#ty love πŸ’ž
nowapocalypse Β· 1 year
ur new url is so iconic, even as iconic as disheveledghodt was to me. this is like you got one star on the walk of fame and ur about to get another for great URLS.
omg thank u this is so sweet <3 i wasn’t sure about it but this makes me so happy!!!
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comradekatara Β· 5 months
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happy belated valentine’s day they mean so much to meeeee
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aquaticflames Β· 1 year
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Cal may have started off shy, but Obi-wan was pretty sure that was purely based on walking in to find his thesis advisor face down on his desk.
short panel strip for @shortcuts-make-long-delays's cwrb fic 'sourdough: flour, water, and starting over' which, as well as being a hilariously clever and super adorable codywan piece, has this mentorship scene between Cal & Obi-Wan that made me positively melt.
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artismeyou-12 Β· 5 months
Hey dude. Your art is so beautiful and cute so candy
Gift for you
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Me irl : TYSM <3333 YOU TOO SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE @good-hero12 πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–
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mspaintakus Β· 4 months
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Daffodils are in bloom where i live!
Ohhhh.... He got fower 🌼🩷
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princessmacedon Β· 5 months
eclair - do they want to one day be married?
it would be nice, for sure, but it isn’t a need! I think the primary example of romantic love in her life is Lena & Julian β€” and what she takes from that, which aligns with her own personal views and feelings, is that being together with your person is the most important part! sharing your lives together, making each other happy and apologizing when you hurt their feelings instead, finding solutions together… you don’t explicitly need a pretty ceremony or a special title to do that, and you don’t need to be married to be together for a long, long time!
basically, she cares more about the spirit of the word than the letter of it, but for sure she would like to find someone she can act married with HAHA ^^ she’s someone who thrives off of being with other people, and who truly feels that happiness shared is doubled.
that being said, while a wedding also isn’t a necessity, having one would make her really happy! it doesn’t need to be a grand thing, but i think she’s probably internalized it in a simple but romantic sort of way β€” a day with pretty flowers, where you share a meal with the people you love and promise your special person that you’ll keep cherishing them the way you have and more… or something like that NDNNENND sugar sweet, like the seed of a fairytale that grew into a simple, if flowery dream, Maria would be happy to… well, simply be happy!
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randomminty Β· 6 months
*clutches onto your leg like an anon starved in the desert* Oh, you. YOU THERE. Yes, you UNDERSTAND. The minute I saw your Johto art and the Clair fireworks, oh it was so over for me. It's about the stupid Johto FOUND FAMILY you GET IT. Stupid Dad Lance and his co-workers who are totally his friends and he will go all Silly Dragon Cape Man to defend them and they will tease him relentlessly for being a workaholic and getting grey hairs from all the wayward kids he keeps picking up but show their care in their own way. And sometimes by not posting pics of Lance feuding with the League Fax Machine onto the Chatot App but it is everywhere in the GC. They are all friends to me, YOU GET IT. Even the Gym Leaders they are so silly, Johto the land of bonding with people and pokemon in a place of folklore and forestry REAL. You draw sm Will and Karen I love them sm you're doing SO GOOD with the art and the silly Dad Lance and Silver crumbs too also your Clair art is GORGEOUS I literally gasped, its such a good use of the space on the art square, the colors and composition are gorgeous uwahhhh. it is so cool and complete and comprehensive and brain go brrrr with the happy chemical n FIREWORKS. I wish I had a credit card I could commission an art request from you or smth would literally throw $100 at you casually OP, freaking saluTATIONS I feel 25% less coocoo in the pkmn fandom not being alone in every take. hooray. yipee.
H. HI. THANK YOU. Im so glad so many other people see the johto e4 friends/found family dynamic were all in this together
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thedeadthree Β· 1 year
TAGGED BY @nightbloodraelle, @minaharkers and @statichvm to post eight of my favorite tv shows! ty ty so much loves!
TAGGING: @umbertors, @risingsh0t, @griffin-wood, @jendoe, @kingsroad, @unholymilf, @gwynbleidd, @denerims, @lavinet, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @yennas, @adelaidedrubman, @leviiackrman, @shadowglens, @florbelles, @confidentandgood, @detectivelokis, @nokstella, @lizzywizzy, @phillipsgraves, @calenhads, @girlbosselrond, @belorage, @roberthouses, @kiryukazumas, @noonfaerie, @celticwoman, @aartyom, @shellibisshe, @marivenah, @jacobseed and you!
