#twk fanfic
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wanderingpages · 2 years ago
peach!! can you write a car sex jurdan smut? it can be short but the concept is so sexy 😭 on my knees rn
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“You’re trouble,” Cardan had told me minutes prior, but he repeats it now, more wary than he had been when he said it by the bar. Maybe I had used him then, because it sounded like flirting to me and I so badly needed his help. It’s how I’d always gotten what I needed before. Maybe I thought he was no different, so I took him down to a hall no one ever used and pressed him up against the wall. I smiled at him, feeling shy from his attention but not wanting to admit it. My hands had wound around his neck, and his fingertips traced up my shoulder, guiding my hair to one side. He placed a kiss on my throat and I felt it in the pit of my stomach. Then further up he trailed his soft lips and I gasped. I gripped at his hair to guide his lips to mine. He tasted heady and like the scotch I had given him. Cardan had cradled the back of my head, tilting me as he pressed his tongue into my mouth to open and deepen the kiss. He felt like mine, I felt a little guilty answering his question.
“Jude,” he had murmured against my skin, kissing a patch from my mouth to my throat, then his lips were by my ears and he asked, “What do you want from me, princess?” When I told him, he immediately fell back, only half in a daze but vehemently shaking his no – but I won in the end, because here we are, where I asked to be. I feel only a little remorseful and he’s telling me I’m trouble again.
I tilt my body, trying to get a closer look at the scene, but no matter how much I shift and turn, I can’t quite make out who my father is with, nor what he’s saying. My finger absently finds the buttons on the side of the car, but before I can lower the window, Cardan takes hold of my wrist. I’m already practically on top of him, my knees bracing against the console from the passenger’s side, and a hand planted firmly onto his lap. So it shouldn’t bother me when he pulls me closer, tightening his hold on me. Cardan’s warm fingers encircle my wrists, his thumb right where my veins sing.
I’m alive, he should note. I give him a look, eyes unable to stray too far from his still pink and swollen lips. I did that, I think to myself. I wonder how many other can say the same. And then I realize I don’t actually want to consider that at all. Cardan narrows his dark eyes at me, “Don’t even think about it, Jude.” My name on his tongue always felt like sin, but it’s when he teases me with my pseudo-reign that I feel like penance should only a breath away.
“But -” my mouth feels dry, searching for excuses but he shakes his head, halting my explanation.
“We’re not even supposed to be here,” he seethes, “and if you think we’re not being watched right now, you’re sorely mistaking.” I find myself pouting when he firmly guides me back into my seat, forcing me to gather the rest of my surroundings. We’re in a secluded area, backroads lined with trash bags and oily pathways between buildings. My father is currently having a “business meeting,” as he explained before abruptly leaving. I’ve only ever seen business meetings that take place between alleyways in movies that involve the mob.
When I tell Cardan this, pointedly looking at my father’s silhouette, he gives me a dry kind of look I choose to ignore. So long as he’s looking at me, I suppose. He was left in charge of watching over the club in Dad’s absence, but we both knew it just meant watching over me.  I was working the bar tonight, a job my father now is incredibly annoyed with, despite the fact it had been his suggested punishment for my overspending a bit.
“Just because there’s no limit does not mean you get to test that theory, Jude.” I roll my eyes now, because jokes on him; I'm a hit at parties now that I know to mix drinks and do little flairs that I’m quite proud of. I like to impress Cardan with them when he leaves Dad’s office and orders something boring on the rocks. I’m nearly positive that’s the charm that had him following me to that hall and led to him driving me right where we are currently parked.
“Haven’t you heard the saying? Curiosity killed the girl.”
“It does not go like that,” I tell Cardan, unamused.
I’m no idiot, I know Madoc’s club is only half of where our family income comes from, and the guests he entertains in the VIP section are never just guests. Business partners maybe, buyers or sellers, I could never tell. It was the same as usual until Dad had gotten a phone call in the middle of his hosting. It had seemed as if he had been waiting for the call all evening. However, him leaving abruptly made me too antsy to stand idle and make vodka cranberries all night. It always felt like the entire staff was in on a big secret I wasn’t apart of. It didn’t help that lately, Dad had been a little worn down, coming home tired or frustrated, answering calls curtly, stuck in his own head looking haggard. I’m allowed to worry.
“You didn’t,” Cardan says, pausing the sudden gnawing I’d been doing on my bottom lip, “by the way. Your bar tricks are not what got you into my car.” I guess he’s a mind reader now too.
“You’re telling me you weren’t impressed with my juggling?” I didn’t even break a bottle this time.
He sighs, “you probably could have just asked and I’d taken you.” I raise an eyebrow, not believing him since even with all my womanly whiles and eccentric charm, I still had to plead with him to get out here. The side of his lip tilts up in a smirk. “I just like watching you beg.” He shrugs, “So, you would have begged.” His warm voice sends a shiver down my spine. “Maybe I would have gotten you on your knees.” He could still get me on my knees if he asked nicely, but I don’t tell him that.  Cardan glances out the window, making a face at the two men. “There’s no point in being here if you can’t even hear what’s being said.”
I nod at this, finding my composure. “Exactly, Mr. Greenbriar.” I grin, “We should move closer.”
“No,” he tells me. He fumbles for the lock but my door is swung open before he manages to press the button. His eyes widen, “Jude,” he scowls quietly when I give him a triumphant grin. Without waiting, I duck for cover, sneaking up closer to the building. “Fuck me,” I hear Cardan moan. “Jude, you idiot,” he mutters, silently getting out of the car and following me. When he’s caught up, he pushes me behind him as we near the corner of the building. “You’re gonna get us both killed.”
“Are you not carrying?” I ask a bit startled. “Wait so that wasn’t a gun in your pocket? You really were excited to see me?” His hand comes over my mouth, and my eyes widen in shock, absolutely enthralled with the way he’s decided to manhandle me tonight. I’m always the one testing boundaries, so maybe my heart pounds a little faster at our proximity more than the shooters probably ready to gun us down – if Cardan is right about us being watched.
“Have you always been this bratty?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him instead of giving him an actual answer. He looks heavenwards before moving to stand behind me. One hand is now across my chest, the other still firmly over my mouth. I lick him but he doesn’t let off. “Of course, I’m armed, but I’m not Superman, princess. I don’t even think I have 15 rounds,” he says the last part more to himself, but that’s news to me anyways.
We lean closer to the alleyway, bracing our shoulders on to the bricks of the building. Whatever Dad and his friend are talking about is only slightly less muffled than before. Its longer than I expect to finally make out pretty keywords like “shipment” and “missing equipment,” and then something that has me ridged.
“You have three daughters don’t you, Madoc?”
“Don’t bring them into this,” Dad responds clearly. My heart beats even faster, I'm all too aware of Cardan’s palm searing hot against the unsteady thumping. He pulls me even tighter against him. Dad says, “I came in good faith to hear you out. You’re the one who lost my supplies.”
“You’re the one who lost two of my guys,” the other man counters, not really angry and seemingly uncaring for the men in question. He makes my skin crawl on sight alone.
“That’s not my -”
The other man holds up a finger, cutting my father off, offending me in the process. His phone had been ringing and Cardan stiffens, as the man answers, eyes still boring holes into my father. “Yes…really? Okay...” He hangs up and tilts his head, “Good faith? Someone’s tailing us.”
“I didn’t -” whatever my dad says, I don’t get to hear. Cardan is cursing, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me towards the car. It’s a struggle because my entire body wants to run to Dad, but the hold Cardan has on me is iron tight. A shot goes off and my body seizes. My eyes go so wide they hurt. I only wanted to know what Dad was hiding, wanted in on the big secret everyone knew but me – wanted some type of undeniable proof so he couldn’t brush this away, brush me away. More shots are fired and I’m too far to know who’s shooting at who.
Cardan pulls open the car door and shoves me in before rushing to the other side. I don’t even have my seatbelt on when he pulls out of the spot. I hear more bangs ricocheting and panic begins to set in, “Cardan! Dad -”
“He’s fine – Balekin wasn’t lying.”
Cardan doesn’t exactly answer me, but continues, “Madoc definitely brought back up. No good faith and all that.” He waves his hand and it freaks me out that both hands are not on the steering wheel. It also unnerves me that Cardan knows my Dad’s tells more than me. “We, on the other hand…” he trails off, shifting gears and stepping on the gas. My heart flies into my throat. I hurriedly manage to snap on the seatbelt, but even then, I don’t think that’ll protect me at all if Cardan decides to bend us into a tree or light pole or worse – another vehicle. “God,” he mutters, “you’re so reckless, Jude” he mumbles, “absolute fucking brat,” he continues. My cheeks flare pink but I hold my tongue, scared I might vomit if I talk. I grip at the leather seats so tight I feel my knuckles start to cramp. “And me – I follow you like a fucking dog.” Outside is a blur of lights and the night sky. I'm too scared to look at the speedometer but I know it’s beyond what the legal limit is. The one reprieve is that the road is clear for now.
