#sasha williams x reader
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ialreadymadeyouapromise · 3 months ago
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➝ rick grimes
➝ daryl dixon
➝ glenn rhee
➝ sasha williams
➝ tyreese williams
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scentedpepper · 9 months ago
Missing | TWD
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Summary: The group reverberates with a somberness upon your potential death
Content Warnings: Mention of Major Character Deaths from previous seasons, S5 and below spoilers
Not too sure how I feel about this one
Could be read as GN for the most part (he/him used a few times, 'Father' used once, 'Brother' used once)
Was originally supposed to be centered around Daryl and Rick, but somewhere along the writing process, I devlled into just about every other member of the group
Ya'll know how many last names I had to look up for these tags
7 days.
Seven days of them searching for their found family member who went out to investigate and never came back.
Glenn thought for sure that maybe with all the shit they have been through, the apocalypse must have treated you a little kinder.
That was assuming you were already dead.
Which Rick, in all his glory, continued to remind everyone that until there is evidence, there are just as many possibilities as there are stars in the sky.
He thought it was a strange fit, all doom and gloom, it wasn't like Glenn to carry around the carcasses of such negative presumptions about his loved ones, but nonetheless, he had just the same.
An ever present reminder as the fire was stoked by Glenn's constant fidgets, his spaced-out breaths being released with the baggage of endless possibilities.
"Glenn's gonna lose it when he sees this one. "
Is what Daryl said to Rick on the night of day 5, your shirt clenched in hand, approaching the church with footsteps so heavy you could mistake them for Walkers.
The worst part, Rick thought, was how he had found it, which further fueled the possibility that couldn't help but arise.
A decaying Walker's den where there was a mass majority of bodies wearing clothes; Not Walker corpses.
Hopeless and without explanation Rick approached camp with a grim expression that took root in his features.
And when Daryl had handed the shirt to Glenn after he feverishly chanted let me see it, let me see it, over and over, Daryl observed the way his hand shook when he snatched it and how the same hand came up to rub his face after he confirmed in his own mind that, without a doubt, it was yours.
Maggie had to take the shirt from his hands and when she felt the dirt and grime ragged against her skin, she almost burst at the seams, Rick knew by the strain in her brows and the way her hands turned into fists at her side.
She was the first person Rick had questioned upon your missing presence, wanting to know who you had walked out with last night and who stayed behind, wanting to pinpoint possible places you might be, or routes you could've taken.
Her response was ridden with anxious adrenaline, her lips chewed raw in worry, bouncing on her toes before stomping off and pulling everyone together to go looking for you.
There was no conversation within the group but a mutual agreement.
Naturally, the first person they looked to for some account of wrongdoing was Gabriel.
You had always been so intuitive, like you were the one who could read minds not him.
The others felt so comforted by you, Gabriel assumed.
He was only too accustomed to the fact that everyone saw the good in you, the positive, and while that brought him a modicum of solace, there were times where he couldn't help but wallow in envy.
A man of God and yet, it was you who they looked to, as if you were Christ himself.
As if you were his light.
Gabriel couldn't understand this fascination.
When he had confronted you about it, rather presumptuously, Gabriel was too quick to gauge the situation and allow his ego to speak for him. Said confrontation also happened to occur right before Maggie and Sasha who shared pointed looks with each other as they watched the scene unfold before them.
You were quick on your toes, always had been. Back on the farm, when Shane had been more akin to a wild boar, you were always the first to confront him. Always calm, or whenever you spoke you at least had the appearance of it, always matter of fact. Even when your voice raised or when anger was seething through you, it seemed like everyone just stopped, and listened.
It was one of your redeeming traits, sharp tongue laced with facts that wouldn't hesitate to point out things that were missing, contradictions, positions and beliefs.
It left some satisfaction amongst the ton when Gabriel pushed out of Judith's designated room, nearly knocking Carl off his feet as the door came with his exit.
A flustered look had replaced him, no doubt having felt the embarrassment, as if he had been burning inside.
After a beat, he had apologized under his breath and carried himself in haste towards you.
Unfortunately, this incident occurred the last night anyone had seen you.
When everyone had risen that morning, one by one coming off the floors of the church and stirring awake those who remained sleeping, you were the only one who hadn't stirred. Because your body wasn't even of prescence.
Almost immediately, everybody went on an emotional and mental frenzy.
Even when the conversation with Gabriel didn't bode well for him. He refuted, if a little pathetically, that you weren't very friendly towards him.
Upon hearing of what had happened just hours before they woke, Daryl seemed to retreat back to the deepest of his old roots.
Begrudgingly, Rick knew this was what they called "fight or flight."
Luckily for everyone involved, Daryl never moved unless there was something to fight for. The man had gained some sort of control over the years of personal development but like a dog, he'd jumped on Gabriel the second tensions rose.
There was a knife pressed against Gabriel's throat when Drayl pushed him into the nearest wall and the preacher did nothing but pray to himself and accept his fate.
Minuets later of interrogation and threatening, Michonne and Tara intervenned, though Daryl seemed none too eager to back off the smaller man, not until he was physically being dragged back and Rick telling him to get a hold of himself.
"He's lucky I didn't slit his fuckin' throat! It was him!"
Because back in the day, with Merle at his side, he would've and to hell with anyone who said differently.
Rick saw Carol's lips part to say something, as did Abraham, but nothing came out. Not with Rick cutting through them like cloth to speak, clearing his throat, hands rising in demand to appease the tension in the church.
"We are going to look for Y/N. It's no secret that we're standing on a ticking time bomb. " His head turned sharply towards everyone, waiting a beat before he continued. "Everybody gets paired off. No one leaves each other's sides. "
His gaze softened upon the archer as he came around to see the anger and frustration but most of all, the pain in his eyes. He wanted to assure him, they were going to find you. But he couldn't find the words to, as his own fingertips surged with doubt and as the rest of the days proceeded, his whole body seemed to become encapsulated by it.
They all began out at once, weapons gathered, determination and grievance fused into them as they exited the church in pairs. The only 2 persons staying behind being Judith and Abraham.
Before the front doors fell, Rick sought out Gabriel, his fingers ghosting over the knob as his stomach tied in knots.
"If you so much as touch a hair on her head. "
He was referring to Michonne who'd gotten the unsavory job of catering to Gabriel, "I swear it'll be the last thing you do. "
His eyes followed Gabriels timley swallow as he spoke.
"And if I find out you had an inkling of any wrongdoing, God won't be able to save you. "
It wasn't just Daryl that was shaken by the fear of your abduction –or worse, there wasn't a moment where Rick could stop to inhale without thinking about you. How tightly you had embraced him 2 nights prior, when he'd confided that maybe he wasn't suited for this leader job anymore, that he didn't know where you all would go, or if you'd even make it past these religious grounds before succumbing to hunger.
There was warmth radiating off you like a furnace and he couldn't shake the soothing way your fingertips gilded against his forearm as you told him that things would fall into place in time, no matter how difficult it got.
But Daryl was a damn firecracker, this way of his to emote through hostility and intimidation was a way for him to cope with the potential loss of his brother.
You were not Shane.
There's so much Rick could rationalize before he no longer had the will to counter how much he wished you were there now to quell the savagery within his best friend.
Carl was as much of a mess as the archer, if not more. The rage within him seemed to blaze each step closer to the forest. It burned at his eyes, tearing his hands into fists that felt as if their own knuckles may shatter within the grasp.
Rosita had to stop him.
"What?" He initially sneered at her, pushing out of her grip and continuing to stomp forward until he could feel her nipping at his heels.
"Carl, now is not the time to get some kind of revenge, alright? We'll find the fucker, but getting ourselves killed is not going to help. "
In time, she got him to sit down and collect himself, which consisted of roughly pacing and rubbing his face with his palms in an attempt to scrub the hostility right out of him. He wanted to scream, to fucking yell the earth apart because this wasn't fair, none of this was.
Yet, he found it somewhat easier to sit there and allow his teeth to sink into his knuckles while he suppressed tears.
Eugene and Tara had wandered the farthest the fastest, the church began to slowly disappear the deeper they strayed into the density of the trees until there was no distinguishable church at all, or street or houses for that matter.
They were silent the entire way, like speaking would somehow shatter the chances of finding you, safe, sound and alive.
So then when Tara's voice did come, meek and soft, far from anything close to the tone she usually sported, Eugene nearly jumped.
He halted immediately, his body turning as he looked every which way as if you may suddenly appear behind a tree.
"We should turn around and just make our way back. " She whispered.
That was her biggest concern, because with the route they had taken, any further into the unknown, she knew there were no way to familiarize themselves with where they were.
"Rick said to keep searching til sun down and that's just what I intend to do. " There was an an irrtation in his expression and an agony to his voice that confirmed his intentions were anything but logical.
"Eugene. "
And again, his body suddenly felt like it wasn't his, or maybe his bones weren't aligned and he was a puppet, a stranger, someone entirely else.
"Eugene, we won't get anywhere trying to force out this search. Please. The sun is already setting, it's near impossible to see 10 feet ahead and even if we were to press further in the dark, they're-"
She didn't need to finish her sentence to know what she wanted to say, the image was still clear in her mind as if she had just watched the last interaction you'd had with her and Rosita. The absolute dejection you allowed her to see in your eyes, the hesitation and restraint you had felt in giving your hugs. She took one and wrapped herself around you and you didn't dare do more than reciprocate the tightness, afraid to hurt her. As if.
After some minuets, Eugene came to and they turned back.
