#u were a fabulous cat
siunytoons · 9 months
Rip Jellie
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You were a cat, a star, and an absolute angel. You will be missed dearly
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beemers-hell · 5 months
Gen q here: Aside from the banger outfits on the new MH dolls do u prefer the designs of the dolls themselves from the original run or this new one? I personally loved how the pets used to look now they look too cutesy imo I miss when Hissette and Lagoona’s fish looked like y’know actually dangerous animals lol
For me it kind of depends? Like specific aspects I'd say I prefer G1 over G3, other aspects I prefer G3 over G1. Like the pets, I also agree with that, I'm not a fan of how cutesy the G3 pets look, especially with how many of them are just basic ass cats and dogs, or at least look like it? Like, G3 Count Fabulous is a cute thing sure but it doesn't compare to G1's spindly ass actually bat shaped creature that was Count Fabulous. Same goes for G3 vs G1 Chewlian, Neptuna, hell I was annoyed they initially replaced Hissette with that dog G3 signature Cleo came with?? That's so uncreative. I think Crescent and Shiver are the only pets from this Gen that I think look just as good/better than G1 in Shiver's case.
Anyway! Aside from pets lmao, like I said I think they have their own design strengths and weaknesses. Like, the fashion? I do love a lot of the designs for the G3 dolls but I do miss the darker colors and more intricate outfit pieces of G1. It's only within like, the past couple of months that I think G3 has finally hit it's stride and is starting to live up to the same level of thought and purpose G1 was on? And that's a whole other discussion to be had about the difference in their fashion ethos, I'm not getting into it right now but it's interesting, and most certainly not a "MH isn't goth anymore" thing lol. MH wasn't goth in the first place, but that's for another discussion lmao <3
And like, both gens have ugly designs, it's not like either of them is good or bad 100% of the time. Like I can't stand G3 Ghoulia's design, but also I can't stand Howleen's redesign from G1. In fact there's quite a bit of dolls from G1 that I would say are objectively bad, not as bad as G2, but compared to what it we knew it was capable of, some dolls just look lackluster. Both of them are very much capable of fumbling the bag lmao
G3 I think has the biggest design strengths when it comes to the variety of the dolls, cause you can not look me in the eyes and tell me G1 was better at body diversity, or diversity in general, when all the ghouls had the same stick thin ass body molds lmao. Obvs there were a couple of dolls with different heights and specific changes to their molds based on the monster they were, but G3 is just doing SOOO much better in terms of actual varied body diversity. I know Draculaura isn't actually chunky or anything but she's short and has a wide waist and thighs and her figure resembles mine and that makes me so happy. Abbey being fucking TALL and wide fits her so much better than the stick thin body she was confined to in G1. And Catty's upcoming G3 doll having a truly fat body mold?? G1 would NEVER lmao. All the ghouls have bodies that better reflect them in my opinion, they all don't look the exact same in the body shape department and that's wonderful.
Also like, the face sculpts vary based on the race of the characters now and that's amazing? Like, one look at G3 Venus' face sculpt and we immediately knew she was Black, that's not something you can say about G1 and I'm happy they're putting in that extra effort nowadays.
Anyway my point is: each Gen is better than one another in specific aspects, they're worse than the other one is in others. I love both Gens for what they are, I don't think I could say I prefer one over the other because they're both special to me. I got a bit off topic but like, yanno lmao
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markosbabymama · 1 year
hii! was wondering if i could get a ck matchup :))
i’m 5’2, filipina, i have dark brown eyes and pretty long hair that’s thick and dyed a burgundy color. i wear glasses and practically never leave home without putting on winged eyeliner. i think i’d describe my style like downtown girl, but there are times where i just love dressing up like with heels and a mini skirt/dress.
i’m an aries sun, sagittarius rising and virgo moon. i’d say i’m more ambivert. i do love talking to new people, but it just takes me awhile to warm up to them. i love reading romance and dystopian books, and dancing is a big part of my life (mostly hip-hop). i’m literally the biggest scaredy cat ever and really emotional. like i’ll cry when i’m happy, sad, mad, stressed. my love languages are touch and gift giving.
i also have a cat named mochi and she is the love of my life (and emotional support).
uhhh, i think that’s it, i’m not sure if this is enough or not 😭 but tysm! <33 i also don’t mind whether i’m matched with a girl or boy, i love everybody 🫶
you would be so good with robby!!!
also u sound so pretty?!?!?
robby is on the short side, so when he towerd over u he wouldn’t stop bragging abt it
“hey shortie” “robby istg-“
definitely calls u his arm rest LMAOO
thinks ur height is adorable tho.
he’s obsessed with the color he thinks it’s the hottest thing in the world
definitely has hair ties on his wrist for u
practices doing messy buns cuz he loves the way they look on u
LOVES running his hands through ur hair
has ur shampoo and conditioner in his shower🥹
loves ur glasses sooo much
like he’s literally obsessed with the way u look with glasses on.
he lowk gets sad if u were contacts.
“hey, what happend to your glasses?” “i traded em’ for my contacts today!” *pouts* “i think u look pretty hot with ur glasses” *blushes* “good to know.”
puts them on from time to time and steals ur phone to take selfies with them on LMAOO
*steals ur glasses* “what do we think?, do i look fabulous?” *whips imaginary hair* “oh definitely.”
the amount of times he tried to convince u to let him do ur eyeliner is CRAZYY
obvi u don’t let him cause it’s to important to fuck up.
“pleaseeee” *pouts* “robby, no. if u mess up my eyeliner i won’t have time to do it again. i’ll show up to school looking like a clown.” *crosses arms* “fine.”
one day u give in and he’s the happiest person in the world
he’s surprisingly good ???
like you didn’t take it off, it looked good.
he was very proud of himself.
he has a leather jacket that u always use to steal so he gave it to u cause u used it more then him🤭
has a drawer that JUST has stockings and ankle socks for u.
“do you prefer fish nets or just plain black?” “plain black, why?” “cause i bought 6 pairs of both.”
whatever money he has saved up he’ll take u on mini shopping sprees🥹
and when u decided to change up ur style to the mini skirts and dresses
(or his hands lol)
when y’all first met he thought it was the cutest cause u were kinda shy
like the way u would look down and play with ur hands would MELT HIS HEART🥲
and when u warmed up to him he was so excited
loved hearing u ramble on abt anything
“and then she told me that her boyfriend di- what are you staring at keene?” “i just think you’re really cute.” *blushing n smiling like a mess* “you’re so corny.”
buys u all kinds of romance novels.
he will literally go to book stores and sit for hours and will ft u just to know if u would enjoy it or not
and don’t get me STARTED on all the jewelry he buys u
obvi it’s not diamonds and rubys but he gets u whatever he can get his hands on🥹
he got u his initial to put around ur neck.
genuinely just loves buying u things.
loves watching horror movies with u cause you’ll hold onto him for dear life
“are you really scared rn?” “yes! are you not?!?” “no not really” “whatever robby, it’s not my fault im afraid.” “i think it’s cute.”
first time he bought u smth u definitely cried happy tears and he thought he did something wrong LMAOOO
“wait why are you crying? is it ugly, did i get it in the wrong color i-“ *lauging* “no robby, im crying happy tears. i promise it’s perfect, i love it.”
robby is definitely a pda guy so, he always has his hands on u.
weither his hands are on ur waist, his arm wrapped around ur shoulder, his hand in urs, he’s always touching u.
loves hugs cause he’s got mommy issues
loves touch in general, especially forhead kisses.
