#twoface promotions
teaboot · 1 year
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @anchored-trident
Name: Internet safety 101, kids. Keep 'em guessing. ('Tea' is fine.)
Pronouns: he/him
Where do you call home? Northwest Canada! Nice and grey.
Favorite animal: Honestly I love pretty much all of them but if I had to, like. Cohabitate with one? Cats. God's favourite bastards. Also partial to polyphemus moths, the common brown bat, june beetles, golden moles, the silky tree anteater, poison dart frogs, hawks, chimney swifts, and nautuluses, too.
Cereal of choice: I am. Not a cereal person. Fruit loops?
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Visual. 100%. Everything I do and use is organized by color. I will remember your birthmarks and tattoos and piercings and scars long before I remember your name or anything else about you. I forgot my own name once. It's bad
First pet: A big black cat.
Favorite scent: Oh, this is hard. I have a coconut shampoo that reminds me of my mom, and a white musk and oud perfume that makes me think of Cairo, and a plum/vanilla/white musk lotion that smells like the last week of school before summer vacation. A bottle of my dad's cologne he let me keep for my 16th birthday. Frankincense. Lilacs. Sunscreen. Cedarwood. Pine chips. Pumpkin. Clean laundry. I dont think I can pick just one.
Do you believe in astrology?  Not even a little bit. Sure is fun, tho!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple Music? Playlists in general? Too many. Couple dozen, probably. One for every occasion.
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies. Though I use highlighters more.
A song that makes you cry: Right now? "Dear Fellow Traveller" by Sea Wolf. Also "Cain" by Cousin Marnie.
A song that makes you happy: "Art Hoe" by Call Me Karizma, "Cannibal" by Naethan Apollo, "Wanted To" by Infected Mushroom, and "Daywalker!" By Machine Gun Kelly X CORPSE.
And finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself!
I love to draw and oaint and sculpt and sew, but spend a lot of time at work and have some issues with hypersomnia so it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Wish I could promote myself better because I miss creating but... I don't know. Maybe I'll make something in the morning.
@anchored-trident thanks for the nom'! ♡ This one was fun :)
Nominations (either because we're mutuals or I find you interesting): @melancholysage @naamahdarling @sternenhimmel-mondnhimmel-mond @mist-the-wannabe-linguist @smlmsworld @mangotarot @genderfuckedpigeon @twofaced-gemini-withnobrush
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ednito · 1 year
Why don't you care for/dislike Rogues the Postcast? /gen /nm
Sorry for the late answer bestie, been busy with work LMAO
I'll give a bit of a general trigger warning, there's gonna be mentions of abelism as well as sexual assault and homophobia.
It's really hard for me to really begin and where to start with my issues with the series, I'm very passionate on the topic of mental illness and abelism and I have close friends who just HATE this series with how it promote these abelist ideas and jokes and it makes me very emotional. It's very personal for me, it devastates me to see that codot (hopefully unknowingly) promotes these stigmas that effect my friends, myself (self diagnosed though mind you) and other people who suffer from illnesses like DID, psychosis, schizophrenia, ect.
Let's look at scarecrow first. Obviously, he's portrayed to have an 'evil alter' that in it of itself is an abelist stereotype towards DID. You can have villains have DID of course i mean you can literally look at twoface or the ventriloquist! But what separates those two from scarecrow is that those two have always been bad people, excluding their illnesses. (Of course ventriloquist is questionable as an example as in some continuities he's shown to be possessed but I'm not getting into that)
Oh but that's just the thing- apparently Jon doesn't have DID (I was told this by a friend) and so that automatically fixes that issue right? It's not like there's been other illnesses that's been villainised to have 'evil alters' or 'evil personalities' right? /s /lh /nm
Ok but no like seriously, that doesn't fix the issue like at all. You can't just blatantly write an abelist stereotype and turn around and say "actually he doesn't have that" like you still wrote it. You wrote that into your canon you can't just go back and rewrite that to be better.
I also have issues with Jon's character in general. He's incredibly out of character but I'll get to that in a lil bit.
Another character that has abelist writing is Jervis. From what I've read of transcripts and what I've heard from Friends who've read the transcripts/listened to the podcast it's clear that Jervis is written to have (or implied to have) something along the lines of psychosis or schizophrenia (or something similar) and while that's not inherently bad the fact it's written that he constantly hears 'the voices' and that he's constantly dissociating to think properly (think like how you see 'insane' people swing back and forth on the floor mumbling nonsense) and bestie that's not how that shit works! If I remember right to he literally admits to shitting and pissing in his cell in arkham and???? That's just gross????? Don't get me wrong arkham has continously been a horrible place so I'm not exactly surprised but also like??? That's still so gross and incredibly out of character??
And listen, I'm not trying to dictate on how people suffer from their own illnesses and stuff. But I just, I find it so horribly written? I'll use myself as an example. Personally (which I genuinely hate having to talk about) I do occasionally hear voices to varying degrees and idk bestie. I just, it's hard to explain and again this is personal but its just gross for me. And I acknowledge my situation is different from other people, but it's still weird to see in my opinion. I have a friend who can vocalize these issues way better to me but tldr it just pushes abelist ideas.
There's a two other things about Jervis I feel is important to point out. One I'm way more able to vocalize my issues on.
Theres a moment in the podcast where Jon and Jervis question whether harley is a natural blonde and Jon suggest that Jervis goes and check Harleys pubic hair while she's sleeping, and that she'll never know if their quiet enough. (to which Jervis gets his ass handed to him after a failed attempt if I remember right) which, I don't think I need to emphasize that sexual assault isn't funny. I'm positive it was written as a joke because I can't even fathom the idea that codot would have been serious on writing that. I can't in my right mind see how this is funny to begin with, as someone who has been sexually assaulted I just. I genuinely don't understand how people can just sideline this- how codot thought it was ok to joke about. I just don't understand I genuinely don't understand. And this goes back to how out of character everyone is (including jon), how unnecessarily mean Edward is to Jervis is genuinely uncomfortable, especially with how Jervis is written to be constantly dissociated (or that's how it feels) which makes that whole joke even worse as it slips in abelism!
I also don't understand why in the hell Jervis tetch is homophobic- of course I've only heard this second hand but considering how Jervis's written in this series I wouldn't be surprised if I'm right. But nonetheless, the decision to make Jervis homophobic is an extremely bold decision considering Jervis is canonically a queer character in DC. For YEARS it's been established that he's either queer or bisexual/pansexual of some sort and has even been in some of the recent DC pride collections! If I remember right he even has his own story! So it's so disheartening to see that he's written to be so out of character and to he so hateful when he isn't! And what's crazy is that I'm not even a big hatter fan!
I'm sure there's more issues to be pointed out but right now I've been dissociating really hard and I'm very emotional and I'm just finding it hard to to continue this tangent really and it doesn't help I'm at work. And even excluding this I just have issues from the whole scarecrow sexyman poll thing and ive already stated about my medical issue. I feel like that in it of itself is a valid reason to not like it LMAO.