When they got to the church, Abraham was doing circles around the confinements of the holy sanctuary with Judith in his arms.
"Where's Gabriel?" Eugene spoke cautiously, realizing the weight in his voice when he did so.
"He's locked in his office. Said to leave him to rot or somethin'. Not a bad idea, the bastards a fuckin killer. "
Abraham was just as convinced as Daryl. No one asked to elaborate because they somehow knew the moment he did, he'd lose his shit. Like a bomb that's set to a timer, ticking away until it explodes into your ears.
"Find anything?" He asked as Tara slid down the wall she had been leaning against since they returned and brought her legs to her chest. Eugene shook his head at him which made the soldier nod back bitterly.
By day two, Michonne decided to conduct a one man search party for the nights. When the moon came out, she snuck off to the woods and scouted the area she had previously searched, for any evidence that may have been missed on the 1st visitation. Which would prove to cause strife amongst the group when Carl found her out four days later.
"What are you doing?" He challenged harshly as he forced himself into the dark brush behind her with Michonne's body jolting at the abrupt arrival of company.
"Are you crazy?”
The boy wasn't the only person who she'd receive these questions from, Tyrese had found himself wandering her way as well.
"Why would you come out here on your own? Have you lost it?" He griped under his breath, tone laced with disapproval as if the woods had just come to eat them alive.
"Well, what are you doing out here?" She retorted back in a whisper yell with a forceful gesture to the man who was just as armed, just as ready as her.
Her efforts were fruitless, though, and no response was heard, which left her walking the same way she came.
Rick wasn't happy about it.
At first, when Carl appeared through the door in the night, he thought his son was the culprit of the secret night searches, but soon realized what has transpired when he saw Michonne making her way inside.
"Everyone is on edge, alright? Everyone is doing exactly what is expected of them, they have been looking and looking and Michonne, it's about time you pulled your head from your ass and sat down for the night. " Rick had said 5 minuets after they'd settled in the privacy of Judiths room. Their voices were lowered considerably so as not to wake the others, but Rick's tone wasn't anything less than a demand.
"So we should just sit around?" She had, then, the urge to spit at him and remind him that you could be dead in the next second. Gone. Poof.
"We are not–" Rick's voice began to rise in octaves but he took a moment to lower the volume. "We are *not* just sitting around. "
There was an enervation in Rick's stance that Michonne could feel pricking her heart strings. He looked exhausted, absolutely strained.
"He could– he could be in trouble. " Michonne attempted to keep her voice leveled as she looked around in disdain, her lip trembling and Rick saw this, that she could not come to accept the way things were."I can't bury him." She hissed as clear glistens of wetness fell from the pools in her eyes.
Rick knew exactly the terror Michonne felt in the pit of her gut and he could almost see inside her head, the vision of a funeral and everyone in a heavy sweat of depression and rage, because it was the same one he saw every night before he closed his eyes.
A few dead bodies surrounding the fire pit in the woods while everyone circled around you and Daryl cried.
He had already envisioned it all, envisioned the way Glenn would crack at your loss. While Maggie was reduced to hiccups and broken speeches, she had somehow found the strength to collapse to the floor and refuse help.
Bobs face would fall, for once, it would fall and Sasha wouldn't be able to handle the breath leaving her body, clutching Tyrese, who looked just as devastated, to her to bring her solace.
Carol would gasp but it wouldn't matter because no one would hear her over Daryl's sobs, no one would see the way her lips pulled down at the corners and the lines in her face would tighten.
Rick didn't like to think about how he might react. He imagined it be something similar to crazed. But beyond that, he didn't want to picture it.
And what about his son? Carl who hadn't even fully grown yet. Rick couldn't stomach the thought, the sheer utter torment he'd experience watching his sons body begin to wither. He didn't want to know.
You'd been there while he was unconscious in that hospital bed, through every storm, everything, by his side. You were a father to Carl as much as he was and you'd been nothing short of a supporting role to Rick. There's been times when you just drove the both of them off in the car, taking trips to lakes and nearby parks, anywhere that offered a semblance of normalcy.
You'd scout the places out days before, cleaned it free of Walker's and set up a picnic on the cool greens of grass or near broken tables. Even once or twice when the fire smothered to ambers or if Carl's blood started to burn so hot, you'd give them a midnight rendezvous, all three of you climbing up a tree or anything that fit the current circumstances in which the group resided.
Rick had to run a hand through his hair and all he could do was grab Michonne by her shoulders, look her forcefully in the eyes and say:
"We are going to find him. And anyone who gets in the way of that will pay. "
Because he wasn't going to accept anything else.
Which is why he didn't stop Tyrese or Daryl or anybody who wanted a chunk out of Gabriel the morning of day eight when he suggested that they move on.
He even went as far as leaving the church entirely, not caring to put aside personal feelings, not caring how he may look. His expression was sour and drained and at this rate, the only thing he cared about was finding you.
He would have no problem burying his tomahawk right into the preachers skull.
Daryl kept watch most of the nights, refusing rest for the past week because every time he tried, he felt as if it were a ploy. He became distressed each time he was reminded you weren't going to walk in and slumber on the floor next to him or Carol. You weren't anywhere.
It pissed Daryl off beyond belief to know there was an actual possibility that you weren't breathing anymore, weren't thinking, feeling.
His anger had to be one of the few things driving him into the same track less search the next day as he pushed through the forest ahead of Rick.
Things were starting to feel all too familiar and he thought he might find you in a barn just the same as Sofia. But you didn't pop out the doors in any walkers veil, you weren't bloodied nor torn apart. There were no traces of anyone or anything in those forests.
You simply disappeared.
And it left them in another night of quiet.
Spoons scraping agaisnt cans, the faint sound of chewing. A tiny droplet of rain hitting a window pane or two.
That was all.
No one spoke, yet they all sat around a room cramped with anxious bodies.
Sasha's leg brushed against her guns outline, her boots rubbed together, her tongue flicked at her teeth and she felt as if her thoughts were vibrating the inside of her skull, riling her from the depths. There was an eerily absence of anything positive, because at this point no one was expecting good news.
Gabriel's execution was more or less inevitable as each of the nights rolled by. There'd be the lingering aura of danger and anticipation due to the preachers remaining presence. But no one ever mentioned it, let alone had the will to.
It was hard to digest the concept of your loss because not a single one of them wanted to bury you, the group preferred to be broken and you had become like an integral part of what bound them.
Food was beginning to dwindle down the line of low and low to nonexistent.
And as they sat there, in silence, there was collective knowing resonating around them that this would be the last night they spent in the church.
Not that anyone dared to speak it, not even Rick, who gazed afar into the burning light of a candle and contemplated.
Carol noticed first, maybe it was her nose, fine tuned for the scent of trouble and like a dog trailing a rabbit, she jumped up with a clatter and darted towards the front door.
But she didn't even get halfway across the church, with Rick trailing closely behind her, along with the others who were all clammering to their feet, when the doors burst open on their own, the cool whip of wind entering the room as the room itself seemed to rise up in temperature.
There, with a trail of blood drops, a scarily dehydrated and filthy body fell into her arms.
It was you.
And the sigh of relief felt as if you breathed the air back into everyones lungs. It reanimated the whole church.
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ialreadymadeyouapromise · 3 months ago
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coming soon . . .
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queenvidal · 1 year ago
Welcome To The Sanctuary
Negan x Reader (Rick’s Daughter)
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Chapter 3: Trust Is a Lesson
Chapter Summary: Rick's daughter won't be coming home, a decision Negan has to break to Alexandria.
Wordcount: 3775
Era: Season 7
- Part 5 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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It's early in the morning. The Sanctuary is still asleep and the whole factory is peacefully quiet.
Slowly but surely do you make your way down the stairs, all the way down to the last level of the building. Even after a whole week of almost nonstop sleeping, you still feel drained and sometimes also lightheaded. After every managed staircase you need to take a second and catch your breath and fight the dizziness. It’s tiring but you’re determined. Today's your final examination with doctor Carson and you want to make a good impression. 
It was offered to you, that the doctor would come to Negan’s quarters, but you quickly declined. After a whole week of lying in the bed you were dying to get back up at your feet again.
You have to cover a yawn with your hand, it really is way too early.
“Come on, Sweet Thing,” Negan’s voice sounds from the floor below. “You almost made it.”  
Sill yawning, you move on to the next flight of stairs. You can’t help but to smile at the sight of Negan waiting for you, looking up at you with his big, hazel eyes and a faint smile of exhilaration on his lips. It’s almost adorable. 
He’s already in uniform, wearing his leather jacket, glove and scarf. He’ll head out to Alexandria after your appointment with the doctor and depending on today's results, you will either stay at the factory for another week or join him and go back home. 
Excitement is clear on Negan's features as he watches you ascending the stairs. He's more than happy to see you back on your feet again, but even better than that is seeing how much strength you need to do so. He was everything but subtle about how much he hoped you'd have to stay. Of course he'd let you go home either way, no matter the outcome of your appointment, but you agreed on staying if Carson would recommend that. Seeing you this tired just from walking stairs got his hopes up again. Although your recovery was and still is the number one property, he absolutely wouldn't mind to hear that you still need more appointments in the future.
When you’re just about at the end of the stairs, he reaches out his hand to help you down the last few steps. You look at him for a quick second, before taking his hand, letting him help you down. “Someone is in high spirits.” You tease him with a smile. Negan only chuckles in response. “One could assume you’re looking way more forward to the examination than I do.”
“So?” He asks. Once you’re off the last stair, he moves your hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your skin. “It will be good news either way, for me at least.”
