#ty for being as sweet as you have been in the last few!!!
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 3 months ago
Darry's in the kitchen, makin' dinner again since Soda is banned from the stove for the foreseeable future. What compelled the kid to dump half a shaker of pepper into spaghetti, Darry will never know. But he doesn't mind, really. He's got one of their ma's old cookbooks on the counter and is piece mailin' together a casserole both Steve and Two-Bit had raved over last month.
Dallas sits at the table, arms folded and scowlin' hard. Darry had to chase him into the kitchen five separate times before he managed to set the table without driftin' back to the TV to watch a western. Darry's sure they've all seen it three times.
If I go back into that kitchen and those places still aren't set you're gonna be sittin' in there until I'm well 'n done cookin'. Dallas had immediately jumped back up and vanished through the door but Darry was followin' though. Maybe he was a tough hood everywhere else, but inside the Curtis home, he was just another one of Darry's rowdy kid brothers.
To his credit, he hadn't put up too much of a fuss so when he started leanin' to see the movie through the door Darry pretended he didn't notice. He only cleared his throat warningly when he started reachin' fallin' out of his chair levels of tilitin'. Every time Dallas would straighten back up and shoot Darry his meanest glare, proppin' his elbows on the table 'n pickin' at the peelin' paint.
At some point, Pony detangled himself from Soda on the couch and disappeared down the hall, returnin' with a notebook to sit across from Dallas. He glanced up at Darry before he plopped down 'n Darry nodded his approval. Sometimes he'd make them sit alone when they were in trouble, specifically Soda and Two since they were Darry's most rambunctious. Pony would distract Soda but him 'n Dallas enjoyed just sittin' in the quiet. It reminded Darry of how Johnny 'n Pony had been. His heart gives a sharp little ache and he shakes the thought from his head.
Greif had an odd way of sneakin' up on him.
Pony picks up his pencil and Dallas nearly falls out of his chair for how hard he's leanin'. Darry doesn't bother clearin' his throat, just knocks him up the back of his head gently and Dallas scowls hard and leans back.
He's not sure how much time passes, not very long. He finishes the casserole and slides it into the oven to cook. He sighs, listens to Two and Steve as they wrestle in the living room, waitin' to see if they'll knock it off themselves before they break somethin' or not. Apparently, the sigh he lets out it enough for Soda to kick them both in the ribs and they reluctantly separate.
Since Dallas has put up the minimal amount of huffin' 'n moanin' he opts to release him until dinner. Before he can open his mouth he catches a glimpse of a sketch Pony has his nose an inch away from. He's got his brow all furrowed and he's bitin' his lip hard enough to leave marks like he always does when he's focused.
"Holy shit, kiddo." He hadn't meant to comment but even just the edge of the portrait he's workin' on is an utter work of art. Pony jerks up and slams the notebook closed. He always was oddly shy about his work. Darry doesn't push it, he doesn't want Pony to feel like he's pryin'.
Dallas, however, doesn't share Darry's values of privacy. He watches as Steve disappears into his room without askin' 'n thinks maybe none of them do. He rolls his eyes again. Dallas, suddenly payin' attention again, reaches over 'n snatches the notebook out of Pony's hands, openin' it to the page Pony had been workin' in. Whatever smart shit he'd been about to say dies in his throat.
"Holy fuck, Pony." The sketch is nearly finished, clearly set from Pony's view of the kitchen, Dallas framed neatly in the middle, scowlin'. It's so accurate it could have been a photo, one of a spread of Dallas. In all of them, his eyes are bright and angry or dull and aggitated. He's either scowlin' or frownin'. In one particular sketch he's barin' his teeth so his silver one shines lime he does when hes truly hacked off. Darry looks between Dallas 'n the drawin' Pony's just added, notin' how he had lovingly managed to capture the singular fair freckle on Dallas' throat, the way his hair curled against the back of his neck, the set of his eyes as he peered through the door.
When Darry looks back at his kid brother Pony is bright red. Darry snaps out of it first and realizes both he 'n Dallas are just starin' at him.
"Pony, that's amazin'. Really, honey." Pony looks down at the table, still clearly embarrassed.
"It's just a sketch." He scuffs his toe on the tile and runs his hand up his neck in a way Darry knows he picked up from him. "It's not done, yet." Pony wasn't particularly good with praise. He looks up at Dallas who's still just starin' at the page. Dallas runs a finger along the high bones of his face recreated in lead.
"Is... is that how you-"
"Sorry! It's really not that good. I just like to... I dunno... I like to sketch you when you're angry. You just look tuff when you're scowlin' 'n all. That's all. It's not done." He finishes lamely, the flush creepin' down his neck when Dallas doesn't say anythin' else. The silence hangs for a long moment.
"I didn't know I looked like that. When I was mad 'n all." Dallas finally says. He runs a finger over his drawn brow as if he could smooth out the furrow. He shakes his head hard. "Sorry kid, that's tuff as hell. It's a real good drawin'."
Pony ducks his head again 'n Dallas runs the back of his hand over his eyes. "Do you... mind if I keep it?" Pony's eyes go all wide like he wasn't expectin' the question.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. It's you after all." Dallas rips the drawin' carefully out of the book and folds it gently in half, gettin' up and vanishin' down the hall to the room he shares with Pony 'n Soda. He ruffles Pony's hair as he passes, gently squeezin' his shoulder.
The second Dallas is gone Pony drops his forehead to the table. "D'you think I upset him?" Darry presses a kiss to his hair and pats him on the back softly.
"Nah, kiddo. I don't think he's upset." But Darry isn't sure exactly how to read that boy. Not nearly as well as he can read the rest of them. "He just needs a minute."
Dinner is a subdued affair despite Soda and Two's best efforts. As Darry expected, both Two and Steve nearly go to blows over the final servin' 'n only back down once Darry promises to make it again next week. Dallas says next to nothin' which makes Pony squirm around every thirty seconds.
When Two's finished lickin' the bowl, Darry shoos them all out, unsurprised to find Dallas silently startin' to collect up the plates and dump them into the sink. He wasn't like his brother's in that regard. When the other's wanted Darry's attention they would simply ask for it. Dallas refused to bruise his ego. He'd find an excuse to catch Darry as he ran to the grocery store or mowed the lawn or did the dishes. Darry didn't mind waitin' for him to decide to say whatever was on his mind.
"I didn't know the kid saw me as such an... angry person." He dumped another armful of dishes and silently picked up the dish towel as Darry started washin'.
Darry hmm-ed vaguely and handed Dallas a plate. He knew the kid wouldn't listen to him if he denied it, despite knowin' better.
"Pony just likes to capture people's emotions. You remember that time he drew Soda after he'd fallen and broken his wrist? Soda had nearly lost his damn mind at how pathetic he looked in that. He might've jumped Pony if it hadn't been such a good drawin'." Darry chuckles lightly but Dallas just gives a weak smile 'n returns the plate to the cabinet.
"Maybe... yeah." Between the two of them, the sink is empty in fifteen minutes and Dallas disappears down the hall to take a shower. He had a late night chore to run at Buck's, somethin' to do with an upcomin' pony race they had comin' up.
Darry see's Dallas out, extractin' a promise to go straight there 'n back, checkin' to make sure he had his blade though he almost certainly didn't need to. He shoos Two out of his armchair and collapses down, only half payin' attention to whatever's on.
"Darry?" Pony was still bein' more uncharacteristically quiet than usual.
"Yeah, kiddo?"
"Can I go to bed early?" Darry turns his head to get a good look at the kid. He doesn't think Pony has ever asked to bed early a day in his life. Usually, he was the one fit to be tied every night when Darry tried to get them all to bed.
"Sure honey, all ok?" Pony nods his head and Darry crooks a finger. When he's close enough Darry presses a kiss to his forehead. Pony doesn't fight it and leans into Darry's shoulder for a moment.
"Yeah, I'm fine. G'night Darry."
"Night, kiddo."
It doesn't take long for the rest of the gang to decide they're tired. Soda crashes on the sofa against Steve's shoulder and Steve hauls him up and dumps him in bed. Two promised his ma he'd go home and Steve swears he'll be fine at his. Darry reluctantly doesn't put up a fight. He drops kisses to both their heads and reminds them the door is always unlocked.
Once the house is nearly empty he straightens up the few things out of place and drags himself to his room for the night. He's a heavy sleeper and he's exhausted enough to fall asleep right there in the hall but his body won't let him even dream of passin' out before all his brothers are home where they're supposed to be.
He counts on Dallas bein' back in an hour give or take and flips on the bedside light. He cracks the book on the nightstand Ponyboy recommended to him months ago. Pony had read it in one afternoon but Darry was draggin' through it five minutes here 'n there when he had the time.
Half an hour later he hears the door to Pony, Dallas, 'n Soda's room creak open but doesn't think much of it. He hears light steps pad down the hall 'n correctly assumes it to be Pony. Seconds later the door opens 'n closes again.
By the alarm clock beside the bed, it's another forty-five minutes before Dallas comes in. The walls are paper thin, so he can distinctly hear Dally kick his shoes off at the door and continue into the kitchen. He pauses there oddly long but Darry doesn't get up to interrupt.
It takes another ten minutes for Darry to hear the kid in the hall. He sniffs hard and Darry recognizes the sound of him rubbin' the back of his sleeve across his face. It breaks his heart but he leaves him be. Of all of them Dallas was the most fiercely protective over his ego and privacy. If it were anyone else, Darry wouldn't let that stop him from comfortin' him. But he knew the kid would get him if he needed it. He figured Dallas could see the light under the door 'n would know Darry was awake if he decided to come in.
Darry waits another fifteen minutes before he gets up to check on them. When he eases open the door Soda is sprawled out in one bed and Dallas is wrapped tightly around Pony in the other. Darry smiles fondly and goes to shut the door before he catches the paper clutched in Dallas' hand.
Darry slinks quietly across the floor to get a better look. He recognizes Pony's careful, controlled pencil markin'. The drawin' is one of his favorite Polaroids of Dallas, his smile wide and uncontrolled. Darry remembers the exact moment it was taken, his hair blown back from his forehead as Soda had taken a turn far too fast for Darry's likin'. Dallas had howled and stuck his whole head out the window and grinned.
Darry smiles fondly at the memory and catches the corner where Pony's written a note in his neat, loopy hand writin'.
I don't see you as angry. I see you as Dallas. My brother. (who just happens to look tuff when he scowls)
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gojoshooter · 9 months ago
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tw. suggestive, gojo flashes his goodies
Husband!Gojo coming out of the shower with a wet muscular body and a piece of towel hanging along his waist—only to see his wife laying on the bed right in front of him.
Pregnant Wife!Yn who had been insecure of her growing belly and weight since a couple months due to her pregnancy, watches Gojo check her from head to toe, an unexplainable look on his handsome pale face.
Sitting upright, she fixes her loose garments. Maybe he’s finally come to the realisation of not being such a big fan of my mom body.
Husband!Gojo sensing her dejected mood, snaps out of his internal thoughts as he decides to reach out and sit next to her instead.
“Baby? Something’s bothering?” he asks softly, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear.
Pregnant Wife!Yn ever a self-conscious overthinker, mumbles while looking up at her husband, “I saw you gazing at me few a many times now...” she fixes her garment again, in embarrassment “like... weirdly. You start looking stiff all of a sudden, as if you want to confess something. About my bad shape maybe.”
At her confession, Satoru pauses, lips parted open slightly and not sure which part to explain first. He brings a wet but comforting hand on her swollen belly.
“Silly girl. Are you worrying about your plump little adorable tummy again? I told you I like it.”
Pregnant Wife!Yn frowns, not really sure of his words. “Really? Then how would you explain everytime you stopped to stare at me? Your face doesn't seem as if you love it—or even like it, Toru.”
Husband!Gojo who shakes his head, body turning more towards her distressed wife. “I don't like it? I love you and every part of you babe, you know me.”
Yn sighs softly, looking down with an upset face. “I do... but maybe i shouldn't have asked for a baby. I just... I feel like you'd have appreciated my old body more, Toru.”
Satoru snaps his head towards her, eyebrows raised in disbelief. This was his last straw. She has to know what his pregnant, innocent wife does to him.
As he stands up slowly from the edge of the bed, he makes sure she's all eyes and ears. “Oh really now. Then I must give you a real reason to never regret your baby with me...”
Undoing the towel hooked on his dripping wet waist, the white haired man reveals his lower half of the riches. As her eyes set down, there comes in view an almost fully hard wet length of Gojo Satoru.
Pregnant Wife!Yn being taken aback, is unable to react for a good few first seconds, mouth agape. Light hue of red crawls up the neck to settle on her cheeks, when her husband hums in question.
“Mm? You see this? This is what you do to me, silly girl.”
Everything seemed suddenly more reasonable—Gojo stealing those frequent long gazes, his odd body language while he checks his pregnant wife out. Gojo gets aroused.
Pregnant Wife!Yn tears her gaze away from his manhood, cold sweat making her feel more or less like her currently out of shower dripping wet husband. Oh the thoughts that might be running in his perverted brain, all the ways he could take you in and you wouldn't be moving away with all the weight you bear of his baby, but comply, and relish, and whine.
“Oh-oh...” she mumbles shyly, the revelation lessening her insecurity effectively more than all sweet words combined could have ever had.
an. husband gojo >>> also this is my 1k readers special! ty for giving my writings your time, love y'all. likes & rbs are appreciated <33
tags: @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @ruins-posts
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months ago
tw - non/con, kidnapping, LOTS of non-consensual touching, threats of violence, implied public sex, and unbalanced power dynamics.
Geto Suguru is a surprisingly tactile man.
You wouldn't expect it from a man so cold, so withdrawn, so prone to keeping his hands tucked in his sleeves away from any filthy, undeserving lesser beings like yourself, but it's not hard to spot once you know what you're looking for. When his girls were young enough to put up with it, he always had at least one, if not both of them in his arms, and his preferred form of greeting towards those in his select, but not exclusive inner circle has always been a hug, kiss, or some combination of both. Even when he claims he can't stand to look at you, when he orders you to bathe in scalding-hot water before admitting you so much as might be worth of his affections, he never lasts more than a few minutes before slipping in beside you with excuses of 'you're not thorough enough' or 'I can't even trust you to do this correctly' ready on his tongue. It might be sweet, if it wasn't so controlling. You're not really in a place to complain, though.
He likes keeping you close. For someone he claims is nothing more than a pest, he treats you akin to a lapdog; constantly calling your name, constantly petting through your hair, constantly keeping you pressed against his side or slotted against his chest or perched on his lap, an arm as thick as your leg wrapped around your waist to better snuff out your attempts to squirm. Any attempts to withdraw before he allows you to are met with punishments of the most severe order. You don't like being at his beck and call, having to sit through his depraved sermons for the sole reason that he doesn't trust you to leave his sight, but it's better than being shackled to his bedpost for another four weeks. You can be a lapdog, so long as you aren't a collared one.
Even the politest touch he offers you is unspeakable invasive. You're not sure how he manages to turn something as simple and as shallow as grazing you're lower back into yet another show of his authority over you. Part of it just might be the whole 'genocidal cult leader' shtick (it's hard not to find someone a little creepy after they've abducted, tortured, and traumatized you), but you'd like to think that even if you had entered into his company more willingly, you'd still find his intimacy more than a little off-putting. The worst of it comes at night, when he assumes you're asleep. The way he holds you to his chest, clings to you like a child does a stuffed animal might be cute in another context, but it rarely serves to endear him to you. If anything, it only proves that even unconscious, his greatest pleasure in life is smothering you.
