#tylee x katara
big-burry-latinas · 10 months
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three of my favorite ships in one, wonderful
Tres de mis ships fav en uno, maravilloso
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umbrum77 · 2 years
Tylee jumps and lands in front of the gang
Tylee: you are not going anywhere!
Katara: who are you?
Tylee: I'm Tylee (wink). What's your name cutie?
Katara: oh er uh gay er I mean katara! I'm katara!
Tylee (smiles): nice to meet you katara
Katara (blush)
Azula: can we get back to the fight to the death please
Sokka: seriously
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zukkaart · 1 year
A brief summary of the most popular A:tLA ships
Kataang: the definition of a power couple
Sokkla: The mental image alone is lethal, unironically the sexiest ship
Zukka: grumpy x sunshine trope at its finest
Mailee: black cat x golden retriever (yes there’s a difference)
Azulaang: pure unfiltered comedic potential
Sukka: walk him like a dog sis walk him like a dog
Jetko: which one will end up dead? Tune in next week to find out
Zutara: enemies to lovers with so much angst you need to just have your emotional support snack in hand
Tyzula: me and the bad bitch I pulled by being mentally ill
Taang: one is a pacifist and the other is entirely unhinged- the world would burn
Maiko: that relationship you have in middle school with your “best friend” before you realize you’re both gay
Yukka: the single most heartbreaking ship in existence
Azutara: two chronically jealous and lethal women? no one would leave that wedding alive
Yueki: they never met but this is somehow entirely plausible
Yuetara: princess x savior trope but in the cute way not the toxic way
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theladysilvermoon · 1 year
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Avatar the Last Airbender graphic novels - Paperback omnibus versions
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lovleey · 6 months
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Azula x Kai Series: Part 7
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Click here for Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five and Part Six
When they returned to the Fire Nation the first thing Kai did was ask Azula if he could be moved to the servant section of the palace. He was still ambivalent towards Mai and Ty lee but he couldn't stand the idea of going back to their house alone. Azula agreed and went one better, giving him a spacious guest room in the palace and having guards move his belongings in for him. She also said he deserved a better title than guard and he was now promoted to palace advisor which meant he was able to attend some of the larger war meetings and followed Azula around like a personal bodyguard. His parents wrote to him congratulating him on his promotion and everything he'd achieved. They didn't even mention Mai and it was crystal clear there were allied with the people on the throne over anything else. Kai didn't know how to feel about that. The Fire Nation were moving fast and the warships were growing in number every day. Ozai announced when the invasion would be and of course it was on Sozin's comet, the day when fire-bending power was enhanced. Kai saw Azula every day but in some ways, it didn't feel like it. She was so busy now attending meeting after meeting after meeting while also getting in time to train. Kai tried to tell her to slow down but she'd shot him a look like he'd grown another head and reminded him "we're at war" which Kai supposed was fair but he noticed the toll it was having on her. Azula acted, as always, like nothing bothered her and didn't speak of Mai or Ty lee since their return. Kai hadn't dared bring them up but he could see their betrayal had weakened her and made her feel more vulnerable. She was snapping more at the servant and behaving more erratically than usual. Kai figured it might be better once they actually left for war but Ozai scrapped that plan. Kai was there when Ozai told Azula she wouldn't be coming with him to face the Avatar and was shocked by her reaction. "You can't treat me like this, you can't treat me like Zuko!" she cried and although Ozai scolded her she continued. "But it was my idea to burn everything down to the ground, I deserve to be by your side!" when Ozai just shouted her name and Azula looked down stricken. Kai had never seen Azula ever speak back to her father and she'd never so much as uttered a word against him to Kai's knowledge. Kai thought this showed how much stress Azula was under and began to panic about what Ozai might do to her. Sure she'd been Ozai's favourite all her life but there was no love there and Ozai could take this act of defiance aggressively. Kai watched, a hand on his sword ready to do god knows what when Ozai revealed he wasn't taking Azula because she was to stay here and rule as Fire Lord. "Fire Lord Azula?" she asked and Kai stared at her, aware of how much this meant to her...but something didn't feel right. This wasn't how Azula's coronation was supposed to be. Her getting the throne just because Zuko and Iroh were traitors and Ozai was taking over the world? Kai had pictured it as Ozai training Azula for many years and then at an old age stepping down and allowing Azula to take full reign. This just seemed off and to have a coronation in the middle of a war? That was hasty and desperate, neither of which was Azula's style.
However Azula was thrilled with the idea and began preparing for her upcoming coronation. Or at least she said she was thrilled but Azula was way smarter than Kai and he knew if he'd managed to think of the oddities with this coronation so would she. He overheard her whispering to herself more and more and she got less sleep and food each day. The bags under her eyes were growing despite the treatments she was undergoing for her coronation and Kai was almost nervous to mention it to her. She'd been prickly and hot-headed a lot lately and servants were going out of their way to avoid her. One day a servant saw Kai coming and tried to run so fast that she tripped over and dropped the bowl she was holding. She immediately began to cry and Kai helped her telling her it was okay. "No it's not, the princess will kill me" she said and Kai assured her Azula was a kind ruler...and that she wasn't with him, the latter of which definitely made the girl stop crying. Kai tried his best to shield them from Azula, figuring it would get better any day now but it just got worse. Azula started banishing people first just servants who got in her way or inconvenienced her and then trusted teachers like Li and Lo and finally the Dai Li. Kai was busy putting out other metaphorical fires around the palace when he heard and rushed to Azula in her throne room. "The Dai Li..." he asked "what happened?". "They took 5 minutes to arrive after my summon" Azula said matter-of-factly and Kai froze waiting for more but that was it. "5 minutes?" he asked and Azula exploded "yes 5 minutes! Isn't there anyone competent here? Must I always do everything myself? They took too long to get here so I banished them". Kai paused "but I...they were the palace's last defence". "And?" Azula asked "I can handle Zuzu on my own with one arm tied behind my back". "But Zuko won't be alone, he might bring the water bender or the earth bender, maybe both". "And?" Azula snapped "then you can finally do something useful for once and handle them, if it's not too much for you". Kai knew Azula was under a lot of stress but her words chilled him and they were too much. Kai shook his head "Azula I won't go back to being spoken to like that. You're my Firelord and I will do as you say but I deserve a little respect". The flames behind Azula rose and Kai thought she was genuinely going to attack him before they suddenly simmered and went calm. She nodded her head. That was it, no apology or words left her mouth but it was an acknowledgement. "We need to re-assess the battle plan now with the Dai Li...". "Gone?" Kai offered and Azula nodded. Kai nodded "I'll do it, why don't you go get something to eat or rest. Your coronation is soon and you deserve some pampering". Azula nodded her head "yes...I do need to look my best" and Kai smiled "that won't be hard". A hint of a smile passed Azula's tired face but then it disappeared. Kai bowed to her "let me know if you need anything at all princess" and he left feeling like he'd just got out of a burning building somehow unscathed. Kai noticed he had a calming effect on Azula and so tried to be around her as much as possible but that couldn't always work. For instance when he left her to prepare for the coronation he returned to find the mirror smashed and her hair chopped off in places. When he asked her what happened she just said she got angry but she was very jumpy and Kai wasn't feeling good about this. The coronation was scheduled to happen just before Sozin's comet as that was when Zuko would likely arrive. So Kai led her to the large courtyard praying Zuko wouldn't show but of course he did. Zuko arrived with the waterbender and Kai was ready to attack her when an Agni Kai was arranged. Zuko and Azula launched into an epic battle and Kai decided to stay while the few remaining fire nation staff ran for cover. He had to move back when the fighting started because the flames reaches so far but he refused to move further because Azula wasn't herself. She was off, unhinged and he could see she wasn't doing her best. She was still giving Zuko a fight but this wasn't going as planned. When Azula fell Kai rushed forwards and Zuko's eyes shot to him. "Back!" he yelled "this is between me and my sister". "Like hell it is!" Kai replied going to grab his bow when the sky thundered and he realised Azula wasn't done yet. She was generating lightning and Zuko prepared for the bolt when at the last moment Azula changed direction and sent it right at the water bender. Zuko jumped in front of it and went down to the floor. He didn't get back up. There was silence as the smoke cleared and Kai cheered. "Azula! Azula you've done it!" when a bolt narrowly missed him. Azula was not celebrating and Kai wasn’t sure if she was even aware of him anymore. The water bender was still up and Azula was perusing her but destroying everything in her way. Kai had to leap out of the way as another bolt came near him and he could hear Azula laughing maniacally. He ran for cover and watched from the side as she attacked the water tribe girl clearly aiming to kill her. She wasn't acting like herself and she looked unwell. She was attacking in a frenzy and Kai knew this wasn’t right. She was going to hurt herself or everyone around them. He stood in a daze unsure what to do when the water tribe girl in the blink of an eye had Azula in chains. She formed a bubble around Azula trapping her and then tied her up. There was a brief silence as everything stopped and then Azula collapsed to the floor and began squirming to get out. The water bender must've forgotten Kai was there because she ran over to Zuko who was literally smoking. While she was healing him Kai stumbled out to where Azula was screaming and fighting with more than just the chains. She finally saw him and gasped "Kai! Kai come and undo these, we can take them down together!". "Azula I...". "What are you hesitating for?" she cried "am I your Firelord or not? Untie me this instant or I will burn you down with the rest of them". Before Kai could do anything he sensed movement behind him and rushed to Azula, turning in time to see Zuko and the waterbender watching him. "Give up! You can't win" Zuko yelled "we'll take you down right away" but the waterbender tried another approach. "You can see she needs help, she's in no fit state to rule. Let us help her". "Why should I trust you?" he asked "you're the enemy". "We don't have to be" the girl said and Kai softened. The girl could've killed Azula but she didn't, she just restrained her, plus she was a healer. Maybe she could help Azula. Azula needed a healer more than anyone, he just wanted to see her better.  