#u and i are nowhere in the realm of each other
applespider · 1 year
Roier pronouncing “busy” “boo-sy” has made me come face to face with the fact we pronounce it “bih-zy” what. Why. Why do we say that. I know that half our vowels are interchangeable. But why the fuck is “u” pronounced as a short I. What. Does that happen anywhere else? Did we change the rules just for that word? What the fuck.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 278
You know what I’ve gotten obsessed with and inspired by? Dredge. 
You know what is also fun? Merfolk. What’s even better? Lovecraftian corrupted merfolk. Especially if say, one goes with the Lazarus Waters being a form of ectoplasm. So, in this? Lazarus waters are like lakes, while Amity Park, thanks to the Portal, and the barriers? It is an entire sea. 
There are islands, small areas that were once the tips of buildings that have gathered more landmass around them. There are mangroves, trees not like anything on earth or anywhere else stretching up in canopies dark enough to block out the sun, yet lit by the green waters. 
It goes deep. Mariana Trench deep, despite it being impossible. The GIW have explored for caves or tunnels, they’ve tried to find some sort of explanation, but there isn’t one. 
Now all that ecto? That has an effect on people. They mutate, they change, they adapt. Anywhere else would have been a slow death- something the GIW might have even been counting on. But Amity Park? It was founded by witches, it was the hotspot for the supernatural, even before the Fentonwork Portal. They’ve been dealing with this sort of energy in microdoses from the moment they first began to live in the city in any generation. 
But they begin to adapt. Shift into something… other. Some stay contaminated, clinging to human forms as they form homes on the tiny islands, fishing and farming what they can. Others become Liminal, almost seeming to meld with fish, some similar to ones of the Living and others something just to the left. Similar yes, but not quite… right. And then there are those that have truly melded with the energy of the dead, forms torn asunder by it, ripped apart and made anew by it. 
The first sign back when the barrier was activated, when they could no longer leave and were trapped were the fish in the lake. And now they are the same, with gazes of something Else, with gnashing teeth and a hunger gnawing at where hearts once were. 
But they aren’t monsters. They’re still themselves. Just a little… Other now. 
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Heyyyy. Could u do some hcs on what tan and readers senses of humour are like together cuz i just feel like when they are in front of other people or in public they are like cackling witches and they are both just quite twisted and into dark humour which nobody else understands but i feel like thats why they get along so well. Hope it makes sense :)))
hiii!! I can so see this and it’s so cute!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
— I def feel like it comes across rude and bitchy, but it's always unintentional. you get on so well and bounce off each other without having to try. maybe it makes others jealous
— have this idea, but I need to explain it in layman's terms so I get my thought across properly. sat side by side, one of his arms is draped over your shoulder, he's manspreading (hot) and you're kinda twisting into him, and your legs are slung over his thigh. with the hand thats on your shoulder, he'd be mindlessly playing with the ends of your hair, and he has heart eyes bc why not. and you'd be talking against his cheek, whispering something funny and kissing it in between, playing with his spare hand. it's been eating me up and needed to get it out bc its effing SO CUTE
— "was that too far?" or "was that too much?" or "was that over the line?" or "was that offensive?" is probs within your vocab
— tans usual jokes are probably within the 'ophan' realm
— any new girl fans?? like winston and aly, they have inside jokes they CACKLE at, but no one else finds it funny. I imagine it like that
— another reference, but you know when kelly osbourne made a joke about donald trump?? and the hosts were all like "oooh" I kinda imagine it like that. other people might be "oh that's not.." or "maybe you shouldn't say that," but then the other one of you would be silently cracking up
— like to think he's not one to joke about certain triggering topics. hope he thinks that's too low, and instead of it being funny, would think it's cruel, insensitive and out of line (maybe im projecting what I want in a guy lmao)
— you're both quick and witty with it, but you're smart and know when enough is enough and what is considered too far. feel like you can both come up with them out of nowhere. it's a talent
— like laughing with your friend at class in school, lots of snickers, gentle arm slaps, gasps, cackles. all of it and it's so cute
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
lots of inappropriate thoughts surrounding a certain henry winter but the one that sticks out to me the most is cockwarming while he’s studying. can u imagineeee. he’s just a little too preoccupied to fuck you but he’ll let you sit on it as long as you stay still. this is, of course, a hopeless cause as you’ll grow squeamish but he’ll hold your hips to keep you steady for as long as necessary until boom! crazy hot sex
before i entertain this wondrous thought, i would like to extend the invitation for you to continue frequenting my inbox with prompts as great as this one. i’m jaw-dropped. goddd.
he would absolutely resort to a scenario such as this one due to his studies simply posing a greater priority — he’s too determined and work-oriented to succumb to allurements all too often. to you, however, that would translate as unbearable, however lasciviously so — he would mount you on himself, expecting you to simply still with him hot and snug inside you, giving hearty pulsations every now and again. you don’t know who on earth could handle this much whilst remaining motionless — you would have to count out each passing second in anticipation of your liberation. and unfairly, he would take his sweet time, too — reading, researching, writing, translating, and whatnot; occasionally giving stirs that would nudge his tip against places so sweetly pleasurable and so clandestine that you wouldn’t many options left but to issue agitated whimpers.
“everything all right?” he’d ask indifferently, and yet you’d be able to discern a note of thrill in his tone. he would be all too well-aware of your frenzied state as well as the effect each slight movement of his has upon you. in spite of it all, he would consciously divert his focus back to work anyway — even if you’d call out to him by name, pleading and whining for him to mercy you. you’d resort to shifting around in your seat, spurned on by him stretching you so amply and being situated so deeply you would simply prance along the realm of disintegration, entranced.
“behave, please,” he would request of you in response, kindly at first, though with the premise of becoming more stern upon another portrayal of misbehavior. after you’d settled back in to your rooted position, he’d reassuringly add, “soon.” he would free one of his hands, then, and attach it to your hips in order to retain you in place were you to disobey his orders again. his grip would be unflinching yet gentle upon your flesh, and you’d keep your arms hooked around his shoulders and legs drawn into yourself upon the chair, face sweltering from how flushed you’d become. it would be purely impossible to survive — pure torture.
until, of course, he would finally set an end to the cruelty of it all by concluding his studies. that’s when his other hand would shift upon your hips, and he would start guiding you — painfully slowly and nowhere near enough — up and down his length. you’d yelp for him to give you more, and he wouldn’t have many choices but to do so — he’d lift you into the air and carry you to the bedroom, where, according to this prompt, he would fuck you as hotly and as hardly as you had been fantasizing about whilst painstakingly waiting for him to find the right moment for it. he would call you sweet names yet simultaneously poke slight fun at your desperation; how badly you always seem to want him — without a single complaint or retort, you’d take him, grateful that you got to in the first place. after all that horrifyingly long dallying, it’s all you’d deserve and need.
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chimcess · 1 year
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (VII)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, SLOW BURN Word Count: 6.5k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before- become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Long-hair Jimin (yes, this is a warning), heavy emotions, possession, mature language, angst, hurt/comfort, talks of PTSD, anxieties, symptoms of depression, talks of bodily injury, self depreciation, making out, did I say angst?, fluff A/N: Thank you for all of your support! I appreciate each and every one of you so much.
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Looking around the cellar, I found myself unable to move. My brain was still recovering from the shock. Jimin had kissed me. Jimin wanted to kiss me. Where had that come from? What happened? Staring down at the blood soaked floor, I hopped around and fought to break free from the nightgown pooled around me. I needed to see him.
Flying up the stairs, I was disappointed to see the door had been shut. I assumed Jimin had closed it in order to keep Taehyung from waking up. I squawked loudly, flapped my wings, and waited. The door swung open and Jimin quickly came back into the cellar. Surprised, I flew up and jumped back. Jimin shut the cellar door behind him and stared at me from the top of the steps. 
I was frustrated. I would never be able to speak with him in this form and it made this all the more difficult. My fears from earlier reared their ugly head at me and I was once again faced with every reason why this should not happen. Whatever high I had been on was lost and replaced with a gut wrenching realization. My feelings were wrong and no matter what Jimin thought was happening could not. 
Flying back to the desk, I sat on top of the stack of spell books and waited for the alpha to join me. After a few more seconds of looking at me in silence, Jimin slowly made his way towards me. Sitting in the chair across from me, he took a deep breath before speaking.
“I need to tell you something.”
I continued to stare at him. He looked nervous. I felt sad that his earlier passions were gone once more. Whatever had happened was truly over and I wanted to cry. Everything was going to shit and it was all my fault. If I had just pushed him away we could have avoided whatever this was about to become.
“I haven’t been completely honest with you,” Jimin said.
My heart raced in my tiny chest. It was surreal just how different he could look from second to second. Now, he seemed stoic again. His features were perfectly trained and flat making him seem cold. I braced myself and waited.
“I think showing you might be easier than saying it. It’s difficult to get out, actually.”
He was nervous again. His eyebrows were scrunched together and he nursed his bottom lip between his teeth. Standing, he rubbed his hands on his pants before holding one out for me. I sat on it with ease.
He took us outside and placed me on the grass gently. This was the first night I had not gone out with Patto since the wolves had arrived. I looked around for the little bird but he was nowhere to be found. Brushing off my worries, I looked at Jimin. He was probably with Morla and the rest of the loud mouths. Shiloh had to be there as well. 
“First, I would like to apologize for withholding this from you for so long,” Jimin began. “I never knew how to bring it up and you seemed to be happy with how things were going. I never wanted to hurt your feelings.”
Great, I thought, I was getting broken up with before things had even begun. His strange behavior was becoming unsettling. I was not used to seeing Jimin pacing around and rambling. I wanted to reach for him but willed myself to stay where he had left me.
“Okay,” He whispered to himself. “I’m just going to get this over with.”
That stung. Had it taken a kiss for him to realize he was not attracted to me? Did playing with my heart set things into perspective? My thoughts began to spiral once more until I noticed Jimin take a few steps back. 
Taking a small breath, he ran for two steps before jumping up. Watching him shift left me awestruck. There was no pain or screams, within one fluid motion he went from a man to a wolf. His clothes shredded around him and I winced. Now he would have no choice but to let me make him something. The thought filled me with a small ounce of joy. Standing before me now was a large, silver wolf.
He looked a lot like Miles. His fur was fluffy and made him look like an ungroomed dog. He lowered his head before turning to the side. The moonlight illuminated his fur and that was when I saw three large lashes on his side. Stunned, I stood up and hopped closer. There was no way…
Thinking about it, it made more sense for Miles to be Jimin. My wolf was the same color and size, and remembering his voice they sounded similar. I felt embarrassed for not connecting the dots sooner. A part of me probably would have if I had truly wanted to know more about my friend, but I was also fine keeping him a mystery. Knowing that Jimin and I had actively spoken about him together made it difficult to speak. I had said far too much… I was so embarrassed. 
“I’m sorry for not telling you,” Jimin said, his voice ringing out in my head.
“I forgive you,” I replied. 
I was not upset or angry with him. I could understand why he would want to keep something like this to himself. At the time we had hardly ever spoken and it had to have been shameful to show up at my door in such a poor condition. Still, I could not pretend I did not feel slighted in a way. He knew who I was, he always knew who I was, and still acted innocently. He knew how I had felt about him to some extent and kept his mouth shut. I felt like a fool.
“You seem angry.” I shook my head. 
“I’m not angry. I’m hurt.”
Jimin took a few steps toward me. He was slow and deliberate in his moves and I had a feeling he was afraid of scaring me off. I stayed rooted in my spot and tried to calm down. We would speak about this like adults. I refused to run away. Everything had changed and I needed to know what this meant. Why had he kissed me?
“I’m sorry,” He said. 
Jimin curled his large body around mine and sighed. The gentle breeze caused my feathers to ruffle awkwardly. Using my beak, I smoothed them out in an attempt to keep myself distracted. I was feeling fidgety.
“I know you said something to me that was very personal without knowing it was me,” He started. “I’m so sorry for taking that choice away from you.”
I looked at him. It was odd how much of him I could see in his eyes. It was times like this where I wished I could stay mad at him, scream and yell, but I knew it would be impossible. He was so sincere and genuine and while it did not make anything that happened okay, I could at the very least move past this. Taking a small breath, I hopped closer to his massive head and nuzzled his nose with the top of my head.
“I’d rather it be you than anyone else,” I replied. “I’m not upset about you knowing my name, or whatever else I might have said. I’m upset that you felt like you had to keep it a secret from me. As if I would have turned you away if I had found out. That’s what hurts me- more than any of those other things.”
“But I lied.”
“Yes,” I replied. “You did.”
“I heard personal things about you without your knowledge.”
“I’m aware.”
Jimin groaned, “Why are you comforting me?”
“Because,” I sighed, nudging myself in between his arm and neck. “I hate seeing that look on your face.”
The both of us got quiet for a while. I enjoyed his warmth and the way his fur tickled my wings. He seemed content to stay like this but I could tell a storm was raging behind his eyes. He was so easy to read when he let his guard down, or had I become so accustomed to him that it was easy? Thinking about the night he cried in my kitchen, I snuggled closer to him. I would rather us talk things out then to see him like that again.