#only if you want to of course! πŸ₯€#im so sorry if i miss anyone AHH πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ˜­ pain brain from mirgaines :’)#leg.txt#leg.about#t: about leg#leg.tagged#t: text#TY SO MUCH AND AHH I SO SECOND THIS ONE WAS TOUGH FOR SURE πŸŒΈπŸ’ž but also so cute to do!#narrowing it down was a time but i was like oh what shows have lived in my mind rent free the most over my years of living and here they are#(i have to finish the new free!content and aot but i did a cosplay for aot as sasha / hanji in hs and planned a free cosplay back then so#they’re faves of mine as well <3)#got will join this list for sure when i am finished with it and when I catch up on slow horses s2 as well πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ₯΄#(watched the first season a year-ish ago and was obsessed and now reading the book at a snails pace and it’s lovely <3 WATCH IT WATCH IT)#(ten bucks says ill make a clown for spider or river sosjjsuz)#(i mean ive had one on the backburner for eons but have yet to develop or make things for her skzjjxjx πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ₯΄)#e*dgerunners and absolution are also honorable mentions from last year πŸ₯€πŸ˜­βœ¨#and p*sycho pass and t*okyo ghoul they will never not be unmatched#theres so many faves SO MANY#also WATCH ERGO PROXY I AM PLEADING (maybe ill make a clown for that show too in my campaign to get y’all obsessed πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ˜Œ)#OHHHH SHOCKER MANDO AND T*LOU THERE AND H*OTD BC BELOVED DAEMY AND AEGGY πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ₯΄#and like i need to watch n*arcos we are truly in our pedro era πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ˜Œ#ofc moon knight i mean i had to for chiara and her dearie marc I HAD TO πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ˜­ I OWED IT TO THEM#the last one was a toss up between f*ma and cm and as it’s lately been a regular thing to binge i was like teehee yes πŸ₯€βœ¨πŸ˜Œ
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gamma-gal-24 Β· 6 months
for the writing prompts how about:
"that isn't what i think it is, is it?" *proceeds to show the most embarrassing baby photos imaginable*
for syndromeπŸ‘€
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In Galiath's eyes, the best days on Syndrome's island base were the days he hung up his cape and let himself be lazy.
A smile streched across pink cheeks as Syn stepped out of the bathroom, his hair falling down past his shoulders and a comfy pair of white sweats on. "Conveniently," he had left his teeshirt on his bed, right next to her. She wasn't going to risk seeing him indecent to bring it to him, he knew that. He counted on it, knowing she'd be all blushy when he came back out, shirtless.
The both of them were grinning like fools when he finally reached for it.
"It's been forever since I've seen you without the cape and mask." Galiath sighs happily, her chin resting in her hands. "I almost forgot how cute you are." To that Syndrome just laughs. He sounded like such a child when he laughed. It was contagious.
"Yeah? Well, I forgot your wardrobe didn't consist entirely of pink, so I guess we're even." He teases, slipping his shirt on and fluffing his ginger mane. Galiath can only smile and roll her eyes. While it was true most clothes she owned were pink(her Supersuit included), she did have at least some variety. Syndrome, however.... He managed to wear black and white in his every outfit.
He was no one to talk, for sure.
"Hah!" She laughs, poking a freshly painted nail into his belly, making him jump back. "Says the guy who wears more black and white than a zebra! I Dont think you've ever worn anything else!"
Syndrome lifts a finger to correct her, but she's quick to interrupt him.
"And no- the blue lining in your cape does not count."
Syndrome deflates, a pout gracing his freckled, boyish face. He tried to look unamused, but the grin returned in spite of him. She was the one person he simply couldn't get mad at; not even when she had tried to send him to prison months ago. They were funny like that.
"I'll have you know, black and white are both excellent camouflage colors." He snarks, his tone taking on that slightly nasal thing he gets when he's being a smart-ass. "And so if we ever have to go into hiding, guess which one of us is gonna have better luck? Probably not the one dressed like a bottle of Pepto Bismol, right?"
Galiath huffs and pulls her legs up underneath her, patting the side of the bed next to her in a silent invitation. "You're dodging my point. When was the last time you ever wore anything but black and white? I mean- I'm off duty so I'm wearing yellow. And yet here you are, off duty as well, and still in the same color scheme!-"
Before she can giggle out another word, Syndrome's pulling a box out from under his bed. This has to be the one thing his housekeeper-robot doesn't touch, it's the only thing in his room with dust on it.
He plops it down on the comforter and blows on the top, sending a cloud of dust and cobwebs at his girlfriend. He smirks when she sneezes, amused by his setting off her minor allergy. She shoots him a little glare as thanks.
"Jerk..." She gumbles, earning a laugh. Syndrome slowly shimmies off the cardboard lid, the decade-old box sticking a little after all this time. "What?" He asks, playing innocent, "I thought you wanted to know if I ever wore color?"
And just like that, Galiath forgets all about her allergies. Her eyes light up and she crawls across the bed, mussing up the black sheets beneath her as she leans forward to peek inside.
