#two halfas make a whole au
asjjohnson · 2 years
When she'd started seeing white hairs, she bought hair dye. Valerie could at least afford that secret little luxury with her part-time job.
It wasn't a big deal. So what if she was only fourteen? It was stress. It'd been a hard several weeks and it was only normal to get a few gray hairs out of the mess.
Her dad had lost his job, they'd lost most of their money because of all the legal stuff, lost their house, most of their stuff had been either sold or broken, she'd lost all her friends, she'd needed to start looking for a job, her grades were slipping and she needed to bring them back up. So of course she'd see a few white hairs.
When she'd stopped falling off her board, no matter the angle, she figured she'd just gotten used to it. It was normal for a tool to begin to feel like an extension of someone's body. That's how things work. And it only made sense it would start feeling natural to be in the air. She was a ghost hunter. And she was good at it. Something was finally starting to go right.
Her eyes had always held a mix of blue and green. The contrast of the red suit just really brought out the green in them.
The suit had a slight glow. It was the power source—had to be. She could even feel the low hum through her body, under her skin. Some little motor somewhere—she didn't know where—that powered the suit. Probably on her back, under the backpack—she felt it strongest through her chest.
She knew there was electricity flowing through the suit. There was a little short in it at first. The very first time she'd put the suit on, she'd hit the 'on' button and got a shock. At least her dad hadn't been home to hear her shriek.
It hadn't been that bad. More surprising than anything. It happened the next two times as well. Just got her a little fried is all. And it'd stopped happening after the third time.
The suit must be hooked up to the Internet or something. Had downloaded a patch or software update that finally got it to stop. She didn't need to push a button at all anymore. It makes sense that it'd be downloading updates. The longer she uses the suit, the more abilities she realizes it has.
How she can materialize any weapon she can think of? The suit. How the suit can form around her with just a thought? Again, the tech of the suit. The endless ammo? The suit. She doesn't know how it all works, but she doesn't have to. And when she'd met Mr. Masters, the advanced tech made sense. He's a multi-billionaire. He can build anything.
Then, when her suit was taken away and a new one just formed out of nowhere? Must've been something from him. Some kind of upgrade. It still felt like her, so— her suit. It still felt like her suit. It still felt like it belonged to her. The same hum throughout her body, the same glow. It just had a new design and some extra power.
The only weird thing is, there's this ring.
Mayor Masters—at the time Mr. Masters—said it was passed down through generations of ghost hunters. (No wonder he was so good at designing a suit—it'd been his family business.)
The ring was so important, that even that Pariah dude had wanted it.
She hadn't thought much of it, though. What good was a ring? It was just a status symbol, right?
But, the thing is, ever since that day... the ring keeps showing up on the side of her bed each morning.
No matter where she puts it, or throws it, or hides it.
It shows back up beside her each time she wakes up.
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dyinggirldied · 7 months
royal consort au brainrot
the royal consort au by @dcxdpdabbles makes me lose my mind so i have to share this so i can go to bed:
danny has his own wikipedia page though there is ongoing debate on whether they should use present tense (since he is alive) or past tense (seeing as he is engaged to the ghost king/high king of infinity realm)
some part of the social media romanticizes danny's situation as a hades and persephone or cinderella or both. you just know that some girls and boys out there are maddeningly jealous that danny manages to bag a king who is seemingly deeply in love with him.
unfortunately, he becomes a standard of beauty (twink, short, black-hair and blue eyes) because somehow rumors leak that phantom finds him the epitome of beauty. bruce is a bit worried since tim sort of fits the bill. in another city, billy batson/shazam is being teased by his adoptive siblings also for that precise reason
surprisingly, danny can be a charming speaker which people thinks it's part of why phantom fell in love with him.
bruce (and a portion of the world, including constantine) is concern since danny is still young (not sure how old he is in original prompt so i left it vague) and this whole thing; being the most popular public figure in the world and being haunted constantly by paparazzi, his joining with the ruler of the dead, the political between his home world and his future one, might damage his psyche sooner or later and bruce is trying to find a contingency plan for that.
and what's even is batman's contingency plans for this kind of situation, i don't know. im not that smart but clark, diane and constantine and the flash family will need to be there. to make sure bruce doesn't accidentally go too far.
also, this one comes like a hammer to my head but what if one day, danny feels an itchy sort of feeling in his throat but waves it off as a cold? he regrets it when barely a minute later he coughs out a palmful of blood. danny might be in outdoor place or in the justice league headquarter but the point is: everyone panics. especially once he loses consciousness.
this one can be branched off into two:
someone, either the leftover resentful giw or amanda waller, decides to poison him.
maddie innocently makes lunch for her son, after finding a new bag of spice for the meat. that spice contains blood blossom, which is deadlier for ghost (or half-ghost) if you eat it. of course, clockwork will ensure no one finds out danny is a halfa by making the machine detecting it as allergy, if a bit unsual one and danny will still live, if a bit disgruntle and so done with his half life already
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starwrighter · 1 year
A DpxDc prompt because I <3 all of you but am too shy to talk in the discord.
The Subnautica au I promised! (I might make two of them)
Okay, so Danny is around 14 or 15 in this. He is still a halfa but the portal has been temporarily closed for plot reasons. So the portal is closed and Danny has no clue what to do now. Due to the portal being closed Danny's grades have improved exponentially enough that he gets an work offer from Altera (ignore the child labor it's the Giw/Altera's shady business practices fault)
Danny is ecstatic because he's finally getting the opportunity to go to space! He knows if he waits the portal will be reopened and he'll never have a chance like this again so he takes it. In less than a month Danny has been trained and is shipped off to the Aurora. He's heading towards planet 4546b with very little information on the planet itself.
The crash happens and Danny doesn't use his powers to save the ship because something around the atmosphere was preventing full accessing his powers in full. Danny scrambles to the life pods and ends up being the only one in life pod five. The whole life pod scene happens with Danny being knocked out by the panel flying off the wall.
