#tyreese twd
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daryl-and-carol-oh-my · 3 months ago
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The Walking Dead; Indifference
"You take one sip, before those meds get into our people, I will beat your ass into the ground. You hear me?" - Daryl Dixon
Carylering On<333333333333
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booksarenifty · 4 months ago
TWD Character HCs Pt. 2
Here's the second part! Lemme know if there's any characters y'all wanna see that I missed
My friend who has never watched The Walking Dead rates characters and makes headcanons for them!!
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gives candy to kids when they’re scared
always gives the best pep talks
somehow always knows what to say
can play the lute
the best one at making campfires and telling kids ghost stories with happy endings
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rbf queen
amazing at hand to hand combat
can curse people out with facial expressions
mean to adults but nice to kids
Eugene Porter
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looks like he’s a daddy’s boy and makes it his whole personality personality
laces candy probably
would not first him around kids
fashion sinner
Abraham Ford
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home depot regular
thinks he can get chicks and he cannot
smells like cigars
loves yankee candles
was a child bully
Merle Dixon
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less hot version of echo from bad batch
has probably accidently stabbed people
probably scottish
shouldn’t be driving but is the designated driver
had a pet tiger at one point
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hates kids
wacks people in the head with that stick
curses people out all the time in his head but irl doesn’t curse at all
had back issues
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Why is nobody (im 9 years late) talking about about him
Why is nobody crying and remembering and thinking about him
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abnormal-vacuum · 1 year ago
i wish we would have gotten tyreese and beth interactions. like idk they’re both very tragic characters to me and just. they could have been everything. like imagine if instead of daryl and beth we get tyreese and beth? like he barely even knows her and then they get closer and he sees just the light being stamped out of her and that’s so sad. we all have jobs to do. but that doesn’t mean you can’t cry. he’s like you just lost a boyfriend, your dad. what am i talking about.
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natacatts · 2 years ago
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36 - Tyreese Williams from The Walking Dead
I loved his character so much!! His death episode was so beautiful and artsy but so sad. Just omg him seeing all the people that had died. SO GOOD!!! and him finally saying that he was okay with them turning off the radio essentially meaning that he was ready to die. and the fact at the beginning of the episode you think that you are seeing beth’s funeral but it’s actually tyreese and all the scenes at the beginning happen later in the episode. genius! honestly that was probably one of my favorite episodes of tv ever but what can i say i’m a sucker for an artsy episode.
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swerveable · 11 months ago
Watching the episode where Tyreese dies. I've realized that people don't become zombies from the bite, that's been made clear. But they die faster due to infection, sepsis and bacteria from decaying zombies, or from lack of blood all from the bite(s). They can't treat infections the same anymore due to the apocalypse, and there's no blood transfusions. It's kill or be killed, no inbetween.
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minervas-wife · 2 years ago
and we lose tyreese in this one man 😭😭
the shot of lizzie and mica smiling with their fatal injuries omg
the hopping away 😭😭 this time is so bad for noah but i can't help laughing at him
i forgot how awful this point is for the group. they lose a beloved long term member then their home and get separated. everyone thinks the others are dead. then the shit at terminus then beth and then tyreese. its just one after another
bob and martin arguing in tyreese hallucination 😭😭
oh my god my poor boy the governer walker transition 😭😭
bro got bit twice 😨😨 'how does the same thing happen to the same guy twice?'
beth singing to him 😭😭
i always have the 'i know what happened and what's going on' line going thru my head cus off that one tik tok audio that goes smth like ' i will pass all my exams. i know what's goin on. '
jesus noah u had one job 😭😭
its kind of heartbreaking that his hallucinations are just his way of soothing himself cus he knows what's gonna happen
man this ones got a lil kick to it. im actually getting pretty upset
his hat on the grave 😭😭 the sound of rick still shoveling dirty thru the credits im forgot how genuinely upsetting this episode was
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panic-in-the-multiverse · 2 years ago
Pairings: Daryl Dixon & teen!reader, Tyreese Williams & teen!reader, Carol Peletier & teen!reader, Judith Grimes & teen!reader (all platonic obviously)
Requested by Anonymous: when the prison fell you and Daryl got separated, this is how you meet up, based on this request
Warnings: mention of blood, fighting, mention killing walkers/zombies, killing people, Daryl hug (yes that’s a warning), knives, guns, mention of killing kids, Terminus, hopefully if you read this you’ve seen the episode and knows what it includes, but ya know typical twd stuff.
A/N did I accidentally write this way longer than I intended yes, yes, I did, now don’t get me wrong the moment where Tyreese defends Judith is iconic but for the sake of this fic I changed it up, kinda wanna make another part
For you who wants to know the episode is season 5 episode 1
Anyway I hope you enjoy this <3
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Judith giggled happily in your arms as you walked on the edge of the railway. You could’ve once imagined all kinds of trains going up and down the tracks as they blew past the trees, but now you couldn’t actually remember much about trains, you had the idea of them but not much details (and if a train were to come right now that would’ve been a miracle).
