fight that I will absolutely win.”
“What makes you think you’d win?” Alex questions, already deciding that they would go out and do just that once they finish their drinks.  
Henry hums.  “I could think of a few reasons.”
“Such as?”
“Well, for one, you always claim that I’m ridiculously competent at things –”
“You are, but you’re not usually competing against me.”
“– and for another, I’ve actually played in the snow more often than you have –”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“– and lastly, because I can easily distract you,” Henry finishes, and before Alex could refute that oneHenry’s lips are on his and he’s easily distracted by his literal prince charming kissing like an actual prince charming, which reminds him about the thoughts of the moors the first time that they kissed in his White House bedroom.  
When they break apart, Alex smiles at him.  “You know what I think?”
“That you’d rather play a game upstairs than in the snow outside?”
Alex laughs.  “I’m not that easy.”
Henry gives him a look.  “Oh, then, do tell?”
“I think you’re just scared that I’m going to beat you and you’re trying to deflect by suggesting that I could be easily distracted.”
“Not a chance.  I am definitely going to win any snow related activities.”
“Wanna bet on it?” Alex asks.  “Best of three wins – Snowmen, Snow Creations, and Snowball fight?”
Henry hums.  “Who’s the judge, Cash?  Because I think that would give you an advantage.”  
“Nah, he’d choose you just ‘cause he loves to mess with me.  I was thinking we could send pictures to the group and have them vote.”
“That works, but we’re bundling up, okay?  No light jackets this time.”
An hour or so later, Alex’s lopsided Snowman did not beat Henry’s perfectly straight snowman, and Cash did have to be the tiebreaker (since Nora and Pez had said Alex’s had ‘character’ and chose his).  However, his snow castle and drawings of the six of them in the snow had beaten out the mess that Henry tried to create (he claimed that it was also a portrait of them, but they all looked like complete blobs).  He tries to blame it on David, but no one believes him.
This means that they’re tied going into the snowball fight, where Cash is referee and taking videos to send to their friends.  
They both start with making a wall of snow to protect themselves (and hide their supply of snowballs) and once they’re ready, Cash yells, “Ready – Set – Go!”
They both start throwing their snowballs at each other and dodging out of the way.  Poor Cash nearly gets caught up in the middle since he’s trying to video it, but they manage to barely keep him out of it.  David, on the other hand, tries very hard to be involved… he tries to catch the balls in his mouth and has taken to stealing what he can of them.
They yell trash talk back and forth as they continue along, slowly running out of balls.  At some point, David has destroyed the walls of protection, and they’re both vulnerable.  They start moving around, chasing after one another.  
They both get fair amounts of hits and run out of balls at the same time, which is when they decide to treat the snow like it’s water – splashing it at each other while trying not to get hit.  Alex manages to plop a whole bunch of snow on top of Henry’s head but doesn’t get away fast enough and ends up tackled into the snow.  
At this point, there’s a struggle for who can pin the other down, snow and balls long forgotten while David tries to play, too, and Cash laughs hysterically in the background.  He’s yelling something about why watching over Alex is his favorite assignment ever as he does so.  
Alex is a little preoccupied though.  He can’t flip them over again (they had rolled several times, but he’d ended up on his back).  Henry’s got him pinned to the snow, smiling triumphantly and kisses his nose.  
“Ah, I win!”
“Not a chance, Wales!  You cheated.”
“I did no such thing.”
“You tackled me, I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules.”
Henry scoffs.  “What rules?  We didn’t establish any rules.”
“The – the basic rules.  It’s like dodgeball, you can’t tackle the other team.”
“Yes, well, it’s not dodgeball.  It’s a Snowball fight, and there were absolutely no rules on how to win.  Given that we both abandoned our snowballs in favor of just throwing the snow – I think we abandoned any sense of proper rules, thus I win.”
“Who says ‘thus’?” Alex asks, petulantly.  “And you did not win.  This isn’t over.”
Henry scoffs.  “I have you pinned, it’s over – I won!”
“Not a chance!  I haven’t conceded, yet and I won’t.”
Alex is confident that he could find some way to still win, but Henry’s reply of, “I’ll just make myself comfy, then,” has him faltering.  
Especially when Henry starts teasing him, kissing his face everywhere but his lips, leaning down in between kisses to whisper sweet nothings, even as Alex tries to knock him off of him.  He’s starting to feel the fatigue set in, the wetness at his back, and a hardness from their positions, but what breaks him after several long minutes of delightful torture is when Henry whispers, “Come on, love, admit that I won and you and I will both reap the benefits of the reward – nice hot bubble bath and night that our asses will never forget.”
Alex groans, now fully hard.  “You better put your money where your mouth is.”
“Don’t I always?” Henry asks, grinning down at him.
“Always,” Alex states, grinning.  “Fine, you win!  Just this once.  Now kiss me.”
They kissed for an obnoxiously long time before remembering that they were not in their bedroom and actually in the snow where anyone could see them.  Once they remembered, they went inside and enjoyed that reward they promised.  Alex was slightly bitter that Henry won, but at least he got to have some fun in the snow. 
Plus, it was fun just to play around with Henry.  Although, he did challenge him to rematch for the next day.  He will eventually win, he’s sure of it.
“Well, I’m successfully exhausted,” Henry says as he pulls Alex in for a cuddle.  “But I enjoyed myself, did you?”
Alex hums, nuzzling Henry’s neck where a hickey is blossoming.  “Naturally, I’d have fun do anything with you.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“Me too,” Alex agrees.  “I also love that we got to be snowed in together.  You and me – waiting out the storm of the century, cuddling and enjoying each other.  Exactly what I needed after a week without you.  I’m so glad you paid attention to weather enough to make sure you’d make it home in time.”
Henry hums.  “I didn’t want to risk getting stranded there.  Not without you.”
“I’m glad.”  Alex kisses his cheek and then shifts to kiss him on the lips.  “Here’s to the storm of the century and the best snowed in buddy I could have.”
He doesn’t give Henry the chance to respond, but then, he doesn’t have to.  He’s sure Henry’s feeling the same way, and honestly, Alex would much rather lazily make out than hear the words he already knows are true.  
They say a picture says a thousand words, but Alex thinks a kiss can say ten thousand words and right now, their kisses are saying God, I’m so happy, so in love, and that’s really all he needs.
Together, happy and in love.
Everything’s perfect.
Best snowstorm ever.  
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sarasa-cat · 2 years
Various personal vagueness under the cut
a bit of reflection a handful of years later after leaving daygig behind
it is interesting how time, distance, and a change of scenery (or a change of routine) combined with interacting with a completely different group of people (in this case, all inside my professional sphere, sorta, kinda) creates space for new interpretations, reframings, acceptance, and "take what works, leaves the rest"
i mean, I knew this. i know this. but you don't know what will happen and how that sense of resolution will come about until after the significant chuck of time passes, and after a significant amount of distance is created, and after interactions with totally different circles of people do the work of soaking in
i don't want to be too direct on public main -- save that for a series of future entries, friends-locked, on DW -- but all I can say is HMMMM. Interesting.
so--- what can I vague-say? hm. I think there are some very specific experiences i had in that toxic mess of a M-F-well-more-than-9-5-hellspace that can be best compared to oysters making pearls. I have a bunch of pearls -- real as can be and of fine quality, so that is something wonderful because I know so many people who are desperately searching for pearls likes these (meet them all the time, mostly online these days but yes, all the time). I'm not terribly keen on explaining to those who want their own pretty pearls how these pearls were formed or what it was like to be the oyster.
Or perhaps I want to explain but I'm not terribly keen on doing so just yet because the right kinds of words need to be found.
Me and my stuff aside, yesterday I was reading a various newspaper articles about how a very famous avant garde restaurant in Copenhagen called Noma, which I previously knew about from a documentary or two, is going to shut down and why. Various reasons given with various armchair analysis from various people, but the take away that stuck with me is how The Pandemic Changed Artistic Labor. Noma was only able to exist because the staff were poorly paid, underpaid, or unpaid (just having the head chef on their resume was considered their "pay") and they worked exceedingly long hours per day in exceedingly stressful conditions that transgressed into abuse (which was obvious to me from the documentaries I saw a while back but was brought up in some of these news article). AND THEN one of the articles went on to say this:
The Finnish chef Kim Mikkola, who worked at Noma for four years, said that fine dining, like diamonds, ballet and other elite pursuits, often has abuse built into it.
“Everything luxetarian is built on somebody’s back; somebody has to pay,” he said.
And I nodded because I just knew. Yeah. The thing is, you don't need to be behind the scenes at the top rated (highly avant garde) restaurant in the world to see this dynamic in action.
This dynamic is everywhere -- it is deeply ingrained in models for how today's world is run -- and abuse is the uber I take rather than a proper cab and many of the deliveries dropped off at my doorstep.
But all of the creative industries, fine art included, omfg, all of it. The abuse is everywhere, and when it isn't abuse it is a bait and switch. But it isn't just a Noteworthy Line on one's resume. It is also the opportunity to have a rare, coveted experience in an oyster bed making pearls. But all people on the outside see are the pearls. The beautiful pearls.
Any other thoughts I have are too un-vague to go here. ;)
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gregg-reuben · 4 months
Transforming two-sided markets
Transforming two-sided markets https://seths.blog/2024/05/transforming-two-sided-markets/ AI agents are going to overhaul the way we think about buying and selling. Uber already did this in a small way. They organized the drivers, and now they organize the riders. Hailing a cab was already sort of anonymous, but with competition and structure, AI will continue to get better at finding the right passengers for the right drivers, and vice versa. But there are far more markets where this sort of transformation hasn’t happened yet. Real estate (both buying and renting) has been slightly changed by the internet. They’ve made markets a bit more efficient and given buyers more insight. But the choices people make are based on intuition, and data sets are incomplete and have more “I know it when I see it” than we’d expect from such a large and regular transaction. What happens when the right person finds the right place to live, and the connections have value far beyond building awareness? Tinder and other dating apps changed some of the inefficiencies of people connecting with one another as they pursue relationships, but it’s mostly focused on displaying many options to people on both sides of the marketplace. It’s a very large singles bar with some pre-sorting and ranking going on. Participants aren’t eager to give up their agency, and there’s not a lot of data about what happens after a match is made. Linkedin amplified the ‘find a job’ x ‘find an employee’ dynamic, but it’s a similar approach. They don’t know who came in second at the end of a grueling job search, nor do they know a lot about which bosses make good bosses or accomplish useful hires. These marketplaces feel so vast and so human that it’s difficult to suggest that AI is going to make much of an impact. But I’m confident that it will. There’s so much expense and wasted time and anxiety around these essential connections that some part of the market will be open to engaging… and success will lead to more success. We have a lot of fake agency, where we think we’re making a choice in hiring or connecting with others, but that choice is influenced by structures and dynamics that aren’t actually related to what we want. If it’s sunny on the day of the open house, more people make an offer… We’re using false proxies and amplifying negative cultural tropes to shortcut our selection processes, and it harms everyone involved. We don’t need a better digital resume, or a way to get the word out. We need to get much smarter about what we want, why we want it and what’s likely to work. Creating connections between and among buyers and sellers in dramatically more productive ways is (possibly) around the corner.
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witchern · 11 months
book recommendation time!! ✨
"blood in the machine: the origins of the rebellion against big tech" by brian merchant. tells the story of the luddites in early 19th-century england and how they rose up and literally smashed the machines that were taking their jobs away.
there's a whole like 5 pages i wanna quote to entice y'all but i'll just cut it down to these paragraphs that are sooo validating to read in print that they gave me heart palpitations:
Imagine dedicating years of your life to learn a difficult job that was supposed to guarantee you a good living – playing by the rules, you might say; going to school, learning a trade, investing incredible volumes of time and resources to obtain a modest level of station and security – only to realize that the deal was suddenly void. Your faith in systems working as intended would be as broken as a hammer-smashed frame.
Now, you do not know if, when, or how your job will vanish altogether, along with your identity. Imagine not having any other realistic options. What you did know was that someone else, with advantages you did not have, could suddenly acquire new technologies that would allow them to reorganize those rules for their benefit.
Maybe you don't even need to imagine this, because you live in the twenty-first century and have seen a corporation, a platform, or a manager use technology to rewrite the social contract that once defined your own job. Maybe you are a cab driver who saved up years to own your car and medallion, who knows miles of city streets as if they were your own backyard, only to have Uber show up on the scene, undercut prices with its store of venture capital and its algorithmic management system, and render your investment worthless. Or maybe you have worked for years as a salesperson, acquiring contacts and relationships with vendors, only to see your company introduce an automated portal that performs most of your role. Or maybe you are a writer or an artist who was let go from the digital media company that published your work, just as the outlet announced it would begin using AI to generate content. Or maybe you are a warehouse worker dependent on the job to pay rent for your family, and you are hustling to keep up with the array of robots on the shop floor. Maybe you are a truck driver who has trained yourself to weather the endless stretches of highway, and now you are reading about an autonomous big rig that drove itself from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
Maybe you've just spent years in high school and college, studying and working around the clock to get good grades and to pad out your resume, yet the only jobs you seem to be able to find after graduation are benefits-free contract work through online temp agencies or gig apps.
Workers have been told for centuries that this process is normal, even morally good, because it will benefit society in the long run by making some products cheaper and more plentiful. [...] A craftsman could walk by the building where his work had been relocated to be done by a machine, while he might be hungry and the factory owner was getting richer. [...] There was no negotiation involved in this transfer of earning power, and to the worker it looked a lot like theft.
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awesometeennews · 4 years
Uber resumes operations in Karnataka
Uber resumes operations in Karnataka
BENGALURU: Uber said on Friday it has resumed its operations in Bengaluru, Mysuru, Mangaluru, and Hubballi, in compliance with Lockdown 4.0 guidelines issued by the Government.
Riders in Bengaluru can book UberAuto, UberGO, Premier, Intercity, Hourly Rental, UberXL, Access, and Assist on their Uber App.
UberAuto, UberGO, Premier, and Intercity are available in Mysuru, UberGO and…
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Ola, Uber resume services in Green, Orange Zone cities Image Source : FILE Ola, Uber resume services in Green, Orange Zone cities  Cab-hailing platforms Ola and Uber on Monday said they have resumed services in areas within the Orange and Green Zones, and have introduced requirements like wearing masks to ensure safety of riders and driver partners.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
���My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
requests open!
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jtargaryen18 · 5 years
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All Heaven in a Rage
Chapter 1
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only Warnings: Non-con,  Kidnapping, Stalking, Explicit Sexual Content, Dubious Consent. Please read responsibly.  Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader
On AO3 Jtargaryen18/SnowQueen79
A request for a dear friend. This takes place after the Infinity War but before Avengers 4. Steve Rogers has lost most of those he had left to the snap and loneliness is battle he's losing. What starts out as an honest intention to help a girl who has caught his eye in daily life becomes a dangerous obsession where the lines of what's real and what's fantasy are blurred.
I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown or tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
A/N: I caved. Several of you asked and since most of us are quarantined... If you haven’t read it, I hope you like it. Apologies. This was my first reader insert story. 
The world was a different place following the snap.
It had taken months for the world’s routine to even resemble anything close to normal. Half of the world’s population had been eliminated in the snap and that had been devastating enough. To make matters even worse, so many people died that day as a result of the snap.
If pilots were snapped, their crafts went down with no survivors among those who’d been left. Engineers of trains, bus drivers, cab drivers, Ubers. There were endless reports of car crashes, freak transportation accidents. Clint’s family had apparently made it through the snap. They were killed when they were hit on the highway by a driverless car, its driver snapped. It had veered off into their lane and hit them head-on.
Clint had been stuck at home on house arrest. Steve Rogers knew his friend and fellow Avenger had to have been completely destroyed by his family’s loss. Steve would have been there for him. Only Clint had disappeared without a trace immediately after…
There were hundreds of deaths at hospitals, shelters, and nursing homes. Even more in everyday situations. Amusement parks, at schools, on battlefields, in shopping centers…
Steve had been through a lot of loss in his life only to have Thanos take most of what he’d had left. He’d lost Bucky, and that was a bitterness that nearly consumed him at night as he stared at the ceiling in those long, dark, sleepless hours. Bucky had been his best friend, the one person he could never get over losing. It had been a miracle when he’d found him and he’d fought so hard for him, scoured the earth for him with Sam’s help.
Losing him for a second time had almost finished Steve off.
He’d lost Sam too. And Tony, though that had apparently happened before the snap when he’d left the planet accompanied by Dr. Stephen Strange and young Peter Parker. They’d lost Scott Lang, King T’Challa and his sister Shuri, Nick Fury and Maria Hill. So many good men and women were lost that day in a variety of ways, leaving a new broken world that was on the edge of chaos. They’d be years yet cleaning up from that day.
They’d never truly recover from the losses.
Steve had just left a support group he’d been sitting in on for the last few weeks. Natasha had been well-intentioned when she’d recommended it to him. Honestly, he hadn’t gotten a lot of benefit from it. It was hard to take in the coping mechanisms that the group leads shared when you were too busy picking apart your actions from those events, from that day.
Could he have done anything differently? Could he have stopped Thanos and saved his friends? Bucky? Everyone? There had to have been something he’d missed.
The questions haunted him endlessly. Sometimes Steve felt like he was losing his mind.
Life had resumed. People went on and most things you could do or have were still there, still available. The Avengers trudged on, missions much fewer now. Situations were less dire. Even the bad guys had taken losses, seemed to struggle with how to move forward.
There were shadows behind the eyes of every survivor he passed or encountered. Loss and grief swam in the eyes of men, women and children alike.
Steve was so lost in his thoughts that instead of taking the elevator up to his apartment at the front of the tower, he walked in through the lobby. When he got so far into it, he decided coffee might be nice. He wasn’t likely to sleep anyway, and the autumn air had been chilly. It would be a nice warm up.
Steve was almost ashamed to admit that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in the lobby. It had been months, since way before the snap. The coffee shop was just about to close, and he saw a young man and woman working there as he waited in line. The young man he hadn’t seen before, looked like a nice kid.
The young woman he’d noticed before. She’d worked there for at least a couple of years. Steve had always thought she was a beautiful girl, but it was more than just her physical appearance. She had a friendly smile that reached her bright, clear eyes. He’d admired the way she didn’t treat him any differently even though the slight tremor of her hands and the nervous lilt to her laugh when she waited on him told him she was very aware of who he was. Yes, she was shy, but her manners were exceptional for a girl nowadays. Even though Nat would probably call him a sexist asshole, her demure behavior appealed to him.
Steve was happy to see that she’d survived.
“What’s your number, sweet thing?” the man in front of him asked her in a tone Steve didn’t care for.
She handed him his order and tried to smile. “That will be $9.57 please.”
“Give me your number,” the man insisted now. “Then I’ll give you the money.”
“I don’t even have a phone,” she muttered, nervous now. “I’m sorry. Please let me finish your transaction so I can wait on our other guests, okay?”
“You lyin’ to me?” the man tried to sound like he was playing but he didn’t quite hit that note.
“No,” she said, her discomfort obviously growing.
She didn’t owe him an explanation. She didn’t owe the man anything.
“You sure?” the man pressed, moving closer to the counter.
“Pay for your order and move along,” Steve broke out his Captain’s voice, watching with amusement as the coarse-looking man, he wasn’t a lot bigger than her to be honest, angrily turned around to face him. It took him all of three seconds to recognize Steve and he enjoyed watching the other man diminish as she watched.
“Sure, yeah,” the man mumbled, nervously digging his wallet out of his jacket and slapping a ten down on the counter in front of her. He mumbled something that sounded like “keep the change” but he didn’t look at her again. Instead, he made a beeline away from the coffee shop in the direction of the front doors.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked stepping up to the counter, gazing down at her. No one was behind him. The young man grinned at him before dashing behind the counter, probably getting ready to shut down.
Her wide eyes had watched the retreating figure of the man for another beat before her gaze shifted to him. Steve loved her wide expressive eyes, especially when they shifted back to him.
“Thank you,” she said, smiling at Steve. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Has he done that before?” Steve asked her.
She swallowed hard, he could tell she was scrambling for an answer when the young man she worked with came up behind her.
“Yeah,” he explained. “Not often but…”
He got back to his efforts as she waited at the counter.
“Hopefully he won’t be back,” Steve told her, making a mental note.
Nodding, she dropped her gaze for just a second before glancing back up at him.
“What can I get for you?” she asked sweetly.
Was it wrong that he loved her demeanor? No artifice, no guile. She didn’t seem to have the snark and entitlement so many young people had these days. It was refreshing.
Steve ordered what he normally did, simple black coffee, and he watched as she went about getting it ready for him. She moved quickly, almost apologetically. When she had his order ready, she placed it gently on the counter before him.
Steve smiled. “What do I owe you?”
She shook her head, the lights shining off her hair. “On the house. With my thanks.”
Steve nodded, accepting it. He didn’t want to hold them up because he knew they wanted to get home, but he had one last thought. He reached for the order pad and pen lying on the counter next to their register and wrote down a number.
“If he shows up again, or you have any trouble,” Steve explained, “send a text to that number. It will get handled.”
Those eyes widened. It was delicious and it was working on him. He watched her pick up the slip of paper with a trembling hand, reading the panic that flashed in those eyes for just a split second. Then her gaze returned to him and she nodded.
So had she been telling the rude bastard he’d gotten rid of the truth? Did she not have a phone?
That wasn’t safe. What if she needed to call for help? For a ride?
“Thank you, Captain Rogers,” she said that sweet smile back in place. “Have a good night.”
“Good night,” he told her, taking her in for another beat before heading for the elevators.
His mind was swimming with questions, and he had to admit, it beat the hell out of obsessing about the snap and the aftermath of dealing with that as he had done for weeks.
Steve had just reached the elevators when he realized that he was concerned about her getting home. Would it hurt to follow her? He could easily do it without her noticing. If she had a phone, she’d likely check it on her way home from work. If she didn’t, well, he could make sure she made it home okay. He wasn’t doing anything else at the moment.
It only took about fifteen minutes for her to head towards the front door of the tower. She never noticed him where he’d tucked in near the elevators. Steve fell in behind her, tightening his coat around himself. His coffee had been perfect, and he’d already finished it.
She should have been wearing a coat as cold as it was. Only a thin jacket covered her as she walked along in her jeans. No sign of a phone. She walked with her head down, again looking for all intents and purposes like she was trying to avoid anyone’s notice.
The problem was such body language often had the opposite effect. Muggers and worse selected those they didn’t think would fight back and she definitely fit into that category.
Finally, she turned at a rundown apartment complex and Steve’s hopes sank. Poor thing. He didn’t know her story, what happened that left her living in the dark, dingy set of buildings heading for the bad side of the city. Probably all she could afford. He did know that a lot of drug and prostitution calls came out of the place and it left him feeling even worse about her situation.
Maybe he shouldn’t have followed her.
She wasn’t his problem after all.
But as he stopped, watching her pace pick up with her destination in sight, he remembered the warmth in that pretty face, the warmth in her eyes. It stirred feelings in him he hadn’t felt in many years.
No, he couldn’t ignore her or her situation now. He wanted to help.
