#twst scarabia
Kalim: Everyone listen up! Kalim: There may be a day when our courage fails Kalim: When we stop partying, and we make that face Jamil always makes, like an upside-down smile Jamil: ... Kalim: See! Kalim: That one right there for example
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qweaenr · 2 months
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kanroji-san · 5 months
Obanai!Yuu AU
Obanai!Yuu and their eating habits
Obanai!Yuu: *Has forgotten to eat... Again*
Obanai!Yuu: ...
Kalim: *About to snap*
Some minutes later
Jamil: *Puts a soup in front them* How do you keep forgetting to eat?
Obanai!Yuu: My body is trained like this. I can go without food for three days or maybe more.
Jamil: ...
Jamil: Are you sure you want to go home?-
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luxthestrange · 9 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#685...Brain freeze
Jamil in Harveston...
Jamil*Rubbing his hands together shivering* My hands are so cold...
Yuu*holds his hand hands, smiling at him* Better?
Jamil*Brain had a mental freeze and...he got confused*"Thank you"
Jamil: My lips are cold too-...WAIT
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harunayuuka2060 · 13 days
*Jamil stared at the scene in horror and disbelief. In front of him was Kalim, drenched in his own pool of blood, with MC holding the dagger they had used to kill him.
*The Scarabia students were rendered speechless, not knowing what to do.*
Scarabia student A: C-Call a teacher!
*All of them scrambled out of their seats, wanting to escape that place. Soon, everyone had left except for MC and Jamil.*
Jamil: ...
Jamil: Why did you kill him... I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO KILL HIM!!!
MC: This was your desire, master. Are you not satisfied? *gives him an eerie smile*
Jamil: *an indescribable feeling washed over him, and he fainted soon after*
Professor Crewel: Viper! VIPER!
Jamil: !!!
Professor Crewel: *lets out a sigh of relief*
Jamil: Wh-Where am I...? *then remembers what happened earlier*
Jamil: Kalim! What happened to Kalim?!
Professor Crewel: Calm down. Al Asim is in the laundry room, getting the dye out of his clothes.
Jamil: Huh...?
MC: I’m sorry; I didn’t know you would pass out. I should have been more careful.
Jamil: ...
Professor Crewel: You caused a complete panic in Scarabia with your performance. Even the headmage was nearly convinced.
MC: That was made possible by Jamil, who gave me the reaction I needed. *smiles*
Jamil: ...
MC: *volunteered to accompany Jamil back to his dorm*
MC: I’d like to apologize again for disrupting your plans. You must be quite frustrated.
Jamil: ...
Jamil: What you did... it was meant as a warning, wasn't it?
MC: No, I merely presented a possible outcome—
MC: —of what could have happened if it failed.
Jamil: ...
MC: ...
MC: For someone who's been through so many assassination attempts, you seem awfully enthusiastic about it.
MC: I thought you'd be upset.
Kalim: Haha! Maybe because it was fake!
Kalim: Actually, I enjoyed lying in that pool of fake blood!
MC: *chuckles* Would you like me to give you the ingredients and steps for making it?
Kalim: *grins* Yes! Can we do it now?
MC: Of course.
Vil: ...
Rook: What's on your mind, Roi du Poison?
Vil: ...
Vil: I'm convinced MC didn't do this just to create a teaching tool for the club members.
Rook: *amused smirk*
Rook: I agree. The execution was flawless, and everyone's reaction was genuine fear.
Vil: ...
Vil: Now I'm curious what Jamil did to deserve that.
Rook: *smiles*
Rook: We will never know.
Jamil: ...
Jamil: *remembers MC's eerie smile*
Jamil: I hope that wouldn't give me nightmares...
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kaifarikus · 2 months
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Full version of twisted boys x fantasy au sketches 🧌
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kirimachi · 5 months
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Absolutely Beautiful✨ Jamil🕺🏻 dancing!