Tyreese walked a few steps behind you, with Carol in the front, as she led your group of four forward. She came to a stop when a sign that states “TERMINUS” showed up once more. It was your headed path, the sanctuary called Terminus. You personally didn’t trust it, not after the Governor, but you had to find Daryl and the rest of the group. You knew that if any of them were still alive they would’ve gone to Terminus after finding the railway. Which all of them had probably done. Along with finding Daryl you also had to get Tyreese and Judith to safety. Tyreese wasn’t fit to live on the road at the moment, he refused to kill anything that came your way leaving you and Carol to kill stray walkers, or animals for food. Judith, well, she was a baby and sometimes could be screaming all day, she was mostly quiet but the times she did cry was the times walkers got attracted. A baby was no way near fit to be on the road but here you were all of you somehow still alive (except for Lizzie and Mika Samuels, but there was no loss for you over Lizzie that’s for sure).
“We’re close” Carol stated as she saw the sign. “I’m gonna get you all there, make sure you’re safe, but I’m not gonna stay” She saw your face morph into disappointment as you nodded your head, a sad smile on your face. You’d missed her while she was gone and now she would be leaving again, and you didn’t like it, not one bit and you knew Daryl would be sad over it too which didn’t help the matter.
As you heard the rustle of leaves behind you in the forest, you all turned around to see two walkers stalk forward in your direction. Tyreese motioned with his hands to take Judith from you. Judith was carefully switched over to Tyreese and both you and Carol went forward to the walkers. Both of you killed them quickly only to notice the herd that was about to come out of the forest. Carol whispered to Tyreese that more were coming, and so all of you went into the opposite side of the railway. You hid in the forest until the walkers got distracted by shots firing not too far away from all of you.
Tyreese looked worriedly at you as he started to talk. “That gunfire it could’ve been from Terminus”
“Someone was attacking them, or they were attacking someone” Carol responded
“Do we want to find out?”
This time you involved yourself in the conversation, as you believed that you did indeed need to find out. “Yeah, we need to find out, If the others are there they might need help”
With that, and Carol's instruction of walking another track that would get you there as well you all started to walk once more, this time in need to find out the truth.
Your next stop had been outside a small worn out cabin, but it wasn’t the cabin that got your attention. What got your solely attention as you hid in the forest with your companions was the man that talked in a walkie-talkie. He was putting up a bunch of fireworks, no doubt to lead the herd of walkers away from Terminus. You could faintly hear him mention a woman with a sword, and you stopped Carol from going forward. As you continued to listen you heard him mention a kid with a hat and that was all you needed to go on. You didn’t think there were that many women with a sword and kid with a hat together nearby at the same time, so it didn’t take much to know that they were talking about Michonne and Carl. Nor did it take long to realize they had done something to your group, thereby also Daryl. Especially when he mentioned bleeding the kid out.
Carol slowly started to creep up behind the man and you followed not far behind. Tyreese more hesitant but still following. She put her gun toward his head, the young man froze and put his hands up still holding the two way radio. “Keep your finger off the button and drop it”
“Listen, ya’ll don’t have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone’s welcome”
“Shut up man” it was what all three of you were thinking but Tyreese was the one to say it.
“We’re friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat” Carol pressed the gun against his head forward, making the man lean forward as the gun touched his head.
It didn’t take long for you and Carol to tie him up and drag him (not so carefully) into the cabin leaning him against one of the walls. Throughout the whole ordeal the man continued to tell the three of you that you didn’t have to do this, that you could all come up with a deal, but he had no luck there.
As Carol made herself ready to scout Terminus out to see what was happening Tyreese continued to hold Judith in a protective embrace. You however had been asking the man questions, finding out that ever since the first questions he had been lying. He told you he only had Carl and Michonne, that they had both attacked them out of nowhere, that they were just protecting themselves. But none of you believed him. Not with the things you heard him talk about before you confronted him.
You would of followed Carol to Terminus had it not been for your will to protect Judith and Tyreese. As much as you loved Tyreese he wasn’t in his right mind. So you stayed to help if anything bad were to happen, to walkers coming your way or your prisoner getting free somehow, it didn’t matter you were there to protect your family. You only hoped Carol wouldn’t need any help.
Talking about your prisoner he was even more shatty when Carol left. Apparently a teenager, a baby and a man who he could clearly see wasn’t going to kill him was no threat to him. It was his undoing in the end. He underestimated you both and it showed in the way he talked to you and Tyreese as you sat by Judith, who’d you made a makeshift bed to.
“She got a name?… Hey, she got a name?”
“No” you answered at the same time Tyreese answered “Judith” you glared at Tyreese as he told the stranger her name, you didn’t want to give him any information, you never knew if it would backfire.
“She your daughter or something?”
“She’s a friend”
“Huh, I don’t have any friends… I mean I know people. They’re just assholes I stay alive with. The other one your friend, the woman” the younger man nodded towards the door that was now closed. Tyreese slowly looked away at the comment being conflicted about his answer. So instead you answered.
The man nodded and his voice that had now started to annoy you filled the room once more. “I used to have them… used to watch football on Sundays. Went to church” he let out a small laugh as if the thought of it was unbelievable. “I know, I did, but I can’t picture it anymore… it’s funny how you don’t even notice the time go by, horrible shit just stacks up day after day, you get used to it”
Tyreese turned his attention towards the man and spoke with distaste laced in his voice. “I haven’t gotten used to it”
"Of course you haven’t, you’re the kind of guy who saves babies, it’s kinda like saving an anchor, when you’re stuck on a boat-“ you had by know decided to drown out his voice as he tried to make justiciable to let him go.