So with a small nod Kai lowered his weapon and stepped away from Azula. "Azula I'm sorry" he said but she just began cursing him until finally the waterbender restricted her oxygen and put her to sleep. Katara inspected Azula, gently touching her temples before running water across them with her bending. "There, she'll sleep more soundly" she said "but she could wake up at any moment. We have to get her somewhere secure". Kai nodded and the girl seemed surprised he was so agreeable so he clarified "for Azula's sake too". Katara undid the restraints on Azula and Kai picked the unconscious Azula up, leading Katara inside. On the way Zuko touched her arm "Katara you don't have to do this, to help her". "She's your sister!" Kai spat "not that you ever cared". "Not that I ever cared? She had everything in the world!". "She has an abusive cold father while you had a doting mother, uncle and girlfriend. Ty lee and Mai were the only friends she had and they left her for you! I was the only person who still stood by her and at the end and even i betrayed her! She has nothing Zuko and she never did. When are you going to get that through your thick skull? You weren't the only abused child, you had a little sister there too". Kai's words only seemed to anger Zuko and sensing this Katara intervened "I want to help Zuko, Kai willingly surrendered and I want to re-pay him...and Azula". Zuko just shrugged and the two continued on their way. Kai was following the path to Azula's room before he realised the dungeons was probably where they would be staying now. Katara paused as he gestured to some keys in a guard's office and he got her to unlock the biggest cell. He laid Azula down on the small cot and Katara pretended not to look awkward. She healed Azula's wounds the best she could but told Kai there was nothing she could do for Azula's mental state. Kai thanked her for trying and told her she could lock the cell with them both in.
That situation did not last long, when Azula woke up she was volatile and violent, attacking anyone and anything in her path. She was furious to see Kai there and got him a few times before they could get him out of the cell. Azula wouldn't listen to him she'd only scream insults at him. Over and over again about how worthless and pathetic he was. How she never liked him and hated being around him. His parents must be so ashamed of him and other hateful stuff like that. They finally managed to tranquilise Azula and Katara quickly healed Kai's fresh wounds but she could do nothing about how he was feeling internally. The decision was made to move Azula from prison to a mental health facility on the outskirts of the city which was basically still a prison. Kai went with her and visited her every day although he experienced the same onslaught of abuse, when she wasn’t tranquilised and semi-conscious. He felt it was his duty to try and repair things with Azula but not everyone agreed. One day his sister came to find him. He knew Mai and Ty lee were back in the capital but hadn't tried to see either of them. He blamed them for Azula's breakdown as it was their betrayal that started it all. Azula was asleep and Kai was sat outside her room when his sister entered. They engaged in some small talk, or well Mai asked questions and Kai gave vague blunt answers not wanting to speak to her. Finally Mai said what she'd come here to say".
"Why do you come every day Kai?" Mai asked "you don't owe her anything". Kai glared at Mai but she carried on "she just shouts abuse at you all day and didn't treat you that better when she wasn't like this!". "Stop talking" Kai said but Mai didn't listen. "You need to move on, it's not good you spending all this time here! Mum and dad are worried about you and so am I. She's not going to get better and even if she does...". "Shut up!" Kai yelled "don't you dare even finish that sentence. She's in this cell because of you!" he said pointing at his sister "do you have any idea what your betrayal did to her? She used to mumble your names over and over again even in her sleep. Your line about how you loved Zuko more than you feared her started hallucinations about her mother because that's the last person who felt that way about her. You broke her Mai and now you're telling me to leave her here and what go worship that idiot on the throne? Fuck you Mai and if you ask me to do it one more time I will stick an arrow through you". Mai didn't really react much to Kai's outburst but she did leave the room silently allowing Kai to sink back into his chair and put his head in his hands. A few days later he got another visitor but this time it was Ty lee. She brought flowers for Azula and had a sad nervous look on her face "hi" she said but Kai didn't reply. He was less angry at Ty lee as he was Mai but she still left them... left him. "I wanted to come sooner but didn't know if you'd want visitors. I spoke to your parents and they said you never come home so I figured it would have to be here". "What do you want Ty lee?" Kai asked and she paused "to see you and to say...I'm sorry". "You're sorry?" Kai asked and she nodded "not for saving Mai or standing up to Azula but for leaving you and hurting her. I had no idea Azula...or that she'd...it's really sad to see her like this and I'm sorry for causing this". Kai nodded but didn't speak so Ty lee glanced towards the door. "I also just wanted to say if you need any help with Azula or anything just ask. I know I left you but you're not alone Kai". Kai froze as she put a hand on his arm and began to shake. "Kai?" Ty lee asked worried and he burst into tears. "It was horrible! I hate you and Mai and I missed you and you have no idea what it was like! I was so scared for Azula and I still am! I know she did wrong but there was good in her too and everyone's just acting like there wasn't! She doesn't deserve to be locked up like this forever!". Ty lee nodded and hugged him, patting his back as he cried. Kai got out all the things he'd been holding in and it felt so nice to finally have someone to share them with. Ty lee assured him she'd help him and Azula and once he'd exhausted himself she told him to get some sleep. She'd watch over Azula. He agreed and curled up into a ball "I'm glad you're back" he told his best friend and Ty lee smiled "me too Kai". After that things got a little better, at least for Kai. Ty lee was true to her word and she and Kai took shifts visiting Azula. That meant the burden didn't fall wholly all on Kai and he got to go home to eat, sleep and wash regularly. He saw his family and they told him none of it was his fault. He cried again when his mother hugged him and spent time with Tomtom for solace. His father soon disappeared but Mai said that wasn't unexpected and Kai agreed. He and Mai were speaking again. They didn't discuss Azula or Zuko but lived civilly with each other. Azula herself went mute the second Ty lee appeared. She refused to look at either of them and would be a limp puppet when they were in the room. Kai figured it was better than a violent banshee so took it as progress. Kai discussed getting Azula a therapist with Ty lee and she agreed it would be a good idea but few people were allowed near the princess these days. She was always handcuffed no matter what and the muzzle was only removed a few hours a day but was put back on with any show of bad behaviour. The treatment was inhumane and the clear cause was Azula's erratic behaviour and poor mental health. So Kai was determined to do something about it and set off to meet the one man who could arrange it, the Fire Lord. Kai didn't want to ask Mai but he knew it'd be hard to speak to Zuko without her so he swallowed his pride and explained he needed to speak to Zuko about Azula's care. Mai was quiet but agreed to ask Zuko for a time and came to him with one the next evening. So Kai came to the palace and was shown to the Zuko by some Kyoshi Warriors. They knocked on the door and a voice called "come in" which Kai assumed was Zuko and stepped through the door. Both boys were stunned at the other's appearance. Zuko looked a lot finer and richer with the Firelord adornment but Kai also thought he looked tired and paler. Zuko thought Kai looked older and was surprised at what a few months had done to him. Mai had told him how Kai was caring for Azula dedicatedly but he never supposed it would have this big a toll on him. He immediately felt a little bad for leaving all of this up to Kai and gestured to a seat in front of him "please sit, Mai told me you want to discuss a treatment for Azula?". Kai nodded and began to explain the current conditions Azula was being kept in and how in order for her to recover things had to change. "According to Ty lee all the Kyoshi Warriors attend therapy before joining and she thinks it will be a really worthwhile experience for Azula. At the moment, she's just alive in a cell but that's no way to live. I believe this can make Azula happy again so please, can I find her a therapist?". Zuko was quiet for a while before he finally met Kai's eyes. "Look I know we don't always see eye to eye and Azula's not my favourite person but I trust she's yours and that you'll do anything to help her get better. So I'll agree to it". Kai nodded "thank you Zuko...Firelord Zuko". Zuko nodded "you'll probably need someone very experienced and considering my father hated therapy that rules the Fire Nation out. I know the Kyoshi Warriors clearly have a system but would you permit me to speak to the Avatar?”. "Why?" Kai asked and ZUko elaborated "Air nomads are known for being the most at peace of any of the four nations, I feel he might have some suggestions of who can help Azula". Kai nodded "yes that makes sense...but are you sure he'll help me and Azula?". Zuko snorted "Aang? He'll help anyone, I think he'd even forgive my father if he asked him to. I'm seeing him next week and will mention it to him". Kai nodded and bowed "thank you" and went to leave when Zuko called "and Kai? Thanks for looking after my sister for me". Kai felt a mix of emotions but in the end he just nodded. "It's like you said, I'll always take care of her" and he left.