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TWST OC Questions
I am supposed to be working on a req I got about a month ago OTL but I need uh. serotonin from something in the meantime LMAO (it is more than half way finished, dear requester, if you see this) ANYWAYS
Obviously, if you want to ask a question that's under one category but for an OC that doesn't fit under that category, you can <3 its more what that dorm inspired me to ask about
Does your OC have magic? Do they develop it over time? Do they overblot? If they don't, do they ever reach a snapping point?
Does your OC follow the canon timeline? If not, how have you adapted their story?
Is your OC shipped with anyone? If so, who? What's their dynamic like?
Is your OC homesick? What are they willing to do to get back? How 'on' Crowley's ass are they? If not, why don't they want to go home? Do they have an issue with Crowley anyways? Have they considered/do they care about what happens to Grim if they were to leave?
How does your OC customize Ramshackle, if they do at all? How do they cope with the state it's in when they first arrive?
Is there anyone your OC sees as family?
How does your OC feel about magic in general?
What chapter does your OC experience the most character growth, if any?
What is YOUR favourite character's impression of your OC when they first meet?
What would your OC say their greatest strengths/flaws are? Do you agree with them?
Are there any characters your OC absolutely does not get along with?
How many times do you think your OC ends up in the infirmary? Besides canon, can you tell us about a time they've gone in?
Which housewarden does your OC clash with the most? Who do they relate to the most, if any?
What are some mannerisms your OC has picked up from the people around them? (be it other (people's) OCs or Canon Characters)
What's their relationship like with the ghosts? With Grim?
What class do they dread the most? Why?
Has your OC ever been sent to Crowley's office for their (mis)conduct in class/on school grounds?
Is there someone who scares them? Why? Do they ever work through it?
What's your OC's best memory since coming to NRC?
Do they work for Crowley? Or do they find another job bc FUck the bird?
Have they ever gotten collared by Riddle? For what? How long? How often does it happen?
Do they think they could be a better housewarden? What makes them think that?
What's the chore unique to Heartslaybul that they look least forward to? What's their favourite? (tending the flamingoes/hedgehogs, organizing the Unbirthday parties, painting the roses, etc. etc.)
How many rules have they memorized? How many do they actually follow?
If it was their turn to take care of the dormouse, how would they do it? What flavour jam would they spread on its nose at the Unbirthday party?
What's the worst thing they've gotten away with? What's something they do exclusively in the rose maze in hopes nobody finds out, if anything?
Who are they more likely to go to if they have an issue that needs to be addressed? (Riddle, Trey, or, pushing an HC here, former housewarden Cay-Cay?)
How clumsy are they? Does the unique furniture and layout of Heartslaybul ever throw them off? (Do you HC the dorm the same way I do?) Have they adjusted to it?
If Riddle offered to tutor your oc, would they take him up on the offer? If not, how do they normally study/prepare for tests?
What's your OCs favourite flower? Would it be realistic for them to grow it in their room/on the dorm somewhere?
Where do they consider themselves in the alleged 'hierarchy'? Is this accurate?
What sport do they specialize in? If they don't play, what club are they in? Or do they ever play referee?
Does your OC ever get into physical altercations? How do they usually play out?
Does your OC respect Leona? Do they want him to do anything differently? Does Leona know your OC? Does he respect them?
Does your OC have beef with someone outside of the dorm? Is it reasonable in your opinion? Is the other character aware?
How does your OC feel about all the dirt/heat in Savannaclaw? Have they ever considered transferring dorms just to get away from it?
How protective of their food are they? Is there a reason why, besides instinct/hunger? Or are they more likely to share food?
(assuming your OC is a beastman) What's something that makes them easy to read? (eg. tail wagging, ear wiggles, fur standing on end, etc. etc.) and do they wish they could change it? Are they sensitive to the paranormal?
Was there any alterations made to their ceremonial robes? Did someone have to help them put it on?