GOD he loves those
will literally melt if u kiss his nose or forhead
loves ur cat🥹
calls her his daughter 😊
“hi baby!! how’s my girl today?” “oh i’m doing go-“ “i was talking to mochi.” “you’re an ass.”
but u honestly love cause he takes ur cat like a whole ass child
will definitely make her wear halloween costumes and ugly christmas sweaters
loves his girl and his cat🥹🥹
A/N: HOPE U ENJOYED THIS!!! this was definitely the cutest one i’ve written so far lol!!🫶🏻🥹
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pplatonic · 1 year
Baby's First Pride
I'm 16 and a half years old. I came out to my parents inspired by a story at my school's GSA - just walk up the stairs and call it out. I was terrified, but they were accepting, and I learnt that my brother has trans friends and that Mom even experimented with girls when she was a teen. It's 5:10 PM, so it's probably time to go to the pride event Mom has been talking about all week. She said her boss told her about it, and that it's all ages. I get dressed in my Hatsune Miku cosplay, drape my Aromantic pride flag around my shoulders, and tie the ends in a reef knot around my neck to wear it as a cape.
I go downstairs, putting my Miku wallet in my bag, and take a short video of me twirling around to send it to my friends captioned 'ARO MIKU IS GOING TO PRIDE.' When I get outside, my parents and Mom's friend coo at my outfit, saying I look nice. They say goodbye to Mom's friend and they get ready, and they stop at Walmart to buy 'pride gear' to try and match my look. They get me pins, because they know I love pins.
I listen to my playlist of Magical Mirai albums as Dad drives us to the pride event. He does an illegal U-turn, and I tell him cops aren't allowed at pride, so we're okay. We park.
When we get there, the first thing we notice is all the food trucks. We ate before we came here, because they didn't think there'd be food. The first thing we do is Mom and Dad get alcoholic canned drinks, and they later buy me a cold vanilla latte at a different booth. We start walking around.
Mom's more interested in the concert being held by a queer artist who's name I didn't catch, and she jokes about us going to mosh there. I tell her it's dangerous and that I'm wearing my binder right now, and my dad comments that he didn't even notice.
While we're standing and waiting around, Dad perplexedly exclaims that there's a bar. I tell him as a joke that of course there's a bar, this is pride. He doesn't get it, so I explain the history of gay bars and the Mafia and all of that, and tell him the original pride parade was a protest where parking meters were uprooted and bricks were thrown at cops.
We start walking around to the several booths of queer creatives selling their art, and my eyes are battling between scouting for pins and looking at all the kinds of people here. It's truly all ages, from seniors to toddlers. I see as many visibly disabled and plus-size people as I do visibly abled and skinny people. When we first started walking in to the event, we saw a person in a cutesy lolita-styled outfit with cat ears and tail in the trans colours, in front of someone embracing their trans flag.
As I look around, I see various flags: bi, pan, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid. On a couple people's shirts I see the ace flag. But as far as I'm aware, I'm the only person here in this entire crowd wearing the Aromantic flag. It's bittersweet, to be the sole representation of your people.
I see people in all styles of clothing as well: goth, punk, alternative, grunge, trendy, cute, casual, retro. I see some people standing out in absolutely fabulous outfits with sequins everywhere. I see a dog in a gay-coloured tutu, and a person with pride-coloured butterfly wings on their arms. Half the people here have dyed hair of some kind.
We sit down and take a break. It's near the mini waterpark nearby, which makes it fresh and cool-feeling and perfect for a break. A child with endless joys in their heart ends up spraying us with water, and we get a move on. I go around to multiple booths and buy an assortment of pins, one that says "I'M SO GAY I CAN'T EVEN THINK STRAIGHT" and one with a fuzzy Aro-coloured animal on it.
When we sit for a final break, I find two dirty books on the ground as Mom hands me a progress flag pin she found. I pick up the books. One is a 'queer history tour' of Edmonton brochure that has multiple locations of down-town and their associated queer histories. The other book is a mental wellness book targeted mainly at Indigenous folk, but I decide to take it any way since a lot of it advice applies to everyone. I show my Mom the page on ableist language, that talks about replacing words like 'crazy,' 'insane,' and 'psycho' with words like 'wild,' 'bananas,' and 'ridiculous.'
When we start walking back to the car, we see a group of four dressed ridiculously. One of them has massive, bouncing balloon tits, and they stand out the most. I'm afraid of what my parent's reaction will be, and this is what I told them to be nice about before we came, because pride was and still is a protest. They laugh and move on. I'm a little surprised that they're so cool with it.
We stop by the truck at the very start of the walk as Mom comments on it. It's a kink gear store. I stare in awe at the bear pride flag and leather puppy pride flag, telling my family about them. I have to ask one of them to confirm it's the leather puppy flag because I'm not wholly sure, and the people running the truck smile as they teach me about it.
We drive home, and as we walk back to the house, I think about Mom and Dad's reaction to the person with the balloon tits. I think about how they laughed kindly at one of the biggest displays of societal norm defiance I've ever seen. And then I think about the openly disabled people I saw with their pretty canes and wheelchairs, I think about the punks with fishnets and leather jackets and high boots, I think about the emo kandi kids with their black-and-rainbow stockings and vibrant kandi cuffs, I think about the booth run by African black people that stood for trans black liberation, I think about the truck run by kinksters decorated with historical flags, I think about the two feminine-presenting people I saw kissing and the transmasculine gay couple I saw holding hands.
I think about all of us, the societal outcasts that we are, proudly displaying what outcasted us in the first place, without a single person yelling that we're faggots, or trannies, or cripples, or fatasses, or freaks.
And for the first time in a long time, in all my childhood where I was ostracized from the girls for being too tomboyish from the boys for being born a girl, so badly until I started ostracizing myself, I know that I'm safe and welcome, somewhere in the world.
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girljeremystrong · 3 days
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i hope u had the most FABULOUS day and that it was sexy and fun and great and MOST OF ALL that u were HAPPYYYYY and i want all that to apply to ur next year too❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ here's to hoping u find many many great books and hockey games and times w friends to fill out ur year this time next year the leafs WILL bc stanley cup champions hashtag BELIEVE💙🖤❗️❗️❗️ love love ur presence on my dash love seeing the lil otter pop up always makes me happy to catch u on da dash🙁💗. ALSO LOVE UR GIFSETS WOWWIEEEEEE continuously asking god abt when we can start printing out gifs i need cat girljeremystrong's am34 gifs on my bedroom WALL❗️❗️❗️ ANYWAY OK MUCH LOVE HOPE U HAD A WONDERFUL DAY SORRY THIS IS LONG😭
omg!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH i love this message a lot!!!! i love when you come up on my dash so much and i hope you know i think you're great and so funny!!! i hope you're having a good day too!!!!!! thank you again ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hiiii!! :DD
long time no see!!
i want to come here and ask if u have any marla headcanon(s) in mind?
marla is awesome, and i would like to know how u interpret her character n’ stuff
thank u!!
have a lovely day/night
(p.s. i absolutely love ur milton headcanons!! they’re so neat!! ^ ^
and ur art is so fabulous!!)
