#two years worth of url changes
gumi-megpoidd · 11 months
Realizing just how long you list of "who I was" has gotten
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anneapocalypse · 3 months
I am actually going to use the Dragon Age fandom's predictable reheating of stale wank from ten years ago like it's brand new to remind people to crosspost and archive your meta. I'm serious. Crosspost and archive and back up your fanworks generally, but I think meta is a particular place where people don't bother or think it's not worth the trouble.
Part of the reason fandom seems to have such a miserably short memory is that the centralization of it on social media platforms causes information decay at a staggering rate. Twitter is one of the worst offenders, as it's basically useless for any kind of archiving and near impossible to find something that was posted ten days ago, never mind months or years. But tumblr has its own problems, with the ease of changing urls making link rot almost inevitable. Unless a post is still in active circulation or someone is doing a tag dive on an old fan's blog, posts from when Inquisition was fresh out and we didn't even have Trespasser yet (for example) might as well be at the bottom of the sea.
Did you know you can post meta on AO3? You can. There are tags for it and everything ("nonfiction" and "meta" being two popular ones). Dreamwidth exists and isn't a bad place for archiving. Hell, set up a Wordpress blog if that's more your speed.
Maybe you want to help preserve access to other people's meta posts! Consider a meta rec list. Reblog their posts and include links to the reblog as well as the original in case of deletion or link rot.
These are just a few ideas. I just want to encourage fellow fans, at a time when fandom and information online generally moves so fast and things get buried so quickly, to give some thought to archiving and preservation. Ten years from now, will our fandoms remember what we were talking about today?
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vergess · 1 year
V, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the recent @staff announcement with regards to making Tumblr more algorithmic? Especially as someone very new to the site.
People are way too worked up about it, tbh.
First of all: The chronological dashboard is staying! No one ever said anything to fucking threaten that. People literally made that up, and @staff had to make a whole separate post about it.
The "algorithmic changes" would affect things like recommended blogs and the notoriously broken search feature we've all been begging for a fix to for a decade now.
This is VERY much the tumblr user base being hostile out of habit. Literally the announcement gave us two (2) features we've been begging for for years. Fixes to search AND the ability to make custom chronological dashboards featuring only specific blogs.
But instead of celebrating, everyone is losing their actual shit over the word "algorithm" with no idea what it actually means. Algorithm does not mean "super evil magical AI boogeyman that takes away your ability to blog with your friends." I know that's how facebook and google use it, and the fear is well earned, but it's misdirected in this case.
Of course, it's worth noting that I'm biased. I am very lenient with tumblr's current staff. I've lived through every era in tumblr staffing, and this is the only staff group that has ever taken user feedback seriously.
Unfortunately, people seem to think that the exorbitant excesses of the indie era and the obnoxious censorship of the corporate era are also the fault of the current staff.
In actuality, those are inherited problems that have been nightmarish to untangle from the heinous spaghetti code that they also inherited.
The stuff we love about tumblr (chronological dashboard, ability to turn off ads and recommendations, custom urls and blog themes, etc) is here to stay.
But fixes to the way the search and rec algorithms are long overdue. We should be delighted by this news, not enraged.
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lovethistoomuch · 7 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @birdkeeperklink thank you so much! I really had to think on these since, as per my url you can guess there are a lot. (sorry for the late reply. I got no excuse, really, except life continued to happen around me and deciding who to pick was really hard.)
in no particular order (though Loki is Number 1, I'm sorry everyone else), here we go:
1. Loki Odinson from MARVEL
I just love him so much I've written a 78K fix-it fantasy novel (not finished) to give him the happy ending he deserves. there is no other character I identify with harder than this one: a younger sibling full of rage, always feeling overshadowed by the older one, just wanting to prove their own worth and show the world that they are capable (i got over this a lot in recent years but my love for him still remains.)
Tom just plays him so perfectly and I am so heartbroken that the writers at MARVEL did not know what to do with him, so they killed him off (the Loki show doesn't count because that's not him okay.) he's always having a good time, he's snarky and clever and desperately needs a hug. how can you not love him?
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2. Mr. Spock and Leonard (Bones) McCoy from Star Trek TOS
Yes, they are two people but I just couldn't choose between them!
The grumpy surgeon with a heart of gold an the emotionally suppressed but deeply loving vulcan live in my heart rent free ever since I was a child. Spock was my first crush ever and his complicated relationship with McCoy has always fascinated me. they are two incredibly complicated people and there isn't enough space here to describe why. writing them is just as much fun as watching them and I actually own the autographs of both Leonard and De.
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3. James Wilson from House M.D.
he's a man of many contradictions: he is kind but also House's best friend, he loves people dearly but can also tell them to fuck off. he is confident and funny and he helps people without being a pushover. he loves all of his his wives but cheats at least once. he is a walking mystery which makes him a great friend for House and a nightmare to write. I just love him! also, that smile!
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4. Castiel from Supernatural
Cas is the character, truly! he can go from nerdy to badass in the blink of an eye. a cosmic being that plays dress up just to make one human smile, who should be nothing but an ant to him. he fiercely protects the people he loves and always tries to do the right thing. the character that inserted himself into the story against the writer's will and changed the narrative for ever. when he came on the show, I hated his guts. and look at me now...
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5. Zuko from Avatar the last Aribender
you simply cannot talk about redemption arcs without mentioning Zuko at some point. an exceptional character amongst a cast of exceptional characters. I once joked that 90% of his lines were just him screaming but that poor boy has so much rage inside him, and with all that trauma, can you really blame him? he is the epitome of character growth and a fascinating example of how the villain can become a hero without taking any shortcuts.