But how?
Steve pondered that question long into the night.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Soul Savin', Pt. 4
Rafael Barba x Reader. AN: Taking a lot of liberties and using a lot of prompts and part of a challenge here, specifically: @madpanda75‘s “from your smutty prompt list, can you please do “Friends don’t do this kind of shit!” where Barba and the reader go to a bar, have some tequila, then do some body shots” as well as @delia26′s “I turned out liking your a lot more than I originally planned.” Finally, using Jewel’s “Who Will Save Your Soul” as part of @thefanficfaeriebirthday challenge.
CW: language, some parts NSFW. Some dub-con, because they’re buzzed,angst, continued slow-burning. Flashbacks are indicated with italics.
AN: Please forgive any typos. Again, writing through grief is weird AF. I’m trying my best.
WC: 2600
Rafael signaled for the bartender.  Six shot glasses were lined up. You each lifted a shot glass. “For Sean,” you proudly exclaimed.
“For Y/N, the best detective and friend a man could ask for. Well done today.” Rafael returned. You gave him a toothy smile and clinked your glass with his.
“Otra vez.”
Rafael nodded and lifted his shot glass, and quickly tossed it back before tuning the glass upside down on the bar top.
You gave him a small head nod and did the same; you both repeated the same with the two remaining glasses. The endorphins from the honeytrap mixed with the buzz from the alcohol was making you feel warm; your inhibitions were starting to fade. You didn’t care for the consequences – all that mattered was that you wanted Rafael and were tired of keeping your feelings at bay. Desire was bubbling at the surface, ready to spill over like a pot of boiled liquid.
You made your decision. You asked the bartender for the bottle of tequila, salt and limes.
“What are we doing? Body shots?” Rafael laughed, his eyes crinkling.
“Yeah, what of it? Lets live a little,” you stated. “Have you ever done a body shot?”
Rafael didn’t immediately respond and you squealed with delight. “Oh, this is going to be fun!”
You reached over and grabbed Rafael’s hand and ran your tongue on the back of his hand, just below his index finger. Rafael’s heart pounded in his chest as he watched you pour the salt on his skin. You ran your tongue over the salty skin and then knocked the shot back. You grabbed a lime wedge and bit down, sucking on the lime juice. You gave Rafael a smile, with the lime wedge in your mouth before removing it, dissolving into a fit of giggles. “Your turn.”
Rafael let out a shaky breath. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. You unzipped the zipper of your very oversized sweatshirt slightly, and shimmied the material off slightly. You pushed your hair back  and tilted your neck, exposing your skin.
Rafael’s eyes darkened at your exposed skin. His mind flashed to earlier in the evening, as he watched you shake your shit all over the strip club, like you owned the place. His cock twitched again and he decided to give into his desire.
Rafael stood and took a step closer to you. He helped you stand up, and he wrapped his arm around your waist, bringing you closer. You were millimeters apart. His large hands were soft and warm and he gently tilted your head. Skin exposed, he lowered his face to your neck. Your skin, which was still covered in body glitter, smelled like warm vanilla. He quietly groaned before taking a long broad swipe along your neck. You moaned and it was euphoria in Rafael’s ears. He pulled back, shook the salt shaker onto your skin, and resumed his actions. You squirmed in Rafael’s embrace, biting your lip hard to prevent you from obscenely moaning. As Rafael sucked a mark into your neck, you gasped, “Friends don’t do this kind of shit!”
“Then I guess we were never friends,” Rafael husked in your ear, before pulling away to toss the shot back. Rafael slammed the glass down on the bar top. You grabbed Rafael’s face with your hands; his five o’clock shadow prickled your palms. On wobbly tip-toes you stood and pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. The kiss was intense, all teeth and tongue clashing against one another, desperate and hungry. Finally, Rafael pulled away and you briefly whined at the lost connection. The dark look in his eyes sent an involuntary shiver up your spine.
“Let’s get out of here.” You requested.
“Are you sure?” Rafael asked. ‘Please say yes, please say yes.’
You stepped closer to him and placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. “Yes guapo.”
Rafael let out a shaky breath. He hadn’t been called guapo by someone significant since Yelina and hearing you call him that made his heart skip a beat.
“If we want to get out of here, I have to pay the tab.” Rafael murmured returning your small kiss with a small kiss of his own. He signaled for the bartender.
“I’ll get us a cab.” You offered, nodding your head to the door. “I’ll see you outside.”
You shivered while you tried to hail a cab. It was warmer earlier, but it had cooled off substantially.  The city smelled like petrichor and the street glistened as it had rained earlier. Just as you were about to just give up and call an Uber, a yellow taxi-cab slowed down and pulled up.
You opened the door and poked your head in. “Just waiting on someone.” The driver nodded and you leaned against the side as you waited for Rafael.
Rafael burst out and looked frantically side to side, and you could feel the sigh of relief he exhaled as he noticed you. He quickly strode over and cupped your face with one hand. His other hand settled on your hip.  Wordlessly, he captured your lips with his once more. You let out a sigh as he sucked your bottom lip. The kiss continued for another five seconds before you were interrupted by the cab driver.
“Are you two getting in or am I wasting my fucking time?”
You both jumped and you felt your cheeks grow warm. “We’re coming – hold your damn your horses, Jesus fucking Christ!”
Rafael chuckled at your outburst. The driver huffed and Rafael rolled his eyes as he entered the cab after you. Rafael rattled off his address and you felt a mixture of relief and excitement to be going to his place, versus yours.
The streetlamps were a blur as the cab sped towards downtown. The entire ride was filled with the two of you kissing, desperate for each other’s touch.  You rubbed his thigh through his pants and Rafael nuzzled your neck. The heady scent of his cologne invigorated your senses. Rafael’s lips ghosted along your skin and your pussy throbbed against the confines of your jeans. You were already so aroused, and nothing had even started yet. Rafael couldn’t wait to show you how much he wanted you – to feel you. His pants felt tights and he was desperate to relieve the ache that had settled.
Music on the radio played quietly. If you had truly listened, you would have realized that “Who Will Save Your Soul” was playing.
Who will save your soul when it comes to the flowers now Who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boy And who will save your souls if you won't save your own?
 The cab finally came to a stop. The cab driver barked at the two of you, causing you to both jump. Rafael apologized and handed the driver a large bill, well covering the ride plus tip and then some.
 “Mr. Barba, good evening. Welcome home. Ms. Y/N, lovely to see you again.” The doorman greeted.
 Rafael coughed slightly, trying to regain some composure. “Good evening Anthony.”
 You gave Anthony a small smile and wave, murmuring a hello; you allowed Rafael to grab your hand and let him lead you in.
You both tumbled into his apartment. Lips still connected, Rafael used his leg to slam the door shut behind him. Hands were everywhere, desperate and eager to touch one another’s flesh.  One of Rafael’s hands slipped under the hem of your sweatshirt and traveled upwards. He was extra cautious with his movements, as he knew your side was bruised from being kicked earlier. As he made his way to a breast, he was pleasantly surprised to learn you were bra-less. His hand cupped and squeezed one globe, before moving onto the other. With his thumb and index fingers, Rafael rolled and tugged at your nipples, until they were hardened pebbles.
“Too many clothes.” You managed to say breathlessly in between kisses. Rafael nodded and pulled away. You were both breathless from your intense kissing session. You reached for the hem of your sweatshirt and flipped it over your head before moving your hands down to your jeans and unzipping them. You kicked off your shoes, before pushing your pants off. Rafael followed suit – shoes, shirt, then pants. Rafael’s gaze traveled over your body and lewdly, stroked himself through his boxers.
With a growl, Rafael was upon you once more, his lips crashing against yours. You whimpered as you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter. As your tongues tangled, Rafael’s hands traveled to your thighs. He gave them a squeeze before lifting you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you towards his bedroom. You collapsed onto the bed, a tangled mess of limbs and Rafael rolled you, so he was on top. You hissed slightly, the pain from your ribs, were sobering to not just you, but to Rafael too.
Rafael propped himself up, his arms along side your head and he looked at you, his face full of concern.
“Y/N “ he began, his voice somber. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”
You leaned up and pressed a hand onto his chest, pushing him off you. Rafael sat on his haunches while you sat up fully. “Wait – why? Don’t you want this?” After a pregnant pause, you continued, your voice low, near a whisper. “Don’t you want me?”
Rafael leaned over to press a gentle kiss on your lips and then rested his forehead against yours. “I do – believe me I do. But you’re hurt and we have both been drinking.”
You bit your lip and nodded slowly, feeling your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. “Okay. I’ll just get dressed and go.”
You began to move but an outstretched arm stopped you. You looked over your shoulder at him.
“Stay the night. Please.” Rafael implored, his eyes searching yours. You wanted to, so badly. Part of you hesitated to wonder if in the morning Rafael would still be interested or if this would be chalked up to a mistake of too much alcohol. You had a feeling the friendship was effectively ruined. But you were a consummate professional and even if your friendship was ruined, you would not let it get in the way of work.
“Y/N… please. Say something.”
Your eyes flickered past Rafael’s shoulder to the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was late and your buzz was starting to fade into exhaustion. You weren’t wild about really leaving at such a late hour, even if you were only a few blocks away. You agreed and internally decided to make sure to leave before Rafael woke up in the morning.
Rafael pulled you into a soft kiss. “I’ll get you something to wear.” The bed creaked as he stood and he made his way to his drawer, where he pulled out a pair of sweatpants, which he quickly slipped on. Rafael fussed a bit more, looking for something you to wear. He eventually produced his old Harvard Law t-shirt and gave it to you.
Rafael climbed back into bed and you snuggled on his chest where sleep befell you both.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of coffee and cinnamon. From a distance you could hear music in the background. You winced as you sat up. Sunlight pored into the bedroom through the curtain and you raised your arm over your head in an attempt to block the light. You looked to the left and noticed Rafael wasn’t in bed. You glanced at the clock – it was 9:15 A.M. You were appalled that you slept in and did not get to sneak out. At the corner of the bed were your clothes piled neatly.
“There’s my answer.” You mumbled to yourself. Your stomach growled and you made a mental note to grab something on the way home. You took off Rafael’s shirt and slipped your clothes back on. Your sweatshirt reeked of booze and you crinkled your nose in disgust.
“Just play cool – say Olivia called and you had to come in after all.” You told yourself. “Totally believable.”
“What’s believable?”
You jumped, startled. You turned around and found Rafael in the doorway, an amused look on his face. He stood shirtless, his sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. You felt your mouth go dry as you drank him in. You noticed one hand was balled in a fist and the other, held a glass of water.
“I – I – uh, good morning Rafael.”
“I figured you could use this – for the hangover and your ribs,” Rafael continued as he dropped two pills in your hand.  “I have coffee in the kitchen, and I was about to order some food.”
You mumbled your thanks and took the painkillers. Rafael watched you intently as you chugged your water. You wiped your mouth on the sleeve of your sweatshirt and thrust the glass back into this hand. “Thanks for letting me stay the night. I should go.”
“Look, I know last night wasn’t ideal.” Rafael protested, setting the glass down. “But I meant what I said. I want you. I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned.”
You cocked your head, studying his expression in a veiled attempt to eek out anything that would indicate what he was saying wasn’t truthful. “Come.” Rafael outstretched his hand and nodded his head towards the living room.
You took Rafael’s hand and allowed him to lead the way. “I should have done this that night you were here – when I invited you to hear my closing.” Rafael looked through his vinyl collection, quickly finding the record he was looking for. You instantly recognized the cover to the record as the one you chose. Rafael waited for the turntable platter to stop spinning before he gently removed it and returned it to its cover. Finally, Rafael set the new record to play and Moonlight began to play.
Rafael returned to you and took you into his arms. He caressed your face gently, pushing your hair away from your face. “I should have kissed you that night. And every night before then and every night after. I shouldn’t have waited.” Rafael lowered his face and brushed his lips against yours. You felt your heart swell at his proclamation and eagerly returned his kiss. His stubble prickled your skin and you lasciviously wondered what it would feel like in between your legs.
Your tongues gently rolled over one another’s as you each explored the caverns of your mouths. You moaned slightly and Rafael took the cue to deepen the kiss. Your hands ran up and down his defined arms, before running down to his sides. Rafael nipped your bottom lip and sucked it in between his teeth, causing you to moan.
Rafael moved back to your neck, focusing his ministrations on a particularly sensitive spot. You ran your hands into his hair and gripped tightly as he sucked a mark into your neck. You whimpered as he used the tip of his tongue to soothe the bruised spot.
“Still have to go?” Rafael asked breathless, his voice hopeful as he pulled away. He beamed inwardly with pride at the hickey that was beginning to develop.
You shook your head, smirking. “No.”
“Good. I want to have breakfast and I bet you’re just delicious.”
You laughed heartily at his comment and then squealed as he picked you up, hoisting you over his shoulder and leading you back to his bedroom.
Tags:  @melsquared79 @madpanda75 @youreverycolor @tropes-and-tales @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoollike @fanficfaeriesrafaelbarbalibrary @theenchantedgalleryofstories @thefanficfaerie @trekinthruthestarwars @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty -anyone else, just ask, xo
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hellas-himself · 4 years
More Than Enough
Remember that self indulgent crack ship holiday fic I was writing about Cassian and Feyre? And how I couldn’t seem to mix the past with the present? 
It’s a fic now. Still in the same AU just like... the year before. Leading up to the cheesy ass nonsense it is now. Originally it was going to be angsty at first but I think we have enough of that in our real life. If you haven’t read the crackship holidays featuring these two dumbasses, start here or on AO3.
Also. I promise all my other fics are not being abandoned. 
I’ve had a playlist to listen to when writing them but it is so incredibly inappropriate if you understand spanish. and i haven’t made it onto spotify yet. But this song reminded me of them and that’s where the title comes from. Which is funny because Alina is who i put beside Toni Mafud as Rhys and Feyre whenever fan casts come up. ANYWAY. 
Let’s follow Feyre as she thirsts after her best friend. 
I blame it on the music.
Cassian lost his shirt about half an hour ago and is doing pull ups. The garage door is open, letting in the cold winter air. My fingers are cold but I don’t like wearing gloves when sketching. I had been working on hands and eyes but once he tossed his shirt… It’s not like I’ve never seen Cassian without a shirt on before. Between him and his brothers, they seem to always find an excuse to not wear one. But the difference is I don’t find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to run my fingers down their backs.
It’s definitely the music.
Even if I didn’t understand the words, the beat itself is way too sensual to not be about anything else but sex. But the lyrics and Cassian’s sweaty, half naked body mixed with the fact that I haven’t had sex in months is probably the worst mix. I am not supposed to be imagining sleeping with my best friend.
I clear my throat, startling Valo who was falling asleep at my feet.
“Sorry, baby, I need a drink.”
I set my sketch book and pencil down on the crate beside my chair.
“Would you get me a drink, bunny?” Cas breathes out and my face flushes all the more. I didn’t need another detail to this stupid daydream.
“Yeah,” I squeak and head into the house. I already know his post workout drink recipe by heart. I drink ice cold water while the blender is going.
Cassian is suspended in the air, holding his entire body parallel to the floor with his hands. Goddamn him. He drops his head back so that he’s looking at me upside down and he smiles.
“I love you,” he says and I roll my eyes.
“I’ll love you more if you don’t bust your ass.”
He chuckles and just to drive the nail in the coffin that is my desire to be the reason he’s making noises like that, he slowly lowers his body and resumes his pull ups. I set his cup on the table where he has his tools and go back to sit down.
Cassian drops down and walks over to his mat to do his cool down stretches. A new song comes on and the words are so filthy that I find myself staring at him. His tattoos. My ex-boyfriend had always believed I was into Cassian- and I wasn’t. But I wasn’t blind and I’ve been at his house almost every single day since Thanksgiving- he is always without a shirt.
It’s just the music.
“Plan on drawing me?” Cassian asks and I blink. I look away from his tattooed chest and to his face. He is smirking. Shit.
“Uh. Yeah. What better way to do anatomy studies than with a living reference?”
“Anatomy, huh?”
He flashes me a grin before he walks over to the table for his drink.
“Hey, what do you want for dinner?”
His question distracts me from looking at his ass.
“Uh, whatever you want… I’m not really craving anything.” Except you. I sigh and cover my face with my hands and lean over. I need a cold shower.
“Hey… You alright?” he asks softly.
I nod and slowly sit upright.
“I’m just… I’m fine. I promise.”
He doesn’t believe me but he walks over to grab his speaker.
“I love this song,” he says and starts to sing along to it as he gratefully goes back into the house.  
Cassian meets me in the living room now dressed in a white tee and grey sweatpants. He lifts both my legs up so that he can sit down. This is normal. I always use his lap to rest my legs.
“I ordered Greek, I hope you don’t mind.”
“I told you, I’m not craving anything except-”
Fuck my entire life. Cassian raises a brow and I toss him the remote.
“Why don’t we finish your show so then we can watch my movie?”
This pacifies him and thankfully, his stupid show is so violent and bloody that all thoughts of fucking my best friend fade from my mind.
Our annual Christmas party is tonight and I’ve found an outfit. It is the kind of outfit Tamlin would have told me not to wear. It’s blood red and insanely inappropriate for winter with its spaghetti straps and super low neckline. Mor says it’s the perfect thing to wear after a break up and just the thought of all the pictures we’ll take with me and Cassian together makes me believe it.
I hang the dress up in the closet of Cassian’s bedroom. The heels are set beside his dress shoes and I can’t help but think about his reaction. Of dancing with him all night and coming back here and-
“I’m in the closet!”
I hear him chuckle. 
“Shut up,” I call out and walk into the bedroom to find him pulling off his shirt. I feel my face go hot.
“I’m going to shower… do you want me to use the other bathroom?” 
“What? No, this is your house,” I say far more casually than I feel. “Besides, we’ve got time, we can share.” 
I want to punch myself in the face. Cassian starts to grin. 
“The shower might be a little too small for the both of us but I’m sure we could find a way to-”
Cassian laughs when I smack his arm. 
“Not exactly where I like being spanked but I’ll take it.”
“Oh my god, Cassian.”
He laughs and disappears into the bathroom. I force myself to leave the room when I hear the water.  
Cassian walks into the kitchen in nothing but a towel, his hair wet, water dripping down his chest. He walks over and takes the sandwich from my hands.
“Fuck, we’re out of beer,” he mutters as he opens the fridge. I grab the second sandwich I made, expecting him to steal from my plate and force my gaze up. On his stupidly gorgeous face.
“I can go get some,” I say but he shakes his head and walks over to take my cup of iced tea.
“Are you cool with us taking a cab tonight?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess.” 
Cassian drinks from my cup and sets it down before pinching my cheek. 
“It’ll just be you and me,” he says softly. “So don’t worry about it.”
I blush at this and Cassian kisses my forehead. 
“I’m gonna go get dressed. Thanks for the snack,” he says with a wink and walks away.
I keep my makeup rather muted; lip gloss and the usual winged liner. Nude eyeshadow. Cassian picked out the highlight and I have to admit, he chose well. My hair isn’t going to get any better, so I leave it in loose waves rather than the curls I’d wanted. I’ll leave that to Mor. I feel nervous, this is the first time since the breakup that I’m going out with all of our friends but Cassian will be there, and that’s enough to ease my nerves. Almost.  
“Our ride is here,” Cas says as he walks into his bedroom. He stops and just stares. I approach him and hold out my ID card and debit card, needing to ignore the way his attention has me feeling.
“I don’t have pockets.”
“What?” He blinks and looks down at my hand. He laughs and pulls his wallet out. “You only need your ID.”
“Maybe so,” I say and reach out to smooth down the collar of his shirt while he puts my cards away. I remember my lip gloss and put it in his back pocket, giving him a wink.
Cassian holds my hand when we go outside, helping me down the steps and the driveway. It’s a regular occurrence, but I blush when he opens the door for me. And when he slides an arm around my shoulders when he sits down beside me. We take a bunch of pictures and call Cassian’s parents to check on Val- as if we hadn’t seen him an hour ago. 
When we get to the club, Cassian holds my hand as we walk inside. Cassian and the boys are all friends with the owner, so we get to skip the line.
“Where are we going?” I ask as Cassian leads us up to the VIP lounge.
“Meeting up with Rhys.”
“What’s he doing up here?”
Cassian chuckles. “You know Rhys never passes a chance to be extra as fuck.”
I can’t argue with that.
Upstairs, Cassian helps me out of my coat. His fingers brush my skin and my mind takes a swan dive into the gutter.
“What do you say to a few drinks before we go downstairs?” he asks as he takes my hand. The bouncer outside the lounge acknowledges us with a nod.
“Yeah, I could use it.”
Cassian flashes me a grin and then opens the door.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone shouts and I find all of our friends standing under a Happy Birthday banner.
I am at a loss for words and Cassian laughs, bringing me further into the room. I’d completely forgotten about my birthday, I hadn’t cared enough to even think that anyone else would. But Elain is here with Az. So is Rhys and Lucien, Amren, Varian. Viv and Kallias, too. I’m separated from Cassian as I’m hugged and kissed by everyone. I realize Tarquin and Cresseida are here as well. Rhys is the one who breaks open the first bottle and we all stand around the little table to take shots.
“There is a cake,” Elain says as she hands me another shot. “But that’s later.”
She winks at me and shouts for Azriel.
“That’s my favorite song!” she exclaims and her husband happily ditches his brothers to go out and dance with his wife.
Lucien and Rhys pull me in for another hug as the others begin to trail down to the dance floor.
“You look good enough to eat,” Lucien mumbles and I laugh.
“Don’t tell me you’re already drunk, Luce.”
“We may have pregamed at the house,” Rhys admits. “But we took an uber! It’s okay.”
I roll my eyes.
“You both suck. I’m going to go find me two other cute boys to dance with. Boys who would have invited me to pregame with them and no amount of flirting is going to fix that.”
They begin to whine and I laugh, holding onto Rhysand’s forearms as they keep me caged between them.
“Alright! You win!” I say with a laugh and look over to find Cassian looking my way. He smiles.
I want to ask him to dance but Mor pulls him away before I can open my mouth.
We drink and dance and drink and dance and drink some more. I feel light headed and everything makes me laugh. But I haven’t danced with Cassian yet and that’s enough to dampen the mood. I push my way through the crowd until I find Cassian at the bar. I take the empty barstool beside him and sit down. I order myself a margarita before turning to face him.
“And where have you been all night?” I ask and Cassian smirks.
“Enjoying the night,” he says and takes a sip of his drink.
“Without me?”
I don’t understand the look in his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink. He sets the glass down and leans forward. I didn’t really understand just how short this dress was until he lays his hand on my thigh. If I turn my chair completely, if he moves his hand just an inch more…
“Yes,” he says and kisses me cheek. “But I think I’m about to enjoy it more now.”
“Why?” I manage to say. Cassian’s hand brushes my thigh as he sits upright.
“I’m about to go dance with my best friend.”
“Are you now?”
My drink is set before me and I grab it, chugging it down as Cassian slides off his chair. He turns mine so that I’m facing him completely and puts his hands on my hips.
