#types and causes of Hernia
gynecologyhospital · 2 years
What is Hernia Repair? What are the Common Hernia Types?
Hernia Repair:
Hernia repair is also known as herniorrhaphy. It is a surgical procedure to fix a hernia. A hernia occurs when an internal tissue or organ breaks through a muscle’s hole. It is the most common surgery to be performed.
Types of Hernia
Below are some of the most common types of hernias
Inguinal Hernia: An inguinal hernia called as groin hernia. It is the most common groin hernia type. An inguinal hernia occurs in inguinal canal. You may see a small bulge on the pelvic bone. It is caused due to abdominal tissue pushing through an opening in your lower abdominal wall. This bulge may be painful when you cough, lift any weights or bend over. However, most hernias don’t cause pain. It doesn’t repair on it’s own and lead to life threatening complication. Most men affects with this inguinal hernia.
Femoral hernias: Fatty tissue or intestine part stick out into the groin at the top the inner thigh. Femoral hernias are less common than inguinal hernias and mostly affect older women.
Umbilical Hernia: Fatty tissue or intestine part stick out into the abdomen near the belly button (naval).
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Causes of Hernia
Femoral or inguinal hernias occurs due to weak muscles presented on your birth or are associated with repeated strain on the groin and stomach areas, and aging. These strains may come from obesity, physical exercises, constipation, and frequent coughing.
Adults get umbilical hernia by straining the stomach area. the strains may come from obesity, heavy coughing, or after delivery.
The cause of hiatal hernias are not understood fully, but weakness of diaphragm with pressure on the stomach or aging.
Symptoms of Hernias
Swelling or bulge in stomach or groin area
Feeling heavy in stomach that some times comes with blood in stools or constipation
Weakness or pressure in groin area
A burning or pain sensation at bulge
Shooting pain
Pain or discomfort in the abdomen or groin when bending over or lifting
Swelling or pain around the testicles
Hernia Treatments 3 types of treatments are performed for repairing hernias
Open surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Robotic Hernia repair
Swapna HealthCare is the best minimally invasive clinic in Hyderabad, India. We are providing the best treatment for hernia and have experienced surgeons to repair hernias.
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medtalksblog · 2 years
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jamiebluewind · 4 months
Eclipse the kitten update
(please don't glitch tumblr it's the tenth time I've tried!!!)
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Previous post
Welp! Winter's boy has a respiratory infection. It was causing him to wheeze so to the vet we went! Luckily it wasn't a diaphram issue (which had us worried because of his umbilical hernia). His hernia also came up normal on his x-rays.
(X-rays left out because might bother people, but I can send them on request)
He's on meds several times a day and taking them like a champ, but had to be put in a pen with limited free playtime (because nothing will stop Mr Indestructible from running around the house with all the grace of a car with no breaks). We DID get a reply after just a week from a really nice person who was going to give us one (shocked us let me tell ya because it was BIG dog sized). Unfortunately, they left it outside for us to pick up and someone else just... took it. Right out of their yard. And since all we had was a small cat carrier to keep him in (which was kinda cruel for more than a day or two tops), we ordered a cat playpen that we got for a decent price. We kept looking until it got here, but no luck. Still! It's a nice playpen and we have it set up so he doesn't have to jump if he doesn't want to (plus more vertical to enjoy later on). Sarah's mom also let us borrow her water fountain!
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We went to a new vet as ours was booked up (and he had already been wheezing a day). Everyone basically fell in love with him instantly. He left with a little toy from the tech, they gave Winter a jar of honey (one of the people in the office has bees and they wanted to give her something for caring about a kitten that most wouldn't have despite him having a treatable condition), and they've been checking in on how he is recovering (very well since I first typed this actually). He's basically got an entire vet office wrapped around his little paw.
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Also, the non-profit we're taking him to for his surgery had a cancelation and his got moved up to the 12th! Counting down the days yall.