Also I apologize that this is over the place, again at work and completely dissociating throughout this so a HORRIBLE combo LMAOOO
I'm sure codot is fine person and I'm not at all trying to cancel or start anything. It's just disheartening to see so much abelism go unchecked! Honestly if codot just did his research on these topics (and stopped joking about sexual assault) then I wouldn't have such a huge issue. But he hasn't, and it doesn't feel like he's gonna.
Feel free to correct me if anything I've stated has been wrong though! I don't at all mean to spread any misinformation!
P.s. don't give me the whole "oh he's just one guy and this is just a simple fan project" bullshit when that doesn't excuse anything. I'm literally one person making my fan story and I'm over here reading medical textbooks and doing my research because I understand a lot of my interpretations NEED that research and it's so easy to put in abelist ideas. It's genuinely not hard to do research.
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destielcrack · 1 year
With the CW network canceling almost all scripted shows on its network, many great shows have been canceled or are facing the threat of cancellation. Gotham Knights is potentially one of the shows that unfortunately, could share this same fate.
Many fans all over the world support Gotham Knights and would love to see it continued for more seasons! Gotham Knights has an immense following all around the world. The show has been a massive success globally, where streaming services like HBOMAX and the CW app have continuously shown the series in the top 10 most watched of 2023, ranking number six for the current year and number three for the last two months with only the international hits "The Last of Us", and "Succession" ahead, respectively. That's astounding statistics considering the series has only been on the air for two months.
Gotham Knights is the most talked about show on the CW. From its gripping and action-packed storylines, to production and costume design, to the phenomenal acting talent of a diverse cast, there is constant buzz about potential award nominations for this series. Misha Collins, playing the tragic Harvey Dent who, eventually becomes the iconic villain Twoface, has been exceptional invoking the duality of an honorable and upstanding man, who succumbs to his darker, deadlier side. Olivia Rose Keegan, as Duela Doe, not only provides comic relief, but is also effective showing her vulnerable side.
If the show is canceled, then the producers of the show will have to find a new home for it. However, that's not an easy task. The CW network, as well as, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. will have to be convinced to sell the show to other networks or streaming services. I do believe, however, that with the show's immense popularity and success on HBOMAX and the CW app, that selling it would be the best option if it's not renewed. Considering its popularity worldwide, other networks and streaming services would hugely benefit from acquiring Gotham Knights due to its cheaper production costs and potential buyers of streaming memberships.
I was moved to start this petition because I believe that Gotham Knights is a television series that is needed on air and to be seen not only for its talented cast and hardworking crew, but also for its diversity and real life issues that people around the world suffer with. In today's political climate where discrimination is rampant, Gotham Knights, embraces a cast of characters, as well as, actors of different race, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. They promote inclusion and acceptance, especially with the LGBTQIA community. Gotham Knights's storylines are emotional and raw because they tackle issues that are relevant in the world today, such as, substance abuse, mental health issues, homophobia, transgender discrimination and income inequality. Gotham Knights deserves to be renewed!
I'm writing this because this is something I care about deeply and it won't happen without the support of people like you. Starting a petition isn't something would normally do, but I was moved to do so because not only is this a show that means so much to the fans but also, to the entire cast and crew, who worked with dedication and love to create a series that fans would adore. It would be incredibly sad to see them so disappointed. I know I'm not alone and together we can make this change happen. Please sign and share!
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unfoxmeart · 2 years
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Angel 3/4 for @pitohuiart in the theme twoface/blind with palette ember valley green.
|Click for better quality| Caption deleters & self promoters blocked| design portrayed belongs to the commissioner, no use beyond theirs is authorized| Commissions open| insta: unfoxme| twitter: unfoxme|
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howldean · 2 years
Heya :) You have seen the first episode of Gotham Knights, right? How much Misha is actually in the episode? I don't know if the promotional team uses him more since he has a quite loyal fanbase, or if he's actually one of the major characters, so I thought I might ask you, since I am noisy af.
howdy! yes i have, it was screened for the first time at spndallas. as part of the early screening i obviously can’t spoil much blah blah etcetera, but i will say that he is in it and we see a lot of the first trailer’s clips in the pilot. i’ll also say that i wasn’t expecting the episode to be good but it kinda wowed me and i’m actively excited for the rest of the show
separate from the screening we do know that harvey dent is a prominent side character who will have his own arc into twoface. so good news for you, lots of misha in the future !! i think the promotional team is definitely capitalizing on him, since some of the younger actors aren’t nearly as popular and misha. is misha
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jokersby · 3 years
Batman Fan Anthology Comic by @thebeanbagboys
The artist is Eedaeth and the author is Mikopath!
To support them and the project, consider starting a Patreon subscription with them!
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The story is an anthology, showing unique perspectives from varying members of the Gotham Rogue Gallery, such as Joker, Two-Face, The Mad Hatter, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, an original mystery villain, and of course Batman himself.
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To get updates on the project, subscribe to their Patreon or follow them here, here, and here! They also have a Discord you can join, which I'm a part of!
They also are working on a really cool Minecraft Resource Pack that you check out here.
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Beth’s photo album of The Crushing at Rabidfest Day One on 16th August 2019
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ilhoonftw · 3 years
They ignored him????
people would walk past him, not giving him thw album to sign or don't even acnowledge him when he was signing their shit, as if he was a filler member. there were fansign fancams where members would take the mic and talk to everyone but when it was yook's turn, some fans would keep talking. then changsub or some other member would tell fans to listen to yook / be quiet (politely ofc). usually ilhoon or changsub bc they always were quick to pick on fans behaving in a meh way. eunkwang is too nice. runie and subie very infamous among sik solo stans bc they would always do weird shit, sik usually wouldn't oppose while it was subie-runie who would glare at them or some shit. people would post on pann/twitter how changsub being "twofaced" made them leave the fandom lmaooo, and runie was supposedly not super nice or into fanservice as idk minhyuk. but when btob were promoting in japan k-mellos would go o.O at ilhoon being super nice and thus popular among j-mellos. which was mostly because j-mellos would respect his boundaries??