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6. Stephen Maturin from the Aubrey-Maturin series
if you read the books, you'll know why. this fucking lunatic is so oblivious to his own eccentricities that you just have to love him. nobody does it quite like him to be honest. no, Stephen, people will not think you're eccentric because you practice sword fighting on deck, however they might think that because you let loose 1000 bees on the ship and run around naked. he has no sense for proper etiquette and i love him so much for it. also, he get's on a ship without being able to swim and performs open brain surgery on deck. he is incredibly skilled and the best damn doctor in the entire fleet. also, his dynamic with his best friend/captain is one of the best friendships I've ever seen/read.
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7. Scrooge McDuck
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this might be an unusual choice but i grew up reading comics and at one point in my life i figured out that all of my favourite stories were writen and drawn by the legendary Don Rosa, who in his book "the life and times of Scrooge McDuck" created one of the most fascinating and fun to watch characters i've ever seen. starting from humble beginnings and rising to the top through his percevierence, fearlessness and ingenuity, inevitably losing everything he loved and ending up alone, only to be found by his family again, his story is one of my absolute favourites in literature. i know that due the never ending nature of comic books, he can never truly get his happy ending but I really wished he could.
8. Keeley Jones from Ted Lasso
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I don't think I've ever seen a woman like her in any media to be honest. she is so clearly feminine and embodies all the traits of a woman that would normally be depicted as bitchy, toxic and self obsessed but she is just none of those things. she is a girly woman who loves pink and cries and she is just so human and lovely and i love her so much for it! her friendship with Rebecca is also so amazing and feels very real and true to what friendships between woman are actually like. I just love her as a beacon of healthy femininity and can only hope that there will be more characters like her in the future!
9. Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium
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the voice, the looks, the everything! the moment I met him I knew I wanted him to be my best friend for ever! his deadpan delivery combined with his dorkyness and his shere competence had me on the floor on multiple occasions. I have not finished the game yet but I have never had a companion this incredible in any video game ever! I could listen to him read the phone book for hours. when he went "daba doop doop dead" I died. also him jumping in when I fail a check has to be the most badass thing ever. I love you, Kim. please be proud of me. (also, I know he probably has a darker side to him that I am not seeing right now because I am always choosing the nice options but hey, the best characters are the complicated ones.)
10. Cole Turner from Charmed
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this show was so much better when he was in it! the half demon who crosses over to the good side without ever really changing his ways. he burns someone alive and laughs about it, drags a detective to hell and doesn't give a shit about civilians. even when he is completely human his solution to assholes is to punch them in the face. he loves power and controling others and looking good while doing it. I know him beind "good" was a whole thing on the show but to me the most fun about him was that he continued being evil but was now using his powers to help the good guys. show me another character that got redeemed into the hero team without losing his evil edge. Cole was just so much fun to watch but unfortunately his character got totally buthcered by bad writing.
No pressure of doing this but tagging:
@catzy88, @uponxhorhaus, @accrov
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epersonae · 1 year
The cooking project - Crêpes
If yesterday's post was probably one of my most-made recipe cards, this might be my most-made recipe in my binder, which is sort of a Binder of Theseus. My sister made me a binder full of typed-out recipes as a gift when I was a sophomore in college, and I still have the section separators, which were collages of images cut from magazines, and I have some (most? all?) of those typed recipes, though the binder itself has been replaced. And of course I've added many more recipes, printed from the internet or sent to me by email or clipped from magazines. (I had a subscription to Sunset for a while in the late 00s!)
This recipe, though, was copied from a webpage into probably a Word document and then printed out, and dates from March 15 2003. The URL in the image no longer works, but the contents can be found in the Wayback Machine (ctrl+f, "crepes"). It was posted as part of the author's "French Week" as sort of an oblique protest of the impending Iraq War. In any case, I have been making it since then.
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Because this can be found in the Wayback Machine, and because the instructions are hilariously long, I am not going to retype the whole thing here.
My only personal notations are combining "whole wheat flour" and "white flour" into a single line (I've literally never made these as savory crepes in 20 years), and a note that 1 egg approximately equals 3 crepes.
Making the batter
One of the things I love about this recipe is that it scales really well: one egg to 1/4 cup flour. The sugar ratio is weird and I usually have to do a rough approximation, because 1/4 cup sugar is 4 tablespoons, but also it's a very forgiving recipe that way.
I have learned over the years to beat the eggs first and THEN add the flour/sugar/salt, much less lumps that way. (ironically, 20 years and I just noticed he never says when to add the salt, altho clearly it's with the flour)
I have literally no idea how much milk I use. I mix in a bit at a time until it looks like the right texture/color. It's all vibes, baby.
I don't think I've ever let it sit two whole hours but it definitely does change texture a bit, for the better, if left to sit at least a half an hour. (I have also never drunk a glass of red wine while waiting for the batter.)
Below is: just after mixing in the flour/sugar/salt, then after some milk, all the milk, and after sitting for idk half an hour? 45 minutes?
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Jam! Eating while making!
As I said, I've literally never made them savory, altho the last time I had them with a little bit of local whipped goat cheese and strawberry jam, and that was FUCKING TIGHT.
My usual is to take out whatever jams I have (today: strawberry and raspberry freezer jam that I made in 2020 and 2021 respectively, quince jam that a friend made, and marmalade) and just alternate flavors as I make them. I usually end up eating some while I'm making them. (As the guy says, bachelor mode™️.)