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Because I gotta kinda mention it, this hit us where it hurts. Between the vet visit and testing, the pen, and the estimated cost for the surgery and followup, it's gonna cost us more than $2k (as long as nothing ELSE goes wrong). We're lucky that we're all super careful with our money, but there's only so much we can save up with three people below the poverty line. Still worth it though. I mean, look at this doofus
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He is so stubborn that we can't leave scratch posts upright because he keeps doing THIS! XD
I'm linking Winter's paypal, but I 1000% understand if you can't help out. Still, a reblog and a word or three mean a LOT to all of us so if you got a minute, I'd love some new post additions to show Winter.
(Truth be told, the only reason all the updates are posted on my tumblr is because I'm the longest winded out of the three of us and I take like 5 billion pictures. XD )
Speaking of, there WOULD be a bonus pic of him and his sister (Melanite, aka Miel) playing under my chair as my cat (Danny) looks on from a safe place, but tumblr kept glitching when I added it.
Edit: surgery update
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
Hey, popping in for education if you’re willing: saw your post about supporting all different types of meds and med relationships disabled people might have/supporting all, and was surprised by meds that could hurt your body but be worth it overall. Are you willing to give an example or two—I wanna be clear this isn’t a fight, I just didn’t know that could happen
Right off the bat I am taking two medications that help me so much but can cause harm over time if not properly monitored (and have a risk of harming me no matter what)
Tramadol and Pantoprazole Sodium dr
tramadol is an opioid, which is pretty obvious, it can cause liver damage and addiction. Tramadol is one of the more "safer" opioids, but it still carries that risk. However I still take it because nothing else has helped my back pain other than my cervical injections (which can cause spinal degradation over time).
The pantoprazole is like a stronger Omeprazole that you can get over the counter. I have a halatial hernia in my esophagus that causes chronic acid reflux which is very painful and can lead to the hernia getting bigger. I used to have to carry around tums with me everywhere and constantly be eating them. I would wake up periodically with my throat full of acid. I had to literally sleep sitting up. Now when I take my pantoprazole regularly I rarely ever have to eat a tums unless its for normal heartburn reasons. Unfortunately, long term use of pantoprazole can cause bones to weaken, leading to a higher risk of bone fractures.
These are just two examples off the top of my head. I choose to take these to improve my quality of life now, even if it leads to problems later on. I want to enjoy life while I can. That is my choice and doctor's should respect that. That's why informed consent is so important. Give people the facts and let them make their own decisions. Don't try to force a medication that's helping them away from them. That just leads to medical distrust, especially if you don't have any alternatives to replace it with.
There's also medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancers, or having to have organs or limbs removed due to disease or injury. These may hurt you in the short term, but overall they can also be the thing that saves your life, if not improve your quality of life as well. Even vaccines make you feel like crap for a couple of days but they are still good for you overall. Surgical procedures can have horrible recovery times and symptoms, but are also usually positive overall.
Choosing to undergo a medical procedure or intervention can be a complicated and difficult choice, and people, including doctors, need to respect that.
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htbrpblog · 4 months
(OOC: Trigger/content warning for gore descriptions. It's basically just infodumping about wounds and treatments because, come on, he'd do this if he had a blog. Plus, it's an excuse for me to infodump). There are so many things that can go wrong from a cut, so I'm going to tell you some of them.
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(OOC: Badeline sprite by Amora Bettany. Sprite edit by me. These are meant to be visualizations).