HOWDY HEY!! big appreciation for the love :-] im always SO So delighted to serve up more headcanons & lucky for u ive been cooking marla headcanons in my notes app for a hot second
marla michelle velázquez crown
• puerto rican immigrant - didnt have a middle mame when her family moved to the states
• when she married callum & took his surname, she moved her last name to her middle mame to "americanize" herself while also respecting her culture
• was often shortened to just michelle by non-family members tho
• bilingual, grew up speaking spanish. practices with callum (multilingual) some to help him sound more like a native speaker
• military father, moved around alot before settling down in dialtown, wisconsin 
• first met callum when she interviewed him for the towns paper after he became a door to door salesman, also having viewed him as a town oddity but was allured by his freakish nature
• was a really good journalist and knew how to extract information, naturally charming, a bit flirty even
• callum was just as charismatic and returned the playful banter, only agreeing to an interview if he could ask questions in return
• got along really well and always had a bit of tension, ramping up their relationship subtly and knowing just how to make the other flustered
 • (although it was mostly callum the one being flustered by her)
• become seriously engaged when crown started running for president and he wanted her to be his first lady
• had a big, show-y wedding with tons of people ranging from marlas extended family to some of callums & milts peers
• had a more genuine and smaller wedding after with a handful of people later:-)
• pre-typewriter head she adored dolling herself up and using makeup and perfecting her hairdo
• obv cant do that now but she still keeps around an antique box full of makeup/product. maybe as a memoir to when times were simplier, to put it
• LOVED loved loved the aesthetic of the early 30s/40s and kept up the same fashion choices as the decades passed
• very iconic neck scarf..resembles mingus' alot
• not vain, but certainly concious of appearance. aware of how she has to look her best in the public eye at all times
• pampers mingus (cat) a comical amount and makes homemeals for her 
• fav office snacks are her banana chips & boiled plantains
• everyone is a big marla fan shes such a pleasant lady! however people that underwstimate her Quickly learn not to
• does alot of listening and studying...sits quietly and absorbs information like a spongue before firing back a question thatll catch the other person off guard. very intense person
• overhears alot more than youd think. if she wrote a book about political gossip itd be longer than the bible
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quensty · 1 year
tagged by @enterprisery to put my spotify “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and list off the first 10 songs i get.
unfortunately my playlist hasn’t changed much since the last time i did this, so instead, i’m gonna put my “discover weekly” playlist on shuffle and rate the first 10 songs i get. so thank u for the tag babe but i will not be following a single rule.
🪸 erghan diado (song of schopsko) by bulgarian state television choir: we are starting off this list so insanely strong. i have no idea what made spotify assume i would like this but they were 100% correct. apparently this choir performs modern arrangements of traditional bulgarian folk melodies, and this song is from one of their most recognized projects. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 choreomania by florence + the machine: i was surprised to see this song was written before the pandemic, but it turns out that welch based this off of the dancing plague of 1518, where 400 women danced themselves to death. what a cool coincidence that she released a song based on a phenomenon ppl theorize occurred as a result of plague-related stress post-covid. obsessed with the behind-the-scenes info, and the song is catchy. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 becky by be your own pet: HOLY SHIT. ohhh no. “i heard u talked a lot of shit abt me / to ur new best friend / but it doesn’t matter anyway / cos i’ll find a new best friend / … but, you know, i gotta say / i loved going to your slumber party” this is fucking me up. childhood friends are like runaway cats u keep hanging up missing posters but u’ll never get them back. “he doesn’t miss carol not really or rather he doesn’t miss the woman she’s making herself into. kid carol tho … he misses that version of her sometimes” etc etc. this is reminding me so much of those homoerotic friendships i had at 8 with other girls that always ended in catastrophe, but i still remember their landline numbers. five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 bury a friend by pomplamoose: i’m pretty positive this was recommended to me based on my obsession with loveless’s version of happier than ever. i love a good cover, and that one is fabulous. it adds a brutal new dimension to an already angry song. they bring a great alt rock/emo pop twist to it that i adore. despite how good a cover this one is, i can’t say i love it—i might be a little biased; eilish’s original is haunting and nightmarish and it puts everything it can into creeping u out. i don’t think this cover adds any new flavor the way loveless’ does. it mostly makes me want to listen to the original again. one star ⭐️
🪸 the ghost of chicago by noah floersch: this song is appealing to my love of the midwest. it wasn’t what i was expecting going in but i like it! it’s cute. i know it’s meant to be a “i like this girl so much that she haunts me” kinda ghost song, but tbh i like the idea of the narrator falling in love w an actual ghost much more. it reminds me of this wip i have where—no. i shan’t say. it’s a secret. three stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 old cape cod by patti page: … idek what to say abt this. i’m sure white ppl in the 50s thought this was a bop but i do not. zero stars :(
🪸 dizzy in sunlight by the blasting company, ashley nguyen dewitt: now THAT is how u make a dreamy, sunday-afternoon-esque song. the lyrics remind me of a mary oliver poem. “wade in the water / mud covered feet,” “the wind and my mother / they both hold me upright / …oh what a feeling / as the waters / rush over me,” “my sister riding her bike from the store / my grandfather smoking his pope out on the porch / …this life spills over me / and rocks me to sleep”. completely and utterly lovely. five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 in dreams by sierra ferrell: i love the country and folk elements in this. i’m currently on a country music fixation and this is right up my alley. such a sweet-sounding love song, i added it to one of my playlists right away. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 neutral spirit hotel by local news legend: omg this reminds me so much of some of my favorite penelope scott songs—sweet hibiscus tea comes to mind; both of these songs are folksy and have this self-deprecating element to them. “i think i say i’m quitting drinking every other week / but it’s so hard to stop / when it’s the only thing that let’s me sleep” dean winchester type shit (sorry). three stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 down in the willow garden by the kossoy sisters: HELL YES a strong finish!! this is a traditional appalachian murder ballad about a guy facing the gallows after poisoning his sweetheart and throwing her body in a river. is me liking this song a loss for feminism? IDK. but i like it </3 four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
i’m tagging @keepoffthetardis, @cabeswater, @youthbleeding, @minimyz, and anyone else who wants to do this! consider urself tagged
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Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hello hello~ it’s 2:30am, I’m stalking your blog again and thinking too much being a curious cat 🤭 lmfao
I forgot if you’ve said before or not, were you a fan of Matt Smith’s before HotD? I know you said you knew Ewan before hotd from TLK, so it made me curious if you were a fan of Matt from Doctor Who or another of his works? If so, which one made you have that “aha!” moment?
And my second question, i remember you saying you just weren’t attracted to TGC. if someone else had played Aegon, do you think you’d thirst over him like you do Aemond and Daemon? Or do you just not find the character attractive in general?
Feel free not to answer! I’m just being nosey wanting to know more of your perspectives! ^u^
I did like Matt Smith prior to HotD - I was aware that he played Doctor Who, but I have actually never watched an episode of the series, like, ever. Yeah, yeah, I know.
For me, his role as Prince Phillip in The Crown was the first thing he'd ever worked on that caught my eye, and I thought he was hot, but his role as Daemon is what sealed the deal for me, and I fell down the rabbit hole of watching everything else he's ever been in.
For Ewan fans, High Life is the "ugh, I cannot believe I'm watching this for you" movie. For Matt, it's Womb - approach with caution - there's incest and not the the ASOIAF kind!
There's no denying that TGC is objectively attractive, he just doesn't do it for me. I think it's because I tend to prefer angular features, and his face is quite round? No one in HotD is a particularly nice person, so I'd never say never to thirsting for Aegon if someone more "my type" had been cast in the role. Obviously, TGC slays the role of Aegon and I have a hard time imagining anyone else stepping into his shoes. In an alternate timeline, I think Jamie Campbell Bower would have made a fabulous Aegon, and I'd have absolutely thirsted after him!
