#twy's name help !!!
gunsandspaceships · 5 days
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"Kheiron's name was derived from the Greek word for hand (kheir) and meant something like "skilled with the hands." In myth it was also closely associated with the word kheirourgos "surgeon."" (Source)
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Fragment from "The seven physicians"
"Wisest and justest of all the centaurs" immortal Chiron, mentor of heroes. He invented pharmacy, medicine and surgery and taught Asclepius, the god of medicine, himself.
He lived in a cave on Mount Pelion until he was driven out of his home.
Statius, Silvae 1. 4. 98 "If there be any herb [to cure this illness] in twy-formed Chiron's health-giving cave."
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Pindar, Nemean Ode 4. 55 ff "Then [Akastos] sought Pelias' son [Peleus], stealing his sword, the blade of Daidalos' (Daedalus') magic, to contrive his death by ambush; saved by Kheiron's (Chiron's) hand, the fate destined by Zeus he made his own."
Ho Yinsen, an Afghan surgeon, saved Tony in a cave using his innovative surgical methods after Tony was betrayed by Obadiah Stane, who stole his weapon and ordered the "wild centaurs" to kill him from an ambush in the mountains.
Propertius, Elegies 2. 1 "Medicine can cure all human pains . . . Chiron, son of Phillyra, healed the blindness of Phoenix."
Ho and the Ten Rings "healed the blindness of Phoenix" Tony by showing him what was really going on with his creations and that he couldn't trust the people in his company. Yinsen also helped Tony see his true self.
Statius, Achilleid 2. 96 ff "Also did he teach me of juices and the grasses that succour disease, what remedy will staunch to fast a flow of blood, what will lull to sleep, what will close gaping wounds; what plague should be checked with a knife, what will yield to herbs; and he implanted deep within my heart the precepts of divine justice".
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"Chiron holding Achilles"
Chiron was wounded by a poisoned arrow while visiting the cave of the centaur Pholus. Even though Chiron was a master of medicine and healing, he could not heal himself from the poison and suffered excruciating pain for several days. He wanted to give up his immortality and die to stop the pain.
Chiron went to Zeus and offered to exchange his life for the life and freedom of Prometheus.
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He died willingly so that Prometheus could go on living and continue his mission of teaching humankind and bringing it science and technology.
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"Chiron sacrifices himself for Prometheus"
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Gifs by @thepunisher
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mooniebatz · 1 year
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Here’s it! It messy lel uhhh soooo I dunno witch wun ta choose!! Fur de sweater, yellowy cloud or orangey clouds?
besids dat,,, dis is zeze znores! Dey ar jus a sleepy wittle wolfi! :3
he/they/it/pup/cloud pronouns fur zeze!
de stuffie it carry it name bee “mr nini” (he/it)
❤️‍🩹🍼info bout zeze!🍼❤️‍🩹
Dey ar wik a stuffie basically. Although talls (5’7) it is very Smol n never big
is nicknamed sleepyhead by Julie and Howdy
never leaves their house witout mr nini n der paci
wears primary cowlrd pads :3
is regressed at de age of 3-5 yrs olds
poppy, howdy, Wally, eddie and Julie takes care of them. Mainly howdy or Wally tho
hates loud sounds
prefers the quietness
loves lullabies and soft tingys
voice is soft and has a slight southern accent to it
likez frank and his rambls bout butterflies
sally is a bit too loud for him but if they tell sally she’s being too loud, she’ll twy n bee mor quiet
Finds home wacky
gives home pats,, doesn’t knu if it cn feely it but it seems oki wit it n pup tinks he cn wik it
Sees barneby as a big brother of sorts
💫and here’s sum nicknames zeze gib der neighbors :3💫
calzz Wally “da” or “wawa” Wally melted wen zeze called him da fur de 1st times lel
callz Julie “Jaja “ :p she giggles everytime zeze callz her it
callz Eddie “Dede” cant help but hug zeze wen he callz him dat
callz barneby “bee” or “pubby “ he pats their head wen he hears des names :]
Callz poppy “mama” she nearly die of cutesness wen zeze calld her dat
callz howdy “buggy” or “baba” he giggles n picks up zeze gibbin escemo kithes ta zeze
Callz frank “fwanki “ or “bubber “(wik bubberfly :3) frank likes it. Smiles, and continus ramblin bout bugs :D
callz sally “sunny” she boops zeze n goes “hehe yes-sir-y! Yu got dat rit mr!”
Dat wus a wot (^^;) hehe woopsieee pup rambled
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agerefanfics · 7 months
[Disclaimer: This is an SFW Agere story! Please don’t be weird about it OR confuse it with k1nk!]
It was a rough day for the Foreman. Hour after hour, he'd be confronted by many toons, all gags at the ready to pummel him with. He had his moments of almost succumbing to the injuries he had endured, but was lucky enough to have greened each toon one by one. Currently aiding in his own injuries, the skelecog in question was patiently waiting (yet hoping it wasn't the case) for any other toons to walk in and try to fight him. He mumbled to himself, his distain more prevalent than ever.
Just as he finished up repairing himself up, the doors to the very room he stood in clicked and shifted. Great, more toons. He groaned, getting into position as another line of three cogs joined in by his side.
Three of the toons entered the room, gags at the ready. One of the toons looked around for the last toon, clearly frustrated that the last toon didn't come any sooner.
"Get your bum in here, Junior!"
The cat toon exclaimed. Quickly entering the room was the mouse toon that was named Junior, Their outfit being a simple striped shirt and denim overalls. Attached to the overalls was a pendant, with said pendant holding a red and blue pacifier. The Foreman was slightly puzzled at this, but shook it off as he readied himself to fight back.
The toons quickly took action, only throwing pies at the three random cogs as the lure Junior had attempted to use failed on them.
"Ok, we took those cogs out. Now it's time to finish the Foreman off!"
The cat toon said, looking over to Junior.
"And this time, DON'T mess this lure up, Junior."
Junior quietly squeaked to himself.
"I'll Twy.."
Junior muttered out.
"And stop it with the baby talk, you're a grown toon!"
Junior squeaked once more, pulling out the last magnet he owned and giving it a shot. It failed. Miserably. The Foreman almost chuckled to himself at this, but quickly took notice of how upset the Mouse seemed to be getting.
"Oh Come on!"
The Cat exclaimed.
"Can't you do anything right!? I can't believe i even brought you with me!"
Junior whimpered.
"I'm really sowwy.."
"Stop it with the baby act! Act your age for once, please!"
The mouse began to get choked up as tears welled up in his eyes. The mouse couldn't even get another word out as the toon began to cry. Junior fell to his knees, rubbing at his eyes as tears fell down his face. one of the other toons, a Crocodile, spoke up.
"Hey man, that's wasn't very nice to say. Junior was trying his best!"
She said, placing a hand on the Cat's shoulder. The cat easily smacked her hand away as he look at the crocodile with a grimace.
"It's not MY fault this baby can't get his gags right! He can barely act his own age!"
The cat exclaimed, pointing at the sobbing mouse. Seeing this all go down made something bubble inside the Foreman. He couldn't stand to see just how vile the cat toon was being towards another toon.
"He can't help it! Have you ever considered that it's his way of coping!?"
The crocodile exclaimed, clearly getting frustrated at the cat.
"Well he should've coped another time, we're in a middle of a fight and now we might get greened by the Foreman because of him!"
The foreman yelled. This scared the daylights out of the toons, hearing such a booming voice from such a cog. The skelecog approached the toons, making his way over to the crying mouse. The toons, thinking that he was about to harm the toon, pulled out a few cream pies and prepared to fight back. They only froze when they saw the foreman scoop the mouse up from the ground, cradling the toon in his arms.
The Mouse kept sobbing, hiccupping between sobs and clearly distressed. Picking up the pacifier from the pendant, The foreman popped the pacifier into the toons mouth, causing the toon to open their eyes as they looked up at the foreman. The mouse began to suckle on the pacifier, still sniveling as the tears slowly began to dry up down his face.
"Shh, it's ok little one. Papa's here."
The foreman cooed, brushing his hand on the toon's small head, the feeling of soft fur tickling his hand. the mouse began to slowly calm down, still suckling as his sniffling grew down to a simple sniff.
The foreman smiled as he rocked the toon back and forth, noting that he couldn't help but find peace in knowing the toon was feeling better. The mouse gently yawned, stretching their limbs as the toon began to almost fall asleep. The foreman looked up from the mouse and faced the other toons, The cat clearly the most shocked out of the others.
"Now, You toons better be more nicer to the little one. He's having a bad day and he needs the support he deserves."
The foreman spoke out, his face grimacing at the cat specifically.
"And i expect this to happen immediately. especially you, you mangy cat."
The cat swallowed, and audible 'gulp' being heard.
The foreman looked back to the mouse, who had almost dozed off in his arms. Brushing the toon's head again, it seemed to have helped gently wake up the mouse. "Wake up, little one. It's time to go bye bye."
The mouse yawned once more, as the foreman gently placed the toon down to the ground. The toon rubbed his eyes, walking over and holding the hand of the crocodile.
The foreman quickly pulled out a cigar, lighting it up as he took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"Now go on and get, I've got better things to do than have you waste my time."
Two of the toons left, leaving the crocodile and mouse behind. The mouse approached the foreman, hugging his leg for a moment before letting go and returning to the crocodile.
"Bye bye papa.."
The mouse mumbled out, before the last two toons made their way out. The foreman chuckled to himself.
"Goodbye, Junior."
That was enough action for the foreman today.
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bugsbunnyblogsstuff · 5 months
Samurai Quack (Part 1) (This was a book idea that came weirdly to me, was it wrong I wanted a ancient Chinese version of our favorite looney tunes?, p.s, this or my other breaks don't connect to the story line)
It was a great time for the harvest, grains were plentiful, and berries were ripe, not all, though, was well.
In the Kuku dynasty, there was Empress Tina (Tina Russo), a fair and powerful ruler who was ruling over the city of Nara.
All was supposed to be just. until Shogun Sam (Yosemite Sam) attacked the palace and captured Nara's one and only ruler.
It unfortunately is up to a.... *sigh* Samurai to save our queen and her concubines.
(End of narration)
In a dojo, not too far from here, there were many young men present and eager to be samurais, but one lacks more stupidity than the rest.
"Let's review you mowon, we stawt with the left foot!" Master Elmer barked, his hands firm on his hips. He was determined to make the boys into men.
Now Master Elmer loved all his pupils. it's just that daffy was clearly the most stupid of the bunch——I mean, can you blame him?
But the lesson stopped as one of Tina's concubines arrived at the dojo.
"Master Elmer, my Empress Tina has been kidnapped by the Scarlet Clan, lead by the fearsome Shogun Sam. You must help me!"The frail woman cried, her face was pale, body was slender, and her feet were practically bound together.
Elmer desperately looked at the other boys, but they hadn't had as much skill as the rookie Daffy.
Elmer sighed,palming himself as he turned to Daffy with a scroll, unfolding the papyrus paper.
"My young sapling, you out of all my men, are chosen to be out on a special mission, you are tasked with finding Sam and potentially creating a Alias with The genewals son———whom I shall not speak of yet, be caweful my boy"
He commanded as he extended out his hand to give daffy the scroll.
Daffy nodded, "Your dutifulness, I shall swear on all my heart that I will search for the greatest, great, Shogun Sam!"
