#tyrus as parents
juxtaposed-nerd · 4 months
aapi heritage month headcanons pt. 3 !!!
just in time for s3 of dndads, let’s get into it! this one will probs be a lot but so much has happened in the past year 😭
- taylor LOVES chinese new year, he looks forward to it every year as the favorite (only) child and he eats all the dumplings he could ever eat and gets tons of red envelopes
- cassandra and morgan become best friends/mother-daughter relationship vibes post-doodler, like they are the most badass and cool women in the world and i do think taylor grows to love morgan so much and even though his relationships with nick/glenn are strained, at least he has the best mom and grandma
- as a voice actor for anime/cartoons i think cassandra really did fall in love w the art of anime and i’d love for her to guest at a con (make her the j michael tatum of her world PLEASE) and taylor gets a free ticket to weeb out as much as he wants <3
- in my heart glenn is trying his best, like he really wants that closeness (haha) and i think now post-doodler it's like literally what started as a father/son duo of him and nick now is genuinely a huge (kinda fucked up) family that is trying to mend itself and i do think it starts with chinese takeout !!!
- sidenote i think the close/foster/swifts etc are a great example of how freddie has subverted asian stereotypes fr and also how a family stuck in an absent/neglectful cycle has the ability to come together again
- the mending includes hermie too, hermie definitely deserves something more in his life and the chance get to be a kid w a home in the form of a big family w his bio dads (his normal parents are invited too) (and i also love the idea of normal being like 'grandpa henry! this is the guy!' and hermie being an honorary oak would be so cute 😭)
- hermie went and saw joy ride (2023) bc it was marketed as a comedy and came out bawling his eyes out from that one scene y’all adoptees know what im talking about
- tbh thinking about taylor's closeness w his mom and francis's w kimon wan literally asian moms are holding this show together
- the farnsworth’s are thai and german and they came to peachyville at a young age to give their newborn son a better life very starting nuclear family vibes, ed definitely learned thai for her, and now their son is a bowling champ!
- francis farnsworth and taylor swift are lowkey the spectrum of asian upbringing where it's like midwest asians vs socal asians 😳🤭 they live in different worlds
- kimon wan is an immigrant mom just trying to raise her family and her damn son wont stop being a loser 🤦‍♀️ literally milf w a shotgun (ed is a lucky man FR) (sorry anthony burch)
- when francis is having a really tough day then kimon wan will leave a plate of cut up fruit at his door so he knows he's still supported
- luo's golden wok is the first and only chinese restaurant in peachyville and they have to have the best pepper steak ever im calling it now
- tony collette would love and hate both jodie and glenn i think for different reasons but instead of calling them formosans he’d call them orientals 💀
- also tony collette is 0.0001% asian (chinese) and tyrus luo either DEFINITELY knows which is why he puts up w all the bullshit tony does or tony is determined to make sure that tyrus NEVER finds out ever
- they have a 'throwback' silent movie night at the drive-in and they show a meryl streep film and literally everyone falls in love w him 🥰
- billion millions was a crazy rich asian and he was an icon
- once again they mean the world to me! might end up posting more at some point who knows lol
checkout past headcanons: 2022! 2023!
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fairykippen · 5 months
high school tyrus head canon\ficlet bc i miss my boys
one night they’re having a study date at tj’s and after a certain amount of hours, tj’s eyes start watering and turning red due to his contacts being in for too long
and cyrus is like “teej? are you okay?”
tj never told cyrus he has bad vision so he’s like “yeah :D” meanwhile his eyes literally look bloodshot
so obviously cyrus is CONCERNED so he Keeps asking wtf is going on because while Yes, studying is hard, but it’s not like a question is being repeated louder and louder by your parents at the dinner table and trying to hold back tears?!
after like 5 minutes of dealing with the burning (and cyrus being a concerned bf) tj finally goes into the bathroom to take the contacts out and puts on his glasses
before tj walks out, he says “okay. you have to promise not to overreact because i know you will” and cyrus is like “??? when have i ever overreacted???”