The Avatar did come through with a Guru named Pathik. Apparently he was good at taming wild beats so Kai thought the might have a shot with Azula. "Now I need to warn you, she can turn violent very quickly. If that happens you must get yourself out of the room right away. She's also very manipulative and lies a lot..." Kai explained on the morning of the first session however the Guru chuckled. "Yes yes I am aware of human beings, now leave us alone". "But don't you want me to introduce you to her?" Kai asked stopping outside the door. Pathik shook his head "in my experience, the patient needs to be alone for them to trust a therapist. You will not come to any of our sessions unless I ask". Kai nodded "okay" and stepped back so the Guru could enter. He waited a few seconds to make sure there were no immediate crashing sounds and told the guards to keep an eye out. They nodded and so Kai went down the hall and waited. An hour later Guru Pathik appeared. "So how did it go?" Kai asked and Pathik nodded "not bad for a first session". "You mean she actually spoke to you?" Kai asked and Pathik nodded. "What did she say?" he cried before realising "you can't tell me that right?". Pathik shook his head "nothing she says will leave my lips unless I think she or someone else is in danger". "Okay...and she didn't scare you off?". Pathik laughed "I've learned nothing scares me anyone" and he showed himself out of the prison.
Azula's session with Guru Pathik continued but Kai was disheartened at the speed of the progress. "You can't expect her just to be all happy within a month" Ty lee told him "it's going to take time and we've just got to be here for her when it does". Kai sighed looking to where Azula was sitting looking out of a window. "She has made some improvements and I guess I should be happy about that" and Ty lee nodded. Azula hadn't attacked anyone in weeks and was talking again. It was only small words in response to direct questions but it was something. Kai just wanted her to get better asap so he could stop feeling the ever-lingering guilt for siding with Zuko but you can't get everything you wish for. It finally felt like it was working 3 months later. Kai entered Azula's room as he always did every morning and began opening the windows and watering the flowers as usual. Azula was sat in a chair eating her breakfast and responded with a nod to Kai's greeting. She was no longer restrained anymore, sure her window didn't open more than 2 inches and the whole building was heavily guarded but in her room, she could now move about freely. That definitely helped her mood and gave her more dignity. "It's a nice day" Kai said and Azula nodded "it is". "So do you have anything you'd like for us to do?" he asked "we could read or play pai sho or draw...". Usually Azula would just do something solitary but today she said "pai sho sounds good". Kai was so startled he almost dropped the vase he was holding and he smiled "really?". Azula nodded "yes, I've missed beating you at the game". Kai burst into laughter and let out a sigh of relief to hear Azula make a joke. He rushed to get the board and returned to find her getting the table ready. They sat across from one another and played 3 whole games, interacting with one another the whole time. When Ty lee showed up in the afternoon she found them talking softly and paused. Azula tensed and Kai worried she'd close up again now Ty lee was here but she didn't. "This looks nice" Ty lee commented "did you have a crafts day?". Kai went to speak when Azula beat him to it "we had a pai sho day and I beat Kai 2-1". Ty lee smiled and if she found Azula initiating conversations surprising she didn't show it. "Well that's hardly shocking he sucks at board games" Ty lee said and Azula smiled "yeah he does". Kai hadn't seen Azula smile in god knows how long and it hit him like a tonne of bricks. "I'll go get us some water" he said and rushed from the room. He cried in the corridor quietly because he finally felt like the girl he cared for more than anything in the world was getting better. Azula's behaviour continued in this way every day. There were some days when she slipped and anger would come out or she'd go quiet again but that was part of the process. Guru Pathik said she was doing well when Kai asked him explaining the differences he’s seen in her. Pathik nodded "she is now functioning in her everyday life but we have yet to confront the trauma". Kai paused "do we have to? Isn't it best to just leave that...if not forever then until she's a little strong?". Pathik shook his head "enough time has passed for us to start unearthing it and the sooner we start the sooner we can begin healing". Kai sighed but agreed to let him handle it as the expert. There were a few hurdles again with unearthing the trauma. A few sessions were cancelled early because Pathik said Azula had gone as far as she could and she was a lot quieter after those sessions but she made slow incremental steps and got there in the end. One day she passed Kai and piece of paper and he paused "what is this?". "A letter to my mother and father". Kai froze wondering if she wanted him to sneak it into her father's prison but that wasn't the case. "I want you to burn it" Azula clarified and Kai paused, relieved but confused "burn it?". She nodded "Pathik had me write a letter I would never send to them and I did but now I need to burn it and I can't firebend in here so can you take it home and burn it for me? Tonight if you can?". Kai nodded "of course! I'll do it as soon as I get in" and he put it securely in his inside shirt pocket. "Thank you" Azula said and she went back to her book. Kai was momentarily stunned again because he couldn't recall when she last said thank you to him. Of course as things with Azula began stabilising things with Kai's home life took a turn for the worst. His father had vanished with all their money and no explanation. He later turned up in a distant fire nation city known for being conservative and rumoured for being loyal to Ozai. Kai and Mai managed to support their family with the help of Zuko and Ty lee but it was scary, made worse when their father tried to take more from them. Kai came to visit Azula bang on his usual time but something about his demeanour was clearly different. "What's wrong?" Azula asked almost immediately and Kai paused "what? How do you know something's wrong?". "Your walk is different, your hello sounded off and you're looking down a lot more than you usually do". Kai was surprised Azula would notice any of these things. Of course before her breakdown she always noticed small details but that was more so she could use them against you. This felt different and she was patiently waiting for Kai to explain. With a sigh, he launched into it "it's my father, he's trying to take Tomtom off my mom". Azula frowned "why? He forfeited any rights to you guys when he walked out on you". "Yes but he's powerful and knows people, my mother's scared and looking to me and Mai for help but I'm not sure what I can do! Even Zuko says he can't get involved!". Kai then realised that was the first time he'd said that name in front of Azula and he half expected her to crumble but she didn't even blink. "There are many things your mother can do but the first is to hire a lawyer, talk to Zuko and see which ones are available then tell me their names. I will be able to tell you which ones will be loyal to your father". Kai was surprised at Azula's knowledge but he'd learned long ago she was the smartest person in the Fire Nation. So Kai did exactly as Azula said and before he knew it, he was coming to Azula for help with the case against his father. Everything she said was right, so much so the lawyer asked if he was a law student. "No I just...have a really smart friend" he admitted and the lawyer nodded impressed. Thanks to Azula's advice they managed to veto the custody talks before they even properly started. The judge told Kai's father he could not take Tomtom away from their mother and until tomtom was 10 he could only see him on weekends in their home. It was a huge win and Kai rushed to tell Azula but he wasn't the only one. Kai had just finished his speech, thanking Azula for all her help when she paused looking behind him. He turned to see his sister had followed him there. "Mai" Kai said and she looked at them both, her eyes avoiding Azula's but she took a few breaths and looked up. "I just wanted to thank you" she told Azula "if it wasn't for your advice we never would've hired representation so quickly or might've gone to the wrong person and could've lost Tomtom so thank you". Both girls stared at one another, probably assessing all the pain between them before Azula nodded her head. "You're welcome, I didn't want your father to take Tomtom from your mother, a loving mother is something no child should be without". Kai worried Mai might see that as a dig at Ursa or Zuko and might argue back but she didn't. She nodded "I agree" and with a small bow she left. Kai and Ty lee were thrilled as now Mai and Azula were if not friendly then at least neutral to one another which was more than good enough. Word must've gotten back to Zuko because a few weeks later he came to visit Azula for the first time in a year. Mai told Kai in advance and he asked Azula if it was okay and she agreed. "Well hello Zuzu" she called spotting him at the door and Zuko immediately paused but there was no malice in her words. Then he looked at her and was surprised. The last he saw her she was in chains spitting fire but the girl before him was nothing like that. "Hello..." he said a little unsure "I'm sorry I didn't visit you sooner I...". "Was busy running a country?" Azula asked and again Zuko froze to see if she'd explode but she smiled "I understand". She gestured for Zuko to come and take a seat and he did sitting beside Kai. "So how are you?" he asked "I know that might sound stupid...". Azula paused before replying "I'm healthy, healthier than I think I've been in a long time". Zuko smiled "that's good, really good". Azula nodded and then Kai interjected to try and help some of the awkward energy go. Zuko didn't stay too long but the meeting was still a huge success. For once Kai could see Zuko caring for his sister and viewing her as a survivor as well as a bully. Azula was also kinder than Kai had ever seen her behave towards Zuko and he was excited to see them tentatively establishing a relationship. Kai was in a good mood when Zuko left, wondering where this could lead and feeling hopeful for the future. Azula noticed and laughed "what are you humming about? I'm the princess, aren't I meant to be the one who sings and birds appear?". Kai smiled "I've never heard you sing but I doubt birds would appear!". Azula threw a cushion at him playfully and Kai fixed on her face. "I'm just happy" he shrugged "Tomtom is safe, Mai is happy, Ty lee is doing great...and you, well I don't know how you feel but you look like you might be happy-ish. I know it's hard being in here but I hope you are in at least some way happy". Kai looked down unsure what Azula's response would be but looked back up when she called his name. "Kai". "Yeah?" he asked "I am happy" she told him "happier than I've probably been in a while" and she kissed him. 
