#twst oc (Mac)
“What’s so Special About the Moon?”
Jamil Viper x MC(insert character Mac)
(Ch. 1) – Ch. 2 – Ch. 3 – Ch. 4 – Next – Previous
This was originally supposed to be, like, a single chapter hurt/comfort before my OC (Mac) and Jamil as a song fic where they berate him and then sing a song referencing the moon… but then I had feelings and it’s becoming a more in depth character study between the two. Don’t worry! By the end of this mini series, there will be song lyrics and more sappiness… it’s just now that I’ve finished both Book 4 and Book 5, I need to reorganize the events and specific and whatnot. Some quick housekeeping as always: I tried to make Jamil to encompass both his dark & mysterious villain persona ALONG WITH him practically being a fucking child so that’s why I wrote him like *this* so yeah… I’m moving around the timeline so that Yuu/MC (aka Mac) has the weekend to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER LOL, Mac is about 19-20 (haven’t decided yet) and uses mixed pronouns as a heads up, Ch. 2 has a 1st draft written put still needs to be typed up and edited. If you see a typo NO YOU DIDN’T!!! This one of my first times trying a different writing doc that isn’t Google (cuz fuck Google) and it’s a little weird to get used to and edit stuff. It’s beta-d in the sense that licking the spatula while your mom bakes cookies and claiming that you helped… literally only a few paragraphs were checked over y’all.
Quick shout-out to @krenenbaker and @twst-beam for inspiring my writing thus far (and sorry for taking so long to post this lol!)
I’ll be releasing some type of overview of my OC eventually, but take these snippets as they go while I fall back in love with writing. You’ll meet Mac in full when xey are good and ready… anyway, please enjoy Chapter 1 of my new fanfiction, “What’s So Special About the Moon?”
“Here. You can use this one,” Jamil directed towards the plain (compared to the rest of the dorm) laundry… mat? There were several industrial sized washer and dryers, a couple moderate-sized one’s that would fit a regular apartment complex, and a long wall designated area for hand washed items. Jamil was keeping the door prompt open with his hips; his slight frown of concentration and the flick of his Magic Pen were the only signs of the current spell he had going. Turning around, MC was slightly surprised by the massive piles of fabric that was being corralled in via multiple a massive sheet tied to multiple brooms. They still couldn’t fully grasp the concept (and power) of magic and seeing it so casually performed on a day-to-day basis was kinda daunting.
“Thanks again for letting us use the space along with showing me how to properly clean all these fancy duds and whatnot.” the Ramshackle Perfect awkwardly trailed off. Their focus was split between stealing peaks at the Scarabia Vice Warden, not wanting to bother the already busy Sophomore, and surveying over the dusty, damaged antique pieces the two stripped from the halls of the previously abandoned dorm. Rugs, carpets, curtains, furniture covers (in varying state of disrepair) dulled of their once rich and vibrant color. The patterns were a mix of stuffy academia and the quiet comfort of a grandparents cottage living room. Both extravagant, yet understated. It’s a style lost to time, but not quite a revived ancient aesthetic.
At this point MC was fully lost in thought; they desperately needed to clean, fix, organize and decorate the dorm in preparation to host so many guests. Even with his limited memories, they had a feeling they’d never hear the end of it from his parents.
“Don’t worry about it much.” Jamil said, interrupting their musings. “Honestly, I’m doing this as much for myself as I am helping you.
With a flick of his wrist, Jamil organized the seemingly random crumbled piles of fabric by condition, color and use. His movements while cleaning were quick, smart, and efficient-- all while patiently showing Mac which order to start in along with the best way to clean them.
“Ya’ know…” MC broke the relative quietness between the two workers, “Even with everything thing that happened over break, I understand why Kalim still trusts you; I almost can believe that you’re not that bad of a guy.” Jamil gave xem a startled (and exasperated) look, but they continued before he could respond: “I fail to see how helping the person who ruined your ‘world domination’ plans—”
“They were hardly World Domination level!” He quickly snapped. His embarrassment led to him tugging his hood further down his face, teeth slightly clenched, and dilated eyes as MC continued listing all the ways he’s “helped” them out.
The magic-less Perfect laughed to themselves the more conflicting emotions flew across Jamil’s face. Eventually those same emotions were compressed behind a cold, smooth mask. Limestone slabs and stiff mud brick walls were swiftly constructed between the two working-class students. Something about it didn’t sit right with Mac.
“Hey I’m not saying what you pulled wasn’t a dick move! But you’re also not the first overly-traumatized teen boy I’ve had to deal with… and between what you’ve said about yourself, plus thing’s I’ve heard and seen, I’m starting to think you’re not nearly as complicated as you think you are.” The longer they argued *to* him, the more Jamil’s mask began to crack; there were a few holes in his walls he didn’t account for. Xe’s a tad more observant than I remember, but weirdly just as persistent, Jamil internally rolled his eyes.
“I could still change my mind and send you back to deal with the Pomefiore Wrath(tm),” He mumbled while gracefully lugging the newly cleaned (and damp) furniture coverings into an empty drier. Despite his harsh threat, MC still remembered him assuring the other this laundry room was only ever used by him after Kalim’s parties.
The large machines and larger working space was specifically added for the servant to clean and repair any decor or Asim Family Treasures when Kalim’s recklessness caused a larger mess than usual. This meant that Mac and Grim (who was originally supposed to be helping… where the hell was he anyway?) could do as many loads needed without worry. On top of the borrowed space, the Housewarden himself had cheerily has assured them, his Oasis Maker would replace all the water used ten times over!
Mac’s thoughts were interrupted once again as Jamil relented, “I told you, I’m doing this to help me.” After receiving an unconvinced eyebrow raise, Jamil began to explain, “Kalim might’ve announced us as equals but I still have a job to do. If he got sick while spending Allah knows how long in a dusty, dirty, shabby condemned building like Ramshackle I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“It’s not nearly that bad anymore!” the sole-human resident of said dorm argued, but was quickly shut up with a tired gesture towards the untouched loads of laundry left to be done.
“On top of that,” Jamil smirked “Even a common peasant like myself wouldn’t sleep in a rundown garbage heap if I can help it.” His smirk slowly slide off his face from his face as the insulted Perfect almost ripped the handful of soapy doilies, that they were previously scrubbing by hand, as xey prepared a retaliation.
“OK, first of all! This whole Inferior-Superior shtick isn’t going to prove your point. If I’m being totally honest, I’m pretty used to the bratty, arrogant attitude of teenagers by now (even if I wasn’t Leona is a thousand times worse).” They turned their full body to face the 2nd year boy before continuing the assault. “Secondly, even just doing the bare minimum would’ve been fine, considering I’ve slowly been deep cleaning them place room by room. This is just last minute cleaning considering I wasn’t expected to host six extra people in two days.”
The shock of Mac’s care and attention to detail couldn’t win over Jamil’s newfound freedom to be right… and sassy while doing it. “Keep in mind you wouldn’t be the only one having to deal with Vil. His expectations are much higher than my personal standards—”
“Getting there!” MC interrupted again. “It’s not like Vil and whoever else couldn’t magic things better or get things done over at Pomefiore.” However, their fire started to die down with their obvious lack of understanding of magic. Not that Xeir level of intellect ever stopped them from talking out of their ass during debates… even if this wasn’t exactly shaping up to be anything like Debate Club back home.
“Not the point!” Mac built back their steam after thoughtlessly shaking off any internal distractions. “Third of all,” Jamil groaned not-so-quietly, “third of all, you didn’t have to show me how to do it. Nor did you have to continue helping me. There’s only so much I could pay you back in favors and it’s not like you’ll make back the time and energy spent. You’re obviously a bit of a piece of shit but I don’t totally blame…”
Jamil suddenly gave Mac his full attention. He smoothed any emotional tells from his face and readied himself to actively dissect what ever left xeir mouth and any messages in between the lines. The silence prompted Mac to drip extra sincerity as they begin to ramble without thinking.
“… I get why you did what you did. You’re not totally forgiven, but it’s not like I’ll hold a grudge over you forever. Whenever I joke about Winter Break I thought you knew it was just that: a joke.”
The two stared at one another for a few beats. Jamil betrayed nothing that he was thinking, but Mac could practically feel the exasperation flooding off of him in great waves. The disbelief pushing and pulling off of him, despite remaining stone cold to zeir admission. So, of course, they continued with slight for fever:
“Yeah, okay, you held us all prisoner, enslaved via hypnosis your entire dorm, and nearly killed multiple students. Twice.” Mac cringed at their own blunt statement, “… But why would you go as far as you did, if you didn’t care! What your parents, and more specifically your culture, put you through wasn’t fair—but you obviously still love and cherish them!”
At this, he seemed to get even more guarded. It felt patronizing to be hold how he supposedly felt or why he should feel a specific way. They hadn’t been there. They hadn’t grown up as a Viper in the Desert, constantly reminded by Kalim’s Mirage of wealth what he could never have. They didn’t know the FIRST thing about the Scalding Sands—!
“… How do you know anything about my parents? Did Kalim--?!” He choked out infuriated at the mere implication.
“Relax Viper! It’s all in the Secret of The Ooze™”
“Never mind…”
The usual absurdity of MC’s references (much to xeir chagrin that no one seemed to understand them) Jamil allowed himself a shadow of a smirk. Right about now they’d drop what they were saying and instead empathize with him over terrible bosses. They’d both fall back into a familiar pattern of quiet understanding while making playful small talk; maybe Xe’d make a remark over how “hellish” the desert temperature is and moan about being “a poor Northern forced into the sun” before dragging them both off to grab an abominably sweet drink that Kalim would still put sugar in. Xe had always been could at mediating with the other students at NCR.
However, they didn’t drop it. They continued to push him… especially when they realized that he expected the conversation to have ended and started to relax. Xey pushed and pushed and pushed. Finally, they had circled back to him rebelling from his status.
“What? You think I’d be Happier staying a lowly servant?! I’d rather cut my own tongue out than remain bending to Kalim’s will for the rest of my days.” He huffed, still not stopping his assault on the pile of laundry in front of him.
A frustrated sigh left Mac as Xey tried to get their point across, “THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M SAYING!… Obviously, you don’t love being forced into child labor or having to pretend to be something you’re not, but that doesn’t mean you’re totally being honest with yourself either. Rebelling adolescents often do a complete 180 of who they once presented as in an extreme action to feel validated.”
Jamil scoffed in indignation at the impromptu therapy session he’d been forced into.
“Just because you were forced to lie sometimes as ‘Servant Jamil’ doesn’t mean those memories or feelings weren’t authentic!”
“My Childhood, my Pride, my ENTIRE LIFE was stolen from me before I could even open my eyes, Mac! Who could cherish that sort of future?”
“I’m not disputing that! I’m not trying, in any way, to imply that what you went through didn’t fucking suck. But just because you’ve started saying the quiet part out loud doesn’t mean you’re being totally honest either. Switching one mask for another just means nothing has changed but your ability to bitch about-it to the kid you literally Grew Up With, Jamil.” A tired resignation was growing in their eyes as they headed to the end of xeir rant.
It was clear MC was starting to speak in circles and xey weren’t going to be able to get through to them. A heavy weight sunk deep in their chest, slowly sliding to xeir stomach the more he misunderstood the magic-less student. I saw him drown in the depths of his own helplessness and self-pity, but even after he’s been pulled out it’s like he can’t help but dive back in for a swim. It was a suffocating thought while Mac watched as Jamil once again went stone-faced… Like what he was about to say would be his final shield before walking away. It’s a shame that the Ramshackle Resident had become too used to throwing bombs over walls and blowing verbal shields to smithereens after months of being stuck in Twisted Wonderland.