Worst of all, he's handsy. That, in itself, shouldn't be all that surprisingly, but the lecherousness of it, the shameless of it still manages to leave you as disgusted as you are unnerved. It's rare for a full hour to pass in his company without his hand slipping under the collar of the silken kimono's he dresses you in and groping at your best until he's left indents in the shape of his blunt nails. Other times, his fingers will find their way underneath your skirts or into the waistband of your shorts while he's preoccupied with another matter, splitting you open on his fingers with all the attention one might pay to tying their shoes or brushing their hair. If you're lucky, he'll choose a private moments, one where you'll be forced to fall apart for his entertainment alone, tucked safely away from the prying eyes of his co-conspirators and congregation.
You don't get lucky very often.
Sometimes, you think he does it just to be cruel. He does most things to be cruel, and this would be far from the only way he's cruel to you, in particular. But, when drapes himself over you at night, when he drags you so suffocatingly close to his side, when he grinds his palm into your most sensitive point of vulnerability and whispers so possessively that you ought to be thankful for each second long he lets you live, it's not cruelty you see in Suguru's dark eyes, but rather something much, much more dangerous.
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gravegoer · 3 months ago
ok ok hiiiii hope your doing well! Um this may be odd, but, imagine an au where fem reader sleeps in the same bed as best friend sevika but place a few pillows between each other because fem reader believes she's not into girls despite her best friend being an absolute hottie 😞
My Best Friend ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
this is ALSO one of my fav tropes, so thank you for this.. and yes I'm doing well ty summary: sevika could treat u better than he can !!! never let a man stop you from finding your wife. thats the moral for tday.
masterlist , new fic, sevika is your dads best friend..
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Sevika has been your best friend for a few years (although she would never admit it) and shes seen you through your best and worst.
After breakups with shitty men, she knows to find you at the last drop, laughing at your drunken state before dragging you home.
This was one of those nights.
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She had you slung over her shoulder while she keyed the lock on her door, grunting at your head that lulled on her shoulder, "Are we home..?"
Sevika nodded, dragging you through the doorway and sitting you on the couch gently. She grabbed a glass from the kitchen and filled it with water for you. Her heavy shoes thudded on the wooden floor as she made her way back to you.
Sitting beside you, she held your chin, pouring water into your mouth, "I don't like seeing you with those blunder-heads."
You gulped down the cold water greedly, attempting to soothe the dryness in your throat. You held her by the wrist to steady her hand.
Sevika scoffed, and you knew she was referring to your exes. You giggled at her seriousness, "I don't think I like being with them."
You felt the pressure lift from your head, feeling more sober. Clinging to Sevikas arm, you sighed, looking up at her. "You're lucky you dont have to deal with boyfriends."
Her features twisted, contorting into a sour look, "You don't have to either."
"Hm?" You hummed, mindlessly tracing the rim of your glass.
"I mean, you could always try women."
You laughed and said teasingly, "Like at the brothel?"
Her eyes widened, and her brows furrowed, lips almost pulled into a pout, "No, no, like a girlfriend."
"What? Are you volunteering?" You smacked her on the arm and laid back further into the couch.
She smirked, Sevika’s cocky demeanor returning to her, "I wouldn't mind teaching you a few things."
You made a fake sound of disgust but laughed afterward. Although you couldn't deny she was beautiful, her thick arm was warm in your hold, and the angles of her face softened when you spoke.
Sevika treated you like no man ever had before. She was sweet in her own way, ans actually listened to what you had to say. You know she would never do anything to hurt you, and infact she was the one that picked you up after you got hurt.
You had never been interested in women, but Sevika definitely piqued your interest. Maybe it was all the memories you shared or the way she treated you. But maybe it was the way her V line connected to the waistband of her pants, emphazised by the warm light, the way her hair stuck to her sharp jaw that clenched under your gaze.
She interrupted your thoughts, "It's late, you should get to bed."
"Already? You aren't going to stay?"
She smirked again, revealing the flattering gao between her teeth, "All you have to do is ask, doll."
Heat rose to your face at the nickname. Maybe it was just the alcohol in your system, but it was starting to get hotter. You bit your lip, looking up at her through your lashes, "Please stay Sevika, I'll even make you breakfast before you leave in the morning."
That was music to her ears. At that, she stood up, grabbing your waist to take you with her. Eventually, she got tired of your stumbling and slowness and picked you up, arm under your legs, and prosthetic on your upperback.
You smiled, wrapping your arms around her neck, throwing your head back dramatically. She shook her head at your playfulness while kicking open your door.
Sevika tossed you onto the bed as gently as possible, and your eyes widened at the suggestive position you were in. She loomed over you, shadowing your body. Your knees were slightly bent and legs spread, almost inviting her between.
You could imagine her crawling up to you, hands pushing your knees apart to draw your face into hers. Instead, she sat beside you, leaning against the headboard and lighting a cigar.
Rolling your eyes, you pulled the blankets over you and laid facing away from her. She snickered at your mood change and patted you on the shoulder, "I want pancakes."
You didn't respond, humming at the thought of food. For the next several minutes, you could hear her mindlessly flicking her zippo top open and closed, flame flicking on and off.
You imagined her thick fingers against the cool metal, fire illuminating her always-bruised knuckles. Then, you imagined her fingers on your waist, then in your hair—
You groaned, shoving your face in the pillow, attempting to drown out the thoughts. The sound of her zippo halted before a small tiss, was heard.
You could feel the weight shift behind you as she moved to lay down, resting a hand on your back. Shimmying away from her touch, you rolled over to face her.
Sevika's eyes opened, and you immediately missed the peaceful look on her face. Now her brow was cocked and her lips curled downward.
Her grey eyes bore into yours as you spoke, "Only my girlfriend should be touching me in bed like that."
You mocked her words from earlier, but without any harshness. Her lips drew into a tight line, "I get it. You aren't into women. Im not trying anything funny."
She didn't have to say it because you knew she wouldn't. But a part of you didn't quite mind if she did.
"Okay, then—"
You picked up a few pillows, placing them between your bodies. "There."
She deadpanned, "Are you serious?"
You snickered, not responding, before turning back to your original position. After a few seconds, you heard her sigh and lay back down, definitely facing you. Sevika reached over the barrier to tug the blanket further up your frame, shielding you from the cold.
She treated you better than any man had, and you both knew it. Maybe you'll finally do something about it over some drinks tomorrow.
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i laaaaauuuvvvvvvv best friend sevika, idk if ill make a part 2 tho, i have some more fics coming out soon, some kind of suggestive?? and nsfw..????!! so follow for that, all cumming this week
taglist: @thequeenreaders @hangezoes-wife @thesecondhandwoman @slut4sevika @kylorey25 @sylencr @jinxjinxjinx12 @morphids
comment to be added <333
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spatialwave · 4 months ago
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aches and pains.
➸ ask: "“Tell me to stop and we stop. I don’t care what’s happening. All I care about is you” with Viktor please 🥹👉👈" - @lillycore ➸ pairing: viktor x fem!reader ➸ word count: 1.7k ➸ tags: mdni! nsfw, pwp, smut, hurt/comfort, no use of y/n. ➸ notes: ty for the ask!!! <3<3<3
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Viktor’s lips on your skin took away all that weighed you down. His touch or calm words mediated the worst days—you were so lucky to have his comfort. A man who loved you so much that he would do anything he could to keep a smile on your face.
Or to see your face contorted in pleasure at the gentlest of breaths along your body.
You were easy to please only because your lover was a quick learner. A few ghosting touches to your thighs taught him that you preferred taking things slow. Your legs spread and lips trembling when he would dip fingers between your rounded thighs, fingertips brushing along the fabric of your underwear only to drag back to your skin.
When his fingers returned to your heat, you were a mess, soaked through the fabric between your legs and onto the bedsheet below.
Viktor aimed to learn your body, to understand every ebb and flow of your emotions, and to want nothing more than to support all that was you.
His eyes flickered under the candlelight as he read the pages of a rather lengthy novel. Resting back on the couch with you, legs tangled, reading under the dim light as you drifted in and out of sleep after a long day at the academy left you exhausted.
You left so early and came home so late that you had only seen the sun through the few windows of the lab you were in. All for science—not much for your well-being.
He smirked behind the pages, face hidden from your view, “You’re not sneaky.”
You thought you had been, but your foot between his legs had rubbed a bit too hard against the hardening bulge in his slacks. Of course, he wasn’t at all oblivious to your advances. 
“Oops,” you giggled, sinking further into the couch as you watched him coyly. Smiling when he peeked over his book and directly at you, a brow quirked.
“I thought you were trying to rest,” he chided playfully, closing the book and resting it atop his lap. He shifted beneath your touch, your foot still offering gentle rubs against his growing erection that showed how much he wanted this, too, “If I keep you up, you aren’t going to complain that you’re too tired in the morning, are you? So I have to make breakfast and bring it to you in bed.”
A sickeningly sweet smile spread across your lips, combating the tired look in your eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t prefer cooking breakfast. You said yourself that I’m a horrible cook.”
He swatted at your leg, a guttural hum of disappointment coming from him, “I didn’t say that… I said you weren’t, eh,“ he battled through proper wording for a moment, ”the best cook.”
You rolled your eyes at his sheepish smile. “Same thing,” you giggled, biting down on your bottom lip as you retracted your foot and moved to sit up, extending a hand as you stood.
Viktor allowed himself to be tugged along by you after he blew out the candle, following you slowly to the unmade bed that looked inviting at the late hour. With how exhausted you seemed, he almost wondered if you would fall asleep.
The heavy bags under your eyes were a bit concerning, reminiscent of his own days when work took priority over himself.
“Don’t force yourself if you’re too tired,” he reminded you, his voice was soft as you both lay in bed, much of your clothing already removed from each other’s bodies. His lips were pressed to your bare shoulder as he lay on his side, peppering you with soft kisses while his hand grazed over your lower stomach. It ignited flames inside your abdomen.
“Not tired,” you mumbled. It had been over two weeks since you were last intimate with him, you couldn’t help but feel like you needed to do this—you hadn’t gone this long without sex with Viktor ever. 
It had been on your mind since you arrived home, a new insecurity wrapping your psyche. Would he lose interest in you if you didn’t?
Your brain wasn’t kind to you when you were tired.
Viktor trusted your words and continued. His lips left lazy, open-mouth kisses along your skin while his hand pushed below the fabric that clung tight to your hips. Long fingers brushed between your already wet folds, and Viktor smirked.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he whispered lowly, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “You’re already so excited. You must have been waiting patiently all day for this.”
Squirming at his touch, you looked into his yellow eyes, which illuminated under the soft lighting offered by a small bedside lamp. Specks of gold swirled through them as he admired you, analyzing your reactions as your lips parted into an ‘o’ shape and eyes fell shut at his careful ministrations.
Viktor enjoyed taking his time with you, fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit—dipping into your tight cunt to curl against your g-spot. His thumb continued the pressure against your bundle of nerves, leaving your back arching and quiet mewls escaping your lips.
“Viktor,” you breathed his name out, his practiced touches already pushing you to the edge. The heat in your lower stomach grew bigger with each pump of his fingers inside you, his hot breath on your neck pushing you so damned close.
You hadn’t thought your release would come so soon and easily, and your mind eased at finding solace in rest soon.
“Not yet, love,” he murmured, relishing in the whine that came from you when his fingers pulled from its spot inside your tight walls. Leaving you empty and unsatisfied, wondering how you would make it through this before passing out into a deep sleep.
You were completely spent by the time his head was between your legs, exhaustion overwhelming you with each passing moment. Yet, you didn’t want this to end—not when you’d craved his touch so desperately. When you felt like you were so far in, you’d only disappoint him if you stopped now.
So, you kept pushing yourself forward. Focusing on the pleasure filling your veins as he settled into the bed below you, and you straddled him.
His cock pushed deep inside you as your hips dropped, your cunt wrapping so deliciously tight around him. You gasped as you rolled your hips, nails dragging along his chest as you looked up at the ceiling and rode him with tired movements. Your stomach was full of heat, pleasure filling all of your senses, but it wasn’t enough to get lost in
Your mind was a storm of negative thoughts. Clouded by overexertion.
Nimble hands held your hips, soft moans coming from Viktor as you bounced yourself up and down. Fucking yourself on him—though not with the fiery passion you often had.
Your thighs had already begun to tremble, aching so soon.
Viktor took notice.
“My love.” Your eyes dropped and widened, watching as your lover shifted up on an elbow and looked over your face. His hand moving to caress your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lied after a few beats of silence, feeling your stomach twist tightly.
Viktor’s brows furrowed together as he moved to sit up, allowing you to rest back on his thighs. Your eyes had begun to water, glistening with unshed tears as your emotions heightened.
“No, no,” he whispered, his eyes softening, “You’re not okay, and that’s okay. Tell me if this is too much, and we’ll stop. I don’t care about this—I care about you.”
You wiped your eyes with two hands, forcing the tears away. “But we’ve just been so busy,” you sniffled, embarrassment crawling up your spine. “We haven’t done this in a long time, and I don’t want to disappoint you. It’s not too much—I’m just so tired.” You pouted, sulking at the reality of the situation and avoiding his gaze.
Viktor’s arms wrapped around you in response, holding you to his chest as he pulled you back. Now laying amongst the pillows, your ear pressed to his chest and listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as tears spilled down your cheeks.
“Don’t ever feel like you have to do this for me,” he whispered, fingers combing through your hair, “I’ll love you no matter what. You could take an oath of celibacy, and I would still love you. I would only have to find time to tend to myself now and then.”
You heard the smile grow on his lips, and you couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up your throat. Tilting your head back, you peered up to meet his gaze. All the worries in your mind melting away at his sincerity.
If there was anyone who knew you better than yourself, it was Viktor. The man who knew what you needed from a particular look in your eyes, or knew exactly what you’d say next when you spoke so passionately about something you loved. He could tell how overworked you had become lately as you navigated your final years of schooling. Somehow, finding yourself busier than him, who was assistant to the dean.
“You’re too good for me,” you murmured, burying your face into his bare chest, “I feel bad. Now you’re all worked up, and I’m just crying on you like a mess.”
”I’ll survive,” he chucked, fingers trailing along your spine.
Slowly, he moved you both until you were on the bed next to him. Face still hiding against his chest, but now with your arms wrapped tight around his waist and a leg thrown over his hips. Clinging to him tightly.
“Promise me you’ll get some rest tomorrow. Proper rest.” 
You yawned against his chest, “I promise.”
Viktor held you, arms wrapped around your shoulders as his chin rested atop your head. His eyes fixated on the open window, watching the moon in the distance that had risen over the skyline of Piltover.
You snored once you fell asleep, each soft sound easing his heart as he thought about what he’d make you for breakfast.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months ago
New Girlfriend IV
Lucy Bronze x Teen!Reader
Summary: Pokémon card trade night
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"Don't," Lucy says as Ona watches her.
"I haven't said anything."
"But you're going to go."
"You're a good mum, Luce," Ona says earnestly," And I know she thinks so too."
"Are you sure you don't want to come with?"
"I just got off a plane. I'll stay here with Narla. Go and bond with your daughter."
"At trade night?" Lucy says in disbelief," And sweaty Pokémon fans? I'll try."
