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thepaladinstrait · 6 months ago
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i saw the notification and went OOH OH MY GOD HOT CHOCOLATE but instead screamed and kicked my feet because JOSH IN A CROP TOP HELLOOOO??!!!??????!??????????????!????!?!!
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scorpioriesling · 6 months ago
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Invisible String - Part 3
・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Eris x reader
Warning(s): angst ofc, comfort. Please be advised; future parts might not be suitable for all audiences. Proceed with caution.
Summary: You'd taken the nanny position for the royal family over a year ago, not expecting what would come of it or how close you'd grow to the child you cared for. Things became tough for Eris when his wife left him and his daughter, and he found it increasingly harder to raise Riley himself. He soon realizes, you've provided a lot more than the typical job description duties for his daughter... and maybe for him, too.
SR’s Note: I added in the advisory so that younger / uncomfortable readers won't begin the series without knowing or expecting potential risks in content to come. For those who enjoy or look forward to content as such -- get excited! Nonetheless, I hope readers will enjoy this series that came to me in a dream one night. (; Much love to all.
Tags: @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @talesofadragon @rcarbo1 @mandziaaa @lilah-asteria @a-frog-with-a-laptop @kitsunetori @dannul @velarisdusk @lamarmotta @paintedbyshadows @i-know-i-can (inbox me or comment if you'd like to be added!)
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You'd practically torn apart every drawer in your dresser and tossed out every hanger in your closet at this point. All those clothes you'd put away were for nothing; your room was a disaster. Yet, you could not find anything suitable enough for an outing with the Autumn heir and his daughter.
"The PINK one," the four year old chimed in for the hundredth time.
Her commentary was not necessarily helping, either.
"Riley, I'm not sure that the pink is my favorite," you say, and she scootches to the edge of your bed, hopping off and trotting over to your closet. She watches as you furiously flip through the remaining hangers, and her fist closes around a fistfull of marigold fabric.
"This!" She says, tugging on a rather simple milkmaid-style dress you hadn't worn in years, honestly. It was cute, it at least had some floral detailing on it.
You sighed, looking down at the beaming child. You'd done her hair first; half up, half down with a biiiig bow, just as she'd requested. A bow to match her fluffy gown and pretty flats, of course. She truly was the definition of Princess.
"I suppose-"
"Yay!" She twirled, her dress billowing out around her. She wafted toward the corner as you slid the dress on, adjusting it to fit before stepping out in front of the large mirror to inspect it in full. You'd barely laid your eyes on the full outfit before Riley bounded over to you, her mouth wide as she gasped.
"You look so pretty!" She said, wrapping her arms around your knee as her eyes met yours in the mirror. You smiled at her, leaning down to give her a hug.
"Thank you Riles! You look very pretty today too." You complimented, and she giggled, her fingers drifting through the ends of your curled hair. You decided on a few minimal jewelry pieces and flats, pushing your accessory drawer closed when a thin, marigold ribbon fell out. Riley noticed it, racing over and picing it up for you.
"We match?" She asked, extending the hair accessory to you on an outstretched hand. You took it from her; all you could do was agree, tying half your hair back and fastening it in a bow at the back.
"We better go find your dad," you suggest, straightening the last few imperfections of your dress before Riley's attention is caught at the doorway.
"Oh my -- Riley, you look wonderful!" Eris' voice compliments from your doorway, and she bounds over to him, getting caught in his arms in an instant. He kisses her cheek, both of them looking to you after a moment's pause. "You both do," he adds, quieter this time. You turn slightly, blushing at the compliment as you retrieve your purse from your bed and walk towards them.
"As do you, Vanserra." You brush past him with a wink, heading down the hallway with all the confidence in the world today it seemed. Riley's footsteps bounded behind you, the three of you on your merry way.
✧・゚: *
You'd ridden to the Town Square on horseback; Riley with her dad, of course. When you'd gotten to the main district, he'd gotten off with Riley first, helping you next like a true gentleman. His hand lingered for a moment around your waist, the heat of his touch enough to send a thrill down your spine.
Stop it. You chastized yourself. You still work for him, you know.
Riley gasped, pointing toward the center of the streets, the crowds and vendors bustling with business this afternoon. "Daddy, look!" She squealed, pointing and hopping from foot to foot in anticipation. His hand held hers, beginning the trek through the busy streets. You accompanied her other side, sure to keep close to her just in case.
"Look! Daddy!" She shrieked in delight, and Eris scratched the back of his head, failing to recognize which vendor Riley was pointing out. You looked ahead, trying to decipher what might have her so intrigued. That’s when you saw it.
You leaned over, gently tapping his shoulder. He looked to you, and you placed your fingers atop your head, pointing down at Riley and then ahead. He looked forward, the realization dawning on him then.
“Oh! I see, the lady with the crowns?” He asked. Riley shrieked, jumping up and down as your trio continued on, making way toward the craft table. Eris looked to you, silently mouthing a thank you. You only nodded once, giving him a small smile in return.
Riley let go of her father’s hand, leaping toward the table full of play pretend crowns when she was close enough to see it fully. She oogled over them all — finding it hard to choose just one.
“Good morning, folks!” The older woman behind the table greeted, and you bowed your head in polite greeting as well.
“Hi, I like all these,” Riley said, and the lady chuckled.
“Well, aren’t you a little cutie,” she cooed, and Riley nodded.
“Actually, I’m a Princess.” The lady smiled at her, and Riley inspected a pink bedazzled one more closely.
“Oh, I bet you are, aren’t you!” She said. She seemed to only just now notice Eris, her eyes widening in pleasant surprise.
“Why, if it isn’t the High Lord's son himself! Oh, goodness,” She said, curtsying hastily. Eris smiled politely.
“No worries, ma’am. Good morning to you too. Lovely day today, isn’t it?” He said, and her eyes lit up.
“It isn’t isn’t it? Gosh, what a beautiful day-“
“Daddy, I want this one!” Riley thrust a golden crown with red gems glued to it into the air, and Eris stepped forward.
“Alright dear, alright.” He chuckled, fishing out a few coppers from his pocket. “How much for this one?” He asked. The old woman waved a hand, shaking her head.
“Nonsense; it’d be my honor to give one of my crafts to the Autumn Princess.” Riley beamed, putting her new crown on her head in delight.
“That’s very kind of you, but I insist.” He dropped a few coins, definitely more than the piece cost — and the lady gave him a gracious smile.
“Thank you!” Riley said, and the woman nodded to her.
“You’re teaching that one well, Eris!” She said, and Eris waved as you all made your way to the next table.
✧・゚: *
You’d only made it by about five more tables when the face painting station came into view. Of course, that was next on the agenda, and of course, it had the longest line of children. Nonetheless; Riley patiently waited her turn, standing calmly between a few other rowdy kids while you and Eris watched from the fountain a few feet away.
“That’s all you, you know.” He said, your sidelong glances meeting for only a moment. “Her, manners, I mean. How well behaved she is. Her patience,” he explains. You clasp your hands together, his shoulder resting against the stone so close to the side of your face. You were grateful, anyway; he shielded the midday sun from your view.
“She doesn’t get that from you?”
He lets out a sharp laugh, looking at you incredulously. “Oh, absolutely not. Me, as a child… Gods, I wish there was a way I could repay my mother for how reckless I was.” He shook his head, and you bit your lip to hold back your giggle.
“You seem like you’ve got this-“ he gestures his hand in a circle, motioning to Riley who looks over and mistakes it as a wave. She waves, and both of you wave back at her, that little smile so contagious.
“It just seems like you’ve got this whole thing figured out already. Like, you’ve always got an answer for everything.” He scratches his chin, and your mouth tilts in a side smile at his words.
“Eris, truly, I don’t though. I mean, I don’t even have kids myself...yet.” You say, and he lets out a long breath. Your mind races, thinking of everything you know you shouldn’t in that moment.
“You want them someday, though?” He asks. Your expression must say something, because he quickly fumbles his words. “I’m sorry, that’s, um. That’s really personal, I didn’t mean. That.”
You look down at the pavement, more than the afternoon sun warming the skin on your cheeks. “Well,” you say, your eyes daring a glance at him only to realize his face is rather flushed as well. “Riley won’t need a nanny forever, right?”
Eris runs a hand through his hair, readjusting his position against the wall of the fountain. “No, no. I suppose she won’t.”
“Look! She’s almost done,” You say, watching as the artist cleans her brush in the water one last time. Eris tries to peer around people and get a look at what design she got, and you curl your fingers around the rather large muscle of his upper arm.
“Wait! Don’t look — what do you think she got?” You ask, and Eris’ gaze wavers between where your fingers hold tight to him and your eyes trained on his.
“I…. uh… I don’t know,” he says, failing to come up with a good guess. “Probably the pony; little girls love ponies, right?” You smirk, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I bet you one copper that she comes back with a bunny painted on her cheek.” You guess, and he shrugs.
“Alright, suit yourself. One copper it is, then.” Riley scooted back in her chair, bounding over to you with a wide smile on her face. Eris watched as your smile grew with every step his daughter took toward you two, a fluffy, pink bunny painted right on her cheek.
✧・゚: *
Riley started getting a bit fussy after the late lunch the three of you had shared, indicating it was indeed her naptime. She refused to be carried by her father through the busy streets, preferring to walk between you two hand-in-hand instead.
