#Maggie Rhee x fem!reader
enid-rhees · 11 months
Maggie Rhee Dating HCS (Fem!Reader)
warnings; mentions of Glenn’s death, nsfw mentions (MINORS DNI)
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oh maggie rhee
this girl deserves the world and i wish i can hug her so tight
your relationship was rocky at first
before you got together, you were the one who helped her with everything after what happened to Glenn
neither of you had thought that you would catch feelings for one another
you were sure Maggie would forever be mourning Glenn, but you didn’t mind
but one day she came to you on her own, and admitted that she started to feel different about you
when you asked her what she meant, she kissed you
and after that , it was history
Maggie is extremely protective over you
everyday she’s still reliving her trauma , and the thought of you getting hurt petrifies her
so she makes sure you’re by her side 24/7
she holds you so tight at night, you’re always the little spoon with her
the two of you go on runs together, cook together, shower together
u do EVERYTHING together
Herschel Jr loves you deeply
he remembers seeing you when he was a toddler, helping Maggie take care of him
he grew up to trust you with everything he has, and he’s glad that Maggie has you
you don’t ask him to see you as his mom or anything, but at times, he definitely does
he loves you and makes sure Maggie knows it
but back to you and Maggie
you adore her so incredibly bad
on days when Maggie is feeling rough, you take it upon yourself to do everything for her
you love to wash her hair, and body. she just leans against you in utter relaxation
after what she’s been through, Maggie just needs a hug man :(
so, you try to hug her as tight as possible every day , multiple times a day
just to let her know that you’re here for her always
you loveeee cooking for her
and tbh
both of you are switches in bed
some days Maggie feels more dominant and just wants to fuck you into the mattress
and some days you want to be the one to take care of her in bed
sex isn’t often but at the same time it is
and when you do have sex, no matter who’s dominate, it’s always extremely intimate
Maggie will ask you if you’re okay every few minutes, kissing your body softly to relax you
and ofc you do the same
Maggie takes her time worshipping your body
she can spend hours eating you out, kissing and sucking at your thighs
maggie just really loves you
you’re her world, she’d do anything for you
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grimesrhees · 4 months
Good Luck, Babe.
pairing: maggie greene/rhee x fem!reader
genre: angst, mostly.
warnings: mentions of intimacy & alcohol
notes: I rarely write so please enjoy my own self indulgent attempt at it solely for my queen Maggie<3 (this also took me forever, thanks adhd😅)
summary: based on Chappell Roan's song Good Luck, Babe! Set (mostly) before the zombie apocalypse, Maggie struggles with her feelings towards other women. reader gets caught in between, falling for her knowing Maggie isn't ready to accept herself yet.
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-Pre-Zombie Apocalypse-
How the hell did I get here again?
You thought to yourself as you lay sweaty and tingly all over, staring into the void of the dark ceiling above. You knew exactly how you got here, in bed with Maggie Greene, yet again. All she had to do was bat those eyelashes your way and use that sweet southern drawl and you were a goner. Ever since you started getting to know each other at the beginning of the semester 6 months ago, you wanted to show her all the ways you could make her feel good. But from the start you were aware that this was experimentation for Maggie, being with another woman. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she was attracted to women along with men. There were many occasions she’d drunkenly called or text you to come pick her up after one too many shots at the bar, only for you to walk in and find her making out with yet another man. But you always came anyway. Because even through the heart ache of this situationship, you couldn’t help but to start falling for Maggie. She was so smart and kind, gentle but fierce all the same, when she wasn’t being a stubborn bull in denial over the two of you.
Letting out a heavy sigh, you turned to face the soft, bare back of Maggie’s. All those days in the hot Georgia sun on her daddy’s farm had her shoulders and back peppered with freckles. You tried to take in every inch of her while you slowly drew your fingertips up and down along her spine. Maggie hummed sleepily at your touch, and you could feel you heart swell and break into pieces at the same time. You didn’t think you could take this, whatever this was between you and her, much longer.
You woke up early the next morning, way before Maggie, and decided to take a quick shower and brew some coffee. You poured two cups, set them both down on the small table and sat. After wrestling back and forth with your thoughts last night, before you mercifully fell asleep, you decided that it was best to talk to Maggie about what was going on between you two. You sipped the hot coffee slowly and stared into the black liquid abyss in front of you until you heard the small creaks of the floorboard.
Maggie’s figure appeared, wearing nothing but an oversized flannel shirt and a pair of lacey underwear. Her hair, completely disheveled from the passion of the night before. You couldn’t help your heart from fluttering at the sight. She leaned against the door frame and flashed you that winning, toothy smile of hers, signature lip bite and all. It quickly fell when she noticed the sad look on your face as you looked up from your coffee.
“Darlin’ why the sad face, what’s got you down this mornin’?” Maggie cooed in that sweet southern drawl of hers.
“After last night I cain’t have nothin’ but a smile on my face.”
You took a deep breath and looked up into Maggie’s big green eyes.
“Mags, what are we doing? Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? What are we?”
You prepped for the inevitable response you were going to get.
Maggie let out a huff and folded her arms across her chest.
“Whatta ya mean ‘what are we doin’ and ‘what are we’? We’re havin’ fun, it’s just casual sex y/n. We’re not anything but that…” she trailed off, almost as if she was convincing herself at the same time as the words were coming out of her mouth.
God she was so fucking stubborn.
You looked away from her and felt your eyes stinging with inescapable tears. Keeping those tears from falling would take everything in you, so you set your coffee down and started to get up from the table.
“Wait, y/n I didn’t mean it quite like that, you know how much I care about you," she shifted her body up straight,
"But this is just the way it is I can’t-"
You stopped her before she could finish.
“I know that this,” you motioned your pointer finger back and forth between the two of you, “is more than “nothing”, more than just “casual” sex. You know that I love you, Maggie.”
Maggie’s mouth went agape for a brief moment before it snapped shut, her jaw tightening and brows furrowing. A mix of emotions flashed across her face, fear, frustration and sadness. She couldn’t will herself to say anything back to you, so you continued on.
“Y'know what, it’s fine. It's cool. You can kiss a hundred guys in bars, shoot shot after shot just to try and stop you from feeling what you know is true about yourself. Make all the excuses , give me all the stupid reasons, but I won’t be here for them. I can’t do this anymore.”
You stood quickly and snatched your bag off the back of your chair, walking over to Maggie and getting only inches away from her face. Even having just woken up she was exceptionally beautiful, and her scent was something you could get drunk off of. You had ripped the band aid almost all off, you had to control yourself, had to end this now, even though almost every ounce of your body was tempted to push her up against the wall and kiss her until you were both breathless and gasping for air.
“This isn’t something you can just hide from forever, Maggie Greene. And you will think about this, years from now, until maybe you finally fucking realize that. Face to face with my ‘I told you so,’ and a longing for what could have been.”
Maggie continued to just stare at you but with tears now brimming in her eyes, still too stubborn to respond to any of your words. Her eyes fell to your feet until you brushed past her and towards the front door. While reaching for the doorknob you turned and looked back at Maggie, tears already steadily rolling down your cheeks.
“Good luck, babe,” you managed to choke out before swiftly opening the door and closing it behind you with a thud.
-Some months into the Zombie Apocalypse-
Flashes of different images and sensations danced across her mind.
The wind whooshing through her hair as her arms stretched out through the car sun roof.
An arching back and the feeling of sweat rolling down her chest, in a state of complete pleasure. Soft moans and wet kisses.
Giggles rang in and out but soon faded into silence.
Your tear-stained face looking back at her, "I told you so," echoing loudly, and the slamming of a door. Suddenly a mirror appeared and only her heartbroken face was staring back at her.
Maggie awoke with a small gasp and sat straight up in her bed. She took a minute to steady her breathing while trying to recollect the dream she just had. Next to her she heard Glenn let out a sleepy sigh and shift in his sleep. Maggie squeezed her eyes shut and put her head in her hands. The world ended and you were right, she couldn't hide the truth from herself forever. She had loved you, completely. Always did. Maggie laid her head back on her pillow, breathing a sigh of relief, finally allowing herself some acceptance.
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twdenzo · 4 months
made a few maggie icons cuz i miss my pookie sm
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(divider : mikeykuns)
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bloodlustngore · 1 year
I am mad! - Maggie
I know I promised a JJ oneshot next but I have completely lost motivation to write for her or Emily right now so the best I can do is bring a oneshot out of my favourite walking dead woman Maggie, anyway enjoy ;)
Can it be classed as a oneshot its almost 800 words long?
This is a Maggie x fem!reader
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Warnings: talk of injury/being stabbed but not too detailed, (is that enough for a warning).
Y/n, Maggie and Negan had been split up due to a small horde of walkers, whilst out in the city. During the whole ordeal, Maggie had been injured, a wound on her stomach, it was quite deep but Maggie being herself, she was stubborn about it. Not wanting to waste any time.
Luckily Y/n, Maggie' girlfriend had medical supplies, but of course Maggie only insisted on her cleaning it and wrapping a bandage around it.
They had to settle down for the night, no sight of Negan but both women knew he would catch up eventually to them. They held up for the night in a run down apartment building, clearing out walkers on the floor they decided to stay on, blocking the door in case any walkers decided to pay them a visit.
