#twst antagonists
neoninky · 3 months
TWST Shenanigans: League of Antagonists (and some actual Villains)
I'm back with another long winded, stupid thought that I may draw some day but in the mean time, here's this lol (also spoilers for my Sacred Crown fics if you haven't read them?? Just FYI)
Scene: Antagonists from canon TWST side events all hang out in a bar and talk about how they fucked with the main characters for reasons unknown
Ashton Vargas: *reminiscing about the Camp Vargas event(s)* HA HA Man you should have seen their faces! We gave those punks a good ol' fashion trauma haunt in the woods. Classic. Divus Crewel: And we looked damn good doing it too. *Camp Vargas Part 1 and 2 Crewel definitely made those costumes* Vargas: Sigh...of course we got a temporary dock in pay to help provide the whimpier ones with therapy sessions but eh totally worth it. Random group of fairies all sharing a bar stool: *makes a bunch of tinkly noises talking about the Fairy Gala* Translation: That's cool but we almost ruined the entire school's ecosystem because we gave into our baser instincts and stole the mage stone cuz it was shiny... damn those kids for crashing our party with their incredibly well made outfits and near flawless sashays (Crewel: I would be more upset if not for the fact I finally got Kingscholar to have proper posture for at least 14 hours.)
Ghost Princess Eliza: *still boohooing over the Ghost Marriage event though technically she is happily married in the end* I just wanted to marry my perfect prince after years and years and YEARS of waiting!! What's a little first-degree murder in the name of true love?! (Fairies: damn gurl / Crewel: that's a mood.) And those horrible boys just kept coming to ruin my wedding! Accosting me with their unprincely behavior! What kind of man doesn't have a legendary sword or a faithful dog that comes at his beck and call?! (Vargas: she does make a good point...) Oh well, in the end, I did find my real prince so it all worked out. We'll be returning for the baby shower they promised to host! (Crewel: the school and every person on campus has at least three restraining orders against you...) - jaunty music suddenly starts playing out of nowhere and the entire room groans - Fellow Honest: *cane twirls his way on screen, ready to spill the deets on the Playful Land event* Trauma, theft, delusionally murderous courtship? That's cute. I suckered a whole group of those dumbasses into a human trafficking con disguised as a theme park! And I did it so well that I basically hijacked 90% of all social media for MONTHS while doing it! Everyone: *disgruntedly* we KNOW Fellow Honest: *much smug* Did I mention how I also cursed the whole place to turn them into wooden puppets if they broke the backward ass rule system I put in place as well? (Vargas: dude what the actual hell?) Sigh...and it would have all gone off without a hitch if it weren't for those damn kids fucking up the entire park (Crewel: our students are pretty much all assholes, yes.) ...I mean sure, in the end, I did tell my shitty boss to suck it and encourage those brats to do exactly that. But then they dared to extend a hand of friendship and understanding to ME?! Entitled, fancy boys with their fancy schmancy education *grumble grumble* Vargas + Crewel: *side-eye glance at each other at the mention of a shitty boss* ..... *both take long sips of their drinks*
Rollo: *appears with sudden intense mood change in the atmosphere* Hmph. I understand your contempt for those frivolous magic users completely... (Fellow: THANK you!) ...I invited a select few of them onto my campus under the pretense of uniting our schools in harmony and camaraderie. In actuality...I wanted to destroy them by taking away their magic and then wiping magic off the very face of the planet. Fellow Honest: ...ok well damn that's a bit harsh- *the group of fairies moves as far away from Rollo as possible*
Rollo: and I would have gotten away with it too. Had it not been for that Malleus Draconia *name said with such distain Rollo might as well be a friggin Batman villain* ...on the other hand, I did completely get away with it. Cuz they tried to guilt trip me by letting everyone believe I was this upstanding person who isn't capable of heinous acts. (Fellow: HA stupid) ...that is until karma bit me in the ass and then my childhood magical dragon friend that I don't absolutely abhor ended up bonding with the magical dragon that I hate with every fiber of my being... *talking about my OC in Her Devoted Throne hitting it off with Malleus lol* Crewel: To be fair, if watching your BFF get with your sworn enemy after you tried to commit mass genocide of magic is the worst thing to happen, you are one lucky bastard.