He wakes up with the life pod on fire and quickly uses what he can of his ice powers to put it out not realizing there's a fire extinguisher. Danny exits the life pod and realizes that a lot of people he talked to on the ship not even a day ago were probably dead. Judging by his inability to go ghost, he wouldn't be reuniting with them in the ghost zone any time soon.
He is devastated but goes about exploring and trying to find any other survivors. His hope of finding survivors near the crash zone dies when the ship explodes and starts leaking deadly radiation. Danny of course rushes to try and fix this. It's easier for him to get there because he can stay under water for an inhuman amount of time and has a built up immunity to radiation as a halfa.
Now to the DC part of this. Let's stick with only the batfam existing in this universe. The entire batfam are classified as leviathan's. All of them have two forms with one of said forms being semi humanoid mer like appearance. They are still pretty big in this form, think 7-8ft at the smallest (aka Damian) The other form is something I like to call
Big f-ken fish™
Which is full on terrifying reapers (we'll decide what each of the fam specifically look like later) and a lot of them are chilling in the crash zone when Danny is fixing the Aurora's reactor. Danny has not yet been spotted by the reapers.
Now they're already pissed off because a big arse ship just crashed into their planet and destroyed a great deal of it. They don't exactly know what a space ship is but they do know that the technology is advanced and the only thing remotely close on their planet is from the precursors who were a bunch of pricks.
Before the explosion the fam kept an eye on the weird creatures that crawled out of the metal eggs They watch them almost immediately start dying from predators or Kharaa. They were there when the ship exploded and started leaking radiation and killing the local wild life much to Damian's despair.
So the Fam are pretty pissed off at this point and are circling the ship. They immediately noticed when the ship stops leaking radiation and spot Danny swimming away from the reck quicker than any of the other ones that crawled out of the eggs.
Granted most of the other ones from the eggs immediately died and didn't have faces (the wet suits looked weird and Danny refuses to wear them no matter how much easier they would make things >:(
They start watching him because obviously there's something odd about this thing it looks kinda like a much smaller version of their smaller forms. Danny is getting pretty ticked off that his PDA keeps making false alarms of leviathan's. Duke, and tim are the ones monitoring Danny in the safe shallows. Jason and Dick in the crash zone. Barbra and Stephanie in the kelp forest. Cass and Bruce are patrolling the grassy plateaus.Damian is by himself at the quarantine gun/ sunbeam landing sight.
Danny sets up base near the quarantine gun™ because for some reason even though he's not infected he can't turn the damn thing off. So Damian is the only one currently capable of watching him. Damian has a theory that he 100% sure is correct. As a 1600 year old leviathan he's not a baby he's almost an adult and doesn't remember being a baby. This thing crawled out of an egg and is super tiny so it is obviously a baby and a very smart one at that. While it didn't have the claws, gills, tail, or scales they had it was super fast, could freeze things, had super strong hands despite looking dull and frail, it could take useless scraps and rocks and turn them into complex structures. It was obviously a new type of leviathan the ship carrying eggs. Danny was the smallest of the babies but he was also the strongest, and smartest; surviving long enough to have eyes and hair. This baby was young enough that he still needed to surface for air he needed to be protected.
Danny has no clue he's now being stalked by a group of reapers that decided he was their new baby brother/son
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Dannymay -immortal au
Jack is SO thrilled to share something with his bestie, meanwhile Vlad is getting hit over the head with the existential crisis stick.
Sorry for the late entry but I have fallen head first into a state where I can only draw Jack and vlad or my niche au version of the immortal au. Took a second for the two to merge into something that fit the prompt and also didn’t need paragraphs of explanation…
Instead some paragraphs of rambling about immortality below
The “halfas are immortal” au makes my head spin. On one hand, there is so much angst to be found in being forced to watch everyone and everything you love, wither and fade away. While you remain inevitably unchanged. That’s BRUTAL. It gets me every time.
But on the other hand- have any of you seen the movie highlander? In it a few people are born immortal throughout different periods of time. They start out living regular people lives. Until the whole immortal thing starts kicking in and… “oh, when love must die”. Weird movie and excessively 80s. BUT… it does have some good takes on how people would deal with immortality. Such as finding other immortals and befriending them. We are in a different time and place, the original context has faded away into the ever shrinking past, but you have people to reminisce about past antics with.
Yes, it is very sad to not be able to take the people you care about with you into the future. But the thing about grief and loss, is that it doesn’t last forever. Yes, the grief will always be there. A piece of you will always miss those that aren’t there anymore. But we move on, we find acceptance. Everyday it hurts a little less.
It is going to start to feel hopeless if you are alone, but the thing about Highlander and also our halfas is that they are not alone. Each of our half ghosts has three other immortals who are going through the exact same things. Eternity can suck the life out of you. But, It’s a lot harder for that to happen when you have something to live for. Something like friends and family. When you have people who are along for the ride with you. There will be ups. There will be downs. No mater what, they are in this together.
Basically, I just wanna see what shenanigans these wild kids (three Danny variants and a vampire) get up to an incomprehensible amount of years into the future.
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hypewinter · 6 months
HC/AU Prompt Thingy (7 I think?)
1). Ghost Batman
2). Halfa Jason
3). Ghost Joker
Considering the amount of times Batman has died (or come close to death) and the amount of things Joker has somehow survived, I'd believe it.
Let's say, Joker died many years ago, the day he first fell into the vat of acid. Too bad the clown had enough strong emotions to come back. And let's be honest, Batman also died a long time ago. Probably when Bane broke his back. At this point, he is purely living off of spite and vengeance.
With that out of the way, do you guys remember that one idea where while Jason's dead, he spends his time in the zone and becomes friends with Danny? Only for his to mysteriously disappear because he got resurrected? That's what I'm going with here.
Danny found Jason aimlessly floating and quickly took him under his wing. It only took a short time for the two to become inseparable. Which is why Danny is crushed when Jason up and vanishes. No one saw where he went. No one saw what happened to him. His disappearance was so sudden and so mysterious that Danny almost wanted to believe his best friend had his final death. But things just didn't add up. So he went searching.
