#u ever ramble so hard u start shaking??? cause thats happenin
maskyartist ยท 3 years
*kicks door down, scatters my Augustus thoughts everywhere* PSPSPSPPSPSPSPSPSPSPS AUGUSTUS AQUATO STANS CMERE I GOT CONTENT FOR U
to make a long story short, it's 5am and im vibrating with these disjointed ideas i got for Augustus' mindscape so yall get to hear me ramble about it :D it probably wont make much sense? but these are super rough concepts that im just puttin down to see how i vibe with it (and maybe get feedback if yall end up throwin asks my way just sayin just sayin i will ramble MORE if u enable me and i'll do it for FREE)
so yeah enjoy my nonsensical ramblings about the only man i'd trust with my drink ever
a quick note, all of this is post-Psychonauts 2 so expect spoilers :D
okay so i dont have a catchy name for Augustus's mental world just yet but im considering "Augustus' Anomalies" or somethin i'll get back on that anyways-
i so badly want Augustus's mind to be a walk down memory lane. the whole place is like extreme platforming, think those super hard final levels in mario or somethin, so yeah this is Raz's home here he's gettin all over the place so easy. the idea is that the further you get, the more you find his repressed memories and feelings, things he's pushed down until he's forgotten so he doesn't need to face them. he doesnt have time for that with 5 kids, his wife, and his Nona around! he's a busy man!
but now? after everything? he only has time to think on his hands. and it's making it much harder to keep it all down, especially since he's just started remembering everything.
in comes Raz (and probably a few others. maybe the family too? or just Trouble Trio i aint sure) offering to do a mental wellness check on his dear ol dad, to clean up a bit and help him think a bit clearer
and to everyones shock, Augustus agrees, offering his mind for Razputin to explore as he pleases. when he's asked he just smiles. it's sad and tired.
"I don't want to hide things." he admits with a shake of his head. "Not after so much was hidden from me. My son deserves better."
so into the mental world we go! :D
we start in front of a small blue tent, similar to Raz starting in a dark room with just the Caravan in front of him when he explored his own mind, and going through reveals a whole new world. its full of bright lights and colorful displays, rides and games and everything you'd expect to see at a circus. a properly funded circus at least.
however, that's below you. in actuality, you've spawned on a rather narrow platform with a tightrope in front of you leading to Mental Augustus who sits atop it with little issue. talking to him reveals that he's not...entirely "all there". he's still very much Augustus, but there's parts of him missing. in terms of design, he's completely monochromed (and maybe wearing a mask he cant take off? im futzin as we speak) and to bring him back to full color you gotta find these missing parts of him.
there's three parts missing, kinda similar to Cassie's level. but unlike Cassie's level, these arent archetypes that Augustus needs back. they're memories he genuinely can't find on his own. the ones that were either repressed by the Astralathe or by Augsutus's own subconscious to prevent him from feeling more hurt then he already is.
the missing parts are
- Happiness
- Anger
and - Sadness
at least so far. im still feelin it out.
each section is held in it's own large looking tent that is slowly leading to a Big Top in the center. the level is made up of two sections, a "ground area" with concession stands and a bunch of figments and some mental constructs of people like his family, random carnies he's met when he was in Grulovia, and even some of the psychonauts :D only Milla, Sasha, and Oleander tho. they're the only ones that are important to him atm.
(Milla and Sasha are viewed rather nicely while Oleander seems to be getting the cold shoulder so....Augustus isn't over the whole "trying to kill my son and making him sneeze out his brain" thing quite yet)
the other part is a "sky area" or rather an area that's entirely off the ground, with tight jumps and carefully placed tightropes and trapeze placed all over to get around. on the ground you'll find the Emotional Baggage while in the air you'll find their Tags (to show that Augustus would rather repress his emotions then fully recognize them and accept them yknow?)
first area's Happiness. the tent is seemingly from the early years of the Flying Aquato's Circus, very well made and well decorated as you head inside. there's a performance going on and your job is to help it move along smoothly since it seems they're missing a few people...
you help set up some balance balls, tie together some tightropes, and adjust the spotlights while the show goes on under you. once everything's in place, the show finishes with a human pyramid which is topped by a young Augustus colored yellow. he smiles all broad and gap-toothed and waves at you until you jump on and land on his hands to finish the show properly
(if you look close, you can see the Gzar and a young Gristol watching the show from these theater seats. they look out of place in the tent, as if they're too....nice looking to be there. but they're there, and they look bored as hell.)
once it's over, Happiness (as we'll call him) goes over to Raz and asks him to take him back now. the show's over, after all! he can't just stay here forever when there's so much more to see! like Bob's Bottles you end up essentially teleporting back to the tightrope the Mental Augustus is still sat at. Happiness essentially tackles Augustus and the man laughs before hugging the young version of himself. a bit cautiously but it gets easier once he actually commits to it. Happiness melts away and Augustus gains some color, but not all of it.
first area complete :D
aaaand thats all i got rn. unfortunately. this is a super rough idea rn, and it'll be polished a lot before im satisfied with it in some kinda way, but i have a lot of thoughts
so tldr ; Augustus' mind is about digging up old repressed memories, good bad and ugly, and learning to accept them as part of you. even if they hurt, it's worse to ignore it all and let it simmer.
i also would like Maligugustus to be a final boss? but idk m thinkin.
if yall actually read all this im very impressed???? and if u have thoughts on this stuff definitely send em my way cause i have ideas for the Second and Third area and THATS where the angst is gonna hit i assure u
...anyways imma go get some sleep
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