The first layer of skin is called the epidermis. The epidermis is very thin, and if you get cut only to that layer, it will not bleed. The epidermis does not contain any type of blood vessel. The very outer layers are often dead, so sometimes you will not feel anything if it is damaged, just like hair and fingernails. These won't cause too much damage, but you must wash them with soap and water anyway because they can still get infected. The next layer of skin is called the dermis. The dermis has arterioles, and capillaries. You might see veins and nerves there by proxy if you get to the reticular layer, but they are a little deeper. If you are bleeding, wash the cut, or it will likely get infected by something. Most of the time it won't be something deadly, but there are many deadly infections you could catch, so that is why it is important. If the blood squirts at this layer, you likely got an arteriole, and you should put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. If you have healing medicine to put on the cut, use it. If a cut gapes, you must use medical tape or steri-strips to hold it closed. If you don't have either of those, use anything that can hold the cut closed for weeks. The best thing to do would be to go to the doctor and let them treat you, or at least go to the store and get the proper materials. If your cut is yellow on the inside and looks bumpy, that's the hypodermis, and you need to go to the hospital because that can turn very deadly, and you'll need stiches. Here is where the veins and nerves are, and if a nerve got cut, it's going to be extremely painful, and nerves don't always heal. There are arteries as well. If an artery is damaged, it will squirt blood, and it is very dangerous to leave untreated. This is how people can die of blood loss. I have hardly even mentioned the deadly diseases that could kill you from just a small untreated wound. The first one is gangrene. Gangrene is when your cells die because there is no blood flow. It can actually be caused by an infection, and some people have gotten gangrene and died from it after only having a minor cut. There are a few types of gangrene. Dry gangrene is the specific type I was informing you about a few sentences ago. Wet gangrene is when you get an infection on top of your gangrene, which makes it deadly. Gas gangrene is when there is gas under your skin, causing it to create bubbles. It is deadly as well. The last type is internal gangrene. It can happen if your organs are slipping through a hole in your body, also called a hernia. It is also deadly. Sepsis is when your body tries to treat an infection but gets confused and attacks itself instead. This is why it's so important not to let any wound get infected. When it progresses, it will turn into septic shock. You will feel like you are dying because you will be dying. Some symptoms are being very confused, flu symptoms, difficulty breathing, fast heart rate, low blood pressure, pain, or being unable to stand up or stay awake. If a wound goes septic, you have to go to the hospital immediately, or you will probably die. Back to the main topic, if you manage to get a cut to the fascia, which covers the muscle tissue and can look white, grey, or blue, you must go to the hospital. You can also get necrosis from an injury like this, which is like gangrene, but it's not from a lack of blood supply. It will damage whatever cells it affects permanently, and it usually will affect the deeper tissues. If you manage to get an injury that goes all the way to your muscle or bone, like if you aren't careful with an electric saw, you need to go to the hospital. That could sever tendons or ligaments, so you won't be able to move that area as much anymore. You should always clean your wounds with soap and water. Water does nothing by itself. Do not use hydrogen peroxide, it'll kill your cells as well as the bacteria. Cover your cuts with bandages. Go to the hospital of you must. Do not wait to treat you injuries.
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rnanqo · 11 months
bout to rip my hair out cause every name I pick for this character is bad.
hercynia: can’t type it correctly ever. evokes hernia and yersinia pestis
hephrynia: not a name, completely made up. a little too distinguished. elegantly weird and I don’t want the elegance
iphigenia: slaps as a name, but then this character’s fun journey with dad almost has to involve him trying to human sacrifice her. compelling, but there’s enough going on already
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ausetkmt · 26 days
Packs on the Pounds -
Fast food is convenient and cheap, but you pay a bigger price in the long run. Those burgers, fries, and shakes usually have more fat, calories, and highly processed carbs than your body needs in one meal. This can quickly lead to weight gain and obesity if you eat it often.
Harms Your Heart
Sodium makes fast food taste better and keeps it from spoiling. But just one bacon cheeseburger can contain your recommended daily value for sodium. That’s the amount of a nutrient experts suggest getting every day. Too much sodium raises your blood pressure and damages your blood vessels. It also raises your risk for heart failure, heart attack, and stroke.
Spikes Blood Sugar
Bagels, buns, and breaded foods are high in processed carbs your body breaks down into sugar. As blood sugar levels rise, your body pumps out insulin to level things out. Over time, these constant sugar spikes can wear out your pancreas (the organ that makes insulin). This keeps blood sugar levels high, triggering type 2 diabetes.
Opens the Door to Digestive Issues
Fast food may taste good, but you may not feel well once it hits your system. High-sodium foods (fries, anyone?) can temporarily trigger bloat. Couple that with low amounts of dietary fiber, and your digestive tract gets backed up. This can lead to constipation that puts you at risk for hemorrhoids, hernias, and diverticulitis.
Affects Your Mood
What you eat and drink can impact how you feel mentally and physically. Fast food lacks the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs to boost your mood. Research suggests fast and processed foods you buy at the store may be linked to a higher risk of depression.