You just shake your head, still smiling at him before moving on towards the clinic. Doctor Carson is already waiting for you outside, greeting the two of you before moving in. He goes straight to work, gathering his equipment, while you sit down on a cot, waiting. Negan is leaning against the wall, watching you and the Doc. He really doesn’t know the word privacy but he’d find out what's going on anyway and you don't mind having him at the appointment.
Before doctor Carson starts with his examination, he sets up an IV bag, so you can get your needed liquid and supplements in the meantime. Once everything is ready and connected to your arm, the doctor is taking your blood pressure.
“Still not good but better.” He whispers to himself before writing down your vitals. “How are you feeling?” He asks, “Still fighting with fatigue, still being tired?”
“Very.” You admit truthfully.
“Hm,” The doctor huffs, scribbling away in his notes. You look at Negan, who is wiggling his eyebrows at you. You just shake your head at him with a small grin.
“Alright, now to the stitches.” Carson says. You pull up your top, exposing the bandages. The doctor cuts them open and removes them before examining the stitches. With a pad drenched in alcohol he cleans the edges, you narrow your eyes slightly at the sting. Negan pushes himself from the wall, wanting to have a look himself. He comes to stand right next to you, checking out the healing injury. 
“The stitches are still looking good.” Doctor Carson affirms, filling in his report. 
“Well?” You ask, with a faint smile on your lips, wrapping new bandages around your middle, “What’s your recommendation, am I good to go?” 
“Well, Miss Grimes. That depends.” The doctor looks up from his clipboard. “Do you know how to pull the sutures out?”
“But-”, you interrupt Negan with a smile, one of your hands resting on his chest to calm him down. “I’d be way more comfortable if you did that, doctor Carson.” 
Negan’s looking at you quite expectantly. You know what answer he’d like to hear. You look back at Carson again. “I do-”
“Aw, come on!” The boss complains, looking at you with a disappointed frown. “Couldn’t you have said no-”
Carson shares a knowing glance with the both of you before stating, “In that case, I recommend more rest. You’re no longer bedridden but you should take it very easy still. Some strolls here and there but no physical labor. As soon as you feel dizzy or tired, you have to slow down again.
You nod your head at the doctor. “Napping when needed, got it.” 
“Alright”, the doctor starts, moving back to his desk again. “As far as I am concerned, you are good to leave, once the IV’s done. Negan, I’ve made you a list of all used up medications. We are not out yet, but due to Miss Grimes high demand for iron, I need more saline solutions.”
Negan nods at the doctor. “Pass the list to Arat, by now she should be waiting at the trucks outside.”
“Of course.” Carson says, before taking his leave. You quickly yell a ‘thank you, doctor’ after him, before he disappears into the hallway.
“Now.” Negan says, coming to stand right in front of you, both of his hands on either side of your waist. “You really wanna stay?” You only nod at him. “You know you can leave anytime you want, right? One word and I bring you home, safe and sound.”
“I’d love to stay a little while longer.” You’re beaming up at him.
Negan smiles down at you before moving closer, capturing your lips with his. The kiss is slow and tender, almost sweet. You can't help but melt into his touch. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carl is walking the courtyard up and down, nervously waiting for his sister. His eyes move towards the hung up walkers around the fence every now and then, their constant gnarling is making him uncomfortable. He can’t wait to finally leave this place.
Saviors are already driving up their trucks, getting ready for the pickup. Several men and women gather around the vehicles. All seems ready, the only ones missing are their boss and his sister. 
“Good morning, folks!” Negan’s voice sounds over the courtyard. Carl quickly turns around, finding Negan exiting the factory. He is holding the door, waiting for Carl’s sister to step out before letting it fall shut again. 
Carl quickly gets moving. Once at his sister's side, he’s bombarding her with questions. “How are you feeling? Is everything alright, what did the doctor say? Are you hungry, I got a ration from their kitchen-”
“All good, Carl.” you chuckle softly as you interrupt him. “You need to breathe,” you joke before explaining the results of the doctor's last examination. “I have to take it slow and still take some supplements, but everythings gonna be fine.” 
Carl nods his head, listening to you attentively. “Sounds great. Dad ‘n Daryl will be relieved. And the others of course.”
Your brother told you what happened, when you passed out in the infirmary. No matter what he and Sasha did, the bleeding wouldn't stop. Your skin has gotten paler and paler by the minute. At this point everyone in the room was crying, afraid of losing you. Daryl eventually decided to cauterize the wound. His hands were shaking, when he pressed his heated blade against your skin. The smell was horrendous and Carl had to look away. 
After Daryl was done, everyone took a moment to breathe, thinking or more so hoping it helped, that the bleeding finally stopped. Although no more blood was seeping through, it was evident that it was already too late, as even the color of your lips disappeared. Daryl couldn’t handle the sight, after only a few moments he took off without a word and Saviors arrived just shortly after that. You don’t want to imagine the turmoil everyone had to go through. 
“We two driving with Negan?” Carl asks, but you shake your head.
“No,” you say, “you will, but I’ll stay here.”
Your brother crosses his arms in front of his chest. “I see, but… but Dad probably won't.”
Carl frowns at you. “But you’ve said the doctor gave his okay?”
You rest your hands on your hips, “Yeah, but I think I’ll stay for another week. I still need IV’s and quite honestly I am still not feeling too well. I’d be way more comfortable with an actual clinic and a doctor around.”
A tired sigh leaves your lips. “Yeah, I know. But then again, I think he’ll understand my reasoning. Speaking of Dad-” your hand disappears in the pocket of your sweatpants, retrieving a folded piece of paper. “I wrote a letter, can you please give it to him?”
Carl is about to take it, when Negan appears behind him. “Jump in, kid. We’re moving out.” The boy quickly takes the note, shoving it into the pocket of his jeans. 
He chuckles at you. “Alright.” His eyes fall on your lips, as he comes to rest one of his hands on the small of your back. You almost automatically cup his face, when he slowly leans down to you for a kiss. Again his lips move gently against yours. Warmth spreads through your abdomen, a pleasant fuzzy feeling. You have half a mind to deepen the kiss, when Negan moves away again, just enough to be able to look into your eyes. “Enjoy your stay, Sunshine.”
You look at your brother in bewilderment, but Carl quickly hugs you goodbye before moving to Negan’s car. The head of the Saviors waits for the boy to be gone before moving his attention back to you. “So, my dear. We’ll be gone for a few hours. If you want to, you can take a look around my factory in the meantime.”
You smile at him but shake your head softly. “Thanks for the offer but I think I'll go straight back to bed. The climb up to the fifth floor is probably gonna knock me out anyway.”
After another quick peck on your lips, Negan lets go completely. He moves towards his men, ready to leave. Warmth settles on your cheeks, it still feels strange to be affectionate in public, in front of his people. But what’s even stranger is the fact that no one is watching. Your eyes are wandering through the crowd. None of his people are acknowledging what just happened, no one is batting an eye. You nip on your lower lip subconsciously. People here don't mind? 
Negan and Carl finally hop into the car. You wave at them one final time before going back into the factory. On your way in, you still wonder about how little these people here seem to care about your thing with Negan, their leader no less. In The Sanctuary it’s just no big deal and such a stark contrast to Alexandria. 
A smile finds its way onto your face. Although it’s odd, you have to admit that you actually enjoy it. It’s relieving to be so free of judgment and quite honestly you can’t wait for Negan to come back again. There is still a light tingle on your skin from where his beard scratched you during the kiss. He’s so careful with you now, gentle. It’s so sweet. The thought is accompanied by a fluttering sensation in your belly, making the smile only grow wider.
You’re on your way to the stairwell, when doctor Carson calls your name. “Miss Grimes? Miss Grimes, I’m sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if you could give me your input on one of my patients. I was informed you’re a pharmacist.”
Quickly you bring your thoughts back, focusing on Carson. “Sure.” You move away from the stairs and towards the doctor. “How can I help you?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The convoy almost reached its destination. Carl’s looking out the window, seemingly enjoying the view, as the all too familiar suburb is passing by.
Negan looks at the boy for a second before asking, “Did your sister give you the letter?” 
Carl just keeps looking out of the window. Nonchalantly he says, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The head of the Saviors huffs a small laugh. “Sure, buddy. You really could not have been more suspicious even if you tried to.” After a tired sigh, Carl retrieves the letter from his pocket and holds it out for Negan to take. The man looks at him, confused. “The hell am I supposed to do with it?”
“What do you mean?” Carl asks, just as confused as him, “Don’t you wanna read it?”
“Nope.” Negan looks at the boy for a quick second before looking back at the road ahead of them. “She told me what's in there.” 
Carl’s frown only intensifies. “And… you believe her?”
“Yup.” Negan answers. “So far she’s never given me a reason to distrust or doubt her. This was your chance to prove me right, that you’re someone to trust and congrats, Carl. You failed.” 
The boy bites his cheeks nervously, looking out of the window again. He really can’t wait to get home. 
Negan’s just shaking his head slightly, disappointed. He was able read the letter over her shoulder when she was writing it, but Carl doesn’t need to know that and the point is that his Sunshine told him about it without him even having to ask for it. She’s always been upfront and honest. Carl on the other hand, he is the opposite.  
That boy still not trusting him it’s not just disappointing, given the fact that Negan safed his sister's life and allowed that little shit to stay not only in his Sanctuary but his own private quarters is downright insulting. That kid still has a lot to learn.