Rollo: Oh I'm barely as horrible as they are... *scene pans over to another group seated in the Really Fucked Up OC Villain section*
Queen Alva from Her Ivory Crown: I not only gaslighted and emotionally abused my own daughter into working herself to the bone to prove herself as the heir to my throne, I then threatened her and tried to take everything she fought for away from her the minute she had a meltdown and wouldn't marry the boy I picked out for her. Not to mention potentially damning my own Queendom by trying to deprive them of a far better queen than I in the future....now I'm divorced, shunned from society, and living alone in the countryside, forced to do my own housework *has to fetch her own fainting couch so she can dramatically swoon* Zehn Cavaliar, the 'boy' in question: ...yeah I wouldn't take no for an answer so hard that I harassed the crown princess into an Overblot state which could have killed her. I also attacked and injured her while she was in that condition. Her new boyfriend got all his friends to kick my ass before and after I lost everything.... *has the expression of someone going through a Vietname flashback* Don Muraeni from Her Lost Voice: *sitting in a large fish bowl on the counter as a shriveled up sea polyp* I literally paid and sometimes forced several women to bear my children - who I let abuse and murder each other all in hopes of earning my approval btw. I even killed a guy who owed me money and then took his wife and child, made said wife have another one of my kids - who I also abused and forced to do underhanded tasks through the majority of her childhood. I also tried to use my son to get at my sworn enemy after not shedding a single fucking tear after his brother was brutally murdered by said enemy...*stops to think* More child abuse. Collecting siren mermaids and forcing them to be sex workers. Trapping my wife for several years while letting her children believe she was dead....so yeah all that backfired horribly and now I'm trapped as this weird lil slug thing until I die. Or something. Ghost of Don Muraeni's right-hand guy, Proteus: I was a total creep who abused his power and was brutally murdered for it in the end. Also I stole magic from a defenseless, traumatized child. Everyone else: *staring at all of them in horror* .....JESUS CHRIST
Dark Fire is hot but Hell is hotter *sips tea*
Also tagging people for reasons @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @victoria1676 @1ndigowitch
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egophiliac · 10 months
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I love these guys so much. forget NRC, I want to attend their terrible disaster school for disaster children that might actually be plastered on top of the smoking remains of an actively sinking ship. I may or may not actually learn anything, but I will have the time of my life.
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ashipiko · 5 months
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OVERBLOT ASHI??? ANYBODY??? the ANGST that this baby can store!!! SHEESH!!!!!!! <3 I only have one post dedicated to her and liar dance lyric analysis (the post is kinda outdated in gen) BUT…… I also have an overblot monologue as a treat 🫶 I wanted to better explain her angst and so!!! BABAM!!! enjoy
Sometimes I wonder why I ended up here.
A place named “Twisted Wonderland”, and at a school named “Night Raven College”.
At first, I figured that I was the odd one out— Y’know, the Ramshackle prefect and everything. The magicless girl at the magical all boys school? Nuts, ain’t it?
I’m known for a lot of things. Things that are different from the others. The fact that I stand out is part of the Ashi charm, something I’m known for.
But… Over time I found myself sorta feeling in place here.
Because as much as I try to believe it, I can’t safely say that I’m better than anyone else here.
I’m a fake. I make conversation and lots of friends, but for what? A backup in case something goes wrong? A sense of protection for my reputation? In what case are any of those friendships something I truly want? In what case are any of these strings more than just a tool instead of a thread made of my real feelings?
Behind this, I’m no different from any other student here. Even through my individuality, my cheerfulness, my endearing oddness… I’m still a horrible person. Using people to get what I want, toying with people and their feelings in order to gain power and gain a spot the top. All to become untouchable. It’s screwed. It’s not right.
My insides are ugly. The truth of me is something I want to keep tucked away deeply, because I don’t want people to see this part of me. A brash, annoying, selfish version of me, everything people hate to see. I don’t want this side of me to be seen because people will run away— people I don’t care much about, sures, but people I love, too. I don’t want to drive them away. So I keep quiet and give them a shallow show.
I give them a source of entertainment that’s controlled by the real me, every calculated movement translating into a marionette-like response. The only show I allow you to see is one that’s so carefully crafted by the chaotic clown backstage. The one that is shunned away from the light, the strings being the only hint of the puppet’s phony existence to the foolish audience.
But suddenly, I feel as if being here has started to let this side of me come crawling back into the spotlight.
It scares me.
It scares me to be vulnerable, let all of my faults lay out on the table like playing cards. To take the risk without the protection, to gamble everything I’ve built up away just like that. But you…
You make me feel safe. You make me feel as if I don’t need to hide anything. I can give you the key to my heart and you would have no malicious intent. You wouldn’t cut out the parts people don’t like. You would enjoy the performance in full, every bit of it.
You make me believe that I’m nothing special, and yet something so valuable at the same time.
It’s silly. You’re silly. And yet that’s something that’s helped me.
It’s helped me realize that that truly is just how people are.
We aren’t villains. We aren’t antagonists. We aren’t monsters.
We are nothing but people, with faults and feelings that should be valued.
I am more than just a jester, a sake of entertainment.
I’m a person who is entirely worthy of love. All of me.
It reminds me that I must’ve came here for a reason.
Because this is where I belong.
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fleariddenart · 4 months
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I know I'm late to the party with this and the irony of that is not lost on me.
I feel like there are 2 types of twst events that being the more serious ones like Glorious Masquerade and the sillier ones like White Rabbit Fest. And my gosh I love both so much!
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anonyanonymouse · 1 day
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Anyone who's seen Monster, don't ask me who any of the other characters are or how the plot progressed before this point because I have No Clue
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Is Ortho a sort of artificial Kaiju in your AU ro is he a type of Kaiju with the ability to use surrounding materials as a sort of armour. Because his real form is too small.
That is a very good question! I’m gonna put this under a read more just in case since there is a bit of angst in here that might make people uncomfortable, but keep in mind that some ideas may change over time if something better comes to mind.
If I have to tag it a specific way, please let me know and I’ll do so! There’s also mostly spoilers for the secondary antagonist(s) in the story, but at some point I’ll see about doing a post for these antagonists…or I might introduce them in one of the later chapters~ >v>
I’m still fleshing out some of the details on him, but for the most part—much like his normal self in game—Ortho in this AU is artificial…and yet in the same breath, he isn’t.