"Yes," Ona laughs," You're a real hero for that."
Lucy shoves on her shoes and coat, leaning up the stairs. "I'm leaving!" She yells," So you're either coming to trade night or I'm going to KFC!"
She waits barely a second before a thump comes from your room, sounding suspiciously like a game controller being flung at a table.
You come sprinting down the stairs, tying the drawstrings of the tracksuits bottoms that you've clearly just shoved on.
"I'm coming! I'm coming! Hi, Ona. I'm coming!"
Ona laughs. "Hi, y/n. Have fun at trade night."
"Mum couldn't convince you to come?"
"I think I'm happy getting over the flight."
"Your loss." You shrug, turning back to Lucy. "So, are we going or not?"
"I hope you're not playing on bringing that mouse with you."
You frown, looking down at the pocket at the very front of your jumper, where Ezio pokes his nose out of.
"I'll..." You laugh nervously. "I'll put him back. Don't leave without me!"
It's not often that you like leaving the house. For school and for Lucy's games and (more frequently now you're back in England) seeing your grandparents.
Most of the time, you don't leave the house because you want to, but rather because you have to.
Except for nights like these, at the local 'nerd shops' as Lucy calls them to trade some Pokémon cards.
"You've got everything?" Lucy checks as she finds a parking space out on the street," You didn't bring all your binders."
"I brought my trade binder and a few of my other sets that I need to fill up."
You roll your eyes, swinging your bag over your shoulder and slamming the car door shut. "Yes, my trade binder. It's got all the cards that are duplicates and I don't mind trading away for other ones."
"I don't get this," Lucy says, hands in her pockets as she walks up to your nerd shop," You don't even play the card game."
"It's not about playing the card game. It's...It's..."
"I just like it, okay? Is that too much to understand?!"
Lucy's teasing smile is wiped off her face. "Hey, no, wait. I'm so-"
"Leave it," You say, shoving past her," I wish Ona were here instead!"
Lucy watches you go in, hand still out and reaching for your shoulder.
People have told her so many times how good she's done at raising you. Your teachers have nothing but glowing remarks. You're smart and studious and you didn't interrupt in class. Perhaps you could talk more but that's not a life ruiner.
Her friends have always said you're polite and you speak well and you don't purposely try to get under their skin. You're nice and you're sweet and you're friendly with everyone.
But Lucy can never fully understand you.
She's always been moving, even as a child. She'd played football for as long as she can remember, always high energy, always going-going-going until she had no more energy to go any longer.
You're not like, not in that way anyway.
You're more reserved and solitary, happy to sit in your room with your gaming consoles and your YouTube videos and your mice.
This card collecting thing had happened when she was still with Keira and away for the weekend. Keira had bought you a pack while at the store and you'd been hooked ever since.
Lucy can't even remember the last time your allowance hadn't been spent on those dumb plastic booster packs. She's never understood it.
Keira used to take the reins on this kind of thing while they were still together so Lucy's way out of her comfort zone when she finally steps inside of the nerd store.
It's more packed than she thought it would be, with people of all ages.
She catches sight of you up ahead. It's hard not to when you're wearing the Assassin's Creed coat she got you for Christmas last year and your binders are kept safe in the Mario Kart backpack you usually use for school.
Lucy fights the crowd to get to you.
"Whoa. Are you Lucy Bronze?"
There's some little kid staring up at her, clutching a binder with wide eyes and their mouth hanging open.
"I am."
"Wow! Can...Can...Mummy! Mummy can you get my Squirtle? I want Lucy Bronze to sign it!" The kid turns back to her. "I don't have my Bronze shirt with me but can you sign one of my cards?"
It's not the weirdest thing Lucy's ever had to sign but it's certainly the weirdest place she'd ever signed anything.
"Sure, kid!"
"Thank you," The mother says as Lucy grabs a pen from a random table. "It means the world to him."
The pen has just been uncapped when Lucy looks up, stopping everything she's doing to respond to you.
"Yeah, what's up? Are you okay?"
Her eyes rove over you, checking for bumps and bruises but coming up empty.
"You can't sign that!"
The little boy's bottom lip wobbles and you nearly push Lucy out of the way to kneel down in front of him.
"You don't want her signing a common card," You tell him," Get her to sign this instead." You produce a card from your trade binder.
It's an illustration rare Squirtle from your Scarlet and Violet 151 set.
The little boy gasps, reaching for the card your offering but his mum stops him.
"This is trade night, Micheal," She reminds him," Give her something in return."
You gave him a grin, sitting cross legged on the floor.
"You got a binder for me to look through?"
The boy nods hurriedly, prying it out of his mother's hands to flip through.
"Which one do you like? Why don't you pick me one out?"
You give the little boy your 151 Squirtle Illustration Rare and he gives you a Paldean Fates common Fidough.
Lucy signs the new Squirtle card with a little frown, waving as the boy and his mother head off.
"Why'd you do that?" She asks, arms over your shoulder so you can't escape again.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I'm not stupid," Lucy says," I know that was a rarer card. I know you've already got like twelve of the card you got in return. Why'd you do it?"
You shrug. "I don't know. It made him happy. Does it really matter?"
"Yeah but..."
Lucy goes quiet, glancing back at that little boy.
She made him happy by signing his card. You made him happy by giving him one.
You've never asked her why she signs people's jerseys.
Lucy glances back over at you as you trade away cards for new ones and open packs amongst people that are just like you.
Her hand itches to open one with you but it's just a twitch in her fingers. She keeps it by her side though, refusing to interrupt this safe space you've built for yourself.
The staff here know you by name and Lucy doesn't want to ruin that for you.
So, she stays in the background, looking through the shelves and through the bulk items and holding some of your half finished binders of sets that you're yet to complete.
"You looking for anything specific?" One of the staff members asks, leaning against the table as Lucy looks up like she's just been delivered a fairly painful electric shock.
"No!" She says hurriedly, hoping to fade into the background like she's been doing for most of this evening. "No, I mean...er...My kid...?"
The woman laughs. "I get it. First trade night? Kid's excited? You have no idea what's going on?"
"Something like that," Lucy says," My-My ex-partner used to take her to these and my new one's waiting at home for us and I-" She sighs. "I have no idea what I'm doing."
"I get it. First time for anything. So, you looking for yourself or for your kid?"
"For her," Lucy says," I don't know. I'm just looking."
"Well," The woman replies," I'm happy to help any parent out of their depth. Any specific sets or Pokémon?"
Lucy tries to rack her brain for anything you've mentioned specifically before, coming up short for a little while before:
"Eevee?" She asks cautiously," No, not Eevee. The evil Eevee? You know, the black one with the ears and the rings?"
"Yeah, that! She's trying to collect all of them."
"Ah, now that I can help with."
Lucy's hands shake as she approaches you.
You've found a little corner to sort through all your new cards, slipping some of them into binders waiting for only a scant few more.
"Hey," Lucy says, uncharacteristically nervous as you look up at her.
"I...er..." She clears her throat. "I got you a gift. A few gifts, I guess."
She places her offerings in front of you and you shuffle through them, eyes getting wider and wider.
"You got me a Moonbreon?!"
Lucy finally makes eye contact, alarmed. "No?! I promise I told the girl Umbreon! I'll get you a new one. Crap. I didn't mean to make a mista-"
You crash into her, arms curling around her as she cautiously puts her arms around you as well.
"It's the nickname of the card, Mum," You say," I've been looking for one for ages. It must have been expensive. Thank you."
"Of course, pumpkin," Lucy says," Of course."
You look up at her, searching for something that Lucy hopes she's showing in her eyes.
"Do you...Do you want to open some packs with me?" You look hopeful and Lucy's throat goes dry as she nods.
It's late when you finally look to be winding down and people finally start looking like they're leaving the store.
You snag Lucy's sleeve.
"I..Can you open these for me?"
You hand over two packs.
One's in English.
One's in Japanese.
Lucy frowns.
"These look...old..."
"They are," You admit," It's the base set. Like, first edition."
"These must have been expensive."
You bite at your lip. "I traded away my completed Brilliant Stars set. These are probably worth more but I think the guy who had them just wanted them gone. I..I can't open them myself. Can you?"
"I can. Don't worry."
Lucy fights to keep her hands from shaking as she tears open the packets.
She swipes through each card. They're completely meaningless to her but you freeze.
"Is this good? Godzilla?"
"Godzilla's a movie franchise, Mum. That's Charizard."
"Oh, is it?"
You shakily offer her your Japanese packet. "Mum, here."
The second Charizard is in your hand a moment later.
"Whoa!" Lucy laughs," What's with all the hugging today, huh?"
"You're the best," You tell her earnestly," I don't tell you enough but you're the best, Mum."
Lucy smiles at you, kissing the top of your head. "Just want to make you happy."
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wandurlvst · 9 months ago
ken sato x gn!reader one shot
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notes: ALMOST 700 NOTES (as of editing this) ON MY FIRST KEN SATO ONE SHOT WHAT TY!!??!
warnings: none! just emi and your daughter being the cutest siblings ever
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“how do you think emi would handle it?” you and ken were heading back from the hospital, with your newborn daughter sleeping soundly in your hands, “it’ll be fine. don’t worry. she’ll probably be happy she has someone other than us or mina to play with her.” ken chuckled, “or she’ll freak out and be jealous daddy has his attention elsewhere where.” you joked—adjusting the blanket the baby way wrapped in, to better protect her from the cold japanese weather hitting the island
“she won’t. you saw what happened when she met you.” “she shot a laser at me, ken.” he froze, “okay, yes, but after that- you two got along really quick!” “shh!” “sorry…” he brought his voice down again for the baby
you pulled into the driveway and ken got out of the car, coming around to your side of the vehicle and opening the door for you. when you stepped out completely he closed the door and grabbed the baby carrier and any other items you two brought to the hospital. you ascended the stairs and tried opening the door but ken insisted on doing it for you. “you’re already carrying so much hon.” you pointed out, “you have the baby which is way more important than a few bags.”
he plucked the house keys from his pockets and pushed the door open for you. when you stepped inside mina was there to greet you two. “welcome home. how is the baby?” she floated in front of the newborn. “she is healthy.” you smiled, “that is very good to hear.” mina said
“how has emi been, mina?” ken placed everything down next to the door, he took your daughter from your hands to relive you. “she has been fine. though, she misses both of you. the photos and videos can only last so long.” mina floated to the elevator and the two of you joined her. descending to the basement, emi was sitting in the middle watching said videos and photos of you and ken, but also playing with her giant toys ken had for some reason
“there’s our girl.” ken smiled and emi turned around to the familiar voice. she chirped loudly and got up to run to you two which almost woke your daughter. “shh shh emi.” ken held his finger in front of his mouth and emi. she was confused at what ken was doing and became quiet once more—tilting her head in curiosity. “we have someone we want you to meet emi.” you told her
ken turned your daughter to face emi, while she was still sound asleep. the infant chirped again and leaned. she tapped the baby with her beak and she started crying. you placed your hands on her leg and she lunged back at the sudden cry of the other baby.
ken handed your daughter to you while he comforted emi, you moved your body around to try and calm her. which worked, but now she was wide awake. “seems like she isn’t sleeping anytime soon.” ken commented once he got emi to calm down
you two tried introducing the baby again, this time she was smiling at emi. reaching out to the kaiju—opening and closing her hands. your daughter babbled at the sight of the cute creature and emi leaned in. she laughed and was entertained by the smaller human.
you two stood there together in silence, watching the newborns interact with each other. their laughter and joy filled the echoing basement.
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this was so RUSHED AND SHORT i apologize 😭 but it’s been two days and i wanted to get something out fast but sweet at the same time
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satoruhour · 1 year ago
nanami who loves his sweetheart gf so much bcs she's so good to him (giving him the nastiest head and taking his thick cock like a champ)
a/n: sorry guys ty for waiting, finally got the theme up! enjoy x / very fun to witness these three @marimogf @jabamin @redskyvenus ’s live reactions last night LOLOL (1.5k)
warnings: fem!reader, dry humping, semi-public oral (m! receiving), almost getting caught, deep throating, cumshot on face, brief unprotected p -> v sex, gojo being annoying as always, n*sfw under the cut
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nanami never forces you into anything you don’t want to do — you’re not too big on changing the deteriorating dresser because it was a gift from your mom, nor were you keen on changing from echire to yotsuba hokkaido butter even if the former option was a little pricier. he simply accepts it because you could do no wrong in his eyes, but this, he feels that you’re hurling head first into this.
he can’t help but check his watch every few seconds even when the meeting was supposed to be fifteen minutes later, while you sat obediently in his lap with arms around his neck. he keeps sparing glances toward the locked door, too, and you only bring his face back to you with a frown.
“do you not want me to?”
“no— no! no, darling, i’m just worried if i’m forcing you into anything since you’re not one to reject often. are you sure?”
and if nanami wasn’t sure about your answer before, you lean forward to press another kiss to his lips, slipping your tongue in just to feel his. under you, you can feel him growing against your cunt, grinding down against his bulge until he starts groaning softly. you take the opportunity to kiss down his neck, infectious giggles affecting him, too when you feel a smile appearing on his face.
he lets you do anything always (you could do no wrong), letting you loosen his tie and unbuttoning the first button of his shirt just to mark the skin there. it blooms into a bluish-black, something that you admire after sucking at his neck. he makes sure your hips don’t stop, either, large hands planted on your ass to keep you grinding.
“kento . .” you mumble, thighs around his body tightening and tensing up as you hump your clothed core into his hard-on, the restriction of fabric so irritating yet exciting. and he responds by moving his hips into yours as well, mumbling praises into your lips — but, as always, gojo has to be annoying.
nanami grunts when he hears a message notification sound out.
[9:54am, gojo -> nanami]: HEELLLOOOO GOOD MORNING NANAMI !!! r you comin to the meeting in 5 min????? i think the higher-ups want cams on btw ~~~
he gives you an apology at having been interrupted, but you don’t mind when you’re patting his cheek and leaving his lap to get to your knees, smiling from under his desk. he’s just glad gojo isn’t here physically to see nanami be so filthy, mentioning something about going to the countryside for some nasty curse, but you? he’s so thankful you didn’t twist your face one bit at his request (“are you up for some . . mischief during the higher-ups meeting, doll?”).
the way he asked too was cute, feeling the lewd words get stuck in his throat but you know what he’s referring to anyway, quieting his fears last night with one sweet kiss. 
and nanami spares one last glance to you, a grateful smile before he clicks into the meeting, turning on the camera. only then do you get to work, letting nanami feel a sense of security before you’re unbuckling his belt and removing the underwear. as usual, the sight of his cock never fails to give a chill right down to your pussy, hearing him hiss when the air touches his shaft.
“pretty,” you mumble to yourself, wrapping a careful hand around his length before you’re pumping him to full hardness, swirling your tongue around his tip just a little to test the waters. you knew these meetings never needed for the sorcerers to turn their mics on, so you could be as sloppy as you wanted to.
before long, you start bobbing your head and his hands drop to his thighs to squeeze at it because your mouth just feels so damn warm, mirroring exactly how your pussy felt just last night.
even with the mic off, you try to keep the sloppy gurgling noises to a minimum, but it’s proving difficult when there was just so much saliva. with one hand, you’re stroking the base of his cock and the other plays with his balls, squeezing and fondling when you hear nanami groan out loud. you grin.
you know he’s already checking the microphone symbol every second, but your mouth just does that: make the ever stoic nanami lose control over everything.
