#ubbe and lagertha
flare-queen · 1 year
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A queens drunken kiss.
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Wiping Away Their Kisses
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Ragnar: He'll laugh and smile, then he'll jokingly chase you around, trying to kiss you again, though he's pretty much pretending to put in any effort into it. Once he's caught you, he'll wrap you up in his arms, and kiss you on the neck instead.
Athelstan: "What are you doing?" He can't help but ask as he frowns at the act of wiping away a kiss. He is not happy about you being playful, especially when it comes to something as intimate as a kiss. He sees this as a sign of you not valuing the connection you have, and it bothers him.
Floki: His grin spreads wide at this like he's finding the situation hilarious. He lets his lips curl into a lopsided smile before leaning back slightly and playfully sticking his tongue out at you, teasing you. He winks and giggles, "I guess you're just not into it, huh?" His voice is teasing but playful.
Lagertha: She'll chuckle to herself, secretly entertained by the playful gesture. She'll lean forward and press her lips against yours once again, enjoying the feel of your skin against her own. When you playfully wipe it away again, she grins and says in a teasing voice, "I'll keep kissing you until you're too overwhelmed to wipe them away anymore."
Aslaug: She'll laugh after knowing it was a joke, and give a teasing look, then pull you close again and softly kiss your lips. She'll whisper, "Who said I was done yet?"
Bjorn: Is annoyed at first, but he quickly becomes playful and grabs your hands, preventing you from wiping away any more kisses. He leans in and slowly kisses your cheeks, lips, and finally neck. He'll release your hands and trail his fingers along your body, gently squeezing your hip before backing away.
Ubbe: A look of playful annoyance crosses his face. But that quickly turns into a devilish smirk. When you go to wipe away another kiss, he gently grabs your hands and pulls you closer so you can't.
Hvitserk: If you playfully wipe away a kiss, he would playfully pretend to be offended, then he would playfully grab your arms and pull you into another kiss while saying in a playfully playful tone, "You can't get rid of me that easily."
Sigurd: "What are you doing?" He'll laugh to hide his embarrassment and playfully reach for another kiss. He moves closer to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close. With one hand, he'll cup your chin and lean in close. He'll gaze into your eyes and gently kiss you again, taking his time and letting your lips softly brush against each other.
Ivar: He gives you a playful glare, letting his lips curl into a small smirk. "Oh, you're asking for it now." He leans forward, putting his hands on your hips, and starts kissing you again.
Halfdan: He smirked at the little trick you tried to play on him. He then leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you passionately, deeply, and repeatedly as he runs his fingers through your hair, leaving strands of it disheveled as he does so.
Harald: He would look you in the eyes and smile, leaning in to kiss you again. He takes your hand and gently pulls you close. He'll whisper in your ear: "I couldn't help myself, darling - your lips are too irresistible to resist." As he kisses you again, more deeply this time, and gently bites your bottom lip before pulling away. He looks deep into your eyes and whispers again, "Let's not be play tonight, shall we?"
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How would Vikings react to Ivar being remembered?
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summary: it's in the title :)
notes: no warnings except for maybe mentions of death
tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @levithestripper @cookielovesbook-akie @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey, @ivarlover @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy @esme-viridian (hmu to be added/removed!)
masterlist | based on this request
Pretends he always knew (eugh he’s such a bitch ong)
Nooo I would never set my son out in the wild… meeee? No wayyy…
He takes credit for it for his ‘great parenting’ and ‘legend genetics’
If Ivar had any legend genetics, they came from aslaug
Proudest mom out there, acts like a soccer/pta mom when she hears
Aslaug actually always knew
She quotes her prophetic dreams from like, 853 AD?
“I knew since I was five years old.” (truth)
Okay? Who cares? What about Bjorn?
Totally not pissed that he may be more famous than she is (lie)
Defo sulks about it to torvi and then kills someone important to expand her own legacy
She’s in the fame biz
Bro throws a toddler tantrum
He will literally stomp the ground
“That’s not fair, I discovered the Mediterranean!!” (he says that in the stupid tone he gets in the later seasons)
So so bitter about it (he deserves that)
Ubbe’s smoking weed in America with Floki
He does not care
“That’s just bad taste from people from the future. Me personally? I’d admire the person who found a continent. Idk, that’s just me though.”