In the early days, Ortho was a normal Kaiju just like his brother who grew up on the Isle of Woe and traveled to the Isle of Sages at some point when they (aka Idia) were in their early teens searching for a safe place to call home. Given how emotionally shut down Idia was even amongst the most anti-social Kaiju, one had to wonder: what exactly happened to the two, and why did Idia keep this mechanical version of his brother so close? If you were to ask, all you’d get from him would be two words:
The Precursors…
No one knows what these beings are or how they came to be. No one has even seen what they look like outside of their metal shells that closely resembled humans wearing masks and carrying electro staves. Yet one thing was for sure: they moved in synch, working together in such unison that it was as if they were one being. They behaved like…a hive mind. And they were dangerous.
Were you to ask the older Kaiju themselves, it might come as a shock to learn that they fear these smaller beings due to the terrible things that they can (and have) done to their Kaiju in the past. Were they originally the creators of these giant beasts? No one can say for sure as it had been so long since the Precursors have been seen, very few Kaiju remaining from that time that even remember the truth of their origins. However…there is no mistaking that the very experiments they did has left a very real horror that still lives on even in the younger generations.
A horror that would result in the appearance of phantom Kaiju.
So…what does this have to do with Ortho? Well, messing with the very DNA of Kaiju wasn’t the only thing that was happening. After all, how else would they figure out the resiliency of these massive titans? Or perhaps they wanted to see how a mechanical version of one of the Kaiju would be received by other Kaiju? We may never truly learn what their intentions were…
How Ortho’s mind managed to survive through this ordeal is difficult to say: natural Kaiju resiliency? Sheer determination? Or sheer force of will and spirit to not leave his big brother alone in the world? Who knows. Yet, somehow, he managed to hold on to that child/cub-like joy and innocence as he follows his older brother around the Isle of Sages, consuming a mixture of organic and inorganic materials to maintain his new form over the years and utilizing energy sources around the island to stay online.
In fact, Yuu manages to see him chowing down on some metal ships from afar, during the first chapter when they’re trying to figure out how to climb down from their mountain-view “home”! The metal that constitutes his body is considered to be “living metal”, which slowly regenerates with the nanites that the Precursors installed. Consuming pure metal or even metal ores from rocks can actually help speed up this recovery too by providing the nanites in his system the materials needed, hence why he doesn’t require maintenance to replace missing or broken parts.
Like I said, I’m still working out some of the finer details behind Ortho since it would be much harder for Idia to be tech savvy in this AU (though in a way they do have their own “tech”), but I can say for sure that he’s not completely mechanical nor is he completely organic anymore. He’s still the sweet, adorable bean we all know and love, just in Kaiju form and with trauma for him and Idia!
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faerieorbitars · 2 years
hi hello how is the disney anime boy game going. what kind of freaks are in there
steeping my fingers together. i’m glad you asked! allow me to extrapolate about anime guys. i will try to be brief (1/484)
i’m partway into the 2nd book of the main story now (there was a halloween story event i paused the main story to go play really quick) so the only book i’ve properly beaten is book 1. but that’s the one with my favorite guy and also i’ve picked up a few other things from unlock-able character vignettes so i’m qualified to talk about all a lot of these guys i think
the basic plot of the game is that you, the mc, have been isekai’d into the twisted wonderland for an unexplained reason, and you find yourself in a magical academy with no way back home. so the headmaster let’s you and the annoying animal sidekick you meet enroll at the school and live in the abandoned dorm while he looks into getting you home. various shenanigans ensue as you meet the other students and try to get them to become friends with you (and with each other (because crazy enough, villain based characters tend to not like togetherness and team effort))
also in the lore of the universe the villains were the founders of the school and i think some of the established kingdoms across the land so obviously they’ve written history to favor them so the funny anime guys you meet aren’t actually Them. they’re meant to represent their villain and do have some of those characteristics but they have story arcs and become generally good people if they aren’t already
one thing i’m enjoying so far is with a premise like that you’d expect a dating sim aspect but no. no dating sim . this is a friendship sim. you’re all going to get along or so help me god
far and away my favorite character is riddle rosehearts who’s based on the queen of hearts he is so. look at him
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the 1st book centers around him and his dorm and the fact that he’s a tyrant harshly enforcing the millions of rules put in place by the queen of hearts, which all the students in his dorm hate so so so much until they eventually all stand together and he’ll him Hey we literally can’t stand you and the way you punish us for bringing the wrong flavor of tart to an unbirthday party. you have control issues. and also anger issues. to which riddle has a magical temper tantrum and then gets persona 4 shadow self’d about it
(there’s a recurring subplot about how magicians can become victim to a condition called overblot, where an overuse of magic combined with extreme levels or stress and duress corrupt the mage’s body. it also gives you a very sick ass outfit. overblot riddle was fucking SERVING)
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(i also just like this sprite)
so you beat the ink out of him and learn via flashback that his childhood was literally so shit because he had a very controlling terrible mother (planning every day down to the hour his Entire life) and since he ended up becoming the honor student she wanted from him he decided she Had to be right so he’d emulate her because otherwise he’d have to confront some Truths about himself and how he was raised and he didn’t wanna do that shit at All. and then he cries and makes you an apology tart and loosens up on the rules
