#twotales talks
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twotales · 1 year ago
*dusts off my tumblr page*
Apparently, I may not have Autisim + Bipolar but just striaght ADHD and it's been fucking me up. Not to mention my nephew. Which really derailed our current life plans? Idk. I am currently terrified of dying so there's that. But! I got a new therapist who is amazing. I might be starting meds soon. Talking with my doctor literally today about it.
I think all the excess interaction with people was just too much, I already had things falling to the wayside (which I didn't notice till it was too late) before I went full steam into fandom and it was hard to control myself. I couldn't function properly and needed a complete break and overhaul.
So, although I am not ready to be super active again I am feeling a little better and am considering posting fanfics again at the very least. My writing and drawing have been my saving grace not to mention my family.
Our kid is amazing omfg.
But yeah. That's what's going on and my thoughts and y'all are literally friends. Hmm, fandom found family 😂 but seriously thanks for the loving messages and support I received. I couldn't respond, I don't really know why, but I felt the love 💛
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smowkie · 8 months ago
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finished the first bingo card for the summer from @ficreadingchallenge! thank you for such a fun challenge ❤️
list of fics under the cut
1. fluff
A Handful of Halloweens by WonkyElk
McShep, SGA, 2,592 w, teen
John and Rodney share a few Halloweens.
2. rec'd by a friend - thanks, @novemberhush ❤️
Warmth by bccalling
Buddie, 911, 699 w, gen
A tiny little fluffy snapshot of a Buckley-Diaz family camping trip and a chilly night out by the campfire.
3. superpowers / no powers au
Superteam! series by WonkyElk
McShep, SGA, 16,784 w, teen
summary of part 1, We’ll Name It Later:
“So, all four of them …” she indicated the members of her premier Gate team, all currently cuddled up asleep in infirmary beds and looking so peaceful and cute and so painfully vulnerable, that she almost wanted to slip them each a snuggly teddy bear, against bad dreams, “have, in entirely separate incidents, each somehow acquired a superpower?” Carson shrugged helplessly at her. “It’s been a really weird day.”
4. rarepair
One Functioning Human by TwoTales
ZelenKay, SGA, 848 w, teen
“You just had to touch the fucking plant, Radek.” Radek’s eyes stung, his ears ringing. Tears tracked down his cheeks as he lay on the ground. “Do not talk, it hurts too much.” Radek opened his eyes and peered over at him. Rodney’s closed eyelids and the skin around was hot pink, his face wet with tears and snot as he wheezed.
5. long fic (>25000 words)
Everything Changes (And You Gotta Be Ready) by Temaris
McShep, SGA, Doctor Who, Torchwood, 25,083 w, teen
When Sheppard is lost between Gates, McKay moves heaven and earth to get him back.
6. found family
He's Ours by Brumeier
SGA, 929 w, teen
LJ Comment Fic for Scary Wednesday prompt: Any, Any Character(s), fear of intimacy In which John learns that his fear of intimacy has been subverted, when he wasn't paying attention.
7. newest fic in the tag of your choice - #Twenty Years Later
wrong side up by dedkake
SGA, 2,800 w, gen
��Colonel,” Teyla says, stopping him outside the gathering tent with a hand on his elbow. She searches his face for a moment, her smile softening at whatever she sees. “Please consider what he has to say before you respond. This opportunity—I think it is what we have all been waiting for.” or, things are coming together for this alternate timeline.
8. fic from your first fandom
Reunion by JaneDavitt
Wincest, Supernatural, 342 w, mature
Dean's taking a much-needed shower and Sam's remembering too much. Credited as the first Supernatural fic, and so the first Dean/Sam fic too, which is something I only discovered much later.
9. inspired by another fanwork - inspired by 12. de-aging / kidfic What Happens in the Clubhouse by skoosiepants
The Knights of the Pegasus Galaxy vs. the Chicken Pox by DevilDoll
McShep, SGA, 5,906 w, teen
After the worst was over, having space chicken pox was kind of awesome. A Clubhouse universe story.
10. didn't know they were dating
it started out with a kiss by beckybegins (QueenTheatrics)
Buddie, 911, 5,457 w, teen
It’s a normal day when Eddie decides he’s going to blow up his life. OR The fic where Eddie kisses Buck, panics, and speed runs a relationship.
11. gift giving
like a freight train by dedkake
McShep, SGA, 536 w, gen
It could've started before the storm. or, Rodney's in panic-mode and John interrupts.
12. de-aging / kidfic
What Happens in the Clubhouse by skoosiepants
McShep, SGA, 5,981 w, teen
Right, yes, because traveling through the eleven miles of forest between here and the 'gate will be a piece of cake when we're roughly the size of dwarves, with all the strength of a bundle of sticks!"
free space
Cake or Death by Brumeier
McShep, SGA, 2,494 w, teen
It was just a piece of cake, but for Rodney it was far more dangerous.