"You will need a guide, Lola, a friend of mine, is a great tour guide, she knows the woods and the beasts that encloak them, twy to stay to hew" (I love making his accent motherf*cking ridiculous) He said, watching Daffy's copper eyes twinkle with hope as Lola pulled up to the dojo in a stagecoach.
"Hop aboard, the names Lola, and you handsome stranger?" Lola asked. As Daffy blushed, the both were good friends. From the get-together, as Daffy gently hoisted the concubine into the carriage, the horses sped off as the carriage rattled after it.
Soon, the group will get the advice of Prince Bugs; who was Generals son, Tack, a Cobbler, and many other outcasts from beyond the palace walls.
The end
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sabrinawitcher · 6 months
Samurai Quack (Part 1)
(This was a book idea that came weirdly to me, was it wrong I wanted a ancient Chinese version of our favorite looney tunes?, p.s, this or my other breaks don't connect to the story line)
It was a great time for the harvest, grains were plentiful and berries were ripe, not all though was well.
In the Kuku dynasty, there was Empress Tina (Tina Russo), a fair and powerful ruler, who was ruling over the city of Nara.
All was supposed to be just. until Shogun Sam (Yosemite Sam) had attacked the palace, and captured Nara's one and only ruler.
It unfortunately is up to a.... *sigh* samurai to save our queen and her concubines.
(End of narration)
In a dojo, not to far from here, there were many young men present and eager for to be samurais, but one lacks more stupidity than the rest.
"Let's review you mowon, we stawt with the left foot!" Master Elmer barked, his hands firm on his hips, he was determined to make the boys into men.
Now Master Elmer loved all his pupils, its just that daffy was clearly the most stupid of the bunch——I mean can you blame him?
But the lesson stopped as one of Tina's concubines arrived at the dojo.
"Master Elmer, my Empress Tina has been kidnapped by the Scarlet Clan, lead by the fearsome Shogun Sam, you must help me!"The frail woman cried, her face was pale, body was slender, and her feet were practically bound together.
Elmer desperately looked at the other boys but they hadn't had as much skill as the rookie Daffy.
Elmer sighed,palming himself as he turned to Daffy with a scroll, unfolding the papyrus paper.
"My young sapling, you out of all my men, are chosen to be out on a special mission, you are tasked with finding Sam and potentially creating a Alias with The genewals son———whom I shall not speak of yet, be caweful my boy"
He commanded as he extended out his hand to give daffy the scroll.
Daffy nodded, "Your dutifulness, I shall swear on all my heart, that I will search for the greatest, great, Shogun Sam!"
"You will need a guide, Lola, a friend of mine, is a great tour guide, she knows the woods and the beasts that encloak them, twy to stay to hew" (I love making his accent motherf*cking ridiculous) He said, watching Daffy's copper eyes twinkle with hope as Lola pulled up to the dojo in a stagecoach.
"Hop aboard, the names Lola, and you handsome stranger?" Lola asked, as Daffy blushed, the both were good friends, from the get-together, as Daffy gently hoisted the concubine into the carriage, the horses sped off, as the carriage rattled after it.
Soon the group will get the advise of Prince Bugs; who was Generals son, Tack, a Cobbler, and many other outcasts from beyond the palace walls.
The end
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weird-dere-writes · 1 year
How would you like your bracelet, Love?
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mnovenia · 2 years
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3 MORE MONTHS to 2023
From my human eyes, jujur takut banget nulis ini.. but it's said feed your mind with faith.
That picture is what I've been having in head for few years. It's my ideal place to have a date, romantically chilling while in the autumn/cold, and even my pre-wedding photo theme. I think I had this picture since in NL, and with that Koko, Oppa or whoever oriental guy I had in mind.
But nope, no guy come to that yet HAHAHA, kapan ya gw nulis di tumblr kalo that one guy has finally come :''' God knows (merinding sendiri nulisnya).
Ok let's flash back. So the last update about the singaporean guy is called TWY (chinese name GUYS). At first, I thought he was alright, similar passion, way of thinking, live in Bali, but on our 2nd date (meeting), I found out that he is a Buddhist, with Kwan Im shrines in his villa. Well, well, well I was so disappointed, I asked God why, I got myself out of him, knowing that God is either giving me mission to help him see the light or tempting me HAHAHAH. Anyway I withdrew from him, went to Jakarta, Bandung and had a pleasant trip. I was shown that there are plenty of guy out there better than forcing myself to end up with TWY. Also during the service at HMCC, God showed me that I should move on and not playing with fire.
May's highlight: I went to Singapore, also a hightlight cos I download Coffee meet bagels, and found many single christian guys, its just none of them like me or has a future with me in Bali. HAHAHA. Experiencing other country for the 1st time since pandemic is a blessing. I love my freedom, chinese culture, foods, good public transport, but oh my the kiasuness n expensive life made me so grateful when I returned to Bali
I close 6 deals in the kavling PD, also another 4 in Apple. Thank God thank God I cannot be more blessed and surprised, it's all Him. Thank you Mba Gathi, Ochi dkk, Nic, Ivan & Pak David.
July, I went crazy with house sale in Bandung, but also so relieved that I no longer have that burden back home. I also managed to buy a land, OMG my 1st property in Bali, thank you God for replacing what I left, sold, sacrificed in the past. You made it so easy just to do things according to your will.
Me n TWY remains friends as we got close a bit during my HMCC friends came, also Pak David n Ivan. However it made me realize we better just keep remaining be friends. He gave me idea to build a villa for rent with the money from Bandung. So I had a deal with the Architect, Pak Hendra, he's the best. I'm still hesitate to choose a contractor and also to decide how much should I put in money to this investment.
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with all those things I'm grateful for, I also have many days when I struggle, trying to motivate myself to stay alive for another day, some days are depressing cause I lose hope, I don't find life exciting anymore, etc.
However, God also answer my prayer regarding church in Bali. Maybe beginning of June, HMCC Jkt decided to only hold onsite congregration so I was kind of forced to resign from membership. I was confused, trying online Grace Church sgp, GKY, etc until Bella shared that she will open a new service at her parents' house. Idk if it's not an answer to prayer.
And afterwards, her Dad got so sick n I was the only person available to accompany, take care, etc. And God was just so gracious, that it happened when I had so much savings from commisions and house selling. I borrowed her fam money and did everything I possibly could, while staying in Marlene's jie house while she & the fam back in NZ. Phewww..
Since then, I commit to Yewon church Bali, being in touch with Bella's fam, and even her Korean guests, etc. In my heart, idk what else is God trying to work in me. Also I got cheap ticket to Seoul on July, then decided to go for Yewon's church conference and a bit of trip with Nongky n her bro sis. HAHAHA, seems like my KDrama life will come true. I'm still praying for my visa though, been struggling these past 2 weeks, however God's will be done, I'm applying for multiple entry visa.
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With all these, I just have to remind myself, to pray like Elijah:
Know and acknowledge who He is (God of Abraham)
Know who I am (servant)
Answer my prayer Lord (boldly)
Bring the people back to You (His Kingdom first above all else)
"Answer me Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you Lord are God and that you are turning their hearts back again" - 1 Kings 18:37
Oh ya, I'm leading BSF now, also still teach Norman, thinking of joining Ministry at church, and still approaching new clients (PRAY PRAY PRAY so I have more confidence to build the Villa for God's glory with humble heart) and Visa Korea, and View-ture husband HAHAHA. Alright goodnight kind Lord, Love You, saranghaeyo.
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candyic · 3 years
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bolt, fang, howl(er), pitt, larsen, lynx, snow, cub, pup, grin, loki, akela, alaska, gmork, aleu, grey/gray, red, fenris, and rouge
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we/were/wolf/werewolf/werewolfself, we/wo/were/wolf/werewolfself, or were/wolf/werewolf/werewolves/werewolfself
wo/wolf/wolf/wolves/wolfself or wolf/wolf/wolves/wolves/wolfself
ro/rouge/rouge/rouge(s)/rougeselfor ro/ro/rouge/rouge/rougeself
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tarotbee · 3 years
Ways of Worshipping Mistress Sekhmet
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Offerings of alcohol, like bourbon, wine and beer
other drink offerings such as sun water, black coffee, milk and strong teas
pomegranate and pomegranate juice
wear or offer her associated stones: sunstone, carnelian, garnet, Amber, Ruby, red agate, tigers eye, citrine, orange calcite and topaz
warm/strong scented candles/incense/oils: cinnamon, frankincense, blood orange, pumpkin, ginger, cardamon, sandalwood, mahogany, neroli, vanilla, oak and Myrrh
Red, gold, yellow or white candles
Food offerings of blackberries, raspberries, mushrooms and bread
wear the colour red (red is associated with power, energy, war, passion, strength and determination)
go to a rage room or just break (not expensive, not good quality) shit
find constructive ways to release and express your anger
Learn first aid / join a volunteer service to help people
pray to her at sunset and sunrise
stand up for yourself and others (justice)
lion/ess and cat symbolism
a statue of her
Celebrate the feast of Sekhmet/Hathor by having a night of eating and drinking
Adopt a cat
Cat whiskers and cat claws (ethically sourced)
sing for her
Have $ex
have self respect and set FIRM boundaries, this is the best way to honour her
Learn the different facets of her as a goddess, this can mean studying Hathor (sky, women, love, fertility) and Bastet (women's secrets, the home, childbirth, cats, protection) as well, as they're often associated with Sekhmet
Write poetry as a way of expressing your emotions and dedicate it to her, a war of words if you will
Stand up for human rights
learn her many names and their origins (ie: eye of Ra, powerful one, holy one, lady in red, lady of terror, lady of life, Nesert)
Snake skin (ethically sourced) and Snake imagery
wear an ankh or the eye of Ra
Learn archery / throwing knives
Put a knife or dagger on her altar
Wear makeup or clothes that make you feel confident
A statue of her
Figurines, toys or imagery of cats/lions
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A prayer to Sekhmet
O Sekhmet, Eye of Ra, Great of Flame,
Lady of protection who envelops her creator,
Come towards the King, Nb-twy (Lord of the Two Lands) . . .
Protect him and preserve him from all arrows,
And every evil of this year . . .
O Sekhmet, who fills the ways with blood,
Who slaughters to the limits of all she sees,
Come towards the living image, the Living Falcon,
Protect him, and preserve him from all evil,
And every arrow of this year.”
Hymn of Sekhmet
“Mine is a heart of carnelian, crimson as murder on a holy day.
Mine is a heart of corneal, the gnarled roots of a dogwood and the bursting of flowers.
I am the broken wax seal on my lover’s letters.
I am the phoenix, the fiery sun, consuming and resuming myself.
I pace the halls of the Duat.
I knock on the doors of death.
I wander into the fields to stare at the sun and lie in the grass, ripe as a fig.
The souls of the gods are with me.
They hum like flies in my ears.
I will what I will.
Mine is a heart of carnelian, blood red as the crest of a phoenix.”
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littlepadika · 3 years
Pad’ika! Would Pedro totally freak out if he found his little playing with his swords/knives?
Bonus: What is Pero’s Little’s name?
OMG OMG u know what the cutest name would be... PATITA (duckling/little duck 🐥). Orrrr because Pero is my Pear Bear, his little would be 'cub' or 'honey bear'.