“I’m not sugarcoating or bowing down to anyone anymore. I won’t bite my tongue. I won’t put on a Happy Face to Kalim’s idiotic, half-thought out ideas again. I’m slowly gaining my freedom, something you clearly don’t understand. Just because you’re as blind as he is doesn’t mean anything! What more could you want from me?!” He hissed his final insult before finally stepping away from his station. Not leaving the room, he aggressively got himself a cup of water from one of the sink and gulped the unfiltered water down.
“Just because you’re not hiding your bitter, knee-jerk reaction from an unfair world doesn’t mean you aren’t still hiding away and lying about your more vulnerable emotions.” Mac whispered in an emotionless tone. “Cutting a part of your past off and pretending it was never there is doing yourself a disservice and lying to those that still care about you… And there sure-as-shit isn’t much that I hate more than a Fucking Liar.”
. . . . . .
The lacy doilies sat in a sudsy basin, left forgotten as the two students stood a mere paces from each other—both maintaining an uncomfortably intense eye contact. The sloshing thump of the washers and stirring hum of driers harmonizing were the only song to accompany the two’s stare down. A short hiccup as Mac took a drawn out breath was the only reaction between the two of them. The combined heat of Scarabia’s sun (barely past 10am) and the humidity of continued use of machinery didn’t help the suffocating air in the wide laundry room. Not to mention the loud, stifling silence to boot.
MC usually held back such honest commentary (not that they weren’t blunt) unless Xe deemed it necessary: think high stakes and a sense of urgent drama. But something about Jamil and Kalim’s situation reminded them of himself. The two’s intertwined dance of class, history, loyalty and betrayal, friendship and loss, and such overwhelming guilt reminded the dimension hoping stranger of home. Whatever that meant.
But this was no time to get lost in their own problems and Trauma’s. They’d went too far (again) and that means xey should be the bigger person (again) and deescalate the situation before he hated them (AGAIN). Which means, MC would be the one to break the silence and run away again.
“Ya’ know what? Grim’s probably burned the school down already. Don’t worry about,” Ze gestured blindly to the numerous stations they’d started, “this mess. I’ll rope my little Rat Gremlin and the Freshies into finishing this up. Hell, I could probably convince Rugs to pitch in for lunch or something. Bully the Music Club with helping in exchange of random sheet music I still remember from home.”
Their rambles became more spastic as they noticed Mr. Sugar, Spice and Not-So-Nice break out of his own trance and try to reply. “Seriously! Just enjoy the break… Not that it’s my place or responsibility to be butting in anyway. I will be back in, like, 10 minutes and from here-on-out minding my own damn business. Sorry. Whatever. See you sometime after Sunday, I guess?” Their entire monoluge Mac was slowly backing out of the room before turning around in xeir spot and just short of sprinting their way out of the dorm. A few passerby Scarabia students stopped to eavesdrop on xeir muttering… watch them leave.
Without getting a word in Jamil stood unmoving, watching the Ramshackle Perfect leave swifter than the desert wind shifting the dunes. Almost on auto-pilot, he simply left to go back to his room and do as he was told; enjoy his break. His day off. The day he could do what he liked and didn’t necessarily have to prioritize work. A day he spent working to help and assist the pitiful, magic-less loser that was dropped-kicked into another reality and forced to play nice with a University filled with overpowered and hormonal teenagers while having no way home… And in return was insulted, psychoanalyzed, and thrown aside before he could get a word in edgewise.
“Son of a STREET RAT!!!!!” It was clear he’d need a few hours to calm down before he could even think of trying to enjoy the rest of his Saturday off.
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citrus-rhyme · 2 years
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It’s the delinquents of Ramshackle dorm. Say hi!
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
˚✧˳⁎ Si vis amari ama ⁎˳✧˚
“If you want to be loved, love.” -Seneca
♡ Jessamine’s Twisted Wonderland masterlist
♡ Italics for nsfw/ suggestive themes!!
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♡ Reasons Why I am a Dirty Rag for Leona Kingscholar and Why You Should Consider Being One Too!!
♡ Leona Kingscholar’s Ideal Romantic Partner
♡ Sebek Zigvolt’s Fae-Human Identity and Why He Deserves All the Love in the World
♡ Zigvolt Family Theory + Headcanons:: Did Sebek Hatch From an Egg??
♡ Is Sebek’s favorite food a reference to the Grimms’ version of Sleeping Beauty??
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♡ Househusband! Twst AU:: Heartslabyul ๑ Diasomnia ๑ Ignihyde ๑ Octavinelle ๑ Scarabia ๑ Savanaclaw ๑ Pomefiore
♡ Beastman headcanons - Leona, Jade, Floyd, Sebek, Rook
♡ Happy Pocky Day!! - Pocky kiss with Sebek
♡ I’m Wishing for the One I Love - NeigeVil
♡ Tunnel of Love - Valentine’s gift from Kalim
♡ Campus Tour - Student! Divus Crewel
♡ Lilia Sings at Malleus x Leona’s Wedding
♡ Jade Leech’s Guide to Fungi Cultivation
♡ Hello, Beastie - how Malleus and Sebek’s families took care of their eggs, pre-birth
♡ Once Upon a Dream - Yandere! Silver’s UM
♡ Courting the one and only Sebek Zigvolt
♡ Platonic! Yandere Ortho - Idia’s #1 wingman
♡ The Great Gwim-sama!! - Yuu’s kid and Grim
♡ Yandere! Leona tutors his kouhai
♡ God! Leona Kingscholar + part 2 (f! reader)
♡ Incubus! Leona Kingscholar
♡ Yandere! Automaton Leona
♡ Leona’s child gives Malleus a nickname
♡ Yuu Does Not Dream of a Bunny Boy Beastman - Bunny Boy! Leona
♡ Yuu Does Not Dream of a Sea Bunny Boy - Bunny Boy! Octavinelle
♡ Yuu Does Not Dream of a Night Bunny College - Cater, Jamil, Vil, Sebek, Chenya
♡ Yandere! Neige x Vil
♡ Rook’s involvement and Vil’s confrontation
♡ Neige’s reaction to Vil’s failed poison
♡ Vil finds out about Neige’s feelings
♡ Story climax/ Happily never after
♡ What if Vil is secretly dating Leona??
♡ Neige sees another side of Vil on Halloween
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♡ Baby Malleus Wears a Fawn Onesie
♡ Bunny Boy! Epel Felmier
♡ Twst Ship Week 2021:: Sebek x Yuu ๑ RookVil ๑ IdiAzu ๑ Cater x Yuu ๑ LeoYuu ๑ Jamikari ๑ LeoYuu
♡ Other Blogs’ OCs:: Raven ๑ Mac ๑  Lily  ๑ Ai
♡ Raven x Jade, Mac x Vil, Lily x Epel chibis:: 08/02/20 ๑ 11/12/20
♡ Jade and Floyd Read Their Birthday Letters
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blithesrps · 6 months
4, 7 and 25 for your darlings?
Thank you darling 🙏🏻🤍
4. What color or colors do you most associate with your OC?
Ara: Pure, sacrificial white, and soft dandelion yellow
Rat: The dark blue of a shadow on your ceiling at night, warm maroon red of velvet curtains
Yuuri: A lavender that’s trying a bit too hard to be cheery, and steely, metallic grey
Thorn: A bright, sharp almost sickly yellow, like false gold.
7. Does your OC have a favorite and least favorite food?
Ara: grilled skewered meat, especially if drizzled with some sort of sauce. She and Rat both value food too much to have any real least favorites but she doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth.
Rat: on the other hand has a MAJOR sweet tooth. He loves pastries the best, especially stuffed croissants.
Yuuri: Mac and Cheese (from the box) and Pancakes with banana are her fav. She’s allergic to shellfish if that counts as a least fav (that was an interesting discovering in the mostro lounge).
Thorn: No favorites or least favorites for hive children. Now that he’s serving a lord who feeds him well he appreciates fine seasonings and flavors.
25. The name you chose for your OC, why did you chose it?
I love this question, though for these characters it’s mostly simple. Rat and Thorn both chose their names, within the constrain of Hivechild naming norms. Rat later takes the name Ratòn, which came as a suggestion from Vil when Rat was struggling to pick a name free of the hive burden.
Ara originally started as a sort of self insert character before rapidly making herself known as an OC. We wanted a name easy to remember and she didn’t want anything with a lot of fluff. Just a simple sound, one or two syllables. One of the voices lines in TWST had ‘ara’ in it and she snatched it up as her name.
Yuuri was supposed to be a yuusona, so I just added an extra u to Yuri because it tickled me LOL
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agent419 · 2 months
~We are but onlookers~ ———————————————
This is my rp blog for @thesalvationproject
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Dr. Eiden Enright (She/Her)
former NASA Scientist is now (Confidential)
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Madoc “Mac” Enright (He/They)
College student, Eiden’s younger brother
Main Acc: @casp1an-sea
Other Blogs:
@hollowsdill-manor (vampire and werewolf dating sim similar rp style to this)
@hux-and-gay (mostly Kylux fan blog)
@angry-space-ginger (Hux rp account)
@rouge-space-dad (Han rp account)
@spring-chicken (oc rp blog)
@robinbanks-accidentally (twst rp blog)
@brooklynscamp (Newsies rp blog)
0 notes
mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years
➳ macaroni encheese profile!
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art done by @shimmeryspark​!
Macaroni Encheese—
Macaroni Encheese is a third-year student in Heartslabyul. They’re shallow, cheerful, and relatively easygoing. Despite their happy-go-lucky attitude, they have an incredibly selfish streak when it comes to romantic love.
“Is this about Schoenheit? No? Then I’ve lost interest.”
Macaroni has wavy, shoulder length black hair. They have black eyes with heart accents.
They typically wear the standard Heartslabyul uniform. When out of uniform though, they can be seen in a white button-down with the first button undone, short overalls, and a black choker. 
Simple-minded and perky, Macaroni is the perfect example of a bimbo. With nothing but hot people, yummy junk food, and true love on their mind, they’re easy to approach but hard to entertain for long periods of time.
Deeply enamored with the Pomefiore dorm leader, they’ll stop at nothing to gain his attention. While Vil doesn’t seem to mind their antics, he’s adamant that their one true love isn’t him and gently attempts to steer towards someone else. Macaroni still has yet to take the hint.
Macaroni insists that they’re your average Night Raven College Student. They have loving parents and a younger sister they dote on. They seem unwilling to divulge any further information about their family and when talk of the Royal Sword Academy arises, Macaroni has a habit of removing themself as quickly as possible.
Macaroni is actually Neige Leblanche’s older cousin. The two were recently reunited, but the third-year remains cold to Neige’s attempts to connect with them. The reason for doing so is because Macaroni is aware of Vil’s rivalry with Neige and tries not to associate with Neige so that Vil won’t think differently of them.
Unique Magic—
Macaroni’s unique magic is called “Lovezone Circus”. Macaroni creates a magical barrier in the appearance of a circus and can absorb any magical attacks aimed at it. Lovezone Circus cannot absorb magic that is stronger than Macaroni’s. Only those who are in love, whether they are aware of it or not, are the only ones who can enter the circus.
Technical Information—
Japanese: マカロニ・エンチーズ
Romaji: Makaroni Enchizu
Other Name(s):
Clownfish (Floyd)
Child of cheese (Malleus)
Biographical Information—
Gender: N/A (they/them)
Age: 18 
Birthday: 06/18
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 154 cm (~5’1”)
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Family: Parents, younger sister
Professional Status—
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Third
Class: 3-D, student no. 7
Occupation: Student
Club: N/A
Best Subject: N/A
Fun facts—
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Cheesy pasta
Least favorite food: Celery
Dislikes: Being misgendered
Hobby: Messing around on their phone
Talent: Keysmashing
Macaroni is twisted from macaroni and cheese. Their symbol on the coffin is a jester’s hat, in reference to their unique magic.
Macaroni owns a plethora of clown themed merchandise. They own a pair of clown shoes that Vil gifted to them for their birthday, a hot pink clown car with an enigmatic provenance, and a disgusting number of clown outfits. 