tj can’t help but laugh
he walks out of the bathroom with wired circular frames (yk like the guy from that one disney movie)
and cyrus just gets the biggest smile on his face
tj hasn’t even SAID anything. he Walked out of the room
and cyrus is FLUSTERED
“what?” tj asks, feeling embarrassed
nobody besides his family, and one time reed by accident, has seen him with his glasses and non-gelled up hair
cyrus tries to speak but he keeps giggling
“you’re making fun of me…” tj sulks and starts to turn red
cyrus stops himself. “no! i’m not! you just look really… cute. handsome, even.” and tj’s face goes redder
he leans over and ruffles tj’s already somewhat messy hair, “you always look handsome!”
cyrus lifts up tj’s face that he previously buried in his hoodie sleeves, forcing eye contact and brings his face closer to initiate a kiss
tj kisses his boyfriend back
after detaching, tj happily exhales and grins really big at cyrus
“you don’t think i look like a geek?”
“if you look like a geek then what am i?” cyrus asks sarcastically
tj chuckles “you know what i mean! it’s just… everyone sees me as this Tough Jock. it’s hard trying to break that persona, even though i’m out and whatever, i still struggle to take down the shield. dealing with a learning disability was hard, still is, then last month getting diagnosed with adhd, coming out as a couple, and now just showing you that i wear glasses and my hair doesn’t stand up perfectly? it’s hard.”
as cyrus listens to his boyfriend, he takes in every word he says.
“i hear you teej, it can be really hard, but you don’t have to feel any sort of shame in front of you. i Love you. okay? always will. i feel so lucky to have YOU as MY boyfriend! you’re such a special person, you and all your so-called flaws. i want to be someone you can be 100% yourself with, but that doesn’t mean you always need to wear your glasses or have your hair undone… even though i really love this look on you… anyways, you’re an amazing human being and i hope you always know that”
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irishleo13 · 7 months
Stranger Things version of Tyrus (New Will Byers crackship)
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So I've been thinking of a possible pairing for Will if Byler doesn't happen and the Duffers do want to give Will a BF in S5. One of candidates I've thought of was someone on Basketball (and I'm going spefically with Andy since he's biggest living member left). I know Greatwise has become somewhat prominent crackship but personally I don't think the idea of that relationship is interesting and pairing Will with another DnD fan feels like lazy (and also actor age-gap is a decade, unlike Andy which is just a few years).
Now some might be unaware of ship a refer to in the title of this post, Tyrus is canon gay ship of Disney Channel Andi Mack. I've always really enjoyed the dynamic of the ship which consists of a gay Jewish nerd who's struggling with his sexuality and crush on his male bff who ends falling for a Jock who starts as a antagonist in another storyline and who's ususally a jerk to everyone but has a heart gold that is first shown with his treatment of the other boy (Cyrus) . Definitely sounds fitting with Will's story and so far Andy seems like a jerk but he's flat enough of character you can give him a redemption arc and reveal he's actually good guy underneath (I mean witchhunt does make sense from basketball team's perspective especially after Patrick's death). He also works as kinda of dark foil to Mike, someone who's a snarky shit but taken up to eleven (accidentally ST pun lol) due to lack of genuine friendship ( except for Patrick giving good angst opportunity) or even shittier parents.
Andy does seem like he'll have a role in S5 but unfortunately, he'll probably play the role of generic psycho bully but I honestly even if we don't get this crackship, hope they give him some depth. Hell if they want a psycho bully, just bring back Troy. Could even start this ship with a resuce romance moment of Andy standing up to Troy for Will.
Finally tell me what pontential ship names sound the best:Wandy, Andill, or Willdy. Or something more creative like BasketballCleric
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
Hi! In chapter 26, at the beginning, Asatrion stays with Cazador. I was wondering about what happened then. I don't need details, I was just trying to figure out the logic behind Cazador's action. Was he trully just feeding and healing Astarion? Was this just emotional manipulation on his side? "Look what a merciful and gentle father I am" lol. And if the emotional manipulation is the case here, did Cazador do it often? (Sorry, for my English)
Hi anon 😊
Oof, another rough time for our poor Astarion. In PS, you may note there are times that Cazador behaves with "affection" or some degree of "softness" with Tyrus, so imagine this amplified with Astarion.