Your thoughts got filled with Daryl like they had for the most time since the prison fell. You missed him. He always looked out for you. Ever since you met you were drawn to each other. Daryl used to pretend he hated you, especially when Merle was around he couldn’t have his brother think he was soft. However everyone knew he had always secretly looked out for you ever since he met you he’d felt the need to protect you. It came to the point that whenever you wanted to go on a run to get new supplies or do anything really you’d always ask Daryl. You had never spoken about it to each other but there was a silent agreement between everyone even you and Daryl that you were his kid and he your father. It might not be by blood but it was how it had come to be. Everytime something happened to you if you got hurt or if you were sad they’d always notify Daryl, but most of the time he already knew and would be with you to try and cheer you up in his own moody way. When you’d been out on the road before you found the prison you’d always sleep next to each other making sure the other one was safe. Even in the prison your cells were next to each other. He always looked out for you. He taught you how to hunt, he taught you how to use his crossbow, and to fight people to be able to protect yourself. Like Judith was “little asskicker”, you were the “big asskicker”. You couldn’t help but to miss him and the thought of him being hurt from the people in Terminus made your stomach hurt. You didn’t really want to voice your thoughts but you needed the reassurance and Tyreese was the only one who knew who Daryl was and could give reassurance. So against the warnings your mind gave you, you voiced your concerns.
“Do you think Daryl’s okay?” Your voice came out quieter than you expected as your mind filled with more scenarios in which Daryl had gotten hurt in.
Tyreese turned from Judith to look at you. He tried to give a reassuring look on his face as he answered. “I’m sure he’s fine Y/N”
”So Daryl’s your dad, maybe boyfriend” he continued to gues what Daryl was as you made no indication of actually giving anything away to him. After a while he stopped, he wouldn’t get anywhere with you, but he was still confident that if he talked enough to Tyreese, he would let him go.
“See, you’re a good guy, saving babies and teenagers.
“You have no idea about the things I’ve done”
“You’re a good guy, that’s why you gonna die today, it’s why the baby is going to die, why Y/N is going to die” both you and Tyreese stood up taking an intimidating step towards the man, your knife pointed at him. “Or… you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky.”
“You think you’re gonna kill me?”
The man turned his sole attention to Tyreese as he answered him. “Why haven’t you killed me? How does having me alive help you? Why the hell are you even talking to me? Take the kids, take the car and go, I don’t want to do this today”
“For your information we could always use you to get more information or we could kill you now, like you said we have-“ you got cut off by an explosion going off. Tyreese rushed to the window to see what was happening and saw the smoke over the forest.
“Is that Terminus?” The man moved forward as if trying to see out through the window but he had no luck in that department as he slouched back towards the wall.
“Yeah, probably”
“Maybe you’re gonna win this, maybe your friend, I mean maybe that woman just got capped, maybe I’m gonna be the one who gets capped when she comes back”
“Nobody’s got to die today”
“Man if you believe that… then it’s definitely gonna be you and the kids, even if the place is burning to the ground”
“Man maybe you can shut up and stop talking before I kill you myself” the man took his eyes of Tyreese to look at you as you had your knife pointed at him an annoyed look on your face. He didn’t believe for a moment that a teenager would be able to kill him, nor win in a fight against him. He had a way to high ego to think that you would be able to do any harm to him, he underestimated both you and Tyreese and when he heard as well as saw Tyreese look out at the walkers coming toward the cabin he moved quickly and soon enough his hands went to hold Judith in a hold that would be easy to break her neck.
He told you both to drop your weapons and you both did so not wanting him to hurt Judith. As he saw the walkers claw at the windows he looked towards Tyreese telling him to go outside. As Tyreese went outside he went over to you and bound your hands together with some spare rope just like you had done to him earlier. He made sure the knot would hold before he went over towards the walkie-talkie and tried to connect to the woman (apparently named Cynthia) on the other side.
While he did all that you tried to desperately tie up the knot that held the rope around your wrist together. Right as you were able to get rid of the rope around your wrist (thankful Daryl taught you how to do it) the noise from outside stopped. It became deathly quiet and the man looked towards were the last pounding against the walls had been. He took out his knife and was about to kill Judith when you quietly and quickly grabbed the knife that was laying right were you left it beside you on the floor and you ran over to the man. You saw red as you knocked him over, he had threatened to kill Judith and Tyreese. Threatened your sister and one of your closest friends. You knocked him towards the floor and your hand went into the air as you threw it down onto him repeatedly stabbing the knife in your hand into him. even after he was clearly dead.
Tyreese had to carefully walk over to you as he took the knife away from you. He told you that the man couldn’t hurt them anymore nor the walkers, everything would be okay. You appreciated his comfort as you hyperventilated for a few minutes over the fact that you’d just killed a human. You’d killed walkers before but never a human being. In your mind it was justified as he was about to kill all of you anyway, but you still felt like you’d lost something inside of you.
It was a while later when you glanced out of the window and saw Carol as she walked towards the cabin, Rick not that far behind. You broke out in a relieve laugh as a smile spread briefly over you lips, this made Tyreese glance out towards where you were looking. You booth scurried to get everything as you both wanted to leave the cabin not being comfortable to stay inside any longer than you needed to.
As both you and Tyreese stepped out of the barn you glanced at the people led by Carol. Your eyes scanned the crowd looking for one person in particular.
Daryl stared at you in disbelief he couldn’t believe you were actually alive, he’d seen you get shot, and without medical attention he guessed you’d died. He hadn’t wanted to keep hoping in case he would someday find your corpse rotting away (either as a walker or actually dead).