“I think where in a fifty zone,” I finally manage in a squeak. Cardan side eyes me and I let out a yelp, “Oh my god, pay attention to the road!”
My hysterical tone eases him somehow, because he begins to relax. He eyes the rear view mirror and shrugs, taking a hand off the steering wheel again. My heart is beating so fast that my eyes seem to shake at every little pump. “We’re good,” he lets me know. He smirks at me and when I look sick at his lack of attention to the road, he tells me, “Crack the widow, let your hair down and all.” He does it for me with his free hand reaching to the top of my head, pulling at the clip securing my bun. It unravels just as the window slides down. Air gusts through my hair and stings my face.
My ears are filled with the rush of wind. “I…” My words are lost in the noise.
“It’s okay, princess, I’m a good driver,” he promises.
“What are you,” I manage, hoarse, “Dad’s getaway driver?” he shifts gears and I'm seeing double. Soon we’ll be doing donuts in the parking lot.
He shrugs, “When he needs me to be.” I remember what he said about curiosity killing the girl and that must explain the stroke I’m having. I feel like an idiot – a little girl trying to be much bigger than she is. What the hell would Dad even say if I go to him about tonight? He’d probably gaslight me. I shakily look back, wondering if we’re being followed. I calm when I see that its just us. “Do you trust me?”  
I nod my head and settle back into the seat. I try to get my mind off of this, thinking about our kiss from earlier instead. Had only an hour passed since then? I should apologize for leading him on only to get him here. Except I hadn’t really led him on. I’ve wanted Cardan since the moment Dad introduced us. I think him working directly under my father only fueled my desire more. It felt very taboo. However, those thoughts only race my pulse for a completely different reason. Slowly, I release my death grip on the seat and hold my hand out to Cardan. He raises a brow, but takes it anyway, letting me squeeze it tightly. “Yeah,” I whisper. I clear my throat, “I trust you.”
There’s a lot to take in, but I'm trying to stabilize my pulse instead. It’s like an onslaught of adrenaline wafting through me repeatedly and I can’t find a release. The car rolls to a stop just off the highway and into the cover of trees and shrubbery, This feels like an illegal spot to park, but what do I know? I watch in a stupor as the slim needle on the dashboard falls from somewhere in the hundreds down, down, down to 0. I find myself absolutely petrified but yet a giggle escapes me. Suddenly, I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh because if I don’t, I think I might cry.
“Are you okay?” Cardan reaches over and unclips my belt. He then brushes my hair back, forcing my gaze to his. He thumbs at my eyes, tearing up from the wind, and not at all because of the emotional turmoil I’m going through.
The rush that had been whipping past my ear had been halted so suddenly that my head begins to sway. I turn to look at him, uncaring for once how unput together I must look. “Dad…”
“He’s fine,” Cardan says again, sure of himself. “Are you?”
“Not dead,” I confirm, and he gives my hand a little squeeze. I give him a dazed look, and then, I smile softly at him. It must have been what he was waiting for. In one swift motion, Cardan tugs me over the console, guiding me to straddle is lap. My skirt hikes up and Cardan only pushes it up higher. There’s a pulse between my legs and when he pulls me down, his breath tickles my skin, filling me with heat all the way to the pit of my stomach.
“You’re okay,” he tells me quietly. “It’s okay, Jude.” I nod, placing my hands in his shoulder, fingers teasing at his dark curls. I stare at his neck, at the tendon there that I want to place my lip against. I bend down to do just that, letting his steady pulse beat against my skin. “Jude,” he murmurs, tilting his head to give me more access. When I press my lips on his skin, he sucks in a breath.
“I'm sorry,” I whisper, leaning up.
His hands run up my thighs, and if I had survived a shootout and a lone speed race, I don’t think I can survive Cardan and the way he looks at me right now. “For what?”
“Using you?”
Cardan chuckles, and reaches one hand up, working at the buttons of my shirt. Slowly, he pushes it off my shoulders, letting the material fall to the floor, all the while he’s admiring the swell of my breasts, contained only by sheer white lace. He looks up at me, gauging my come down from the adrenaline. I’m still utterly tweaked, and every touch of his is no help at all. My skin is on fire everywhere his fingertips touch. He teases a digit over my breast, up my neck and to my chin, pinching it between his fingers and pulling me forward. “I don’t think it counts,” he tells me. “I would have done this anyway,” he reminds me.
“Oh,” is all I can say.
His lips graze against mine and there’s a heat pooling between my legs. I shift, only to find him already hard and straining in his jeans. “Tell me to stop,” he mouths against me. I don’t. My eyes flutter and I hold on to him tighter. I pick at the buttons of his shirt, slowly undoing them until my cool hands can press firmly to his hard chest. His muscle seem to tighten when I graze them. Cardan holds my wrist gently this time, guiding it further down to his navel. “Come on princess, tell me this is a bad idea.” I stay silent. Even if it was a bad idea, I won’t let it stop. “Then open your mouth for me.”
My lips part for him and when our tongues meet, Cardan moans softly. He pulls me in closer, nipping at my bottom lip, sucking on it until my toes curl. His hand on my thigh slides over my ass and between my legs from behind. His fingers deftly rubbing at the already wet cotton and I gasp out, arching my neck, letting him trace his tongue down my skin. He pulls down a strap of my bra with his free hand, meeting my eyes and keeping my gaze as he lowers his head to kiss the tip of my breast. I inhale when his tongue laves my nipple, drawing it into his mouth. He sucks gently at first, finger rubbing over me just as soft. Then, he tugs my underwear to the side, now parting my pussy just as he begins to suck on me harder.
He makes a noise that vibrates against my skin. I hold his head against me, nearly close to weeping. His teeth graze my skin and I jump, hitting my head against the ceiling of the car. He pulls away from me, his lips obscenely wet and his eyes lidded. He reaches up, rubbing my head before feeling the side of his seat and pulling a lever to slowly recline the seat. “Sorry,” he says and I laugh, despite the ache in my breast and the throb in my pussy. I bite at my lip and undo his belt. “You’re so beautiful,” he tells me and my skin heats up. He pulls the other side of my bra down while I stroke his stiff cock. “Beautiful,” he repeats, I'm dripping between my thighs and his finger rubs me faster.
I go in for another kiss. Not short and sweet like I had been intending. This time Cardan kisses me rough and hard. There’s passion and ache between us. He reaches down to align the head of his cock where it needs to be. He rubs the tip between my slit with one hand, the other moves to come between us, rubbing soft circles into my clit. My knees strain on either side of him, and I let out a whimper when he teases the head shallowly. My hand finds his shoulders, and I cry out when he thrusts upwards, impaling me in one swift movement.
“Cardan!” My head falls forward, into his neck, and I try to muffle the cry into his skin. He gives me little time to adjust before he pulls out and slams back in. My muscles pulse when he pauses again, gripping him in spasms. He groans wrapping his arms around my back, moving me to his pace now, and I try to keep up with his steady pounding, but all I can find the energy to do is lay on top of him and take it as the length of him rubs every tender spot within me. I’m groaning and panting and he’s whispering my name.
“Jude…” my nipples feel so tender, brushing against his chest at every thrust, “God – you take me so good, don’t you?” I feel like I’m being spilt in two and its absolutely delicious. “Does that feel good, princess?”
“Yes,” I say, breathing hard. He thrusts into me harder, and harder and swear he’s rocking the car, but I want more of him, so much more. “Yes – Cardan…” my eyes get glassy, and I shut them tight, pressing my head onto his shoulder.  He slows down and grabs hold of my hair, pulling my head back. The slower he moves the deeper he seems to go; the tip of his dick kissing at my womb. I whimper, fingers flexing against his skin
“Look at me,” he whispers, sweat sheening his body now, slick and warm. His eyes are wild and full of lust and I'm so gone for him, so absolutely gone for this man. “Tell me,” Cardan requests in a slur. “Say it again.”
“It feels… so good,” I manage, “ah… more,” I beg and he’s ramming into me now, so hard and rough and then I say, “faster… please…” and it’s so frantic that I grab on to the headrest, bracing myself so I could take everything he gives me. There’s a tight knot at the pit of my stomach, and my cunt is dripping onto him. My heart hasn’t calmed down since the first gunshot but I find that I don’t mind the intense thumping anymore; it makes me feel so alive instead of being on the verge of death.