Because Cazador left before the torture began, he had an opportunity to take advantage of Astarion's vulnerability and act as a "caring, concerned" parent/partner (depending on his mood) in the aftermath. Essentially he hijacked Tyrus's role for his own sadistic joys: watch Astarion's prolonged suffering while he heals, manipulate his associations to include not just pain but (forced) comfort from Cazador, and watch Astarion grovel while he's extra vulnerable.
In this specific case, I imagined it as a way of Cazador saying "goodbye" to Astarion, showing his "love" even as he planned to sacrifice him. He probably talked more about the false promise to have his spawn ascend with him, cajoled and guilt-tripped Astarion to behave even better to earn it, etc.
Astarion leaves these sorts of encounters very unsettled, angry, but maybe a tad unsure after receiving the uncharacteristic "kindness." He's not stupid, but up until Tyrus arrived in his life, he didn't receive any other kind. And it always feels just a bit worse than usual the next time Cazador treats him terribly again.
(I'd say he walks away from it in ch26 much less manipulated than usual, though--he knows intimately what a kind touch and genuine care feels like, these days, and is happy to get away and return to the one who can truly comfort him.)
Thanks for the question!!
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umbrasdoodles · 4 months
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Was at parents' place again so I did another Ipad portrait of an OC chosen by my OC Randomizer. This time it's Tyrus, one of the more innefectual foes of the Multiverse Warriors alongside his partner Gloria. 
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 27: The Green Medusa Season 1, Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
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Ty Lotor for the lore, Planet Medusa was hit with a solar flare that put all of its people into a coma, his plan is to snatch one and let it loose on Arus ofc The sad part about this is that they picked a mother who lost her children, so she's having the worst time
I like the design for the Medusan, just wish it had more flair and no boobs,, is this woman not reptilian why does she have breasts
Ah there's the namesake, when angry the Medusan can grow pretty large, their hair transforms into snakes, and ya guessed it, their laser vision turns enemies to stone she looks a lot more monstrous in this form, a better look imo
Hey a scene from before is reused! We're back on Arus now and the scene of people crowding around lance pidge and hunk for their offer of food from the episode where Sven got got was reused for them calling for orphans since Allura is using part of the castle as an orphanage now A sweet gesture, wish there was more info about it
Back at the castle, an infant apparently chose Keith to be their foster dad oh, I am so making either an AU or a HC from this scene omg
PIDGE LORE he's an orphan! And adopted out of the system recently from what it looks like
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His adoptive parents <3
aw no Pidge,, he still wishes to have his biological mother with him, that's always a hard wish to have, not that I can comment much on it as I'm not adopted
Attack time and the team is already in their lions wow, no launch animation sequence? Amazing
AND NO ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE MEDUSAN? THIS ISN'T THE USUAL EPISODE FORMAT also pidge ejects from green who ends up smashing into the castle flooring below, I thought you were a better pilot than this kid
The Medusan mother grabs him after he lands onto the floor but instead carefully picks him up and places him onto her palm, even her expression is soft! This is why I love this episode, pidge found a mom and yknow what good for him because he keeps getting badass women figures in his life
Allura is freaking out about it and Lance wants to shoot everything at her for grabbing pidge before keith tells him again that she's got pidge in her grasp PIDGE IS JUST ROUTINELY GETTING ADOPTED AT THIS POINT AND WE LOVE THAT HERE
Pidge wakes up in a cave with the Medusan and tries running off but for some reason turns back and then immediately gets brought back by one of her snakes who nuzzle him after picking him back up how cute! I think Pidge knows something is going on especially because she only took him elsewhere instead of killing him
"he's awful little to see from up here" -Hunk such a cute line
PIDGE YOU MADE HER CRY, at least he apologized Lotor finds the two of them and immediately tries to capture them, but she protects pidge from it, and he finally realizes she's protecting him