“If she says yes, of course.”
I finish the last of my drink and set down the glass.
“When have I ever said no to you?”
Cassian grins.
I have danced with Cassian many times. At parties, at the beach, at clubs and bars and festivals. At his parents’ house. I should be used to the feeling of his body against mine, of his hands on me while we dance but not like this. I want nothing more than to take him back up to the lounge and push him down on the sofa or go find an empty bathroom stall.
But I don’t.
Birthday cake and alcohol isn’t the best mix, but I haven’t felt this alive in months. My face hurts from laughing, from smiling. My vision is spotty from all the pictures we’ve taken but I don’t care. Everything is right in the world.
“My feet hurt,” I complain and sit on Cassian’s lap.
“Want me to rub your feet?”
I shake my head and lean into him.
“No. Not until I’m showered.”
He laughs. “Okay.”
I sigh when he wraps his arms around me. He is so warm and smells so good, I want to stay this way forever.
“I think the birthday girl is done for the night,” Rhys says teasingly and I realize I was dozing off. I look up to see Rhys standing there with a stupid smirk on his face.
“Fuck you,” I say and curl up in Cassian’s arms. I feel his hand holding my dress down from showing everyone else my ass.
“Tempting,” Rhys says and then shoves his hands in his pockets. “But I think I’ll pass.”
I don’t think much of the look Rhys gives Cassian in favor of playing with his hair. I take way too much satisfaction in the knowledge that not everyone gets to do this, and that he enjoys it. Cassian seems to win whatever silent staring contest he and Rhys were having and Rhys rolls his eyes and goes after his boyfriend.
“You’re making me sleepy, bunny.”
“Good thing we’re going home together then,” I say before my mind catches up. But Cassian only chuckles and hugs me a little closer.
Cassian and I are a laughing mess as we stumble into the house. I lean on him to step out of my heels and he laughs as I shrug off my coat and toss it at him. We’re both trying to catch our breath, and I swat his hand away when he tries to tickle me again.
“I’m taking a shower,” I breathe out and walk off but he stops me.
“Wait,” he says and I turn to find him smiling.
“Happy birthday,” he says softly and pulls me in for a hug. “I promise I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”
“Hm… you really know the way to a girl’s heart, Cas.”
He pinches my side and I yelp.
“Go shower,” he says and kisses the top of my head.
“I won’t be long.”
My shower is clumsy and not at all relaxing. My feet hurt. So I put lotion on my body and grab the bottle of perfume that is on the dresser, except it’s not perfume but cologne. I shrug and put on Cassian’s Nirvana tee shirt and double check I actually have underwear on before I go looking for him.
“Cas?” The house is dark save for the light coming from his room. “My feet fucking hurt.”
He says something but I don’t understand it. His room is open and I step inside, finding him lying on his bed. He’s got basketball shorts on and his hair is loose.
“Bunny!” he says as if he hadn’t seen me all day. “I almost busted my ass in the shower.”
“Me, too.” I say with a laugh. “Maybe we should’ve showered together. It would’ve been safer that way.”
“I like the way you think, Archeron.”
He holds his hand out to me and when I’m close enough, he pulls me into bed with him. “You smell good.”
I snort. “I smell like you.”
I swat his arm but he ignores it, putting his arms around me.
“My feet hurt,” I complain, hoping he’ll make good on his promise.
“Just stay here,” he says simply.
My heart stops and starts too fast.
“Like… sleep here?” I ask too quietly.
“Mhm.” He goes quiet for a moment and then groans. “I forgot to turn the light off.”
“I can do it,” I say.
“No… Stay here.”
He goes quiet once more, and I let myself relax. We haven’t shared a bed since we were kids, playing video games until Adela would force us to go to bed. I smile at the thought and rest my head against his chest.
“Goodnight, Cas,” I say quietly, my eyes getting heavy.
“Goodnight, bunny,” he says and lets me go to stretch. Then he wraps his arms around me again and moves us so that we’re on our sides. He presses a kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, letting the warmth of him lull me to sleep.
@mythicaitt @bookloveaffair @nalgenewhore @candid-confetti 
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weirdlyokaywithit · 5 years
It’s getting hot in here
Firefighter!Bucky x Reader 
Warnings: fluff, some swearing.
Summary: Bucky clears your apartment building and then saves your life from a fire.
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It was cleaning day, the most dreaded day of the week, which meant to combat your laziness and not wanting to do anything all day you blasted only top hits through your loft you could jam too. You’d been putting this off for awhile so there was quite the buildup of clutter and dishes.
You danced around your kitchen, bright yellow gloves on with a sponge in hand as you belted the lyrics to “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood. You stopped between breaths to actually scrub the countertops, you were in a giant Patriots t shirt that used to be your dads and panties. It was a warm day so you had the windows open to air out the loft.
“AND I DUG MY KEY INTO THE SI-“ a hand came down on your shoulder and you let out a shrill scream.
You spun on your heel and hurled the blue sponge towards your attacker. It landed square in the face of a very handsome and amused fireman, his blue eyes shocked as he looked down at the object that had just been launched into his face.
Your hands covered your mouth, “I am SO sorry!”
You rushed to pause the music and he laughed, you spun around facing him then suddenly realizing you were only wearing a t shirt and panties.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you doll. We’re gonna have to ask you to evacuate the building as there’s a gas leak.” The cute fireman grinned cheekily at you
Your cheeks engulfed in flames, you nodded but didn’t move from where you were standing.
“I, um, I just need to put some pants on and grab a few things.”
His eyes strayed down from your gaze for a split second before his grin got a bit wider and his cheeks tinged pink. God why did he have to be so damn cute?
“Yeah, doll, it might be a few days before they can clear the building for civilians to be back in,” his voice was gravelly and warm.
His blue eyes were so hypnotizing, the cheeky grin, and that shoulder-length brown hair, god this man was sex on a damn stick. You forced yourself to look away and peel the rubber gloves off your hands, realizing how ridiculous you must have looked.
“Doll?” He asked bringing me back to the present.
“Yeah, um, I’m gonna need you to not look while I run to my bedroom,” You squeaked, not meeting his eyes.
Cute fireman grinned cheekily and then placed a gloved hand over his eyes, you darted for your room and stuck your legs into a pair of leggings in record time. You grabbed your necessities and shoved them into a bag, slid your feet into Birkenstock’s and walked back into the living room. He was still there and he was playing with the interlocking burr puzzle that normally sat on your coffee table, his eyes squinted and his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration.
“You’re still here?” You asked curiously.
His eyes shot to yours and he grinned as he set the puzzle down on the coffee table and pulled out a notepad.
“Yeah, I have to get names and phone numbers of residents so we can call when the building is cleared. I’m Bucky, by the way,” he stuck his hand out.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You said softly.
When you shook Bucky’s hand, butterflies shot through you at the contact. You forced yourself to let go of his hand and calmly recite your phone number for him, trying not to focus on how nervous he made you.
“Alright, as much as I hate for the live concert to end. Let’s get you outta here, Y/N,” Bucky teased as he led you out of your loft.
“I’m never playing music again,” Y/N groaned, your hand covering your eyes.
Bucky walked by your side down the stairs, other firemen passing nodded at him and some glanced at you curiously.
“No, really, I hated to interrupt the most beautiful rendition of Carrie Underwood I’ve ever seen,” he bumped your shoulder playfully.
You glared at him playfully and bumped him back, cheeks still pink but you were smiling. He tucked some of the chestnut strands in his face behind his ear, and that simple movement was mesmerizing.
“Ya know, technically you owe me ticket money for sneaking into a live show like that,” You snarked as you reached the sidewalk.
His mouth popped open into an mock offended ‘O’ and he placed a hand on his chest theatrically.
“I just saved your life from a gas leak! Call it even?”
You giggled and his grin sent a shot of pleasure through your body as you shook your head.
“Hmmmm, we’ll see about that, Mr Fireman. I’ll think about it,” You teased.
“Alright, doll, I have to go back and clear more residents but we’ll give you a call when the building is clear. You keep that concert going for me alright?” He winked at you before turning back to the building.
You pulled out your phone and called your best friend, Wanda, to see if you could stay with her for a few days. She of course agreed and said that Nat had a few days off of work so it would be like a long girls night. After ordering an Uber you played on your phone as you waited for your ride to arrive, glancing up to see if any of the firemen mulling around were Bucky. None of the ones already outside were Bucky but you could hear them talking about a Captain Barnes being back to his old self.
The car finally got there and you slid into the back seat and got settled, looking out the window as the car pulled away from the curb. You saw Bucky coming out with an elderly man from the third floor, he was carrying a bag for him and helping him into a cab. His smile was kind and his eyes were warm as he teased the old man.
After a few seconds you couldn’t see him anymore and you slouched back into the seat, playing on your phone for the twenty minute ride to Nat and Wanda’s apartment. Wanda was waiting outside for you when you got there, she clapped excitedly when you got out and you rolled your eyes. She had already told Clint, the head of security that she would have a gues for the next couple of days.
You and Wanda bickered on what show to watch before you both settled on watching Friends while Nat ordered Chinese food and poured red wine. When she got off the phone she handed you a glass of red and settled back on the couch.
“So, why are you stranded on our couch for a few days?” She asked, taking a sip of wine.
“Gas leak in the building, they’re supposed to call when it’s clear.”
“Wasn’t today cleaning day?” Wanda asked, her eyes glued to the screen.
You flushed, god you did not want to relive this story but you were going to have to tell them.
“Yeah, about that... a very handsome fireman saw me dancing around and belting Carrie Underwood in just my t shirt and panties.” Y/N squeaked, sinking down into the cushions.
Wanda immediately paused the episode and turned to you with excitement all over her face.
“Yeah and then I hit him in the face with a sponge because he scared me,” You groaned, hand over your eyes.
Nat roared with laughter from the other couch, and Wanda seemed to be struggling not to join her.
“It’s not funny, it’s HUMILIATING!” You griped which only made Wanda dissolve into a fit of laughter and Nat literally double over.
You covered your face with a throw pillow and groaned loudly, that was NOT the introduction you wanted to a hot fireman. You removed the pillow and just glued your eyes to the tv, Y/N could admit if it wasn’t you that it happened to you definitely would be laughing.
“What did he SAY?” Nat got out between fits of laughter.
“Well he did say it was the best rendition of Carrie Underwood he had ever heard,” You snarked.
“He was totally flirting with you!!” Wanda exclaimed and Nat nodded her agreement.
You rolled your eyes dramatically, Wanda wanted so badly to find you a boyfriend after her and Vis got together. She wanted someone to double date with, unfortunately for her you self-sabotaged more than anyone else on the planet. Every single date she set you up on you had effectively made sure that they didn’t want a second one, it was more to do with personal issues than anything else. You were terrified of being in a relationship after your last boyfriend.
“Wanda. He was not flirting with me.”
Nat watched Wanda with amusement dancing in her eyes as the girl’s eyes basically bugged out of her head with disbelief.
“He walked in on you dancing in your underwear, belting Carrie Underwood in NO makeup. And you hit him in the FACE with a sponge. But he still managed to tease you. He was flirting with you but go off.” Wanda snarked.
You took a huge gulp of your wine and groaned, this wasn’t gonna end. Nat grinned from the other couch at you, she finally had told Wanda that she wasn’t interested in dating until after she came to terms with some emotional baggage. Unfortunately for you, that’s the only excuse that Wanda accepted and you couldn’t use it.
“I hate you.” You stated and snagged the remote to resume the episode.
“You love me. And you know I’m right,” she huffed.
“Wrong.” You rolled your eyes again.
Wanda made a disgruntled hmph sound and let us get back to Friends, you snuck a glance at Nat who discreetly shook her head at you while she grinned. We loved our friend but she was the absolute worst at meddling.
It had been three days since the gas leak in the building, which meant three whole days of Wanda pestering you about Bucky. You’d called the landlord to see if it was over with and he said they were waiting to be cleared for civilians.
Finally deciding to do something worth your time, you were tapping away at the keys on your computer working on a report for work. Sam had been bugging you about it for a few days and you finally had the time to work on it.
You hit the green button and answered with a slightly annoyed, “hello?”
“Um, hey, is this Y/N Y/L/N?” A familiar voice asked down the line.
“Yes, who is this?”
“Oh, good, uh this is Bucky. Um, Captain Barnes from the Fire Department. Your apartment building has been cleared for civilians,” his rich voice sounded like silk through the phone.
“Oh, okay. Well thank you for calling! And again so sorry for hitting you in the face with a sponge,” You rambled, cheeks tinging pink even though he couldn’t see them.
“Like I said, most beautiful version of Carrie Underwood I’ve ever heard. I’d love to catch another live concert sometime,” he chuckled and butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
“I’ll consider sending tickets for the next one,” You joked and his snort was the most adorable sound you’d ever heard.
“Anyways, I’ve got another thirty of these calls to make Y/N, so I’ll let you go. But, seriously, keep the concert going dollface.” Bucky didn’t sound thrilled at all about making calls all, you giggled to yourself thinking of all the neighbors he was probably calling.
“Have fun with that, Mrs. Jenkins is a real treat.” You teased and he laughed again.
“Bye, Y/N,” his rich timbre sounding down the line one last time.
“Bye Bucky.”
“Y/N,” Sam called.
Your head shot up, you’d been totally zoned out for the last five minutes of whatever conversation you’d been pretending to be involved with. Bucky had not left your mind at all, his twinkling blue eyes, charismatic smile, that fucking boyish brown hair. It was doing a number on you that even you had to admit was embarrassing.
“Sorry, Sam, my mind is elsewhere. What can I do?” You smiled sheepishly at your favorite coworker.
He scoffed and the muttered a passive “nevermind” before leaving your office. It was only mid-morning so you were heavily engrossed in paperwork, one of your biggest clients had a massive family turmoil so they were changing their will so they were taking forever to get everything changed. You were back and forth on the phone, gathering documents and legal questions for you to answer and them change their mind.
The fire alarm started going off, the red light flashing and then the automated voice came over the speaker. You rolled your eyes annoyed, stuck your head out of your office door and yelled if it was a drill or not. Stacy from two office down called back that it was the 25th so it was probably a drill. You sat back down at your desk, and got back to gathering the stuff you needed for your 2o’clock meeting. Ten minutes had passed before you noticed the smoke coming through the bottom of your door.
The smell finally reached your nostrils before you leapt from your office chair and rushed to the door. It was NOT a drill, there was an actual fire on your office. Panickedly remembering the doorknob rule, you held the back of your hand to the knob. Cold. You flung the door open and rushed to alert Stacy, screaming for her to quickly come out.
The both of you rushed to the stairwell and flung it open, it was filled with smoke. It was so thick that you couldn’t see through it. You were on the third floor, it was an older building which meant. One stairwell. The window was your only option.
“We have to try and signal someone from the window,” you dragged Stacy to your office and struggled with the blinds in a panic.
You flung the window open and looked down at the street, you could see firefighters killing around at the bottom.
“HEY UP HERE!! WE’RE STUCK! HELP!” Stacy yelled, her grip on your arm deathly strong.
No one looked up, it was like they couldn’t hear over the sirens. You waved frantically before you spotted a familiar mop of boyish brown hair, it couldn’t be.
“BUCKY!! BUCKY HELP US!” You screamed as loud as you could.
His head shot up, glancing around before actually looking up and spotting the two of you.
He frantically called for someone to shut off the siren and get the ladder before calling back up to you.
The smoke in the office was getting thicker, Stacy was coughing and hacking, her hand pressed to her chest. You moved back so she could get a breath of clean air, you remembered that she had asthma and you couldn’t live with yourself for making her sick or causing a really bad attack. The door was shut but the smoke was still coming through and it was thick. You peeked over Stacy’s shoulder and saw a ladder coming up to the window, you let out a sigh of relief when you saw Bucky on it.
He reached the window and you shoved Stacy towards him, “She has asthma take her first.”
Bucky looked back and forth between the two of you, he looked torn but you weren’t having any part of it.
“Take her, I’ll be fine. Promise.”
His mouth set in a line, he assisted Stacy onto the ladder and lowered them back down. You nervously chewed your lip while trying to breathe as much clean air as possible, unable to keep from coughing. You leaned heavily against the window, it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
“Y/N, DOLL, HANG ON. DON’T YOU CLOSE THOSE PRETTY EYES FOR ME. IM ALMOST THERE.” You could hear Bucky frantically calling but it was like there was a fog on your brain.
It was so hard to breathe and you were so tired, you rested your head against the window pane. You nodded to him but you didn’t know if you could keep them open, he was no more than a couple feet from you. You could hear him swearing and saw him reaching for you. And that’s when you collapsed.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
God whatever that incessant beeping was it needed to stop immediately, you thought to yourself. You blinked your eyes open, and realized that not only were you not in your bed but you were in a hospital room. You shot up and groaned almost instantly at the pain that shot through your head, the rhythmic beeping started increasing to a more frantic speed when the door open.
Bucky walked in holding a cup of coffee, whistling quietly to himself. His blue eyes found yours and widened almost comically before he rushed over to you.
“Y/N, doll, how are you feeling?” He asked, ushering you to lay back on the reclined bed.
“I... what happened? I remember telling you to get Stacy but that’s it.” You scratched your head as you squinted.
“You passed out and then hit your head really fucking hard on the window sill in your office, you have a concussion and a few stitches. I climbed in and got you out and brought you here myself.” Bucky explained, his fingers brushing along the top of your forehead. And that explained the pounding headache.
“Great.” You groaned.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t have even been in the building still.” Bucky’s tone was now stern.
You flushed and looked down at your hands, no you shouldn’t have been in the building still but you were an idiot. A massive fucking idiot.
“I know. Me and Stace thought it was a drill so we just stayed up there. And then I noticed some smoke so I ran to go get her and we tried to go down the stairs but I couldn’t even see the smoke was so thick. And so then we tried the window. No one could hear us yelling but then I saw you and so I just started screaming your name.” You trailed off, he had every right to yell at you and so you tensed waiting for it.
Bucky grabbed your hand and caressed the back of it softly, you slowly raised your eyes to his and he was smiling.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Stacy is fine. She got some oxygen at the scene and got to go home. You got a fun ride in a fire truck with me screaming for Steve to hurry up and fucking drive. Carried you in here. Caused a huge scene. I mean I couldn’t let me favorite singer die on me without giving me a full concert first,” he teased.
You flushed. “Now I really owe you a concert huh?”
He grinned and the heart monitor gave you away as your heart started thumping faster. Bucky winked cheekily at you and you bit your lip, his eyes tracked the movement and he leaned in slightly. His blue eyes flicking back up to yours as if for approval, whatever he saw there was all he needed to close the distance.
His lips pressed to yours and the butterflies in your stomach turned into pterodactyls, you parted your lips slightly and Bucky took the invitation. His tongue swiped against yours and you let out a small whimper against his mouth.
And at that moment the door flung open and a nurse walked in, Bucky quickly pulled back from you.
“Oh!! Sorry I just need to check vitals. Glad to see you’re awake, ma’am.”
She worked quickly and you watched as she checked your vitals and wrote them in your chart before she excused herself and murmured something about the doctor being by shortly.
You and Bucky stared at each other before both trying to speak at once.
“Will you go to dinner with me?”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
You both laughed and grinned at each other, Bucky leaned in and pressed his lips gently to yours.
“I have to go back to work, but doll I’ll be back right after my shift is over. And I’m taking you out to dinner.” His lips grazing your forehead.
You flushed and nodded, and watched his sexy ass walk out of the door and definitely catching the cheeky wink he threw behind him.
Giant shoutout to @valkyriesryde for helping me get this done. I love you 😍❤️
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ramsayboltonsmuse · 5 years
The Missing Piece
Chapter 1: Bolton Enterprises
Summary: You have been selected for a big promotion at Bolton Enterprises to work on none other than Ramsay Bolton’s team. The new job is certainly not what you expected, and neither is Ramsay. This is a modern Ramsay fanfic about his increasing territoriality and need to control the reader and her attempts to escape the dark and sadistic man she also can’t live without.
Pairings/Characters: Ramsay Bolton/You, Jon Snow/You, Myranda, Damon
Warnings: Smut, Dom/Sub, Violence, Noncon, Ramsay is his own warning
Links to other chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Ao3 Link
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Fuck. You knew you were going to be late now as the subway sign that had previously been flashing “6 minutes” turns to “9 minutes” and then finally to “DELAY”. 
“Fuck!” You exclaim a little too loudly, and the elderly man standing next to you on the platform turns and looks at you. “Excuse me.” You duck your eyes and walk away, back toward the stairs to the street. Uber it is. 
You pump your long legs up the stairs, your black stilettos making quite the riot of noise in the otherwise quiet station. Normally you loved this stop, there were hardly any crowds, but today you were really not benefitting from the express train bypassing it. 
And of your many etiquette-focused rules, the one you really hated breaking was not arriving on time. You preferred living by the rule of ‘better an hour early than one minute late’, and today of all days was not in your favor to be late. You were starting a new job, and would be meeting the whole of your new team at 9am. 
Coming outside of the station, the cold air hit you at once, the wind biting at your exposed legs. Why did I have to wear a dress today? You groan, looking down at your watch only to realize you don’t even have time to order an Uber. Taxi it is. You hail a cab, having no trouble catching the attention of the first one to drive by, your outfit choice finally providing some benefit.
“Wall Street. Bolton Enterprises.” You quickly provide the cross streets to the driver as he speeds away, but he doesn’t need them. Everyone knows the Bolton building. 
Seated in the cab, you work to calm your breathing, confident now that you will arrive on time. It’s cool [Y/N], it’s cool. You’re fine. A smile crosses your face. Jesus, why do I talk to myself? I’m such a nut. 
Buildings fly by as the taxi races downtown, the gleaming center of Wall Street coming into view. It really is an exciting day. You’d worked your ass off for the last year, proving yourself to be one of the brightest young recruits at the firm. No doubt your Yale degree in International Business was a qualifying factor as well, but you’d shown that you were more than a resume. Your dedication was unquestionable. 
Nonetheless it was a very competitive place, and much as you thought you deserved the promotion, you were surprised when you got the news just given how many other qualified people there were.
“Oh, just here.” You signal to the driver to stop outside the looming skyscraper, pay him and get out. You check your watch. 8:45am. Taking a deep breath, you walk into the bright marble lobby and head for the elevators. 
Oh, great. Today really isn’t your day, you think as you see that all but one of the elevators are already making their way up to top floors, with the last one’s doors already starting to close. You sprint towards it, knowing it’s useless. But just as you internally give up, you see a hand shoot out from the inside to hold the door and hear a familiar voice. 
“Good morning.” Jon’s face pokes out of the elevator and a big smile crosses your face. 
“You just saved me.” You nearly slide into the elevator, breathless. “The universe is against me today, I swear.” Jon’s eyes light up as he laughs. “No, really! Don’t laugh. The subway was late, these damned new heels are slowing me down, my hair is now a mess, and I almost missed the last elevator for at least the next seven minutes.”
Jon gives you a warm smile and you feel at ease at once. “I think you look great.” You smile back.