Finally Alexandria's walls come into view. Negan looks back at the boy, “Before we go in, I’ll fill you in on what's gonna happen.” The gate to Alexandria opens and the convoy drives inside. “I want you to go straight to your house and pack new clothes for your sister and come right back. No little chats, no lingering around, no nothing. You get back to the trucks and stay at the trucks, right where I can see you.”
Carl rolls his eye. With a clear hint of annoyance in his voice, he answers shortly. “Fine.”
Negan can’t stand the attitude but is too occupied to care at the moment. He has to concentrate on the pickup right now. Rick won't be pleased about his daughter's absence and Negan is not in the mood for a standoff.
As the car comes to a stop in the middle of the parking lot, Negan can already tell today's pickup is going to be different. Alexandria is full of life, people are already waiting for them. It’s totally unlike the last time. That's at least slightly easing Negan's mind.
Rick’s people are all swarming around the parking lot, waiting for his Sunshine no doubt. Once properly parked, Negan and Carl jump out of the car. The boy is about to get going, but Negan quickly orders him to stay and wait.
Rick can be seen making his way towards them. Distress and confusion are clear on his features as he realizes his daughter is not with them.
Negan greets the approaching man. “Morning, Rick.” 
“Where’s Y/N?” Rick promptly asks in a striked voice, getting right to the point. 
“Still in my clinic.” Negan states, displeased by Rick's tone.
Rick keeps on walking towards his son. Despite the order, Carl starts moving, meeting his father halfway. They hug each other. Rick looks down at his boy, asking, “Are you alright?” Carl lets go, nodding yes. Relieved, Rick’s looking back at Negan. “I want to talk to her.” 
Negan scoffs at that, “Look who’s making demands here. You got a lot of nerve for someone who was ready to fight with me, while she was slowly dying on that cot.”
Rick’s eyes quickly move to the ground in shame, before looking back at the other man. In hopes of smoothing things out, Carl fetches the letter out of his pocket. “She's alright and wanted me to hand you this.”
Hey, Dad.
Rick’s taking the piece of paper. While opening it, Negan orders Carl to get the stuff for his sister. Rick looks after his son for a moment before reading.
I’m fine and well cared for. 
The doctor is checking on me about three times a day and I’m on a IV drip every morning. My wound had to be reopened again, but the doctor did a great job. He installed a drainage, which had been already removed again and stitched me up. That’s going to be another addition to my ugly scar collection. 
Carl said, I’ve slept through most of it. I was knocked out for about three days and even now I still sleep for the majority of the day but it’s slowly getting better. The pain is tolerable, too. 
I miss you and the others. I’d hug you all, if I could. 
Please give Judith a night-night kiss for me
Love you,
Tears welled up in Rick's eyes, as he eyes roamed over the writing. Negan rolls his eyes in annoyance, he can't lie he's feeling at least a little bit of sympathy for Rick’s current situation. Almost losing his Sunshine drove him crazy, he can’t imagine what it must have been like for her family. 
Deciding he’ll let Rick’s defiance behavior fly this time, he slowly comes to stand next to the man. “She’ll be back next week.” Negan’s unfamiliar calm voice makes Rick look up again. “She wanted to stay until the next pickup, because she doesn’t trust herself with removing the stitches ‘n stuff. I’ll bring her home once that’s done. Honest.”
Rick takes a long deep breath, trying to blink away the wetness in his eyes. Once he got himself composed again, he's looking back at Negan. “Thank you.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s late midday when you and doctor Carson are standing in The Sanctuary’s courtyard. The two of you are going over the Savior's latest delivery. A truck for one of their outposts is getting loaded. The doctor is checking the requested medications, asking for your opinion on several things. 
It’s so nice to speak to someone who knows about your field of work as well. Although medicine and pharmacy are not the same, they are still similar enough to lay a foundation for very interesting discussions. Carson really respects your knowledge and ideas, he is even up for suggestions regarding the treatments of his patients.
“Huh, in that case I’d recommend Clindamycin.” You look at the doctors chart. “Given she’s allergic to Penicillin and the clinic's stock, this might be the only opinion.”
“Yeah, I was thinking about that, too.” Carson agrees. “Thank you, Miss Grimes.”
You smile at the doctor. It’s such a good feeling being appreciated for the work you do. When you’re about to reply, a yawn forces its way out. Quickly you cover your mouth with your hand.
“Oh, I have to apologize.” The doctor almost gasps. “We were working so nicely, I completely forgot the time. You must be exhausted.”
“Honestly, I am.” You truthfully admit. “But It’s no big deal, I’ll go for a nap asap once we’re done.”
The doctor is about to admonish you for not telling him earlier, when the guard on the watchtower announces their bosses return. Saviors hurry to get the gates open in time for the trucks to enter. Negan's convoy is driving in, coming to a stop further into the courtyard.
A big smile finds its way on your face, as you watch the Saviors exit their vehicles. Your eyes search for their leader when you suddenly notice that no one else is waiting for him. 
An ugly feeling suddenly tightens your chest, forcing your smile to vanish. You find yourself wondering why none of his wifes are welcoming him back. Come to think of it, neither were they seeing him off in the morning. Not that you care to come in contact with any of them but their absence still strikes you as odd.
Subconsciously do you nip on your lower lip again, as you feel your chest getting even tighter. But the little voice in your head is forgotten, when you finally see the man you've been waiting for rounding the trucks. Once his eyes meet yours, they seem to light up. With big strides he's coming towards you with the signature smile of his.
“Hello there, Sweet Thing.” He greets you, resting his hands on your waist. “Been waitin’ for me?”
“Oh, don't flatter yourself,” you chuckle. “This was purely a coincidence.”
With an even brighter smile, Negan carefully pulls you closer to him. As he leans down, you sling your arms around his neck, meeting him halfway, kissing him.
Jolts deep in the pit of your belly spread fuzzy warmth through your whole body, loosening up the tight knot in your chest when you feel his warm frame against yours. His stubbles scrape over your skin and his smell surrounds you. He deepens the kiss, entwining his tongue with yours and you become wax in his hands. 
It feels just as tender and sweet like it had this morning. You smile into the kiss, completely reveling in the bliss.
Franky observes the scene with watchful eyes, taking a sip from her glass of whine as she's looking out of the window. Her nose wrinkles in disgust. Eventually she turns her head towards Sherry, who is reading on a lounger. ��Guess that must be her.”
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Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @aleeeesa /@lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous / @noirfan12 / @abbiesxox / @elinafresk / @obsessiveformiyatwins / @kokushibosgirl / @syrma-sensei / @oceandolores / @raininhell / @esposadomd
152 notes · View notes
jinxfestival · 8 months ago
they are literally me, that's a fact (and yes, another page in my technology diary because I'm just a girl with hobbies)
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queenvidal · 1 year ago
Welcome To The Sanctuary
Negan x Reader (Rick’s Daughter)
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Chapter 1: Something Eerie
Chapter Summary: It was supposed to be just another pickup day - not a nightmare. Rick is ready to strike against Negan, but all war efforts come to a complete stop, when the life of the woman both men care about the most is on the line.
Wordcount: 2157
Era: Season 7
- Part 5 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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It’s late in the morning, when a small convoy of trucks makes its way down the deserted roads. 
The Saviors are heading to their bosses favorite community. Negan is almost mindlessly driving behind one of the trucks, watching the all too familiar suburb passing by his windows. Today is pickup day for Alexandria and he can’t wait to see what Prick’s people got him this time. It better be good after all the trouble his son caused last week. 
It probably won't be much, he muses. Not that he cares too much about it but the town is now short of three more people. It certainly has to put their scavengers under even more pressure. But then again, Rick and especially his Sweet-Thing had to deal with even worse conditions in the past, when coordinating their teams and if anyone can get shit done, it’s her.
After the events of last week's pickup, Negan had to think of her constantly. She must have known about Spencer's plans or at least had to have a suspicion, given how stressed she was, when he first approached them. What a slimy asshole and a coward on top. There is no doubt in his mind his Sunshine would have killed him for what he tried to do. Luckily she didn’t have to lift a finger, she is already close enough to getting exiled as it is and also Negan was more than willing to lend a hand in that matter. 
As much as he can't stand Rick, he's got to admit that he's doing a good job - that is keeping his people alive and scavenging good stuff. Also he is well experienced from his years outside of that town and kept so many people alive during that time. That knowledge is priceless in times like this and Negan actually respects him for it. That Spencer really thought he'd not just be as good but even better than Rick as a leader is not only astonishing but also downright pathetic. That asshole got what he deserved. 
Still, there is one thing from this whole ordeal that’s still leaving a bitter taste in Negan's mouth and that is the death of the fat woman. He disliked her and was never subtle about it but he knew she was somewhat close to his Sunshine and although it was Arat’s decision to take her out, he still feels sorry for Y/N. 
He can’t forget that burning anger in her eyes, when she glared at that bitch that tried to shoot him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit turned on by the sight of it, as out of place as it was. After all his Sweet-Thing is hot as hell when she’s pissed and she’s been seething. 
Negan can’t help but smile at that memory. He’s so excited to see her again. It surprised him how much he actually enjoyed their little game of hide and seek. It made the whole affair even more enticing. Still he’s glad people somehow found out eventually. Hopefully this will result in more time with her than rushed quickies every now and then. Given the new circumstances, Negan decided to retire his RV for the time being and left it in The Sanctuary. There is no need for it anymore and her bedroom will do just fine. He really can’t wait to take his time with her.