Pidge likes snakes, sucks for lance who is definitely afraid of snakes after Bokar
Lotor says that he created a monster with too good a heart Created?? mf you KIDNAPPED A MOTHER AFTER FORCFULLY AWAKING HER FROM HER COMA YOU DIDN'T CREATE SHIT
Coran and Nanny immediately think Pidge is dead after the team searches for him again and still doesn't find him which like that's a sane assumption, but I'm also biased against them so how fucking DARE they pretend to care now >:/
Sike, Pidge is alive and he made friends with his new mom, Anga HE'S JUST CHILLING ON HER HAND LIKE IT'S NOTHING, MAN IS LIVING THE LIFE And suddenly Hunk is real hopeful that Anga has a friend lol
Attack hours again, this time with a REAL robeast and Haggar tries to force Anga to attack pidge so he PULLS OUT HIS GUN TO SHOOT AT HAGGAR ICONIC
Anyway Anga is shrunk down to her normal size and Pidge gets back to making sure Haggar knows who the bitch is between the both of them, and it ain't the little boy with a blicky that's for sure
Pidge gets a piggyback ride from Anga but she's super hurt and collapses before they reach the castle so Pidge promises to come back for her after having a memory of his adoptive mother giving him a piggyback right too THIS KID CAN FIT SO MUCH BACKSTORY AND TRAUMA IN HIM OH MY GOD
Voltron formed, robeast defeated, another scene is reused where Lance is kissed by allura and pidge gets kisses from the mice when he asks instead not the best scene to use? i mean nobody did anything except for pidge but all he did was make friends with a woman who died trying to do the right thing for him
/episode end
Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Planet Tyrus is a vacation planet i see, i can't tell if it was taken over and made a vacation planet for the villains to relax at or if it was always like that
So as an amateur archivist for older voltron content, I can definitely see why there were so many people who loved lotor specifically, the douchebag attitude probably doesn't take away from his looks either huh
oh so definitely conquered and it's lotors birthday! I wonder when this aired so I can assign that to him
i'm sorry, Zarkon stole treasure from Arus the week before the events of the episode?? guys what the fuck are you letting happen on arus
the team infiltrates the ship that apparently carrying said treasure, and it's deserted! they find a golden statue of lotor though, so that's pretty wild what the fuck is chitter doing on the ship, did i skip something on accident again
I'm sorry, red lion is able to phase through fucking metal? Lance is straight up hiding in the lotor statue what does this fucking imply because-
lotor sends a squad to go grab the treasure from the ship and keith pretends to be a guard only for the lead of the squad to say "nah youre not treasure so fend for yourselves" absolutely ruthless
the quality of this dub is so low lmao, looks like the team didn't realize that it was keith under the mask when he fell with the key in front of lotor because it was hunks voice first before keith suddenly pipes up and reveals himself
lotor v lance sword fight rematch AND LANCE GETS CAUGHT BY A TRAP DOOR WHAT KEITH TRIED TO CATCH HIM BUT WATCHED HIM FALL very homosexual of them
how many times has allura slapped lotor now? 3 times? she's right to do it every time
oh shit keith lance and pidge are about to be burnt a la witch trials, obvs allura is forced to watch because why would lotor kill her but mouse to save the day because chitter is biting the rope away
LANCE SURVIVES AND HE BLOWS UP BOTH THE CAKE AND THE STATUE he's so great, what a way to stick it to lotor on his birthday
voltron v command ship, obvs they win and apparently are able to get the valuables back allura makes fun of lotor and says he aged 10 years instead of only the 1
/episode end
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terrific-fish · 4 months
Mmkay so Tyrus and Dr. Man are ✨️roommates✨️ and they met at Tyrus' restaurant when Dr. Man was a poor, hungry medical student. They are very in love. Dr. Man is an incorrigible flirt, and Tyrus showed up to half of the Parent Teacher Conferences with Boy. They would be married but it's the 50s. Tony should date them both 👍
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thornonthevine · 6 months
Isaac: w-
Malachi: men
Isaac: DONT-
Micah: uhm..blonde hair.. Blue eyes.. Uhm..
Danny: hmm.. Blonde or black hair.. Uh dead parents-
Lacy: as long as they like me I don’t care
Josh: maria!
Maria: honey they said a type not-
Josh I know!!
Malcom: honestly I don’t know..
Joseph: brown hair.
Ezekiel: blonde with blue eyes!
