#ty dori!!!
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cherrirui-official · 1 year ago
I hope u guys don't mind me posting these au doodles while I work on things ahaha
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I also gave JD slightly longer hair in these doodles as a funny haha but I don't think it's funny anymore he looks genuinely good with his hair like that ahahaha I hope you're not mad at me for changing his au design a bit
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art-o-gant · 29 days ago
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it's valentine's day !! in honor of that heres some fuck ass kisses i have drawn
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aangarchy · 2 years ago
My little cousin (15) finished atla yesterday, y'all know the drill by now but here's her opinion of the characters after the s3 finale
Aang: "that's MY Avatar. The GOAT."
Katara: "amazing stunning wonderful beautiful powerful badass gorgeous talented-" this went on for a bit
Sokka: "the creators can't hide that he's bisexual."
Toph: "i couldn't get over the feral chihuahua energy i'm sorry"
Zuko: "... fine he's hot now happy?"
Azula: "i mean if my brother came in to ruin my coronation i would try to kill him and his little girlfriend too so"
Suki: "i wish i could kill people with a fan but alas i can only kill them the non cool way" Me: "the non cool way?" Her: "just stabbing."
Mai: "she deserves so much better than Zuko"
Ty Lee: "she joined the Kyoshi warriors, a group comprised of only women.... interesting."
Uncle Iroh: "i was really expecting the old man to bite it ngl i'm happy he stuck around tho"
Firelord Ozai: "we waited two seasons for his reveal and he's just some guy." Me: "yea that's kinda the point, that he's just a normal man" Her: "i could run him over with my bike."
The Old Masters: "the Okra bus got lost in Ba Sing Se lol" (for context okra is a belgian seniors organisation, like for the elderly to go on trips and such)
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sidesmcmann · 7 months ago
can you tell usmore about the lone star au without spoiling too much please ?
As mentioned, he lives in the tree with his parents and grandma.
His parents have always been adventurous and that’s likely where he gets his need for adventure from. Sometimes when the sun starts to set his parents venture to the top of the cage, looking out over the town. They mark things, make maps of the place and only come back down once the dark has made it too hard for them to see.
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Dory always asks them what they can see up there and if he can see it one day- his parents always respond by saying “one day”.
Finding ways to pass the time, he enjoys singing to himself. That’s what he always does when his parents go up to explore
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Anyway, once he turns 14 his parents decide that the time was right and they planned to escape. They told Dory they’d come back and that he should trust them so he did.
He’s been singing for a lot longer now.
dramatic explanation I suppose hehe
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Finding Dory (2016, Andrew Stanton and Angus MacLane)
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3lizab3t · 2 months ago
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sale gaming…
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years ago
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yea barricade day or soemthing. i’m not late shut up
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overheard-at-star-command · 2 years ago
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jstnmybf · 4 months ago
Ty yall for 10 hugs I'm happy now!:3 how was ur day??
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wraithsoutlaws · 2 years ago
Help, silent fury and candles for Dagger please 🙏🏻
Help tw: light self-harm-ish He spends fifteen minutes struggling with the rolling paper. The clunky metal of the new chrome hand has all the precision of a bulldozer–half rusted in the joints, and missing one or two internal wiring components that makes it stubborn. But that’s nothing  compared to the squeak of it. A little mocking laugh whenever he tries to move the middle digit, salt in the wound of losing a part of himself to some twerp barely out of grade school. Each chirp leaves a pinch of fury in his chest that has him considering total world destruction, and he’d do it to… All for a single fucking smoke. He tries not to look at the mess of torn, crumbled paper littered across the table beside him, attention drawn acutely to the one he’s got laid out flat, stuffed prettier than thanksgiving dinner with a heaping pile of synth-tobacco. This is the one. He knows it. His mouth nearly waters for it  as he slowly, cautiously begins to roll the paper, breath frozen in his lungs, a line of sweat clinging to his brow. He’s just nearly sealed it, can feel the smoke cloud his chest like a promise  and then–squeak. A chrome finger lags, then twitches, presses too hard. The paper tears and the tobacco spills and Dagger feels the crushing weight of hopelessness like an all consuming fog. He’s still for a moment, a sense of calm in his failure that passes in an instant, giving way to dynamite.  “Fuck!”  Metal fingers curl tighter than bone. He slams his fist into the table. He can’t hear that taunting squeak over the explosion of wood as it cracks beneath the weight of the metal. Again. Again. Something new breaks in the chassis of his hand. He grins wickedly, and does it again. Serves it right, fucking thing. He can’t feel it bruise or ache, and the numbness is worse. Loose tobacco and rolling paper fly into the air as he beats it into the table, as he desperately tries to make it hurt. He doesn’t notice the door of the trailer open and Dum Dum doesn’t announce himself, strolling casually inside like he’s seen this happen before, hands in his pockets until he reaches the remains of the table where Dagger sits. He finds the rolling paper on the ground and salvages some synth-tobacco from the package, working swiftly and silently without so much as a spare glance. Dagger pauses to catch his breath, eyes wild and bloodthirsty, watching him like a hungry animal. The chrome hand is backwards on his wrist, like some twisted monstrosity. He pays it no mind.  They’re both quiet. Dum Dum finishes, placing the freshly rolled cigarette between his lips for the ease of lighting, then hands it down to Dagger. He makes it look easy. Dagger considers spitting it out and stomping on it and making another hole in the trailer but it’s been thirty minutes since his last smoke and he’s already jonesing bad. He takes a long pull, filling his lungs and it’s better than sex, he’s sure of it. Smoke slithers from his lips and with it, the rage, curling around them until there’s nothing left. Dum Dum gives it a moment before he sits down beside Dagger and wordlessly pulls the broken hand into his lap. It’s not the first time he’s had to fix it. He knows it won’t be the last, delicately setting to work with a seamless grace that Dagger secretly admires from those chromed fingers. He lets him take it, he always lets him take it, and sometimes distantly, the ghost of his touch feels like flesh again. Dum Dum doesn’t wait for a thank you. He gets it only in a softened glance and a shared cigarette and he knows, to Dagger, that’s more than words can offer.
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ohposhers · 1 year ago
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So I am obsessed with @lemony-and-zesty 's Hitman John Dory AU and ended up drawing a bunch of fanart of it i am crying ty for such a sweet AU I love JD's design so much im going crazy I hope I drew the character interactions ok!! I had to guess a little so I apologize if I got anything wrong </3
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templeofshame · 2 years ago
Apparently Doris got married in 2019 and I just found out. Also she's spelling it Dorris? I still have such sadness for the end of the Girlyman era
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aangarchy · 2 years ago
My little cousin (15) finished season 2 of atla, here are her opinions of the characters after the s2 finale
Aang: "adorable and he better not be fucking dead"
Katara: "i hope she gets vengeance in season 3." Me: "vengeance on who?" Her: "the world."
Sokka: "he needs a girlfriend, every girl he's met has either died or left him... are you sure he's not into guys at all?" Me: "the fandom thinks so." Her: "they're right."
Toph: "she reminds me of a feral little dog most of the time"
Zuko: "get that traitor out of my face"
Azula: "if i speak."
Uncle iroh: "if he needs to die for zuko to finally get some character development so fucking be it"
Mai: "knife wife"
Ty Lee: "she's so me coded"
Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors: *hums who run the world girls by Beyoncé*
Jet: "dead. at least i think."
The Earthking: "oh that loser"
Long Feng: "who?" *gets shown a picture* "imagine being half bald and losing your whole army to a teenage girl"
Joo Dee: "she's innocent"
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ryssbelle · 11 months ago
LOOK AT MY GUY RIGHT THERE!!! You did him so well!!
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Brotherhood AU by @0ketlyn-s
World Tour AU by @year2000electronics
Not the Only One AU by @ryssbelle
Blast to The Past AU by @that-cool-guy
Im Still Here AU by @blade-that-was-broken
For This You Were Born AU by @blade-that-was-broken
Had fun coloring this but it took foreveeeeeerrrrrr because of school. As you can see from the "Im Still Here" AU, John Dory is just a tombstone 💀. It's because I made this before it was revealed that John Dory wasn't dead. I legit thought he was seriously dead so I did what I do best and use humor to cope LMAO.
(also-- Brotherhood!JD and NotTheOnlyOne! JD having the same pose makes me go 🧍🏻‍♂️So to cope, Imma just delude myself that this is the universal John Dory pose LMAOO)
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courseyoulovemeyoudontknowme · 10 months ago
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Finding Dory (2016, Andrew Stanton and Angus MacLane)
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therealnightcity · 2 years ago
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful and talented! Keep the game going if you like and make someone smile today! 💕💕
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