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sweetearthandnorthernsky · 1 year ago
23 for rivermaid/water spirit of choice?
23. Loss of powers/abilities/skills many thoughts head full about beleriandic rivermaidens etc.
Gelion knows. 
Long before the Eldar that dwell by her shores know, she knows. 
She knows long before Ulmo shakes the ground or Manwe thunders through the sky or Varda’s stars burn with too intense light. 
It is subtle, at first, barely even noticeable until it is too late. 
Her waters are less clear than she usually keeps them.
More foul things cross her shores.
She is unable to see as far as she might.
Then, all burns.
The fish and creatures that make their homes in her water die, poisoned.
Helevorn is defiled, and Gelion doesn't know if her friend will ever be able to leave her waters again.
The days grow darker, and it is all Gelion can do to keep those dwelling along her shores -- retreating from the fighting that shakes the coast -- safe, but soon she will not be able to do that anymore.
Piece by piece, like the shore chipping at a stone bank, Beleriand chips under the force of the Valar and the Maiar fighting with all their might.
She is a spectator now, unable to offer even mild protection.
When Beleriand finally capsizes, like a boat dragged under the riptide, she wonders if it was the right choice.
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 years ago
3 for the glamour plates!! <3
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the baby warrior glam + new shire axe bc i can't be arsed to glam it until i get my big boy warrior glam lol
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verocitea · 6 months ago
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*insert a fun and witty autumn related caption here*
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mildarka · 9 months ago
For the art request I'd like to ask for reverted AU Night in Killer's big jacket missing the boys and Dream trying to comfort him?
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Dream's trying his best
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zellaspinna · 1 month ago
bullrider!Landoscar is still rotting my brain so here’s some headcannons I came up with while being crossfaded
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The PBR Teams:
* Mclaren Outlaws : Lando,Oscar,Pato,Christian,Nolan
* RedBull Oxes : Max,Liam,Yuki,Marc,Binder
* Williams wranglers : Alex,Logan,Franco,Carlos,zak
* Ferrari Sheriffs : Charles,Lewis,Arthur,Ollie,Rafael
* Mercedes Mavericks: George,Kimi,Paul,Fred,Doriane
Mclaren Headcannons:
* Lando actually enjoyed barrel racing younger until he met Jenson who introduced him to the Mclaren crew and ever since he aspired to be a pro bull rider
* Lando is basically John Crimber in this au
* when Oscar had his debut ride for the Mclaren Outlaws Lando cheered for him the loudest by the bucking chutes
* all of the Mclaren boys get along real well and turn their hotel rooms into warzones whenever they meet up to play mario kart or fifa after a rodeo
* Pato and Lando lead the team while mourning the loss of their side pieces (Daniel and Alex)
* Christian,Nolan and Oscar bonded easily being the youngest ones on the team and cause Zak really encouraged them to (for pr purposes)
* Pato teaches the boys how to line dance in the locker rooms
* due to Pato’s insistence their ‘hype song’ is Fake ID by Big&Rich
* also meaning they line dance at bars together (they as in Pato,Lando and Nolan cause Christian and Oscar would probably just rather chat and watch them goof around)
* Pato forced them to all watch Coyote Ugly as well as Footloose with him and they secretly loved both movies
* Oscar was really good at breakaway roping but found he enjoyed bull riding more and wanted to be like Mark and Fernando who where both bull riding champions
* Oscar got his boots,belts and hat custom made from Fernando
* Lando and oscar first bonded over getting their shit rocked by a bull called Papaya Rules
*I made a playlist of songs for this au! there’s not really a general vibe I just put some songs I’d see them dancing to or vibing to in the lockerrooms
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felassan · 9 months ago
it looks like quite a few of the Dragon Age 'extended' (books, comics) etc materials are discounted on Amazon at the moment. I don't know if it's a DA-specific thing or a general sale, but anyways, in case this helps anyone:
Dragon Age: The First Five Graphic Novels - $29.99 $23.34 (22% off)
Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Boxed Set - $59.99 $35.99 (40% off)
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights - $19.99 $13.39 (33% off)
Dragon Age: The Missing - $19.99 $16.00 (20% off)
Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Taste of Thedas - $34.99 $23.08 (34% off)
Dragon Age: Wraiths of Tevinter - $39.99 $23.49 (41% off)
Dark Horse Deluxe Dragon Age: World of Thedas Map Puzzle, Multicolor - $19.99 $16.91 (15% off)
Dragon Age: Dark Fortress - $19.99 $17.05 (15% off)
Dragon Age: Blue Wraith - $17.99 $15.59 (13% off)
The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition - $49.99 $25.49 (49% off)
 Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 1 - $49.99 $29.50 (41% off)
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker [Blu-ray] - $14.98 $8.00 (47% off)
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker DVD - $9.98 $6.29 (37% off)
Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2 - $49.99 $28.62 (43% off)
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne - $19.99 $15.27 (24% off)
Dragon Age: Asunder: Asunder - $20.99 $12.66 (40% off)
Dragon Age: The Calling - $21.99 $11.69 (47% off)
(still worth checking other outlets though in case you can get them for better prices there, this post isn't meant as a 'this is the cheapest place to get them right now, post, it's just a 'I noticed these were all discounted for whatever reason on Amazon' post).