Allison: brown hair.. With brown eyes..that’s it really..
Kir: oh well uhmm..maybe blonde-ish hair taller like over 5’9
Tyrus: same thing with allison i guess
Greg: uhmmm as long as they treat me well I don’t really care
Hannah: mysterious..tall..maybe black-ish or dark brown hair..
Gabriel: brown hair with some red in it….That’s it.
Matt: same thing with hannah..
Abel: ginger.
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After slowly drawing for WEEKS!!! I finally got this drawing done, thank god. I figure I’d give you all a proper introduction of each of these kids from the far left all the way to the right! First up we have:
Dai (daughter and Eerika and Dagur): Dai is the leader of this rag tag group of dragon riders and is a very friendly person. If you’re feeling down on your luck know that Dai is there to lift you up and make your day. She’s a very family oriented person and whenever she's not out adventuring she's meditating or doing yoga. Dai has a crush on ClashNut. Dai is the big sister you never knew you needed.
Hilda (daughter of Silas and Hiccup): Hilda is Dai’s cousin and the future chieftess of Berk and takes her role very seriously. She's a very stoic person and usually has a serious look on her face. Unlike Dai, it's very hard to gain Hailda’s trust. That doesn't mean she hates fun. Some of her favorite activities are sparing, talking about drama, and judging other people. The only person Hilda seems to sutter around is Princess Aslang.
Tyrus (son of Astrid and Heather): Tyrus is the middle man and a neutral party in a lot of arguments. Tyrus often has a bored look on his face and struggles to talk to people. He gets nervous in crowds and would prefer to be in a small group or by himself. Even when he’s having a genuinely fun time the board look will remain on his face, with the only people really being able to decipher it being close friends and family. Tyrus has a cold exterior but a heart of gold.
Princess Aslang (daughter of Snotlout and Mala): Aslang is a very prideful and uptight person. She’s a princess and demands to be treated as so. She gets flustered easily and doesn't like it when you mention her height. To call her cute is a death sentence. Aslang seems to only relax around her friends. Her captores often return her because she ends up driving them crazy with how much she wines. Despite all that she makes a great ally and a smart battle planner.
Prince ClashNut (son of Fishlegs and RuffNut): Clash is the chaotic mix between his parents. Clash inherited his fathers loves to study dragons and drive to study him, but he also inherited his mothers chaotic energy. Thus, Clash is an adventurer that often rushes ahead and almost gets himself killed. He gets easily excitable and gets easily consumed into his work, so much so that he often forgets about the world around him. It's a problem he has no intention of fixing anytime soon.
DreadNut (adopted daughter of TuffNut): Don’t let her fool you. Dread may look calm, cool and collected but turn your back and she’ll play a nasty prank. On the surface Dread seems to be an art loving hippy who doesn't wear shoes. She does yoga with Dai and can often be found painting elaborate patterns onto her dragon. This calm demeanor often means people trust her easily and it leads to their downfall. Dread makes her father proud by continuing the chaotic Nut legacy.
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oddishblossom · 2 years
Tag People You Wanna Get to Know Better
Tagged by the wonderful and lovely @lans-rabbit-glade 😊💖! Thanks for tagging me izzy! I loved reading your answers :)
Relationship Status: It’s just me here (single pringle)
Favorite Colors: Pink & Red
Song Stuck in My Head: Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys… I’ve listened to that song probably a million times and I’m still not tired of it nor will I ever be 💖. I’m definitely not looping it for writing inspiration or anything (also izzy I see your song choice and I am tempted to roast you for being a mobile gamer 😜)
Last Thing You Googled: “There’d Better Be a Mirrorball.” I was looking up song lyrics (I listen to other artists besides arctic monkeys, I swear 😅)
Time: 11:47 PM when I’m writing this. But I usually queue most of my posts so it’ll be 10 AM when I’m posting this :3
Dream Trip: Hmmm, idk. I’m not much of an explorer lol. Maybe Japan or New Zealand? Just to say that I’ve been there before. Honestly, as long as I can go either shopping or to an amusement park I’ll be happy as a clam.