Maggie winced from the pain of the wound, it wasn't anything walker related, luckily. They had gotten into a bit of a fight with two other humans...who really didn't seem human anymore, and one of them had managed to practically stab Maggie in the process of fighting. Y/n sighed, hesitant to bring up the wound knowing Maggie would be stubborn. The brunette hated seeming vunerable, hated standing still for too long and she hated showing that she was in any pain. But Y/n was the only one with her right now that she would show this vunerability.
"Maggie, it needs stitches. You and I both know." Y/n mentioned. Her girlfriend rolled her eyes at her. "I'm fine. Its just a scratch." Maggie replied.
"No, you're not fine. You have almost passed out twice from losing blood. I know that bandage has soaked up half of it, but it really needs to be closed." Y/n mentioned. Y/n was by no means a nurse or doctor, but being in an apocalypse teaches people a few things. So stitching up a wound was a cake walk. Y/n sat in front of her girlfriend, with her back pack beside her "lift up your shirt" Y/n ordered.
All Maggie did was sit back on her hands, a smirk plastered on her face. "Don't give me that look, I'm being serious." Y/n added.
Maggie laughed at her girlfriends response "I wasn't thinking anything" she bit her lip, and that was an instant tell. "Mhm." Yep Maggie was busted.
"Lift. Up. Your. Shirt." Y/n repeated, she sounded mad and Maggie knew that there wasn't time for her to be stubborn. So she lifts up her shirt, revealing the blood stained bandage on her abdomen.
"Thank you" Y/n replied, very annoyed. She carefully removes the bandage, getting some stuff from her backpack. A clean patch, needle & thread that they found in a hospital used for stitching a wound shut.
Maggie moved her hand and put her index finger underneath Y/n' chin, making her girlfriend look in her eyes. "Are you mad?" Magpies asked.
"I am mad! You don't need to pretend around me Maggie, I know you hate being vulnerable, but you need to stop being so stubborn because I care about you and it upsets me when you have no regard for yourself." Y/n mentions.
Maggie gives Y/n a sad smile, she was about to lean in to kiss her girlfriend but Y/n went back to the task of patching her up. Using a piece of clean fabric and putting some disinfectant on it, Y/n presses it lightly on her girlfriends wound. Maggie winced, she knew it would sting.
"I'm sorry if this hurts you, Maggie" Y/n apologised beforehand. As she got the needle and thread ready to stitch up the wound. "It's okay, I'm used to it." Maggie added.
After what seemed like forever, Y/n had stitched the wound on her girlfriend and patched it up. "Please don't pop any stitches." Y/n mentioned but it would be difficult to not do so, and both women knew that.
Y/n leaned down to Maggie' patched up wound kissing above it gently. Before looking back in her girlfriends eyes, inching closer to her as they sat on the floor. Maggie smirked again, putting her shirt back down and taking Y/n by surprise as she moves her onto her lap in one swift motion.
"Maggie your stitches!" Y/n warned. "I'm sorry, Y/n." Maggie added. "I just can't help myself" Maggie chuckled. Pulling Y/n into a kiss, attempting to not pop the stitches she just gave her.
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sunnybunnyy2 · 11 months
I write for Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Rosita Espinosa, Maggie Rhee, Glenn Rhee, Abraham Ford, Sasha Williams, Tyreese William, Enid Rhee, Lydia, Negan Smith, Tara Chambler, Connie, Kelly, Beth Greene and potentially anyone else if you request it!
I am around Lydia, Enid and Beths age so it’s nothing creepy and most of the fanfics for them will be platonic especially towards Lydia because she is literally my child.
💋- Smut 💖-Fluff 👀- Angst
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One shots:
Series: Dark Cell Masterlist Daryl Dixon x platonic!reader. 💖👀
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One shots:
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One shots: A Morning Pick-me-up Rosita Espinosa x fem!reader 💖💋
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One shots:
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sukunasbow · 1 year
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jealous girl, maggie greene.
summary: in which you and your wife visit the sanctuary after the war, but some of the saviors take a liking to you!
warnings: fem!reader and not yet proof read!
notes: most of my fics are gn!neutral but this was part of the request! the request was anon so i hope this finds you bby and ty for the lovely request, maggie is one of my favs too!
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Now that the war is over and Negan’s living in a cell, the remaining Saviors are left in Daryl’s care at the sanctuary. Your wife isn’t all that happy about this, but the two of you decide to go to the sanctuary with Rick and Daryl in order to help keep things in order.
Rick finishes his speech to the people in the building, then taking Daryl upstairs to discuss things. Meanwhile, you and Maggie walk around the rundown factory, watching the Saviors sort their cans of food.
“Well, hello there.” A voice catches your attention, making you turn around. Your greeted by a man with his hair half-tied up, wearing a grey sleeveless tank top. You shake your head and laugh at him, knowing he has no chance, your wife just a bit in front of you, talking to another Savior. “What’s funny, baby?” He grins, letting out a small laugh of his own. You let out a long sigh, “I’m taken.” You put your hand directly in front of his face, showing off the nice ring Maggie managed to get for you back at the prison. “Oh, I see.” He nods, pausing for a moment. He’s making it seem like he’s going to back off, but he proves you wrong when he opens his smug mouth again.
“Does that really have to stop us?” The man mumbles. “Us?” You raise an eyebrow. “I’ll stop you.” Maggie suddenly walks up to the two of you, “Hey, I’m her wife.” She seethes. The guy looks shocked, simply walking away as the girl stares him down. “Hot.” You joke, Maggie snaking an arm around your waist, letting the other guys that were staring you down know you’re hers.
This doesn’t seem to stop some of the men, however, as another one approaches you now that you’re once again separated from Maggie. This time, Rick and Daryl are surrounding you, the three of you discussing the future of the sanctuary. “Hey, ma.” The unknown man smirks, interrupting Rick. “Excuse me?” Rick glares at him. “Oh, you her husband?” The guy backs up a bit. “Nah, but she’s married and you’re a pervert, so back up.” Daryl defends you this time. “Oh, so you’re the husband?” He laughs.
You scoff, “I don’t have a husband, dumbass, I have a wife.”
“Oh, ya like girls?” His tone grosses you out even more than before.
“I like my wife, now go sort your food cans with the other’s before I starve your ass and take them.” You huff. He rolls his eyes and storms off.
“We aren’t going back there.” Maggie presses her lips into a firm line as the two of you enter your shared home, back from the trip to the sanctuary. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” You laugh, still feeling icky after the situation. “I’m serious, those men are pigs, all up on you like that.” Your wife takes off her flannel jacket and tosses it on the ottoman in the small living room as you grab a snack from the pantry. Taking a bite into a cookie, you raise an eyebrow, “Are you okay?” You ask her. She’s obviously not, she’s still seething after everything, angrily sitting down on the couch and sulking like a toddler that was denied a candy bar. “I’m fine.” She mumbles with her smooth southern accent. “You’re not fine, stop being like that.” You join her on the couch, offering her a cookie, which she denies. You eat the cookie instead, “You know you’re my wife, right? You’re the only one for me.” You turn to face her, looking into her beautiful green eyes, a small smile starting to form on her face. “I love you, hm?” You press small kisses all on her face until you reach her lips, waiting for her to say the phrase back. “I love you too.” She laughs. “Good.” You kiss her lips.
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laangdonn · 9 months
not anymore pt2
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summary: y/n tries growing in her grief at hilltop.
pairing: carl grimes x female reader
a/n: ya’llllllll thank you so much for loving the first part!!! i’d actually written pt1 a year ago and never rlly planned to ever make a pt2 but ask and you shall receive lolol, hope you like!!
*read part 1 here*
“todays the day rick n carl should be gettin here,” maggie said, sending a spoon with tomato soup into her mouth, “you ready to see him?”
i released a shaky breath, playing with my own bowl of food as my starved appetite vanished. i stared at the red, swirling liquid. “i don’t know.”
“a month wasn’t enough time apart?” she asked, eyeing me cautiously.
i hadn’t wanted to repeat myself, but i had no other answer. “i- i don’t know.”
it hadnt seemed like a month apart. i would’ve sworn it had been yesterday i walked out of alexandria alone, two duffel bags in my hand and a gun, ready to fend off anything or anyone that crossed my path.
but it had been a month, the longest we’d ever been apart. and i missed him more than anything.
it still didn’t shake my hesitancy, my worry that the moment we spend time alone we’ll go back to disagreements and fighting and perhaps, i’d never go back to alexandria again. and that’ll be the end of us. till one of dies and the other is forced to reconcile the fact that we’d never made up.
it scared me to see him. to see death again.
“well,” maggie swallowed again, her short hair bristling in the chilly air from the open window, “i think when you see him, that’s when you’ll really know.”
i nodded slowly, my eyes still trained on my soup.
she stood up out of the chair, “i need to find greg, talk to him ‘bout a few things.” she eyed me again, noticing my static, unmoving position. “you’ll be alright while i’m gone?”
i looked up at her then, not wanting her to worry, “i’ll be fine, mags.”
she gave me a small, reassuring smile and a kiss on the crown of my head before she went off, and i was left in my thoughts.
luckily, maggie’s trailer provided a lot of privacy, and knowing the tenants at hilltop, i wouldn’t be disturbed.
i stared off to a chip in the paint, thinking.
“i can come with you.”
“why can’t i just take you to hilltop and leave?”
“because, carl, don’t-“
“it’s dangerous, y/n, and reckless-“
“and stupid-“
“would you stop interrupting me!”
he went quiet then, his burly arms crossed over his flannel chest, eye staring daggers into my figure.
we stood by the door to our house, two duffel bags leaning against the wall i so desperately wanted to pick up and run out.
i knew despite him saying he wouldn’t stop me going, it wouldn’t eliminate the imminent last ditch effort fight from occurring.