13. BIPOC main character
Pegasus Miracles series by A_Storm_of_Roses
Aiden/Ronon, SGA, 8,445 w, explicit
summary of part 1, Pegasus Miracles:
After 6 years, dozens of planets, and countless dead Wraith, Aiden Ford returns - quieter, lonelier, and unsure. After 7 years as a Runner, Ronon thinks he might just understand. Or Aiden and Ronon get the happy ending they both deserve.
14. enemies to friends / lovers
Hope by badly_knitted
Teal'c & SG-1, SG1, 405 w, gen
When Teal'c meets the strangers, he feels the first real stirrings of hope for his people.
15. magic
Achilles’ Heel by WonkyElk
McShep, SGA, 8,495 w, teen
He’d learned a few things over the past six months. How far dragonfire could reach and how it cooked you so fast, you were dead before you finished screaming. How the claws and beak of a griffin tore through flesh like it was the smoothest of butter. Most of all, he learned that life would be a whole lot more bearable if he could manage not to care.
16. space AU
Following the Stars to Home by WonkyElk
McShep, SGA, 16,197 w, mature
He was almost out of the landing zone, when a murmur of rippling excitement caused him to look back. Apparently, the Rusty Bucket - or whatever it was called - wasn’t the only ship to have picked today to visit the dullest planet in the known universe.
17. hurt / comfort
Distraction by laceymcbain
McShep, SGA, 9,064 w, mature
“Have you tried ear plugs?” Rodney asks. “It’s in my head, Rodney. Ear plugs don’t do a lot when the voices are inside your brain!”
18. gen fic
Reckoning by tacit
SGA, 5,375 w, teen
Written December 2007 for the SGA H/C secret santa. Everybetty requested gen Shepwhump featuring Beckett, that didn't skip over the medical details. This is what came out. Nb: At the end of The Defiant One, McKay nods to Sheppard's gun shot wound and asks if Sheppard's okay. Sheppards replies, "Other than this and a few cracked ribs," which seemed eye-rollingly over-stoic, to me. I've taken a bit of poetic license with the severity of Sheppard's injuries.
19. werewolf AU
when the autumn moon is bright by callunavulgari
McShep, SGA, 2,881 w, teen
There weren’t, strictly speaking, supposed to be wolves in Atlantis.
20. secret relationship
Magic Marker by trinityofone
McShep, SGA, 1,711 w, teen
John’s eyes were wide with horror. “You’re telling me that I walked around all day with ‘Property of Dr. Rodney McKay’ written on my ass?”
20. secret relationship - again, i couldn't decide which to use, so you get both
Jane Wyatt did it first by mayachain
McShep, SGA, 243 w, gen
It's not that they're being subtle, exactly.
21. under the influence
Deep Space Malady by LogicGunn
McShep, SGA, 3,332 w, teen
Rodney swears when the extension in his assigned room rings at stupid o’clock in the morning, waking him up from a deep sleep (and pleasant dreams about messy-haired Colonels) barely half an hour after his head had hit the pillow. He fumbles for the receiver in the dark and hisses at whoever is at the other end of the line.
22. new (to you) fandom
Crossing the Line by Zilentdreamer
Rysposito, Castle, 2,311 w, teen
There is a line that divides us from want we want. Sometimes we don't even realize its starting to blur until its gone.
23. video edit / fanmix
Run Baby Run by randommindtime
McShep, SGA
24. epistolary
Beach Real Estate by ficontessa
McShep, SGA, 3,405 w, gen
If you're going to go all in on wacky AUs, why NOT one where John is a beach realtor? This is ridiculous and I'm not even sorry.