"Swing me!" She shouted, skipping along as she gripped your fingers in hers. Eris looked to you and sighed, but you only shrugged.
"Alright dear, but only a few times, we're nearly to the horses-"
"Okay, Daddy, okay!" She said, rearing back and preparing to be swung off her feet.
"One, two, three!" Eris counted, lifting her in time with you off her little feet, sending her flying into the air a few inches as she squealed in delight. When her feet hit the ground once more, she laughed with joy, asking again and again for the same thing.
You watched as the little girl fell asleep soundly against her father's chest, drifting off with the rocking atop the horse as you'd made the trek home. It made you happy to see Eris getting to do these little things, even if it was just carrying his daughter inside and lying her down for her nap. You'd taken to the kitchen, noticing the darkening sky and decided to prep for the evening meal as you'd be cooking for one extra this evening.
"I didn't realize how much went into what you do."
You didn't need to look to know he'd come into the kitchen, his voice only a few feet away. You continued to pull out the various pots and pans needed, closing the cabinets with care to not wake Riley.
"I'm not sure what you mean," you say, walking toward the fridge in search of the vegetables. Eris stalks over to the island, leaning against it as he watches you pull things out.
"I just meant. Well, I don't get to spend as much time with her as I'd like." He says, and you stand, shutting the refrigerator door behind you. You walk over and stand beside him, laying out the veggies on the countertop before you.
"I see," You say. He was talking about his daughter, you knew that. A soft rumbling sounds from outside, and you glance behind you. The sky outside the window has indeed darkened; you hoped the thunder would only enhance her slumber, not stir her from it.
You bent over, reaching in the cabinet for a cutting board and placing it on the island. Eris went quiet next to you, and you risked a glance at him. Your face fell when you noticed his downcast eyes, so full of light and love just hours ago now replaced with something darker.
"What's... what has you so upset-"
"I'm the only parent she has left," he says harshly, his hands bracing the edge of the marble. "I barely know a thing about my own kid, and I don't get to see her often because of my damned job, my position in this court that I'd give up in an instant if I knew she'd be safe-" he stops, the last word broken by a crack in his voice. His knuckles had gone white against the counter, and your eyes had widened at his outburst.
You reached out a timid hand in comfort, but pulled back as the image of last time flashed through your mind. The way he freaked out when you put your hand on his arm, just trying to be there for him...
You weren't sure what he wanted from you.
"Eris... I don't know what to say." You couldn't think of what to do, shaking your head slowly as your hands hung limply at your sides. "I'm... I'm really sorry, about today, if I stepped on your toes by going with you guys, I know how important your time is with her, I just-"
His head turns, looking to you in that moment. You hadn't realized how close you stood to one another, his intense gaze feeling like fire as he scanned your face. You couldn't read him -- his eyes watered, and he looked... frustrated? Confused? What was it?
"Look, I'm sorry, I'll just leave you alone-"
"Please don't," he whispered, his eyes falling to your hands as a tear ran down his cheek. "Please. Don't leave."
Your heart throbbed, pins prickling the backs of your own eyes. In that moment, you reached both of your hands out, not caring the repercussions of your actions as you slid your arms around Eris' ribs, pulling him into you and holding tight. He breathed deep, his torso shuddering as you fought back your own tears while running your fingers up and down his back. His hands gripped your waist, his strong arms enveloping you as he allowed himself to finally relax against your touch, finally accepting a bit of the comfort you so desperately had been trying to offer him.
"Eris," you said quietly, the rainfall the only other sound in the room over the quiet sounds of your combined breaths. "You have to understand that you are a good father." His fingers flex around your waist, holding you tighter as he takes in your words.
"Riley talks about you all day long," you continue. "She waits everyday for you to come home, and I really think you don't give yourself enough credit for all of the things you do for her each and every day." You say.
"She knows your work is... not, well. Normal," you say, and he nods against your shoulder. "I think everyone knows that you do a lot, and you've been through so much," you chuckle humorlessly, pressing your cheek against his chest. "The main thing we care about, honestly, is that you come home safe every night."
He pulls back slowly, his hand sliding from your waist to brush a piece of hair from your forehead. You hadn't realized it'd stuck to your cheek -- a stream of wet from the corner of your eye was proof of that. His fingers remained lightly cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing across your skin as he continued to hold you against him.
"You truly are a Queen." Eris says, his soft smile drawing a little chuckle from you. "Beautiful inside and out."
Your cheeks are ablaze from his words, your breathing unsteady as his fingers pull you closer, his lips mere inches from yours. You can see every caramel hue in his irises, every light freckle dusting the bridge of his nose when-
A sharp crack sounds behind you, the room illuminating with the bolt of lightning that flashes across the sky. You flinch, embarassed as the moment passes and you're left in darkness again. You realize you'd clung tighter to Eris, and he'd done the same; both of you releasing your hold on the other at the same time.
He clears his throat, running a hand through his hair as he lets out a short laugh. "Uh, well," he chuckles, gesturing to the spread of forgotten vegetables on the countertop before you. "This is another thing I am not proficient at." He shrugs, and you nod, wiping your palms on the skirt of your dress.
"Oh! Right, um, well. I'd be happy to show you, if you'd like. I thought for dinner tonight, we'd do traditional autumn stew?"
✧・゚: *
The rest of that night was nice... for the most part.
Dinner was nice. The three of you enjoying it together was nice. Riley insisted on having movie night afterwards, so Eris set up the projector and the three of you snuggled together in the living area under a mound of blankets and pillows to watch Moana... which was nice. You'd even fallen asleep there, and to wake up using Eris' arm as a pillow... well, you'd be lying if you said that wasn't nice, too.
What was not so nice, was the morning after.
You'd woken up first, enoying the sight around you in the dim light but eventually you made your way to the kitchen for some tea. The first light of morning hadn't risen yet, which meant you had some time before Riley would wake up to prepare a meal for her... and her father, too. You were pondering what to make when footsteps behind you had you whirling around in the dark, squinting to make out the figure before you.
"Don't worry -- it's just me," Eris whispered, and you rubbed your eyes, taking him in more clearly. He was already fully dressed, not in his usual attire or how he would dress when spending time at home, either. He was in his armor, the various straps and ties secured across his chest and arms making your eyes widen and forcing you to wake up quickly.
"Where are you going?" You asked, and he stepped closer, his voice a hushed whisper.
"I recieved word that I would be needed this week for correspondence in a few of the other courts," he says, and your heart lurches. "I am hoping to be back sooner, but-"
"Wait. You're leaving for an entire week?" You squeak, and he nods gravely. You shudder, but you feel his fingers wrap around yours as he brings your hand to his lips.
"I promise, I will try to be back sooner." He says, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand. You shake your head, your mind racing with a million dark thoughts you wished you weren't having this early in the morning.
"What about Riley?"
He sighs, dropping your hand and scratching his chin. "Last time I had to leave like this, you remember she didn't handle the goodbye well-"
"So you think leaving without saying anything is better?" You ask, your frown evident. His head drops between his shoulders, and his hands lightly hold onto your shoulders.
"Y/N, you know it kills me to leave like this," he says, his eyes pleading in the dim morning light. "I can't go through that again with her." He says, and you sigh. It was horrendous last time, her wailing and sobbing as he left for his mission lasted days when she was told what wsa happening. You still felt the guilt in your gut by not telling her what was going on though.
Your fingers found his, your gaze firmly holding his. "I'm telling her today after you've gone. She at least deserves to understand what's happening." He nods, pulling you in quickly to his chest. Your heart skips a beat, the anticipation, fear, and something else all mixed together like the bubbling water of the Cauldron inside of you.
"One week. I'll see you then," he says against your hair, releasing you as he quietly makes his way to and out of the front door.
✧・゚: *
That whole week was Hell.
Riley asked at least once a day when her father would come home, and you felt worse and worse when you couldn't give her a straight answer as you weren't entirely sure yourself as to when he'd return. Honestly, it made you sick not knowing exactly what was going on either, and having to put on a brave face every morning was beginning to weigh on you more than you liked to admit. You truly wished you didn't care so much -- but the tethers around your heart pulled everytime you imagined the worst, thinking of what could be happening to Eris-
"Y/N is sad." Riley stands near the end of the kitchen counter, her limp beagle dangling from her fingers. Her tired eyes were swollen and red, and you lift your head from your hands on the counter at the sound of her voice. You glance toward the clock. 9 pm.
"Riley, honey, I put you in bed an hour ago-"
"But Y/N is sad too." She walks softly toward you, the braid you'd done in her hair now slightly mussed from the tossing and turning she'd likely done in her bed before she'd woken up. She approaches, wrapping her arms around your thigh and pressing her cheek to your exposed skin. Tears threaten the corners of your eyes, all of the emotions hitting you in full today. It was the seventh day Eris hadn't come back, and you were both feeling the weight of his absence it seemed.
You bend down, kneeling before her to engulf her in your arms in a proper hug. She shakes lightly against you, and you can't help the single tear that slips free, dripping onto her soft hair. Her fingers grip onto your silky pajamas, clutching you tightly.
"I miss daddy so much," she mumbles into your shoulder. Your hand runs over her little back, trying to provide her comfort while keeping your own tears at bay.
You take a shaky breath, your voice broken as more quiet tears fall down your cheeks. "I know sweetheart. I miss him too."
