#tysm for this 🖤🖤🖤🖤
chasing-chimeras · 1 year
it’ll be okay bestie. fuck that prof honestly he’s probably already forgotten ab you being late bc i imagine he’s got lots to do and remember and this is def something small to him, so why should it be big to you! if it makes you feel any better i was late to my grandpa’s funeral bc i pregamed it w my sister (btw i’m not 21) and we had to call our cousin to pick us up bc obvi we couldn’t drive and mind you he was already at the funeral home so that was a 40+ minute round trip for him and i was one of two people doing a eulogy that day. also during my eulogy i threatened god and everyone i talked to after said the priest sitting behind me gave me a dirty look and iced me out for the rest of the funeral AND to make it worse at mass the next day he tried really hard to give me communion and i had to refuse bc i’m not confirmed and he squinted reaaaaal hard at me and looked super stern n shit bc that’s when he knew i wasn’t religious. when we did the peace be w you stuff he was a total dick ab it too. imagine being hated by a priest just bc of your personality lmao
but here’s an actual story about me sleeping past my alarm: i missed a really important group presentation for an AP class in high school bc i slept past my alarm. my group was furious with me (i was friends with all of them, they weren’t just people from class) and my teacher (who’s the chillest guy ever) said he was disappointed in me. it really sucked. and that year i had a friend who picked me up every morning and she was also in my group so i woke up to dozens of texts and calls from her and i felt soooo incredibly guilty for making her late too.
but yknow what these two stories have in common? i don’t care about it anymore. the situation is over and done with and there’s nothing i can do to change it bc shit happens. i honestly really hope you feel better, sometimes you just gotta let things like this go. life goes on. be a goldfish
🥺🥺🥺 sorry this took me so long to reply to, i queued a bunch of moodboards and then got completely sidetracked but you’re so sweet and this was incredibly helpful lol oversleeping sucks but you’re absolutely right it’s over and it doesn’t matter anymore. btw i showed this to my bf and every time i’ve gotten stressed about something the past day/two he looks at me and says “be a goldfish” and it’s actually working lol(also sounds like one hell of a eulogy, i’m sorry that father downer didn’t appreciate it 😕)
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poetwix · 21 days
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I'm not quite sure when you all got here tbh..
But hey 😊👋 how's it going?
Since there's over a thousand of you I just wanna say thank you to all of you, I struggle with myself daily but some of you are so sweet and it really helps sometimes 🥰
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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Title: Waiting for a ceasefire by Raghad Qanou follow her on tumblr: @rhq274 gfm campaign vetted by nabulsi
to my moots and lovely lurkers alike- i would like to highlight the latest art campaign submission as it comes from a very special person.
for those who haven't had the chance to meet her yet, this is raghad. please take some time to read her introduction in her own words:
"Hello, I am Raghad Qanou, a medical student from Gaza City. My people and I have been subjected to genocide for more than 230 days. My family and I have lived through various types of torture and inhumane conditions. This link is my only chance for me and my family to escape death and try to start over. This is not easy. But we are trying, and we would be happy to have you help save our lives and our future" (share full original tumblr post here) | (read her full story on her gfm page)
raghad used to live a life just like us. i can't speak for all of you- but i think it's safe to bet that a lot of us here are/were college students. people who worked tirelessly to earn degrees in order to get our dream jobs. my own college years, while hard, make up some of the most joyous memories of my life thus far.
raghad has been stripped of those moments- as was the rest of her family (8 in total, 6 of them children). they have been displaced 7 times, desperately trying to stay alive so they can get the chance to truly live once more.
i strongly encourage you all to learn raghad's story on your own. she spent a lot of time and effort to write it herself while suffering through inhumane living conditions. it is the least you can do to show your support for her and her family.
the next thing: share her story with your friends and family.
and finally, for those able to contribute financially: donate! her family's campaign has been vetted by trusted sources and still need our support to reach their goal. their campaign has received very little traction and it has been active since march
the stats so far: £2,207 raised of £55,000 target (~4%)
in an effort to get this post to trend further: here's a poll (do not vote until AFTER you reblog this post)
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saintobio · 4 months
SAINTTT, just curious about bc3, if it’s gonna be a spoiler pls feel free to ignore this message.