Daryl took in your bloodied state, you’d no doubt had to fight. Dirt and blood covered most of your clothes, and your face had a few cuts covered in dried blood. Your once white shirt was miss colored and your jeans had been ripped in some places, your jacket had blood stains all over it. Daryl could only guess what you’d gone through to end up looking like that (he didn’t even look that bad). He didn’t like all the blood covering you, he didn’t like not knowing what had happened, he didn’t like being away from you, he needed to protect you, he’d lost Beth to a couple of strangers, he wouldn’t lose you too.
When your eyes finally found Daryl, you had a soft smile on your face as you saw him visibly relax at your eye contact. While Rick and Carl ran towards Judith in Tyreese’s arms, Daryl stumbled forward towards you, dropping his crossbow to the ground. You met him halfway and he engelfulled you in a tight hug. You’d never know nor would anyone else but Daryl let a few tears fall in relief as he hugged you tightly knowing you were still alive, actually alive. As he felt you wrap your arms around him he felt you hug him just as tight, the comforting sensation you both brought each other was all you needed to ground each other and know that either of you were dreaming, this was real and both of you were okay.
As Daryl heard you sniffle he realized you were crying and he hugged you even tighter, taking one hand to your head and petting it softly — not knowing fully how to comfort someone, even now, having comforted you all those times before he still was unsure if he did it right. However he did know that you were crying from relief, because he did the same thing. You had your father back and he had his kid back and knowing that, you both knew that everything would be okay in the end. You were yet to be bested by someone when together, even when apart you always won, always found your way to back to each other. You would beat this world together and that was all that you needed to know, and the fact that neither of you were planning on leaving soon.
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redcoralpot · 2 years ago
Can you do Daryl finding out reader is trans? Early season 4, perhaps? :3
Attentu - Daryl Dixon x FTM Reader
Your wish is my command!!
Warnings: Gore, murder, violence, blood, cussing, mentions of transphobia and death, and addictions.
Word Count: 2.6K
You eagerly join in on the medical supply run, despite the group's awful luck. A confession from Bob has you feeling quite guilty about a personal matter...
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It was dead.
You threw the car battery to the side, sick of the luck your supply group had. Daryl was on the other side of the room, shuffling through drawers in an attempt to obtain the right part. For an auto repair shop, it was horribly disorganized.
“Got anything?” you called over, impatient.
A grin took over your face as he tossed the find at you, catching it in a firm grip, “Nah.”
The car was not in terrible shape, not really. Some rust here and there, with paint scratched off from long road adventures before the outbreak. Your father had a similar car when you were just a child, and he was insistent that he passed on his knowledge, despite your mother’s constant objections. It was not fit for someone like you; that your hands should never be calloused from the tough ground nor covered in grease, she said. He always ended up laughing in her face.
So as he would have it, the two of you got in all sorts of trouble. Hijacking cars, picking locks, prying cabinets open with a pocket knife; all things he said would come in handy one day. Daryl seemed like he had the same type of upbringing, all rough and tumble, and perhaps that’s what drew you to him. That, or he was just really damn good with surviving.
Daryl’s footsteps creaked as he led the way out of the building, shining his flashlight on any possible threats around. Someone had to, as you weren’t keen to look after Bob found an old walker stuck under a desk, ending that misery. It was the only one left. One by one, you circled out of the building, with Bob’s silent trepidation behind you as you arrived back at the car. Daryl opened its hood again, and you both set to work.
His voice was muffled around his cigarette, “You never told us about the group you were with, before.”
You glanced up as Bob replied, “Which one?”
“You know,” he continued, when Daryl gave him a look, “when you found me out on that road, I almost kept walking.”
“Why’s that?’
“I was done being a witness. It happened two times, two different groups.”
“I was the last one standing, like God intended for me to see it over and over; a curse,” he shook his head, pursing his lips, “but, when it’s just you out there with the quiet, I used to drink a bottle of just 'bout anything just so I could sleep at night.”
“The run to the big spot, I only did it for me.”
You froze, a jug of clear liquid still in your hands. Daryl took it from you, completely unfazed, and managed to get a swig out of it.
He licked his lips, “You gotta keep busy somehow.”
“No, I did it so I could get me a bottle, a bottle of anything. That’s what got Zack killed.”
“That’s bullshit,” Daryl peered at him, “why don’t you get in there and try the engine? Should be the red and green wires, it ain’t rocket science.”
Even as Bob walked away, you stayed silent. Your fingers burned as you rigged the working car battery back in, but never as much as your thoughts. The other man nudged you, urging you to take your hands off as the engine roared in front of you. He clapped his hands and brought them up to his mouth; a sharp whistle rang through the air. Bob’s alcohol troubles seemed to be forgotten by Daryl, since he gave you a rusty smile while you slammed down the hood.
“Nobody coulda’ known, and you ain’t gonna be standing alone. Not anymore,” he reassured Bob.
You huffed, swinging a few plastic bags of gas in the back seats, ducking to join them. Tyreese and Michonne got the rest and the three of you squeezed together with the luggage, closing the door. With that, you left the burdensome place behind.
The ride to the college was short, but Bob still parked a little ways out, and the group set off to walk the rest of the distance. You passed most of the buildings on campus; dull brick that plants jumped at the opportunity to outgrow after a year of inactivity.
“Looks like the building we want is up ahead,” Tyreese stated.