“s-shiit . . baby,” he mutters, hiding his mouth with his hand, “mouth feel so fuckin’ good, darlin’.”
you hum from under the table, like a devil’s temptation and nanami caves so easily, glancing down to see you take his fat cock like a champ. there you are, spit and pre-cum smeared all over your face as you lick the underside of his length from its base right to his tip before tapping his cock on your tongue, slaps reverberating throughout his office.
“good girl,” he grins, rolling his office chair closer to you just to see his cock enter your mouth again before a resounding first-grade sorcerer nanami kento, is everything okay? comes through his laptop speakers and he scrambles, eyes blown wide and fingers searching for the unmute button.
“everything is fine, gakuganji-san, just—” nanami clears his throat, “thought there was a bug on the floor.”
the higher-ups don’t care, frankly, but the thrill was still there; at being found out, at being caught. blindly, he reaches for your head, watching his reflection in the meeting call just to make sure he isn’t making any suspicious faces before he’s pulling you right onto his cock.
“mmph—!” you let nanami use your mouth, bringing you right down to the base of his cock where your nose met with his blonde pubes, and you try your best to breathe through your nose. your nails dig into the sides of his thighs, prompting him to look down again and nanami gives himself some leeway. if the higher-ups didn’t care, he wouldn’t either, looking at his baby kneeled under the table so adorably.
“you’re taking it so well, doll, fuck,” he swears, feeling sweat run down his back from just how collected he’s trying to look on camera, “still bein’ a pretty girl even with all that cock down your throat.”
his words make your pussy throb, but you’re too busy trying not to gag when his tip touches the back of your throat; one sound from you is enough, though, for nanami to pull you off of him, easily finding your chin and grabbing hold of it. with repeated glances to the screen and you, he decides that your stuck out tongue is too pink and perfect to waste it on paying attention to a lame meeting.
with the other hand nanami starts pumping his cock, moaning shamelessly, now. his lips part in low profanities and groans, spurred on by the wet shlicks of his stroking hand that gathers both his pre and your saliva. even without words, you sit there with tongue out and eyes trained on him, just begging and asking.
“please, kento,�� and then the words send him into overdrive, “wan’ your cum all over my face.” his grunts turn louder, choked and strained and he’s sure his quads are pulled so tautly from how close he is to cumming. 
“c— close, ’m gonna give it all to you, yeah?” you nod, scooting closer on your knees while his hand switches to quicker strokes, desperate for release until you make the mistake of suckling on his tip, the added stimulation making his cock twitch and soon your mouth is full of his cum. it overflows so much that it spills onto your face, too, his hot, thick seed covering your cheeks in white.
“o-oh . . fuuuck, doll,” nanami continues to pump himself, drunk on ecstasy as his whole body shakes and your grin while licking the cum from your face, cleaning up perfectly until you’re turning around and presenting your ass to him. he almost ends the call right there and then, staring hypnotised at your unclothed pussy that you must have taken off when he wasn’t looking.
like always, you can do no wrong, wriggling your ass back just onto his still weeping tip until he can just barely feel the warmth of your pussy and he chokes out your name again.
“c—can’t . .”
“can’t, or won’t, kento?” you scooch back again onto his dick, juices dripping from your pretty cunt that he exhales. gakuganji is wondering what’s wrong again though so he calls on your boyfriend again and he answers with a callback to his previous reply — “s-sorry, gakuganji-san, it wasn’t a bug but rather an arachnid. y-yeah, they scare the crap out of me, so please continue on without me.”
the camera’s and mic’s off and nanami simply falls from his office chair, fully sheathing himself in you with a loud whiny moan. he wastes no time, thrusting into your tight pussy and obsessing over how it wraps around him like a vice, too drunk on you to notice another notification from the annoying sorcerer.
[10:23am, gojo -> nanami]: didn’t know u were freaky like that. care to invite me next time?
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bloodibambiidoll · 8 months ago
I'm asking waayyy too much BUT ITS THE LAST ONE I PINKY PROMISE( for today. . .)
Anyyywaayyssss, okay so what if weird girl!reader was hanging around n climbing trees or something (bc I do that-) and JJ sees her and he's like "girl wtf r u doing up there" and blah blah blah it's there first time meeting too (it would be fun if rafe sees this and they're not dating yet n he gets a lil jelly hehe)
Ty bb🪽🫀
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Omg yes!! This is such a cutie idea!! I actually had this pic saved on her Pinterest board bc she absolutely climbs trees. Sometimes she just climbs a little too high… Jealous!Rafe, fluff, lovesick!Rafe 18+MNDI!
(Also in another world Jj & Weird!girl would be so cute actually)
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“What’re you doing up there?” The sound of someone’s voice nearly has you falling off the tree branch you’re perched on as your hand flies to chest and a surprised gasp leaves you. You look below you to see a head of messy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes squinting up at you through the sun. You’ve never met him, but recognize him of course, it’s not like the island is particularly big so you’ve seen everyone at least once. Jj Maybank, he’s from the cut so it makes sense that you’ve never really crossed paths. He’s cute though.
“Umm… I’m doing pretty much exactly what it looks like I’m doing, sitting in a tree.” You let out a little small chuckle as you look down at him. “What are you doing down there?”
“Well, I’m exactly what it looks like I’m doing, walking on the ground.” You snort at that, giving him a playful roll of your eyes. “I know, I’m hilarious. I was just makin’ sure you weren’t stuck up there or anything.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say stuck. I’d say I may have flown too close to the sun climbing up this high.” You shrug as you kick your dangling feet back and forth.
“Soooo… you’re stuck then?” Jj smirks up at you as he adjusts the cap on his head so it’s facing backwards. It gives you a better view of his face, he’s cute. Maybe if you weren’t already so invested in Rafe you would definitely be interested in him.
“I mean, mentally? Yes. Physically? No. I could get down whenever I want, actually.” Your voice is sickly sweet and Jj wonders why he’s never talked to you before. He’s seen you around and he’s always thought you were hot. That whole semi creepy but still angelic vibe you give off really does it for him.
“Yeah? You need some help?” He chuckles and leans his hand against the trunk of the tree, out stretching his neck and accentuating his jaw. He looks like he’d be nice to bite.
“She’s good, Maybank.” Your head whips around to see Rafe walking down the dirt path with a stone cold look set on his face. “I can help my girl. You can fuck off now.”
“Rafey! Hi!” You smile wide as you wave down at him enthusiastically. You sent him a picture of you up in the tree telling him you might need a little help getting down and he immediately dropped everything to come to your rescue.
“Rafey, huh? That’s adorable, truly.” Jj smirks at Rafe and it has him breathing out hard through his nostrils. He’s been trying really hard not to beat every man who looks at you to a pulp but seeing fucking Jj Maybank smirking up at you while you giggle is making him see red.
“Shut the fuck up, Pogue. Didn’t I tell you to fuck off? I suggest you do before we have an actual problem.” Rafe takes a few steps towards him, his eyes are like blue fire as he glares at Jj like he wants to burn him alive. It’s kind of hot. If you’re being honest with yourself.
“Okaaaay, I think that’s enough. I’m good Jj, thank you for offering to help me, you’re sweet.” You give him a saccharine smile and it makes him swoon just a little. You are so cute that if he wasn’t trying to stay off the cops radar he would probably stand here and fuck with Rafe even more.
“Yeah, no problem, sweetheart. See ya around, let me know if pretty boy over here decides to fuck you over, I don’t mind being your rebound.” Jj bites his lip as he winks at you before turning to walk off. Rafe wants to chase after him and wipe that smug ass look off his face by shoving it into the dirt.
“Raaaafe.” You snap your fingers to get his attention and it pulls him out of his rage filled trance. He looks up at you, smiling down at him so sweetly and he almost forgets who Jj Maybank even is. Almost. He still wants to kick his fucking ass.
“Hmm? Yeah baby?”
“Can you help me get down now?” He giggle and Rafe swears it’s his favorite sound other than when you scream for him while you fall apart in his cock.
“Oh shit, yeah. C’mere.” Rafe moves so he’s directly under you with his arms outstretched. “Jump down, I’ll catch you.”
“I don’t know, Rafe. I’m pretty high up.” Your expression turns nervous so Rafe leans up so he can hit the bottom of your shoe with the tips of his fingers.
“You’re not even that high, see? Just fuckin’ jump. Promise I won’t let you fall.” He shakes his hands above his head and gives you that semi goofy, reassuring smile that’s reserved only for you.
“Okay. Fine.” You let out a dramatic sigh before bracing your hands on the branch so you can push yourself down into Rafe’s arms. A little squeal leaves you when he grips onto your hips and pulls you against his chest. You wrap your arms around his neck so you can plant a messy smooch on his lips. “My savior!! How will I ever repay you, fair knight?”
“Pft. You’re so fuckin’ dramatic.” Rafe snorts as he lightly sets you down on the ground.
“I’m dramatic? You were about to beat Jj’s ass for trying to help me!” You laugh, jokingly pushing your hand into his shoulder.
“Nah, he was doing more than just trynna help you.” Rafe grabs onto your hand so he can pull you closer against his chest. “He was fucking flirting with you and you’re mine.”
“Yours, huh? Guess I missed the letter in the mail that said we were official.”
“Oh my god, you’re so dumb.” Rafe throws his head back with a groan but you can see the smile painted across your lips. “I thought I made it pretty fuckin’ clear that you’re my girl.”
“Hmmm… I don’t know, might need you to spell it out for me.” Your giggle makes butterflies erupt in his stomach and Rafe never believed in that butterflies in your tummy bullshit until he met you.
“Ugh. You’re a brat, you know that?” You shrug, letting out a satisfied hum. “Fine. Be my girlfriend?”
“Uh, duh, I already am.” He rolls his eyes and you give him a satisfied smile. “Just wanted to hear you say it.”
“You’re sooo in for it when we get back to my place. Brat.” He grips onto your neck, pulling your lips against his in a rough kiss. “Car. Let’s go.”
“Okay, okay, sooo bosssy.” He smacks your ass and you yelp, running full speed toward his truck.
“Oh hell nah! Get your lil ass back here!!”
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Taglist: @babygorewhore @strawberrydolly333 @starkeysprincess @sturnioloshacker @nemesyaaa @rafeinterlude @loserboysandlithium
All things Rafe & his weird!girl here
Divider is @strangergraphics
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luveline · 11 months ago
Hey Jade!
I can’t remember if you’ve already written this or not but if not, could you please write bombshell!reader finally joining the BAU? I wanna know how Spencer and everyone else reacted to her finally joining
Thanks lovely :) hope you’re doing well
ty for requesting 💌 fem, 1.3k
The trek from the SCU to the BAU is familiar. If you aren’t being asked to consult, or occasionally brought along on sex crime specific cases, you’ll make any excuse to get there. A broken laptop, an updated reading list, a good cup of coffee. Spencer Reid always provides. 
He just doesn’t get it. You think about it every time you see him, but he can’t understand how nice, kind, and pretty he really is, or he wouldn’t be so shy, and he wouldn’t act surprised to have you seeking him out. 
He’s sitting now behind his desk with a hand over his mouth. You can tell he’s smiling despite it, a warm light to his brown eyes as you approach. 
“Hello,” you say. 
“Hi.” He sniffs, curling his hand into a fist under his nose. His smile is a thousand times more obvious as he tries to hide. “You okay?” 
“Hotch asked me to come. You don’t know what it’s for?” 
His smile finally softens before fading to a more neutral expression. “I have no idea.” 
You wipe your hands down over your hips. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, and not at all like last time.” Hotch has never been angry with you before. It was strange. “I hope he still likes me.” 
“What are you talking about? Of course he does.” 
“What am I talking about?” You agree. “Kiss for luck?” 
“Pucker up,” Morgan says, a coffee cup in hand. Without coffee you’re sure this office would cease to function. 
You shoot him a smile, Spencer a promising look to return, and start up the stairs to the office. You watch your shoes on each step, their shiny black, and you try not to be nervous, but Spencer was acting strange and Hotch has enough reason to revisit his anger. 
Your best defence is a smile, you decide. If you act like nothing happened, you won’t get another rehashing of your mistakes. 
You knock his door. “Hotch? It’s me.” 
“Come in, please.” 
You turn the handle and feel the weight of the door against your elbow as you enter. Hotch sits behind his desk, as usual, but when you’re a few paces from the desk he stand up, which is unusual. 
“How are you?” he asks.
Your eyes widen against your will. “I’m fine. How are you, Hotch? How’s your sweet boy? Did he have fun at little league?” 
“Jack’s perfect. I’m good, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“I assumed.” You wait. Then, neck growing warm, “If it’s about last time, I'm still so sorry.” 
“I’m not going to get angry at you twice for a mistake. But no, that’s not what you’re here for.” 
He’s making you nervous. Is this a guessing game? You lean into your nerves and put your arms behind your back, grasping your wrist as you tilt your head ever so slightly to the side. “It’s not about Spencer, is it? I told you, he’s just a friend. A good friend. But I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise my chances.” 
“It’s about that.” 
You stand straighter. “I do like him,” you confess, which Hotch already knows. Everybody seems to know except for Spencer. It’s not like you’re in love with him, just you could be, maybe. “But I’m really not– I would never do anything–” You start again. “I want this job more than anything. I know I flirt and I make more jokes than I should, but I take the work seriously, I promise. You guys are the most impressive people I know and I might feel like you’re a friend to me, Hotch, but you have to know how much I admire you. I admire Spencer, and I’d never let my feelings impede my professional ability.” 
“Y/N, I’m not reprimanding you for anything.” 
You swallow awkwardly. “You’re not?” 
He raises his eyebrows and turns to his desk. There’s a packet waiting across his outgoings, which he picks up and gives to you. “I need you to fill these in, first and foremost.” 
He’s smiling. Why is he smiling? 
You peer inside cautiously. Chest suddenly aching, thinking, It isn’t what you want, don’t break your own heart, you pull out the very top sheet from inside. FBI letterhead greets you. 
Facilitation of department transfer for Y/N L/N from the Sexual Crimes Unit to the Behavioural Analysis Unit, as requested by Unit Chief Supervisory Special Agent A. Hotchner and approved by Unit Chief S. Peterson. 
You lay it on top of the envelope. All the papers whine under your tight hand. “You requested it?” you ask. 
“Months ago.” 
“And Sandy said yes.” 
“Strauss, finally. If you sign them today, Penelope’s promised to expedite your processing, whether that’s fair or not. Your desk is ready.” 
“Hotch,” you whisper, not without excitement, but sound hard to summon, “are you serious? You’re not messing with me?”
“You deserve it. You have for a long time.” 
You squeeze your eyes closed. For five long seconds, you stand there, and you think about how hard you’ve worked and how badly you’ve wanted this, and how much faith everybody’s had in you the whole time. You’re so thankful. For Hotch, Morgan, and especially for Spencer Reid. 
“Don’t get upset,” Hotch says, taking your arm. He gives it a good squeeze. It’s so friendly and kind you consider jumping up to wrap your arms around him, but you restrain yourself. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pressing the packet to your chest. 
“You’re welcome. I didn’t mind fighting for you.” 
“I need to go and tell Spencer.” 
“Spencer, your good friend.” 