Gets over it the fastest
Literally just thinks that it’s so dumb of modern people bc Ivar is a silly little guy with anger issues
Similar reaction to Ubbe, except he doesn’t have to get over anything
Just kinda shrugs, he’s too busy worrying about his own legacy
What’s he in the history books for? His cuisine skills?
Yeah, bro’s kinda busy managing his own shit and trying to stay alive
Don’t tell him
For your own safety
Will kill you and then himself
Don’t tell him either
Never lets anyone hear the end of it
So so so annoying for a silly little guy
He just loves and hates himself so much that, at the same time, he so needs to hear this and also never, ever hear this ever at all
Floki is the same as Aslaug, he KNEW
Also, he takes credit for raising ivar and being a father figure (fair enough)
He’s a teeny tiny bit sad that ivar was friends (in a weird homosexual way) with Alfred though (kind of, and this only applies if we’re talking about tv show Vikings)
Honestly, Floki would be such a good source to add to the material we have of ivar
So mad he didn’t have a bigger impact on ivar
Also so mad that all the kids around him have such big legacies (Alfred, ivar) but not him??
He wants to get mentioned!! Footnotes aren’t enough!! He needs to be the main character, always.
Gets sad drunk over it way too long
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lemonworldmp3 · 2 years
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vikings / s4e17: the great army, s6e20: the last act "i hadn't quite clicked that myself but it was katheryn [winnick] who said to me one day, 'you know, he looks like travis used to look. when i was first acting with travis, that's what travis looked like.'" - michael hirst
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please tell me you guys see it too… or am i just going crazy
i feel like it’s something with the eyes, right ? maybe the shape and the color of them.. anyways, Alex could play a younger version of Tommy tbh
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bravo4iscool · 1 month
task force 141 x modern!military!vikings!AU
(idk what possessed me to write this🧍🏼)
(also i don’t really know anything about the norwegian army so… this is probably very inaccurate💀)
tag list - @bumblebeesfromvenus @yazt09 @blackhawkfanatic @hatterripper31
(masterlist overview | vikings masterlist | call of duty masterlist | join my tag list!)
they weren’t a normal task force. they were anything but normal. yet, they were dangerous. more dangerous that one might like.
captain price was surprised when he was told he would work together with them. he’d heard about them. they were the pinnacle of the european task forces, just behind the 141.
but he didn’t know anything about them. no one did. they were a tale, a faint whisper in the wind. they came and they went with the shadows, another body added to their count.
price had briefed his boys on that task force—they didn’t even know its name—and now he was keen on meeting them. the mission must be hard if they needed the 141 and them.
he’s standing on the tarmac, waiting for their guests to arrive. simon is standing beside him, his hand resting on his vest. they didn’t even had time to properly change into their uniform before he’s been told their guests would arrive.
a few minutes later a chopper touched down and price straightened his back. here they’d come. there was a slight frown on his face as he took in the men (and a woman) who walked towards him.
they were tall, as tall as simon at least, and they were broad. strong shoulders and big arms. almost every single one of them had a heavy beard. probably normal in norway, price thought.
they came to a hold in front of price and simon and one of them extended his hand. “captain price, i’m captain lothbrok.” price nodded and shook lothbrok’s hand.
“a pleasure to finally meet you,” price smiles before he looks at simon. “this is my lieutenant, simon riley.” simon let out a small grunt and nodded at the soldiers in front of him. they looked good, skilled.
lothbrok nodded and started to introduce his people. “my ex-wife, lagertha, she’s my lieutenant,” he starts and price’s eyes widen. ex-wife? “that’s my second lieutenant, bjorn, he’s my oldest son.” son? “and those are my other sons, and sargeants. ubbe, hvitserk and sigurd.“ other sons?
price can’t help but notice the one man—he looked very young—in the wheelchair. lothbrok notices the captain’s gaze. “oh, that is my youngest, ivar, he’s our strategist and tech guy,” he explains, resting his hands on his own vest.
simon grunts again, “you’re all family?” he couldn’t really believe it. what kind of family managed to form a task force on their own. how did they all pass training?
lothbrok grins. “we are. hard to believe, huh,” he laughs.