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dedkake · 1 year ago
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birthday bash 2023 works | the ao3 collection
we had a blast this year. see all the works below the cut <3
Accepting a Complement by WonkyElk | 1k, g, mcshep He wasn’t sure exactly when he and Sheppard had become ‘those two’ or ‘you two’ or ‘that pair’ to so many people. But, now that the phrase had jumped up and bit him, so to speak, he was very aware that he had heard it too many times to count. exposed by dedkake | 1k, m, mcshep Two moments in time: then and now Or, No matter the fact that his subconscious has been keeping the score for him, it’s clear as day what it all adds up to. Missing by Goddess47 | <1k, t, mcshep "Stupid gate!" Rodney whined. "Come on! You should work!" He banged a fist on the inside of the DHD. Transporters: or It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Sets Your DNA to “Shuffle’ by WonkyElk | 2k, t, mcshep Elizabeth had been a little dazzled by the transporter technology at the start - it was difficult not to be - but there was so much to do, and to think about, that they had quickly been downgraded in her consciousness to little more than remarkably efficient elevators. Constantly tripping over her own child-like wonder would hardly have been conducive to a strong and effective leadership. Nowadays, the only time that they really registered as anything out of the ordinary was when they went wrong. When the Moon Hits Your Eye by portlandwithyou | <1k, g, mcshep Sheppard and McKay are stranded on a distant beach. Exploring by Goddess47 | <1k, t, mcshep Pegasus was more black and white than gray, John quickly learned. You’ve been the North Star (where the light’s from) by puddlejumperpilot | 2k, t, rodney / john /radek Rodney never thought he'd be dating two people at the same time. aka Rodney muses over his partners and how exactly they ended up there. Further Adventures in Maple Syrup by WonkyElk | 2k, t, mcshep John woke to a high bright sun battering its rays insistently through the window, the ungentle pouncing of cats, and the clatter of a frantic vampire. Of snakes and safe harbours by Mas_Pebbles_Sharp | <1k, m, multi Elizabeth scratches a couple of itches. short notice by dedkake | <1k, t, ronon / teyla / rodney / john Two week suspension from active duty. Mandatory leave for mental health; off base. Follow-up required. or, instead of splitting up during Brain Storm, the team take a trip to the mainland together. a two nap kind of day by dedkake | <1k, g, mcshep The blankets shift violently, parting to reveal John’s impressive bedhead, rumpled uniform, and colossal scowl. “I’m tired.” or, John's found a new place to hide out. Helping Hands by halestrom | 2k, g, gen Post-Trio, Rodney needs some help even if asking for help is the last thing he wants to do. Thankfully, he doesn't need to ask at all. Two Truths and One Lie by melagan | 2k, g, mcshep During an off-world ceremony, AR-1 is asked to reveal one lie each. Backup Plans by LogicGunn | 4k, g, gen For TwoTales, who had thoughts about a Laura Cadman and Rodney McKay High School Tap Dancing Competition AU.
Opposite to Blue by WonkyElk | 1k, g, mcshep The first time that John had met Rodney McKay he had been brightly, regrettably, orange. Searching for Sleep by Tazmy | <1k, g, gen Rodney’s on day 14 of little sleep. Ronon has a plan. Can be read as either Rodney & Ronon or as Rodney/Ronon. Your choice. 200 words for the SGA server birthday bash You’re the reason I don’t want the world to end by puddlejumperpilot | 7k, t, mcshep Two missing scenes from the second episode of each season. aka McShep over the years. Stop Talking! by Tazmy | 26k, t, multi Rodney knew better than to mess with the Ancient counseling device, but talking to a hologram version of Heightmeyer helped him feel better. Now, drugged by the device, Rodney is compelled to share his innermost secrets to those nearby, and his thoughts are much darker than anyone expected. Response to birthday bash prompt. There are two ways this can go: (1) Rodney must both share his feelings for John and admit the truth about his darkest thoughts or (2) The device will destroy him. Operation Retrieve John’s Heart by Tazmy | <1k, g, mcshep John's always been lonely. Two chapter story, each chapter a double drabble for the SGA fanart server birthday bash! Keeping Secrets by Goddess47 | <1k, t, mcshep It wasn't the sort of talent that one showed off, Chuck had learned as a small child. It was something personal, secret. Doctor’s Orders by Goddess47 | <1k, t, mcshep "You needed to abstain from coffee!" Carson said firmly. "Dinna you understand?" There was Only One… Wait— Two Beds? by pinkoptics | 2k, g, mcshep A bit of silly fun at this trope’s expense. Dear prompter, I hope you like it! The one where Rodney freaks out that there are two beds instead of one.
The Second Name by scifi_dancer | <1k, g, mcshep How the hell had Rodney gotten the printout? Chuck’s Intergalactic Delivery Service and Confessional, A 5+1 Fic by MalihiniMoon and Tazmy | 4k, t, mcshep A 5+1 fic. When the intergalactic bridge connected, allowing quick travel through the Stargate, it only made sense they’d use it to order pizza. It all snowballed from there. You Kissed Me by mific | <1k, g, mcshep Like Phantoms, but with kissing. light switch by dedkake | <1k, g, gen "Shoot me."