Last Thing You Read: It’s rare, but sometimes I want to read a cute high school AU with a love triangle. So the last thing I read was a tyrus fanfic called Of Course by CaithyCat & imnotanauthor. I’ve been rewatching Andi Mack, an old comfort show of mine. I know it’s a disney show “for kids” but sometimes I just feel like watching disney or nickelodeon shows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also this one in particular I started watching when I was bedridden for a month so it’s very dear to me :)
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Believe it or not, I actually read a paperback book last week. I was looking for a quote, so I opened my volume 2 of *cough* Scum Villain’s Self Saving System *cough*. And then I found the quote. And then I just kept reading until I was halfway through volume 3 and it was like 3 in the morning. Seriously, that book makes my brain go a little bonkers. The scene where Shen Qingqiu tries to hide Luo Binghe from Zhuzhi Lang nearly made me cry from laughing too hard.
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Last Book You Hated Reading: Excluding fanfics, I can’t think of one… Maybe Tokyo Ghoul/:re back in 2017? I remember really hating that manga. Honestly, I’m really picky when choosing something to read so the stories I end up disliking I tend to just drop them and then completely forget they ever existed.
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: I’m kind of a terrible chef ngl. But the reviews are in and I make a pretty stellar spaghetti. Whenever my niece visits, she always asks me if I can make her my spaghetti because it’s way better than any she’s ever had. Getting that kid to eat anything is a struggle, so I’m really glad that she not only eats my food, she asks for seconds.
Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: When I think of the word “crafts”, I imagine, like, art projects made by hand, so I’m not sure I can include writing and gif-making on this one. So excluding those, does drawing count? Even before I got a drawing tablet, I used to doodle all the time even on scraps of paper. I’m not really good at it, but it’s always been something I do just to kinda get my brain to chill.
Most Niche Dislike: Hmm. You know, it’s funny that you mentioned nail polish, izzy, because the first thing that popped into my head was long nails. I have tried to be that girl who gets a full set at the nail salon and I never did it again because the sound of my nails clacking against things bugged me. Like, I can’t even stand the feel of my own natural nails when they’re the slightest bit too long lol.
Opinion on Circuses: Never been to one. But, clowns slightly freak me out so I don’t have the best opinion of their home turfs.
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: I’d say I do. Or maybe I think I do by association? My parents both have a pretty bad sense of direction and I used to help them a lot by printing out maps and searching for streets in relation to where we were. One of my older brothers used to always assign me as designated navigator because I’m good at keeping an eye on where we are and how to get back on track should we get lost
I liked this tag game! It was fun and refreshing. Gonna tag a couple of you, but please no pressure to respond! Only if you feel like making one 😊 @bioerin @kimievii @koujaaku @ashinlae @wallynorthbynorthwest @fluffyrabbitofdoom @apocalyptickoala @theraincanttouchus @mdzs-rabbithole + anyone who sees this and wants to make one 💖
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jollmaster · 7 months
well..ok, I also want to ask something, but about sad things, just really wondering. I really want to understand the guys, even if it’s through headcanons. thx, thx, thx! ♡♡♡
who is who. canon guard bois (except Silas, almost everything suits him here, haha) and your oc bois^^
° he is prone to self-flagellation, self-hatred
° swears more than others
° have ever been bullied and rejected
° risks being left completely alone
° mired in his dark thoughts and cannot get out of there
° gets sick more often than others and is on medication at times
° suffers from anxiety and neuroses
° an orphan without any relatives
° suffers from insomnia
° might be prone to excessive smoking if only it had been possible at that time
° sometimes cries, but no one knows about it
° often reproaches himself for his attitude towards others, especially his friends, when they do not deserve it.