“johnny’s gonna have a field day with this,” price mumbles before he shows his guests inside.
“okay, let me get this straight,” johnny looks at bjorn. “your father and your mother were married and had you and your sister, then he cheated and your parents broke up and your father married the woman he cheated with and now you have four half brother?”
bjorn shrugs and looks at the chicken wing in his hand. “pretty much. it’s a long story.”
“and your mother and father like, don’t want to kill each other?” johnny couldn’t quite grasp the history that surrounded this task force. how did it came to be and how was it allowed?
bjorn shrugs again, “ivar and my mother clash from time to time but that’s it.” he looks up from his chicken wing. “but that’s not why we’re here. we have a russian to capture and that’s what we should focus on.”
johnny nods and takes a bite off his own chicken wing. “what do you know about your target?” there hasn’t been an official briefing yet but johnny was eager to know who they were dealing with.
“i’ve heard a lot about you lieutenant riley,” lothbrok says at another table while he takes a sip of water. “you’re famous among the norwegian army.”
simon purses his lips beneath the mask. “is that a compliment, sir?” he wants to know and lothbroks laugh.
“it is a compliment lieutenant,” he muses. “there aren’t many people with a record like yours. captain price must be proud to have you.”
price quietly grunts, “i am proud. simon is an important asset to our team,” he explains. “and please, call me john. everyone does.”
lothbrok nods. “then call me ragnar.”
“if you take advantage of this hill here and charger from on top, rather than from the side, you’ll have a significant advantage,” ivan explains while he points to the map on the screen. “if anything they’ll expect you to enter from this side—“ he rolls his wheelchair to the other side of the screen. “—but if it’s as it looks they barely have any security here—“ he moves his wheelchair again, pointing to a different entry. “—so you could technically just walk in there:”
once he stops talking he looks at the others, waiting for an answer. bjorn purses his lips and walks towards the screen. “what about those woods here? what if they have reinforcements there?” he looks at his youngest brother, a slight scowl on his face.
“good question bjorn,” ivar mumbles before he rolls towards his laptop to zoom in on the woods. “i tried to find out if they have any secondary bases in the woods but it’s practically impossible…” he sighs. “we could send in a drone before we charge though.”
“how close do we need to get you?” ragnar asks, scratching his beard.
ivar types a few things in his laptop before he looks at his father. “a few clicks, not too close.” he goes back to typing and ragnar steps in front of the screen.
“what do you think john?” he asks and turns around. “you will be leading after all.” he crosses his arms in front of his chest, waiting for price to speak up.
the captain purses his lips and steps beside ragnar. “it’s a good plan. ivar thought it through perfectly.” price looks at simon johnny and gaz. “what do you think? simon, will you be able to cover us?”
simon nods. “will be possible, yes.”
“sounds like a solid plan,” gaz approves, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
johnny purses his lips before he nods too. “what could go wrong?” he smirks.
ragnar walks through the plane, checking with lagertha and his sons. “hvitserk, sigurd, you will go with ivar,” he instructs his son, clasping their shoulders. “once he’s done you’ll join us.”
hvitserk stretches his neck and flexes his fingers around his gun. “copy that.” sigurd confirms his fathers commands with a subtle nod.
simon follows those interactions with watchful eyes, curious of how the mission would play out. ivar clearly was a strategic genius and if his family was as good in the field as he was told this mission could only go easy.
“ubbe, you’ll go with lieutenant riley. you’ll both cover us.” ubbe shoots simon a look and the lieutenant nods. ubbe seemed like a calm soldier. should be easy.
once everyone knew their role they got their green light and jumped out of the plane, even ivar. he had his crutches on his and was strapped to hvitserk’s back.
this has potential for a pt.2🧍🏼
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skyrimsimmer · 5 months
"Power is dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best. I never asked for power. Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up" - Ragnar Lothbrok
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fofisstilinski · 1 year
Oh my god, I just watched Vikings and I'm in love. I'll write ideas for one shots (and series).