other media
Cover Art for “Ink and Wings” [Podfic and Fic] by cassiope25 | mcshep Cover Art for Itstartedwithalex's podfic and an illustration for "Ink and Wings" by spurious. Author's summary: It’s simply not possible. This is what Rodney tells himself for two and a half days after he sees what he thinks is a butterfly tattoo on Major John Sheppard’s thigh. [Podfic] Disposable by Itstartedwithalex | mcshep "Never thought I'd see any of you again." Podfic of "Disposable" by spurious Cover Art for “Disposable” [Podfic and Fic] by cassiope25 | mcshep Cover art for Itstartedwithalex's podfic and an illustration for "Disposable" by spurious. Author's summary: "Never thought I'd see any of you again." Spaghetti for Two by scifi_dancer | fanart, mcshep Spaghetti for two (mcshep) [Podfic] it could’ve started like this, season 2 by Itstartedwithalex | mcshep A McShep get-together per episode. Each fic is written as a missing scene and completely independent of the others. Podfic of season 2 of dedkake's "it could've started like this" Cover Art for “it could have started like this, season 2” [Podfic and Fic] by cassiope25 | mcshep Cover Art for Itstartedwithalex's podfic series and an illustration for the fic "it could have started like this, season 2" by dedkake Author's summary: A McShep get-together per episode. Each fic is written as a missing scene and completely independent of the others. Season 2 [Podfic] Divorce and Soggy Pizza by Itstartedwithalex | mcshep There was something very vulnerable about John standing barefoot in his kitchen with his hair more ruffled than usual, and his thin pyjamas hanging loosely off him. Rondey found that he wanted to push back at the image. Press John back into his role as the unassailable lieutenant colonel and all around ‘cool guy’. “Any other words of wisdom from my heartbreak guru?” he asked John, letting a little of the sneer through in his voice. OR: In the wake of his divorce, Rodney seeks out Sheppard. Podfic of "Divorce and Soggy Pizza" by missmariie Cover Art for “Divorce and Soggy Pizza” [Podfic and Fic] by cassiope25 | mcshep Cover Art for Itstartedwithalex's podfic and an illustration for the fic "Divorce and Soggy Pizza" by missmariie. Author's summary: There was something very vulnerable about John standing barefoot in his kitchen with his hair more ruffled than usual, and his thin pyjamas hanging loosely off him. Rondey found that he wanted to push back at the image. Press John back into his role as the unassailable lieutenant colonel and all around ‘cool guy’. “Any other words of wisdom from my heartbreak guru?” he asked John, letting a little of the sneer through in his voice. OR: In the wake of his divorce, Rodney seeks out Sheppard. [podfic] Operation Retrieve John’s Heart by Tazmy | mcshep This is a podfic and cover art of my story Operation Retrieve John's Heart. John's always been lonely. A story told in two chapters, each chapter a double drabble for the SGA birthday bash Let me go by mific | gen, fanart “Rodney,” Sheppard said quietly. “Let me go.” “Shut the fuck up.” “Rodney, we’re both going to fall,” Sheppard said urgently. “If you keep wriggling like a stupid fish on a line, we will.” “Rodney, let me go.” He craned his head and smiled. “It’s okay.” Two Podfics: Do Not Open and Empty Stars by Tazmy | mcshep Two podfics of two episode tags, each focusing on John's darker side. Do Not Open - Tag for Miller's Crossing. John reflects on his feelings for Rodney and why he could not let Rodney sacrifice himself. Answers such questions as why did McKay need to use someone else's key card. Empty Stars - Tag for The Eye. John reflects on his past actions while seeing how torture affects McKay. Cover Art for Two Podfics: “Do Not Open” and “Empty Stars” [Podfics and Fics] by cassiope25 | mcshep Cover Art for two of Tazmy's podfics and an illustration for her stories "Do Not Open" and "Empty Stars". Author's summary Two podfics of two episode tags, each focusing on John's darker side.
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monkeymeghan · 3 years ago
Favorite color: Purple. Pretty much any shade of purple.
Currently reading: The Paper Caper by Kate Carlisle
Last song: Butterfly Pen by @kingselliot. Go listen to her, she’s amazing! Kings Elliot opened for Imagine Dragons the other night and I’m so glad I got to see her live. I listened to Butterfly Pen again this morning, it’s such a beautiful song.
Last series: A League of Their Own. I finished it last night and want more!
Last movie: Jurassic World Dominion
Sweet/spicy/savory: it depends on what we are talking about, just not spicy.
Currently working on: not panicking. On Friday I found out that I was exposed to Covid, so I’m trying not to freak out about it. I’m also still recovering from the concert the other night. That whole day took a LOT out of me, but it was 100% worth it remembering how much my nephew enjoyed it. His smile and joy at seeing his favorite band for the first time are something I’ll never forget.
Tagging: @bringingclawstoagunfight @mystery-ink @kinkstons @rhinohill @hoppingmad-1013 @twotales @joellesolo @indigohecate @captain-sassy-socks no pressure to anyone, this is just for fun if you want to do it. :)
Tag nine people you want to get to know better
So I got tagged by @tvshowsaremylife to answer questions
Favorite color: Oooosh, either pink or purple, but like a proper rich purple. The pink is better if it's closer to fluorescent than bridesmaid-dress-blush-pink, but all pinks are equal in my eye(s).