Your laugh comes in fractures from a sudden deep breath. “My good friend,” you agree. “Hotch, thank you. Thank you, I’m gonna go tell Spencer. I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s fine. Just make sure you finish those forms before lunch.” 
You leave with some dignity. You close Hotch’s office door, and you walk to the balcony and look down at Spencer where he’s waiting for you. His hair falls against his neck, his head angled up, and he’s smiling so hard he must’ve already known what you were summoned into the office for. 
You rush down the stairs. He, in all his loveliness, stands in time to open his arms. “I can’t believe it,” you say, your laugh like a ring as you lean against him. He holds you tight and hugs right back, forcing you to bend under his weight. “Spencer.” 
He pulls away just as quickly. “Tell me,” he says. 
“I’m gonna be part of the BAU.” It’s so insane to finally say aloud. 
Spencer looks extremely, achingly happy for you, but his second hug still surprises you. Your nose ends up pressed to his hair, strands of it falling from behind his ear as his palm cups your shoulder. 
You close your eyes. Spencer laughs, his lips a hair's width from your cheek. 
Your excitement grows too much. You squirm away from him and wrap your hands around yourself, holding in a girlish, giggly squeal. “I did it. I can’t believe I did it.” 
He takes your hand. You barely notice. “Why can’t you believe that? You’re amazing. You work hard and you didn’t give up.” 
Morgan returns from wherever he’s been with Emily and Garcia in tow. “There she is!” he says. 
It’s possibly the best round of hugs you’ve ever had in your life. The little congratulations cupcake they present you with is the sweetest you’ve ever tasted. Spencer puts a makeshift name tag on your desk and you don’t bother pretending your eyes haven’t filled with tears, but nobody cares or minds. 
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pushingboi · 11 months ago
The mid afternoon sunlight filters through the window of our bedroom. I keep my eyes shut as I awaken, drinking up every last second of our siesta while I can.
You wake up as I stir, and watch through sleepy half-lidded eyes as I roll over my gravid belly to lay on my back and stretch, taking a deep breath and sighing contentedly.
I kick the blankets down the bed and curiously peel my shirt back over my bump. Inside I feel the lively baby squirm and kick, roiling about as if getting more frustrated about their own inability to stretch out. You reach out and snuggle into me, placing a hand on my belly, and I meet you with a sweet kiss.
I smile and place my hands beside yours, immersing myself in feeling the life roiling inside my womb, nestled safe and warm within my belly.
The baby chills out and stills for a moment, and just then my womb tweaks obviously, startling you awake. "Oh shit, was that a contraction?" You ask.
"Noooo..? Maybe..?" I play puzzled. "Maybe it's just Braxton-hicks?"
I can't fool you and we both know it. You jump up worriedly. "How long have you been having them? Did they just start? How strong are they? That one felt pretty strong.. Are you going into labour? Or already in labour? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Okay, calm down, calm down." I reassure. "If you want an answer you have to give me a chance to respond." I sigh.
"I've been having contractions for a few hours. They're getting stronger but I don't know how close I am. I'm still fine. They hurt, like, a lot. But not bad enough that I can't nap, right?"
"Shit; we've gotta get you to the hospital!"
"Fuck no. We talked about this already, love, and you don't get to decide to change your mind. No way in hell I'm going to a hospital. I don't need some stranger tying me up and prodding me while I'm trying to have your baby; you can do that just as well yourself, can't you?" I tease.
The evening sun shines in through the window of our bedroom. A cool breeze flows through the open screen and over my bare skin, the pleasant sensation a welcome distraction from the pain.
You rub my lower back tenderly as you watch over my labour. I've long since shed my shirt and pants, rejecting the hot and restricting fabric to let the rays of sun bathe my pale skin.
I arch my back as a contraction strikes. I lean into you breathlessly, and let out a very long groan as the ache tears through my body. Halfway though I pant to catch my breath, and then groan again. The contractions are getting longer, and harder, and faster, as they begin to fall into a rhythm, the percussive march that heralds forth the birth.
"Fuck.." I pant. "Fuck, it's so much. I can't.."
You run your fingers through my long hair as you soothe me gently. "You're doing fine. You're almost through this part, and soon you'll be pushing out my baby." I smile a little. You continue teasing. "Yeah? You like the sound of that, don't you? There's only one thing you love more than being this heavy and swollen with my babies; and that's getting to birth them out."
I tremble a little, for some motley reason of anticipation, pain, excitement and exhaustion. Just as the thought crosses my mind that I'm due for another contraction, it rolls in like a slow, long tide, enveloping my senses in the intensity of the pressure and- "Ah! Ah, oh god, oh fuck..! It's coming! Th-the baby's coming!"
I pinch my eyes shut and try not to howl with the brilliant pain. You move beside me and go to feel for my dilation. To your surprise, you meet the head already eagerly descending into my birth canal, waters intact.
"You're right, love, it's time for you to give birth. Are you ready to push?"
"Nnnnoo I'm not! It's- oh god, it's- nnn.. yes! Yes, yes, I'm puuuushinng..!"
"Good boy! Come on, the contraction's still coming. Push!"
It doesn't take much convincing. The urge overtakes me and I bear down, holding my breath and channeling the pressure downwards through my abdomen.
I break and take but a second to breathe before continuing. My face scrunches and my belly tenses, all hands on deck as I toil.
I gasp for air, winded from the effort. "Breathe, breathe, love. Take your time, your body knows what to do."
I lay back and stare at the ceiling, slowing my breathing, and rest, as the contraction has subsided, taking with it the excitement and urge to push. "I hope it's not to big.. I hope it's not stuck.."
"What? I thought you liked it that way. Makes it more interesting, doesn't it?" You wink.
I want so badly to be upset with you, I want so badly not to find that funny, but try as I might to deny it I feel the humour lift some weight from my body and something like a smile tease at the corner of my mouth.
"Is it crowning yet?" I ask.
"You can feel for yourself if you want. But no, not yet. You've still got a ways to go so conserve your strength."
I nod. I lay still for a few more moments and gather my strength. Just as the contraction begins I haul myself upwards into a kneeling position.
I take a few deep breaths and lean forward. "Get ready and push, love!" I steady myself. "Push!"
As I push I feel the difference with the change of position. Gravity starts to do its share, and while it doesn't do much for opening my pelvis, I can feel the movement nonetheless.
I feel the rhythm, finally, as it starts to set in. I rock back and forth and breathe and push, losing myself in the cycle - breathe, rock, push. Breathe, rock, push. Breathe, rock, push. Breathe, rock, push.
The head inches downwards, boring its way through my flesh. As it comes closer and closer to the sensitive opening it feels different, more. It really feels like the erupting force threatens to split me open. I barely notice that as I've pushed I've leaned forward slowly until it's easier to make myself comfortable on all fours.
It's here, watching me strain and sweat, that you realize just how helpless you are. You shuffle around me to get a better look.
I grasp at the sheets, the bed, at my belly, at you, desperate and writhing beneath the intensity. I pant and pant and puuuush, puuuush, PUUSH!
My pussy begins to part as the head encroaches upon it. The intact sac glistens as it appears between my legs. Face into the bed my moans are muffled. You rub my back and comfort me in vain; it's all up to me now to give birth to your baby.
With the next contraction my body tenses. My legs tremble, my breath wavers and I sob through the pain. The sobs curl into a determined wail as i bear down, pressure rippling through my belly and hips. The head continues to squeeze through, stretching into sight bit by bit.
"Here it comes, love. I can see it. Don't stop pushing."
I obey, choking my breath through another contraction. I heave, and push, the head moving so slowly towards the world, gripped firmly within my birth canal.
The contraction lulls, and so does my urge to push, and I'm left with nothing but the awareness of the huge baby's position in my pelvis, filling the space between my hips like nothing I've ever felt. I rock my hips side to side, forward and back, savouring the sweet stretch and the bitter pain threatening to tear down my consciousness.
You look on with pride and.. oh such lust. You can't deny how much it turns you on to see me like this, bent over and stretched open before you, labouring and toiling while I give birth to your baby. The waistband of your pants is all there is between you and ecstasy but you resist thre urge to touch yourself.
The rhythm returns and I whine as I lean into the contraction.
"C'mon baby, push it out for me. Push it out!"
"NNnnnggghh.. I'm... pushing... as hard as I can.."
The head begins to crown, my bulging slit parting around it. As I release the pressure and catch my breath it retreats back inside. "Hah.. hah.. ha.. aaa-hhhhhnnnnnnnnngh...!"
I bear down with all my strength, working through the stinging crown. The supple skin of my cunt grows thin and tight as it clings to the slowly protruding head of our baby.
"It's co-ming! Oh fuck, it's coming out!" I cry.
You've got a pretty sweet view while I push for you. My ass in the air, bearing down while your new baby squeezes into view between my legs.
I sink down into the bed and scream into the pillow, the unquenchable burning of the crown battling the insurgent urge to push. My poor tight, engorged little pussy bulges all around the head.
"It's stretching me open… Oh my god, the head.."
I breathe and pant in desperation, the intensity refusing to quell. All I can think and feel is the baby trying to stretch through my abused opening. "It's burning. It's burning. It's so hard.. I can't.. I have to.. I.."
"You're doing so good babe. Feel my baby stretch open the hole I fucked it into. Breathe and let it open you up."
"I have to push so bad. I have to push this baby out.." I start bearing down again one push at a time. "Fuck, it's so hard! I'm trying so hard to give birth but it won't- GAAAAH!" Suddenly the sac breaks inside me, and a little gush of amniotic fluid trickles forth, but the big head stops the rest of the flow like a stuck cork. "AGHHHHHHHHHHH!" The new change in pressure shifts the baby and my vagina finally starts to span around the bulge. "That's it, babe! Push, pushhh, puuuuush!"
"Nnnngghhh... p.. puuuuuuuush...." I groan. I lean my hips back and shift my knees, opening up for the baby to come out. "puuuuuuuuush...!"
"puush... puuuuush...." I keep narrating myself. The head starts to crown fully, stretching all the way. "I'm giving birth to it.. the head is almost out of me.."
"One big push! Cmon, birth it!"
I hold my breath and force everything into one big push. "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa-aaaah-AHHHHHHH! Ahhh ohhhhh, the head..! ahhhh..... ahhhhh..."
All at once the head shears out between my legs, accompanied by a cascade of fluid which gushes onto the bed below me, carrying the head to dangle out of my birth canal.
"Oh my god, it's coming! My baby is- nnnnhh puuuuuuuushh... puuuush..." The urgency is still there, it's not out yet as I feel the whole body stretch my vagina. "I'm fucking pushing..."
The body slides through ever so slowly, from the shoulders all the way to the hips, in one long push, and then suddenly, finally, the legs slip all the way out from inside me and the gurgling baby falls onto the bed between my legs.
"There's my baby, you did it babe! You did such a good job giving birth to it!"
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valentine-cafe · 3 months ago
Hi Eden and Howl!
I’d love to request something spicy for verse 781 Vespasiano. Along the lines of a reader (afab gn) tying a pink bow around his cock and then proceeding to ride him under the guise of giving oneself a gift, but struggling because...well, he’s a big boy. So it’s only fair he takes over because it’s he who should be doing the gift-giving after all ☺️
Have fun! Love yall ❤️
˖⁺. “ birthday cock ! ” : 
﹙ vampire lieutenant dilf x gn afab reader ﹚.𖹭 ݁
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. . . verse 781 vespasiano x gn afab reader !! 🍓 : ﹙vampire ˖  lieutenant ˖ special op ˖ dilf character ﹚
your lover's always pushing you around in the bedroom. but it's your birthday. so you wrap him up like a present and plan to ride his dick into oblivion. there's just one thing you're forgetting . . . he's fucking huge.
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﹙ cws ﹚: explicit content ˖ riding ˖ teasing ˖ some oral ˖ size difference ˖ multiple orgasms ˖ vesp and his big dick <3  | wc : 2.6k 
﹙ receipts ﹚: mina bbbyyy I was sooo happy to write this for you! it gave me so much inspiration and just - just - being able to write vesp in this light is so canon to his character. really hope that you enjoy it! <3
꒰  other treats : guidelines ˖ m.list ˖ characters ˖ our lore  ꒱
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You had been kissing him up as though he’ll leave on deployment in the next few hours. Despite his towering height and the build of a sniper, you quickly make use of the art of seduction. With palms that take their rightful place on his chest and lips that consume his like a wildfire.
It took barely a few seconds until you were in his lap. Your hips stir up memories with their needy grinds into his crotch. His deep groan surfaces more as large hands steady themselves on your thighs.
“Dio, tesoro, slow down.” He chuckles into your kiss. If only to chase after it when you sink your teeth into his lower lip and dig your hands into his hair. Fingers brush along the dark strands and trace the streaks of grey you know so well, you give them a tug of greeting and steer your clothed heat down to his growing bulge.
His grunt is low while the twitch of his fingers that drag down your thighs leave a warning. The lieutenant would rather take his next shot blindfolded than let you think you have any control here.
Maybe with those big pretty eyes that he cannot say no to - or that sweet voice of yours that sung him into deception to hide your bratty behavior. But this? Oh darling, don’t try your luck.
His next few comments flow through one ear and out the other. Your lips drive forward rather than your mind. With heated kisses scattered all over his collarbone and fingers that fumble with the black buttons of his dark shirt.
It’s like you’re mocking him. What will you do, Sir?
“You seem to like me in your lap.”
He could see your eyes practically melting into hearts to match your giggle that puts sirens to shame. And like a sailor lost at sea, his mouth goes dry as your lips feasts down his chest, to his stomach, pelvic bone. Your teeth bite, his part.
Your nails drag along the bulge of his pants. They drum along his already hard dick straining against fabric. Like an anticipation of your own. Oh, your smile is dangerous. Sharp. If he could drop his head and kiss it into whines he would — alas you render him maw-dropped as your mouth grinds down on his bulge. Your hands rid him of his pesky pants like they are your worst enemy.
His tip’s there to greet you; so you’re polite and return the favour with a smooch. “Seems he missed me.” Not without a wink to your lover, however. Who grunts and snatches the back of your hair.
“Threading thin doll, watch it.”
He’ll forgive you with your trail of apologetic kisses down the underside of his veiny cock. The nervures thrum to the beat of your pants. You slick him up with saliva and affection like it’s a birthday gift. When in actuality, it should be yours.
With one last suckle right beneath his capped cockhead, you squeeze at his base then part with a pop. Smacking your lips together lightly as though to savour your favourite meal.
His head rolls to the side. Emerald eyes peer at you through narrowed lashes as his pants fan into the dim room. The sheen of the moon through his wide-open balcony doors and the neat style of your shared room blurs into nothingness when you look up at him. You simply have to rear your head and steal another quick kiss from his lips pressed in a thin line.
Vespasiano has been trained in every which-way to avoid distractions, as any good sharpshooter would. Your mouth ran years of training down the drain. Whether on his or wrapped around his cock so prettily. He groans into your sweetness and tilts forward to kiss you deeper with a large hand that knew so many hardships so gentle on your jaw.
Speaking of things wrapped around his dick - your little distraction for once is interrupted by yours truly, when the man parts with a small noise of question. Did you really have the audacity to slide a cockring round his -
“What’s this?”
His deep chuckle pulls a string at your heart, so you press a peck over his. Before you take a peek at his accessorised dick down below. Donning a pretty pink bow at the base. Like a badge of honour for all the times it’s fucked you dumb.