oooh I'll try
° prone to self-flagellation, self-hatred: Pakov (his heavy temper annoys him)
° swears more than others: Snorl and Guff (nobody knows who's more)
° have ever been bullied and rejected: Barphon Niels (it was in deep youth, anyway he doesn't suffer because of it anymore)
° risks being left completely alone: none of them, to tell the truth (rats are very social creatures)
° mired in his dark thoughts and cannot get out of there: Guff (when he reads too much war chronicles and can't sleep)
° gets sick gets into troubles more often than others and is on medication at times: Eingar what THE FU—
° suffers from anxiety and neuroses: Skoll (from time to time)
° an orphan without any relatives: Willem Stout, rest in peace (he HAD relatives, because it's impossible for rat doesn't have anyone, but he hadn't parents and close siblings)
° suffers from insomnia: Torse Harrum (however he's often on the wall, near small den, and can take a nap for ten minutes)
° might be prone to excessive smoking if only it had been possible: Tyrus Volker (rest in peace [2]), Jerub and Hearth
° sometimes cries, but no one knows about it: Bando (he goes out on a cliff and shouts FUCK IT ALL, I WANT TO GO TO MY WIFE)
° often reproaches himself for his attitude towards others, especially his friends, when they do not deserve it: Gildo (he's a kind buck, but he has difficulty in expressing affection)
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diaborodevil · 9 months
Cyeris it’s a frozen tundra with scattered settlements from local tribes and few settlements from outsiders despite being a frigid region there are two semi active volcanoes known by the locals as the twin pyres
Wh why are you telling me all this
So that you know where we’re going I mean by how I see it seems like you never left westloft
That that’s true
Well by my guesses are that you aren’t going to see much
What do you mean
Well since cyeris is so cold and your beastly form long and thin you wouldn’t last long out here so you stay in the wagon
So do you think anyone is following us
No no one is that crazy to follow us
Hey Kyle we found him
I see that he’s right in front of us
Uh I didn’t think I’d have to resort to this okay (Carlos gets off his horse) tyrus I’m going to need you to run all the way to the other side of cyeris okay (then tyrus starts to run) so what’s more important Catherine or me (Carlos proceeds to run in a different direction)
We need to catch that wagon
No we need him I mean how long can that horse run if we go after the wagon we could lose him
What are you more concerned about
About about getting the job done efficiently no loose ends
Sure buddy I’ll I’ll follow your lead on this
I I think I lost them few
It’s not that easy to lose us you’ll have to try better then
What are you riding
There llamels we were granted them by the state so that we could
Your kidding
No they really
No about being state mages I’ve seen a bunch of state mages but I’ve never seen any like you two I mean how long have you been enlisted two no three days how were you granted access to do something like this
Well Catherine’s parents put in a lot of money to make sure that she gets back to westloft safely
So I’ll kill two birds with one spell I’ll save my friend and help my father
You keep saying save like you actually know how to help her
Oh yeah keep talking we got you cornered
Oh first time in cyeris I presume
Oh yeah what makes you think tha where did he
He walked up to an animal jumped on its back and it started to slide down the hill with him on its back
Are you kidding me uh we have to after him cmon move
I don’t think that will
Come on you beast we have to go after him yes yes down the hill wait why are you going slower
This is going to take a while aint it
What was that
Meanwhile lower on the hill
Few lost them and hope fully they stay lost
Oh I wouldn’t count on that
Huh who said that
Oh I did sweety
Where are you
For all you know I’m all around you
Who are you
The one who’s gonna catch you sheep prince I’m Irene cyeris state mage rank ranger
Pleasure but you really think you can catch me many have tried
Good half way down the hill but he’s almost at the bottom so you need to hurry up so we can catch up to him
They appear to be at the bottom and oh looks like they crashed into a frozen river and now there going down stream
Take all the time you need
Meanwhile in the river
Huh *huff* that should keep her off my trail
It’s not that easy
Oh you have to be kidding me what is that thing even
A frost wyrm one of the deadlier predators to inhabit cyeris so there’s nowhere safe for you (Irene readies a crossbow) so it’s best if you just accept your fate
No I think I’ll keep running as long as I can
Well ashame I never need more then one arrow for my targets (Irene fires her crossbow)
( we see Carlos’s neck craned to the side)
I’m sorry did I ruin your streak well I’m getting off this river *inhale exhale* enhance beast
No where are you going (Irene readies her crossbow and fires another shot)
You really think that’s really going to work again (suddenly another arrow flies from behind Carlos’s head) how this must be (another arrow goes past his face) her magic uh I need to focus on these arrows
