#two corrupted best friends // corrupted skid and pump
askthecorruptedfive · 2 years
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Corrupted Boyfriend
Bio: Once a famous rapper in love with his Girlfriend has been overpowered by the Corruption and no matter how hard he tries he might never break free from the grasp of it...
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Corrupted Girlfriend
Bio: Once the famous Girlfriend of Boyfriend has been also overpowered the Corruption and even when Corrupted she still has a love for her midget rapper...
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Corrupted Pico
Bio: Pico who was the man who survived a school shooting in 2004, He was recognized all around until the Corruption came and that's when things took a turn for the worse...
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Corrupted Skid and Pump
Bio: Skid and Pump... the two children who loved to celebrate Spooky Season are overpowered by the Corruption but even they these two are Corrupted they are still best friends..
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minusgangtime · 8 months
(Apocalypse OGs bios-
OG Boyfriend:
"I don't feel too well..."
Status: Infected but docile (somehow), Very ill
Info: While being out in the open, Boyfriend got infected by the corruption. Despite that, his conciousness still remains and he's waiting for a cure yet to be discovered.
OG Girlfriend:
"Don't worry, babe! I'll keep you safe!~"
Status: Possibly immune
Info: Due to her demon powers and immortality, Girlfriend is immune to all corruptions. She's looking for a cure with Pico ever since Boyfriend got infected.
OG Pico:
"A-Anyone can be infected...!"
Status: Healthy, Traumatized
Info: Ever since the corruptions took over and Boyfriend got infected by the corruption, Pico became a lot more anxious and paranoid, even sometimes gaining trust issues..
OG Skid and Pump:
"But Skid, what if you get the purple stuff too?!"
"I don't care! I want to be with you, Pump!"
Status: Healthy (Skid), Infected but docile (Pump)
Info: Two Spooky Month loving best friends. They seem to have to each other backs, even if one gets infected by the corruption..)
(Wait, the OGs?? ._.)
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zs-firefly · 2 years
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Two new ideas which I whave no idea if I should create.
First is a Boyfriend named Feruni, 12 yrs old. As you can see the colours, it's corruption based. BUT the thing is. My brain made this scenarios where he was raised by Lemon Demon, only because this BF's family was killed in a fire. Feruni barely survive, and LD kinda just, took pity. I don't have the full story but LD eventually disappears out of nowhere, and Feruni is trying his best to find him. Also he's good friends with Skid n Pump who would've guessed-
Its also party inspired by the thought of a feral corrupted BF. I have the retrospector mod to thank for nailing down the motivation to draw this.
Second Boyfriend is Demura, 10 years old. Attended a large party with his parents. Nearly died in said party due to a massacre and is now in a mental hospital. Again, I don't have the full story but I do know that he hallucinate. Its so bad that apparently reality around him changes accordingly. Actually kinda scary to think about ngl.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
If you don’t mind, could I request a continuation of the corrupt reader that protects skid and pump but also have senpai and or picos reactions to them? (Like senpai/ and or pico x reader?) sorry if this is confusing.. hopefully I make sense ^-^
Senpai was currently on the run.
After managing to evade Keith's attempt to delete his programming, he found an exit route within the now-destroyed video game.
He foolishly thought it would be his safe haven...until the corrupted boy and his girlfriend showed up and ruined everything. Even threatening to delete his very existence.
Out of fear of being found again, he threw on a hoodie and abandoned his backpack, hiding out in the real world. He was terrified of seeing those demonic glowing eyes and smiles again, yet they seemed to be haunting him at every turn.
So far, he's seen nobody else in the streets. But paranoia got the best of him as he took refuge in an empty alley, hugging himself and pressing his back against the brick wall.
Only now he realized how much he took that game for granted. Had he known things would get this bad...he would've taken more precautions.
But he didn't, and now he was all alone.
Or so he thought..
Upon hearing voices, Senpai tensed up before glancing over and seeing two familiar kids who were...uncorrupted?