“I…” Jimin said before going silent again. 
I waited patiently. My eyes were beginning to close. His warmth and the beating of his heart were the perfect lullaby to lull me to sleep. He smelled so good.
“I want to be completely honest from now on,” He finally said.
I nodded into his chest. Jimin purred at the sensation and curled his body closer to mine. I urged him to keep talking.
“I’ve known for some time now that you mean more to me than anybody else.”
I opened my eyes.
“I felt it for the first time in the forest. Do you remember that? The two of us wandering around trying to get you back home? I had this strange feeling at the time. Of course, now I know it was me wanting to be close to you. I brushed it off. I told myself you were a girl I’d never seen before and that’s why I liked you so much.”
He snorted while shaking his head. The long hairs on his chin got in my eye and I backed away annoyed. Knowing this would be a continued issue, I gave up on the snuggles and perched myself on the top of his head. Jimin did not seem to mind at all.
“During my present ceremony I knew for sure. I felt everything in my body yearning for you and I could do nothing. When I spoke to Hoseok about it he said it was normal, that all of our wolves had the same reaction at first, but when it never went away I knew. I didn’t want to accept it but I knew you were my mate.”
Hearing the word mate made my heart drop. Jimin and I? Mates? The idea was only a fantasy and I worried if I pinched myself I’d wake up and realize I had been dreaming. Hope began to blossom inside of my chest and spread throughout my body. Thank you, Lilith, thank you. I felt the breeze gently caress my head and felt my eyes prickling with tears. 
“Coming here has been purely selfish,” Jimin proclaimed. “Sure, Taehyung needs someone in his corner, but truthfully I just used it as an excuse to stay as close to you as I possibly could. I was so worried that you and I would not work. I mean, my pack would have a difficult time understanding it and I know your fears about the future.
“However, I realized, sitting in that cellar, how little I care about any of that. As long as I have you none of it matters anymore. I’d pick you a million times over, and I’m sorry that I ever felt any shame about you and I.”
It was bizarre hearing him speak honestly. Every time I had seen him, except the rare moments when we were alone, he had been so cut off from me. Our world hardly collided and I saw myself as some girl pining over a man who she could never have. I was fine with that. That was something I could live with. This, however, opened up my world to so many possibilities I had never thought could be mine. Imagining my cottage warm and bright, Jimin bringing home our Yule tree with the small children we would have helping him decorate it filled my heart with so much joy. Then I thought of everything we would have to endure in order to make it that far and saddened. That was a future I had no business thinking about when this was so fresh and brand new. 
“Was it shame or fear?” I choked out.
Jimin paused thoughtfully. 
“When I was younger, I would have to admit it was more shameful. I was shallow and vain then. The more that time went on it had transformed into fear. How could I watch you tear yourself apart for my people and feel anything but pride in you? I’m afraid of what the elders might do to you if they found out.”
“It worries me as well, but they can’t hurt me.” I reasoned.
Jimin scoffed, “You see what they’ve done to Taehyung. Ahn has known him since he was born. If any of them so much as thought of laying a finger on you I’d kill them. I can’t rip my family apart anymore than it already is.”
The small ripple of pleasure that ran through me at the thought of Jimin protecting me was overshadowed by the grief building within me. He said nothing mattered to him, that it would always be me, but I could never ask that of him. He loved his family more than life itself. Our affections were instinctual and second nature, but truly we had hardly known one another. I could not tell you his favorite color or what his dreams were just as he could not pick up my favorite book off of the shelf. We cared for one another but we were practically strangers. I would never in my life give him an ultimatum. Life has too many nuances to get clarity at times.
“I’d never ask you to do that,” I conceded. 
“I know,” Jimin whispered in reply. “I just need time to figure out what to do.”
I clicked in response before hopping down his back. Jimin laughed, his body squirming and twitching when my talons grazed his skin. Playfully, I pinched his side gently before floating to the ground below. Jimin let out a high pitched whine of discomfort before shooting me a glare.
“I’ll get you back for that,” He threatened.
“I’m looking forward to it,” I replied.
Hopping around in the grass, I began to think about Litha and how many wonderful things we could do together. If he celebrated Yule, he more than likely celebrated the summer Equinox as well, but I could not be certain. I wondered how differently it might be with my friends and I. It had been a long time since I threw a big party and it would be nice to change the dreary mood around here. Jimin could even meet Wendy and Hyun-Jin. Looking up at the wolf, he stared down at me gently. Deciding I needed to be frank, I stopped my party planning to focus on the two of us.
“I’d like for us to take things slowly,” I started. “There’s a lot happening right now and I’d like to get to know you better. Like you said, you have a family and friends to think about and I need some time to be less… insecure. It may not seem like it, but I can’t fathom you having feelings for me after keeping mine hidden for so long.”
Jimin’s eyes lit up. “You’re giving me a chance?”
I laughed, “Why do you sound so surprised?”
“It’s just that-” He shook his head in disbelief, “-after everything I thought…”
“Thought what?” I joked. “I’d run away screaming? I don’t just let anybody kiss me, you know.”
Jimin ducked his head bashfully. 
“I’m deeply sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.”
I rolled my eyes, “I never said I didn’t like it.”
Jimin huffed, his happiness rolling off of him like waves, before setting his head on his paws.
“Tell me,” He squinted his eyes. “Which would you prefer? Peaches or strawberries?”
Sitting on the ground, I felt my heart swelling. He would truly try and that made whatever hell we would go through later worth it. Looking into his eyes, I was happy to find nothing but care in them. No more heavily guarded stares or coldness. It was just Jimin and that was enough for me.
“I’d have to say peaches,” I replied.
Amused, I looked toward the empty bushes along the side of the cottage. A few weeks ago they had huge, juicy strawberries growing on every vine. I made countless deserts and sent so many to my friends, and yet still had too many to use. Jimin followed my eyes and hummed in recognition. 
“Peaches aren’t as available to me. Jin always begs me to make him this convoluted, extremely difficult to make cake whenever he finds them at the market.”
“I’m not a fan of either,” Jimin giggled. “Well, they’re not my favorite, I should say. I’m more of a blueberry man.”
“You know,” I looked at him. “I made a great blueberry cake.”
“Now you’re speaking my language,” He joked.
And the two of us sat up talking about our favorite fruits, desserts, and foods. It was different, talking about such mundane things with Jimin. It was also strange to find out that we had very little in common when it came to most things. He loved sweet food while I was a big fan of sour candies, and I loved vanilla while he craved chocolate like no other. The more he spoke the more he reminded me of Jin and I liked it more than I thought I would. He was playful and funny, but unlike the witch, he never took it overboard. It was nice talking with him. Almost as easy as breathing.
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The cottage felt lighter now. Jimin spoke more often and laughed with Taehyung. He liked helping me cook even if he had no idea what he was doing. Vegan cooking was a far cry from his typical diet and I knew he was struggling to keep up. I enjoyed our mornings going over my various cookbooks together. Taehyung never helped but he always ate plenty to make up for it. Like seemed to be going forward even with the threat of Foxglove looming over our heads. 
Delinah had come to tell me she heard dark whispers going around the forest. The pack had grown impatient with their runaway and wanted to come and collect him themselves. Morla had said Chief Ahn alluded to coming along with the rest of the elders and the battle happening in my clearing. Taehyung and Jimin had not reacted well to the news, and their time at the cottage had slowly become less and less. Washing mushrooms for dinner, I worried over what could happen if they decided to come here. 
The wolves had no idea what they were doing coming here. Things lurked in these woods, things far more dangerous than them, and it was concerning how little any of them seemed to care about it. The Birdies had kept them at bay for the most part, and Aldara had all but scared them into hiding, but the forest knew things had changed. I was not my aunt and my magic was fickle. There was no telling what could happen if a group of wolves were out in the open and vulnerable. There would be nothing I could do to help them either. My magic was too weak and help would never arrive fast enough. 
I did not want to talk with the boys about this. It was a fear that only plagued my mind and the Quietus had been gone for so long I doubted they were truly a threat. Still, I had learned to rely on my instincts after the fire. Something within me refused to let the thought go and that meant something. It always did. 
Shiloh read off the next step of the recipe but I hardly heard her. I did not need her help to make this mushroom stew. I had done it more times than I could count but the owl enjoyed feeling helpful. Taking out a baking sheet, I began tearing apart the mushrooms and laid them out on the pan. Sprinkling them with oil, I placed them on my stove. Flicking my wrist, I asked the wall clock to remind me to take them out in 35 minutes. The clock chimed in reply.
“Where’s your mind?” Shiloh asked. 
Dazed, I shook my head. “What?”
“You’re not here today. What’s going on? Is it about what Delinah said?”
I nodded. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head about that,” Shiloh sighed. Flying onto my shoulder, the barn owl rubbed her head against my cheek. I pet her back in reply. I appreciated her comfort. “Everything is going to be alright.”
But I knew they weren’t. The knot twisting in my stomach told me that nothing was going to be alright. My fears for Taehyung grew. This forest was frightful, yes, but the only threat here would be Namjoon. My heart broke at the thought that I was feeling grief for him before he had been hurt. Oh, God, Taehyung…
Clutching my chest, I allowed a few tears slip out before a chill creeped up my spine. Gasping loudly, I flinched away. Shiloh flew up, my jerking causing her to lose balance. I heard my name being called but I was already far away.
“Y/N!” The wind screamed. 
“What’s going on? What’s happening?” I cried.
“Listen to me,” I had never spoken to this person before. “You’ll have to make a choice. You’ll know what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t have enough time. Please, just listen!”
I felt hands grabbing my face and holding it. It was numbingly cold and my senses were overwhelmed with the smell of mint. My knees had given out but I did not feel the impact. It was as if I were underwater.
“A sacrifice will be made and you’ll be the judge,” The wind whispered. “Your choices are important, Y/N-”
I could feel the warmth returning to my fingertips and my breathing became more normal. The dazed I had been trapped in was gone and I was aware of the cottage again. I could make out Shiloh’s silhouette on the kitchen island and smell the mushrooms cooking. 
“I’m sorry,” The wind whispered and then it was gone.
Gasping, I shot up and looked around. I had fallen. The clock was ringing loudly and Shiloh called my name wearily. It was something we had both grown used to over the years, but it still caught us off guard. It had been a long time since I had zoned out like that. Shaking, I began to stand. The wolves were still not back. I told the clock to stop and the ringing ceased. I could feel the tears staining my cheeks but ignored them. Taking a large breath, I took the mushrooms out of the oven and went back to making the stew. 
“Are you alright?” Shiloh asked.
I nodded but chose not to speak. I did not trust my voice not to waver. Whatever that was, I would keep it to myself. No one needed to know about the voice or its warnings. It was clear that this was my battle and I would have to figure it out by myself. Silently crying to myself, I placed a large pot over the open flame of my stove and added oil, sautéing onions, and throwing in the seasons and garlic I had to the side after they had gone translucent. On autopilot, I kept to myself while Shiloh hesitantly restarted telling me the recipe. This time, I appreciated it and listened carefully. My brain was far too scrambled to think about anything properly. 
The wolves made it back just as I was adding the cornstarch to begin creating the gravy for the stew. This was one of my favorite recipes and Aldara made it often. Thinking of her only made my heart ache even more. I wish she were here and could tell me what to do. Why had she never come to me? Taehyung’s boisterous laughter lightened up the house and Shiloh flew to him. They were unable to speak but she loved his energy. I had to admit having Kim Taehyung around was a blessing in disguise. He never failed to make things not as bad as they seemed. Plastering on a smile, I turned to my friends.
“Just in time. Dinner’s almost ready.”
Glancing at Jimin, I could tell he knew something was wrong. He always did. Still, I smiled at him. I saw his eyebrows scrunch up and he came to my side. Ignoring him, I made myself busy by getting bowls and silverware ready. The stew bubbled and thickened. Shiloh reminded me to add miso to the broth and I thanked her under my breath. Placing a large dollop in the pot, I stirred until it dissolved and went back to setting the table. Jimin watched me from beside the stove wordlessly. Taehyung continued to talk vibrantly about what they had done today.
“Jimin’s impossible to train with,” Taehyung complained jokingly. “He’s too good.”
Forcing a laugh, I grabbed bread that was going stale and placed it on the center of the table. I preferred something chewy with this stew and it needed to be used. 
“Or you’re just that bad,” I replied.
“Who’s side are you on?” Taehyung whined, coming to sit at the table.
“Jimin’s, of course.”
Taehyung had noticed our relationship. While he never explicitly said it, I could see it in his eyes. He was far more observant than I had originally given him credit for and I stopped trying to hide my affections. No one ever commented on it, not even Shiloh, but we were all aware something was happening. Neither of us had said the truth and I planned to keep it that way until we were both ready for that step. Stealing a look at Shiloh, I knew I would need to tell her soon. 
“Not even trying to hide your bias anymore, huh?” Taehyung jokes, a wicked grin on his face.