What do they think of Ruggie and his workload? Do they consider it fair? Are they jealous of how close he is with Leona?
Do they work at the Mostro Lounge? If so, what position? Was it by choice? Do they enjoy it? What's their biggest customer pet peeve/most ridiculous request they've seen/heard?
Have they ever made a contract with Azul? How did it go?
Can they be trusted in the kitchen? What's their favourite food?
Are they intimidated by the tweels? How did their first meeting go? Have they ever had the opportunity to put them in their places?
Do they like being under the water all the time in their dorm? And if they're a mer, do they go home for the winter holidays or no?
Does your OC enjoy wearing the funky dorm socks....not the uniform, just the socks, or do they try to cover them up like Jade?
Has your OC ever been blackmailed? Or do they do the blackmailing? What about your OC fits the nefarious energy the canon characters give off? Or are they meant to balance them out?
Did they know about the plan to make Ramshackle a second Mostro Lounge location? How did they feel about it? If they didn't know, how did they react afterwards?
Does your OC play any instruments? Does Azul know that they play? Can your OC sing?....Do you agree with your OC's opinion of their ability to sing?
Is your OC claustrophobic? Or do they enjoy small spaces?
How do they feel about Kalim's parties? Do they ever help with set up/take down?
How do they feel about Jamil? His workload? Do they think what he did to Kalim was just/did they agree that change was needed in the dorm?
How do they handle the sand?
Has your OC ever stolen anything from Kalim's rooms of treasure?
What's something your OC does want to change in the dorm?
If they participate in Kalim's parties, what's their favourite part?
What's your OCs favourite way to stay hydrated in the sweltering heat of the dorm?
How did your OC feel about the whole hostage situation with the random magicless person from Ramshackle?
How did your OC fare on the treks hypnotized Kalim took them on?
If electing dorm leaders was a possibility, who would they choose and why? (if it's themselves, bonus points if you show a campaign poster or tell me about it or something LMAO)
What's their favourite type of poison?
What DnD class would your OC be? (I ask this bc I feel like. Pomefiore has the most diversity in that aspect than any other dorm)
Has Vil ever personally given your OC a makeover/pep talk about their appearance? How did it go?
What's a scent you associate with your OC?
What's your OC's aesthetic outside of school affiliated clothing?
How well does your OC know makeup?
Is your OC starstruck by Vil? Are they jealous of him? Are they in film studies club? (Aka, what is their dynamic with Vil?)
Between Vil and Neige, who did they vote for at the VDC?
Does your OC have issues with the way food is monitored in Pomefiore? Do they ever confront Vil about it? Do they have stashes of food anywhere?
What's your OC's biggest insecurity, physically and personality wise?
Is your OC an introvert, or just selectively social? Or are they extroverted?
What is the project/invention they are most proud of?
What's a hidden talent they have?
What's a hobby they enjoy doing alone? What's a hobby they enjoy doing with other people? If it's gaming, what type of games do they enjoy most?
How competitive is your OC? How easy is it to rile them up?
Is there anything your OC would infodump about? How do you get them to share? Do they ever get insecure about their rambling?
Do they want to apprentice somewhere like S.T.Y.X/for the Jupiter Conglomerate? What's their dream career? Do they ever try to impress Idia hoping to get their foot in the door?
Does your OC ever find out what Idia's (canon) UM is? If not, do they have a theory on what it might be? What is it?
How did your OC react to Ortho returning to school in Chapter 6 (trying to avoid spoilers sjkfklsjdfh)
What's your OC's favourite piece of media/what would be the equivalent of their favourite media in our world?
What's your OC's favourite type of music? Is there anybody they listen to music with? (Jamming out to Canon in D with Malleus amirite OTL /j)
Are they scared of Malleus/the power he has?
Has Lilia ever pranked them? How did it go? Did they get him back?
Have they ever tasted Lilia's cooking. Did. Did they like it?
What's a magic skill your OC specializes in?