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Pero had been training you with a wooden sword and had given you a small dagger for protection. He isn't against you learning to protect yourself, however only under his careful instruction. He didn't let you use a real sword yet. Today you thought you were ready for a real sword so you took Pero's out when he was in the back chopping wood. It was so heavy and almost as tall as you. You couldn't even lift it. You lugged it out of the house, the tip dragging on the ground. You tried to swing the end at the scarecrow up in the garden.
Pero came around the house and instantly felt his blood pressure rise seeing you with the weapon. However, he stopped short of saying something when he heard your grunts and huffs of frustration. You were trying to lift it and you couldn't. You'd hurt yourself more trying to lift it than actually using it.
"¿Qué haces, Patita?" Pero grumbled with his hands on his hips.
You turned around. "Papi! I- I wanted to twy the big sword but it's too heavy!"
"Here... let Papi help." Pero came behind you and placed his hands over yours. He helped lift the sword up in the air. "Okay... otra vez. It's okay." He encouraged you to try again.
You took a swing. Pero steadied the blade and made sure it arced nicely, sinking into the straw side of the scarecrow. You looked up at him both for reassurance and in awe that you actually used a real sword.
"Wow! ¡Que fuerza!" He praised you. "You'll be ready for a real sword in no time, little duck. However, in future, please don't use this without my permission."
"I sowwy-" You start to fuss.
"I'm not mad." He said quickly, letting the sword tip fall back on the ground. "I just want to make sure you're being safe. I love you so much." He planted a kiss on the top of your head.
"I love you too, Papi."
"Now come inside. I'm hungry."
"You're always hun'gy, Papi." You giggle, patting his stomach.
"My little warrior keeps me busy, that's why." Pero ruffled your hair before stowing the sword safely under his belt.
"Cawy p'ease?" You lifted your arms up. Pero grumbled about it but he couldn't resist your sweet face. He's a softie for you. He lifted you into his arms and carried you inside. He knew even when you could wield a sword you'd still be asking for your Papi to hold you and protect you.
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Littlespace Taglist: @lafresamilk @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @prettypedros, @Marstheplanet @takochansugoi, @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @dincrypt, @BAC-1, @spacenerdpascal, @cranberrypills @punkerthanpascal
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: Slightly suggestive flirting, fluff
A/N: This chapter is so cute omg I hope you guys like it <3
“Oh come on (Y/n)! It could be fun!” Twyla called after the girl, who she was currently chasing around the halls of the manors. The tall men in suits watched them but didn’t interact, not sure of what to do in the situation. The (h/c) haired girl ignored her, making lala noises with her fingers in her ear. “Real mature, babes, real mature!” When they got back to the girl’s room, Twyla closed the door, locking it so her friend couldn’t escape. She got on her knees, pleading and begging the girl.
“Twyla I can’t just pick up and go on a trip to Italy!” she shouted, forcing the girl to stand up. The tall girl grabbed her shoulders, shaking her shorter friend in her arms.
“Why nottt?” she whined out. (Y/n) smacked her hands from her shoulders growling some at her.
“A multitude of reasons, Twy! The main one being oh I don’t know, who’s gonna look after my damn bakery!” she hissed out the last part, throwing herself on the large bed, the blonde joining her shortly after. “I’ve got no one to watch the bakery, I don’t have any clothes nice enough to take and even if I did I’d have to travel by floo back home to get them! Also, who’s gonna water my plants? I love my plants, Twyla!” she ranted causing the girl to shush her.
“Relax, you worry too much and there’s a simple fix to all these so-called ‘problems’ you have.” she sat up, pulling the girl up with her. “Let’s start with problem one. You said you have to run the bakery, right?” (Y/n) nodded, curious of where the girl was going with this. “Easy, ask Tiana to run it for a while. She’s been looking to get more hours in since she just bought a house.”
“I can’t ask that of her! Plus, she can’t do all of that with the staff we have now, she’d be understaffed!” she said, watching the girl type away on her phone. She was always so amazed by Twyla’s ability to use muggle technology.
“Well lucky for you, you won’t have to ask her. I just did!” her boss gawked at her, going to tell her off but she continued speaking. “And plus, it’s summer. Do you know how many culinary art students are looking to get hands-on learning in an actual bakery? You don’t handle the application process anyways, Tiana does that. Remember, you stopped doing that because you’d cry any time you had to reject an application.” she made many valid points, slowly pulling her over to the side that wanted to go, wanting to be on a trip with Neville. “Also you’re the only owner who spends so much time working. Isn’t the point of owning a business to make people do shit for you?”
“That’s true.” she sighed, picking at the skin around her cuticles. “But what about my apartment? And my clothes?” 
“Don’t you still talk to that old couple that sold the bakery building to you? Ask them to watch your plants!” she retorted, smirking triumphantly. Slowly but surely her reasons for not being able to go were dwindling. (Y/n) sighed before shrugging.
“You know what? Screw it, I’ll go.” Twyla squealed, grabbing the girl’s hand as she dragged her out the door.
“Hey tall man, where’s Neville?” she asked the guard who was posted outside. He cleared his throat, adjusting his sunglasses.
“In his office. Downstairs and to the left, miss. He’s currently in a me-” without another word she grabbed the girl, dragging her downstairs. They reached the large wooden doors that had two large men standing there causing the shorter girl to cower in fear. Their glares were intense as they stood up straighter.
“Can we help you?” one of them asked, his rough voice booming. The other one nodded along, leaning down to her height as he gave her a strong glare, vein on his forehead popping out. 
“The boss is in a meeting so unless you’re someone special, get lost.” (Y/n) felt her lip quivering, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“Oh you’re fucked buddy, that’s the boss’s girl. Come on, I’ll let you guys in.” an unfamiliar voice said from behind her. Turning around she saw two identical men, quite lanky and tall in stature. She couldn’t help but notice how they favored another certain Ginger she knew.
The one on the left pressed on the small earpiece in his ear, clearing his throat. “Hey boss, your lady friend is out here crying. You should get more observant guards.” he said giggling as a shout could be heard from beyond the large door. The men visibly paled but kept their composure. The door swung open revealing Neville, who adorned a white button up and black trousers, a pair of suspenders connecting the two together. 
“I-I’m sorry boss, I didn’t know.” one of them stuttered out, sweat building up on his bald head. Neville gripped his shirt tightly pinning him to the wall causing the man’s feet to lift from the ground. (Y/n)’s eyes widened at the sight. The man he was lifting had a large, muscular build making her wonder just how strong Neville really was.
“If you think that’s something, you should've seen him last night.” Twyla whispered out the corner of her mouth, the twins nodding along in agreement.
“You better listen because I’m gonna say this once.” Neville said, a calm tone which was somehow scary if he was to yell. The man nodded along frantically, wide eyes trained on the man. “That girl right there? She’s my flower. Let it be known that if she sheds a tear caused by any of you, you’re dead and what I’ll do will be worse than anything the Weasley twins could do combined.” and with that he dropped him, walking over to the girl. Weasley twins? So they were related to Ron! She felt her face flush as Neville leaned down, brushing away the tears that had threatened to fall from her eyes. “You alright, love?”
“Yeah I was just coming to tell you that I’ve made a decision. I’ll be joining you in Italy.” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He grinned at her lifting her up in a hug as he spun her around, laughing some. “B-but I don’t have any clothes so I still have to figure that out.” he sat her down, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Just buy new ones when we land.” he declared. She froze, scratching the back of her neck. That would be an easy solution if she hadn’t spent any extra savings she had on the night before.
“I don’t really have the money to do that..”she trailed off. Neville put something in her hands causing her to look down confused. In her hands was a black card, his name engraved in the front of it. “Is this...is this a black card?! I can’t take this. Plus what about you know, “ she cleared her throat, blood rushing to her cheeks and ears. “My undergarments. I don’t have any on me for before we go shopping.” Neville smirked at her words, feeling particularly confident from her flustered expression. She was so soft, so...pure. Anytime he neared her she’d get all warm in the face and anytime he kissed her that same look would double. Temptation was his flower and he was tempted. Hearing her inquire about something that had innocent intent behind it had him thinking about anything but.
“Nonsense, pretty girl. Take my card and for your undergarments..” he trailed off, leaning down next to her ear. He placed his hand around her neck, gently squeezing it as he chuckled. “Let me take care of that. Better yet, let me buy the ones for the trip as well.” he whispered, nibbling the shell of her ear. (Y/n) squeaked, looking at him with wide eyes. Was he doing this on purpose or was it a simple misunderstanding? Either way, she couldn’t stop the heat pooling between her legs. “I’m only messing with you cutie. However I wasn’t kidding, leave that to me.” with a final peck to her lips he stood up straight, adjusting his tie before heading back through the wooden doors, the twins following behind him.
“Nice meeting you (Y/n)!” they said in unison, offering her a smile before they closed the door after themselves.
“You know he totally wants to bang you, right?” Twyla said, causing the girl to glare at her. She held her hands up in defense, looking back at the girl as she began to walk off. “I’m just saying! It’s obvious. You should share a room with him when you go to Italy.”
“Do you..do you think he’d want that? I don’t wanna get in the way of-”
“Are you kidding me?! The man practically worships the very earth you walk on, why wouldn’t he?” Twyla exclaimed as the girl followed her blindly. (Y/n) gasped, looking up at where they were. Around them were large counters on the floor and ceiling. Marble countertops with a matching marble floor along with two large fridges and a state of the art oven. Ignoring Twyla’s rambling, she began to walk through the kitchen, inspecting and exploring every part of it. Her eyes landed on the pantry to which she opened, letting out another surprised noise. It was massive, food lining the walls, all organized to perfection. There was even a walk-in freezer and fridge down the hall!
“Twyla, I’ve gotta use this kitchen. If I don’t bake something in here I’m going to die.” she said, running out to the girl as she began to shake her back and forth. “Quick! Give me an excuse to so I don’t feel bad about messing things up!”
“Ooh! I love excuses! I mean, Neville’s having a meeting so you co-” before she could finish the girl put the kettle on before beginning to pull out various different bowls and ingredients.
“Well, do you have security plans?” Neville asked from the end of the table, quirking a brow at the italian man at the end of the table. He noticed even through the man’s fear that he probably didn’t understand what Neville had said fully. “Sorry, um, avete piani di sicurezza?” he asked, causing Blaise to quirk a brow at the man’s fluent italian. Neville rolled his eyes at him before turning his attention back to the man. He nodded, sliding back a file folder filled with papers. 
“How long are we going to be there for?” Seamus asked.
“Does it matter? Money is money. Plus it’s not like you have anything important going on in your life, Finnegan.” Draco retorted which resulted in the shorter man growling as he grew red in the face.
“Don’t you dare fucking start. If you’re going to act like fools I’ll replace you with two lower levels in a heartbeat.” Neville gritted, not even looking up from the plans. He looked at the other man next to the italian man. “And you, what’s the exhibit worth exactly? If there’s no high hitting items we can already consider this a dud.”
“U-um. It’s estimated that it’s worth over 1.5 million, sir.” he responded, gulping as he reached for the water they had given him with a shaky hand. However, Neville wasn’t satisfied with that answer.
“Listen, did I ask you what it’s estimated to be? I asked for the exact cost. If you only have estimates then how bout I est-” he was interrupted by light knocking on the door. “Who is it now?! J-just come in.” he said, huffing out. The door opened followed by a quiet set of footsteps causing the inner circle of men to smile, giggling some. Curiosity got him, causing him to turn around, his expression instantly softening. “Petal? What are you doing here, angel girl?” he asked, pulling her closer but being careful of the large tray in her hand.