Macaroni was originally supposed to be an RSA student, but upon finding out that Vil had been accepted into NRC, they swapped schools.
They have a marriage pact with Cater until they’re 33. Macaroni doesn’t take it seriously. On the other hand, Cater seems to handle it with much more weight.
Cater: Best friends and holds a marriage pact together. Doesn’t recognize Cater’s feelings. From the same hometown.
Jack: From the same hometown.
Vil: One-sided infatuation towards Vil. From the same hometown.
Malleus: Begrudging friends. Classmates.
Trein: From the same hometown.
Vargas: From the same hometown.
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someday, my princess will come...
Once upon a time, in a twisted land far, far away… there lived a prince of cheese and pasta.
This imagine is a gift for my friend @twstpasta! Happy birthday, P*acock Vil/Cowter/Lizardkisser :)) I’m sending you lots of good vibes and good food~
Imagine this...
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Balls were such dull affairs, composed mainly of orchestral music and nobles spouting political gossip. One of the few things that made attending these functions worthwhile was the catering; cheese boards piled high and bottomless pasta, as far as the eye could see. But one could only attend so many parties before even the food started to (metaphorically) grow stale.
Some had acquired a taste for the other flavors that balls offered. Ah, the sweet succulence of falling in love, the bitter notes of rejection, the lingering ghost of pining upon one’s palate...
With a string of spaghetti suspended from their mouth, Mac peeked out from behind a cheese fountain and looked to the center of the venue.
Guests dressed in all manner of flowing frocks and sharp suits glided across the polished flooring. Stepping in tandem with their partners, bodies draped against each other--perfectly filling in available contours and crevices. Like flowers, unfurling, then folding, and unfurling again.
One long, continuous pattern, set aglow under crystalline chandeliers.
It was a scene they had come to know well: picture perfect, almost fairy tale-esque.
A sigh escaped from their lips. Content, yet wistful.
“Your majesty.”
Mac jumped, slurping up the rest of their pasta. They glanced sheepishly at their valet--a timid man with a mop of seaweed-like hair obscuring his eyes. “Yeah? You called?”
“Erm, your highness… P-Prince Mac...” he cleared his throat. “With all due respect, do you still intend to hide at the buffet tables all evening?”
“What’s wrong with that? Food’s good. Plus, it’s a prime spot for people-watching!”   
“The only reason these balls continue is because your parents seek for you to find a suitable partner. That… um, sort of requires mingling with the guests.”
“I know, I know,” Mac insisted with a slight giggle. “But you can’t rush these things. When love happens… it just happens! It doesn’t have to make sense, so I wanna take my time looking for the right one… My special somebody! You know?”
They threw their hands together and rested their cheek upon them.
“A-Ah, yes…” The valet gave a nervous smile. “Well, you do know your own heart best. Just… please, for the royal family’s sake, put down the plate of pasta and make some conversation. Even just a little will do.”
“Gotcha! I can definitely do that, just watch!”
“That is a relief… Oh, and one more thing before you run off.”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Erm, you have…” The valet made a vague gesture toward his chin.
Mac brought a hand to their face--smearing the spot of tomato sauce into a streak. “Did I get it?”
“Not quite, I’m afraid. Shall I fetch you a napkin for that?”
“That’d be cool! Thanks, I really a…” A body brushed past the prince, cutting them off mid-sentence. Mac’s head suddenly snapped in the direction of the stranger, who continued on his path without glancing back at them. “... ba.”
“Sorry--what did you just say just now, your highness? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“That guy just now,” Mac clarified, their voice sounding deadly serious, “he had big booba.”
“H-Huh? Boo… ba?” The valet made a face.
“Yeah! He had’m. I could tell, even with those baggy robes he had on. He’s got massive honkers for sure!!”
“... What in the world are you talking about?”
“Booba!! I’m talkin’ booba here! And booba are just booba--that’s that!”
Whether the exclamation was for brevity’s sake, or whether it was simply due to Mac’s own eccentricity, the valet wasn’t sure. All he knew for certain was that, at times like this, it was best to just smile and nod rather than question the situation.
“R-Right…” In the midst of his confusion, a spider’s thread of hope made itself known. “Does this mean you’ve developed an interest in that particular guest? Your parents will be thrilled to learn--”
“Hold my pasta!! I’m gonna tail him!” Mac cried decisively, shoving their plate of half-finished noodles into their servant’s hands. Before the startled young man could protest, Mac was already skipping after the stranger with a newfound pep to their step and coattails trailing behind them.
“P-Please be safe! I beg of you, your majesty!!” he called after them, but his words barely reached Mac anymore, not when the prince was in such passionate pursuit.
Their vision was tunneling. The only thing on their mind, and in their sights, was the object of their affections. A face they didn’t yet know, a voice they hadn’t yet heard--and still, Mac was deliriously drawn to them, like a moth to a flame.
A steady warmth had started to collect in their chest, slowly creeping up onto their cheeks. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Every heartbeat seemed to roar in their ears, screaming out in anticipation.
Their steps sped up, falling out of time with the steps of those on the dance floor. Mac’s were fast and frantic, and each time their feet made contact with the ground, a swarm of butterflies flitted up from their stomach. They were floaty, rising well above the swelling orchestral music and bringing with it something Mac had almost forgotten.
Excitement. Hope.
This could be it, Mac told themselves. My first and my last first love.
He was but a few paces away now, tucked away in the corner of the ballroom--removed from the other guests. His face was angled downwards at something in his hands, allowing both his hood and long ebony bangs to obscure his face.
What was behind that veil of mystique? Mac wondered. A well-sculpted body, yes--but what else awaited them? What sort of future was in store? What would their home look like, and how many children would they have?
… Maybe one for each color of M&M--
Mac giggled nervously, shaking their head to dispel all of that nonsense. They’d need to know the man’s name before all of that.
They swallowed hard and forced down their nerves. “E-Excuse me!! You, the tall guy in the black robes…! I just wanna talk!”
His head perked up.
He stuffed the item he had been holding into a pocket and pushed his hood back, revealing a pair of sturdy horns and a regal face. There was a certain sternness to his features, from the narrowed emerald-colored eyes, to the slight purse of his lips, set in a dusting of green shadow and a dark nude lip. His irises seemed to glow against his ebony bangs, surpassing even the magical lights of the chandeliers hanging overhead.
… But even more enchanting than that, there was no sense of time to him. He appeared young, but the aura he gave off was far too powerful to belong to a random youth. No, he boasted of power unforetold and wisdom yet to be revealed to the world.
It was a beauty removed from the confines of the era itself.
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“Speak,” he commanded. “... Well? You wished to be graced by my presence, did you not? Then let your thoughts be known.”
“O-Oh,” Mac muttered, taking a tentative step back. What’s… What’s this guy’s deal? His energy’s, like… super overwhelming! Gahhh, whatever! I’ve already committed to this guy and his big booba, so I’ve gotta follow through!!
They plastered on a wide grin and stuck out their hand. “Name’s Mac! Like ‘mac and cheese’ Mac! Thanks for coming to my party.”
The man’s eyes widened slightly. “My, so you are the young sovereign of this country. Prince Mac, do forgive me for my rudeness. It is not often that I am invited to such gatherings--and on the few occasions that I am… hmmm, let us say that I have been greeted with more hostility than amity.”
He dipped into a bow, the darkness of his fabric rippling and nearly swallowing his large frame up. “I am Malleus Draconia, hailing from the Valley of Thorns. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance--and truly, it is an honor to speak with a fellow prince.”
Mac let out a low whistle. “The Valley of Thorns! That’s so far from here--and so fancy! They spin straw into gold there, don’t they?”
Malleus blinked. “... Perhaps you did not hear me clearly the first time?”
“Yeah, yeah!” Mac said dismissively, waving a hand. “I heard it! Draconia, like dragons! Still… Malleus Draconia’s kind of a mouthful to say, so I think I’ll just call ya… Malmal?”
He stared at them incredulously.
“Oh, do I still have sauce on my face?” Mac asked, swiping at their chin (... but from the wrong side). “Whoopsie! I’m kinda a messy eater sometimes, Malmal.”
“I… I see.” They truly intend to treat me as their equal, rather than as their superior, or as an outsider. Malleus relaxed, a relieved expression finding its way onto his face. “... Very well. You may address me by whatever pleases you.”
“Cool, cool!” Mac chirped. “So, Malmal! Tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun?”
He looked taken aback for a few second--as though he was not used to being asked about himself--before settling on a small smile. “I enjoy taking long walks. At times, I visit each gargoyle within walking vicinity, or I might explore abandoned buildings by moonlight. It is a very calming hobby, having that alone time in the evenings.”
Mac stared long and hard at his chest as he spoke. When words came from him, his robes shifted--sometimes allowing a peek of his collarbone, or for his cleavage to flash--precious moments that Mac’s eyes greedily devoured.
“Another passion of mine is engaging in international diplomacy. As the next heir to the Valley of Thorns--as I’m sure you’d understand--it is important to be well-versed in resolving matters through bureaucratic means. To sit at the round table for discussion with other foreign powers… serving as an envoy for the people of your own nation… there can be no greater privi--” Malleus paused in his speech.
Mac’s intense gaze was still trained on his pecs.
“... Pardon me, but I do not believe my eyes are located there.”
“H-Huh?!” Mac snapped back to attention. “Oops, guess I got distracted for a sec there! Sorry--what was that you were saying about pasta primavera?”
He’s kind of stiff… Isn’t he?
“Privilege. I was saying that there is no greater privilege than representing your country. Wouldn’t you agree?” Malleus looked to them expectantly, his eyes glowing bright.
Politics? Ew. Mac did their best to keep from wrinkling their nose. They were built for pure love, not thinking terribly in depth about how to best not wage war with their neighbors.
“Eeeh, I, uh, actually dunno much about that kinda thing! I’m just here to have a good time, heehoo,” they confessed with a brief laugh. “Make pasta, not war! That’s what I always say.”
“I would have chosen to phrase it a bit differently, but I believe we carry the same sentiments.” Malleus’s smile broadened into a satisfied smirk. “I am pleased to have made such a fast friend. It seems we share similar ideals as well.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don’t know if I’d say we’re friends.” Especially not now that I know you have the personality of cardboard, Mac added silently. “You gotta at least get me some cheese first!”
“You would like to partake in aged milk curds? I would be more than happy to fetch some for you, my dear.”
Clingy. Mac grimaced. “Don’t sweat it, I’m good.”
“I assure you, it would be no trouble at all. It is the least I could do for a new friend.”
“Oh, for the love of all things cheesy and pasta, please stop! You’re a pretty face slapped onto a big pair of booba, and that’s all!” Mac groaned, holding their head in their hands.
“Stop? Our conversation has only just begun.” Malleus frowned, looking like a downtrodden dog in the rain. “I must admit, I was quite looking forward to enjoying the rest of the night conversing with you.”
Spend the rest of the night listening to you ramble about boring stuff? No thanks!
“Oh, I’m suuure you can find someone else!” Mac insisted, taking a nervous step back. In the process, their body hit the edge of a table laden with food and beverages.
“But it is you that I have taken an interest in,” Malleus pressed, bending down to meet the prince at eye level, “and if I am not mistaken, you appear to also have taken an interest in me.”
“S-S…” Mac’s hand snaked behind them, grasping onto a glass of punch laid out on the table. They whipped the drink out, tilting it slightly so that the liquid inside hung precariously from the rim of the glass. “S-STAY BACK, YOU STINKY LIZARD! I-I ONLY LIKE YOU FOR YOUR BOOBA, OKAY?! One step closer, and I’ll hose you down with lizard repellent fruit punch, so you’d better back off!”
Malleus froze, genuinely caught off-guard by such an outlandish threat. The rest of the ballroom seemed to stop too--the music suspended midair, dancing couples stuck in statuesque positions, as all heads turned to stare.
