#types of personal injury
ryanthel0ser · 6 months
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sun-marie · 7 months
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"I'm sorry, my love..."
Everyone had a rough time getting through the Survivor Trial on Kazuwari, but Aloth's hands getting crushed by a boulder hit Sabina particularly hard, seeing as he's a wizard and he kinda needs those :(
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oiblackestsheep · 16 days
MBTI Hunger Games Simulation
Gonna throwback to the 2010's (shudders) (skip to bottom of post if you just want the stats and the ending/ultimate betrayal lmao)
There are eight teams of two, all of which were chosen randomly by spinning the ✨Wheel of Fate✨ Before we see how this game goes, let's take a look at the teams determined by nothing other than DESTINY and place your bets.
District 1: ISTP x ENFJ
Opposites attract, maybe? Could compliment each other well, but there could be some infighting. I'd bet on it.
District 2: INFP x ESFP
...Not a very goal driven bunch, are they? If they win... it'll be dumb luck. With style, of course! They'll be interesting to watch, nonetheless. Bet against.
District 3: ENFP x INTP
Lmao, okay, do they even want to win? That's a lot of Ne for one team. They might have better luck actually breaking out of the arena itself, instead! Bet against.
District 4: ISFP x ENTP
Interesting take... it's not what I think of when I think "winner", but honestly? I think they could pull it together in their own way. Sure, why not! Bet on.
District 5: ESTP x INFJ
This one feels like a practical joke lmao. I'm gonna say most likely to split up and do their own things. Bet against.
District 6: ISTJ x ESTJ
I'd say they're probably the scariest team on the list, I would watch out for that. It almost feels kind of unfair that they got paired up? Kinda wanna see them meet their maker. Bet against.
District 7: INTJ x ESFJ
Now these guys seem like unlikely friends, actually. I think they'll discover that they unexpectly work well together, keeping a balanced team! Bet on.
District 8: ISFJ x ENTJ
So close to the other team, but for me, no cigar. I think there's going to be power struggles and opposing priorities. Second team to split up. Bet against.
With all of that said, let's see what happens when the game starts!
ENFJ convinces ISFP to not kill him only to kill her instead.
ENTJ attacks ESFP but ESTP protects her killing ENTJ.
ESFJ stays at the cornucopia for resources.
ENTP takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INTJ finds a bow and some arrows.
ENFP finds a bag full of food.
INFJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
ESTJ takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.
ISTJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INFP dashes to the forest to avoid the bloodbath.
INTP grabs a sword.
ISFJ runs away with a sword and some rope.
ISTP scores a bar mace from inside the cornucopia.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 1
ESFP in a cruel fate, asks ISFJ to kill INFJ or ESTP. She decides to kill INFJ.
INTP fishes in the water for some food.
INTJ discovers a water source.
INFP, ENTP, and ESFJ hunt for other tributes.
ISTP begs for ENFP to kill him. She refuses, keeping ISTP alive.
ISTJ thinks about his family and starts crying.
ENFJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
ESTJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 1
INTP bashes ENTP's head in with a mace.
ESTJ convinces ENFJ to snuggle with her for the night.
INTJ tries to sing himself to sleep.
ESFJ and INFP hold hands and cry together.
ISFJ huddles up next to a fire and cooks the meat she hunted earlier in the day.
ESFP, ENFP, and ESTP sing songs together, hoping for the best.
ISTJ and ISTP fall asleep holding hands.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 2
ESTJ accidentally walks over a land mine.
ESTP hides in a bush, terrified and scared.
INTJ, ESFJ, and ENFP hunt for other tributes.
INTP, ESFP, ISTJ, and ENFJ raid INFP's camp while she is away.
ISFJ tends to ISTP's wounds.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 2
ENFP is stabbed in her sleep by ENFJ.
ESFP lets INFP into her campsite.
INTJ leaves ISFJ, ESTP, and ISTP because he does not like their plan to kill more people.
INTP tries to sing herself to sleep.
ESFJ falls asleep shivering from a fever.
ISTJ begins to cry.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 3
ISTP overwhelmed with anger, bashes ESTP's head against a rock several times.
ENFJ scares ESFP off into the distance.
INTJ and INFP create a fort out of sticks and leaves.
INTP chases ISFJ.
ISTJ receives healing ointment from a sponsor.
ESFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1 ISTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 3
INTP chases ESFJ for over a mile before making the kill.
INTJ starts a campfire with materials on the ground.
ENFJ thinks about his family.
ISTJ falls alseep to the sound of people screaming.
INFP convinces ISFJ to stand guard for the night while she sleeps.
ESFP receives a hatchet and water from an unknown sponsor.