“I thought you might want some snacks for your little meeting. I hope there’s enough for everyone.” she said, setting the tray down on the table. It was funny really, comical, the way the doily and flower covered tray contrasted with all the men in the room. On the tray was a large array of different foods. Scones, tea biscuits, even tea sandwiches. In the center was a beautiful antique floral teapot along with matching cups. 
“This looks amazing, princess!” he exclaimed, his stomach grumbling in agreement. She giggled at that, causing his ears to tint pink. “There’s most certainly enough. Go on fellas, don’t be-” before he could continue the men began to grab at the food, swooping in like vultures. 
“Oh my god, this is like heaven!” Seamus moaned out, bits of sandwich falling from his mouth. Ron nodded along in agreement, a bunch of unintelligible words leaving his mouth. Even Blaise was wide eyed as he sipped at the tea, taking a bite of his tea biscuit.
“Yeah, is there any more of this? What kind of tea is this? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of having it before.” he said, taking another sip. She looked at them sheepishly, leaning into Neville’s embrace.
“It’s butterfly pea tea infused with strawberry and honey. Also there’s more of everything! I kinda went overboard.” she responded. Neville smiled, grabbing her hand before placing a kiss on top of it.
“Well thank you, I really appreciate it. You’re so lovely.” he muttered, turning her hand to place a kiss on her palm before proceeding to do the same all up her arm. She giggled some at the action, looking away from him shyly.
“Well I better get going before Twyla buys more stupid things with Draco’s black card.” she turned once as she got to the door. “Good luck with your meeting!” 
Neville sighed happily before turning back around, looking at the men at the table before them. He grabbed whatever scraps the ravegers had left, eyeing everyone intensely. “What?” he spat out angrily.
“Mate you are so whipped!”
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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Another chapter of Surprisingly Familiar. Time to write for Grifter again!!!
hermit Tommy au is by @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel gets tagged in my writing because I can.
Grian groaned as he woke up. It sounded like someone was up pretty early, and based on the fact that he seemed to be the only one in bed, he had a guess as to who it was. He was too tired to look at the time, but either way it was supposed to be the weekend and he wasn’t awake enough to be his normal wake up.
“What’re you doing?” Grian asked tiredly, wrapping himself in the covers more. “Come back to bed. ‘M feelin’ cold.”
Grian was glad to hear footsteps, but then realized they didn’t sound right. He turned in bed to face the source before opening his eyes and then finding himself face to face with the minimalist image of a face with a mustache.
Grian tried to jump back, but that was hard due to still being in bed. He still moved back some, and was able to see the image seemed to belong to a screen that was attached to a robot. “Dad! He’s awake now! I think I scawed him a wittwe!”
Grian didn’t pay attention to any answer as he looked around the room. He was in a large fancy king sized bed in a room that matched it. In other words, this was not his normal bedroom. Grian tried to get up out of the bed, but the robot pushed him back down, being much stronger than him despite being smaller.
As the robot’s hand kept him in bed, Grian started struggling, trying to find some way to escape. He wasn’t going to let himself be stuck in a place like this. If he just had something to use against the robot, maybe he could get out, but his punches and kicks did nothing except leave himself in pain.
“Stowp stwuggwing. You’we gonna huwt youwself awnd Dad’s nowt gonna wike thawt at aww.”
That just made Grian struggle harder. “Well I don’t care! I’d rather not be kidnapped and want to go home. If you want I could just scream bloody murder until someone shows up!”
“Thawt pwobabwy won’t work.”
“What, is that normal here?” Grian asked jokingly, but then was disappointed to see the robot nod. “Oh course it is.”
“If uwu don’t twy weaving, I’m gonna get my Dad. Awnd even if uwu twy, Seftew’s pwobabwy going tuwu stowp uwu.”
“Lovely.” Grian deadpanned, and then the robot left. Despite the warning, Grian still tried to leave, but found his escape blocked by another similar robot, though it was different enough that it couldn’t be the first one again. When it saw Grian, it stared him down until he reluctantly went back to the bed and sat there pouting.
He had to wait a bit while sitting there, lying back down at one point, but eventually the door opened again. Instead of the heavy metallic footsteps of the robot, they sounded much more like a human’s. They cleared their throat to get Grian’s attention, but he wasn’t really in a hurry to give them that. “So, mind telling me what you kidnapped me for?”
“You’re the one who was napping.” The person replied, and Grian’s eyes widened before he sat up. Standing there was himself, well, their face was definitely his. They seemed to be a few inches taller, red sweater replaced by a green tunic shirt, and black wings just barely visible folded up behind their back. “I was just trying to help.”
“What- but- why do you look like-” Grian fumbled out, mind trying to wrap around what he was seeing. “Dad?”
There was silence before the person held in some laughter, well, tried and failed. “No. No I’m definitely not dad. Absolutely not. I mean you’re close I guess, but he’s more blond than mousy brown.”
“But you look like him!” Grian argued. “I mean, he wore green a lot, and he’s got black wings. Wait are you related to him?”
“Yeah. Let’s see. I’ve got a dad and mum, one of which is literally death, I’m a triplet with two brothers, and then we’ve got a younger brother who was really little when I went missing from the rest of my family at the age of seven, living at a high school with a pair of friends, if you can call them that, and just trying to survive.”
“But that’s-” Grian started, before getting cut off.
“The same as you, right?” The person asked, sitting down on the bed. “And the answer of why should be obvious.”
“Are you…? Are you me? Like, me but older and from another dimension or something.”
“Or something. It’s a bit complicated with everything that happened.”
“Okay. And you’ve got robots. Why do they have mustaches?”
“To match their dad.” The person replied.
Grian’s eyes widened. “Wait, Taurtis has a mustache?!”
The other person’s eyes widened. “No. It’s not- I’m not with- Taurtis is…”
“What do you mean you’re not with Taurtis?” Grian asked, now very confused. “Did you break up or something? Or I guess did we break up… this is weird.”
“No. I didn’t break up with him. I… I didn’t want to… he was just…” the other person said, face falling. “When he stopped mo-“ and they cut themselves off. “Ignore that.”
“Were you- is… is Taurtis dead?”
“Uh, no. No he’s not dead. Just…”
“Oh my god…” Grian said, slumping down. “Taurtis…. Taurtis is… h-how did he…?” The person didn’t answer. “What happened to your Taurtis?”
“He and… and my Sam. Well we found something we shouldn’t have, and then I was the one to leave.”
Grian didn’t say anything else, just stayed silent. On one hand, this meant Sam was dead too, so he wouldn’t be causing any problems. But Taurtis. Taurtis was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Wouldn’t come back. Why had he even come to a future as horrible as this? But then he had a thought. “What happened to Taurtis?”
The other him was briefly taken aback by the suddenly serious tone. “I said. Essentially we messed with higher beings that shouldn’t be messed with.”
“Then what.”
“Well, they wanted one of us for something, but they didn’t tell us who or for what. Next thing I know, I’ve got blood on my hands and the other two are dead. I didn’t really get to do anything before I was dragged away.”
Grian nodded, completely quiet. The other Grian almost said something, but the look he was given stopped that. “That didn’t happen yet for me. If I get back, I can stop that, right?”
The other Grian blinked. “I mean, I’m not sure if it would work that way. I mean, I don’t remember getting pulled into the future when I was still in high school.”
“So it could work.”
“If we can get you back to that time, yeah, probably. But that’s if it will even work. I mean, since then I’ve learned magic, but I’ve never been able to really go back in time like that.”
“Well, maybe I should stay with you a bit longer, at least so I could have a chance by knowing what’s supposed to happen.” Grian said, trying to cling onto some sort of hope.” And you wouldn’t lie about it to make me feel better, right?”
“Hey, would I lie to me?” The other Grian said, sounding as genuine as he could muster. “Telling you about it is nicer than actually going through it, so of course I’ll tell you.”
“Thanks. So uh, where are we by the way?” Grian asked, looking around the room.
“We’re sort of in my castle.” Grifter replied. “Welcome to the NSMP!”
Tommy was woken up by someone shaking him awake. He groaned a little, wishing he could stay in bed a bit more, but then he recognized the hands. “Grum? What’s up?”
“Dad’s been kidnapped.” Grum responded, panic in his voice. “I-It was Grifter. He was here and we didn’t know, and now he took Dad away. And then everyone started arguing and you weren’t around so I came looking for you.”
Tommy pulled himself out of bed the rest of the way. “Where’s Jrum? Why isn’t he here too?”
“He’s still with Daddy. He went to get Kokatori, which I think is good since I guess he’s warming up to them.” Grum explained, and Tommy nodded, pulling out his comm and looking at the messages in chat.
“Hey, why the fuck is Grian’s old name in there?” Tommy asked, making Grum shrug. “Well that’s not fucking good. Where’s everyone at?”
“Still over where the party was unless they’ve moved since then.” Grum answered.
“Alright, here, hold this.” Tommy said before putting Tubbee in Grum’s arms and then slinging the robot over his shoulder. “Let’s see if people will tell us shit about what’s going on. Can you message them that we’re on our way?”
Grum said yes and a few moments later Tommy felt his comm buzz, followed by Tubbee buzzing in response and Grum giggling at that. Good. With whatever was going on, it was a good idea to keep traumatized kids distracted. Tommy definitely didn’t know that from experience.
A quick trek through the nether got them back to Aque Town, where everyone was in a bit of a crowd. Tommy set Grum down on a bench nearby before pushing his way through the crowd, though most of the Hermits didn’t really need to pushed aside to let him through, doing it willingly. When he finally reached the center, he frowned upon seeing the group in the middle.
Xisuma and Mumbo were there of course since it involved Grian. Phil and Paul were also there, arguing a bit. Then, there was also someone Tommy didn’t recognize at all, who seemed to just be standing there awkwardly. “Hey, you in the bathrobe. What the fuck’s going on around here?”
Xisuma and Phil each tried to give some sort of explanation to Tommy, but he just stopped them. “Hey! I asked shower boy, not you shits. Obviously he’s important if he’s right here, but no one’s really dealing with him, so you go back to yelling while I give him something to do.”
“We weren’t fucking yelling-” Phil started to say, but then Tommy shushed him.
“Alright, what do you think happened?” Tommy asked the guy in the robe.
“Well, I was asked here by King Soares for some task. I met the local hedgewizard and we proceeded to have a magic duel. To make a long story short, I defended against an attack, the hedgewizard tried to stop my attack, and a Watcher intervened which seemed to cause some sort of issue with the Listener and now he’s gone.”
“Wait, you think Grian was a Listener?” Mumbo spoke up, making the robe man nod.
“Of course. The magic was coming from his direction and matched his magical signature well.”
“Alright, so this is all Grifter’s fault.” Tommy spoke up. “Grifter is like… an evil alternate version of Grian. Grian’s a Watcher while Grifter’s a Listener.”
The hooded man’s eyes widened and he nodded in understanding. To the side, Paul pushed away from Phil. “Wait, this whole time Grian was one of the Watchers here?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. His kids are too.” And that seemed to shock Paul more as he went to sit on the ground rather than stand, not trusting his legs.