Mac mustered up their fiercest glare, the hand wielding the beverage trembling slightly. They weren’t sure what had compelled them to utter such madness, but they certainly weren’t about to back down.
Their eyes bore into Malleus’s. Deep and smoldering, like embers yet to fully set aflame against an eerie green fire.
Silence fell over the venue, encapsulating Mac and Malleus into their own little world, a pocket carved out from time and space itself. A realm all of their own, staring and staring the other down.
For all of eternity, perhaps.
A flood of light invaded their vision, temporarily stunning both of the royals.
Mac clutched at their eyes, desperate to bat away the stars swimming in their sight, but to little avail. Slowly, the world pieced itself back together. The blurry bodies of onlookers, the smear of lights above…
An orange-haired young man stepped in front of them, blocking Malleus off from Mac. He lowered the phone in his hands and beamed. “Nice~ I snagged a really cool lookin’ pic just now!”
Mac’s face lit up, locking on to the new pretty boy. A photographer, maybe?
He sported a very unconventional look, that was for sure. His suit was pure white and speckled with an array of black and red card suits (mostly diamonds), each bearing a funny face. Perhaps the least odd part of his outfit was his neat, black undershirt--but that was offset by his white tie, which sported black splotches resembling the pattern on a cow’s hide.
A section of his hair was pulled back into a ponytail, showing off the cheeky crimson diamond he had painted below his left eye. Just beyond his bangs, small silver earrings dangled from his earlobes.
The attire was daring and contemporary, somehow a perfect fit for him despite how garish it was on the eyes. Maybe it was his impish smile--or his boyish charm--that made the entire outfit work together. Mac couldn’t help but gawk.
Catching their gaze, the photographer winked and bent into a bow. “Cater Diamond, celebrity photographer from the Daily Babble--but for you, Prince-chan, just ‘Cay-kun’ is a-oh-cay~”
Mac’s brows hitched up in surprise, but they were powerless to prevent a giggle from escaping. They bowed back. “Welcome to the ball, Cay-kun. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”
“It’s been a blast so far! If you don’t mind, I’ve actually got a few questions I’d like to ask for the article I’m working on.” Cater put his phone away and produced a small notepad and a pencil from his breast pocket.
“Excuse me,” Malleus interrupted, placing a hand on the reporter’s shoulder, “but I was just engaged in a conversation with--”
“I’d love to! I was just finishing up with M-word here anyway!” Mac latched onto Cater’s arm and tugged hard, yanking him away from their fellow prince. “Come on, let’s find a quiet spot for the interview!”
“Alright, whatever floats your boat, Prince-chan!” Cater laughed, easily yielding to his sovereign’s command.
Small as Mac was, they were easily able to drag Cater away. Malleus stared after them, jaw hanging agape in shock. Mac tried to push the thought of him out of their mind and warned themselves not to look back.
… But look back, they did--and there was Malleus, eyebrows upturned, lips set in a frown, and--dare they say it--eyes moist. Looking like a dejected puppy.
A thick glob of guilt coated the roof of Mac’s mouth. Yet they gulped it down and turned a blind eye. Malleus was not the one for them, no matter how beautiful he was. His flavor was dull, and his conversation, dry.
Mac longed for something more.
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“Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy, busy schedule to speak with me!”
“No, thank you.” Mac slammed down their cup of fruit punch in one go, drowning their taste buds and the memory of a teary eyed Malleus. “Pwah! That really hit the spot. I think I’m all set for those questions, so shoot whenever you’re ready.”
Cater responded with a finger gun. “Okay, word on the street is, you’re looking for love. All eyes are on you because of that! The people wanna know, what is it that Prince Mac is looking for in a guy?”
“What I’m looking for…” Mac absentmindedly traced the rim of their cup, staring into its empty abyss. “First thing’s first, he’s gotta be pretty, like he just walked out of a story book! And his booba have to be at least thiiis big.”
The prince cupped their hands together, indicating their preferred size. Cater didn’t miss a single beat, nodding enthusiastically as he made note of Mac’s words.
“Ehhh, our prince has got some high standards!” he joked. “But… this ball’s full of pretty people. You’ve got your pick of the beautiful right here, both from within and outside of the kingdom. What’s holding you back from getting hitched tomorrow, Prince-chan?”
“I like pretty people and all, but It’s not as simple as picking someone that looks good. I want someone I can have fun with. Talk to, laugh with,” Mac explained, gesturing to the dance floor, where the intricate spinning had resumed.
Cater’s eyes followed where Mac directed. Pairs leaning into one another. Gazing lovingly at their partner’s faces. Holding each other close. The music that surrounded them, and the other pairs dancing beside them, barely seemed to register.
They were hopelessly hopeless—head-over-heels in love.
Cater chuckled. “You’re looking for a real fairy tale romance, huh? That’s so adorable!”
“A prince can only dream. That M-word guy I was just with, he’s one of those ‘looks nice on the outside, is stinky and boring on the inside’ types. There’s a lot of those at balls.”
“Poor him…” Cater gave a nervous laugh. “Look, you’re super well-spoken, and on top of that, you’re also cute! I can see why he’d be sad to be rejected by you.”
Mac squinted. “... Are you… Are you flirting with me?”
“Who knows?” The photographer shrugged, his grin, cheeky. “When did you suddenly become the interviewer, Prince-chan?”
“That’s…” Mac caught themselves and backpedaled. “Ah-hah! So you were flirting with me!!”
“Ahahah~ You’re sharp on the uptake, too!” Cater tucked a hand behind his neck, brushing aside a few locks of hair. “So, how about it? Now that you’ve caught me in the act… think I’ve got a chance? To be your number 1, that is~”
“I…” Mac bit their lip.
It would be so easy to say yes. So easy to take his hand, to leap into his arms, to declare they loved him with all their heart. It would be easy—but would it last? With this man they just met, starting with nothing more than a small spark of attraction.
Love was fickle like that—it was there one moment, and perhaps not the next.
They took a deep breath.
“I’m taking my sweet time with it,” Mac confessed, setting down their emptied glass on a table. “Love’s something special, so… I don’t wanna rush it, even though I really want to know what first love’s like.”
“Will it be sweet? Or maybe bitter. Maybe both. Maybe it’ll be bittersweet. I still don’t know what first love tastes like. All I know is that it must be delicious, cuz I’ve been looking forward to it for so long!”
Mac turned to Cater, showcasing a wide, toothy grin. “If it means waiting a little longer to find my perfect spouse, then I’ll wait as long as I have to!”
“... Pfft.” He chuckled into his hand. “You… really are adorable, you know that?”
“Oh, th-thanks…!! And you’re... uh! Definitely up there on my list!”
“Ahahah, am I? I’m so honored!” Cater tucked his pen behind an ear and closed his notepad. (... Upon closer inspection, it seemed like it sported googly eyes, and the same dumb smile that graced the various shapes on his suit.) “That wraps up the things I wanted to ask.”
“Already?” A little disappointment slipped into Mac’s voice.
“Aww, don’t look so sad! I’d love to talk with you more, but I’ve got other celebs to interview for the Daily Babble too.” Cater brought a finger to his lips. “Like Malleus-kun! He looks like he needs some company, don’t ‘cha think?”
Mac glanced at the sulking lizard in the corner. “... Go for it. Better you than me.”
“Hehe. Wish me luck, then! And… wish me luck at winning your heart, too!” With a wave, Cater was off.
Mac waved after him, keeping their eyes trained on the two out of pure curiosity. From where they were standing, it was difficult to make out Cater and Malleus’s conversation--though from their smiles and laughter, Mac could only surmise that it was going smoothly.
Cater had his phone out, and he was showing something on it to the lizard. Malleus wore a dazed expression, yet managed to swipe through and tap on the reporter’s screen with minimal problems. Their faces were close, cheeks nearly touching, as they shared the magic on that phone.
Huh… They actually kinda look good together, Mac mused, cradling their chin in a hand. 
It was a taste that was invigorating—refreshing, in its own way. The feeling of orange juice colliding with mint in one’s mouth.
Maybe they’re meant to be...
Suddenly, the doors to the venue flew open with a heavy, resounding noise. Mac’s head veered in the direction of the sound and their train of thought went hurtling out the window.
For there, standing at the threshold to the ballroom, was the most beautiful princess they had ever seen.
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The entirety of the ball held its breath.
In strode a devastatingly handsome man, his golden locks braided and pinned up high and held together with a pronged comb that resembled a peacock’s crest. His jawline was tightly defined and pointed, and his facial features just as striking—plum eyes and high cheekbones accentuated with makeup. Greens, blues, and purples, cast in a veil of golden shimmer.
His dress was beautiful as well, made in the likeness of a gliding peacock. Its dark bodice was cut sweetheart style, revealing just a peek of cleavage. Not enough to be considered scandalous, but just enough to tantalize. Multicolored jewels dripped over his skin, calling attention to his defined clavicle and long swan-like neck.
The rainbow did not stop there. Past the black bodice, the man’s gown sported massive blue puff sleeves and a long skirt that fanned out into a multitude of peacock feathers. His long train shifted its shades and hues with the slightest movement, setting him alive with color. 
Click, clack, click, clack.
His heels clicked decisively with each step that he took. Mac caught a brief glimpse of them as he moved--shoes carved from glittering glass.
He cut through the crowded dance floor like a knife. Wherever he went, other guests parted to make space for him to pass.
Mesmerized, Mac’s eyes trailed after him, watching the way the fabric of the gown folded against his lithe figure, how he kept his head high and his smile poised.
There was beautiful, and then there was absolutely beautiful.
This man was the latter.
As if spellbound, Mac’s feet set a course for the absolutely beautiful stranger. Their brain was on autopilot, filled with nothing but near-incoherent monkey noises. With every passing second, they drifted closer and closer to him—yet they didn’t know the first thing to open with.
Mac came to a stop before the peacock princess. He sent a scathing look their way, causing their mouth to go as dry as the Land of Hot Sands itself. The prince offered their (very clammy) hand.
“Dance,” they managed. “D-Dance, please!”
He snorted, unimpressed with their clumsy invitation—and for one long, horrible moment, Mac feared they would be snubbed. To their delight, the man slipped his hand into theirs. It was soft, yet strong. His shapely nails, buffed out and painted in a French slant—giving the illusion of his fingers seeming even longer than they already were.
The first word to drop from the princess’s mouth, and Mac was instantly enamored, falling deeper into the pit of intrigue. His voice was more musical to the prince’s ears than the actual music filling the venue. Austere, yet with a melodious and calming quality to it.
Mac prayed that their hand was not as damp as a sponge.
Together, they took to the dance floor.
Already, the orchestra was halfway through a song—yet the peacock princess effortlessly joined in it. Click, clack went his glass slippers, set to the beat of string instruments, while Mac themselves fumbled to find the right rhythm.
“Follow my lead.”
Mac rested their face against his chest, arms entangled in his, and allowed him to guide them. Thump, thump, thump, went his heart, a ballad more lovely than anything they had ever heard.
“You’re drooling,” he hissed, drawing back with a cool glare. “And, what’s more, you’ve got tomato sauce on your chin. Do not get that on the dress.”
Mac ran the back of their hand along their face, mopping up the red smear. Realizing that the stain now colored their skin, Mac hastily wiped it off on their jacket. He grimaced, but directed them to turn in time with the music.
“... You’re certainly not what I expected,” he remarked, at last lacing his fingers with the prince’s. “You are more akin to a clown than a prince… no?”
“I-I can be a clown!! A fool!! Whatever you like!!” Mac sputtered, eyes shining with eagerness.
He snorted, raising an arm above their head—and bringing one of their arms with him. A step, a lead, that Mac knew from hours and hours of ballroom dance lessons. Follow him, he had said.
Mac spun, coattails blazing behind the prince. One full rotation, then they clasped his hand again and resumed stepping along to the song. 
“Hmm. You take to orders quite well.” His lips were on the cusp of a smile, but not fully committed to it.
