#tyche asks
cloverandstuff · 6 months
Do you think Ivan's love was really one-sided? This question is driving me insane, I need to know
Oh dear, first ask and its this-
TLDR: Ivan's love was one-sided until the very end but Till did have the potential to love Ivan back if their circumstances were much different.
Alright, the simple answer would be yes.
Ivan's love for Till was always meant to be tragic, desperate and unfulfilled in order to have the impact that it did.
This also lines up with a conversation he had with Sua about dying for the person they loved. He criticized Sua because her death would hurt Mizi because Mizi loved her, and Sua was a coward to try to run away from that fact.
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Ivan, on the other hand, did the exact same thing, because he knew that in his case, Till never loved him back so his death wouldn't hurt him. He died cause he knew he could so and not be a hypocrite.
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Till never shows Ivan in his flashbacks and Till never seems to look at Ivan unless instigated to. And even then, it's often briefly and barely. Till didn't love Ivan, not in the romantic sense...
Mizi loved Sua, Till loved Mizi and Ivan loved Till and it was always supposed to be this way.
BUT the thing about all these things is the love was borne out of finding solace and hope in another person. They were in an abusive, controlling and dull environment and looked to another person to find a will to live.
So that being said, while Till didn't love Ivan, I think there was potential for that love. Because I do think Till did care about Ivan to some extent.
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Maybe if they weren't in such a horrid enviroment, maybe if they were all free and allowed to do and love whatever and whoever, Till could've loved Ivan.
Because Till did hesitate when it came to running away with Ivan. Ivan never saw this, but Till looked almost guilty, nervous and scared before turning back.
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And when Ivan died, the reaction that Till showed was maybe of that of a person who cared. Who looked worried and confused. Of a persons who lost everything.
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In another universe, maybe Hyuna managed to save them both, and Till manages to learn to move on from Mizi, and Ivan's love for Till tones down, and Till can love Ivan.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 5 months
8 i 10?
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
a project idea ive abandoned nearly completly would be miłość mleko i węgiel (love milk and coal) which was just brutalism yuri vaguely based around stories from my grandparents youth. Some of it got cannibalized into space mining i believe and some of it i still want to reuse later on with a new oc story idea i havent yet talked about
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10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
Anything loose and baggy
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months
If you were a child of one god, who would it be?(Idk for me I’m a goofball🤣)
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percexe · 4 months
WOOOOOOO MASSIVE W FOR THE SAWYERHEADS 2DAY!!!! i love them sm <3 luck powers are both a surprisingly powerful and hilariously goofy gimmick
SAWYERHEADS STAY WINNING RAHHHH it really is such a fascinating power. i need to figure out a way to showcase it earlier than on my silly plot timeline because it’s sooo fun
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diana-thyme · 5 months
hi! i’m not sure if you work with tyche, but if you do: can i ask what personal signs you saw that made you realize? if not no worries :) luck symbols like four leaf clovers, ladybugs, etc have been following me so much…a dream about dice…
I honor Tyche often, but I don’t personally work with her. I do work with and worship other deities who I’ve gotten signs from, though! One example is Hera. I worship her and was called to her through signs. Lots of cows, peacocks, the works.
My personal rule is that if I see something I can consider a sign three times in a row, it’s a sign. I’d recommend choosing one thing (if you’d like) to focus on. You could simply ask for signs in general, I just tend to ask for one thing because my brain is too busy to recognize multiple signs. Ask to see three ladybugs. Three dice. Whatever you’d like!
I also want to point out that you do not need signs to work with or worship a deity! For deity work, I like to worship the deity for a bit to build up a relationship, then move on to work whenever I feel comfortable. It helps to establish an altar (if you want one) and to understand what exactly goes into worshipping said deity (their favorite offerings, the best prayers, etc.). But really, you don’t have to do that either. You can simply start working with a deity. If you believe a deity is reaching out, worship (or work with) them! Honestly, there’s no risks unless you are outwardly rude to them (and you’d know if you were being rude).
Good luck! Tyche is a lovely deity and she’s one of the minority that was worshipped in Ancient Greece, meaning there’s a lot of research about her. Have fun!
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lexihowardhoney · 7 months
ja tłumączacx w 2065 moim wnukom geniusz shipu wokulski x wąsowska, wiedząc że wcale nie takim związkiem się zakończyła lalka:
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amazingmsme · 15 days
(Elpenor Anon)
For no reason, Dionysus and Tyche are closely related to Elpenor for me.
I don’t know, it’s the vibes.
Vibe wise I totally see it!