Kai was taller than her but Azula solved this by pressing down on his shoulders and Kai got the message to crouch. They'd kissed before but it had been awkward and Kai had always been unsure but this? This felt right. 
"I'm happy" Azula repeated when she pulled away and Kai smiled "then I am too".
                                                         The End
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katarasmomsnecklace · 5 months
I wanna talk about all my fav ATLA ships cuz being a multishipper can suck sometimes
I wanna look at ship tags and not see hate for another ship in them
KatAang: Classic friends to lovers. Couples who commit ecoterrorism together stay together
TAang: She was a punk He did ballet what more can I say. But like actually they're so fun to analyze with what we have in canon, they legit give soulmate vibes.
ZuTara: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART another fun one to analyze, opposites attract/enemies to lovers it's a good time
KaToph: They're defined by overcoming their "weaknesses" Katara fought for her right to be a master despite her gender and became one of the most powerful benders because of her will to fight. Toph literally invented a whole new bending style BECAUSE of her blindness. Love them
MaiLee: Bad bitches deserve bad bitches, we love a sunshine and sunshine protector. Their fighting styles compliment each other as do their personalities
MaiKo: 'I love Zuko more than I fear you" will never not be the hardest line in the show. *doesn't care she got pickles* "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SHE SAID NO PICKLES"
Ty Luki: I just want Suki to show TyLee the ropes of being a kyoshi warrior. They have so much they can teach each other also if you like the Airbender! TyLee headcanon there's something poetic about her unlocking her powers with kyoshi's fans
ZUe (I actually don't know their ship name) we in rare pair hell but SUN AND MOON NEED I SAY MORE also applies to Yue x Azula you guys come up with the coolest scenarios that put either of the fire siblings in the north pole, this fandom is so creative
ZuKKi: Let Sokka pull lol but actually a King and His Guard and King and his Ambassador, it's like Sukka is great but make it better
Mai TyLee and Suki should be a bigger ship cuz I swear I'm the only one that sees it (help me name them)
Tell me about your favorite ATLA ships I freaking love these characters and I love when they love each other
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dr0p0fsun · 3 months
Hello 🙂 28, she-her; looking for any of the following pairings~ I specialize in heavy angst, with dashes of fluff and smut mixed in, so you must be 20+~ I write solely on discord and tend to average 1-2 hearty paragraphs per reply. I prefer an active, friendly partner who enjoys sharing memes and artwork of whatever pairing we're writing~
First character is who I'd like to write;
Sokka x Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Zuko x Katara (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Azula x TyLee (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Korra x Asami(Legend of Korra)
Enid x Wednesday (Netflix's Wednesday)
Adam x Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Charlie x Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)

🌻~ dm me directly, or heart this, if you're interested ~🌷
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hello 🙂 28, she-her; looking for any of the following pairings~ I specialize in heavy angst, with dashes of fluff and smut mixed in, so you must be 20+~ I write solely on discord and tend to average 1-2 hearty paragraphs per reply. I prefer an active, friendly partner who enjoys sharing memes and artwork of whatever pairing we're writing~
First character is who I'd like to play;
Sokka x Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Zuko x Katara (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Azula x TyLee (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Enid x Wednesday (Netflix's Wednesday)
Adam x Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Charlie x Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)

🌻~ dm me directly, or heart this, if you're interested ~🌷
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gathering0gloom · 2 years
Katara uses waterbending to get up onto Azula’s balcony. Taking a moment to dust herself off, she hears Azula’s voice.
Azula: I can’t believe dad burned you! Oh what I saying, of course I believe it! 
Azula wrapping bandages around a messenger hawk’s wing: I’m going to fix you and I’m going to get a message out to Katara! Slamming the roll down and standing up I’m going to do something!
Mai sitting on Azula’s bed beside Ty Lee: We already tried blowing up the airships. What have you done that's got you hiding from the guards? 
Azula walking over to them: If uncle would just talk to me...
Ty Lee: You can tell him you’ve changed all you like, your past actions kind of make it hard to believe you. How long did it take us to believe you weren’t testing us for treason? 
Azula: Lu Ten would listen! Looks down I know he would. The invasion is going to be crushed, you two are the only ones will listen to me. And I just starts crying I just want to know that Katara is safe!
Ty Lee and Mai exchange looks.
Ty Lee: What do you think Katara would say to you now? 
Azula: Probably something dorky, but also sweet. Wipes away tears Like how I shouldn’t lose hope. And that anything is possible, and she’d say that I might be scared now, but to not let that stop me because... because every problem has a solution. 
Ty Lee and Mai notice something and quickly get off the bed.
Azula: And everythng’s been so crazy that we’ve barely even been able to spend time together! And I am not going to let us lose the war before we go on a real date! 
Katara: Woah, you’re right. Azula looks around to see her girlfriend standing by the open balcony I would say all of that. 
Azula: Katara! Runs towards her
Katara: Princess! Runs to meet her
They embrace, with Katara spinning Azula in the air. 
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umbrum77 · 4 months
katara: what should i wear to get azulas attention?
tylee: nothing katara: oh ok. so my normal outfit should work cool tylee: thats not what I meant.
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darth-rain · 2 years
Avatar muse through the roof. DM if interested. Pretty much up for anything with Zuko (Zutara, Zukka , etc) 😁 I’m also down for other ships/characters. Just let me know what you’re interested in and we can go from there !
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sokkas1mp · 3 years
A:TLA characters' Hogwarts Houses (btw using the traits from this website on "Table 1")
Aang: Hufflepuff
Katara: Gryffindor
Sokka: Ravenclaw
Toph: Slytherin
Zuko: Slytherin
Suki: Gryffindor
Azula: Slytherin
Mai: Ravenclaw
TyLee: Ravenclaw
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Imagine being the reserved quiet niece of Ursa and cousin of Zuko and Azula, a powerful fire bender who catches Ty lee’s attention. You struggle to find a way to show her you return her affection until Azula threatens her....
(Note: this is loosely based on the comic the search which takes place after the tv show ended and follows Zuko finding his mother)
You’d grown up in a village terrified of the fire nation. Your family used to be the proud respected descendants of Avatar Roku....and then Fire lord Azulon showed up and demanded one of the line marry his son Ozai. Your aunt was stolen away just for being linked to a fire bender and so when you developed fire bending your family were horrified. They forbade you from ever using your bending but refused to explain why. So of course you ignored them and carried on working to be the best fire bender ever. You absorbed every technique you could read about and were advancing quickly....until your family caught you. They were furious but you were determined never to stop and so they saw there was nothing else to do but tell you the truth. They finally told you what fire bending had done to their family and urged you never to show your power. Who knew what the royal family would do if they knew you existed, if they’d take you too...and so you stopped. You stopped fire bending but you were restless, so much energy bottled up inside you, and so trained in other physical disciplines. Your family disapproved of your boisterous activities but they were better than fire bending so they allowed it. Even when your aunt returned from the fire nation they didn’t lessen their rules on you an inch. You listened to them dutifully but continuously felt the itch your fire in your palms. You vowed you would get to use your fire bending some day...some how.  
8 years later
Your family had socially and physically isolated themselves so much you were unaware the war had ended even months after Zuko had been crowned. It wasn’t until said new fire lord appeared on your doorstep that you realised everything had changed.