“I’d make a good court jester!!” Mac puffed their chest out with pride.
“I said nothing of the sort. Avoid putting words in my mouth.”
“Yes!! Sorry!!”
“You’re the agreeable sort, aren’t you?” A smirk. “Perhaps I should reward you for that blind loyalty of yours.”
“Reward?!” Mac’s grip on him tightened, their heartbeat quickening. “Like a kissie?! A smoochie?! Mwah, mwah, on the lips?!”
“... Be silent.”
Mac yelped, feeling the princess’s hands snake down to their waist. And suddenly, their feet were no longer touching the ground. They were floating—suspended in the air by only their partner, the mysterious man in peacock’s down.
Mac glanced down. There he was, their beloved princess, with an amused expression on his handsome face. Colors bouncing and refracting from his lids and cheeks, gown shimmering under the chandeliers. The floor seemed so far away, and yet they felt as sturdy and as safe as ever in his arms.
“Wow, this is fun!!” Mac cried excitedly, sticking their arms out like wings.
He spun, and the world seemed to move with him. Music melded together, light and shadow warped, and colors shattered into a beautiful chaos. Laughter bubbled up from the prince’s throat.
Mac never wanted the magical moment to end.
The descent began, regardless. He lowered them, a hand supporting them—and Mac was suddenly falling, falling, falling, their back arching as he dipped them. Their noses almost touching.
A breeze hit their face—and when Mac dared to look, they were greeted with open doors to a balcony. Moon and starlight streamed in, dipping Mac and their partner in a spell. Stealing their breath away.
The stranger was stunning, no matter the lighting—but there was something about the curtain of night that enhanced him. Maybe it was the way the shadows danced on his face, swallowing the light and sharpening his features. Maybe it was how the moon wove strands of silver through his shimmering, gold locks. Maybe it was the rainbow of his attire, made more magical with a touch of ethereal glow.
Maybe it was all of that, and more.
Mac craned their neck up, daring to bring a shaking hand to caress the stranger’s cheek.
“I think I love you,” they breathed. Their voice was tiny, just barely above a whisper—yet it carried the most conviction they had ever felt.
“You don’t even know my name.”
“Whatever it is…!! It’s gotta be something really beautiful! And even if it isn’t, it wouldn’t change a thing about how I feel.”
Mac ran their thumb across his skin. Firm as an apple, soft as a flower petal, and supple as a bead of morning dew. They worried he’d shy away from their touch or, even better worse, call them disgusting or curb stomp them into next week for laying a finger on him.
He didn’t.
The peacock princess gazed back in silent curiosity. Mac reflected in his amethyst eyes.
Their throat constricted, and their next words came out hoarse. “Can I… Can I kiss you?”
“‘May I kiss you’,” he clarified, gently patting a corner of the prince’s mouth. “... And you may.”
Their heart leapt.
Mac mustered every bit of courage contained in their small body and went for it. Their first and last, long awaited, first kiss.
Their lips met, and Mac instantly melted into it. Fireworks--it felt like fireworks cascading across their skin, exploding in their mouth. Dazzling and bright, bursting with the taste of summer raspberries.
A cloying sweetness crept down the lovestruck prince’s throat, sending a pleasant warmth throughout their entire body. Their toes and fingers tingled, set afire by his touch. A few stray sparks, growing in intensity with each passing moment.
The sweetness lodged in them swelled--as did the flesh of the prince’s mouth. Burning hot and painful.
… Something was wrong.
Mac staggered back, grasping at their rapidly closing throat. Rasping out for aid. Oxygen, sweet oxygen. The relieving rush of air didn’t come soon enough.
The prince collapsed into a heap on the floor.
“... Stupid potato.”
The peacock princess stood over him, their figure eclipsed by the glowing pearl of the moon. His lips peeled back into a luminous sneer. Beautiful and deadly, all at once.
“You’re too quick to trust. Your life is forfeit now.” A heel came down harshly on the prince’s back. Mac writhed pathetically--and still, a content groan managed to crawl out.
The lights and the music of the ball drifted away from them. Fading fast, like a memory cast to the sands of time. Mac blinked rapidly, struggling to stay conscious as their body burned, and their tongue grew heavy with sweetness. Extending a trembling hand, they clung to one of his feet.
“M… My… My beloved…”
He tore away, slamming his other foot on them in the process. A shiver of pain--and delight--reverberated through Mac’s limp, wet noodle-like body.
“... Farewell.”
He lifted his skirts, expertly hoisting himself over the balcony. For a moment, he rested there, gazing out into the waiting evening. Outlined by the moonlight, the wind sweeping back his hair, he seemed so serene. So chaste.
Free of any sin, any guilt.
The peacock princess cast one last look at the fallen prince. His expression, unreadable.
Then he leapt, his gown billowing up like a parachute--cushioning his fall.
Vanishing into the night, leaving his prince to perish.
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… When Mac next arose, it was in a hospital bed. Their awakening was abrupt—a sudden spasm as their eyes fluttered open, a light flashed in the darkness. They were graced with sight of a pasty white ceiling and the sterile scent typical of a medical facility, when they were roused.
Mac gaped at the ceiling.
Wishing, longing, for color to fill in the blank canvas. For feathers to caress—counting one by one. Loves me, loves me lots, loves me, loves me lots, loves me… 
They reached out, closing their fist around something that wasn’t there. Then that arm dropped to their side once again. Limp and useless, like the shape of the rest of their body.
“Y-Your majesty! You’re awake…! Thank goodness!” 
Mac rolled their head to the side to find their valet by their bedside. He wrung his hands together anxiously, his face as pale as chalk, but he attempted to smile, despite the nerves chomping away at him.
“Wha… Wha’ happened?” the prince asked, voice groggy, and words slurring. Their fingers absentmindedly trailed to their lips. From the depths of their mind, a faint image surfaced. Something about making out with a peacock.
Was it just a dream, and nothing more than that?
“An assassin infiltrated the ball,” the valet reported, his tone grim, “with the aim to claim your life. Had I come across your body a moment later, you may not still be here with us today.”
“How…?” How can an assassin be so perfect? Mac wanted to ask--but their words caught in their throat, blocking the passage of those to follow the first.
“You saw them, my liege. They donned the guise of a woman to conceal their true identity.” He shook his head in disbelief. “The scoundrel… To wear something so extravagant, he must have had some kind of outside aid. Maybe even from the Fairy Godmother themselves.”
Fairy Godmother? Mac blinked. That fearsome mafia don, intent on bringing down the royal family and claiming the crown for themselves…
The prince would have shuddered in terror, had they not been so hyper-fixated on their mysterious assassin. “Wha… Where… he go?”
“Worry not, your highness! After summoning the royal medic for you, I immediately dispatched an investigative team. They’ve found a strong lead.” The valet produced a silk cushion, upon which sat three items.
A virtual pet toy, with two protruding horns. A slip of paper with a phone number written on it. And a glass slipper.
Mac released a strangled gasp.
“Ignore the toy and the number. They were… items that other guests insisted we pass along to you before their departure. The lead is the glass slipper.” He whisked the shoe up, tapping the heel.
… A transparent liquid sloshed around inside of it.
“There is a secret compartment in here to hide poison. That’s how he was able to slip it past the security check and the castle guards. The heel unscrews--he must have dabbed it on before entering the ball and taking you to a secluded location to do the dastardly deed.”
Hot. Sexy hot.
“I-It is a simple matter now. We need only to find the individual who owns the other slipper, and see whose foot fits. Then… we will surely have the culprit on our hands. You can rest easy, Prince Mac. We will find him in no time.”
Mac’s heart skipped, soared--reached for the skies.
He’s real. And he’s out there somewhere.
The prince’s heartbeat raced at the thought of him. Mac longed to run their fingers through his hair, to ruin his flawless makeup, to savor the flavor of him once more.
They licked their lips thoughtfully, catching the lingering taste of raspberries on their lower lip. Their valet bristled at the seemingly innocent motion.
“P-Please do not do that! You might ingest more poison and actually perish this time!”
“... Right.” Mac straightened in their bed. The room severely tilted, but they clenched their teeth and fought against it. “You’re… right. Gotta drink even more poison.”
“Wh-What?! N-No, that’s the LAST thing you should be doing!!”
“I need to,” the prince insisted. Their throat roared with pain, but they continued to speak. “I gotta build my tolerance now. How else will I impress him when we meet again?”
“I-Impress?! Surely you don’t mean to make friends with your would-be murderer?!” The valet looked as pale as a ghost, his knees on the verge of buckling.
“Duh, of course not!”
“Oh, thank goodness…”
“I’m marrying him!”
“... Eh?”
Paying no mind to the flabbergasted servant, Mac swung their legs over the side of their cot, bringing their toes to touch the ground. It was cool against their bare skin, conjuring up memories of the breezy balcony of last evening.
With a grunt and a hand anchored firmly to their nightstand, the determined prince hauled themselves to a shaky, but standing, position. Wobbling, they maneuvered themselves to a nearby window, which hung open and let sunshine spill in.
“W-Wait, your majesty! You should be resting, not going out and about…! A-And what do you mean you’re marrying him? Of all the nonsensical ideas you’ve had… th-these have to be the absolute worst ones!”
“Nonsensical? Yeah, it is!” A smile stretched across Mac’s face--drenched in light, and brimming with hope. “But I told you once already, didn’t I?”
Love doesn’t have to make sense.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Can i ask gi request about dependance mc who had trouble to decide by themself, which makes them want to someone to order them?
While I won't usually take request during an event, which is my OC, Lumi's birthday and 600+ followers event...
But I find these SO relatable, not because I'm indecisive, but my friend is dependent on me to make a choice for them if they should get a big mac or a teriyaki burger-
So, I hope you enjoy! ^^
(I picked my top three characters in no particular order-)
TWST An indecisive s/o
Trey Clover
Look, I had to-
Trey is alright when he decides on things,
it isn't hard for him.
But one time he asked you if you wanted a maroon tart or a strawberry tart.
Let's say you took at least 10 minutes-
correction, 10 minutes and STILL deciding on what you want.
And you looked troubled, concentrating very hard as if you're taking a multiple choice exam.
Trey was... smiling, but a visible sweat drop was seen as he waited patiently for your answer.
After encountering you're indecisiveness, he feels like he's the one making the choices for you every time.
Like how he help you choose between food, on whether to go out with who, studying what first..
Trey tries his best to help you pick the best choice, but also guide you in making choices on your own.
Trey tells you, not all choices we make would be always right, and it's okay. Just stay true to your morals, and he knows you're a good person at heart, so you shouldn't be afraid to make them on your own.
But, when it comes to trivial matters like food, he would laugh awkwardly, and just pat your head.
He wasn't going to lie, your indecisiveness over certain things (trivial things-) is pretty adorable. <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Oh my sevens-
Azul doesn't really have any problems deciding himself, he's usually okay with making choices on his own.
But during the time when he encountered your serious indecisiveness was when he had you sign a contract.
You hesitated... for 10 minutes and still looked at the contract with uncertainty.
Ace and Deuce had to talk you out, yet you still look at it with doubt.
Floyd was about to fall asleep, even Jade was losing his composure, and so was Azul.
By this point, he would have been just as happy if you refused. He JUST wanted an answer.
He had to hold in the urge of groaning loudly, and forced himself to smile "politely", though it was pretty obvious it was strained.
Becoming his s/o,
Azul made sure he takes matters into his own hands,
and just guide you into making decisions on your own.
He tells you he won't always be there to help you, and that you couldn't be so dependent on others making the choice for you.
He guides you patiently, and if you're one to be scared of the choices you make, he'll always reassure you it's alright.
Not all choices are right, and that's fine. The outcome is there to teach you a lesson regardless if it's a good or bad choice, worse or better choice.
Though, he's the one making orders for you when you come to Monstro Lounge to eat. He doesn't want Floyd to get mad at you.