“Come for me, baby,” Cardan orders. He fucks me so recklessly, and his shaft rubs against my throbbing clit at every deep stroke. I feel delirious, holding my breath and clenching my stomach.
“Ah,” I cry out, back arching. His hand in my hair loosens to roam down my body. “I…Oh,” I bite at my lips, feeling the start of an orgasm that wouldn’t quite come. “I don’t know if I…” my confession trails off as I fall back with his guidance, careful not to honk the horn. He slows down again, torturing me. His finger finds my hardened clit and I scream when he presses down on it.
“You can,” Cardan lets me know. “You will,” he promises, in a breath. “For me, just for me.” My hands are frantic, unsure of what to hold onto. He pulls them around his neck, bringing me over him again. “I can go as long as it takes, princess,” he says into my ear before he kisses me there, then lower until his teeth latches on to the curve of my neck, all while fucking me hard and deep and so dirty, driving into me with little mercy. I’ve forgotten my name, it must be Princess with how much he says it. But it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, just him being inside of me does.
He fucks me endlessly and I bite down on his neck, mirroring him, screaming when I come. It feels so intense, I see stars as I shudder uncontrollably.  Cardan cries out too, slamming into me one last time, his climax mixing with mine and it seems unending when I shudder again, tightening my thighs against his. I gasp again when my stomach clenches, “Cardan,” I whimper, slowly coming down.
Cardans hand brushes down my back, soothing me as we both try to catch our breaths. He gently lifts me up, letting his cock slip from me. Come drips out of me, pouring onto him but he doesn’t care and I don’t think I care either. He smooths my hair back and pulls me in for a kiss, soft and slow this time. He reaches between us, and my body jolts when he pets my pussy, rubbing at the soreness sure to come soon. When we pull away, I ask, “Where did that come from?”
“Long time in the making,” he grins wryly, “you already knew that though.” I roll my eyes but jump at the vibration in his pants. His phone was buzzing. He pauses his hand on me and reaches into his pocket awkwardly. It’s my dad’s name on the screen and my cheek runs from a soft blush to full on crimson. Cardan unlocks it and reads the message. He looks up at me warily. “He’s asking why you left early from the bar.”
“Tell him I went for a ride.” I grin.
Cardan fights a smile, muttering, “trouble,” like a praise as he begins to type.
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bellarkeex · 24 days ago
Reverence [Jude x Cardan]
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☾ warnings: 18+, smut, throne sex, oral [fem receiving], soft/dom ish Cardan?, i'm awful at tagging we know this by now.
☾ wc: 1.6k
☾ read on ao3: here  | ☾ masterlist 
☾ heyyyy long time no smut. soooo i found this in my notes from a year ago... have fun :)
With its usual throng of courtiers finally departed from their night of revelry, the throne room was the last place I'd thought to look for Cardan. 
Except there he was, relaxed across his half of our throne staring out to the empty room. His attention caught as I sneaked through the oak door, making my way to where he lounged. Soft footsteps echoing off the walls. 
My skin growing embarrassingly hot under his fixed gaze, watching my every movement while bringing a fresh glass of wine to his lips before setting it on the ground upon my approach. 
Climbing the steps of the dais, I lower myself into a mock curtsy, "Hello, my king." 
Greeting me with a smile, there's a glint I can't quite read in his dark eyes as he leans forward, reaching to cup the backs of my thighs - spreading his slightly, to pull me to stand between them. 
"Come on," Cardan chuckles softly. "I know you can go lower than that." 
I only shake my head at him playfully, running my fingers through the thick of his hair, gripping soft curls to tilt his head back a little further. 
Resting his chin against the bodice of my dress, that familiar burn shooting to my core at the deep sigh which escapes the back of his throat, any last residual tension fleeing his body. His tail coming to snake around the bottom of my calf, making sure I don't turn away. 
As though sensing my desperate yearning to close the gap between us, insistent hands guide me to settle myself onto Cardans' lap. 
With his body flush against mine, my voice comes out barely above a whisper. "I didn't expect to find you in here." 
"Were you looking?" Our faces merely a breath apart. 
"What if I were?" 
There's a beat of silence between us and I know he won't give me his answer until I surrender mine. 
"Yes." I admit, my eyes flickering to his lips, feeling much too vulnerable to keep our eye contact. “Yes, I was.” 
Cardans' smile seems to widen further at my admission, leaning in so his lips can brush against mine. "Well, then I'm glad you found me." 
An ache that I cannot suppress burns through me as gentle hands stray from my waist to roam the rest of my body. One moving to trace the curve of my hip, as Cardan entwines the other among my hair. 
Nails grasp at my skin as I kiss and nip along Cardans jaw and down his neck, little bruises materialising in my wake. Soft moans blessing me as I arch myself into him further. 
A startled gasp escaping my throat as Cardan adjusts his hips below me, his own desire evident against my core, despite the multiple layers of fabric separating us. 
Far too many layers, I realise, the wild need to shed every inch of his clothing becoming overwhelming. 
Moving to pull at the laces of his trousers, Cardan pauses me. Bringing my hand to his lips to kiss the light scar running across my palm, before lifting me into his arms to settle me gently on the edge of his throne, before taking to his knees before me. 
Cardan Greenbriar, High King of Elfhame, who kneels before nobody but his Queen. 
Golden rays from the rising sun gleam through the thin panes of crystal, bathing his skin. Morning beams accentuating the gold rims of his irises and the smeared metallic atop his cheekbones. Though he is on the floor, he appears no less powerful. Maybe even more so, the smirk he wears a reminder of the power he holds in this moment. 
"It is you I revere, my Jude." Whispering against the fabric of my dress. 
My chest heaves as Cardan continues his devotion down my body, pulling the fabric at the front of my dress to expose my breasts. Grasping one into his hand, squeezing my nipple while circling the other with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. 
Shocks of pleasure radiating from deep within me, ankles wrapping around his waist pulling him closer. A silent plea for more. 
"All you have to do is ask." Cardan chuckles against my skin, catching my eyes once more. "Tell me what you want from me, my love." 
"I wan-." 
Sentences swallowed by the surprised moan which escapes me. By the pressure of Cardans' fingertips forming circles against my clit, fingertips I hadn't noticed him sneaking under my dress. 
Pulling my hand from his hair, clapping it over my mouth, attempting to stifle the sound which escapes me. 
"None of that." Cardan affirms, pulling my hand away from my mouth. "I want to hear you, Jude, I will hear you. Now, why don't you tell me what you want." 
The words struggle to form in my mouth, his hand between my thighs slowing down torturously the longer I don't speak. 
Forcing myself to try focus, pushing past the vulnerability, "I want you." 
"Oh, that I know." His gaze unwavering, as he slides a single finger inside me. "I can feel as much." 
"Cardan." His own blush hitting his cheeks at the sound of his name, my voice a breathy mess, "Please." 
Cardan, kneeling to a higher eye level and bringing his hand to caress the side of my cheekbone, "You're going to have to be more specific," his eyes that of a man seeing the stars for the first time. 
"I want you to f-." His stare so intimate, I'd believe him if he said he could see straight through to my soul. 
"I want to feel-." 
"That's it, my dangerous wife." Finally adding a second finger, curling both inside me. 
"I want to feel your mouth, your tongue." I breathe, involuntarily pushing my hips up against the pleasure; hoping to find some more friction. 
Placing a single kiss to my jaw, Cardan continues his descent, a lazy smile on his face. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" His voice laced with sarcasm. 
Cardans free hand slipping behind my thighs, resting them atop his shoulders to be cushioned by the feathered shoulders of his tunic. There is no attempt from Cardan to hide his smirk at every patch of red which is revealed the further he pushes up my dress. Kissing each patch, new and old, before swiping his tongue against my folds. 
Hot pleasure builds in my gut at Cardans unyielding reverence, tongue and fingers at an inhuman speed. 
"Look at me, Jude." 
There is no glamour in his words, not that it would work, but I feel compelled regardless. 
Pulling my head up, my gaze meets his. Hand pressed firm to my lower stomach, but still letting me grind against his tongue. He looks beautiful like this, kneeled before me ever so willingly, I know it would pain me I ever forgot this. His lips stained from both wine and my arousal, tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I'm scolded with shocks of pleasure. 
"Cardan," his name a string of prayers on my lips only urging him on further as I continue to shake around him. 
Refusing to let up only until I'm gripping for his collar, dragging him up my body, thighs dropping from his shoulders. 
"Would you like a taste?" His fingers shining with my slick hover above my lips, "It's divine." 