Makes You Tired
When a bunch of processed carbs hit your system, your blood sugar rises quickly, then drops just as fast. This can make you feel tired. If you grab a sugary coffee drink to wake up, the cycle starts all over again.
Could Impact Your Fertility
Phthalates, synthetic chemicals that dissolve materials and make plastics durable, are in everything from toys to fast food. Recent studies have linked phthalates with fertility issues and higher risks of learning and behavioral disorders in children.
Changes Your Bathroom Habits
Because it’s highly processed, fast food -- especially the kind that’s fried or creamy -- can be hard to digest. If your body can’t break it down, it lands in your colon and turns into fatty acids that spark diarrhea.
Invites Dental Disease
The high levels of carbs and sugar in fast food, including sodas, raises the amount of acids in your mouth. These wear down the enamel on your teeth and boosts your risk of cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Wears Out Your Bones and Joints
Excess weight and obesity caused by fast food puts extra pressure on your joints, especially your hips and knees. This makes you more likely to get fractures in the bones around your joints.
Raises Your Risk for Respiratory Issues
One fried chicken dinner won’t affect the way you breathe. But too much fast food can lead to extra weight that increases your risk of asthma, especially in women. More research is needed to know exactly why, but early studies show that fat tissue leads to inflammation that may affect your lungs.
Causes Skin Outbreaks
Fast food is full of ingredients that don’t play well with your skin. Sugar can lower collagen levels and lead to signs of early aging, like wrinkles. Salt drains moisture from your skin, but it helps your body keep the water that causes bags under your eyes. High amounts of saturated fats trigger hormones that play a role in acne.
Affects Your Memory
Experts think saturated and trans fats tell your body to make plaques in the brain. These cause dementia and raise your risk of Alzheimer’s disease three times more than those who don’t eat fast food.
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cerysdelaney · 8 months
Hello 🙂 Just wanted to say hi and check in. Hope you've been well lately ❤️
Honestly? I’m currently trying to do 36 hours of work in 24. My husband had hernia surgery (and we didn’t have insurance) so it took out all our savings.
- But I’m not complaining. I feel fortunate that I had the money. Now I just have to work twice as much to rebuild that savings.
AND I’m doing it in a sustainable way. 💜 We may not rebuild as fast, but I’m still allowing myself to get a massage every month and get structural integration work. I go to free yoga sessions run by one of my coworkers who’s currently training to be a yogi. I allow myself one night a month to go to the dark temple and learn more about bdsm/kink. I take nights to hang out with friends. And, of course, I make sure to spend quality time with my daughter (nonverbal, now preverbal autistic - she’s starting to say words, ya’ll, and interacting 🥰 My heart is so full).
I’m still writing, albeit some days it’s only for 15 min, but I’m encouraged by keeping up with it. I’m not taking commissions cause right now I’m actually finishing one about a radiologist with skeleton husbands (expect chapters of that deliciousness out soon) and about to start another that’s the sequel to Horrortale (a very different type of deliciousness).
I wish I could sustain myself on getting commissions, but I have to be realistic: I’m dyslexic, ADHD, Autistic and I have a family I need to provide for (and currently in a very well paying job I’ve put in over a decade of my life to reach). I don’t write fast. I never have. This post right here will take me 20 min - yeah, I know “WHAT?!?” But I spend a lot of time thinking about my words, and I like to think that’s why people like my writing ^_^ It’s why I like my writing. I re-read my stuff all the time, and I’m like, “fuck yes.” I love it. And I love that you all love it.
- This was probably not the response you were expecting. But I do want to tell you again that your blog truly is a wonderful bright spot. I have used it now more than once this week to unwind and take a 15 min break from the whirlwind of my busy but happy life. Thank you. 💜
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hi Purple,
I hope you’re ok 💜
Is it ok if I ask for an emergency request?
I’ve been dissociating pretty badly lately and it made me fail my classes last 2 semester. I’m worried that it might happen again.
For the past couple of days it’s so bad that I can’t even talk or move. I sat in the dark for 2 hrs before i could get up and turn on the lights. It’s so uncomfortable and frustrating.
Can I ask for Zoro, Sanji and Law and for some comfort? Or how would they handle it?