What's a "traditional" or old fashioned hobby your OC has? (Calligraphy, fencing, leatherwork, etc, etc.) How did they pick it up?
If your OC is fae/has a prolonged life span, did they participate in the same life events as Lilia? (again, I'm trying to stay spoiler free)
On a scale from 1 - 10, how powerful would you rank your OC? What about their UM? (and what is their UM?)
Which of the 7 deadly sins (pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth) do you associate most with your OC and why? (remember some of these have more than one connotation e.g. blood lust)
What's your OC's favourite orchestral instrument?
What position do they have? How long have they been working there?
Did they go to school with any of the canon faculty/other character's parents?
How well do they remember students names and faces?
Did they know Ace's older brother? What was their impression of him?
What's a quirk they have regarding how they teach their class? (e.g. allowing cheat sheets, mandatory brain breaks, pop quizzes, weird disciplining, etc.) If they're not a teacher, how is the way they interact with students different than they interact with coworkers?
What's their opinion on Crowley/Ambrose? Given the opportunity, would they take over as headmage?
How do they feel about all the overblots? Do they ever feel slightly responsible or like they should have been there to support the students more?
How do they deal with entitled attitudes or otherwise disrespectful students?
Are there any students they've come to see as their own kid? How do they feel about the one magicless student on campus?
Do they enjoy being a part of student gossip/actively involved in student drama?
Do they stim? What are they and what triggers it? How much do they mask?
What's something they'll never leave home without?
What was the main inspiration behind their design?
What's in their bag? (link to picrew)(if you want)
How do they handle caffeine? If they need/enjoy it, what's their preferred method of consumption? Have they ever concerned anyone with their intake?
Do they have any family heirlooms? What is it, and how long has it been in the family?
What's the fastest way to piss them off? To calm them down? To cheer them up?
What is their ideal date, be it romantic/platonic or otherwise?
Have they thought about their dream home? What's an absolute must have?
What are their minor fears?
Do they have any regrets?
If they could go back in time and talk to themselves, what age would they want to talk to? What would they say?
Do they have light in their eyes? If not, is there anything that sparks it, even temporarily?
What's their relationship with their parents? Siblings?
If they could magically change ONE aspect of their life immediately with no repercussions, what would it be?
Do they have any body modifications or tattoos? Any that aren't obvious just looking at them/in uniform?
What's their guilty pleasure?
If they could fight anyone with a guaranteed win against them, who would it be?
OTL I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS but I'm going to leave it at that for now <3
If you're new to tumblr, the general rule of thumb is if you're going to reblog an ask game send an ask in too. Not to me. To whoever you RB from, okay <3? If you're RBing from me don't worry about sending one in unless you really want to sdkhlkf
Have fun <3
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
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Small research/tests for a series of posts I want to do sometime in the future hehee
(I want to give/attribue a piece of classical music for each dorm+characters, and it's harder than I thought it would be, currently fighting w/ the savanaclaw guys... )
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qwakque · 1 year
kalim :]
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twstfanblog · 2 months
🔪: Welcome to NRC's first Annual Male Wife War!
🌹: How did you get the budget for this???
🔪: Kalim.
☀️: Jamil said I had to get rid of the confetti canons but wouldn't let me throw a party.
🔪: Now, to introduce our contestants! From Heartslabyul, TREY CLOVER!
♣️: I don't think...this is what Riddle thought this was when he asked me to sign up.
🌹: My apologies, Trey!
🔪: From Savanaclaw, RUGGIE BUCCHI!
🍩: I was told there there would be a cash prize.
🔪: Possibly.
🦁: Don't embarrass me.
🍄: Thank you for adding no legal relation. Also, what is this???
♣️: I don't think we get a choice in this.
🐙: You don't! Remember, Jade, your performance will reflect on the lounge!
🔪: From Scarabia, JAMIL VIPER~
🐍: Kalim, you're dead.
☀️: Sorry Jamil!