Thank you for taking the time to pick my brains. I hope sleep finds you soon xoxo
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womensharpoon · 5 months
More autobiography
...I've rambled here about my art series. I haven't written much more about my life, but there is so much more, so here I go again. I left off in my teens, circa 1965, wandering New York, sneaking off from my suburban New Jersey home to explore and wonder and wander. Finally I graduated high school. My mother scored me a job in Monticello, NJ, at Swinging Bridge Lodge. It was a fabulous summer, I had my first sex, my first love, my days were filled with waiting tables and learning how to water ski from beautiful boys who wanted into my pants, my nights bartending (I was only 17 but everyone ignored that). My hair pulled up, a fake braid down my back, strumming my guitar, sitting behind the bar, cigarette dangling from my lips, wailing out Buffy St Marie and Joan Baez, life was sweet. It was then, one glowing evening sitting on the back porch of the Marina Restaurant, listening to Phil and Fanny Hype, the owners, chatter from the kitchen, gazing out across the lake, I visualized myself in my 80's, looking back at a life filled with adventures, telling my tales, and I knew between now and then I had to fulfill that self-prophecy...live my life to its fullest; grab every token, follow every path that presented itself, never let an opportunity go by. That was the real beginning, the intent to life my life to its fullest.
The summer passed. I returned to my NJ suburban home. I already had sculptures and drawings in a gallery in Englewood, the only artist showing, but Sharon Cohen, the owner, was so supportive she had somehow convinced my parents to let me pursue my studies at the University of Hartford Art School. It was a disaster. I didn't know how to be a student, I didn't follow the rules, I didn't understand or even know the rules and my fuck-it-all attitude annoyed the professors. The following summer, counselling at some Jewish sleep-away camp in upstate New York, teaching little people how to water ski, I met a girl who talked me into quitting school and getting a job at Columbia U. I just did it. The next day I was driving back home, I shucked the camp, college, and other people's ideas of what I should be doing with my life and slid out of it like an old, ratty, worn-out coat. I started commuting to my job at Low Library at Columbia on 116th St in NY, renovated my brother's unused bedroom into an art studio, got a bunch of drawings accepted at the Marissa del Rey Gallery on Madison Avenue, and my new life was underway.
Life slid into perfection. The 60's in New York was filled with civil disobedience, marches and sit-ins against the Vietnam war spilled out from Low Library onto the campus. I started seeing a boy who edited an underground newspaper filled with anarchy and insurrection, his tiny apartment in the Village smelled of Brussel Sprouts and cat litter and pot. Coming home at 2am stinking of Mary J, stoned out of my mind, sitting at the piano, composing and flying high. Commuting daily to my mindless job, weekends painting, drawing, exploring art, showings at my 2 galleries.
Mom decided I was drifting. Hear this voice, slightly Jewish NY accent, saying "Hally, you need something to fall back on. I signed you up for Katherine Gibbs. Go, you need a real job." Mothers. Can't live with them, can't be born without them. What could I do? I didn't have an alternative, the ultimate was given. My brother was living in Englewood with his friend, Dan Hennessey (yeah, he wasn't born in Toronto, he was born in Demarest, NJ -- Hi Dan, give me a call sometime) but he wouldn't let me move in, so I was trapped.
So I learned typing and shorthand. I hated every minute of it until I met Cheryl Vernon. Kindred spirit, gorgeous face with a marring split lip, we wore huge hats (hats were a must have at Katie Gibbs), white kid gloves that turned black from subway soot, heals under 2", skirts below your knees. It's 1968. Beatles, Donovan, folk rock. At the end of class every day we put our shoes and hats in our lockers, we rolled up the waists of our skirts to show our thighs, we put on our hip-high white patent leather boots that were definitely meant for walking, see-through shirts, chocolate Nat Sherman's delicately held to our glossy painted lips, we sauntered down Fifth Avenue with the rest of the girlie brigade.
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jisungparker · 1 year
Hi! How are you? ☺️ I'm gonna apologize in advance since I'm not fluent in ENG. I've read some of your fics and I enjoyed reading them. First was 'every kind of way'. I'm not really into reading fics where the reader is a hard dom. IDK why but I always end up cringing??? So I tried reading this fic since it is a soft dom and honestly, this is the first time I actually ended up liking it! The same with 'you don't know my name'. I'm looking forward to next chapters (no pressure! Take your time 😊). Lastly was 'mother's daughter'. It's beautifully written. It's kinda heavy but I love how you put funny scenes (the chaotic SKZ uncles 😂). I have a question though. Not really major.. I remember Lee Know asking the reader to move in with him so I'm kinda confused that Lee Know was the one who moved in with Y/N? 😅 Anyways, thank you for your fics and I'm glad I found you 🤗👋 Have a nice day!
P.S. I hope Changbin finally got his table 😂😂😂
So, rereading that part I was like oh it is a bit messy so totally understand how it is confusing haha, but basically you know how minho had a flat with his cats and he always went back to feed them? So by the time Love is here, he’d moved the cats and his stuff in. And they were in the process of moving into a place together.
(Ps, he did! But he got it himself and sent them an invoice… which minho refused to pay so y/n secretly did… then changbin sent the money back to her because he felt bad)
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Hi there! I’m a lurker, a CD-ROM kinda person and nowhere near to be a friend to you, but I think I followed you like long long before? And your posts always make me lol, even sometimes they were weird. But that’s also why I follow you.
I had no idea what happen to you, what you been through or how hard you struggle these day, you know tumblr and dashboard and yea, life, can be chaos and I always missed and wipe pass posts. But I noticed you’re back these day yet seems suffering.
Once again I’m like nobody to you but I think you were fun and must still be a good and nice person. And I just hope and wish you to be well.
If I ain’t missing too much, you’re now suffering in depression, yes? PLX remember there’s always help out there. I mean medical-ly. (Yea I know you’re getting help already and i kudos to that👏🏻) Although I know jet shit about them, and jet shit about how mental medical help system thing work, in who know what area you are in, but I heard two or few persons they all said it’d happen, you will find a competitive meds but it might take painfully long time to try out, physically and mentally. But please DO NOT GIVE UP. At least not too long. PLX.
I don’t know what to say🥺. I recognise your name and thought of you a invisible one-sided friend. I hope you can get better and find a way to be a new you which you will be happy with, and your family will happy for you with.
Here I share my judging cat. He’s like, I’m doing cleaning and wtf are u looking at. Look at his grabby hand. Hope you don’t hate cats tho.
PLX don’t give up. I wish you well!!!
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Well hello there!! This is such a lovely message, thank you so much. I know what you mean, it's hard to keep up with everything on Tumblr these days, but I really appreciate you thinking of me and reaching out like this, that's very thoughtful. I have been going through a bit of a rough patch lately, but am definitely sticking with pursuing help and thank you for the advice! The judging cat and fabulous grabby hand are very helpful as well, thank you!! I hope you're doing well and having a good day/night. <3
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
"guys this is an emergency!!!!!!!!! send me an ask with your favourite albums and i’ll listen to them and rank them bc i need more music STAT!!!!!" Ok, babe - here you go: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys by MCR Blue Wonder Power Milk by Hooverphonic Goodbye by Dubstar Promenade by The Divine Comedy New Sacred Cow by Kenna Siobhan - The Patron Saint of Debauchery Numbers by Cat Stevens Bang by Empires Roulette Girl by Mary Prankster Foxy Shazam by Foxy Shazam
ohhghhgg you legend. you absolute bloody legend. i love u forever. let's go <3
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys by My Chemical Romance
listen. me and this album have eloped and we’ve had a baby. while this isn't my fave mcr album (that honour belongs to three cheers, of course), it's got some of my faves on it.
i'd rate this album a 9/10
my favourite tracks are 'Vampire Money', 'Summertime' and 'Planetary (GO!)'