Insatiable hunger only heightened from the sweetness Cardan is pushing past my lips, letting me taste myself off his fingers. 
"I need more. I need all of you." I barley manage, tugging to rid him of his tunic. 
"Of course, my love." Helping himself out of the rest of his clothing before taking my place for himself and resting me atop him. 
Bruising fingertips cling to my hips. Overwhelming pleasure drowning out the small burn of stretch as I sink myself onto him, a deep groan reverberating through his chest at the feel of me. 
"Feel so good," Cardans' words slink down my spine. "Always so good for me." 
Rolling his hips beneath me, until he is fully situated inside me. I cannot help but match his movements, tipping my forehead to rest against his own - a tangle of limbs together on our throne. Cupping Cardans face to capture his lips with mine, I am acutely aware that anybody could stumble upon us any minute, but much too bridled by sheer desire to care. My body alight as he repeatedly hits that spot only he can reach, throat hoarse from the sounds only he can illicit from within me. Beads of sweat drip from my brow, mixing with his own. 
“Did you like the sight of me kneeling before you?” Cardans breath hot against my already burning skin. 
Gods, I did. An abundance of visions flooding my mind of all the times he’s gone to his knees before me, and all the times he will in the years to come. Before, and after, he takes me. And he knows. Gods, he always knows. 
A soft chuckle pulling from him as I can only whine in response before a blinding pleasure devours me and I’m pulsing around him, tears leaking from my eyes. His own movements becoming desperate, almost feral, before shuddering beneath me and spilling himself inside me. A final few thrusts to stop the sheer amount of his arousal leaking from me. 
Dragging a finger along the panes of his toned torso, my exhausted muscles giving up on me, I collapse my head to rest between his collarbone & jaw. We should move. Should pull our clothes back on and make our way back to our room before someone discovers us. But with Cardan lazily fingering soothing circles into my back, gazing down at me, my body softening against his despite myself. 
"You're beautiful." Speaking more to himself than to me, that stupid smile on his face, the softness in his voice a caress down my spine – we're not moving any time soon. 
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avelanlorelay · 10 months ago
She opened her eyes. There was no way she wouldn’t wake up, with him moving around so much. Jude thought about waking him up with a poke and asking what his problem was. Instead, she watched.
Cardan tangled his feet in the sheets, his long eyelashes flapping like the wings of a hummingbirds on his cheeks – soft and fast, as if he was going to wake up at any moment. He didn’t.
His tail twitched slowly from side to side, as if it were also asleep but restless. Which was strange, because when they slept he always wrapped it around Jude’s leg or left it glued to his own body. So as not to disturb her and probably to prevent Jude from lying on top or pulling it unintentionally. She thought it should be as sensitive as a cat’s tail.
The soft lips and the black eyebrows furrowed. A low, hoarse, frustrated moan escaped his mouth. He rolled over and tangled his feet again. His tail twitched and he accidentally hit Jude. She sighed. There was no way to sleep, indeed.
Jude reached up and stroked its raven-feathered hair. It were fluffy, although always messy, and slightly damp with sweat. She brushed it away from his face and left a small kiss on his exposed forehead.
Cardan sighed and as Jude stroked his hair, his breathing became heavier. He finally stopped tossing and turning.
Jude smiled, unable to stop the caress even when he closed his eyes again. Just as she was about to fall over the edge of sleep, she felt his hands pull her around the waist, bringing their bodies closer together until there was only room for the warmth between them.
She opened her eyes, but the hummingbird on his eyelids had finally stopped. Jude felt a slight tickle on her calves as his tail wrapped gently around one of her legs.
He let out a long sigh in his sleep, their bodies cuddled together in a corner with most of the large bed empty. Jude closed her eyes again and finally fell asleep, feeling the perfume and the loving warmth of his arms.
I found this in my notes. In Twk, Jude sees Cardan tangling his feet in the sleep and I thought it was so cute 🥺
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purple-mushroom-cap · 1 month ago
something's cooking...
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murasaki-cha · 1 year ago
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Truer words have never been spoken in a TFOTA fanfic amen
The fic in question is Between Enemy Lines by The Indomitable Smartass which basically has the majority of TQoN from Cardan's pov and it's SO GOOD!!! Please go read it!!
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chillwildwave · 1 year ago
The Wishing Kingdom Song Rewrite: This Wish
So you guys are pretty curious as to why I’m rewriting some of the songs for my rewrite of Disney’s Wish, well, to put it simple, I personally didn’t mind some of the songs, I liked At All Costs and Knowing What I Know Now, but I eventually wanted to rewrite This Wish, simply because I noticed some problems with it in the first place.
I know the lyrics were a massive letdown due to awkward structures and the way they flowed, this is because it sounds more like a pop song rather than an “I Want” song, we’ve had many songs like these in the past that were able to establish characters but why couldn’t they just do something with Asha? I mean the concept was there but it was the execution that had the final nail in the coffin.
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The way I visualise my rewrite of “This Wish” is that it has more of a “God Help The Outcasts�� vibe with a some hints of “How Far I’ll Go” and “Reflection” except in this situation as it plays out in the rewrite, Asha is begging to call the power on the stars just because she wants to please everyone and her people just because she gives up easily at magic, so to put it simply, she wants to do better so she can feel like she’s loved by many, including her adapted parents, King Magnifico and Queen Amaya so that she can become the next wish granter before she turns 18, you would see this throughout the rewrite though, I mean, this is where her wish changes as the rewrite progresses cuz character development!
Anyways, let’s get into the song!
Should’ve known that I was capable,
Should’ve known that I was held on to it,
Couldn’t figure out if my hands fumbled,
Or was it all just a mistake,
Can I try again, just one take?
When I try, I think I’m not enough,
If that’s the case then why does it look complicated,
All I did was play my part,
They don’t see it in my heart,
But I don’t know where my story will start…
So I look up at the stars to guide me,
And leave all the dangers in the dust,
Even if they can’t hear me or they find me,
They are the only beings I can trust,
Now I make this wish,
I want something magical than this,
Now I make this wish,
I want something magical than this!
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hey yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah,
Magical, ooh-ah-ah-ah.
For years, I knew how to work things out,
All the time, I was a thinker without any doubt,
Now I feel like I am trapped inside a cage,
What is wrong with myself?
Is there a way I can escape?
With all these reservations and hesitations on where to go and where to begin,
I’m past dipping my toes in, but Im not, no I’m not past diving in,
If only that my daddy would be right here beside me, he always knew what I should do,
Keep your head high and just believe, the way he always taught me to!
So I look up at the stars to guide me,
And leave all the threats and dangers behind,
I know there will be challenges that find me,
But I can take them on one at a time!
Now I make this wish,
I want something magical than this,
Now I make this wish,
I want something magical than this!
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah,
Magical, ooh, ah-ah-ah.
Now I make this wish,
I want something magical…
Than this!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!
@annymation @uva124 @kstarsarts @oh-shtars @tumblingdownthefoxden @thisnameisnotspokenfor @frogcoven88 @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @rylxdreams @hopeyarts @dangerousflowerpanda @your-ne1ghbor @rascalentertainments @spectator-zee @mythartist21 @gracebethartacc @gracebeth3604 @lunellasflo @mafik-sun @emillyverse @synergysilhouette
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thejudeduarte · 9 months ago
My tfota fic Tears on the letter has just been published and is up on ao3!! :) It's from The Bombs pov and would be really helpful if anyone wants to check it out!!
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jurdannetrevels · 2 years ago
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Hallowed Greetings, Folks and Folk!
We are mere nights away from our potions being brewed, our spells being cast. And now, we have one final riddle for you, sweetmeat. You need only choose the prompt that screams to you most, and our High King or Queen might just treat you to it during the revel.
Be wicked, and cast this poll unto your realm for more powerful magic. You have seven sleeps! 🕯️🦇
Thank you so much to @rowanfaerie , @deesketches , and all of the lovely wondrous anons who contributed to the mystery flavour prompt section! 🖤
poll 1 | poll 2 | poll 3
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im-someone-i-guess · 29 days ago
in sickness
prompt: “set in fairie before jude and cardan get together; jude is sick, something normal in the mortal world (fever? strep? ) but it makes her sick enoguh not to be able to do any of her senechal duties. he tries to hide his concern for her since hes still making her life difficult but cant help but take care of her and show concern” requested by anonymous ao3 user
jude despised the cold but she thought she would've hated cardan more
to read on ao3, to request fics
Jude’s cloak did little to stop the chill in her bones. Fox fur lined the hood and its hem, brushing against the overgrown weeds of the neglected meadow. The fabric was a little stained, with Unseelie muck and wet with the melted snow. The dampness worsened the cold, the frigid air finding its way despite the thickness of her clothes. Her fingers held one single letter, slightly trembling as her boots trudged through the knee-deep snow. Elfhame had assumed the North’s role these past few weeks, the temperature plummeting beyond the norm. A reflection of Cardan’s behaviour too, his jovial parties and revels becoming so spaced out Jude had forgotten the tune of ballads already.