Flustered, I scoffed and ran a hand down my apron. Taehyung’s grin grew even wider and I turned my back to him. Jimin had not moved from his spot. Picking up the heavy pot, I carried it to the table and scooped bowls for the three of us. Jimin slowly made his way over and sat down. His eyes stayed trained on my face but I continued ignoring him. It would be nearly impossible to lie if he asked me what was the matter and I did not have the heart to tell him. We had never even discussed this part of my life and it would be difficult to explain.
“Stop being such a baby and eat.”
The three of us ate in relative silence. Taehyung still spoke and I engaged, but he knew something was off. Jimin did not utter a single word the entire time we sat there. My mind continued to wander and I hardly registered Shiloh’s voice telling me she was going out for the night. I appreciated her giving me the space I so desperately wanted. I finished first, cleaned off my plate, and locked myself in my room until sunset.
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I had locked myself away for days before Jimin came knocking on my door. I did not want to leave my bed. I knew things were escalating, just as I knew I could do nothing to stop it, but the spirit’s voice never left my head. Things rested on my shoulder, things I had no control over or idea what they could be, and I would have to make a choice. A sacrifice. Head aching, I rolled over and closed my eyes. I wished I was alone with no one else here, but I could hear laughing and talking in the other room and knew that was not possible. 
I had been thinking of Sol a lot during this time. She had to be in agony in Foxglove, and though Taehyung tried his best to stay bright and positive, every now and then I could see his eyes gloss over. They could feel one another. After they bonded they would be able to speak without opening their mouths. It was an incredible thing, a wolf’s love, but it did nothing but rip my heart in two. I haven't felt this powerless in a long time. 
The knock was light, gentle, and Jimin was soft when he asked if he could come in. Perking my ears, I could hear nothing else in the cottage. Still, I did not open my mouth. I did not deserve Park Jimin’s condolences right now. In fact, I was not sure if I even wanted them. He spoke again and reassured me that we were alone, that Taehyung had gone out for a walk and Shiloh had gone with him. It would be just the two of us. Finally, after a few minutes of begging, I told him to come in.
I stayed wrapped up in my blankets with my back facing the door. I felt small and thoughts of Aldara kept invading my train of thought. Shiloh had always said I would live with what happened that night for the rest of my life but I never believed her. I was 13 and believed I knew the way the world worked, but in my grief I thought I would die from the pain and sorrow. Nothing felt right anymore and I did not know how to pick up the pieces. However, time heals most and I was able to get back to living. Now, I could tell her she was right. That unbridled pain was something I would never forget and it seems everything would lead back to it. Even now, the thought of Sol had Aldara’s face popping in my head. The bed dipped and a warm hand touched my shoulder. 
“I know something is bothering you,” Jimin started. “I won’t ask what or why it’s got you like this, but know I’m here for you.”
I said nothing. What was there to say? We were closer than we had been in days and yet he still felt so far away. Everybody did. I had stopped responding to Yoongi’s letters and had not even written Wendy telling her I was happy she was home. My world was at a standstill and I was the one who had to kick it back into orbit. The only problem was I had no idea how. What choice? What sacrifice?
“Birdie,” Jimin called. When I did not respond after a few minutes, he spoke again. “Y/N. Look at me.”
Unable to stop myself, I rolled over and faced him. I loved the way he said my name and I wanted him to say it again. Jimin looked as worried as I thought he would and his fingers came up to graze my swollen cheeks. Everything was going to fall apart soon and I hoped he would make it out of the carnage. A sacrifice…
Eyes widening, I quickly unwrapped my hand and placed it on his. He caressed my cheek and I allowed myself to lean into it. What if he would be my sacrifice? Would I have to let him go? In doing so would that save everyone? My eyes watered as I looked at his beautiful face and I found myself reaching out for him. If that would be what I had to do then I would make sure I held him for as long as I could.
Jimin reached me in the middle and hugged me tightly. Violent sobs wracked through my body and I held onto him for dear life. Sniffling, I leaned back and smashed our lips together. I needed to feel him all over me. Jimin kissed me back with the same passion and pressed me closer to him. My heart pounded and I ran my hands through his hair. Jimin held me by the nape of my neck and nibbled on my bottom lip.
Whimpering, I continued to cry and chase after him. If the world ended tomorrow then we only had tonight. With this single thought guiding me, my hands slid down his back and back up his front. My fingers twisted his shirt and yanked him forward. Jimin did not budge but laid me back down. Towering over me, he sucked my tongue into his mouth before kissing my chin and jawline. Shaking, I started to pull at the buttons on the shirt that I had made him. Jimin’s large hand engulfed mine. Stopping my movement, I looked up at him and was surprised to see concern. 
“We’re not doing that,” He said, voice husky and strained. “You’re far too upset.”
Opening my mouth to protest, I stopped when I realized he was right. I could still feel myself crying, the hole in my chest just as large as when he first walked in, and nothing was going to stop it. I was doing this in a rushed panic instead of love. Nodding, I buried my head in his neck and sighed. 
“I’m sorry,” My voice cracked.
“Don’t be,” He cooed, scooping me in his arms and laying beside me.
I was grateful to have him. He was everything I could ever want and more, and he proved once again why I loved him. Snuggling closer to him, I sighed in relief and let myself cry. Jimin whispered sweet nothings into the air and held me closely waiting for me to calm down. 
“I’m afraid,” I finally said.
“I know, amica,” He replied. “So am I.”
He did not understand what frightened me but I knew we were both scared, so did it really matter? The need to tell him was on the tip of my tongue but I kept my mouth shut. Every decision I made now would affect everyone and dragging Jimin into it would only further complicate matters. When the forest speaks to me, I listen. Something I never did as a child. Fresh tears came to my eyes and soaked through Jimin’s shirt.
“Tell me a story,” Jimin suddenly demanded.
Laughing, I rubbed my face and held him tighter. I was thankful he was trying to get my mind off things. Still, something in me told me I should tell him a particular story. A story that on one but Shiloh, Lilith, and myself knew. Sobering up, I got very quiet as I thought. Now was not a good time for that one. We were both in desperate need of a pick-me-up.
“You first,” I finally landed on. 
Jimin rarely talked about himself. He always said it was because there was not much to say but I found it hard to believe. Everyone had their own story and this was one that fascinated me the most. Fully expecting him to deflect, I began searching my own mind for a fun story to tell even if I was not in the mood for it.
“When I was around fifteen, or sixteen,” Jimin started. Caught off guard, I looked up at his face. From this angle, I could not see him very well but still kept my eyes on his chin and neck. “-I got into a fight with my little brother.”
I smiled, “What for?”
“He had told our mother that I had gotten into a fight. It was the truth, I had, indeed, fought with Hoseok that morning, but we agreed not to tell mom. Well, he had anyway. So, I got in trouble and ended up beating him up late that night while our mom was in bed.”
He paused and started again.
“I didn’t feel bad at the time but Jihyun did not speak to me much after that. He always avoided me and never liked to spend time with me. It took a few months but I finally realized that I had hurt his feelings, and he only spoke to our mom because she already knew. Hoseok’s older sister had gone to her furious about the whole thing.
“Still, I was too prideful to just apologize. I made up with Hoseok before my own brother,” Jimin stopped speaking and took a deep breath. It must be emotional to talk about his family right now. I rubbed gentle circles on his chest. “I thought we’d never be close again. Then, the moon festival started and Jihyun had told one of his friends that he was interested in a girl but no one really knew who it was. I found him later that night blindfolded and sitting by a large rock by the town gates. 
“We spoke for the first time in forever and he told me it was one of the human girls that lived on the farmland right outside of the village. I was surprised but then I thought of you and it was less strange. He’s the first person I ever told about you- the only person, in fact.”
“Where’s the fun part?” I whispered, enthralled.
Jimin’s brother knew about us? It was a strange thought but one that filled me with deep pleasure. I could only hope he had kept that information to himself during these trying times. Then again, if he were anything like his brother then it was not something I needed to worry about.
“I’m getting to that,” He laughed. “Well, after our talk I convinced him to take off the blindfold. It’s a tradition that boys wear a blindfold and wait for the girls to find them. I never did it and told him if he knew he liked someone then it was pointless. We snuck off to the farms to find the girl he liked. He knew exactly which house was hers and we threw rocks at her window to get her attention.
“She wasn’t really prepared to see us standing there. After a lot of convincing, we managed to talk her into sneaking out with us to enjoy the festival. I’d never seen Jihyun like that before and I knew they would get together in the end. After that night, my brother and I were closer than before and I helped our mother except Callisto after my brother’s present ceremony. They’re good together and our family is large and happy.”
Jimin turned to his side and gazed down at me. His eyes looked lighter today and it brought me joy. I could hear Taehyung’s loud voice beginning to approach the cottage and smiled despite myself. That boy was something else.
“I know my family will love you no matter what. My brother and his wife will fight for us, as will my mother, and my friends. Hoseok would rip Foxglove apart if he thought you were in trouble. You are loved, little bird. We will make it through this- together.”
Sealing his promise with a kiss, I found it easier to breathe again. I would not sacrifice him for the world. Lilith would never ask that of me and neither would the forest. I had been too good to it for it to treat me that way. Still, the warnings of the wind stuck with me. If it was not Jimin it would be somebody else. That thought alone kept my smile from reaching my eyes as the guilt coursing through me made it nearly impossible to meet his soft gaze.
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Taglist: @greezenini​ @adventures-in-bookland​ @kthstrawberryshortcake-main​ @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin​ @yamekomz @chimthicc​
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission 
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captain-maws · 1 year
my (probably not great) explanation for how i think karma/rebirth/ascension in rain world works
hello internet welcome to gay theory. are you confused about how rain world’s karma system works? great, me too! wtf is going on! don’t worry i have a theory as to how it works.
look at my funny diagram
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my theory sorta builds on the theory that the world in rw is infinitely layered. there is a “surface world” above and beneath every world. you can sort of think of them as separate timelines, dimensions, etc. the reason i interpret it like this is because of a specific lore pearl--in one of the subterranean pearls, moon says this:
"If you leave a stone on the ground, and come back some time later, it's covered in dust. This happens everywhere, and over several lifetimes of creatures such as you, the ground slowly builds upwards.
So why doesn't the ground collide with the sky? Because far down, under the very very old layers of the earth, the rock is being dissolved or removed. The entity which does this is known as the Void Sea.
If you drill far enough into the earth you begin encountering a substance called Void Fluid. The deeper you go, the less rock and more Void Fluid. It's believed that there is a point where the rock completely gives way - below that would be the Void Sea.
When that stone you placed on the ground has finally done its time in the sediments, it meets the Void Fluid and is dissolved, leaving the physical world."
THE DUST IS VERY IMPORTANT. IT’S OFFHANDEDLY MENTIONED BUT IT’S IMPORTANT HERE’S WHY: it’s never explained where this dust comes from. supposedly, it comes from the sky. but how? infinitely layered world baby
how it works is that the matter that the void sea in the above surface world is dissolved and becomes dust, which then rains down onto the below surface world. but you can’t just fly up into the void sea, the devs have said the ancients have been to space iirc. the dust comes from an opening in the sky, only perceivable when encountering echoes, because echoes reside in a different realm (but not a different world, more on that in a bit).
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now ik you’re saying “okay BUT what abt the whole death and rebirth thing???” im getting to that.
when slugcat, or any other creature dies, they begin perceiving the world from a slugcat on another layer. all of the layers are identical, so when waking up after dying, everything looks the same, so it’s easy to think that you just. died and then woke back up, when really, you’re on a different surface world/layer. it ties into the buddhist concept of there being no single central self.
but what about those who ascend? well take a look at my next funny diagram
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*i do want to mention that the top right corner’s text is outdated. i don’t think they’re reborn as their self from their previous existence, rather they’re born into the life/body of another creature depending on karma. they could be reborn as the same species or something new.
so in using the void sea to achieve ascension, it's a sort of false ascension. those who do manage to ascend via the void sea only end up reborn in a new layer. so while the material body is gone from the living realm, the soul isn't. ascension via the void sea is thus just another part of the cycle, since you’re effectively just moving in-between spiritual realms. true ascension means that every instance of yourself from each layer joins into one single, central self, and that central self is crossed out. once that central self dies, it has nowhere to transfer the soul, thus achieving true ascension and breaking the cycle.
and how does one go about doing that? uh. i don’t fuckin know. adopt a The Saint Rain World.
feel free to lmk what u think :>!! hopefully i explained this well enough
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cerealforkart · 8 months
fairy princess au question: i can't rember if u said hero&normal exist in this universe but if they do-how do they feel about their mom being banished??
They do exist! I've talked a little bit about Normal's role in the AU here
I don't think Hero and Normal really get to talk about Sparrow, what she did and why she did it, and I think it's a major source of tension between them. Asking or talking about Sparrow makes grandpa Henry so sad and uncle Lark so angry, it's just become a bit of a taboo subject in the family.