all of the stories seem to be following this plotline so i will bring more updates of how things shake out for the other funny guys as i get to them
as an aside here’s my second favorite character so far kalim al asim. he’s not based on a villain he’s supposed to be the sultan from aladdin . he’s literally the only nice person at the school before the mc shows up to spread friendship amongst the populace
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also he has a moment with riddle in one of his vignettes and it’s so. hm. i mean what do you want me to say about this
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other epic characters: epel felmier who’s based on the poison apple from snow white. he’s a 5 foot pretty boy (same king represent) from the dorm with a passion for fashion and all things beauty and elegance and grace but he’s just a farm boy who likes sports and magical motorcycles. also i think there’s something wrong with him (this is from a vignette where he’s carving apples into little figures)
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and another top favorite is lilia vanrogue who appears to be like. just some kind of bat. but he’s like hundreds of years old and used to serve as a lord and knight to a queen fighting in epic battles and doing wars and then he settled down and raised/trained like everyone in the diasomnia /sleeping beauty dorm . like he’s actually adopted and raised one character in that dorm from infancy who openly calls him father At school. but no one has seemed to figure out that this guy is not a teen/young adult/whatever. i think he enrolled at the school as a bit
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they don’t even do any of the weird shit you would usually see with a character who’s older than they look trope. he’s like. just here as a gag. and he says weird things that imply he’s much much older than everyone else but he has a good laugh about it and treats all the other students in a very goofy fatherly way but he also gives like good genuine advice when they ask for it. also his relationship with his son is good and it’s very obvious how much they care for each other. they had like a rocky bit years ago where his son (silver) finds out he’s adopted and runs away in the rain and gets very sick but lilia nurses him back to health and silver decides that he doesn’t care about being adopted anymore bc he knows his father loves him. fictional fathers that actually care for their children and their emotional well being and are there for them when needed win #boygrind
that’s all i got for now boss. like it’s not but this is a lot of information so i’m choosing to say no more. once i get to book 3 with azul the ursula guy i Will come back with more because there is SOOO much wrong with him i can TELL
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anyway goodnight tristate area
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thatfanfictionchick · 2 years
TWST - Collar
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Leona x Val[OC]
Rating: Suggestive
Warnings: Hands around the neck; Collar wear
Word count: 1534
“Val! Grim’s eating my food again!”
Val let her head fall back with an exaggerated groan, ignoring Ace’s angry yells. Grim, Deuce, and Ace had gone through the line ahead of her and were already seated, halfway through their lunches. She looked at Ruggie who was in line next to her loading up his and Leona’s lunches. “I don’t know what they expect me to do about it. You take life and limb in your hands trying to stop that furry black hole.”
“Hey, as long as it’s not my limbs in the fray,” Ruggie said.
“Come again, Grilled Cheeseburglar?” she teased.
“That was a fair trade!” Ruggie insisted.
“Fair how, exactly?” Val pushed.
Just then another Savanaclaw student came by, patting Ruggie on the shoulder. “Hey man, Sam’s looking for you. He says he’s got your stuff.”
“Now?!” Ruggie said. “He said it wouldn’t get here until tonight!”
“His efficacy is problematic?” Val asked.
“No,” Ruggie said. “But it’s…delicate, and I need to get it delivered ASAP.”
Val looked at the tray in his hands. “Do you want me to take Leona his lunch?”
“Would you?” Ruggie’s ears shot up eagerly. She nodded and Ruggie started moving food onto her tray.
“Where’s he at?”
“He should be in the greenhouse.” Ruggie shoved some marks, presumably from Leona, into her hand, shoved some food into his pockets, snagged an extra sandwich, and took off. “Thanks Val, I owe ya!”
As she reached the end of the line another angry shout rang out, and she turned to see Ace and Grim grappling with Deuce caught in the middle. Deciding she wanted nothing to do with all that, Val slipped out the door into the hallway and made her way to the greenhouse. It was delightfully warm, as always, and after a few minutes following the winding path she spotted the fluffy tip of Leona’s tail peeking out of some foliage. “My,” she drawled. “What a lovely tail. Would be a shame if someone were to step on it.”
“Ha ha,” Leona’s humorless laugh made her smile and the tail disappeared. Using one hand to push the broad leaves aside she stepped into the small clearing the beastly housewarden had chosen to nap in. He was lounging on his side, his head propped on his hand, his scarred eye closed. He was, she was loath to admit, disgustingly handsome for someone she wanted to kick in the ass every time she was forced to cross his path. “Ya know, I could still make good to take that tooth I wanted last time.”
“Dear, sweet, Leona,” she said haughtily, a wicked grin twisting her features. “If you want to put something in my mouth so bad there are nicer ways to ask.” That startled a legitimate laugh out of him, and she bent to put the tray on the ground. She lowered herself to the ground intending to sit cross-legged as she usually would. Halfway she was suddenly struck by the idea of doing something so crass, in a skirt, in front of literal royalty and hastily sank down with her legs folded beneath her. “I bring food.”
“What happened to Ruggie?” Leona asked, pushing himself into a sitting position and grabbing the roast beef sandwich that Ruggie had picked for him.
“Black market, probably,” she said with a shrug.
“And you came alone?” Leona teased. She picked up the bowl that held her salad and popped the lid off, ignoring the sound of disgust he made. Her nails were painted with gold glitter that flashed in the light that filtered through the plants as she poured dressing into the bowl, replaced the lid, and shook it vigorously. It was as good an excuse as any for watching her slender hands.