For the first time since Bob’s confession, you spoke, “Are we splitting up? We’ll cover more ground that way.”
“Is that safe?” Michonne questioned, and Daryl eyed you.
“I know I can cover myself, if I end up alone.”
The brunette scoffed, and you shifted a glare at him, “You know I can, too. You’ve seen me.”
“I think,” Bob uttered, “it’s a good idea.”
“We don’t have a lot of time, I’ll shoot if I run into any trouble. Meet me back at the car.”
Outside of the Learning Resource Center, you split from the group, sneaking close to the ground. You heard the rest shuffle in the opposite direction with a soft “C’mon, c’mon.”, and let out a shaky breath. Two pairs, then three pairs of footsteps faded away.
The lights of the wing flickered and let out fading sparks as you padded along, dust pillowing up from wherever you stepped. God, the outbreak sure did a number on this place. Shadows grew as abundantly as the plants, but never dulled the smears of blood along the walls, floor, and shattered glass. It cracked and snapped under you, somewhere behind you, and you hissed as you looked at the walls alongside you. There were several doorways leading to different rooms, most likely supply closets or classrooms. Carefully, you dipped yourself into the nearest doorway, a heavy feeling on your back. Your heart pumped wildly in your chest and your stomach had a sick pit of anxiety as you thumbed through the biggest drawers. There were plenty of jars, containers, and vials, but none of them had what you needed. You read all the labels once, twice, the text in messy handwriting or tiny fonts.
Testosterone, in its liquid form made for injections, should be a clear liquid. You knew that much from what your provider told you, and from your own studies. Any colored liquids, or any with particles floating inside, you discarded from your search immediately. You were taking too long, you started to think, or were you? You didn’t know if you were gone for ten or if you have been here for thirty.
Once again, you slid back into the trashed hallway, trying to make your way towards the next doorway. The only things you could hear were your quick breaths and a creak, most likely from the forgotten building. A set pattern was in your mind as you dove into the room, and the haze of adrenaline made it hard to think. Walkers, as the prison liked to call them, were not your biggest concern. Even before the outbreak, it was dangerous for you to step outside; to live your life. If you passed by the wrong person, your face would be on the hot topic of the community for the week after. Getting caught was not an option.
You blinked, trying to clear the thumping in your ears. The vial’s label looked like a foreign language, though you knew it wasn’t, so you peered closer at it. A gust of hot air hit your neck, and again. Hot air. This place was cold.
Your fingers scrambled for the knife at your side, it was there, wasn’t it? You slashed before you could think. Hair scratched your fingers; your knife dug into a warm crevice. The hot air turned into a raw, groaning noise. The hot air stopped. 
You pushed the body to the ground and your blade was released. The blood trickled hot down your wrist. Instead of the red you expected, it was a sludgy, filthy brown. It dripped in slow droplets on the floor beside your shoes. This was the first opportunity to look at the thing, and what a sight it was.
The knife had caved in a part of its skull, which itself was like a rotten, stomped on pumpkin. It oozed and dripped the same muck over the tile, muddying the disfigured face underneath. It made Osbourne’s stage trick look like simple child’s play to anyone who witnessed the act. Its eyes were still open; bulging out in that manic, hungry way only a madman got before the outbreak. You looked away from the mess, your breakfast seizing in your throat, and you busied yourself with getting more testosterone vials in your bag. The most important thing was that it was not human, not anymore.
Stuffing your full hand in your bag, you made a beeline for the doorway.
You should have learned your lesson.
A weight tumbled over you and knocked you to the floor, breathless. It screeched, rabid, like some sort of fucked up dog. If a dog hadn’t eaten for a month, that is. It stunk, too. It stunk so bad that you thought you might die from suffocation first.
It clawed at you, gnashing its yellow teeth. Your hands were pinned underneath the mass and you heard your knife land across the floor with a clang. This was going to be it. The end. It’s funny, isn’t it? Dying searching for your lifeline. You almost giggled at the irony.
The teeth were close to your neck, aiming to kill. To eat until you were nothing but an unrecognizable pile of flesh and bones. You had to do something, and soon. The only part of your body you could move were your legs, and you tensed them up. You were going to survive this, you were going to get back to that car. 
You struggled to prop your shoulder up, knocking the danger away from your neck. Its eyes were bloodshot and cloudy. As empty as a corpse.
The walker got more desperate to bite you, wiggling around harshly on top of you. You tried your best to keep your face far away from its own, but it successfully nipped the edge of your nose. This was going to hurt.
Its final noise was a gurgling one, close to your ear. The weight flopped to your right side, stilling its frugal attempt to destroy you.
“You got yourself covered, huh,” a voice remarked.
You wheezed, “Christ.”
“What were you doin’?”
Daryl stepped over you, pulling his arrow out of the corpse, “I’m serious.”
You finally got your legs under you, and the first thing you did was back a good distance away from him. There was no getting out of this, you both knew that Daryl would know if you lied to him. Yet, he was one of the last people in the prison you felt comfortable telling. Daryl was a classic redneck, with a bigot older brother and a taste for mysteriousness. There was so much you didn’t know about him, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up like a wildfire. You would have much rather told Carol or even Michonne, if you had to choose. 
“You know what Bob said.”
“Yeah,” he stated, “but you ain’t an alcoholic. I know that much.”
“I’m not, but that wasn’t the point. I only came on this run for one thing, and it isn’t medicine. It’s testosterone.”