To go into more detail starting with Hero, she feels very conflicted on Sparrow. She and her mom weren't particularly close before everything happened. Sparrow taught her everything about magic and defending herself and being a princess of the faewild (and probably queen someday), all things Hero isn't even a little bit interested in. Hero is really frustrated about Sparrow's banishment, but with her mom not around, she has nowhere to direct that anger, and she feels like she can't show it. She's the daughter of the woman who betrayed all realms, and as such she feels pressured to not show any weakness or be vulnerable because of that. She's upset her mom betrayed everyone, and she feels horrible about all the people that got hurt or died to protect their family but also, fuck all the realms, she just wants her mom back.
Normal 100% blames himself for absolutely everything. He was the one getting tempted to use the forbidden doodler magic, Sparrow is gone, and people got hurt, and most realms lost magic maybe forever because she felt like she had to protect him. He believes that everyone else blames him too, especially Hero since she starts distancing herself in the aftermath. Henry has probably had half a conversation with Normal about it, but it didn't really help. He's probably had half a conversation with Henry about it not being his fault, but he doesn't really believe him. A conversation with Lark wouldn't help because Lark thinks it's his fault and they would just go in circles blaming themselves and each other and it would be horrible. He does need to talk to Hero, but she doesn't want to have a vulnerable conversation. So he's just very sad.
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strywoven · 29 days
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@astarab1aze has requested a story : once again he comes to see them, only this time he's something else, someone else. dressed in holy skin, gleaming for those with eyes to see it, sunfire framing godhood in warm golden light and the markings of a fox, having undergone an incredible change. he pawed and nipped at them as if nothing had, altering the shape and appearance of the world around them until they both were everywhere and nowhere at once beneath a curtain of bright-burning stars - nothing and no one to bother them. where he could tease and play and chuff and purr till his heart was content; he had no other intentions, affection pouring out of him wordlessly and in waves, kissing kaen in every spot he could manage, just--
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Fate makes for a fickle mistress ; inevitable by design , all things heed the call eventually.  And Kaen , too , fell prey to the course of the narrative , of the destiny which may well have been foretold long before their name was stained upon the realm , impressed deep within the annals of the ancients , held aloft and arisen in newfound r e v e r e n c e .  It is hard to say exactly how long ago now that the wee faun had lost touch with their old life ( & everyone in it ) , but what is done , is done ; what is , is what must be.  Gone is the godling doe formerly known as Kaen , and here for the remnant of all-time ‘til own fire does dim to nothing , is the burning glory , the herald of harmony , the bestial vestige of LIGHT & LOVE itself , our great Kaëltyr ( blessed be , good creature ! blessed be ! ) .
It is hard to affirm how much time has passed since departing the mortal realm and ascending the mantle.  But it assumes it must have been … At l e a s t a few seasons since.  Kaëltyr is not without some sense of regret , after all it disappeared without giving good-bye , without being able to promise it might ever return ( not one to make empty vows , but it could not bear the mourning , the grief , the sorrow of its departure ) .  And even here , surrounded by a realm that beats in pulse-tuned to its own spirit and heart , it wonders : Should I go back ?  If they were honest with themself ( as they hardly ever are ) , it would confess that there really is only ONE SOUL it craves to see again.  If only it could ⸺
⸺ LOUX ?
Blinking bewildered , startled so much that several eyes ( normally lingering shut ) snap wide and disbelieving , their blighted-blue glimmer shimmering b r i g h t e r to behold the vision of a too-familiar apparition.  And they assume , at first , that this is merely a trick of own subconscious , as is the whimsy of the groves and grottos playing to folly of the great god’s heart ( t’would not be the first time , it knew far too well ) .  So the beastly divinity staggers , fumbling in stance despite massive stature , losing elegant poise and looking rather r u f f l e d .  Maw parts , but tongue is stiff and little comes forth amid the shock of it all.
This i s Loux , Kaëltyr knows , it can sense it.  Yet he has , as it has in all that time apart , CHANGED .  Immensely so , and just as it did when it was still confined within the shape of a faun , the Immaculate feels its heart skip at his presence , the dulled longing and ache and yearning SURGING FORTH in a great force that bids them breathless as he consecrates them with his fire-touched affection , spiriting them away to some unknown place ( oh - the lessers marking the council will be displeased for that - but what does it matter ? he’s back ! he’s alive ! he’s here ! ) .  Kaëltyr all but sets a b l a z e , turning a l i g h t in joy as if the sun rising upon this night-veiled little space , shrouding them each in own prismatic aura , flickering and shimmering and dancing in colorful hues most abundant.  Did he think it would remain idle ?  Many arms curl tight , keeping him still and close , holding him against their burning breast , crowned head lowering to tuck against his ; calm , still , merely savoring the moment after so long without one another ( forgive it their grip upon him , claws unable to stop from piercing & teeth unable to stop from marking as it growls & churrs in humming rumbles ) .
This is all it needs.  There are no words which can encompass the happiness this has brought , neither can they help the stream of crystal-formed tears p l i n k i n g delicately against Loux’s shoulder.  This is enough , Loux is enough ; LOUX WAS ALWAYS ENOUGH .
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Truth is the Portal to New Earth, Self Love, Greater Realms
Truth purifies and truth humbles, truth brings new dawning to new potentials - and truth will always allow you to be more, be one with God, the creation of what is simply genuine, honour of what is truth and genuine -
The tables will always turn and this will surprise many that have never been called out; like Epstein, or Trump; who knew 5 years ago that they would be; their money and connections was deep -
'Money and false title means nothing' Jesus told me; I was in great stress of the unfair, unjust happenings of the many doing what they were doing, over and over, and again, every lifetime of seemingly coming to bring hope and light, and you only get shut down and preyed on to silence and commit suicide;
I listened as Jesus explained of what I hold true in my beingness in every new day; 'it matters not that anyone would have the best lawyers, or angered intent to win & take, what matters is you walk with the Heavens' I cried when Jesus said this, it was the soul remembrance I needed to keep going;
The illusion is not enough - I know clarity and truth; the past will not return.
That cycle is over, done, forever. Never to reopen again - period.
Cease the games, cease the ploys and plots - ties are severed.
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Trusting of who I am with only that is God -
Jesus said; 'Joanna, You walk with the heavens; there is nothing greater' the influence of all seeds, all beings, all miracles, and any truth of paperwork, the right image, the right link, the person popping up out of nowhere - miracles are that of Source; the invite to the infinite beings that are always working with those that stand in truth for a better world.
Why the past is the past and move on.
It matters not what another wants of you, how another misses you and wants you back into their pace, space, story - play no role for none; all are meant to be their best for themselves;
I will not return, nor will the past return to me; the past will never ever reopen and the cycle will never commence; over is over; damage done, and all need to go and heal. Severed ties, and past is over.
Let's hope the scrutiny of the those that order such, bully such, stalk such, twist truth such, how many the 'elite' and false leaders that hold so many in silence for a sick-quick payout;
The divine is within all moments, all people, all things; spirit sees, hears all, and no scheme, plot, plan that any one has, or even to falsify docs, false signatures, and how those that play, pretend they are holy, and may the Divine not scrutinize to those that play God, those that hold things, money, information, energy, or power over others;
When you have harmed, with intention, with malice, and with discourse, all will be known; and to each is how your character is;
There will be even social, political, judicial and entertainers; none are above the purifying of corrupt breaking in our reality - to be brought into balance, peace, justice for the many harmed, the many taken from, the billions through time that never made it to speak a higher truth;
I will.
You choose your character;
Abuse of power, abuse of resources, withholding of truth, withholding of resources, to ensure your agenda is met; regardless of what pain, suffering, damage has been caused; let us hope and pray that the Divine does not scrutinize as those false elitests have done to the innocent and what orders, what instructions, what rules, what tests, obligations, agenda's they have set for others to meet, measure to = how ridiculous -
I have no partner, no counterpart, no agent, no person that has ever been given authority, nor ever will to sign, speak, or take my choice, voice on my behalf - any of the past, used, using my name work without written permission, in any way; the shadow banning, the illusions of my platform not growing even 1 subscribers over 6 years and while others are seemingly making the money off my content -
None, not 1, no person has ever been given any level of permission, authority, all is was done with magic, conflict magic, spell work, voodoo, to delay and derail, and prolong, abuse power to create the outcome of their falseness and narrative.
My ideas, teachings, offering, through being a conduit, only can be of my offerings - why it came and gifted through me - yet any truth, any knowing, any vision spirit showing me; 'they are stealing from you' will be what spirit says; and the proof will come in any way it can, regardless of how much they think they are hiding, or destroying evidence - they are not Source, God, The Heavens; there are officials that will be brought down;
Not every soul, spirit, self worth, will ever want to sell it for the false and those that work on behalf of the devil - the slight of hand, payment to be silent to say what some need you say to support their story - not all will want to sell their soul - truth is truth and I portend such will come forth like a bull from the heavens;
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Never measure to none and no one, no group, no company, no leader - never follow in such human, spirit, and soul disregard -
Mistreatment, the sick entitlement, control, dominance that one thinks they write an doctrine of who you are meant to be, meant to look like, meant to match to - only match to that love of God, explore, express, experience - all else is under a false God;
I know who I am, and what I have always been;
I will no longer prove, measure, nor hold gaze to anyone that that pours forth their own self over another, nor saying jump woman jump;
I bow to none; magic and voodoo all you want; I know what is true, genuine, honour, and soul of the spirit - and that is all that matters; and yet few live with it here;
Bow to none that feel and press entitlement over you, your name, your choice, your voice, your life - never - never sell yourself to none that value none; never bow to the false gods of temptation -
At least you will have your soul, your light, your knowing of your own worth;
Those that steal will be stolen from, be it health, abundance, honour, character, sight, mental ability, any way that Spirit, will bring it - greed will break you - truth will make you -
It is not rocket science - when you heal the wounding - nothing matters more than pure loving self love of self knowing -
Truth is truth - clarity of a new world - move or be moved;
God is the blessing, Source is all life, and if you have nothing to show for who you are; so be it, you are enough - that is the lesson.
You are enough and prove yourself to none; you are enough.
Never bend to the tormented or degrading of life,
You need none to believe in your story, your offering; God, Creation, all knows of what is unseen, unknown; All is known, always and none that think they are 'getting one over on you' never gets anything over another - money is never the measure of a sacred heart - it is the gift of knowing you are enough and simply are.
None have the right to mess with your life in such a way that you are a literally and figuratively enslaved;
How many people were not healed while Iay barely able to get up from the hate magic - over years, over years - not a one time thing; weekly task for me to silence because truth is - truth is and will prevail - nothing can remain hidden;
#selflove #selfhealing #unconditionaltrust #5Dhumanity #5Dnewearth #truth #clarity #healingourchildren #healingcorruption #calgarycrime #calgarycorruption #healinghumanwounds #ascensionbooks #ascensionclasses
Blessings be the sacred
Matters not who is watching you ~
God is always watching ~
Know dear ones, make no outer thing, how any one person chooses to move about life; see beyond the wounding, forgive, and know, fear nothing;
Release fear on all levels; NEVER EVER FEAR; gang stalking, spying, is all about intimidation; let nothing bring such fear and less than to you;
Never allow another to put fear into your life - fear not.
Transcend and know all - see the higher perspectives
Stand firm in who you are - As Jesus said; 'none take my life, I take my life and only am that that chooses with God' His persecution proved only that we had not learned our lessons, still continues today;
The killing, taking, corruption does nothing but bring karma, darkness, and never ever made the impact that they wanted His death to prove; his energy lives today - His energy is the oneness -
Oneness will reign - not any one person in wounding will change the vibration of love and fear not - that is their intent; do not fear what the corrupt think they are doing - God is, the Heavens are - no 3D person has such power, and abuse of it will always be seen;
We will transcend all such stories - this is our promise.
Be humble, presence, knowing of you!
Being you is enough.
~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#ascension #enlightenment #God #source #
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
la petite mort (em)
you have two deep, dark secrets; you've never had an orgasm, and you're in love with your best friend. eddie thinks he can rectify them both.
la petite mort; the sensation of post orgasm as likened to death
(3.7 k words) soft sex, f!receiving oral, reader has nipple piercings and a praise kink, first orgasm, best friends to lovers, protected sex, reader really likes eddie’s rings and tattoos (same girl), no use of y/n or reader descriptions, weed and alcohol use, eddie and reader are in love w each other but also share a single braincell, reader is eighteen eddie is nineteen, no spoilers
this is a combo of two requests which i loved so thank u anons!!
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there was absolutely nothing to do in hawkins, indiana.
as you got older, you might reflect on your childhood and teen years and everything you overlooked while you were too busy hating your hometown. the woods that offered endless hours of exploring, the lake in which you swam most summers. the video shop. the arcade. even the shitty roller rink that played nothing but cheesy 70s love songs.
before then, though, right now, your free time was best spent doing exactly what you were doing right at that moment; smoking weed with your best friend.
and listening to him bitch about a girl who didn’t wanna fuck him.
‘i just don’t get what she doesn’t see in me! like, she said i was weird looking.’ his head was laying in your lap as you buried your fingers in his hair, playing with the surprisingly soft strands and weaving tiny braids. 
