#u ok lennie?
demonwebs · 3 days
stop threatening to eat him bc that's his kink
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fatdink · 9 months
modern/90s vdl gang au… i’ve succumbed to the illness
— arthur is 36 divorced dad. he’s still pining over his high school gf (he sees her sometimes tho fr like he still has a shot with her fr ((crazy))) and has complicated feelings towards his ex wife. he’s a good father, never late to pick up or drop off. gets issac on the weekends. does not understand the smiths but issac likes it so OK.
— he lives in an okay-ish apartment building, like it’s not falling apart or anything. he works a hoarde of jobs but like. this bitch is always doing something new. no1 ever knows what fucking job he’s working. if u need smth, best 2 go 2 him. he knows ppl fr
— john is 26, with child and having problems. he’s doin ok (liar). he and abigail r in a ‘complicated’ relationship, they’re not really together but they’re also not seeing other people and they’re co parenting and also they don’t live tgther bc john STILL.. lives at his dads’ place. he has enough money 2 move out, but he doesn’t know if he wants 2 yet. (can’t handle change). he’s a decent father, like worse than arthur but he’s ok.
— he works at some like shitty dead end job. he’s trying to get his life 2gether but. it’s hard. he feels like he’s progressing slower than everyone else and is maybe beginning to regret not going to college. he’s down in the dumps, guys. also. he’s in a band.. yeah.. a shitty little band that sounds A LOT… like nirvana, i wonder why
— hosea is 55 and still taking care of his sons. free him. FREE HIM!!!! he’s in a book club @ the library where he meets young lenny whom he finds very endearing. he’s basically retired (co-owns a store with dutch) and bonds with his young employees. he wants john to move out, but not for the reasons u think, he genuinely just wants john to get better and start taking care of his son better. a lot like in the game
— he is well liked within the community. his employees will genuinely look to him for advice which he finds sweet. he has a close relationship with arthur still and calls him when he can. he and dutch are currently in an argument about the john situation bc hosea figures that dutch coddled john too much. dutch disagrees. dutch sleeps on the couch.
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omgwhatchloe · 4 months
i am haunted by your sean's accurate recovery post how do you think it would have impacted how the gang treated him like how would they react to fun lovable sean macguire actually being so injured and weak to the point he couldn't keep that face up and needed help
ok so at first, when we have charles, javier and arthur, shock and denial. they would comment on his condition as they stared through the binoculars but not fully process yet what this means. when they cut him down and hes just laying there, it starts to dawn on them. something fucking awful has happened here. arthur would drag him up, only for him to crumble like dead weight with a few groans, then face the inevitable that that boy is not okay and they have a huge problem. cue them emptying their satchels for food and water asap. also theres the lingering, unspoken thought in their heads that he absolutely stinks but it would be super inappropriate to point it out.
back at camp, theyre so excited for seans return party. that he doesnt get. because when they see him, weak and slumped on the back of arthurs horse, bruised and bloody and stained, they begin to wonder…why did they expect something else? why did they expect a bouncy, happy, healthy and ready-to-party sean to return after weeks of torture? in what universe (the canon one lol) would that happen and make sense? theres no hugs and reunion. theres the yell of “i need some help over here.”
so seans in recovery, after finally being bathed (by who up to u), and hes not happy. theres no smiles. theres only pained groans and noises and people being ushered away from him, and the party is kind of a pity party. arthurs thinking about the fact he debated leaving him there, even journalling it, because he feels so guilty. lenny is wondering why the universe took jenny away from him and if theyre taking sean away from him too. karen feels lost, like she doesnt know how to help. everytime they hear miss grimshaw going to check on him, see lenny and hosea trying to help him walk on his burnt feet, see mr pearson cooking him separate meals so he can maybe attempt to eat as best he could, hear his panicked yelling as he wakes up from another nightmare, they are reminded about how low on their priority list he was during and after colter.
it feels like hes a different person, and they dont know if they’ll get old sean back. i mean, he needs help to walk, hes bruised all over from literally being beat and stamped on and needs help to sit up, he cannot eat what they eat, they hear him crying to lenny, and the majority of them do feel guilty.
however, there is one good night where he sits up and drinks with bill around the fire, who is so happy to see him up and able to drink with him that he isn’t snarky or rude. hes questioning and sympathetic..in his own way of course.
so yeah hope that little ramble does it for you!
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upslapmeal · 4 months
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Can't wait to find out that Ruby's mum is the Rani
they're really going with the flying tardis this series aren’t they
UNIT theme!