“you told me you’d let me go.” i said slowly, as if reprimanding a child, “don’t go back on your word.”
he rolled his eyes, “god forbid i don’t want you out there by yourself! have my dad take you for fucks sake just don’t-“ he pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling stressfully, “don’t go by yourself.”
“i can take care of myself, carl.” i spat, feeling anger surge through me at his distrust in me. “i’ve survived this long.”
“you never know what can happen out there.” he threw his hands up, “or here! yesterday, that dick’s gun was to your head in this fucking room!”
i felt his rage, i voiced his yells. it made my head spiral that i were still trapped in alexandria, suffocating in this broken reflection of my relationship that could barely withstand some independence.
but, bringing myself to reality, i also knew his fear, knew the dread at the unknown. knew the loss he was experiencing even while i was still standing in front of him, alive and breathing.
i shuddered out a breath, walking over to him to put my hands sturdily on his shoulders.
i looked up at him, watching his anger dissipate when we locked eyes.
“i know you’re scared for me,” i said softly, talking quickly before he’d have a chance, “but i need you to trust me.”
“no,” i put my finger to his soft lips, “let me finish.”
i brought my hand down, his eye watching my finger fall from his flesh.
“i’ll send a letter the second i get to hilltop, so you know i’m safe,” i swallowed, “i’ll have my gun loaded and extra ammo, anything i could scavenge up from the armory.”
his eyebrow relaxed, listening to me talk.
“this is what we’re made for now,” i shook him a bit and sent him a weary smile to ease his tension, “we’re made to do these things on our own.”
he exhaled shakily, nodding to fool himself into thinking he’d allow this, that he’d watch me walk away from him into trees of undead and alive.
i leaned up to his face, our noses brushing every so slightly. my heart boomed in my chest, beating so hard i swore he could hear it himself. maybe it was both of our hearts, desperate to intertwine again.
“do you trust me?” i whispered softly, so our lips grazed.
i heard him swallow, and the breath from his nose fan my face.
i pulled back at that, knowing if we kissed, for the first time since…, i knew i’d lose the battle to my heart and stay.
i grabbed the two duffel bags and locked my palm around the doorknob.
looking over my shoulder, i sent a reassuring smile, “i’ll see you when we’re okay.”
he didn’t respond, and while it sent a jolt to my gut of disappointment and guilt, i turned back and opened the door.
“y/n,” i heard him say, just as i left.
i barely looked over my shoulder.
“i love you.”
i bit my lip, finally, tears stinging the corners of my eyes.
“i love you, too.”
and the door shut.
crossing the lines to hilltop and realizing who i’d be seeing almost sent me running the other direction.
fear of maggie’s state of being gave me a headache as i drew closer to the entrance, and once i was close enough in view, could see her faint outline on a lookout post illuminated by the bright sun behind her.
i knew she saw me when i heard a voice scream my name.
she disappeared from the post and soon the large, wooden doors opened. i ran the rest of the way, dropping my bags and falling tiredly into her expectant arms.
as much as i told myself i’d stay strong for her, the smell of her hair and the memories of that night came sweeping back and i sobbed, wet and noisily, into her chest that shook with her own cries.
i didn’t realize we’d fallen to the floor till i felt my exposed knees sting from skimming the rough dirt.
“what-“ she sniffled, a sob breaking through her, “what are you doing here?”
i took a shaky breath in, trying to compose myself, “i came to see you.”
she frowned, burying her face back into my shoulder.
we cried a few more moments, let ourselves drown in glenn’s absence, in front of all the onlookers who just watched silently.
i pulled back, dread creeping into my stomach when i looked at maggie’s
“the-“ i swallowed, “the baby-“
“fine,” she answered quickly, stroking tears off my cheeks and sending me a faint smile, “just fine.”
i breathed a sigh of relief, nodding at the scarce good news before standing and helping her up, too.
she looked healthier than the last time i saw her, fatter in her face and her arms. her stomach barely bulged as a reminder a part of glenn resided there.
behind her i saw sasha standing, her arms folded. even from far away, i could tell she just looked even worse, instead of better.
i sent her my best sympathetic smile, receiving one back but knowing deep down, it was just another lie to comfort me.
i looked to maggie, gripping her forearms, “take me to him.”
seeing glenn’s grave, surprisingly, comforted me more than disturbed me. to know we had him, safe under dirt and bugs, but still, safe. better than laying out in the gravel, for prying, evil eyes to view him.
he was returned back to us in less than one piece, but his soul was whole with us.
i held maggie’s hand as we looked down, a few flowers resting over the raised patch of dirt.
i swallowed harshly, “what would he think now?”
“of what?” she asked softly, our eyes never wavering from the ground.
“of carl and i. of what’s been destroyed.”
i felt her squeeze my hand, “you and carl aren’t destroyed.”
i shook my head, feeling tears blur my vision and my nose sting.
she continued, “you’re right for the time apart, to grieve separately if that’s what you need.”
“is it enough?” i asked brokenly, finally looking at her.
she gestured our intertwined hands to glenn’s grave.
“ask him.”
and so i did.
i spoke to glenn’s grave everyday. sometimes scattered stories of our memories, from the prison, from on the road. sometimes i cried so hard i couldn’t breathe under the empty dusk, sometimes i laughed so hard my stomach hurt. sometimes i sat in silence.
but mostly i talked about carl.
if i stared hard enough at that paint chip, i could’ve sworn the wall tore a bit more right before my eyes.
i knew who i had to see, to remind me this absence was for something, that i’d grown in my grief.
my feet carried me to his grave, hidden away behind maggie’s trailer. i sat down comfortably in front of it, hugging my knees to my chest.
“are we okay?” i whispered to the air. “will i see you in him?”
“was all of this for nothing? will it always be this way, glenn?” i wiped my hand over my nose.
i let out a shaky breath at the thought, “can we overcome this?”
my head whipped around, and i saw carl, standing with his arms at his sides, tears filling up his ocean eye.
it gave me whiplash how fast i stood up and launched myself into his unexpecting arms. they rested limp for a moment, but quickly moved to hug my torso tightly, lifting my feet slightly off the grass as i wedged my head between his neck.
we pulled back slightly to stare at each other, and i searched his face for the blood, for the black line, for the axe.
i smiled softly when i realized all i saw were glenn’s memories.
happy memories, of the hot days at the prison when we sweat so hard playing tag, of playing a dusty board game in alexandria the first night when we were too hesitant to sleep, of watching his love with maggie and seeing it reflected in carl and i.
“why’re you smiling?” he whispered, his own face pulling to reveal a grin. he knew.
i leaned in closer, tipping his sheriffs hat up so our noses could brush.
“because i don’t see it, not anymore.” i finally let our lips touch, a kiss that sent flames bursting in my stomach and my fingers to shake with anticipation.
he leaned into the kiss, and i felt the breath on my face at his sigh of relief.
i knew he knew what i meant when i saw the tiny twinkle in his eyes reappear looking at me, knowing he felt the same.
i pulled back ever too quickly, evident in how he leaned in again.
but before i gave him the chance to kiss me again, i let my smile burst through.
we all had a long way to go, people to kill and more people to lose, but in this moment, right in this moment:
“i see you now.” i said.
and that was enough.
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crxssbowcarl · 1 month
MASTERLIST ,, the walking dead ,, rules
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IMMUNE ,, carl grimes x female reader
۫ ꣑ৎ HURT ,, carl grimes x female reader
A TRIM ,, carl grimes x female reader (➴ most popular)
۫ ꣑ৎ NOT MY FATHER ,, carl grimes x female walsh!reader
TO SEE THE STARS ,, carl grimes x female reader
۫ ꣑ৎ HARD TO LOVE ,, carl grimes x female reader
SCARS ,, carl grimes x female reader
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carlsangel · 1 month
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i’m opening match ups back up for all twd characters!!!! so anyone who hasn’t gotten one can get a chance if they’d like!!! (i won’t write another for someone who’s already received one.)
so you could always go back and look at my original post (here) for this but i’m making a new one, just because i have some new stuff i’m adding.
REQUIREMENTS: for a match up i ask that you are following my blog!! also i WILL NOT be writing for anons, im sorry!!!
WHAT TO EXPECT: so i’ll be adding a bit more this time!! you will get your twd match, the usual 3-4 headcanons and a small drabble that also comes with a banner to fit the vibe, but i’ll also go a little more in depth. i’ll tell you how i think you would’ve met your match as well as a runner up and random facts about your relationship.
WHAT TO SEND: PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT GENDER MATCH UP YOURE LOOKING FOR! i do ask that you try to be super super descriptive on your personality AT LEAST, i really need stuff to work with. tell me your physical description (things like your eyes or hair, anything you want focused on in the drabble. you can send photo refs if you’re comfortable, picrews, art, wtv).
you can send your personality types or zodiac signs, your favorite things, your love language, literally anything that defines you as a person i can work with. if you give me short and undetailed descriptions, it wont be easy for me to match you with someone and it may be inaccurate and will take longer for me to write.
NOTICE!!!: i will not be writing any smut for these match ups, everything will be safe for work. i won’t write for anons because i don’t reply to asks regarding match ups, i feel weird putting people’s information out there. if you send me a reference photo, it won’t be posted as every time i write a match up, after it’s completed and posted, i delete the ask from my inbox.