Two eggs' worth did in fact make about six crepes, I think, which is kind of a lot for dessert but I guess I had dessert for dinner, it's fine.
(Oh, and I think I've tried flipping them without a spatula exactly once, I am just not that bold.)
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In any case, this continues to be one of my favorite recipes of all time, I will make it for anyone at any time for any reason. (The longest stretch I ever went without making it was after Ryn died, and I finally had eggs and milk and enough energy...and found BUGS IN MY FLOUR and about lost my damn mind. But I have made them a couple of times since then.)
Fanfiction bonus content!
So if you are reading my fic for the benefit of all the broken hearts, and you have already read chapter 16, then you know why I posted this today. If you are reading it and have not yet read the new chapter, consider this a teaser.
If you are not reading it: for the benefit of all the broken hearts is a fix-it fic for Water Flowing Underground, a very strange beautiful fic that blurs the line between Actor AU and RPF, that plays with questions of identity and choice and intention and also what we are even doing with fanfiction. My fic picks up from the end of that fic, from the point of view of a character who is dismissed by the narrative of the original, and who finds a way out of the wreckage. (it's the weirdest goddamn thing I've ever written, and yes, I think that includes the Bigfoot fic, and also I think my best writing ever. Certainly the most work I've ever put into any writing in any medium.)
And also there are crepes.
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eossa · 1 year
How I'd Make Tumblr More Profitable
Yes, this is going to be controversial, since I know nothing about the behind-the-scenes spending, economics, and all that jazz. But I've been on Tumblr for long enough to have a rough idea of the userbase wants - which is what positions Tumblr in a niche other sites don't really utilize. Most of the points I list here are about improving the experience of existing users, as keeping users might be harder for tumblr than attracting new ones.
Please note that this posts reflects my personal opinions and some stuff I've seen people complain about it. Do not attack me over anything I've written here, it's not worth my time and I will resort to blocking if I'm being bothered. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged!
[under the cut because this got quite long] [last updated 20th July 2023]
Features to Add
Block posts. Xkit has/had this feature, it was great. Sometimes I just don't want to see a specific post, and others probably agree with that.
Send asks and replies from sideblogs. Would literally make a lot of things easier and better.
Delete individual reblog additions from a post. Sometimes, you have a post where there is one"relevant" addition, multiple "irrelevant" additions ("yes!", "[repeated phrase in bold]", "this is a must reblog"), before there is a "relevant" addition again. But right now, you can only remove all reblog additions, not just individual ones. I feel like this would be a neat feature.
Direct blocking of anon hate which also tracks the IP and blocks the associated account(s). No rights for cowards, that's all I'll say.
Features to Bring Back
Reblog chains. Prev tags are the backbone of lots of interactions on here. If I click on someone's username in a reblog chain, I want to see that post on their blog, not their blog starting from the newest post. The loss of this feature is one of the things people constantly complain about in the replies of @changes.
Several text formatting options. As a theme maker, it would be nice to have proper preformatted text again - it makes code so much more legible. Other formatting options I miss are marked/highlighted text and text lines, which are really helpful to visually break apart passages of text.
Features to Ditch
Tumblr Live. There I've said it. If I want to see stuff like that, I have TikTok, IG Reels, Pinterest Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Twitter also has something like this. It's oversaturated, and aparently there are still enough cyber security concerns that it's not even accessible outside of the US and Canada.
Ads in lightboxes. Especially on mobile, there are already more than enough ads on the feed, no need to add more nested inside other elements.
Features that Make Money
Pay for NSFW. If this site allowed full nudity etc. again but hid it behind a paywall, we'd kill two birds with one stone: The site would probably still be allowed on the App Store, and the money influx would be huge. The userbase would also increase again.
(If Tumblr Live is kept.) Pay to snooze Tumblr Live permanently. It's the most complained about thing in changes' replies, so I feel like people would pay on a subscription base just to not see TL anymore.
Pay to increase limits. 250 posts per day is the maximum that can be posted - and there are people hitting those limits. If there was an option to buy a higher limit (500p/d, 750p/d, etc.), people might generally use it. Like those add-on charges for mobile data. Same goes for posts in the queue, posts in drafts, images in a photoset and so on.
Pay to pin posts at the top of a tag or search result. Ebay Kleinanzeigen has this neat feature where you can push your small ads to the top of a search query so that more people can see it. This could be a cool feature to try, as it would work in a more content-aware way than Blaze does.
Pay to buy inactive URLs. There are some really cool usernames on here that are taken by blogs that haven't updated for 5+ years and only have one post (or none at all), and I feel like it would be neat to be able to buy one of these cool usernames attached to an empty account. To make sure that usernames attached to redirect or something else don't get bought, tumblr should send an e-mail to the username owner - if the user doesn't react to that for 3 months, the usernames changed owners. [added 13th July 2023]
Existing Features to Improve
NPF posts. I feel like a combination of legacy and NPF would be neat. Think selecting a main element like in the legacy editor (e.g. video, image, audio) and then adding a caption that can add different content types like NPF does. Or at least create a better overview over NPF variables and release the full base code with documentation to make things easier for the web designers on here. There are more issues with the NPF format but I won't list everything people dislike about it here.
Block people. The block feature should make sure that the person being blocked doesn't see any posts made by the person they were blocked by, even if those posts were reblogged by another user. Also, like IG does, there should be an option to block either just a specific blog or the IP address attached to block side-blogs and other accounts of that user.