🔪: From Pomefiore, ROOK HUNT!
🎯: Hello, my queen!
👑: Win or don't come back to the dorm.
🔪: And since no one in Ignihyde could count to participate, we have another addition from Heartslabyul, DEUCE SPADE!
♠️: I don't think...I should be here????
🔪: And from Diasomnia, SILVER VANROUGE!
💤: *Standing straight up and asleep*
🌹: Silver? Really?
🔪: Lilia tried to join and I don't want to deal with the toxic fumes that'll come from him cooking.
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cursedcola · 1 year
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia(Here!), Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: There may be some comma splicing here and there. Sometimes doing bullet works is more difficult than full fics smh.
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Kalim is a dreamer. His mind is full of visions of the past, present, and the future. Why else do we make memories, if not to reflect on them and imagine what is to come?
This is his outlook on life. He doesn't give energy to worries or threats. He physically can't, or else he'd likely fall into an endless abyss of self-doubt. Kalim has no space in his heart for such things.
His happy-go-lucky attitude combined with this free spirit results in a loose lip. He is constantly ranting and raving about his future by your side. Which is lovely, but his over-zealous behavior can cause others not to take him seriously.
Exhibit A: Kalim proposing. Now, is this Kalim *actually* planning to propose, or is it just him beginning his weekly rant about how cute he thinks your kids will look?
Kalim's heart is an open book. He doesn't care about other people's opinions. He loves you, so he's going to say it. Every. Single. Day.
Can you blame his siblings for not believing him? For his parents not taking him seriously? He comes home one random day and spouting a tangent to begin preparing for an engagement party which just sounds like common Kailm behavior.
Not even Jamil believes him. Not after countless years of hearing Kalim's lovesick Jargen. He just groans in exhaustion and signals for everyone to ignore it.
Sweet sunshine doesn't realize that he is being overlooked until he whips out a ring to ask his mother's opinion on it, and suddenly the room is drop dead silent.
Then uproar. All his siblings are crowding around to share his excitement and it's like the room's aura made a complete change. Kalim thrives in the attention and all the well wishes.
He hopes they'll be just as happy once you say yes! If not more!
.....cue Jamil's groan. Again. This time in frustration.
They should have know. Of course he would do all this before asking.
Bless you for your patience. With his parents' blessing, Kalim once again gets wrapped up in his excitement and runs off to visit you.
Moving on. This...overzealous...behavior Kalim exhibits does not only apply to his family and friends.
My dear, he has proposed many times to you in casual conversation. Dreaming of a big wedding with a feast to serve hundreds. He displays tooth-rotting infatuation to you on a daily basis.
Kalim sends flowers and fruit baskets to your home weekly. He cherishes you like you've been dating for months, not years. The man is stuck in the puppy love stage but for him it isn't a 'stage'. It's simply how he will always be. The spark has not dimmed. He still hums as he knocks on your door, bouncing on the balls of his feet, and shoves his shoes off with super speed to tackle you in a hug.
Get it?
This is why you are not taken aback by the rapid knocking on your door. Kalim stopping by on impulse just to see you is not rare. Although, he normally would send a plethora of texts while on his way.
Even so. You don't hesitate to dry your hands from cleaning dishes, and speed walk to the door. You can hear his shoes tap against the outdoor floor in anticipation, and swing the door open with a smile.
On the other side, is Kalim down on one knee with a hand aimed to knock again. When he sees you, the largest grin spreads on his face. You don't even get to question why he is on the ground-
"Marry Me!"
Used to his excitable greetings, you laugh heartily and throw the dishrag in your hand over your shoulder. "Mhm. Mhm. I missed you too," comes out between chuckles, as you turn around so he can let himself in. You miss the way his face falls and his lips purse, before he grabs your wrist and yanks. You twirl and stumble forward, catching yourself on the door frame, hunched over with your wrist still in his grasp.