Last time he, or Spirit rather, caught a glimpse of this world, they were both covered in that same black goop. With neon pink eyes and devilish grins. But their costumes were perfectly fine.
Then he noticed the figure they were with. It looked like the person he met once before--the one who befriended Keith and many of his "rivals," including himself.
But they were the one corrupted this time, and his heart dropped into his stomach.
He knew coming out of hiding was risky, but he needed to do something. If he couldn't save his own game, he could at least save two innocent kids in costumes.
And so he ran away from the safety of the alley.
"You two!! Get away from that creature!!!"
"What if we give him candy as a peace offering?"
"Yeah! Candy solves everything!"
"I'm afraid it won't solve this." You sighed as you looked down at the spooky kids, admiring the hope in their eyes. But they had to understand things aren't just that simple now. "Only one thing will. I have to fight fire with fire."
"Fire?" Skid blinked, confused.
"..it's a metaphor. Because Lemon is the corruption's source-" You were just about to explain it, when you suddenly heard a yell from afar.
"You two!! Get away from that creature!!"
Snapping your head over, you recognized Senpai as the source. But he was wearing a dirty hoodie, his hair disheveled, as he sprinted over to you three.
Before you could think of how to react, Skid and Pump jumped in front of you, stretching their arms out as though to protect you. Then they shouted at him to stop.
Fortunately he did, surprised at what he was seeing. "Wha..? [Y/n] isn't..hurting you?" He mumbled in disbelief, trying to catch his breath.
"Nope! They're stronger than the lemon monster who started all of this." Pump explained with a toothy grin. "[Y/n] is still our friend."
"Yeah! They wanna protect us! They took away our scary costumes," Skid nodded, glancing back at you and holding your clawed hand.
You just smiled and gave it a reassuring squeeze, before letting go and gazing at Senpai. "That rotten lemon only gave me more power. But I'm gonna use it for good."
"I-I see..we'll I'm glad you're still with us." Senpai mumbled.
"Why are you here?" You inquired, confused about his presence in the real world, knowing that he went back into the game for his own safety. "Did..he reach your game?"
"...he did..through them." His hands curled into trembling fists. "He..w-was going to delete me. Not corrupt me but actually erase my very existence!"
As he gazed up at you, tears filled his eyes--tears of anger and exhaustion over what he's suffered through. "He didn't intend to make me join him...h-he only wanted to toy with me. Make me feel forgotten and alone." His voice cracked. "I thought it was over..that all was lost a-and..."
He paused as he felt something clinging to both of his legs, and he looked down to see Skid and Pump hugging him. But seeing them happy and perfectly alright was enough to make him smile, kneeling down to embrace them both as he sobbed softly.
"Th-Thank you...I'm..sorry for ever making fun of your costumes.."
"It's okay, Mr. Anime-Man." Skid grinned as he patted his head.
Your heart swelled at the sight, glad that the three were okay and safe from the corruption--at least for now.
"You should stay with us. Safety in numbers."
With a sniffle, Senpai looked at you and nodded in agreement. "I think I will..thank you so much."
Although none of you knew what to do or where to go from here...at least you'll all be together.
And if it comes down to it, you'll turn the power of the corruption on Lemon Demon. One way or another.
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ask-the-softie-five · 2 years
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Name: Benjamin
Age: 19
Gender: male
Bio: Benjamin is a very nice guy,being kind and nice to pretty much everyone he meets,he has a passion for art,wanting to pursue a career in painting,unfortunately,his parents didn’t agree with this,wanting him to pursue a career in singing,although he can sing really well,he didn’t want it to become his career,as punishment for his disobedience Benjamin’s father abused him physically…so he ran away from home after his boyfriend,pico,suggested he’d run away,now,he and pico mostly hang in a abandoned old home with grace and the artsy kids.