“Why do you need that? You’re strong enough without that steroid shit.”
“I don’t get as much as you do naturally.”
“So a medical condition?”
“Kind of.”
“Even if it was, that don’t explain why you had to sneak away from the group to get it. What’re you hiding?”
“I’m transgender, Daryl. I wasn’t born a boy like you,” you murmured.
There was a parade of footsteps down the hallway, and Tyreese burst through the door, the others close behind. He looked spooked, with sweat dripping down his disheveled face. Michonne and, speaking of the devil, Bob looked no better off.
He exclaimed, “Jesus, there you two are. We gotta go, now.”
“What, why?”
“Walkers. Tons of ‘em. Let’s go!”
You gladly took this chance, shoving past Daryl to dart out into the hallway with the others. Everyone else was rushing, but it was a minute before you also heard footsteps behind you. The infected corpses swarmed the building, even though it wasn’t like that before, and it made you wonder what the hell released them. Your group ran up the stairs with walkers not too far behind, and those trapped banged on whatever surface they could reach. 
“There was a ledge near the fire escape,” Michonne hissed, “we can go through there.”
No one responded unless a quick nod could be considered one, and you were off. Michonne went first, then Tyreese, you, and finally Daryl. Your legs were shaking, and you paid Bob a glance. He tensed up, seemingly trying to gauge the distance, before jumping. He was barely right, and landed a little too close to the edge, teetering off. His arms flailed and an army of bodies from below swarmed up to grab his heavy bag. You rushed to catch him, attempting to pull the man up, but he refused to let his backpack go. 
Finally, you ripped both the man and his bag away from the grasp of the walkers, panting, “What the fuck were you doing? What’s in that bag that could possibly be so important?”
“He’s right.” Daryl took the bag from Bob, zipping it open.
Bob rushed to stop him, but it was too late. Daryl dropped the backpack as quick as he picked it up, and he seized Bob by the collar.
“If I ever catch you puttin’ a bottle before a need, I’ll feed you to the walkers myself. You hear me?”
You froze as Daryl let the shorter man down, pushing him as he did so. Everyone else shot him a disappointed look or a glare, and Michonne waved her hand. You were all to keep moving; the run was over, and on an especially sour note.
The group arrived back to the prison safe and sound, the most daring of injuries being bruises, or small cuts. Tyreese and Michonne left to do their own activities, while Bob left to lick his wounds. This retired Daryl and yourself alone, to an awkward silence. With nothing else to do, you picked at a particularly nasty cut on your forearm. It was starting to look infected.
You cleared your throat, “Do you have anything left in your bag?”
“Mind if I use some?”
“Nah.” Daryl tossed you his bag.
Carefully, you peeked inside. There wasn’t much left, some disinfectant spray and vials of a clear liquid. No, that couldn’t be, could it?
Testosterone. At least three good vials of it.
You raised them up to your face, not believing your eyes, “Daryl, where the hell did you get these?”
“Grabbed them from that drawer you found the others in,” he refused to make eye contact, “after you left.”
“You might’ve needed more than you got.”
That… meant a lot to you. You had expected him to at the very least ignore you, or even worse, disgusted by you. What were the chances he would grab extras for you, just in case? Instead of yelling or hitting or kicking you out of his life, Daryl did that. If you were being honest, this was one of the weirdest coming out stories to date, but nothing can really beat zombies being included.
“You aren’t mad?”
“Nah. I’m a little confused, though.”
“On the topic?”
Daryl sighed, “Yeah. Wasn’t educated that much.”
“Well, if you want, I could help with that.”
Just for a second, he looked you in the eyes. In that moment, you didn’t see hate, anger, or anything negative. Only a sharp, beautiful glimpse of curiosity.
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doodleferp · 10 months ago
So I got my mom into The Walking Dead and I thought I’d post about her journey so far.
Her favorite character is Judith hands down
She cried when Amy died
She screamed as much as Lori did when Judith was born
She was VERY interested in Daryl holding Judith
We got a scream when Patricia got mobbed, and an “oh, no…” when we learned what happened to Duane
Merle and Andrea were her least favorite characters until they both died — she hated the way Merle treated Daryl and she hated the way Andrea was always blinded by a dick. She was also terrified of Shane
She cried a LOT when Maggie was talking to Hershel while he was in his little leg coma because she lost her dad and it was hitting really hard
As of today we have
A shout when The Governor killed Martinez
A very loud gasp when The Governer killed Hershel
A full-body “OH, MY GOD!!!” when The Governor put down Meghan
Actually screaming at Rick to kill The Governor while they were fistfighting
A very loud “OH, NO” when she believed Judith was dead
She kept asking if Rick was dead while he was passed out in the house
We had a very interesting discussion about who was living in the house where Carl got the pudding. I thought it could’ve been some college kids/a college neighborhood and she thought it was a new family moving in. She even found some details that I missed!