ISTP sleeps in small increments, awaking to every little noise.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 4
ESFP severely wounds ISTJ and leaves him to die.
ISTP sings a song while searching for a food source. He finally finds some wild berries.
INFP runs away from ISFJ.
ENFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
INTP has a mild panic attack.
INTJ makes a wooden spear from tree branches.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 ESFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 4
ESFP sets fire to ISTP's fort, burning him alive.
ISFJ is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable.
INTP, ENFJ, and INFP sleep in shifts, each hoping the other two do not betray them.
INTJ receives an iPad from an unknown sponsor.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 5
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches ESFP from behind guard and kills her.
INTJ dreams about home back at his district.
INTP and ISFJ create an alliance.
ENFJ tries to sleep in order to reduce stress.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 5
ISFJ slips on a frozen river and drowns.
INTJ, INFP, INTP, and ENFJ sleep in shifts, trying to protect each other.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 6
INTJ bleeds out from a wound left mildly treated.
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches INTP from behind guard and kills her.
ENFJ injures himself tripping over a log.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 INFP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 6
ENFJ tends to INFP's wounds.
Day 7
INFP chucks a spiked ball into ENFJ's chest.
Kills Tally INFP: 3 ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ENFJ (day 7) INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
1st Place: INFP (3 kills)
2nd Place: ENFJ (2 kills)
3rd Place: INTP (2 kills)
Honorable Mention: INTJ (0 kills, lasted until day 6!)
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nibbelraz · 8 months
ive been really tempted for ages to write a fic from mu qingfang's pov about how sqh's injuries gradually get more and worse. trying to subtly approach the subject, leaving certain medicines within easy stealing access. desperately trying to talk about it when he comes in one day with a dislocated shoulder, a shattered elbow, and an arm broken in two places. hes just clumsy! he fell down the stairs! nothing to worry about shidi everythings fine! he said its fine. stop. asking. questions. please.
Mu Qingfang is so worried about him, He's really only trying to help and Shang Qinghua definitely seems the type to just straight up not go to the doctors if he can help it so he probably had WAYY more injuries that he hid
Shang Qinghua definitely would just laugh it off like "I'm fine. Im fine! I do so much work I'm bound to get an injury here and there!" Except he's been continously getting injured and to such a degree it's CONCERNING
I would love to see a fic about a concerned Mu Qingfang trying his best to help the resident god that can't seem to control his shit very well
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19871997 · 4 months
#prefacing this w ik in fanfiction they're all just our little barbie dolls we're making kiss and it doesnt matter whatsoever but like Do you#understand how much love and respect and loyalty there is between connor and leon irl#like in connors nhlpa ama he immediately no question said that leon's the nhler who knows him best + that he's spent his entire professiona#career w him. whenever leon's asked what he thinks of connor the first sentance out his mouth is 'you [the media] know. he knows' and then#he carries on talking about how he's the best player in the world + connor never hesitates to return the sentiment#and between the two of them it's not sentiments they sau it like its fact bc it is#and their whole 'cup or bust' thing every analyst and their mother have taken it as a 'they're going to win in edmonton or not at all' in t#e sense that they want to stay in edmonton n stay together <- like not even in an insane person edmonton polycule type of way in the they'r#the best players in the world and have insane chemistry on the ice and are eachother's best friends type of way#like a reason why their pp is so lethal is bc those two on a line + the other team down yeah ofc thats going to be automatic#and leon saying that their best beats anyone else's best no doubt and connor talking about building the team from the ground up like leon w#s there when they got boo'd off the ice in 2014 he was a part of building the team that's thier damn team and in turn the sheer amount of#respect the rest of the team have for them and they have for the rest of the team and the trust that while they're the best players they#don't have to play for all of them n that's part of thier whole like. our fourth line stands up to any other first line rock solid belief#like and ofc thier on ice hugs and lockerroom hugs and that moment in the sportsnet knee injury doc and how they mention that they're best#friends whenever theyre asked and how their gf's are also best friends and also their damn dogs#NOT TO MENTION. he's my ride or die. im really lucky our paths crossed here in edmonton. as a friend it was really tough to watch that#<- leon's insane 2022 playoff run on a broken ankle#and the way leon's been dubbed the german gretzky and connor's been the next next one since he was 15 and the way they have such a solid#control of the lockerroom together and i dont know if they've ever said conflicting things to the media and how they've said that they push#eachother to be better (connor saying that leon told him to score more)#and their little taps throughout their season and bringing back their team from the dead and leon being the one to make connor laugh in#pressers and on the bench#ALL TO SAY. like i am a mc.matt.drai enjoyer in the threesome/winners room/asg/2997 are actually quite abnormal about eachother and matthew#has never been normal about anything in his life and this might be fun. kinda way#but 2997 are soulbonded in ways quite possibly none of us will ever be able to truly understand#<- also i do mean this genuinely like they're not normal people but both of them are not normal#SORRY FOR RAMBLING. i just wish there was better written fanfiction.#<- wish to be the change you see in the world innit tho#so funny to me how the eh is just canadian innit.