“Grim and Ace were fighting. Believe it or not, this was the better deal.”
“Should put a collar on that weasel.” Leona muttered.
“You could always try, if you’re feeling froggy.” Val said. She took a bite of her salad and Leona grimaced.
“Should collar the both of ya,” he taunted. “Little leaf-eaters ain’t good for much else.”
“Uh, excuse you!” she snapped, stabbing her fork into a piece of tomato. “In case you’ve forgotten, Señor Grumpy Cat, of the two of us sitting here only one of us has actually been collared.” Leona growled and while a smile played at the corner of her lips her eyes stayed firmly rooted to the dirt. She knew she had essentially taken her life in her hands with that jab, although she was mostly sure he wouldn’t actually do anything about it.
Of course, she’d been wrong before.
Quite suddenly Leona’s leather clad hands were wrapped around her neck. She squealed, frozen in place. All jokes aside, she was very aware that he could probably snap her neck with hardly any effort and the expansive greenhouse would afford him any number of places to hide a body. There was also the matter of his gloves being ridiculously soft, warm from the heat of his hands, and that if she weren’t scared for her life it would likely otherwise be an enjoyable experience. But his hands were gone just as suddenly, and she looked at him with wide eyes as he recreated the size of her neck, a sneer on his face.
“Would be such a little thing too.”
“Shut up!” she snapped with a burst of indignation. “You are so mean!” She only succeeded in making him laugh so she stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry, having nothing but childish retorts left. “Like you even actually would!”
She really didn’t like the look on his face when she said that.
°•. ♚ .•°
Two days later, as she was making one last clean sweep of the kitchen before bed, there was a knock at the door. A ghost courier was there, a neat black box in its hands. “Val of Ramshackle?” 
The package signed for, she sat on the sagging couch and untied the silky ribbons that held the box together. Lifting the lid revealed another box, this one with a swirling typeface imprinted on it. The second box felt soft and velvety and entirely too luxurious to be in a place like Ramshackle. She opened it and tilted her head, looking at its contents with confusion. She couldn’t immediately tell what it was, lifting the deceptively hefty leather strap out and turning it in her hands to admire the golden buckle. It was lined with what appeared to be gold velvet and as she rubbed it she realized there was something stitched near the end. Tilting it in the light, her body stiffened when she finally made out the lion's head embroidered in the velvet. She flipped it, her breath coming in angry huffs, and only then saw the small lion’s head embossed on the leather right under the buckle.
It was a collar.
“That son-of-a-bitch!” She sprang to her feet, the box and the collar falling to the floor. She stormed out of the dorm, the door clattering shut behind her. She made it halfway to the main building before the cool night air cleared her head enough to make her stop.
No. She was going about this the wrong way. If she stormed into Savanaclaw to yell at him, he would only think it was funny. And that would just make her angrier. No, she needed to do something better. If he wanted to play, she’d play too.
°•. ♚ .•°
The next day was the start of the weekend, but as usual in Savanaclaw there was no rest for the wicked. It was Spelldrive practice first thing in the morning and as Leona made his way to the field he spotted a lone figure leaning against one of the pillars. She was facing away from him, her hair in loose waves down her back. Unfortunately her facing away from him also gave him the opportunity to notice how very snug her jeans were. “What’re you doin’ here?”
“I’m here to watch, obviously.” She didn’t turn to face him, instead continuing to scroll her phone until he reached her. She looked up at him then, a warm smile on her face as she reached up to loop her finger through the D ring on the collar. She’d gotten up early and spent a lot of time getting ready. Her lids were coated in gold shimmer and her eyes carefully lined with kohl. Gold earrings lined both ears, the lowest ones dangling to her collarbones so that no matter what the eye was drawn to her neck. It was absolutely worth it, because the moment Leona saw the collar his ears plastered back against his skull and he bit down on his bottom lip. It only lasted for a moment before he composed himself, but it was enough to supercharge Val right down to her toes. “Well?” she chirped cheerily when he still hadn’t moved several seconds later. “You gonna get out there or what?” He looked like he wanted to say something. At that moment he felt like he wanted to do something. Instead he walked away.
Forget winter, Val thought as she watched him go. War was coming.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
it'd be cool if mickey would end up the twist villain, but i know d*sney doesn't have the balls to do that
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twst-beam · 1 year
ASDFGHJKL it's so hard to make a twst oc without trampling on others' ideas 😭😭😭 especially since I'm endeared to those other ideas already 🥺 does this mean random shark merman with just *some* aspects of captain hook? maybe :'D
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winterwriterstudios · 3 months
Twst Au where these guys are just like museum statues and crap like that.
Like Yuu is a night guard working their summer job or something, cause their parent said it’ll be a good learning experience.
Crowley’s just the owner and head of the museum which he Omninously hints is filled with magical history. And cause he likes cheap labour, he’s hiring only one teenage night guard, gave them a few weapons and the keys, before leaving.
Yuu just confused as heck and shrugs. They go around the museum, doing their nightly duties, and each floor is a different dorm, representing one of the 7 kingdoms that history loves the most, sometimes, other, minor (special event characters) kingdoms/ areas/ historical figures are on the same floor with them. As they go to each floor, they meet the statues that can somehow come to life, everytime their key (there are like 10 keys) is in their display case or something.