Color palettes. The color palette options for the dashboard are generally a nice idea but I think it would be better if there was a dropdown menu to choose a palette from rather than having to click through all the different options. For example, if I want to go from Cement (light mode) to Dark mode, I have to click through 10 options until I reach Dark again. There has to be an easier way. [added 20th July 2023]
Other Improvements Needed
Nuke spam bots. Users are reporting all the spam bots, yet, it doesn't seem like they are dwindling in numbers. Also - at least this is how it's being perceived by the userbase - tumblr isn't doing enough on their end to reduce spam bots. This is definitely something that needs to be fixed.
End hateful and criminal activities. It's the year 2023, yet there are still outright N*zis, violent tr*nsphobes, literal p*dophiles, and other people committing to the daily bit of hate speech and other illegal activities (fraud too considering all those fake GoFundMe sites) on this website. I'm not saying free speech should be banned but there is a bright red line between what is free spech and what is hate speech (or should get you jailed considering fraud and p*dophilia).
A through-out, perhaps even interactive, beginner tutorial. "The site is too complicated to use for new users!" – then explain how it works in easy terms, with examples, images, and videos. Every other application or web app has walk-throughs, just do the same here.
Improved ad relevancy. The ads I see on tumblr are usually so out-of touch with the userbase, and many of them feel like the sort of stuff you see on a spam-ridden torrenting site. I feel like increasing the relevancy of ads to what the users usually blog about would cause a higher click-rate and turn-over-rate than the current ads do.
There is probably more I could add, but that's it for now. Should I make any later additions directly to this post, I will mention it to prevent misunderstandings. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, let me hear about it in the replies or reblogs of this post.
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unpairedbracket · 3 months
So it looks like @yoshihashismattebum, @thepenultimaterolo, and @thewaythroughthewoods have stood in front of a mirror and said my URL three times, compelling me to break my vow of silence and produce one (1) "post" on this "blog". My task is to spell out my URL with song titles
TL:DR - here's a playlist
Side A (don't worry about it)
Unacceptable - Bad Religion
Never Fight a Man With a Perm - IDLES
Paralytic States - Against Me!
Aneurysm - Nirvana (1)
I checked your cellphone - Otoboke Beaver (2)
Rollercoaster - Lauran Hibberd
Extraordinary Girl/Letterbomb - Green Day (3)
Dragon - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (4)
ballad of a homeschooled girl - Olivia Rodrigo (5)
Red Wine Supernova - Chappell Roan (6)
Art of Dying, The - Gojira (7)
Crying in Amsterdam - Sløtface
Knights of Cydonia - Muse (8)
Edmonton - PUP (9)
These Spectacles Reveal the Nostalgics - The Hives
Liner Notes
There seem to be two studio versions and lots of live versions of this; the one I'm thinking of is the studio version that was the B-side to Smells Like Teen Spirit, but the live versions I've heard are also good. Not so keen on the Incesticide version though
Or in Japanese, 携帯みてしまいました by おとぼけビ~バ~
Extraordinary Girl is, imo, one of the weaker tracks on American Idiot, but Letterbomb is probably my favourite (sub-9-minute) song on that album so I figured I'd take advantage of the weird way the track listing is arranged to sneak an L in here
King Gizz are bonkers good but a lot of their music isn't really my jam, genre-wise. This is one occasion where they made an album in a genre I like, and the results are excellent. 16th note double kick drumming at 145bpm for 40+ bars straight? Nice. Vocals in four different octaves? Of course. Two verses of chanting in Latin? Why not?
I'm not the only person I know who's mistaken the intro to this for a PUP intro. I don't think there's any other pop star I can say that of.
Yeah this is a repeat from the lists of two of the people who nominated me for this. Well-deserved.
If I said 3 songs back that King Gizzard's drumming was impressive, Mario Duplantier's is inhuman. I've seen a 10-minute video essay about what polyrhythm he's even drumming in the intro, and the kick drumming on the chorus is like 40% faster than on Dragon. Wild stuff.
I feel like Muse work best in the "horseshoe theory" region of a scale from sublime to ridiculous, and this song is a good example
This is from one of the two EPs that soundtracked a locked-down 2021 for me - very cathartic, and much-needed at the time
Side B (A.K.A you should have worried about it)
Ur Mum - Wet Leg
New Born - Muse
Passport - Sløtface
Alone at Home - Jonathan Coulton
Ignoreland - REM
Reject - Green Day
Everlong - Foo Fighters
D-7 - Nirvana (1)
Bulls on Parade - Rage Against the Machine/Denzel Curry (2)
Red Light - The Regrettes
A.K.A. I-D-I-O-T - The Hives
Coast, The - PUP (3)
Kyoto Now! - Bad Religion (4)
EAT - Poppy (5)
Toxicity - System of a Down (6)
Liner Notes
It's a cover of a song by The Wipers (you didn't think I was going to choose a normal Nirvana song, did you?) As far as I can tell Nirvana never released a studio recording, so I'm treating the version recorded live at the BBC as my canonical version
Couldn't choose between the original version and Denzel Curry's cover here. I'd highly recommend seeking out Denzel's version if you've not heard it before, so that's the version I've put on the playlist. The youtube video is still worth watching as well though.
The vibes of this song are brilliantly creepy. Final few lines give me chills every time. Apparently it's based on an old Inuit story the singer's parents terrified him with as a child, which is cool!
This is a brilliant climate protest song. Actually, the Bad Religion song on Side A is also an environmental protest song, released 12 years earlier. Nothing changes, does it?