You were outside with your little cousin Kiyi when a well dressed man appeared. You immediately identified him as some noble man from the fire nation or maybe even a royal and tensed. The fear instilled in you was strong and you swept your cousin behind you before getting in a defensive stance. "Who are you and what do you want?" you called adrenaline pulsing through you. The man started towards you and you drew the knife you always kept on you "don’t come any closer". The man raised his hands and you realised he wasn’t quiet a man yet, he was about your age and had an odd burn across his eye. "What do you want" you said louder and Kiyi clutched your legs. "I’m looking for a woman, Ursa...does she live here?". "No" you said "go away". "Are you sure?' he asked "please it’s important i find her, here’s a photo of her". He went to step forwards and you raised your hand. "Okay here" he said and put it down before walking away. You picked the photo up and before you could do anything Kiyi frowned "mommy!". "Mommy?" the boy asked confused "so you do know her? She’s here? I have to see her!". He started walking closer and wasn’t slowing down. You didn’t want him to get near you and so used your best attack. Your fire practically leapt from you after being supressed for so many years and hit him square in the chest sending him flying backwards. "Go away" you yelled loudly "now or i will hurt you". "Zuko!" someone yelled and you saw a group come running around the corner. "Kiyi run! Tell Ursa to run!" you yelled and turned to face them. You shot some warning jets of flame “leave now” you yelled trying to feign confidence. A girl dressed in blue threw up protection while a girl in pink worked her way towards you with super human agility. You fired at her but she dodged your flames as easily as if you were a beginner bender. The girl reached you and you switched to close range attacks and the two of you became locked in a close combat. “No stop!” the boy yelled but neither you or the girl stopped. The girl was dodging ever single attack you threw her but you were getting closer. You singed her t-shirt when the girl landed some punches along your muscles. Your body cramped in pain and you flinched clutching your arm. You raised your other arm but nothing happened. You raised both hands but again no flame. Your fire was gone. “My bending....” you gasped and the girl knocked the knife from your hand. “Ty lee stop it!” the boy yelled and the girl in pink simply backflipped back to the group. “I don’t know what you did to me but I still won’t let you take her” you growled. The others matched your defensive stance but the boy pushed past them “no leave her I think she’s my...” when a voice cut him off.  "Zuko?". You turned to see your aunt running forwards her eyes fixed on the man. "Zuko!" she cried and rushed past you to throw her arms around him. They were both sobbing by the time the rest of your family arrived and you were utterly confused. "What’s going on?" you asked loudly and Ursa smiled "y/n dear it’s okay, this is my son Zuko, he’s your cousin, it’s okay!".
You family flocked around Zuko and all had similar reactions to Ursa. You watched still clutching your arm as they all headed to the house. The group with Zuko went to follow and you zoned in on the girl who had done this to you. “Hey you” you called at the pink girl. She glanced at you before bounding over “i’m Ty lee, it’s lovely to meet you, your fire bending is really pretty!”. “What did you do to me?” you cried in reply and the girls smile wavered. “Sorry about that, I’m sort of swore to protect your cousin so I had to attack you, i used Chi blocking on you don’t worry it’s not permanent”. “Chi what? That’s not important...what do I do to reverse it? Undo what you did!”. “ I can’t make it come back instantly” Ty lee frowned “it takes a while for your body to repair but it’ll come back soon I promise”. You stared at your hands “you swear it’ll come back”. “Totally” she smiled crossing her heart and you stared confused why she was so happy. Was she mocking you or something? You were about to ask her when your aunt called “Y/n come meet your cousins Zuko and Azula” and with a glance to Ty lee (who was still smiling) you made your way inside.  
Ursa introduced you but that was all the encouragement Zuko needed, he seemed thrilled to have a cousin his age and launched into a thorough interogation to work out everything about you while his sister just glared. It was hard not to be caught up in his infectious happiness. He called over his friends to meet you and you noticed how proudly he called you his cousin, a large grin on his face.  When the group reached you Zuko smiled “guys this is my cousin y/n! Y/n this is Sokka, Katara, Ty lee, Mai and Aang”. They all shot greetings at you and you blinked in reply. “Aang as in avatar aang....”. “Yeah” the boy smiled awkwardly and you stared “my cousin the firelord is friends with the avatar...the avatar and fire lord are in my house right now...”. “It gets old soon I promise” Zuko’s girlfriend Mai told you and everyone laughed. Zuko was called away by your adoring family but his friends stayed around you. They all began asking you questions excited to get to know you and arrived at your bending pretty soon. "You took Zuko out surprisingly easy" Mai smirked "you must be a skilled fire bender". You glanced at your elders worried but none of them were even listening, they were all staring at Zuko amazed. You’d never seen them look so relaxed before and it dawned on you that Zuko being fire lord would change everything. It would free your family from their fear and you smiled emotional at the thought. “Y/n?” the avatar asked bringing you back and you nodded "sorry yeah i’m a good fire bender" you admitted "well i guess...i’ve never had any training or actually met another fire bender". "Really?" Katara asked and when you nodded she smiled "so you’re a prodigy!" she cried and you blushed when someone started to laugh. You followed the laugh to it’s owner, your cousin Azula who was watching you with a cruel sneer. "A prodigy? How can she be growing up here?". You narrowed your eyes but another girl scolded her "you don’t need resources to be a prodigy that’s the whole point Azula"  Ty lee snapped before turning back to you "I bet you’re awesome!" she smiled winking and you blushed.
Your family celebrated well into the night and you wanted to join them but something was worrying you...your bending still hadn’t returned yet despite what Ty lee had told you. You walked away from the house and practiced the basic moves you’d known since you were 5 but could conjure a single flame. “Maybe wait a bit longer?” a voice called and you saw the said cause of your predicament. “Sorry I don’t know exactly how long but they will come back I swear” Ty lee frowned. You frowned staring down at your hands “I’ve spent so long having to hide my bending and now I can show it, they’re gone”. “Only temporarily!” Ty lee assured you “but I get it and i’m sorry....it must’ve been hard hiding who you were all this time?" she asked and you nodded "i guess". Silence settled and Ty lee stared at you. "You don’t talk much" she observed and you blushed. “I noticed in the party you’re rather quiet, that does not run in common with your family” she smirked as your family could be heard from your position outside. "Sorry i was always told to never speak about what i can do and so to have an audience just waiting to listen....it’s pretty anxiety provoking". The girl frowned and laid a hand on your hand "i’m sorry i didn’t realise, we don’t have to talk about that, we can talk about something else". You didn’t get why the pretty girl was with you at all but suspected she felt bad for disabling your bending. "Thank you" you said politely and a silence settled again. You winced, fearing this would get awkward but Ty lee seemed to be a cunning socialite. "So what’s your favourite colour?". "My favourite colour?" you asked amused. Ty lee nodded "your aura is hard to read....you’re quiet hard to read actually and that intrigues me so humour me". You blushed as the beautiful chi blocker stared at you intensely and answered her questions.
A lot of time had passed and still the two of you were outside and Ty lee’s constant chattering broke past your nervous nature. "So what’s your life like?" you asked now more comfortable "growing up so high born must’ve been cool, so much power and freedom..." you said wistfully. Ty lee frowned and you were immediately worried you’d upset her. "I’m sorry have i...". "No" she smiled at you "you didn’t say anything wrong, you’re right, i had many opportunities women don’t get but they came with expectations and set backs" she said glancing back at the house "i did things i wasn’t proud of just to be different...you see i have 6 sister who look exactly like me and so i struggled to stand out and be different. I tried desperately to not fade into the background and guess i fell to extreme measures in the process". You frowned and Ty Lee sighed before smiling "but that was in the past! Now i’m a kyoshi warrior hired with the protection of the fire lord!” she cried “my life’s pretty good now”. “I’m pleased for you” you smiled and Ty lee smiled back at you. You noticed she had a habit of staring really intensely and with how beautiful and nice she was it was a bit too much for your tired state “we should go back to the party” you blushed looking down and Ty lee nodded “sure!” not seeming to notice the effect she had on you.
2 days later
Your cousins arrival had certainly shaken things up but things were slowly getting back to normal and your chores were still expected of you and so you took your cart into town to get the shopping like every week. You were almost back to the secluded area of you home when you noticed a group of green women on the path ahead. They all had their faces painted white and had fans.  You frowned confused at the entourage your cousin travelled with when one of them popped out infront of you. "Y/n!" Ty lee cried "these are the women i work with the Kyoshi warriors, everyone this is y/n Zuko’s cousin" she said exposing you to the large group of women. "Hi" you smiled awkwardly and they all nodded to you “is Zuko okay?” you asked her. “Ow yeah Suki and the girls are just here to make sure it stays that way...that is a lot of shopping, do you need some help?" Ty lee asked looking at your full cart and you shook your head "i’m fine thanks". "Are you sure? It’s no trouble” she smiled and before you could protest she spun around to her friends. “Suki i’ll be back in a bit" Ty lee called and twirled back around to you. She hopped up beside you on the cart and you blushed as she perched on the armrest of your seat. “Lets go” she smiled.