‘i mean, i think i’m pretty hot!’ you looked down to his chocolate brown eyes, and shivered slightly at the way he was already looking up at you. your crush on eddie had been building for years, nurtured by the loving nature of your relationship, and by the time you realised you thought he was cute at sixteen you were already halfway in love with him. and yet, for some reason, here you were. eighteen years old, still pining after the one guy you wanted but couldn’t have whilst he complained that other girls didn’t like him. great.
‘i don’t think you’re the problem, eddie, i think she’s a stuck up bitch.’ you explained, reaching over to grasp the joint from his fingers. you’d both smoked two each already and were pretty high, but he’d insisted on finishing off what he’d skimmed from his supply and well, who were you to say no to some of rick’s primo shit?
’i think she needs to have a orgasm.’ your eyes widened as you choked on the smoke in your lungs, drawing half-breaths. eddie seemed totally nonplussed, as if he’d mentioned the weather or asked about a class of yours. bringing his left hand up to play with the sleeve of your t-shirt, the cold silver of his rings brushed against your arm, and you shivered once more. when eddie had started wearing rings the year before, it had pushed your crush into a whole new realm. they featured in every single fantasy you had; cold rings brushing your lips as he stuck his fingers into your mouth, imprints left behind after he smacked your ass, pushing up against you as he thrust his fingers deep into your-
‘you’re probably right. ‘m sure she’d benefit greatly from one.’ you laughed it off, stubbing the joint out in the ashtray by his bed and trying to play off just how horny you felt. talking about sex was something you had always avoided; the few boys you’d slept with had gotten you nowhere but disappointed, and admitting that you were eighteen and had yet to make yourself cum, let alone anyone else make you, was not a fact you were all too willing to give up. you looked down and let out a shaky breath as your mind ran away; eddie’s shirt had ridden down as he’d turned his face in your lap, and you could see the very edges of ink inside his collar. it made you feel hot under yours. eddie suited this new look so well, and you indulged in staring at him for a little while. you wondered what he looked like without his shirt, when all of his tattoos were exposed. you could feel your mind going hazy, the weed finally taking effect, and you couldn’t help but giggle softly at your own thoughts.
‘what’s s’ funny, peaches?’ he was peering up at you with an eyebrow arched, playing with the skin at the edge of your shirt sleeve, fingertips dangerously close to the curve of your chest.
‘nothin’, just thinking about what you said about her needing an orgasm.’
‘we could all benefit from one every now and again,’ he shrugged, and when you muttered an almost indecipherable ‘i bet,’ against your better judgement, you hoped he wouldn’t hear. but years of listening to shitty cassettes and teaching himself to play guitar from scratched records had given eddie an irritating superpower; he had fucking fantastic hearing.
‘what’d’you mean, “i bet?”,’ he sat up, making quote marks with his fingers around the last two words. 
your skin erupted in goosebumps, and you suddenly became very interested in the hangnail on your left thumb, pulling the skin between your teeth. eddie was transfixed on the way your teeth pulled, how your tongue darted out to swipe against the skin there, and he almost forgot that you’d been talking about until you spoke up again.
‘’s not a big deal,’ you whispered. ‘just never happened for me, ya know?’ you were looking hopefully up at him, and then it clicked.
‘you’re fuckin' kidding? no one’s ever made you cum?!’ he almost shouted the last words, and you buried your face in your hands. you could feel your skin getting hot and you knew you couldn’t look him in the eye as you spoke.
‘i-i’ve never done it with someone. or on my own, really, either. i just can’t let go enough to get there, it’s not a big deal.’
eddie wanted to reach out and take you in his hands, smooth your hair back and soothe your embarrassment.
‘it’s nothing to be ashamed of babe, but wow. i thought everyone had had an orgasm.’ you scowled up at his words.
‘way to make me feel better, eds.’ his eyes widened, apologising instantly.
‘i’m sorry babe, i didn’t mean it like that. look, i’m sorry, i’m just surprised is all. you’ve like… been with people, right?’
you frowned again. ‘yeah, a couple, but they’ve never got me there. they think they have, course, but i dunno… never seemed that important. i enjoy sex without it.’
eddie could feel himself going bright red, and he didn’t know what it was; the weed? talking about how much you enjoy sex? the knowledge you’d never had an orgasm? or the fact that you’d had enough sex with other people to know what you liked? he shook his head. of course you’d had sex, you were fucking gorgeous. anyone who you wanted to fuck was lucky. so lucky. so how had they had the audacity to not make you cum? that should be, like, a fucking crime. the more he thought about it, the more irritated he got, until finally, he snapped.
‘how about i make you cum?’
you had reached to take a sip of eddie’s beer, and at his words had spat it out all over yourself. your black shirt was soaked through and he really wished he hadn’t noticed how clingy it was, because it was making this a lot harder.
‘what- what the fuck did you just say?’ you sputtered, and eddie steeled himself, wiping his sweaty hands on his ripped jeans.
‘i mean, we don’t have to fuck. you don’t gotta do anything to me, you don’t even gotta do this. i just think we all deserve to have a really fucking good orgasm, and you said you can’t let loose enough to do it, and i thought maybe because we’re so close you’d trust me to-‘
you flung your arms around him, chests pressed together, and nuzzled your face into his chest. looking up at him with those doe eyes eddie couldn’t resist (he always said yes to you very quickly when you flashed them, mostly because they gave him a hard-on every time without fail) you fluttered your eyelashes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth (it made him even harder whenever you did that) and sighing.
‘you’d really do that for me, eds?’ you spoke quietly, nervously. really, it was very sweet of him to offer. he wasn’t going to get much out of this - at least, he didn’t expect anything from it - and he’d asked so kindly, so sweetly…
‘of course i’d do that for you, baby,’ he brushed a piece of hair out of your eyes, cupping your face. a new tension had swept the room; you were both so excited the air was crackling. ‘are you gonna let me? need you to tell me you want this. also, i’ve caught you staring at the rings, i know you wanna know what they feel like.’
you hit his arm as he laughed, then leant forward to press your forehead to him. you heard him gulp, and you were glad for the weed you’d smoked, or you knew the two of you would’ve been too nervous to move on each other like this.
‘i’d like that very much, eds,’ you breathed, and that was enough for him.
he pushed you down gently by the shoulders, laying on top of you propped up on his elbows with his legs between yours.
‘you’re so goddamn beautiful,’ he whispered, and then his lips were on yours.
his lips were chapped but he tasted vaguely of the strawberry chapstick he had stolen borrowed from you months back. one of his hands was resting on your lower back, the other on your face as he guided you in the kiss. it was unlike any other kiss you’d had before; they’d always been rushed, tongue down your throat, sloppy. but eddie was taking his time with you, his lips moving languidly over yours, being careful to relax you into it. you almost wished he’d go faster, harder, but your mind was already cloudy from the weed and the feeling of his mouth on yours, and you wondered if it was always meant to feel like this with boys. his tongue probed at your lips carefully, not pushing, and when you finally let it in you felt the hand on your back slip to your hip, squeezing gently. you nipped gently at his bottom lip, and the moan that he pushed into your mouth in response sent you dizzy. suddenly, there was more; he was hitching your left thigh over his hip, creating delicious friction between you and he was tugging at your lip, tongue flicking over the back of your teeth. you couldn’t help the way your hips were moving of their own accord against him, it felt like you were floating above your own body.
eddie’s lips left yours to press against your neck, nipping and teasing down your throat, and you were sure you’d have marks tomorrow.
‘y’can leave marks, eds,’ you whimpered, tugging on his hair in response to a particularly hard bite, ‘can wear a turtleneck to school tomorrow, s’okay.’ he chuckled against your neck, moving his mouth up to a spot just below your ear.
‘don’t want you to hide ‘em, babe.’ before you could ask what he meant, he was sinking his teeth into the spot where his lips sat, a place you knew no jumper or jacket would hide, and you felt almost delirious at the idea of people seeing it tomorrow.
‘can i take your shirt off, baby?’ he asked, bringing you back to earth.
‘god, yeah,’ you sat up slightly to wriggle out of it, ‘take the bra too, shit,’ you moaned, and eddie started to laugh before he got your bra off and the laugh turned to a choke, then a cough, and he felt like he couldn’t get enough air in his lungs.
because you, his beautiful, kind, goody-two-shoes to everyone else, grade-a student best friend had your nipples pierced. and he was looking right at them.
‘fuckin’ hell babe, where’ve you been hiding these?’ he was practically drooling imagining how the silver bars would feel in his mouth, and if he hadn’t been fully hard before he was rock solid now.
‘got ‘em done a year ago, thought they’d look pretty.’ you were whimpering, squirming in the firm grasp he now held on your waist, and you cried out when he reached up to pinch one. ‘they’re real sensitive, fuck, feels like so much.’ eddie flicked out his tongue, bathing your left nipple in his spit before blowing cold air over it, making you tremble and moan out his name.
‘they’re very pretty, baby. i mean, i knew your tits were like, wow, but jesus christ i could spend every day the rest of my life playing with these.’ you laughed shakily, head thrown back for him to scatter kisses down your neck and chest.
‘anyone seen them before?’ he muttered, and you almost thought he didn’t want you to hear him.
‘no, just - shit eddie, i can’t concentrate when you’re playin’ with ‘em like that - just you, no one else.’ you swore you could see his eyes darken as he looked up at you, then latched onto your left nipple with a renewed vigour that had you arching your back, desperate for some friction. one big hand pushed your hips back down, sending a spark of electricity down your back as he manhandled you.
‘stop it, babe, gonna need you to wait there a minute, be a good girl f’me.’
what the fuck
what the fuck
what the FUCK
you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips, and your eyes widened instantly, clapping a hand over your mouth. eddie stilled his movements, raising his head so he was eye level with you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. he pulled your hand from your mouth, observing the way your eyes had widened and how your cheek felt hot under his hand.
‘did you like it when i called you a good girl?’ he cocked his head to the side, and from the way you looked up at him, with such desperation in your eyes, he knew he had his answer.
‘no one’s ever told you what a good job you do for them, have they?’ he cooed, smiling down at you as you shook your head.
‘tsk. well that just won’t do, will it baby? i think you deserve to be shown what a fantastic job you’re doing for me, how good you feel in my hands. want me to show you what a good girl you’re being, give you a present?’
you had died and gone to heaven. that’s the only answer to this. eddie was on top of you, feeding into your most desperate of fantasies, telling you he was about to reward you for being a good girl for him. either that or you were dreaming. because he was pulling your jeans down, kissing down your thighs and telling you how cute your panties were, how wet you were for him and oh-
well, you definitely weren’t imagining that. because you hadn’t known what it felt like when someone put their tongue on you, when they licked a stripe from your hole up to your clit and lapped at you so messily you could hear it, but you did now, so surely you couldn’t be imagining that-
‘baby, you okay? you with me?’ eddie’s voice snapped you back to reality, and you looked down to see your best friend, cheeks pink and led between your legs with his shirt off and a slick on his face; you on his face, and you couldn’t help but reach down, wind your fingers into his hair and tug him back to where he had been.
‘eager, are we?’ you could almost hear the smile on his face, and you knew he was trying so hard to keep up the cocky act, but you could see the way his hips were making minuscule movements against the bed and his fingers were going to leave bruises on your thighs with how hard he was gripping them.
‘shut up, you’re loving it too,’ you gasped, and in retaliation he seemed to ramp it up. suddenly, he was two fingers deep in your sopping wet pussy, head thrown back once more as he pressed them into the plush of your inner walls, right against a spot that made your mouth dry and your thoughts spin.
‘eddie, fuck,’ you cried out, and his other hand rubbed your thigh reassuringly. you imagined he would’ve spoken to you in reassurance had his teeth not been wrapped around your clit, tugging just the right way.
‘eddie, think it’s comin’, you were slurring now, and to eddie’s delight, when he looked up at you, you were toying with one of your puffy nipples, bucking yourself up towards him. his fingers were cramping up and his jaw hurt but he wouldn’t, couldn’t stop now, not when you were half riding his face. he lifted up, using his left hand to rub circles on your clit as his other hand fucked into you.
‘relax, sweetheart, you’re doing so good for me, y’can do it baby, just need to let go for me, eddie’s got you, such a beautiful good girl f’me…’ eddie was talking away, bringing you closer and closer to the precipice until you fell over the edge of it, body turning to jelly. you couldn’t believe you’d been so happy to miss out on this all this time, so willing to do this to boys and not have them do it back. eddie was working you through it, kissing your cheeks and your nose and your eyelids and your mouth, letting you ride the aftershocks on his hand. 
if you’d been more with it you’d have noticed how he was looking at you; like you were the only woman on earth, like he could never get enough of this, like he’d never leave this bed if it meant he could make you do that over and over and over until you were crying, begging, putty in his hands. you felt like it was lasting forever, riding wave after wave, until finally your whole body relaxed, flopping down against eddie’s bed.