“My early birthday gift, after all.” He’s never rolled his eyes quicker at one of your silly, chirped out statements more than this. The grin on his face tells you he’s more than proud to bear your decor. If not then - he’d quickly get used to the idea when you give him a few pumps.
“Well,” he muses, head leaning down so that the little playful strand that hung over his forehead tickles your face. “What will ya use this gift for first hmm? ‘s easy, versatile, gots a long battery life and now comes with three -”
“Fuck off.”
Your laugh smothers him together with your smooches. His own deep chuckles and tittered kisses join the medley as his hands find their rightful place on your thighs. Ever as eager to aid your perch on his lap while his neck takes your arms around it like the finest jewellery piece. You’re just decking him with ornaments all over, huh?
To compensate for the heat of your passion, his head tilts back. Maybe he’ll let you off the hook just this once. Since it’s your birthday, after all. He won’t interfere in the sly grind of your hips. the second-nature of your rhythmic humps once your bottoms are ridded.
Lies. He’ll curl a finger along the band of your panties. Snap them to your soft skin and grin through your whines with sharp fangs.
He won’t be grinning for long. The mere sight of your panties pulled to the side steals his attention away from you mouthing down his tanned neck. He’s so used to stilling his breath every time for a shot; but he could never get used to your thievishness of his air whenever you sink down on him.
The squeeze of your pink walls flutters around him. Pulsating like a life force through the sensitive flesh. His hands move to worship such divinity with lathers down your thighs, up your shirt. He’ll squeeze your pretty breasts in return. “Mmm . . . sweet thing,” the pants that leave him are nothing short of desperate.
Desperate? That’s what he should be calling you. “Sat at the table all wet huh?”
You ignore the true statement. Your thighs have been squeezing around nothing through the entirety of dinner. And there he was - digging into his chicken piccata instead of you. The audacity.
So since he prefers his meal so much, he can keep his hands off your movements. You swat them away when he reaches to control your grinds. Your own flatten on his broad shoulders as you exchange his frown with a smile.
“Yeah?” His low voice almost halts your shimming hips. You tighten your tummy and force down the flutter, reprimanding him with a clench of your pussy. Two can play at that game.
“Wanna use my gift how I wanna babbyyy.”
What an actor you are. Pretending that the drag of his huge cock along your walls isn’t getting to you. Like you’re a strong darling who can handle their lover’s bully of a tip splitting their walls with ease. What more should he expect from the brat themself?
Have it your way, he deems. Vespasiano’s palms find their home on your bouncing breasts instead. His thumbs show them love with circles to your nipples while you - oh so skillfully - take your birthday ride on his cock.
“H-Hah. . . feel s’good,” you hiccup. Trying to ignore the sloppiness of your bounces. The haphazard slaps of skin in comparison to the rhythm he always sets when he’s the one in control. Your wetness coats your thighs and his cock, along with the pretty little bow. Dampening it to a deeper shade as though you’ve already cum all over it.
As though you aren’t struggling.
Maybe it’s the soft groans as his head limps into your shoulder. Or his shit-eating grin you feel against your skin he dares lay kisses on despite. Perhaps its the thrum of that one underside vein of his that mocks your sweet spot but an inch away. Or the way your clit misses his calloused fingers.
He kisses to your ear so tenderly while you’re trying to ride him like he’s not making your eyes roll back with the stuffing of his size and the kisses of his pre-cumming tip to your cervix. “Need some help?”
Your pussy cries yes. Your mouth utters out a whined - “no.” Seems like you prefer feeling like a mouse climbing a horse. You sure as hell have the stubborness of one.
“Oh, course not. ‘cause you’re doin so well.” He drawls in a croon masked in the sweetness of heaven, yet surely crawled from the pits of hell. His hands are like serpents that trace down your sides. One slithers to stroke at your spine. “Soo well, mean listen to her.”
If your cunt had a conscious she would have long disowned you. Why are you more addicted to your pride than the delicious feel of his cock slamming you silly?
You could be here, bouncing on him like a ragdoll. Instead you’re bumping and humping along like a virgin.
It’s only when you attempt to sink down fully in a pathetic search for his pelvis grazing your clit, combined with the feathery, mocking kisses along your breasts — that you cave in. Much like your poor walls throbbing around him in their own pleads and tears.
“O-h. . . O-Okay,” your choppy response prompts an arch of a dark brow. His caresses down your sides send shivers through your spin, through your cunt that has come to a standstill. “Please. . . h-help me out baby.”
It’s his eyes turn to be the superstars. Widening in all their fakeness. It almost makes you want to backpedal out of spite.
“Need my help? But you were doing so well. Don’t you wanna ‘use your gift’?” In spite of himself his hips take up a light roll and grind. Knocking against all your sensitive spots with the mere action. He cannot say no to those big eyes, after all. “It’s all wrapped up f’you and everything. What, forgot how to ride already?”
It’s a small beat. One to match the thrum of your heart and pulse of your walls. You squirm on his lap and hook your arms tighter around his neck. You’re leaking all over him even more with just the few, shallow rocks.
Vespasiano only hums. He forgives your thighs with the warmth of his hands and brings them back down so easily. Fixated on the squelches and sight of your slit quivering with gratitude. If only to cry when he halts again.
And with a deep, lilting voice. His croon fills your ear.
“Then let me remind you.”
There’s those wet claps. Like a rejoice through the room as he snaps up into you with a chase for your cervix. He hits bullseye every time. Large hands snatch your waist and jam you down in unison. He can’t give you all redemption, now can he?
Your head tosses back. Toes curl as he hammers into you like a piston. He acts like you were so disrespectful! He’s one to talk with his rude size making your poor pussy cry all over him. Clinging to his cock like a lifeline. Just as you are.
“V-Ves - hic - Vesp - Veesspp hngh -”
“Thaaatt’ss more like it. There you go.”
He only needs one hand on your thighs. The other caresses around your throat. A cruel sense of security shattered when it tightens. Forces you to look up at him while he wrecks you for all your worth. And he’s not even breaking a sweat while he squirts your cum all over his thighs like it’s nothing.
What was that about only needing one hand on your thigh? Turns out he needs none. His sheer strength is enough to bounce you on him faster - and faster - while his fingers search for better matters. Splitting his index and middle on your folds to open them up for him. Unveil your throbbing clit to the hot summer breeze of Italian weather. If it weren’t for him barreling away at your insides and turning them into mush you’d be complaining on-and-on about the temperature.
You don’t seem to mind the heat of his hands. Of his wet kisses traced along your neck and shoulders. Certainly not of the warm suds that stain your thighs and the strings of cum and slick that squirt from your puffy pussy. You’ll have to throw that pretty bow away for sure.
“V-Veessp - I - hngh -! P-Pleaa - s-s’sooo -” your lips match the strings with drool instead. He doesn’t seem to mind when he yanks you closer by the neck and presses his lips to yours. His grip finding better grasp at your face with fingers smooshing your cheeks together.
All you can do is stare helplessly when he parts. Fingers flex and his thumb invades your mouth next, flushes to your tongue while he grins at the trail of saliva connecting the both of you. “Use you words, tesoro. Pretty pussy down there’s outdoing you.”
What a cruel man he is to accentuate your squelching songs by dragging his tip to the head of your slit. Smack the head on your quivered folds as it catches on wet threads of cum before slamming back in. All to see your head toss back and your cries to outshine the splutter of your cunt. His thumb joins your clit, as though you need more stimulation than the agonisingly pleasurable feeling of him ramming you through another orgasm.
“Nhh - f-fuu’ p-ease-!”
Your eyes meet at the centre. Jaw slack. Pleasure numbing every fibre in your body other than your milking walls and aching cervix. Not that he’s giving you a break no matter how many times you squirt all over his dick and balls.
“Aww, what’s this?” Vespasiano bites on his grin at the squirm of your thighs. Pleasure thrums through him with ragged pants and pulsations at his thick tip.
His hands smack and grip at the fat of your ass before he squishes tight. Slams you down all the way and bucks his cock up rapidly into that one, darling, devastating spot.
“We don’t - fuck - run from a good fuckin’, doll.” He drags his fangs down your throat and circles some of his bite marks. Such a tender action in comparison to the way he’s humping you to a state of dumbness. To spilling all over the bow once more.
His tongue lathers out on the front of your throat and with a voice on par with the deepness of him stuffing you full - he muses.
“Jus’ giving your gift, pretty thing. Happy birthday.”
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childrenofcain-if · 4 months ago
That scenario with D and MC having an argument while being long distance has me thinking how it'd go for them to spend time together at the farm? Especially for a spoiled MC who has never done any farm work 🤣
What would D's reaction be while they're complaining that there's dirt on their hands and their $1000 branded shoes, almost having a stroke when they step into fresh cow shit. I do think at the end my MC would try to adjust and even try to bond with the farm animals because they love D too much to do otherwise
the diaconu’s farmhouse looked like something out of a postcard, except for the way the air smelled—earthy and alive, undercut with the tang of manure.
it was sprawled out across rolling fields of tall grass, speckled with wildflowers, and the old oak trees loomed like sentinels guarding the quiet. the house itself had been scrubbed clean of its former dilapidation—new paint on the weathered boards, the wraparound porch gleaming like something out of a country living magazine. it was picturesque, serene, but utterly foreign to you.
and while it was all beautiful, sure, you couldn’t stop glaring at your brand new louboutins.
“oh my god, do you know how much these cost?” you said for what felt like the hundredth time, holding up one leg to inspect the damage. the soles were caked with mud, the once-pristine leather now streaked with grime. “this is disgusting. why would you bring me here? why did i let you bring me here?”
D laughed, the sound as bright as sunlight off metal. “you could’ve worn boots like i told you to.”
“boots wouldn’t have helped,” you muttered, pulling at a loose clump of dirt. “this whole place is a death trap for footwear.”
D, who was busy tying a tarp over a stack of hay bales, grinned at you over their shoulder. their gunmetal gray eyes twinkled and their brown hair caught the light just so. they looked unfairly gorgeous for someone who’d spent the last half-hour shoveling hay. “you’ll survive, city slicker.”
“i’m not a city slicker,” you shot back, crossing your arms.
“oh yeah, sweet cheeks? when’s the last time you touched dirt on purpose?”
you opened your mouth to argue, but then there was a squelch.
D froze, looking down at their boot, which was firmly planted in a pile of fresh cow manure. you froze too, horrified on their behalf, until D burst into laughter.
“oh my god,” you said, positively freaking out. “oh my god. i think i’m going to die. get me out of here!”
“it’s just cow shit,” D said, still laughing as they scraped their boot against a patch of grass. “relax.”
“relax?” you said, incredulous. “that’s easy for you to say. you’re used to this. i’m an innocent witness. a victim.”
D shook their head, their smile as unbothered as the wind brushing through the fields. “you’ve never been funnier, you know that?”
��is that a real chicken?!”
the first few days were hard.
you complained constantly—about the bugs, the heat, the chores that D somehow convinced you to help with.
milking a cow turned out to be more terrifying than you’d anticipated, and the chickens seemed to have a personal vendetta against you.
you refused to wear anything other than your designer clothes, which only made everything worse, and every time you got dirt under your nails, you threatened to call an uber back to civilization.
D, for their part, took it all in stride. they teased you mercilessly but never in a way that felt mean.
when you were the one who accidentally stepped in cow shit the first time and started screaming loud enough for people to hear you in the nearby city, they laughed so hard they had to sit down, but later, they cleaned your shoes without you even asking.
“this place is cursed,” you said one evening, collapsing onto the porch swing after a particularly grueling day. your arms ached, your hair was a mess, and there was a smudge of grease on your jeans.
D sat down beside you, their face glowing with the kind of happiness that only came from being somewhere you truly belonged.
“it’s not cursed,” they said, leaning back and looking out at the horizon. “you’re just not used to it yet.”
“that’s an understatement, rook. i grew up in air-conditioned luxury. i’m not built for this life.”
they laughed again, soft and affectionate. “maybe not, but you’re doing better than i thought you would.”
you shot them a skeptical look. “that’s not exactly a compliment.”
“it is when you think about how pampered you are.”
“excuse me?”
“i mean it in the nicest way,” they said, holding up their hands in mock surrender. “you’re trying. that’s what matters.”
you wanted to argue, but the sincerity in their voice stopped you. instead, you muttered, “i’m only trying because i love you.”
D’s smile was so wide it felt like it could split the sky. “i love you too, my gorgeous city slicker.”
as the days went on, you found yourself adjusting in ways you hadn’t expected.
you stopped flinching at the sight of dirt, started remembering to wear the boots D bought for you instead of your ruined designer shoes. you even began to enjoy some of the chores—not because they were fun, but because they made D happy, and seeing D happy made everything else worth it.
you bonded with the animals, too, though it took time. the cows were less terrifying when you realized how gentle they could be, and the chickens stopped pecking at you quite so viciously.
one particularly stubborn goat, marcus, became your unlikely favorite, and D teased you endlessly about how you’d started sneaking it extra treats.
“see?” they said one afternoon, watching as you scratched the goat’s ears. “told you you’d come around.”
“don’t get cocky,” you replied, but there was no real bite to your words.
but as much as you still grumbled and complained, there was something magnetic about D’s ease. the way they moved through this place—like the land and the air knew them—made you feel like an outsider in the best way.
you followed them around reluctantly, watching as they worked with a kind of practiced motions, securing gates, checking on animals, tinkering with an old pickup truck parked under a tree.
it was easy to forget, sometimes, that they’d lived a whole life before you. that this farmhouse and these fields had been theirs long before san francisco, long before yale.
they’d told you about it before—about summers spent baling hay and feeding chickens, about the farmhands who taught them to swear in three different languages—but the reality of it hit different.
D watched you from a distance one day as you were petting one of the fluffy, brown highland cows, their hands busy under the hood of the pickup truck but their eyes constantly flickering to where you stood.
they weren’t sure what they’d expected when they brought you here for the summer—maybe for you to complain the whole time, maybe for you to hate it—but seeing you with the cows, with dirt on your hands and dirty boots, felt like something they hadn’t let themself hope for.
when they glanced at the flatbed of the truck, their gaze landed on the pair of gloves you’d both left there earlier. their gloves, worn and patched in places, were next to yours, which were new but now had slight smudges of mud. something about the sight made D pause.
this place had always been a piece of them, something they couldn’t forget no matter how far away they moved. but seeing you here, trying despite yourself, made it feel like something new. like it wasn’t just theirs anymore.
you glanced up, catching their eye. “what?” you asked, brushing your hands off on your jeans.
D shook their head, their smile softening. “nothing. this summer has just been full of surprises.”
you walked over, brushing a stray piece of hay off your sweater. “well, don’t get used to it. this is a one-time thing.”
“sure it is,” D said, their smile widening.
the sun was starting to set, casting the fields in gold and pink. you sat beside D on the edge of the flatbed, watching as the cows wandered back toward the barn.
“this place is beautiful,” you said finally, your voice softer than before.
D nodded, their gaze fixed on the horizon. “yeah. it really is.”
you hesitated, then reached out, your hand brushing against theirs. “i can see the appeal now. at least a little.”
D turned to look at you, their expression unreadable but warm. “thanks for being here with me.”
“thanks for not laughing at me when i screamed about the dirt during the first day here,” you replied, trying to lighten the mood.