‘how’s your uncle’ awww
what a weird way to ask about your other self Doc 
though tbh maybe actually less weird than directly asking how your other parallel split past self is
Lenny Rush is so great!
though quick question Kate do you employ two children
....does UNIT have HR
good thing Fifteen could grab some episode footage for those Susan Twist images. given that Doctor Who Is A TV Show etc etc
lol 5 seconds later…there I was thinking I was being clever
‘obviously’ ‘even I got that’ OK NO NEED TO RUB IT IN
IS IT HAPPENING???????? ok I know it won't they wouldn't have brought it up so early BUT!!!!!!
‘SUSAN SUSAN SUSAN’ yeah me too
‘It was 2004’ I feel ancient Rose Tyler is out there somewhere and in a few days will be told she'll have a great year!
Ruby and Rose instant besties <3
ah Mrs Flood our third mystery woman
‘still hoping for that growth spurt’ RIP Ruby lmao
Cherry Sunday and her cup of tea, starcrossed lovers
‘he waits no more’ yikes that was a quick turnabout
what happened to Shirley Anne Bingham?
I’d want to make a copy of that vhs if I were Ruby before it potentially (...inevitably) gets destroyed by a time window
nobody seeing her face is giving 73 yards vibes
.....Ruby is her own mother? [I'm My Own Grandpa starts playing faintly in the background]
the colonel going behind the tardis out of view…..yeah he’s not coming back
turn off the time window!!!
oh that was a Look from Kate
potentially rethinking what she said about the Doctor bringing joy
‘stop grizzling and fix it’ love u Mel
‘Doctor who?’ wahey
'do you ever dream of being an ambulance' line of all time lmao
has susan been chameleon arched???
oh the tardis is NOT sounding happy
that's the same sound from after Maestro took control of it right?
Sutekh! oh they’ve been in classic who haven’t they
pyramids of mars?? four? def one I’ve not seen yet annoyingly
(hehe as of posting I now have!)
oh susan your face 💀
'did you think I was family?' :(((( oh that hurts
And now there's just one left!! V much looking forward to seeing this again in the cinema in *checks watch* just under 2 hours!! It was never going to be Susan was it. but. BUT. I live in hope. One day we will come back!
I do kinda wish there had been a bit more Ruby Sunday in the ep but other than that great fun, very enjoyable setup, big evil dog, bring it home RTD babeey
Also interested to see how Tales of the TARDIS plays into the next ep - are they going to go into it with Ruby suddenly just knowing all about Sutekh??
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lennysfridge · 7 months
Cutter is pissed
he texts rutger and rutger is not happy either knowing both are blocked then they call molly
“what do u want?”
“tell chloe to unblock.”
“let her breath, she’s at the beach enjoying herself, you will be unblocked after ok. only good boy here is lenny so let your girl have fun.”
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olli-online · 2 months
ok i'm draggin my current playthrough to be as slow as possible and it's been a while since the last one, so i might be forgetting some stuff, but i'm gonna need A LOT of clarification on that tier list
s tier: i'm not forgetting the way sean fumbled karen with his record 10 seconds, but otherwise i get the picks
a tier: why is abigail here and not s tier expain urself 😠
b tier: put that hag next to micah where she belongs!! lenny, tilly and hosea this low?? especially lenny and tilly i'm in shock
c tier: my personal vendetta against dutch aside, i also forgive molly for everything <33
d tier: did mery beth do smtn i'm forgetting? /gen jack can be a little annoying, but come on.. also strauss might as well be in the micah tier
actually fuck it i did my own, but i need to hear the reasoning behind ur list
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lucky i didnt hit u wiht the "olli-online has declined to comment" after this bill ranking
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atlasshrugd · 1 year
ok im gonna put aside my ‘luke kirby’s lenny bruce can do no wrong’ hat for a second. bc I need to talk abt this.
mans let midge walk home during a BLIZZARD. like, he knew after he yelled at her she would not be coming back to his hotel and she did not come w anyone, + u can’t get a cab in that weather. so she came down there for him, got yelled at, then had to WALK HER ASS HOME in a snowstorm at night? ofc she got hypothermia! i rly want to know what he was thinking here. 😭
and after all that, he doesn’t even call her to make sure she’s okay?? not to check if she got home ok?? like, they DID sleep together. midge is the kind of woman who likes a follow-up and he knows her well enough to know that. sure, he doesn’t want to lead her on during his financial/legal troubles, but come on. y’all were friends first. at this point it’s just disrespectful!