Ty lee had a habit of finding you and joining you in whatever you were doing. You didn’t mind, she was nice company but that was also the problem. Any time she was around you became a soft slow thinking mess, made worse by Ty lee’s lack of boundaries and intense kindness.
Case in point, Ty lee was quiet for 3 seconds before she began complimenting you. "It’s so cool you can drive one of these things" she smiled and you blushed "it’s not hard really i snap it when i want the horse to go and pull it to stop...". "Well i still think that’s cool" Ty lee cried and you looked away so she wouldn’t see your blush. You’d have to learn to stop blushing around her or she’d realise you liked her. You reached your home and climbed down as Ty lee somersaulted off. You watched impressed before turning to the cart "if we unload it here that’ll be best". Ty lee nodded and watched you pick up three boxes. Ty lee stepped forwards and heaved two but they didn’t lift up. Ty lee frowned and tried again but they wouldn’t budge. "Those are probably a bit heavy" you frowned "try a bag". Ty lee lifted a bag of vegetables and then saw you discreetly lift the two boxes she’d been struggling with. "Wow you're so strong" she cried and you blushed "i’m not...” you stammered but Ty Lee wouldn’t drop it. "No you are i couldn’t move them and you just picked them up like that...i bet your arms are huge". Your blush was painfully obvious and there was no hiding it which made you angry, was she doing this on purpose? Why was she showering you in compliments if not to try embarrassing you? "I...i’m not...you're one to talk" you replied glancing at her toned physique before becoming horrified at what you’d just said and done. Ty lee didn’t seem to mind though she just blushed and carried on helping to unload the cart.
When you’d unloaded the cart Ty lee lingered as you sorted the supplies away and when you’d finished she still hadn’t made a move to leave. You liked being around her but knew you were so obvious with your crush she had to leave or she’d easily work it out. “So that’s all the shopping sorted, thanks for helping” you said and Ty lee smiled “no problem”. You nodded staring at her waiting for her to leave but Ty lee just smiled at you. “So i guess i’ll see you around?” you asked and Ty lee took the hint “ow i’m so sorry I bet you’ve got so much work...i’ll get out of your hair”. Ty lee smiled but you noticed she seemed a bit embarrassed and it killed you that you’d hurt her. So against the sensible part of your mind telling you to avoid the girl if you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself, you called after her. “Ty lee” you called “would you...do you want to stay for dinner?” you asked. “Really?” she asked smiling again and you nodded “we always cook too much so you’d be helping but of course you don’t have to...” you started when Ty lee cut you off.  “I’d love to!” she cried and you nodded cheeks pink as you led her into the house. Zuko and Mai were inside already with your family and everyone looked up when you walked in together. “Y/n’s here great we can start” your grandmother smiled “and she brought a guest”. “You all know Ty lee” you said awkwardly as Ty lee beamed beside you “y/n invited me! I hope you don’t mind”. You blushed as your family all told Ty lee she was welcome and made room for her beside you. “Your family’s so nice” she grinned at you and you blushed very aware of said family watching you and Ty lee very smugly...they knew you had a weakness for nice girls.
Mai was also watching and she smiled to see you blush any time Ty lee grabbed you or came close to you, two thing with Ty lee seemed to do to you a lot. Her friend has definitely brought her A-game.
You saw Ty lee around a lot, especially as your family seemed to find any excuse to bring the talented chi blocker anywhere near you. The excuses varied from sending Ty lee to help you with the horse, to calling you in for dinner, to having her bring you spare change on your daily errands. Ty lee seemed more than willing to help and no matter how crowded the room was she’d somehow notice you and make her way over to you. It didn’t matter who she was with she’d drop what she was doing and appear by your side, usually not moving away from you for the rest of the night. At first you found the constant attention and looks from your family embarrassing but you soon realised embarrassment was worth it just to have Ty lee by you. She made you feel special and important in a town and family that had always wanted you to be quiet. Ty lee seemed to make it her mission to get you to open up and you found you liked it. And her of course....a lot. The situation where you realised you couldn’t deny it anymore was when you ran into Ty lee in town. Ty lee surrounded by adoring suitors from your village what she caught sight of you. She called you over but never a fan of the boys your age you waved her away and expected that to be the end of it. Seconds later you heard heavy breathing and Ty lee appeared. "Phew your village has a lot of friendly people sometimes it’s a bit much...can I walk with you?”. You blushed realising she'd ditched all the boys in your town just for you and nodded "sure" and led her away from the group of simmering boys watching. As much as every encounter with her left you feeling dazed and humiliated at whatever embarrassing thing you’d done, you hoped Zuko would never leave so Ty lee could stay. You were well and truly smitten.
1 week later
Your whole family had been anxious for so long that when something did go wrong their response time was impeccable. You were all gathered out of bed minutes after Zuko called and stood around listening as he explained how his sister Azula had escaped his custody and was raising a revolt against him. You listened worried as your cousin explained what Azula was capable of and watched as everyone hurried to set protection plans in place. You wouldn’t be called on for your opinion or skills so you were just listening in the background when someone mentioned Ty lee. You perked up and noticed she wasn’t here. "I’m sorry but what was that about Ty lee?" you called and Zuko frowned "Azula kidnapped her, she took her as a hostage so we wouldn’t follow her". "What? We have to get her back!". Mai nodded "that’s the plan". "Well i want to help, if you need fighters i volunteer, I can leave tonight". "Y/n" your mother gasped but you shook her away "i’m a good fire bender I can help get Ty lee back". Zuko smiled "thanks y/n but were not actually planning on engaging with Azula". "But how will you get Ty lee back?". "Hopefully with a trade she likes those" Mai said dryly "it’s too difficult to sneak into Azula’s base so that’s our only option. She'll offer one we just have to wait". "Just wait?" you asked and Zuko frowned "I know it sounds backwards but we could do more harm than good attacking Azula". “That’s only if we lose” you pointed out and Zuko nodded “that’s true but my sister is hard to beat one on one and a group is too easy to spot, we’ll just have to wait”. You took in what Zuko said and fell silent. You stayed mute the rest of the meeting and may’ve seemed calm or passive to the others but you weren’t. You took in every single thing they said, every detail about Azula’s camp and snook away before the meeting had ended.
Azula’s camp was not as impressive as you thought it would be, just a small compound that was very easy to break into. Ty lee seemed to be the main prisoner and so you listened to some guards and found her location. You arrived outside the house you were sure Ty lee was being kept in and calmed yourself slowing your breathing and concentrating on what you were here to do. You waited for a guard to approach and took his keys before knocking him unconscious. You hid him in a shaded area before opening the door to Ty lee’s prison. You took out the first guard you saw with fire bending and he went down unconscious. A second tried to rush you but you winded him with fire bending and then kicked him over for good measure. The man fell over and went to get back up but your flared your fire "stay down" you yelled and he did. You straightened and looked around when a voice cried out to you. Relief flooded through your body to see Ty lee stood there and you rushed to her. "Ty lee! You’re....please tell me you’re okay?". She nodded "i’m fine! I can’t believe you’re here”. You smiled at her before spinning around to the conscious guard. "Open her cell!" you commend and the man scrambled to get it open. Ty lee swept out as soon as it was open and you pushed the two guards inside locking it and taking the keys. "You saved me" Ty Lee cried and she flung her arms around you. You hugged her back and smiled, going as pink as her top, "well i....we should go" you tugged Ty lee’s hand and noticed as she winced. "What’s wrong?" you asked and she shook her head "nothing lets go". "No you’re hurt...". You noticed how she stood awkwardly putting more weight on one foot and frowned "your ankle, you can’t walk". Ty lee shook her head worried how you’d escape if she couldn’t run "no i’m fine i promise". "I’m not letting you injure yourself more" you told her. Ty lee went to assure you she could exert it a bit more when you suddenly picked her up. Ty lee yelped as you carefully swept her up in your arms. "Is this okay? Does it hurt if I do this?". Now Ty lee was the blushing embarrassed one, you were holding her up so easily and securely, it was impressive. "It’s fine" she smiled "thank you" and you nodded. "Okay hold on" and took off into a run.