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go ham but not too ham cuz i’ll cry. they won’t be posted one by one i hope, instead it’ll be all written and then i’ll post them over the course of a certain amount of time, probably a week. ok i love you bye!!!
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scarisd3ad · 3 months
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x reader
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Chapter twenty six | I love you, I’m sorry
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Warnings - ANGST! Guns, and shooting, Death, mentions of sex, cursing, usual twd warnings
Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
(A/N) - it’s finally here! Yay I’ve been working on this chapter since may and I’m so happy I’ve finally finished it. I know progress with my fics have been moving a little slower that they usually do but I’m hoping fingers crossed 🤞that I am able to speed the process up a little in the coming months 🫶🏻 also finally introducing the governor as the readers father in this chapter, I kind of hinted at it last chapter, to play around with the idea of it being canon. And I really like the ideas and situations I’ve came up in my head to put them in.
‘The suicide king’
S3 ep 9
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Daryl is unbagged and pushed forward towards the middle of the arena. Merle and Daryl stand frozen, their eyes scanning the crowd in utter disbelief. The deafening sound of boos and heckles echoes throughout the arena, drowning out any other noise. Daryl's chest is heaving, faster and faster with each shout made from the audience of people. A blonde woman is attempting to force her way through a group of people, most likely the Governor's personal bodyguards, to get closer to him.
She manages to get through the first set before a surprise second set grabs her up before she can even get to his side. The governor - or maybe I should just start calling him Philip - because I finally know who the man behind the oh-so-mysterious name 'the governor' is. It's funny, I've been looking for this man for the last, what? 20 years of my life and I'm able to find him not even a year into the apocalypse so easily. How could he avoid his kids for 20 years in the old world, but he couldn't even last a year without me finding him now?
I really want to know how my father, Philip Blake, ended up being some dictator for a survivor's refugee camp. I almost want to laugh at how 'badass' he looks right now. makeshift eyepatch over one eye, as he looked over all his people so proud to be an asshole. My father was never much of a threat, but god he tried to be, though he really tried. I didn't hear much about my dad growing up, my maternal grandpa always muttered about how he was "such an asshole of a man", but the one thing I did hear from my paternal grandmother was that he ended up skipping town got some stupid office job and started a new family. it was all some bullshit about needing to start over, without my 'slut of a mother'.
His arm raises, so it's pointing towards Merle. The people of Woodbury immediately quiet down as their leader begins to speak. "I asked where your loyalties lie. You said here." Daryl was finally let out of whatever shackles that were placed around his arms, letting them fall to his sides freely. "Well, prove it. Prove it to us all." My blood runs cold.
"Brother against brother," he says with a dry chuckle. The crowd copies their leader, letting out a small chuckle that's paired with a quiet "yeah."
"Winner goes free" the crowd cheers at that, probably hoping and praying that Merle is able to win. Even though Merle was now deemed possibly 'unloyal' in the governor's eyes, it was still the better option for them. If Daryl died, Merle would have absolutely no reason to want to help us. Merle would go back to being Philip's loyal righthand man, and we, the 'terrorists' would be dead. Glenn had already told them our location and they would be marching up to our door with pitchforks in no time. Philip walks towards Merle shouting "Fight to the death!" as he does so. The crowd cheers once again. This was a scene taken straight out of one of those shitty medieval times shows.
The blonde woman finally turns, revealing her whole face to me. Andrea, the woman I thought I had accidentally left for dead, was here? Of all places, how did she end up here? Well, she had already shown us she didn't care about being led by an asshole, and if she was as close with Philip as she seems, she should already know how much of an asshole he was. "Philip, please. Don't do this," Andrea pleads, as one of Philips's men holds her back. "Don't do this!" He doesn't even glance at her, choosing instead to keep his eye on his prey. He glares at the two men standing in front of him, a smirk on his face that shows he truly enjoys this. The torture. He doesn't even have to do it himself, he just has to sit back and watch.
Merle raises his hand in the air before shouting "Y'all know me!" the crowd cheers, and I can see the absolute look of betrayal on Daryl's face. "I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to prove..." He hesitates for a moment before swinging his arm back and delivering a forceful punch to Daryl's stomach. With a loud grunt, Daryl collapses to the ground, and the crowd erupts in excitement. I stand frozen, unable to believe what I'm witnessing. how could he do that? Do that to his brother? "Holy shit," Jack gasps as Daryl begins to push himself up off of the ground. "That's my loyalty to this town!" just as Daryl has gotten his head off of the ground, Merle kicks him, sending him right back onto the ground.
Daryl lies motionless on his back, his chest heaving up and down with a faint rhythm. My eyes are fixed on him, hesitant to glance away, as if by doing so I might miss the final moments of his life. Merle continues throwing blow after blow as Philip watches on the sidelines with a sick look on his face. The crowd cheers as they lead out a walker. It's practically on a leash as some man, probably another one of Philips's men, leads him toward Daryl and Merle.
Finally, Daryl throws a punch. It's towards Merle's ankles but it gets him somewhere. It gets Daryl back onto his feet. Daryl launches himself toward Merle, tackling him, or at least trying to, but Merle has a leg up in this competition. merle gets Daryl down to the ground first. Both men have their hands around each other's necks as three of Philips's men lead three walkers towards them.
I don't even know what to do to help Daryl out. I could cause some type of distraction. If something more dangerous happens, it could give Daryl the freedom to escape. My eyes fall to my bag. I open it up and grab my gun right as Daryl and Merle get back to their feet. The two are working together to defeat the walkers.
My ammunition is running dangerously low, but my determination to save Daryl is unwavering. I'm willing to take the risk and use my last bullet to help him escape. My breaths come in quick and shallow as I raise my gun, my hands trembling with apprehension. I take aim at a man standing near Philip. I let out one more shaky breath before pressing the trigger and letting the bullet fly out of the gun and toward the man. Luckily for me, my aim was amazing today. The bullet tears right through his skull. Everyone around him screams as he falls to the ground with a thud.
Suddenly, someone behind Jack and I start shooting rounds into the arena, which makes even more of a ruckus. As I turned around to glance behind me, my eyes fell on Maggie, who was casually leaning against the top of the cold metal dumpster that was situated behind us. She shoots round after round into the arena. I let out a sigh of relief and began running back towards her. rick throws one of his smoke bombs, and Maggie continues to shoot. All I can hear is the sound of the automatic rifle and screams. Everyone's scattering like flies. Rick looks up at me, his mouth is open as if he's about to ask me something before his eyes flick to Jack who's stood behind me. "Who's that?"
"Old friend... he helped me," I reply. Rick continues to stare at Jack, scrutinizing him from head to toe as if he's trying to find a reason not to like him. I already know what he's going to ask. "Is he one of the governor's men?" I quickly respond, "He was just a resident and didn't know anything about what was going on, right Jack?" Jack nods, muttering a quiet "mhm."
Daryl and Merle sprint towards us while Rick urges, "Daryl, let's go!" Without wasting any time, we all take off at full speed, our hearts pounding with fear of being spotted by Philip or his men. The only sound that can be heard is our pounding footsteps on the ground as we race towards safety.
We manage to escape the arena and run back into the main town area. We were cautious as we walked around, hoping everyone was in the arena, but there was no actual way to know, so we were as careful as we could.
"they're all at the arena, this way!!" Merle instructs, attempting to lead us toward an exit. Rick was quick to shoot down the idea of Merle going with us. "you're not going anywhere with us!" he growls. "You really want to do this now?!" Merle asks as he runs towards the fence, attempting to pry apart the metal, as Rick and Daryl stand guard. I pray to God Rick won't say anything about Jack going with us. I don't want him to stay here, knowing the possible doomed future of Woodbury.
Finally, Merle manages to pull apart the metal, leaving a nicely sized hole in its wake. We all slipped through without a problem, but we're only met with walkers on the opposite side. "A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE NICE!" Merle shouts as he beats a walker to death with his prosthetic arm. Daryl was quick to pitch in, shooting a walker with his bow. I pull my gun out, shooting off my last bullet into a walker's head, "We ain't got time for this!" before beginning to sprint off.
I stand motionless next to Jack, anticipation building as we await instructions from Rick. "let's go!" Daryl shouts once it's been more than a few seconds, Rick, Maggie, and I not moving. I'm glad Daryl hasn't asked about Jack yet. Maybe it's just because he's too busy to realize. But I hope he never mentions it. I'm scared he'll get mad, or jealous. He's just a friend now, hell we were tiptoeing around a breakup when the outbreak started. But I don't know how Daryl is with exes. I know he can get jealous; he has many times before. Normally, I can predict what he'll do in certain situations, but with Jack, I just don't know how Daryl will react. rick folds, deciding to follow after Merle rather than die.
The walk back to the car is long. My hands are in my pockets as I trail behind a bit, with everyone else at least a few feet ahead of me. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I can't help but overhear Merle and Daryl's conversation. "sooo, wha's up with you'n tha' bitch?" Merle asks, his head tilting back, so it points towards me. My heart stops, wondering what Daryl would say. Would he refer to me as his girlfriend? Even though we already had discussed what our relationship was, and I was confident in my role as Daryl's girlfriend, I was scared that he'd be embarrassed to admit that we were in a relationship with his older brother.