Currently reading: I'm not reading much for myself at the moment - I've not got time. 😂 Just started Ratburger by David Walliams with Charlie (yes, it is exactly as it sounds); we finished The Secret Garden the night before last. Last fic was… Well, I'm partway through Everyone Sings Queen in the Car by obscureenthusiast. Very much worth the read.
Last song: Sad Girl Summer by Cassyette
Last series: The Sandman (only just finished ep 2 so shush!)
Last movie: Oh god, now you're asking. I can clearly remember both Encanto and The Suicide Squad but can't remember if I've watched a film since then. I am very bad at watching films atm.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweeeeeeeeeet, but with a sprinkle of savory (like salt flakes with caramel, peanuts and chocolate - lush!). Spicy just hurts my tummy.
Currently working on: The Helen/Abby after The Depths but before Sanctuary for None smutty smut, and the Teslen roommates AU. There might be more… Oh yeah, the diva/PA Teslen fic I may or may not have started since @ladyelysandra pointed out the prompt. XD
Thank you for tagging me lovely! I tag anyone who wants to play, and the following peeps: @stuff-n-n0nsense @offworld-lamb (I wanna know what you're working on!), @electricrogue, @fangirlltrash, @captainbookwyrm, @captain-sassy-socks, @hellow-there-jellyfish and @monkeymeghan... If y'all wanna play, that is. No worries if not. XD
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discovercreate · 5 years ago
Ask The Editor: Cabinets, Birthday Parties, Spontaneous Entertaining Preparations, #Beigeprison, And More!
Welcome to our first edition of Ask The Editor! Last Sunday we opened up our digital mailbox for write-ins, requests and advice opportunities — and you guys rose to the occasion! It was hard to narrow down which questions to dive into, so at the bottom of this article, you'll notice we're going to take some of the questions and make full-on articles with them. Stay tuned with our Home 101 series, some of your questions just might show up there! So here it goes!
From @jennaecurran: "Simple two year old boy birthday party"
We LOVE a good birthday party. At such a young age, a birthday party is not only a celebration of a milestone for your little one, but it's also an opportunity to celebrate the village it takes to raise him! We're talking grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors... the whole gambit. So with that in mind, you can really have fun with the birthday party and expand your horizons to include nuggets of entertainment for the adults as well. Here are a couple of ideas! 1. A characteristic thing from their second year: Did your kid show particular excitement over something random this year? Is he ALL about bears? Or trains? This birthday party can be a celebration of what your son is passionate about in this season of his life! It will make him so excited to see his favorite things all around on his special day, and it's a great way to document his passions in this stage when you look back on the photos and remember "gosh that kid was a Ross Geller in training, he couldn't get enough dinosaurs!" 2. Two is a particularly fun year for birthdays because there are a lot of pun options: - Two The Moon, space party - Two-Two (your kid) is Two! train party - Twotally Awesome - Mr. Tworrific - Two infinity and beyond, Toy Story party - Two legit to quit - Taco Twosday, crowd-pleaser for everybody, honestly - "Oh-Twoodles," Mickey Mouse Party There are a lot of fun options for this age! We want to see what you end up doing, so share your image and use #smpparties so we can see how it goes!
From @rschapiro: "How to choose a vibrant kitchen cabinet color with an open living concept"
The key here is balance and a touch of unity! When you go big and bold with cabinet colors, balance it out by making your base furniture neutral in your living room. Choosing a neutral colored couch and set of accent chairs helps add that balance, but then add in some color coordination with throw pillows that compliment your kitchen color! So for example, if you're going cobalt blue with your kitchen, opt for cream or grey furniture and then top them off with throw pillows that have cobalt blue florals as part of their design! It's aaaalll about balance.
From: Annonymous (in case their nieces and nephews are following along as well :) "When to stop buying presents for your niece and nephew"
It's appropriate to acknowledge gift-giving situations (holidays, graduations, birthdays) in some manner. So if it's not presents, opt for a letter! But the transition from presents to a letter really depends heavily on the type of relationship you have with your niece and nephew. Here's a good rule of thumb: if you have the kind of relationship where you can intuitively think of a good present — anything from a sweater you walked by that you know they'll like, to a Starbucks gift card because you know they like their daily sugar-free vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso — then it's still appropriate for you to get them this gift. If you're scrambling to find SOMETHING that they might like without much knowledge of what they're "into" these days, it's an appropriate time to move on to a nice letter. But when in doubt, a nice gift card is always appreciated.