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thecursedprince · 3 years
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#Battinson gives me life. 😍🦇 ———————————————————— All of these new promotional images for 2022 #TheBatman are so amazing! This movie is gonna be so epic! My favorite Batman so far! #robertpattinson #brucewayne #catwoman #selinakyle #zoekravitz #dc #dccomics #dceu #twoface #penguin #riddler #poisonivy #comics #dcmovies #colinfarrell #andyserkis #alfred #pauldano #jeffreywright #commissionergordon #joker #harleyquinn #margotrobbie https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEWw7phjls/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jamiaugusztin · 3 years
Hi all... An excellent Saturday to you and yours! Collect PEZ Dispensers... it's fun 🤪 We are showcasing PEZ Candy Dispensers Featuring: Baseball, Movies and DC Supervillains and Themes 1 ⊙ Boston Red Sox 2 ⊙ New York Mets 3 ⊙ New York Yankees 4 ⊙ The Joker 5 ⊙ The Riddler 6 ⊙ Two Face 7 ⊙ Bee Movie 8 ⊙ Golden Compass 9 ⊙ Ice Age 2 The Meltdown 10 ⊙ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Michelangelo Yes indeed, PEZ illustrates the creative power of the imagination, yours! PEZ Knowledge: PEZ Candy was invented in Vienna, Austria by Eduard Haas III as an alternative to smoking. The name PEZ comes from the German word for peppermint, “PfeffErminZ” taking the P from the first letter, E from the middle and Z from the last letter to form the word PEZ. In 1952, PEZ came to the United States. In 1973, PEZ builds the first candy manufacturing facility in Orange, CT. In 2011, PEZ opened the PEZ Visitor Center. These fun PEZ Candy Dispensers are new on card and in bags, and ready for a PEZ collector. Take a moment to view these PEZ's and more merchandise at everyone's #ShopSmall Store: Now and Then Galleria LLC. Here, are some perks you won't want to miss.. 1 ☆ View current Merchandise, Collectibles, New, Vintage, Pre-Owned also Handmade Crochets by our mum: Mumsie of Stratford 2 ☆ We offer Shipping Discounts starting at $50.00! 3 ☆ A Complimentary Gift with your Purchase 4 ☆ Register to Enter for our Prize Drawing in 2021! 5 ☆ Then Opt in for the Newsletters 6 ☆ Play Free and Exciting Games! 7 ☆ Spin the BIG Wheel for a Discount 8 ☆ Visit us here: https://www.NowandThenGalleria.com - Direct Link In My Profile I thank you for browsing 👀 Music: Eternal Springtime by e s c p https://escp-music.bandcamp.com Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com #PEZ #PEZDispenser #BeeMovie #GoldenCompass #IceAge2TheMeltdown #DCComics #Joker #Riddler #TwoFace #Boston #RedSox #NewYork #Mets #Yankees #Dispenser #Games #Toys #EternalSpringtime #escp #Merchandise #Collectibles #Vintage #New #MumsieofStratford #FreeGames #PrizeGiveaways #SpinTheWheel #Gifts #NowandThenGalleria (at Now and Then Galleria LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4NcasAGIY/?igshid=z38swx996d5w
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dumb-hat · 4 years
Life-Trap Test: Evander Winsome
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You are characterized by feelings of apathy and despair. You feel as if there is no point in making the effort when you are doomed to fail anyway. As a consequence, you may avoid developing skills, tackling tasks, or taking on responsibility – all of the activities that might otherwise enable you to succeed. "What's the use?" is a thought that keeps recurring in your mind. You procrastinate, get distracted, do your work improperly, or mishandle the tasks you take on. To you, this feels like the normal state of things, but in reality these are all forms of self-sabotage.
It is easy for you to be filled with feelings of failure. This is a familiar feeling that you have had for most of your life. As a defense, you may have chosen a career below your potential or avoided taking the necessary steps to get a promotion in your career. It is possible that you feel safe in dead-end jobs.
Most likely you have avoided taking chances to become a success. You ignored your potential and gifts, even though others have pointed them out and, at some level, you knew that you possessed them. Instead, you kept setting yourself up for failure, which was the one thing you felt that you were good at.
Take the test here: Click here to feel bad about stuff Tagged by: @kich-rp Tagging: @luck-and-larceny, @1morefairytale, @matter-of-a-pinion, @outoftheshade, @rime-orreason, @nah-ffxiv, @averdantsoul, @sharlayanwanderer, @twofaced-xiv​, @aurelia-riaz​, @sunny-nhama​, @moonlitequilibrium​, @keeperofthegamble​, @of-the-wine-dark-sea​, @gold-and-ashes​, @but-first--tea​, @venombrand​, @aethersmoke-and-ash​, @violetcuriosity​
I tried to tag people I hadn’t seen tagged in this already, so sorry if you’ve already been tagged, or if I missed you. Also, feel free to do this and tag me in it so I can see what you get, even if I didn’t tag you.
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753398445a · 4 years
I think I’ll start liveblogging Harley Quinn now
Maybe before I start I should say what I want to see this season? Definitely no more Joker - I’ve never found him a particularly compelling character and don’t think there’s much more they could do with him in this without either retreading story beats they’ve already covered or giving him his own storylines. I’d like to see Clayface developed more, and wouldn’t say no to the other members of Harley’s crew doing the same. And just like everybody else I’d love to see more Jim.
The episode is called New Gotham, and I’m guessing that means its establishing the new status quo. I’d make more predictions, but I’m pretty sure the promotional material has already told us what’s going down in the first few episodes.
We’ve got No Man’s Land confirmed, though I doubt anybody didn’t see that coming - the show was telegraphing it hard (I’m 90% sure that the earthquake being an 8.6 was lifted directly from Cataclysm, even).
I’m surprised by the lack of the show doing anything overtly political with the opportunity of the president being relevant for the first time - this show’s gone out of its way to espouse politics in the past and I’m pretty sure I heard that some of the writers of this are the same ones who worked on Powerless which would make them the same ones that called Trump a supervillain that one time. I’m not complaining, just because I don’t like the guy doesn’t mean I want shots at him shoehorned into a scene that’s meant to be dramatic, I’m just surprised.
It looks like season two has the same intro as season one, and I still love it.
That moment with the severed arms was great, and in fact it seems designed to establish the show’s comedy to anybody who didn’t watch season one (which would be a weird thing to do, but maybe the writers didn’t know what format the show would be presented in when they started making it and wanted their bases covered?).
I thought she was presenting the dude as food as well, and my only feelings on the matter were surprise that they’d resorted to cannibalism so quickly and curiosity about how enthusiastic/resistant each of them had been when the idea had first come up. Also I feel like something either unpleasant or very strange is going to happen to that llama or whatever it is.
I don’t know anything about sushi, so that joke about the spider roll was lost on me. Oh, its actually been three weeks. I assumed from the fact that water was still flowing from that hydrant that things had only just gone wrong. I also don’t know what Vietnam was like after the US left, but at least I don’t need to know anything I can’t glean from context clues to get the joke in this case.
I was hoping for a scene of Harley leading some sort of Goon (and now also Hench, I guess) Uprising back in episode three, but now’s good too. I feel like its not gonna go well because if it does that map scene becomes a lot less plausible. Okay, that went surprisingly well. I feel like that wouldn’t be how broadcasts work, but I’ll admit I don’t really know for certain.
God, Freeze just made a cool entrance. That pun was unintentional, and I don’t really have anything else to say about that scene but when I paused it had just switched to a view of Gordon so at least I’m about to get more of him like I said I wanted. I also enjoyed the comedy of that scene, but didn’t really have anything to say about it either. I did guess that the silhouette would be Robin just like in episode four, but I feel like that probably isn’t notable - like I said, the show did it already.