“i mean, i definitely laughed,” D said, their grin breaking through. “but i’ll pretend i didn’t, for your sake.”
you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile that broke through your lips.
for D, this really was a dream.
they told you about it during your last night together at the farmhouse as you sat on the porch, watching the fireflies dance in the twilight. the air was warm and sweet, and for once, you weren’t thinking about the dirt under your nails or the soreness in your muscles.
“i used to think about this place all the time,” they said, their voice quiet. “when i was a kid, it was like... like magic. i loved it so much. i never wanted to leave.”
“and now?” you asked, leaning against their shoulder.
“now it’s even better,” they said, turning their gray gaze towards you. “because you’re here.”
you looked at them, startled by the honesty in their tone. “even though i’m a spoiled brat sometimes who whines about everything?”
D laughed, pressing a soft kiss against your lips. “even then. especially then.”
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could you please do a Beauty and the Beast au with Jake and Cassie, I love your content!
The day he came of age he went forth, as all younger sons must, to seek his fortune.  For his parents had no other heir, his only brother having disappeared many years before.
They sent him with what they could, his parents.  A few days' meat, wrapped in preserving cloth.  A sturdy bow and a hunting knife.  The warmest fur-lined cloak they owned.  "Return to us," they told him, "make your fortune and return."
The younger son walked, all that day and into the night.  He knew this forest well, having lived at its edge all his life.  But as he continued on, always with the sun at his back in the morning and ahead in the evening, the trees grew dense around him.  Their trunks were so thick around that three men holding hands could not have encircled one, and their topmost branches blotted out the sun. Many days he walked.  Many days he ate and shot.  Many days he waited for his eyes to grow used to deeper darkness and deeper still, and then for many days he walked on.
One morning, as the days grew warm and the first spring roses unfurled, he awoke to a howl of pain echoing from somewhere far in the distance.
Hand on his knife, cloak drawn back, the younger son moved toward the sound.  It was strange, the sort of howl he had never heard before despite living near these woods his entire life.  As he drew closer he at last understood why: it lacked all harmony, and a single voice on the wind.  As if a jackal were out there, and yet speaking with the voice of a much larger dog.
When at last he found the wolf, he found her caught in a snare.
The ropes were drawn tight around the beast's legs and snout, tying her to the ground and to the surrounding trees.  It was like no snare the younger son had ever seen, far too many knots and anchors for any single animal.  The wolf howled hoarse and heaving in her despair.
Just for a moment as he looked upon her, the younger son thought of his hunting knife, and of his empty satchel.  Then he looked not to the wolf but to the forest around, and he felt unease dance across his skin.  "Where is your pack?" he asked aloud.
The wolf lifted her head to look at him.  "Where is yours?" she answered, in his tongue.
Again they stared, looking each other over with care.
"We have a saying, among men," the younger son said.  "About wolves who are alone.  A lone wolf is a dead wolf, we believe."
"We have a saying about men who are alone," the wolf said.  "That a man alone is easy prey."
"I come to seek my treasure," the younger son said.  "For my family has no other way to provide for me.  What brought you so far from your kin?"
"I know of a treasure," the wolf said.  "For the taking, for any man bold enough to take it.  Among the enchanters far to the north.  The journey is far, but the reward is great if you can brave the cold. It is said the maker of puppets will grant a boon to any man brave and diligent and clever enough to reach his inner hall."
The younger son took off his cloak, and showed her that he wore the skin of a great striped cat from the lands on the edge of the world, one who stalked through snows deep enough to bury a man alive and yet never lost strength.  It had been passed through his family for many generations, its origin lost to time, but he knew that it would shelter him through the long nights to come.
"Very well," the wolf said.  "Let us go, then."
He cut her loose, and together they walked the forest.  She was a skilled hunter despite being alone, returning with rabbits and squirrels.  In return he dug them roots and used nimble fingers to remove blackberries from the vine once he had paid the price in blood for such sweetness.  They slept each night curled beneath his cloak of sunset and shadow-colored fur, and they woke each morning to put the dawn at their right and journey on.
"What is your name?" she asked him, one night as they sat before the fire feasting upon a deer they'd worked as one to kill.
The younger son looked at the wolf, their eyes lit gold from the fire.  "How do I know that you are not fairy folk?" he asked.  "For I know of no other wolves who speak men's words."
The wolf considered.  "Cassie," she said.  "My parents call me Cassandra, but my true name is Cassie."
If she was fair folk, then she would not be able to lie.  And it would be a dangerous thing indeed, to give a human her true name.  "My parents call me Jacob," the younger son said, bowing low despite his blood-sticky hands.  "But my true name is Jake.  What story underlies your name?  An odd name indeed, for a wolf."
"It's an old story, where I'm from," Cassie said.  "Of one who sees far, but cannot speak of the truths she sees.  She knows of what's to come, but she is the only one who does, and thus even if she did speak such truths she would be dismissed as a liar.  A strange name, not one oft-chosen."
"What truths do you know, Madam Wolf?" the younger son asked.
"That the roses are beautiful tonight," the wolf said.
Strange words, for there were no roses visible around them.  But the younger son remembered the power of her nose, and contrary to her name chose to believe her.  The beauty she spoke of must be one beyond human senses.
"Jacob," she said.  "Jake.  What story explains your name?"
"A man saved my ancestor's life.  He was called Jacob, and thus so am I."  He did not ask the wolf the question upon his tongue that night, nor all the next day.
They spoke in those following days of the younger son's hopes for his parents, once he had enough money of his own to make them proud.  They spoke of the wolf's skill with hunting, and the things she heard through the trees that no mere human would.  They did not speak of the past.
A figure stepped into the road before them, shrouded and cloaked.  The younger son nonetheless recognized his stride, and moved toward him straight away with open arms and open smile.  "My brother!" he said.  "It has been too long.  We thought you lost."
The figure did not speak, only drew his bow.
The first arrow whispered past the wolf's left ear, even as the younger son cried out in protest. The second struck solidly into her shoulder.
"Stop!" the younger son cried once more.  "Don't hurt her!"
In response, the figure turned and fired on him as well.
The younger son ran forward even as the arrow pierced the flesh of his arm, and tore through.  "Stop!" he called again, and "Please!" to no avail.  Desperately he drew his knife, and — when the figure notched another arrow and drew back to fire at the wolf — the younger son drove his blade through flesh and lung.
A terrible silence filled the glade, when at last only two bodies breathed there.
"Jake?" the wolf dared to ask, once her breathing had slowed.
The man stared down at the familiar face revealed by the cloak's fall, pointed toward a sky that now gave no light to those eyes.  "This was not my brother," he said.  "It could not have been.  Some fairy trick, some illusion."
The wolf looked at the figure, scented its clothes.  She considered for a span: he had saved her life.  "Yes," she told her companion, her gaze on the sky.  "It must have been."
When the sun began to lower between the trees, they were forced to walk on.  They built a small fire far enough from the glade that they could not longer see the crumpled form, and the wolf explained to the man how to tend their hurts.  Under her guidance he drew out the arrow from her flesh, then packed both their wounds with a paste of leaves that would draw out infection before binding them with tight linens to make the skin heal smooth.
"You know a great deal of medicine, for a wolf," the man said as he boiled willowbark to a tea, at her instruction.
She heard the question that had lingered in his heart, for all that his tongue was too kind to give it voice.  He saved her life, at great personal cost.  "I was not born a wolf," she confessed.  "I was as human as you, until three days before the day that you found me.  That was no mere trap which held me, but the remains of a spell to bind me in this form.  I committed a great transgression, and now I am exiled in this shape until..."  She met the man's eyes, which were steadfast and kind.  "Until the end of my life," she lied.
"What could you have possibly done to deserve such a fate?" the man asked.  "For you are selfless and wise, Madam Wolf."
"Perhaps too selfless," the wolf said bitterly.  "I gave shelter in my home, to one I should have turned away.  I was fooled by appearances, by the surface seeming of innocence and candor, and thus I am cursed to look like that which I am not."
"Giving shelter is no great sin," the man said.  "Quite the opposite, where I am from."
"She was a slaver."
The man's cheek grew pale, but he did not speak.
"The child with her was not her daughter, but one she had kidnapped to replace with a changeling.  Concern for the child fettered my eyes, so that I let them pass freely through our lands."  The wolf stared into the fire, ears flat to her head.  "The slaver claimed that she had come to regret what she had done, and that she was on her way to return the child to its family.  I chose to believe her, for all that she had no proof.  And for that, I am to live out my days as you see me.  A hideous beast, human no more."
The man knelt on the ground before her, so that they might look eye to eye. "There is beauty in your poultices, I find," he said.  "There was beauty in the steadfastness you showed in joining me on my quest.  There is, I believe, even a beauty to be found in choosing the care of a child over revenge on one's enemies."
The wolf scented the wind, as she considered his words.  "The days grow shorter once more," she said.  "Soon only the marigolds will bloom."
They slept that night underneath his warm sunset cloak, and did not look back as they walked on the following day.  That day was indeed shorter than the one before, the spheres turning on and the blackberries turning forth smaller fruit.
Many days on, the man shot a rabbit as the sun rose, for meat was more precious with each passing day.  But as he drew near to his quarry, a hawk dropped from the sky and sank talons through the neck of the wounded creature, killing it in a trice.  The hawk tossed the arrow aside, tearing into the open flesh underneath.
Hawk was no chicken, but game was scarce.  The man nocked a second arrow, and took aim.
"Wait!" a voice rang out.  And despite all that had happened these past weeks, the man's heart raced in surprise as he understood it was the bird who spoke to him.  "I should not have stolen your prize," the hawk said. "But we hunger too, for meat above all."
Slowly the man lowered his bow.  The wolf ran to his side, her eyes upon the hawk as well.  "Sir Hawk," the man said, "are you also a human under a curse?  If it is so, then do you know how such a curse might be broken?"
"He is no human."  The figure who stepped out from the trees then looked human enough, but the light behind his eyes had a sharpness that drew up the hair on the wolf's hackles.  "We are the Wild Hunt.  You are a curiosity, little man."  A smirk danced at the corner of his mouth as he spoke.
"I answer to Jake, and she to Cassie," the man said, before the wolf could stop him.  For he had not heard tell of the Hunt. "What are your names?"
A third creature stepped forth then, this one with no resemblance at all to human or hawk or any other beast the man had ever heard of.  An elf, perhaps, if an elf could also be a blueberry and a scythe and a deer with the eyes of a snail.  "It would please me," the elfen creature said, "to answer to Ax."
"Tobias," the being with the light behind his eyes said, tilting his head at the bird, "means 'one who speaks with angels' in your human legends, does it not?  And what are angels but wings and eyes?  As for me..."  He smiled more, behind the dark veil of his hair.  "Marco, I shall call myself.  As they say, you are what you eat."
The man did not drop his bow, and the wood drew tight under his hands.  He did not ask why the wolf's teeth showed between her lips, not where the Wild Hunt could hear, but he did not fail to notice.
"Dine with us," said the one called Ax.  "You provided the meat, thus it is only fair."
"We eat only that which we provided," Cassie said.  "Thus, it is only fair."
More creatures drew around, as the man made fire and drew water to stew the rabbit over the coals.  Some were from the human legends: tunnel-makers, tree-herders, three-fingered apes.  Some looked like the one called Ax, some like nothing more than tiny soft fish.  Some, most frighteningly of all, looked as human as the smiling being that called itself Marco.  One dropped herbs into the stewpot, another a rasher of fat to season the meat.  Roots went into the pot, and fragrant grasses.  Soon the smell grew so delicious that it became impossible to think of anything else.
"You are too kind," the wolf said, when Marco handed a bowl her way.  Her mouth watered, but she swallowed hard.  "We have just eaten a large meal, and could not take another bite.  Not one single crumb.  Neither of us could have so much as a drop of broth, for we are fit to burst."
Jake stared at her in surprise, for they'd had only bitter lichens to chew for nearly three days.  But he kept his mouth shut, and he did not reach for the proffered bowl.
"You refuse our gift?" the one called Marco said.  His smile remained, but so did the light in his eyes.  "Our food will not suffice to sate you?"
"You have showed us great kindness already," Cassie said.  "We would not want to grow greedy."
"There was a frost last night, Madam Wolf."  Marco's smile grew.  "Did you know that?  The roses are all dead."
These words struck her like a blow, Jake could see, for all that he knew not why.  Cassie drew into herself, ears flat and tail stiff, but her next words came out clear.  "I care little for roses," she said, staring the fae creature in the eye.  "Though their scent is sweet, their flesh does not nourish me.  And I prefer not to bleed for no reason.  Far better to plant cabbages, far better to harvest peas.  Give me ordinary and serviceable flowers, not beautiful and cruel."
"You asked my friend about curses," the one called Marco said, looking now to Jake.  "If you will not take our food, let me give you a different gift: the way to break the curse that transforms a human to a beast."
Jake knew to be wary, but his arms betrayed him in leaning him closer to hear every word and his heart betrayed him by growing faster in his breast.
"A human must swear fealty to the cursed one forever," Marco said.  "This human must abandon the family of their birth and dwell forever in the home of the afflicted, never once returning to the hearth of their youth.  The human must swear an oath to obey the afflicted in all things, to honor their every whim, and to love them from the depths of their heart.  That, Sir Human, is the way to break the curse."
"But this is wonderful news!" the man cried, turning to his companion.  "I will gladly swear such an oath."  The joy died from his voice as her tail lowered still further, its plume trailing the ground.
"One thing more," Marco continued.  "The oath must be sworn before the last petal falls on the last rose of summer.  Otherwise, the curse takes hold forever.  But then, your companion would have known all this already."
Jake had seen as much already, from Cassie's demeanor and the soft whine of her breath.  "Cassie," he whispered, caring not who heard, "Why did you not tell me?  I would have sworn this oath, abandoned my family, obeyed you and loved you forever."
"Such a thing would be monstrous," Cassie told him.  "And you are kind.  Your family cares for you, and they depend upon you.  I do not want a bondsman or catamite, and I will not become a slaver to save my own skin.  Wolves are swift and strong, hearing much and scenting more.  I chose, my beloved friend, and I do not regret my choice."
The man stood, then.  He bowed deeply to each person around the fire.  Side-by-side he and the wolf walked away from the beautiful and bountiful fete.  They'd walked only the span of the clearing when a voice spoke his name.  His full name, the name he had not given.
His kinswoman stood there, when he turned to find the voice.  The kinswoman he had long since given up as dead, for she had gone into battle and never returned.
"There is another way to save your beloved," she told the man.  "Eat of their food.  Drink of their wine.  Thus you will be young forever, and both of you as beautiful as the dawn."
She spoke truly.  There was no chance of a lie, for she was one of the fae now.  And she was beautiful, the most beautiful woman either the wolf or the man had ever seen.  Forever she would be young.  Forever she would hunt, and fight, and dance.  Never would she see home again.  Never would she leave the circle of the Hunt.
"Be well," the man told his kinswoman.  "I will speak of you, when I return home.  You have not been forgotten, nor will you be."
Then he embraced her, before he and the wolf walked on.
The following night the frost came again.  What few flowers may have remained curled up their leaves, and bare bulbs littered the bushes.  The man and the wolf spoke little, and only of trivial concerns.
At last they came to the gates of the enchanters' castle.  The guard who stood outside had the seeming of a child with wide eyes and missing teeth, though the man knew enough by now not to trust such things.  "Why do you seek to enter?" the guard asked.
"I seek treasure," the man said.  "I will not be turned away."