You made it back to your town with only minor incidences. It had been a rough night regardless and your arms ached painfully when you put Ty lee down having reached your home. Zuko and the others were still gathered inside and you hooked Ty lee’s arm around your neck helping her to the door. You pushed the door open and led Ty lee in. Mai glanced at you before doing a double take registering who was beside you. "Ty lee, you’re okay!" she cried rushing to hug her friend. You stepped away from her so Mai could hug her but rushed to grab Ty lee a chair. You seated it behind her and tapped Ty lee’s shoulder lightly. She took the seat shooting you a smile as the others all frowned. "But how?" Zuko asked. "Y/n" ty lee said proudly "she was amazing! She stormed Azula’s camp and carried me the whole way back!". Mai noticed how you brushed away Ty lee’s compliments and were blushing vividly. She also noticed how you stood protectively behind Ty lee and how Ty lee twisted in her seat to look up at you. "No it’s the bravest most valiant thing i’ve ever seen!" Ty lee cried and launched into a full blow by blow retelling. Mai watched as her oblivious friend made your blush worse and Mai smiled. It was clear you liked Ty lee but even clearer you didn’t realise Ty lee liked you too. Ty lee may come across as perpetually friendly but Mai could tell when she was just being nice and when she was genuinely impressed. Ty lee was indeed very impressed with you.
Ty lee’s POV
“I can’t believe you got yourself kidnapped” Mai scolded her and Ty lee rolled her eyes. Katara had worked on her ankle but it was a bad sprain so would take some time to heal. So Ty lee was forced to go to bed when all she wanted to do was help with the Azula problem. Mai however was very strict and seemed just as determined as you to make sure she was okay. “I didn’t mean to get kidnapped, plus it’s fine i’m back now!”. “Thanks to y/n” Mai commented and Ty lee nodded “I know, the way she risked everything just to help me...she’s really something” she sighed wistfully. Mai scoffed glaring at her and Ty lee paused “what?”. “You are not this clueless!”. “What?” Ty lee cried and Mai rolled her eyes. “You seriously don’t see that y/n is smitten with you?”. “What!” Ty lee yelled going pink “why do you think that?”. “Ow I don’t know maybe because she’s an introvert who avoids anyone but the two of you are always together, or because she brings you to her family dinner every week, or how whenever she’s around you she can barely look you in the eye without blushing....or how she tore down Azula’s camp risking her life just because you were there and then literally carried you back in her arms”. Mai sat next to Ty lee with a bounce and Ty lee stared “I....I never noticed”. “Figures, you never notice all the people infatuated with you but please tell me you realise you’re just as smitten for her?”. Ty lee blushed profoundly and looked down “i’m that obvious huh?”. “Yup, you’re not fooling anyone with all those excuses to run y/n’s errands with her”. Ty lee chuckled and then paused “you really think she likes me too?” she asked coyly. Mai rolled her eyes at how clueless her friend was but smiled despite herself ”definitely, so go get your girl”.
Your POV
After Ty lee was safely returned home and her ankle seen to by the healer Katara you promptly collapsed into bed. Your mission had been a resounding success but that didn’t mean you weren’t bruised and tired. You had just extinguished the candle when there was a knock on the door. You dragged yourself out of bed angrily and yanked open your door “what is....Ty lee?”. Ty lee stood there smiling at you and for once she didn’t have her signature confident aura. “Sorry were you sleeping? I can come back....”. “No it’s fine come in”. You led Ty lee into your room and hurried to tidy it and relight the candles “sorry for the mess I....wait what are you doing up! Katara said no walking" you cried realising she was on her feet. "It’s fine I have crutches!" she said happily gesturing to them but you shook your head "you should be in bed resting!". "You should know by now i can never stay still" she grinned and you rolled your eyes "fine but please sit down".
Ty lee would’ve argued she was fine but you seemed so certain she took the chair you offered her. You fussed around her, getting a cushion for her foot and one for her back and Ty lee blushed to see how much care you were taking. Maybe Mai was right....
"There" you said finished, satisfied Ty lee was comfy. "Now how can i help?". "It’s kinda the opposite...i’m here to thank you" Ty lee beamed "you saved my life tonight y/n and literally carried me to safety". "It was nothing" you tried to brush it off but Ty lee shook her head grabbing your hand "it wasn’t! Mai told me how everyone told you not to do it and how you actually disobeyed them by coming to get me". You glanced at her hand over yours and relaxed "well i...i was worried Azula might be being harsh to you, i figured even if i got caught i might distract her from you...". Ty lee blushed "that was very sweet of you but you don’t need to risk yourself just for me". You shrugged "i think you’re worth it" and Ty lee frowned "what do you mean?". You shrugged embarrassed "well you’re the nicest person i’ve ever met! I actually thought it was an act at first you’re that nice but it’s not" you smiled "you were so kind to me and for no reason...you just cared" you chuckled "i think we need more people like you in the world Ty lee, you’re very special". Ty lee let out a mini exclamation of emotion and suddenly threw her arms around you. You let her hug you, used to surprise hugs by now but you weren’t used to her kissing you. Ty lee wrapped her arms around your neck and pecked your lips with her own. You broke away immediately thinking it was a mistake but Ty lee just blushed looking at you "was that...was it not okay i did that?". "I...you mean you actually meant to kiss me?". "Yes silly!". "Because i saved your life?". "No because i like you". When you blushed Ty lee smiled "that’s a good sign right?" and when you nodded she leant back in. You were prepared this time but not for how great it would feel. Everything about her, how she felt, how her arms felt wrapped around you neck, how you felt wrapped together just made it bliss. It was a sweet but long kiss and when Ty lee pulled away you blinked your eyes open and stared at the wall in a daze "wow". Ty lee giggled looking up at you before you gasped. "You’re stood up! Ty lee!" you scolded her and she rolled her eyes "i’m fine, plus you realise you’re practically holding me up?" She asked and you realised without meaning to you were, you had your arms around her waist and she was hovering off the floor. "Ow well...i guess this works". "So if i want to stand up i just have to hold onto you ever time i guess" Ty lee grinned and you blushed. "I mean i don’t object to that". Ty lee smiled and stared up at you "good". Ty lee kept gazing at you and you lasted second before you looked away embarrassed. You blushed and Ty lee laughed so you just pulled her into you so you couldn’t see her face. Ty lee chuckled “you’re adorable” and settled her head against your neck. “You’re one to talk” you replied and Ty lee blushed too.
So I got Ty lee feels which has honestly never happened to me before but now I am obsessed! So might do a part 2 because I have lots of Ty lee ideas rn 😂
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maybe-a-fangurl · 3 years
The Moon and the Sun (Zuko x Reader) part 9
I’m back!! I am so sorry that it has taken so long to update this story, school started and I just got completely wrapped up in that and then had the worst writers block but I am starting to get back into things. I have also recently become OBSESSED with Harry Potter and have a few one shot ideas (and will gladly take requests) but my priority right now is this story and I will be trying to post at least once a week again. But here is the new chapter, and I hope you all enjoy and that it was worth the wait!! 
Part 1 Part 8
It was a simple plan, follow Jet to where they were keeping Appa. That was all you had to do but you shouldn’t have been surprised that things didn’t go as planned, for you at least. You were walking at the back of the group, and as they went around the corner you were spotted by a Dai Lee agent. You of course told everyone to go as you ran in the opposite direction, causing the Dai Lee agent to follow you and not notice the others, who you know weren’t happy about you getting split up from the look on Sokka’s face as you ran away, but you knew it was for the best. It didn’t take long for you to lose the Dai Lee agent, but you quickly realized that you had no idea where you were or which way to go to get back to the group.
Even though you were lost, you had to admit that the silence was something you found almost endearing. Silence was one of the things you missed about traveling with Zuko, you could always go out on the deck of the ship and just look out at the endless blue of water and sky. You loved your new friends, but they overwhelmed you at times and there was hardly ever a moment to just catch your breath since you were constantly on the move.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the footsteps walking towards you, and as you rounded the corner you ran into someone and were sent to the ground. You didn’t look to see who it was before you took all of the water from the floor of the tunnels and used it to hit the person right in the chest, sending them to the ground in front of where you were but before you could get up you felt something connect with your hands and you looked to see it was rocks. You quickly looked up to see that three Dai lee agents were standing in front of you, and one on the ground from where you hit him with water.  
“You’re with the Avatar.” One of the Dai Lee agents said as they looked at you, and you felt your heart drop as you realized they would use you against Aang just like they were doing with Appa if they captured you. You were quick to use your feet to bring the water at the group, sending them all to the ground as you scrambled to your feet, and by the time you had broken the rocks around your hands, all of the men were back on their feet.  