This is the title track from the other EP that soundtracked my 2021. I think it's the first time I remember hearing Poppy going fully into metalcore screaming and I love it
This is maybe a bit of a basic pick for a SOaD song? I nearly went for Tentative instead because Mezmerize/Hypnotize were my first of their albums as a teenager; but decided that I do actually think Toxicity is the better song
I've been lucky enough to see some of the artists on my list perform live - those artists are bolded in the listings. Sløtface are a special case - I had tickets to a show in March 2020, which didn't happen because they couldn't leave Norway and I couldn't leave my house. I've got tickets to see them later this year though, which is exciting!
As you can no doubt tell, I had a hard time fitting in everything I wanted to include - I ended up with a list of about 20 artists I wanted songs by, and only 15 letters in my URL.
I ended up with shortlists of 5+ songs starting with different relevant letters for some artists, so it took quite some shuffling to arrange everything in a way I was happy with. I even asked my combinatorialist friend if he could identify what sort of combinatorial optimisation problem I had on my hands (either a knapsack problem variant with a weird objective function, or maybe some kind of covering problem), but that didn't go anywhere so I ended up brute-forcing it.
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Artist's impression of me brute-forcing it.
In the end I had two songs for some letters that I was unwilling to cut, so double list was the only thing for it. Struggled in the other direction with some of the repeated letters, but managed to get there in the end. Managed no artist repeats within a list and the only one repeated album across the whole thing. I'd consider all of these recommendations to also be album recommendations (apart from the few that aren't from an album)
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My actual workings
You may notice if you are weird and look closely that a couple of songs here differ from what I've finished up with - there was flux going on right up until I actually wrote up this post!
Uhhhh everyone I know on here tagged me in the first place so... if you wanna do another one go for it I guess?
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wrathshe · 11 months
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     #𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒𝐇𝐄 :     𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙆𝙍𝘼𝙀𝙃𝙀.     an independent / private     &.     heavily headcanon / rule!63     𝗠𝗢𝗫𝗫𝗜𝗘 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗨𝗩𝗔 𝗕𝗢𝗦𝗦.    blog is dash only, mid amount of formatting, no-icons     &.     low maintenance. 𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗘𝗗 :       NOVEMBER 3rd  2023.
     i do not care if you ship Loona / Blitzo, Blitzo / with women, dislike Blitzo / Stolas, write Alastor as anything else other than asexual, ship Vaggie with men etc.     let people do whatever the fuck they want.     under no circumstances, however, will bestiality or paedophilia be roleplayed in this space.     if this type of content is present in your muses' history, that's fine, just please tag it, but i won't ever roleplay / wish to see it roleplayed.   𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙂 𝙄𝙎 𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙈 / 𝘿𝘿;𝘿𝙉𝙀     &.     may contain the following content :     non-parental incest, dub con, sexism, marital / verbal abuse, violence / gore, classism / racism, slavery, age gaps, homophobia / transphobia     &.     child neglect.     𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞      all of these are to be tagged such as 'cw insert topic here'     —     under no circumstances will bestiality or sexual content of minors be tolerated.
     𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙞𝙛 :     pro callout, smut-only blogs, shota / loli blogs, muns under 21 years of age, shame others for their sexual preferences, non-RP blogs, antis of any sort, if you have an extensive DNI persons list... this is not a safe-space for puritanical antis !
     i do not use catch-all tags, such as x don’t look or x don’t see nor do i require one for myself.     i will tag trigger warnings     &.     i will tag URLS :     do not pressure me or try to control who i write with. do not ask me my financial situation, sexual orientation / experience / preferences / kinks or fetishes, relationship status, mental disorders / medical history, etc. quite frankly, that’s nobody’s business but my own.
     if agreeable to these terms, please continue to the blog rules under the cut...
𝐈)     mod is over 25+ years of age.     i will not be providing my discord unless you’re a close friend.     timezone is PST.     goes by any pronouns.     i understand genderbends    &.     heavy AUs are not everyone's cup of tea though, so i have no problem if folk don't follow back.     art for my icons are either heavily edited caps from the source material or they are from @missfabius on twitter / X.
𝐈𝐈)     this is a problematic character from series that takes place in literal hell.     𝙞 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚     —     𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨.    AUs are my jam.     𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩.    spoilers will not be tagged. leaks, should i ever come across them, will be tagged accordingly.
     i can’t write NSFW worth a damn, it’ll be rare if i actually write it out in full here     —     i prefer to write that in discord.     please don’t automatically assume romance unless prior discussion / interactions take place.
     𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜...     animal abuse, animal cruelty, necrophilia    &.     trypophobia.
𝐈𝐈𝐈)     my Moxxie, besides being 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲-𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴, has male-horns    &.     white hair.     aside from that, she is 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙍𝙄𝙀𝘿 𝙏𝙊 𝙈𝙄𝙇𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘿.     aside from these two changes, not much about the character itself has strayed away from the source material.     Moxxie was still raised by her father, Crimson, mother died, most likely had Chaz as an ex, works for IMP etc.     my canon voice for her is 𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙖 𝙁𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣.
     𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙄𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝘼 𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙄𝙍𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙉𝙏 but it would be 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 if you could give this post a like or send me an ask stating you've read my rules !