(this is also maybe the only excuse i'm gonna get to show these off) so here's some pics i took at the show in Sydney, night 2 <3
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i’m also going to put a cut here for the sake of everyone’s dash lol <3
Blue Wonder Power Milk by Hooverphonic
i liked this album a lot! it had an ethereal sound to it that i enjoyed :) reminded me a little of massive attack? not sure why
i'd rate this a 6.5/10
my favourite tracks were 'Eden' and 'One Way Ride'
Goodbye by Dubstar
this album was a lot of fun! lots of variety between the songs, which i liked.
I'd rate this one a 7/10
my favourite songs are 'Inside' and 'It's Clear'
Promenade by The Divine Comedy
I really clicked with this one! i loved the theatrics, the instrumentals, the storytelling.
i'd rate this album an 8/10
my favourite tracks were 'Going Downhill Fast' and 'Tonight We Fly'
I couldn't actually find an album called 'New Sacred Cow' by Kenna on spotify, but I did listen to 'Make Sure They See My Face' so!
Make Sure They See My Face by Kenna
i wanted to like this album more, but i was a little distracted. the production on it isn't great :( it ended up sounding a little flat imo!
i'd rate it a 5/10
I did love the track 'Sun Red Sky Blue', though!
Numbers by Cat Stevens/Yusuf
i adore Cat Stevens so I knew that this one was gonna be good and yeah i was right. super rich and fun! definitely not my favourite album of his, though!
i'd rate this album a 7.5/10
my favourite songs were 'Jzero' and 'Banapple Gas'
Bang by Empires
oh this EP i adored. the songwriting is amazing! feels nostalgic too, like i would have heard this on the radio in 2006 (which is a positive feeling) and the vocals are so clean. yes yum yum
i'd rate this album an 8.5/10
my favourite songs were 'Voodooized' and 'Damn Things Over'
Roulette Girl by Mary Prankster
i liked this album a lot! it feels like she's blurring genres between songs on the same album, which is a lot of fun.
i'd rate this a 7/10
my favourite songs were 'The World is Full of Bastards' and 'Mata Hari'
Foxy Shazam by Foxy Shazam
woohoo!!! weeeee!!! this album was great! you can really hear the queen/meatloaf influence here but they’ve put their own fun spin into the ‘rock’ genre. and those vocals!!! wowie
i’d rate this an 8.5/10
my favourite songs were ‘Bye Bye Symphony’ and ‘Connect’
thank you so so so much for all your suggestions!! i’ve gotten a lot of new tracks from these albums and they’ll now be on rotation :)
send me your favourite albums and i’ll rate them
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phoinexviapink · 3 years
✨The sims 4-star story legacy✨
Hello everybody welcome to my newest legacy challenge, this challenge also had the help of mom, for some of the gens. This challenge is completely story-based and focuses on different parts of the game (Sims 4). I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you have fun playing this :)!!
Mods are allowed
Must play by all of the rules
Show me your sims at #phoenixviastars
Any additional story-based things are allowed
You must focus on the story that I came up with for the generation
You can use a potion of youth to make your sims stay for a longer life but no more than one
You can stop at any time, you don’t have to do all of the generations
Have fun!!
Generation 1
Living your whole life looking at all of the models, fashion shows, and designers, you want nothing more than to be one of those designers in the fashion show. You finally got to go to a fashion show with your mother, you felt this is what you want to be. And nothing is ever going to stop you. Living in a small apartment might be the way to go, you are quite the materialistic type because you lived in a huge mansion your whole life. With your siblings making fun of you, you won’t let them come to you, you will become a fashion designer!
Traits: Materialistic, Romantic, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Style Influencer
Max out the Charisma and Writing skills
Max out the Aspiration
Reach level 10 of your career, once you do that, at any stage of your life open a retail store, for the rest of your life.
Have 2 failed relationships
Have twins, then have 3 more babies after (this can be cheated)
Marry the love of your life, you can reconnect with one of your failed relationships, but not necessary
Start in a small apartment, then move into an amazing house, this can also be a penthouse
Generation 2
Your parents took the long way for money, you want to take the short way. Going into the house at night, being on the run forever, you loved the idea. But you never wanted to hurt anybody, all you wanted was to take their money and keep it for yourself. When you were a child you told your parents that you wanted to be a criminal, and you wanted to make money the easy way, they thought it was a fase, but when you were a teenager, and it started, you got kicked out, you never cared!
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Self Assured, Lazy
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
Gen must start as a teen
Must only spend a week in one place, until next-gen moves out
Max out Mischief and Fitness skills
Max out the criminal career
Never marry
Have 1 child
In your whole life have no more than 10,000 simoleons
Never really care for your child
Fall out with your parents, and never reconnect, they are disappointed in you :(
Optional: If you can download mods: sell drugs with this mod https://basementalcc.com/drugs/ (not necessary)
Generation 3
You never even spent 2 weeks at one place, always moving from house to house, plus you never saw your parents, all you wanted was to be an amazing gardener, have a nice big family with a chilled out life, nobody telling anybody what to do. You wanted to find your true love, get married, have 3 kids, and live the easy life on the farm, with one cat, and one dog. You wanted to get away from all of the chaos and settle down forever, and good 4 u (in the words of Olivia Rodrigo) it happened!
Traits: Family Oriented, Good, Loves the outdoors
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Gardener
Live in Hanford on Bagley, or Evergreen Harbor
Have a well-maintained garden
Have a greenhouse for all your plants
Max out the gardening, fishing skills
Max out your career, and aspiration
Have 3 kids, when you are an adult
Marry your first love
Do-rags to riches, then get your partner to help you
Be best friends with all your kids
Have a cat and a dog
Be friends with all your neighbors
Names all your based on nature
Generation 4
Living on the farm wasn’t the best place to play video games, your parents supported you no matter what, but there was no internet on the farm, so you tried your hardest to get your parents to move to the city, but they said no. But for your teen birthday, your parents got you the best gift ever, that you could move out as a teen, but of course, you wanted to help
your family, but you never gave up your love for computers.
Traits: Erratic, Geek, Genius
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Tech Guru
Max out video gaming and programming skills
Max out the career and aspiration
Have 2 kids
Maintain a good relationship with your family
Marry a sim with the Hot-Headed trait
Make a series of games, examples…. Life is Strange, Fortnight, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing. Up to you
Have your games sell for over 1,000 simoleons
Generation 5
You always wanted kids in your life, you just didn’t want to get pregnant or see your partner get pregnant, that doesn’t mean you hate kids, it's fine to be scared of pregnancy and still love kids, all you want is a happy family, that succeeded in life, even if they aren’t biologically yours!
Traits: Family Oriented, Cheerful, Childish
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Babysitter (teen), Education (YA-E)
Max out the panting and knitting skills
Max out both careers
Complete the aspiration
Adopt 4 kids
Never have your own children
Have a wall of your kids growing (Baby to YA)
Never marry
Be best friends with all your kids
Generation 6
You grew up in a loving household, with your family right by your side the whole way, you would go to your friend’s house and just look at their houses and want to make your own with still the same vibe they went for. You didn’t want to be a builder, you wanted to make the insides look better. So you found the perfect job just for you!