(ik midge was a stubborn ass who should have apologised for turning down the bennet gig. but it’s the 60’s, man! and basic courtesy! do not let the woman you slept with [or any woman] walk home alone during a blizzard, and then avoid her!)
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spicedwatermel0n · 1 year
Ok first off i love the way u drew tdcfdtl like literally amazing. Second do u got any dcfdtl angst hcs? I would love to cry about them :D (if not thats cool :>)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
You are in for a treat my friend
Of course I cannot go through any hyperfixation without traumatizing every reoccurring character ‼️
Methinks the Delightfuls could technically do things on their own, and they truly don't want to be doing any of the things they did in the show, but they do it because of their fear of Father. He has complete control over them. If they refuse, he lights them on fire and only extinguishes them when he hears an apology. They know he'd let them die if they were to just, not apologize, or if they were to do something against his wishes.
They have burn marks all over their bodies and David (who usually steps in front of Bruce and Connie to protect them) has such bad burns that most of his torso is beyond healing.
After the events of ZERO, Hoagie and Kuki (both being abuse victims) noticed the burns and their way of acting at some point and they'll occasionally sneak small gifts into their mansion for them, stuff Father won't take away from them that will make them feel happy. They don't usually get the chance to be happy.
They sleep in a very specific pile to insure they don't hurt each other on accident by making contact with one of the other's burn marks. Lenny suffers from an unknown chronic pain disability, leftover from his original self, that causes the burns to feel much more painful than normal. It's so bad that when contact is made with a burn mark, he screams in agony (of course, it's technically all of them that scream, but he's the one provoking it). The others work to protect him specifically from this pain by staying in front of him so that he's completely covered from the neck down. The helmet he wears protects his facial burns.
They speak to each other in their heads when they're alone. Father doesn't like it when they speak to each other out loud, so they do it in their minds. They have very personal conversations with each other. Ones that Father would beat the shit outta them for. Things like how they feel about themselves, how they feel about their situation, and how much pain they're in. The conversations are mostly tame, usually just about their interests that Father allows them to have, but there are times where they get far too close to crying from how deep the conversations can get. Doesn't help that there's already constant reminders of how stuck they are and how they'll never escape their living conditions.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
assuming you have read/seen the hunger games but if u havent delete this ask for spoilers!! 🤍🤍
just finished rereading the whole thg series and am now rewatching all the movies and i had a thought of making d word matty whos never seen them before watch the films with you <3 and bc of the age gap youre like you dont get it this was literally a crucial part of my development as a person. and hes kinda like yea ok whatever lets just watch the movies babe but by the time peetas taken by the capitol hes weeping lmfao
oh ho ho you are CORRECT to assume i've read and seen the hunger games... i was That Girl who had a mockingjay pin on her school blazer when she was 12 (despite consistently handing my homework in on time. i was not leading revolutions against authority lol). quite excited for songbirds and snakes i must say!! but yeah, i imagine you'd be like "matty we are MARATHONING these i need to watch them again" and he thinks it's adorable how excited you are but also he's like "why do you like these films so much, babe? like what is it about them that makes you want to watch four in one night lol". and i think you go off on a, well, him-style tangential discussion about how it was really your first insight into dystopian fiction and it's a critique of corrupt governments and exploitation and injustice and power imbalance and also of mass media and doing grotesque things in the name of entertainment, all the while encouraging young people to be self-sufficient and strong but still passionate and kind and loving, functioning as a warning not to blindly trust those in power and to stand up for what's right even if nobody else will. and when you finish talking, matty's looking at you the same way he looked when caveh started coughing after ripping the bong in that vid (but like slightly more smiley lol) and he's like "... alright let's watch". and you watch his reactions out of the corner of your eye as the film progresses: he doesn't say much at the start (he's like "oh shit lenny kravitz" when he sees cinna) but by the time rue dies he's teary, and at the end of the first film he's like "i see why you enjoy these now. second one, let's go". he's far more engrossed with this one - turns to you at the quarter quell like "they have to do it again? hunger games all-stars? fucksake" - and like audibly reacting to plot points. like, when the peacekeepers get cinna he's like "what the fuck!", and he yells when johanna cuts the tracker out of katniss's arm; like you said, though, the worst bit for him is when it's revealed that they didn't get peeta out and the capitol got him, like he fully weeps at the tv about it and refuses to watch any more that night because he's too sad lol (but then a cry and a cup of tea later he's like "i'm fine. get it cued, baby" lmao) <3
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pinkysberg · 1 year
peak modern lenny and sean dynamic to me is college dorm-mates (i am a canadian who has lived at home their entire uni experience and is basing this entirely on my perception from movies and social media)
lenny, who is very apt on getting into law school and is working diligently in pre-law and his delinquent roommate sean. who I've decided is on scholarship for his outstanding hockey career in ireland bc i refuse to let ice hockey sean go. u can't make me.
