Independent Sabé from the Star Wars prequels Written by Ellie.Mun and muse 18+. Rebooted December 2017
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me thinkin bout anakin and padme and how they ultimately deserved way better than what they got
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Don’t cry.
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stillsolo replied to your post: Yoooooo wat;s up!! Im alive, dont worry. I was...
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Yoooooo wat;s up!!
Im alive, dont worry. I was super busy wih doctors and job shit.
Bu right now ihave a strong need for sarcasic and kinda scruff aunt Sabe giving Han advice, or her interacting with the original trilogy, and then sassy grandpa for the sequels. All this skywalker and Kenobi kids. One of them happened to be a murderer bu w/e
Anoher think i crave deeply is Sabe/Ben or Sabe.Padme hell, Even Sabe/anakin or Sabe/Anakn/Padme
S wishlist tl;dr I want more htreads with older Sabe and 2) give sabe love
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“ IF THEY HAD FRIENDS, then perhaps they wouldn’t have to leave their homes. “ she replies, giving her confidant A SAD smile, taking her hands into her own, squeezing with affection. “ —— besides i have teckla waiting for me at home, && i need you to STAY PUT on coruscant to help jar jar while he fills in for me at the senate —— && to report back to me about what’s happening so i don’t have to rely on the holonews. “ she pause realising that it was A LOT she was asking sabé for && said. “ —— unless you want to take time off, of course, you have been working so hard && DESERVE A BREAK, my friend. “
padmé nods, feeling her dark eyes WELL UP as the mention of her dear, departed friend —— she was still unable TO LET GO of the guilt of her friend dying for her, to PROTECT her. “ i understand, but I WILL BE SAFE with master skywalker, he managed to save me from the last assassination attempt, after all, && the public doesn’t know where i’m off to —— && IT’S TIME I VISIT MY PARENTS. “

|| The whole thing felt wrong. Yet there was little she could do but trust in her friend’s consolations that she’d be in safe hands with the Jedi. She did her best to brush her unease away. If Padmé was confident, then she would do what she did best and try to mirror her companion.
“ I’ll keep Jar Jar in line the best I can. And I will keep Dormé safe. The three of us will handle things while you’re gone.” She reached over and clasped her friend’s hand, giving it a squeeze and offering her a soft smile. “ Besides. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I wasn’t working. “
“I’m sure your parents will love having you home. “ She paused for a moment, as if choosing her next words. “ If you have to go away, my lady, could I trouble you for one small favor while you’re on Naboo?”
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bff goals
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“ OH SABÉ WOULD THAT I COULD, i would have brought both you && dormé along had i been able to. “ she replies while packing, giving her loyal handmaiden, her friend, her decoy a sad smile. padmé didn’t ENJOY leaving them either ;; not because she worried for her safety, but because they were her CLOSEST of confidants, && most importantly —— her friends. “ but the chancellor says that me && skywalker should travel as refugees, bringing you along might attract unwanted attention —— tell me, sabé, WHAT WORRIES YOU ??? “
|| “ Are refugees not allowed friends?” She huffed, sinking into the bed, arms crossed like a petulant child. Sabé knew she was acting childish and yet she couldn’t stop. The chancellor was probably right and she knew Padmé would be in capable hands with Obi-wan at least.

Slowly, her arms unfurled but she kept her gaze on her hands instead. “ Perhaps everything that’s happened has made me anxious, my lady. First Cordé and now...” she sighed as she felt her frustration begin to rise again. “ If it had been one assassination attempt, perhaps I wouldn’t be so anxious. But it’s been several, and no one seems to have any idea why!”
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Shout out to the only dad that matters: Bail Organa.
#ic#this is why we can't have nice things { crack }#anyway im back uh my trip was not good my partner broke up with me WOOPS#oh well#that's okay#have some quality fathers day jokes
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Tiny mini starter call to get back into the groove of things.
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Mini psa
So from Wednesday May 23rd( today lmao ) to June 6th, I’ll be with my partner in Ohio. I’ll be in using a different computer so with the exception of threads using my alternate fc of Tong Liya( who I don’t mind making new icons for because I only had the one ) all replies will be icon less on my end!
You are by no means required to go iconless for your replies, and I’ll be back to using icons for mine as soon as I get home!
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Handmaiden Project: Day 10
Favorite outfit
Yellow throne room gown
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|| She didn’t often get much free time these days. The Empire was closing in, and for all intents and purposes the rebel alliance was turning into a mess. So Sabé was rather annoyed when her only moment to relax was spent frustratingly staring at a stranger.
“Hey, you. Come here for a sec. “

@likemyfatherbeforeme && sc
#ic#likemyfatherbeforeme#i hope this is okay!!#let me know if you want something else!!!#i went with a rebel verse#angry rebel aunt doesnt recognize best friends son#more at 11
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|| “ Now, usually one of us will do it for you, but you must be able to put your make up on yourself in the event that we run out of time. I’ve seen you do it on the Queen plenty of times, I’m sure you’ll be able to do it on your own just as well.”
Sabé smiled, placing both hands on Isla’s shoulders. She had already applied the stark white base to the girl’s face. Now all that was left was the details. All of the queen’s handmaidens had to learn how to step in and act as her decoy, and that included mimicking her dramatic face makeup.

@nubian-jedi && sc
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|| “ I wish you’d let me come with you, Senator. “
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the Jedi, she just... didn’t trust the Jedi. Sabé knew that the Jedi were very capable warriors, the best in the galaxy even. And it wasn’t as if they were strangers either. She had been well acquainted with both Obi-wan and Anakin. Still, she couldn’t shake the dreadful knot that was twisting in stomach.

@amidalc && sc
#ic#amidalc#set just before she leaves during aotc???#i hope that's okay!!!#also i went with an alternate fc because i adore what youre doing with yours#i think it's a great thing#and i love dilraba#speaking of which i know dilraba is Uighur#however i couldn't find a Uighur actress that fit#so i went with Tong Liya who is Xibo
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Tiny mini starter call to get back into the groove of things.
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Mobile please stop liking posts I don’t mean to like.
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uck i didnt mean to leave for this long
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