If you can’t that’s ok too, I hope you’re doing alright! 💜
I first want to say I completely understand, I've taken a break from school right now and debating on changing degrees just due to burnout. But I want you to know I am so proud of you and everything you accomplished! Just try to take a break and know I am rooting for you!💜💜💜
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He's the type who takes things slow and steady, so when he notices your rush lifestyle is catching up to you, he raises a brow. Just what were you thinking trying to take so much on at one time?
Sees the world like he would working out, you can only push yourself so far before you can get stronger. So don't lift a 100lb weight if you can't lift a 20lb! Take it one step at a time and then before you know it, that 100lb weight is nothing!
Suggests doing some of your favorite things to help clear your mind and distract you! If you are already too low in energy then take a nice nap! He's a solutionist, so give him time and he will come up with a solution for your issues~!
If you are in a state, he does his best to do things around the house for you to help clear any stress. Dissociation is usually caused by stress, so he wants to make the best of the time he has to give you some free space to breathe!
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Sanji is a words of affirmation and physical touch lover, so he will do his best to show his love for you through these ways~! Once he notices the hobbies that once brought you joy don't anymore and you've been spacing out, he sits you down to talk about how you are feeling.
He might not be the best with his own emotions, but he wants you to live a happy life, and seeing you like this worries him. His soft heart can't handle the brokenness inside you and he wishes he could fix it all for you.
Suggests taking a break as well if you need it, just so you can get your mental health back in standing water. Even if it takes a day, week, month, or year, he will support you!
Totally makes your favorite meals for you too! He likes seeing your happy face when you eat a nice warm meal! It makes him feel like maybe, just maybe, he can help you through this.
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Won't come out and say he is worried about you, but you can tell something is up with him. The way he stares at you as you stare into space, how he sits next to you now in the mess hall, it's the little things he does that show he cares.
When you express how you are worried about your well-being, the brunet only states you need to take a break. That you're pushing your body too hard and it's catching up to you. Reminding you softly that it doesn't make you weak to say enough is enough.
Similar to Zoro, he does acts of service to show that he cares about you, as well as quality time. He wants you to know how much you mean to him without having to out it, so his actions definitely speak louder than words.
Goes on walks with you. It helps him wind down from the busy day he had and also spend time with you and listen to you express your own frustrations. Just don't hold his hand or he might get a hernia!
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drvinayshahmd · 1 year
Most common surgeries done by gynecologist surgeon
Gynecology surgery comprises any surgical procedure that involves the organs and structure of the female pelvic region: the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, vulva, and vagina. There are several reasons why a woman might need to go through gynecology surgery. She might need treatment for a condition such as fibroids (benign tumors), endometriosis, cancer, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding or uterine prolapse. Gynecology surgery can also be used as permanent birth control.
The most common surgeries done by gynecologist surgeon are as follows:
Cervical Cryosurgery
Abnormal cervical cells are at times discovered during a routine Pap smear. Abnormal cells do not always indicate cancer, but your healthcare provider will likely want to do some follow-up tests or procedures. One procedure they might recommend is cervical cryosurgery. This procedure is a highly effective gynecological treatment that freezes a section of the cervix. Cryosurgery destroys these cells to stop them from developing into cancer.
Hysteroscopy is a process that your healthcare provider may use to diagnose or treat uterine issues. This procedure might be used to:
Locate an intrauterine device
Remove adhesions (scar tissue)
Determine the cause of repeated miscarriage
During this procedure, a healthcare professional inserts a hysteroscope, a lighted, thin, telescope-like instrument, into your uterus through the vagina. Then, it sends pictures of your uterus to a screen for further test.
Pelvic Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure usually performed under general anesthesia. But it can be performed with other types of anesthesia while you are awake. It is used for:
Gallbladder removal
Tubal ligation (tying the fallopian tubes for permanent birth control)
Treating endometriosis and uterine fibroids
Hernia repair
The typical pelvic laparoscopy involves a small incision in the belly button or lower abdomen. A surgeon then pumps carbon dioxide into your abdomen to help them see your organs easily.