I hope ...Takeshi? becomes a member of the crew, I think just having a regular person around when all the comic book bullshitery happened would offer a lot of comedic potential. Or actually, just a little bit of comedic potential. The more I think about this the less funny it seems, and now I don’t want him to join the crew. Also when Freeze fired his gun I expected vines to block the blast because I forgot that in comic-land people can be frozen/thawed harmlessly (which is dumb, by the way).
Cheryl is disgusting.
(That deserved to be its own paragraph) Is the music that played when Jim was shooting the same as what played on the precinct's rooftop in episode six? I think it may have been, and if so that would probably mean its like, Gordon’s theme or something. Either way I like it. Also Twoface (Two Face? Two-face?) has good taste.
Jesus that was a sad moment (also of course Cheryl would work for Bane :P). At first I thought the waiter was poorly trying to do a french accent to appease Penguin, but the inflection on 'taking back' tipped me off. Now that I know to look for it, it seems he kept his normal teeth for some reason. Did King Shark just do the hand gestures when Dr. Psycho used his power? Because if so that’s adorable but also implies a lot of unnecessary planning went into some way of coordinating that.
Harley’s having a lot of fun as a pinball. HOLY FUCK I FORGOT THAT SHE WAS GONNA BITE HIS NOSE OFF! Joshua’s probably gonna come after her in revenge - you gotta end the bloodline, Harley. More seriously, I’m surprised they killed off The Penguin because I’m used to the iconic villains having plot armor, but I guess that a lot of them have actually died already and I just forgot (in my defense Scarecrow was the only one whose death didn’t happen offscreen). I wonder if by the end of season two Harley will have offed the rest of them? The only remaining scene with any of them in it that I can remember is the one of Mr. Freeze being mistaken for Beyonce. Also I suppose Joshua might’ve been in the Legion HQ when it blew up, we know he was there in Bensonherst and it seemed like he had made himself at home.
Ivy’s “Cool” was great. I haven’t said it on this platform before but I think it was a clever decision to have her as an audience surrogate instead of having the main character fill that role. Seems like the sort of thing that wouldn’t normally work, but it certainly did here. Also yes, apparently Harley is going to kill the other villains.
And it looks like we’re going to see more Bruce Wayne this season, which I’m not opposed to. All in all a pretty good episode, the only thing I’m not satisfied with was the lack of Frank and Kite-Man (hell yeah!), I feel like the former’s absence was pretty noticeable.
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tomboxe · 4 years
The Batman
It was a moment. A brief flash of the man he’d been for decades. It passed very quickly though, the massive, grotesque smile. There were lines around his eyes now he no longer used the over the top makeup that had for so long struck terror into the citizens of Gotham. He sat back into the gently whirring massage chair that was his almost constant companion, his back an entire citadel of aches. The years of taking on the Batman had taken their toll on him.
He spared a thought for his old enemy and chuckled at the thought of the sheer mass of injuries he must have lived through. How he’d envied the brute force with which Bane had literally broken Batsy on one beautiful, almost tragic occasion. The iconic rictus flickered on his face again for a moment.
He grabbed his cane, the one with the jewel encrusted joker head on it, the only bit of memorabilia he’d kept from the old days. It had been a gift from old Cobblepot, and it was worth an absolute fortune. Not that he cared that much about money anymore.
He walked out to the street, hobbling slightly. He wasn’t a particularly old man, but he was, physically at least, a broken one. He just wanted to live out the rest of his days with the rest of his wealth. He paused at a newspaper stand and looked at the headlines.
“Top of the morning to you sir!”
The vendor’s voice was bright and cheerful. Too cheerful. And who in Gotham used a greeting like that? He got halfway in character, and the grin came out to play. The vendor recoiled a bit.
“Good morning to you, kind citizen. I haven’t my glasses on me, so pray tell, what does the news say?
His smile didn’t shift as the vendor told about crime after crime that the Batman had foiled. If the vendor had any training in reading body language, however, he’d have noticed the clenching of both fists around the head of the cane, the slight twitch in the eye, and the way the seemingly harmless man had drawn himself up to his full height. He didn’t though, and it was just as well for him, as there’s no telling what might have happened if he’d been thought to be goading the Clown Prince.
“And he vouched for the Joker’s old broad! You know, Harley Queen or something! She’s strictly on the straight an’ narrow now.”
The Joker winced at the mispronunciation, said a hurried thank you and walked away. He was angry, and knowing why he was angry made him even more so.
He hurried back to the abandoned amusement park he called home. It was familiar, a safe haven for a clown in an un-mad, sanitised world. He’d had the traps removed and a few creature comforts installed, but apart from that it was a functional fairground. His functional fairground.
He often left the carousel spinning so he could waltz to the music - by himself, now that Harley wasn’t here. She hadn’t left Gotham, but she had refused to stand by him during his trial. He had deserved that, of course. She had been devoted to him and when she had needed him most, he had tossed her aside like an old toy. He’d always been abusive towards her, but the coldness with which he had rejected her had even stunned the Batman.
He remembered it well. It had been one of the things that had escalated his downfall. He had set an elaborate trap for the Dark Knight. It would have been hilarious. It was a pastiche of all the big villains Batman had ever fought - a coin deluge a la TwoFace, a Penguinesque attack by a genetically modified peregrine falcon, a physical and psychological pummelling by Bane, slow acting poison by Ivy - all part of an elaborate death trap maze courtesy of the Riddler which he was forced to go through under the Mad Hatter’s mind control. The Joker chuckled at the perfect plan. He’d even got Carmine Falcone and Rupert Thorne to team up to decimate Wayne Industries and leave the Batman penniless.
The Bat had survived.
He’d blamed Harley, of course. She must have done something wrong. It had been the perfect plan. So when Harley inevitably came running, screaming for her Pudding, he didn’t tell her to get lost. He delivered her to Hugo Strange at Arkham Asylum and had her remanded as a risk to society, staying to watch the initial shock treatments - not that they helped his mood much.
Still, he missed Harley somewhat.
He turned on the TV in an attempt to distract himself. Harley was on the news. Her voice had lost some of its pitch, but she seemed happy.
“Without me!?”
His anger was misplaced, he knew. It had never been Harley’s fault. If he really wanted to kill the Batman he should have shot him in the head at point blank range.
The thought calmed him somewhat. A dead Batman meant anarchy in Gotham. Exciting. He hadn’t been excited in years. He wouldn’t lead the brave new world Batman’s death would usher in, but he could be the catalyst. He could kill the Batman.
Kill the Batman.
“Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Kill the Batman!”
It sounded amazing out loud. The thought reverberated in his head, filling every part of his psyche. Suddenly it was crystal clear. For the Joker to find peace, the batman had to die.
He spent the next few days plotting. There had to be a crime with all the hallmarks of the Joker’s devious mind to draw out old Batsy. He toyed with the idea of bringing Harley in, but decided against it. It had to be personal.