Daryl's quiet for a few seconds, giving his brother enough time to throw in another comment. "You to fuckin' around or something?" Daryl chuckles left hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Um...I guess me'n her are together," he says with a shrug. Merle almost immediately bursts out in a booming fit of laughter, which makes Rick turn around and glare. I don't understand what's so funny. Was it so farfetched that Daryl and I were dating? I can see the back of Daryl's ears turn a bright red as his hands nervously play with the hem of his shirt. "yer datin' her! ain't she fuckin' that Chinese boy?" I almost scoff at Merle's assumption. I can almost hear Daryl's eyes roll as he says, "Nah... they're just friends."
"ya sure? I remem-" Daryl's quick to shut Merle down once again "I'm sure"
It's about 20 minutes later when we end up back at the other side of the large acre of woods where we parked the car. As we approach the car, Rick whisper yells out Glenn's name, which makes both Glenn and Michonne get up and run to us. "Oh, thank god," Glenn sighs out as he approaches us. Rick was quick to squash the inkling of relief that Glenn had by revealing our newfound problems. "Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." the moment Merle's face comes into Glenn's sigh, his face instantly contorted into anger "What the hell is he doing here!" Michonne pulls out her Katana in an effort to protect herself, and Daryl, he's quick to begin yelling in an effort to protect his older brother. There is a gun pointed at almost everyone in the group. "are you guys always like this?" Jack mutters quietly, "Always," I reply with an eye roll.
Everyone is yelling over each other; I can barely understand one word that's coming out of anyone's mouth. "Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you," Rick scoffs, while I cross my arms over my chest, feeling absolute annoyance simmering inside me. "Hey, we both took our licks, man," Merle chuckles as his back presses against the tree behind him. "Jackass" Daryl scoffs with an eye roll. merle pushes himself off the tree. "Hey shut up!" Merle shouts back at his brother, his voice filled with pure annoyance. The brotherly squabble is quickly shut down by Rick with a loud "Enough!" but that just turns into another fight. "Hey! hey! Relax! Put that down!" Rick shouts at Michonne, who's got her Katana pointed at him. "Get that thing out of my face!" Daryl shouts, swatting at Glenn's gun.
Merle laughs. "Man, look like you've gone native, brother." Daryl turns around, his anger now fully directed at his brother. "NO more than you hangin' out with that psycho back there." Merle just has a smirk on his face, mainly just to piss Daryl off even more. "oh, yeah, man. He is a charmer, I got to tell you that. been puttin' the wood to your girlfriend Andrea big time, baby." Merle said eye's making direct contact with Michonne. my eyebrows furrow with confusion, not because of Andrea fucking my father, that was predictable, Andrea liked a man with power, but I'm confused because Andrea and Michonne had known each other. Glenn's just as confused brows furrowed as he asks "What? Andreas in Woodbury?"
"Right next to the governor," Daryl replies. Michonne takes a few steps forward, pointing her Katana in front of her once again, with the intention of hurting someone. "I told you to drop that!" Rick shouts, lunging forward, making Michonne lower it once again. Michonne has a blank expression on her face as Rick asks, "You know Andrea?" her eyes don't make contact with Rick, instead settling for somewhere right behind him.
Rick doesn't take her silence for an answer, so he gets closer, and his voice drops to a low, sinister whisper, "Hey, do you know Andrea?" he asks once again. She doesn't answer, letting Merle answer for her. "Yep, she does," he says, a smirk displayed on his lips. "Her and blondie spent all winter cuddlin' up in the forest. Mm-mmm-mmm." Rick has a look of betrayal on his face as Merle continues to reveal more and more of Michonne's secrets. "Yeah. My Nubian queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains."
What. The. fuck? two pet walkers! "kinda ironic now that I think about it." Daryl is done with Merle's mouth. Daryl quickly spins around shouting "Shut up, bro!" Merle laughs, obviously finding Daryl's anger hilarious "Hey, man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dyin'."
"Is that why she's with him?"
Merle nods. "Yeah. Snug as two little bugs. So, what ya gonna do now, sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs, and cowards." Merle says, just poking and prodding at Rick, trying to get a reaction out of him. And a reaction is what he got; Rick turns his head, commanding Merle to "shut up!" Merle, being Merle, doesn't comply and continues his antics. Merle chuckles. "Oh, man, look at this. Pathetic!" he shakes his head in faux shame. "All these guns and no bullets in them."
Merles once again got on his brother's last nerve. "Merle! shut up!" Daryl growls, leaning forward a bit, trying to intimidate his older brother. Merle doesn't take that and begins to shout, "Shut up yourself! Bunch of pussies you roll-" Merle isn't even able to finish his last sentence before Rick quickly strikes him in the back of the head with his gun, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious with a thud. "Asshole."
We're all gathered around in the middle of the road, leaving Jack sat on the side of the road, feeling he had no place in the conversation, and Merle still in the woods. Daryl's trying to propose that Merle comes with us, but Rick's not so sure, feeling it will just cause trouble. "It won't work," Rick sighs. Daryl still tries his best to convince Rick, though "it's gotta" I'm not on either side. I know Merle is nothing but trouble. I've known that since the moment I met him. But I also know that Daryl has beaten himself up over losing his brother for the past year. I know having his brother with our group again would make him happy. I want Daryl to be happy, I really do, but Merle has already caused so much trouble for our group. Hell, he kidnapped and almost killed Glenn and Maggie.
"it'll stir things up," Rick argues. I know he's right. Having Glenn and Merle under the same roof probably won't end up well. Glenn was already so pissed off; it wouldn't be right to make Glenn and Maggie feel more unsafe than they already did. "Look, the governor is probably on the way to the prison right now. merle knows how he thinks, and we could use the muscle," Merle did already know a bunch about Phillip, but who says he's even gonna help up, all he did back at the quarry was fuck around and start unnecessary fights with Shane.
"I'm not havin' him at the prison,"
"Do you really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol, Beth, or hell, Casey?" Glenn asks. thinking about it, I don't want Merle Dixon anywhere near Casey. I know Merle is Daryl's brother and all, but he should really think about this. I was barely comfortable being within 5 feet of Merle myself let alone my 5-year-old. he has to start thinking about the bigger picture, he has to start thinking about how this could affect Casey, Carl, and the baby. Daryl grunts before muttering, "he ain't a rapist." He wasn't a rapist, but he sure did make me more than uncomfortable on multiple occasions. Look at him, the way he talked, the men he hung out with; would he really want that kind of person around the children?
"Well, his buddy is." Daryl was still trying to plead Merle's case. "They ain't buddies no more. Not after last night," I sigh, arms crossing over my chest "C'mon D you know how Merle is, do you really want that around case?" he huffs, trying not to make eye contact as a look of betrayal spreads across his face.
"There's no way Merles gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats," Rick says. I know Rick doesn't want to piss Daryl off, but he also wants everyone in our group to feel safe. "So, yer gonna cut Merle loose and bring the last samurai home with us?" Rick shakes his head, saying "She's not coming back. " 
"she's not in a state to be on her own" Maggie argues. Maggie and Glenn continue to try and plead Michonne's case. "She did bring you guys to us" Glenn whispers, in a way he's right. Michonne had helped us, but she's already practically gone rogue pointing that damn katana at people. we just don't know what she's capable of yet. "And then ditched us" rick argues, head turning towards Glenn. "at least let my dad stitch her up" Maggie begs, we can't just leave her out for dead, we should at least let Hershel check her out, so she's has the best chance of survival out there, it just the right thing to do. "She's too unpredictable." She's a loose cannon, that's for sure. On one hand, she has proven herself to be beneficial to our group, but on the other hand, she has also shown us that she could be harmful to our group. She's helping us, but also going missing for a long period of time and pointing her damn Katana at us like we're the bad guys.
We're staring at Michonne. She is leaning against the side-view mirror, staring back at us, almost as if she knows we're talking about her. Scratch that, she probably does know because Rick is not trying to whisper at all. He wants her to know she's unwanted, hoping she'll take a hint and scurry off before Rick can boot her out. Daryl nods agreeing with Rick, "That's right, we don't know who she is" he mutters, but he's only agreeing with Rick right now to try to slip in a word about Merle staying with us.
"But merle, merles blood." Daryl says almost acting like we're all some big family. Deep down, I have a feeling he'd run if Merle asked him. We're not blood, I'm not his wife, Casey's not his daughter. I'm his girlfriend, barely even that sometimes, and Casey, she's a little girl who has accidentally grown too attached. The 'D' around my neck means nothing if Merle is asking for something, and I know that. I wouldn't expect him to choose me over his brother, and I know he wouldn't expect me to pick him over mine, even if it would be a difficult decision for me.
Glenn shakes his head in disgust. "No, merles your blood, my blood, my family is standing right here, and waiting for us back at the prison." We had no ties to Merle, no need to keep him. The only one who did was Daryl. we all know the line we're tittering on, we all know the thoughts and decisions racing through his mind. We all know he's thinking about leaving and going with Merle. that's why my eyes are burning into his with a stare begging him not to. Begging him not to make me go back without him, begging him not to make me explain why he didn't come back. "And you're part of that family, but he's not. He's not"
I can see the anger boiling in his chest, the words he's trying to fight back. "Man, ya'll don't know" We all stare at him waiting for him to say it because we know he is "Fine. we'll fend for ourselves." he finally says it, which almost sends me over the edge. I just want to scream at him. How could he just leave, leave after promising he'd come back? "that's not what I was saying," Glenn says, trying to make Daryl think about his decision. "no, him, no me." It's as simple as that. He didn't think about Casey, Carol, Beth, or hell fucking me. "Daryl, you don't have to do that"
"It was always merle an' I before this" Then he makes eye contact with me, and he sees it, the tears pooling in my eyes that I desperately try to blink back, the begging the pleading, but he doesn't care. "So, you're just gonna leave?" I ask finally breaking my silence. His eyes meet mine. "you'd do the same thing," he mutters. My brother, he wasn't like Merle. He wouldn't be booted out of the group because my brother was a good man. "What do you want me to tell Casey? you promised her you'd come back." he shrugs, almost like he doesn't care. "y/n ya gotta understand this is my brother, my blood. You'd do the same if you found yer's. I know ya would"
"My brother's dead," I say, my voice comes out bitter and harsh. Because how could he bring up my brother, who's dead? Who died trying to help me? How could he compare his racist, misogynistic, absolute scumbag brother to mine? "Then ya should understand. "my arms cross over my chest, and my face twists into a disgusted expression. I can't believe he'd just leave us like that. After everything we've been through. He said he loved me. I thought he thought more of me. I thought this was it. I thought he was going to be my husband.