Dilation and Curettage 
It is one of the most common gynecological procedures. During this process, a healthcare provider removes a portion of your uterine lining with a suction device or a sharp curette. The procedure can diagnose uterine conditions, including: 
Uterine cancer 
Endometrial hyperplasia (an abnormally thick uterine lining)
Uterine polyps (overgrowth of tissue in the uterine lining)
In addition, D&Cs are commonly used for miscarriage, abortion procedures, molar pregnancy, and retained placenta.
Common gynecological procedures by gynecologist surgeon include colposcopy, cervical cryosurgery, D&C, LEEP, hysteroscopy, and pelvic laparoscopy. Most of these procedures can help healthcare providers get a better look at the cervix, uterus, and vagina and take samples for a biopsy. Some of them can also treat specific conditions.
Understandably, you might have concerns about any process your healthcare provider or gynecologist recommends. Learning as much as you can is a good idea. In addition, it is essential to ask your doctor any questions you might have. Finally, do not forget to tell them if you may be pregnant, even though they usually do a test to check first.
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sk270114 · 1 year
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After hernia surgery, it is important to follow any dietary recommendations provided by your surgeon or healthcare provider. While there may not be specific dietary restrictions for all hernia surgeries, certain guidelines are commonly recommended to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. It's important to note that individual circumstances may vary, and it's always best to consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice. That being said, here are some general dietary considerations that are often recommended after hernia surgery:
Adequate hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, is important to prevent dehydration and promote healing.
High-fiber foods: Consuming a diet rich in fiber can help prevent constipation, which is a common issue after surgery. Include foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
Protein-rich foods: Protein is essential for tissue repair and wound healing. Include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts in your diet to ensure an adequate protein intake.
Balanced meals: Aim for a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients from different food groups. This will help provide the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for recovery.
Small, frequent meals: Instead of large meals, opt for smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This can help prevent excessive strain on the surgical site and aid digestion.
Avoiding straining and heavy lifting: In the early stages of recovery, it is generally advised to avoid activities that can put strain on the surgical area, such as heavy lifting. This precaution may also extend to avoiding foods that require significant effort to chew or digest.
Avoiding foods that cause gas or bloating: Some people may experience increased gas or bloating after surgery. It can be helpful to avoid foods known to cause gas, such as beans, lentils, carbonated beverages, and certain vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and onions.
Remember, these guidelines may vary depending on the type of hernia surgery you undergo and individual factors. It's always best to consult with your surgeon or healthcare provider to receive specific dietary instructions tailored to your needs. There are many hospitals in Mumbai where Hernia Surgery is done with great success.
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dallashernia · 1 year
Hernia Surgery
If you are living in Dallas, Texas and experiencing symptoms of a hernia, you may be wondering about your treatment options. Fortunately, there are many excellent healthcare providers and facilities in the Dallas area that specialize in hernia surgery. In this blog post, we will explore hernia surgery in Dallas, Texas, including what to expect and where to find quality care.
What is a Hernia?
A hernia occurs when an organ, tissue or fatty substance protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissue. This can cause pain, discomfort, and other symptoms, such as a bulge or lump in the affected area. Hernias can occur in different parts of the body, but are most common in the abdomen, groin, and upper thigh.
Types of Hernia Surgery
There are two main types of hernia surgery: open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery is the traditional method of hernia repair, where a single incision is made in the affected area, and the surgeon manually repairs the hernia. Laparoscopic surgery, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves several small incisions through which the surgeon uses specialized tools and a camera to repair the hernia.
Choosing a Surgeon in Dallas
If you are considering hernia surgery in Dallas, it is essential to find a surgeon who is experienced and highly skilled in performing this type of surgery. Look for a surgeon who specializes in hernia repair and has a proven track record of success.
One way to find a qualified surgeon in Dallas is to ask for recommendations from your primary care physician or from friends and family members who have undergone hernia surgery. You can also do your research online by reading reviews and checking the surgeon's credentials and qualifications.
Facilities for Hernia Surgery in Dallas
There are many healthcare facilities in Dallas that offer hernia surgery, including hospitals, outpatient surgery centers, and specialized hernia clinics. Some of the top facilities for hernia surgery in Dallas include:
Baylor University Medical Center - This hospital is home to one of the largest hernia programs in the nation and has a team of highly experienced surgeons who specialize in hernia repair.