✧・゚: *
Riley ended up drifting off in your lap, and you'd opted to carry her to your room. The distance from the kitchen was shorter, and in an effort to not stir her again, you laid her in your plush blankets, tucking her in and watching as she snuggled into the warm blankets with contentment. You left the lamp on in case she woke up, but closed the door this time; Gods forbid you had another emotional breakdown and woke her once more.
You retreated to the living room, reaching for a few blankets in the dark room when the creak of the side door sent a chill down your spine.
Were you hearing things?
You froze in place, every drop of blood in your body turning to ice when you heard it swing shut.
Definitely not hearing things. Someone was in the house.
Your head spun, cheeks ablaze and palms clamming up all at once. This hadn't happened before, or yet, anyway. Eris had touched on this issue when you first started working here, but what had he said about intruders? You couldn't remember.
The pit forming in your stomach grew as your mind raced, trying to think of any escape, any plan, any action to get Riley out of here before you both met your end. Gods, what had he said when you were hired, anyway? Something about his swords, in his room, maybe? Those were all the way down the hall -- you'd never make it in time.
You took a silent step toward the foyer, then another. The intruder would be in the kitchen soon, and you wouldn't waste any precious seconds you had to save Riley. You had to move, now.
Passing the small entryway table, you contemplated the vase atop it for a moment. Honestly, it would only wake Riley and alert the intruder of her presence. Maybe he would just take you and leave, if you could be quiet enough. You had a better shot defending yourself with your fists anyway -- the glass decoration would simply shatter anyway.
You rounded the corner, sucking in a breath as you heard a low moan coming from the kitchen. Your heartbeat faltered, an invisible pull like a magnet drawing you closer. You squinted in the dark, trying to make out any shapes or forms through the dim lighting.
Another low groan, only this time you recognized it. Your clenched fist loosened, and you took a few quick steps toward the small faelight to flick it on, revealing the horrific scene before you.
✧・゚: *
You worked quickly, trotting around the master washroom with supplies as your mind seemed to fog over. You felt as though this was a silent film, and you were a puppet; nothing was real, you couldn't hear, or think, or register what was going on before you-
"Y/N, please-"
"I'm working on it," you say absentmindedly, your fingers shaking as you begin soaking the rag clutched in your hand with cleaning solution. Eris' eyes widen, and he stares at you silently.
Only when the rag is practically dripping do you look up at him, barely able to look him in the eye before muttering, "this is going to hurt like Hell." He nods, and you quickly press the rag into his abdomen, his muscles immediately tensing around the area. He sucks in a sharp breath, the following few are ragged as he white-knucke grips the counter behind him.
"Gods, Y/N-"
"Hold still." You command, your tone lacking warmth as you move to press against the long gash, attempting to stop the blood free flowing from it. He groans again but you keep going, readjustign the cloth until you've wiped most of the blood away and the wound is clean for the most part.
You retreat to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a jar of salve and some large bandage wrap from it before standing before Eris once more. You gather some of the cool jelly on your fingers, making to apply it but Eris' hand grips your shoulder in an instant, and you break from whatever panic mode you were in and look up at him.
"Wait," he whispres, pain lacing his voice as his brows knit atop his forehead. You blink, realizing that in your momentary panic-ridden attempt to help him, you were not providing what he may have needed most and not gotten much of this past week.
Your eyes dropped, and your fingers lightly wrapped around his, your thumb running over his long digits. "I'm almost done, I promise," You say, with a lot more compassion this time. His eyes meet yours, and you fight against the stinging behind yours as you move toward him, your fingers brushing over the marred skin. His fingers tighten on your shoulder, a pained gasp coming out of him again.
"Shh, it's alright," you say quietly, working as quick as you can. "Almost done, I promise," You cap the salve, tearing open the bandage wrap before aligning it over his wound. His forhead finds your shoulder, his head resting on it as the muscles around his knife wound continue to retract at your touch. You lightly wind your arms around him, securing the wrap around his midsection and completely covering up his injury. It's then that you feel the warmth of his hands on you; his hands that had been holding onto you this whole time, but now had he relaxed a little, his heat had begun to return.
You stepped an inch closer, the familiar lump in your throat from earlier returning as every word you ached to say raced through your mind. Your arms found their way around his neck, and he squeezed you tighter when he felt you holding him. You threaded one hand through his hair, softly running your fingers through it while the other traced up and down lightly across his exposed back.
"You really scared me," you whispered. A small drop of water landed on his shoulder, but you didn't care. You'd allowed yourself to be vulnerable earlier in front of Riley, and it is healthy to show that you can't be happy all of the time, and that's okay; maybe Eris needed to see that too.
He nodded against your shoulder, his head turning as his nose brushed the dip of your neck. His fingers rested on your lower back, holding firm as the two of you sat in comfortable silence, a million unsaid thoughts unshared between the two of you.
"I'm sorry." He said quietly after a few minutes, his lips brushing against your skin with the action. Your body tingled, it itched, you burned inside, just wishing things could be different. You pulled back an inch, moving to look up at him through your wet lashes. He shook his head slowly at you, his thumb brushing over the tear trails down your cheeks.
"Please don't cry," he says. You chuckle, sniffling a little before unwrapping your arms from him. His hands catch yours, keeping you close to him before you can go to far.
"I hate leaving for so long." He said, his eyes dropping as he thought about how and what to say. "I don't like to be away like that."
You swallowed thickly, nodding with the effort. "Riley missed you. A lot. She asked about you every day..." you trailed off, looking to the side. He nodded, his hand letting go of yours and moving to cup your cheek, guiding you to look up at him again.
"I miss Riley, always," he said. "But, I also miss you."
Your heart seized, your chest caving at his words. You opened your mouth to answer, but nothing came out. How, in this worls, would you be able to say everything you wanted to, in just this moment?
You couldn't. You knew you wouldn't be able to. Not in just one moment like this. In the dim lighting of his master bath, just the two of you alone in the quiet -- he looked devastating, a few strands of his short hair brushing against his forehead as he gazed down at you. His gaze, his eyes, burning into yours with desire; you only hoped you coveyed every ounce of love you had in your body with a stare like that alone.
So, you did what felt right.
You pressed up onto the balls of your feet, his left hand on your hip balancing you as your lips finally met his. Every nerve ending in your body was ablaze, the feeling of those pillow soft lips on yours sending your mind into a state of bliss. His hand threaded through your hair, the other snaking around your lower back to press you closer against him.
You pulled back, just for a moment to make sure this was what he wanted as well. You barely had time to blink before his hands pulled you back in, his lips moving against yours with even more desire, more passion, the need only growing.
Your hands rested on his chest, fingertips pressing in slightly when he skated his tongue across your bottom lip. You allowed him in, surprising him when you swiped your tongue across his, the desire to explore every inch of his mouth one you'd been ashamed you'd had for months -- until now. He groaned, his grip on your waist tightening before his hand slid a bit lower, tracing the curve of your ass under his palm.
When you finally pulled back, gazing up at him with a small smile, you felt the heat between the two of you becoming rather warm in the small room. Whether it was eminating from him or it was how hot you felt inside, you couldn't be sure.
"You should... we should... it's late," you fumbled, chewing on your lower lip nervously. He nodded, loosening his grip on you a little but continued to pin you with his intense gaze.
"We should sleep," he agreed. You nodded, turning toward the door and making to leave but his fingers threaded lightly through yours. Your cheeks heated, and you looked to him as he smirked over your reaction.
"I..." you looked to his torso once more, and gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry, uh. Yeah, um. I can, help you. Get to bed, if that's. What. You, need." You stumbled out, and he chuckled lowly. You laughed nervously, and he pulled you against him once more. You squeaked at the feeling of his fingers gripping your hips, his lips pressing a small kiss just beneath your ear before his words sent a chill down your spine, despite the room's warm temperature.
"Maybe, you should just stay in here with me tonight."
Your backbone straightened at his suggestion, and he huffed a laugh once more. Your eyes met his, and a small smile played on your lips as you answered back.
"My bed is taken for the night, anyway. What's the harm?"
✧・゚: *
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anystalker707 · 1 year ago
Dolled up [2/2]
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [male, amab] Reader Summary: Sanji wants another encounter with you. Tags: He wears pretty lingeries / Demanding, but he's a bottom / He's gets eaten out / Just a princess / a PILLOW princess
Requested by anon [I LOVE how you wrote ‘dolled up’ with sanji and i was wondering if you could do part 2 to that? If not then just another sanji x top male readers fine! You don’t have to do it btw! Ty and have an awesome day!] A/n: thanks sm for your request <33 i hope you have a great day, dear!
[PART 1]
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          Sanji had noticed your persistent presence and gaze upon him. You eyed him differently after he showed up in your cabin for a midnight surprise, as if you were all the time picturing him wearing that lingerie under his normal clothes. There was something else, but he couldn’t quite get what it was.
Were you trying to figure something out about him? Studying him? He wasn’t really sure about it, but he didn’t feel like facing it directly. Some sort of superiority had been granted to Sanji the moment he found out how lost you were for him, and he wouldn’t throw it all away now. He loved the way your breath would hitch whenever he reached for something on the higher parts of the cabinets, making his shirt ride up just enough… It was good knowing he had such power.