At the ground floor is just Grim, chilling. Yuu thinks that their pose is a bit wonky and uses a key to open his case, causing him to start lighting things on fire and as Yuu picks a place to hide, they go upstairs to Heartslaybul’s floor to hide.
Grim’s looking for them to allow him to be free so he can rule the world. Yuu decides to hide behind the tall figure inside a display case, so they open it, only for all of the five figures to just start moving.
Riddle saves Yuu, they all explain everything and BAMM! That’s the prelude.
Special events happen when one of the main antagonists want to take over the world, cause someone keeps unlocking their display cases (Yuu swears that it’s not them).
Yuu also kinda feels guilty for the statues, so they kinda help them with errands. Like, Trey requesting for fresh ingredients in the staff room so he can continue baking, or helping Idia buy merch outside the museum, etcetera.
Yuu kinda doesn’t want to tell anyone, since they’d think they are crazy (the magic keeping the statues ‘alive’ somehow messes with the security cameras, any damage they have caused in the museum and other people’s memories, so even if someone DID see them move, it’ll only last until sunrise).
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 15 days
TWST with an Angelic Mage reader
Warning: Reader is suicidal, slight swearing.
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Angel Magic revolves around summoning angels, each of which are capable of inflicting different kinds of damage. An Angelic Mage can summon them through the use of Angel Coins. Each coin representing a portion of the user's lifespan. If the summoned angel is defeated, the user will suffer great pain. Only powerful Angelic Mages are capable of summoning basic angels without a cost and suffer no drawbacks when they are defeated.
...Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you guys...
I don't really give a shit about the lore of the characters, I'm mostly interested in the magic/skills they use (examples: Blood Mage, Angelic Mage).... Why do I like risky magic concept? I don't know. I just think they're creative. Like, when there's a protagonist that just punches things with fire magic, ooh so classic. When there's an antagonist with a destructive magic but there's one flaw or loophole about it that the protagonist has to figure out in order to defeat them, wow ok cool... BUT THEN THERE'S THAT ONE SIDE CHARACTER EITHER THAT DOESN'T GET ENOUGH SCREENTIME OR WE'LL NEVER GET TO SEE AGAIN THAT HAS A CREATIVE CONCEPT OF THEIR MAGIC: SUMMONS ANGELS, CONTROL BLOOD VESSELS, STABS THEMSELVES TO UNLEASH THEIR BUILT-UP MANA TO DEMOLISH SHIT. LITERALLY DESTROYS EVERYTHING INCLUDING THEMSELVES BECAUSE HELL NAH THEY AIN'T GOING TO JAIL.
...Sorry, I'm just rambling at this point, please excuse me. Now, onto the story!
• .............................................................................
• .........................This is boring.
• You thought that it's your time to arrive at death's door but no. Instead, you have to wait inside this stupid coffin for what it feels like eternity. Thank god that this fiery gremlin gave you an excuse to come out. This way, the Grim Reaper won't punish you for coming out of your coffin~
• Oh! It looks like this creature's name is Grim. How cute! Until he demanded that you strip. Not cute! What's that? He'll roast you if you won't strip off your robe? What a coincidence! Your little angels are hungry for some weasel, silly Grim 😊........... Run🙂.
{Meanwhile, at the ceremony}
• While the Dark Mirror sorts all of the students to their respective dorms, Crowley went to the Hall of Mirrors to fetch the last coffin. He was quite puzzled when the coffin did not respond to his call to levitate to the ceremony room.
Dark Mirror: "Hmmm... Heartslabyul!"
Azul: "My, that's quite a number of students for this year."
Leona: "Yawn... When will this be over?"
Riddle: "How impatient, Kingscholar. There's only 1 hour and 23 minutes left until the ceremony ends and that's your 12th yawn."
Idia, via tablet: "Dude, you've been counting his yawns?"
Kalim: "Huh... Is that enough time for Jamil to prepare the Welcoming Party?"
{Meanwhile at Scarabia}
Jamil, setting up the plates: "WHERE IS THE CHICKEN SALAD?!"
Scarabia Student A, cutting the vegetables: "I'M MAKING IT--"
{Back at the ceremony}
Kalim: "...Nah, It's Jamil! I'm sure he can handle it."
Vil: "Bring the next coffin. I still have an interview tonight."
• The headmage returned to the room with no coffin.
Crowley: "... I think we'll be behind schedule for a bit."
Leona: "And what do you mean by that ?"
Crowley: "The last coffin is empty."
Vil: "... Pardon?"
Riddle: "How in Twisted Wonderland...?"
Azul: "Impossible. That can't be."
Crowley: "Do not worry! For I will graciously search for them myself--"
• Just as he was about to turn back with his lash, a small screaming monster burst through the doors and ran inside the room. The monster hid behind Crowley, using him like a shield. The students overheard the loud monster and pulled out their magical pens.
Crowley: "What the- Halt, monster! You should not be on campus-"
Crowley: "Who?"
?????!??????: "...Hehehe...😊"
• The two looked at the hallway of the door and see a silhouette of a person approaching the room. The headmage then recognized the robe and immediately thought that the person is the missing student. The alerted students put away your magical pen, thinking that the monster is your familiar.