Did mc and toru really do it? 👁️👄👁️ are they together or just a situationship thingy? God i am so so ready i wish i can send u gifts for doing amazing worksss 😫😫😫😫
they did! they’re not together though :)))
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lilspacewolfie · 6 days
i know you write your lucifer stuff but i'd love to hear any thoughts you have on copia & terzo as bros?
-shy anon🙈💕
I HAVE thoughts! These are a bit all over the place but I hope you like them! tw for mentions of death!
Terzo is seriously protective of Copia. I see a lot of the Papas picking on Copia, (not in the fun brotherly way, but being sort of jealous and spiteful?).
Copia was/is a sensitive person. He’s always been that way and Terzo knows that and does his best to make sure Copia is taken care of.
Terzo and the others would always try to refocus the spiteful wrath of Nihil and Sister off Copia as much as possible growing up.
No one really understood Copia’s love for rats, but Terzo did. He’s helped Copia take care of many of his little babies over the years and Terzo has named a few of them.
Absolutely glued to each other as kids. Like you could NOT separate them without one or the other having a tantrum (I think ages 5-13?). People living in the Ministry would always make comments about “never seeing one without the other”.
They have fond memories of swimming in the Ministry’s lake during hot summers, or exploring the expansive woods that circles the grounds during the spring since it’s nearly impossible to get lost.
They made a few little hideouts in said woods and would stay there for hours playing and talking about what they wanted to do when they grew up and the type of Papa’s they would be.
Very intune with one another. Often finishing each other sentences or mirroring each others postures.
Little Ghost hunters! Even as they got older, they used to go to the creepier parts of the Ministry (the crypts and such) and try to contact the dead or scare each other. Copia only ever scared Terzo once but he’s never forgotten it, and Copia has never let him live it down.
Copia always admired Terzo’s rebellious nature and wished he could be like his older brother. He admired him greatly when he became Papa and always supported him.
Copia was one of the only people (other than Second and Primo) that really knew how terrified Terzo was of failure.
They’re both somewhat introverted, however Copia is a bit more of an ambivert. Terzo always leans on Copia during more social events when he’s had enough but still has to keep the mask up.
Despite being a quieter child, Terzo one beat up a kid who was bullying Copia during choir practice. Secondo had to drag him off the kid and clean up his bloodied knuckles and lip before Nihil could punish him for “making the bloodline look bad”.
The kid never bothered Copia again after that. He was always immensely grateful, if not a little unnerved seeing his normally quieter brother get so angry.
Copia was scared of the dark as a kid and would always run to Terzo’s room. They would lay or sit under the blankets together with a torch and talk for hours until they fell asleep.
This continued as they got older. It wasn’t uncommon for the ghouls to find them drinking, smoking, watching a terrible b-horror movies in the comfort of Terzo’s room since he had a balcony they could smoke freely on.
After their murders, Copia still visits Terzo’s room sometimes and pours a drink and has a smoke in his honour.
The ghouls have found him having fallen asleep in there on a handful of occasions but never brought it up.
The Papas deaths really affected Copia deeply and he carries a lot of trauma and guilt because he thinks it’s his fault, and that accepting the Papacy was the reason for their murders.
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sleepanonymous · 13 days
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Hey the guys are going around. Bringing warm beverages and love. Because you’re amazing. 🫶
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I missed my timeframe in answering this a few days ago, I'm sorry
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thescarletkiller · 2 months
The buzzer stopped ringing as the steel doors leading to the entrance lobby opens up to the next person in line, which was you, a monster in a human's body. The doors were waiting for your arrival into the security room to be examined by the doorman, a little judgement on your soul perhaps.
Meanwhile, the doorman, a man in his mid 30s, began to fidget around with a heart-shaped lighter, the flame flicking quickly on and off. The man stopped it and placed it on the table and stood up to peek at you.