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas - This hospital offers advanced surgical techniques for hernia repair and has a dedicated team of specialists who work together to provide personalized care for each patient.
UT Southwestern Medical Center - This academic medical center has a comprehensive hernia program that offers the latest surgical techniques and technologies for hernia repair.
Recovering from Hernia Surgery in Dallas
After the surgery, you will need to follow your surgeon's instructions for recovery, including resting and avoiding strenuous activity for a period of time. Your surgeon will also provide you with information on how to care for the surgical site and manage any pain or discomfort.
Most patients can expect to return to their normal routine within a few weeks after the surgery. However, it is important to attend any follow-up appointments and to notify your surgeon if you experience any complications or unusual symptoms.
Conclusion: Hernia surgery is a safe and effective treatment option for those experiencing symptoms of a hernia. If you are living in Dallas, Texas, there are many qualified healthcare providers and facilities available to help you. By choosing a skilled surgeon and following their instructions for recovery, you can expect a successful outcome and a return to your normal activities.
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clunelover · 2 years
On the 3rd I have an appointment for a couple more GERD test things (since the barium swallow thing I did in July didn’t show a hiatal hernia). They’re going to stick a camera down my throat via my nose and watch my swallowing function (ugggh can’t wait) and then they’ll do an endoscopy to attach a temporary monitor in my esophagus to measure acid levels. I’m so bummed cause I waited to schedule this until I was for sure having a flare. Not even because I thought it would line up with the testing, more because the attached ph monitor sounds so bad I didn’t want to ask to do that unless I was for sure doing poorly. So anyway, I made the appointment and then it was a long wait to get seen and in that time I’ve been up and down, and currently my acid is not so bad! So I’m really dreading having this fucking thing hooked into me (I’ve heard varying reports of whether it hurts or not but I’m, by my own admission, a “princess and the pea type bitch”) all to be told there’s nothing wrong and the acid sensation is all in my mind.
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
How do you know if you have hernia that needs surgery?
Have you ever wondered if the pain in your stomach or groin might be a hernia? Although symptoms can differ, hernias are frequent in both men and women. Women are far less likely to have groin hernias. Hernias may cause some degree of discomfort and do not go away on their own.
The positive news.  Almost all hernias can be treated surgically.  Continue reading this article to know the most typical types of hernias, how to spot them in both men and women, and what to expect from surgery and recuperation.
A hernia is what?
The layers of muscle and strong tissue that cover your abdomen let you move and shield inside organs. An opening in this muscular wall, known as a hernia, enables the contents of the abdomen to protrude outward. Hernias are of different types, but the belly or groin region is where they seem to manifest themselves most frequently.
What Does an Abdominal or Belly Hernia (Ventral) Feel Like?
A protrusion along the exterior of the abdomen may be felt or seen if you have a ventral hernia in the belly area. Patients with ventral hernias frequently report feeling pressure, discomfort, or moderate pain in the herniated area. Any activity that strains the abdomen, such as hard lifting, sprinting, or pressing down during bowel motions, makes pain. While some people have a bulge, they are not uncomfortable.
Who is more susceptible to developing a ventral hernia?
A ventral hernia can occur in anyone, although people who have had abdominal surgery are at greater risk. The scar from an abdominal wall disruption incision will never be as resilient as the surrounding tissue. This increases your risk of getting an incisional hernia, which develops along the incision site. Up to 30% of people who undergo open abdominal surgery experience this.
How can an inguinal hernia (groin bulge) be detected?
It’s crucial to recognize that both men and women can get inguinal hernias. People frequently think that only men develop them, and they do have a higher risk due to anatomical factors. Inguinal hernias can, however, occur in women as well.
Since women typically exhibit different symptoms than men do, many specialists concur that there is a good chance that this ailment is under diagnosed in women. Women might not have an obvious bulge. An MRI can offer conclusive proof if symptoms point to a potential hernia but your doctor is unable to confirm it during an examination.