Finally the high walls of Alexandria are slowly coming into view and the head of the Saviors  focuses back onto the road ahead of him. Slowly the gate opens up, making way for the convoy. Negan scans the guards standing on the wall but his Sunshine is nowhere to be seen. She’s not on duty right now it seems. 
The trucks drive through the gate onto the parking lot and Negan stops his car right on top of the convoy. The Saviors gather around their vehicles, ready to go through today's pickup. Negan jumps out of his car, shutting the door shut. 
Uncomfortableness is creeping up his spine immediately - Something is wrong. 
Somehow he has the feeling that something is off but Negan just can’t put his finger on it and it's making him feel quite uneasy. Suddenly on high alert, he's looking around the area. Usually around this time Alexandrians would roam the street, watching the activities but the streets are empty. 
Except for one person. 
“Ah, Rick!” Negan calls the approaching man with a bright smile that quickly dies again. The closer Rick gets, the more his sorry state becomes visible. The man looks like he’s seen a ghost. His skin is pale, only accentuating the redness of his sunken eyes. The hell happened to him?
Once he’s reached the Saviors, Rick greets them with a weak nod of his head. “Negan. Your stuff’s at the pantry.” 
A frown settles on Negan's face. Rick’s not meeting his eyes and while that’s nothing out of the ordinary, in fact it’s quite welcome, it still seems off. The other man’s not avoiding his gaze like he used to but is just staring into the void. What the hell is going on here? After another quick glance around the area, still not seeing his Sweet-Thing, Negan asks, “Where’s Y/N?”
Rick swallows hard. After a moment, he states. “She’s out scouting.”
This statement only adds to the distressing feeling in Negan’s gut. Rick is so obviously lying. She would never go out scouting with a different car than her stupid Mini. The Mini that is clearly sitting in the far corner of the parking lot. 
Negan takes one step closer to Rick, his eyes narrowing. But before he can confront Rick about his observations, he sees a woman appearing in the corner of his eye. She’s stepping out of the infirmary. That’s one of Sunshine’s team, he realizes. The woman is crying and wiping her tears. Blood is dripping from her hands.
Negan’s eyes switch between her and Rick. Something is going on. After one final glance at the other man who’s still not meeting his eyes, Negan gets moving. He pushes himself past Rick without a word, heading for the infirmary. Rick’s about to say something but when he sees Sasha standing on the porch, he keeps his mouth shut, following Negan with his head down.
Knots tighten in Negan's chest. The air feels tense, almost eerie. There is not a single person in sight and the whole town is silent. Only the sound of boots moving over the gravel can be heard. It’s quite goosebumps inducing. The head of the Saviors tries to calm himself down, he can’t have his nerves get the better of him. 
When they reach the porch, Sasha moves out of their way to the side. She looks at Rick, even more tears are running down her cheeks when she slowly shakes her head at him. Negan can’t see Rick's reaction but at the moment he doesn’t care. All he wants is to find out what’s going on. With the unpleasant feeling in his gut quickly growing, he opens the door and moves inside.
Once through the door, the man is being hit with the pungent smell of blood. His nose crinkles to its own accord and he is met with another puffy red eye. Rick's boy is sitting on a chair next to a cot, looking up at him with a tear stained face, holding the hand of the person lying there. 
When Negan's eyes eventually wander to the cot, he stops dead in his tracks. Sunshine. Negan almost forgot how to breathe. There is so much blood. 
"It's been an accident." Rick's small voice sounds behind the boss, but he barely registers the other man. Negan moves forward, coming to stand right next to Carl. The boy doesn’t say a word, only holding the hand of his sister in silence.
Negan’s eyes roam over her. His Sunshine is almost unrecognizable, the way she's lying there, completely still, unconscious. Her skin is so pale, almost gray. Bandages are wrapped around her exposed middle but there is still so much blood on her, the cot, the equipment. A rusty metal rod on the cart catches Negan's attention briefly but he quickly moves his eyes back to the big crimson red spot on her belly.
"It happened so fast." Rick tries to explain, "We couldn't-"
"Got a doc or something?" Negan cuts him off immediately, his eyes not leaving her.
Rick’s just looking at his daughter. "She's… she’s our medic.”
Negan’s clenching his jaw. A quiet fuck is leaving his lips as he’s running his ungloved hand through his hair, still taking all of this in. 
She’s dying. 
Once that thought passes his mind, Negan snaps back from his spinning mind. He moves his attention back to her father, “Prepare her for transport. I’m taking her with us.”
“No-” Rick is about to argue, but there is no room nor time for a debate right now.
“I see you still don't understand what your daughter means to me, Rick.” Negan states in a serious tone, towering over the other man. “I’ve got a doc and a clinic. She’s coming with me.” 
“I'm coming with you.” Surprised, both men look at the boy. “So she won't be alone.” 
After a short moment of consideration, Negan agrees and nods at him. “Fine. Pack her some things.” Carl carefully places his sister's hand on the cot again, before quickly rushing out of the room. Negan turns his head back towards Rick again. “You get her ready,” he orders, before brushing past him, getting his car.
Rick watches him leave before moving his attention back to his daughter again. Slowly he comes closer, taking her hand in his. His eyes well up again as he looks at her. He raises her hand to his lips, praying to any God who cares to listen, to make her stay, to not take her away. “I love you so much,” he whispers against her skin. It pains him so much to see her like that.
After a new wave of tears are threatening to stream down his face, Rick realizes he has to get going. With as much care as he can muster, he puts a blanket around his daughter, wrapping her up into a cocoon before slowly lifting her up into his arms. Cautiously he hugs her against his chest. “Please don't leave us, Y/N.”
Eventually Rick starts moving, bringing his daughter outside. Sasha is sitting on the railing, still fighting the tears, trying to take a breath and calm down. She offers to help him but Rick doesn't seem to notice her as he’s passing her by without a word. Negan parked his car right in front of the house, Carl is already waiting next to it with a duffel bag in his hand. 
Rick walks down the steps attentively, going towards the car. Negan, who just finished instructing Simon to carry on with the pickup, comes closer, ready to take over but Rick moves past him. Carl quickly opens the door before helping his father to slowly and carefully lay his sister down onto the back seat of the car. Rick tugs her in one more time, whispering to her to keep fighting, to please wake up again, before he has to reluctantly let go of her.
As much as he hates Negan and as much as he distrusts him with every fiber of his being, if that man can save her, he will swallow all his hatred up. He’d do everything in and beyond his power for her. All he wants is for his daughter to open her eyes again.
Negan comes to stand next to Rick, looking at him with something close to compassion in his features, “Whatever happens, either way, I’ll let you know.” He's reaching out his hand, offering the other man a two-way radio.
Rick only nods silently, taking it. After one final look at his daughter, he's moving away. Negan lets out a sharp whistle, gaining Carl's attention. “Jump in.” The boy does as he’s been told, hopping into the passenger seat while Negan hurries onto his. 
The engine roars to life as they quickly take off and hit the road. Rick watches them drive out of the gate. His heart is shattering into a million pieces. This feels way too much like a last goodbye.
Sasha’s slowly approaching him. She puts her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, but there is nothing that can console him. 
Negan is racing down the streets as fast as he can. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins. Please, let it not be too late. It’s dead silent in the car. Now more than ever is he afraid of noises. 
Dreading to hear the tell-tale sound of quiet groaning. 
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @aleeeesa /@lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous / @noirfan12 / @abbiesxox / @elinafresk / @obsessiveformiyatwins / @kokushibosgirl / @syrma-sensei / @oceandolores
167 notes · View notes
wolfish-nightmares · 1 year ago
TWD Masterlist
Rick Grimes: 
Mutt - St. Dalmatian Hybrid!reader x Rick
Stuck in the Middle - Believing her husband is dead, Lori begins to fall for you and when Rick seemingly comes back from the dead, he can’t help but fall too. 
Tattered Hearts - cowboy!rick x werewolf!reader
Get Out of Jail Free Card - Rick hates when you go outside the prison, so he never lets you go on runs. After getting tired of being left in the prison all the time, you decided it was time to pull the ultimate card.
9 to 5 - You like to listen to music when you do your early morning outside chores, sometimes you dance too and sometimes Rick likes to watch.
Target Practice - Rick and Daryl are tasked with teaching you how to shoot but much like Carol, you already know how.
Stale M&Ms - Rick and Michonne have noticed your mood changing and they’ve decided to do something about it. 
Glenn Rhee: 
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars -  You looked at Maggie and Glenn like they hung the moon and stars and to them, you were their shining sun. Everyone else could see the way you all looked at each other, but why couldn’t you? 
Brown is Warm - Your dying wish is to look into the warm brown eyes of your loving boyfriend one last time. 
Pizza Boy - After arriving in Alexandria, you recognize a familiar face. 
Daryl Dixon: 
The Adventures of Grumpy and Sunshine - 
Possum - When the mysterious man gutting the possum on the front porch won’t tell you his name, you decide to call him by a rather unusual nickname
Target Practice - Rick and Daryl are tasked with teaching you how to shoot but much like Carol, you already know how.
Guitar Hero - Can Country and Metal go together? You’d like to think so.
I See You - 
Carl Grimes: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Negan Smith:  
Coming Soon
Run Rabbit Run - Negan enjoys hunting and his prey of choice is you. 
Shane Walsh: 
Coming Soon
Grease Never Hurt Nobody - You and Shane discuss foods you have missed.
Beth Greene: 
Yellow - The hands of fate can be cruel but somehow in this broken world, you found your color yellow.