‘so, sweetheart, how was it?’ eddie asked, almost nervous now that the energy in the room had dissipated a little. you were still naked and panting, making no effort to cover yourself up, which he supposed was a good thing; you still felt comfortable around him, didn’t regret what you’d let him do to you. he had half-expected you to leave after, too much for you to do that with him, so when you rolled over and kissed him like your life depended on it? a welcome surprise. even more so when you reached for his painfully hard cock.
‘whoa, baby, you don’t gotta just because i did,’ he sputtered, and you brushed him off, leaning up so you were on all fours above him. you were pouting. fucking pouting.
‘but i wanna. don’t wanna suck you off, not this time at least, ‘m too tired,’ he almost asked what you meant by this time before you interrupted him once more.
‘want you to fuck me, though, eds. please.’ 
he really hadn’t been expecting to get anything out of tonight other than spank bank material. he was more than happy to get you off then never speak about it again, if that was what you wanted. of course, what he really wanted was to marry you and fuck at least two kids into you, buy a house and live in the suburbs. but for now he’d settle for making you cum on his tongue and maybe, when you weren’t looking, steal your panties. but eddie munson was never one to say no to you, especially not when you were naked and begging, so he pulled his pants and boxers down in one movement before rolling himself on top of you.
your hand went to his cock instantly, rubbing a thumb over the leaking tip.
‘christ, eds, were you just gonna deal with this later?’ you asked, eyebrows pulling together in a concerned expression. ‘you’d have exploded.’
he let out a laugh, kissing your neck as he fumbled about in his bedside drawer. he was naked except for the guitar pick necklace resting on his chest, and you leant up to kiss it, hand still sliding up and down his cock.
‘fuck babe, i was just gonna beat it when you’d gone home,’ he gasped, batting your hand away so that he could roll the condom he’d fished up on himself. he looked down into your eyes, kissing you gently. ‘i’m not gonna last long.’
‘don’t care, just need you.’ you mumbled back, pulling him down into another kiss as he slid into you.
it felt like he was made for you. no painful stretch, no disappointment. he fit in you so perfectly you could’ve sworn this was exactly how it was always supposed to be; you and eddie, eddie and you. every other time with every other boy felt so totally redundant you had no idea why you’d even bothered when you could’ve been doing this the whole time. and when eddie moved, it was more like lovemaking than fucking. his left hand was intertwined with your right on the pillow, his other holding your face as he looked into your eyes. yours was pressed against his hip, guiding him into you gently as you writhed under him.
‘i’ve wanted this a really long time, sweetheart,’ he spoke quietly, honestly, and it was a far cry from the cocky eddie you’d come to know over the years. he seemed genuine. vulnerable. you kissed him again then, trying to pour everything you wanted to say into it as his hips rocked faster against yours.
‘shh, i know eddie, i know,’ you kissed his chest again, his necklace dangling in your face, and you used it as leverage to pull his face back to yours.
‘come for me, baby, c’mon,’ you were whispering against his lips, pressing your hips up against him for the new angle, and he came with a gasp of your name, gripping the back of your neck and kissing you.
when he pulled out, snapping off the condom, he pulled you onto his chest without a word. he was red and sweaty, hair frizzy and lips swollen, and you had never been so in love in your whole life. you traced the tattoo on his chest, new to your eyes, and you hoped you’d get to see it every day.
‘you didn’t get to come again.’
‘that’s okay, sweetheart. you’ll get as many chances as you want.’
‘you mean it?’
‘always, when it comes to you.’
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moeruhoshi · 3 years
I've been watching anime all day so here's a late nalu day gift
Lucy slammed her bedroom door and flopped down on her bed with a weary sigh, weeping into her pillow as her day finally came to an end.
The open door of her patio allowed her to hear the neighing of carriage horses taking away her most recent suitor, a man who barely knew what the meaning of personal space was.
Just how many princes and dukes had to waltz through their gates before the princess’ father realized that they had no interest in adequately courting her? It was painfully obvious how the lot of them were only interested in her well-displayed décolletage over her personality and spent more time schmoozing up to the king instead of trying to win her favor.
What hurt, even more, was knowing that she could never be with the one who was truly meant for her.
She stared at the red string tied to her pinky, the fiber ending far off in the distance where it connected to her destined partner. It calmed her in some ways, allowed her to feel a sense of clarity, knowing there was at least one more person out there who could give her the true love she craved.
She hoped every day, when Spetto called her down to meet another suitor, that it would be him, the one on the other end of her string, waiting to hold her as she wanted to hold him.
They could instead be a peasant, she thought as her hopes for him to visit one day were beginning to fade. Not that she cared about that kind of thing, but it meant that they didn't have the means to enter the castle easily. Or maybe they were somewhere in a neighboring country, too far away to find her. Maybe he hadn't been gifted the power to see the string and didn't know she was waiting for him but felt just as empty without her by his side.
She was sure if she voiced her knowledge of the red string to anyone else, they would call doctors from all over Earthland to analyze her cognitive function. 
But she desperately wanted to tell everyone that she had no intention of selecting a suitor through their gaudy traditions. She would instead venture out into the world to find her soulmate, the person at the end of her red string of fate. But knowing her father, he would only let her marry with the promise of the expanded wealth she would gain him from a political marriage.
"Miss? Are you still awake?" Spetto knocked lightly, the princess holding in her sniffles to hear what the maid had to say. "I'm sure you are…but I won't bother you. Your father wants you to know that he'll be inviting the Duke Cream from Veronica for another visit tomorrow. He's eager to correct his…insolent behavior from the last time he saw you."
The princess didn't bother answering and instead let out a frustrated sigh as the sound of her maid's footsteps echoed down the hall. The setting sun illuminated the crimson strand and her fingers loosely wrapped around it, her weak pout quivering as she tugged on the phantom satin.
"I'd rather have you, whoever you are..."
"The princess!" Spetto screamed as she ran into the King's throne room. Jude was sat upon his seat with the Duke at his side, their conversation halting at her interruption. "She's gone!"
"What in the world do you mean, woman? I'm sure that no good daughter of mine has just buried her nose in one of those god awful fairy tales again. Have the guards search the library for her," He gruffed, rolling his eyes as her demeanor became more hysterical and shaken.
"I have, your highness! The princess has run away, she's truly nowhere to be found!"
"And just when I was about to be introduced to my bride," The Duke frowned and tossed his bleached hair aside. "Send hounds after her, why don't you? I will not let this girl make a fool of me on this glorious day."
"Go on, then," The King glared at his guards standing nearby who quickly rushed out the door. "I should have known that girl would be trouble. Her mother had always filled her head with nothing but pure nonsense."
Lucy lifted her billowy skirt as she ran through the woods, deep within its darkness, trying her best to ignore the now wailing trumpets of distress audible in the distance. She knew it wouldn't have been long until someone noticed her absence, especially after having heard the reality behind Duke Cream’s visit.
It was by chance, an incident that occurred while she was passing her father's office the night before. Lucy heard the plans he made to arrange her marriage to the Duke, ensuring that their kingdom would absorb the principality. This meant her father would have an entire stronghold on the country of Fiore.
A life with that obnoxious and narcissistic Duke was not one she wanted, nor could even stand the thought of.
So, in a panic, she made plans to run away, leaving when the guards wouldn’t be around, going as far as she could go without any clear signs of which direction she'd taken off in. She persevered through her tiredness with the lone thought of her meeting her soulmate who was sure to greet her with a wide smile and open arms.
"This way! C'mon now, you'll never make it running without anywhere in mind!" A voice tinkled through the line of trees, halting the princess in her place as she breathed harshly and darted around scared eyes.
"Who's there! I-I'm not going back to the castle!" Lucy shouted as she turned about in circles, shrieking as a short blonde girl suddenly appearing from thin air
"Did I say I was trying to take you home? No! Now hurry it up! You'll never make it there if you make stops like this, follow me!" She instructed, turning toward the trees and beginning to run.
"Who are you?" Lucy asked between pants as she followed the shorter blonde, mesmerized by the trail of sparkles she left behind her, and the cute wings peeking out from beside her ears.
"A friend," She smiled as she continued maneuvering them through the woods. "And a guide! You’ll never get where you need to go without my help,"
"So you know where I'm going? You can see my string too?"
"Well, sure! I let you see it after all. Boy, was he worried when I told him you were stuck out here without your magic. Idiot almost killed himself trying to find his way through, but it can't be done by anyone but a spirit." She sighed and shook her head, rambling as they avoided a patch of bramble bushes 
"My soulmate...? He was looking for me too? Really?" Lucy felt her heart swell, beating stronger even as she ran, a dazzling smile taking its claim of her lips.
"Yup! You have a very loyal man waiting for you," She giggled. "He can't wait to meet you, said he'd get his house ready and everything while I was out looking for you. I apologize for taking so long, moving around in this realm isn't easy, there’s barely any magic in this land!”
"Magic? Like in books? Isn't that practice all made up?" The princess quirked a brow as the strange girl only giggled again and slowed her movements as they found purchase under the wide berth of a willow tree.
"It's quite amazing someone like you was born here when your home is with us, in the right Fiore. Now, come on! Everyone's waiting!" She grinned, ignoring Lucy's confusion as she pulled them through the hanging branches, the two suddenly falling into the void of the trunk.
"E-Eh?! W-Wha…!" Lucy fell to her knees as she suddenly felt queasy, holding a hand to her head and waited for her headache to subside. She looked up to see where the other blonde had gone, not finding her anywhere and instead met a new and sunny skyline. "Wasn't it…night just a moment ago?"
She stood to her shaky feet, finding her body no longer weighed down by exhaustion, tears, or dirt on her dress. Whatever was in the air made her feel light as, well, air. She'd never felt so amazing before! Just where had she gone when they fell through that tree?
Taking some small steps through the field in front of her, she looked down to her finger, the red string extending into the distance behind her.
"Oh wow…" When Lucy turned around, she was met with the image of a town she had never seen before, curiosity pulling her towards the bustling streets.
It was as she always imagined the streets of the village she ruled above looked; stalls serving food and selling fresh produce, children running and laughing, patrons bartering and making light conversation, happiness in everyone's eyes. Their smiles created her own, and she followed the string eagerly, feeling just right in the Fiore she’d been led to.
She worried this would all turn into a dream soon enough, there couldn't possibly be another Fiore…or the existence of magic at that. Her steps quickened as she feared Spetto would be in at any moment to wake her, feet carrying her towards a patch of woods that broke off from the town.
It would’ve made nice for a peaceful walk if she didn’t think the calm scenery before her would disappear.
“Oi, Gray, watch it!” A sharp voice boomed from the nearby distance. 
“Shut it! I know what I’m doing, it ain’t hard to paint a wall, flame brain!” 
“Don’t start a fight! We had to rebuild that side of the house five times because you two keep knocking it down!”
Lucy slowed down her pace as the volume of their argument increased but kept her eyes on the string that told her he was just ahead. 
Her eyes landed on a red-haired girl pointing a large sword at two boys who kneeled respectively in front of her, bowing their heads as she scolded them. 
Breaking through the line of trees, Lucy smoothed down her stray hairs and dusted off her dress, holding herself nervously as she continued forward.
Each step closer made her legs feel like jelly, flushed her cheeks, and made her heart beat a million times faster, her fingers twitching as she held her hands together. 
“U-Um...excuse me…?” Lucy’s voice was shaky as she approached the three, her eyes watery as she stared at the pink-haired boy who raised his head at the sound of her voice. The string fell into his lap; he was her soulmate.
The red-haired girl turned to face her first, eyes concerned as they fell on her disheveled appearance. “My goodness, are you okay? You’re not lost, are you?”
"Oh, crap! It's you!" 
"Don't say that to a girl, idiot! You have no idea who that is!" The raven-haired boy threw a glare at the pink-haired one who quickly stood up.
“Mavis didn’t tell me when you’d get here, I would’ve come to pick you up if I knew you were...oh, hey, don’t cry, okay? Um, here,” He quickly took the end of his scarf to wipe her tears, feeling a knot in his throat as she gently fell against his chest. "It's gonna be okay."
"I just...I just can't believe…" She shook her head, not minding the stain she created on his shirt. "That you're real...that you were waiting for me."
"'Course I was! Having a new family member is always exciting, and my hearts been leapin' like crazy waitin' for you! You were stuck out there all alone and I couldn't come find you. I'm sorry it took so long." 
Erza forced herself and Gray to look away as the blonde hastily kissed their wild companion, his shock present in the stiffness of his back.
He was startled by the sudden action but felt himself melting into the touch, desperate as well to be close to his soulmate.
"I'm home," Lucy laughed with a bit of surprise, Natsu's eyes widening along with his grin. 
"Yeah! Welcome back!"