The Fae complained about it, the larger courts hosting their own parties. Parties Cardan neglected attending for reasons unknown to all, even Jude. His large throne, prepared in case he deigned to show up remained empty from midnight to dawn though his presence was marked with wild theories instead, whispered or yelled over the merriment. ‘He got his heart broken,’ someone once suggested. To which another quickly dismissed, ‘He has his own harem in the palace.’ Personally, Jude preferred Cardan’s continued absence; it was remarkably easier to observe him at the Palace.
And the staff did not quite care if Jude was tailing their High King if they remained within the grounds. They were used to this peculiar arrangement despite the blatant distaste of some. Even now, as she struggled to even reach the tall gold-wrought gates, Jude felt the lingering stares (glares, really) from passing pixies and dryads. She knew some watched her from the windows too though she could not see them.
Not that she cared.
Her limbs struggled to move, shivering too much. The temperature did not improve within the palace despite the many lit torches. “Where’s the High King?” Jude demanded though it must’ve come out unclear, her teeth chattering. The maid Jude asked stared at her blankly, the green cat eyes squinted in confusion. “C-Car-cardan.” The maid pointed down the corridor, to the dining hall, Jude assumed. Now with the confusion gone, the judgement has returned. She eyed Jude’s thick cloak in disdain. The maid herself wore a simple robe, the maids’ uniform made of simple woven wool. No jacket, no gloves, not even a hat. “Would you like me to take your cloak?” the maid asked, almost mockingly.
“S-send b-bla-blankets,” Jude pointed towards the dining hall, praying the maid understood.
“Very well.”
Jude passed by more maids as she walked, eyeing their relaxed state. Perhaps she was the only one suffering this cold winter and it was the peak of summer for every other person in Elfhame. Eyes still fixed on the servants, Jude had missed the grand doors towards the hall, a great feat really since it was an ornate piece of work. Carved out centuries ago, perhaps completed even before the first of Jude’s ancestors were even born. Her wrongly fixed attention also cost her the upper hand for today’s interaction with the kingdom’s ill-behaved High King.
“Your absence was insulting, Jude darling,” Cardan drawled. “Now you curse me with your presence, am I not haunted enough?” Clearly, he did not mean for a reply but Jude did anyway, twisting her lips in a scowl mirroring his, fiercer, she hoped. “Clearly not if you are only halfway through your cup.” He raised his glass, smiling up at her mockingly. His plate of roasted lamb was half empty already, the herbs pushed aside to the edge of the porcelain. The same dish was set for the chair beside him, the slab of meat still untouched. Jude did not know he was entertaining guests today, she would’ve come earlier if she did.
“Why are you bundled up like a newborn babe?” Cardan took another long sip. Red wine, Jude guessed, he would not settle for anything less. She wondered if the long pause afterward was spent evaluating the wine’s taste, him drafting his next few orders. Often, Jude wondered if Cardan truly was under her command or if it were the other way around.
“Since you’ve been in a deplorable mood, the Folk have become equally as nasty. Worse, actually.”
He scoffed. “Jude, have we not agreed that none are more wicked than me?”
She refused to answer that, settling herself beside him, on the seat without the laid out plates. Cardan frowned at this. Perhaps his guest was simply running disgustingly late, Jude wondered who would dare to disrespect their High King so much. Sure, she was doing the precise same thing but Cardan was not really <i>her</i> High King. He belonged to Elfhame, a kingdom that would always refuse to claim her as one of their own. “A letter from one of the smaller Unseelie Courts. Part of the correspondence that has been ongoing for weeks.”
“What about it?” Dismissive.
“I’ll read to you the supposed response and you will write it with your hand.”
“Is the letter why your cloak is stained?”
“Afterwards, there’s a few matters to be settled with the Undersea. Orlagh has sent a mermaid messenger last night—”
“Did you go to the Unseelie Courts alone? Without a carriage or a proper entourage? Is that why you’re shivering?”
“Cardan, stop asking questions.”
“Is that an order?” His gestured at the knights posted just outside the door. They were surely listening in, like every other person whenever Jude and Cardan were deep in conversation. “The Unseelie Courts are not cold,” he argued though Jude did not quite know what he was so mad about. What did he care if Jude went alone? If she died, it would free him from yet another inconvenience, he would be free to rule Elfhame as he’d like or raze it to the ground like how Jude suspected he would.
“Who’s your guest?” It was not unusual for the High King to personally dine with his guests but Jude was a bit hurt that he’d neglected to inform her. Besides, this did not seem to be official royal business either, the mystery guest would be seated beside Cardan, not across him. So it was to be an intimate meal, was Jude the one interrupting? Was he so agitated because Jude was interrupting his date? “Do I know them?”
He smiled, “Quite well actually—”
His words were cut off by Jude’s loud sneeze. Oh, she really was not well. The maid who was supposed to bring her blankets had not come back either. Jude should’ve taken off her cloak earlier, the wet fabric clung to her legs, the dampness soaking through her woollen breeches. She’d take them off now but the damage was already done, removing the warm cloak would do more harm than good. “I’ll visit you in your chambers later this evening—” Her words were cut off by another embarrassingly loud sneeze. “For the letter.” She managed to say the entirety of this sentence.
Then, she walked out the grand fancy doors, not looking back before hurrying to her room. Already, she felt a thundering headache, amplifying the discomfort brought by the frigid air. The fireplace had already been lit, the fires stoked to produce a satisfyingly large flame. Though the bed was soft and the pillows softer, it was much too cold there, even under the hides and blankets and covers. So she pulled the entire stack near the fireplace, along with her plush toys and her pillows. Eager for sleep, her consciousness departed the moment the back of Jude’s head grazed the pillow.
Jude was plunging a sword into Cardan’s chest.
She could not recall why she was doing this but a blade was grasped rather tightly in her hands, pushing the sharp end straight through his heart… repeatedly. Seriously, Jude would like to know why she was doing this upon her own accord and if the reasons were valid enough, perhaps she’d resume the stabbing with an increased vigour. This could be the residual hatred and despise or simply spite because she could not stop dreaming of him and had to compensate somehow. Still, she could not decide if repeatedly stabbing him was any better than kissing him on the mouth with an equal amount of passion—
The roughness of the very male voice shocked Jude awake. No one dared enter her room, there was an understanding among the Palace staff. And those who did dare, Tatterfell, who occasionally visited as she liked would not sound so obviously masculine. Her eyelids snapped open, revealing the vague outline of a face she barely recognised, a silhouette only visible at all through the dying fire. She was not so cold anymore, no more shivering, no more chattering. Now she felt as if the flame had been lit inside her instead.
“Whoever you are, go away,” she murmured, still half asleep.
“You said you were going to come into my room.”
“Whatever for?” She saw stars, stars and the inky night sky. Darkness swallowed any bit of light completely.
“I don’t know Jude, you tell me.” Whoever this trespasser was, he sounded agitated. He and Cardan would love each other very much. “Are you sick? You never act like this ordinarily.”
“I’m perfectly well. And my actions now very much align with the guide of propriety, thank you very much.” Jude coughed, deeply. Her throat was on fire too, something burning inside her, spreading to her head down to the tips of her very toes.
“Humans and your lies.” The man passed her a glass of water, one she downed gratefully. It was blissful, refreshing.
She would’ve thanked him if he weren’t a stranger waking her up from a particularly pleasant dream. Oh yes, he was still a stranger. “I’m the High King’s seneschal, you know?” she boasted. This stranger should not be disrespecting her so easily, especially since he was “If he were to know someone broke into my room, the High King would be very much displeased.” This was meant to sound threatening. Often, the concept of displeasing the High King would stop them in their tracks, or at least make them contemplate their next course of actions. Though Cardan’s reign hasn’t been for long, what little of it was drenched in bloodshed. Cardan himself may not have done any of the murders but he would be named in the history books either way.
“I am not scared of the High King.”
“Then be scared of me, my ire will be dire.” Jude snorted at her own pun. Perhaps the line of propriety <i>have</i> been crossed. “You should be scared of me, I have a big sword.” There was a sound like laughter, Jude tried straining her eyes to see the stranger but the firelight had all but died. She could not see him anymore but that did not stop her from reaching blindly into the dark. Her fingers grazed something not unlike feathers. The stranger and Cardan would definitely be the best of friends. “In my dream I was stabbing the High King.” Jude perhaps shouldn’t be admitting to treason but her thoughts were returning to cloudiness once more. “Are you not scared of me?”