Before anyone else in the group could say anything, Jrum ran in, holding Kokatori above his head. “The chicken doesn’t know anything which I think is weird!”
“Why the fuck would the chicken know anything?” Tommy asked, a bit confused.
“Because it’s not a chicken.” Phil was the one to speak up, Paul nodding to agree. “The question is how it even got here in the first place, because while it might not know what happened with Grian, any information it’s got could help.”
“You’re not seriously suggesting we interrogate a chicken, right?” Tommy asked, but the serious looks that Paul and Phil and even the magic guy’s faces told him otherwise. “How do you even do that?”
Paul stood back up and cracked his neck, which seemed to actually scare Kokatori. “I’ve got a couple options.” The chicken struggled a bit in Jrum’s arms before Paul grabbed its neck and pulled it out of the bot’s arms. “You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
The chicken struggled a bit more before hissing and then shooting something out of its beak. That caught a number of people off guard, but not Paul, even though what vaguely resembled a dart had stuck itself into his neck. “This isn’t gonna get any easier for you. It’s almost night and I think training some kids for their interrogation badges could be a good way to pass the time. Torture too if they don’t have them yet.”
“I’m sorry, do you mean badges as in…?” Tommy asked, trailing off.
“He means boy scouts, yeah.” Cleo was the one to answer, which surprised Tommy. “He’s sort of an honorary troop leader for them.”
“Yeah, the kids love me.” Paul chuckled, then looked around. “By the way, does anyone have any milk? I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
Hoodie went to Paul’s side a moment later and cast a spell, making everyone notice that he had gotten a bit pale after the chicken, or whatever it was, attacked him. “So, If I may ask, what exactly is this creature?” Xisuma spoke up, worried about whatever it was being on his server.
“Cockatrice.” Paul replied. “Belongs to someone I know.”
“I’m guessing that they’re not really a friend of yours, huh?” Tommy asked, earning a nod from the man.
“Yeah. Kokatori’s his main ‘chicken’, which makes it more odd that they’re all the way out here and not with him. How long have they been around Grian?”
“Maybe about two weeks.” Mumbo answered. “Everything was a bit of a mess around here recently. Grum and Jrum got stranded in another world and we had a number of issues getting them back. Somewhere near the end of all that, this chicken, or I guess, this cockatrice, showed up.”
“Good to know. Anyone got questions they want answered?”
“Well, I would say ‘where’s Grian’, but if Grifter is involved, he’s likely in Helscraft.” Mumbo responded. “It still would be nice to know why, though.”
Paul nodded and looked back to the mob. “Well, you heard him. What’s the answer?” And he glared at the cockatrice, which gave a feeble chirp of sorts. “Wrong answer, try again.”
“Wait, you understand it?” Tommy asked, making Paul nod. “How?”
“Deal with them as long as I have and you pick up some things. So, what’s the answer?” And again the cockatrice gave a feeble cluck, though this time with a hiss. “Last chance.” Another hiss, and then Paul sighed. “Alright, so somehow it doesn’t know. Koka was just ordered to keep an eye on this place, so they don’t know what’s going on with Grian.”
“What do you know then?” Tommy asked, getting closer to the mob. “Because I bet you’re not completely fucking clueless.”
Paul nodded. “Nice and to the point, I like it.” The cockatrice clucked and hissed a bit. “Alright, it noticed Grifter lurking around a little bit, but didn’t see him actually doing much because it was around, guess he doesn’t like chickens. Anyway, he was trying to get Grian for something, but for what they don’t know, just something.”
“Well, that’s better than nothing I guess.” Tommy said, and then there were more noises from the cockatrice. “What did that bitch say now?”
“Stuff about Punchwood.” Paul said, a dark look on his face.
“Who the fuck is Punchwood?”
Paul looked up. “You’ve been calling them hels versions? Well, I’m pretty sure he’s mine. I’ve known about him for a long time. He likes to send chickens to spy on me and others and I’ve had to make excuses about him showing up more than once. Technically people know me by either Paul Soares or Pablo Punchwood. That’s because he showed up and made a mess of things. Since then I’ve used the name Pablo Punchwood as a sort of alternate name, and so everyone assumes that the first Pablo to show up was me doing an editing gag as a promotional piece.”
“So your hels version is making a mess out of things?” Phil was the one to speak up this time. “Wait, I half met mine not too long ago and he was death instead of Kristen. Does that mean-” Paul nodded. “Well shit.”
“Well, if we end up dealing with him, we’re gonna need to get prepped.” Paul said, finally letting Kokatori go. It didn’t have freedom for too long though, as almost immediately Jrum grabbed it again. “Phil, Doc and Wels can lead a number of teams to get properly prepped. While I’m sure a number of you can prep well on your own, I don’t really trust you with a team.”
“Hey! That’s- You know that’s fair.” Bdubs was the one to speak up.
“Hoodie, while I’m sure your magic would be helpful, I know we’re going to need it to help Grian and it would also be good to keep this place safe. If anything happens, you have a way to contact us of course.”
“Then I will do what I can to assist those staying behind, sir.”
“Why the fuck do we need to prep?” Tommy spoke up, making people turn to him. “He’s in Helscraft. We know enough people there that are on our side, and more that while they’re not on our side, they hate Grifter more, and right now he’s the problem. Let’s just get over there first before we try figuring things out, especially since they could help us get gear.”
“Tommy, it’s not that simple.” Phil was the one to speak up, but was then cut off again.
“Why not? We just showed up there last time and we were fine.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t going in there alone and weren’t dealing with Grian’s Hels version. I think you saw what he did to the SMP.”
Tommy frowned. “Yeah, because we didn’t know he was gonna show up, but now we do. And sure, we still might need to prepare or whatever, but the more time we take to do that, the more time he has to do whatever the fuck he’s up to.”
“Tommy.” Xisuma was the one to speak up this time. “While I know the past few hours, Paul hasn’t seemed the most trustworthy, the other hermits seem to trust him and he does know what’s going on. None of us know exactly what’s going on here, so preparing in advance for anything is going to be our best bet.”
“I don’t want to waste any fucking time preparing for something that might not even happen!”
“Then let’s try and make it quicker.” Paul spoke up, looking up at the sky where the moon was rising. He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a large sharp whistle. At first, nothing happened, but then there was suddenly a crowd of baby zombies coming over to the group of hermits. A number of the hermits pulled out weapons, ready to fight, Phil also getting out a sword of his own, but Paul just stepped closer to the crowd of zombies and knelt down in front of the one at the front of the group. “Hey Bub.”
“Heya Mister!” The zombie spoke, which caught a few of the hermits off guard. “What’s going on?”
“Well first of all, I heard you got a new member related to Cleo here.” Paul said, gesturing to the zombified hermit.
“Oh yes! He’s already doing a lot! We’re even scheduled to go on a week-long trip to a scout camp to earn plenty of badges and he’s signed up for seven badges!”
Paul chuckled. “Good for him. Say, I’m sure plenty of you guys have your badges already, but I’m dealing with Punchwood again and I’ve got some friends that need to properly gear up.” He said, gesturing to the hermits.
The baby zombie nodded. “Say no more Mister Soares sir! As long as you sign our blue cards, we’re happy to help!”
“Alright.” Paul said, standing back up. “Let’s get to work.”
Perfect Sense looked back and forth between Grifter and the shorter, more angry looking copy of him that was standing to the side. “What. The hell. Is this? I though-!”
Before Sense could say more, Grifter started pulling him into another room. “If you want to shout, let’s go to another room before you accidentally scare someone!”
Sense sputtered at the accusation. “Accidentally scare someone? I wouldn’t do that!” He got out before the door shut behind him and viridian magic appeared around it. “It’s always on purpose!”
Grifter grabbed Sense’s tie and pulled him down into a kiss. “Oh I know, but Grian doesn’t know that.”
Sense looked back to the door. “So that was him. Why is he here and not locked up like he was supposed to be, hmm? You’re just letting him stand there, completely conscious, nothing stopping him from using magic.”
Grifter rocked on his feet. “Well, he actually can’t use magic because he doesn’t know he has any.”
Grifter stopped rocking to look Sense in the eye. “Okay, so I know the plan was to kidnap and trap him, and we still might do that. But stuff happened.”
“And by stuff… you mean?”
“Okay so I get there and they’re having a party for their Grifect because it’s his birthday or something. I think it’s perfect to kidnap him from because the chaos will hide his disappearance. And then I run into a chicken.”
Sense facepalmed. “Oh dear lord, tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t! I just hid, no screaming. And that definitely wasn’t a normal chicken. Those eyes weren’t right. But anyway, then I moved and then I saw Punch!” Grifter said, shouting a bit. Sense also was surprised, but before he could comment, Grifter continued. “Apparently it was actually his wels counterpart, which is so much better, and then he messed with things so I couldn’t get Grian because then the chicken was watching him. And that thing scaled a fucking building, it’s not a normal chicken. I mean it’s worse than a blucker.”
“A-alright.” Sense said, just a little bit confused, then he looked back at the door. “But what about Grian?”
“Shit, right. Anyway, follow Tommy because he leaves alone. I try to figure out if he knows anything, but doesn’t look like it. I go back, and then there’s another new guy! He’s got magic shit and I’m pretty sure he’s working with not-Punch and then Grian’s nearby. I’m worried he’s going to do something to Grian so I just try a little spell to maaaaybe leave him unconscious for a day or two or something. But then he reacts and attacks back before I can get the spell out, and then their Scar is doing magic, and then Grian interferes and now poof! He’s a kid! So I dragged him here before anyone could notice and he woke up, saw me, and assumed he’s in the future since I’m also here.”
“So, he doesn’t know who you are?” Sense asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“No! So as far as he knows I’m future him and I know what’s going to happen. I just try to remember what’s different between here and wels based on what he says and it works fine. He has no clue he’s still got Watcher magic because that won’t fucking go away, but I can work with that! If he remembers, we shove him in the Anesi box and take it from there. But for now…”
“What do you need?”
“I need to go threaten some people so they don’t ruin some things. I want you to stay with Grian and get his trust. He’s already influenced into thinking he’ll love you since I do, but still play it a little safe. And if necessary, say that I don’t like to talk about my past too much.”
Sense nodded and the magic was lifted from the door. Grifter opened the door again and grabbed the redstoner’s hand to pull him out. “Feeling calmer now?”
“I… yes. I apologize if I scared you at all.” Sense said before getting an elbow in the ribs for him to be less formal.
“It’s okay.” Grian said, though he didn’t look like he was, still glaring a bit. “So, you’re Sense?”
“Perfect Sense, at your service Grian.” And Sense took Grian’s hand and kissed the back of it.
“Seesee, you’re going to make me jealous of myself.” Grifter said with a little giggle. “And don’t make him uncomfortable with that.”
“N-no. It’s fine.” Grian said, taken aback by what just happened. “Um, should I just go by Xelqua so you can tell us apart?”
“Well, Gri had a nickname some people use. A bit of an inside joke. Of course, people still might call him Grian, so you using Xelqua should be fine.”
“What do they use?” Grian asked, worried about what it might be.
“Grifter. And he’s completely fine with it.”
Grian nodded. “Okay. I just thought it might be something else.”
“It’s not.” Grifter said, teeth gritting slightly. “No one’s used that name in years.”
“Gri, are you-” Sense started, but then Grifter was off. “Well, I suppose he does still have things to do. Why don’t I show you around then?”