(omg hello! I love reading about your AU aaaaaa.)
What a fucking day…
*Francis yawned as he stepped into the building. It’s been a long day of delivering milk. Same old, same old. It’s been a bit too long since he had killed. He wonders when he has the opportunity to do that again. He reached the doorman and gave him his ID and entry request.*
Mmm, hello. Here you go.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
MERRY CHRISTMAS FRIEND!! have a rare ray expression hehehe
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𝕆𝕌𝔾ℍ a blessed Rare Ray to be shared with all many thanks!!! 🙏🖤💝🖤💝
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funnychuchu · 3 months
Forgot to send some pics of what my pookie got me >:3
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He's soo freaking cuteeee!
*squish tail*
I can finally touch his ears and tail without being yelled at 🤭
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itchyeye · 7 months
Hi one of my favorite episodes is #75 A long way down. Because the day that I listened to that episode I was on a trip with my brother in chicago, and he decided it would be fun to take us to the highest building in the city there to an attraction where you can get inside a glass box off the side of the building and take pictures/have a good view of the whole city etc. (knowing damn well I've been terrified of heights my whole life 😭😭) without actually telling me where we were going until we were actually there. I just got in some random elevator in some random office building with him and I was like ? What even is this attraction we're doing.....and then I saw the elevator had a tiny TV in the corner of it showing our elevation as we went up all the floors of the building 🙃. I did NOT get on the skydeck attraction thing to take pictures and spent the whole time there in the gift shop area staring down at the floor (only area without any glass windows) ..So when I listened to that episode later that day I was like ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!.....????!?!??...WHAT...??? WHAT. At the similarities. and it just sticks out in my mind because of that hehehhe.... LIKE WHAT IF THAT HAPPENED TO ME? Also I really love vast episodes.
congrats on literally living a tma episode but also i am so sorry that happened
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homecomingvn · 2 years
Which sanrio characters would the main cast be :3 ?
My kinda question :3c
HENRY: Pochacco
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LYRA: Kuromi
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ELIJAH: Tuxedo Sam
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SANDY: Cinnamoroll
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ebongawk · 5 months
soft asks game: 4, 14, 24 🤍
4. what flower would you like to be given?
i do not discriminate against flowers!!!! they are all equal in beauty and deserve respect! but i do get irrationally sad when they die so I prefer plants to flowers lmao
14. favorite feel-good show?
listen the only thing i ever watch these days is Bob's Burgers. i just restarted it for the 561376587th time, actually. outside of that, Haunting of Hill House is one I consistently come back to.
24. what's something you do to de-stress?
not to set women's suffrage back 100 years but i clean. literally yesterday was, thus far, the most stressful day of the year for me, and i dusted and vacuumed and found myself at 7:30PM contemplating how I can clean the kitchen for 3 hours before my 8:30 bedtime.
soft asks!!
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aces-and-angels · 6 months
hii im joining the Joaquin Opinions Party! I bring you a whole ass essay! (sorry) (also its nsfw a bit? do with that what you will, idk if its even legal to send asks this long)
I find Joaquin to be a delightfully fluid character. I mean that in terms of gender and sexuality, sure, but more specifically here, I'm taking about the way he orients himself in the world and in the workplace.
He is quite obviously eloquent and charming, but I find it telling that he asserts himself as someone who could potentially lean into connections with… literally anyone? He often does this via means of flirtation -- see how easily he posits potential connections with MC, with Gabe, with Aislinn.
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He makes it seem conceivable that, if he so chose, he could foster a relationship with ✨any one✨ of these people. Like, you wouldn't be surprised to find Joaquin in cahoots with any character imo -- be it social, sexual, business, betrayals. He could have popped up during that one Sadie Dirty 30 and I'd be entirely unsurprised to see him there klsdjf
He's all about power play. In this one exchange, he's simultaneously trying to pique MCs interest sexually/romantically, while also telling them "you're simply one of dozens", "You're special, but you also aren't at all". When MC meets his flirtation with their own dry, cooly unmoved response, he goes for the power play yet again; he sees MC isn't flustered by his flirtation, so he tries to throw them again via means of unexpected wit.