Meanwhile, our ghosty boy has now become only a half ghosty boy due to his unique resurrection. Unfortunately for Jason though, halfas still need ectoplasm too and he is not getting nearly enough of it, leading to him being quite angry and destructive.
Oh! You what would be interesting? If instead of wanting Bruce to kill Joker to avenge him, Jason just goes for the kill himself. Except for Joker won't die. No matter what he does to him. Because of the whole already a ghost thing. But that doesn't stop Jason from trying. Nor does it stop Bruce from trying to talk him down.
So now there's this three-way stand off going on. It is at this point in time that Danny comes through a portal determined to find Jason. But that's not all! Because by time Danny has finally managed to track his bestest buddy down, he may or may not have acquired the title of Prince of the Infinite Realms. Which may or may not give him power over all dead and never living. Which includes Joker and Batman. Which makes it extra funny when said three-way stand off comes to an end by Phantom appearing and ordering two of the three to kneel.
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spacedace · 2 years
okay context: so in this AU, Danny and Dan are the only ones who don't know the batfam secret. Jazz figured it out when they first moved in next door to Jason. Damian told Elle after she trusted him with the truth about being a halfa. Elle didn't tell anyone else since it was a secret Damian trusted her with, while Jazz & Jason assumed that everyone else in the Nightingale family knew and never really brought it up.
It just completely sailed over Dan & Danny's heads. Even though part of the deal the family worked out with the Spirit of Gotham is to help protect her Bats and Birds (that's why Dan ended up in Bludhaven, to help keep Nightwing safe) and they regularly (secretly) follow the batfam around during patrols and fights to help make sure nothing bad happens to them.
Which brings us to the disaster dinner where, after things have almost calmed down from the chaos and embarrassment of Elle and Damian's power point & movie, everyone is actually almost getting along. Turns out, getting horribly roasted by the two gremlins helped break the ice a bit. It's kinda hard for the Bats to hold on to as much of the suspicion for the Nightingales as before when they just watched a supercut of everyone’s most embarrassing moments from the past five years with color commentary from the Chaos Duo.
Which is to say Danny is feeling comfortable enough - with some edging on by Elle - to reveal his conspiracy theory about who Batman is, to Bruce.
Just looks Bruce straight in the eye and with his whole heart and soul asks, "So, like you're for sure Batman's sugar daddy right?" -
Tagging for those who asked: @screamingtofillthevoid @stargirl1331 @mnemovoid @malice-of-the-sunrise @bathildaburp @autumnwulf @revnantdpxdclover @coruscateselene @writer-extraodinaire @idfk-man10 @fluffen-spooky @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @unadulteratedsoulsweets @phoenixdemonqueen @overlycaffeinatedsuperwholockfan @gin2212 @emotional-otter @lexdamo @dixiwoods @wildbacon @ashleysmshly @that-random-fangirl @satanicrutialspecialist @lazy-bouqet @treepainting @busterkeel @gin2212 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @jaggedheart11 @introvert-even-on-the-internet
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lixxen · 8 months
It Takes Two AU Headcanon Masterpost
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Based off of the song It Takes Two from Trolls Band Together :)
The portal accident happened when Danny was 5 and Jazz 7
Instead of Danny staying in the human world, it brought him into the Ghost Zone and the portal broke
Nobody knows what happened to Danny in the human world. They knew the portal turned on by itself and failed, but nothing else. They do not correlate the two events together. They spent a whole year searching for Danny before declaring him fully missing
Frost Bite found Danny and took him in, raising Danny and recognizing Danny is a Halfa with a ice core
Danny is raised amongst the ghosts and is fully knowledgeable in ghost mannerisms and culture. He does get human food through one or two ghosts who will bring it to him
He is still hunted by Skulker, but it is less of a danger since he is protected by Frost Bite. He actually has a relationship with most ghosts. Whether it's good or bad is up to you (I can list it out specifically if anyone cares or want specific dynamics)
He hates Christmas but loves Holiday Truce. Idk if that makes sense. Him and ghost writer still have beef.
Danny is the GZ's core and is destined to defeat Pariah Dark and become the Ghost King. Many ghosts know this and hope that if they keep the prophecy under wraps, it won't happen. It just says a Halfa of the ghost realm. It could be Vlad! (It cannot be Vlad)
Danny runs into Vlad naturally and they have no idea he is Danny Fenton. He knows his name is Danny but goes by Phantom. So Vlad just sees him as an annoying Halfa child that bothers him sometimes
The three activate the portal by accident later on, but it doesn't turn them into Halfas. Just opens the portal. They become a small team of ghost hunters
Jazz becomes friends with Sam and Tucker and create an older sister type of friendship. She keeps them out of trouble and mentors them
They aren't on horrible terms with the A Listers due to Jazz being more popular. It surprisingly causes them to be looked down upon, but not bullied. Light hazing behind Jazz's back if so
Jazz and Danny both always feel like something is missing; Jazz knowing she has a little brother out there and Danny not knowing his real family
The A Listers and the Ghost Trio (Sam, Danny, and Jazz) all go out into the ghost zone together one day
The A Listers get disconnected and the Ghost Trio have to go find Frost Bite, who they met once before. He allied themselves with them after realizing the connection to Danny
The Ghost Trio are met with Phantom protecting the territory and they realize that he looks a lot like Danny. Or, what they'd expect Danny to look like now
Danny is ready to fight them, but realizes that they're not trying to attack him. He backs off and they talk.
He mentions his name is Danny Phantom, and Jazz asks if he was once Danny Fenton. Danny is caught off guard and says that the name sounds familiar, but he doesn't know. He's been there since he was a kid. He transforms back into his human form to show them he isn't a full ghost
They realize that it is in fact Danny and they freak out. Jazz is crying and hugging Danny, who is shocked and hasn't had contact with a human in years.
He breaks down crying after a few minutes.