Love You for a Lifetime - You were in love with her from the moment you met her, but you couldn’t truly love her until the end.
Maggie Greene:
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars - You looked at Maggie and Glenn like they hung the moon and stars and to them, you were their shining sun. Everyone else could see the way you all looked at each other, but why couldn’t you?
Cat and Mouse - You and Maggie have been friends since high school and while your feelings for Maggie may have changed, your terrible pick-up lines didn’t.
Sweeter Than Honey - Maggie loves your honey but she loves your kisses even more. 
Cowboy Cassanova - You’ve got a particular way of flirting, especially with Maggie. 
Coming Soon
Headhunter - After the prison falls, Michonne meets you, another sword wielder.
Stale M&Ms - Rick and Michonne have noticed your mood changing and they’ve decided to do something about it. 
Coming Soon
Applesauce? - The newcomers to Alexandria look wild and dangerous but you can’t help yourself from falling head over heels for Carol and her cookies.
Coming Soon
Cheshire Grin - You and that stupid Cheshire grin always find a way to pull Andrea in.
Burning House - As you spend the last few moments with your girlfriend, you reminisce on the memories of your time together. 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Lori Grimes: 
Stuck in the Middle - Believing her husband is dead, Lori begins to fall for you and when Rick seemingly comes back from the dead, he can’t help but fall for you too. 
Coming Soon 
The Group: 
Wild Thing - How do you bring someone back to humanity? How do you right the wrongs? How do you teach a wild thing?
Polaroid - Every picture tells a story and you have some of the best to tell.
Game of Survival - With no other choice, you must learn to play this new game of survival.
Uno! - After finding the prison, you decide it’s the perfect time for a little group bonding. 
Final Death - You get killed by walkers during the prison sirens. When the group begins clearing out the prison, they find you again and finally put you to rest.
Walker or Human? - Living blind in the apocalypse is not an easy task but you’re a quick learner. 
Name Pending - You find a kitten on a run and are now tasked with the difficult job of naming it.
Death Pending
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sunnybunnyy2 · 1 year ago
I write for Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Rosita Espinosa, Maggie Rhee, Glenn Rhee, Abraham Ford, Sasha Williams, Tyreese William, Enid Rhee, Lydia, Negan Smith, Tara Chambler, Connie, Kelly, Beth Greene and potentially anyone else if you request it!
I am around Lydia, Enid and Beths age so it’s nothing creepy and most of the fanfics for them will be platonic especially towards Lydia because she is literally my child.
💋- Smut 💖-Fluff 👀- Angst
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One shots:
Series: Dark Cell Masterlist Daryl Dixon x platonic!reader. 💖👀
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One shots:
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One shots: A Morning Pick-me-up Rosita Espinosa x fem!reader 💖💋
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One shots:
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st4r-b3rries · 2 years ago
luci’s masterlist
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🦢: smut 🩰: fluff 🎀: angst
attack on titan
❥ mikasa ackerman
♥︎ — academic rival + bully!mikasa 🦢
❥ sasha braus
♥︎ — pussy starved!sasha 🦢
❥ historia reiss
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ annie leonhardt
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ ymir
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ pieck finger
♥︎ — nothing here yet
the last of us
❥ ellie williams
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ abby anderson
♥︎ — nothing here yet
life is strange
❥ chloe price
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ rachel amber
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ caitlyn kiramman
♥︎ — nothing here yet
❥ natalie scatorccio
♥︎ — nothing here yet
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mydarllinglover · 2 years ago
Alone || From a Friend
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The sun was beating down hard, the group had no water and they were struggling to find any.
The last bit of water Natalia had, she poured it into her palm so that her dog could drink it.
They were weak, slow and dehydrated.
The van had eventually ran out of gas.
"We're out, just like the other one." Abraham sighed.
"So we walk."
The group climbed out the vehicle.
Sully jumped off the van, as soon as he landed on the concrete ground, he whined, lifting his front left paw as he looked at his owner.
Natalia bent down, feeling the burning hot tarmac on her hand.
"Come here, baby." She muttered, lifting her dog into her arms, deciding that she'd have to carry him until the temperature decided to cool down.
The further they walked, the slower she was getting, and the heavier the dog was in her arms.
"Here." Daryl said in a quiet voice, taking the dog out of her arms.
"You don't have to." She shook her head, going to take him back.
He nodded, squinting in the sunlight as he looked down at her.
"I got him, you can barely keep yer self up."
They walked a bit more, Daryl looked over his shoulder, Sully panting in his hold, a group of walkers were beginning to build up behind them.
"We're not at our strongest." Rick said, looking over as well, Judith was in his arms. "We'll get 'em when it's best. High ground, something like that. They're not going anywhere."
No one answered him.
"It's been three weeks since Atlanta." He changed the subject. "I know you lost something back there, you both did." He looked past Daryl, at Natalia, who stared at the searing road.
"She's hungry." Daryl said, looking down at a fussing Judith.
"She's okay." Rick replied. "She's going to be okay."
"We need to find water, food." Daryl told him.
"We'll hit something in the road. It's gonna rain sooner or later."
"I'm gonna head out. See what I can find, let the dog get some shade in the trees." Daryl suggested.
"Don't be too long." Rick told him.
"Come on." Daryl tapped Natalia's arm with his spare hand, heading for the trees, setting Sully down.
"I'll come with you." Carol said.
"We got it." He refused.
"You're gonna stop me?" She teased.
"Course you can come." Natalia smiled at her, but she didn't sound too convincing.
They had headed through the trees finding some long grass.
Sully ran through it, glad to be on something soft that wasn't burning his paws.
At least he was happy about something.
"Anything?" Carol asked the tracker.
"No, it's too dry. There ain't nothing here."
"Maybe we should start back." She suggested. "Nat?" She called to the woman who had walked further along, watching her dog like a hawk.
"You go." Daryl told Carol, Natalia didn't even bother to acknowledge the woman calling her name.
"I think she saved my life." Carol admitted, catching both of their attention. "She saved your lives, too, right?"
Natalia put all her focus back into watching the dog, not wanting to let memories cloud her mind.
Carol walked towards Daryl, passing him a sheath.
"It was hers. We're not dead. That's what you said. You're not dead, neither is she." She whispered to him, nudging her head at the other woman, who's back was to them. I know you. We're different. I can't let myself... But you, I know you. You have to let yourself feel it. You will." She brushed his hair out of his face, kissing his head. "I know her as well, she needs to know that not everything is doomed, even when it feels like it."
Carol then walked away, back to the group.
Daryl whistled, catching the dog's attention, Sully ran towards him, past his owner.
"Nat." He called. "Lets go."
Natalia breathed heavily, turning around and heading towards the trees.
"You made it out of Georgia." She said, through their walk in the woods.
"Then you gotta learn how to ride a bike." He cottoned on. "I'll teach ya, soon as we find one."
"I'm glad you helped her, she got to complete hers." Natalia whispered. "I wish I told her more about Winnie, when she asked, instead of brushing her off."
This was the first time he had heard her say that name since she first told him about her daughter.
He didn't have anything to say, instead he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"No point thinking about that, now." He sighed.
When they had got back to the group, they were fighting off the walkers that had been walking behind them, beside a broken bridge.
Daryl ran to help Rick from having a walker bite into his arm.
Natalia picked up her dog, running towards the other side of the bridge, where some of the others were, until the walkers were no more.
"Dad, look." Carl pointed ahead when they had walked some more.
Three cars were idle in the middle of the road.
"I'm gonna head into the woods, circle back." Daryl declared.
"May I come with?" Carol asked.
"Nah." He said far too quickly. "Just me, and the dog." He looked at Natalia, taking Sully out of her arms once again and letting him jump to the ground, letting out a whistle to follow as he headed for the trees once again.
The group checked the cars, seeing if they worked, or had any supplies.
Maggie and Natalia checked the furthest car in silence.
The keys were still in the ignition.
Maggie took them out, and the pair headed for the trunk.
She slotted the keys in, opening the door as they peered down at a walker, female, she was tied up and gagged. She was blonde.
Natalia thought about the time she, Beth and Daryl spent the night in that trunk, during the storm, how scared the girl was, how they held hands throughout the whole night, as Natalia whispered to her.
She was brought out of the memory, when Maggie slammed the door shut, leaving the keys in it.
The walker began thumping and hitting against the space, inside.
Natalia didn't bother to intervene when Maggie walked back, trying to turn the key, but it was stuck. She pulled out her gun, aiming it at the metal.
Natalia waited for the familiar sound, but it never came.
"Maggie." Glenn whispered.
"There's one..." Maggie trailed.
"Keys are stuck." Natalia finished, walking away from the couple.
The group had found a small bit of shade to sit in, as they waited for Daryl to return.
Daryl had shown up, empty handed.
Natalia gently ran her fingers across Sully's fur, sitting alone beside the group.
Abraham pulled out a bottle of orange liquid, unscrewing the lid and taking a sip.
"So, all we found was booze?" Tara asked.
"Yeah." Rosita answered.
"It's not gonna help."
"He knows that."
"It's gonna make it worse." Tara continued.
"Yes, it is."
"He's a grown man." Eugene weighed in. "And I truly do not know if things can get worse."
"They can."
Sully suddenly rolled over, standing up as he began growling across the road.
"Sully, stop." Natalia told him.
He didn't listen barking louder, as the group looked at where he was pointing out.
"Sully!" Natalia gritted through her teeth, holding on to the dogs collar to stop him from running off.
Other growls had started, from the other side.
Four dogs had emerged.