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kiisaes · 3 years
since you really like cute things, do you have any cute bkdk fic recs?
this might come as a shocker, but i don’t read fics that frequently ^^; i’m practically illiterate so i prefer looking at art over words, so i’m afraid my recommendations are going to be very short and very basic
but regardless, here’s a list off the top of my head!!! (all of these fics are sfw)
Tumblr media
“No raisins? How about a date?” by supercrunch
rated G
oneshot, 4k words
i’d be remiss if i didn’t include my current favorite bkdk fic!!! i drew something for it!!! i’ve read it like 40 times!!! i can practically recite what happens in it scene by scene!!! it lives in my head rent free!!!
deku realizes that he has a crush on bakugou and tries asking him out on a date, but he fails wonderfully in every way imaginable. bakugou is extremely dense and can’t seem to pick up on any of the signs. it’s absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time -- frankly any bkdk fic from supercrunch is a recommendation from me -- and it’s such a joy to read from start to finish! characters are in-character in the most ridiculous ways. it makes me want to give them support and also strangle them for being idiots. i love it so much.
“Like Something Out Of A Shoujo Manga” by Merrywetherweather
rated G
oneshot, 2k words
as the title suggests, this fic aims to hit a couple notable shoujo manga tropes within the realm of bkdk and it’s super cute!!! deku gets hit by a quirk that triggers flags as if he were in an otome game. he keeps getting into potentially romantic situations with bakugou! it’s short and sweet with a happy ending :) ofc, as anon seemed to pick up on, i’m a sucker for cute things so this concept really peaked my interest. give it a read! <3
“Friends Come and Go, but Fandom is Forever” by Erina
rated T
oneshot, 4k words
this one is HYSTERICAL. if you’ve read the “The Misadventures of Explodo-kill Agency” series, this one is the most recent addition. during a training camp trip, todoroki becomes a bakudeku stan on twitter and it consumes his life. it’s unfairly funny, in both concept and execution. the author’s writing style for this series never fails to make me double down in laughter. the shit that every character goes through is both believable and hilarious; out of all the characters in this fic, i can’t believe i’d feel for iida the most. you’ll see what i mean. please check it out!
“good morning (asshole)” by writedeku
rated G
oneshot, 2k words
a cute story about bakugou trying to befriend deku through a very simple and easy method: saying good morning! it’s adorable and funny (i hope u can see the pattern here lol) and it makes me root for bakugou throughout it all! i love fics that give us “bakudemption” and this one really goes in-depth without making it sound forced. as in, bakugou still feels like bakugou and not a big softie out of nowhere HAHA
“Slowly” by Darkanny
rated T
oneshot, 1k words
a very short but heartfelt oneshot about bakugou wanting to dance with deku! it’s very soft and written beautifully, it feels like the very concept of love...! i still can’t believe with my own two eyes that every beginning of a paragraph in this fic is just a line from despacito because there is no way in hell something this pretty came out of fucking despacito but i’ll take the author’s word for it.
“daisies bunches and heather branches” by halcyonwhispers
rated T
oneshot, 5k words
a classic fic, both in time of posting it (2016) and the concept (flower shop and tattoo parlor)! deku works at a flower shop, bakugou works at the tattoo parlor next door, and they fall in love :’) it’s very sweet, very soft, and it gives me such serotonin to see these two boys crush on each other. both deku and bakugou are also very in character for such an early fic!!! (this was also one of my first bkdk fics so it’s always nice to go back and read haha)
“Joke's on You” by spicymacaron
rated T
oneshot (though there’s a sequel), 3k words
a youtuber au! bakugou (+bakusquad) runs a prank channel and he tries to pull the engagement prank on deku, an unsuspecting stranger, but is flat-out rejected on camera. it’s funny and cute, both bakugou and deku are so enjoyable to read here, and overall the execution is great! i normally don’t care for social media stories (youtube included), but this one is really clever and i loved reading it :)
“Co-op” by Mikacrispy
rated T
chapter fic (completed) (there’s also a sequel), 25k words
this was one of my very first bkdk fics! it’s a gamer au - both bakugou and deku are gamers, bakugou has a crush on deku, and deku grows to crush on bakugou too. they’re super adorable in this one, since they’re literally just pining the entire time, and i also love the differences between the types of gamers/streamers they are. the attention to detail is really awesome! as a fan of playing video games myself, i felt very heard somehow LOL
hope this is a good enough list! :0
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platonicavengers · 4 years
headcanons for being the youngest maximoff (part two)
pairings: maximoff twins x sibling!gn!reader && avengers x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for infinity war + endgame, death, non-descriptive violence, idk
author’s note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT AAAAAAAA it was supposed to be up a while ago but things got in the way and im so sorry :(
tags: @madamevirgo​  @euphoniumpets​
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headcanons under the cut !
after steve broke everyone out of the raft you were all on the run for a while
vision and natasha joined you all at some point, and scott and clint returned home to their families
after a while wanda and vision decided to stay in scotland, leaving you with sam, nat, and steve
you were not a huge fan of the idea of leaving her behind
you had already lost your parents and pietro and even though she wasn’t dead you still wouldn’t be able to see her
but you knew why she did what she did
fast forward a little bit
you find out that tony went missing
and then that wanda and vision are being attacked
so u all fly to scotland to help them
*insert u being a badass and beating the shit out of an alien*
finally reuniting w your sister
there were tears
when you arrived back at the compound it was like a breath of fresh air after so long
it’s a shame you weren’t there under better circumstances
immediately getting upset when you saw the hologram of ross
that motherfucker
going to wakanda was an.... interesting experience
you wanted to enjoy it 
but considering why you were there,,,,,,
it was kinda hard to enjoy it lol
wanda ofc stayed up in the lab with vision and shuri
she wanted you to stay up there as well so she could keep an eye on you
she was very hesitant to let you go into the front lines of the battle
even though you were an adult now you were still her little sibling and she was worried for you
you assured her that you would be fine though
fine might be pushing it but
let’s be realistic here
you kicked some alien ass down there
taking out enemy after enemy with no hesitation
pretty impressive tbh. ur fucking awesome
eventually wanda came down to join the battle
the two of you fought alongside each other
badass sibling duo ugh yes
but then
you had to go against thanos himself
ugly ass mf
you tried to use your magic to remove his gauntlet
you were unsuccessful
he kinda tossed you to the side like a rag doll
which hurt like a bitch
when he snapped you had no idea what tf to do
i mean you had just lost, what were you supposed to do?
you were in the middle of crawling over to wanda, wanting to try to comfort her over the loss of vision
but then she just kinda, disintegrated?
you were in shock for a minute
but then it hit you
“no, no, no, no, no...”
you started sobbing
now you had officially lost your whole family
after a little bit you made your way over to what was left of the team
you all kinda stood in silence for a little while, just processing everything that had happened
eventually you all returned to the quinjet and flew back home
for the first two-ish weeks after the snap you just locked yourself in your room and refused to leave
though eventually you did leave your room again, though very reluctantly
after three weeks had passed by carol, who you were quite fascinated by, returned to the compound carrying a spaceship with her
turns out tony was on said ship
you were glad to see him after so long
and now we jump to going to space to beat thanos’ ass (a g a i n)
you had never been to space before so it was quite a new experience
shame it was under such poor circumstances
when you arrived at thanos’ residence you were out for blood
he took your last remaining family and you were not in the mood to let him get away with it
and then you found out the stones were gone
and everything he had done couldn’t or so you thought be reversed
you were already ready to kill thanos before, but especially now that that was revealed
sadly though, thor took the responsibility of killing the titan himself
*5 years later*
you were 23 now
a whole ass adult
you still lived at the compound with natasha, not exactly having anywhere else to go
not like you would’ve left anyways but
nat had become your sort of support system over the last few years
after all, at this point you really only had each other
all of the rest of the remaining team went their separate ways, none of which deciding to stay with the two of you
one day though steve comes by
you were glad to see him, you had missed him a lot since he left
the three of you had a not-so-positive conversation and then out of nowhere scott appears at the front gate
he tells you his insane idea of using the quantum realm to time travel back to before thanos
you were very wary
you didn’t exactly have a lot of knowledge on the quantum realm but you could still tell that it seemed risky
the four of you went to tony’s house to try to convince him
he almost immediately said no
you all tried to convince him but to no avail
so you went to bruce hulk instead
bruce?? hulk?? who tf is he tbh
but anywho
when you saw him you were kinda like ????????
but chose to ignore it
you got him to agree to the time travel thing
and it was ?somewhat? successful
somewhat is pushing it tbh
scott became a baby which wasn’t great
but then tony showed up and fixed it like the genius he is
you helped recruit all the remaining avengers to help w the whole time travel thing
you were going to go back in time and get the stones before thanos could
you went with clint and natasha to vormir
you thought it made the most sense for you to sacrifice yourself
after all you weren’t even positive this whole thing with the stones would work, and you couldn’t risk continuing to live a life without wanda and the rest of the team
they stopped you before you could jump though
when natasha dropped you swore your heart stopped beating
she had been all you had for the past 5 years and then she was just gone
you ended up getting the soul stone but at what cost
you and clint returned to the compound and there was a small ‘memorial’ (for lack of a better word) for natasha
after that tony put all of the stones together into a makeshift gauntlet
after a little bit of deliberation it was decided that bruce would be the one to snap his fingers
bruce, hulk, whatever tf
sorry back to the headcanons LOL
he snapped
immediately everything felt different
you went out to look out a window, seeing a few butterflies fluttering around that you knew weren’t there before
a smile immediately took over ur face
“hey guys, i think it worked!” - you
you were about to turn around and walk back to everyone else
but then
you saw a large ship in the distance
and something began flying toward the compound
and then everything went dark
when you woke up again you were buried under a bunch of rubble
which bruce picked up off of you
you ran out to where thor, tony, and steve were
you saw thanos and froze
they were engaged in a battle and you tried to keep your distance in order to collect yourself for a moment
which proved to be futile because you were dragged into the fight not long after
you kinda got your ass handed to you
it wasn’t pretty
you were lying on the ground when all of a sudden you saw orange light surrounding you
you looked up to see portals opening, all your allies who you had thought to be dead stepping out
you saw wanda and you stopped breathing for a moment
you got up as quick as you could
which proved to be difficult due to ur injuries and overall extreme fatigue
you launched yourself at her, bringing her into the tightest hug you could muster
the two of you held onto each other for a moment before you had to return to fighting
maximoff sibling teamup part 2???? yeah most definitely 
fast forward to after thanos and his bitch ass army lost (im sorry i just really dont have the energy to write all that rn)
and to after tony’s funeral 
you and wanda had a l o t of catching up to do
5 years worth LOL
u had to comfort her over vision’s death a lot
considering that to her, that was still only a couple days ago
and a lot of the time when you two talked the mood was kinda depressing, all things considered
but you still tried to keep it lighthearted
for example
your absolute favorite thing in the world was the fact that you were now older than her due to the snap, 3 years older to be exact
you held it over her all the time, constantly making fun of her for it
all in good fun of course
something wanda really loved was when you would tell her stories from when she was in the soul world (only happy ones ofc)
though it made her sad that you had to go so long without her, and she missed out on so much
she wanted to know what she had missed
all in all
you two were incredibly close, the snap and its aftermath only further confirming that
sibling goals tbh
a/n #2: aaaaaa im sorry to end it on that note (i didnt know how to end it im sorry asf) but yeah </3 and once again, so sorry this took me so long to post, ive been super busy with school && life in general so i just havent gotten around to it :( butttttttttttt if u guys want i could try to continue this series of headcanons for wandavision?? i’d wait until friday ofc for the final episode and id spoiler tag it and everything but i could try my best? might be kinda difficult but i think it could be fun so if anyone wants that then lmk!! :)
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Summary: Business or pleasure. 
Respite was hard to attain for the Warrior of Light and the Speaker of the House of Lords. Even now, with you and Aymeric oceans away for a belated honeymoon in Costa del Sol, the two of you weren’t exactly free from your duties.
The task?
To sire an heir to the Borel name.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Plus Size F!Reader/Aymeric
Night had fallen but the air was still so warm, so humid.
The sound of gently rolling sapphire waves washing up onto pristine white sand, the exotic scent of surrounding tropical fauna mingling with the smoky burn of a BBQ bonfire malms away down the coastline, the gorgeously ethereal shine of moonlight above in the onyx sky.
From where you stood upon the polished wooden floor of your private bungalow suite with your window open, you were in the ideal position to take in all the sights, scents, and sensations that elated each of your senses.
Truly, it was a beautiful night to be in Costa del Sol.
Though, one whiff of the salt-tinged ocean air instantly took you back to the snow swept lands of Ishgard.
The city you had since called to be your home.
Something made official when you were finally wed to the one and only Aymeric de Borel.
He was why the two of you were in Costa del Sol in the first place.
Aside from finally having the proper honeymoon that the two of you did not get to enjoy after your wedding--given that the escalated rebellions in Ala Mhigo and Doma called for your immediate presence--there was one specific reason why you were here to admire this gorgeous Costa del Sol night.
Wearing nothing but an exquisite royal blue lace chemise.
It wasn’t too long ago that you had just finished up assisting Stephanivien with teaching a lecture to a new class of fresh-faced machinists at the Skysteel Manufactory when none other than a beaming Haurchefant came sprinting towards you the moment you emerged through the door.
“Many tidings to you, my splendid friend! I wish you great blessings upon the Borel heir to be!”
The first sentence you were prepared for, the second you were not.