When the Joker’s ghastly visage appeared above the city, commissioner Sarah Essen hoped and prayed it was a prank. She had been promoted to Commissioner after her husband died at the Joker’s hand, and she had lived in terror until the Batman finally caught the Clown Prince and put him in a facility as far away from Gotham as humanly possible - the Phantom Zone.
It was harder for her to get up to the roof these days, and she was thankful the Batman had upped his game in the years following the Joker’s comeuppance. She rarely had to summon him ever, but tonight she had to know.
He was already there, brooding in front of the filtered strobe light that was casting the Joker’s face into the night sky.
“He wants me.”
The gravelly baritone Bruce Wayne assumed when in his Batman persona had never really deceived her, she liked to think.
“Why not? I ended him.”
The silence between them seemed heavy with questions.
“They shouldn’t have let him out,” the Commissioner said quietly.
“Doesn’t matter. I need to take him down.”
“Yes. But...”
The Batman looked in her direction for the first time that night. His cowl only covered the top of his face, and slight fuzz that covered his chin was flecked with grey. You may be in peak human condition, but nobody lives forever, she thought.
“But what?” He asked.
“Nothing, nothing. It has to be done.”
“Yes. It does.”
In the few moments she spent contemplating her next words, he left. She looked up and was relieved at the fact. There was a time she would have been furious at the abruptness of his departure. Now she just wanted it to end. All of it.
She hobbled back down the fire escape to her office and waited for the inevitable rush of activity that would signify a Joker sighting.
Gotham City Bank. The Batman had foiled more robbery attempts than he could count. All of his Robins had numbers. Batgirl had... he remembered what the Joker had done to Batgirl. To Jason. To Commissioner Gordon.
Every important building had a skylight with an external lock that opened with a digital key that only Batman, the Commissioner and the Mayor had. The real key to the city, Mayor West used to say with a rich little chuckle that often made the Batman half smile in spite of himself.
He slid down into the building from the bank’s skylight. He knew the Joker would be expecting it, but he didn’t have the patience for stealth. He wanted the Joker taken down as quickly as possible.
The little circle pressed into his temple the moment his feet touched the floor.
“Hello Batsy,” the Joker spat. There was mirth in his voice, but it was tinged with an incredible amount of bitterness. Batman shifted his weight and launched his right arm up, knocking the gun out of the Joker’s hand. It spun up in the air and he spun to face his old foe, throwing a black gloved hand towards the Joker.
He wasn’t there.
The Batman touched a pressure point on his cowl and murmured “switch to infra red.”
“Oh I’m not hiding Batsy, although you might want to wish I was.”
He closed the distance between them before batman had a chance to react.
“Goodbye, Batman.”
The first two shots flung the Batman back onto the floor of the bank, the Kevlar that protected his chest battered, his ageing heart beating against it like a marching band. He made to get up, but the Joker swept his feet out from under him. The former maniac sat on Batman’s chest, put the gun a couple inches above the horrified face, and pulled the trigger.
Tears filled his eyes as he walked away, but he wiped them and held his head high as he got into the chauffeur driven limousine that was waiting for him. He wiped off his make up carefully and changed out of the purple suit. Dark slacks and a fitted nude-striped shirt were offset by plain white sneakers, and he became a rich middle aged man about town trying to have a good time.
Essen sensed that something was amiss before the Joker’s signal went out. She ran into the dark bank. Her hands shook as she surveyed the scene in front of her.
She thought quickly, her mind moving faster than her feeble frame would allow.
Nobody had called it in, so she had time to do what had to be done. 
“You, Conroy! With me. And you, Timms. The rest of you stay here and let me know as soon as the paramedics get here.”
Between them they hurriedly shrugged the cape, cowl and suit off the still warm body, and shoved them behind a counter. When there was no way of connecting Bruce Wayne to the Batman, she looked into her officers’ faces.
“One word of this gets out, and your careers, your lives as you know them, are over.”
The she raised her voice.
“Civilian down! Where is the damn paramedic!?”
The whispers started as the paramedics stretchered the still form out into the ambulance. Essen climbed in with the body and the vehicle moved swiftly through Gotham without its sirens. The Commissioner held a press conference as soon as she returned to the station. Bruce Wayne had been shot dead at point blank range earlier that evening. Police were exploring the possibility it was related to the sighting of the Joker symbol over Gotham earlier in the evening. Yes, the Joker had agreed to come in for questioning. No, there would be no further comments until a breakthrough was made in the investigation. As she hobbled back into the station, she wished for the first time in a long time that her husband was still alive. She considered calling Barbara, but they spoke too rarely to be any source of comfort to one another. She called Bullock instead. He’d been rough around the edges when he was an officer with her husband, but he was a good man, and one of the few whose corruption her husband had overlooked in favour of his other qualities. He lived on a farm outside Gotham these days, retired since Commissioner Gordon’s death. He picked up the phone on the first ring.
“Harvey, did you see the press conference?”
He grunted dismissively.
“Wayne’s dead.”
Silence. Harvey Bullock had always been jealous of the Batman, unwilling to work with a vigilante but in awe of the undeniable effectiveness of his methods. He had grown to greatly respect the Batman, and one of the reasons he’d retired was the knowledge that the Batman was there to protect Gotham better than he ever could.
“I’m on my way,” he said, and hung up the phone.
Blood seeped from the deep gouges on Selina’s arm. In fairness, she had almost strangled Isis when she’d heard. The tears flowed freely down her face. After all this time, she still loved the Batman fiercely, and it was out of respect for him that she had stopped being Catwoman. He had paid her the courtesy of telling her he was going to take down Gotham’s criminals for good. She had laughed in his gorgeously sculpted face and then kissed it, but he hadn’t responded. It had been a matter of days later when the Joker had been sent to the Phantom Zone.
She picked up her phone. It emitted a whiny laugh that made her wince.
“Hey darlin’” Harley minced down the line.
“Harley, I think the Joker killed the Batman.”
For the first time in their shared existence, Harley Quinn spoke without a lilt to her voice.
“You’re kidding.”
“No. Bruce Wayne’s death was announced a few hours after the Joker’s signal went out over Gotham.”
“No. He wouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“That’s not how it works. He’d kill anyone close to Batman, but he’d never kill him. He wouldn’t have a reason to go on.”
Selina paused for a moment.
“What should we do?”
“You need to sit tight,” Harley replied. “I’m going down to Gotham PD to offer them my assistance. I know the Joker better than anyone, and if he’s guilty I can get him to tell me. Just seeing me will make his blood boil.”
“What about yours?”
“Excuse me?”
“Harley, I know what he did to you?”
“It’s Dr. Quinzel, and I know what he did as well. That’s why I don’t wear a fool’s costume anymore. I’m done being anyone’s idiot.”
“Be careful.”
Harley put her voice back on.
“I pwomise, puddin’”
Jerome Napier didn’t like to be called Jack. He liked the sound of Jerome. It was round. It rhymed with ‘home’. He couldn’t at this point remember what his real name was, and every time the psychiatrists who had spent years curing the Joker had tried to induce the memory, the psychosis returned. In the end they reminded him he’d once gone by the name Jack Napier, and he’d allowed them call him that. He much preferred Jerome though.