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Joaquin will always zig when you expect him to zag.
He keeps people on their toes, he's always working at manouevring himself into a better position.
That fluidity keeps MC uncertain whether or not he can actually be trusted, what his deal is -- he's really playful about the whole thing, but you can feel a kind of calculating intelligence behind everything he says and does, however lighthearted. Is he actually as carefree and unconcerned as he seems on the surface? Or is that all a part of his deft social manipulations?
But he reveals himself a little bit when he keeps just turning up wherever MC is all the time. Sure, he's here to scheme, its all business, he's looking out for number one blah blah... but how many of these random run-ins could have been phone calls? Or needed to happen at all? My guy, why are your words telling MC you're all cool and aloof, but your actions are those of a sad lil puppy?
Looking a little closer at Joaquin, I honestly think he's lonely.
When everyone "knows you", no one knows you. When you are everyone's "friend", you are no ones. He's good at what he does, yes, but his success isn't without its price.
On a lighter note, one of my absolute FAVOURITE things about Joaquin is how his apparent love of mischief and power dynamics plays out in a sexual relationship -- he might do his best to keep the upper hand in public, but in private? Baby just wants to be dommed lmao
His reaction to seeing MC is about to use a riding crop on him is just "ooh yay!!" lol.
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He's a dork, he's baby, he's smart, he's stupid, he's delightful. I love him, your honour, he's the bisexual rep I always yearned for💖💖💖
In conclusion: Joaquin is peak jester meme material thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
no apology needed, my friend- i welcome this energy wholeheartedly 🖤🖤🖤
still on the hunt for those joaquin opinions! please read this post before submitting an ask
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sleepanonymous · 10 months
About the Take Me to Church soundcheck; I had a couple of lovely people tell me where it was filmed. It was not, in fact, from this most recent tour in North America. It actually wasn't filmed in North America at all, lol.
Since I also had a friend of the owner of the video/audio reach out to me, I won't state exactly when or where it was filmed, but I will tell you all it's about two years old and Vessel most definitely was wearing black nail polish when he was playing that piano.
Also! I found the doors that I was originally looking for. Like, there was absolutely no reason for the Google Maps car to drive 10 meters down a tiny dead-end alleyway but they did and I am eternally grateful to that driver.
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moiorchidea · 5 days
14, 34 & 67 (for the unusual asks) 😘
youre so sweet thank you for the ask🖤🖤🖤
14.if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
my whole highschool life i thought i would be living in germany but overtime ive deattached from the idea.i would love to live shortly in france and japan but the nature of my future job would hardly let me. So those are the dream answers and more pragmatical one is vienna :)
34.favorite actress?
keira knightley on and off screen🖤+ ive always admired audrey hepburn for her beauty and altruism and have only recently watched her act, she truly was a gift to this planet
67.what are your hobbies?
music and blogging, i recently saw a post saying something in the lines of "how long are you scrolling and have you ever been close to what youre searching for" but thanks to the phenomenon of the dashboard for me happiness can indeed be found on worldwide web. Also fashion,but mostly during the fashion week, and discovering the cafes, bars and restaurants of my city.🖤
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lavampira · 1 year
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tagged by @indorilnerevarine to make ocs with this picrew 🖤
linden “lux” kennedy (they/them) — alt rock vocalist [infamous]
malena shepard (she/her) — vanguard [mass effect]
veronica scarlet (she/her) — mystic + bio student [scarlet hollow]
and tagging @hythlodaes @coldshrugs @scionshtola @noonfaerie @elvves @fishgottaeat @elliewilliums @narrativefoiltrope @veeples @consulaaris @katsigian @duskeve @impossible-rat-babies @creaking-skull @montparnasse if anyone would like but no pressure as always (and sorry for any double tags) ✨
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