"Ooh!" She coos, visibly excited. Syn didn't keep much from when he was younger- only his incredible knowledge and his love/hate relationship with superheroes.
Or so she thought.
Either way, she was thrilled to see just a glimpse into his past.
Ever the nosey little thing, she leans over so far he has to struggle to keep from falling. She leans so far, in fact, Syndrome has to push her back so he can see.
"What's all this? I didn't peg you for the sentimental type!" She's almost shaking she's so excited. Syndrome can only chuckle and shake his head. "Eh, I'm not as much as I used to be... But a few little things have managed to avoid the trash... And Mirage."
Ah yes, Mirage... His assistant and ex-situationship. The thought of him sucking on that gorgeous blonde's face still makes Galiath uneasy. Mirage could have been a supermodel but instead she chose to work for a charismatic evil genius with enough money to buy out whole countries. She doesn't blame her... It's just awkward.
Galiath pushes the thoughts aside, though. She has nothing against Mirage.
"Ah, yeah, I bet she was curious too." The slight jealousy in the superhero's tone doesn't go unnoticed by the villain, but he spares her the embarassment for now. That's blackmail for another day.
"Oh, incredibly." He chuckles, rummaging through his box. "She would threaten to put bad photos of me up on the screens in the lab whenever she was mad at me. I had to bribe her with a sports car so she would stop looking for my-."
His abrupt pause catches Galiath by surprise. Quickly he goes to shut the box, only to have her slip a hand underneath.
"Woah, hold on! What's the matter? You were about to show me something!" She giggles, pulling the box away. Syndrome is quick to try and jerk it back. His face is so red his freckles almost blend in.
"It's not in there, I was mistaken." He says just a little too quickly. And if it weren't already obvious he was lying, his darling girlfriend knew to look at his ears when she suspected a false truth. Low and behold they were as red as Mr. Incredible's unitard.
"Nu-uh, don't try that, Buddy, I know there's something in there. Now spill." Syndrome shoots her a look. "Buddy" was the last name he wanted to hear right now.
"Holly..." He hisses out, calling her out of her alias just as she had him. "It's nothing. Now drop the box." His face, while red as his hair, is stern and harsh. He's demanding, not asking- a habit that came with years of villainy. Galiath isn't about to insist. It isn't that she fears him, anything but, really. It's just that she can see this is bothering him. She won't pry if it means invading on him.
And so she lets go of the box, leaning back with her hands up. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry." She says with a small, apologetic smile. "Didn't mean to overstep." She watches Syndrome's shoulders untense, his face relaxing until he smiles a little too. No harm done, it seems.
"It's alright, Holz." He assures her, ruffling her fluffy, black hair before picking the box right back up. He steps away from the bed, hurrying to shove the box back into the depths where he found it.
"It wasn't you, I just- SHIT-!" In his hurry to hide his past once more, Syndrome managed to trip over a pillow that had fallen off the bed, sending himself and the box crashing down to the floor in a series of thuds.
Ever the superhero, Galiath is quick to jump to action.
"SYN-! Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" She squeals, trying not to giggle as she leaps down from the bed. She reaches down to hoist an embarrassed Syndrome up to his feet when she sees something in the corner of her eye.
She glances over without thinking, the sage green color catching her attention. She's bending down to grab it before Syndrome can stop her.
All she hears is a gasp from him before it dons on her what it is she's holding.
"Oh my god- Drop that!" He hisses, but it's too late. Galiath has stars in her eyes and the biggest grin on her face.
"That isn't what I think it is, is it...?" She giggles, holding the little paper closer to to see it better. Her baby blues go wide like dinnerplates and Syndrome knows then and there what it was she held.
Like salt in the wound, she squeals and turns it around for him to see.
Like he wanted to look at his own baby picture....
Holly is in awe, a hand on her heart as she tries her darnedest not to keel over from pure joy. In her hands was probably the single sweetest baby pic she had ever seen.
A little baby Buddy in a green onsie, smiling as happy as a one-toothed infant could be.
Syndrome wanted to die too, but not from a cuteness overload. He snatches that photo so quickly he gives himself a papercut, yanking it from her hands and throwing it and everything else back into the box.
"I told you to drop that..." He huffs, slamming the lid back on and kicking it back under the bed. When he rises back to his feet, Holly wears a gentle, knowing smile.
"I'm sorry, Love." She cooes, laying a hand on his shoulder and a kiss to his forehead. "I just thought it was cute." Syndrome can only scoff and look away, flustered more than he is angry.
"That thing was hideous..." He grumbles bitterly, similar to how a moody teenage boy would. Galiath bursts into a laugh, shaking her head.
"No you were not!" She giggles, pulking Syndrome he didn't want, but definitely needed. "You were a cutie! With that little red curl and-" Syndrome wiggles free and puts a stop to her little gush REAL quick. His hands wave about and she swears she sees him fight a smile.