From @shamani_d: "How to approach an attic conversion"
This is going to be fun! An attic conversion means adding workable square footage to your home and that's always a win. To start off, take inventory of what you ~wish~ you had room for in your current square footage. Do you find yourself wanting room for a guestroom? A playroom for your kids? A workout room? As your working through that wish list, take note of what kind of space your working with! If you're working with a pitched roof, that provides some obvious limitations, but a cozy office is enhanced by natural features like that. Finally, bring in the professionals to find out what you actually can do in your attic. If you can't bring water up without it costing an arm and a leg, a guest bath might not be possible. Start with identifying what you want, then find out what's possible. Once those decisions are discovered, the rest starts to become clearer.
From @melanieelefante: "How you maintain order and organize a home"
This question could not only be its own post, but its own series! Keeping your home organized is a balancing act everyone struggles to maintain, but there are a few common denominators that those who have a neat home tend to inherently follow: 1. Perpetual tidying: We wish we could tell you there's a quick fix, but ultimately the quickest of fixes is building good habits of general "tidying." Picking up this habit can look like making a lap around the house before bed, gathering bits and bobbles at the foot of the stairs every morning or an "all hands on deck" post-dinner dish round-up. Maintaining order is an ongoing process. 2. A place for everything and everything in its place: There's a rule of thumb tidy and organized people tend to follow and it's to not put something down where it doesn't belong. For example, if you use scissors, once you're done using them don't set them down where you just completed your project, take the extra steps to return them to the drawer in which you got them. This sounds like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how quickly this habit can change the state of your home! 3. Pretty Organization: Stay tuned, we have a whole baskets feature coming. We've said this before and we'll say it again, but a confined mess is a WHOLE lot easier to tackle then spread out mess. If you utilize baskets well, it gives those "random" items a pretty holding place while you attend to other matters, and when you're ready you can address the basket. But, in the meantime, at least it looks good :) Again, this could be a whole series on its own, but these three steps should help get you started!
From @quewendy: How do you decorate/style above the kitchen cabinets? Is that even a thing anymore?
Many of the homes that were built in the previous decade contain a gap from the top of the cabinets to the ceiling, and that big empty space is just begging for some attention! If you've got the budget for it, the biggest and most impactful thing you can do is turn that gap into extra storage by framing it out and adding doors. But, that is a heavy, long-term investment. If you're looking for a quick-fix, you can fill the space like you would any open shelf. Pepper in things like serving bowls, basket storage, a little bit of greenery or wood cutting boards. Adding these items in that above-cabinet gap will feel a lot more filled out and intentional. At the end of the day, you can always benefit from extra storage so adding some natural weave baskets is a great practical, and decorative, option! Just remeber that most things above the cabinets will be "out of sight out of mind," so choose only the items that aren't used frequently.
From @katewalthall: How to stock a house for spontaneous entertaining since spring and summer are coming
Another great question that could be its own series! But, to summarize, here are just a few tips and tricks to help out! 1. Have an emergency "smells really good" candle: It's ok to splurge on this candle a little bit because it's going to work hard to help with your home's first impression! Keep it on the entry table and only light it when people are headed your direction. Make sure it's a light, crisp scent and it will be a preeeettty handy little tool to have in your back pocket for those spontaneous drop-ins. 2. Freeze some cookie dough now: Do yourself a favor and make a batch of cookies, scoop them into their "pop on the tray" state and put them in the freezer! Take a cue from Monica and work to find the ~best cookie recipe ever~ to have on hand, in the freezer, ready for when guests pop by. With them already pre-made like that, you can have warm, goey, freshly made cookies in about 10 minutes, and there's no warmer welcome than that! 3. Determine a beverage to always have on hand: One of the most adorable, key characteristics in the south is their affinity for sweet tea. Popping in to someone's home is almost always met with a sweet tea offering (well, according to Reese Witherspoon) and the token of the offering is a major gesture of hospitality. Take notes from this and refine it to reflect your own home! Do you want to always have coffee on hand? Maybe you want to offer a lovely camomille? Maybe a sweet + sour lemonade is just the ticket! The idea is to make sure that you have something to offer your guests and being prepared on the front end helps a ton! For more tips on how to make your home guest-ready quick, read this article!
From @katiemelesurgo: "How can I make a room light and bright without many windows?"
The most useful answer on this topic is this — reflective surfaces! Mirrors are magic when it comes to extending just a little bit of natural light, but the same effect can result when using picture frames with a glass layer. The key is to strategically use the small amount of light that you do have, and help it bounce around. Also, take care in what fabrics you use. Heavy fabrics, especially in low-lit places, can take up all of the light you do have and make it all but disappear. Using lighter fabrics in both color and make (think sheer curtains) can help extend your light! Lastly, be careful with cream! Low-light situations can take something that, in natural light, looks completely white, crisp and clean and turn it into a putrid yellow that you didn't know existed. Sticking with lighter colored blues helps a lot. Even going so far as choosing your light-bulb color can completely shift the appearance — pick the bluer hue of lightbulb!