“Tragically beautiful Jude Duarte, of course I am afraid of you.”
Jude wanted to ask who he was, how he knew her name, why he was frightened of her. But sleep caught up to her first.
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braiawrites · 1 year ago
Lost & Found - Chapter 8
Summary: Jude, Cardan, and Pellia head to Hollow Hall, where they encounter a few surprises—including a betrayal that could end everything. || Inspired by this prompt by @newblood-freya
Words: 9168
Rating: T
Warnings: Violence, death.
Fic Masterlist
Prompt by newblood-freya
Read it on AO3
Writing Masterlist
A/N: I barely edited/proofread this. What's that one meme? "No beta. We die like men." Something like that. Yeah.
Also, about what happens in this chapter...? I'm sorry in advance.
By the time Jude made her way back to her room, the pixie had helped herself to her host’s brushes and hair ties and rooted through her drawers looking for creams and cosmetics. 
Cardan couldn’t blame her for the frustration she’d shown upon finding absolutely nothing; he had already decided that once he was turned back into himself, whether they were enemies or not—and truly, he wasn’t certain where they would stand—he would have to talk with Jude about her dismal lack of reverence for her poor skin. 
Pellia had also taken it upon herself to loot the makeshift armoury beneath the bed and had found a sleek, curved knife—an assassin’s blade, she’d said, pointing out the hidden poison compartment in its hilt—which was now thrust through her belt. She’d also liberated a whetstone and was now sharpening the blade of the stolen guard’s sword, with no small amount of cursing as her shaky hands made the task more difficult. 
Cardan didn’t miss the way Pellia flinched and froze momentarily at the creak of the door when Jude entered, balancing a tray of food on one hand and a steaming teapot in the other. He headbutted the door closed as she brought the tray to her vanity.
“Dinner rolls, vegetable and chicken soup, fruit—and tea, to help with the pain,” Jude announced. 
“Chicken soup?”
Jude gave a one-shouldered shrug. “My sister likes to bring us human things sometimes. Here.” She nudged the tray toward Pellia. “And stop going through my stuff.”
The pixie smiled sweetly at the last part, fluttering ruby lashes at the mortal girl as if to say, Who, me? But she didn’t comment as she moved from the bed to the vanity. Cardan envied her ability to remain insolent in the face of Jude’s sharp-enough-to-cut-glass glare.
Pellia didn’t even flinch, just lifted the teapot one-handed, swore as she nearly dropped it, adjusted her grip, and poured, sloshing tea over the sides of her cup as she did. She set the pot down with a clunk and a grimace.
 “What’s in it?” Pellia’s teacup was only half full, droplets running down the porcelain sides. She watched through the steam as Jude listed off a handful of herbs on her hands. Those ruby brows went up, an expression she seemed to make often.
“Girl, that’s not painkilling; that’s, like, all-sensation-in-my-entire-body killing.”
“If you don't want it—”
“No, I absolutely do. Please,” she added with a wince as Jude gripped the pot’s handle. Cardan wasn’t certain whether that wince had been borne of pain or out of the mere fact that she’d said please so genuinely, without a hint of sarcasm. He got the feeling it was both in equal measures.
As Pellia ate, Cardan joined Jude at her wardrobe to save her from committing egregious fashion sins. He hissed his disapproval to veto the tunic she was reaching for—grey on grey was not the look, especially when the leggings were a cool shade while the tunic carried warm undertones—and nosed the one beside it. 
“Jude,” Pellia said quietly from her spot at the vanity. “We need to find Balekin as soon as possible. I read the letter to Madoc, and—hold on. Did you just take fashion advice from a cat? I wish I had that on video.”
Jude’s cheeks warmed slightly and Cardan meowed indignantly. I may be a cat but I still know how to dress! he wanted to shoot back. 
At the same time, Jude demanded, “Why were you going through my stuff?”
“What else was I supposed to do?” Her tone was, somehow, both genuinely confused and unbearably haughty, but before Jude could respond, Pellia waved it off and pointed out, “Anyway, you know cats can’t see the same colours we can, right?” 
Cardan would have protested, but he had noticed colours were different, especially in the beginning. He was mostly used to it now, though, and he knew some of Jude’s wardrobe from memory anyway. This top in particular was a desaturated dark blue with green undertones, long sleeves, and a deep V-neck that she had first worn about a year ago. He knew that because the image of her in that shirt, the way it hugged her waist just right, had blazed in his mind every time he’d closed his eyes for a solid week afterward. He knew good fashion when he saw it.
“Stop changing the subject,” Jude snapped.
“I wasn’t, I just thought you should be aware that you are taking fashion advice from the equivalent of a half-blind—”
Cardan’s angry growl cut her off.
“Okay, alright, sorry,” she retreated. “Don’t get your tail in a twist, kitty.”
“The letter,” Jude demanded.
“Right, yes. The deal I made with our favourite prince was that he wouldn’t harm my sister so long as I did what he wanted. But if Balekin thinks I’m dead, then there’s no more deal. There’s no one holding him accountable.” Her hands curled into fists on the hem of her borrowed tunic. “I don’t want to think about what he might do to her then.”
“Should have thought the deal through more and made him promise to release her once I’d caught Catboy over here?” she snapped. “Yeah, I know. I was a bit panicked, considering my fourteen-year-old human sister was kidnapped by Elfhame’s soggiest piece of toast.”
“Haven’t you ever, like, spilled water on your toast? And then it gets all gross and mushy? It’s literally the worst.”
Jude shook her head. “I can’t say I have. But regardless, I wasn’t trying to blame you for it. I was just going to say, you don’t look like you’re in the best shape to go tonight. Maybe we should wait a day.”
“No.” Pellia’s tone was sharp, her eyes flinty, her mouth set in a determined line. “I can do what I have to. I don’t care about myself; I just need Amber to get home safe.” More quietly, she added, “Please.”
Jude breathed deeply, then sighed. Slowly, she nodded. “Fine. I can tell I won’t be able to convince you otherwise, so we’ll go tonight. But for now, rest.”
Pellia nodded, one corner of her mouth tweaking upward in an almost-smile. “Thank you,” she said, and the gratitude in the pixie’s red eyes was the nicest emotion Cardan had seen yet. It almost made her seem approachable.
“Try to eat something,” Jude instructed, heading into her small bathing room. “I’ll be back.” 
Pellia gave a distracted wave of assent and mumbled something that could have been, “Try to stop me,” through a mouthful of soft bread. She ate quietly for a while, supplementing the meal with sips of tea. 
“This stuff’s strong,” she remarked with a nod of approval toward the teapot. “Painkilling, indeed.”
Cardan would have missed the next thing she said, breathed into her teacup as she sipped, had he not been bestowed the lovely gift of heightened cat hearing: “Maybe if I drink enough it’ll kill my emotions, too.”
He twitched his ears, letting out a short mrrow of laughter. The pixie glanced at him and huffed, something between a smirk and a wry smile crossing her lips. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought the same thing. You want some?”
In previous times, Cardan might have said yes. Yes, tea to fix the ache in his heart. Yes, tea to let him drink away the piercing, twisting blade in his gut each time his father overlooked him or his brother tossed an insult his way. Yes, because he was empty and miserable and he loathed it, loathed himself, loathed everything about this world and his place in it.
But now? Now he wasn’t so sure. 
Pellia, apparently, hadn’t missed a single one of the thoughts or feelings flickering across his face. She hummed, setting her cup down to take a spoonful of soup. 
“Perhaps I did you a favour then, dear prince.”
Cardan flattened his ears at that. Certainly he had been more content in these weeks with Jude than he had been—perhaps ever in his entire life—but he wouldn’t go so far as to say she was deserving of his thanks.
“Or not.” Again, Pellia had read his thoughts on his face. 
The hair along his spine puffed up involuntarily. It was unnerving—how she could read him so easily, even in this form, even having never known him. 
“Don’t worry, kitty,” she smirked. “I won’t tell her how much you’ve enjoyed being her pet. It can be our little secret.” She punctuated the statement with a wink. In response, Cardan gave her an eyeroll of epic proportions. 
It only served to make her laugh, which seemed to cause her pain, judging by her wince and the way she downed the remaining tea in her cup. Despite himself, Cardan felt a small amount of smug satisfaction at that fact. 