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ven-of-oath · 1 year
I know bads blue is probably a type of corruption but I really like the idea of bads blood just being the bright soul fire blue and the blue on his skin being injuries from the soul vultures not healing properly
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rabbitindisguise · 7 days
all the people trying to coax me into machine sewing: they're not dangerous! I've never been stabbed by a sewing machine
me, a handsewist: I think the kind of person who possesses the capability of getting stabbed trying to use a sewing machine self-selects out of the pool of people who use sewing machines. if I'm being honest
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mvnces · 24 days
dare i make a cohesive list of the of the injuries sobieski & decker would have sustained/dealt with to follow up on this potential verse . for funsies ...
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seeasunset · 3 months
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
➤ Here's the thing about Vasco and his bg3 verse:
He is blessed by Valkur, the minor god of the sailors. Just for saving the god shortly before the whole story for the game started. Like officially. But the twist is that Vasco isn't aware he helped a deity out. At all. He thought this random man needed help and decided to offer a helping hand before moving on. It didn't process in his mind at all that he is a deity, who, in return, blessed Vasco with quite a few things.
One of them being a crab guardian. The coconut crab that is a package deal once you recruit Vasco into your team? Yeah, that's the crab guardian. And no one bats an eye because this looks like an ordinary coconut crab you'll find anywhere. Not to mention, you have to cast animal speaking to talk to this crab. Unless, of course, you can detect magic in some way or find out a way that this is no ordinary crab. I mean one of the best ways to find out is how much this crab can punch a pack within a fight, doing a lot of damage.
Another blessing Vasco has gotten is the ability to recover quickly when his hand got cut off. It's an inevitable fate within his fleet commander and bg3 verse that one of his hands gets cut off. The fleet commander is just an injury he recieved on the battlefield one day. Bg3 verse happens to be his personal quest during Act 2 when he ends up finding the person he's looking for, but she has fallen to the Shadow Curse. And when she cut off his hand - which no matter what you do, you cannot prevent this from happening - he is capable of recovering a little quicker so he is back on his feet.
These blessings / gifts are something he doesn't think much on. Just because they seem almost normal for him. Vasco thinks he found a cute animal companion to have at his side and not a guardian who is protective over him. He always bounces back on his feet a little too quickly when he is injured, which can be concerning for many because he needs to rest and yet he doesn't. And this type of behavior can be seen throughout the entire story. So, it's not out of the ordinary he is back on his feet and ready to help out, despite having a prosthetic hand and recovered a little too quickly. Even for an elf like himself.
To others, it can be head tilting or not out of the ordinary. If they happen to notice these are actually gifts from a deity, it is up to them to tell Vasco the truth and I mean actually have him accept it. They need hardcore evidence to back their statements up because he may brush it off, acting like it is nothing.
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klapollo · 5 months
missed my fuckin jury duty date so i now i gotta make sure i get this second summons so i dont catch a fine. which. this is all bullshit my dad is an attorney so i'm almost always stricken from selection
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lifesver · 6 months
my only ever contribution to fantasy au is like: prince turned paladin against his papa’s wishes, turned corrupted paladin due to abandoning his oath one way or another but probably due to protecting his friends. boy who would give up everything for the little crew of misfits that becomes his adventuring party. boy who is not the toughest or bravest or best warrior but will get in harms way w his shield. boy who has healing magic that he keeps a secret and status he keeps a secret bc he just wants to be Some Guy.