“I couldn’t just stay with the others.” You mumbled to yourself as you froze the floor under them before turning and running in the other direction, hearing the soldiers yell as they tried to get across the ice. You kept running, ignoring the yelling behind you as you turned a corner that led to a hallway with a dead end. You turned around, planning to go in the other direction but as you turned you were hit in the chest by one of the rock fists. The sudden impact knocked the breath out of you, you were sent backwards and when you hit the ground everything went black.
“You and I would have made such an amazing team, not as good as you and Zuzu but we would have been powerful together. If only the two of you wouldn’t have ruined it.” You heard a cold voice say as you slowly started to become aware of the pain in the back of your head. You slowly opened your eyes before letting out a groan and putting your hands over your face, the light causing a sharp pain to go through your head. “Ah you’re awake, I knew that my voice would bring you back.”
You slowly pulled your hands away from your eyes and as you looked up you seen Azula standing with a smirk on her face. You looked at her with your eyebrows knitted before looking around, trying to figure out where you were but you realized that you were still in what looked like the Dai Lee’s headquarters.
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you realized that if you were still at the Dai Lee headquarters that meant that Azula was in Ba Sing Se. You quickly got up from the ground, trying to ignore the pounding in your head as the room started to spin.
“Not happy to see me?” Azula asked as she looked at your attempt of a defensive stance. You just narrowed your eyes as you finally were able to look at her, and when you did you noticed that she was in a Kyoshi warrior armor.
“Where did you get that?” You asked through gritted teeth, her smirk only growing at your reaction.
“Mai, Ty Lee, and I ran into some of your friends. Don’t worry they’re all okay, just in prison. But their little dresses were able to get us into Ba Sing Se and then I met with the Dai Lee and we’ve all been great friends since.” She said in a pride filled voice, one that made your skin crawl.
You knew that right now you wouldn’t be able to beat her in a fight, but you also knew that since you were injured she wouldn’t expect anything. So, while she was focused on her story you took your chance and lunged at her, causing her to let out a small scream as the two of you went to the ground. You were quick to pin her arms down with your knees and use the rest of your weight to hold down her torso. The shock on her face was quickly replaced with anger as she struggled against you but eventually let out a sigh and glared at you.
“What are you going to do? Hold me down until your friends come? Well I hate to tell you, but they aren’t going to make it.” She said, and your heart dropped at her words, and you pressed down harder against her arms as you narrowed your eyes.  
“Why are you here Azula?” You asked in a cold tone, one that shocked her, but she didn’t let it show as she let out another cold laugh.
“I’m here to take the Earth Kingdom, claim it in the name of the Fire Nation.” She said in a calm voice, the pride and arrogance practically dripping from her lips as she looked up at you with that same smirk that she had been wearing since you were kids.
“You’re not going to.” You said, trying to sound sure of it but even you didn’t believe it. You knew that if she had all of the Dai Lee agents with her along with Mai and Ty Lee, and possibly other fire nation soldiers along with the element of surprise that the Earth Kingdom didn’t stand a chance.
“I already have.” She stated and before you had the chance to say anything back you heard the door open and looked to see Mai and Ty Lee walk in, both of them letting out a gasp as they seen you pinning Azula down.
“I really didn’t think you had it in you.” Mai said in a flat tone, and you knew that deep down she enjoyed seeing Azula being bested.
“You could join us you know.” Ty Lee pleaded, and as you moved your eyes away from Mai to her you could see the desperation in her eyes. “You could help us.”
“She wouldn’t even betray her new friends for Zuzu, don’t think that she would for us.” Azula said and you watched Ty Lee’s face drop, realization setting in. They knew that they weren’t going to change your mind, that things would never be the same as they were when you were kids, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. And you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt you as well, because deep down you longed to be on the same side as your friends.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled as you looked away from Ty Lee and over to Mai, and right as you made eye contact her gaze hardened.
“Me too.” Mai said as she started to throw knifes your way, you were able to dodge the first one but the second one caught your arm and you were forced to move off of Azula to dodge the third one.
As you stood back up the room spun a little bit from your head still being tender, and the spinning was enough to make you miss the fourth knife coming your way until it was right in front of you. You tried to dodge it but you stumbled and it slid across the side of your face, causing Ty Lee to let out a gasp. Before you had any time to react Azula swept your feet out from under you, causing you to land on your back as you let out a groan.  “Truly you should have thought all of that through just a little more.” Azula said as she stood up and rubbed her arms where your knees were just moments ago. You tried to get up but before you could you felt something pin your wrist to the ground and as you looked up you seen Dai Lee agents entering the room. You tried to pull your hands out of the rock fists, but it was no use, and as you looked over at Azula you seen a pity filled look before she put her stoic expression back on. “You know where to take her.”
“Yes princess.” The man said as you were pulled up from the ground, and they started dragging you towards a door.
“I’m really sorry it has to be this way, but I assure you that you won’t be alone for very long.” She said, and you watched as the smirk returned to her face. “You and Zuzu can have some quality time, if he doesn’t put up too much of a fight.” “No.” You said as you realized she knew that him and Iroh were here. You started to move around, trying to get loose from the agents grip on your arms but it was no use. “Azula, you better not hurt him!” “Well I can’t make any promises, he is traitor to the Fire Nation after all.” She said as her smirk grew, and you tried to fight harder against the guards.
“Azula!” You yelled as they continued to drag you away, you yelled as many threats as you could at her, but you knew they were all pointless. She was going to do whatever she wanted to do and there was nothing that you could do about it.
You felt numb as you were left alone in a chamber full of crystals, and it took everything in you to sit up and lean against one of the crystals. You were able to use the rest of the water in your pouch to heal the cut on your arm and face the best you could but with the small amount of water you knew that there would still be a scar.
“I should have just stayed with them.” You mumbled to yourself as you laid your head back against the crystals and closed your eyes, letting the exhaustion take over.
“Zuko what happened to your eye?” You asked as you rushed over to him, putting your hand on the side of his face as you looked at him. His eye was badly bruised, and as you looked closer at him you realized that he had a cut across his nose as well. “Who did this?” “I don’t want to talk about it.” He grumbled as he pushed you away, walking past you and down the hallway. “Well I want you to.” You said as you walked behind him, trying to catch up with him. “I want to know who did this to you.” “It isn’t any of your business!” Zuko yelled as he turned around and looked at you, his hand going up and pointing at you, causing you to flinch. His eyes got wide as he seen you flinch and he immediately brought his hands to his side as he looked at you with sad eyes. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to talk about it.” “Okay.” You said and before you could say anything else he turned and walked away from you. You let out a sigh before walking towards the turtle duck pond, it was one of the only places in the castle that you truly felt like you belonged. Everywhere else felt so hot and dry but by the pond you could felt at home, you could feel the water moving around the pond and feel the water within the plants.  
You sat down and looked down at the turtle ducks as they swam around, bringing a small smile to your face before the thought of Zuko raising his hand and yelling at you made it disappear.
“Why so sad y/n? Is Zuzu mad about being bested and not talking to you?” She asked in a cocky tone as she walked up behind you, and you turned to see her signature smirk on her face, but as she seen the look on your face is softened a little bit. “Don’t tell me he took his anger out on you.” “It was my fault I shouldn’t have pushed him.” You said before raising your eyebrows at her comment. “What do you mean bested?” “We spared today, and I beat him.” She said in a proud tone, but her smirk fell as you looked at her, causing her to let out a scoff. “Don’t be mad that I’m better than your boyfriend.” “He isn’t my boyfriend.” You said to her before looking back at the water. “I just don’t understand why you have to take things so far, you didn’t have to hurt him.” “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” She said as she sat down beside you, and you just shook your head as you kept your eyes on the water.
“He’s your brother, you shouldn’t want to hurt him.” You said as you let out a sigh and looked over at her. “Your mother always wanted the two of you to get along, and I do too because it’s insufferable when the two of you are fighting, especially when you try to use me against one another.” “Well my mother isn’t here so it doesn’t really matter what she wants, does it?” She asked in a cold tone as she turned away from you, looking at the turtle ducks. “And I don’t bother using you against Zuko, it’s no use because you always chose him over me.” “That isn’t true Azula, and you know it.” You said to her, but she just let out a scoff.
“It’s okay, I know the truth.” She said in the same cold tone as before, but her words were less bitter and more sorrowful than before. “You and Zuzu will always be the perfect team, me never having your true loyalty.”
Part 10
@tpwkatsumu @caswinchester2000 @frickin-bats @winchestergirl907 @eridanuswave @the-firebender-girl @myarthetics @royahllty @izzieserra @akariblue  @coldlilheart @thirstyforsometea @cirtruss @lammello @bigbuckyenergy @aangsupremacy @lozzybowe @duh-dobrik @emogril @justab-eautifulmess @whalerus @im-me-and-noone-else @nataliahaslosthershit @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @slytherky @shemakesfanvids @sokkas-honour
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