Traits: Perfectionist, Ambitious, Creative
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Interior Decorator
Max out the Charisma and Photography skills
Max out the career
Max out the aspiration
Have triplets (sorry)
Marry one of your clients
See gen 5 every weekend
Have a family dinner every Friday
Whenever a holiday, go to gen 5’s house
Generation 7
You never really saw your parents, as they were always working, and when they were gone, you read books about vampires, you don’t know what it was about vampires, you just loved the idea of becoming one. When you were a child all you ever did was read about vampires, you even missed school just to read about vampires. You Never wanted to hurt anyone
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: None
Become a master vampire
Max out the Vampiric Lore, and Pipe Organ skills
Max out the Aspiration
Marry a human sim, and keep your spouse human
Have 1 kid
Never hurt a sim
Dress in goth
Generation 8
It was always only you, but when your parents went out, you also sunk out, every night, having fun being romantic and playing with sims hearts, you had so much fun, you never said no when people started to flirt with you, but you never wanted to get married.
Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Non-Committal
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Retail Employee
Have a baby with 3 of your lovers (can be more than one baby)
Max out the aspiration
Naver marry
Have a cat
Max out the juice fizzing and Mixology skills
All of your babies names must start with the same letter of your name
Sneak out every night as a teen
Generation 9
You had a very chaotic childhood, every night a new babysitter, you heard of a place called Mt. Komorebi, and now you want to live there, it looks like fun, and chilled out, you wanted to get away from all of the chaos
Traits: Proper, Adventurous, Loves outdoors
Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Career: Salary Person
Max out Rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding skills
Max out the Aspiration
Max out the Career
Marry a local
Go to the onsen every Sunday
Have the outdoorsy lifestyle
Generation 10
You didn’t enjoy the chill life, you wanted to become a secret agent, all you wanted was to run and live free, of course, you loved your family but you wanted the chaos. And being a secret agent fighting off all the bad guys, and wanting to be in charge was your jam
Traits: Active, Hot-Headed, Slob
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Secret Agent
Max out the fitness and logic skills
Max out the career
Max out the aspiration
Have 3 kids
Marry a sim with the good trait
Dress like a soft girl\boy
Hope you enjoyed it, remember to show me your sims at #phoenixvia stars
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red-writes · 3 years
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soft yan! shinsou x chubby! reader
summary: you keep receiving these letters in your mailbox from an unknown person, somehow you find yourself slowly falling for the creepy admirer until one day they decide to reveal themselves to you in the worst way possible—by looming over you while you sleep.
warnings: yandere behavior, insecurities, light smut.
Boo’s note: hi okay, this is dedicated to the annie that asked me for a shinsou fic, tbh I didn’t really know what to make it about bc u didn’t specify but here I hope you like it *^* uhh it’s also unedited im sorrrrry
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Everyday at 7:00 am, the mailman drops off mail. Everyday at 7:10 am you’re rushing downstairs after stuffing half a bagel in your mouth to retrieve the stack of envelopes from the mailbox. The letters started appearing a month ago, pretty purple envelopes sealed with a cat sticker were amongst your mail everyday. You picked out the purple one and dropped the other unimportant, plain white envelopes on the coffee table. You took a seat on the couch and hurriedly opened it up.
My dearest love,
Last night I had a dream about you. You’re perfect face was smiling at me, you called my name and even held your hand out to me. You were so perfect I woke up crying. The more time that passes, the more I find myself falling deeper and deeper in the never-ending ocean that is you. So deep, so warm, comforting and gentle. Do you think that maybe one day, we could be happy together? That we could live a life together somewhere peaceful where you have me and I have you and that’s it. To me, that sounds like heaven, a world where the only person I only ever see is you. You’re my everything, my reason to live, to breathe and to continue living in this grueling world. I hope the rest of your day is good, I hope you enjoy yourself at the party.
After reading you couldn’t help the hard pounding of your heart, it was unusual yes, but you found his fondness for you quite endearing. You clutched the letter and held it to your chest. While it was strikingly odd that he knew about tonight’s party, you didn’t mind. Up until now shin had been harmless, never saying or doing anything too weird or creepy, nothing to warrant you to visit the local police station. You refolded the letter and tucked it back inside of the envelope. Instead of mulling over small details, you needed to find something to put on tonight!
The party was in full swing by the time you arrived. It was a charity event for the company you worked for, everyone from the hero deku to chargebolt was in attendance. Big parties like this were not your scene but you had to go, your boss invited you personally and you didn’t want to let him down. You took a drink off of one of the tables and made your way to a less crowded corner of the room. You took rare sips of your champagne as you sighed. This place was definitely not your scene.
“You look fabulous tonight” you hear from beside you, you’re quick to turn your head and your eyes lay upon none other than the mind-jacking hero, Shinsou!
You’re quick to bow, “ah! Mr.shinsou, sir, it’s an honor to meet you” you greet and he’s chuckling softly.
“Hey now, don’t worry about being too formal with me” he says, voice gentle as he rests a hand on your shoulder. Your face is burning, he told you that you looked nice! The number five hero just complimented you!
“Thank-thank you” you say and quickly take another sip of your drink to try and calm your nerves, “you look nice as well”
He gives you a genuine smile, “you’re so sweet”
You can hardly breathe right now, Shinsou first told you that you looked nice and now he was calling you sweet? Was this your lucky day or something?
“Well Shinsou I-”
“Oh! Hitoshi, I’ve been looking for you man!”
Chargebolt walked over to where the two of you were standing and wrapped his arm around Shinsou’s neck. He began pulling him away, going on about how ground zero almost slapped one of the patrons. Shinsou turned to wave goodbye to you and you did the same. Once he was out of sight you released a breathe you hadn’t know you’d been holding in. Tonight felt like a dream, you really didn’t want to wake up from it.
“y/n! There you are, I need to you take pictures of me and some of our guests!” Your boss yells and you’re sighing, downing the rest of your drink before you rest it on a neighboring table.
“Coming sir!”
well maybe you were ready to wake up from it now.
The next day at the same time you retrieved your mail, you’d shuffled through it several times and yet you hadn’t found that signature purple envelope. The day after that and even the day after that one there was no letter for you in the mail. It stung. Maybe they’d lost interest in you? Maybe they decided that you weren’t good enough after all?
The sixth day after receiving no letter you’d decided to give up, it wasn’t like you knew this was going to happen. You threw yourself onto your bed as soon as you got out the shower. You’d been doing poorly at work lately, your mind too busy focusing on those purple envelopes rather than the stack of paper work in front of you. You pulled the sheets up to your chin and shut your eyes, praying that you wouldn’t dream of that person or their kind words.
There was an odd sensation you got, it felt like cold air was hitting your body. Were you still dreaming? You didn’t leave your window open. Your eyes fluttered open, your vision still slightly blurry as you came to. Your sat up and rubbed your eyes. From the corner of your eye you saw a figure standing there. Fear that laid dormant until now began to unfurl itself in your gut, you slowly turned your head to face it and there he was.
“M-mr.Shinsou?!” You whisper yelled, he gave you a soft smile and held his hands up in front of him.
“You caught me” he says and begins walking towards you, you’re scurrying away from him on the bed.
“Why- why are you here?!” you hold the sheet up in front of you like a shield.
“I felt guilty about not sending letters for so long..I made you sad and I couldn’t forgive myself for that so I came to make it up to you” he explains and your still sleep filled mind was struggling trying to comprehend his words.
“Letters..you’re the one who has been sending me all of those letters?” You ask and he nods, he takes a seat on the edge of your bed and that familiar pounding of your heart is back. It was him, the person you’d been longing for, for so long now.
“Mhm, everything I said in those letters were true as well, how beautiful I think you are, how addicting your personality is, how absolutely sinful I think your body is..” he whispers and you feel air caught in your throat. Shinsou inches closer and closer to you and in a flash of purple he pins you underneath him.