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Name: pico
Age: 20
Gender: male
Bio: pico was a normal happy happy kid until the shooting of 2004,pico was moved away from the city by his parents who treated him and his recent mental problems with no care or Grace,once he turned 18 he ran back to the city,soon missing posters were put up all over the city so pico changed his appearance and used a spray can to blur out the missing posters beyond recognition,knowing the corruption in the city,he became a infamous graffiti artist,trying to spread positive messages through his graffiti. He met Benjamin when he got awe struck by one of picos graffiti art,from then on,the two started to blossom into lovers,Benjamin sneaking out to see him. After a nasty fight and Benjamin showing pico his scars,pico was determined to get his boyfriend out of such a toxic home so he suggested Benjamin run away from home and the rest is history. Pico is a pretty chill dude,but mess with him his friends or Benjamin enough and you’ll get spray paint in the eyes,he’s VERY protective of Benjamin and weirdly enough the artsy kids,who knows,maybe he feels emotionally connected to them.
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Age: 19
Gender: female
Bio: Grace was very he sheltered as a kid,never really seeing the world or understanding how the world works,hen she was told she’d be marrying Benjamin she was thrilled,cause she loved him,they had been childhood friends! But when Benjamin denied,grave broke down,not understanding why,after a bit she calmed down and realized this was not ok,she shouldn’t have acted like that,so she ran away from her home to not just apologize to him,but to show him a place where they could stay,she now lives with them doing whatever she can to mend bonds and make up for her past behavior.
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Names: skid and pump
Age: 8 and 7
Genders: both male
Bio: these two were just artsy and spooky loving kids that Benjamin and pico encountered on thier travels,however due to a mother not father were present in that abandoned home the couple visited Benjamin was concerned for the kids so he and pico decided to adopt them,skid was a real skeleton who stuck stickers onto himself cause why not and pump was a regular pumpkin who had strange looking pumpkin skin and a strange symbol on his left hand,they spend most of thier time doing with Benjamin
Blog inspired by @ask-the-softable-five / @trying-my-best-always
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donkeybro · 3 years
FNF/OC AU idea: Sonic.EXE fnf mod!
This is just basically who I think would fit best as each opponent in the EXE mod out of the interpretations of a canon fnf character or an OC or maybe even both!
EXE: Tommy (because triple trouble would look cool with the crystals plus with him being in his corrupted form during it. Character belongs to me)
Majin/Endless Sonic: Squishy (because he’s just a happy little fella. Belongs to @floxy-offical)
Lord X: MS!Blue (I can just imagine that this version is the same very egotistical, thinks every “side character” is worthless compared to him, you know what I’m talking about. Interpretation belongs to @ask-fnf-minus-starcatcher-cast)
Soul Tails: Minus Girlfriend (She’s the sweetest girl in the group and she also can fly, and I can imagine that her wings would look all kinds of messed up and her horns would be stabbed into her head. Interpretation belongs to @minusgangtime )
Soul Knuckles: Minus Pico (he’s the toughest out of the minus gang and I could only imagine if his missing hand was replaced with a gun somehow. Interpretation belongs to @minusgangtime again)
Soul Eggman: Minus BF/Blue (now you may be thinking why Blue? Well because he’s normally a very wholesome bean but here in this AU he’s the complete opposite and will kill anyone on sight, he’s basically a wild dog monster. Interpretation belongs to @minusgangtime again again)
Faker: Sen/Doll Senpai (because he’s not actually a doll but rather a lab experiment or something like that so it makes sense. Belongs to @peachypupp)
Sanic: Kris and Susie (both of them come from an off brand rp account of them and there both used for the joke so I gotta do it. Actual characters belong to Deltarun. Versions stated belong to @offbrand-deltatraveler/@hbegamingyt)
Sunky: Minus Skid and Pump (the two would just want you to do the spooky dance with them and make you eat candy and it’d be adorable. Interpretations belong to @minusgangtime again again again)
Fleetway: Alti (she’s very energetic and I feel like she would be the type to be very egotistical and cocky but ends up getting bested. Character belongs to @raymett)
Tails doll: Kasumi (why? Because I feel like she’d just be a doll who wants to make friends but everyone gets freaked out by her moving. Character belongs to @peachypupp)
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syst3merr0r · 4 years
A FnF Corruption Mod short story, because I wanted to make the fandom cry :)
This story’s also on Ao3 as well! It's still called Goodbye.