Daryl starts walking, pushing past Maggie and me, muttering, "Say goodbye to yer pops for me." I spin around on my heels, facing him now rather than Glenn and Rick. I'm practically chasing after him shouting "You're seriously leaving?! After everything we've been through?!" he ignores me and just continues to walk until he gets to the trunk of the car. He opens it and begins to gather his items.
"So, this is it?" I whisper, my hands shoved in my pockets, "guess so" he mutters, my heart drops and tears begin to pool in my eyes once again. "Seriously? What about Casey?" he shrugs, not answering because he knows whatever he's going to say is just going to piss me off. "What about me D? What about us?" a tear falls down my cheek, and my hand reaches up to wipe it away. "you'll get over it," he mutters, slinging his bag over his shoulder. That hurt me. It felt like a stab to the gut. Did he really think I just get over him like that? He shakes his head, almost as if he was trying to ignore the tears that lined my waterline. he's trying not to care.
I've watched Daryl grow so much as a person in the last year. The man I knew yesterday was a scrap of the man I had met at that quarry. But somehow, with Merle's reappearance, he went back to the Douch bag he was. He no longer cared for Casey, Beth, or Carol. He no longer cared for me. He no longer cared about us. All the late-night conversation meant nothing, the necklace meant nothing, Casey meant nothing. "I-I love you," I whisper, hoping it would change his decision. Hoping the quiet admission of love would snap him back into reality.
"Then stop..." he mutters. His words are so bitter, so calloused they slice right through my heart, breaking it into a million pieces. "ya got whoever that guy is over there, ya got Glenn. know you'll be fuckin' one of them by the end of the week," he mutters. Hot, angry tears begin to fall down my cheeks. How could he say that? Was that really all he thought of me? A slut? Did he think I was only with him for the sex? The sex that was so far in between that I can't recall the last time we had it. Did he not notice how in love I was?
I rip the necklace from my neck and throw it at him. It hits his torso before falling to the ground with a soft thud. The silver metal glimmers in the sun staring up a simple reminder of what we were, and what we could have been. "Fuck you" is the last thing I mutter before wiping my tears and turning to walk back towards the group.
The ride back to the prison is a blur. I sit in the back, middle seat, with a shell-shocked look on my face. I don't want to cry, but my body wants me to cry. There's a lump in my throat and I'm desperately trying to hold back tears. The whole ride Glenn muttering quietly to me, "I'm so sorry" "I didn't think he was really going to leave" I don't pay attention to him. I can't listen, I can't pay attention. I just want to be in my head right now. I feel the car stop and feel people leave, but I don't pay it any mind. I don't even pay any mind when I hear the shouting outside. I just want this all to be over.
I'm zoned out until I feel the car park, and everyone gets out. I get out, hands shoved in my pockets. The only thing that knocks me out of my head is the feeling of two little arms wrapping around my leg. "you're back," Casey squeaks as I bend down and pick her up. Her arms wrap around my neck and her head buries itself into my shoulder. I know the inevitable question awaits us, and I still don't know what I'm going to say. When I feel her head leave my shoulder and begin looking around, my heart begins to slam against my chest. "where's Daryl?" she asks eyes still searching, "he...Daryl left"
"Did he die?" she asks, brows furrowing up as I shake my head. I'd rather he had died. It's easier to explain to her that he died rather than he decided to leave us. "No, baby. He found his brother and decided he needed to be with his family." Her brows furrow up even farther, if that's even possible. "I thought we were his family?"
When I get back inside, I tell Casey to stay with Carl and go up and find an empty cell. This is when I finally let myself break down. Sitting on the bed with my head in my hand, I just let go. I'm full-on ugly crying, with tears streaming down my face, and snot bubbling out of my nose. I just hate him so much for leaving. Broken sobs escape my lips as I try to keep myself as quiet as possible. I don't want anyone else to know how badly this hurt me.
My chest rises and falls fast with each gasp I take. The only thought that is racing through my mind is why would he do this? How could he do this? Did he really think that I was a slut all this time, or was it Merle's comments about Glenn, and I that suddenly had changed his opinion of Glenn and I's relationship? Did he seriously think I didn't love him?
"You, okay?" a knock on the wall pulls me from my thoughts. I look up to see Carol. My bottom lip wobbles as I shake my head 'no'. she lets out a sigh as she nods and slowly walks towards me. She takes a seat next to me on the bottom bunk. "You want to talk?" she asks, her arm coming to wrap around my body and pull mine close to hers. I shake my head 'no' once again. I could barely think about him without a blubbering mess, let alone talk about him to someone else.
My head buries into her chest as her left hand rubs small circles into my back. "I know, I know," she mutters as broken sobs erupt from my throat. I just hate him so much for leaving with Merle, but at the same time I want him here, and I want him to hold me. I want to hear him tell me he loves me.
I sat in that cell for the rest of the night, not bothering about dinner because I had already felt sick to my stomach. The only human interaction I have is with Casey at bedtime when she cuddles up next to me in the bottom bunk. I can't bring myself to touch the stuff Daryl had left behind, because I know I'll either break it or throw it at a wall.
Casey's eyes were heavy with sleep, and yawns erupted from her every few seconds. She didn't want to sleep on the top bunk. For the past few months, she only knew what it felt like to sleep between Daryl and me. There was always a warm body next to her, no matter what. I can't bring myself to think how last night was for her. Through a yawn, she whispers, "I miss Daryl" I let out a heavy sigh. In a way I miss him, I wish he hadn't made the choice he had made, I wish he would have considered how'd those decisioned would affect us. I wish I didn't have the burden of living the rest of my life wondering if he's alright, so I guess in a way I miss him.
Casey eventually drifted off to sleep, and I quietly slipped out of bed, hoping that everyone else had retired for the night. As I tiptoed down the stairs and into the dimly lit rec room, I noticed Glenn sitting at a table in the far-left corner. He was shrouded in almost complete darkness, with only his hoodie standing out in the dim light. His head faced down; one elbow propped up on the table to hold it up. "How you holdin' up?" I ask, breaking him from his thoughts. I can see him just and let out a tiny gasp. "shit" he mutters under his breath as his head snaps up to see me.
I laugh, a small smile breaking across my face. "sorry" I whisper, walking across the room to meet him at his table. "watcha doin' up so late?" I ask, sliding into the seat beside him. "can't sleep you?" he asks. I shrug, not knowing why I was still up. I felt like I could sleep for a good week if I really tried. "So...did Jack get booted out with the rest...or..." I ask referring to the commotion I had heard earlier that day involving rick. Glenn shakes his head "Nah, didn't wanna upset you anymore than you already were," he says, tiptoeing around the subject of Daryl.
I can't help but feel bad about Glenn and Maggie. Every time I see the black and blue bruises that decorated his face, I can't help but be reminded of who caused it. I hadn't thought about him in years. The only times I was reminded of the faded remembrance of his face were in old family portraits that were in boxes up in my mom's attic.
1992 or 3 maybe, I was three years old in the picture, mom was heavily pregnant, and dad looked so young. I never realized how young both my parents were when they had me until I looked at those photos. Mom looks maybe 19, dad had to be at least 21. He's got me on his hip, we're all pushed in close, one arm around a waist, Dad's face and I's squished together. We looked so happy.
When I saw his face out in the crowd, I was 12 years old again up in the attic, sorting through boxes, finding the dusty portraits. Wondering how he could leave us. I wasn't stupid. I remembered those last few months, the last year. I remembered the drinking, the fighting, the bruises. I remembered the broken potted plants I remembered my brother's broken arm. I just couldn't believe the man who wore such a bright smile could be so evil.
How could he hurt me, hurt my brother, hurt my mom? I feel like I'm sitting in my paternal grandmother's kitchen this time, maybe 15, listening to her blab on and on about his family. His wife, his daughter. His daughter he loved so dearly, the daughter who had replaced me. 'He just loves her so much,' she said 'No one can take away a father's love for their daughter'. I hadn't thought of him since that moment. After that, I gave up on having a dad. I gave up on waiting. I finally realized he just didn't love me, and I couldn't change that.
But yesterday, seeing him again was like a punch to the gut, and finding out that he was the one who hurt my friends that made me furious. I wanted to be the one to hunt him down. I wanted to be the one to kill him. I couldn't wait to see his face when he realized who I was and what I was going to do.