*feeeeeewwww whiff feeeeeewwww*
Wait did it just (Carlos leans to the side letting the arrow fly past him)
*feeeeeewww whiff feeeeeewww*
(Suddenly every time the arrow flew by Carlos he was able to perfect dodge it till it slowed down and fell to the ground)
How how did you
I figured out the trick your a wind mage so you were using your magic to change the position of the arrow so that it would hit me but I could hear it also if I were you I’d get out of the water
What do you mean
There’s a waterfall
No I mean hearing the wait a what ahhhhhh
Welp time to try and catch up to tyrus
Oh we’ll see about that
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mystiika · 10 months
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@liightbringr — a romantic starter for tyrus' other half <3
naturally, they'd talked about marriage. what that would look like, how it might change things for delilah, & more. but realistically, nothing would change between the three of them, nor his or delilah's relationship with eva's parents. already eva was seen as & called mommy, & her parents took on the grandparent roll so readily. & when ty proposed to eva, it had been in the morning after he'd woken her up & they said their good mornings, he looked at her & truly couldn't imagine his future without her. & of course she'd said yes instantly, ring or not. & with the question come & gone, he'd decided to take her ring shopping. he wanted to make sure she'd be in love with the ring & in all honesty, he wanted an engagement ring for himself. & going together meant they could pick out ones that complimented the other.
❝ alright, meu coração. ❞ my heart, one of the many names he'd call her in both english or portuguese alike. ❝ i told you that we needed to buy a new nice dress for delilah because she'd outgrown her old one, but that's not why i brought you to the mall. i wanted to be a surprise & i thought today we could pick out our engagement rings. ❞ he hadn't mentioned wanting his own so he thought it was an added surprise that he was sure she'd enjoy. ❝ i came here last week to pick out a few i thought you'd like the designs of too so you could go with one of those or we could pick out an entirely new one if you wanted to. i just want to make sure its one you'd absolutely love. ❞
❝ so, what do you say? ❞ he asked her gently, his expression & tone so reminiscent of his ever growing love for her. & he knew she'd want to, but in all honesty, he wanted to hear her say yes. it felt as if it was like she'd been saying yes to marry him all over again.
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imagineitdearies · 6 months
Hello Asterdurge,
I discovered PS a few days ago and I must say I am totally addict. This is such a fascinating story, the caracters are so well written, I love your Tyrus and the way you capture Astarion personality *-*
I wonder about Tyrus’ familly : Cynda and their mother.
Cynda is described as lavender skin, red eyes (similar to Astarion's ) and white haired, and also Tyrus broke down during the ball when he sees a young drow girl resembling his sister.
So is Cynda a drow too ? A half drow ? And what about Tyrus (adoptive) mother, the stonemason ? Is she a drow or from another race ?
Hi hope Tyrus will meet them again after Cazador's demise :)
Thank you for this amazing story.
Hi Oscaraneko, and welcome to the insanity!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and characters 💙💙
It hasn't been explicitly stated, but Cynda is indeed a half-drow and their mother is a half-elf*! Sometimes I like to hurt myself by thinking about their parents' tragically beautiful love story 😌
One can definitely hope 🥰
You're very welcome, thank you for your kind words!!
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Potential Additions to Narrative
After having watched the retrospective on Tyrus Wong and the Nam June Paik piece, a little seed was planted in my brain. Could I potentially lean into adding some of my heritage to my narrative? I.e. the Vietnam war. I wouldn't change much of what I have/need to narrate with audio. I think what I've written can easily be connected to visuals of my culture.
Maybe I can splice found footage from the America's with footage of Vietnam back during wartimes. I've got a couple of YouTube videos that have recorded found footage from that time that I could potentially play with.
As well as scouring my home videos for some personal examples. I also have photos of my parents back in Vietnam before the war that I could filter and mess around with.
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lizardbytheriver · 1 year
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Conservatives (allegedly) love beating their children. This kind of parenting only creates abusive people, repressed people, and people who will take their own lives. This kind of parenting destroys families and causing suicide. So many Trans People have had Parents like this. And those Trans People end up being kicked out their homes, beaten, or just having to suppress their identity for decades. Absolutely heinous.
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