If you are a writer and need ideas, you can message me .
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mamaskullz · 9 months
┊┋ Pairing: Ubbe x OC
┊┋ Series Summary: "I see you'll create a legacy and
┊┋when you knew your end is coming, that’s when you
┊┋start lacking in the one wish you desired the most
┊┋because of your adventurous ways”, the tone in the
┊┋child’s voice as she spoke to the great Ragnar with the
┊┋winds flowing through her silver black hair that would
┊┋gently swiftly moves in the wind with the hues of her
┊┋white like grey slate eyes knowing her destiny would
┊┋ soon start dealing with the sons of Ragnar.
┊┋ Notes: Tw:
┊┋ Chap I~ The Valkyrie Cries~
┊┋ 2204 words count
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~790 AD~
Ever hear the cries of the Valkyries when they appear to the slain who earned their rightful place in Vahalla where they are greeted at a feast with the mighty Odin himself? What if there were rumors amongst the dead that this year would be the birth of a Valkyrie, a very resurrection of one of his faithful Valkyrie that was one of The Third of his Norns as this child earned the name of a goddess being that embodiment of that very Goddess of fate?
Heard the cries of a woman who accumulated bullets of sweat on her forehead joining the excruciating pain sent to the woman as the other women tended to her in a small wooden cobblestone home as she was on the journey of giving birth, Some were standing by her with just a white cloth dampened from the waters of a wooden bowl replacing the cloths with a new dampened cloth to keep her body cool helping her and praying to the gods that shell have a safe birth. The iron lock on the door clinked as the door burst open causing the reaction of the women to look over in the direction to see a man standing wearing a black tunic with a worried look on his face as the cries continue.
"How is she? What is news about the baby? Will the baby make it?" I heard the unsettling tones coming from his voice as one of the women tried their best to calm him down the pregnant woman's cries were heard in the background causing his concerned looks, "I assure you everything is alright, the baby is healthy and is ready to make its entrance onto the sight of the gods", As the words fell from the woman's perched slightly dry pink lips which put an ease to the Male. "Ást Mín", hearing her quivering voice call out towards the male when her sights set upon him, the male comes running over quickly as soon as he heard her call his nickname.
Falling on his knees beside their shared bed with her hand reaching out to him he successfully grabbed a hold to gradually smile at them two seeing each happily in love, "heart mín", he spoke softly unto her receiving a kiss on her wet forehead and tasting the faint salt taste on his lips, she felt his lips feeling the tension ease up feeling happy and upon the excitement ready to have this baby with the women prepared for the delivery of the baby. As they started the procedure, telling her to push as she did with her love holding her hand feeling the pressure she sent squeezing his hand while using all her strength to push forth while the other woman who was wiping the sweat from her forehead and neck gracefully, motivating her to continue with her pushing.
She almost succeeded in the delivery as the woman told her Just one more push to go the woman took a breather nodding in understanding keeping a tight grip on her love hand while he encouraged her that she was doing great giving him whispers in her ear and kisses on her forehead and cheek. Giving one last push she screamed out using all her strength and might before hearing a screeching cry of a baby, covered in its mother's vernix as the women who helped deliver the baby wrapped in a blue thick linen blanket cleaned the baby up from the white creamy transparent substance it was covered in. Holding the child in her arms she checks and sees a small smile that grows into a bright beautiful smile turning around to the couple as the tired mother and the anticipating father look back at the woman, "The Gods have blessed you with a baby girl!" Walking over to give the new parents their newborn daughter, seeing the beautiful radiant color of her skin that resembles the embers of the fire that still burns until it's only a speck of dust, with eyes like snow seeing the White like grey slate hues color of her eyes as there were silver streaks in her black milky hair earning a smile from her parents as her mother held her, "My Love shes beautiful", The Mother whispered towards to her love seeing the smile on his face as he slowly reached out wanting to hold her daughter to which The Mother lets him gently handing her over to him to his tall scrawny like stature held in his arms of embrace as he looks down to his daughter.