Grian looked to where Grifter stormed off before back to Sense. “That sounds good. I’m sure he’ll want some time to himself.”
“I suppose you would know that, wouldn’t you?” Sense said with a smile. “Well then, let me show you around the castle. I’m sure you’ll love it here. By the way, Gri didn’t say, how old are you at this point?”
“Eighteen. I’m legally an adult so you don’t need to baby me. I just got pushed back a few years, I’ve still got more high school to deal with, but I’m hoping I can find a way to graduate early.”
Sense nodded, making sure he was behind Grian so he couldn’t see his smile. “Well, I suppose you’re out of there now. Now I can’t remember if we have any guest rooms available, but if not, we can always add a bed in our own room. It’s large enough for that.”
“That sounds good. I was in there earlier and it did look pretty big.” Grian nodded, oblivious to what exactly he was getting into.
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sarahlevys · 4 years
(a fic rec post - last updated 10/31/2021)
11/25/20: I have been talking to a lot of people about The Good Ship Twylexis, and when @earnmysong asked me for some fic recs, I could not resist! Below are some of my favorites, organized by length. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and is simply composed of some of the ones I’ve read. I hope you check them out!
10/31/21: Nearly a year later, the fandom has grown by leaps and bounds! I've been able to add many excellent Twylexis fics to the below list. I tried to keep these recs focused on fics in which they are either the only ship or a substantial part of the narrative, so while there are many fics nowadays that have Twylexis as a side pairing, those will not be listed below. Now that we can be more choosy, I've also removed fics that featured Twylexis as part of a throuple or moreple (so that I can hopefully do a fic rec list for that specifically in the future!)
So I see Alexis is getting back out there. (Short Reads)
in the middle of the deep blue night – T – 577 – by @hullomoon
Alexis is all alone at the party, that is, until Twyla joins her.
in the hack – G – 2K – by thingswithwings
After Ted, and before the Next Thing, Alexis joins a curling team. She's great at it, because, what, like it's hard?
Icarus had the right idea – T – 4K – by Luthor
In which Alexis convinces Twyla to take her to the beach, and has an okay-time I guess. 
never saw you coming, never be the same – G – Podfics! 15 minutes in total – by DelilahMcMuffin, GoLBPodfics, & Amanita_Fierce
Three different perspectives from Twyla Sands and Alexis Rose's first Pride spent together as a couple.
to be your harbor – E – 4K – by @doublel27
Twyla uses some of her money on things that are special to her. Alexis is special to Twyla. Luckily, Twyla is precious to Alexis.
and it's just around the corner darling, 'cause it in lives in me (no, I could never give you peace) – T – 3K – by beepbedeep
She’s what people call the worst, most pointless kind of celebrity, a socialite, and she does it better than anyone else. It’s good, she knows it’s good, she’s serving her purpose, playing her part perfectly, and if she doesn’t really know how to be alone with herself, how to handle the actual weight of her life when the gossip blogs get bored and the photographers stop showing up for a while, that’s fine.
i knew from the beginning (it was you from the beginning) – T – 1K – by @anniemurphys
Twyla and Alexis celebrate, at a distance.
i took an arrow to the heart – G – 3K – by @sarahlevys and @landofsonlali
Twyla calls Alexis in celebration of the fourth anniversary of their friendship, and the conversation shifts to their feelings for each other. Together, they start to explore the intricacies of love and relationships.
aflame – T – 4K – by @pretendtofly
Alexis has a few days left in Schitt's Creek after the wedding and Twyla wants to spend them all together.
could be your baby, ride the same whip (oh no, no, there's no slowin' down) – T – 3K – by @turningtimeinthetardis
Alexis doubts anything too surprising will happen when she and Twyla decide to go on a little shopping spree (such as they can afford, that is) at one of Elmdale’s boutiques. Maybe they’ll encounter some truly hideous blends of patterns, but nothing stranger than that.
After all, if there’s one thing Schitt’s Creek and the surrounding suburbs can offer, it’s quiet predictability.
I weigh a hundredandfuckingsomething pounds (that makes me almost good) – G – 2K – by beepbedeep
Her legs don’t look good, but half of the girls she knows have legs that look even worse, smiles that are even more shark-toothed or arms that are even less toned, and she reminds herself that these are just the rules', that she knows the rules and knows where she’s failing, but other people are failing more.
shining, shimmering, splendid – G – 1K – by @davidbrewer
Twyla finally starts spending some of her lottery winnings on things that make her smile, and learns how much she loves to travel. Who better to show her around the world than Alexis?
ask 'em my questions and get some answers – G – 1K – by @lilythesilly
Alexis and Twyla meet at Disneyland.
a handprint on my heart – T – 4K – by averita
Five times Alexis and Twyla visit each other.
Merry Go Round – T – 2K – by Perkalil
In her first days in town, Alexis is in a rough place; she finds kindness and compassion in the local cafe waitress.
feel you on my skin – E – 1K – by @hullomoon
Alexis notices what Twyla's wearing. She has a lot of feelings about it.
you make everything good – G – by @rosedavid
Twyla has to go and visit her gaggle of cousins for two weeks, and Alexis is pouty about her girlfriend leaving for so long.
didn't ask for this – you freely gave it (so now i watch your mouth for the both of us) – T – 6K – by @turningtimeinthetardis
Alexis chops her name down to three letters like it's nothing.
Twyla thinks about it a lot.
putting roots in my dreamland – G – 4K – by @lilythesilly
A twylexis flowershop au.
(but if baby, i'm the bottom) you're the top – E – 3K – by @sarahlevys
Five times Twyla tops Alexis, and one time she lets Alexis top her.
three o'clock – E – 2K – by @schittyfic
Two tipsy girlfriends thirst over the hot, bearded guy across the bar.
shivers – E – 5K – by @anniemurphys
Alexis has a long day in an airport, and Twyla wants to take care of her.
This Stupid, Wonderful, Boring, Amazing Job – G – 1K – by @lilythesilly
A cute lil 'The Office' AU.
in calm or stormy weather – T – 4K – by @anniemurphys and @landofsonlali
On National Siblings Day, Alexis spends the day with her favorite brother Patrick, and David bonds with Twyla.
all i need is to see your face – G – 1K – by @wild-aloof-rebel
Alexis has doubts. Twyla knows how to soothe them.
got a fistful of four leaf clovers – T – 1K – by iphigenias
Two weeks before Christmas Alexis calls David.
“So I think I like someone,” she says.
all i want is you – T – 1K – by @landofsonlali
alexis is too restless to cuddle and worries about being a good partner to twyla who loves cuddling. twyla reassures her.
Fifty Shades of Gruyere – E – 2K – by @schittposting
Alexis and Twyla eat cheese and fuck.
I dreamt about you last night – G – 930 – by sonichallows
Alexis has a romantic dream about Twyla and tells her about it the next day.
Mistletoe – T – 2K – by in48frames
Alexis and Twyla go ice skating.
Twy, what are you doing here? You could be anywhere, doing anything. (Medium Reads)
Twyla's Cafe Podcast, An Alexis Rose Production, Produced by Alexis Rose (with help from Twyla) – T – 6K – by @whetherwoman
Twyla and Alexis start a podcast, and accidentally have some feelings along the way.
Crystal Clear – G – 6K – by @imalittlebitgogirl
Twyla and Alexis meet at a Winter Solstice celebration and bond over being newcomers...with more connections than they first realize.
take me out (and take me home) – M – 7K – by @anniemurphys and @landofsonlali
When Twyla’s Thanksgiving plans fall through at the last minute, Alexis flies back to Schitt’s Creek.
know that i’m yours (to keep) – T – 8K – by @anniemurphys
Five times Alexis and Twyla talk at Café Tropical.
And one time they talk somewhere else.
I Offer You My Heart – G – 10K – by @landofsonlali​, with art and podfic by @sunlightsymphony
Twyla is the owner of a coffee shop in Schitt's Creek and Alexis is a frequent customer, featuring pining, flirtation, and a whole lot of beverages and baked goods.
Oh Please, Not Now – T – by in48frames
“Oh,” Twyla says. “Yeah. Schitt’s Creek is super haunted."
Ladies Night Inn – T – 15K – by @imalittlebitgogirl
What if Twyla had accepted Alexis' invitation to a ladies night in her motel room after she and Mutt broke up?
i'm your moonlight, you're my star – M – 14K – by @sarahlevys and @anniemurphys
Twyla and Alexis spend the holidays together.
and the stars look very different today – T – 12K – by @hullomoon, with art from @hagface
Teaming up with a group of talented women, Alexis plans her next job
Hide Your Diamonds, Hide Your Exes – T – 8K – by @middyblue
Alexis may or may not be a diamond thief. Twyla is the FBI agent tasked with finding her.
heaven is a place not too far away – T – 8K – by @sarahlevys
Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
Pretty Follies – T – 9K – by @treepyful
Alexis and Twyla team up to play matchmaker for Stevie and Ruth.
Unfortunately, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Everything That We'd Ever Need – E – 12K – by @middyblue
5 times Twyla went skinny-dipping and 1 time she wore a dress.
Rollin' With the Homies – T – 9K – by @sarahlevys
The Clueless AU.
Phasers Set to Stunning – T – 9K so far (WIP – 2/4 chapters published) – by @kindofspecificstore
Patrick wins passes to San Diego Comic Con, and takes his best friend Twyla with him. Alexis Rose, rising star of Galactic Sunrise Bay, is attending for the first time and has her eyes on a super cute cosplayer.
I was thinking we could have a little ladies' night at my place. (Long Reads)
you and i and nobody else - E – 124K so far (WIP – 7/10 chapters published) – by @sarahlevys​ and @anniemurphys​
Twyla Sands and Alexis Rose meet on Mutt’s season of The Bachelor.
Maybe If You Stayed – E – 14K – by @fraudulentzodiac
“Years down the line, this is the moment she will look back on as the moment she should have known she was in love.“
your body’s poetry (speak to me) – E – 19K – by @anniemurphys
Ballet AU.
I’ve Only Ever Wanted Fire – M – 26K – by @sarahlevys​, with art from @rhetoricalk
Written for the prompt: Twyla is a real estate agent specializing in properties that are haunted or possessed. Alexis is looking for a new apartment.
Silence Lay Steadily – E – 44K – by @davidbrewer
A ghost story loosely inspired by The Haunting of Hill House.
like glass from sandy ground – M – 18K – by @middyblue
Five times Alexis ran from grief, and one time she didn't.
Taste of a Poison Paradise – M – 15K – by @lilythesilly
Be gay do crimes but make it a Harley Quinn AU.
Half of My Soul, as the Poets Say – E – 20K – by mixtapesandsunsets
Yes, she imagines telling the Alexis of two years ago, who had felt so untethered sitting next to Twyla outside these very rooms. You believe in fate. Your fate is right in front of you, Lex, you just need to reach out to meet it. It’s her. It has always been her.
122 notes · View notes
pascal-istheway · 3 years
Deep Water - Chapter 1
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Read it here on ao3!