they become unlikely besties. sean encourages lenny to get into (a healthy dose of) trouble but have fun in the process in while lenny helps keep sean on track academically.
they're real to me ok
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demonwebs · 23 days
having a really hard time turning down any kind of advances because you're really, really attention starved so u need people to pay attention to you to the point u don't care how they're doing that, u will welcome anything, even if it's negative
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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So well I finished rdr2 and I wanna say I enjoyed the hell out of the game genuinely. I didn't think I'd cry as the game was coming to an end but I did I miss Arthur a lot I felt so much pain that he died the way he did. I mean I got the "true" ending but still. Idk it made me sad how much he felt like he fucked up a lot so he was trying to make amends as best as possible. I was playing "honourably" the whole game I didn't want to be a killing maniac cause I thought there was enough of those irl and in game. (Also seeing the King's son die b/c Dutch was a fucking coward that made me want to put a bullet thru Dutch's head after that. Genuinely had me crying as well b/c Dutch used their ppl for his own gain. He constantly said "we'll get rich" but he was willing to leave behind the ppl that helped him. I kinda didn't understand it.)
And as Arthur rode back to camp I was cursing Dutch's name and I was feeling so much of Arthur's pain. Loyalty was all he had but Dutch wanted his mind too. I miss Hosea and Lenny they didn't need to die. Rest in peace u fictional fucks I loved y'all fr. I also was hurt to find out Pearson and Uncle had dipped but they had the right idea . I'm just :,//// feelin
But yeah Arthur was able to die proud of himself as knowing that John and his family would be ok. Honestly the thing that I didn't like is again ... how long the game is ... I was so surprised they switched the script and have u play as John which I haven't finished yet. Idk TO ME it feels a bit much b/c I wanted to see how the story ended I guess I saw how Arthur's ended. :///// I'm actually HURT the way Arthur died I didn't think it'd hurt me this much lol.
But yeah honestly I had a soft spot for John anyways I liked him since the beginning of the game and funny enough there was some parallels with John and Arthur a decent amount of times but it felt subtle enough where ppl would possibly never expect to be playing thru his life. I loved John and his family a lot. I just hated the idea that u can still go out to hunt Micah down.... it just felt "unnecessary" don't get me wrong i absolutely hated Micah I would spit on that nigga irl but I just wanted everyone to have their fresh start. And honestly killing Micah I don't get why Dutch wasn't as well.. like Dutch was just as an issue as anyone else and it lowkey pissed me off how much they dragged the death of Micah just for him to get randomly shot by Dutch.
I'm not saying I hated it I just think maybe it could've ended a different way. And out of all them ppl I wanted Dutch dead the most but Rockstar couldn't satisfy me with that...:/ I didn't understand all those years of deceit and still being in contact with Micah he finally just shoots him? Some ppl said he wanted to get rid of competition but like that still doesn't sound good enough to me. All that time they tried to tell him Micah was no good but he didn't want to listen(but now we in a stand off and NOWWWW u grow a fucking brain. BTW NO I DIDNT FINISH THE ENDING ENDING I JUST LOOKED IT UP SO I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS EXTRA STUFF ADDED THAT SHOWED ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT DUTCH BEFORE KILLING MICAH)
Also this game was reminding me of so many things, one "Bully", "Berserk", and this movie called The last revenant or something with Leonardo DiCaprio and that movie felt like a pile of nothing but it did follow same circumstances. Especially the racist being killed FINALLY but dragging out the death so much. I don't understand why Hollywood or "media" does that so much lol. But the death of Micah's racist ass was so dragged out. It was very annoying but whatever I digress I enjoyed the game for what it was. 8-9/10 for sure