“Excuse me,” you whispered, suddenly popping Sanji out of his bubble of thoughts and placing the ground under his feet again. Your hands were firm around his waist, gently moving him to the side so that you could walk past him and grab something from the fridge. He couldn’t even focus, mind going blank the moment your hands grabbed his waist and set him aside, so he looked down and let his hair fall more over his face in the hope it would cover his blush. Thankfully, you didn’t notice anything.
Sanji wanted the attention so badly, but he also didn’t want to be the one to give in first. This feeling bubbled up under his skin as the days passed; a presentment, though he didn’t know what for. At least until it was time for his night watch, that is.
Everything needed to be in the right measurement, and it lacked something, though Sanji wasn’t sure what. A quiet hum escaped his lips as he licked the sauce from his finger, shifting his weight to one of his legs with a soft sigh. He was a little sleepy and tired, but it was nothing he couldn’t endure. With a sigh, he was about to reach for a jar when he stopped midway.
Arms wrapped warmly around Sanji’s waist, soon accompanied by a presence behind him. It didn’t take him a lot of thought to know who it was, and his heart fluttered at the same moment.
“Doll,” you whispered right next to Sanji’s ear, making his skin rise in shivers at the same time it heated up. “My princess.”
“Yours?” Sanji whispered back almost too quickly, in a mocking tone. He wasn’t reaching for the jar anymore, only resting both of his hands on the countertop this time. The fact you were there, finally interacting directly with him and touching him without restraints, somehow managed to calm down a tension that bubbled up inside him previously. It melted away in a pleasing feeling that still carried an anxious edge.
“Of course,” you whispered with a soft chuckle, nuzzling the crook of Sanji’s neck and having fun with the way his skin rose in shivers. “I thought I’d claim you before anyone else. Am I so wrong for doing that, or did I get the wrong message? Were you just using me the other day?”
Sanji couldn’t help but sigh at your assumptions, pausing as he glanced back to raise an eyebrow at you before he shook his head to himself. Your gaze remained the same before his vague response.
“You’re difficult,” Sanji muttered, smirking at the way you gasped in offense.
“Oh, I’m the difficult one here?” You clicked your tongue and kissed Sanji’s shoulder through his shirt, inhaling the cologne he used—it was floral, in soft notes that could be caught under the smell of cigarettes and something else, stronger on the back of his neck. Also through the thin fabric of his button-up, your fingers worked on his waist, caressing and looking for something. “You’ve been avoiding me the whole week. Do you know how lonely I’ve been?”
Sanji felt a sense of pride swell in his chest at the fact that you recognized his distance—that you missed his presence and felt miserable because of that. He exhaled, smiling. “Oh? So were you having fun with your hand instead?”
“Why would I when I have you?” You scoffed, and your words sent a sparkle down Sanji’s spine that ended in the warmth that started forming in his lower stomach. His cheeks heated up a little, and he had to look down, trying to contain the smile that fought to form on his face. “Or are you bored? Maybe I just got the wrong idea.” Your touch became lighter at the same moment you paused, but Sanji promptly placed his hands over yours and tugged on your hands to wrap your arms tighter around his torso while he leaned back against you, with his head on your shoulder. It was enough to have your heart going wild in your chest.
“Don’t be silly.” Sanji chuckled, turning his head enough to plant a kiss on your cheek.
A smile stretched across your face according to how you relaxed, tightening your arms around him before nuzzling the crook of his neck with a soft hum. Sanji’s fingers laced with yours, warm palms pressed to the back of your hands as he relaxed into your touches, sighing softly. It was nice to just be with him like that; your heart felt out of place with the unusual amount of happiness it felt, almost making you feel dizzy while pulling Sanji closer, wanting more of him.
Sanji gasped barely audibly as he felt your grip tighten around him, your forearms sinking just under his ribs, but still let you have that moment before he turned around to face you with his arms around your neck. “You know, I was kinda waiting for you,” he whispered as his index finger traced circles into your shoulder.
The new tone made you raise an eyebrow, studying Sanji’s apparently innocent expression as he eyed you from under his eyelashes with that small smile tugging on his lips. It was hard to resist, making something stir in your lower stomach, even more so when his fingers pressed to the back of your neck and rubbed against the skin soothingly. Since when did he have such power over you…? Well, it didn’t matter at the moment; you kept looking into his visible blue eye while he smiled and leaned in.
A familiar taste of lip balm was present on Sanji’s lips, which gave you an idea of the whereabouts of your lost lip balm, hinting at the bearings of your favorite shirt and a ring. Either way, every other thought aside from Sanji himself was erased from your mind the moment he deepened the kiss and tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth. His eyes were half-lidded, eyeing you with entertainment and the full knowledge of what he was doing.
“My dear, mon amour,” he mumbled against your lips in a soft pleading tone that you couldn’t resist.
          Nothing would happen if you two left the night watch for a while, right? You two weren’t near any island, in the first place, and it would be hard seeing Sunny in the dark, so there was nothing to worry about. The thoughts were buried in the back of your mind by the time you climbed on top of Sanji and pressed your lips to his, feeling the mattress shift under your knees as you opened up a space between his legs.
Sanji’s breath escaped his throat in short intervals that were permeated by gasps for air whenever there was a small break from the kisses. His arms wrapped around your neck, holding you closer as his legs wrapped around your waist, and he arched his back, sending both of you groaning when your hips ground together.
Aside from knowing his way around, Sanji knew you, and maybe a little too well. He knew which way he had to kiss you to have you whimpering into his mouth, and kept kissing you until you ran out of air. Entertainment played in his eyes while observing you try to catch your breath, faces just centimeters away from each other. There was a soft hum as he caressed your cheeks with gentle fingers before kissing your lips in a soft kiss that didn’t last longer than a couple of seconds.
You sat back on your legs, bottom lip between your teeth while your fingers carefully unbuttoned his shirt, slowly letting his torso come into view, all while Sanji lay there as if you were just doing the bare minimum for him. A small smile remained on his lips as he observed you, and you couldn’t help but get a little lost in him. He looked so beautiful like that, hair messy, hands above his head, cheeks with a light red tone…
A sigh escaped your lips as you finally pulled the light blue fabric away and there was a lingerie top you’d never seen before. The bralette was made of a thin and soft peach-colored lace with white satin details.
“Sanji,” you practically moaned, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin on his chest above the bra and below the delicate silver chain he used around his neck with a small gem as a pendant. You thought about gifting him a pendant with the initial of your first name so that he could use it around his neck, but you decided to keep it as a mental note for later, focusing on how his soft skin felt under your lips.
Sanji’s chest rose and fell with a deep sigh, and he hummed in response to your touches, placing a hand on the back of your head to gently caress your hair and keep you close. A soft groan escaped your lips as you started nipping on his skin with firm hands around his waist, holding tightly as if to pull him even closer because it just wasn’t possible to get enough of him.
You nuzzled into Sanji’s bra, tugging on it just enough to expose his nipple so that you could latch your lips around it. As his nipple slowly hardened under your touch, Sanji whimpered, placing more pressure on the back of your head, so you complied—your tongue ran around the bud before you started sucking on it with a soft groan, relishing how Sanji’s moans grew louder once you started using your teeth.
“Fuck,” Sanji groaned as he arched his back, only relaxing back against the bed when you finally let go of his chest with a final lick across his nipple. His face was a brighter shade of red now, and his pupils were blown—your cock twitched the moment his eyes met yours, and you started moving again.
It was messy, but Sanji still helped you get undressed, taking off your shirt while you unbuckled your belt, but he didn’t undress himself, no. He waited for you to do it, going to the maximum of helping you a little by lifting his body off the bed, nothing more.
“I see you like my lingerie,” Sanji said with a sense of pride, grinning wide.
You paused and just raised an eyebrow at Sanji, without giving him much attention to his statement—it was obvious you liked his lacy garments, the way they suited his body so perfectly and gave him an extra touch of delicacy. It made you infatuated, clouding your thoughts whenever you looked at him or thought about him wearing them.
“You planned this?” You raised an eyebrow, slipping your hands under his panties so that you could cup his ass cheeks. “Or do you just go around wearing lingerie on a daily basis, princess?”
Sanji couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, cupping your face lovingly. “Yes to both. The thing is that I like wearing the special ones for you.”
You smiled, sighing while giving his ass a squeeze—he moaned in response, arching his back as his legs wrapped around your waist again, but his cock met no friction, much to his displeasure. “So pretty,” you breathed and kissed along Sanji’s shoulder while your fingers kneaded on the fat of his ass until soft whimpers escaped his lips, though it wasn’t much of a hard task.
Reluctantly, you pulled a hand away from Sanji to reach for the lube in the bedside table, quickly retrieving it.
“On your stomach,” you said with a soft slap on his thigh, which caused him to groan softly before he turned over, allowing you to adjust a pillow under his hips. He was such a princess, indeed, a fucking pillow princess who didn’t want to do any work today, but you didn’t mind. You’d manhandle him around if he wanted to.
You knelt between Sanji’s spread legs, taking a while to observe him, taking note of the contrast between the delicate clothes and his muscular fame, his plump ass. How could he be so perfect? A soft sigh escaped your lips as you pressed a kiss to his lower back before gently tugging his panties to the side, just enough to expose his hole, while you tugged on one of his butt cheeks.