He was in the precinct now, explaining how he couldn’t possibly have killed Bruce Wayne to an enraged Harvey Bullock.
“You’re not even an officer anymore, Mr Bullock,” he said quietly, interrupting an invective filled rant. “I don’t have to answer your questions, and I don’t want to.”
Commissioner Essen walked in and chuckled mirthlessly.
“You will answer all our questions, Joker.”
Jerome winced at the name. He’d only killed the Batman to finally set himself free, and he felt more at peace than he had in years. He was mildly surprised to find out Bruce Wayne was Batman, but then again he’d always hated the rich fool just as much, so it was no real loss. It did kind of ruin the whole Dark Knight aesthetic for him though.
He mused silently, unimpressed and uninterested in the discussion around him. There was no way they could tie him to this. A copycat must have done it. He was cured.
After seven centuries Ra’s still spoke with the clarity and authority of a well tuned bell. Talia turned away from Damian and faced her father.
“Yes, father?”
“What will you do?”
“What can I do?”
The Demon Head paused for a moment. He looked at his grandson with a glint in his eye and malice in his heart, and spoke quietly.
“The boy will go.”
Damian hadn’t been paying much attention to anyone, lost in his own musings and uninterested in anything but himself. He didn’t want to go to Gotham and he didn’t want to see his father. He didn’t even want to be here.
“You will go to Gotham.”
“To honour your father’s legacy.”
“I don’t care about...”
He’d forgotten about his grandfather’s formidable temper. In a flash he was on his back, a sword at his neck.
“You will not disrespect me. You will not question me. Your father, although I despised him greatly, was a man of honour and you will keep his name alive.”
“I am not Batman.”
“You are the Son of the Bat and the grandscion of the Demon Head. You are more than capable.”
His mother’s voice still sounded like smooth, rich syrup over ice cream. He stopped arguing and started thinking.
“My costume will be comfortable, and white. I will have horns. I will be at once angel and demon and bat.”
Ra’s could see the homage and the individuality, and he respected it. He had his personal costumier and technicians work with Damian and ordered them to get him ready within days. As the straight faced young man left with them, he spoke quietly to Talia.
“It’s about time the brat started to do something worthwhile.”
Talia smiled. She didn’t agree with the Demon Head’s reason, but her heart was heavy, and she could think of no better way to honour her beloved than what he had come up with. And having Damian out of the way would make it easier to bring Bruce back to her.
The Joker almost jumped out of his seat when Harley walked into the room.
Let’s rephrase that, since they’re both civilians now. Jerome almost jumped out of his seat when Dr Quinzel walked into the interrogation room.
The question was at once pure incredulity and infinite scorn.
“Come to gloat have you?”
“Awww puddin’” she fawned sarcastically. “No I haven’t. I’m here to find out why you killed Batman.”
“Why? Not if?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Jack Napier.”
He longed to wrap his hands around that neck and squeeze it till it snapped. How dare she gather the nerve to be anything but obsequious to him. He looked in her beautiful eyes and it hit him. She wasn’t asking him if he did it because she knew. He may have twisted her all ends up and played on her emotions to an incredible degree, but she was still a clinically trained psychiatrist, and she’d studied him for years. 
“It’s the only way I can be free, Dr Quinzel.”
For the first time since he’d become the Joker, he realised that by killing the Batman he’d acknowledged that the game was over and he’d been beaten. He spoke then. He spoke about how he only wanted to be left alone, how he was tired of everything and everybody. He didn’t regret what he’d done, but he wasn’t that person anymore - or at least he didn’t want to be. How else could he prove to himself that he wasn’t the Joker anymore? The Joker would never have killed the Batman - it would be suicide. Harley let him finish and smiled.
Selina helped Talia because she didn’t know what else to do. Everyone else seemed useful. Harley had gotten a full confession out of the Joker, Bullock had started working with the new White Bat to keep the streets of Gotham safe, the Commissioner had taken Arkham in hand and the Joker was in a secure unit having the last vestiges of the Clown Prince stripped away. When Talia had come to her to ask her to rob Bruce Wayne’s grave, it had seemed disgusting and disrespectful, but it had given her something to do other than mope and nurse her broken heart.
Getting past the police stationed to control the crowds that had gathered every day since the murder was the easy part. She had considered putting on the old Catwoman costume, but even though she was still the same size she had been all those years ago, it didn’t feel right. She had squeezed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a turtleneck sweater, and she looked just like any other mourner. She had taken advantage of an understandable lapse in concentration to slip past the patrol and eased herself down into the Wayne Family crypt. Talia joined her a few moments later, and they made short work of opening the ornately carved coffin. When they emerged with the body, she noticed a neat pile of uniformed officers leaning against a nearby tree. She chuckled and looked over at her employer, who shrugged. A sudden gust of wind brought her back to the present, and the grin slid right off her face.
This was Bruce Wayne’s body they were carrying, the man both of them had loved above any other. The man both of them had loved not as the playboy billionaire philanthropist, but as Gotham’s gruff, taciturn guardian of the night. She knew Bruce and Batman would both disapprove of being brought back by the Lazarus Pit, but she was as desperate as Talia to see his face again, to smirk at him knowing her insistence on being Catwoman drove him crazy.
The drive to Gotham Airport was uneventful. They picked Harley up from the precinct and flew straight for Nanda Parbat.
Ra’s was expecting them, and did not try to stop them, only warning them that as the Batman had killed in his career and had lived in the darkness, his madness would be severe.
Four of his maidens prepared Bruce Wayne’s corpse for the ritual. He was anointed with healing and soothing oils, swathed in the rich black and gold cloth that only high ranking League of Assassins members were permitted to fashion into robes, and placed on a quickly assembled wooden platform.
“This part of the process is often harrowing to those who have loved the resurrected,” Ra’s warned. The three women looked at him, unmoving. He shrugged and raised his hands. The maidens disappeared, and four pallbearers took their place. They hoisted the platform on broad shoulders and walked over to the gently bubbling pit. Ra’s lowered his hands, and they lowered the platform carefully into the pit, careful not to touch the surface of the water. The Bat’s body lay just beneath the surface, and the water churned around him. Greens and reds erupted around him as the baleful life giving force made its way into his body.
All of a sudden the churning stopped. Bruce lay still, still just beneath the water, a beatific smile of his face. Moments passed, moments that seemed like aeons to the women. Talia had seen this before - with her own father - so she knew it was only a matter of time. Selina’s perfectly manicured nails were tearing into the leather of her jacket as she hugged herself.
“Nothing’s happening!”
Harley’s whisper was urgent, worried. She didn’t care much for the Batman, but it had been Bruce Wayne who had made it possible for her to return to her career after decades as the Joker’s accomplice. Even as Batman he had treated her with more dignity and respect than the maniac she had loved.