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kkoct-ik · 2 years ago
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anon request from the other day for the :)
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cometcare · 2 months ago
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orange u glad he didn't say,
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sketchehm · 3 months ago
Everything I see q fans try to shit on sapnap and team mafia fans to come in and just shut that shit down will never not be satisfying. I just saw a couple being mad that he had Spanish subtitles I his new sapnaplive video. Then, from across the sky, I see a bunch of different mafia stans come down and just meme on them.
It's truly a beautiful time, and I really hope he does more dedsafio and squidcraft videos with the subtitles.
That makes me SO happy
We're prospering. We're so alive. Some might even say, we're so back.
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juicezone · 1 month ago
🌧️ !!
9🌧️It's raining outside! Draw the character/oc dressed up for a rainy day! [Game]
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Big Rory has boots for when he's cleaning stalls and walking around in the barns but Baby Rory always goes barefoot around except in rain bc he HATES getting wet wool (but somehow baths/swimming is different... well that's a baby for you) but he also HATES wearing boots. so he has fun for abt 10 minutes and then starts crying and Vesper takes him inside to watch the rest of the rain (still wearing his rain jacket btw bc he loves the rain jacket)
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sweetearthandnorthernsky · 2 years ago
sable 4, vert 5, gold 5 from the heraldry asks for sae?
Sable (Black) - Constancy and Grief. 4– Has your OC always feared the loss of the same thing - perhaps a loved one, a valuable artifact or a carefully nurtured reputation? Or do they look back with amusement on what once felt important to them?
Okay so like. Deep down/subconsciously, I think Sae’s always been ✨terrified✨ for Gondor, and I think that never quite really goes away for a really long time. Less subconsciously, she’s worried about her family almost the entire time while she’s trying to get back to them. (Finding Enerdhil in the houses of healing w black breath & learning that Dirhaval is missing in Osgiliath does not help this)
Vert (Green) - Hope, Joy and Fidelity. 5 - If your OC could be granted one wish for the future, but could only wish on behalf of another person, who would they choose? And for what would they wish?
This one. This one is mean lol, there are so many people that Sae cares about but– If she had to absolutely pick one person and one wish only. For one person specifically, it’d be Faramir, son of Ondoher, to finally go have rest after death. If it were for a singular group, it'd be for for the ghosts that linger in the bath-houses for the same reason. (Unless I’m a clown and there’s a quest where you actually put them to rest, because I don’t remember.)
Or (Gold) – Worthy Ambition. 5 – What does your OC consider to be the noblest or most admirable ambition for a person to hold? Perhaps spreading a particular religious faith? Or improving the lives of the poor? Or even perfecting their own martial skill?
I think that for Sae, the noblest thing for a person to do is to help other people without expectation of gain, so like, to someone to devote their life to that, she really respects it.
Especially with regards to education? Like, I imagine that Education ™ in Gondor is held extremely high regard, and she really respects those who go out of their way to educate those who may not have those resources. (Something something, faramir quote, something something, wisdom, something something.)
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prettymediocrewizard · 3 months ago
Officially a year ago when I started watching Monster. It did take me about 6months to get through it but regardless I am feeling a little sentimental bc I never would have imagined these two guys would have such a strong grip on me?? They really pushed me to draw so much in such a short amount of time. And I still want to keep drawing them.. Guess I'm here forever now (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡
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i-will-go-with-you-five · 24 days ago
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Everyone, let’s welcome @book-girl4evaaa, @partlysunny15, and @valesyn to ZR!! These are three of the gals I’ve gotten to try it out, and I’m so so happy that with the short time they’ve done it, they’re already thrilled! I drew my Five getting ready to start training your guys as runners, to celebrate you three starting up with this awesome fitness app :D
Bea, Sunny, Val, I’m so glad that we are all such good friends, and you’ve tried out this media that I love as a bonus! SOOOO cool to me you guys wanted to get into it! :D
Welcome to ZR! May your chases be easily evaded, emotional distress be little, giggles be much, and sports bra and ultra shiny watch collection rival mine!
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crescentfool · 6 months ago
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adventures in makomart!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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galaxy-bri · 11 months ago
3am shenanigans
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