From @katharinepfeiffer: "How do I bring in traditional pieces to a very modern and new home"
Firstly, congrats on the new home! Bringing in traditional items can seem really daunting, but you can use it to your favor! A lot of modern and new build homes have a tendency to come across as stark and actually NEED some older pieces, so you're in luck! Again, the key here is balance. If you're working with an old armoire, consider adding a sleek vase full of textural stems on top to modernize it a little bit. If you're working with traditional side tables, add a more modern lamp on top! The best designs are composed of a balanced blending of styles, so you're off to a good start! Coordinating elements and intentionality will bring it all together.
From @tiffany2979: "How to style a rental apartment you can't pain and you don't own the furniture? #beigeprison"
This is a tricky one! First, let's talk about why your landlord #wentbeige, understanding that will help liberate you to take your apartment into your own hands. The thing with beige is that it's considered a neutral, it hides stains fairly well and it's a mass-produced color so coordinating with it is, supposedly, doable. So, with this in mind use it as a launching pad to GO BOLD. We're talking cobalt blues! Deep, velvety purples! Millennial pink! If you can't change the color of the walls or furniture, add some jewelry to your space. This can be in the form of throw pillows, rugs, curtains, bedding, throw blankets, vases, picture frames, kitchenware, knick-knacks and figurines. Obviously this can be a heavy investment, so start with the biggest impact first — textiles. Adding some color to your textiles can completely transform the space. Once your color palette is set there, then pepper in the other items. A word of caution — avoid trying to make this apartment white. For whatever reason, when you take beige and try to clean it up with white, everything looks yellow. Best bet is to use this time to experimentally go big and bold with color, and have fun with it! Here's an article on 5 inexpensive ways to customize your rental for more information!
@Meganblowmqvust — a "how to style your coffee table" Home 101 article is coming soon! @mwagansmooney — next week our Home 101 is all about how to style bookshelves, and we're not going to lie to you we're pretty jazzed about this article. We thought we'd answer about 5 or less questions in this blog, but as they kept rolling in we couldn't narrow down that far! So, obviously we expanded...and we also saved a few questions from this week to add to next week's lineup :)  so if yours wasn't answered this week it might be answered next Friday! Thank you all for participating, and we'll be back next week with more questions and answers! Continue reading on Style Me Pretty from Style Me Pretty https://ift.tt/37Vfi0g
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twotales · 1 year ago
I'm about to watch SGA for the first time in months and do a horse sized pile of laundry
I'm starting with the first half of The Storm and then Thirty-Eight-Minutes.
Because of course I am
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twotales · 2 years ago
I've been considering starting up writing SGA/SG-1 Fanfics recently and I was wondering if you had any advice for a (relatively) new author?
Hello, sweet anon! (Sorry for the late response, things have been a bit hectic over here.)
First, I want to say, whaaa, someone is asking me for advice!? 😳
Secondly, Dude! We would be so happy to have a new Stargate writer in our midst. I'd say our fandom is one of the more inclusive ones out there and we are all incredibly grateful for more content.
🤔 Hmm, advice for writing/posting, or interacting with our fandom? (I assume just writing/posting.) (If you are wondering about becoming a part of our fandom and the feel of it, just ask me that question as well.)
The best and most simple advice I think is: Read. Read. Read! Write. Write. Write!  Watch. Watch. Watch! But you probably want more xD
Writing is the easiest part for me. I write every day. I'm kind of a freak like that.
If you're having trouble with writing, there are some things I do. (not in any order.)
I use a habit tracker, I love stats and this tracker has a lovely design and a sweet little overview. Plus you can have separate widgets on your home screen for each habit, you don't have to go into the app every time you do one, simple press. I love it. But I don't sweat it if I miss a day or a few or more. I just want to have the widgets as a reminder, it keeps me from forgetting, I do have a small goal of doing at least one of my habits by the end of each day. Writing happens to be my easiest habit to accomplish. (Hence the writing everyday xD)
You don't have to write a lot. Even if it's just a bit of editing, a paragraph, or a single word, that's enough. You opened up the document, you thought things, you tried.
Don't share all of your ideas with others. Some people can thrive on this, (if you do, just ignore this advice.) but I am not one of those people. I lose steam for an idea if I give too much away. I also cannot for the life of me write a long fic and post it as I write. SCHEDULED WRITING!? NOPE. I write the entirety of a long fic before I publish them. Sometimes I publish chapters and edit them as I publish, but the meat of everything is there.
So, take as much time as you need.
When you feel satisfied with a fic, sit on it, wait a couple of days, weeks, months, and reread it. New eyes, even if they are your own eyes can really help. (I don't always do this, but it can help with certain fics, esp long ones.)