“What are you doing here anyway? Not that I’m not super glad to see you, but didn’t the Stark and Bolton negotiations close last week?”
Jon frowns. “Alas, it looks like we’ll have at least another month now. Roose apparently got a competitive business offer from Tywin Lannister, if you can believe it. So we are back to the drawing board. But I shouldn’t be telling you any of that.” Jon winks at you and you laugh.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” Your eyes catch a glimpse of the elevator buttons. “Oh shoot!” You had totally forgotten to press your floor button. Jon reads your reaction and goes to press 17 for you, but you stop him. “Oh, no, actually, can you press 28?” 
“28?” Jon whistles. “What important business do you have up there?” You smile really big.
“I got a promotion. It’s going to be floor 28 from now on! I’m going to be working on Ramsay Bolton’s team on strategic initiatives for the whole business. Can you believe it? Literally with Ramsay Bolton! You can’t get closer to the top than that.” 
You’re surprised when Jon doesn’t return your smile. 
“[Y/N], have you met Ramsay? He’s bad news.”
You’re taken aback at the comment. “Gosh Jon, I thought you’d be happy for me.”
Jon looks at you apologetically. “Shoot, that’s not what I meant. I’m really happy for you, on the promotion.” He tries to smile at you. “Just be careful around Ramsay, okay? He’s got a dangerous streak and a penchant for games. And sadly, I think you’re kind of his type.”
You huff at that. “I’m not going to be sleeping with my new boss, Jon. And what a weird thing to say to me!” You are suddenly very glad there’s no one else in the elevator to hear this conversation.
The elevator comes to a stop at Jon’s floor. “Look, I’m sorry [Y/N]. I just care about you, you know? You’re a really great person and he’s a really bad person. This is my stop. I’ll see you later, okay?” John steps out and you just nod at him, not sure what to say. This really has not been an ideal morning. 
Two seconds later and the elevator dings, opening out onto Floor 28. You take a deep breath, push your long [H/C] hair behind your shoulders and walk out onto the floor.
“I can take your coat, miss.” A very pretty receptionist walks over to you and holds out her hand for your jacket.
“Oh, thank you.” You take off your black trench to reveal a tight elegant little black dress. 
“That’s a great dress. I’m Myranda by the way. You must be [Y/N]. Mr. Bolton told me he’s expecting you. Conference room 3, just to your left.” Myranda eyes you up and down as you walk away. 
You can see them all through the glass doors of the conference room. There are seven of them, all in suits, all fairly young, and all men. You check your watch, 8:57am, and open the door, your heart speeding up. 
It’s beautiful inside the room, a gorgeous handcrafted birch table in the center with a mixture of industrial and wooden accents adorning the chairs. The view out of the windows is incredible and you’re able to see the water, the morning sun making it sparkle. All of the talking stops as you enter the room, and everyone’s eyes snap to you. 
“Hello.” Your voice sounds a lot more confident than you feel. “It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m [Y/N].” You’re beginning to fear you’ve walked into the wrong room, when a tall broad-shouldered brunette stands up from one of the chairs and walks over to you. 
“Hi there.” He offers his hand and you shake it. “I’m Damon. Great to meet you [Y/N]. We’re all very excited to have you join the team.” The other men follow Damon’s lead and walk over to shake your hand, introducing themselves. You smile and nod with each new introduction until you’ve met everyone. Everyone except one person…
“Will Mr. Bolton be joining us?” You ask. “My apologies, it’s my first day in the new job and all I’ve been told is that Mr. Bolton will be walking me through my new responsibilities.” 
You think you catch two of the guys seated further back snicker. Damon smiles at you.
“Of course, it’s no problem at all. We didn’t expect you to come in here and present a master plan. Not yet, anyway.” He laughs and it’s a big booming laugh, turning the air around him a few shades brighter. “Yes, Ramsay will be joining us shortly. He’s just finishing something up -- Oh, speak of the devil.”
You hold your breath as you watch Ramsay through the glass of the conference room walls as he walks across the floor toward the room. Not walks, no. Strides. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone walk with such complete and utter power, and so effortlessly. He’s wearing a beautifully tailored dark blue suit, so dark it might as well have been black, accenting his toned and muscled body exceptionally well. The air of wealth and bourgeoisie royalty seems to emanate off of him. From afar, you think he’s probably very attractive, but when he opens the door and walks into the conference room, you lose your breath completely.
His eyes instantly fix themselves onto you, and you feel as if he is looking directly into the deepest parts of your soul. They are the most beautiful icy blue color that you have ever seen. Something straight out of a National Geographic documentary on Alaskan wildlife. Just pure carnal white ice blue. Fuck. You think that you might have said or thought ‘fuck’ more this morning than in an average week. Fuck. 
Ramsay’s eyes sweep over your body, coming back to linger on your lips and then boring into your eyes again. You feel as if he’s violating you somehow, the intensity of that gaze. Like he can see absolutely everything about who you are and what you want and and what you need.
In an instant, he lets your captive eyes go and looks at Damon.
“A girl? Interesting.” Ramsay leans against the door frame and takes something out of his pocket, turning it around in his hand. 
Damon chuckles. “Scores don’t lie. She’s outperformed them all. Men, women and rocks.” Ramsay smirks, and you realize Damon is referencing the recent acquisition of Frey Holdings, the old company’s logo two stone towers. 
You decide to take a risk.
“More like rubble than rocks.” 
Damon laughs out loud, some of the other men joining in. Ramsay’s eyes slowly move to focus on you again, contemplating something. You stay still under his gaze, waiting. You realize perfectly well that if he doesn’t like you for some reason, he can send you right back downstairs and pick out someone else.
“Come now Ramsay! She seems lovely. I for one, would appreciate more feminine energy in this place. It’s just cocks, cocks and more cocks as far as the eye can see.” Damon winks slyly at you and you smile at him, glad to have at least one friend. You turn back toward Ramsay.
It’s as if he decided something. In an instant, the brooding cool look on his face evaporates, replaced by a brightness and a large smile. It’s almost unsettling how quickly his demeanor changes.  
“You’re right Damon, I’m afraid I’ve been terribly rude. Forgive me, please. It’s been a long morning. It’s a pleasure to meet you [Y/N].” He offers out his hand and you shake it, tremors vibrating through your body as you feel his incredibly firm grip. 
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Bolton. It’s a dream to be a part of this team. I’m really looking forward to working with you” 
Ramsay drops your hand. “Call me Ramsay. My father is ‘Mr. Bolton’.”
“Of course. Ramsay. My apologies sir.”
Ramsay’s eyes light up when you say that, and you can’t help but blush a little under his gaze.“That’s quite alright.” Ramsay pushes the door back open and holds it for you. “You’ve met the boys, why don’t I show you around the office.” It was less a question than a command. 
You had a feeling he wasn’t one to ask things often. 
As you walk out of the door, Ramsay shoots a look back at Damon and the rest of the men. 
“I expect all the documents for the Lannister call on my desk before noon. And, Damon, take care of our little situation in Conference Room A. Promptly.” You can see Damon nod, before you lose sight of the conference room as Ramsay leads the way down the hall to the left. 
He doesn’t really give you a tour as you walk, but you figure you don’t really need one anyway. You’re smart, you’ll figure out where things are. As you continue down this hall, there are less and less offices and doors until it’s simply one straight stretch of hallway with floor to ceiling windows on either side of you leading up to a large iron door at the end. As you walk, you feel as if you’re flying high above the ground, looking out of either window making you dizzy.
Ramsay’s quick pace comes to a stop. He turns back to look at you, and opens the heavy door, gesturing for you to walk in.
“Welcome to my office.”
As you walk into the large room, you find yourself in awe. You’re standing in what looks like a traditional study, complete with a roaring fireplace, bearskin rug, old bookshelves, and an intimidating-looking desk with two leather armchairs facing it. 
On both sides of the room, there are winding iron staircases that lead up to a second floor with a tiny balcony overlooking the room below. There are also two doors behind the desk, one closed and the other open, leading into what looks like a very modern kitchen with the same floor to ceiling windows overlooking the water.
You turn to look at Ramsay who seems to have been clocking your reaction.
“This is incredible! I’ve never seen an office like this before.” You walk over to the fireplace, putting your hand out to feel the heat. “How did you manage to put a real fireplace in here?” 
Ramsay shrugs. “Our city, our building, our rules.” 
“I would want to be at work all the time if this was my office.”
Ramsay smiles. “Well, it’s your lucky day. You’ll be working here with me darling.” You blush at that. Should he have called you darling? Maybe it’s just a British thing. You shrug it off. Ramsay points to a smaller but beautiful wooden desk on the opposite side of the room, one you hadn’t even noticed with the other extravagant elements competing for your attention. 
“That’s your desk. That’s the kitchen through there. Bathroom upstairs, complete with a shower. And there’s two bedrooms upstairs. I often work late and stay the night here.” 
Ramsay stepped closer to you. 
“You’re very welcome to adopt the same level of work ethic.” 
You feel a slight shiver down your spine. But Ramsay steps past you and sits at his desk, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. 
“The second bedroom is at your disposal.” His eyes snap back to you suddenly and forcefully. “You will not, however, ever go into the room behind me without my express permission.” The closed door room. His voice was frightening and very dark. “Do I make myself clear? I don’t want to ask a second time. I hate asking a second time.” You swallow, beginning to understand why Jon had warned you.
“Yes, of course. It won’t be a problem sir.”
“Good!” Ramsay clapped his hands together. “I think we are going to have a lot of fun together, you and I. There are some papers on your desk. You’ll need to read them quite carefully.” His voice took on a mock serious tone. “We take confidentiality very seriously here at Bolton Enterprises.” 
He smirks at you. 
“This job won’t be what you were expecting I’m afraid. You see, I do business very differently. You could say I take a more hands-on approach. And you, apparently, have tested the highest in every skill that I need.” 
He locks eyes with you and you feel the electricity coursing through the airwaves from his eyes into yours. 
“You are the missing piece darling.”
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chonkychornes · 5 years
I’ll Be Home for Christmas
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AN: Hi all! Here’s my idea for a Holiday ON shot featuring a sweet Bucky and what I hope is a gender-neutral reader. My first attempt at total fluff. I hope I hit the mark. If you like it, please like and reblog. Thank you to @quant-um-fizzx​ for all her help and support this year, and Pandora, who stays away from Tumblr, but still reads my shit and helps me with all the things!! (All mistakes are my own)  Happy Holidays, dear ones! I hope you’re all finding peace on this day. 
Summary: Bucky and Reader meet up on the way home for Christmas. Will they both get their Christmas wish? 
Words: 6591
“Attention passengers of American Airlines Flight 2135: Baggage is now arriving on carousel four.”
“Okay, where the hell is my bag?” You mutter to yourself as you reposition your purse across your chest and duck around a family with a double-wide stroller. Spotting the carousel you need, you move to it determinedly, but frown when you see a flight number over yours and no bags circling the platform.
Grabbing your phone out of your bag, you see a missed call and a couple of new text messages.
I'm stuck in training. - Steve
I’m sorry. I can send a car for you. - Steve
You pull up his contact number and laugh as he apologizes as he answers, “Steve, I’ll be fine. I’ll call an Uber or just get a cab. It's no big deal.”
“I feel so bad, I promised to meet you.”
“Shit happens. I’m still waiting on my bag anyway, so I’ll be fine. I’ll see you later.”
As you drop your phone back into your bag you hear the annoying buzzer for the carousel and feel the push of the crowd as everyone moves forward to try to find their bag. 
You deliberately take a step back and move away from the crowd. You have time and you’d rather wait and not be crushed or hit some small kid with your suitcase because they’re standing too close to the conveyor belt. 
You see someone else on the other side seems to have the same idea as you lean against a pillar out of the way. It’s not until this person is almost directly in front of you that you realize who it is.
“Of all the gin joints in all the world, huh?’ He grins down at you and you can’t help but laugh as you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck and squeeze him quickly. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Bucky?” You pull back and take in the penetrating blue of his eyes, the crinkle around them, and the soft smile on his lips. 
“It’s Christmas! Steve would have had my ass if I wasn’t back in time,” he brushes a hand through his hair and you notice how short it is now.
No more manly buns for this one. 
“Where have you been?” You nod vaguely out into the terminal and he smiles as he leans on the pillar next to you. 
“Ireland; Kerry,” he ducks his head a little and you know why. Ireland had always been your dream destination. 
“Was it green and beautiful? Did you catch a leprechaun?” Nudging him playfully in the ribs with his elbow brings back that soft smile. 
“I’ll show you the pictures.”
The exchange is easy and natural. He still makes your stomach flip and you still make him laugh. 
“That’s me,” he says as he pushes off the pillar and grabs his old beat-up duffle, slings it over his shoulder and resumes his place next to you. 
“Now, you’re going to let me guess which one is yours, right?” You laugh and nod. 
The wait is even longer, but he’s promised his car with the remote start and heated seats currently sitting in long term parking, so you agree. 
“It’s the ugliest one, right? You always picked the worst patterns.”
“They’re easy to spot!” You’re a little defensive because everyone always teased you for this. 
But when that neon orange paisley print comes around the conveyor belt, you have to bite your lip from laughing out loud at his incredulous expression. 
“Did you find that in the seventies?” he grabs it and nods towards the door as you take your bag from him. 
The car is not only warm and running when you get to it, but it’s also almost too hot and you shrug out of your coat. 
“Thanks for the ride,” buckling yourself in and settling into the seat, you send him a genuine smile.
“Like I’d let you take a cab,” he says as he pulls up to pay for parking and soon you’re on the turnpike and headed to the compound. 
You’re both quiet and as he navigates through the late-night holiday traffic, you get caught up in the lights of the city. 
“You awake over there?” 
“Huh? I was looking at the city lights,” you shift to look at him. “I’m sorry, did you say something.”
His hand twitches on the shifter and it doesn’t go unnoticed by either of you.
“I was wondering if you were hungry. Everyone, except maybe Steve will be asleep by the time we get there and I frankly do not like it when Nat wakes up angry,” the car glides over closer to an exit. “Do you wanna stop somewhere and eat?”
“Sure, wherever.”
He pulls off into a small metro area and spots a Denny’s about two miles from the highway. Once you’re inside and seated in the back, you realize you might be the last customers in the restaurant. 
After the waitress unenthusiastically takes your order and leaves you alone in the booth. As you rearrange the jelly holder, Bucky stares at you until you finally look stop fidgeting and look at him. 
“So, how’s … everything?” he asks when you sit back and fold your hands into your lap. 
The grimace crosses your face before you can stop it. It had been so easy at the airport, casual, but this feels forced and you don’t want this. Nothing had ever been difficult between the two of you before. 
“Things are good, of course, they are.” You shrug and offer a smile, “Moving to DC was a good choice for me. I like the work that I do and I’m happy with the results.”
He bristles a little at the mention of your work but doesn’t bat an eye at the mention of your move. The two of you had discussed it, at length, when the opportunity had come up; neither of you wanted the move, but you also couldn’t deny that it was a good choice for you. 
When the waitress comes back with your country fried steak and eggs and his bacon cheeseburger and fries you both take a few minutes to situate yourself. Chewing replaces the awkward conversation and you’re grateful for the time being. 
“You still enjoying the life of a superhero?” The question is obviously a surprise to Bucky as he chokes down the giant bite he just took. 
“That’s the designation, but it doesn’t make it true,” he smirks and pushes his plate towards you. Sighing, you set your silverware aside and swap plates with him. 
“Just like old times, right?” You laugh lightly as you pick up the remainder of his burger and take a bite and moan. “Oh, god that’s good.” 
“The job s’okay,” he shrugs as he shovels some scrambled eggs onto his fork. “I still get to travel and I don’t have to take anyone with me anymore, so that’s a plus.”
“Everything works out for a reason, then?” Locking eyes with him, you polish off the last of his fries and smile with bulging cheeks. 
“I think some of our friends might disagree with you on that, but sure; everything works out for a reason.” 
You both fight over the check but in the end, you let him pay. Back in the car you stretch and yawn before reaching for the radio, “Can I?”
“Sure, doll.”
 You land on some local station playing holiday music and you hum along until you feel your eyes start to droop.
“I’m glad I ran into you, Buck,” you rub a hand over his forearm and let it linger there. “I wasn’t sure you’d be here, but I brought you a present.” A lazy grin crosses your face when his face lights up. 
“Well, you gotta come home for Christmas, right?” He nudges your arm away and reaches over to rub the back of your neck, “Of course, I got you something too.”
Sighing into his touch, you wish every interaction with him could be like this; so easy, so real. 
Sometime later, you wake to Bucky gently shaking you, “We’re home, doll. I’ll get your bag.”
After you two are let in by Friday, you both stop at the fork in the hallway that leads to both wings of the private quarters. 
"Nat cleaned up my old room," you provide as it seems Bucky was going to invite you to his room. 
"Oh, that makes sense." He rolls your bag towards you and throws you a smile. "See ya later, doll." 
"Night, Buck."
The next morning starts with Steve waking you after eight, which has to be a record for him, but it was nice to have a cup of coffee and catch up a little with him before facing everyone else. 
"How'd you get home, anyway?"
You sit up a little straighter, "I figured you would have spoken to him by now," you shake your head at his curious look. "I ran into Bucky at the airport."
"What is it weird?" 
Rolling your eyes you set your cup down and shrug, “Nothing has ever been ‘weird’ between me and Bucky. Intense, hot, heavy, real?” You tick it all off on your fingers as Steve smirks, “We just never worked right.”
He snorts and stares at you incredulously, “You’re kidding, right?” He forward and claps you on the shoulder, “You and Bucky are like Westley and Buttercup.”
He stands up and moves to the door, “Have you thought any more about my offer?”
“Yeah, I still don’t have an answer for you,” you lean back against the couch cushions and smile. “Apparently we’ll be getting some new desk jockeys come January and I would want to make sure the transition goes smoothly.”
“Maria Hill doesn’t retire every day,” his hands are on his hips and give off his fatherly vibe. “You’ll really think about it? You could be back here with us all the time, and you’d get to call the shots.”
“For the most part,” you add with a wink. 
“Bingo.” He opens the door, “Let’s go make the horde breakfast.” 
After the cast of characters join the two of you for breakfast and take over the clean up, the day is filled with baking cookies with Wanda and Morgan and pulling out the decorations for the tree.  
The tree that Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Tony are going to chop down.
“Where are you going to find a pine or fir small enough to fit inside?” You ask as the men don their winter gear and debate whether an ax is necessary. “Why don’t you just drive into town and buy a tree?”
Silence descends on the large common room and four heads swivel in your direction. 
“Is it something I said?” you ask with a grin. 
“Doll, this is the best way to acquire a tree.” Bucky is as serious about this as he has ever been about anything. 
“It’s the dumbest way to go about it, for sure.” He stalks towards you and you stand up straighter. 
“Do you think I should stay inside? I could stay here and decorate cookies with you,” he sends a wink to Morgan who has snuck up next to you and is tugging on your hand. 
“I don’t know, what do you think, kid?” Hoisting her up onto your hip she taps her lip with her finger and pretends to think.
“Booky, you should stay and use sprinkles with me.” She nods so sagely, you believe she has all the answers to life’s questions. 
“Alright guys, you heard the little lady: I’m staying.” He slides the leather coat off and tosses it to Sam who rolls his eyes, but hangs it back up. “Don’t die.”
The three of you walk back into the kitchen as the guys leave and as soon as they’re gone you finally ask, “What happens if they come back empty-handed?” 
“They won’t,” Bucky says with a grimace and you don’t want to know what that really means. “But Pepper already bought a tree. It’s over in the warehouse, you know, just in case.”
Sprinkles, frosting, flour, and eggshells cover almost every surface in the kitchen and your back and feet are killing you. 
Pepper finally whisked Morgan off for a nap and before you can even think about starting the cleanup, a cup of coffee is being shoved into your hands and you’re being shooed away from the epicenter and told to “take a load off” on a bar stool that sits at the island. 
The groan is quiet, but still present as you sit and it serves as another reminder that you weren’t quite cut out for the life of a superhero; the life of an Avenger. 
You weren’t enhanced and you hadn’t been trained since childhood, you had just been good, great even. They had seen something in you, taken a chance; gratefully it had led to the job you had now and the good work you were doing in DC. 
But you never could keep up with any of them; couldn’t keep up with him. 
“You look awful serious over there, doll.” Bucky is closing the dishwasher and setting it. “You alright?”
“Just thinking about … you.” It’s honest, if not a little gratuitous. You think about Bucky a lot for someone that couldn’t figure out how to make it work between the two of you. 
“Oh, remembering the good times?” He’s got his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, muscle and metal rippling and gleaming as he wipes down the counters. 
“Thinking about how I wasn’t cut out for this,” you vaguely gesture around the room. “I did all I could, after ‘The Snappening’ and after Thanos was defeated and everyone came back, to be an Avenger, but my talents are better served elsewhere. Helping people in different ways.”
“Plus, it pays to have a friend on that side of the line,” he says with a slight grunt. 
Bucky never quite got over the fact that you went to work for Everett Ross when everyone came back. Resources were needed; facilities, food, water … you name it, you found it and helped to distribute it. 
You were doing good work that you were proud of. 
Even if you had to work for an insufferable jerk. 
“Not all of us are cut out for this lifestyle,” He pulls you from your thoughts as he leans on the clean counter across from you. 
“You thinking of hanging up the suit?” The surprise is evident in your voice and you feel a weird flutter in your gut. 
“I don’t know.” He shrugs and grabs your coffee mug and drains the last of it. “Sometimes I think I could handle being a desk jockey.” He refills it and doctors it up just the way you like and passes it back to you. 
“You’d hate it.” 
“Would I? Quiet days getting work done and feeling satisfied with it,” he’s leaning on the counter again and smiles. “I guess the grass is always greener, right?”
“Sure, but I don’t leave work every day happy. Sometimes I’m so frustrated because I’m not getting the answers I want or I’m not getting them fast enough.” You drink deep from the cup before pushing it back to him.
“I went to DC to talk about a job opening,” he drops the information so casually that it doesn’t register at first. 
“Wait, my DC? What job?”
“What, like you own it?” You both laugh as Sam and Steve come stumbling into the room laughing, breathless, and red-cheeked. 
“We found a tree,” Sam tells you with a pointed look. “It’s way too big to bring inside, but Tony is bound and determined to decorate it out on the lawn.”
“I’ll track down everyone, I think they’re watching movies.” Shaking your head you stand up and whip off your apron and look over at Bucky, “Text Pepper. I don’t think Santa will leave Morgan’s presents outside.”
Somehow you got paired up with Tony and Pepper to trim the “indoor” tree as it was referred to. Tony had brought out a bunch of old tools and spare parts and decorated the giant tree outside but got bored when he realized that everyone was inside staying warm. 
“So, who is trying to convince you to come back?” Tony asks as he untangles the third string of lights. You shoot him a glance and strategically place another bauble on a branch. 
“Everyone. Well, with the exception of Bucky, Pepper, and yourself,” you sigh knowing exactly where this is headed. “I’ve had several lengthy discussions with Maria about this.”