A brief intermission so she could do work and the entire time she kept asking me about the prison bus that was supposed to have Glenn on it and she was REALLY upset that something might’ve happened to Judith
When we picked up at like 8 PM she was ELATED to discover that Judith was okay. Then she started yelling at Tyreese for leaving the kids alone to go help someone
She’s terrified that Lizzie is gonna hurt Judith because “that girl has issues”
Side note, when Daryl and Beth found that massacre and she saw the kid’s show she was like “ARE THOSE THE KIDS??? ARE THOSE ALL THE KIDS?!?!” Despite the walkers and corpses being grown adults
She just saw the bus she wanted to see so bad and she even didn’t realize that it was the same bus
This woman turned 53 yesterday and her TWD journey is just beginning. She is already distrustful of Terminus but I can’t wait to see how she reacts to them being cannibals
EDIT: Mom enjoyed the middle finger house fire 🖕
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magix-winx-club · 15 days ago
My biggest issue with the Walking Dead (please do not take the way I wrote it down too seriously! And if you do not agree, that is totally fine). I love twd, and overall, I don't mind many of the storylines I wrote down. I mostly observed that female narratives are not prominent on their own, and female characters often "lack" something. This is not meant to critique twd. Specifically, it is more meant as an observation
Female storylines are always tied to men or motherhood. And why Beth's Grady storyline was so important and her death disrespectful to female narratives
(Yes, the always is a bit hyperbole, but hear me out)
1. Lori and the Shane/Rick issue leading to her death. Basically, a woman is moving on "too soon" or "cheating" on her husband, specifically with his best friend. Leading to conflict between the men and results in pregnancy. Therefore, she is punished by the narrative, which is why she dies violently in childbirth. (This is often seen in American literature/TV bc of puritanical values still existing in the underlying foundation of American media. Source: Trust me bro been studying this kinda literature for years now)
2. Carol and the children she loses (seasons 2, 4, and 9) do you guys (twd writers) not have any other use for Carol then "oh look at this poor mother" not a her own person but specifically a mother especially the stupid Henry dies storyline. Carol can be angry and have rage and pain outside of motherhood. I would not be so hard on this storyline if we would have given any talks people (specifically daryl) have with Alpha to Carol. Really draw on the one thing these two have in common -motherhood. I mean, if you make it about motherhood with Alpha and Lydia and Carol and Henry's death, then commit. damn it!
3. Maggie and Glenn. Right from the beginning, the storyline of maggie was just Glenn (yes, she lost her family and the struggle of Beth's suicidal ideation), yet we still get more screen time with just Glenn. I wish we would see her bond with the group because of her own character. For example, Lori and Maggie talk about Glenn in season 2, the constant back and forth in season 2 between her and Glenn, (aren't there more problems rn?), the SA from the governer is still tied to Glenn (yes the show called it out but it was still about Glenn and then once the conflict between them was resolved it never came up again), Glenn gets sick, Glenn and her are separated, Glenn has to help her get over Beth's death, Maggie is pregnant, Glenn is killed. Yes, she has some other storylines, but the most prominent ones are always with Glenn or because of what happened to Glenn.
4. Andrea's grief and struggle with suicide made about Dale, her relations in the group is primarily male (Dale and Shane), her storyline with the governor. She trusted an evil man and wasn't "loyal" to our prison family, so she ended up dying.
5. Beth's death to save Noah. Noah, having to go back to Grady, triggers the event that leads to Beth's death (I am NOT saying noah is the reason for Beth's death because he isn't). Then, her death is used for male pain, specifically Daryls.
6. Michonne, her boyfriend, male friend, and child. Her arc begins with the death of her child and boyfriend and the male friend. She has the two walkers who were once her boyfriend and male friend. She sees them as responsible for her sons death. After she shuts down and only starts to open up once she is with Andrea, which I think would have been a great storyline to show female friendship and help, it can provide with grieving. But then we have her antagonist be a man, and her anger against the governor takes vocal point to her original storyline with Andrea. Then, she connects mostly to male characters such as Carl, Rick, and Daryl.
7. Karen's kid died in the governers war (I think it was the one Carl shot), but we only see her in relation to Tyreese, and then she dies)
Yes there are definitely exceptions and I do not remember much past season 5 since personally once Beth died I got uninterested since female characters and their narratives where too male centric and their death only done for the Male Pain.
HOWEVER, I do think it is important to show storylines like Michonnes, which I thought was so well done. And the start of Carol's arc in the first 2 seasons (I wish we actually got to see the change in her progress I found the contrast from season 2 to season 3 and especially killing Karen and David to stark and abruptly but that is my opinion. If you think it was well done and you liked it, then that is totally fine! My opinion does not take away from yours they can co-exist).
Beth's arc was so important and interesting since she was completely cut off from her family, so there no ties to any male characters from our family. (That said, I LOVED her and Daryls storyline) Anyway, she is experiencing female specific violence (yes, men can experience it too, but it is predominantly female) such as silencing, kidnapping, forced labor, manipulation/gaslighting and sexual threat/violence. She is fueled by her own desire to escape, not for example because Noah inspires her to which would make her narrative male centric again. She is her own narrative who happens to have a male friend.
I could write a whole essay on this, and maybe I will, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
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daryl-and-carol-oh-my · 3 months ago
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The Walking Dead; Indifference
"Don't." - Bob Stookey
Carylering On<333333333
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twdxtrevor · 10 months ago
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I don't know who originally made this, but I genuinely love you for it because wtf is this
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ialreadymadeyouapromise · 3 months ago
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➝ rick grimes
➝ daryl dixon
➝ glenn rhee
➝ sasha williams
➝ tyreese williams
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 10 months ago
This is my favourite out of context walking dead clip. The Govenor's evil slideshow
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justanoasisimagines · 10 months ago
I don’t want to sleep alone -Preference- Set B
Warnings; Mentions of anxiety and past trauma, typical canon violence, mentions of manlipuation and obsession. A/N; Requests are open! Guidlines are pinned at the top of my page Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and banner
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Daryl Dixon; After you and Daryl reunite after the prison fell, neither one of you wants to be out of each other's sight. Except you are both too nervous to admit it. However, one night before you go to bed, Daryl starts moving your stuff closer to his. He's not always great with words, yet his actions speak for him.