“Hitoshi, call me Hitoshi” he corrects.
His head slowly lowers until his face is millimeters from yours, his breath is hot against your lips and you can’t help but shut your eyes, you’d been wanting this- wanting him for such a long time now. Shinsou’s lips press gently against yours and you find yourself kissing back, your lips move in a glorious synchronous. The kiss was one of passion and hunger; proof that the two of you had been longing for the other. You pulled away from him, lungs grateful for the ability to breathe again.
“Hitoshi..” you whisper and Shinsou sucks in a breath before his hands move downwards to pull at the hem of your night gown.
“Can I?” He asks and you find yourself nodding. The number five hero, the man who has been stalking you, sending you letters that if you were anyone else would find creepy, the man you’d fallen for…
You raised your arms in the air as he slowly began lifting the sheer cloth off of you revealing your nude body to him. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, your arms folded to cover your exposed chest.
“Y-you might be disillusioned after seeing me completely naked..if you regret choosing me to give your heart to, I don’t blame you” you shyly confess and Shinsou’s eyes widen.
“I could never, I've merely dreamt about this day every night for months on end...you are the most beautiful person I've had the pleasure of laying eyes upon.” He says, his hands gently pry your arms away from your body and you can feel hot tears well up in your eyes as he lays you back against the soft blankets.
His lips are soft as they press themselves against every bit of exposed skin, his kisses don't shy away from stretch marks or any of your other insecurities. A warm, heated feeling that blossoms in your chest. 
Love? Desire? Serendipity?
It felt like all three combined into one big ball of sentiment. 
His hands gently massaged your breasts evoking soft mewls of his name from you. His hands slivered downwards to grope the flesh of your stomach.
“Soft beautiful...” he mumbles, his hands move even further downwards and cup the warmth between your legs. The feeling of his hand directly against you has your legs spreading, giving yourself completely to him. His fingers gently rub circles at your clit, your hips stutter up into his touch, moans and whimpers tumble out of your mouth dumbly. The situation you've been so eager for, for so long was finally upon you.
Your back arches off the mattress as he slides a slim finger inside of you, the sensation feels much fuller than your own fingers do. You beg him to go faster, add more and make you feel better than you have ever before and he's shushing your lust filled ramblings with a kiss. 
“I need to savor this moment, I won’t get many more like this” he expresses and your concern is evident on your face but he doesn't allow you to ponder on his words. He adds in another finger and curls them upwards, pressing them against the spongy sweet spot, his head ducks down and his lips wrap firmly around your clit and suck on the aching bud. Your eyes roll back into your head and your body shakes, unable to handle to the newfound euphoria.
“Ah- shinsou! I’ll- cumming!” your cunt spasms around his fingers as your orgasm hits you, you grip onto the sheets around you as your thighs shake.
“You look so pretty like this, so so pretty” he compliments, before you know it your eyes are involuntarily fluttering shut. You're scared, panic fills you at the thought of him not being here when you wake up, you don't want this to be another fever dream. 
When you awake the next morning you feel heavy. Your body slumped with the exhaustion of the previous nights activities. You're eyes widen as your hand feels around the bed, your fingers bump into the heat of another body and there is. The yellow halo from the sun is cast over his head as his chest rises and falls.
You scoot in close enough so that your noses are just barely touching. His eyes begin creaking open and purple gems meet your own.
“Good morning”
Questions about what he meant last night could wait…you wanted spend your time right now loving him.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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"I'm not here for your entertainment -- You don't really want to mess with me tonight! Just stop and take a second -- I was fine before you walked into my life! ‘Cause you know it's over before it began... Keep your drink -- just give me the money -- It's just you and your hand tonight!”
~“U + Ur Hand” by P!nk
Honeydukes was bustling one morning in the summer of 1990. Thanks to a recent collaboration with Florean Fortescue, Honeydukes had developed a fabulous new No-Melt Ice Cream, and it was selling out left, right, and center. Honeydukes’s owner, Ambrosius Flume, and his wife Jenie were so occupied with ringing up customers that they didn’t have much time for conversing and chatting as much as they would like. Perhaps this is why they didn’t take notice of the stocky eighteen-year-old young man with messy dark curls ducking through the crowds and making his way over to the slightly ajar door marked “employees only” at the back of the store -- nor of him peeking through so as to look at the storeroom and kitchen on the other side. 
Someone else did, though. And that “someone” was Ambrosius’s second daughter and Honeydukes’s resident chocolatier, Mia. 
She had been amiably chatting and laughing with a friend who’d popped in for a visit by the door when she noticed him -- and upon catching sight of him, her brows came down over her green eyes in suspicion.
Quickly but politely putting an end to her conversation, the blond-haired young woman swept through the crowds with a bit more difficulty, trying to cut across the store. The strange young man was actively propping open the door now and looking around in wide-eyed curiosity --
“Hey!” Mia called ahead.
You’re not allowed in there! she was ready to add, but before she could properly verbalize it, she was suddenly inhaled by a crowd of about twenty people, all of whom had rushed to form a messy line up to the counter to get their own cone of No-Melt Ice Cream. Once Mia had dislodged herself, the young man was gone.
Her heart leaping into her throat in both anxiety and righteous anger, Mia forcibly pushed through the crowd with some very pointed “excuse me’s” until she finally reached the other side of the room. She slammed open the “employees only” door, her posture very authoritative and her voice very sharp as she barked,
“What are you doing in here?”
The young man looked up, startled. And when their eyes met, sharp green on hollowed-out, almond-shaped blue, Mia abruptly straightened up, her entire posture tensing up like a cat with its fur on end. 
That face -- 
It couldn’t be, could it? After so many years...and looking just the same -- like something out of an old photograph -- 
Yet it was. And that face contorted with perfectly innocent surprise before bursting into a brilliant, boyish smile.
“Oh, whoops! Guess I sort of strutted in without being invited, eh?” he said with a laugh. “Sorry -- I was just looking to talk to whomever was making the ice cream...reckon they must be out to lunch or something...”
He indicated the small cauldron, cans of ingredients, and multiple mixing bowls set up on the counter. 
“I at first presumed the ‘No-Melt’ aspect had to be thanks to an old-fashioned Freezing Charm,” he prattled on, seemingly completely oblivious to Mia’s shocked, bewildered expression. “But then I realized no, if it was, you’d probably freeze it solid, or at the very least, you’d lose some of that texture. You’d undoubtedly see evidence of ice chips in the finished product, which you can’t -- it’s really quite smooth, from what I can see, like a proper soft-serve should be. I considered that perhaps one could Transfigure the ice cream, so as to imbue it with the proper qualities...but then I saw the miniature cauldron in here, and I realized -- of course! Potioneering would be a perfect solution, to such a problem. Why, what are potions if not magical chemistry -- and what’s cooking if not edible chemistry?”
His skull-like blue eyes were alight with eagerness. 
“Would your Potioneer be available later, to discuss this further?” he said brightly. “I’d love to hear more about their methods -- ”
It was at this point that -- at long last -- Mia had collected herself enough to lash out. 
“Get -- out,” she cut in very fiercely. 
She pulled out her wand, fully prepared to grab the curly-haired man with a proper Incarcerous and yank him right out of the backroom. Before her spell could land, though, the young man had sidestepped it, making it instead grab at one of the glass jars, which was then flung forward and smashed to the floor. Mia tried again, chucking several more spells to bind, disarm, and Stun him, all of which he seemingly just as effortlessly blocked. 
“Oi!” said the man, taken aback. “Take it easy -- ”
Mia got so impatient that she actually reached out as if to grab the younger man and throw him out with her own hands. 