“There’s no one we’d rather work with.” He’s so matter of fact in his statement that you’re taken aback for a moment. It isn’t often that Tony is so genuine, without any hint of sarcasm. “Don’t you miss us?”
Walking around the tree looking for large holes, you snort. “I miss you all. But I call, I email.”
“You missed Morgan’s birthday.”
“Hey, that’s not fair, Tony.” Pepper admonishes from the other side of the tree and even though you can’t see her, you smile in her direction.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you did, in fact, miss it,” Tony repeats and you finally stop in front of him with your arms crossed. 
“I wasn’t even settled and if I’m not mistaken, a certain group of superheroes had just inadvertently taken out a clean water reservoir that I need to need to attend to.” 
“Fair enough,” Tony hands you one end of the lights and you begin to weave it into the tree. “You do realize that if you came to work here, you could help us avoid that.”
“That’s a cheap shot, even for you.” You stick your tongue out at him and tug at the lights in his hands. “For the record, I am seriously considering it.”
“Mom, she stuck her tongue out at me!” He complains to Pepper who laughs and walks away to change the record from Sinatra to Bing Crosby and White Christmas.
“Play nice you two.’
After a few minutes and another string of lights, you finally ask the question you need to know the answer to.
“Do you know what job Bucky went to DC to look at?” Tony looks up at you with something akin to fascination on his face. 
“Has he really not talked to you about it? I just figured that was the reason-” he trails off when the record skips terribly and he jumps up to fix it. 
Dinner is easy enough with gallons of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches to feed the literal army assembled. As per tradition at the compound, everyone gets to open one present on Christmas eve, which is always new pajamas; and everyone gets them from a secret Santa, so they’re all hideous in a spectacular way. 
There are dancing llamas, hanging sloths, crazy reindeer and snowman. Footless, two-piece sets, onesies, and even some butt flaps. Hot cocoa, egg nog, and nightcaps are passed around as everyone settles down to watch “White Christmas”. 
Sometime after Bing and Danny lip sync to “Sisters”, you meander out into the hallway and towards the large front windows to look at the softly falling snow. 
Taking a seat on the stairs and drawing your knees up under your chin, you reflect on the past two years. Everyone came back and the greatest physical threat to Earth was defeated. You were able to hug and share your love with people you thought you would never see again. 
You left. 
The rewarding aspect of your job was almost to self-satisfying. You could say that you were helping to end hunger, lowering poverty levels. The work you helped with brought desperately needed medical treatments, education, and supplies to areas that need it most. 
It looked great on a resume and sounded great a corporate mingles. 
You liked it because you weren’t a self-serving asshole. 
It was white bread and stale to boot. 
But there was still a part of you that missed being even somewhat a part of the action; you missed being around and hearing about the stories. You missed being called for an assignment, even if everyone figured out that you weren’t cut out for it. 
“Why couldn’t I do both?” The thought only just now manifested itself to you and how you hadn’t thought of it three months ago when Maria Hill called to offer you first dibs at her position with the Avengers, doesn’t even make sense. 
“What are you doing out here?” Bucky’s voice is quiet when he pulls you out of your thoughts and plans. 
“It was getting to be a little too much in there, I just need some space.” When you look up at him, you grin when you see his onesie designed to look like The Grinch wearing a Santa suit. 
He’s holding two mugs and tries to pass one off to you. 
“I can’t drink any more coffee or cocoa,” you whine and shake your head.
“I figured.” He says and pushes the mug into your hands, “It’s a hot toddy. Something to help you sleep.”
Taking a tentative sip you smile when you feel the familiar, smokey burn from the whiskey followed by the smooth honey. It’s sweet, but that’s how you like it. You scoot over on the step and pat the space next to you. 
Bucky somehow manages to take up all the room without crowding you; that’s how he’s always been. When you rest your head on his shoulder, you feel him press a kiss to your hair. 
“Is it weird being here with me?” It’s the question that you’ve been dying to ask. Everything has always been easy and simple between you two, even when you just stopped being you two.
“Why would it be weird?”
You sigh and sit up. That was enough of an answer right there if you ever heard one. 
“This was my Christmas wish, doll.” You look over your shoulder to the man with the bright blue eyes and sweet smile. “I wanted you here again, even if it was just for the holidays.”
Without thinking you push yourself into his arms and wrap your arms around his neck. He chuckles as he rubs your back and pulls you closer. When you finally pull away you can see the laugh still in his smile and the longing in his eyes. 
It’s been so long. 
“You know, I used to get so excited whenever I heard you were coming to Wakanda for research,” Bucky tells you with a duck of his head as if he’s embarrassed to confess this to you. “The first time I ever walked into the city there was with you.”
Bucky had always given Shuri and her team all the credit for helping get back to himself; but between the two of you, he made sure you knew just how much you helped him grow. 
“I may have made a few extra trips over there after we started to get close,” you concede. “I was still doing my job, but there was so much more to it then.”
“Then everything happened and then we got you all back. Steve went back for Natasha and they figured how to save Tony,” the memory of all the triumphs makes you a little misty-eyed. “Then one night there you were, knocking on my door.”
“I just wanted to talk,” he says with a laugh. 
You had talked, about everything and nothing for hours that night. That one night turned into a year of quiet dinners, movie nights, and slow dancing in your room. 
But in all that time, there was never any serious discussion about what you two were doing; you could deal with that and you certainly weren’t trying to initiate that talk. Everything was easy peasy, lemon squeezy between you two. 
No definite plans, no routines, and nothing to catch you off guard. 
Until the offer from Ross came and you knew that this was what you were truly meant to be doing. At least, you thought so two years ago; and when you sat down with Bucky to discuss it with him, he agreed. 
“It sounds perfect for you, doll. You should take it if you want to.”
Hindsight had afforded you the opportunity to see that you two often said that to each other, “If you want to.”, or some variation. Not once did either one of you tell the other exactly how you felt, whether it was positive or not! 
That’s why everything was so easy between you two all the time; you just always agreed with each other and nothing ever got done or decided. 
“I wish we had stayed in better touch after you left,” Bucky’s comment pulls you from your thoughts. Here, the perfect opportunity was presenting itself to you. 
“Why didn’t you? I know I had my reasons for not being better about it, but why didn’t you?” You’re trying desperately to keep the desperation out of your voice, but now that you’re asking, you need to know. 
He hesitates, “I actually thought you didn’t want to talk to me.” 
You stare at him for what feels like a full minute before he continues, “This job was a huge step and such a great opportunity for you and I … I didn’t want to be a distraction. I just wanted you to be happy and if you weren’t happy here, with me, then I should just leave you be.”
“I was happy here with you,” you pace in front of him and smile sadly. “I was so unhappy for the first six months or so that I was in DC.”  
Bucky grabs your hand and makes you stop in front of him, “Why didn’t you keep in touch with me? You said you had your reasons.” 
“It sounds so stupid, but I thought you didn’t care where I was; here or there, that it just didn’t matter to you.” You can feel the tears well in your eyes, “I thought you didn’t want me, so I just left you alone.”
“That couldn’t be further from the truth,” he tugs on your hand and you stumble towards him. “I always want you. Since the first time I met you across the globe to when I saw you last night at the airport and even right now.” 
His warm, muscular hand cups your cheek and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s testing and slow and when you melt into him, awkward angle on the stairs and all, he opens his mouth to you and it’s like you’ve never had fresh air before. You drink in every bit of him, trying desperately to absorb his very essence and clinging to the hope of what this one kiss could mean for you both. 
“You know, you both have perfectly good rooms you could put to use,” you both pull away sheepishly and look at Steve who has his arms crossed over his broad chest in his candy cane striped long johns. 
“The Stark’s are headed out.” Steve turns and returns to the common room. 
“C’mon doll, let’s go say goodbye to the kid.”
After hugs and kisses are passed all around you search for Bucky in the small crowd of your friends. Everyone seems to have dispersed and you remember the pile of unwrapped presents in your room and decide that you’ve had enough excitement for one night and head to your room to handle the gifts. 
You spend the next hour or so methodically wrapping gifts and watching “Holiday Inn” and thinking about your future. There are two voices in your head, one telling you to stay in DC and one telling you to return to New York; you’re not at all sure which voice is supposed to be the devil or the angel. 
You think again to how you could both, at least until a suitable replacement was found for you; and wouldn’t that make everyone happy?
You didn’t give a shit if it made everyone happy. You wanted to be happy, you deserved to be happy. 
You wanted to be happy with Bucky. 
After Christmas, you decide, you’ll call Maria Hill. Skype her with Tony and Steve, who undoubtedly will be on your side. Tony can convince Ross and then it’s a done deal. 
Eyeing the present you had already wrapped for him when an idea came to you that caused you to spring to your feet and grab your coat and slide into your boots. You’d need some help with this and if this wasn’t the time for Captain America, you didn’t know what was. 
Quietly creeping down the halls to Steve’s room feels insanely dumb at two in the morning. Calling or texting him would have been faster and simpler, but this was a spur of the moment thing. 
When you reach his door and knock softly it takes a few minutes before the door opens. Natasha, in worn grey leggings and a ratty T-shirt, greets you. 
Sleepy eyed but smiling she asks, “Did you need Steve to help with a grand declaration of love?”
“Yes,” She pulls you into the room. “I’m sorry for waking you up, but I do need his help.”
“S’no skin off my back, just make sure you get him back in time for his Christmas present.” she sends you an overexaggerated wink and you fight the urge to puke and burst out laughing. 
She wanders off, presumably to wake Steve and he stumbles out a few minutes later. 
“What do you need, kid?”
After explaining yourself and helping yourself to coffee in Steve’s kitchen and fixing two travel mugs to go, he stares at you in disbelief. 
“You want to make a four trip to a New York welcome center for a picture?” he hasn’t even put on his coat yet. 
“It will feel much longer if we don’t hurry,” you shove a travel mug into his hands. “I’ll drive!”
The next thing you know you’ve made it to the Adirondacks, done what you wanted to do and now Steve was driving you back to the compound. 
“I can’t believe you woke me up for a four drive and that only took five minutes!” He’s complaining, but he’s smiling. He knows what his means. He knows how happy his two friends will soon be. 
“I know,” you try to stifle a yawn. “It’s gonna be worth it, I think.”
When you get home you part ways, Steve for maybe an hour of sleep before whatever it is that Natasha does for him on Christmas morning and you for as much sleep as you can manage. 
Ditching your coats and boots by the door, you fall into bed and dream of sugarplums dancing. 
The banging could be elves working on toys in Santa’s workshop. It could also be someone trying to knock down your door. You pop one eye open and peek at the bedside clock that reads eight in the morning. 
Two hours of sleep and now someone was breaking down your door, “Hang on, I’m up.” Hollering as you stretch and climb out of bed you head to the bathroom and run through a very abridged morning routine before answering the door. 
Bucky is as handsome as ever in a lovely deep green cable knit sweater and dark jeans. He’s wearing the worn-out slippers you bought him several years ago and it adds to the charm and allure he possesses. 
“Heard you snuck out after curfew last night,” he grins and leans against the doorjamb. “Wanna tell me all about your adventure while you open your present?”
You hadn’t realized, but he’d been holding one hand behind his back. When he revealed himself he was holding a beautifully wrapped package. 
“I thought everyone was doing presents together?” You gesture him inside and take a seat on the couch. 
“We are, but this is special.” He sits next to you and the grin fades into something serious. 
“Well, you look well-rested and refreshed, can a girl at least take a quick shower?” Before he can answer, you’re off the couch and into the bedroom with the door closed behind you. 
Bucky can entertain himself for twenty or so minutes and this will give you enough time to clean up and dress for the day and take of your very last present. 
Over the running shower, you ask Friday to silently connect your phone to the printer in the room. But the time you’re rinsing the conditioner from your hair, it’s done and you can finish up.
After you’re dressed you realize you don’t actually have anything to put it in, so you just slip into a book and take it out into the front room with you. Stealth was never your point, but you could try. 
“Feel better?” Bucky hands you a mug of coffee and you smile widely. 
“Much, thank you,” you move back to the couch, grabbing his present from the pile on the coffee table. “Shall we?”
You hand over your gift before Bucky can give you his and he smiles as he rips into it like wild five-year-old. 
You had found a lovely, antique hinged picture frame. It opened like a book and inside on the left, you had placed a photo taken of the two of you after Bucky’s first visit into the city in Wakanda. Both of you have sunkissed skin and big smiles; he had kissed you right before that photo was taken. It was the first kiss between you two, and it held so many possibilities. 
On the right side, a photo was taken of the two of you after Bruce and Doctor Strange had figured out how to bring Tony back. There was a look of shock and awe mixed with an overabundance of happiness. You two had jumped at each other and hugged and when you pulled apart, someone had thought to capture it.
Bucky is deadly still. 
He’s so quiet you wonder if he hasn’t reverted to Hydra assassin. You’re about to crack a joke to relieve what you believe to be tension when you hear the faint sniffle. 
He’s crying so softly and when he looks at you, your heart wants to break. 
“This- this is beautiful, doll.” He wraps an arm around you and presses his face into your neck and inhales deeply, “Thank you. It’s the most perfect thing.”
You embrace him tightly and when you pull away from him you immediately reach for the book to give him the second part of his gift when he shoves your present under your nose. 
“Oh no, it’s your turn. Then you can tell me all about this late-night drive.” He wipes his face as laughs and you sigh and begin to pull at the ribbon on the package. 
You could never rip apart this beautiful paper; the brushed silver background with the royal blue swirls all over it. You’re struggling for a moment until you realize the problem.
“Did you use packing tape?” Bucky laughs at your incredulity and you stick out your tongue as you reach for the scissors on the coffee table and slice through.
When you reach the box inside you can tell it’s lightweight. Opening the box reveals a beautiful knitted scarf in striking emerald.
“It’s from Ireland,” Bucky tells you as you lift it from the box and bring it up to rub it on your face. “I knew how much you liked them and I just figured-”
You cut him off with a quick peck on his lips, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Pulling the entire scarf out, you notice something flutter to the floor. 
“There’s something else, doll.”
Picking up what looks like a postcard, you turn it over to find an awkward looking photo of Bucky standing on a street under a sign that says “Welcome to Washington, DC”. You stare at it for a few moments and then burst into hysterical laughter.
“I know it’s a bad picture of me, but I thought the sentiment might be good enough,” He isn’t mad, but you can tell, even through your hysterics, that he’s confused. 
“Is this a grand declaration?” You look to him and sober up quickly as he nods. 
Reaching for the book and slipping out the photo you had just printed you hand it over and simply say, “Ditto.”
Bucky is struck dumb looking at you in your Christmas jammies and winter boots and coat in front of a huge “I <3 NY” sign at the New York welcome center in the Adirondacks. 
“That’s what I was doing last night, or early this morning.”
He looks at you and his blue eyes are bright with fresh tears, “What does this mean doll?” 
You take this picture from his hands and set it on the coffee table next to the picture of him in DC. When you turn back to face him you take his hands in yours and smile softly. 
“It means that I haven’t been very happy and I want to be,” squeezing his hands you scoot just a little closer. “I want to be happy with you. I was always happy with you, Bucky.”
“With me? Are you sure?” He’s so earnest and eager. “I’d spend the rest of my life making sure you’re happy if that’s truly what you want.”
Leaning in, you press your lips to his. When he cradles your head and crushes your body to his you know how right this is and deepen the kiss. As he pulls away from you and caresses your cheeks you can feel the tears prick your eyes and the smile crepe over your face.
“Where will we live?” You both laugh and Bucky pulls you into a hug and leans back into the cushions of the couch with you in his arms. 
“I don’t want you to leave your job. You’re still happy with that, right?” When you explain to him that while you do love what you do, the job is stale and you miss being around the Avengers compound. 
You tell him of your plan to talk to Steve and Tony about being able to do both. 
“What about the job for you in DC?” Bucky looks sheepish at your question. 
“You know those desk jockeys you were going to get in January?” he nods as your jaw drops. 
“Buck, you would hate it. Not the purpose behind it, but the actual job,” you turn towards him, animatedly explaining things. “Sitting at a desk all day, writing reports. You’d hate it. I don’t want that for you.”
He opens his mouth to respond but you place your hand over his lips, “I don’t care where we’re based, DC or New York, I just want to be with you. I’ll take Maria’s job and work with the team again.”
“Everything else is just details, right?”
“Right,” you snuggle back into his arms and sigh contentedly. “Wherever we are together will be home.”
Bucky presses a kiss to the top of your head and squeezes you gently in his arms, “Then we’ll always be home for Christmas.” 
A minute passes and you burst out into laughter, “You’re such a dork, Barnes.”
He laughs with you, “A dork that loves you.”
“That’s been my Christmas wish for years,” you turn in his arms to kiss him again. “I love you too.”
@quant-um-fizzx​ @broco8
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Oh, Baby (Ben Hardy and Joe Mazzello)
Summary:  On a visit to Ben’s film set, Joe witnesses Ben enjoying a baby for the first time, which gets each of them thinking...
A/N:  This was written for “First Time” prompt for Hardzzello Week.  During in my holiday shopping at a crafts fair, I saw items that inspired my descriptions of gifts, though the ‘piece de resistance’ was a real thing!! Other writings featuring Joe and Ben (together and individually) can be found in my Masterlist
Warnings:  A somewhat crass reference to baby making, but other than that, just fluff and love!
Joe woke up an hour before his alarm was set to go off.  As always, his first image upon waking was of Ben. Usually, he snuggled under the covers and flipped over, letting himself indulge in his mind’s reel showing highlights of their past times together and previews of their anticipated visits.  Today, was one of those visits; he was travelling to Montreal to see Ben as he finished taping The Voyeurs.  Joe set a record in getting ready, and 20 minutes later he was getting into his Uber, planning to catch an earlier flight.
The wheels touched down two hours before his expected arrival.  As the cab drove him through downtown Montreal, he saw an outdoor crafts fair, festively decorated, set up for the holiday season. He noted the cross streets in his phone and vowed to stop by for some Christmas shopping for his family.  His first priority though was seeing Ben.  He arrived at the set and checked in with the guard who found his name on visitor list.
He entered the cavernous sound stage where multiple scenes were being set up.  Cameras framed the perimeter.  Staff were moving props and equipment. He looked around for a wave of blond hair.  Walking around a corner to another set, off in the distance he saw the unmistakable handsome man in his life.  But, wait, what was he doing?  Joe did a double take.
Ben was standing next to a woman seated with a car seat and diaper bag beneath her.  He was holding a baby on his hip, one hand supporting the baby’s bottom, the other wrapped snuggly around its upper back, cradling its head against his shoulder. And what was particularly endearing was Ben masterfully and naturally doing The Baby Dance - shifting from leg to leg, swaying his hips loosely, giving the baby a little bounce and maintaining eye contact. He looked like a pro!   It was a new image of Ben.  At family events, Ben interacted with Joe’s older nieces and nephews warmly. He cracked jokes, played board games and kicked a soccer ball with them outside.  They loved his energy and humor.  But he had not interacted with the babies. Truth be told he seemed a little intimated at the prospect.
Staring at his love across the room holding a baby filled Joe with excitement and awe. His stomach tightened. He was thrilled to see Ben for the first time enjoying a baby. Occasionally, the topic of children came up, but they hadn’t seriously discussed it, though Ben knew that Joe was eager to have a family.   Joe wondered if maybe now Ben could envision them having a family too.  Joe breathed deeply and took in the sight a little longer before making his way over to Ben, who was now chatting with the seated woman, alternating between looking at her and cooing at the baby, who looked at him.
As Joe approached, Ben’s face lit up and he walked toward him.  “Ohmygod-you’re here early! What a nice surprise!  Hi, You!” Ben leaned over and kissed Joe’s cheek, proudly holding the baby and thrilled to see Joe.
“The early bird gets the worm.  Hopefully.” Joe couldn’t resist.  “Hmm. I see you found a substitute for my attention, though probably not as articulate and witty, I dare say.” Joe said in his charming, slightly haughty manner. He looked at the baby who appeared to be about four months old.  “And who is this charming fellow?” Joe asked, stroking the baby’s onesie-covered arm.
“This is Christopher. And this is his mom, Anna,” Ben said, turning toward Anna who gave a wave.  She’s a grip. Her nanny is only available in the afternoons for a few days, so Christopher has been our special guest on set.”
“Anna,” Ben said, shifting Christopher over to his other hip and resuming The Baby Dance, “This is my…Joe.  Joe Mazzello.”  
“Hi, My Joe,” Anna said with a laugh, and Joe and Ben joined in.  Joe and Ben locked eyes.  Though they were established as a couple in their social circle, they were still figuring out their positioning in the world.  Joe really hated the term ‘boyfriend,’ which tripped Ben up during introductions.  My Partner? My Man? Of course, it would be easier if it were just ‘ My Husband,’ Ben had thought lately.
Anna continued. “I’ve heard so much about you-and the great Uncle you are.  Ben’s been so helpful caring for Christopher between taping before my sitter arrives.  He’s such a natural, and Christopher has really taken to him.”
“My nieces and nephews always enjoy spending time with him.” Joe said beaming.  Ben was called for the final scene for the day. Once Ben finished work, the boys bid farewell to Anna and Christopher and headed out.  They settled into Ben’s rental car, Ben at the driver’s seat. Joe looked over at Ben. He couldn’t shake the image of Ben holding Christopher, and it filled him with a warm rush.  
“What?” Ben said, feeling Joe’s eyes on him, pausing before starting the car. “You’re worried about me driving?” he laughed.
“Well, there’s that, now that you mention it,” Joe said with a laugh.  Then he reached out and touched Ben’s hand, which was resting on his thigh, holding the car keys.
“No, actually, I keep picturing you holding Christopher.  It was just….so beautiful.  And you seemed to like it.  Did you?” Joe asked somewhat tentatively, concerned about the prospective answer.
“Yeah,” Ben responded. “I did.  I really did.  I mean, I was nervous at first.  Anna helped me feel more comfortable.  It was amazing having another person respond to you. Want you.  When he laughed at my antics, it made me melt. And, this sounds weird, but that feeling of holding him - It’s hard to describe. It was like no other physical connection.”
Joe smiled broadly, happiness overtaking him. “I totally get it.  I’ve felt the same way with my nieces and nephews. I think it would be stronger when…it’s yours. I mean, if…when you’re the father.”  
‘Yeah,’ Ben said, staring out the windshield.  “I’ve imagined it.”
“You, you have?” Joe asked, trying to contain his excitement, eagerly wanting to hear more.
‘Yes, at night, when I go back to my flat, you know, I picture this…story.  Where I have a baby.  WE have a baby,” He clarified, looking over to Joe.  “There are a few scenes.  First, I see us taking it home after it’s born and then staying up at night taking turns holding it, singing, reading, walking, trying to get it to sleep.”
“You were quite a rocker and a roller in your baby dance with Christopher,” Joe noted.
‘Yeah, it did seem to help keep him calm.” Ben said.
“What else did you imagine?” Joe asked, wanting to conjure the images too.