Kalim is resolute, and you can't help but gawk as he pulls out a ring wrapped in a gold, silk handkerchief from his pocket
"Marry Me," he says again, this time more firm. His ruby hues lock with yours, and he looks both at and through you at the same time, "I love you. I want you. Only you,"
He says no more. There is a lifetime for flourishes, but right now Kalim only wants you to know what is in his heart.
When you don't back away, he slips the ring over your finger. His heart hammers in his chest in a mix of jubilation and happiness. Not a moment later you are in his arms, tackled to the ground in the doorway of your home. Kisses being peppered up your arms from your ring finger to your lips.
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{A bright pink diamond sits amidst a sunburst cut, and is surrounded by other pure diamonds on a silver band. The biggest expression of wealth and devotion. This ring costs enough to make you feint, but is chosen with purpose. Many say Kalim is like the sun. Yet in his eyes, you are his sun. There is no comparison. Only fact. Pink diamonds symbolize love, creativity, and romance. You are his sun, with all his love residing at the core. Also, it’s just really shiny}
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If mystery was embodied in a man, it would be Jamil. You never know what is going on in Jamil's mind. Sometimes he slips. Rarely. If you can fluster him enough or find him when he hasn't slept in days. Otherwise Jamil is a brick wall when it comes to his true emotions.
Especially when it comes to you. He has always been exceedingly careful. He is still careful. He takes no chances, but he loves your game. The way you can pick him apart, and how he always has to be one step ahead. It’s challenging. It’s exciting. It’s love.
You see how he holds back. That he reigns himself in. In the few years you have spent at his side, you've learned to read him in ways that other people cannot. There are times when you get to see him become overcome with passion. When he is dancing, or when he is broom racing with his dormmates. When he is cooking a new dish or haggling prices on shopping trips.
When he confessed his feelings. It was the greatest surprise since being transported to a new universe. You had no idea how he felt. Not an inkling. Had he not said anything….well, you may have gone your entire time at NRC believing your affections were unrequited. He had no tells. Permitted none for himself.
On one hand, his ability to dilute his emotions has created many opportunities for surprises. Getting to see those little moments of passion; being one. Each action of his has a meaning that only you understand. Every glance as you pass in the halls, the brush of his fingers against yours as you sit together to study, being allowed to braid his hair even if it’s just to “keep you quiet”, all his little quips and murmurs being whispered into your ear instead of under his breath.
On the other hand, there are still barriers. Some closed tightly and no matter how hard you search for a key - there isn’t one. It was broken a long time ago and only Jamil himself can remanufacture it. Sometimes his resilience makes it hard to tell what he is planning…which can be lonely.
In your final year at NRC, many things are uncertain. This place is all you have ever known in Twisted Wonderland. With it being taken away…you do not have a floor to stand on. On the other hand, Jamil looks fine, if not *eager*, to graduate. Neither of you addressed what would become of your relationship after graduating. Jamil had thought of it, no doubt. He thinks of everything. You had as well, but were afraid to ask. When it came to the future, Jamil was always so resolute. He knew his path in life and planned to continue carving it.
The question hanging in the air being if you’d be chiseling alongside him, or in a different direction. Unknown to you, Jamil had this problem solved long before you began to wonder - and he was one step ahead. As always.
A ring. Unassuming and in plain sight, sat on the rim of the windowsill above the kitchen sink. How did it get there? You do not know, but it caught your attention as you cleaned up from breakfast. The morning sun glistened against the band, and you carefully picked it up to twirl between your fingers.
An engagement ring, but whose?
“Well, are you going to put it on or just stare at it?”
You jump and nearly drop the ring in the kitchen sink. In the reflection of the window you see Jamil, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and his classic unamused deadpan. At your silence, he pushes off and comes to take the ring
“Last time I take advice from - ,” he grumbles and you miss the rest of it, too distracted with how he plucks the ring from your grasp, and holds your hand more gently than you ever thought he could. He stares down at it, content, and surprised you yet again with his tender touch“hmm…it fits. Good”
It slips on your finger smoothly, and he lifts your hand to wave in your face. This time, an unspoken communication passes between you. A promise that you are going to have a lifetime to pick apart those little mannerisms of his - and that he wants you to. He loves this game of secrets just as much as you do.