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katsuhiras · 10 months
guys i think tsumaeda hexed me (I slammed a door on my finger and I'm blaming tsumaeda for it)
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deityofhearts · 8 months
love hurting my ocs :)
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
Kazu/maji is soooooo different than sae/maji this is because saejima and majima are best friends who go together everywhere and frequently close the toilet door in each others faces because they keep trying to follow each other inside and the other guys like No. im going to take a shit and kiryu and majima are like guys who are knotting each other every time they meet and conjoined at the groin , like majima will carry kiryus baby and saejima will raise it with him you know what i mean theres a lack of commitment (but no shortage of passion) with majima and kiryu theyre each others one night stand every single night but saejima and him stick with each other through thick and thin come hell or high water
#Yakuza loveblog#i just realised with horror that whenever i say kazu/maji without censoring it like that it actually appears in the tag itself#so thats why i have a typing quirk now#anyway you guys get what i mean#im not saying kiryu and majima dont love each other im just saying they dont love each other like saejima and majima do#kiryu is gentle and kind but he cant be loyal when nobody has ever sucessfully pinned him down before#saejima ... he is faithful. at the end of the day he will always come back to majima#and its the same for majima. saejima Gets him like no one else does ... they love each other the same way#i always say this but majima starting to wear his eyepatch less around saejima makes me explode fire and brimstone because he was hiding#damn near everything about himself his past his injuries and trauma because those arent for anybody but saejima. and saejima forgiving him#actively liberated him from those shackles. he waited for him every day and kept his head high until the day he could lower it to saejima ..#he bared himself to him then. showed him the life he was owed because saejima owned him then and had every right to strike him down where he#stood. nobody else was supposed to see his wounds because it was For saejima to judge if majima had been punished enough had suffered enough#for his sake .. the payment for his betrayal .. and saejima of course he forgave him. thats his bro ... the person he looks up to the most#so he forgives majima and majima is free to be his own person again not bound by honour or repayment. and he chose 2 remain by saejimas side#till death do them part or something like that#... the body text of this post implies that majima is an alpha. hes not jsyk hes literally omega coded ‘but hes so violent’ yeah.#hes meant to be like that.#saejima is levelheaded unlike kiryu so hes beta coded and he and majima fuck like rabbits#this is all FYI btw things i believe to be true backed up by source material
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eugeniedanglars · 2 years
lord help me i'm about to become the patient every doctor hates and argue with my psychiatrist based on google
#listen the woman is very nice i'm glad she picked up on my polite hinting around my anxiety/possible pmdd and prescribed zoloft#but also she's so overly cautious that it's driving me fucking crazy#she made me get vitamin testing and an ecg. okay sure no harm in that#she wrote me a prescription for high-dose vitamin d supplements. fine it's actually cheaper than otc stuff#but now she's making me go to a fucking cardiologist because i have respiratory sinus arrhythmia??#respiratory sinus arrhythmia is fucking good for you!! it means your heart is healthy and has good parasympathetic output!!#(admittedly my ecg just says 'sinus arrhythmia' and 'normal variant' so theoretically it COULD be a different type of sinus arrhythmia)#(but like. it's fucking not. i don't have heart disease and i've never had a head injury or taken digoxin#and also i can literally feel my heart rate change when i inhale and exhale and i've been aware of it for years)#and also!!! i cannot find a single goddamn paper that even suggests methylphenidate is unsafe in people with sinus arrhythmia!!!#also as dental students we send a lot of consult requests to cardiologists so i KNOW how much cardiologists hate doing unnecessary consults#like they are NOT nice about it they get extremely bitchy and passive-aggressive#anyway. i did make a cardiologist appointment so if she can provide me with an actual good reason for concern i'll keep it#but if not then i'm cancelling that sucker. sorry i'm not wasting my time and money just so a cardiologist can tell me#that i'm allowed to keep taking the medication that i've been taking for 7 goddamn years with no issues#personal post shut up
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emberoops · 1 year
okay so i am doing some preliminary googling before i reach out to Professional, and there's a framework for personhood which breaks it down into multiple different categories, which i think is very helpful?
like, it talks about moral personhood - which isn't what most people mean, but includes both regular people and corporations - the capacity to behave in a moral or immoral way, and going along with that, the presumed obligation to behave in a moral way. i can think of some people who would object with this notion (goldwave, im looking at you mostly, although im sure there are others who would object also)
then theres metaphysical personhood, which is what most people are discussing, and the qualities that make someone a person in this way aren't pinned down; it's very hotly debated. there's a number of different schools of thought who all view this completely differently.
there's physical personhood, which is mostly not debated but is also viewed very differently by different schools of thought
and there's legal personhood, which is important to the novel, but not the question of it. like, it's integral to the setting, and probably i will have it so that legal personhood has been extended to artificial lifeforms, but that doesn't answer the question of what makes a person, really, because the type of personhood the book is about it more metaphysical.
anyways, this breakdown is really useful. i can automatically say that artificial life forms would be moral persons in this setting; they have ethical programming, surely. if you understand what is moral and immoral, you have to choose between them; you behave in either a moral or immoral fashion. having the capacity to understand these things, i think, is the bar - otherwise people who haven't studied enough philosophy to have a strong system of ethics could be argued to not be moral persons, and i disagree with that. (I don't think the argument would be sucessful, anyways.)
the article i read also breaks down some of the proposed qualities of metaphysical personhood, and this opens the door for a sort of metric through which personhood can be evaluated.
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