As the father held his newborn daughter starring her in awe flashes of visions started to appear in his mind for he was the seer with his shamanic abilities, seeing through these visions of a dark raven along with Valkyrie standing who was a goddess looking towards him before her eyes reverted to the baby giving him a nod before a flash as he saw an up close face with a man who was missing an eye speaking out to him saying "A Valkyrie rests on the rock in sleep, flickering fire flames about her with the sleep-thorn Ygg her erst did prick, other heroes she felled than he had willed, for her name of That Which Shall Be", Speaking with the deeped groggy tone of his voice speaking unto the man hearing the growls of the draugr in the background before his visions came to a clear where he comes back to his love and his daughter who was now calm after the cries she was speaking, The Father took one look at her, "I have a name that Odin himself have gifted me with, Through her beauty giving as she was blessed by Freyja herself, i have seen of our beautiful daughters future that will be an epic adventure but will be challenging that only her will have to figure out herself, for a name that comes from a Valkyrie, she rides to choose who shall be slain & govern the killings. I blessed the name Skuld Draugr coming from the youngest norn and powerful Valkyrie along with her dark aura of the strength of a Draugr. She will be one of the strongest women who will be the guide of men", the father spoke earning a smile from his love, loving the name Skuld Draugr but earning the sense of trepidation knowing what may come to him and her.
Midnight has fallen upon the couple after the delivery, The Mother and Father were fast asleep in their shared bed covered up in animal hides blankets as Skuld was in her made basinet who was peacefully sleeping until hearing in the distantce of men yells which caused the male to awake from his slumber hearing the rumbling sounds as they get closer seeing out of the window looking upon ball of light getting closer which were torches that were being carried by men, seeing the action caused the man to be afraid as he quickly woke up his dear love, grabbing a few things for her she was confused as to why he looked in the disarrayed state with confusion and grew worried in her, "My Beloved what wr-", As her words cut off short hearing the commotion outside before she came back from her love shoving her things in her face, "There no time to talk, you and Skuld need to leave Kattegat immediately", with his voice sounding scared hearing the shudder in his voice as there was no time to for an explanation as she picks up a now disturbed Skuld crying since her slumber was interrupted by her mother sudden lift into her arms as you could see the tear in her eyes falling from her face as they hugged and kissed each other one last time don't know if this is farewell forever as their eyes that were glassy from the tears looking at each other with their heart sinking one by one.
With her now running in the dark woods, she comes to a halt seeing from a distance their shared home was now being raided by Vikings the torches surrounded their home seeing them bring their beloved out of their own by force before they realized the wife & their daughter was not in there which her feet starts picking back up running once again now knowing she was gonna get hunted down heading down towards a vacant shore which she comes to seeing and empty boat, with no time to waste she gets in the boat placing down of what little belongings she had left while holding her daughter in the other arm, grabbing the oars started to move the boat with the gravity of the water she held her daughter close feeling the tears pouring from her face knowing her love will not be with him, and Skuld will not have her father watching her grow.
After a successful mission putting Skuld back to sleep the process of falling asleep herself, startled as she was when the boat hit something which caused her to wake up seeing land upon her as the sky returned to a bright light shining down her melanin skin she looked around seeing some people walking back with baskets of clothes or some carrying some food materials, she recognizes the place in the instant as she could smell the grassy mildew as she arrived in Götaland.
~793 AD, 3 Decades Later~
In the South of Svealand, in Scandinavia I heard the cheerful giggles of a little girl and bark coming from a dog seeing a now 3-year-old Skuld smiling from top to bottom playing with a fluffy rather big dog who was gray and white earning a smile from a woman who looked like she was in her mid-20s seeing how her golden brown wavy hair went all the way down to her back watching Skuld playing with the dog that seems to belong to the woman, She seems interested in my dog huh Skadi?, she spoke with her lips perched looking back at her shield maiden who was the mother of Skuld, as she looks upon her daughter given like playful at her nature, ever since upon arriving in götaland seeking shelter to which she was blessed to be picked by princess Aslaug to be her shield maiden and servant in return shelter for her and her child as Skadi learned how to use a sword by her father when she was a youngling which it grabbed her advantage as she became one of Aslaugs shield maiden. Coming back to the present, watching her daughter play making her smile remembering when she was just a baby, I do agree with you princess, As the words fell from her lips as for the other shield maidens that came along in protection of their beautiful princess Aslaug. "I wondered what it was like to bore children to see their cute-like stature growing until they grew strong among many men and women", Aslaug spoke with such curiosity while looking at Skuld, Skadi looked at Aslaug wondering what was going on in her mind before feeling her lips part, "your grace, it is like any parents who bore a child or children of their own, as the gods above have blessed them with beautiful kids that fill their heart with love and care, wanting for their kids to have the world see the beauty of kid. Will sacrifice anything to protect their own, I believe like Your grace parents when they had you princess", Skadi spoke like a true mother would, speaking from the heart of her soul as Aslaug looked over to Skadi giving her a lovely smile.