The cold lube fell against the warm skin, making Sanji gasp and squirm a little in anticipation, glancing over his shoulder to take a look at you, but your focus was somewhere else. Your thumb circled his fluttering entrance, spreading the lube around and earning yourself a quiet sound from Sanji that stretched itself for longer when your thumb pressed past the ring of muscles, spreading the wetness into his hole.
“Mmph, darling,” Sanji whispered as he arched his back a little bit, attempting to push his hips back into your finger, but it wasn’t of much use; your goal wasn’t to please him yet, just to spread the lube. He grabbed one of your pillows to hug, folding it in half to also give his face a good place to rest.
Silence filled the room for a moment, but it was just a matter of seconds before Sanji let out another quiet sound. His hole twitched when your tongue pressed to it, tasting the sweetness of the lube along with Sanji’s taste itself. It took a while, but he finally started relaxing, groaning into the pillow as your tongue lapped at him. Since there weren’t many opportunities in which you could have privacy with anyone on the ship—or even had the time for it—, you took your time licking along his hole, pressing your tongue flat to the fluttering skin without enough strength to actually penetrate him.
Sanji’s whimpers were muffled, but not inaudible, loud enough to reach your ears and make the arousal rise within you. Finally, though, your lips were closed around the flushed entrance and sucking with enough intensity to draw a moan from him.
“Good,” Sanji whispered, though cutting himself off when he felt your tongue finally pushing inside him, lapping at his insides in a very welcome intrusion. He tightened his fingers around the pillow, arching his back as he sought more pleasure, which you seemed very eager to provide him. Not only your tongue, but the way your hands kept a firm grip on his ass and the back of his thigh also had him melting, cock twitching and leaking inside the tight panties.
The consistent rhythm of the shallow thrusts of your tongue was enough to cloud Sanji’s thoughts, making him start getting lost in the pleasure you were able to provide him. He whimpered and hugged the pillow closer to himself when your tongue glided inside him just the right way.
Despite the pleasure that it brought both of you, your jaw started complaining about the straining; a sharp pain started tugging on your muscles until you were forced to pull back, moving your chin from side to side in a small massage while eyeing his glistening hole.
Sanji didn’t have time for complaining before your tongue was replaced by a couple of fingers; he let out a long, dragged moan while his hips squirmed under your touch, and he didn’t seem to mind the replacement. His skin rose in shivers at the same time his walls tightened around your fingers when your lips ran along his ass cheek, kissing and nipping on the soft skin at the same time your fingers worked at a slow pace inside him.
Your cock was painfully hard, dripping between your legs, but your desire to keep satisfying Sanji like that was bigger than the will to indulge in your own needs. Soft moans came from Sanji as he squirmed, arching his back and almost getting off the position if you weren’t holding him in place, though he became more still when your tongue worked along the rim of his hole as your fingers reached deep inside him. His breath hitched, and with the way he squeezed around you, it was obvious he was close.
The moans that came from Sanji were louder and longer until a particular one caught in his throat, and he came, slick walls clenching around your fingers until they were spasming with the afterglow, and he whimpered at how the overstimulation threatened to take over.
You would give him a break first, but your curiosity got the best of you; before Sanji could even catch his breath, you were making him turn over and tugging on the waistband of his panties. The sight was mouthwatering, and your cock ached as it throbbed more. Sanji’s cock was still half hard, messily covered in fresh cum and confined inside those small panties.
“Fuck, I’m down bad for you,” you moaned.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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darkmxgician · 4 months ago
Scales Untilted- Part 1
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pairing: noah x reader. sweet boyfriend Noah. tags: drinking, swearing, fluff
word count: 2.1k
story song: sugar honey ice and tea by bring me the horizon
taglist: @sorrowsofsilence @angelsdevils @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @montgomery-929496 (I don’t know if you guys just wanted to be tagged on the other stuff so lmk)
I lean back from the mirror after finishing putting on mascara, assessing if I have any smudges I need to fix before I’m done. After a layer of setting spray I go to my walk in closet and start assessing what to wear. I’m going to a BBQ so something summery would be the ideal choice. After agonising over my clothes for a while I choose a white cropped cami and green floral midi skirt, it has a long slit up the side showing off my tanned legs. The heat in LA was unbearable at times, but at least I was always tan. I took my rollers out and let my long hair fall down my back, tying up the top section in a loose bun. After adorning some jewellery I was ready to go.
My friend Davis didn’t live far from me so the taxi took no time, I felt nervous, I’d never met his roommates before, we usually hung out at my brothers house. I did some artwork for his roommates band, and he knows food is the way to my heart, so when they offered to cook for me as a thank you, I couldn’t refuse. I peeled away at the label on the bottle of wine in my lap. When the car pulled up at the address I thanked the driver and took a deep breath and started up the short path. The front door opened to Davis, who grinned and pulled me into a bear hug “wow y/n, you actually look like a girl”, “don’t get used to it” I laugh, following him inside. The house was actually decorated nicely, and clean, considering a group of guys live here. Davis leads me into the kitchen and I’m so busy being nosy that I almost walk into him when he stops. Three men stood by the sink, all tall, tattooed, with dark hair. “y/n this is Jesse, Matt and Noah, guys this is y/n”, they all turn towards me and smile. I wave and return their smiles, although a little more awkward. Jesse and Matt said hi and then return to their conversation. Noah remains facing me, his brown eyes don't leave mine, I feel my cheeks starting to heat and look down at my feet. I was raised on a tour bus so I’m used to feeling the eyes of men on me. I’m not used to being affected by it, what is wrong with me? “Do you want a drink y/n?” Davis startled me with his question, “yeah, sorry” I mutter and give him the bottle I brought with me. I dared a glance at Noah whilst Davis poured my drink and found him looking back to his friends conversation, as if feeling my eyes on him he turned his head to look at me again, I quickly turned away again. 
After my initial awkwardness, which was very uncharacteristic for me, I ended up chatting to Matt about lord of the rings for over an hour, we compared tattoos since we both have sleeves based on the series and it just went from there. I felt more at ease and my usual comfortable self. I was used to being around groups of men, I was raised on my brothers tour bus with his band mates, who are my family. I kept finding myself stealing glances at Noah, I don’t know what was wrong with me, he wasn’t the first attractive guy I’d met, hell I’ve turned down guys who look like him 1000 times. Still, I couldn’t help myself, he was covered in tattoos, right up to his neck, his hair was tied into a bun, and the t-shirt and jogger shorts were really working for him. I didn’t realise I’d been staring and he turned and met my gaze, he walked over and I suddenly didn’t know what to do with my hands, I quickly picked up my drink and took a sip to calm my nerves. Why was I reacting like this? When he reached us, he kept his eyes on me whilst addressing Matt “Hey, Davis needs your help with the burgers���. After a quizzical look, Matt was gone. I was alone with Noah, he towered over me, more so than the other guys. “Looks like you need a refill”, he gestured for my glass, “oh, yeah, thanks” I mutter, passing it to him. He smirks at me and heads inside to the kitchen, I trail behind him, suddenly feeling very small in his presence. 
He pulls my wine out of the fridge and pours a large glass before turning back to me, I was leaning against the worktop for support as I watched him. He cleared the space between us in 2 steps and suddenly I was surrounded by his cologne, he was intoxicating. He smiled down at me, leaning one hand on the worktop behind me, “here you go, y/n”. Hearing my name on his lips was enough to make me blush, my mouth was suddenly very dry. I licked my lips and realised my mistake when he tracked that movement, his eyes dipped to my mouth. “Thanks Noah” I attempted a smile, his eyes coming back to look straight into mine, “no problem y/n” he smirks and pushes off the counter, aiming to go back outside. He looks back at me as if to say ‘are you coming?’, “hey where is your bathroom?”, I blurt out, blushing once again. He points me me towards a white door and I follow his directions. I step inside and lean on the sink, needing to regain a bit of control over myself.
I step back into the blistering LA sun, shielding my eyes to assess who and where to go to in the open garden. The guys are all sat around a table, it seems they’d finished cooking whilst I was regaining some composure in the bathroom “hey, y/n, your veggie burger is here” Davis shouts, pointing at the burger in the empty spot next to Noah. Brilliant. I smile and head over, Noah pulls my chair out with one hand, not even looking at me as he’s mid conversation with Jesse. I mutter a thanks to him and turn to Davis “thanks mate, this looks good”, he grinned at me with a mouth full of food, making me giggle. That got Noah’s attention, he draped his arm over the back of my chair and looked at Davis, who was oblivious. I reached for the ketchup and a napkin in the centre of the table, then leant back into the chair, into Noah’s arm, god he was huge. I kicked off my sandals and pulled my legs up, I can never sit on chairs properly, I like sitting with my legs crossed. After getting comfy I cover my burger in ketchup and set the plate in my lap. I forgot about Noah’s lingering gaze after the first bite, hunger took over and I devoured my food, adding more salad to my plate between bites. The guys all continued talking about various topics, music, anime, video games. I mostly concentrated on my food until they mention attack on titan, “NO don’t” I almost shout, “I’m only on season 1, no spoilers please” I add, realising they were all staring at me now. “ok guys, no spoilers, but how good was that last episode” Matt says to Noah, who completely ignores him. “You’re watching attack on titan y/n?”, I turn to look at him, not realising how close he was sitting, I nod eagerly, not able to answer with a mouth full of food. He smiles at me and I was suddenly very glad to be sitting down. Matt taps Noah’s shoulder to get his attention, continuing their discussion. His eyes linger on me for a moment, I can feel my cheeks heating again and quickly look away, taking a big drink from my glass.