“Well, the baby was restless and nothing was working so finally, we put it between us in bed and we both held it.  We all fell asleep together.  Then, I fast forwarded to the baby being older and we went to the playground.  We pushed it in the swing. I was in the front of the swing, you were behind it.  Sometimes, I held its legs when the swing came forward, and you held the swing from the back so it was suspended, and the baby giggled. Then we sang Queen songs in time to the swinging, really getting into it, and the baby was clapping and laughing.   Like we were two cool, creative, fun dads.
“I bet we would be.” Joe said. “Wow, those are really nice images. It’s nice to hear you’ve thought about them.”  
Joe leaned over and kissed Ben softly on the lips.  Ben turned his body to Joe, and the keys slid off his lap as he moved his arms around Joe’s neck and deepened the kiss. They made out passionately until Joe pulled away, breathing heavily.  “It’s a good thing you can’t get pregnant, ‘cause I swear to God, I’d want to take you home right now and…”
“Really, Joseph,” Ben cut him off.  “Wouldn’t you want to make an honest man of me first?”  
“Yes, yes, absolutely, I would.” Joe said between pants.  “And I want to continue this make-out session, but…Seasonal topic change! I have to do some Christmas shopping, and I saw a cool crafts fair downtown.  I thought maybe we could stop there before heading home.”
“Sure,” Ben said, slightly out of breath. “I’m game.  May find a few things as well.”
After parking, Joe pulled up his Christmas shopping list on his phone. “Ok, let’s split up – I’ll be more efficient that way - and meet at the Hot Chocolate stand over there in 45 minutes,” Joe said, motioning to the little café area.
“Sounds good,” Ben said.
Joe made the rounds and found silver amethyst earrings for his sister, an intricate turquoise necklace for his mom, hair accessories and hand-decorated Girl Power journals for his nieces and a big stuffed dinosaur for his youngest nephew.   He walked by a stand with a hodgepodge of jewelry and eyed a rack of bracelets. His gaze gravitated to a thin, earthy brown leather bracelet with subtle streaks of gold.  He took it off the rack and put it on his wrist as he imagined giving it to Ben as an engagement ring of sorts.  Yes, he would make an honest man of him first.  Joe took off the bracelet and fingered it, playing out a scene of giving it to Ben on a sunset beach, though truthfully, he didn’t want to wait that long.  He made a mental note to Google most romantic places to propose in Montreal.  His reverie was interrupted by the saleswoman. “Oh, that’s a lovely choice, made by a local artist. Happy to give you his card.”
Joe checked his watch and made a bee line to the Hot Chocolate stand.  He was pleased that he got through most of his shopping list, but ecstatic by his last purchase.  He felt high thinking about them committing to each other in a formal way and….Suddenly, Ben ran up to him.  “I have to show you what I found!”  He pulled a garment out of one of his bags.  It was a white, long-sleeved baby onesie featuring a repeating montage of small beagle dogs engaged in different activities:  walking with a bone in its mouth, sitting wearing glasses reading a book, snuggling next to a dad dog with a tie, chasing a ball, sleeping with a teddy bear under its paw. Each image was drawn with fine black pen and featured a burst of a primary color-the bone was yellow, the book was blue, the tie was red,  the ball was orange and the bear was green.  Ben couldn’t contain is excitement, “Isn’t this the CUTEST thing? I got one for Christopher.  And another one.”  He looked at Joe. “In case, you know, we need another baby gift.”
“Very cute and good planning.” Joe said, touching the soft clothing.
“How did you do?”  Ben asked.
“Oh, I finished most of my shopping for the fam.  And an unexpected thing or two.   A successful expedition.” Joe said, feeling a wave of emotion thinking of the bracelet.
Joe reached for Ben’s hand, as they walked to the car, each of them looking forward to their visit -- and their newly-envisioned future.
 @warriorteam1924 @lapofthemusicgods @nightoftheland @heybuddy-drabbles @hey-holtzy @im-an-adult-ish @halfasleepoetry @roger-taylors-car
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rwbyremnants · 4 years
WARNINGS: roleplay, bondage, blindfolds, tickling, feet, undressing, shibari, dildo, first time, female ejaculation.
Hey guys, I know you came here for the smuts and I won't take up much of your time (or you can skip this author note, don't say you couldn't lmao). But there's a lot going on out there and it's pretty terrifying. If you aren't already doing all you can, visit this Black Lives Matter website for more information on what's up and how you can help. Thanks.
=Chapter 3
Little had seemed to change in the week following Ruby’s first encounter with Winter. She was still living with her dad, still trying to steal little Fènleng at every opportunity when she visited Yang and Weiss, and still searching for her own place.
Rather than return to the other side the country, Penny had opted to live with Ruby and Taiyang while they searched for jobs and apartments in Nashville, now that they had their degrees from university. As content with the arrangement the three of them were, there were many times when Taiyang would prove rather overbearing, often knocking on the door to check things were okay and ask if they wanted drinks, even when they had requested him not to.
Ruby had taken to her laptop once more, looking through various housing websites; just as she did every evening. "Hey, this apartment has two bedrooms, that looks nice!"
"I do not think we need two bedrooms," Penny mused as she sorted through the stack of job applications. They had sent resumes to several places online, but it didn't hurt to consider some minimum wage possibilities to tide them over financially. "Although, it might be nice to use the second one as an office, or a guest room…"
"Or when Fenny's a little older so she can sleep over, or we can get a green iguana and it could be its room, or we could just-" But the silence from Penny spoke volumes. Eventually Ruby stopped talking, looking back to the screen. "Rambling, sorry. But I'll keep looking!"
"You're fine, Ruby." It a simple statement, designed to let Ruby know that she had no problem with her rambling and no more. Then her curiosity got the better of her. "Why a green iguana?"
"Well, have you seen them? I think they'd be so much more interesting than a cat. Not that cats aren't cool, though!" Looking through more of the site's choices, her face seemed to light up yet again at another choice. "Hey, this one here looks really good! And it's in the middle of the city close to the-"
But right away, Ruby stopped. She had been about to admit it was close to The Clamp, the club which Blake had first taken her to when she was exploring. But at last minute, she remembered Penny didn't want to hear about such things. “Theeeee ice cream bar I like… yeah…"
Ruby's strange tone of voice did draw Penny's gaze up, but she hadn't quite caught on what she was trying to avoid mentioning. "There's an ice cream bar you like in midtown? Excellent. You'll have to take me there sometime."
"Huh? O-Oh… Yeah! Sure! Great." Now that had gotten her into a sticky situation. She'd need to find an ice cream bar in the middle of town now. There was certainly no way she could take Penny anywhere near The Clamp. Eventually she turned her chair to face her, leaving her house hunting for later. "How's your job search going?"
"Not great," she sighed, glancing between her own laptop and the papers. "But I have completed a few of these applications. Maybe an exciting beginning in the Walmart industry will be in my future."
"Well, anything is something! I have my savings for a deposit for a place, so we're not in too much trouble if we can't find anything." As always, Ruby was optimistic. She moved over to sit next to Penny on the bed and rested her head against her shoulder. It was a habit of Ruby's, leaning over to watch her as she browsed online.
The arm not occupied with the touchpad reached around to squeeze Ruby closer. She didn't even have to concentrate on doing it, so often did this habit come up. "What do you think about me trying to sell people phones?"
"Like at a kiosk or whatever?" she asked, looking to the job application she had open. A typical highstreet phone store needing another representative. "Sure! I think it'd pay better then Walmart, plus you get to be the one to tell people what's what."
"Indeed! I am satisfied with our current phone plan, but if they offer an employee discount… who knows?" Just then, she heard the telltale jingle of Ruby's default ringtone. That meant it wasn't Yang or Weiss, and obviously not Penny. "Oh, that's funny; we're talking about phones, and yours is ringing! How coincidental."
"Oop, so it is!" Pulling it from her pocket to check who it was, Ruby's face froze a moment. In plain view of Penny, the contact name was 'Winter'. "Oh… One sec."
“Sure,” Penny said in a casual tone. Though her eyes were wide, curious about Ruby’s behaviour.
Untangling herself from Penny's side, she stood again, pacing back toward her chair so she was a small distance from her girlfriend. Mainly for her benefit, and so she couldn't hear Winter should she start dirty talking straightaway. "Hello?"
"What are you wearing?" came the tinny voice, sultry and husky.
Yep, there it was. All that was missing was some cheesy saxophone music in the background and she could have been a late-night commercial for phone sex operators. Ruby's face lit a bright red, eyes as big as dinner plates as she looked back toward Penny for a split second, and then toward the ground as she talked in a hushed tone.
"You can't ask that right outta the gate! What if I was in public?!"
But Winter was already laughing. "You didn't actually have to answer, I was kidding. I'm sorry."
"Well, I would have answered anyway, but I’m not exactly alone." Glancing back at Penny for a moment, she gave a small grin to try and apologise, before looking away. "Penny and I were looking at apartments."
"Ahh." The voice sounded apologetic. "She… does know about our arrangement, doesn't she? I think you told me she does, but I want to make sure. I can be more discreet about contacting you if you need me to."
"No, she does! We just haven’t talked about the nitty gritty details, but she knows it's a thing. In fact…" Covering the phone for a moment, she looked toward Penny instead to ask. "Are you okay with me taking this in here? Or do you want me to leave the room?"
Though Penny did look vaguely uncomfortable, she smiled and said, "It's fine. We're all adults here." She hesitated, then added, "Tell Winter I say 'hello'."
"I'll make it up to you when we're done." Ruby assured with a warm smile, before turning back the other way to talk back to Winter again. "Yeah she's fine. She says hi, by the way!"
"And the same back to her," Winter chuckled. "I suppose I did call out of the blue so I should get to the point. I was wondering if you'd be available for a session tomorrow evening. Say, around six?"
"Tomorrow? I don't think I have anything planned. Lemme just double check," Yet again she covered the phone, and looked right back at Penny. "We have nothing going on tomorrow evening, right? I don't think your dads are here ‘til next week, are they?"
"Nope," Penny said easily. "You can set up an… appointment for tomorrow. I don't mind." Her smile was still a little awkward, but she wasn’t at all outraged or overly disgusted.
"Alrighty." Back to the phone again, she smiled. "Sure, I'm free! Guessing you managed to get rid of your roomie for a bit?"
"Indeed. In fact… I felt a bit regretful that you had to leave so late last time that I've arranged for my 'roomie' not to come back until late the next day. This way, you can sleep here if you're too exhausted to move afterward. And if it's alright with Penny, of course."
The implication was clear; Winter intended to really put Ruby through her paces in one way or another. And that idea was making Ruby blush yet again. Last time already seemed crazy to her! She didn't even know she was ready for more just yet. Swallowing, she nodded. "Cool, sounds good. You didn't have to go through all that trouble though, I don't mind."
"Too late," she told her carelessly. "But honestly, it's fine. So, can I expect you at six? That will give us time to stop and have a drink beforehand again. That seemed to help you de-stress a bit."
"Yeah, six sounds great. I'll ask about sleeping over as well, but it should be fine. I'll see you then!"
And with that, she hung up the call, tucking her phone away in her pocket, before she looked over toward Penny again. Despite her being alright with their arrangement, clearly stating she had no problems, Ruby still felt guilty about leaving her. She needed that reassurance.
"Are you definitely okay with this?"
Penny didn't look quite as easy-going as she did a moment before. "Well… alright. I suppose there isn't any harm, but I'm going to miss you while you're over there."
"I can stay." Immediately, she took her seat back next to her again, wrapping her arms around her and cuddling closely. "Or come back after, whatever you want. I mean it, if you want me to stop then you're totally okay in asking me to."
"I don't. I want you to enjoy sex. Since I do not, it's only logical for you to find somebody who can fill that need." After a breath, she added quite calmly, "Sleeping over there… isn't the same, but it also makes sense from a practical standpoint. You're already there, and doing something that's very… physically demanding. Even getting dressed and hailing a cab would be inconvenient, nevermind driving yourself home."
"There's a little drinking involved so I won't be driving." As if that would somehow make things better. But Ruby only continued to cuddle into her side, delivering a kiss to her cheek before she nuzzled against her neck. "But for real, if you don't want me sleeping there, I won't. I'll Uber it back home to snuggle with you. Because I'd rather you be happy than me have convenience."
"Honestly, it's fine. It's just less of a 'sex only' arrangement, that's all." She turned her sparkling green eyes on Ruby for a moment, gaze level and unflinching. "But I would appreciate you letting me know if things become romantic between you and Winter. Not that it will mean our relationship ends automatically; I can share you. But I won't share you without being aware of it."
"I don't want you to share me," Ruby insisted, looking back into the dazzling eyes of her loved one with honesty as she took her hand in her own, running her thumb over the top of it. "You're the one I want to spend my life with, not Winter. I promise that."
That brought an easy smile to Penny's face, and she leaned over to kiss her lips with great relish. "Not that I was worried about you leaving me, Ruby. I think we know each other well enough by now."
Then, uncharacteristically for the libido-less girl, she allowed herself something like a lewd smile. On anyone else, it would have just looked mischievous, but for Penny, she was practically winking and nudging Ruby in the ribs.
"Have fun with your playdate tomorrow, okay?"
Rolling her eyes, Ruby gave a warm smile back as she squeezed Penny once more. "I will, I'm sure. But for tonight…" She drew herself away, holding the top of Penny's laptop screen for a moment as though she were about to close it. "How about we go to bed early and snuggle up with a few episodes of Doctor Who?"
The smile turned joyful, and she placed her own hand on the side to help swing the laptop shut. "That sounds excellent! I think I've done all I can here, anyway. Shall we order a pizza?"
"You read my mind! Nothing to stop us having a really quiet, relaxing evening to ourselves."
At least, that was what Ruby thought. Until there was a knock at the door, and the voice of her father calling through, "Ruby, could you take Zwei on his evening walk? Make sure to take a bag!"
"…Nothing but picking up dog poop, I guess. Whee…"
This time, Winter was a lot more nervous about the things she had set up for Ruby's arrival. In most situations, she had a firm grasp of the scene they were setting up; how things would go, and what would be involved. What their roles would be. This time, she was operating with partial information, most of which had been hastily researched specifically for their evening. She had to hope for the best, and that she had not jumbled up anything in her mind.
When she heard the doorbell, she shouted, "COMING!" from the bedroom as she made sure a few last things were set up, glanced at the spare outfit hanging from the back of the door, and at the other one in the bathroom as she passed. Then she nodded to herself as she swept through the house to the front door, took a deep breath, and eased it open.
"Sorry I'm a little late!" Ruby hastily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again. Once more, she sported the black and red skirt, only with a black tank top to go with it this time. Just the thing for the summer heat. But that didn't stop the knee high boots she always wore from making a second appearance. It was a little more casual than the first evening, a sign of Ruby's growing confidence; but still enough to show she made an effort. "The Uber driver took me the wrong way to try and charge me more, the jerk. He’s getting a frowny-face review."
"No, no, you're right on time," Winter chuckled. She herself was wearing a pencil skirt and a light blouse; a bit dressed up for their evening in, but nothing terribly fancy. "Really, if you came when we said, I'd have still been rushing around setting things up."
"Oh… Well, okay! It all worked out for the best then!" Ruby grinned, taking a few steps into the apartment so Winter could lock the door behind them both. Yet another evening with the building to themselves, thanks to Winter's mysterious roommate disappearing for the night. Strange how Ruby had never met them.
Pacing toward the sofa, she asked, "Oh, am I okay to take my boots off? They're clean, but just in case."
"Hm? Oh, please, make yourself comfortable! Do you want some help?" She gestured to the sofa, which would make a prime spot to shed the boots either way.
"Nah, I got it!" She took a seat at the sofa right away, unzipping her boots to place them one side of the table. Once more she was hearing the calming sound of the well-contained waterfall in the corner, a relaxing ambiance. "So…" Ruby began, sitting back in the chair. "Are we having a drink first again? Or going straight to it?"
"Whatever you like." She gestured toward the kitchen. "This time, I've made sure I have a few easy-to-microwave snacks on hand, if you're hungry. Much as I loved eating dinner with you last time, I… didn't want to assume you were after a longer 'date'. Especially if you wanted to get straight to it. Do you?"
"Huh… Well…" Slowly shrugging her shoulders, Ruby weighed up the options. The way she saw it, it was no different to the times back in college where her and her dorm friends would have a meal together before spending the evening playing games. Winter was a friend, nothing more, nothing less. "Snacks sound great! So we can chill."
A pleasant smile spread across her face, almost one of relief. "Good. That's… that's good. Well, I don't know how you feel about spinach-artichoke dip and pita bread, but I do have other options if that doesn't sound appetizing to you."
"Hey, I’m game!" She tried her best to sound genuine. In truth, anything to do with vegetables wasn't the most pleasing of things to Ruby. But for Winter, she would make an effort. The least she could do was try it and then have another option should she not like it. Plus, they had drinks. "Got anymore of that strawberry ale? That was really nice."
"Restocked it just for you," Winter said over her shoulder as she went into the kitchen.
As it turned out, the dip with pita bread turned out to be a rather pleasant snack. That alongside some mozzarella sticks made for a wonderful snacky meal between them, accompanied with light conversation and one or two drinks to get them feeling at ease with one another. Both had began chatting about various subjects together; work, living at home, even Zwei.
But as they got down to the last of the bread, the subject had changed to college stories. This one in particular, an embarrassing tale about how Ruby managed to walk in on one of her dorm-mates. "All I wanted to get was my DVDs back, I didn't expect to walk in on Pyrrha pinning her boyfriend against the wall! Ever since then, I made sure to knock a lot louder if Jaune was ever over."
"Goodness!" Winter chuckled, wiping a drip of hummus from the corner of her mouth. "Sounds like a disaster narrowly averted to me!" Sighing, she thought that over for a moment before saying, "I wish I had an experience like that. My university was here, so there was no need to live in the dorms."
"Oh it was a blast! Even if me and Penny weren't typical sex-crazed dopes, we all had good laughs. And teased each other whenever we could. Pyrrha and Jaune never lived that down, I’ll put it that way." She continued to giggle to herself, finishing off the last bite quickly once finished with the tale. But just before she took a swig of ale to wash it down, she laughed and added, "I think Jaune was more worried we were gonna tell people that he was clearly the bottom, fragile masculinity and all that."
"Oh? Interesting…" Her head tilted to one side - a bit more than it would have done without the pair of martinis she'd ingested. "Have you ever wondered how it is that… I mean, look around you. I'm your Dom, Blake and Sun go to the club, too… Qrow was there the once. You ended up having quite a few kinky people around you, even though it's not a very typical 'hobby' to have. Isn't that funny?"
Finishing up the last swig of ale, she nodded as she put the glass down. "Yeah! It's a crazy world… maybe kinky people all just gravitate towards one another without realising or something. Who knows?"
"Could very well be," she admitted as she glanced at the half-empty container of dip. "Now then. I have a little something special planned for this evening, but we don't have to get to it right away. What would you like to do next?"
"Special?" That piqued Ruby's interest. Special like the costume Winter had prepared last time? Possibly something on those lines, given the rather mischievous look on her face. Giving a small smile of her own, she crossed her legs. "What kinda ‘special’ are we talking?"
It seemed Ruby was ready to progress their evening. Waggling her empty glass back and forth a few times, Winter then set it down and stood. "If you're ready…?"
"I can be.” Standing and holding a hand out toward her, she said, "Lead the way."
Down the hallway they went to the three doors that branched off to both bedrooms and the bathroom. However, instead of opening the door to her room, Winter gestured to the loo.
"You'll find a change of clothes in there," she told her sub formally. "By the time you've changed, I will have, too - but please knock just in case."
"Alrighty; I'm meeting you in your bedroom, right?" she asked, opening the door to the bathroom and about to step inside, though she lingered around for Winter's answer. She had to double check.
"You are. See you sooooon…" The last syllable was drawn out as Winter waved at her, a twinkle in her eye. With a sly wink of her own, Ruby entered the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. For a moment, she had to giggle to herself as she stood against the door, composing herself.
A special surprise, huh? I wonder what it could be. Looking to the towel hangers in the room, she spotted something that could be what Winter had in mind. A long, black robe hanging from one of them, hanging alongside a school uniform. When she walked over to inspect it, she found there was more to it; specifically, an emblem on one of the pockets.
"Hufflepuff! Wait… Is this an official robe?!" It was. Ruby knew rather well how expensive some of the merchandise could be, but Winter had bought her an official Harry Potter robe regardless. Her house, too! She also clearly expected her to wear it for their session today, however, which lead Ruby to wonder… what could the evening possibly entail?
Doing as asked, Ruby slipped off her clothes and put on the robes. Taking a moment to neaten up her appearance in the mirror, she was satisfied and ready to go, leaping out of the bathroom with excitement. Once at Winter's door, she gave a quick knock.
"You may enter."
When Ruby did, she beheld a room completely transformed. A curtain hid the bed entirely from view, and everything else… it looked straight off the sets of the movies. Fake wood paneling covered the floor, a huge old steamer trunk sat nearby, and dark-hued tapestries and paintings did a fantastic job of hiding the normally-pristine walls. There were a couple of very authentic-looking school satchels propped against the wall, and right in the center…
"There you are," Winter said without looking up from the bubbling cauldron set in the middle of the floor. She, too, was dressed in a similar outfit, although finished off with knee-high black stockings and brown shoes. Her own colours were the blue-and-bronze of Ravenclaw, and she was, indeed, flicking a thin wand over the top of the "potion" she had brewing. "I thought your detention would be finished hours ago."
"Holy…" Ruby took a moment to look around in awe. How on earth did Winter manage to do all this on her own? And it was all for her; a fantasy from her favourite books, all hers to live out. She really was someone who went all in to impress their partners, it seemed. Quickly remembering she had a role to play, she stood upright and looked right toward Winter again rather than the look of the room. She could focus on being thunderstruck later.
"U-uh, yes! Well… Lockhart had me signing a bunch of fanmail… it took a long time, got super boring."
"Sounds as if it would be. Oh, and this owl came for you…" She handed over an envelope, one made of yellowed parchment. The address on it was her actual home address, but it was written in calligraphy.
"Oh, thanks!" Taking it from her, Ruby took a moment to inspect the beautiful handwriting. Even just the envelope was a sight to see, and they had barely started! As she gently broke the wax seal at the back, she leant forward to ask out of character before she read what was inside, "Can I keep the envelope?"
"Of course, since it is yours," Winter said in an impatient tone… one that seemed to be equal parts Hermione and McGonagall. The letter read:
Welcome to Hogwarts! Hopefully you can forgive me if I mess up something here or there, you know this is all new territory for me. But I did a fair amount of research; I am a professional! There was a winky face there, which was such an odd thing to see in calligraphy that Ruby had to giggle. Today's safeword is "Muggle." Please do not be afraid to use it, either just to tell me you prefer or don't prefer something, or because you don't want to continue this scene. Otherwise, I'm going to continue to behave as if this is all very real, and you will do the same.
Have fun! -Princess
Muggle, huh? Ruby thought to herself. She really has done her research. This was exciting! A real practice this time, where only that word was her safety net. Ruby was determined to make the most of this new role and play along - not to mention curious to see just how much research Winter had done.
To test, she tried a simple question: "So what's a Ravenclaw doing outside their dorm past curfew?"