"Glenn, can I tell you something? But you can't get mad" his brows furrow, a sliver of a smile displaying on his lips as his mouth opens to say something. I'm quick to cut him off, finally revealing the hardest secret I've ever had to keep. "the governor is my dad" his eyes widen, and fear sets in quickly, terrified he'll hate me. "What?" he asks, it coming out as a half laugh as he stares at me. His eyes fall up and down my body, examining every single one of my facial features, finding everyone that even slightly resembled Philips. "Are you joking?" he asks, head cocking to the side in disbelief. I shake my head slowly, and he lets out a quiet "oh my god."
"I didn't even know this governor guy was him until I saw him. You're not mad, are you?" he shakes his head, letting my anxieties settle. "No..not mad, just...shocked, yo-you...wow."
@rivversin @soul4death @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @jai-lovely @maziejay08 @oi-itse @rhaenryawhore @kimbunnysstuff @blipblopper @ramielll @ilyhannah @daryldixonnn @delicatebearpandaopera @daryldixmedown @duckybird101 @0-imjusthere-0 @tanuki-tsuki
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hardbeingcasual · 1 year
heyyyy, i read your carl fic and was wondering if you would write another one but with Rosita this time? One where its angsty and based in s11 where she dies 🫶
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summary — when rosita gets bit, the reader can’t help but wish it was her in rosita’s place.
warnings — death, normal stuff for twd, short story
You never took the news well, finding out Rosita was bit, it hit you like a ton of bricks.
You never got to tell her how you really feel.
You couldn’t help but wish you were in her place, she had her whole life ahead of her still, she had to raise Coco, she can’t grow up without her mother, she already lost her father.
Then theres you, you had nothing, your family was dead. All you had left was Rosita, she was your purpose.
There she lay, almost lifeless. You couldn’t help but get teary eye as you looked at her. She insisted you sat next to her, so you did.
“Don’t cry.” She tells you, but you can’t help it, how do you gain the courage to tell her how you feel when shes on her death bed?
She grabs your hand and rubs her thumb over your palm, her bloodshot eyes meet with yours, her tears falling down her cheeks, you lift your hand to wipe them.
“You know I love you, right?” She says with such sincerity, her voice hoarse.
Your lip quivers at that moment, your tears falling like a storm, you shake your head “I didn’t think you’d feel the same.”
“Of course I do.” She sits up a bit, leaning her forehead against yours, her hand fully connecting with yours now. “Take care of Coco for me okay?”
“Rosita I can’t.” You dismiss her but she wasn’t having it.
“Please, I want to know shes in good hands, I trust you.” You catch her eye, before nodding, letting out an agreement.
“I’ll protect her, my life depends on it.” You promise her. After loosing Rosita, you cannot let Coco get hurt. She’s your priority now, no matter what. She’s the last piece of Rosita you have.
#TAGS @icebergiounge @nfrvampire
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enid-rhees · 9 months
any chance you could write a maggie x fem r where maggie gets drunk and fem r looks after her wife but maggie doesn't realise she's falling in love with fem r again. then the next day, everyone knows about what happened and they tease maggie over it?
drunk in love || maggie rhee x fem!reader
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warnings: drinking, one sexual joke (drink responsibly!) (it’s also short, i apologize for that.)
a/n: thank you so much for your request, anon! hope you all enjoy 🫶🏻
Maggie Rhee Masterlist
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“y/n!” Maggie wrapped her arms around your shoulders and pulled you in a hug, but dropped all of her weight on you. you let out a noise of surprise and pulled her up, “hey, sweetheart.” you laughed, brushing some of her hair away from her face. “have you been drinking?” you questioned, and Maggie giggled.
“a tinnyyyy bit. Carol invited me over for wine while you were on your run.” Maggie poked your face as she said that. “ah, that’ll do it. drinking with Carol.” you hummed. “we talked about you.” she giggled again.
you raised your eyebrows, “yeah? what were you saying about me, love?” Maggie began tracing shapes into your skin, “about how… pretty you are. and… how you’re so strong. you’re really, really strong. did you know that?”
“i did know that. you like that i’m strong?” Maggie nodded repeatedly. “i love that you’re strong. you look so hot when you’re beating people up.”
you laughed again. “why don’t we get you to bed, love? you’re gonna have a huge headache in the morning.” Maggie gasped, “you want to sleep with me?! that’s so inappropriate.” she whispered the last word like it was scandalous.
“no, Maggie. to actually sleep, no sex tonight.” you told her, pulling her arm so she would stand up with you. Maggie stumbled and fell into your grasp. “okay, keep holding onto me, sweetheart. we’re almost there.”
you managed to walk Maggie all the way to your shared bedroom and gently sat her down on the bed. Maggie hadn’t stopped staring at you the entire time, so you leaned down to meet her eyes. “what’s on your mind, Maggie?”
“i really like you.” she whispered. “i would hope so. we’ve been married for a year.” you giggled, and Maggie shook her head. “no, like… i really like you. i think… i think i love you too. yeah. i love you. a lot.”
you couldn’t help but smile widely. “i love you a lot too, Maggie.” you leaned forward and pressed a short but sweet kiss to her lips. “now let’s get to bed.”
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you started working on the garden in Hilltop early in the morning, that’s when the newly grown vegetables were most fresh. Carol was working on cleaning clothes, and some of the others were doing their own thing.
as you began to replant the last section of seeds, you heard the front door of the main building open and close. you turned around and watched as Maggie slowly, very slowly, walked down the stairs while holding her head. you stood up and ran over to her.
“good morning, love.” you laughed as Maggie dropped her head into your neck. “did you take the pills and water i left for you?” Maggie nodded. “yes, thank you.”
“ah, look who finally woke up.” Carol’s voice came from behind you. “you are quite the drunk, Maggie.” you laughed again when Maggie groaned into your neck. “who else did you tell?” Maggie asked you.
“totally not me.” Rosita suddenly said, “but i agree, Maggie. isn’t Y/N like… super strong?” you tried to bit your lip to contain your laughs, but failed. “you’re terrible.” Maggie whined.
“i’m sorry, love. it was too funny not to tell everyone.” her eyes widened slightly. “everyone?”
you gave her a nervous smile. “i love you.” you told her, in hopes it would let you off the hook. she gave you a brief glare, “you are so lucky i love you back.”
you pressed a kiss to her head. “i’m extremely lucky to have someone like you love me back.”
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Day Sixteen: Maggie Greene + Public/Gag
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Maggie pushes me up against the side of one of the houses in Hilltop. The town had one hell of a celebration. A barque of sorts as if it was almost normal for people to drink homemade beers, and dancing to music playing off an old record player.
The beers had been pushing through your mind and whole system. Beers made you silly, goofy, and a flirt. Maggie loved it though, and much as she missed her husband. She knew that he had sent him there for her. Maggie has her tongue your mouth before you can even fight with her for dominance. Not that I ever really have to fight with her.
Rules aren’t really concrete but you know that Maggie is the dominant one in your relationship. She thrusts her tongue in and out of my mouth causes deep down moans to fall from my lips. Her grip on my side is bruising but I don’t care. I’m infatuated with her touch and her taste. She tastes of beer and lust. It’s not a hard feeling to identify. She’s warm, and takes me off my feet most of the times.
Like right now with her hands on my chin, her tongue down my throat. Maggie clouds my minds all of the time, she always touching me grabbing me. Holding me tightly. She doesn’t ever take it lightly as she holds me hard against one of the walls. Her grip is strong but I love her bruising hands on me.
The sundress that I’m wearing flows up in the wind. Her kisses are wild, and make my head fuzzy. When her lips finally slip from one a long string of saliva strings us together. “Fuck baby you taste so good!” She mutters into my ear. I blush at her words. Not that my cheeks aren’t already red, and hot. The yellow sundress flitters in the wind once more and Maggie steps back. Viewing me. “You are absolute fuckin’ beautiful today you know that?” Maggie says, it’s less of a question and more like a lust ridden statement. I wave my hand at her. “You always say that.” I say, “Cause it’s fucking true baby doll.” She says, again the wind picks up and brings my dress with it.
“Oh look at you, wearing those nice pretty little panties. Did you do that on purpose?” She asks, I shy away from her question. She leans in again. Her lips are strong on my lips. teeth bashing together as we kiss each other hotly. Grasping at each other, trying desperately to get more from the little nips our tongues, and lips. Moans fall freely from my lips, and even though people are far away. Enjoying a beautiful barque and a day, Maggie once more releases from my lips. “You need to quiet unless you want someone to find us. A hot mess, practically begging me to tongue fuck you right now.” Maggie voice is hoarse, deep and it goes straight to my core.
Her eyes sparkle under the sundown lite sky. “I’ve got an idea, spread your legs.” Maggie demands. “Okay.” I shyly move my legs. Spreading them, “Now takes off your panties.” Another demand. I look at her. “Take off your panties baby doll please.” Maggie pleads with me, it’s faux that’s alright though. I do it. Slipping my hands into the bands of the lace panties. “Now give them to me.” I nod my head putting them into her hand. “Good baby doll.” She says. “I want you to be quiet, but I know you can’t manage that.” I open my mouth, and with that my panties are shoved into my mouth.
“Fuck!” Maggie says. “Now you’ll be quiet for me right? If I get on my knees, and eat your pretty little pussy out you’ll be quiet.” Maggie says, they’re dominate just in her eyes. I nod my head slowly. “Good girl.” She lowers herself down to her knees. Once more the wind picks up lifting my dress. Now bare for the whole hilltop to see. I feel the warm brush of her hair hit my thighs. “Look at this glistening pussy, all for me.” Maggie whispers into my skin. My dress hides her, but now every well. Her kittens licks on my clit sends shivers up my spine, and when she pushes one, or two fingers into my pussy I nearly groan. Moaning into the now wet material I can’t take my eyes off the bump caused by Maggie between my thighs.