"You will die if you enter," the guard said.  "Most men do."
The man straightened his spine.  "I will not be turned away."
"And you?" the guard asked, looking to the wolf.
"I am no man," she said.  "And I seek to enter for love."
The guard stood aside, then.  "There will be three trials.  If you turn back, you may.  If you go on, you die.  If you go on and you do not die, you may ask our leader for a boon."
The first trial lay before them, a dark cavern.  Together they walked into the dark.  The air grew cold around them, and colder still.  The man drew his cloak around himself and his companion, and as one creature with six legs they crept onward.
No speck of light was visible no matter where they looked, no tiny glimmer to relieve the blackness.  It mattered not.  They followed her nose, and onward they went.  The cave continued until they were sore of foot and trembling in every limb, but they dared not stop to rest in this cold.  The cave continued until his eyes conjured phantom sights and her ears drew forth imagined sounds, but they drew closer still to each other's warmth and walked ever forward.  The cave continued until thirst swelled his tongue and cracked her nose, but they staggered onward.
At last it ended in a lush garden, trees dripping with fruits.  A mark of their trust, that the man looked to the wolf and waited for her nod before he tore loose a soft sunrise-pink orb and bit into its flesh.  Together they supped on the fruits, leaving a trail of stones behind them as they went.
The second trial sprawled before them at the far side of the courtyard.  The pile of grains was nearly the height of the man's shoulder and would have taken half a day to walk across, each one as golden as the gold that locked the door they would need to go on.  Once again Cassie's nose served them well, as did Jake's clever fingers.  Though it took all that day and into the night, they found a gleam of real gold amidst the grains.
One part of a key revealed itself.  One part, of perhaps a dozen, from the look of the lock.
They started at each other in new knowing, amidst the tiny fragment on the ground between them.  "Perhaps it is for the best," the man said after a time, "that you have no time limit awaiting you anymore."
Despite her sore feet and weary heart, the wolf laughed with him.  Then they set to their task.
The sun rose on their search, and it set once more.  Twelve winter-short days they sorted grain, twelve winter-long nights they drew forth fragments of the key.  From sunup to sundown they searched, and when the light failed they went on by touch.  But the time passed lightly, for all the while they spoke to each other of all they had seen on their journey there and all they hoped to see on their way home.
When at last all the pieces fit into one whole, they constructed the necessary device and placed it into the lock.  With a twist, the man unlatched the door and let them forth into the courtyard beyond.
The third trial fell upon them like a thunderclap.  The guardian was human-shaped but fought like no human, arms around the man's throat, legs around his chest, strong as an entire team of oxen.  The man wrestled and fought, outmatched but not beaten, even as the guardian drove him to the ground and the wolf sought any tender place for teeth or claws.
The man cried out in pain, exactly once, as the guardian's hand landed upon his hip and the joint was wrenched forth from its socket.  His eyes met those of the wolf, through the cage of the guardian's arms, and once again new knowledge passed between them.
Cassie ran on, leaving him.  Heart-heavy but sure of foot, she ran on.  The far portcullis was aloft, and she passed through the final door to confront the head enchanter who lay beyond.
There was a smile on the puppeteer's face, when she burst forth into his antechamber.  He was many, and he was all alone.  He had the same eyes as the guard at the door.  "Very well," he said.  "You have proven you are brave enough to face the unknown, diligent enough to work beyond weariness, and clever enough to win against a stronger foe.  Thus you will use a boon well, if I give it to you.  What boon would you have?"
"For my companion to be brought to this room and given his wish," the wolf answered, "and for him to be hale and healed when he arrives."
The puppeteer laughed.  "Clever indeed, my little friend.  It shall be done."
And the man stood among them, pale with surprise but unharmed.  "Once again you have saved my life," he told the wolf.
"Once again you have saved mine," she told the man.
Kneeling before the puppeteer, the man spoke his wish aloud.
Thus she was transformed, into a maiden strong of arm and callused of skin.  And the younger son took her hand, and thus with his fortune did he at last return home.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year ago
Older Eddie x Reader
Smutty, slightly angsty mini fic, minors shoo, 18+
You shouldn't be here. You knew that. But after a final fight with your boyfriend Dominic you had come to the one person that you felt safe with.
Eddie Munson's reputation in the town proceeded him, he was the big bad wolf that everyone should stay away from, had woman eating out of the palm of his hands and didn't give a fuck what anyone though.
Eddie was your next door neighbour and you'd been intrigued by him from the minute you seen him.
He was also so fucking hot. Panty dropping hot, and you were having the best sex of your life with him for the last few weeks.
You knock on his door and he opens it, he's standing all smug, a giant smirk on his face. "What brings you here at this time princess?"
He knows what you're doing here he always knows but he's just teasing you, tying you up in knots with how good he looked. His messy curls are tied up in a bun and he's wearing those jeans that makes his ass look amazing, the leather jacket that you loved.
"Let me guess? Dominic was being an asshole and you came running to me to make you feel better hmm sweetheart?" he plays with a strand of your hair, it flusters you immediately. His touch never fails to send you in a spin.
"I really like being with you Eddie" you murmur and it's the truth. The honesty in your voice must throw him as he's quiet for a minute.
"You like how I make you come so hard that you almost black out. That I fuck you senseless and in a way that your useless prick of a boyfriend could never do ... and princess? It's my fucking pleasure" he murmurs and tugs you close to him.
He's so cocky, so sure of himself but it's not like he isn't telling the truth.
"Get on the bed sweetheart. When I'm done with you, you won't even remember that dickheads name"
Eddie moves to kiss your neck, uses his fingers to pleasure you, pumping in and out of your sweet spot and sending spasms of pleasure through.
He's made quick work of your clothes and thrown them on the floor, along with his jeans. His lips move down your body and it's like they are everywhere, burning into your skin.
It's been a few days since you were last here and you've missed this. The exquisite pleasure only Eddie could give you.
Eddie is in no hurry to rush any of this, takes his time as works you into a frenzy, has you so wet and mewling for him.
"Please Eddie, I need you" You moan and his brown eyes fill with amusement as he strokes your cheek, his lips hover over yours.
"Oh sweetheart you're so fucking needy for me, does your limp dick boyfriend get you this hot... No. Of course he doesn't" he chuckles.
Taking him by surprise you manage to end up on top of him. Straddling him and your hands run down his chest, moving slow and watching as his eyes fill with lust.
"So fucking beautiful" his eyes rake hungrily over you body and he dips his head down to your breasts and sucks, kisses and leaves gentle bites over them.
His thrusts grow more erratic as you ride him faster and faster, fierce kisses are exchanged and Eddie's head throws back as he moans. "Fuck that's it princess. I love how fucking amazing you feel"
When you come you almost see stars. Feel Eddie moan as he stills and spills into you, his thrusts slowing as he leaves lazy kisses over your neck.
It's a little while later and you're sprawled beside Eddie, boneless and just wanting to close the distance between you and be close to him.
But this isn't like that. You'd love to stay and cuddle, love to be with him like you want to.
Eddie gets up and stretches. "Have to head to Gareth's. Will you be okay seeing yourself out princess?" he asks as he gets dressed and you smile even if you don't feel like it.
He leans down and kisses you briefly then he heads out. There's a hollow feeling in your chest and you cuddle back into the pillow for a second, get lose in the scent of Eddie's cologne just for a little bit.
You get up and dress quickly, then leave but there an ache inside you that so badly wants this to be more. Does he even want that? He's made it clear that this was just sex to him.
It's obvious that it means so much more to you and you sigh sadly, you were falling in love with someone who had no intention of wanting anything more with you...
With that thought you head into your car with a heavy heart.
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just1cefor4ll · 1 year ago
Just saw that you take SBG requests! If possible could you do a Tyler oneshot where the reader starts out as Barron’s gf (it’s not going well bc he’s a jerk). Maybe Tyler helping her out of that relationship and just fluff of him being there for her. Bonus points if reader’s in the group!
Tyler Hernández x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, toxic relationship, manipulation
genre: angst(??) but mostly fluff
A/N: hope this doesn’t look rushed lmao I tried my best :,)
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You’ve been dating Barron for a few months now, you wanted to give him a chance, thinking he would be different towards someone he actually loved, or so you thought he did. It started off as a normal relationship, he was sweet, took you out on dates, but now you realize that was just a trick so he could wrap you around his finger. You tried leaving several times, but you learned from your mistakes and didn’t think it was worth the bruises you would get. You. just had to pull through! Right?
You met Ashlyn and the other after you started dating Barron. They were really hesitant to let you in the group, thinking you were just trying to lure Logan into doing things for Barron like before, but they quickly relized you weren’t the type of person to do those types of things. You were complete opposites; he was manipulative, mean, and just a total jerk, while you were kind, truthful and calm unlike Barrons short temper. Everyone in the group was questioning how you even managed to be in a relatiomship with such an idiot but you brushed off the comments and told them he was different in private, which was a lie. Well if they asked this a few months back it wouldn’t have been a lie, but I guess people like Barron fairly change quickly. It was a few weeks after you started hanging out with the group that your situation with Barron worsened. To say that he was upset you were hanging out with the group that literally BEAT UP him and his little minions was an understatement. He would start beating you, yelling at you; “Oh so I’m not enough for you you fucking whore?” “You think you can just run off and think they will solve your problems for you?” But right after he would put up this kind facade, hugging you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and playing with your hair; “I’m sorry love, you know I get angry.. it’s just that..” Just endless excuses that you fell for, so you stayed.
The group quickly noticed your bruised figure; “Oh I’m fine, I was playing with my brother and fell!” or “I bumped into the side of a table this morning because I was in a hurry!” Everyone seemed to believe you except Tyler. He eyes you the whole lunch break, even during class. You glance at him every now and then and your mind starts to race; “What if he knows?” You think to yourself and look at Barron who like always wasn’t paying attention at all and would ask for you to do his work for him. You roll your eyes and decide this class doesn’t deserve your attention so you lay your head down on your desk and drift off.
The sound of the bells jolts you awake and you groan, gathering your stuff and go to leave the classroom. You feel a hand on your shoulder; “Leave me al—” “Come meet me after school, i’ll be waiting in front of the gates.” You hear from behind you and recognize the voice as Tylers. You nod and leave the class immediately, praying Barron didn’t see your little interaction.
The day went by dreadfully slow and you counted down the minutes when the last bell finally rang. The hallways were crowded with angsty teens and pick me whores who couldn’t wait to get drunk on a Friday night. You push your way through the mob of people and go to the gate where Tyler said he would be. You see Barron and his minions in the crowd of people and you sprint towards Tyler, grabbing him by the wrist and pull him towards the nearby coffee shop you had near your school. After you believe your put of sight you slow down, walking in silence. “Um, you can let go now?” Tyler says, pointing to his wrist. “Oh yeah, right.. sorry.” You look away, putting your hands in your hoodies pocket. Tyler raised a brow, it was mid May and it was getting hot out, every girl at school was either in tank tops, shorts, or dresses. He pushes the thoughts aside and opens the coffee shops door, letting you in first. You sit down in one of the more secluded spots in the shop and place your bag down.
“Soo.. whats up?” You ask, ordering a refreshing drink. Tyler just looks at you, eyes furrowed and arms crossed over his chest. “I know what you told us today was just a load of bull.” He says in a stern voice, having a “if you lie to me I’ll personally jump over this table and smack you” face.
“What do you mean? Are you implying anything?” You smile innocently, fiddling with your fingers under the table. He raised a brow, and hums; “Maybe I am.” He says and stays quiet after thar, staring you down, making you shift in your seat. You clear your throat and finish your drink, standing up; “Well if you don’t wanna discuss anything, i’ll be leaving—” You get cut off by getting tugged back by your wrist. You sigh and turn around, looking down at the ground not wanting to meet his harsh stare. He sighs and lifts your chin to look up at him, his gaze softening just a bit. “Wha—” He pulls you into a hug and you freeze, the new form of affection taking you by suprise. You hesitantly hug him back, feeling a bit awkward hugging him in a coffee shop but you pushed the thought away. He grabs your wrist and pulls you from the coffee shop; “I know that relationship between you and the hijo de puta isn’t healthy hermosa.” He says letting go of your wrist, looking away from you and kicking rocks he had in his way. You sigh, contemplating if you should say anything, the things that Barron had told you haunting you everywhere you went. “I don’t know what your talking about.” You say and Tyler rolls his eyes; “Yeah right, you got that bruised cheek and eye from chasing your cousins riiight yep that explains it!” He says sarcastically and crosses his arms over his chest; “Really Y/N let me or the others help you, we aren’t blind, the others just didn’t wanna be pushy and force you to say anthing.” He says as you both walk to the park, only a few minutes away from the coffee shop.
He sits you down on the bench and towers over you, glaring right at you. “Come on we just wanna help, well at least I do, come on cariño, let me help you.” He says and sits down next to you. You look at him in disbelief, maybe you could finally get out of Barrons torturous grasp? But what if he would keep bothering you? What if he hurts your friends? Your eyes water and you hug Tyler, sobbing into his shoulder; “I’m scared Ty, I really am.” You choke on your sobs, shaking uncontrollably while Tyler rubs your back soothingly. “Aw Y/N don’t cry hermosa.. it’ll be fine.. I promise.” He says, cupping your cheeks and wipes away your tears. You smile softly, finally calming down from your little nervous breakdown. “Thanks Ty..” He nods in acknowledgment and puts an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
You rest your head on his shoulder and talk with him for what feels like hours, explaining your situation with Barron and how he has been treating you. Tyler listens, only commenting a few times since he didn’t wanna interrupt you and make you feel like he doesn’t care. Oh he did care, more than you could imagine. He’s been a bit overprotective of you since you joined the group, always protecting you from bullies you didn’t even know you had because Tyler always kept their mouths shut.
The next day you texted Barron to meet you at the school gate, which he did. “Hey babe whats up?” He smirks and wraps an arm around your shoulder. You give him a disgusted look and shake him off, stepping away and try to keep your distance from him. Tyler was watching the whole scene unfold, promising you that if things got out of hand that he would intervene. “Barron I think we should—” He cuts you off and glares at you; “Oh so that’s what this is about? We already talked about this you fucking bi—” While he was rambling, you didn’t even notice Tyler walking up to him and punching him right in the nose, an awful cracking sound being heard seconds later. “She said what she said estúpido, now leave her alone.” Tyler holds your hand in his, pulling you away from the now bleeding boy. Barron knew better then to mess with Tyler so he just cursed under his breath, leaving you alone. You walk into the boys bathroom that people rarely went to since people thought it was “haunted” and he grabs you by the shoulders looking at you with a worried expression.
“Y/N are you okay?” He asks, concern evident in his voice. You look up at him and pull him into a hug, having the biggest smile on your face. You mumble like a hundred thank you’s, and pull away from the hug. “Thank you so much Tyler, you don’t know how much you helped me.” You say and kiss his cheek. “I know this won’t make up for the problems I causes you but—” You get cut off by soft lips on yours, leaving you stunned. You close your eyes and kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck while his arms travel down to your waist. Your lips move in sync, like you were just made for each other and pulled apart for breath. Tyler smiles down at you and kisses your forehead and smirks; “I’ll need a few more of these~” He leans down to kiss you again, a finger on his lips stopping him. “First of all, take me out on a date.” You smile innocently and head to your class, leaving Tyler to plan your date for the rest of the day.
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