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lunarlegend · 2 years
so, just to break down what appears to have happened with Tumblr's latest update:
normally, on web, in order to access all of the posts on someone's blog under a certain tag, you could just type in "blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/skypictures" (fake url, obviously)
if the tag in question has spaces in it (i.e. "sky pictures" instead of "skypictures"), Tumblr automatically replaces those spaces when copying the url and fills them in with "%20". so, the url would become "blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/sky%20pictures". but it would still load to the same page, filled with the same posts.
after last night's update, any links to tags with spaces in them appear to have been broken (at least on my end; i am on the latest version of the Android mobile app). the links still open on web, but when trying to access them on mobile, they instead lead to a blank page telling you nothing was found.
this is obviously a huge issue for people like myself, who meticulously organize their blogs and keep a masterlist of links in their pinned post for easy access. as of right now, two of my major tags (for my OTP and for my OC) can no longer be linked to via text because they contain spaces.
i have been told by some of my friends that my links are still working for them, but after trying everything i could think of last night, i cannot get them to work for me. i don't know if it's a Tumblr issue, an Android issue, or a temporary bug (i know they have been working on redirecting everyone's urls).
in any case, i am extremely frustrated and hoping i don't need to go back and manually change 2 years' worth of tagged posts by removing all of the spaces. 🙃 if anyone has any insight on this or knows anyone else who is experiencing it, please let me know!
UPDATE: so far it seems to be an Android issue, as at least one other person is having the same problem on the Android app.
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
elia i’m bored of my url again 😔😔
oh nooooo me tho. the only reason i haven’t changed it is bc i have two years worth of fics on here 😒😒 u should change it if u want to!!
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henrywilliam0651 · 16 days
How laser eye surgery can help you to save money in the long run
LASIK eye surgery can save you money even if it's quite pricey. The money saved over buying corrective lenses, such glasses or contacts, may outweigh the initial cost of LASIK surgery, even for those who feel it to be unaffordable.
Take into account these potential financial benefits of LASIK surgery if you're concerned about the procedure cost.
Glasses and contacts are expensive
Over time, the cost of contacts and glasses adds up. Every two years when someone requires new glasses, the cost of the frames, lenses, and specialty coatings can run into the hundreds of dollars. Prescription sunglasses, progressive lenses, or high-end eyewear may increase these costs. Regular changes in your prescription may necessitate more frequent replacements, which would increase prices.
Contact lenses can be costly despite their convenience. Daily disposable lenses can range in price from $500 to $700 per year, based on prescription and brand. Monthly or biweekly lenses require regular cleaning and maintenance, although being less expensive. When prescription and lens care time and effort are not taken into account, these costs could add up to several thousand dollars over the course of a lifetime.
The Cost of LASIK Is One-Time Only
Long-term results are achieved using laser eye surgery, which only needs one procedure. The cost of US LASIK is $2,000–$4,000 per eye, usually only needed once. For many, the procedure results in permanent vision correction without the need for contacts or glasses.
LASIK surgery is a significant step toward improving your vision and quality of life. Understanding the process can help ease any concerns and prepare you for what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the LASIK journey, along with insights into other corrective eye procedures, such as eye lens change operations.
Cost Savings on Medical and Vision Care
Moreover, laser eye surgery may lower the cost of eye care. Users with glasses and contact lenses need to see an optometrist on a regular basis for eye exams and prescription updates. Routine eye exams are still necessary after LASIK, but they might not call for changing prescriptions.
Insurance may occasionally partially cover the cost of contacts and glasses, although many plans have a high copayment. LASIK reduces the cost of vision care but is not usually covered by insurance. It is a long-term health investment.
Increased Productivity and Quality of Life
Lens replacement surgery for eye surgery can save costs while also enhancing productivity and quality of life. Many find that not having contacts or glasses makes their everyday tasks, physical exercise, and work more efficient. You may save money if you can get non-prescription sunglasses or engage in sports without the need for corrective lenses.
LASIK can be advantageous for jobs requiring sharp vision and help save time and money on treating vision-related issues. Beyond just spectacles, there are financial benefits from increased productivity and decreased vision care costs.
Last Remarks
Although LASIK surgery is costly up front, many people feel that it is worth it because they will ultimately save money. If expensive eyeglasses are eliminated, refractive lens surgery might even pay for itself. Better vision enhances lifestyle and productivity, increasing income and standard of living. Therefore, don't forget to check out Harley Vision as they can assist you in determining the best eye surgery treatment at a reasonable cost.
Source URL : https://fyberly.com/how-laser-eye-surgery-can-help-you-to-save-money-in-the-long-run/
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thepragmaticdigital · 2 months
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Ultimate Guide 2024
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In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is still an important method for delivering targeted visitors to websites. As we enter 2024, knowing and adopting good SEM strategies is critical for remaining ahead of the competition. This comprehensive book will cover the principles of SEM, its benefits, the most recent developments, and concrete techniques to help you enhance your online presence.
What is SEM (Search Engine Marketing)?
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a digital marketing technique that uses paid advertising to boost a website's presence on search engine results pages (SERPs).
1. Paid search
Paid search advertising creates and manages keyword-based ads on Google and Bing. Sponsored ads appear at the top or bottom of SERPs. Company-related keywords are bid on, and the highest bidder usually gets the top spot.
2. SEO vs. SEM
Both SEM and SEO improve search engine visibility, but in different ways. SEO improves website content and structure to rank naturally, whereas SEM buys ads. The two strategies together can boost search engine rankings.
Why Is SEM Important in 2024?
3. Quantifiable outcomes
SEM enables you to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns in real time. Click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per click (CPC), Leading page for raing ads are metrics that may assist in determining the effectiveness of your advertising and identifying areas for improvement.