He only ever tried to stop me from hurting people
The revelation hit her hard, and her eyes opened in shock. The man she had antagonised for most of her adult life had consistently avoided hurting her and she had paid him no notice whatsoever.
Lost in her thoughts, she missed the moment when Bruce emerged from the pit. His leap landed him directly on on of Ra’s men, who stood no chance against the man Ra’s himself had trained. In a second a neck snapped loudly, and Bruce was crouched like a panther, ready to pounce on anyone. His jet black hair was streaked grey at the sides, his eyes wild and menacing, full of a cunning none of the women had seen in Batman. His smile was cruel and taunting.
The remaining three men jumped on Bruce. It was the last thing any of them did. Free of the usual restraint the Batman showed, the deranged person before them murdered the men with devastating efficiency. He stood up, his back still arched, and approached the women.
Ra’s, who had watched impassively from a nearby doorway, pounced. Sensing an equal, Feral Bruce stalked.
“That’s it,” Ra’s taunted as they circled one another.
Talia, quite sensibly, poked a syringe in Bruce’s neck as he passed her, and pushed the plunger as he turned to face her. He managed one wildly aimed slap that she easily avoided before he crumpled to the floor unconscious.
After Jerome Napier’s confession was made public, his trial became a bit of a circus. He was glad he hadn’t laid eyes on Harley since that night. She had gotten under his skin the way only she could - made him admit murder, and would probably be the reason he went away for a long, long time.
He chuckled at the thought. Funny enough, he felt no malice towards her. He no longer wanted to wring her throat and laugh at her as she suffocated under his ministrations. He was at peace.
I killed the Batman. The game is over. I’ve lost, but so has he, and so has Gotham.
The Jovial Conniver Commonly Called the Joker.
He laughed out loud, and someone in an adjoining cell yelled at him to shut up.
He laughed louder, elevating the hearty laugh to the chilling tone all of Gotham knew only too well.
It was good to know people still had a little respect.
Three months.
That’s how long it took Harley, Talia and Selina to restore Bruce’s sanity. They weren’t helped by the fact he was furious at them for raising him. He almost killed Harley when she remarked drily that he could at least be thankful for a second chance.
“I’ve never seen him so serene,” she said after rubbing her neck for a few moments. “It’s weird.”
Her comment about Bruce had only been a response to a fresh bout of anger. He’d stormed into the room raging at Talia and Selina for subjecting him to the Lazarus Pit, interrupting Harley mid flow. She’d snapped at his rudeness more than anything.
“I’m sorry,” said Bruce.
“Not you.”
“Yes. It seems the Joker has finally found peace in your death.”
Bruce sat quietly.
Not many people knew how to contact the League of Assassins, and even fewer could get a direct link to the inner chambers. When one of Ra’s men walked into Bruce’s room with a small, inauspicious looking phone, he knew who it would be.
“How’s Gotham?”
“Father, the Joker helped me bring in Hubert Cobblepot and Edward Nigma, Jr.”
“He worked extensively with and against their parents, so when they tried to hold the city to ransom as a sort of trial for me, Jerome Napier asked to see me.”
“And you went to him.”
“I’m not you, father. I have no personal agenda against him. If he has one against me, he hides it well. He didn’t lie to me once - you know I can tell.”
“And he helped you crack the case.”
“Wide open, as they say.”
Bruce let out a long, low whistle. This was a turn of events he hadn’t expected. Still...
“Did he help you as the Joker, or as Napier?”
“Both.” There was a familiar smirk in the younger Wayne’s voice. “He refuses to be addressed as the Joker, but he takes great pleasure in ruining people’s plans - only now he’s targeting criminals.”
“I have to go. I merely thought this might interest you.”
“It does. Goodbye, Son.”
“Bye dad,” Damian said with an exaggerated flourish.
It was safe to say they didn’t have the best relationship.
When Bruce asked Harley to go with him on a trip around the world, Selina and Talia nearly lost it. He needed them to keep an eye on the Joker and Damian, and he needed Harley to keep an eye on his mind. If there were any other reasons, he kept them to himself.
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yuzuruspoohsan · 6 years
do you ever think that yuzuru is completely different irl ??? like i think it’s safe to say he puts on his “media face” whenever he’s in front of cameras and press and interviews, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing and im not trying to call him twofaced, but do u think he’s totally different when those cameras are off???
hi again im the anon who asked about what yuzu is like irl and i just wanted to clarify my ask as not to offend u what i was trying to ask was if you think yuzuru is any different off camera or irl as compared to when he’s on camera and with press and things and by “media face” i just meant like u know how he acts with the media u know poised and calm..hope this clears my ask up sorry!!
It’s okay, anon. I can see where you’re going. I wasn’t offended. Maybe a little baffled as to why this would need an ask, but then again…I have had this asked before sort of….[x]But in general, feel free to type ‘personality’ into the search bar for my blog, and I’ll have a few answers about him in that regards.
But your ask is a little more specific in terms of whether or not he is some way different from his presentation of himself before the official press/media, then of course, yes.
No one is exactly like their “press self.” It’s like asking, are you like the way you are when you’re giving a presentation before a group of people. You might be more formal or stern, or more exaggerated than your general self, so on…
But I have thought over my answer and it’s going to be a somewhat long passage….
So, when it comes to people….your gut reaction should feel something. And maybe some people have more accurate gut reactions than others, but there’s always something that you can generally deduce from what you see and perceive.
It’s not to say your reasoning is always going to be correct because you can be swayed and remain bias to your thoughts. In my case, I have had the experience of finding out that the person I was stanning was indeed a real jerk and asshole (scum of the earth). But then in hindsight, there were things he admitted in the past that aren’t things that someone should be proud of sharing or making a joke out of. So, maybe had I been a little more aware or judgmental of the guy, I would’ve noticed earlier.
But when evaluating someone, these are kind of the things you look for and think about:
1. Consistency
Yuzu has always been fairly consistent in how he presents himself. And it’s hard to consolidate how he is or who he is from the library of videos that have documented his existence, but in general, he is more thoughtful, mindful, reserved, and formal when speaking to the official press which are the news outlets.
Yuzu is more relaxed and can be more of himself when he is being interviewed by people he knows or has probably spoken to outside/off camera. For example, Arakawa Shizuka and Nobunari Oda (he trolls them during some interviews.)
And he tends to remain consistent to how he acts. You don’t feel like he ever does anything that should surprise you, other than, “hmmm, he’s doing it again.”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do anything that surprised me when he’s on camera. And I keep bringing that up because you see, when you watch interviews with big hollywood stars, you never what to expect and that gives you the incentive to say….”woww, I can’t believe that happened.” And that’s probably because, they aren’t acting like themselves and they’re suppose to entertain you.
2. Incentive
Yuzu has no incentive to feel like he has to entertain people when he’s on camera. That’s not his job nor is it his job. He’s just answering questions in the best way he sees fit. Where as celebrities or TV personalities are more compelled to answer it in the best way that make them more charming.
Yuzu has said before in the past “I am not an idol. I am an athlete.”