The rest of the night went by in a blur, partially because I drank the whole bottle. I’m a lightweight and don’t drink much, so the buzz from the wine had me feeling giddy, I couldn’t stop giggling at everything Noah had to say, his answering smiles knocking me on my arse. Before I knew it, it was 1am, had I really been here for 10 hours? The boys start clearing up, plates and glasses litter the table and I stand up to help, stumbling and tripping over my discarded sandals. Unsurprisingly, Noah is there. He steadies me with an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. “Sorry, I’m too clumsy for my own good”, I smile at him, my world tilting a little, making me squint. He chuckles to himself, “how far away do you live? I can’t drive you so if you need to stay we can figure something out”. I was suddenly very aware of the rest of the guys, who were uncharacteristically quiet. The last thing I want is to be drunk and babbling to them all, especially Noah. “I don’t live far, I’ll just get a taxi, it’s how I got here earlier”, I slur my words a little but manage to get my point across. Fuck me, he’s really attractive.
I can’t help but notice how disappointed he looks when I pull out my phone to check for an uber. I loop my arm through his and start walking inside, partly needing his balance, but mostly wanting to be close to him. “Do you mind waiting outside with me?”, I flutter my eyelashes at him, unable to help myself. I’m not usually good at flirting, I’m awkward with any romantic interactions, but for some reason I found myself trying. He seemed to perk up at that, pulling me along with him, he announces that I’m leaving and I get pulled into a few hugs, Davis kisses me on the top of the head as he slings an arm around me. That’s when I realise Noah is holding my hand, he squeezes it as he shoots daggers at his friend. I wave bye to the boys and we head outside. I try to check my uber app and can barely see the screen, closing one eye to try and focus my vision. Noah chuckles next to me and takes my phone, clicking my home address and connecting me to a driver. I lean into him, “thanks Noah”, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and walks me towards a low wall in his front garden. “It says it’ll be 7 minutes, so I’m glad I get more time with you before you leave”. I turn to face him, his eyes are bright, a brown so deep I could get lost, like an endless forest. His face is dusted with freckles and tan from the heat in LA. His eyes remain fixated on mine as I assess him. His mouth pulled up into an easy smile, he was so close I would just have lean over and I could kiss him. I stop that thought in its tracks, but not before my eyes dip to his mouth. He watches me, his arm tightens on my waist, pulling me closer. I let him, getting lost in the moment, he reaches his other hand over and tilts my chin up so he has better access. My eyes flicker shut and I inhale a shaky breath, his lips hover over mine, with the ghost of a kiss, and then he pulls away. I groan in frustration and he laughs, the sound a melody that calls to my very soul. “You’re drunk y/n, I’d like you to be sober and lucid the first time I kiss you”. I look up at him with the best puppy eyes I could muster and sigh. He starts typing something on my phone and I scan the street, praying my taxi was still far away. “I put my number in, so please can let me know when you get home”, I nod enthusiastically, “I promise”, I stick out my pinky finger for him to shake. He pinky promises me, chuckling at my childish tendencies. “Can I call you tomorrow?”, he looks nervous as he asks, “of course”, I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. I lean my head against his shoulder and let out a contented sigh, hoping once again that the car takes its time so I can bask in his company for as long as possible. And thats when I release I’m in way too deep already.
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inquisimer · 10 days ago
OC Meme: Marisol Cantori
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Tagged by @wishforhome to do this OC meme, ty friend 💜 doing this for Marisol, and it ended up being a really good exercise in rounding out some details for her!
tags forward to: @shivunin | @rosella-writes | @crabs-with-sticks | @pickelda | @the-rebel-archivist | @effelants | @asexualtabris - blank template at the bottom (:
Name: Marisol Cantori
Alias(es): Rook, anything that suits the contract, probably some other nicknames that I haven't chosen yet bc I just love to give characters nicknames
Gender: Female
Age: (oh god I have been playing fast and loose with this so bad) somewhere in the range of 23 - 26 during DATV
Place of birth: Antiva City (alienage)
Spoken languages: fluently: Common, Antivan, Orlesian, ASL/CSL (Antivan/Crow Sign Language); not fluent, but knows a bit of Tevene and Nevarran
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Thief (formerly), Antivan Crow, Spellblade of House Cantori
Color: neutral metallic - bronze, silver, rose gold
Entertainment: people-watching, thievery, competition of any sort
Pastime: leather carving (and enchanting), flirting, riddles (telling and solving)
Food: dark chocolate, oranges, soft cheeses
Drink: coffee, any lyrium-infused alcohol
Books: mystery and romance! she also enjoys reading non-fiction firsthand accounts of travel/adventuring, a holdover from being in the Circle
Passed university: Yes and no, depending on how you spin it! Marisol passes Crow training without any real issue, but she was never Harrowed
Had sex: yes
Had sex in public: (something something Antivans and hot blood and passion) more like semi-public, but yes
Gotten tattoos: yes! Marisol has a geometric/floral design on her left arm inspired by her memory of drawings from her friend in the Circle. She also has a unique Cantori tattoo on her back (either between her shoulder blades or at the small of her back, I'm still deciding, vote now on your phones)
Gotten piercings: She has multiple ear piercings and a nose piercing, but she rarely actually wears any jewelry in them.
Had a broken heart: Once, when her roommate in the Circle was made Tranquil
Been in love: at the risk of being overly poetic, Marisol is in love with her freedom and independence. On a more literal level, she is absolutely in love with Teia before DATV, and with both Teia and Viago (and Lucanis, let's be real, it's going to happen) post-DATV.
A cuddler: yes!! she runs cold, and physical touch was dangerous or discouraged in the Circle, so she loves to cuddle now that she can.
Scared easily: nope!
Jealous easily: definitely not
Trustworthy: her word is only as good as whatever you've done to earn it
Sibling(s): one younger sibling who was a newborn when Marisol was taken to the Circle! When she goes back to the alienage, she finds her family home burned down, finds out that her parents were killed in the fire, and assumed her sibling is dead too. In truth, her sibling ends up in an alienage orphanage and eventually sold into the Crows and is a de Riva fledgling.
Parents: were laborers in the leatherworking industry, die in an alienage fire a few years after Marisol is taken to the Circle.
Children: none biologically, but she is good with kids in general! She helps train the Cantori fledglings and is often emotionally motivated by things happening to children that are outside of their control
Pets: she gets a spirit dog in the Lighthouse! a spirit of [devotion or tenacity or loyalty] (vote now on your phones) that manifests as a dog, to be specific. At first, he only manifests in the Lighthouse or parts of the Crossroads, but eventually after some emotional suffering practice, she can call him to places outside the Fade as well.
Blank template:
Place of birth:
Spoken languages:
Sexual orientation:
Passed university:
Had sex:
Had sex in public:
Gotten tattoos:
Gotten piercings:
Had a broken heart:
Been in love:
A cuddler:
Scared easily:
Jealous easily:
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 11 months ago
Honey, Honey
Mmmmwah ty @fizzywashere87 for the prompt <333
Fem!Reader x Donnie
I might make a Masc!Reader version at some point
Prompt: Donnie and Reader are slow dancing at a wedding, and they have a deep talk (reader is emotionally constipated btb)
Fluff, minor angst?, happy ending (im terrible at tagging)
Anywhizzle enjoy <333 (+please reblog!)
@nuncscioquidsitamor-14 bc pookie wanted to be tagged <33
Word count: 1,409
The wedding was beautiful. No doubt about it. Mikey did a wonderful job with the floral arrangements, and April and Cass looked absolutely wonderful. And even more, your date. Hot damn.
Donnie didn't really wear clothes all that often, so you had no idea what you were missing out on. But seeing Donnie, all dressed up like that? You nearly lost your damn mind. The black slacks on his long legs, the white button down that he couldn't button all the way, the jacket, all of it.
"Y/N!" You hear a voice call out, and you recognize it as the bride herself, April. "Y/N c'mere!"
You walk over to April and give her a hug.
"April! You look fabulous!" You exclaim, looking at her positively gorgeous dress. "Why thank you~" she says, doing a spin to show it off. "You look great too!" April compliments, and you strike a little pose.
"More importantly," April starts, "Donnie."
You raise an eyebrow at her.
"What about him?" You ask, curious as to what she means.
"I'm talkin about how you're practically drooling every time you look at him" she places her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow at you.
"I cant help it!" You say. "He just looks so goodddd."
"And how long have you been dating for now?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"Uhmmm.... Justttt one or two orrrrrrr eightttttt months?"
"Have you said the 'I love you' yet?"
"Mmmmmmmnnnnooooo?" You say, or rather- ask. Aprils eyes widen and her jaw drops a little.
"Eight months and you haven't said 'I love you'?? Girl-" She starts, ready to lay into you.
"I know I know- I'm emotionally constipated, okay? I'll tell him when I'm ready." She narrows her eyes at you before promptly walking away.
You suddenly hear her in the speakers, announcing something.
"Alright party people! Lets get all those couples out on the dance floor for a slowwww dance" You look at her to find her holding up two thumbs ups pointed in your direction.