They had stalked towards the dog, and the group, snarling at the people.
Sully's barks were only getting worse, as Natalia struggled to pull him away.
Silenced gunshots ran out, Sasha had put all the dogs down, except their own.
Natalia loosened her grip on the collar, as he moved towards the still dogs, sniffing them.
Rick got up, picking up a stick, he then began breaking it.
"Don't" Natalia told him.
"We gotta eat." Abraham hummed.
"Have fun with that." She shook her head, pulling her dog away, away from what the group were about to do, she wasn't gonna turn him into a damn cannibal, either. "Sully, come on."
"Nat." Michonne called after her as she headed for the trees.
"He ain't a member of Terminus, cause we killed them all, remember?" She commented before disappearing behind the leaves.
She didn't return until nightfall, when they were just finishing their meal.
The next day, they carried on walking.
The little bit of water that was handed to her, was given to her dog, letting him lap it up in her hand and sprinkling it along his head.
Daryl had disappeared again, but he didn't take Sully with him.
They were stood around jugs of water when he came back, a note layed on top of them.
From A Friend.
Rick passed it towards the other man, letting him read it.
Natalia averted her eyes from his left hand.
"What else are we going to do?" Tara asked.
"Not this. We don't know who left it." Rick replied.
"If that's a trap, we already happen to be in it." Eugene said. "But I for one, would like to think it is indeed from a friend."
"What if it isn't? They put something in it?" Carol asked.
Eugene stepped forward, picking up a bottle of water.
"Eugene." Rosita called.
"What are you doing, dude?" Tara asked.
"Quality assurance." He said, before bringing the bottle to his lips, he didn't get a chance to take a sip though, because Abraham smacked it out of his hands.
"We can't." Rick told him as water dripped from his face.
Thunder rumbled in the sky.
Then the rain came, pouring down on them.
Sully had started howling at the claps of thunder, Michonne let out a laugh as she soaked up the water, others joined in.
Rosita and Tara layed down on the ground together, laughing and grinning wide.
"Oh, god." Tara sighed.
"I'm sorry, my lord." Gabriel sobbed to himself.
Natalia copied the other women, laying on her back as she hugged her dog to her, covering his ears as he shook the rain off of him.
"Everybody get the bags. Anything you can find." Rick commanded as him and Abraham snapped to attention.
The thunder got louder, Judith cried as Sully got more frantic.
A tornado was forming.
"It's alright." Natalia hushed, standing up, her dog in her arms as she tried to keep him calm.
Carl used his hat to cover his sister.
"Let's keep moving." Rick told the people.
"There's a barn." Daryl shouted over the noise.
Daryl led them to the barn past the woods.
Rick was the first to enter, a few others followed behind, searching it.
Natalia waited in the rain, rocking the overwhelmed dog, shielding him from the noise of the storm.
When it was clear, She let the dog go, letting him run in the barn as she followed.
He went straight for the hay, the place that was only enough to be for Judith.
He rolled around in it, soaking it, as strands of hay stuck to his fur.
She let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Come on, buddy, it's gonna take me forever to pluck all that out."
The dog listened, getting out, going in search of someone else.
She took off her jacket, the one she got from the foodbank, and placed it down on the hay her dog had just destroyed.
"Made her bed." Natalia told Carl, who was stood beside her, Judith in his arms.
Natalia had found Sully by Abraham of all people, he was sniffing through the blue bag the man had been carrying, before pulling his face out, his rabbit in his jaws, so that's where it went.
He then trailed back to the hay, laying beside it as Carl got comfortable, laying Judith down.
"Guess he's staying with you for the night, you mind?" Natalia asked the kid.
"Nah, he's alright." He gave her a soft smile.
"Thanks, Carl." She ruffled his hair.
Daryl had started a fire, Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Carol and her sat around it.
"He's gonna be okay." Carol told Rick, who was watching his kids. "He bounces back. More than any of us do."
"I used to feel sorry for kids that have to grow up now. In this. But I think I got it wrong." Rick said.
Natalia stared at the fire.
"Growing up is getting used to the world. This is easier for them."
"This isn't the world." Michonne told him. "This isn't it."
"I'm going to take watch." Natalia stood up.
"We're okay." Glenn said.
"Nah, not taking that chance." She muttered, walking away and heading to sit in front of the doors, she let them finish their conversation without her.
She sat with her elbows on her knees, her head in her hands as she listened to the sound of thunder clapping and rain pouring.
After a while, a figure had begun pacing in front of her.
She looked up, already knowing who it was.
"I said I would take watch." Natalia muttered.
"When was the last time you slept, or even ate anything?"
Natalia couldn't find an answer for that question.
"Haven't had many options to choose from, as you can see." She replied, after a moment.
"I don't need ya passing out on watch, go get some rest."
"I got it." She sighed, kicking some stray hay on the floor.
"You don't" He shook his head. "You ain't got shit, haven't for a while."
Natalia looked up at him, her brows furrowed.
"Yeah, 'cause you do, right?" She mocked, standing up.
"You're killing yourself, by not bothering to take care of yourself. Just go get some sleep, Nat." He looked away from her, continuing his pacing. "I ain't arguing with you."
"We're not arguing, I just wanna know where you think you get the audacity to talk about me, when you been dealing with things in your own special way." She grabbed his left hand, raising it to show what she meant.
He yanked his hand out of hers.
"Stop." He warned.
"No, you have no right to tell me what to do, to always come in and rescuing the day, when you're barely hanging on, yourself."
"I ain't the one who's got a wall so high that she's willing to shoot anything that isn't part of the group." He snapped, swinging his arm around.
"And look where that got us, the fucking claimers, who I wanted to leave, they were going to beat you to death, no matter what, it was inevitable it was gonna happen, no matter that I tried to prevent it, I didn't fight back, or defend myself, cause if I did, they'd kill you." With every point she made, she hit his chest. "Terminus, they were gonna kill you, Rick and Glenn, they got a hold of Bob, if it weren't for Carol, we'd all be dead, but you were closer, Grady, we stuck with Tyreese's plan, because of you, and now they're both gone. Back at Woodbury, I wanted to go back there, I could of done it, but we were too busy saving your ass, cause you ditched us, then we lost the prison, too." She hissed, even through her anger, she wanted to keep the conversation private. "So, don't you dare tell me what to do, acting like you're trying to help me, if it wasn't for me, you'd have been dead long ago."
Daryl's shoulders dropped as he stood still, listening to her.
"And guess what, they're dead, it didn't even matter, cause they're dead anyway, people who needed to die, did, and people who didn't, shouldn't of, did as well." She stopped hitting him, stepping away as she ran a hand through her hair, tugging on the roots. "Maybe if I wasn't so harsh to her, if I was just nicer... if I didn't tell her to go."
"Stop." Daryl reached for her, but she hit his hand away.
"Back at the morgue, I should've checked the door, I threw it open like a careless idiot, over some dog, then maybe we wouldn't of got split up, they wouldn't of taken her, then - then she wouldn't be..."
"It ain't your fault." He took the step closer, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Nothing was your fault. I shouldn't of been mad at ya."
Natalia accepted his touch, she moved, reaching tall to wrap her arms around him, hugging the man.
He froze, not understanding what she was doing, before he came to his senses, an arm coming round to hold her back, his other one held her head to his chest.
Natalia breathed out through her nose, opening her eyes.
She caught the flash of lightning outside, through the chained doors that were swinging open.
"Fuck!" She pulled away, rushing to the doors, pushing them closed, shutting out the large herd of walkers heading for it.
Daryl rushed to her side, fiddling with the lock, before pushing against the wood, himself.
The pair struggled to keep it closed as the herd pounded on the door, with the help from the wind.
Maggie sat up from her spot on the floor, looking over at the two. 
She saw what happened, rushing past the gate and helping them, throwing herself against the wood, as well.
Then Sasha looked over, sprinting over to help.
Then the rest came.
Their shoes slid in the mud as they scrambled to fight against the doors.
Carl layed Judith down, she began to cry as he joined the people.
Sully went over to the fussing baby, sniffing her, attempting to comfort the baby as he licked at her face.
Eventually, something gave, mother nature had stopped the herd, and they were no longer against the door.
The group settled down in front of the door, falling asleep.
Natalia sat down beside Daryl, who was watching the door carefully, making sure it wouldn't give again.
"I'm sorry." She started.
"S'fine." He grunted.
"It's not." She shook her head. "I was out of order, I shouldn't of taken it out on you. I shouldn't of blamed you." She reached for his hand, linking their fingers. "I'm just sick of losing. I'm really sorry, Daryl."
He nodded.
"I know."
They stayed like that for a while, not talking anymore, but in a shared understanding.
Sometime through the night, Natalia had fallen asleep, leaning her head against him as she rested.
"So much for being on watch." He muttered under his breath, but didn't move a muscle.
In the morning, Maggie had come over, sitting down beside the pair.
She didn't miss how his eyes wandered down to the woman by his side, making sure she was still asleep as his thumb ran over the back of her hand, then he looked up at the other woman.
"You should get some sleep." She said, quietly.
"Yeah." He replied, it barely being audible.
"It's okay to rest now."
The pair looked over at Sasha, who was asleep, away from the others.
"He was tough." Daryl commented.
"He was." She agreed.
"So was she." He whispered. "She didn't know it, but she was. Nat was always chasing after her, worried. But she handled herself."
He picked up the yellow jewellery box, passing it to her with his spare hand.
"Gearbox had some grit in it." He managed to do it one handed, it wasn't that difficult.