He asks her everything and she explains the whole situation and how their parents kept up their ghost stuff, desperate to find out if Danny was dead or not
Danny is amazed and he is just glad that he found his sister
Then he realizes that he can't let them go back home so he tries to convince them to stay with him and that they're safer in the Zone than outside of the Zone
They refuse and eventually convince him to go back with them. He doesn't agree at first and tells them this is their home. They explain that the human realm was his home first and that it's their home. They can't just leave it
Danny thinks it over and they spend ends up going with them to get back the A Listers
The A Listers are so confused by Danny being there but are glad they had help. They then find out about Danny and are shocked
Danny ends up going home with them and reunite with their parents. But they don't tell him he's half ghost. Just that he was stuck in the Zone for 8 years
They all cry. Yippee.
Danny befriends Sam and Tucker! The A Listers treat him like they do when they find out he's Phantom in the show
He goes towards school!! He gets to fight the ghosts when they start coming through, and they actually respect him for the most part. They all know what's up. But they still fight him. They're still being chaotic ghosts causing problems
He's doing that double life y'all.
A year later, Danny does end up fighting Pariah and becoming king. He rules from the human realm until he gets out of high school then goes to half ghost zone half human realm ruling. It's a hard life for Danny
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tastefulbean · 1 year
I never did explain my concept for Halfa!jazz
Basically the idea is as follows:
Danny, being the curious young lad he is, goes to check out the portal but jazz catches him in the act. He insists on taking a look inside but she tells him no. He pushes further and eventually convince her to let him but only on the condition they do so together. She doesn’t want him getting hurt or breaking something on her watch.
Both fenton siblings suit up and enter the portal and Danny accidentally presses the button. Jazz, watching, feels everything slow down and pushes Danny out of the way as the portal sparks to life.
Danny is safe but only for a few moments as he watches in shock as his sister gets fried alive right in front of him. Except she doesn’t stay dead.
She stumbles out with light blue hair and glowing orange eyes and at first he doesn’t recognize her, but the 14 year old can certainly piece things together.
And she’s scared. He’s terrified. They both kinda do the whole “screaming when they see eachother” trope.
Dqnny and Jazz freak out but no one is blaming eachother (she just died for Pete’s sake.) the two of them eventually figure out she can turn back but they’re both shaken up. It’s not everyday you turn intangible.
Jazz and Danny were both skeptical of ghosts before but now they know they’re real. But then the portal is shaking and making strange noises.
It’s clear what they must now do.
Other notes!:
-Danny is terrible at keeping secrets but he’s trying his best for his sister. Sam and Tucker know he’s been sneaking out of classes, but they don’t know it’s to hunt ghosts with “Jazzy Phantom”
-He stores the Fenton thermos in his locker so no one can trace the thermos back to her. Jazz is very good at keeping her identity protected. She’s pretty much thought of every precaution.
-jazz is more “talk first, punch later” if she can talk it out and sort the issue without fighting, there’s a good chance she will. 9/10 chances are that she’ll end up digging into the trauma a ghost might’ve had in their past life.
“And how does that make you feel?”
“TERRIBLE! He dumped me for a dog! A. DOG.”
-her power set is similar but slightly different to Danny’s. She’s not able to use her ecto blast right away, but she IS able to create many doubles of herself early on which comes in handy when she’s trying to psyche her opponent out.
Her fighting style is more dependent on defense and wearing the opponent down with a plan rather than rushing in guns blazing.
That’s basically all I have right now but I’m happy to answer more questions (and possibly do art requests ;) ) for this au!
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picturejasper20 · 6 months
So, Vlad Corrupted AU
Words: Around 1940 words
Summary: One day Danny finds Vlad in his mansion a strange state. Vlad's ghost form is drastically different and he doesn't seem remember who he is. Because of this, Danny tries helping Vlad to go back to normal by bringing his memories back. As some time passes, Danny begins to reflect on his relationship with the older halfa and the reasons of why he is helping him, not being sure of why.
-Note that this isn't meant to be a full story. It is more like a ¨pilot¨, if you could say, of the overall idea i have for this AU. I may write a whole story based on it in the future.
Flying as fast as he could, he dodged some floating islands that were on his way, trying to not crash into them from the speed he was going. He already had a lost quite a lot of time having to fight a ghost on his way back home and having released them in the Ghost Zone afterwards. When he had been trying to pack up the things he needed, Jack came, telling him about the new idea for an invention he had come up with. He pretended to listen until he said that it was getting late as he had to meet with Tucker.
That was a lie.
Or a semi-lie, because Danny was indeed going to visit someone, but he wasn’t fully sure if he would call him a ¨friend¨ yet. The nature from their relationship had been pretty weird since this whole thing started.
The teen was carrying a backpack and a bag that had different stuff in them. It was mostly food, some old photos and blankets. It was important for where he needed to go, which had become a routine for him around the last month.
Not arriving on time wasn’t exactly a problem. However, he didn’t want to make the other wait too long neither. He didn’t want him to become worried and go to look for him, specially not in the state he was currently in.
Finally, at the distance, Danny saw the island he was flying forwards to. It was around half of the size of Skulker’s island, with some trees spread around and what would be a hill in the center of it all. It was in a desolated part of the Ghost Zone where the biggest threat one could stumble into was a group of wandering blobs.
Danny flew down to the island to the direction of the hill. He landed and started walking for a few minutes until he came close to a opening cave that was at the base of the hill. He looked around and yelled.
¨Hey, I’m here! I’m sorry that I got a bit late, some stuff happened.¨ He moved closer to the cave, waiting for some movement or response back. ¨Are you here?¨
Some shrieks sounds came from the cave, answering back. Two red pupiless eyes appeared inside the opening, observing at Danny with attention.
¨You can come out. It is just me, it is safe.¨ The teen made a gesture to the being that was hiding to approach him. The entity blinked a few times and then slowly flew to where Danny was, making more shrieks sounds.
The being himself was Vlad Plasmius, also known as Vlad Masters. Except his appearance had some clear differences to the ones he usually had. He was in his ghost form but most of his body looked like a shadow. His red eyes and teeth were the main things that weren’t shadow like. His form was quite taller than his usual ghost form and his hands had sharp point to them, as they were claws. Some parts of his suit and cape were torned but was hard to pick up because of them being the same color.