Though, sometimes when you focus really hard on deciding what to eat, he finds it hard to hold in his laugh. You just look so cute doing so. <3
Jade Leech
Oh my...
He's met indecisive clients before,
but they usually would sign in the end, in a matter of a few minutes which is at least 2 to 3 minutes, and which the fun begins.
Not you-
Oh no no no-
He stood at the side awkwardly, looking at you focusing really hard on whether to sign or not to sign Azul's contract.
His smile was faltering, and he swore he saw the minute hand of the clock struck to become at least one hour. Monstro Lounge was about to close by this point.
Deuce and Ace had to convince you a lot and talk you through, but you still squinted your eyes, hesitant on signing.
He was already losing his composure. Can you believe it?
Jade isn't one to be so indecisive, when he makes a decision, he's certain.
Jade has never met anyone as indecisive as you. This was too extreme even for him.
Jade, like Azul, decides to take matters into his own hands and guide you in making choices on your own.
He reassures you, it's okay if the choices you make are wrong. Well, there are different factors playing in in different scenarios, but he knows you hold good morals, so it's fine.
You just learn from the outcome. No one's perfect in always making a flawless choice.
But, my dear, please-
when it comes to the menu, just order mushroom risotto please.
It's a very nice dish, and he'll gladly feed you some like the gentleman he is. <3
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“What’s so Special About the Moon?”
Jamil Viper x Mac
Ch. 1 – Ch. 2 – (Ch. 3) – Ch. 4 – Next – Previous
I never thought I’d finish this chapter…. LIKE HOLY SHIT I HATED OPENING MY NOTEBOOK BUT THE TIME HAS COME Y’ALL!!! I was planning on posting this before Valentines Day, but I got kinda busy and then almost a whole month passed lol! I’m also convinced I no longer know how to write two characters interacting with each other properly… Maybe the break was needed? No song in this one, but there’s so Mac lore and somewhat talking about feelings! The next (and final) chapter of this will be like a romanticized epilogue. Since I’m not sure how much I want to actually write and plan out for this oc, specifically regarding timeline stuff, it’s not gonna be considered “canon” [p.s. The most beta this gets is a quick read through of a 2nd draft after I finish typing it up so there may be mistakes or sentences that don’t make total sense]
The cream stone walls, lined with gold and crimson ceramics, provided an open, airy atmosphere to the Scarabia’s main Kitchen. Gentle breezes shifted Jamil’s long, dark hair while his busy hands expertly prepared baked pakoras. Their delightful deep-fried scent filled the air, making Mac’s already dry mouth water. Another beat or two of awkward silence oppressed the two as the Ramshackle Housewarden lightly sipped at the nearly empty glass of pink lemonade (including a few tiny chunks of dragonfruit).
“If you would like a second glass, there’s plenty left in the pitcher; second fridge to the right, middle shelf. I’d offer to pour but I must make sure these don’t burn.” Jamil finally broke the silence with more than the single-worded responses Mac was using. Xey supposed they couldn’t run away, least they be called out for being a hypocrite.
“No worries, I mean, I wasn’t really expecting you to serve me hand and foot,” they attempted to joke as a way to ease back into conversation.
“Scalding Sand hospitality would say otherwise,” Jamil easily shot back with a hint of mirth in his tone.
“Well,” Mac dragged out in a tired sigh, “I’m not royalty or a wealthy merchant. Besides, I’m not exactly fluent in any desert customs, Twisted Wonderland or otherwise… Kinda the opposite in fact! So, really, it’s no problem between us. I mean! You don’t need to feel like you have to go through any extra effort or ceremony for my sake.” Their hesitant eyes flicked fervently between filling the lemonade and the calm, sturdy back of the Vice Warden. A panicked symphony of little anxieties added an extra depth to xeir already drooping eyes.
Jamil remained calm. So fucking calm and put together that the Ramshackle Perfect could feel xeir anxiety almost turn to frustration. Almost. That deep well of guilt and shame kept them ‘grounded’ while waiting to hear some type of response.
“No need to concern yourself so much, it’s more force of habit than anything else.”
Mac huffed hardheartedly, “Trust me. I’d rather kill myself than even consider being a bother.” It was meant to be a more lighthearted joke but from Jamil’s reaction, he wasn’t used to such crude self-deprecation. A wide-eyed panic flooded his own eyes quickly as if mentally preparing to start damage control.
“Relax,” Mac continued with a snort, “nihilism is like breathing where I’m from.” A domino effect went through xeir body following their wave of flippancy. A harmless eye-roll, followed by a slightly less strained side-smile, the finishing with a light shrug into a slouch. “Besides, you can only have so many near-death experiences before beginning to think about death with casual indifference. You should try it sometimes… might loosen you up a bit!”
“It seems I’ve gotten too used to Kalim’s more literal style of speech.” the Vice replied through lightly gritted teeth; completely omitting any comment about how he did almost die during his overblot. The forced politeness remained and insisted on the reconstruction of his peripheral walls. It was really starting to piss Mac off. Good thing ze were a nosy bitch!
Fiddling in their lap, they sent a quick message to the ‘Ramshackle Freshies’ group chat letting them know not to wait up. Ze suddenly had a new, and challenging, job to do.
“… Considering how well you two got along I thought you shared that similarity,” the second year whispered under his breath, likely meant just to himself. Seriously, Mac thought, was he really meant to be sneaky? How’d he ever get away with it in the past?
“I was a lot like Kalim when I was younger,” xey replied just to watch Jamil startle out of his thoughtful pout. “Yeah, back when I was 15 before… a lotta things happened. It’s why I can, well, I think I can understand your whole dynamic.” They started rambling again and sporadically moving their arms. It was too easy for him to overshare nonsense that had nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
At least xeir slip of the tongue caught the desert snake’s attention. These two working-class students were both so emotionally huddled up in on themselves, manning their defenses, to properly have a conversation. Both desperately trying to claim secrets and information from the other. (The elder trying to understand and provide comfort while the younger planning to gain back some trust, solve their puzzling nature and…. A little of something else).
Becoming so lost in their own thoughts that the clinking ice cubes in xeir drink began to melt. The only other sounds were of the occasional Scarabia students shuffling path the doors, unwilling to enter the dorm kitchen. It was well-known that the kitchens were Jamil’s domain and kingdom. Add-on the weirdly tense vibes emitting from the two beyond the door. Yeah, this wasn’t the ‘Dorm for Mindfulness’ for nothing. No one would be stepping a foot inside until the other two were long gone.
Looks like it was cafeteria of food from the Lounge this weekend.
By this time, the deep-fried delight was finished and barely cooled down before being devoured. Continuous awkward silence would give the poor magicless Perfect indigestion at this point. I guess I’ll bite first, xey thought, making up his mind.
“This…,” a deep, yet hollow sigh, “isn’t gonna work.”
“What won’t work?” Jamil cautiously prompted, taking his time to search Mac’s body language.
“If we can’t chill out and come to some kind of understanding, everyone will be bugging us for weeks. Or worse… they’ll come up with some stupid, half-baked plan to force us to work it out.” They both felt a disturbing shiver imagining their resident idiot(s) locking them in a closet, or something equally cliche. Not that Mac hadn’t tried the same exact thing before realizing set-ups only work in movies and shojou anime. That would be ridiculous.
“And what do you suggest?” He replied after thinking it over for a moment.
“Twenty questions.”
“You heard me.” zeir shit-eating, mischievous, obnoxiously lighthearted grin was practically audible at this point.
“You think some adolescent party game to learn each other’s favorite color will smooth over our interactions enough to fool Vil or Rook?” was the apathetic, snarky argument the Vice Warden shot back.
Mac released a playful gasp as xey jumped to reply, “How DARE you mock the sacred ritual of 20 questions. Or how much a favorite color can provide a little insight. I would know, I passed my Intro to Psychology class in High School.” Their easy wink was all the transition needed to put the testy air behind them. Besides, there might’ve actually been a small bit of truth in xeir joking attitude.
“You’ve tested it?”
“Online dating was a complete bitch and a half. Any ‘simple question game’ keeps the conversation going and vets out creepy weirdos.”
“But I already know how strange you are,” Jamil scoffed out the quip like second nature.
“Sorry, Babydoll, but you have no idea how much of a Freak I am.” Mac shot back with a laugh at the embarrassed look ascending Jamil’s neck and over his face. He seemed to tense on instinct, but decided to push through while he could still look his older underclassman in the eyes.
“Did these type of lines actually work for you?” He asked, standing up to try to brush of his initial reaction and to get started on their dirtied dished.
“If that’s your first question, then yes! I’m pretty good at adjusting to all sorts of personality types, which is great for a hook-up but doesn’t last long when it comes to serious relationships.” Xey answered somewhat matter-of-factually but still tasted of insecurity. Mac wasn’t ashamed, per say, of the occasional good time, but was borderline unhealthy with their distraction of choice.
With that the young servant raised a judgmental eyebrow that arched with a misplaced possessive jealousy, before becoming slightly thoughtful. Jamil had gone through extensive training in order to gain (and retain) a similar skill, he supposed. Not that it was anything he’d revel to the Perfect sitting across from him. Nor did he have to explain or like the venomous feelings he was actively shoving down the back of his throat. Just another poison to keep from spilling over, he thought trying to ignore the blatant irony of the whole situation.
“How about you?” Never mind!
Mac motioned xeir hand out expectantly. Behind his smudged glasses were gentle, pleading puppy dog eyes meaning to encourage Jamil only made him curl in on himself all the more.
“Is that you’re question? Seems hardly fair to just project the same question back,” He responded in a jilted, caved-off taunt. “Shouldn’t you have enough braincells to think of your own questions… instead of making me do all the work.”
Instead of backing off—or acting offended or snapping back with an equally sarcastic response—they simply laughed. Just… laughed. It wasn’t a patronizing huff like his own or a naive giggle like whenever Jamil said something that went over Kalim’s head. Xey laughed with a heavy nostalgia and in relief of finding the groove of conversation once again.
“Sorry, sorry! The version my… friends, I think, played we’d always have to answer whatever we asked. Prevents anyone getting ganged up on or an imbalanced type of questions.” Xe replied with ease.
Jamil answered dryly in response, “I spent the majority of my life following in Kalim’s shadow; we did grow up together after all. When I wasn’t by his side I either had work, chores or school. This didn’t exactly leave a lot of room for deeper friendships, let alone dating.” Surprisingly, the majority of what he said was the true.
It wasn’t the whole truth, but true nonetheless. Equal measurements of shame and embarrassment for being a servant always made the young Viper hesitant to pursue any real relationships while in middle school. Casual friends were one thing, superficial and somewhat difficult to maintain, but achievable. Dating, however, would take his focus away from his duties to Kalim (and possibly endanger the heir)
While Jamil’s thoughts were grim and filled with resentment, the other student hummed in consideration. How the two connected to people; how they both learned how and when to respond to the people they’re forced to be around felt oddly similar. Not the same, not by a long shot, but definitely similar.
“Well isn’t that just completely depressing,” Mac started to say under her breath before quickly transitioning to their own question: “Okay, well, how ‘bout your favorite type of music?” The answer they received back was a ‘cut-the-bullshit’ type of frown. Clearly, he didn’t consider it an equal exchange.
“Okay! Fine! What was your dream job as a child?”
This time Jamil couldn’t control his reactions so seamlessly. The Vice Warden’s eyes bulged as the startled intake of breath entered his body. His entire body took on a different type of hardheadedness to guard compensate his apparent embarrassment. He’s been feeling embarrassed a lot lately.
“Oh c’mon~ Every kid had a silly dream job! I probably went through a dozen, at least. So just spill already.” Ze said, trying to urge him to uncoil the tension from his jaw.
“It doesn’t matter! I knew I was destined to remain a servant my whole life, there was no reason to bother making silly plans.” Jamil hurriedly snapped in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
“Doesn’t mean some 5-year-old Jamil didn’t want to be a firefighter at some point.” Mac countered.