“I said get out!”
But somehow, the man ducked her arms, coming out from under her and straightening up with the kind of baffled expression one might see on a dog being commanded to do a trick he didn’t know. 
“Whoa, sunshine, cool your jets!” he said with a bewildered smile. “I’m not gonna hurt you or anything -- ”
“Don’t patronize me!” 
Mia lashed out with several more spells, which -- to her utter frustration -- he all just as effortlessly blocked. 
“You are trespassing in my father’s store, in my kitchen -- an area where you’re objectively not allowed -- trying to sniff out secret information about products that are the sole property of my family’s business! I don’t give a damn about whether you plan to hurt anyone or not -- you are getting the HELL out of here, right now, or I’m calling the bloody Auror Department on you, Jacob Cromwell!”
Once he’d finished wordlessly transfiguring the ropes she’d conjured into ribbons with an idle flick of his wrist, Jacob straightened up slightly, interested. 
“You know me?” he asked, his face still touched by that maddening kind of innocent, boyish curiosity. 
“Of course I know you,” Mia said coldly. “We were in the same bloody class -- at least until you up and vanished, dealing with those stupid Vaults...”
Jacob blinked. “Really?”
Mia raised her eyebrows coolly. “Should I be flattered that you don’t recognize me? Maybe this might help -- Dueling Club, fifth year? You used Ferula to wrap me up in bandages like a mummy and threw me backward right into a suit of armor.” 
Jacob considered this story and the cursive “Hermia” nametag pinned to the front of Mia’s apron for a moment. Then his eyes drifted up toward the ceiling absently.
“...Huh. I don’t really remember that...”
Mia looked like she wanted to crack Jacob’s head open on her kitchen counter. She settled for trying to grab his shoulder -- this time, she actually managed to make contact, since because Jacob hadn’t been looking at her.
“Well, I do -- ”
She used the grip to yank Jacob roughly back toward the door and throw him out of the backroom. 
“-- and I don’t want to see you anywhere near my family’s shop again,” she spat. “Do I make myself clear?”
Jacob looked incredibly confused, to the point of almost looking remorseful. 
“What? Oh, come on...” 
He struggled to articulate his thoughts for a minute, before offering a weak smile. 
“Look -- I’m sorry for not remembering you and all, and I know my reputation isn’t all that great...I’m still trying to set my life right, after everything,” he added as a mumble, “but well, I wasn’t looking to steal your family’s secrets or whatever. I just heard about your new ice cream and thought it sounded really cool, so I wanted to know how it worked -- ”
Mia’s expression grew a bit darker, gaining a more cynical smile. 
“Oh, sure -- that’s your excuse for everything, isn’t it? You just wanna know. It doesn’t matter what rules you break, or what anyone else says, you just gotta know, and that’s all that matters...well, guess what, Cromwell -- you can’t know this. And you’re not going to.”
Jacob frowned. “Why? Because I beat you in a duel when we were kids?”
“Because I’m not going to reward you for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong!” Mia snapped back. 
She got right up in his face. It wasn’t hard to do -- Jacob Cromwell hadn’t grown taller than 5′7″, and Mia herself had always been slightly above average height.
“I figured it out all on my own, Cromwell,” she hissed at him coldly. “Maybe you could too, if you actually put in the work, instead of just dancing through without even trying.”
With this, Mia brought her hands up as if to shove Jacob back. Before she could reach him, though, Jacob stepped back instantly, avoiding her touch all together.
“You don’t have to slam the door in my face,” he said, raising his eyebrows coolly. “If you want me to leave, you could just say so.”
Mia’s face flushed bright red in frustration. She couldn’t keep herself from baring her teeth like an angry dog. 
“I’ve already told you to get out twice,” she said at last, once she’d reestablished a grip on her temper. 
Jacob shrugged. “Guess you did, yeah. I’d kind of been hoping to calm you down at the time, but...”
Tucking his wand back in his pocket with a sigh, he turned on his heel as if to go.
“Oh well...guess I never have been as good as my Pip, when it comes to dealing with people’s emotions. Nice meeting you again, I guess!”
With an offhand little wave over his shoulder, Jacob disappeared back into the throng of customers. 
Mia felt like steam was coming up off her head as she watched him go, her green eyes boring like daggers into his back. She felt like that steam surely must’ve been visible, when her mother Jenie came up alongside her and took hold of her shoulder. 
“Mia dear, there you are,” she said in a rather fussy, but still fond kind of voice. “Cornelius Fudge’s nephew’s here, to sample your newest chocolate -- quite a handsome lad, I must say...”
The older woman noticed Mia’s laser-pointed focus, though, and upon following it, she just barely made out the silhouette of Jacob Cromwell taking one last look around Honeydukes before giving a small sigh and heading out.
“Is that Rosmerta’s new bartender?” said Mrs. Flume, her eyebrows raised.
Mia looked at her mother, scandalized. “Bartender?”
“Yes -- apparently he’s working at the Three Broomsticks to pay his living expenses, until he can sit for his NEWTs up at the school next spring. Suppose once he does that, he might be able to get a better paying job...I gather from Rosmerta the lad’s a bright sort -- ”
“Doubtful,” Mia said scornfully. “Jacob Cromwell may be bright, but he’s also completely insufferable. I think it’d be a wonder if any employer in the world could tolerate him.”
Mrs. Flume blinked twice very quickly. “Jacob Cromwell? You mean that boy who disappeared without a word in your sixth year, while chasing Hogwarts’s Cursed Vaults? Well now, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while...”
“And hopefully we never will again,” Mia said with a very dry smile. 
She swept over behind the counter so she could slide out the empty tray of No-Melt Ice Cream sundaes out of the display case.
“I’d better get back to work,” she said, forcing a slightly more resilient smile on her face. “How are we doing on the mint chocolate chip?”
“Well enough for now,” said Mrs. Flume distractedly, “but...oh, can’t you put that down for a moment, dear? I was really hoping to introduce you to Minister Fudge’s nephew. He’s newly 28, so he’s only a couple of years older than you...certainly more in your age range than Florean Fortescue -- ”
“Mum, the shop needs more stock,” Mia said very coolly. “I’m afraid my dating life will have to wait.”
“But your dating life could help the business!” Mrs. Flume said eagerly. “Why, think of how much business Dirk’s helped drum up for us, since marrying your sister...just think of how much money we could bring in, if you joined the Minister’s family! Even the name sort of fits, doesn’t it? Hermia Fudge?”
Mia couldn’t bite back a loud laugh. “Mum! I’m not marrying a bloke for his last name! I’ll marry him for his good looks and charm, regret it immediately, and then divorce him, like normal women do.”
Her mouth spread into a cheeky, sarcastic smile, she retreated into the backroom before her mother could raise any further objections. 
Mia set down the tray at the side of the counter, before rolling up her sleeve and brushing off her apron.
“Okay,” she said, clapping her hands together as she considered the ingredients she’d put down, “round two.”
With a slightly sunnier expression, Mia set about mixing the whole milk, condensed milk, cream, sugar, salt, eggs, cocoa powder, semisweet chocolate, and vanilla together in the bowl, a song grazing her lips absently as she did so.
“Dah dop, dah dum -- hang up the phone To let me know you made it home... Da da da-la-da...with Part-Time Lover...”
The funky Muggle tune -- and the ease with which Mia could groove along to it while mixing the ingredients in her mixing bowl and her cauldron -- made it a little easier to put the absolutely infuriating revelation of Jacob Cromwell’s return to her life out of her mind...at least for a little while. 
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