“Borel heir...to be?” You repeated as your mind processed just what Haurchefant chirped to you.
Though, before you could ask for what he meant, the towering knight was suddenly made to bow by none other than one irritated Estinien.
“Oi, we were supposed to head out to Aurum Vale already,” he grumbled, just before looking towards you with a look of resigned exasperation. “As for you, it’s better if you hear what lover boy has planned for you himself.”
Without sparing another word to even begin to clarify, Estinien proceeded to drag Haurchefant--who happily offered you his goodbyes with a supportive thumbs up--away while muttering something about sprout greenling paladins who bit off more they could chew.
Your subsequent return to the Borel Manor where your husband was there to tenderly greet you with a loving embrace and tender kisses resulted in his affectionate expression becoming intensely flustered when you brought up Haurchefant’s sudden declaration.
The parchment letter marked with the seal of one of Costa del Sol’s most luxurious resorts that was tucked in his pocket was thankfully still kept as a surprise at the very least.
Thus, with the reveal that soon followed, you and Aymeric took off from Ishgard’s eternal winter to bask in the endless summer of Costa del Sol.
And why you were gazing out towards the evening tropical scenery with a fluttering heart.
After all, tonight was meant to not only celebrate the union between you and your husband, but to begin the journey of bearing an heir to the Borel name.
Though Ishgard was in the midst of a historical change within its society to break from tradition and move towards a more open-minded one, there was still an expectation for the House of Lords’s speaker to sire a child, the pressure of which had been pushing increasingly upon Aymeric’s shoulders during your absence.
While starting a family was a conversation that the two of you had spoken about in earnest throughout your relationship prior to this night, to do so now with the layer of political presumption from Ishgard’s governing body was enough to twist your nerves into knots.
A feeling that dissipated the moment you felt a pair of arms wrap tenderly around your waist.
Body heat exemplified by a recent hot shower emanated behind you, the sensation deepened by a chiseled bare chest pressing right against your back, pushing the warmth even further into your skin through the flimsy fabric of your chemise, of which contrasted with the thicker material of a bath towel that hung securely on sturdy hips.
And even here, in a tropical paradise that was oceans away from the inescapable snow that enveloped all of Ishgard, a delightful shiver still trailed along your body from the words that was murmured hotly into your ear,
“I must send my regards to the hotel staff for their hospitality. I did not expect to receive such a divinely wrapped present after my bath.”
Your head turned back, your eyes soon captivated by sapphire irises that gazed earnestly into yours with affection.
Almost overwhelmingly so.
You were used to seeing love akin to absolute reverence in Aymeric’s eyes whenever your gaze would meet his.
But unlike the light that glinted in his blue eyes from when he helped out off the boat that carried you to Costa del Sol, here on this night, there was a darkened, longing desire reflected in his gaze.
Though you had faced many a foe whose schemes spelled ruin across every inch of the realm, it was now that you suddenly found yourself shrinking back with shyness. Giggling amidst your overwhelmed nerves, you teased in response, “Must you charm me more, Ser Aymeric? Was our wedding not enough?”
“You know I will never have enough of you, darling.”
You froze.
Aymeric’s voice was already so dulcetly rich and deep, but the tone of his words smoldered with conviction.
His embrace around your ample waist tightened, a sigh of utter satisfaction escaping him as he beheld your full physique, his face finding its way to the crook of your neck for loving nuzzles. “Gods, when was the last time I’ve gotten to hold you like this? Every inch of you is divine--how I never wish to let go of you.”
Each word spoken was laced with need, all while his hands began to trail over your body in soft caresses, even while his fingers ached to tear off the lace that kept him away from your bare skin.
He drew away from your neck, calling out your name huskily as his eyes found yours once more. “Will you pardon this enamored fool for his selfishness during this holiday, my beloved?” His face closed the distance between yours and his as he continued, “I am going to savor this respite like nothing else--the beautiful time spent with turning you into the mother of my children.”
“Aymeric,” you moaned, feeling your knees weaken as you leaned further against him. What more could you even say at this point when he had you reduced to such a state by the conviction in his words alone?
While he looked all too pleased from having you already melting in his arms, his expression turned serious as he remarked, “Before we begin, I want to make this clear and certain—by no means are we doing this for the sake of Ishgard.”
His hands rested protectively upon your soft belly, his heart already thrumming with excitement to witness your stomach grow rounder and full with his child upon the months to follow. “As you know, starting a family with you has been something I’ve craved the moment you captured my heart.”
Aymeric brought his lips to yours for a kiss most tender. “We’re doing this out of our own shared volition--the House of Lords finally granting me respite so I can claim you over and over was just a blessing from Halone herself.”
Already overwhelmed and dazed by your husband’s intense and loving resolve, all you could let out was a breathless yet eager, “Yes...our shared will.”
A smile quirked onto his lips. “And so we shall share our love with no restraint.”
And then Aymeric’s lips smothered yours for a kiss that was most far from chaste.
Away from the window, towards the bed.
From bathing moonlight to flickering candles.
The kiss shared with your husband was broken for a moment, just so he could gently have you lay upon the bed.
But the moment Aymeric assumed his place on top of you, he became a man possessed.
A man possessed by his love for you, by his desire to claim your body with his seed.
He meant his words from earlier, his hands tearing into the lace of your chemise like gift wrap.
The composed and regal speaker of the House of Lords was nowhere to be found by the way Aymeric hungrily sought out your lips, his hands fondling your supple breasts, his mouth watering at the thought of soon getting to suckle on your nipples and lavish your core with the needy flicks of his tongue while your thick thighs squeezed around his head.
The fumbling yet earnest virgin during the first time you were intimate together was but a precious memory at this point.
Instead, here was a man who knew exactly what to do to elicit the sweet moans of his name off of your lips.
To make you mewl with each teasing pinch and indulgent kiss to your nipples.
To cause your back to arch in sheer pleasure with the obscenely noisy manner he stroked your sopping core with his tongue, all while his hands happily fondled your plump thighs as they remained pressed against either side of his head.
But that knowledge was how he kept you ever on the edge, making sure you remained a step away from your orgasm.
Never to be outright malicious--such would be an outright sin to commit against you as your husband!
Rather, to ready your body for the long and indulgent night to come.
He did not even spare a moment for you to savor his cock with your mouth, keeping you right on your back.
Long had he waited for this moment, and he was going to save every dribble of his cum inside of you instead.
Your lips parted for breathless pants, your cheeks kissed with red heat, your thighs quivering with anticipation once your husband was finally sheathing the full heavy length of his cock into your core.
The delighted hiss of your name from Aymeric’s lips would be forever imprinted in your memory, as would the tremendous pressure he soon exerted as he soon worked the tempo of his thrusts into something swift in its neediness and fierce in its fervor.
One hand locked onto your hip as he plunged his cock into you, the other reached for your breast to squeeze before he planted his lips onto your nipple once more, his mind already anticipating when he would be able to gulp down mouthfuls of sweet milk once you were showing with his child.
Such an experience had him pushing into your core with even greater intensity, of which dragged out yet another lovely squeal from your lips.
He could not resist from grinning, even with his mouth full of your breast.
Onwards he continued, the viciousness of his thrusts sounding out by the indecent slaps of his balls against your ass each time his cock plunged inside of you.
So free, so unrestrained.
Aymeric felt alive, he felt deeply in love.
His lips left your nipple with a pop as he lifted his head, driven by the desire to catch sight of the look on your face as he felt his orgasm approach, all while your slick core milked his cock even more with your own imminent release.
The helpless pleads for more of his touch, the obscenely yearning look of desire on your face.
Halone be merciful on whatever was left of his self-restraint.
Your name was uttered out at a gutteral low from the depths of his throat.
His eyes caught yours yet again, holding onto your gaze as his thrusts quickened in his frantic need for release.
“My beloved, you already enamor me so with those elegant curves of yours--”
You felt the drag of his hand along your body, cupping your breasts, caressing your sides, trailing longingly over your belly.
“--but then, when I think of you strolling through Ishgard, shining with a maternal glow as you carry around our child…!”
A visible shudder seized hold of his body, his teeth clenching with pleasure as he readied himself for what was soon to come, a reaction mirrored by you as you prepared for your own orgasm.
“By the Fury, I will not let you out of this bed until your womb is absolutely flooded with my seed!”
With a snarl, Aymeric captured your lips in a scorching kiss as he pounded into your core harder, hot sticky spurts of his seed soon being pumped into you with each thrust that continued on and on afterwards.
Your arms hugged around his neck, pulling him close as the two of you relished in your orgasms, the two of you smiling into your kiss.
Tonight would be the first of many spent away from Ishgard, but oh how the two of you hoped to return to your home together with a newfound soul in your belly.
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nitenife · 3 years
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@daymiire said: " i tried fixing this. i knelt down and put it all back together, but... it's never going to be like it was before. is it? " / from Basil!
there is only one realm in which the past lingers, and that realm is the mind. sunny’s best friend, basil, among those memories; a permanent picture of joyous innocence that was scribbled away so quickly. and whose fault was that? ( y o u r s. )
no matter how hard either of them make an attempt, things will never be restored to what they were in days past. not when the sight of basil makes sunny’s chest tighten, not when his voice makes sunny’s skin crawl, not when he can’t meet basil’s eyes for fear of seeing what was there—his own eye occupied with the other’s hands instead. ( what, don’t trust him to let your other eye stay? )
not to mention, something terrible and angry stirs in the pit of his stomach—what did basil ever fix, exactly?—but it is ignored as his heart swells with the familiar yet devastating feeling of guilt, all whilst the red rope hangs in a noose above them both. and if that’s sunny’s response, sunny doesn’t want to try to begin imagining how basil feels about him. ( stranger was an example that you imagined it in the past. )
sunny’s jaw is squared and tense in accordance with the mental blockade that refused to let his vocal chords yield any sound. he does force himself to slowly make eye contact—sunny finds he can’t read basil’s gaze well. then again, it’s not like either of them are going to be easy to read. or maybe sunny is idiotically dense.
it’s a long minute before sunny can answer. when he does, it isn’t a default string of words that easily slips out around his friends; no, it’s his slow, one-by-one word stutter that he uses around people he doesn’t know. sunny now finds little familiarity in basil. there’s some, but nowhere near enough. sunny’s stare conveys a silent apology in and of itself.
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“ never. ” it never will be the same—he knows, he’s tried to fabricate it. after all, there’s only five now, and each to their own lives. sunny shakes his head, in part to accompany his word and in part to attempt to shake off the chill crawling along his spine. there’s no way he’s sorting out all his feelings today, but… he can at least try to show he cares.
“ …’nough about everything. what about you? ” what will happen to you? what will you let happen to you? what will you do now?
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happy wbw!! Tell me about glittergale? These forges sound so cool and the dwarves are underrated, infodump to your hearts content!!
happy wbw to you, too, lila!! thank u for the ask, sorry it took a bit to get to <3
i got a lot of attention for glittergale this week, so if you want to check out other stuff about it, this is the tag!!
The Forges of Glittergale! A.K.A. the place where Magic Metal™ is made!!
One of the ancient Growths way back when was a pretty special one, because instead of adding a magic tied to birth location (like Sorcery) or genetics (like Elementalism) or random chance (like Shifting), it added magic to a very specific forge. Out of nowhere, the tools used and created in it became unbreakable, or never dulled, or kept any momentum applied to them indefinitely, or, or, or...
Pretty soon, because the Dwarves are very smart, they figured out how to replicate the effect. They won't tell anyone else how to, for fear of what less peaceful peoples might do - but they'll allow minimal access to the more benign magical affects, like the way Shieldmetal would protect whatever was encased within it, or the way fixed momentum of Vigormetal could be used to create forever-accurate clocks and one-way motion.
Basically, the forge itself wasn't the only forge that could make these magical metals - but it was the first, and the metals themselves are used in creating new forges. Learning how to create a Forge is a very big deal, as it's only taught to those who can keep the secret from those who would misuse it. That's where the School of Smithy comes in. There, students learn how to make their own Forges, as well as what metals to combine within them to make the magical ones.
Currently, I only have a few of the myriad magic metals figured out. This includes:
- Shieldmetal; unbreakable, very very good for armor, machine chassis, and integral parts that you don't want giving up the ghost - Blademetal; a bit of a counterpart to Shieldmetal, it can cut through damn near anything, and never dulls - Vigormetal; keeps it's momentum indefinitely, used often as a motor, most notably as the "heart" of Wrench when it comes to Firebreathers - Livemetal; has a heartbeat of it's own, and can be awoken so it has its own mind, too. Can also be synched to another living thing's heartbeat, you may recognize it from the brief mention in the mind control potion recipe ;) - Starmetal; a blend of all of the above, super hard to make and super expensive because of it. Mostly used in the realm of unbreakable super-weapons, each of the Eternals was bestowed one upon their immortalisation becoming known. Veratrum uses hers regularly, Tieling keeps his on display but unused, and Arthur has hidden his away because it's a reminder of Fahrial
I have ideas for others, but that's what I have so far!! Thank you again <3<3<3
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