Vlad flew around Danny while making some chirp and bat sounds. Together they sounded that like actual words, as he was telling something to the teen. He was curious about what it was inside the backpack and the bag, watching them in detail.
The young halfa had found out that the sounds Vlad was actually making was an ancient language called Ghost Speak. When he first heard of this, he started doing more research on it, trying to see if he learn how to speak it to understand Plasmius better but, so far, he had only picked up a few words. For Danny’s luck, the man was still able to understand human language, or english in this case.
¨Yeah, yeah, i know you want to see what i brought this time. Just give me a minute¨ Danny left the backpack and bag on the ground. He opened the backpack, moving things around. He took out a green bowl, showing it to Vlad. ¨These are the leftovers from the stew i had last night. I hope you don’t mind them being cold¨
The older halfa ghost grabbed the bowl and the spoon that was passed to him, chirpping as he did so. He went and sit on a rock, eating the leftovers from the bowl with much pleasure. In meantime Danny continued pulling out things such as blankets, bottles full of water, biscuits and cheese. While searching on his backpack, he touched something thin. He took it out and saw it was a photo of a landscape.
He looked at Vlad, who had finished eating and was now floating around. With a smile, he enthusiastically flew and moved the photo to the other’s eye level for the other to see.
¨Hey, does this look familiar to you?¨ The photo was a field landscape from Wisconsin, with different trees on the side of the road and in between the fields. There were hills in the background. The entire scenario had different shades of green under a clear blue clean sky.
Vlad narrowed his eyes at the sight of image. He grabbed it with a claw, pulling it closer. After what it must have been minutes, his eyes opened wide and faced Danny, chirpping as he pointed at the photo.
¨You know it?¨ He saw Vlad nod his head in response. ¨So you do remember!¨ His expression turned happier, his eyes filled with hope.
That’s another aspect that Danny had learned when he first had found Vlad in this state: The man wasn’t fully able to remember who he was, with only having some vague fuzzy memories in between. He didn’t have an idea of who he was or what had changed his form like that. He even had tried attacking Danny when the teen had spotted him at his mansion on Wisconsin until he was reminded of who Daniel was.
When Danny tried asking Clockwork, he was explained that Vlad was ¨corrupted¨. It could happen for multiple reasons, one of the most common ones having correlation with a ghost’s emotional drive- what motivates them, their main desire- however there could be other reasons for it to happen.
There wasn’t an specific cure for corruption, as it was unique the way it manifested itself on each ghost. In spite of returning from corruption it was pretty rare to happen, Clockwork suggested that the ghost being reminded of who they used to be could be a good way to start, such as showing them things they could be familiar with.
So, for the past month, Danny has been checking up on Vlad and trying to find anything he could about his personal life. The places he has lived in, his family, books he has read…it had been a rather slow process but it seemed to be working so far.
Now he was currently sitting under a tree, resting with his hands behind his head. Vlad was next to him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow, probably being half-asleep. After Danny had told him about his day and the ghost fight he had, the two had fallen into silence, staying like that for a while.
Danny moved his gaze from the green swirls in the sky to the halfa who was beside him. In spite of not remembering well who Danny was, for some reason he seemed have to certain fondness of the teen. He was one of the few ghosts or people that Vlad didn’t jump to attack at plain sight. The young halfa wasn’t sure himself why this happened, why of all the people Vlad would see his own archnemesis as an ally. On the other hand, it was a good thing, as he didn’t want know what would had happened if it hadn’t been the case.
Speaking about that, Danny still wasn’t sure why he was helping Vlad. At first it had been a feeling of pity, because waking up one day having not knowing who you are and having transformed into something else must be really confusing for anyone. But after that it had changed into something different… a sentiment he couldn’t himself explain. Perhaps curiosity to learn more about Vlad… or being the only other halfa he knew oustide of Dani… whatever it was it was unclear for him.
The situation of their current dynamic was hard to define as well. Since Vlad didn’t remember who Danny was, that meant that he didn’t fight nor try to manipulate him. There wasn’t any worry of Vlad coming up with a plan to attack Jack or drag the Fentons into his fruitloop plans. In his corruption state, the older halfa didn’t have much idea of his battle history against Danny and he treated the teen more as a friend.
It had been certainly been… weird, to put it lightly, being able to interact with Plasmius without being blasted through a wall or zapped into unconsciousness. It almost felt nice being able to hang out like this with the millionaire… if it weren’t for the fact that it wasn’t something that the adult ghost had chosen to do, as it was more result of his mind being confused.
Sam and Tucker had suggested Danny to not worry about Vlad considering the bad things he had done, that no one owned him anything. Tucker had even brought up that it could be a good idea to leave him in the state he was in, since Danny wouldn’t have to worry about him bothering him again, and, to Danny and Tucker’s surprise, Sam had agreed with Tucker in his idea.
Part of him wouldn’t deny that his friends had a point. It has been rather quiet ever since Vlad had transformed… however, another part of him felt it wasn’t right to leave him like this. It felt somewhat cruel, even with being a fruitloop archnemesis.
He let out a sigh and moved his hand to the adult halfa’s shoulder, shaking him a bit. ¨Hey¨ The other opened his eyes at the movement, making an annoyed tired growl. ¨It’s getting quite late for me. I think i should get going¨ He stood up from the tree, followed up by his counterpart. As he walked to pick up his backpack and bag, he heard a low cry from behind. He turned around to see Vlad with a sad look on his face, with his ears dragged down. The expression made him look like a kicked puppy.
Feeling guilt in his stomach, he dragged a hand down on his face and went back to grabbing his things. ¨Look, i know you want me to stay a bit longer but i have to go. Remember i told you that i have my home back on Amity Park. My parents are going to get mad if i’m late for dinner¨
He looked at the older halfa again, who was still down with a disappointed expression. He approached him wearing a kind smile. ¨Don’t worry. I’ll be back in two days. Okay?¨
He waited until he saw the other changing his mood, who returned a sad smile and chirped, nodding at Danny.