"I know your graces loved her parents by the way she will speak so highly of them while they feast with Odin in Valhalla", Skadi added knowing Aslaug loved being praised by others for her obsequious clever nature, before Aslaug stood up from her seat and getting undressed to bath in the clear river waters before her eyes. "Skuld!" Skadi called beckoning for her daughter to come, Skuld came to a halt from playing with Aslaug's dog to now finding herself running to her mother, hearing the cute giggles as she looked up seeing her mother who squatted down before her at eye level with her daughter, "While our princess bathes would you mind going out into the forest grabbing some black crowberry & red raspberry, knowing how you love when mommy fixes that sweet treat she always makes for you?", Hearing the words she was hearing her eyes lit up nodding in excitement as a brown linen pouch fell into Skulds hand before Skadi sends her off trusting in her daughter that she knows how to get back in safe arms.
Skulds now with instructions in the forest to find the berries she needs grabbing a handful before hearing upon her ears as she hears twigs snapping from a distance before she knew it that's when she turned around seeing upon her a man, whose eyes glittered like the oceans, when her visions started as her journey as a völva became to be...
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sigridsdottir · 2 years
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vikings + fave bts pics (2/?)
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incorrectvikings · 1 year
Lagertha, to the Ragnarsson boys: Who’s in charge of all of you?
Ubbe: Usually it’s whoever yells the loudest at us.
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flare-queen · 1 year
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Queen Lagertha and Loyal gentle Ubbe.
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
Sitting Down on Their Lap
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Ragnar: First he would be a bit cautious trying to work out why you chose that particular time to do that. He might get you to explain yourself and give you some playful jibes about it but would most likely play along and snuggle against you making sure to tickle you a few times, it's his duty after all.
Athelstan: His eyes widen in shock as you gracefully plop down onto his lap. He can feel his jaw drop at the unexpected weight and warmth, and his heart begins to skip beats. His whole body feels flushed and his palms begin to sweat. "Wh…what are you doing?" He'll question you but will let you stay.
Floki: He would be taken by surprise but ultimately amused by this unexpected development, as it is clear that you are just being playful. He responds by wrapping his arms around you, his fingers dancing up and down your sides as he pulls you tighter into his lap. He'll ask playfully, "Well, what have we here?"
Lagertha: She loves it when you randomly sit on her lap. It's unexpected and intimate and shows a level of comfort and trust between you both. It reminds her of how much you just want to be close to her, even if you have no idea how it affects her. It's a simple, but powerful gesture that shows your warmth, and your connection.
Aslaug: She'd be a bit surprised at first, but then she'd wrap her arms around you and give you a kiss, pulling you close to her so you're close as close could be.
Bjorn: Bjorn's heartbeat speeds up, and he glances down at you to see what you are doing. The sudden invasion of space is unexpected, but the contact sends a jolt through Bjorn as he feels your warmth. He puts his arms around you, pulling you closer, leaning his head down until his face is close to yours to kiss you.
Ubbe: He wraps his arms tight around you without a second thought, pressing you into the warmth of his chest. His hands find the curve of your hips as he pulls you even closer. Your weight is comforting and familiar like you belong there. He'll caress your soft hair, running his fingers up and down your neck.
Hvitserk: Well, he’d first laugh. Your sudden weight would catch him off guard, and the fact that you would be so silly as to plop down on his lap would be quite comical to him. He’d take that as a chance to squeeze you as tightly as he could, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you.