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Milton Mamet; It occurs after your and Milton's third date. He drops it suddenly, and you ask him if he's positive. Milton is adamant, he even makes the promise of breakfast with coffee. When you tell him you need to grab your things, he offers to escort you.
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Glenn Rhee; Glenn and you are setting up camp on the farm. making sure everyone had a tent and a space to sleep. As you go to put up your tent, Glenn suddenly gets tongue-tied. He doesn't want to sleep alone anymore. He blurts the question at you. You laugh, but ask him where he wants to sleep.
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Morgan Jones; Morgan's sitting outside admiring the view. He enjoys sitting back, reflecting on the day's events and the possibilities of the future. When you step out, he immediately turns adjusting in his chair holding his hand out for you. When you tell Morgan you don't want to sleep alone, Morgan tells you, you don't have to, but asks for five more minutes
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Ceasar Martinez; Ceasar and you argued. It was over your safety. He didn't want you to go on patrol but you were insistent on attempting to prove yourself. Ceasar's well aware of your capabilities, but he's terrified of losing you. He's trying to fall asleep on the couch when you walk over to him and hold out your hand. Ceasar doesn't say anything as he follows you. He's just grateful he'll be able to sleep tonight.
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Ozzy; Ozzy comes to your room after a night full of tossing and turning. He needs his mind to settle and there's only one person to successfully help him. It's you. He doesn't know how you do it. Maybe it's the way you run your hands through his hair lightly tugging or how right it feels when you sleep beside him.
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Spencer Monroe; Spencer comes to you after he's completed his chores. Ever since he spent the night with you he's struggled to sleep. He doesn't have anymore on his mind than usual. His body is screaming at him to sleep, but sleep evades him. It's got to be you. He can't be tired like this all the time anymore. So he heads to your place so he can crawl into bed beside you.
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Brandon; Brandon is watching you as you slowly begin to nod off. He goes to make his way out of your room when you grab hold of his arm. When you ask him not to leave, Brandon unlaces his boots, shedding his clothes and gets into bed sides you. He pulls you close and quickly drifts off with you in his arms.
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King Ezekiel; Ezekiel has a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He has an entire community of people to look after. Naturally, sometimes he needs to be looked after. It's late when you remind Ezekiel to go to bed. Instinctively he begins to protest. You remain firm reminding him, he's no good to anyone if he's dead on his feet. Reluctantly he agrees as long as you come with him
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Dwight; Dwight thought he'd lost you. He's walking through the Sanctuary when he sees you. His heart is racing as he approaches you. His mind cannot fathom it's truly you, even after you're in his arms holding onto him for dear life. He's not going to let you out of his sight from now on. Where he goes you go and vice versa.
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Aaron; It's your fifth date when Aaron finally asks you if you would like to sleep over. He knows you don't live very far away, but he would like to wake up beside you. Perhaps you could go for an early morning walk before the two of you get some breakfast before your day truly begins.
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Tyreese Williams; Tyreese tells you he doesn't want to sleep alone on the first night he arrives at the prison. You're both in a new place with new dynamics. You both need something familiar. Secondly with you close by, he'll be able to keep you safe. Tyreese is still trying to figure out if the prison is a safe place for you all.
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Simon; Simon's becoming more and more infatuated with you. You are everything to him. His focus is solely centered on you. He refuses to let you out of his sight. He asks you to sleep in his room so he can keep his eye on you, to keep you safe.
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Phillip 'The Governor' Blake; When you approach the Governor tell him you don't want to sleep alone, the governor smirks, explaining you don't have to. Slowly his plan is coming together. Soon he'll have you in the palm of his hands. To access where your old group is currently hiding. So he can move in and take over.
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Dante; Dante was supposed to be working on the inside for the Whispers, however, he never intended to meet someone or fall for them. Yet here you were. You walk into the infirmary one day with a smile on your face to ask him if he has any plans. When he reveals he does you ask him if he'd want to stay at yours. He agrees.
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Bob Stookley; Bob has a lot of demons. He's fighting to be a better partner to you and a proactive member of the group. Some days are worse than others, so as you go settle for the night he asks you. You don't say a word as you grab his hand and lead him towards his cell.
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Aiden Monroe; When you tell Aiden you don't want to sleep alone, he finds it endearing. He knows his parents won't mind you staying over. They adore you. Besides both of you are always so nice, it's nice to spend some time with you, even if you both are technically asleep. Aiden plans to make you breakfast in the morning.
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Otis; When Rick's group comes to the farm, Everything is pure chaos. You hadn't been feeling the most comfortable with all the new people dotted around the place When you stepped into Otis's room that night, he was quick to reassure you. To provide you with a quiet space to breathe and accept the changes going on around you.
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Paul "Jesus" Rovia; It had been a rough day dealing with the Saviours. Everyone was tired and stressed out. One by one everyone begins to turn in for the night. When you go to head in Jesus entwines your fingers together, asking you to come to bed with him. You nod as he leads you towards his room.
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