Lay somewhere, chill and just daydream about your idea/story. This is working on your story too and I find that this makes me just type down thoughts as they come.
Make the time. It doesn't have to be a ton. My partner only writes for five, maybe ten minutes a day. He laments how little he writes but I always ALWAYS say.
“You do write though and that is the most important thing.
I also have a very specific writing system to keep myself from getting stuck, and disorganized, but that's a whole thing and this is already getting long. (If you do want to hear about it though, feel free to ask.)
This is the hard part for me. No matter how many fics I have written, posts I have made, gifs, what have yous. I always get a bit overheated and my guts feel like bees are trying to escape them.
If you're having trouble posting there are a few things that I think can work depending on why you're worried about posting.
Mistakes: Misspelled words, flow, that sort of thing. Get a beta. They're several individuals in our community who are amazing betas. (I could contact them for you if you need a connection.) There are different kinds of betas as well so you can tailor your experience in that regard. But, sometimes you don't want a second opinion and that's okay too. You can always edit it whenever you read it again anyways (assuming you are going to reread your fanfics. Which I do.😊)  and remember, many of us don't care about that sort of thing, we will just enjoy the story despite mistakes. General anxiety? Well, I can't do much about that. (I suffer from it myself, see bees in my guts above). Just remember that this is supposed to be about something you love. Yes, writing is work, but writing fanfic should be fun. Should be for you! These are stories you want to tell, stories you want to read, and things you want to fix and expand on. Everyone else is just along for the ride, getting off at the next stop, or maybe they don't even want to come in the first place and that's okay. The destination is yours.
The main point is to just do it. If you need help, ask, (already ahead of some people just for asking me for advice, which I am still shocked about) if you're nervous about them saying no just ask anon and connect after you get a yes. If you're worried about your writing that's okay, It's a very personal thing, it's normal. Accepting this can lessen the worry. (I was terrified of posting fic for about idk eight years or something.) And remember you never have to keep up with or write the same as someone else, we are all different and have different processes, I think the best thing you can do is figure out what works for you.
If you're nervous about content though, again understandable, but honestly people rarely care, and in our fandom people are chill af. Ship and let ship. AUs, crack, ooc, obscure kinks, OCs. We accept them all.
Just make sure to tag correctly. People have guides to help with that.
Wow, this got long, whoops. Sorry, I can't help myself. I have Rodney word-vomit vibes.
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twotales · 1 year ago
The storm omfg. Literally first scene. Me trying not to cry while watching John and Teyla talking about if the Athosians feel at home on the mainland or not and John stating that it will start to feel like home eventually but we know WE KNOWAJDHWKWKDJWK😭
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twotales · 2 years ago
Extended family. amirite
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twotales · 1 year ago
Hello fellow rarepair lover 👋 I'm on the lookout for the rarest of the rarepair fics and considering your side character love I am wondering what are the rarest ones you have found within stargate atlantis.
I love your chuck/grodin fic btw ❤️
Ahhh!! Thank you!
I'm so happy you love it! and that you came to me for rarepair recs!!
The rarest of the rare eh? Hm, 🤔
My first thought is Universal Constants by alyse. It's a Bates/Radek fic told from Bates perspective.
Rated: M
Words: 6,589
Summary: In every base that Michael Bates has ever been stationed, there's always been a 'go to guy'.
My second thought is One Kiss Later by Lobelia321 it's a Rodney/April Bingham and I believe this pairing blows all of them out of the water in terms of rarity.
But twotales, whotf is April Bingham? A OC?
She's the girl Rodney kissed in algebra club who gave him mono. The one he talks about during Letters from Pegasus.
Unrated but I'd say it's T
Words: 3,168
Summary: When biogenetic mineralogist April Bingham got posted to Atlantis at the far ends of the universe, she had not expected to run into whatsisname from Oshawa High algebra club. Guy with the washcloth mouth and the award for worst kisser of 1986.
I don't know if I can beat that one. If anyone knows rarer ones I'd love to read those asap!
Here's a couple others:
Guest Quarters by Penknife
Daniel Jackson/Radek
Rated: M
Words: 2,643
Summary: Radek is pretty sure that Daniel's motives aren't pure, but he doesn't have a problem with that.
Quicksilver in the Hand by ariadne83 and lunabee34
Rodney/Brendan Gall and Rodney/Svetlana Markov(sg1) so a double rarepair whammy.
Rated: E
Words: 25,880
Summary: Rodney McKay met Brendan Gall years before the Atlantis expedition. This story explains their relationship from the beginning through Gall's death in "The Defiant One."
Thanks for the ask!! I hope this is what you were looking for! 🦊💚💛
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