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Warnings: Some Violence - Implied Non-Con
Relationships: Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Reader, Santiago "Pope" Garcia/Reader
Characters: Francisco “Catfish” Morales, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Triple Frontier Ensemble
Tags: Slow Burn, Smut, Fluff, Angst, We are basically torturing Frankie for this, I’m apologizing in advance
Word Count: 3130
Two Years Ago - Columbia
The last call anyone had heard from you was four days ago. You’d been in Columbia on a humanitarian mission with a local group, something about teaching today’s youth or whatever, Santiago hadn’t really listened to much if he’d been really honest. He just wanted to make sure his baby sister was safe and with people that could look out for her.
You had assured him on the call that you were fine, you’d brought the knife you were allowed to carry with you, but had to leave the gun he insisted he buy for you back in the states to which he explained how that defeated the purpose of owning the gun. You just rolled your eyes at him, knowing how overprotective your brother was. Santi was always on you for being safe, regardless if it was in Columbia or back home in your apartment in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood.
But as you bounced in the back of a windowless van, hands bound and eyes covered, no clue where you or your crew were being taken, you suddenly wished very much that you’d had that gun.
Five years ago - You
“Load up! Let’s go!” Santi smacked the side of the truck as he yelled out to the apartment for you, boards and cooler loaded up. “Come on! We’re wasting daylight here and the guys are already out there!” he waited a few more seconds before hollering your name again.
“I’m coming! Jesus, hold your fuckin horses, I was trying to find my hat…” you ran out to the truck, opening the old creaky door to his rusted ford and sliding in next to your brother on the bench seat. You casually toss your hat in the back seat before buckling your seatbelt. The beauty of living in California was all the access the best surfing the states had to offer. Your brother and his best friends from his unit were all meeting up for an early morning at the local spot and you decided to tag along, hoping to see the boys again.
You’d known some of these guys your whole life, thankful that they all got to serve together. Santiago would’ve been ok on his own, but he and Frankie had been close since they were kids. Knowing that they were out there in the shit together gave you the comfort that they were having their backs covered.
Santiago drives into the public parking lot, all of the guys already there except for one, Tom, who you had yet to meet. You hop out, saying your good mornings to most of them while keeping your eyes out for Frankie. You knew he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to be here but yet, you didn’t see him amongst the guys.
Not wanting to seem desperate, you just helped unload, carrying things to the spot on the beach for the guys to start getting their gear on and ready. The sun had barely started to come up, making the sky a brilliant color of orange and pink. The most beautiful view in California.
“Oh shit! I forgot my hat in the truck! I’ll be right back,” you run back to the truck, feet struggling in the sand.
When you reach the truck, you fling the door open and bend over, searching for your hat that’s fallen on the floor in the back seat.
“Careful, you don’t want to get stuck like that…” you hear him behind you, teasing you as you snatch your hat and spring back up.
“Frankie! You made it!” you squeal, throwing your arms around him. He pulls you in, arms snaking around your back as he tucks his nose into your hair.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he says softly into your ear before pulling away, “last real surf of the year” he smiles, the corners of his smile not quite reaching his eyes.
There’s a sadness in his voice, one anyone else would miss if they didn’t know him. But you do know Frankie. You know him better than almost anyone. You know what his voice sounds like during all the highs and lows, what it sounds like when he cried after his mom died, what it sounds like when he told you he got accepted into pilots training, and what it sounded like when he was drunk and whispered he loved you at 3 am.
“What’s wrong?” you pull back, holding yourself at arm’s length from him.
His mouth opens, the words right at the edge of his lips, but then they close again before he shakes his head, “nothing… let’s just enjoy this. Ok?”
So you do… you surf and swim and enjoy the morning with the guys. The warmth of the sun caresses your skin, soaking into your bones to warm you from the ocean. There’s a moment when you’re out on the water, the waves reflecting like glass and you let yourself enjoy the way it casts its light off Frankie’s long hair, bringing out the specks of gold and grey in his messy sea-soaked hair.
You love this - being out here with all of them. Your brother is the only real family either of you have. Your parents died when you were younger and when you were old enough to take care of yourself, Santiago enlisted and gained a new family. Brothers in arms.
You try not to think about the worry in his voice from that morning, doubt creeping in as the day went on. This was a rare occasion that all the guys could get together like this and usually when they did, it was before a big mission out of the country. Your heart sinks, realizing what this could possibly mean. Santi wouldn’t have told you, knowing that he wouldn’t have wanted to ruin the day. But Frankie? He told you everything. What held him back from telling you something as important as this?
“Here, you look like you could use this,” Frankie dumps himself down beside you in the sand, handing you a cold beer. You glance up at him, grateful for the drink, and bring the cold bottle to your lips, taking a long pull before swallowing.
“Thanks, it’s perfect,” you smile, leaning back on one hand and bracing the bottle on your thigh.
“Did you have fun today?” Frankie asked, taking a drink from his own bottle.
“Yeah, it really was the perfect day. Perfect weather too. Got some great waves out there,” you looked out to the water crashing up on the shore and watched as the sun splattered a watercolor of incredible colors throughout the sky.
“I think Santi is setting up the bonfire if you’re planning on stickin’ around,” he nudged your shoulder with his own.
“Yeah of course… he was my ride anyways,” you take another sip, enjoying the familiar feeling the hops gave you on an empty stomach. Knowing where that leads though, you look at Frankie and tell him “we should probably get some food in us soon.”
“I had a feeling you’d be hungry,” he reached behind him into a small cooler and pulled out two sandwiches. Chicken for himself and peanut butter and jelly with a side of Doritos, just like you liked. “Made ‘em special, just for us,” he joked.
A smile crept over your lips as you grabbed the sandwich baggie, pushing your beer in the sand as you ripped the bags open. He watched in disgust as you opened your sandwich and plop the Doritos on the PB&J, closing it and taking a massive bite.
“Dmon’t knmock mit ummil yoo twy it” you say around your food, knowing damn well he didn’t understand a single thing you said.
“Sure thing sweetheart,” he nodded, brows furrowed with amusement as he took his own bite.
You guys laugh and talk around your food and drinks, the effects of everything making you warm and at peace. Frankie is one of those people that you feel so at home with, not that your brother isn’t one of those, but Santi isn’t someone that you’d call at 2 am to come and get you when you’ve had too much to drink. He would just scold you the whole way home while Frankie - well Frankie would let you rest your head in his lap and would rub your head the entire way home, soft fingers tucking your hair behind your ear as you drift off to sleep from the lull of the engine.
And the only reason you know this is because he’s done it on several occasions for you. In college, shit even in high school. He protected you from Santiago when he found out you had your first boyfriend, although he did give you an interrogation of his own privately afterward. He was there for you through your first heartbreak. He taught you how to shoot your first gun… and your second.
When he turned to you, the haze of the drunkenness between the two of you, and blurted out that they were leaving again, despite being under the impression that they wouldn’t ever have to go again being so close to the end of their contracts, you were of course heartbroken. This was someone that was so much more to you than your brother’s best friend. He had become such a pertinent part of your life. You hadn’t mentally prepared yourself for that news.
You looked back over your shoulder at Santiago, Will, Ben, and Tom, laughing and talking around the fire while you and Frankie sat off to the side. The casualness between them all as they joked between each other, not fearing one last deployment. Your heart squeezed for them. They had each other, bound together by something so strong, something you’d never fully understand.
“Take a walk with me?” his voice pulled you from your thoughts and you see Frankie next to you, hand stretched down to help you up.
“Sure,” you take it, dusting the sand off yourself and grabbing another beer for the walk.
You walk until you can barely see the fire in the distance, the night becoming so dark all you can see is each other at your sides under the blanket of stars.
He whispers your name, taking your hand and pulling you to a stop, “I can’t leave this time without saying anything… I have to…” his words get caught in his throat.
You know what he wants to say, the words he needs to say because you’ve been feeling them for as long as you can remember, “Frankie…” his name comes out as a whisper.
You’re inches from each other, breath mingling together between you as he leans in, his eyes searching for the permission that he didn’t need to ask for. He already owned you, heart and soul, he just didn’t know it yet. This man would always own you, no matter what he did, no matter where he went.
You close the space, your lips gently brushing against his. Softly at first, but as his hands come up to frame your face, the passion that ignites behind him explodes. His mouth parts, yours following his lead as you allow him to explore your mouth. God this man knows how to kiss. It’s incredible, unlike anything you could’ve ever dreamt. Your hands move to his neck, pulling him in closer as his tangle in your hair.
“God, you’re so perfect…” he whispers against your lips. His mouth moves down your jaw, kissing and nipping its way down your throat. Your fingers find their way in his hair, playing with the soft curls at the base of his neck. A moan escapes your lips as his teeth graze your skin softly.
“Wait,” he pulls back, attempting to catch his breath, “I want to do this right. Not on the beach like some cheap date,” he half laughs, looking down at his tented pants and groaning, clearly regretting stopping.
“We don’t have to stop…” you suggest.
“No, I don’t want it to be like this for our first…” he pauses, “I want it to be,” his cheeks almost, blush? “I want it to be right… to be perfect.”
The sincerity in his voice carries to his eyes and you can tell he means it. He wants to love you right, the way you deserve. Not in the dirt or in the sand, but in a soft bed with fresh sheets and plush pillows. He wants to be able to wrap you in blankets after and hold you until the morning sun comes through the curtains and shines down on your freshly fucked skin. He wants to wake up next to you and see your hair splayed against his pillows.
The thought makes you smile, and you nod, knowing this is the start of something absolutely incredible. Something you never thought possible…
Columbia - Frankie
“God I fucking hate the goddamn jungle,” Benny slapped a mosquito on his neck, wiping away the blood on his hand on his shirt, “Fuckin’ gross.”
“Would you shut the fuck up Benny and keep your eye on your spot?” Ironhead said over his com, “this is supposed to be recon, not a fuckin’ vacation.”
Pope rolled his eyes at them, anxious to get eyes on Lorea, but more importantly, anxious to get eyes on you. He had told the guys exactly what they needed them to know, which was almost nothing about why they were actually in Colombia. Specifically leaving out the very important detail that you were the reason why he had gathered up the troops, paid them each $17,000 out of his own personal checking account, and practically begged them to come down under false pretenses of the Agency needing them for a recce mission on Lorea.
He didn’t even need to beg them, they all had packed their bags willingly and flown over the border into Columbia to gather intel on Lorea. Pope had shown them around the area and talked up a big game about how the narcos were causing all these problems and Lorea needed to be dealt with.
Technically, the recon wasn’t a complete lie. He had been down here for over three years, running himself in circles around the cops and narcos on Lorea’s payroll trying to find a bullshit way to get to him. He’d tried everything and at the end of the day, everything isn’t enough when it comes to this guy. He had his hand in every single nook of this god-forsaken country.
He had a girl on the inside, someone who ran money for Lorea and had offered to give up the location in exchange for her brother’s safe return from jail. Admittedly, she may not have given him this information if he had not been sleeping with Pope, but no one could blame her. He’d had it with this fucking country and at this point, there were no more rules to break. Sleeping with an informant was the least of his worries, especially now that he knew that you were somewhere in the house he was staking out.
Tom turned to Pope, “so you sleeping with her?” He took a piece of gum and shoved it in his mouth, offering one to Pope.
Santiago turned to him and scoffed, “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he grabbed the gum and unwrapped it, shoving it in his mouth, “ew man, what the fuck is this shit?”
Tom laughed, “Cola flavored.”
“You owe me a piece of Hubba Bubba dude,” he said, spitting the gum out along with a huge wad of spit. He took his canteen and swished his mouth out as Tom laughed at him.