"Thank you." Maggie smiled, accepting it. "Get some sleep, you both deserve it." She looked between the man and the sleeping woman, offering a kind smile, then she got up and headed over to Sasha.
Daryl carefully let go of Natalia's hand, setting her down so that he could take off his jacket, gently placing it down under her head then layed down beside her.
"Hm?" Natalia stirred, prying her eyes open, then realised he was still there, closing them again and drifting back to her dream, turning around as she moved closer to his body.
Sully had woken her up, pawing at her as he whined.
"Stop." She hummed, gently pushing him away.
He didn't.
Something dropped on her.
His treasured rabbit, the one Daryl had picked up at the Big Spot.
Natalia let out a sigh, she looked behind her, typical. He was already up.
She got up, picking up the leather winged vest he had let her use a pillow, heading over to where he was fixing his crossbow, by the looks of it, she had slept in the latest.
Natalia threw the rabbit across the barn, feeding into what the dog wanted, as he chased after it.
"Here." She announced her presence, passing the vest with the wings back to it's rightful owner.
"Thanks." He looked over, for only a second to grab it, going back to what he was doing almost instantly.
"Hey." The voice of Maggie sounded through the barn as she peeked through the doors. "Everyone..."
A man was behind her, looking well dressed and clean.
"This is Aaron." She introduced the man.
Natalia instantly pulled out her hand gun, taking it off safety as she took aim.
The others did the same.
Daryl stomped outside, checking the area, before coming in to frisk the man for weapons.
"We met him outside. He's by himself. We took his weapons and we took his gear." She continued.
Tara closed the door then Daryl finished, locking the barn doors, the group circled the man, their weapons in hand.
"What's he want?" Natalia asked, when everyone else stared at him in silence.
"Hi." Aaron spoke.
Judith began crying loudly, was that a sign?
Rick nodded for Carl to take his sister, which he did.
"Its nice to meet you." He offered his hand, walking towards the leader, but Daryl went to stop him.
"You said he had a weapon." Rick spoke for the first time.
Maggie walked towards him, handing it over.
It was a small gun. 
Rick pocketed it as he continued to stare.
"There something you need?" He asked.
"He has a camp nearby." Sasha answered. "He wants us to audition for membership."
"I wish there was another word. Audition makes it sound like we're some kind of a dance troupe. That's only on Friday nights." He attempted to make a joke, no one laughed. "Uhm, and it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you would all make valuable additions, even you." He looked at the dog, that had stood by his owners legs, ready for attack if there seemed to be a threat. "But it's not my call. My job is to convince you all to follow me back home." He continued when the woman of the dog glared at him.
They didn't stop their staring, but there was no weapons pointed at him anymore.
"I know. If I were you, I wouldn't go either. Not until I knew exactly what I was getting into. Sasha, can you hand Rick my pack?" He asked, still keeping his hands up and visible.
She thought on it a moment before doing as said.
"Front pocket, there's an envelope." He told Rick.
Rick took the bag, setting it down as he opened it.
"There's no way I could convince you to come with me just by talking about our community. That's why I brought those."
Rick pulled out an yellow envelope, just like the man said. I apologise in advance for the picture quality. We just found an old camera store last..."
"Nobody gives a shit." Daryl cut him off.
"You're absolutely 100% right." Aaron agreed with him. "That's the first picture I wanted to show you because nothing I say about our community will matter unless you know you'll be safe." He said Natalia's least favourite word. "If you join us, you will be. Each panel in that wall is a 15-foot-high, 12-foot-wide slab of solid steel framed by cold-rolled steal beams and square tubing." Rick stood up. "Nothing alive or dead gets through that without our say-so. Like I said, security is obviously important. In fact, there's only one resource more critical to our community's survival. The people."
Rick looked towards Natalia, who looked back at him, before back at the man, then he looked at Michonne.
"Together we're strong. You can make us even stronger. The next picture, you'll see inside the gates."
Rick walked towards the man,
"Our community was first contruc-" He never finished his sentence, because Ricks fist went flying to his face, knocking the man clean out.
Daryl and Maggie went to check him over.
People put their weapons away as others went over to help the unconscious man.
"So we're clear, that look wasn't a "lets attack this man" Look." Michonne told him when he walked back over. "It was a "He seems like an okay guy to me." Look."
"Yeah, he's way too dorky looking to be an actual threat." Natalia weighed in, looking at the man on the floor as he was tied up.
"We got to secure him, dump his pack Let's see what this guy really is." Rick ordered.
"Rick." Michonne tried, but was ignored.
"Everybody else, we need eyes in every direction. They're coming for us. We might not know how or when, but they are."
"I don't think they are." Natalia sighed, looking at the leader.
"Me and Sasha, we didn't see him. If he wanted to hurt us, he could've." Maggie defended.
"Anybody see anything?" Rick asked, ignoring the other women who spoke.
"Just a lot of places to hide." Glenn answered.
"Alright. Keep looking."
Natalia stood with Carl as they emptied the pack, looking at the contents inside.
"I've never seen a gun like this before." Carl told Natalia, picking up the orange gun.
"Oh, Rick." Natalia waved him over. "The guy has a flare gun." She took it off the kid, offering it to the man.  
Rick took it, checking the chamber before walking towards Aaron.
Maggie and Michonne comforted and cooled Aaron, who was still tied up and passed out on the floor.
Eventually, he came to.
"That's a hell of a right cross there, Rick." Aaron said, smiling.
"Sit him up."
"I think its better if..." Maggie tried.
"It's okay." Aaron told her.
"He's fine, sit him up." Rick repeated.
Michonne did just that, pulling the man to sit up straight.
"You're being cautious, I completely understand."
"How many of your people are out there?" Rick asked him. "You have a flare gun. You have it to signal your people." He showed off the flare gun. "How many of them are there?"
Aaron sighed before answering.
Natalia got the feeling he regretted on approaching Maggie and Sasha.
"Does it matter?" He asked.
"Yes." Rick told him. "Yes, yes it does."
"I mean, of course. It matters how many people are actually out there. But does it matter how many people I tell you are out there? Because I'm pretty sure no matter what number I say... Eight, 32, 444, zero, no matter what I say, you're not going to trust me."
"Well its hard to trust anyone who smiles after getting punched in the face." Rick replied.
"How about a guy who leaves bottles of water for you in the road?"
"How long you people been following us?" Daryl stepped forward.
"Long enough to see you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail. Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other. Or, when you broke away from your group to walk around in the dark, in the woods with your dog, because you deemed it unethical to eat what they were." He looked at Natalia. "You weren't even phased by the herd as you led them away from your group."
"What?" Rick looked at her.
"Nothing, it was nothing." Natalia shook her head, looking away. "Was barely even a herd."
"Okay, bottom line is, you're survivors and you're people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me for saying it again, that is the most important resource in the world."
Rick stepped forward, his voice was low as he repeated his question.
"How many others are out there?"
"One." Aaron answered, confidently. "I knew you wouldn't believe me. If its not words, if its not pictures, what would it take to convince you that this is for real?"
Maggie got up from the floor, nobody answered the man.
"What if I drove you to the community? All of you? We leave now, we'll get there by lunch."
"I'm not sure how the sixteen of us and a dog are gonna fit in the car you and your one friend drove down here in." Rick told him.
"We drove separately. If we found a group, we wanted to be able to bring them all home. There's enough room for all of us." Aaron said.
"And you're parked just a couple of miles away, right?" Carol asked.
"East on Ridge Road, just after you hit Route 16. We wanted to get them closer, but then the storm came, blocked the road. We couldn't clear it."
"Yeah, you've really thought this through."
"Rick, if I wanted to ambush you, I'd do it here. You know, light the barn on fire while you slept, pick you off as you ran out the only exit. You can trust me."
It was silent for a moment.
"I'll check out the cars." Michonne offered.
"I'll go with you." Natalia told her, moving to stand with the woman.
"There aren't any cars." Rick said.
"There's only one way to find out."
"We don't need to find out."
"We do." Michonne pushed. "You know what you know, and you're sure of it, but I'm not."
"The guy's harmless, he couldn't do anything even if he tried, at least not with all of us." Natalia vouched, gesturing to the man on the floor. "He's clean, so are his clothes, he looks pretty safe."
"She's right." Maggie agreed.
"Your way is dangerous, mine isn't." Rick shrugged.
"Passing up someplace where we can live?" Where Judith can live? That's pretty dangerous." Michonne threw his words back in his face. "We need to find out what this is. We can handle ourselves. So that's what we're gonna do."
"Then I will, too." Glenn stepped up. "I'll go."
"Abraham." Rick turned to the large redhead.
"Yeah. I'll walk with them." He nodded.
"If there's trouble, you got enough firepower?" Rick asked Glenn.
"We got what we got."
Daryl picked up Aaron, leading him away from the doors as the group got ready to leave it.
"The walkies are out of juice. If you're not back in 60 minutes, we'll come. Which might be just what they want." Rick sighed. "If we're all in here, we're a target." He started saying to the others as the vehicle group left the barn.
"I've got the area covered." Daryl headed out as well.
"Hey, take Sul with you?" Natalia asked Daryl as she headed the opposite way with the others. "If we're about to go on a road trip, I wanna tire him out."
Daryl whistled and the dog came running towards him from inside.
He nodded at her as she turned back, walking with Michonne.
"Ain't you got him on a tight leesh." Abraham commented.
"What?" Natalia asked, confused by the man's remark.
He chuckled not delving anymore, and neither did anybody else.
Tags: @fallenkitten
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