Story’s under the cut!
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck-!!”
Pico ran down the street as fast as he could. That damn lemon demon was spreading that corruption shit, and fast. Keith was gone, Cherry was gone, so were her parents. But who he was worried about the most...
Slamming open the doors of the bar where they usually sang at, he held his gun in his hand.
“SKID!!! PUMP!!!” He yelled. The boys. Where were the boys?! They were so young, and the corruption was so painful...
He ran around, until he stopped dead in his tracks in front of the stage.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Skid was on top of Pump’s shoulders as per usual, but the poor sobs and hiccups the poor boy was making...it was just heart wrenching.
Pump...well, he was gone. But Skid wouldn’t let go of him. His legs to his knees were covered in the corruption, as well as a part of his face.
“P-Pump!!! Pump!!! Pump no!!!” He sobbed, clutching his best friend’s head.
“It isn’t that bad, Skid! Just a little painful, but not too bad!” Pump said. “Just let it happen.”
The two looked at Pico, who had his gun pointed at Pump. Tears ran down his cheeks. Oh god...oh fuck...
“Skid, let him go!” Pico yelled, the boy shakily refusing. “I c-cant leave h-him!!” He cried, looking down only to meet the purple gaze of his corrupted friend.
It hurt. The black crawling up his legs felt like claws digging into him, and it hurt.
Why was this happening?!
He let out a startled scream as Pico ran and scooped him up, bolting away from Pump who gave chase. Well, what once was pump, anyway.
“TAKE HIM!!” Pico yelled, but Skid couldn’t see who it was. He was suddenly taken from Pico’s arms. “You’re gonna be okay, kiddo.” Looking up, he saw Whitty.
Now standing in front of the two, Pico had his gun aimed at Pump, who was running at them. If his theory was right, it should work. God, he didn’t want to test it out on Pump of all people!!! But he didn’t have a choice.
Whitty pushed Skid’s face into his shoulder, not wanting him to see.
Pico tried to calm his shaking hands the best he could. This had to work. It had to.
A bang, a thud, and Skid’s terrified sobbing were the only sounds to be heard. Other than that, silence.
It was silent.
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ask-thespookymom · 3 years
🚫, 💋, 🔥.
🚫Are there blogs you just won’t follow or characters you won’t interact with?
Yea! I don't like corruption because there's too much angst and specifically the angst of Skid and Pump can be triggering to me at times. We also don't want to interact with blogs roleplaying as Art-I-Chokedd's OC Stephanie Updike, as that character makes one of our members uncomfortable.
💋 Do you think those that ERP are not as good at role playing than those that don’t?
Absolutely not. We have done and still do ERP sometimes(and have a blog dedicated to it that we won't share here for personal reasons) and don't believe that writing something specific makes you any less of a writer.
🔥 What is your hottest take on your fandom?
[Looks Left and Right, sighs, and braces myself] Look, take it from me. There's nothing wrong with drawing the kids holding hands or whatever. Kids in real life always have little play relationships and it's okay to think the kids could or would do that too as long as you keep it innocent. Honestly, my best go-to question for ships when debating if they're okay or not is "would it be weird or bad if it happened in real life?" Kids play hold hands and call each other their 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' all the time, hell, both us and our younger sibling used to have 'boyfriends' as little kids. There's a lot of opinions on this discourse and our standing on this is probably influenced by our Pump fictive having a crush on Skid, and knowing that, honestly, kid crushes and relationships are normal, whether they stay like that as they grow up or just become friends or whatever. There's no need to send harassment to people thinking the two would hold hands or give each other valentines cards. There's always a line though, and if you draw or write smut about them I will personally send you to the depths of hell with my bare fucking hands. That is not a threat that is a promise.
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