4. Appreciating the Brand's Worth
Having your brand name show in search results so often helps build brand recognition even if visitors don't engage with your ads. Customers are more likely to trust your brand if you appear higher in search results, which could affect their purchasing decisions.
Latest SEM Trends for 2024
1. AI & Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are becoming increasingly important in SEM techniques. Platforms such as Google Ads employ artificial intelligence to optimize bidding, target audiences, and produce ad text.
2. Voice Search Optimisation
With the proliferation of speech-activated devices, optimizing for voice search has become critical. Voice searches frequently differ from text searches in terms of language and purpose. Incorporating conversational keywords and natural language into your SEM approach will help you attract voice search traffic.
Effective SEM Strategies for 2024
1. Keyword Research Tools
Effective SEM campaigns and SEO Marketing Agency begin with careful keyword research. Find keywords that are related to your business and have a high search volume. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find fresh keyword opportunities and constantly update your keyword list.
2. Monitor and adjust campaigns
Regularly assess the efficacy of your SEM efforts and make data-driven improvements. Analyze critical data like CTR, conversion rate, and CPC to pinpoint areas for development. A/B testing different ad versions can assist to improve campaign success.
3. Make use of ad extensions
Adding ad extensions to your advertisements allows you to include more information such as the URLs of your websites, phone numbers, and geographical information. The exposure of your advertisement may be increased with the use of ad extensions, which also provide readers with additional motivation to click on it.
4. Managing the Budget
These ads will work better if you keep track of how much you spend and change your bids as needed.
How to Choose the Best SEM Company
Find a firm that has been around for a while, has handled SEM ads before, and uses data to inform their decisions.
It is anticipated that by the year 2024, SEM Advertising Agency would continue to be an indispensable component of an efficient digital marketing strategy. If a company is familiar with the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO), stays abreast of the latest developments in the sector, and employs strategies that are shown to be efficient, it will be able to enhance its online visibility and attract more targeted visitors to its websites. This is true regardless of whether you are new to search engine optimization (SEO) or want to improve your existing initiatives; a thorough SEM approach has the potential to generate tremendous commercial development and success.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 5 months
the way these two consume my thoughts..... i actually started writing a fic about it (for the first time in like three years i think) so i could explore that dynamic, because it's so fascinating to me how these brutal soulless murderers (as katniss saw them) immediately became scared children the moment one of them was hurt - AND THEY CARED!! ABOUT EACH OTHER!! or at least that was true on cato's side haha (which brings me to my first head canon:)
I've seen a lot of takes where cato is completely whipped while clove is colder than he is emotionally but still soft around him, and then the other takes where he's like just as mean as she is, and i love that happy balance between the two <33 how i interpret his character is that he's a really overzealous teenage boy that's excited and wants to contribute in a positive way/give his existence worth, and that's why d2's propaganda system so easily took advantage of him, but he also is ironically soft where it counts, and clove eventually gets to see that side of him!! but it doesn't completely undo the way he was raised and clove was slowly growing on him/becoming someone he wanted to have around in that arena but he won't let that show in an excessively obvious way, at least not purposefully. but clove obviously has more control over her emotions than he does and when he felt threatened or hurt or in pain, and he felt all of those things as he watched clove died, he lost that control completely. clove grew equally as attached to him but she values her composure more than he does, which to me explains the discrepancy between their personalities.
my personal interpretation that's actually so important to me (it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the clato fics that go with the traditional They Knew Each Other Before The Games/Were Childhood Best Friends route but there's something so soft to me about this:) is that they did not know each other beforehand. they were just two random kids in d2 that chose to volunteer that year because they both saw their chance. they had no reason to care and were honestly completely indifferent to one another, both only focused on wanting to win. but it's a combination of all these little things: having been raised with the same ideas, sticking together as a team both before and during the Games, reminding each other of home, strategizing together and bonding as a team, secretly admiring the other's skills, late night conversations in the arena about their personal lives, and most importantly: the rule change bringing them closer... neither expected to care but unwillingly they grew to become amazing friends!!!! and they became invested in going home together, slowly becoming something like best friends, having someone to understand them, until obviously all of that came crashing down.
sorry for my mini rant lol, i get excited when talking about things i'm passionate about. as for small general headcanons: he's the only one she'll let touch her hair, and obviously this wouldn't happen in the Arena because they're on TV but she contemplated that idea for a little bit while she was trying to fall asleep, him braiding her hair. they look after each other's weapons and take turns keeping watch over the other at night, it's a kind of intimate vulnerability for them. and there is a LOT of friendly as well as unfriendly teasing/banter.
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first post
i've decided to make a new blog. well, two - this one, for my personal use, and one for my art (to be linked later).
*note: name/url was randomly generated and subject to change
i feel like too many of my thoughts decay into non-existence. ideas can range from good, to just alright, to barely worth the brainpower required to form them - but in that case, i hope they would at least inspire another, better idea.
i'm not especially well-educated, but i hope that if anyone else sees my content, it helps or inspires them somehow. the internet is a collective of human experiences, wisdom, knowledge. i hope to contribute to that, somehow - to contribute to humanity - by sharing.
maybe i'll never be a great philosopher or artist - i'm just an ordinary human - but at least my thoughts are here. maybe some will find comfort in looking into the window of my mind; maybe this will be something i eventually link my therapist; maybe i'll just sound like a pretentious fuck.
anyway this is my blog.
current goals:
figure out how to use tumblr
keep blogging regularly for a year
make and post art regularly
learn blender
exercise more
be more authentically myself
thanks for reading, stranger, and safe travels ❤️
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jmjconstruction · 9 months
4 Reasons To Schedule Your Post-Holiday Toledo Kitchen Remodel Now
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season leads Ohio homeowners to put off their Toledo kitchen remodel until after New Year’s Day. While the thought of new countertops, cabinets, replacement windows, and a center island feels overwhelming during December, the last month of the year may be the perfect time to get the process started. If you schedule an appointment with a home remodeling contractor now, you could garner the following benefits in 2024.