?????!??????: "Be not afraid 😇."
Grim: "Fnyaagh!!"
Crowley: "Ah! You must be the last student. Quite the impatient one, are you?"
?????!??????: "I apologize. But I simply couldn't bear to wait any longer."
Crowley: "You must also tame your familiar properly! Look at how afraid he is of you!"
Grim: "Fnyagh?! Heck no! I'm not this weirdo's pet! A-and the Great Grim's scared of no one!"
?????!??????: "You're not? Oh well, I guess I just misunderstood your appearance then."
Crowley: "He's not yours?"
Grim & ?????!??????: "Nope!"
Crowley: "Then I will order students to throw this beast off of campus."
• The headmage then called a couple of students to restrain the monster and drag him out of the room. It's a shame~ You really thought that this feline will guide you to heaven but you couldn't help but feel a little bad. Just a little bit. Wait, did he just say school?
Crowley: "Ahem! Without further ado, let the ceremony continue! Please stand in front of the Dark Mirror and say your name."
?????!??????: "...Why?"
Crowley: "To sort you, of course. Now go."
Leona: "Finally. This stupid ceremony better be over.... Yawn"
Riddle: "That's your 13th yawn."
Idia: "Bruh, just stop counting."
• You noted that some students still kept their guard up, thinking that if the monster was so scared of you to the point of running and hiding, then you might be the bigger monster. The students near you stepped away after sensing your heavy aura.
• The mask-wearing man shoved you in front of an old, intricately designed mirror. A face appeared on the surface, scowling at you.
Dark Mirror: "State thy name."
AngelMage! Yuu: "AngelMage! Yuu."
• The mirror stared intensely at you before expressing shock and disdain. Almost like it sees through you...
Dark Mirror: "...This soul does not belong in any dorm."
• The crowd of students gasped in shock and the headmage is in disbelief. Whispers among the students soon filled the room, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere.
Crowley: "I do not understand! The Ebony Carriage would never... How?!"
Dark Mirror: "Thy soul... Is dark... Their soul is divine but impure... Their light is bright but tainted..."
Crowley: "Tainted?.... Could it be? Blot?"
Dark Mirror: "...This one possesses an art form of magic that is celestial, yet uses it for horrible intentions, throwing no caution of the power they hold..."
Azul, pushing his glasses up: "Celestial, you say?"
Idia: "Damn, this sounds like an anime scene."
Dark Mirror: "... The darkness in their soul has swallowed and layered their heart. Thus, they do not belong in any dorm."
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boopshoops · 8 months
Yuu Shi - First Half of the Whole
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Name: Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
Alias: Yuu Shi
Nicknames: Shishi, Moonflower, Catfishy, Trickster, Reine du Rock
Gender: Female
Pronouns: Any with she/her preference
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: November 29
Age: 18 in canon TWST age, 20 in TCOAV AU
Height: 5'9 or 176cm
Voice Claim(s): Oktavia and Will Stetson
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Twisted from: Wouldn't you like to know, w-
Unique Magic: N/A
Grade: Freshman
Class: 1-A, 3-D, a few others... guys, I think Crowley screwed up.
Hobbies: Singing, acting, playing guitar, playing piano, playing violin, performing covers of songs, dancing.
Likes: Dogs, cats, snow, the color red, gold, alternative rock music (or almost any music, really), fashion.
Dislikes: Caffeine, improper self care, being touched by strangers, Christmas music, children, coffee, alcohol.
Fears: Spiders, bugs, snakes, becoming disconnected with the people she loves.
Summary: The prefect of Ramshackle dorm. Known for being shrouded in gossip and secrecy, she is on a mission to learn all she can about the world outside her home. Why, you ask? So she can maintain just as much power as the other students of Night Raven College.
Filled to the brim with wit and faux charisma, Yuu adores the spotlight. She isn't one to care whether the attention is good or bad, as long as it is on her... That is, if they have less influence than she does. She is fluent in acting, lying, kissing up, and manipulating people to get on their good side. Those who are placed above her on the social ladder will be very familiar with it.
Yuu couldn't give less of a shit about morals. She finds survival, safety, and social standing to be much more important. It doesn't matter who she has to metaphorically stomp on. Her desire for power to obtain safety, though, stems from a long list of insecurities. Don't get me wrong, her vanity isn't just for show, but she is, indeed, capable of feeling guilt.
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Character Playlist - Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: "Yuu" is a character who has been around as an idea for a long time, approximately just as long as Jocia, but she wasn't anything more than a plot device until around 2018. I finally fully developed her and gave her a set design and personality that was more than just "Jocia's twin." Previously she acted as a goal to work towards in some of my stories, but now she often takes on the role of antagonist or a foil character.
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more limited cards for book 7??