Your attention is pulled from April as you hear the familiar sound of your boyfriends voice behind you.
"May I have this dance, darling?" He asks, holding out a hand. You take it and he leads you to the dance floor as some cheesy love song plays.
He places a hand on your waist, you place yours on his shoulder, and you both intertwine fingers best you can. You sway to the beat, not really knowing how to dance.
"You look gorgeous tonight." Donnie says, causing you to blush and look away. You werent the best with taking compliments.
"Look at me, would you?" He requests, squeezing your waist ever so slightly. You still dont, your gaze resting on your hand perched on his shoulder rather than his eyes.
"Is everything alright, darling?" He asks, raising a drawn on eyebrow at you. You shrug, and he momentarily lets go of your waist to gently move your chin so you look at him. You meet his eyes and blush. The corner of his mouth quirks up in a half smile as he cocks his head slightly.
"You okay?" He asks again, waiting for verbal confirmation.
"Yeah.... I'm fine, I just-" you start, averting your gaze once again. He looks at you, waiting for you to finish. Gosh, he was so patient with you. The way he looks at you, everything thing about him, just him. You loved him so much. Now if only you could tell him that.
"I dunno..." Is what you settle on. "Its just a lot, yknow?"
"Are you overstimulated? Too noisy? Too bright? What is it, hon?" He asks, so patient and caring.
"No... Not that." You think carefully for a moment, searching for the right words. "I've been thinking."
"About?" Donatello questions and he spins you gracefully. 'What a talented dancer' you think.
Don raises a brow, looking slightly worried for a second. "This isn't you trying to break up with me, is it?"
"Dont worry, its not." You reassure him.
"Relieved sigh. Thats good. I love you so much I don't know what I'd do if you left me." He chuckles, and you almost stop in your tracks, but don't to continue the flow of dancing, causing you to trip over your own feet. Luckily, Donnie holds you up.
"You okay?" He asks, and you half nod, mind occupied by something else. Those three words. The words you had not yet worked up the nerve to say.
He takes note of the expression on your face, and as if he was a mind reader, he says something.
"I imagine this is because I said the 'L' word?"
You glance at April and Cass, then back to him. "Lesbian?"
"No- Love, Y/N. I said I love you." He states, thumb rubbing gently against your waist.
"Yknow typically when someone says 'I love you', you typically say it back." He smirks that adorable smirk you love so much.
"Your hesitation issss...... Quite unnerving, Y/N. Do you not love me back?" You see the worry on his face and quickly deny it.
"What? Nonono- of course I do, Donnie, I just- I don't know how to say it." He looks at you quizzically as you try to explain.
"Its easy. Like this: I love you too, Donatello, love of my life. Simple"
You sigh. "Its not just that easy. I've never been in a relationship this long. Ive never said....... That.... To someone else before."
Donnie, being as sweet as ever, just listens.
"And its not like I dont love you, I definitely do. I guess I'm just scared that- once I say it, this- us, will become real."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Like once I say.... It..... Im admitting to myself that I'm in love with you, and that's only going to make it hurt that much more when this ends."
When you're finished speaking, you look away, trying to swallow the lump building so annoyingly in your throat. His hand releases yours and cups your cheek, brushing his thumb against your skin.
"What makes you think this is gonna end?" He asks, forcing you to look at him. "I dunno..... I just know that one day you'll find someone so much better than me, and you'll leave me behind. They always do."
The look that flashes across Donatellos face is a mixture of melancholy and love.
"Darling..... There is no one in this world I would rather be with. You're not perfect, sure. But neither am i. And I can promise you, that I will not be leaving you any time soon. Y/N I love you, more than anything or anyone, okay? And by Galileo that will never change. Understand? So, take your worries about me finding someome better and throw them out, because I don't want anyone else. I want you."
By the time he finishes you're nearly on the verge of tears. He pulls you closer into an embrace and you resist the urge to bury your face into the crook of his neck.
"God..... You're perfect...." You say quietly. He responds with "I know, dearest."
"I love you, Donatello, love of my life." You tell him, backing up from the embrace to look into his eyes. He smiles that beautiful smile at you.
He says "I love you too, Y/N. More than anything." before he captures your lips in the sweetest, softest kiss you've ever experienced.
The song ends and Mikey comes on the mic.
"Alllllright party people! Time to pump it up!"
The next song starts and you turn to Don once you recognize the opening. He looks at you the same, a grin spreading across his face.
He grabs both you hands and dances with you, singing along to the ABBA song playing over the sound system.
"Honey, honey how you feel me, uh huh. Honey, honey nearly killed me, uh huh. Honey, honey."
You look around, seeing Leo dancing with his boyfriend, April and Cass dancing together, Raph dancing a little on the side, Mikey dancing with himself by the laptop controlling the music, and Donnie. The love of your life, dancing with you, swaying to the music and spinning you around.
In that moment, you knew just how lucky you were. To be a part of a family like this, to have someone like Donatello. There was no where else you'd rather be.
Since this is named after one of my fave ABBA songs I wanted to include my headcanons for the boys' fave ABBA songs
Raph: SOS
Leo: Dancing Queen
Donnie: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (Man After Midnight)
Mikey: Lay All Your Love On Me
Ty for reading! And please please please reblog, my writing won't get shown to people without it. (Reblogging is the very core pillar of Tumblr!)
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sunfl0w3rmoon · 2 months ago
snippet hours
ty for tagging darling renn @velanavis <3 here’s a snippet of v2 of masquerade for you
Marlene wasn’t exactly sure what happened next. Only, one second she was watching a vein throb in Lily’s forehead and the next there were guitar splinters everywhere. Lily was still holding the neck, her teeth clenched, bared like a predator. Marlene leapt to her feet, crossing the distance to her girlfriend’s side.
“Lils.” She reached hesitantly for the remnants of Lily’s favorite guitar. The redhead let go of the neck easily, and Marlene tossed it to the side before wrapping her arms around Lily, pulling her in close. Lily’s floral perfume filled Marlene’s nostrils as she buried her face in the crook of her neck, snaking her own arms around Marlene’s middle.
np tags (ignore if you’ve already done it): @poetskings @weasleytriplets @shoopsthereitis @sixlane @ecstarry @arakhnee @residentrookie @drowninkystar @angel-daydreams @quiethauntings
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asce-of-hearts · 14 hours ago
Okay yandere robin HSR, like she was In her lowest after Sunday case and now he was with astral express, robin get scared that the reader will leave her alone too so she do anything to keep the reader even to extreme way (sorry bad English) okay how about just those manhwa? A tree without roots, I thought it would fit for robifly tho (robin x firefly) but firefly is the top
Anything at all
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Contents: Yandere!Robin drabble (gn!reader)
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more Robin content here
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A/N: Haven't read that manwha but I definitely think that Firefly tops in the relationship between the two of them, in general I think Robin is very much a pillow princess lol
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Loneliness leaves you with the time to do a lot of things.
Practice singing, read books you never got around reading, and also, think. You're left with a lot of time to think about everything that happens and has happened.
And that is making Robin feel like she's being eaten from the inside out.
There's people who care about her, sure. You, for example. and her brother, who is currently imprisoned, or dead. She tries not to let her thoughts wander too much to that dark place. Think positive thoughts, sing positive songs. Anything really, as long as it takes her mind off the fact that her brother could be dead, and if she isn't careful, you could die anytime as well.
She hates herself for being so paranoid, for being such a loser at times. The thought of never being able to talk to you, to feel your warmth when you hug, to never hear your voice or laughter again makes her feel like she will go insane at any moment. She stares at the thousand pictures you and her have together, her mind wandering to places it shouldn't. Between your face and body, sometimes the way your hands wrap around her waist. She sighs, lovingly, defeated, smitten.
She desires nothing more than to be close to you all the time, so close you can no longer tell where she ends and you begin. Even worse, she wants to trap you, cage you like a bird. Keep you cradled between her delicate hands in such a way you'll never be able to escape, she tries, she's trying to not succumb to that. To not succumb to the thought of tying you up and leaving you to rot in her room just so you won't escape, of building a cage with the money she has spare so she can trap you there, make you dance to her singing. Or a thought she doesn't like so much, she hates it to the point she has to bury her head in the pillows whenever it comes to her. The thought of actually killing you, of using her own two hands to take your life away from you. Imprisoning and killing, there's Sunday in her mind again. What a joke.
A knock to your door in the middle of the night startles you. You open it enough to peek at the delicate, petite silhouette standing behind it.
"Robin!" You say, surprised as you let her in. "Can I... help you? Is something wrong?"
She shakes her head, forcing herself to put on the most genuine smile she can.
"No, it's nothing. Just... just had a feeling something was going to happen to you, and came to check." You smile at her as well, and shake your head.
"Nothing wrong with me," You answer, and sit over the bed and invite her there with you. "But if it eases your mind, you can stay here with me. That's what friends are for, right?"
"Yes, of course," Her eyes darken as she lays down next to you, closing her eyes as you let her wrap her arms around you, and you do the same. Tangled like rope, a mess of limbs and body heat. "Friends..." She murmurs. "How much are you willing to do for a friend?"
You hum as you think, staring at the wall as you think about it. The smell of her hair, strangely floral, easing you.
"Well, depends on the friend," Its a simple answer, one that makes her feel uneasy. "For you for example... a lot of things. Because you're important to me." You smile, and she does as well. Her hands come to cradle your face.