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1: Leverage Tax Refund Money
The IRS appears to be on track to start processing tax refunds on Jan. 18, 2024. If the federal collection agency doesn’t change the date, homeowners can anticipate electronically filed returns to be completed within 21 days. That means you could have extra money in your bank account as early as the second week of February. By working with a Toledo kitchen remodel contractor now, and scheduling the renovation for mid-February, that “found” money reduces the need to pull resources.
2: Take Advantage of Multi-Year Tax Rebates for Replacement Windows
The federal government offers tax credits for replacement windows. Although there is an annual limit on Energy Star replacement windows, there is not necessarily a lifetime restriction. Homeowners wishing to install replacement windows can take advantage of the $3,200 rebate on or before Dec. 31.
If you plan to take a vacation over the holiday break, that may be an opportunity to have a select number of replacement windows. When the relatively quiet post-holiday winter months arrive in 2024, circle back and complete the installation of replacement windows. That could allow you to enjoy upwards of $6,400 in tax rebates spread over two tax seasons.
3: Construction Costs Lower During Winter Months
Once the fair weather arrives in spring, construction companies quickly become overbooked with projects. Part of the reason stems from the fact that Ohio winters present a significant challenge for outdoor projects.
Although no one can truly predict whether materials and product discounts will be available, retailers tend to offer discounts during the doldrums of winter. Along with not paying a premium for labor, you could catch a break on other costs as well.
4: Consider 2024 Home Remodeling Trends
The interior design experts have identified a handful of hot-trending kitchen remodeling ideas worth considering. A mix of functionality and aesthetic enhancement, these are expected to be popular.
Communal Seating Areas
The kitchen is typically the most visited space in any home. Upgrades for 2024 are expected to integrate more casual dining and conversational seating. These may be accomplished by installing center islands with stools or cozy breakfast nooks.
Built-in Coffee Bars
Coffee makers take up, perhaps, too much counter space. Interior designers are advocating for built-in coffee and tea stations to open up the use of food preparation areas. Adding to the convenience, accompanying cabinets and drawers provide ample storage.
Contact A Trusted Toledo Home Remodel Contractor in Toledo, OH
If you are planning to remodel a kitchen, install replacement windows, or make another home improvement, JmJ Construction provides free consultations and estimates. If you want to schedule an upgrade, fill out the contact form on our platform or call us today at 419-963-4209.
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/jmjconstructionohi/home
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alliedmoulded01 · 1 year
Allied Moulded Makes Waves at Upper Midwest Electrical Expo
Allied Moulded attended the Upper Midwest Electrical Expo (UMWEE) in April to great effect. The expo drew more than 9,000 participants, including electricians, manufacturers, regulators, and a whole lot more. Through the course of the expo, vendors and suppliers set up displays and showed off their latest and best products.
Allied Moulded was among those manufacturers, and they received positive reviews and attention for their booth and their range of electrical enclosures built for residential and industrial applications. By the end of the two-day conference, it was clear that innovation is alive and well in the industry.
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The primary set of products displayed by Allied Moulded fits into the electrical enclosure category. While they showed a good range of different enclosures, all of them were built around the same concepts. Protect electrical joints to ensure reliable and safe power connections for countless different applications. This is the bread and butter of Allied Moulded operations, and it is where the company separates itself from other manufacturers.
Part of this separation comes from an emphasis on non-metallic electrical boxes. While some manufacturers focus on metallic boxes, Allied Moulded is committed to developing and improving upon the non-metallic approach. When metals are ditched from box development, a few advantages emerge.
First, non-metallic boxes are resistant to corrosion, so for wet environments and industrial environments that are hard on metals, this is the only way to go. Non-metallic variants also offer non-conducting protection for components within. This is important in many signal-processing applications, and it can help reduce the risk of unintentional grounding.
Non-metallic boxes also offer savings on construction materials. Metals typically cost more, so Allied Moulded is able to produce boxes of the same quality for less money as compared to many metal-based competitors. This fact was not lost on expo attendees.
Even with a focus on these materials, Allied Moulded has a range of adjustable electrical boxes and enclosure accessories.
The adjustable boxes accommodate different construction methods that enable contractors to precisely fit the boxes in desired locations with the ability to adapt to unexpected conditions and scenarios. Adjustable boxes use a simple screwing mechanism that changes their sitting depth within a wall or ceiling, simplifying installation and accommodation to various construction methods.
The list of accessories was also worth noting at the expo. Clamps and templates allow contractors to customize the boxes on the fly, making them even more adaptable and capable. Grounding hardware ensures that the non-metallic boxes can handle systems that require in-box grounding safely and competently. Screws, nuts, bolts, and other fasteners provide clear control over the installation and management of the boxes and the components within.
Overall, Allied Moulded saw a successful showing at the expo, and it was another demonstration of the company’s commitment to growth and development. It’s fair to say that Allied Moulded is an industry leader, and there was enough interest that regular attendees of the expo will be excited to see what this manufacturer has to offer at next year’s event.
Source URL:-  https://sites.google.com/view/alliedmoulded02/home
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