#uap disclosure
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At a prestigious New York City investment event, Colonel Karl Nell, a distinguished retired military chief formerly associated with the U.S. government’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, asserted unequivocally that non-human intelligence exists, is interacting with humanity, and that unelected government bureaucrats are aware of this.
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Today is history. Few times in a lifetime you can say that, and anticipate it.
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konczakowski · 8 months
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existennialmemes · 1 year
I only care about the Aliens, if they're DTF
Fix this crumbling planet
(and also fuck)
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thewitchoftheweed · 1 year
i’m a lifelong UFO weirdo so here’s some highlights of the House Oversight Committee’s public hearing on UAPs/UFOs:
- There’s no chance these craft are from secret US government testing programs because they have specific testing fields that assets in development cannot leave without significant notice and military approval.
- Other world governments also know about this phenomenon. A declassified treaty included parameters for joint international de-escalation in the event of a “malevolent UAP event.”
- All of the craft defy our current understanding of physics. They also look real weird. Descriptions given include a floating metal sphere with no visible propulsion and a black cube encased in a clear sphere.
- Nonhuman biologics have been recovered with crashes. Documentation of this exists.
- Nonhumans are no more infallible than us and also experience “mission failures,” which result in occasional manned and unmanned crashes.
- The first documented UFO incidents by the US military predate most of our advanced programs (1940s).
- UAPs have retaliated against humans, but the how’s and why’s were not given.
- There is a section of government that has been aggressively covering up the existence of UAPs/nonhuman remains, and they have used violence/the threat of violence to silence witnesses.
- There is a list of witnesses, which will be provided to the committee in a closed door session, that have firsthand knowledge/interaction with these craft. There is also a list of US defense contractors in possession of UAPs that is also being given to Congress in the closed door session.
- UAPs are difficult to document, even with our current technology, because they can shut down information collection systems in our most advanced planes. One photo of a UAP shot down recently had to be taken manually by the pilot.
- UAP encounters are now so common that they’re included as part of military pilots’ pre-flight briefings.
- “Has the US government contacted or communicated with nonhumans?” (long pause) “That is not a question I’m allowed to answer publicly.”
- At the end of the hearing: “We’ve made history here today.”
- Congress intends to follow up on this matter, and will invoke specific laws to bypass security classifications if necessary.
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jesusinstilettos · 1 year
Y’all someone posted on my small, conservative town’s local Facebook page asking “what’s going on with the UFO’s? What do you think it’s about?” And I got a true glimpse into the evangelical psyche.
Out of 87 answers, the most common answer I saw was…
“Aliens and UFO’s are being talked about so the government will have a cover up story when the rapture happens and all the Christians suddenly disappear.”
God I love it here everyone is delulu nothing about that theory makes any god damn sense I can’t believe these people vote
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cassette-amateur · 1 year
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divine-nonchalance · 1 month
I want to believe know.
Just moments ago, as I was watching the stars, a white light appeared, no sound, it smoothly glided across the sky and then faded out even though there were no clouds.
I feel ecstatic now, exhilarated, they keep showing up, over and over and over!!! And every time I feel happier and happier and happier!!!
Thank you for showing yourselves. Thank you for coming a little closer. Thank you for coming in peace.
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orgasmictomato · 9 days
2010_12_26_7257 (c1) (1)tag rsz s
2010_12_26_7257 (c1) (1)tag rsz s by Jim Via Flickr: Earth's Moon December 26th 2010 5:10am One shot, no stacking.... My new lens works fine. I see three UAP's in this shot traversing the moon.
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frank-olivier · 10 months
Don't worry about being insane. We are far advanced beyond that. (Letter from Paul Bennewitz to fellow UFO researcher)
Richard Doty: The Paul Bennewitz Case (Awakening Expo, February 2023)
Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers demand Transparency on UAP (Forbes Breaking News, November 2023)
The Two Competing UAP Bills Explained (Rising, The Hill, December 2023)
Sol Foundation Conference Roundup with Nick M. (Matt Ford, The Good Trouble Show, November 2023)
Monday, December 4, 2023
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sais-matters · 1 year
Dude. Someone just went before Congress and admitted that not only do UAPs exist, but they are piloted by “non human biologics”. I feel like that fact should excuse me from having to wear a bra again. Like. Ever.
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Join UFO historian Richard Dolan as he delves into ten of the most compelling and descriptive UFO landing cases spanning from 1976 to 2000. This presentation explores incidents from around the globe, showcasing the tangible evidence and eyewitness accounts that make these cases stand out. From animal mutilations in New Mexico to mysterious landings in China, Peru, Brazil, South Africa, and notable incidents in the Soviet Union, each case is meticulously examined. Dolan also discusses the implications of these encounters, including technological insights and the global impact of the UFO phenomenon.
Cases Covered:
1. New Mexico 1976
2. China, 1977
3. Argentina, 1979
4. United Kingdom, 1980
5. USSR, 1985
6. USSR, 1990
7. Peru, 1996
8. Brazil, 1997
9. South Africa, 1998
10. Malaysia, 2000
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UAP Disclosure Act of 2023.
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uapro · 5 months
They're here!
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existennialmemes · 1 year
I will care about The Aliens™ once they start treating the oligarchs the way we treat invasive species when we find them.
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spacehomos · 11 days
Is anyone gonna match my freak (being somewhat of a conspiracy theorist about the govt lying about aliens)
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