Sigurd: Initially surprised, but then immediately pleased. He would wrap his arms around your hips and pull you closer to him. After a moment he would gently push you to your feet and stand up, then gesture for you to sit on the couch next to him. Sitting closely together, he would wrap an arm around you and squeeze your body against his.
Ivar: A slight smirk crosses Ivar’s lips as you plop down in his lap. He wraps his right arm around you, pulling you in a bit closer, while his other hand moves down to caress you. He leans forward, his lips close to your ear, and he whispers, “I don’t mind one bit.”
Halfdan: He'd be startled and maybe a little bit annoyed at first, but he'd also find it endearing. You would likely be seeking out an affectionate reaction from him, so he'd give you what you were looking for. He'd wrap his arms around you and kiss your head.
Harald: He would wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you sit in his lap. He would smile down at you, amused by how unpredictable you can be sometimes. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer to him, savoring the moment.
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Vikings + gen z slang
Summary: How Vikings Characters would react to Gen Z slang
Notes: back on working on requests, so i hope i can get some more oneshots out soon. happy lunar new year to everyone who celebrates!!
Tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey @ivarlover @levithestripper @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy (hmu to be added to any taglist!)
Masterlist | based on this request | requests are OPEN!
With the program
He knows that he’s a slay-queen-girlboss-cunt-serving-camp
He understands gen z slang like no other
Rizz? He’s got it. Mister Worldwide? Been there, done that.
Turns into a ninth century (?) twitter queen
She doesn’t really care all that much about gen z slang
“You’re slaying? Me too, but on the battlefield. Catch up.”
Pretends not to understand
Fully understands and sometimes busts down on her gen z meme culture knowledge
Aslaug is above gen z slang
But she also knows that she’s camp
She just knows
She’s a volva, magic is in her blood. You know what else is? An immaculate sense in fashion
That’s the only thing that might make her willing to try to understand our culture
Perfected the lightskin stare the moment she was born (it’s permanently on her face istg)
You know that ancient man video? Athelstan is the ancient man. Would he understand the video? No.
This would be his response: God, that girl looks terribly drunk.
As a linguist, he tries
Approaches it as a foreign language. It works to some degree.
I never want to hear the words “You’re serving girlboss today, Ragnar.” Out of his mouth
(this happened to me in a dream. Literally traumatizing)
Thinks it’s girlish (it is not)
Would say “You’re one of them queers?”
I mean yeah, but so is your mom.
Gen z talk isn’t cool enough for him (he’s suffering from Rollo’s internalized generational homophobia/gayness, give him some space)
Like a supportive mom
‘That’s wonderful sweetie. Now back to my casserole.’
Absolutely understands gen z slang after you teach him
Prides himself on having the most rizz
Boy you rizzed up a slave girl and your aunt calm down
Protects gen z slang against ivar like it’s cultural heritage
Worst mistake you could make is teach him slang
He uses it
Just incorrectly
At all times
And does not care to be corrected.
Slang is a product of pop culture? Hvitserk is now making it HIS product
Deal with it (don’t. make him stfu pls.)
He’s one of those abcdefu people
The ones that are like ‘let me sing my new song for you, and if you don’t like it, I’ll pay for your gas’
So annoying
But also in an indie artist generational trauma daddy issues kind of way, so I can forgive him
Not really
HATES gen z slang more than anything
He thinks it’s stupid
Incredibly unintellectual
Secretly uses it to express his feelings in a diary he burns every week
Manwhore and proud!
Get this man a gag asap or you’ll live to regret the day you met him
With him and Ragnar, you’re gonna be stuck in a little hellcircle (probably to be joined by Athelstan)
Gets acrylics despite not knowing what they are and clicks with them
Literally the opposite of Ecbert
If he has to spend one more second around his father speaking slang
He’ll cut off his ear to match Judith
And then the other to outdo her (he’s such a loser smh)
So done with Ecbert
He’ll literally hate everything Ecbert likes
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ivarthebadbitch · 1 year
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margrethe + touch
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« what are you so afraid of ? it’s only death ! »
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