“Be my spouse. Go where I go, and we’ll be fine. Together….I can’t handle if you’re not near. I’ll lose my hair, do you want that? Want me to go bald?…come with me. You are the one happiness that I refuse to sacrifice,”
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{ Rose gold with a floral cut and black gemstone accents. Jamil’s ring is small, unassuming, yet the closer you look the lore detail you will see carved into the gold band. You will note the little gems, upholding the core. Some pure as the ring’s heart and others a sharp contrast - drawing attention to the center. Jamil’s ring is somehow both modest and bold at the same time. A reflection of the giver}
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kanroji-san · 11 months
Obanai!Yuu/Mc AU
Obanai!Yuu/Mc: They’re my service bees
Jamil: But they’re not trained! they attack everyone who gets close to Kalim!?
Obanai!Yuu/Mc: They’re trained
Kalim: *Is giggling as hive bees are bringing him tiny flowers and putting them on his hair*Aww~Thank you Little ones I feel pretty!
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luxthestrange · 9 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#684 HELLOOOO NURSE
In the NRC Infirmary
Jamil: I have to say, I’m a little embarrassed for you... Idia: This is a sports-related injury! That makes me cool! Jamil: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
Both Jamil and Idia HARD-stare at each other, Till they both sighed and gave the subject a rest
Idia*Crossing his arms*Come to think of it Jamil, why we came to the infirmary, I-Im fine-
Yuu*Wearing a nurse uniform, is helping the staff today for extra money and sees Idia and Jamil*What seems to be the problem?
Idia*Moaning in pain in the hospital bed with pink hair*MY HEART PURPLE!?-MY LEG INSIDE OUT!?-
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Can you please do Janil with a reader that have a pet snake? To be more specific a ball python, they instead of attack when they feel threatened they curl up in a ball and they are actually small besides the name python
Jamil Viper
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Jamil feels sorry for your snake.
Because it really can't be "normal" at a place like the NRC.
Who knows where you would store it or how you could feed your little one…
Because Crowley wouldn't really pay you enough.
Jamil would definitely help you take care of your snake.
Sometimes Jamil would bring treats for it.
He would know a surprising amount about them and would be a big help.
Your snake would like him too.
Sometimes it feels like your snake likes Jamil more than you.
However, Jamil would not take the snake to the Sacrabia dormitory.
Unfortunately, Kalim would be one big stressor for your snake.
If Grim doesn't count..
Jamil would also be interested in why you wanted a snake.
And why did you choose this one.
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aquasarsstuff · 3 months
You're my favorite! ft. Kalim al Asim
Summary: You questioned your own value.
When you shy away from Kalim's embrace, something formed in his chest, and he does not like the feeling. You weren't even able to look him in eye, and it was bothering him more than anything. It's already been a few days since you've been giving him the cold shoulder. He doesn't know what to do know now. He even asked Jamil, but even then, the thoughtful student wasn't able to give him a concrete answer and told him to just talk to you.
"Kalim, I'm sorry," you started.
"Huh? For what?" His red eyes reflected not only your reflection, but also confusion. You feel almost guilty for what you are about to say next, but it needs to be done.
"We need to breakup, Kalim," you bluntly said. You've been thinking about it ever since Kalim mentioned that he will introduce you to your parents. "You come a wealthy background, and I'm just some magicless human. What... what will your parents say if their heir is dating someone who doesn't even have anything? You have everything, and I don't want that there will be a time where you'll be conflicted to choose. So, let's end this when it's still early."
He held your hand, squeezing it tightly beneath his palms. "You don't need to worry. When they ask what I love the most in my life, I'll say: you."
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