"Enough about the baby picture alright? Jus- just burn the image from your mind. Delete it, whatever visual helps you forget all about what you saw." "But why?" Galiath laughs, sitting herself back down on the bed. "We were all babies once! At least you were a cute one! I looked like one of those cinnamon jellybeans!"
Her comparison is silly enough to crack him, weasling a laugh and a grin from the grouchy man. "A red jellybean, huh...?" He quirks a brow, his smirk slowly returning.
Ah, there he was... She was worried he would be grumpy the rest of the day! She was so glad to see their day off was still plenty salvageable.
Nodding, she laughs and pulls him down to sit with her. "Oh yeah, I was an ugly little thing! I'll have to show you some time. Oh-! And I can show you the picture my mom took the time I fell down the stairs and lost three teeth! My.... Only three teeth at the time."
Oh, that does him in. The visual alone had Syndrome in stitches. The idea of little toddler Holly grinning at a camera with nothing but gums was enought serotonin to last him the next 15 years. Galiath laughs along with him, glad to see him so giddy even if at her expense.
The two cut up and laugh until their faces go sore. They cling to each other for supoort, only to flop back against the blankets anyways. They roll about like that for a good minute until they finally have to stop, breathless and clinging to the other like a life line.
"Oh-" Syndrome chuckles, not quite down from his high and nuzzling closer. "Oh, I hate you, Sweetheart." He says in a way so sweet she knows he could only mean it out of love. She just smiles and buries her head in his chest, arms wrapping around his middle. "That's okay..." She lets her eyes slide closed, her head rising and falling with his every breath.
"I love you, too."
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nulltune Β· 7 months
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if u were my girl i'd happily meow for you y'know
unprompted,Β  always accepting !Β Β  @dnangelicΒ  β™‘
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❛   ... is that so.Β Β  ❜       her voice lacks any sort of emotion,Β  the response given being as flavorful as pure water.
❛   i do not see the point in entertaining hypotheticals.Β  i am not your girl,Β  nor do i want to be.Β Β  ❜       there's a slight tug downwards to the corners of rosy lips,Β  the barest change to that blank face.Β Β Β Β Β Β  ❛   what kind of response were you even expecting .. ?Β Β Β  ❜       hakuno kishinami would always strive to live up to the expectations of others,Β  but she got the feeling that this was ...Β  different.
she doesn't know what to make of it.
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vetteldixon Β· 29 days
whenever Dixon wins I think "hey, my favorite seb blogger is happy!!!"
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berryblu-soda Β· 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽ‚ Your gift? I will not bite you. today.
also I was panicking the other night bc i couldn't remember if your birthday was on the first or the fifth, so ty to your moot for sending that ask lol
you BITE berryblu? You bite berryblu like THE FOOTBALL?? afshsfshdgsgdbOh HECK YEAH >:D! thank youu!!! I can finally rest from the endless torment πŸ˜ŒπŸ’ƒπŸ’₯πŸ’₯✨!!
Hehehe srry for the birthday jumpscare! (Also low key crying bc you were on the lookout for it πŸ˜­πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž)
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froggyrights Β· 11 months
It's Amsterdam pride & I'm going to a rave im so excited 🌟🌟
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haenxn Β· 4 months
these photos of haechan are so.. ggw orz he's so handsome ...
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eyerolls-the-view Β· 2 years
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A lil Birthday Sketch for the one and only @cuppykin and her Big beefy boysss~!!! πŸ₯°πŸ˜³πŸ₯΄πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
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cinnamongay Β· 1 year
tagged by @dykescully to share ten songs on shuffle 🫑
(side note clem ur soo right i'm also going to use my on repeat playlist <3)
treat me like a slut - kim petras (this song makes me feel like i did 10 different drugs and i absolutely love it)
america has a problem - beyonce, kendrick lamar (was listening to this in the shower today it’s soo catchy)
escapism. - raye, 070 shake (the build up during this song gets me every time)
chemical - post malone (filed under songs that will remind me of this summer)
hate yourself - tv girl (you. you’d fall in love with anyone. who fell. in. love. with. you.)
dreams - the cranberries (i blame yellowjackets for getting it stuck in my head, not that i’m complaining it’s a great song)
push it down - l devine (the chorus .)
nobody gets me - sza (if i cried while she sang this live that’s my business)
satellite - harry styles (she’s fun!)
unhealthy - anne marie, shania twainΒ (oh this SLAPPED live honestly after hearing her perform twice now i may have become a little stan, she’s SO cute!)
tagging: @holi-holy @marc-here @lottieurl @gidguard @femmme @funky-birb @kuminemo @mrokat @eyeofdog @girloftheaveragevariety
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