The look she fixed Ruby with was withering. "You're the one that needs tutoring with potions, Rose. But if you'd prefer I go back to my own rooms…" She began to move as if to stand up.
"O-oh I… Um, yes! Guess I do," she admitted instead, wandering over to the boiling cauldron. How was Winter keeping it bubbling like that? She didn’t feel much heat. There were so many questions, but it was all as magical as the book world Winter attempted to recreate.
"Good. Now… this Disappearing Solution is through the first phase of ingredients. What's next, do you remember?" Winter's free hand gestured to a carrying case of fake potions ingredients that stood open nearby. Most of the tiny phials looked like they simply held coloured sand or beads, but it was enough to complete the look.
"Disappearing solution? Hmm…" If that was from the books, she couldn’t remember it. Maybe it didn’t matter. Straightening her glasses for a moment, she looked to the “ingredients” Winter had prepared, wondering what would create the better effect for the boiling liquid. In the end, she went for the green food colouring.
"I believe it's goblin’s blood next, right?"
"Exactly," Winter said with a grin. "Go on and add it - not too much, though."
Opening the phial, she allowed a couple of drops to enter the cauldron. Just as she anticipated, it was the right amount to change the colour of the water, to show she'd achieved the goal. Satisfied, she grinned. "Done! And it didn't blow up this time!"
Her Ravenclaw tutor had to suppress a laugh at this, but she managed. "Very good, yes. You'll get an A in Potions yet."
Of course, she meant this to sound complimentary, but she didn't know that an "O" was the most desired grade. Ruby was quick to point it out, chuckling to herself as she reached for a flask of yellow sand to keep herself temporarily occupied. "Don't you mean an O, miss? That's what I hope to get." But, she couldn't help but smirk, muttering to herself under her breath, "In more ways than one…"
Winter scowled at her. "What did I tell you about correcting me while I'm tutoring? That's one punishment you've earned when we're through… keep it up, and I'll add a few more." Clearing her throat, she recomposed herself and consulted the large, old book beneath her. It looked to be some kind of encyclopaedia volume or an atlas in which she had stuck a few pages of notes in the centre. "Now… we let this simmer for two minutes, then add… what, Rose?"
"Sorry miss! We add… U-uh…" No doubt Winter would want to add more and more punishments to the list, and in truth, Ruby was rather curious about that prospect. What kind of punishments would a Hogwarts tutor exactly use? Holding up the flask of sand to her view, she shrugged her shoulders. "Powdered Mandrake, miss?"
Winter pursed her lips, as if deciding to be mean on purpose, or to be more fair. "Very good," she finally said. "But I would hope you'd remember it faster than that by now. Well, go on, shake it in there."
"O-oop! Right!" Taking off the cap, Ruby added a much larger amount of sand to the mixture than she did with the colouring, seeing how it mixed in with the water below. Two ingredients down; how many more was Winter willing to add? But then she thought of something else she could do, and grasped the wooden spoon that rested to one side, giving the “potion” a good stirring for a while to make sure the sand mixed well.
"Gently!" she was warned, with the wand pointed at her. "You don't want to go too fast, or you'll set it off again! Honestly, you're a hazard to our health!"
"S-sorry, Mistress! I thought it would be more viscous." She tried to play along. Once satisfied, she allowed the potion to settle before reaching back to the pack of supplies once more. Perhaps Winter would want other conversations to keep them going, and to stick to the theme. "So… I hear you're doing well in Charms? That's pretty good to hear."
"Potionus Brewus," she said to the cauldron as she waved her wand over it - then sticking her tongue out at Ruby, a briefly out-of-character moment. They both knew that wasn't anything like a spell from the movies or books. "Yes, indeed; the professor says I'm getting top marks. I heard you're improving in there, too."
Having to suppress a laugh of her own, Ruby continued to stand upright as she nodded to her tutor, taking a fake feather from the pack. One that had obviously been painted to look like it belonged to Fawkes, the phoenix from the movie. As she held it above the mixture a moment, she smiled. "Yes! It's probably my better subject. That and Care of Magical Creatures."
"Oh! Don't add that!" Winter warned her with wide eyes, the other hand coming up as if to stop her. "A feather would upset the balance! Ruby, what are you thinking?!"
So she was going to be a little mean. Bringing her hand away from the potion again, she held the feather still in her hand, keeping it still. "But, I thought a few strands from a phoenix feather give it that longer lasting effect? It's better than troll hairs, right?"
"Yes, longer lasting, but only in the hands of an experienced witch! If we do anything slightly off, it will go up in our faces! Again!" Sighing, she snatched the feather away, pointing it at Ruby. "That's two punishments. You know we aren't ready to begin messing with the ingredients list, we're only fifth years!"
So they were in the same year in this scenario? Interesting. It was all little things for Ruby to play with in their fantasy together, things she could use in conversation. Deep down, Ruby would be more than happy to roleplay an entire scene without the sexual part, to live in one of her favourite fantasies for an evening. But the prospect of more sex, if it was going to be as amazing as last time, made it better.
"Well, what would you do to finish it?!" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. "It's not my fault I'm trying new things!"
Rolling her eyes, Winter sighed, "How is it not your fault when you're the one doing it? You sound like a Slytherin." Her head nodded to the phials. "Just use the troll hairs. We're not trying to impress anyone, just getting it done so we know what we're doing in class."
"Alright, alright!" She finally rolled her eyes, collecting one of the phials Winter had prepared. This one seemed to be a few trimmings of her own silver strands of hair, only a few inches long each. Probably from a recent haircut that she had saved specifically for this event. Taking the cork out from the bottle, she poured its contents straight in with the rest of the mixture, before taking the spoon once more to stir.
"That's better." After a few minutes, she sighed and eased her legs apart, moving them off to one side instead of folded up together. "So… how are things with that girl in your dormitory going? The redhead who looks like a Weasley."
"Oh you mean Pe- The Polendina girl?" Maybe that would be a better way to keep up their illusions. Unable to help herself, she smiled happily at the mention of her name, taking the spoon out from the potion and lightly tapping the few drops off of it. "Well, not too bad. But I think she's still a bit anxious towards me. She was startled when I told her I was sleeping in your dorm."
Glancing around with an alarmed expression, Winter hissed with a finger up to her lips. "Shhh! We don't want that getting around, do we?" Clearing her throat, she set down the wand to smooth down her blouse and necktie. "Alright. This is nearly done, so… would you like to mark the results down?"
Her hands moved to one of the satchels and pulled out a ladle and a large potion bottle, complete with stopper. With a mildly disinterested look, she nodded at a roll of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink that lay near the potions ingredients.
"Yes, yes of course, Mistress." That name seemed to be an odd habit. Mistress. It suited her well enough, even if not for this particular role. Still, there hadn't been a complaint yet. Taking the roll of paper and the quill, she dipped it into the inkwell, about to press it into the page, when realising she hadn't a clue how to write that neatly. "Um…" she muttered to herself, still paused with the long feather in her hand, trying to hide the drops of ink that splattered on the page by writing as best she could. Which unfortunately, was very messy.
As Winter blew across the liquid resting in the ladle, waiting for it to cool off to put it in the bottle, she glanced at the page and winced. "Dreadful. No wonder I'm always fixing your essays." Then she poured it in and stoppered it. "There, this is for you to turn in tomorrow. I'll pour one for myself."
"Sorry," she muttered again, finishing up the last few words before she took the bottle to set near her paper. All there and ready to go for their “lesson” at a later date.
"Good, Rose. That's brilliant. Now…" Glancing up as she turned down the burner under the cauldron, she favoured Ruby with a smile. "Are you ready for your punishments now, or will you take them later?"
A good question again. Two punishments awaited Ruby at some point, and the more she thought on it, the more excited she was to discover what they would be. Biting her lip with a smile, she shrugged her shoulders again. "Right now will do, Mistress."
Stoppering her own potion bottle, Winter chuckled to herself as she tucked it into the ingredients case and closed it. "I see. In that case… I think it's time we practice a little spellwork, don't you?"
With careful attention, she began to move the cauldron and the burner it sat upon closer to the wall, to give them more room. Ruby could now see that Winter had been sitting on the cord that led to the nearest outlet. Not quite as magical as anticipated it seemed. But it was probably for the best that the burner was switched off before they got into play. A fire would be one of the worst distractions. Focusing her attention back on Winter again, she stood upright, quickly adjusting her glasses once more.
"What kind of spells?"
"Funny you should ask…" Only briefly checking the pages in the middle of the book again, she swished the wand at Ruby and cried, "Petrificus totallus!"
Ruby knew a lot of the spells by heart – including the petrifying curse. She immediately stood straight, arms flat against her body. Taking a very quick glance just to check there was nothing presenting a danger behind her, she then allowed herself to fall back, falling to the ground with a FLUMP!
"Shit!" Winter breathed very quietly at the sound of her hitting the floor, but then cleared her throat. "Good, good. That will help with the punishments a lot." A smirk touched her lips. "Blink twice if you can understand me."
"Owie…" Ruby couldn't help but whisper to herself, slightly shocked at how the fall had hurt. But it wasn't serious at all. And within a few seconds, she looked up toward Winter again, blinking twice as commanded.
"Excellent. You are now at my mercy, Rose." Walking around her on a slow circle, she granted an occasional view up her skirt.
The lack of underwear was enticing. Something Ruby hadn't expected. She couldn't help herself, eyes following as she paced slowly around her, until the naughty sight was no longer visible. Then her focus went back to Winter's face. But rather noticeably, her cheeks were redder than before as she tried to lay as still and stiff as possible.
"Let's just… yes, I think that would do nicely for a start." Squatting down - and again, presenting Ruby with a brief flash of flesh before her legs were in the way again - Winter rolled Ruby over onto her stomach. Still having to remain stiff, Ruby allowed for Winter to manipulate her in this way, curling her hands into tight fists. Something to keep her focused for the time being.
Once she was face down and secure in that position, there came the sound of Winter rummaging in one of the satchels. When she approached again, she said in a clear voice, "And now… Incarcerous."
The spell was accompanied by the feeling of something slithering over Ruby's bare calf. Something thin, but made of a type of fabric.
"Hmm?!" Unable to see what was happening, or even ask, Ruby was forced to put up with whatever Winter intended for her. Feeling the strange fabric seeming to crawl over her legs sent a small shudder up her back, making her bite her lips to try and suppress any sounds.
Now that the effect had been established, the work had to be done. Next, Ruby could feel a long, thin rod being pushed under her arms and stomach; it felt similar to the material that had teased the backs of her legs, but not quite the same. Then a thick knot of what was surely… rope. It had to be rope, there wasn't much else it could be; a thin cord maybe half an inch thick, at the most. Blinking in shock, Ruby had no choice but to be bound. It wasn't just to hold her steady, it had a pretty appearance, too.
Once Winter was done, Ruby was still left on the floor in her previous position, waiting patiently for Winter to lift the first spell. However, she did not… quite yet, anyway. Instead, there was another muttered spell: "Obscuro."
This time, thin fabric slid down over Ruby's eyes from above, settling into place and blocking out all light. Blindfolds as well?! Winter really was going all out with her new sub this evening. Now Ruby couldn't move, even if she tried to! What else could Winter possibly have in store? A gag?
No. They hadn't established a signal for that. Winter wouldn't make things that extreme just yet; they would need to build toward it. That came with just as much relief as it did disappointment, but perhaps some day…
"There," she sighed, trailing the very tip of the wand up and down the back of Ruby's thigh. Tying her up had bunched the back of her robes off to one side, which looked quite awkward but did at least reveal more of her shapely legs. "Now then… Finite petrificus."
Finally she was allowed to relax her body. And she did so, first by testing the bindings; pulling this way and that, she struggled against them as much as she could, discovering they were holding well. Now she really was at Winter's mercy.
"Oi!" she called out, struggling again. "Are you mad?! What if Filch catches us?"
"Shhhhh!" Winter warned her. "Or else I'll use a…" Another pause to glance at the book. She really was trying her best, even if she hadn't quite memorized every detail she would need. "Langlock on you!"
That shut Ruby up. Trying to look toward Winter as best she could, she struggled against the bonds on her hands again. More than anything, it was to make a show for Winter, to display how helpless she was. Something she hoped she would like. "What are you gonna do to me?"
A low chuckle floated out as she grasped Ruby's ankles and raised them up. "Well, first I have to finish what I couldn't with you stiff as a board like that." Then she began to tie the ropes around her ankles, much in the same fashion she had done around her sides and wrists. They actually connected to the tie around her wrists, in fact.
What an embarrassingly compromising position! Any effort to move her hand would surely result in exposing more of herself, revealing her in the process. Even if she was still wearing her underwear, it wasn't exactly something she wanted to display so easily. Wriggling again once it was tied, she turned her head toward Winter.
"I-it feels… good, Mistress."
At that, Winter frowned, but it was clearly a theatrical one. "Aww, what kind of punishment is it if it feels good? Oh well… guess we'll have to move on to the next one." More rummaging sounds came from nearby.
"Oh, I-I mean, u-uh…" Ruby stuttered. She meant to try and please her master, not further annoy her into making more punishments for her! Still trying to look around foolishly, she listened carefully for what her mistress was doing, unable to hear anything she could identify.
"Are you ready, Rose?" Winter demanded as she drew closer again.
And then came the feeling of her socks being pulled off. Seemed she had no choice but to see what Winter had in store for her. Swallowing, she whispered, "Yes."
There was a brief pause, and a quiet chuckle to herself. Then Winter bellowed, "Rictusempra!"
And without a second's delay, suddenly light, teasing sensations were sliding up and down the sides of her legs, over the soles of her feet, even briefly over her wrists and knuckles.
"Wha-haha! Hahahaha! Hehe hahaaaa!" Right away, Ruby was laughing and giggling loudly, reduced to a squirming mess on Winter's bedroom floor. She couldn't escape it! Whatever Winter was using for her spell was tickling her most sensitive areas, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
"Ahhh, this seems to be doing the trick!" Winter cackled as half of the sensation moved to the back of Ruby's neck, while the rest continued to slide from ankles to knees.
"Hahaha! No! S-stop! Hahahaha!" But from the silly grin on her face and the immense laughter, it was unsure to tell if Ruby really did want her to stop or not. She continued to squirm as best she could, trying to shrug her shoulders to keep Winter away from her neck, but failing miserably. She could do nothing about any of it but squirm, and wait till Winter was done.
Or use their safeword... but no, she didn’t want to chicken out. Not just yet and not so easily.
"Oooh, I think I- I mean, the spell has found the parts where Ruby Rose is most ticklish!" A little giggle followed as the teasing bits poked into her ear briefly, but only for a second before returning to the back of her neck. Meanwhile, the other half returned to her toes, swishing back and forth at a rapid pace.
"Hehehe! Nooo! I-it hahahaha I-it's too, haha! Much!!!" But Ruby was absolutely powerless, no matter how much she wriggled away from it. It just kept coming, over and over again, making it difficult to keep talking at all. She felt her toes flexing, fists clenching to try and hold on.
After another few seconds that felt like an eternity to the poor girl, Winter said in a bemused voice, "Finite Rictusempra." The sensations all fell away. "I may have to use that one on you again; it's great fun, and great practice."
It took a few extra seconds for the sensations to die down, and the poor girl to go slack. Finally she could lay against the floor and catch her breath, panting heavily to do just that. Whatever Winter used to tickle her certainly did the trick.
"Goodness me," Winter said, in the "Hogwarts Student" accent and tone she had been using most of their play. "I didn't think that would have that great of an effect on you, Rose! How do you feel?"
Ruby eventually tried to look back toward her again, giving a small smile and a nod back at her, and attempting to make a thumbs up gesture with her hand. While she was still breathless, it was just enough to assure she was feeling alright enough to continue, just exhausted from the tickling.
"Ooh, glad to hear that. Do you want to feel… better?" The question was vague, but had a distinct implication of what kind of "better" Winter might have meant. As she asked that, the thin, cold length of her wand passed up and down the outside of Ruby's calf. Thankfully, it wasn't the same type of sensation she'd just put up with moments before.
"B-better?" she finally had the breath to ask, leaning to try and look toward where Winter was touching. Not to much use at all. She assumed Winter was using a wand, given the texture of it, but couldn't be too sure. Whatever it as, it felt good to give her the attention she craved. She wanted more. "Yes, I.. I think so."
The sensation moved down until it was trailing over the backs of Ruby's thighs, over each inch with the lightest touch. Eventually, that meant pushing her skirt upward along with it. There was a light gasp from Ruby as she was being exposed all the more to Winter, able to feel the cool air caressing her thighs right up to her rear cheeks. Something sharp and warm closed around the blade of her foot as what was presumably the wand kept taunting the back of her thighs.
Had Winter just… bit her foot? The "Mmmm" that vibrated against the skin would seem to suggest she really had. Unable to help herself, Ruby curled her toes again to test the sensations. Sharp teeth were still present, biting against her flesh. Why Winter would be so interested in one of her feet was beyond the Hufflepuff girl. But it was happening, and not too unpleasant, either.
Then she could feel the wand right against the lining of her undies, causing yet another gasp. Noticing the gasp, Winter answered it - for what turned out to be the wrong reason. "Sorry, just watching these wiggle around during the Tickling Jinx… I felt like a cat watching a mouse try to escape. Made me want to attack."
Another bite, this one softer, just in case Ruby had not enjoyed the first as much as she let on. But yet again, Ruby wriggled her toes back and forth against the sensation. It was certainly interesting, and if Winter enjoyed it, she couldn't argue. In fact…
"Does Mistress like my feet?" she asked, trying to suppress a giggle.
"How dare you accuse me of that, Rose!" Winter cried out, again in her "Hogwarts" accent. Then, playing it up for effect, she pitched her voice so that it would sound very slightly nervous, combined with a lot of budding desire. "I wouldn't… like such a thing…" Lips grazed over the sole near where teeth had just clamped down moments before.
A small smirk graced Ruby's lips again as she waved her toes, very gently moving her feet back and forth. "It feels like you do… Is that a kiss I feel there?"
Unbeknownst to the tied-up girl, the blush that crept into Winter's cheeks was not at all staged. Not so much because of the topic, but because Ruby had discovered one of her secret kinks: a sub teasing her as a Dom.
"N-no," she breathed, kissing again, and harder. "This… it isn't what you think, you silly Hufflepuff…"
"I think it iiiis," Ruby continued, and once again wriggled her feet in a teasing manner, curling her toes on occasion. "I think you're a foot worshiper, aren't you?"
The teasing was working far more than Ruby knew. Her cheek nuzzled the wiggling toes as she breathed, "Stop, you… you can't know that…"
Obviously, she wasn't very convincing, so she decided to try to distract Ruby by pressing the wand inward against her centre again.
There was another small gasp inward as Ruby felt herself getting touched directly. Right against her panties with the wand, and it was so hard! An unfortunate side effect was how it made her think of possible other things that could go in there… Such thoughts were making her grow warmer, wetter. She found herself biting her lip, trying to suppress a moan.
"You like that, don't you?" Winter breathed, turning the teasing around on her sub now as she rubbed the wandtip up and down her sensitive lips through the thin material. "You like it when I expelliarmus your panties off."
"I… don't think that's how the spell works," she commented, but continued to squirm under Winter's movements, trying to shuffle herself away from the wand for the sake of her dignity. An attempt that failed miserably.
"I think it is." Of course, Winter didn't know for sure, but for the moment it didn't matter. "And… I think it's time we go a little further, don't you? I can't leave you tied up all day long." Her lips quirked. "Or…. can I?"
There was no response to that, other than Ruby clearly swallowing. There were advantages to her remaining tied for the evening; Winter would have full control, Ruby would simply have to go with the flow. But the disadvantage of remaining tied was that Ruby would still be clothed. It would be rather difficult for Winter to do anything to her.
"In fact… I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Oh, wait…"
And there was a strain of light laughter as all pressures disappeared from the rest of Ruby's body, and she heard shoes clopping away from her.
"Huh? Mistress? …Winter?!" Upon hearing Winter walk away, she tried to look around yet again. Curse that blindfold! There was no way Winter would just leave her tied up and sightless, was there?!
Apparently, there was. The room was entirely silent for about five minutes; not even the sound of a ticking clock to break up the silence. There were distant sounds in the rest of the apartment, so at least she knew Winter was still around there somewhere.
Left in a compromising position, bound and blind, Ruby had no choice but to wait out her time. Shuffling yet again, the bounds held tight. Escaping that way was out. She could attempt to yell out the safeword… "No, she has the room soundproofed. She wouldn't be able to hear me." There wasn't anything she could do, other than try and get comfortable and await her master's return.
"Ahhhh," Winter sighed softly as she reentered the room. "There's my favourite pupil, right where I left her. So patient!" The voice grew closer, and to one side of Ruby. "Did you have a nice break?"
"Winter?!" It was as though Ruby was barely able to believe she'd got back from the shocked tone of voice. Squirming yet again against the bonds, she groaned, "That wasn't funny! You just left!"
A hand patted her backside - perhaps a little harder than was necessary, but still nowhere near a spanking. "You were fine, I'm sure. And I brought you a little treat, too…"
"What if I needed the bathroom, or had a panic atta- wait, a treat?" she asked, yet again making a futile attempt to look.
"Yes," Winter cooed. "A treat for Rose. Here, I'll give you a hint…"
And suddenly, there was a sharp, ice-cold sensation directly between her thighs. Not quite high enough to reach anywhere more sensitive, but not far off, either.
"HAAAAH!" Yet again, Ruby tried to shuffle herself forward and away, squirming almost as much as she had when she was tickled. "What the heck is that?!"
"The question is, do you like it?" The object turned very slowly, and that revealed that it was round. Also, wet; she could feel moisture running down the inside of her legs to the floor.
"It's freezing!" Ruby truly hadn't a clue what was being placed on her skin. The more it turned, the colder it was. There was no way that she could get away from it. "Seriously, what is it?!"
Giggling, the object was removed and brought around to Ruby's face, and chill, smooth glass was pressed up against her lips. "I fetched you some refreshment."
"God, it was freezing…" Ruby continued to comment, although when feeling the edge of it touch her lips she puckered them ready to take a sip, waiting for Winter to pour it gently. So Winter tipped it up for her, the other hand pressing gently against her forehead to help her head remain upright while she swallowed.
"Do you like?"
Taking a few sips from the glass, she welcomed the strange gingery flavour, with a hint of cream. It was a flavour she didn't recognise, but a good one. Finally trying to turn to one side once she'd had enough, she sighed. "That was nice, actually."
"A little butterbeer to quench your thirst."
Then soft lips were replacing the mouth of the bottle, pressing in so gently it was almost as if they weren't there. Relishing in the small kiss for a moment, Ruby hummed contentedly. And then realised; Butterbeer! That had to be imported either from Florida or from the UK studios. Winter really got some just for her to try? How much was her master willing to spend on her sub?
When their lips parted again, Winter whispered, "Fancy any more, Rose? Or do you want to be out of these ropes quicker? Your choice."