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szczylpierdolony · 25 days
hej, kojarzę, że czytasz reportaże, myślałam, żeby też zacząć. masz może jakieś tytuły albo autorów do polecenia?
omgg tak!!
generalnie to serdecznie polecam serię sulina z wydawnictwa czarne, jeszcze na żadnej z tych książek się nie zawiodłam. książki rafała hetmana zwłaszcza utknęły mi w pamięci (izbica, izbica i las zbliża się powoli), ale podobnie było z tytułami tomasza słomczyńskiego (sopoty i kaszëbë) i 'strupem’ katarzyny kobylarczyk i 'kajsiem’ zbigniewa rokity
wgl polecam się rozejrzeć za książkami z czarnego bo chyba nie ma miejsca ani czasu o którym ktoś by tam czegoś nie napisał plus te książki są stosunkowo łatwo dostępne i często mają je w bibliotekach (z ich standardowej serii polecam ‘kwiaty w pudełku’ karoliny bednarz, 'ku klux klan’ katarzyny surmiak domańskiej, 'kraj niespokojnego poranka’ romana husarskiego i 'podhale’ aleksandra gurgula)
a jeśli chodzi o inne wydawnictwa to ‘27 śmierci tony’ego obeda’ joanny gierak onoszko (trudna lektura ale warta czasu) i czasami jeszcze przeglądam książki z reportażowej serii krytyki politycznej, ale one są strasznie drogie względem długości treści imo więc bardzo rzadko po nie sięgam no chyba że mam od kogo pożyczyć, ale o 'betonozie’ słyszałam dobre rzeczy (natomiast książka o polakach norwegii dupy nie urywa delikatnie mówiąc)
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travelingthief · 3 months
Hello, I was wondering if you know if there's a symbol of Tyche?
I am not very familiar with her, but a friend of mine, a young pagan is very fond of her and feels favored by her, and I'd like to get him a symbol pendant for her but in quick searching so far I haven't had much luck besides two sites using the exact same image and nothing else as an actual symbol
As far as I know, the cornucopia and wheel of fortune are well-known symbols of Tyche. I imagine the cornucopia is a hard image to find on a pendant, but I see tarot card necklaces all the time and I'm sure you find one for the Wheel of Fortune!!
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wivesandwallets · 3 months
YOU CANT RIZZ THE RIZZLER !! (you absolutely can once she's down bad)
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damedechance · 6 months
Do all your OnlyFans fics take place in the same universe, or are they standalones with variations on the theme?
Oooooh good question anon! They're all standalones, they don't take place in the same universe at all. Which is why you'll see Rhys being a professor in one of them and CEO of a tech company in another, for example 😂
But imagine all of them as adult content creators.... What a lovely mess that would be 👀
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growling · 8 months
thx for calling me funny szczerze myslalem ze mnie nie lubisz ze jakis beef tu ma miejsce niewypowiedziany
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anyway jomi wisniewski
Bede szczery ja ledwo co pamintam co sie dziao w sierpniu 2023 to już dla mie daleka przeszłość coś ja mam z pamięcio chyba lol. Moja teoria to że jak obsesyjnie wchodziłem w #rain code co pare godzin dziennie szukając i blokując wszystkich co choćby coś źle wyrazili gdzieś to było pare szkód przypadkowych ja już ni pamintam za co kogo blokowaem tylko za instynktem zwierza łownego szłem XD jakoś sie stopniowo uspakajałem po tych pare miesięcy jak leciały, ALE przez jakiś długi czas jeszcze mi sie ubrdało że istniało spośród tych osób cała grupa co majo do mnie problem i mnie aktualnie nienawidzą i spiskują by mnie w poniedziałek zarżnąć w parkingu o świcie czy co w cholyre znowu bo ja wiem i byłeś częścią tej rzekomej grupy do momentu aż znowu sie normalny (w tym względzie) stałem👍 dziwny okres w chuja mój mózg btw zero na to dowodów ni miał dosłownie powiedział "źródła: ufaj mi ziom tak byo nie zmyślam" więc tak. był beef niewypowiedziany jakiś ale też kontekstu nie znałem nawet. Jakoś bym nie powidział bym cie kiedy nie lubił bardziej to ja myślałem że na odwrót było, tylko sie panikowałem przez czas jakiś aż mineło <- chłopa ni pilnowali cały kurła lore ujawnił XDDDDDDDjakby kto pytał
Musiaem wygooglować kto to Wiśniewski jest ja te polaki w telewizji nie rozróżniam już i. te on serio takie włosy miał ja myślałem że przerobione ło cie panie sie codzienne co nowe dowiaduje
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dionysianfreak · 2 years
Hey i don't know much info about this but i do know that the Roman Gods aren't entirely the same as the Greek Ones, so, is Tyche the same as Fortuna? When it comes to fields and domains and such.