“I never dreamed of being something so foolish and mundane as a firefighter…” Jamil said, raising a defiant eyebrow.
“But you dreamt to be something or the other! C’mon, Viper, throw me a bone here wouldja?”
The two stared the other down, prepared to go back and forth. Clean-up had already been finished by the end of the first question and now Jamil brought out two, small fruit plates. It was a nonverbal offering to keep the conversation going despite his own dodgy replies. How was it possible that relatively harmless banter could be pulled from a subject as touchy as his lack of childhood?
Mac’s ease and understanding, even with their awkward or overbearing, of conversation had charmed the Viper’s unsettled and distrusting nature. If xey weren’t painfully honest (and particularly bad at keeping secrets for long), Jamil would have been worried she was a spy. Whatever I tell them—Kalim’s probably already told his club members, so there’s little harm to be done, he thought begrudgingly.
“A dancer,” his soft whisper blew past the lightly dripping faucet and over the desert’s dunes. In the heart of his answer—an unexpected level of raw honesty—cascaded over the billowing heat in a brutal, stubborn calm.
Mac wasn’t surprised, but he smiled at the second year anyway. That soft look, a fresh morning dew covering the forest floor in the late spring, both cooled and energized the flustered boy. It was an expression he wasn’t often familiar with; such genuine patience and pride over 3 short syllabus was uncalled for when it came to a servant like him. Such an insignificant moment held so much weight when they looked at him like that. A sight and experience that a much younger Jamil would’ve thought impossible to even dream of.
“I’m pretty sure I wanted to be a ballerina, for a time.” A hushed excitement at their shared interest.
“Really?” He’d seen them dance and… never got that impression before.
“Yeah, for like a week. Then it was a police officer, before I found out how much running around I would have to do. After that it was an engineer; who knew there was so much math involved? For a little bit I was dedicated to become the President.” Xeir answers tumbled out easily with plenty of humor behind each one.
“… President of what?” Jamil asked in confusion.
“Of the country! There’s not a whole lotta royal families back on Earth, but anyway, Politics is messy and absolutely soul-crushing. I would probably have twenty breakdowns a month even attempting to jump into THAT cesspool!”
“Ah…” Jamil mentally noted the casual explanation over the bewildering differences between Mac’s world and his own. It wasn’t the easiest to wrap his head around a country with no king, queen, or Sultan.
“Right?! Felt like I wanted to try a little bit of everything, but I always came back to performing on a stage…” For a moment there was a wistful look in their eye before quickly being pushed away.
“… In what way? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, anyway I can. A pianist, an actress, a singer; all I wanted to do since I could remember was to entertain a crowd of people on a stage while I felt those warming lights beaming down on me.” The wistful expression was back with a small tug of a smile.
“Why tell me all of this in the first place?” Jamil knew he had already asked multiple questions at this point, but he had to know. He had to know everything that made up the strange magicless student across from him even more than he wanted to conceal himself. There was just an insatiable need to be their confidant, an archive of Mac Trivia, to just be anything xey let him be. It was strange and powerful and scared him almost as much as they intrigued him. It was an emotional tight-rope he never expected to need to walk, even now, as he studied his companion’s reaction.
“Because even if I do forget it all again, maybe I won’t have to loose myself entirely. Maybe then at least a part of my story will live on and be remembered. Why would people tell stories or gossip or do anything at all, if not for it to be at least remembered by someone?”
They both took a quiet moment to contemplate the sudden serious tone. It wasn’t the fighting or finger-pointing from earlier, but the air felt different from before. Like the next topic, which was Jamil’s to choose, would make or break the tension that was floating around all day between the two of them.
But what in the Twisted Wonderland was he supposed to ask zer after all that?!
There were so many things that still remained a mystery when it came to who Mac was or where they were from (or even why they were sent here in the first place). An uncountable amount of possible questions sped through the 2nd year’s head, trying desperately to pick the right one.
But this—this moment—was an opening to move forward from any awkwardness. Moving past the caring, nosy nuisance to a bond made of understanding. And if Jamil was honest, something he rarely was but making an effort today, than there was really only one specific he needed to know in the moment:
“The sun or the moon?”
He had blurted it out less like a question and more as an overall demand. An unconscious hiss slipping from between his twisted lips and tempting tongue. Truly, an oversight considering how much the Scarabia resident was overthinking his options… he somehow lost control of his words.
“Sorry! Um… I meant to say, are you a day or night person? Basically do you prefer the Sun or the moon?” Jamil internally cursed himself as he back-pedaled. The earlier courage lost and desperately hoping to skirt passed awkward tension that might follow.
“Bullshit.” Oh for Seven’s Sake!
Mac slowly let xeir eyes glide over each of Jamil’s facial features. Thinking. Analyzing. Committing to memory the very real, very vulnerable intensity the original question had posed.
“The Sun and Moon are considered two halves of a whole, even if they aren’t necessary opposites; why should they be compared in the first place? Why put two celestial bodies against each other? Figuratively or metaphorically.”
Suddenly, the non-native Twistian held the same intensity as Jamil’s initial slip had if not more. It was the stubborn authority he felt in the laundry room—the same focus and need to understand. To be understood. To struggle with the truth while desperately, insistently, needing it to be said.
It scared him. More than hostage situations or poison testing, Mac scared and impressed Jamil more than he could describe. The fact that they were saying exactly what he needed to hear since he was 6-year-old.
“What’s so special about the moon? The sun will always outshine the moon—it can’t even make it’s own light. Then forced into the shadows without the Sun’s light.” He stated in response, trying to opposing his shaken heartbeat, but his tone sounded recited. It was a line he’d told himself time and time again as a mantra from his parents.
“I don’t think so,” the Ramshackle Perfect answered as simply as breathing, “because the moon is beautiful and mysterious and needed. It can do things even the sun cannot. Yes, the sun is beautiful and lovely and celebrated—but I don’t think you understand just how important the Moon is!”
Jamil responded in the last possible way either students expected him to: laughing his ass off. It was hand to describe any undertones of his laughter, but it wasn’t cruel or crazed like when he overblotted. A familiar bite of bitterness lingered in the air while the body of his laughter rang with astonished sincerity.
This was not the same Vice Warden that had tried to scheme against his childhood friend for a small taste of freedom. It wasn’t the snippy, exasperated retainer simply building back his reputation. Nor was it the frustrated, closed off second year that had been yelling all bout how the Perfect didn’t understand him.
He finally felt a little more free, placated and relieved, now that he’s taken a moment to grow. To learn. To feel and be validated in being his own person. Allowed to be better and show it to someone; show himself, at least partially, to Mac.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far!! This is one of the longest fiction works I think I’ve committed to! I’m between two different songs to round this story out (Blue Moon by Billie Holiday or Here Comes The Sun by George Harrison) but I have an ongoing playlist of songs that remind me of Jamil. Some of them are jokes or ironic, some a little bit more spiteful, and others that really embody aspects of his character… at least to me lol! Feel free to add random songs that make you think of Jamil and if it’s not already in the monster of a thing.
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twstonlyone · 3 years
→ want you to sing on my body...
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interactions account for malleus draconia of twisted wonderland. 
canon/oc/yume/anon friendly!
all common triggering topics will be tagged accordingly + please let me know if i’ve missed something!
i will NOT be monitoring who follows or interacts with this account, but in doing so, you acknowledge that you are willingly interacting with me and this account and will act appropriately.
not affiliated with disney’s twisted wonderland, any wikipedia teams, or any other associations involved in the makings and production of twst.
i reserve the right to pick what to interact with and to delete anything that makes me uncomfortable or doesn’t intrigue me.
my interpretation of malleus may differ from others.
muse =/= mun!
my interpretation of malleus may act differently than the version you may have in your head (esp. for romantically paired original characters) and may act rudely towards characters if he does so in canon. please be patient with me and understand that i don’t mean anything personally when i say something insulting. please be clear if i overstep or make you uncomfortable. 
ok w suggestive content, but no nsfw.
i will update my interpretation of the character with new releases of canon content, but remain patient with me if something is wrong and inform me politely.
if showing any works that isn’t your original work, provide a link to the rightful creator.
more rules will be added as needed.
mun is mac from @mcdonaldsnumberone​ (prev. twstpasta!)
they/them pronouns for mun!
those of u who are familiar w me already know that im not the biggest fan of malleyuu/malleus x mc, but i am accepting asks for malleyuu and malleus x mc! please bear with me if im just not as enthusiastic about it as you might be, but i don’t want anyone to feel left out.
continuing off of the previous point: i also am a huge fan of mallekei/malleus x cater, so my interpretation of malleus may show some romantic attraction towards any cater interactions that might come his way. this is in NO way canon and is not meant to be taken seriously.
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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event duration: Feb 17 - Feb 25 (GMT + 8 / Philippines Timezone)
A special thanks to everyone for all the support in getting here. I legit couldn't get here without you all. First off, I would like to recommend some of my favorite blogs to visit for content as well as some of my friends who have supported me while I wasn't feeling emotionally well.
Kokoro Headcanons/Scenarios
People are allowed to send requests for the dorm leaders! Here are the rules and please respect them:
no NSFW (Yandere is allowed though)
don't make the s/o overly specific because that would count as oc-coded. One or two attributes are allowed
I will be making most of these headcanons as genderneutral as I can so that anyone can enjoy them
Kokoro Matchups (3/5)
I will be accepting 5 matchup requests. Sorry I can't really do more than 5 since I'm sort of busy with schoolwork. Here's the info that I'll be needing in your matchup request:
What you’re looking for in a partner
What you offer in a relationship
Your love language
The love language you want your partner to have
What makes you tick/What makes you keep going in life
Worst fears
Life philosophy or life motto
What turns you off from someone
What makes you like someone
Other stuff you feel is necessary
Kokoro Sleepover
Feel free to ask me any questions! Some examples can be "What was your inspiration for this fic?" or "What advice would you give for writing?"
Kokoro Icons (1/5)
I'll be accepting 5 requests to make icons of whichever twst character is asked!
Kokoro Shoutouts
@twisted-n-thirsty (NSFW) / @twisted-whimsies :: Brew is a talented writer and is someone I enjoy talking to a lot! Densest of Them All hooked me in and I've loved her writing ever since.
@sherbet-shark :: Twist is a dear friend who has done a lot for me and the server. She's been a wonderful support for everyone in the twisted friends server and I'm sure other people. Her writing is phenomenal, especially during ebg when she wrote all those letters. Also, she’ll be doing a milestone event soon so please check her out and send some requests in!
@forcebewitht :: My wifey, My Vil kinnie, what can't you do? I admire her immensely for how much talent, brightness, and confidence she has. We've done a lot together and I'll never forget the fantastic fics that she wrote for me.
@sourpterodactyl :: Sour has always been so determined to help everyone out and I admire her greatly for that. She's a big help to the entire server and has always been there for me when I needed it.
@rrasado :: Rras is one of the people that showed up a lot in my notifs before the server and I always appreciated her support. It’s always a joy seeing her art in the channels and I adore Phoebe!
@luvielle :: Luvi is a fantastic artist and I love her for how amazing her writing and rping is, as well as her supportive personality that makes members feel welcome in the server.
@creamy--sad :: Quality writing and quality friend. He’s someone special to me because he’s been able to make me feel so special as well.
@twstpasta :: Mac is absolutely hilarious and a fantastic content creator in the twst community. I almost screamed irl when I saw that they joined the server
@dreamii-yume (DARK CONTENT WARNING) :: I saw their works in AO3 and was blown away by the quality writing. I’ve been a follower for a while now and it’s always great to see their posts on my dash
@twstedforyou (DARK CONTENT WARNING) :: Freaking amazing yandere art and probably one of the best blogs I’ve seen on any fandom. I adore their yokai au and am excited to see more.
@lovee-infected :: I adore her analyses and content. It was such an honor to have her give feedback on my Vil and Leona analysis post. I was super happy when she joined the server too!