I mean sure, he’s done commercials and promotions, but even then, he doesn’t do anything that is unlike himself to do.
You shouldn’t concern yourself with how he appears before the media or press. You should just watch videos where he’s in a more informal setting when he’s doing interviews with Arakawa-san, Nobunari-san, or Kenji. He’s most relax in those.
Watch him when he’s skating or sassing around. 
Think about the accounts people have given time and time again about how it is like to work with Yuzu (Shae-lynn, Jeff, Orser, etc.) and skate with. The accounts are nearly all positive (save for the fact that he can be very stubborn at times). That adds to the consistency of who he is generally.And people generally like to be around him and work with him (unless you’re his junior and get intimidated when he starts doing the glarey glaring thing when he’s on ice…..)
But to conclude, I’m not really sure what you’re trying to figure out from this ask. 
Are you concern that maybe he’s an asshole in disguise or not or something?Or whether or not he’s really that nice…?
And I would say, you shouldn’t have to worry or concern yourself all that much.
I can’t say that he’s completely like the way he seems or appears because, again, I don’t know him personally, and even then that wouldn’t really prove much because everyone has the ability to hide a part of themselves from the world.
But in my opinion, he does appear to be who he truly is on camera and that’s regardless of whether or not he’s speaking before the press or goofing around with other skaters during gala practice. 
Yuzu is Yuzu. He is always going to be himself.
He looks empowered precisely because he is true to who he is.And he has consistently…subtly….shown people to remain true to themselves in everything they do. Pursue, persevere, and do what you can to succeed.
Note: That when I say he is probably how he seems, it doesn’t mean that he’s saint. Cause if you’ve seen enough of him, you’ll know he isn’t. He’s overall a nice guy, but I’m sure he has off days too like every body else in the world. 
So, just to clarify, he should be how he appears to be more or less, and nothing more exaggerated. 
But that’s my opinion, someone else can have a totally different opinion from me and that’s cool. Cause it’s not like I have the power to know if I’m right.
(Though I always like to brag a bit on how I’ve consistently guessed what he’s thinking….haha. Ci )
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blue-shaded · 3 years
i think the ask criticizing people of being gross towards creators who make content involving nudity was directed towards the original ask, not you, because there’s nothing sexual about the selfie, it’s just a cheeky way of promoting his friend’s new mousepads because they’re comically large and neat dude usually just sells clothing. he’s making exactly the same post he would if it were a shirt but it’s funny because it’s not (plus the gotcha effect of the suggestion of nudity without showing anything)
Then anon should have specified who it was about. There's also more people who have made the exact same photo i saw later on twitter but idk if Ethan started it. Either way. He's done shit like this before, and I think it's very big hypocrite of him to go 'guys i dont want you to sexualize me' and then does stuff like this occasionally like.. If you don't want stuff like that to happen then don't provoke it since that'll cause the opposite effect. And to direct that back to the whole 'catcalling' thing that anon mentioned. This is not what I meant with that. I don't care what Ethan posts. but if this causes him to complain about being sexualized again it's his job to actually keep his community under control. Which he's done poorly over the past few months knowing he sent people out to dox others. I care about how fucking hypocritical and twofaced he is about it. Not about the fucking sexualization.
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luckyclownliu · 5 years
Written Commission
Greetings ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking for good writing, OC stories, Poetry, and good prices then I suggest looking at me to know that I am a publisher but most importantly a writer. So if anyone wants good artwork and detailed work done then look no further.
//Detailed Commission//
1 page:
400 DA points or $8
3 pages:
300 DA points  or $10
5 pages:
800 DA points or $13
10 pages:
1100 DA points or $15
15 pages:
1500 DA points  or $20
20 pages:
2000 DA points or $25
25 pages: 
3000 DA points or $30
30-up pages:
///Low Starting Prices///
10 words of Poetry:
5 dollars
One shot:
8 dollars (depends on the details)
Character template:
9 dollars
((It all depends on the details that are given to me because if it is an advanced style roleplay where I have to put each type of detail to make sure that the customer is Happy it might also cost more depending on what you want the characters to do and how much you want me to put in. Negotiations will be met because I'm doing this at a low price plus I'm willing to do a price that is okay with the person that's asking for a commission but it all depends on how many pages they want and how much money they're wanting to spend.))
I love Fanfictions and it warms my heart when I am able to write some in my own books. Especially when it comes down to writing about comic books or anime or Manga or even video games plus web series that I might know of:
Marvel universe
DC Universe
Dragon Ball
Yu Yu Hakusho
One piece
Samurai Jack
Samurai X
Demon Eyed Kyo
Shaman King
I hate Fairyland
Boss Lamb
The Mask
Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13
The leprechaun
Death Race
Street fighter
Virtua fighter
Mortal Kombat
Star Wars
Looney Tunes
Yogi Bear
South Park
Courage the Cowardly dog
Deadman Wonderland
Blood C
When they cry
Future Diary
Hellsing Ultimate
Gurren Lagann
Air Gear
daikon Brothers
Ninja Scroll
Fooly Cooly
Killing bite
Porkchops n flatscreens
Ninja Moon
Baki the grappler
Flame of Recca
Akame ga kill
Dragon Ball Super
Dungeons & Dragons
HighSchool DxD
Black Clover
Seven deadly sins
Peach Girl
Metal Gear
Tiger mask/wrestling
Anime war
Even character vs
Furry vengeance
Epic rap battles
1. Please pay before I even start writing but before that please tell me what you want in advance so there are no complications. Once I start that's it. 
2. Prices could not be in negotiated
3. If you do not like the prices then I feel that you should look elsewhere and not complain about set prices just so you can get a better deal.
4. You can either pay with DA points or PayPal.
5. Please be respectful
6. Don't walk without paying as I will put you on blast plus blacklist you.
7. You are able to pay half now and half later but nothing more and nothing less.
8. No refunds unless I don't feel comfortable with the commission or I feel that I cannot continue.
9. Detail detail detail! I want as much detail as possible for any sort of commission that you are wanting because I'm putting all my heart and soul into everything that I am doing so I hope that there are no problems to be had. 
10. All commissions will be done as promoted.
11. Starts at 500 words per page.
12. I'm best at writing fantasy stories and adventure stories.
13. I do not write fetish stories that are beyond my comfort zone such as farting, toilet humor, rape, pedophilia, racism, necrophilia.
14. I may be able to do gay, transsexual, bisexual, and TF fiction as I do not mind writing said stories as long as it doesn't go past my comfort zone or make me feel extremely uncomfortable.
15. I will be working on commissions only on the weekends now since I am going to be busy.
16. With each fanfiction it would be between 10 and $20 each that you would like from me.
So. If you would like to know more about the way that I write and how long it will take please send me a message or note me or comment down below to know more.
Thank you and have a nice day.
//If you want to talk to me on other platforms//
Twitter: @RogueJesterHAHA
IG: @roguejesterhaha
Discord: DonatTheRogueJester #4622
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