"I would do a lot of things for you too, ___," She whispers, a dark glint in her eyes. "I would do anything to make sure you're safe and happy. To make sure we're together forever."
"Anything at all, ___."
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i should do a more in depth character analysis for Robin as a yandere i actually think shes a very interesting character.
hope you enjoyed this!!!
have a great day night!!!
TAGGING: @eeelieschariot @exactlyzealouslady
Want to know when I release another fic? Join the TAG LIST
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derelictheretic · 8 months ago
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman and @kyberinfinitygems Ty Ty <33
RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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full name: heather lucille valentine
height: 5' 2"
age: 30
gender: the only woman ever (in her opinion)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
🥀 will shower you in gifts (from a key chain to a condo it depends on her mood and how much she wants u)
🥀 will bring you the hearts of your enemies on a silver platter and a nice floral arrangement (better than anything John can do if u ask her)
🥀 makes you feel like the most important person in the world (love bombing? Heather? nooooooo.....)
🥀 will throw the best birthday parties (mostly catered to her taste but the food will be your favourites)
🥀 she's hot, look at her. She takes pride in being eye candy!
🥀 literal ride or die she will make sure u never get caught
🥀 obsessive if she actually likes you and isn't just using you to fill up time (She does not like sharing but she doesn't mind a competition, as long as she wins anyway—)
🥀 emotionally and mentally unstable, don't do anything she perceives as betrayal and you'll be fine :)
🥀 hypocritical and contradictory but will openly gaslight you about it and go in circles until you let it go <3
🥀 kinda on the run from a few warrants but it's whateverrr
🥀 might call you the wrong name in the beginning, on multiple occasions—sometimes on purpose just to mess with you
🥀 literal ride or die also a con bc she will take u down with her <3
no pressure tags: @deputyash @megraen @killyourrdarlingss @inafieldofdaisies @aceghosts @firstaidspray @florbelles @henbased @i-am-the-balancing-point @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe @trashcatsnark @voidbuggg @wewillryesagain @clicheantagonist and the person reading this <3
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coldshrugs · 1 year ago
five character associations — io
tagged by @lilas and @lavampira ty beloveds!
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sensory over-stimulation
deep blue-black
lush, verdant green streaked with yellow
burnt orange
brick red
soft, peppery florals
sun-warmed skin
damp earth, decaying ruins
dried blood
wood, leather, and sinew after fletching arrows
a pearl earring, softly lustrous and set in silver
well-worn leather thighboots
weapons with sleek, simple designs
books with dog-eared pages
a handheld harp in a travel bag, a larger one at home
body language
an arm crossed over her torso, slouched shoulders as if making herself appear smaller
ears held alert until she allows herself to relax
open hand reaching -- for an arrow, for a hand to hold, to draw someone in, to keep away harm
light, quick movement, a rhythm set to music you feel more than hear
eyes and smile full of warmth
a gauzy curtain blowing in the breeze, light rain on the other side of the window. everything smells green
the world so small below, the sky stretching out all around, and the wind tugging hair, clothes, and laughter during flight
a night sky flecked with stars, perfectly reflected in dark eyes.
the eager, electric almost before a first kiss, the last moment a touch is still unknown
darting in and out of frenzied battle, distant and deadly, close and desperate.
no pressure tagging: @syrcus @scionshtola @hythlodaes @razrogue @itzpapalotl @myreia @thevikingwoman @redwayfarers @callmenadya @uriangerswife and anyone else who wants to do this!
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oh-no-another-idea · 5 months ago
OC questionnaire
@winglesswriter tagged me a while back -- thank you! I'll answer these for the Bent Nails trio :)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Michael: I don't care where, but I'm free and my own man and have no strings tying me to anybody. Ideally there are tacos there. Jacob: Haha, um, I dunno. Who thinks that far ahead anyways? But I guess it'd be nice if Michael and I still talked. Sutton: Hopefully I'm cool and have a really hot boyfriend, and with Jacob and Michael
If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, which one?
Michael: Tacos Jacob: My mom's matzah ball soup Sutton: Fruit popsicles!! Either orange or watermelon. Or pineapple. Oh, but grape is so good too--
Do you have a fashion sense?
Michael: Haha Jacob: Yes, and it's called boring white guy meh, baby! Sutton: Not really. But I like the styles I have. Denim and floral print and white and all that. Michael could learn a thing or two from me, just sayin'.
@imbrisvastatio @rachaellawrites @revenantlore @eccaiia @sleepy-night-child and anyone else who sees this!
New questions:
What's your least favorite food?
Who is your favorite person?
What does a fun evening look like for you?
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scionshtola · 1 year ago
five character associations - corisande ymir
tagged by @lavampira @coldshrugs and @redwayfarers ty!! 💗
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deep wine red
soft light pink
verdant forest green
dark inky blue
cool dark brown
pepper and gunpowder
a wonderfully fragrant kitchen
warm florals
soil and freshly picked herbs
salty spray of the sea
red silk ribbon
grimoire with notes scrawled in the empty space
gifted silver ring with a purple stone
bronze flower earrings
thigh holster carrying a pistol
body language
kind, quiet smile
arms crossed, reserved but present
a reassuring squeeze of an arm
a distracted nod on their way out
side by side, a comforting presence just out of view but felt nonetheless
short skirt, long jacket, lace trimmed thigh high stockings
shelf full of books, spilling onto the floor
a warmly lit apartment teeming with plants and bouquets
a misty morning walk through the woods
a blanket spread in the sun, a book lying open on top
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ilstar · 20 days ago
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✱     AESTHETICS :     COLOUR EDITION !  re: delorean ...
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[ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 ] ⠀ cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 ] ⠀ wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
[ 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 ] ⠀ community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / fruity flavors / mist on produce / cucumber water / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / windmills
[ 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 ] ⠀ marshy swamps / haunted graveyards / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grotto / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
[ 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 ] ⠀ crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / dust filled attics / empty theatres / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
[ 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ⠀ crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
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tagged by : @deathsmaidens ty ♡
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druidx · 1 year ago
Writing Patterns/First 10 Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @hannahcbrown, TY! Apparently the last time I did this was literally a year ago, 15 April, so it'll be quite cool to look and see if there's been any changes with my opening lines.
Tagging back my whole list because this isn't limited to fanfic and I think can count for OG fiction: @aalinaaaaaas-sequel @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior @wispstalk @late-to-the-fandom @athenswrites
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
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Last time I did this there was an even split of dialogue to prose for my starters. This time there's only 3 (not counting stories in 1st person). Previously, it seemed that I started with dialogue when the work was shorter, but this isn't the case with these more recent ones. For example, No. 1 is a 100k longfic, whereas No. 5 has the shortest word count. With both types I do seem to prefer to hit with a hook rather than set the scene - 7 of these are nebulous in the 5 Ws, but are (I hope) intriguing enough to have the reader continue. So that's my pattern - give enough info to ask questions but don't give answers straight away.
1 Her Countenance was Light:
"What's it doing?"
2 A Light in the Darkness:
The month of Morning Star is a drear and dreadful one.
3 It's Fashion, Boss:
"Griffiths, you're late."
4 Greetings After a Long Departure:
It's been a few years since… Everything.
5 A Floral Surprise:
Dawn crept along the streets of London as if chasing the shadowed heels of the lean figure as it lept a fence and scaled a wall, delicately prising open a second-floor window.
6 Night Exercises:
Aderyn shivers as the night breeze brings the acerbic scent of pine down from the ridge on their right, mingling with the bog-brown smells of the heath.
7 A Little Something-Something:
Grubby, weed-filled concrete below, and grubby overcast skies overhead.
8 You Never Forget Your First:
"Where you go, I'll be right behind you…"
9 Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts:
Somewhere, an alarm is chirping incessantly.
10 Crasberry Saviour:
The space station hummed and buzzed around us as we waited for the Rotik Sales Representative.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year ago
which imaginary illness do you have?
Blooming Pox Their roots have taken hold inside your veins, your breath is shared now. Life grows from your flesh - an inescapable, floral infection. It will feast upon you until you have nothing left to give, it will trap you and make you unable to move forward. You know all this as you watch the flowers bloom just above your skin, their own petals stained with crimson - but isn't it nice to be needed, doesn't it feel good to have them depend on you for them to grow out of your not yet rotting corpse.
tagged by: @oftoska (ty, this hurt me hahaha) tagging: @dojimakaichou . @bitterarcs . @phoenix-flamed . @holyguardian & you!
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kicksaddictny · 3 months ago
Serena Williams Design Crew x Nike Air Force 1 Low
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The Serena Williams Design Crew (SWDC) and Nike are teaming up once again to deliver the Serena Williams Design Crew x Nike Air Force 1 Low in the stunning “Psychic Blue” colorway. This women’s exclusive combines a white leather base with soft gradient blue TPU overlays, creating a spray-paint effect that reinvents the classic silhouette. A textured 3D swoosh adds depth to the design, while nods to Miami can be found in the “305” tongue tag and floral accents on the insoles and heel stamp. The shoe is finished with a gradient blue midsole, a speckled outsole, and a striking neon strip, with neon green laces tying it all together. Set to drop in Spring 2025 for $115 USD, this fresh take on the Air Force 1 Low will be available at Nike retailers.
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