With a wave, Danny turned to the sky and took off, leaving the island. He looked back at it a few times. Once it was a mere spot in the distance, he faced ahead, accelerating his own speed, hoping that he would reach home in time to avoid getting into trouble.
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vladdyissues · 9 months
Contact infection AU: After Vlad left the hospital he still stays contagious. The mechanism of transmission is physical contact. Only a thick layer of clothes can prevent transmission. Gladly, contagion decomposed in some minutes in area, so, the only limit for Vlad is touching. Imagine HOW MUCH touch starved Vlad is after full-recovering thanks to the Fentons (especially, Danny ;)). As a reward, little badger quickly finds out that fact. And though it's really embarrassing, Danny often uses it to make advantages:
"Sooooo, uncy Vlad...", fingers one by one leaned down Vlad's back, which made man bend his back and partically bit his lip. What's that little devil want him from him now? "...will you buy me those video games?"
"Of course, no. You've been misbehaving. Why should?" Vlad stepped away from the teenager. Though, Danny's smirk says he should something more to escape.
"Oh, you want me behave?~" Yes, he's going to behave, behave outrageously. With ghost powers Danny sneaked behind Vlad. He doesn't have to do much, just some smooth and gentle strokes and whisper something into Vlad's ear. "Or you want to get this pleasure? I can continue~"
Vlad could how his face became red as tomato, also, he couldn't restrain sounds of his. He love the feeling but hates it is naughty teen manipulates him, not because it's true action of love.
"Okay, okay, I'll buy one if you stop!"
"Mm?" Danny continue this torture more intensively. Vlad finally got a little control to seize Danny's hand. "Ok, one game is fine too. Thanks, uncy Vlad."
Sometimes Vlad is thinking of ask someone to paw him whole once or two, so, get an immune to Danny's jokes, but a picture of being touched everywhere and OBVIOUSLY making sweet sounds for someone else but Danny because Vlad STILL OVERREACT makes him sick. It's not like he can touch himself everywhere long enough. He tried and he didn't like it either. He may be an egoist, however, selfcest is not his option.
I guess, if in "Torrent of terror" halfas really tried to fight together and Vlad got the weather tied to his emotions, Danny would just torture him with massage in headphones to not summon friend in pants with Vlad's reaction, saying to older halfa "See, Vlad, the weather is the great just as you promised people. It means I do everything fine".
Touch starved Vlad + manipulative Danny + Vlad suffering withdrawal and sexual frustration
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lexosaurus · 1 year
The Phantom Martian: Chapter 2
Anddd chapter 2 is up!
This is a crossover between Danny Phantom x The Martian. You do not need to have read/watched The Martian to understand this fic.
Summary: When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...?
In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do?
Chapter WC: 5,838
Fic Tags: Danny Fenton & Mark Watney, Canon Divergence, Ecton AU
Excerpt under the cut!
“The hell?” Tucker leaped out of the way.
“Ugh!” Danny shook out his hand, the tingling current tickling his fingertips. Thankfully, it seemed that unlike when he purposefully went after Dash, subconsciously he was incapable of doing much more than producing the equivalent of a strong static shock. “Sorry, I don't know why that keeps happening.”
“Well, figure it out before you electric-shock our whole class!” Tucker hissed, tossing the capped thermos to him. “Seriously, electricity powers? I thought you had an ice core, dude! So not fair if you get a halfa core too!”
Danny snatched the thermos out of the air. “Halfa core?” 
“You know, because you get two sets of power types! Cold and electric.”
“It's not electricity powers.” At least, he was pretty sure it wasn't electricity powers. It wouldn't make sense if that was the case considering the ball in his chest that was called his ice core. 
But more proof—well, not really proof in any way he could explain—was just what it felt like. It wasn't a burning zap kind of shock like touching one of his dad's rogue home-project wires, it was…different. He couldn't explain it, which was the problem. But the sensation felt familiar to him. It burned, sure, but it was a cold sort of burn, one sharper than the light tingling of intangibility. It was funny how it almost felt like…
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f4nd0m-fun · 4 months
@puppetmaster13u @hallowsden
Insanity under the cut, it gets rambly, way too many fandoms, and an AU that started just under a decade ago, whoops 😅
Have you ever seen the Ghostbusters? I have an entire Halfa!Egon AU to explain some of that shit his cartoon version got up to 😂
I threw that AU at Jill too when she showed up since she's basically the Egon of her group. Although I also have a sub au of that where they're twins, both Deities of life and death but her more death and animals and him more life and plants, and that's why they're halfas.
Honestly tho, I give EVERYTHING a cryptid AU Even if it's already a fucked world. For instance, Janine is a Naga (shifter) in one iteration 🤣
I also have a stupid crossover au where it turns out Kevin is Thor and Jill is Jane and at this point they've just been universe hopping for a while against will/intent and such.
Which, thinking of my Loki!Bruce stuff, now I'm just laughing about some massive DP DC GB MVL crossover. Catwoman and Talia are Sigyn and Angrboda from myths tho but I've no idea which is who 😅
It's even worse tho when you add Loki = James and Sigyn = Lily (I think I read every freaking fanfic that had that plot). Which, maybe Talia is Sigyn which makes Damien poor Harry. Also, half Indian James/quarter Indian Harry please and thank you very much.
But also you get into the craziness of which Joker and Harley are Loki/Sigyn too because I adored the version of Joker who was a non abusive crazy in the cartoon and wasn't yet in my loving Bruce era. Which adds even more to the whole 'two halves of a coin' bats and jokes has going on. 😅
And if we go with my age old Pariah Thomas, Gotham Martha, and Clockwork Alfred... yeah, Bruce might be a lil OP, or at the very least scare ol Connie with the number of seals on him to keep his powers locked away.