Signs in Men
a visible or tangible bulge
throbbing pain in the area
a feeling of pressure
a feeling of the scrotum tugging on the testicles
actions that put pressure on the area, such as heavy lifting, pushing, or straining, cause pain that gets worse
Signs in Women
Sharp or aching pain
burning feeling
a bulge at the hernia site, while a groin hernia may not have one.
discomfort that gets worse as you move around
What symptoms indicate a hernia emergency?
Internal fat tissue typically pushes through the muscle breach when a hernia first develops. However, it’s also possible for a portion of the bowel to stick out of the opening. Although the likelihood of this is extremely low, if it does occur, urgent repairs are required.
If you have any of these symptoms then get medical help right away.
a throbbing pain that doesn’t go away when you relax or lie down
increasing pain
vomiting and/or nauseous
difficulty going to the bathroom
rapid heartbeat
What can be done to prevent a hernia?
By eating a nutritious diet and exercising, you can keep your optimal body weight.
To prevent constipation, consume adequate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
When lifting weights or large objects, use proper form. Don’t lift anything that is too heavy for you.
Consult a doctor if you have a cough or sneeze that won’t go away.
Avoid smoking because the habit might cause coughing that can cause a hernia.
Hernia treatment in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre
If you are experiencing any symptoms related to hernia, consult one of the best hernia specialists in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre. Best hernia treatment in Ranchi available at affordable rates.
TAG- Hernia treatment in Ranchi, Best Hospital in Ranchi
To Know More- https://www.orchidmedcentre.com/
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yourdrbhavesh · 2 years
How long may a person wait in a hydrocele safely?
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Hydroceles that remain the same size during the day are mainly scrotal-type hydroceles and are observed in infants. They are referred to as noncommunicating hydroceles. This sort of non-communicating hydrocele usually resolves on its own.
The hydrocele in which the parents describe a rise and decrease in the size of the swelling is referred to as a communicative hydrocele and will need surgery.
Because the condition is harmless, it may be watched securely until the child is 18 months to 2 years old. However, one must ensure that they are not caused by a hernia
For more information, consult Dr. Bhavesh Doshi one of the best Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai
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drrajeevkapoor · 2 years
Umbilical Hernia Repair: A Comprehensive Guide
Everything You Need to Know About Umbilical Hernia Surgery
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An umbilical hernia is a common type of hernia that occurs when a part of the intestine pushes through a weak point in the abdominal muscles near the belly button. Umbilical hernias are most common in infants, but they can also occur in adults. In most cases, umbilical hernias do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment. However, if the hernia is large or causes discomfort, surgery may be necessary to repair it.
The surgery to repair an umbilical hernia is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require a hospital stay. During the surgery, the surgeon will push the protruding intestine back into place and then close the opening in the abdominal muscles with sutures. The recovery time after umbilical hernia surgery is typically short, and most people are able to return to their normal activities within a few days.
Umbilical hernia surgery is a procedure to repair a hernia that occurs at the belly button. This type of hernia is caused by a weakness in the abdominal muscles, which allows a part of the intestine to push through and create a bulge in the belly button area. Umbilical hernias are most common in infants, but they can also occur in adults.
If an umbilical hernia is small and does not cause any symptoms, it may not require treatment. However, if the hernia is large or causes discomfort, surgery may be necessary to repair it. The surgery to repair an umbilical hernia is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require a hospital stay.
During the surgery, the surgeon will make a small incision in the skin near the belly button. They will then push the protruding intestine back into place and close the opening in the abdominal muscles with sutures. The incision will be closed with stitches or staples, and a dressing will be applied.
The recovery time after umbilical hernia surgery is typically short, and most people are able to return to their normal activities within a few days. However, it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions for caring for the incision and to avoid strenuous activities until the incision has fully healed.
In rare cases, complications may occur after umbilical hernia surgery. These may include infection, bleeding, or a reaction to the anesthesia. If you experience any unusual symptoms or have concerns after the surgery, it is important to contact your surgeon.
Dr. Rajeev Kapoor specializes in umbilical hernia surgery and performs umbilical hernia surgery in chandigarh. He is a renowned hernia surgeon in Chandigarh, India. He has treated many patients for hernia surgery throughout his career.
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