hello love ! sorry this answer took so long :")
unfortunately I don't know much about Tykhe let along Fortuna, but I'll post this so anyone who does know has the opportunity to share with you.
one thing you can do is look into any local Gods that were absorbed into Fortuna when Greece was conquered. when cultures were absorbed they weren't eradicated, just added into the Roman Culture Soup. many of the Theoi were combined with local Roman gods to create the Greco-Roman pantheon, such as Ares being smushed with a few agriculture and war Gods to create Mars's worship.
it may be helpful to look into all the Gods that became Fortuna once Greece was absorbed, which would probably include Tykhe. it's also entirely possible Fortuna and Tykhe are practically the same, as is the case for Artemis/Diana. i hope this helped you <3
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vyrion · 1 year
🎶 and 💔 for the ask game?
tally sirwin (aka lys!) (they + neos)
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
lys LOVES music they can dance to. ey're Constantly listening to something upbeat even if they reaaaally shouldn't be. claims it helps vem focus but it really just helps vem keep a positive light on things. guilty pleasure is just putting on the top 100 pop songs and going wild after a long day
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
maybe a touch too optimistic .. ae also refuses to leave Anyone behind and is quick to compromise aer own safety for other's, a habit that their mentor's trying to teach aer to break. they need a Lot more practice with their abilities (which are gravitational manipulation in. in a way) and have impossibly high expectations of themself which definitely has an impact on them learning to lean more on their mentor and the others around them who are Also still learning.
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kikigamer · 2 years
all of wrath & envy questions for Momo pls 💜💜
I’m LATE but I got there eventually! Thank you, babe, for the ask. Sorry it’s so late🤍🤍 Wrath
Does your character anger easily? Why or why not?
Morana does not tend to anger easily but it depends because she can be a very emotional or emotionless person. There’s no in-between with Momo
Describe a point where your oc was the maddest they've ever been. A point where Morana’s been the maddest is probably when she lost the love of her life or when Lucian doesn’t bring in an iced coffee for her on his way home from work. She is a little bit of a brat.
Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so? Morana has pretty much ‘low standards’ of people’s behaviour - much like Lucian and so she has learnt not to get her hopes up. But in rare occasions, if it’s someone she cares deeply for and they let her down, she will be disappointed and upset. Is your oc physically strong? She is physically strong since she is a fallen angel, however, she does not like to show off her strength as she wants to come across ‘feminine’ and ‘elegant’. Especially infront of guys. How does your oc act toward anger from others? Morana is such a windup and would probably try to annoy the person more because she loves chaos. Like moi, hehe Does your oc see intimidation as a good tactic to gain respect? Morana has been around for decades so in her previous lives she would say yes, but now she tries to behave a little better than she normally would. She has a bit of a fixation on being liked and she can’t deal with the thought of people not liking her. This way she kind of obsesses over it a lot.
Is your oc the jealous type? Why? I would say Morana can be a very jealous person, but she doesn’t like to admit when she is jealous. Mainly because that’s like admitting she cares, and she’d rather come across as indifferent. Does your oc have a rival? A rival? I would say she doesn’t have a ‘rival’ per say. But she does see everyone as competition and she’s very competitive. But not in a ‘mean girl’ way ... not all the time anyway. Is your oc very petty? How so? UH YES. But I love her that way. If someone does her wrong, she’ll be the pettiest person ever. She loves to be petty and cause havoc. Has your oc ever seeked revenge? Morana seeked revenge when she lost her love decades ago. Which is why both her and Lucian were banished to the mortal world. She doesn’t regret it but she regrets that it cost her brother as it wasn’t his fault. Morana will do everything to one up someone when she feels wronged or feels a sense of injustice. For what reasons does your oc usually envy others? She’ll get jealous of how easily other people can make friends because she finds it difficult to trust people and to let them get close to her due to past experiences. Does your oc want to be envie? Why or why not? She doesn’t because she doesn’t want to be jealous of everyone all the time. It’s hard when you’re constantly make comparisons between yourself and others.
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diana-thyme · 3 months
Hi there, I was wondering if you know of symbol of Tyche?
I am not very familiar with her, (the main gods I worship being Loki and Lempo) but a friend of mine, a young pagan really is and I'd like to get him a symbol pendant made, but my search so far has been very slim with only two things saying the same symbol with the exact same picture and though I should research more anyway, I'd like to ask someone personally too
Thank you :)
Hello! I apologize for the late response. Tyche has many symbols, but not all of them (most of them, actually) are not necessarily specific to Tyche. I’d go for just regular symbols of luck. Rabbit feet, four-leaf clovers, coins, etc. You can’t go wrong with those! Even if it’s not immediately clear to a regular person that the symbol is for Tyche, it’d be clear to the wearer, and that’s what matters. Good luck!
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