It didn’t last long. Her eyes fixed on his in a way he just knew was meant to be antagonistic. Then she dipped a corner of her bread in the soup and proceeded to chew with her mouth open. He glared back, ears flattened, and hissed his most menacing hiss. He wished Jude would hurry up with her bath. At least she wasn’t annoying on purpose, unlike Pellia, who seemed to delight in getting the last word. 
Rather than sit here with the pixie, Cardan headed for the balcony door, which Jude always left slightly ajar for him. But as he slipped outside, he heard Pellia call, “Don’t you want to stay and supervise me? Make sure I don’t get into trouble or steal her prized possessions or something?”
He turned back with a grumble because, damnit, she was right. If he left, nothing was stopping her from putting her grubby little hands all over everything in Jude’s room. Not that he would be much help if she did decide that was what she wanted to do—he was a cat and she was clearly trained in combat and treachery—but at least he would know she had done something. He could tell Jude, and Jude could end the pixie’s whole career with one punch. He’d seen her training, knew how fast she could move and what strength was hidden in her mortal bones. Jude was beautiful and deadly, and Pellia was roughly five feet tall and had just spilled tea on the desk while trying to pour herself another cup. 
So Cardan stayed, and Pellia continued to be dreadful by the mere fact of her existence and without even doing anything at all. 
They were quiet for a long while, Pellia staring across the room to the window as she ate small portions at a time, and Cardan shifting awkwardly every now and then. Pellia turned her unnatural gaze toward him, considering. His skin prickled. He wasn’t fond of the way she seemed to be sizing him up, fitting pieces of a puzzle together in her head, manipulating him into some undoubtedly terrifying plan as though he were a pawn at her disposal. He fought the twitching whiskers that were the cat equivalent of a laugh. She noticed regardless, and her own lips quirked up in a tiny, barely-there smile that didn’t match the hollow, aching look in her eyes.
She glanced away, blinking. When she looked back again, Cardan almost couldn’t see that depth hidden behind her bravado. Almost.
“Listen, kitty,” she began. Her mouth opened slightly, and she floundered a moment before she was able to force the next words through her lips on a quivering breath. “No matter how we prepare, this isn’t going to go how we plan it. Guaranteed.” 
She set her tea down and wiped her hands on Jude’s borrowed clothes. Her fingers drifted absentmindedly to the dagger in her belt, following its curves, tracing the seam around the top of its hilt. She nodded to herself, as if confirming something, before her eyes flicked up to meet his own again. 
“We need to plan for betrayal. From all sides.” Cardan's skin prickled under the intensity of her eyes boring into his. Slowly, he nodded, flicking his ears forward. 
I’m listening, the gesture said. 
A grim, determined smile played across the pixie’s face. “Okay. So here’s what I’m thinking…”
~ ~ ~
Jude towel-dried and braided her wet hair after her bath. She had taken her time to soak and wash as she sorted through everything that was unfolding. Pellia’s explanation of why she was here in the first place, as well as confirming Balekin as the mastermind behind it all, had helped, but it didn’t solve things completely. 
Neither Jude nor the pixie knew why Balekin had bothered with Cardan’s cat-metamorphosis in the first place, instead of just killing him the way Jude suspected he’d had done to Dain. Although, she supposed, considering Dain was widely thought to be the most popular contender for the next High King, it would make sense that Balekin might want him out of the way. And Cardan—pre–cat era, of course—was cruel and a menace, and would have presented less of a threat.
“Still seems like it would have been simpler to just kill him,” Jude mumbled to herself, then immediately felt bad for entertaining the thought.
She dressed quickly before leaving the bathroom, a habit she had gotten into since discovering her feline friend was actually the missing faerie prince. 
In her room, she found that Pellia had finished eating and passed out on the bed, curled on top of the sheets. Her dishes were arranged neatly on the vanity.
Cardan chirped softly in greeting from his spot by the window. 
“Has she been out long?” Jude whispered.
Cardan flicked his tail and stood for a long, languid stretch.
Jude sighed. “You could at least try to communicate with me.”
The annoyance that flared in response to Cardan’s answering yawn was quickly dampened as he twined between her feet, demanding to be picked up. She obliged.
“By tomorrow, you’ll be yourself again,” she told him, scratching the soft fur on his jaw. He purred at her touch, and she tried to pretend it didn’t make her heart ache. She wasn’t sure when she had grown so fond of him. Maybe, after this was over, she would get a cat. It wouldn’t be the same, though.
A sudden apprehension struck her. “Either that, or we’ll all be dead.”
Cardan’s purring halted abruptly at the words, and he twisted in her arms to meet her gaze, his amber eyes steady and determined. Softly, he rested one fuzzy front paw over Jude’s heart, giving her a slow blink.
There was something in his gaze, an emotion that took Jude a moment to decipher: trust. A small, hesitant smile fought its way onto her lips, and Cardan chirped softly, stretching out to poke her nose with his own. 
Then he flopped bonelessly back into her arms, lifting his chin so she could scratch his favourite spot. 
Jude rolled her eyes and released her grip on him. “Oops.” 
He scrambled as he tumbled from her arms, somehow still managing to land gracefully, and flicked his tail at her as he strutted away, nose in the air.
She didn’t bother trying to hide her smile as she began gathering the supplies they would need to confront Balekin, leaving the cat prince of Elfhame to sulk.
 ~ ~ ~
The moon was sinking low in the ever-lightening sky as the trio made their way toward Hollow Hall once more. Pellia set the pace, a steady march, while Jude brought up the rear with the lithe black form of Cardan riding fluidly on her shoulder. She had quickly discovered that walking behind her was the only way she could reliably keep track of the pixie’s movements. The red-haired girl moved so quietly, her steps often syncing with Jude’s own. Despite their truce, Jude didn’t entirely trust the other girl at her back. 
They walked in silence for the first half of the journey, the only sounds coming from their soft footfalls on the leaf-littered floor and the whisper of wind through the Milkweeds. Then Pellia stopped abruptly, and Jude promptly collided with the other girl’s back. Cardan meowed in alarm, scrambling to keep his place on Jude’s shoulder. His claws dug through her shirt and into her skin.
“Thanks for the warning,” Jude quipped, as equally annoyed at the cat prince as at Pellia.
“Ow,” Pellia accused. “That was rude.”
“You just stopped with no warning.” 
“My bad. I didn’t realise I needed your permission to stop walking.”
“Look,” Pellia interrupted, pointing at a low bush a few steps into the underbrush. Its dark leaves were glossy and adorned with sharp points. There was some kind of black berry clinging to the stems. The pixie crouched next to the bush and began picking the fruit.
“You’re hungry?” Jude didn’t know Pellia very well, but after the way she’d refused to wait any longer to go after her sister, she was a little taken aback by the pixie’s apparent lack of focus. Then again, stopping for a picnic was certainly unexpected, and nothing about Pellia had been predictable so far.
“No, idiot,” Pellia clarified. “It’s sanguineberry.”
Jude stepped forward to take a closer look. The berries, which she’d thought were black, actually appeared to be a deep red in colour and were the size of cherry tomatoes. They were clustered in twos and threes, but Pellia twisted them off the plant one at a time.
“Never heard of it.”
“I wouldn’t have expected you to.” The redhead shrugged. “Most people think it’s mildly poisonous—stomach cramps, excessive sweating, maybe vomiting a bit of blood for a day or two if you’re really unlucky—so it isn’t really gathered much. But actually—” she unsheathed the assassin’s dagger and pierced the flesh of a particularly large berry—“it’s a powerful analgesic.” 
Pellia brought the punctured berry to her lips and sucked the juice out. It deflated like a juiced orange. 
“Pellia!” Jude exclaimed, trying to grab the fruit from the pixie’s hand. She was too late. The pixie had already swallowed it, leaving the skin slightly deflated. Jude’s hands curled into fists. “I really don’t think vomiting blood is something you need to add to your condition right now.” 
The pixie just laughed. “Do you actually think I’d eat something that I just told you was poisonous?”
“It is a distinct possibility.” From his spot on her shoulder, Cardan made a sound that was suspiciously close to laughter.
“Shut it, catboy,” Pellia rolled her eyes. “It’s only the skin that you can’t eat. Look.” She peeled the skin back to reveal a pulpy red interior. It looked like a warfield. “The juice is safe to ingest—and, like I said, it’s a great painkiller.” She grinned a seemingly-bloody smile, her teeth stained from the sanguineberry juice. “If you eat the skin though, then it’s a pain causer.”
“Ha ha,” Jude deadpanned. She was about done with this conversation. “Time’s ticking. We need to go.”
Pellia nodded, suddenly serious. “I just need to collect some of these first.”