What's worse is that the Deity AU for Ghostbusters has Jill and Egon as twin children of alternate godhoods/godformes of Loki and Sigyn because OTP forever but also CHAOS (this deity au started when I was in high school and it's the one AU that never stops digging it's claws in, halp 😅)
But also Sam is the daughter of Hades and Persephone, and Danny is like... a mini Hela who Sigyn went to check on and, whoops, her soul got tethered to a too weak body so not only is she her own step great granddaughter but also the vessel is dying and that sucks.
I also had a PJO au where Tucker was a son of Hephaestus, which, I guess WW and Vandal get to fight over him? 😅
Yes I love chaos, and yes I might be a lil crazy, but it's fun. Also, I make a Cryptid AU and a Deity AU for pretty much every fandom I'm in even if I don't voice it.
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56thingsinaname · 4 months
This was an opening theme I was making for a au where danny became a halfa at two years old, I even made lyrics for the whole thing.
It was going to be a cross between baby’s day out and incredibles 2 with Jack Jack. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz babysit Danny, and try to hide his ghostliness from the Fenton parents. Danny does baby things and accidentally helps beat up the ghosts coming through, using his power of shenanigans . The trio try to keep Danny safe and beat the ghosts. Just a full blown comedy
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foxesfantasys · 9 months
Hello I am still alive and writing! I apologise that this chapter took a while longer than the other two, I’ve been quite busy these last few weeks. Happy holidays everyone and I hope you enjoy!
Double Trouble AU: Separation Together
Chapter 3/3: The Halfa
Several weeks had passed before he was allowed to return to Casper High. His friends had visited whenever they could, bringing stacks of work and notes with them each time. They didn’t ever stay for long, and he isn’t sure if it’s because they feel guilty for what happened.
They seem to stay for longer when the ghost is out of sight, hidden or just keeping his distance, still not for very long but more than usual. It makes him… Angry? Or, is he sad? Both. Danny thinks it makes him sad and angry at once when his friends avoid the ghost.
He isn’t sure which half of him is feeling each.
Danny did his best to complete as many assignments as possible while recovering, that way he won’t have fallen too far behind once he returned. In the end, he’s pretty sure they didn’t do very well on any of it, he’s never been very smart in the academic sense.
The more he recovered the less they settled, there was less need to be close. He is aware that Danny isn’t really a one anymore, that he is only a one when the ghost and the human need to be close. But that is not to say Danny only exists when they settle, just this version of Danny.
His memories are strange now, coherent but strange. The clearest are when he is a one but he can remember what the ghost and the human have seen as well, so long as they’re willing to share. It’s an interesting experience to have two sets of memories for the same moment.
This does, however, mean he knows exactly how they ended up in their current situation.
The ghost couldn’t return to Casper High like the human could, but they knew leaving him alone in the Fenton household was out of the question. So although he couldn’t return in the same way, he still followed beside his human invisibly.
It wasn’t a perfect solution obviously, there’s only so long a ghost can remain invisible without a break, especially a young and inexperienced one like himself. With all the practice the ghost had done he could comfortably remain invisible for just over an hour. 1 hour 3 minutes and 47 seconds to be exact. Yes, they had timed it.
So whenever they could, his two halves had ducked into a cleaning closet or bathroom stall to give the ghost a short break. They'd been lucky so far, but knew eventually they’d need an alternative in case there was no chance for a break.
When lunch hour finally arrived and the human was greeted with a green abomination of a meal, suffice to say the ghost was no longer concerned with his lack of appetite. Danny can still taste the awful stuff burning through his taste buds.
Sam had seemed so proud of convincing the school to try this new menu, meanwhile Tucker was understandably upset by this new meatless diet. Personally Danny had no preference when it came to school lunch, the food was never good whether it contained meat or not.
Both his halves had been glad to see his friends again, even if they were bickering it was nice to get back a semblance of normalcy.
He hadn’t decided if he should interfere or not before it turned out he didn’t need to.
Because then came the screaming.
Someone in the kitchens it turned out. An accident with some hot oil, it had burned half their arm. Fenton hadn’t got to see it himself, didn’t think he’d have really wanted to even if he got the chance, but word travels fast in a school full of bored teenagers. Supposedly it had been a grotesque sight, bubbling and blistered everywhere, seared all the way up the forearm.
The human had never seen the wound himself, but Danny could still remember the imagined recreation that his human halfs mind made from the chatter of his schoolmates.
Of course the person in question was rushed away and taken good care of, but he remembers the chill the human had felt the whole time. It had been unnatural, like a looming cloud, an omen that this wouldn’t be the end. He had ignored it at the time, shrugged it off as a draft, or just shock.
And then the next day there was another accident. A fire this time, in the kitchens just like before. Not a big one, it stayed contained to the kitchens, something the human had thought very lucky at the time.
That same foreboding chill filled the air despite the flames, enough that the human was sure he could see his breath mixing with the smoke.
Somehow nobody was hurt too badly, only some minor smoke inhalation. School ended early that day. And it stayed closed for a few days to fix any damage. Apparently although the food is awful, even the school faculty wouldn’t leave the kids without lunch. Who knew.
None of the students had been allowed to go home on their own, parental supervision had been deemed necessary before leaving the grounds. “For safety,” they had said. “In case you get any side effects from the smoke.”
Now, they had understood why the faculty would want their parents to escort them all home. They really did. But when your parents are the infamously ghost obsessed Fentons, they couldn’t help but dread their arrival. Danny is still somewhat surprised that the Casper High faculty handled the whole situation so professionally.
Later he asked his friends, his family, nobody else had noticed a chill that day, even the ghost. But Phantom is naturally cold now, so he supposes it would make sense that he didn’t notice any difference.
The human had decided he was just imagining things, decided to start wearing more layers since he’s apparently more sensitive to the cold now.
And he had thought that was the end of it, a few unfortunate accidents at school and him needing to wear a few extra layers to keep away the cold. The following few days had been completely normal, good even. Fenton had thought once Casper High opened up again everything would continue to be normal.
Then that day, today, came around the corner like the universe's personal spite filled slap in the face to Danny, both of them.
Once again lunch hour rolled around, but this time when the human felt that foreboding chill he happened to look towards the kitchens. Danny remembers it felt like his eyes had been pulled to a very specific spot, something just wasn’t right and he knew, but it wasn’t clear what it was or how he knew it was wrong.