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omgwhatchloe · 10 months
just made my first ao3 fanfic its sean x lenny called cured if u wanna read it it has 1530 words and 1 chapter ok bye djdodkndndn
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weedamka · 9 months
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"I'm scared Runinnnnn mannn
Runin man Életem végéig egy öntudatlan eszetlen barom narkós leszek Hát tényleg csak ennyire vagyok képes Hogy a receptoraimat jutalmazgassam Kávéval energiaiitallal cigivel pornó val Végül kokainnal Ha egyáltalán ez az De mindig ott van a háttérben ez az iszonyat feszület Még ha euphoria is van Örökös harc Magam ellen? De miért Miiiiiiiiiiiert vagyok ennyire befeszulve Pedig a nóta is mondja hogyha befeszulsz akkor vesztettem Miért nem értem meg ezt a leckét Komolyan te hogy látod Miért vagyok ennyire elbaszott narkós létező ebben a világban? Miért ezeket a kordinatakat vettem fel ? Miért ezekkel azonosultam Miközben ezer meg egy másikkal is tehettem volna ezt Most csak az van hogy azt érzem már évek óta Hogy nem kapok levegőt És csak a fejembe letezem Szörnyű tapasztalás még akkor is ha tudom hogy ez egy illúzió attól még kurvara valosagszeru Miért nem tudok egy kicsit kevésbé a falig menni befeszult fejjel kicsit lazabbnak lenni Kicsit másért élni Annyira nehezen kapcsolódok emberekkel hogy az már fáj Te vagy most a legközelebbi kapcsolatom Ezért írok ódákat neked hajnal 4.30 kor Hátha te tudod a tutit DaniAzt mond meg hogy te mit látsz amikor rám nézel Hol tevesztek hol tudnék javítani Basszus kulcs Im lost in space Vágod és még úgy meg esztetizalom ezt a beszűkült tudatallapotot ezzel is erősítve az azonosulast vele Romantizslom az elveszettseget Amikor basszameg nekem is meg kéne találni magamat Annyira le ga alább mint a szomszéd julinak Vagy karcsinak Egy ember vagyok én is basszameg De miiiiiiiiiert mindig negativ Miért nem lehetek Laza Boi like u Benned azt csipazom megmondom a frankot Hogy érzem benned ezt a hasonló elveszettseeg eerrzest ami engem is kínoz De közben meg én úgy látom hogy erre van egy kurva jó válaszod Hogy ok? So then Fuck off all És ezt lazán küldöd és természetesen És téged szeretneeeeeek az emberek Köztük én is Kérlek írj vmi okosat ha felkeltél hátha tudsz segíteni BAJ ban vagyok Benne vagyok a pácban Mindannyian benne vagyunk a pácban És meg fognak sütni Ezt hamvas írja Olvasnom kéne újra narko helyett"
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lennysfridge · 1 year
drew leaving with ryan to have a boys night, but drinks a little too much and refuses to ride back with him because “i want my girl lenny!”
and ofc you drive to pick him up, even though it’s 2 am and you were definitely alseep, but his face lighting up the minute he sees you makes up for it.
“Hey y/n can u come pick up your boy toy.” Ryan says over the phone
“Bro it’s 2am.” You say sleepy
“Yeah and? He keeps on whining about you.” You sigh
“Fine but you get me coffee tomorrow.” He says ok, grabbing your keys you drove 10 minutes to Ryan’s, when you opened up the from door you hear your boyfriend scream for you
“I’m right here drew.” You say
“BABY.” He yells opening up his arms for you to go into, you happily comply
“let’s get you home big boy.” You tell him he nods happy waving by to the boys
“Thanks y/n/n.” Will calls out, you give them a thumbs up closing the door
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glubby-guppiez · 1 year
Random Fanboy and Chum Chum lgbtq headcannonz!!!!1!!1!!!
Blud is a homosexual and is in love with Kyle
He def writes fanfiction about Kyle and him smooching/j
Is fine with any pronouns but prefers they/it
Also, they have a notebook just filled with neo and xeno pronouns
Chum Chum
He don't even know if he likes anyone tbh
He ain't thought of that yet
Gender queer
Uses any pronouns and has no preference
Definitely Fictkins (idk if I spelt that right 💀)
Also gay
But also also asexual
And he's trans (ftm)
He uses He/They/It pronouns
Bisexual bisexual
Trans trans (ftm)
He uses He/Bop pronouns
And he's dating Lenny (or he used to and they're starting to crush on each other again)
Omnisexual with a preference towards women
Cisgendered man
Boog is his bbg (gn term)
Ok, thank yall for reading.
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Good night.
PS: If u want me to do more characters, pls ask.
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