Back in the day on missions, they had this unspoken rule, someone always has to bring gum. It was like a good luck charm. And Tom, being the leader, always brought the flavor he wanted, never the one that everyone else liked. Fucking asshole. You don’t fuck with tradition…
“I’m at the gate,” Benny’s voice cuts through their ears.
“How’s it looking over there,” Pope responds, holding his binoculars up to take a look from his vantage point.
“Well, looks like things were done about 82% right… They got all the toys out here but these cameras aren’t even aimed at the weakest breach point…” Benny reports.
“Your girlfriend making her normal money drop?” Tom asks
Santiago glares at him, “she ain’t my girlfriend.”
“Informant, whatever…”
“Yeah, she said she’s prepared to record the inside of the house. We need proof of Lorea and the money,” Pope sighs.
Frankie’s voice cuts in, “Hey, uh Pope, I got kids over here. Does he have kids living in here with him? Because that is not what I signed up for.”
“The family is not the problem fish, they are the answer,” Pope says. “Lorea’s very devout… sends his entire crew with his family every Sunday morning. Leaves him, and three guards home alone… every. Sunday.”
Miller pipes up, “why would he do that?”
“Well, he’s worried about someone taking his kids. That and he never leaves his money. Also I don’t think he believes anyone actually has the balls to come out here in the middle of the fuckin’ jungle and rob him,” to this, everyone laughs.
“Look alive guys, we got incoming,” Miller said over the comlink as a van approached.
“Shit Pope, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was beautiful,” Benny says over the com.
“I fuckin’ knew it,” Tom turns to Pope and shakes his head.
“Fuck off.”
They watch her pull through the front gate, van bouncing through the mud and muck. Gunshots echo out in the distance and Ironhead comes over the com, “I got an execution going down over here guys.”
“Courtyard?” Pope asked.
“Yep… looks like mostly men and two women judging on the builds, can’t see any faces though,” Ironhead responds.
“Fuck…” Pope whispers, “uh, yeah that’s his spot,” his voice tightened.
Screams echoed throughout the coms from Ironhead’s mic, “shit guys, he’s taking some girl into the house… I -” his voice cuts out, clearly unable to watch anymore.
The screams could be heard even without the coms, Pope knowing exactly who it belonged to. He’d heard every sound you could make, screams, crying, laughter. He was your brother and helped raise you, he may have needed confirmation you were in there but in his gut, he already knew.
No one else would be able to see the way his heart rate had quickened, hoping that you weren’t in that group of people, now lying dead on the court. As the last gunshots echoed out throughout the jungle, and your screaming stopped, Pope did something he hadn’t done in a very long time… he prayed.
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Ahaw! Captain Wink...it is good to see youw, my son! And Assivus I haven’t—oh, he’s...giving me an obscene gesture as he descends down the staiws, as pew expect. Anyhow, how awe you my boy? 
I’m well, Father.
You suwe?
I’m fine.
You suwe you’we suwe?
I—yes. I’m good, Father.
Good! Because we can’t have you bawwing or being fowwy when youw gweatness is gawnewing you eyes. You weally weft me no choice to take you out when you insuwted that fiwst seawch team. 
They were asking my daughter very r—
Wight, and I didn’t ask fow fouw excuses. I was stating the facts as youw supewiow. 
Of...of course, sir.
So then! Walk with me, walk with me, Captain. How have things been on youw end of the kingdom, eh? 
I’ve been hanging out with Asivus all morning, actually ever since last night when we first discovered my son was gone. We actually just got some information that could indicate he’s near the Lost Woods—
Ahhh Assivus, Assivus. You heaw he’s just twying to intwoduce with “Siv” now? Should be “Ssiv” to really show what a snake he is ohoho...
I...Yes, I know that he’s—
And those muwdews...ho! Gwanted it’s onwy reawwy being tawked about within Castwe Town and Centwaw, but it’s quite thwiwwing, don’t you think? 
Have you boys been busy, Captain?
I’ve been busy trying manage the Royal Guard, and finding my son, and helping with those serial killings, yes. 
Ahhh, hewping how exactly?
If you’re trying to insinuate that—
Naw, fowget it boy. Fowget I said anything! I’m pwoud of you! Vewy thwiwwed to heaw how on top of things you awe. You’ve got bettew expewience than anyone ewce in the castwe. I trust aww wiww faww into pwace with you at the hewm. 
Appwopwiatewy, that is, hm?
That is my every intention, Father.
Gooood! Good. Focused as evew. Weww then. I’ww wet the boys out east know about this Lost Woods thing. 
I was thinking that I could—  
Wet me finish speaking? Yes, you’we wight, that’s a good thought indeed. 
Weww, I’ww weave you to it. Back to babysitting that other son of youws, eh? It’s miwacwe enough the manswaughtew thing didn’t wand ouw name on the execution bwock. Do keep him out of twoubwe at weast, yes? Fow youw sake and fow this kingdom’s.
Of course, sir. 
Hm, Wost Woods you say. Quite a funny story. 
Oh it’s nothing you need wowwy about, Captain Wink. 
Captain Wink, if you happen to faww fow any such Woyaw wumouws and gossip about a swowd...twy to act, appwopwiatewy. Hm?
Good boy. ‘Twas good to see you. Go keep pwoud, son.
I know for a fact that this was @echoing-sounds and we should all get together and beat you to death now
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tamiettitami · 4 years
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INSPIRED BY @alamborghini
In the last week, I have spent a majority of my time on Archive of Our Own reading Twyla and Alexis fics. In lieu of that, I thought I would create a recommendation post of my favorites, eight of them to be exact. I've wanted to do fic recommendations for awhile, and this seemed like the perfect place to start! Because the community is small, as I mentioned previously, there will be some author repetition, but they're all incredibly talented writers who I encourage you to support.
Check out Justine's list, too, it's linked at the very beginning! Theirs is a bit more extensive considering they've been here for longer and I've just recently dipped my toe in, however, this was a lot of fun for me to put together and I hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
All word counts, ratings, tags, and descriptions are taken directly from the stories themselves. Credit goes to the original creators for the information provided. Also, I've colored the titles according to the length of the fic. Here is the system I've devised to help you easily find stories within a certain a range of words without having to read too much while also helping to separate the titles a bit: PURPLE >2,000 words, BLUE 2,500-5,000 words, and PINK >5,000 words.
Posts marked with * are also in Podfic format. If it isn't underlined, the Podfic is apart of the work hyperlinked in the story's title.
tuck you in, turn on your favorite nightlight by @alamborghini and @anniemurphys
TAGGED with Future Fic, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Children, Children's Stories, (that aren't always appropriate for children), alexis and twyla have just Seen Things ok, Alexis Rose travels for business and pleasure
DESCRIPTION: Twyla and Alexis' daughter adopts her mother's' stories in the interest of elementary school coolness.
I Offer You My Heart by @landofsonlali and @sunlightsymphony *
WORD COUNT: 10,347
TAGGED with Alternative Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Slow Burn, Tea Leaf reading, Flirting Via Coffee and Pastries, Pining, you know it's an AU because of the seasons, Baked Goods, Podfic, Podfic Length: 1-1.5 Hours, Let Alexis Rose Eat, Twyla Sands' Freckles
DESCRIPTION: Twyla is the owner of a coffee shop in Schitt's Creek and Alexis is a frequent customer, featuring pining, flirtation, and a whole lot of baked goods.
never saw you coming, never be the same by @alamborghini, @anniemurphys, and @landofsonlali *
This is a MUST READ series for any Twylexis fans. I started my journey through the Alexis Rose/Twyla Sands tag with these ficlets and I recommend beginning here as well.
TAGGED with Pride, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Coming Out, Twyla Sands' Freckles, Supportive Siblings, Pansexual Alexis Rose, Cuddling & Snuggling
DESCRIPTION: Three different perspectives of Twyla Sands and Alexis Rose's first Pride spent together as a couple.
i didn't know that i was starving (til i tasted you) by @turningtimeinthetardis
WORD COUNT: 12,885
TAGGED with Character Study: Twyla Sands, Character Study: Alexis Rose, Episode: s04e12 Singles Week, Singles Week Rewrite, Ted is great, But Twy and Alexis are meant to be each other's soft girlfriends, Fluff & Smut, Pining
DESCRIPTION: Twyla knows her natural penchant for kindness can sometimes be a problem. She knows it can sometimes be used against her by people who are more willing to chase their desires than she is.
Normally, she's at least a little ok with being naturally passive, with allowing her desires, her wants, to skate past her, untouched.
Maybe it's because she's gotten accustomed to serving customers at Cafè Tropical and taking unwarranted abuse with a fake smile. Maybe it's because she had grow up faster than any eight or nine year old should. Maybe it's because, well, secretly she's a multi-millionaire and, materially, she doesn't want for much of anything. And she'd be hard pressed for saying she wants anyone in Schitt's Creek.
But once she gets to know Alexis Rose?
Yeah, Twyla wants her.
to be your harbor by @doublel27
TAGGED with Post-Canon, Sugar Mama Twyla Sands, Praise Kink, Sex Toys, Strap-Ons, Light BDSM, Light Dom/sub, Service Top Alexis Rose, Sweet/Hot, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
DESCRIPTION: Twyla uses some of her money on things that are special to her. Alexis is special to Twyla. Luckily, Twyla is precious to Alexis.
your body's poetry (speak to me) by @anniemurphys
WORD COUNT: 19,599
TAGGED with Alternative Universe - Ballet, adventures at youth america grand prix, baby ballerinas in the corps de ballet, oh my god they were roommates, Twyla Sands' Freckles
DESCRIPTION: Ballet has been at the center of Alexis’ life since she was three years old, the first time she saw New York City Ballet perform The Nutcracker. She pulled on her mother’s sleeve, much to Moira’s displeasure, pointed at the stage, and said, “Me!” It was the very first time she felt like her mother saw her. That feeling was intoxicating enough that she couldn’t help but chase it.
She’s seen some of the world's most celebrated ballerinas perform. But she’s never seen anyone dance like this girl, whose name she doesn’t know. The stage lights turn her auburn hair burning red. Her pirouettes are perfectly landed; there’s no struggle at all in the way her leg lifts behind her in attitude to tap against the tambourine she holds above her head. As she flits across the stage, her tambourine extended toward the judges like an irresistible invitation, there is something real in her smile, something seductive in her eyes.
Alexis forgets to breathe.
searching for a sound we hadn't heard before by @hullomoon
TAGGED with New York City, Kissing, Coda, of sorts, Episode: s06e13 Start Spreading the News
DESCRIPTION: Twyla visits Alexis in New York.
Ladies Night Inn by yeah_alright
WORD COUNT: 15,848
TAGGED with Canon Compliant, Alternative Ending to The Canidate (season 2 episode 7), ladies night, Spa Night, slumber party, Female Friendship, Friends to Lovers, really more like, acquaintances to friends to potentially lovers, if we're being accurate, Teen rating is for makeouts and a few refrences to very specific and crucial body parts, No Smut, No Sex, Fluff and Humor
DESCRIPTION: What if Twyla had accepted Alexis' invitation to a ladies night at the motel after her breakup with Mutt?
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If you happen to indulge in any of these, let me know you're thoughts as I'd love to chat about them and make some new Twylexis friends. Happy reading! (SOURCE)
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