“So sweet taste like candy.” Maggie says into my pussy. She doesn’t dare let me get to the high. Instead she just pushes and pushes. Edging me until I’m barely keeping myself up against the wall. “Oh sweet thing, you and I are going back home. I’m not sharing any of your moans or sweet little groans with anyone else you hear me.” Maggie says. Flatting out my dress as she comes back to stand on her feet.
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Completed on: 07/20/23
Posted on: 10/16/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Kinktober '23
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elisiassideb1tch · 1 year
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Sobbing rn because all I can think about as I look at these is Enid watching reader/Y/N die (most likely by Negan), not being able to do anything about it but scream out:
"Stop! No!!!"
"Please, stop!!"
"Stop it!"
...Oml someone take my phone away-
@enid-rhees @ofcutsandoffire 😭😭😭
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bloodlustngore · 1 year
Smile - Maggie Rhee
Really random but I thought up this idea whilst at the stables & we all know my ideas are really shitty but anyway…This is also a short one so I think it’s classed as not really a oneshot (498 words)
Again this is a Maggie Rhee x fem!reader!
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Warnings: None, just cuteness
Summary: Despite the shitty world they're living in & how many people she’s lost, Maggie can't help but feel like Y/n and Hershel bought her smile back.
Maggie had left her son back at Alexandria, to keep him safe of course. And although both her and Y/n hated being away from him, they couldn't let him go with them, it was far too dangerous.
The moment they returned and Hershel saw both women, her ran up to them as fast as he could, both women embracing him ina hug with open arms. "Mom! Y/n!" He cheered happily. "Hey bud, we bought back plenty of food for everyone." Maggie replied, as her son pulled away from the hug.
Maggie hadn't smiled in a long time, but seeing Y/n treat her son as if he was her own, that made her as happy as she could be in this world. Y/n may be another motherly figure to Hershel and not a father figure, but that didn't matter. Maggie loved her little family. She loved her son & Y/n, thats all that mattered right now. "Can I get up?" Hershel asked indicating he wanted to get up on Y/n' shoulders.
"Sure bud" Y/n smiled, picking the young boy up and placing him on her shoulders, he put his arms out for balance as Y/n held onto his legs, Y/n started jogging around making plane noises with him. For a moment Maggie forgot how shitty this world really is, all she could focus on was her family and that smile she thought she had lost a long time ago? It was back. As she heard laughing from Y/n and giggling from Hershel. "Okay bud, why don't you go and help unload the food? Me and your mom will be right behind you." Y/n mentions putting Hershel back down on the ground. He nodded his head and headed over to the cart full of supplies.
Maggie came up behind Y/n, wrapping her arms around her waist, Y/n giggled as she turned around in her girlfriends arms, snaking her arms around the back of Maggie' neck, the brunette pulled Y/n into a quick but sweet kiss. Both women smiling as they pulled away "what was that for?" Y/n asked, not that she was complaing. It's just that Maggie wasn't usually one for public affection most of the time. "Oh, so I have to have a reason to kiss you now, Y/n?" Maggie chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her. "No" Y/n mentions. "Maggie, I adore you & your smile." Y/n adds. "I adore you Y/n" Maggie mentions. And just as Y/n was about to kiss Maggie back, they had been called over to help with unloading more supplies.
But that didn't stop Maggie from pressing her lips to Y/n' quickly both women giggling. Maggie hated being seen as vunerable, but she knew she was in a safe place surrounded by people she trusts.
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sunnybunnyy2 · 11 months
Stranger Things
Is the Stranger Things fandom dead?
I liked the show, didn’t love it but I did write a fanfic one-shot and didn’t publish it yet.
If I were to post it, would anyone actually read it?
It’s about reader getting possessed by Vecna.
It’s only 1569 words in, and it’s from July 1st, 2022 but I’m willing to finish it if you guys will read it
Cabin In The Woods
It’s a Holden fanfic that I started December 28th, 2021 and it’s only 575 words in, but I am of course willing to finish it.
I cant really remember what exactly happens in the movie so I will have to rewatch it but I remember looking for a fanfic after I read it and their being none so I decided to do it myself.
It’s called Tears and it was started on December 28th, 2021.
I was only 773 words into it so I’m not sure where I was going with it but I think it was a comfort fanfic, with JJ as the love interest?
But I have been aiming to do a Sarah Cameron fanfic or another Kiara Carrera one-shot because writing for girls in fluffy stories is so much easy I don’t know why but it is. Maybe it’s because I know how girls think- because I am one, and I am totally clueless when it comes to guys and what they think.
The Walking Dead
So I don’t have any started as of yet but I am in my TWD era (don’t think I ever really left) so I have SO many ideas.
So Rick, I have one where reader is a cop in the hospital and she is one of the cops they take hostage in exchange for Beth. She talks to them a lot and actually helps them get Beth. I’m not sure if I’m gonna kill Beth off, but maybe it can be prevented if reader changed the story.
Daryl, I obviously need to write another chapter for the Dark cell series (I will start tonight) but I want to get a feel of how to write romance for him so I can make a series, here AND on Wattpad. I am kind of obsessed with short hair Daryl so I would like to do a fanfic of early seasons Daryl, maybe in season one at the quarry or maybe one at the farm with a Greene reader. (You guys can request if you want smut or not)
Rosita Espinosa, you can check my Masterlist and see that I have already written a smut for Rosita that takes place after the season 9 timeskip, but I really want to write for either season 5-6 Rosita when she first arrives at Alexandria where the reader is living and they flirt and it may turn into a smut because her outfit at the party is SO underrated or season 11 Ro in her commonwealth guard outfit because omg. Also helping Rosita take care of CoCo sounds so cute, and it would turn into more of a fluff mom-mom fanfic.
Maggie Rhee/Greene, I really want to do a season 2 Maggie and reader who met at the farm (obviously) and reader is a member of the quarry group, reader wants to go look for Sophia but Maggie is out there and they go look for her together. There is flirting but no smut until part two. Or one that takes place in season 10, and reader is Maggie’s girlfriend who she meets will Hershel a few years after she leaves Hiltop (will be shown) and it’s basically her meting the rest of Maggie’s group (Daryl, Carol, etc) they are skeptically at first because they don’t want to see Maggie hurt but once they see how the reader treats Maggie, Hershel and Lydia they decide that she is a part of their group and now love you because you make Maggie so happy.
The Haunting Of Hill House
Literally my second favourite show and it’s so sad that literally no one writes for it so I decided to bring the fandom back and write for these depressed characters to make them happy, even if it’s only in my fanfic :(
Nell, you are her therapist instead of Arthur and it’s basically her and reader falling in love, and y’all know that night that Arthur…yeah.. that doesn’t happen to reader but she does collapse and has to be hospitalized and even when Nell freaks out and feels guilty you reassure her and it’s a happy ending. Then on a sadder note instead of Nell dying you call her right before she goes into the house, changing her mind about going inside so she comes to your house instead. Then for the last and saddest, at Nell’s funeral you remiss about all the happy days you had will Nell.
Luke, he needs some love and help so reader is his sponsor and has been helping him stay clean, romance sparks between them after Luke has recovered only for them to have a fight where he says hurtful things, reader leaves and Luke relapses.
Theo, a one-shot where Theo touches reader without her gloves and only sees her love for her<3
The Haunting Of Bly Manor
Dani, my little pookie. She deserved so much better. A one-shot where reader is Flora and Miles aunt (mother’s little sister) and she was helping with the kids before Dani came. Usually when someone watches the kids, reader leaves quickly after, not wanting to stay in the house longer than necessary but once Dani shows up she finds reasons to be visiting all the time. Aunt!reader again and Flora has a nightmare and begs Dani to call reader to comfort her. Reader drives to Bly and comforts Flora, not noticing how Dani is looking at her, once Flora is asleep, Dani reveals her feelings for reader. Also I have some more but if I keep going I won’t be able to stop.
Viola, to get revenge on her sister and husband she hooks up with her sisters secret girlfriend who is also hurt by their emotional affair. Story 2, Viola finds out she isn’t the only one trapped in the chest.
Jamie, reader is a decorator and is fixing up some of the rooms in the house, including the old wing, reader starts to face some possessions after angering a sprit in the home, Jamie is there to keep her safe. (This could also work for Dani)
A Glimpse Of Us [This Is Us] (unpublished)
Im on chapter two of the story and love it so far, Katerina Pearson has my heart.
Puzzled Minds [The Walking Dead] (publishing on Christmas)
It’s a Dixon OC, Daryl and Merles little sister. The love interests are Beth and than after time skip Rosita. On chapter two but should be on season 3-4 by the time I publish it. Adeline is so adorable.
Two Lies One Truth. [Pretty Little Liars] (published)
Not very far but have already started another chapter. Spencer and Jason are the love interests but I’m leaning towards Spencer being endgame because she is the best lair. Winnie is an icon i don’t care.
Heart And Soul [The Walking Dead book one] [published]
OC is Carols daughter and Sophia’s big sister. The love interest is OC, and Kelly after the timeskip.
I just started season 2 and I’m not ready for Sophia’s death, it is going to heartbreaking. Nadia is by far my fav OC. She’s literally so iconic.
Ignore the typos I’m too lazy to edit this.
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