And that’s the end of this post! I would add more people but unfortunately tumblr would kick my ass if I added too many people ;w;
Thanks again to everyone for the support and I’m so overjoyed that you all love my content. I hope to continue making stuff that people in the community will enjoy.
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pastaimpact · 4 years
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general housekeeping!
please be patient and nice with me! i am a human being with a life and limits, so please be considerate when requesting and talking with me!
on that note: if i say i am uncomfortable with something, please drop it IMMEDIATELY.
i write exclusively for x readers! i will not accept oc requests or chara x chara requests.
about admin!
hi! i'm macaroni (or mac)!
18 years old; uni freshman
agender (they/them pronouns)
i also run @twstpasta (mostly sfw twisted wonderland blog)!
what i will write for!
scenarios and headcanons are all good!
i also do texting/social media aus now!!
limit of five characters for headcanons requests!
limit of one character per scenario, unless it is a poly scenario! in that case, i will allow up to two main characters!
limit of two characters for socmed works, unless it involves a groupchat!
NON-CROSSOVER aus are fair game!
what i will not write for!
qiqi, klee, and diona will only be written in platonic contexts! this is not negotiable.
morally dubious content if the prompt doesn't call for it (ie: don't ask for weird stuff if you aren't asking for a horror au or anything)
incest/non-con/you know the drill
oc content/oc-coded requests
requests involving medical conditions
songfic requests
things to be mindful of when requesting for me personally!
avoid anything that involves discrimination on the basis of race, sexuality, and/or gender. gender is an extremely sensitive and important topic to me, so please be respectful.
gender was a huge problem for me to grapple with in the twst fandom, so please be mindful of my own comfort when requesting!
the more characters there are in a request, the longer it will generally take!
"serving the macaroni" — writing
"stirring the macaroni" — not writing
"devouring the macaroni" — writing from other blogs
"savoring the macaroni" — art reblogs
"steaming the macaroni" — mac bulli
"fem reader, g/n reader, masc reader" — appropriate gender tags
"promo!" — promos
"tw // (trigger)" — trigger tags
i will trigger tag/put under cut for most sensitive topics! if you would like something specific tagged, please let me know!
for the time being, i’m going to hold off on any blogsona stuff on this account! 
idk how to incorporate a twstsona into genshin impact without some mad isekai-lore, so for the time being, there won’t be a blogsona! 
i reserve the right to refuse any request without explanation as to why.
thank you so much for sticking around! i hope we can have fun, and i'm excited to serve some pasta to you all!
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olivyh · 3 years
Im gonna be doing a lot of reposts with some stuff changed bc ive been busy and most of the stuff i draw anymore is just sketches
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Changed up Atlas’ (Who I may rename to Cian due to the fact that I have another OC named Atlas and I keep getting them mixed up) design a bit. I’m trying to figure out a way to make him look a little less,,, theres no other way to say it besides boring.
And I changed up his story a bit too! He’s still the grandson of a sailor, but now stays in their cabin in the woods rather than going out at sea with his grandfather. Because of this, he has a bad habit of getting himself in a lot of trouble (accidentally walking onto people’s property, running away from wild animals, getting stuck on top of rock formations and in caves, etc)
because of this he’s very used to getting hurt and has a really nonchalant attitude towards adventuring and getting stuck, and he’s also fairly athletic (because one tends to build up their stamina whilst running away from angry honeybadgers after landing on their burrow). He’s a very quiet person, though! Which leads to a lot of confusion when people think he was being quiet while walking, only to turn and find him missing!
he enjoys reading, as it was a way for him to continue his travels while it was raining or he was in school/work and couldnt just wander off! He’s a very smart student, but a very dense and naive person, which, again, lands him in a lot of trouble!
Here’s his twst thingy:
June 13
175 cm
Chocolate brown
Russet Brown
Unnamed mother
Unnamed father
Patrick (Captain) May (Adoptive grandfather)
Student no.20.5
Dorm Leader
Mac n’ cheese
Lima beans
Small spaces
Drawing things from memory
Can just like,,, grab bees and not get stung. Even whole hives
I’m gonna make a tag for him so anything about him is gonna be under the tag #twst cian
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
➳ lupus “mors” profile!
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picrew credit!
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Lupus “Mors” is a second-year in Legothrylos (@hourglassstationacademy​). She is a hyperactive and restless student but is terribly loyal to Agnus. 
“Do they see us, Mors? Hunt—let me hunt.”
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Japanese: ループス・モーラス
Romaji: Rupusu Morusu
Other name(s): Lulu (Agnus)
Gender: Female 
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 17 (allegedly)
Birthday: 12/31
Starsign: Capricorn
Height: 165 cm (5’7”)
Eye color: Sapphire blue
Hair color: Wolf black
Homeland: Unnamed land
Family: Unnamed younger sister (whereabouts unknown)
Dorm: Legothrylos
School year: Second
Class: 2-A, student no. 16
Occupation: Student
Club: Literature club
Best subject: Hand-to-hand combat
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Colorful lollipops
Least favorite food: Leafy green salad
Dislikes: Separation from Agnus
Hobby: Cross country
Talents: (Intentionally) Scaring people off
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Lupus is a young woman. She has vivid blue eyes noted to be the same color as Agnus’, and she has straight black hair. Parted to the right, her hair forms two loops on each side before extending down in two long strands. She also has a visible scar on her right cheek.
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Lupus tends to act eccentrically and is physically incapable of holding still. The only one who can keep her in check is Agnus, but he appears to have no intent of holding her back. She is fiercely protective of Lupus and dislikes it immensely when people get too close to him. Despite her hardened and bloodthirsty personality, Agnus has remarked that Lupus isn’t too far off from being similar to an average schoolgirl her age.
Lupus was once a young girl left to fend for herself in the wild, taking care of a younger sister who was quickly succumbing to the forces of nature. Desperate to save her sister, Lupus found herself at Agnus’ mysterious manor, where she made a strange deal with the master of the house. Agnus requested Lupus to start a new life and become his partner, and he promised Lupus that her sister would forever remain untouched by death so long as they were partners. Agnus strictly forbids Lupus from tracking down her only family, but Lupus chooses to honor the terms of her partnership with Agnus and believes that her sister is out there somewhere.
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Lupus is inspired by Wolf (Kindred) from League of Legends.
Lupus took on the last name “Mors” after entering her partnership with Agnus. She has no recollection of her old surname.
Lupus is an extremely skilled fighter, but her true specialties are in hunting for game.
Lupus is noted to have a pet-master like relationship with Agnus.
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hi raven !! do u have any moots who are people u looked up to before u became moots with them? just curious :-)
Hmmmm... 🤔 A good question!
When I first started out writing, my two inspirations were twstpasta (Mac) and panacea-wishes (Lily). Mac had a very clean and simple interface and a whimsical way of writing, whereas Lily edited together her own banners and focused more on pretty descriptions... I wanted my writing blog to have its own unique flavor like Mac's and Lily's did!
You'll notice that I wrote the last paragraph in past tense, and that's because both of those writers have since terminated their respective blogs and moved elsewhere💦 but to this day, I still really love them and the work that they do! If you’re interested in continuing to follow them too, you can find Mac at @mcdonaldsnumberone and Lily at @fairlyabookie. However, please note that they no longer take writing requests; they only write what and when they wish to.
Another predominantly text-based blog I enjoyed (and still enjoy!) reading is @pianostarinwonderland. It's mainly a dumping ground for TWST thoughts and theories, which I do also sometimes share on my own blog. It's a place I go to when I need to get my brain juices flowing, and sometimes the things they point out make me develop more of an appreciation for the details of TWST! (I also used to be an Azul stan, so I'd run to a fellow Azul stan to feel validated in my screaming, ahah~)
Back around the start of my TWST journey, I mainly relied on @kibadreams and jmee for story translations and rough summaries, respectively. Kibadreams does their best to retain the original “voice” of every character when they translate, and they’re very open about the potential translating mistakes they may have made and they’re striving to improve! Jmee really goes in on the details and the deeper meaning behind character relationships and TWST lore. I really appreciate the work that they have done for the community!
Special shoutout to @mysteryshoptls, whom I first got to know as a friend before they initially set up their translation blog. They’re a great source for vignettes and character lines; their translations really retain the spirit of the original characters in Japanese.
There are also a lot of artists in the TWST fandom that I admire! Seeing their posts always puts a smile on my face, and it inspires me to work hard at my own things too. I especially like seeing their own OCs and takes on certain scenes and characters from the game. It gives me confidence to share my own original works~
@4nimenut (They use very delicate brushstrokes that remind me of watercolors or traditional Chinese paintings! The lighting in their pieces is also very atmospheric~)
@airin-queenz (A very bright and cheery art style! The colors and the shading really pop out.)
@beth-lau (I love how they draw expressions! The arrangement and details... they really bring out the emotions that every character is feeling.)
@k0ushii (Their sketchy art style and color choice is very soft and easy on the eyes! They've also done gijinkas for Cookie Run and FNAF characters, which I absolutely adore the designs for!)
@lolitsleia (I love how dumb their OC Alex and Ace are together! lolitsleia really does a bit of everything, from nice fully rendered pieces to funny little sketches and comics of the characters interacting with each other!)
@myuunji (Their Yuu is really adorable and clumsy! It's lots of fun keeping up their shenanigans in the little doodles and comics they make.)
@pearlwhitecats (Their love for Silver is really pure! I can feel it come off in every Nahime x Silver work they make. I'm also a fan of their cutiepie OC Neviah~)
@renniecirque (Ren has a really unique art style! It almost looks like traditional art instead of digital because of how soft the colors and the line art is. It gives me cottagecore vibes! Very soothing to look at~)
@shimmeryspark (Kana's art is both cute and detailed! While their fully rendered pieces are a treat, I also really like their chibis--they look so round and squishy, I just want to pinch them with my fingers! Their shrimp-based OCs and Kana (the Yuusona) with Floyd and Ruggie are also adorable and pure~)
@stupidneko (I like how big and expressive their eyes are! I also really love the little details they add to accentuate various pieces, like tiny sparkles or little tuffs of cotton.)
@suiiseis (We share a mutual appreciation and intense brain rot for J word I like how dainty their style is, from the lithe forms of their characters to the way they draw eyes and hair!)
@teuffels (Their vibrant, bouncy colors really bring pieces to life! They also get really experimental with poses and compositions, which always keeps you guessing. Plus, their love for Lilia and Xiao is just so wholesome and endearing!)
@tinyfantasminha (I adore their OC Vic's sass and their breakdowns over Jack Howl! They're very talented with drawing poses and coloring in a way that mimics the TWST style!)
@yttrocen (An artist with a very soft and pastel color palette, mainly doing comics and doodles. If I'm not mistaken, they mainly do Tweels, which I can appreciate~)
@zariyen (Yuu Yumehara my beloved he's so cool and hot and-- I'm a huge fan of zari's work on alternate outfits for Pomefiore! Everything they do is really gorgeously detailed; I could stare at their pieces forever and ever!)
It feels like a really big honor when someone you look up to follows you back! It's like one of those "wow, senpai noticed me" moments you see sometimes in anime or manga. Of course, I'm not super close to everyone that I listed in this post, and I’ve also met a lot of amazing people and made friends that I didn’t include here (since they didn’t quite fit the parameters of the ask)!!
Please consider checking out their socials and supporting them!! Let’s keep exploring this twisted wonderland together 🎵
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Random Housewarden Meeting
Vil: "Well? Aren't you going to help?"
Leona, has spent far too much time around Mac: "My only job is to be Cunty"
Malleus and Kalim, who ALSO spend too much time with Mac: "✨💅Slay🧚💫"
Riddle, visibly confused: "wha-"
Idia: *on mute while he loses his shit*
Azul, through a pained smile: "how.... Interesting 🙃"
Vil, tired: "I'm going to poison their water supply...."
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