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Ortho has his Cerberus Gear card, Lilia has his Right General card, now Sebek is getting his Eternal Knight card… I’M SENSING A PATTERN HERE 🫣 Dropping every so often with book 7 updates… Plus, these appear to be linked to the player titles you can earn by owning 10 of a particular character’s cards. Ortho’s is Guardian of the Underworld (Cerberus is the guard dog of the Underworld and Lilia’s is Seeker of Cradles (referring to how he found Silver all those years back). The composition of Sebek’s Knight of Lightning invokes imagery of his UM (which we learned last update), and he appears to be wearing the armor of the night fae soldiers and is using a polearm (?), which makes me think he's going to participate in an important battle in the next update. A high definition version of the artwork shows that he seems to be wet from rain, as it’s all over his skin and weapon. You know what else???? We see half of his face... and the other half obscured by a mask... his hair is down (which is only ever down in the mornings when he has just woken up and is still in a more vulnerable kind of state). Is this symbolism for Sebek finally coming to terms with his mixed heritage 😭
Y’all think… Idia, Malleus, and Silver are also going to get limited time cards in relation to future book 7 updates and those player titles??? Ain’t no way they’d only do it for half of the relevant characters in book 7 and leave it unfinished… (Maybe TWST will even get to doing them for the full cast eventually?? Though I don’t know when they’d find the time to squeeze in releases for the rest of the boys 💦) fbdjvwjsnzkww I wonder what they’ll be???
Just to quickly speculate on Malleus, Silver, and/or Idia’s potential cards:
King of the Underworld (Idia) — Idia finally wakes tf up and gets off his ass to contribute to the rescue 😂 Perhaps he reconnects with his family to figure out the situation and goes full mad scientist/hacker mode?? Not sure what the outfit would be but I’m picturing he’s looking deranged and dressed mad cyberpunk-y.
Knight of Dreams (Silver) — This one, I think, is the most easily predicted. Many Silver cards mirror Sebek’s, and since Sebek’s card seems to feature him in the armor of the night fae, Silver’s may feature him in the armor of the Silver Owls. (Maybe Silver will even magically get his blonde hair back for the brief shot of the initial card art www) This may be tied with Silver fully accepting his royal lineage (ie his old family) while also embracing those he has sworn to protect now (his new family). It may or may not also be associated with Silver “waking” Lilia and/or the spell on him finally breaking thanks to Lilia’s true love. I would genuinely be shocked if this guess was wrong or not close—
Ruler of the Abyss (Malleus) — Two thoughts: either this kicks off the series of OB boy cards people have been speculating about for years OR this will kick off the start of the OB boys “fully realized” series, since the other OB boys have similar titles. However, it should be noted that these same titles are also very close to, if not the same as, the book titles (1-7), which may not be as triumphant in context given that they serve as the main antagonists for their respective books. So either we’re getting Malleus Full Crazy Mode or Malleus maturing a bit and finally learning to let his loved ones go. In both cases, I see him dressed up like the prince he is, looking regal and yet lonely.
Do you guys have any ideas??? (They don’t necessarily have to he for Idia, Silver, and/or Malleus! One of my friends suggested merform Jade and Floyd for potential Undersea Advisor and Undersea Marauder cards—) If you do, feel free to share them ^^
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ramshacklerumble · 3 months
Can you tell more about Slim? I need to know whether I need to shake him around like a ragdoll or give him a hug/pos
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if i can write him correctly— it’s both.
slim carries himself with a lively, boyish charisma. treats strangers like friends and friends like family— that type of deal, which makes him a very stark contrast to leona as the dorm’s new housewarden. and honestly, that’s actually how slim is normally. trouble arises when a person believes slim’s amicable nature means he’s a pushover— or even more dangerously— not above pulling dirty tricks to get what he wants.
i’ve mentioned how slim arrives the year after the events of twst as a type of antagonist to the octotrio when he opens up a rival after-school hangout spot— the yancy o’del— in savanaclaw. slim does have his reasons. he, like azul, wants to eventually turn the yancy into a franchise chain after he graduates. there’s a bit more to it than just money, though.
slim already comes from an outstandingly wealthy family of land barons from the shaftlands. he’s on his way to becoming the heir of the family beef ranch, so by all accounts, slim has no reason to have to branch out in his own business. the thing is, slim is a rather vocal when it comes to speaking out against animal cruelty which is unfortunately, incredibly rampant in a business as large as the one his family deals in.
in opening up the yancy franchise, slim wants to give form a partnership with smaller, cruelty free farms where he knows his supply is ethically sourced. currently, his supply comes from ‘patch of heaven’ a farm run by a grandmotherly-figure in his life, perla.
this doesn’t sit well with slim’s father, alameda slim sr., who thinks his son’s venture into trying to start up his own business from scratch is a waste of time— essentially since he’s guaranteed not to make a third of the profit already present at the beef ranch. slim is determined to make it work, however, despite how much his father’s disapproval rattles his self-esteem.
slim’s determination is all well and good, however in his attempts to make sure he reaches his goal, slim has resorted so some underhanded tactics to stay afloat.
his signature spell— ‘yodel-adle-eedle-idle-oo’ or simply ‘yodel’— gives slim the ability to hypnotize any animal in his vicinity to do his bidding. though, there’s reason to suspect there’s more to his spell than he’s willing to put on paper…
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter
@jovieinramshackle @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans
@kimikitti (dm to be added)
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lazymonth · 3 months
I'm making more Twst Ocs
And here's it, The twins are level up from " Just a character from backstory " and have their own place
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I think it will be funny if I put them in Royal Sword Academy instead of NRC. Even though they're in the good guy side's school, they're still not that nice
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And a Oc based on Cybug!
I think Cybug is also an antagonist of Wreck it Ralph too so, kinda giving me an idea. Can't hold myself for creativity, LOL
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