Again, the choice. She could be out of the ropes at last, to be free to either end their play there or finish in a simple manner. Or, they could make things more intense. Once again, she got thinking; what if she wasn't wearing clothes under the ropes? What if she was tied and naked, an item for Winter to just freely use? It was an exciting thought, one that brought all the more heat to her sex. Her Dom hadn't even seen her naked properly – not yet. But that didn't stop Ruby from egging her on.
"Don't suppose you have a spell to get me naked in these ropes, do you?"
"Hmm…" A few seconds ticked by with Winter thinking that proposition over. Then she leaned down and whispered, "Muggle," before slightly peeling up one side of Ruby's blindfold so she could see her.
Finally she could see. Blinking to adjust to the light again, Ruby made eye contact with her Dom, tilting her head questioningly. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no," Winter assured her immediately with a gentle smile. "But I wanted to ask… would you rather we stop this play and strip you? Or do you want 'Winter the Ravenclaw' to be more hardline with you and tell you 'no'? I have… ideas for either choice." That word being stressed made it sound an awful lot like Winter wasn't bluffing.
"Ideas?" It certainly got Ruby's attention. If she had plans either way, then there was nothing to lose. What did Ruby want? Truthfully, she wanted to remain in the fantasy world they had created. To be the small, helpless student at the mercy of her Ravenclaw tutor. Perhaps not a teacher, but it was close enough to her darkest fantasy; she could pretend. Biting her lip, she smirked mischievously.
"Well… I do like Winter the Ravenclaw…"
Chuckling at the impish grin on her sub’s face, the Dom traced her fingertips through Ruby’s hair. “Maybe we can reach a compromise. What if we keep the scene ‘paused’, and I untie you and strip you as quick as I can? Then we’ll ‘unpause’, and act as if it’s all been a spell to undress you.”
That was exactly what Ruby wanted. There would be no way they could actually remove clothes through the bindings, but it would be the closest thing to her potential fantasy. A brief moment to simply set things up for the next scene. Giving a nod, she tried to shuffle her hands again.
"Sounds good. You don't have to tie me back up as pretty as this if you don't want to."
"Oh, I'm a shibari master," Winter informed her. "Without feigning the spellwork, I could redo that in five minutes or less. But I also have some other apparatus with which to hogtie you again if you'd rather not wait."
"You really do have everything here!" Ruby teased, flexing her fingers slightly as Winter began to loosen what was on her. Finally her arms were freed, then she moved on to her feet. Shrugging her shoulders, Ruby smiled. "I gotta admit, I'm curious. But I think going back to the ropes would be better for the pausing thing."
"We can do that another time. I mean, if you're still enjoying our arrangement." As her hands raised up and began helping Ruby remove her "uniform", she added, "Believe me, I have an entire closet full of possibilities, and a fairly empty social calendar in the evenings and on weekends. There will be time."
"As long as your roomie's okay with it." Ruby continued to help with removing her clothes, unbuttoning her shirt gradually for her pleasure. Although, while they were on that subject… "How come they aren't here, anyways?"
"Out making themselves scarce." When Ruby only quirked an eyebrow, she snorted, "They know what I get up to here, and that under those circumstances, I appreciate having the place to myself. Don't worry, no one's going to bust in on us."
Smirking again, she gave a rather taunting wink back to Winter. "Do they have this sort of arrangement with you?"
Luckily for both of them, at that exact second, Winter had been about to undo the black-and-yellow necktie from around Ruby's collar. Instead, she grasped it and jerked her forward so their bodies were flush with each other. She gazed straight into her silver eyes.
"That… would be asking me to breach a Dom-sub nondisclosure agreement. And you wouldn't do that… would you, Lady?"
The mischief vanished. All Ruby could do was look back into Winter's eyes with a mixture of fear and arousal. She really did have her wrapped around her little finger. "N-no, ma'am! Sorry!"
But in a way, it answered her question. Otherwise Winter would have outright said no, rather than calmly avoid the question. But there was a new question she now asked herself out of curiosity: was Winter a Dom or a sub with this mysterious roommate?
"You're forgiven." She kissed Ruby's nose briefly. "And no harm done. I just don't want you prying into that kind of thing too much, or getting into the habit of doing it at the Clamp, either. It's… impolite, and could get you hurt if you do it to just the wrong person."
"Okay. Understood, yeah… won't do that," she backtracked, sliding off her skirt and tossing it aside. It was a fair point on Winter's part that she shouldn't pry into people's business. Anyone could be dating anyone, for numerous reasons. It wasn't for Ruby to know, and she had to protect them as much as she would want to be protected.
Moving on to the task she was looking forward to, but equally nervous about, she reached her hands behind her to the straps of her bra. Pulling it together to prise it free, she allowed it to slide off her arms, revealing her modest chest to Winter. Releasing the necktie, having opted not to take it off after all, Winter reached down and traced her fingertips around either side of the erect little peaks.
"Ohhh… have I told you lately how much I enjoy your form? All of it… and I'm straight six days of the week!"
"I guess I'll have to note down Wednesday is your gay day." Ruby giggled to herself at that little joke. But the hands on her chest were irresistible. She found herself having to lean forward against them, smiling contentedly when soft thumbs moved over the tips. So soft, even when she was at her mercy.
"Guess you will." Her smile slipped on one side. "Actually, I'm sorry you haven't been here in a couple of weeks; I was waiting for some of these supplies to come in. Plus there was a lot going on at the office."
"It's fine! Don't worry about it." Taking a moment to stand still and recover, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and added, "I can imagine things are hectic right now with Fènleng on the scene. Yang mentioned they've had a few people at their door asking dumb questions so I can't imagine how much more you've had if you're the middle man."
"It's…" Winter reconsidered what she had been about to say, hands pausing on Ruby's stomach. "Well, not exactly a 'PR nightmare', but it's made a lot more work for us. But that's shop talk, and you're here to play." Her hands glided around the waist, index fingers dipping just under Ruby's waistband.
"Yeah but, we're paused." She held onto Winter's hands for a moment to stop her, looking up into her eyes to catch her attention. "You can talk to me, y’know. I'm not just a sub, I wanna be a friend to you, as well."
For whatever reason, the insistence from Ruby made the taller woman blink down at her with some surprise. "Of course you aren't just a sub. At the very least, you're my sister-in-law. But even more…" Her fingers came up to caress the soft apple cheek of the girl in front of her. "You're already my friend. Just a… new one."
Smiling back gratefully, Ruby allowed one of her hands to hold Winter's against her cheek still, leaning in against it. "Good. So if you want to talk about whatever, we can."
Is this delving into romantic territory? she thought to herself. That was one of the major rules Penny had against their arrangement. No romance; at least, not without telling her. And though she insisted it wouldn't happen, here she was - just about naked, looking up affectionately to Winter. In a very similar manner she would with Penny. Was it a step too far?
Perhaps Winter had recognized that, as well, because she smiled a bit wider and gave Ruby a light kiss on the forehead; one more like Yang would give her than Penny. Obviously, it was a move to tone down the emotional vibe between them. "No, no, I'm finished. It's nothing I can't handle." Then she reached the other hand down to squeeze Ruby's backside. "I'm much more interested in finishing our scene than rehashing crap from the office."
"Oooh…" Clenching her rear muscle slightly against the hand, Ruby purred with surprise. But alas, she too was far more interested in reaching the end of their play than anything else. That didn't mean she wasn't going to ask later, though. "Alrighty." Finally letting to of Winter's hands, she smiled mischievously again. "I believe you were removing my undies?"
"Yes. Let me see you stripped." The fingertips raised up again, pulling at the waistband until it began to slip downward. Ruby was prepared for this; below she was freshly trimmed, making everything neat and tidy for her Dom. Assisting further, Ruby stepped out the underwear once she'd lowered them enough, letting Winter place them with the rest of her clothes.
Then for the last item. Her glasses. Taking them off and folding them neatly, she quickly leant over to put them down on one of Winter's desks. That was something she couldn't risk throwing among the pile.
"You could have left them on," Winter chuckled softly, eyes sliding up and down her flawless form. "The whole 'Potter' thing. But it's okay if you don't want to have them in harm's way, should things get… vigorous."
"Yeah, was kinda worried about it." Though stepping away from Winter again, she reached to pick up one of the ropes on the floor, innocently handing it toward her. "Speaking of which…?"
A wicked grin flashed across her face. "Ohhh, I am gonna enjoy this."
And she did. In a matter of minutes, she had Ruby hogtied on the floor again, the ropes tied in such intricate, visually appealing patterns up the front of her, above and below her breasts… around her hips, ankles, wrists. Everything was tight, but not so tight that it would be uncomfortable or cut off her circulation. She really had done this many times… or had it done to herself many times, at the least.
Right away Ruby assumed her role, faking a nervousness in her voice. "I can't believe you’ve done this! How can you be sure Filch won't walk in?"
"Because I magically locked the door!" Winter snapped, walking around Ruby in a circle now. Completely missing Ruby’s meme reference. "But of course, we both know you don't mind this as much as you're pretending! Isn't that right, Rose?!"
Struggling again against the bonds, she looked toward her master once more. Still slightly nervous, but more excited about what was to come. Winter was right. "I'm not giving you that satisfaction!" she shouted back, tugging at her ankles. "Not when I could tease you more!"
And Winter's eyes flicked toward the ankles and back. "Hah! As if that's…" Another flick. "Stop changing the subject! I have you tied up, and I'm going to make sure you remember it!"
Yet again, Ruby curled her toes and flicked her ankles again, smirking to herself. Even in character, it was beginning to grow more obvious just how well it was working, how attracted to her body Winter was. This really was a “gay day”.
"Oh I'll remember," she goaded. "I'll remember how much you can't resist me!"
After a second, Winter whispered under her breath, "Damn. Forgot to put the blindfold back." She bent over at the waist and quickly tugged it into place, then breathed, "Sorry," before straightening again.
"Ow!" With how quickly she tied it she had managed to catch a few strands of hair. But it was enough that could be ignored. Besides, she knew she was obviously getting to her master. "You really do, huh?" She grinned. "Wow, I never expected how much you did!"
"Do what?" Winter hedged, back in her "Hogwarts" accent once again now that she had fixed that minor mistake. "Do want to tease my trussed up turkey?"
So it wasn't working anymore. Growing nervous again, the grin was slowly vanishing from her face, where she bit her lips nervously instead. "A-and how… how will you do that?"
Satisfied that her ploy to distract Ruby had worked, both in and out of character, Winter chuckled. "Oh, I have a special spell for that…" There was the sound of rooting through a satchel once more, then a page being turned nearby. When she returned, she knelt by Ruby's side, seemingly ready to proceed.
"Are you ready for the ultimate in witchcraft?" Even to her own ears, the line sounded silly, but she hoped her sub wouldn't mind too much.
Swallowing, said sub leant her head against the ground and resigned herself. Winter was going to have her way, and there was nothing she could do to stop her. No more teasing. Eventually she nodded, waiting for what she would do. "Yes."
"Good. First… Engorgio!" Of course, there was no actual sound of the spell taking effect, but Winter paused as if there were. Then she breathed, "Now, we are ready."
An instant later, something textured and semi-firm was brushing up and down the insides of Ruby's thighs. Suddenly Ruby's muscles tensed up again. That felt a lot thicker than her wand did… Maybe Ruby's idea that Winter would use some kind of object to tease her wasn't so far fetched after all. And that spell…
"What is that?" she asked. "Why does it need to be bigger?"
"It's something just for my Rose," Winter cooed, trailing it higher and higher until it was within a hair's breadth of her moistened lips. "She's going to take it… ohhh, she's going to take it deep."
Clenching her muscles closed again instinctively, her eyes opened wide behind the blindfold. There really was something going inside her tonight. Something big, and as she said, something that would get deep. Biting her lip nervously, she shuddered at the thought.
"O-oh… wait, be careful! I've never, um, had anything that big before!"
As it began to edge its way between the folds, Winter cooed, "First time for everything. And you can't do a thing to stop me, tied up like you are…" As it delved a little further in, she continued to taunt her. "You don't want me to stop anyway, do you? Yes… yes, you're really looking forward to this. To me opening you up."
Feeling it right against her lips had her breath quickening. And Ruby wasn’t lying; she really hadn't had anything too big inside her body. Nothing bigger than two fingers, at least. And from the feel of whatever Winter had, this was going to be a fair bit bigger. Would it cause damage if Winter rammed it inside so quickly?
Biting her lip nervously, she had to call up out of character, "Winter, I'm serious. Just… Go slow? At first?"
"I'll do what I want, you Hufflepuff!" Winter snapped. But the latter was clearly added to remind Ruby that they were, after all, still playing out a scene. At the same time, the object ceased its slow, inward progress and instead began to shift back and forth very slightly.
Ruby gasped shakily. This was really happening! And by Winter's gradual pace, it was going to head deeper and deeper, even if not right away.
After another moment of teasing her body, preparing her, it began to push in again - and there was more resistance. Winter seemed to hesitate, then placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder, stroking up and down for a moment. She was waiting for a signal; should she continue, or did Ruby not want what was about to happen to happen under these unusual circumstances?
But there was no response from Ruby. She seemed unaware of what was truly happening within her body. What was being pushed against. That was until Winter pushed a little more, and could feel something give. And that something had her wincing fairly loudly. A sharp, intense pain, like something had torn.
"Muggle! Muggle!!"
The presence inside of her vanished, and Winter pulled up the blindfold, cradling her face in both hands. "Are you alright?!" she demanded the instant they could establish eye contact.
Ruby’s legs closed tightly, eyes clenching shut still as she bore the pain. Already she could feel her eyes watering, but she held herself back. She couldn't cry in front of her dom, that would ruin everything! "What the heck was that?! It felt good, then… then something felt weird, and it really hurt, I just freaked out!"
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Winter snapped, somewhere between angry and sad. "I'd never have done it this way if I had known – you should have disclosed to me before we ever had our first scene!"
"I did!" She finally managed to open her watery eyes again, still holding herself back. It was more from that sudden pain than truly feeling sad. "I said I'd never had anything that big! I didn't know taking things bigger would hurt!"
"Then you… really didn’t- alright." Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get upset, but… it's unusual that you would have taken anything in without clipping the hymen. But now it's done, so… so there's no use in crying over spilled milk."
Oh… THAT'S what that was, she thought to herself, sniffling as she looked back down toward the ground. No wonder Winter was so upset that she didn't know; it was something that no one could give her back. Blinking a few times to try and clear her tears, Ruby shook her head again before she looked back up to her.
"Sorry, I had… I had no idea. Like, I thought that only- I d-don’t know what I thought. Sounds like my school's sex ed fucking sucked, huh?"
But of course, Winter saw the sparkle of wetness on her eyelashes, and frowned further. "God, Ruby… I would have done this so differently. If I did it at all! I should have- well, I say I should have looked, but that would be pretty strange. I'm not your gynecologist." She traced her fingernails through Ruby's hair. "Are you okay, though? Do you need me to untie you?"
She shook her head again. "No! No I don't want that. I mean…" For a moment, she looked to one side, instinctively leaning her head against the hand that was fussing through her hair. Even when her hands a moment ago were teasing and enticing her, they did just as good a job at calming her right down, relaxing her.
"I was really enjoying it. So hot, even if kinda weird. I just… I didn't know it would hurt that much. Will it still hurt? Or is… that it now?"
"It might still be a little sensitive," Winter admitted. "But the worst of it will be over now. I'm so sorry this had to happen this way, with you tied up, and…" Bending low, she kissed the top of Ruby's head. "Virginity is such an overrated thing, anyway. It doesn't matter in the slightest. What matters is if you're enjoying yourself."
"Well, I've heard of people ripping theirs when riding horses and stuff. That's why I guess I kinda assumed I didn't have one or something, with me and Penny doing stuff in the past…" But after a short while, she finally parted her legs again, into the same position they once were. And with a small nod, she smiled. "I do wanna keep going, though."
A very soft laugh floated out of Winter's throat, betrayed as it was by her sad eyes. "You're a real trooper, Ruby Rose. And… when we're finished with our scene, I have a treat for you - not a 'Lady' treat, but something I think you'll like." Clearing her throat, she leaned down to kiss her head again before reaching up to the blindfold. "Ready to begin?"
That made everything all the more sweeter. Winter wasn't angry with her after all; that enough was plenty of relief for the smaller girl. As things went, it was probably the best outcome for the loss of something so intimate. Even if it wasn't Penny, it was someone she trusted deeply. Trusted so much, she wanted to continue until the end. Nodding, she smiled.
"Okay." The blindfold came down to eclipse her vision again. Seconds later, she whispered, "Begin play" for good measure.
"Alright, Rose," the colder voice snapped as the foreign object began to push its way into her once more. "I'm about to change your entire world."
Yet again, her breath quickened. In the blink of an eye, Winter could go from a calming presence to a merciless Dom. It was something she adored, but also feared at the same time. Winter truly was a mystery. Biting her lip as the object slid past her defenses, she took another breath in preparation. .
And this time, it wasn't stopping, even if the pace was as gradual as before. Moreso, in fact; Winter seemed to have taken Ruby's newly-discarded virginity into consideration, even if her character did not.
"Ooh, look at you taking all of this… every last inch of it. You really were dying to have me invade you, weren't you? Such a naughty Hufflepuff."
When it slid past the point that hurt last time, there was a small shudder that went through her body. But not one of pain. One of pleasure. One that was made so obvious when she looked outward blankly against the blindfold, moaning out rather quietly.
Humming with satisfaction, Winter manoeuvred herself around to one side, positioning herself with her head just above where her wrists and ankles were hogtied so that her arm could get a better angle. As could her vision; looking straight down, she was just able to glimpse what she was doing to Ruby's sensitive sex.
And within a few more seconds… "There. All the way filled. How does that feel?"
"It's so big…" she half-whispered, half-moaned. Whatever Winter had used to fill her insides truly was larger than anything she had ever taken. And when she tested it by clenching her muscles even tighter against it, she found herself moaning outward again, arms quivering in pleasure. Which in turn, caused her ankles to twitch, as well.
Which Winter did notice, but she was determined to ignore. That was a separate play for a separate occasion; Ruby was experiencing being filled for the first time, and it was her duty to make sure the orgasm was one of the best she'd ever had.
"Do you like it this big?" Winter demanded of her, turning the thick shape within her very slowly. "Does it touch you in ways you didn't think you could be touched?"
"Oooohhh…" she strained out once again. It truly was teasing her in all the right places! And as she rotated the object, it was touching all the more of her, brushing against her inner walls in new and insane ways. "Yes!" she moaned, clenching her muscles down onto the object. "God, it really does, Mistress!"
"Good," Winter cooed, bringing it around to the original position. Then she began to slowly pull it back out of her. Inwardly, she hoped Ruby would say something if this was moving too fast, but her Dom persona certainly wouldn't stop to ask at that juncture.
It certainly wasn't. The sub found herself missing the sensation of being filled again. She wanted it back in there, back deep. Was something wrong with her to crave something so depraved? If there was, she didn't care right now. Especially not when she made a silly attempt to move back against the object.
However, unbeknownst to Ruby, her Dom didn't think it was silly at all. It filled her with a tingling of lust to see the girl, newly christened a woman, so eager to participate and enjoy these foreign sensations. So she slowly began to ease it back inward - though it was a fair bit faster than the time previous.
Yet again, there was another strained moan. Feeling it re-enter after a brief period away was so good! Far better than she ever expected it to be! And with the speed growing even faster than it had before, it hit all new places, teased all new parts of her. She loved it. Maybe she really was growing more corrupt, craving more obscene things for her body.
As she watched Ruby writhe below her, Winter held onto her shin with the free hand, to steady both of them. With more leverage now, she began to push it in and out of Ruby at a faster pace, listening to the sounds it was beginning to create.
"She's so wet," Winter cooed at her sub. "Wet and ready. Mmm, next time I'll have to drink her… bottle her up as a potion, perhaps." A particularly jerky thrust, just for variety. "A potion of lust."
"Hah… Ah…" The moans were continuous now. As Winter continued at a faster pace, her callings of pleasure were syncing up perfectly – a melody to rival that of her Dom's sister's singing, all summoned by the movements of that object pumping in and out of her. She no longer cared what it was, just that it wouldn't stop. Not until she got the finish she was craving.
As Ruby writhed and moaned, enjoying the pounding that was heightening her pleasure with every pass, Winter found herself with a small, unexpected problem. There really was no other way for her to continue to do what she was doing, no other angle from which to best deflower her – not without rolling her over, anyway, and that would be too painful on the poor girl's limbs. Therefore…
She was stuck face-to-feet, staring at what Ruby had been using to tease her earlier. Not glancing at them very often was working so far, but the faster she slid her instrument of pleasure in and out of Ruby, the more the toes curled and uncurled. Would they prove impossible to ignore, after all?
"Oooohh!" And that got particularly worse when Winter hit one spot. When she angled against her spine slightly, something felt even better than before, causing Ruby to yell out in even louder pleasure. She was already beginning to sweat before, but this was making her fists clench… and toes curl in as tightly as they could.
Hot breath caressed over Ruby's ankles as Winter began to feel the effects of her exertion, having to thrust into her over and over with the as-yet-unnamed object. She may have been in fantastic shape, but even she would sweat during a workout. And bringing her sub off definitely qualified.
"Do you… like it right there?" she asked, trying to replicate the effect with her next thrust.
Thankfully, it did. Rather perfectly, in fact, as the poor erstwhile virgin called out once more, growling with delight. "Yes!" she called loudly, grinning with glee. "Yes! Oh Winter, again!"
"Yeah! Yeah, that's right, again!" Licking her lips, she leaned even further down to better angle her shoulder, so she could deliver the maximum thrust possible once they really got going…
And felt a big toe writhing back and forth against her cheek. How was she supposed to ignore Ruby being so cute and squirmy? This really was testing her limits as a Dom; it was part of the reason she preferred to be on the receiving end most of the time. Temptation was hard to fight.
Something else was growing hard to fight, as well. Ruby's overwhelming need for her finish. To further tease Winter, though not with her intent, her trussed legs were beginning to shudder and quiver right by Winter, toes vibrating again right by her cheeks. "W-winter!" she called again, allowing herself another moment to moan. "I-I'm so close… I-I'm gonna- ah!"
The temptation would not win; Winter loved seeing and feeling the wriggling toes, but she could resist that long. It was easy. She was nothing if not professional. "That's it, Rose! Let it happen; let me conjure your orgasm here and now! Shout for me, squirm and shout! Be a good little Hufflepuff!"
All Ruby had to do was clamp her muscles onto the object again, and she was done for. The Hufflepuff turned into a quivering, shuddering mess on the ground as she called out loudly, straining against the ropes as her muscles pulsed with pure joy. As expected, her last little occurrence when she finished was not a one off. Being laid on her stomach, any of the fluid she secreted went straight against the ground, the ropes, or on the object; coating it with a different kind of fluid. It was far beyond her control.
And though Ruby could not see it, Winter was watching all the while, eyes wide. However, rather than being revolted, she was smiling, mouth very slightly open. What a glorious sight! Knowing her sub's climax was so powerful she couldn't help but squirt that way filled her with pride. A job well done.
Top marks.
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