He had watched that spot for several moments, the ghost's green glowing eyes joining his stare while hidden away with invisibility.
Danny watched.
They waited.
They saw.
Danny saw the pointy green ears and red piercing eyes, the burns and blisters and singes. It looked as if the entire right side of the face and neck had been burned till it melted. In some places it was worse than others, the least burned areas were near the top and bottom where it looked like only clothes had been singed, while the worst was the central area where the mouth should have been. Whatever accident had befallen this person left sharp pointed teeth and dark green gums visible behind the melted strings of flesh that had once been a mouth, surrounded by bubbling blisters and dark burn scars.
He couldn’t help but cringe at what he saw. And what he saw was the ghost of a lunch lady.
What came next is a messy blur of ghost instinct and human panic. Even now that they have settled there is a constant hum of Intruder Intruder Intruder Protect Get Her Out Get Away Mine Protect-
It’s loud and confusing and he wants to follow. Wants to hiss and challenge because this is my home and these are my friends, but he knows that’s only coming from his ghost half. He also knows that his ghost half is just as overwhelmed by these feelings he can’t control.
“It’s dangerous, we should warn everyone and get away quickly before it starts attacking,” his human half declared aloud. But Danny didn’t move yet.
“But it could still hurt people,” his ghost half argued. “Even if everyone gets out of the cafeteria today it will still be here tomorrow and the day after! Or worse, it could end up somewhere else with even more people.”
Dread welled up at the thought of the amount of people who could get hurt, completely oblivious to the ghostly presence, because why would they worry about something that isn’t real. Then he remembers the fire and the oil and guilt adds to the ocean of emotions built up in Danny’s chest.
If only he had realized what was happening sooner, maybe he could have stopped that poor person from getting burnt or prevented the fire that left so many people out of school and work for days.
“What do we do?” His human half asks, lacing worry into their shared voice when the Lunch Lady’s red eyes lock with Danny’s blue-green. Sure they know the ghost is there now but what difference does that make? He isn’t a ghost expert like his parents, not to mention he hadn’t brought any ecto-weapons for Phantoms peace of mind. Not that he would have either way, it’s not like ghost attacks are a regular thing that could happen everyday.
Danny is half ghost now, he has powers, can’t he do something with those? But he’s only practiced with invisibility! He can’t fight it! Well he has to do something!
His two halves don’t get long to argue before the lunch lady’s echoing shouts find their way down the hallways and snap him back to focus. He had ended up almost right outside the entrance to the kitchens along with his friends who had apparently followed him because he was acting weird. He’s not sure when he left the cafeteria, nor does he remember his friends calling out to him. Well, note to selves: try not to get so distracted arguing that we forget to pay attention to our surroundings.
The lunch lady must find something while staring down at Danny and his friends. He’s not sure what it is she found in them, but judging by the furious screech that followed… Clearly she had not liked it.
A scared cry and Sam’s panicked yell of “Duck!” brought his attention away from the ghost that was towering over them, and towards the- is that meat? Is she really just throwing meat at them?
And he really shouldn’t think like that, because that’s when the meat grows eyes and mouths. Mouths that open and reveal lots of needle sharp teeth and eyes that watch them with hunger.
“Actually, I think that's goose.” He only vaguely hears Tucker comment from behind him, only to be followed by an unhappy grunt from Sam.
Now, as he ducks and dives to avoid the living meat being thrown at him and his friends it’s clear Danny doesn’t have the choice to back down anymore, not just to save himself but his friends as well. “Fight it is then,” he declared.
It was long, difficult, and insanely scary, but when the battle was over, Danny was the victor. He had a lot more bruises and jagged little cuts from claws and needly meat teeth than he had that morning. But considering they had both thought they would die a second time during the whole battle, well, Danny thinks he did pretty well in comparison.
The hand lasers were a surprise. He’s pretty sure they’ll be having a talk about that later, and Danny is glad he probably won’t be around for it.
He knows his two halves will figure things out in the end, but he’d rather not have to listen to the process if he doesn’t have to. It gets hard to stay in balance when the ghost and the human aren’t in agreement, luckily they almost always are.
When one half wavers the other supports, be it emotional, physical, or otherwise.
Yeah. Danny thinks he’s going to be ok. Every part of him.
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kobol1 · 2 years
More Halfa-Siblings, please? I crave wholesome sibling content. Also, Ghost King Danny. How would that work?
Thanks for the ask! :D I love getting these. Yes, more halfa-siblings are on the way!
As for how the whole Ghost King thing (Hey! that rhymes! Lol kek) works in my Halfa-siblings Au.
Will let's just say when Pariah Dark invaded Amity Park and Danny went to go challenge him for the throne, Jazz wasn't about to let her little brother go off on his own. Together the two of them come up with a plan and challenged Pariah Dark together.
Danny using the Ecto-suit (I can't remember the name for right now.) would fight Pariah Dark head-on and Jazz would run Interference to distract Pariah. At the end of the battle, they both managed to seal the sarcophagus of forever sleep making them both contenders for the throne.
Danny and Jazz both had a claim for Kingship or Queenship. But instead of fighting each other or one of them claiming the throne. They decided to share power. So now the Infinite Realms has both a new King and Queen.
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inthememetime · 2 years
Psychopomp AU
Au where the function of halfas are to guide the recently dead to the afterlife and maintain a healthy balance between the two worlds.
Of course halfas are OP! They have to fight the living AND the dead! They have a huge list of responsibilities, the two most important being making sure no evil ghosts bother humans and no evil humans bother ghosts.
Plasmius, obviously, has been lacking at the job, but Clockwork is pretty hopeful about Danny! That is, until he realizes Danny believes, thanks to popular media, his parents, the bad ghosts, and Vlad, all ghosts are evil.
Cue letting whoever writes this go NUTS on worldbuilding as they have one, two, or a whole cast of ghosts show Danny the ropes in the GZ and that not all ghosts are evil!
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