At Jude’s slight frown, the pixie smirked. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all part of the plan.”
~ ~ ~
“Where did you come from?!” 
The guard on patrol outside Hollow Hall was easy to sneak up on and easier to dispatch. Pellia had barely finished quipping, “Your mom’s house,” by the time Jude had the guard on the ground, face in the dirt. He was thrashing, demanding to know about his mother and whether she was safe. 
“My humour is lost on you,” the pixie sighed. 
“That was supposed to be funny?” It seemed more like psychological warfare than humour to Jude, but then, maybe that was what Pellia found humorous. 
“At least he gets it,” Pellia shrugged, gesturing to Cardan, whose whiskers were twitching in a cat’s smile. 
They left the guard—incapacitated but alive—behind and headed for the door. They halted at the sound of a voice.
“Alas returns the lost prince,” it said.
Cardan growled. Jude’s hand dropped to the hilt of her sword. Pellia let out an impressive string of curses at the sight of the enchanted door and its inhuman face. Her dagger had suddenly appeared in her hand.
“I thought you’d been here before,” Jude said. “This seems like a pretty difficult thing to miss.”
“I didn’t use the front door that time,” Pellia said, scowling at the enchanted face. “I’d heard about this thing but what the hell—who dreamed you up?”
“What would your mother think of that vocabulary?” the door chided. “Or that nursemaid of hers, for that matter? What was her name—Annie? No: Angela! I’m assuming she’s the one who raised you? Spirited you away so you couldn’t follow in your mother’s footsteps?” 
“How do you—actually, nevermind. You’re creepy and I don’t need to tell you anything.” Pellia moved to shove the door open, but it spoke again.
“Ah, ah. Tell me where you’ve been hiding all of these years?” it rasped. “It mustn't have been on the Isles, or I would have known.”
Pellia gritted her teeth so hard that Jude could have sworn she heard them creaking. Her grip on the dagger’s hilt was turning her knuckles white. “One more word and I dig the point of this into your eye,” she threatened.
The door swung open.
With a last glare at the enchanted door, Pellia dragged Jude and Cardan inside. She led them out of sight of the entrance and its magical guardian before turning to face Jude. 
“From here on, we split up,” she said. 
Jude nodded. “Are you sure you don’t want to find your sister while I go after Balekin?”
Pellia gave the other girl a half-smile. “I’m sure,” she said. Jude’s frown deepened as the pixie added, “I need you to promise me something.”
“I need you to promise that, no matter what you see, you won’t interfere. Balekin is my fight. I just need you to find my sister.” Pellia’s eyes were blazing once again with that same determination. It sent a chill down Jude’s spine.
After a moment’s hesitation, she agreed. “Okay. You get Balekin. I’ll find Amber.”
“Thank you. And good luck.” 
“You too.” 
Pellia turned her ruby gaze on Cardan, and they locked eyes. “Ready, catboy?”
Mrrroow, he responded.
Pellia smiled then slipped away, practically melting into the shadows.
~ ~ ~
“She’s kind of annoying, but I hope she doesn’t get herself killed,” Jude said. She was following Cardan through the crooked stone walls of his one-time home. 
Was it still? He wasn’t so sure. Although he could never say so, when he closed his eyes and thought about home, the image he found was starting to look less like Hollow Hall or the Palace and more like whitewashed walls, wooden beams, and smoky windows. It was starting to look like the arms of a mortal girl who had dedicated so much time and effort into returning his sorry self to fey form. 
Cardan turned into a small room—a closet, really, and scratched at the carpeted floor. Jude got the hint, running her fingers over the rug until she found the catch in one corner where it didn’t quite fit so snugly against the wall. She drew it back to reveal a trap door and, beneath that, a ladder extending into the darkness.
“Fantastic,” she muttered. “I hope I’m not about to lower myself into a hole in the ground for no good reason.”
Cardan was half-amused and half-insulted by the implication in her words. She’ll be there, he wanted to say, but he could only chirp reassuringly.
Jude scratched under his chin with one finger before inviting him to climb up onto her shoulder. 
Happily, he purred. 
At the bottom of the ladder, the tunnel ran out to either side. He kept watch to make sure no one was coming, his feline eyes comfortable in the dim light. When they reached the bottom, Cardan gave a soft mrrow and gestured to the rightmost path. 
The tunnel was wide but low. Had he been in his own body, Cardan would have had to hunch slightly to avoid scraping his head against the earthen ceiling. As it was, Jude had a couple of inches to spare, even at the lowest points, and Cardan was able to cling to her shoulder as she walked. This suited him just fine—he didn’t find the damp, earthy scent particularly appealing, and he didn’t want it all over his paws, thank you very much.
The tunnel began to slope downward and continued like that for another hundred metres or so. Amber’s makeshift cell was at the bottom of that slope. 
The rooms beneath Hollow Hall weren’t meant to house prisoners—not really. They were a safety precaution and a way to sneak around, known only by Balekin, Cardan, and a small handful of Balekin’s inner circle. 
Amber was being held in the hastily blocked off back half of an alcove that Cardan distinctly remembered as having been used to store unopened wine casks at some point. On a hook set into the hard-packed earthen wall was a key, dangling alone on a large keyring. The metal bars of the cell looked like they had been repurposed from a fence or a gate somewhere. A bucket in the corner served as a chamberpot, and a few cushions and a blanket was her bed. 
All in all, it was better than Cardan had expected, considering his brother’s habitual treatment of humans. 
“Amber?” Jude asked, stepping into the alcove. The girl at the back of the cell looked up. She couldn’t have been more than fourteen. Her mousey brown hair was tattered, her brown eyes wide and cautious as they took in the girl and cat before her. A smatter of freckles stood out against sickly skin that hadn’t seen sunlight in weeks. 
“You’re a person—a human,” Amber said, studying Jude. “Are you… awake?”
“Um, yes.”
The girl sat up a little straighter. “The others weren’t. The servants. They’re like zombies.”
Cardan could hear Jude swallow. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the way her brow furrowed, her jaw tightening. 
“I’m awake,” she promised. “I’m Jude. I’m a friend of your sister’s.”
That got the girl’s attention. Amber’s whole face lit up and she was suddenly on her feet. Cardan couldn’t imagine feeling that much excitement toward any of his siblings, even the not-so-bad ones. 
“Pellia’s here?” Hope was blossoming on Amber’s features, brightening her eyes and bringing her back to life.
“She is,” Jude said, grabbing the key to the cell door. “We’re getting you out.”
With a metallic click and an aching groan, the door to the cell swung out, and Amber followed, throwing her arms around Jude. The young girl’s relief was palpable. When her eyes started to water, it sent a pang through Cardan’s heart, so strong he had to look away.
That was why he was the first to see the figure that loomed out of the dark tunnel: Madoc.
“I was hoping it would not come to this,” the Redcap’s voice rumbled off the walls. Jude spun around, shoving the girl behind her.
“Madoc,” she said. Cardan knew her well enough by now to recognise the slight tilt of unease on her mouth, the way her breathing sped up ever-so-slightly when she was surprised, just for a heartbeat, before she steadied it again. He felt the hair along his back stand straighter in response to Jude’s emotions. 
Apparently Madoc could read her too. “You think I was unaware all this time that you were sneaking around with that?” He jerked his chin in Cardan’s direction, a disdainful sneer curling his lips.
“A cat?” Jude said, eyes narrowing. 
Cardan hissed, half at Madoc and half at Jude for acting like he was some common stray—he knew her angle, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
“You are too intelligent to think I would believe that you have not figured out who that is. You broke into my office, stole my correspondence, and expected that I would not notice? Unlikely.”
Jude shrugged. “Worth a shot.” She was edging away from the open cell and toward the freedom of the alcove, nudging Amber along with her.
“Not really.” Madoc rested a hand on his sword hilt, a subtle threat. “Stop shuffling and put the girl back in the cell.”
Jude’s hand found the hilt of her own sword. “No.”
The identical shiiiing! of two swords being unsheathed simultaneously sang into the damp earthen tunnels. Cardan leaped to grab hold of Amber, trying to drag her out of harm’s way as Jude and her foster father faced off. 
There was no escape with Madoc blocking the alcove entrance, so Cardan nudged the mortal girl toward the wall, where she could slip behind the open door. That way, Madoc wouldn’t be able to corral them back into the cell. A quick glance up showed him a wide-eyed, white-faced Amber. He clambered up to her shoulder and leaned in, forcing a purr in an effort to comfort her. 
As steel rang against steel, Cardan tried to figure out if the trembling he was feeling was Amber’s or his own. Probably both. 
He flattened his ears as Madoc slid his blade down the length of Jude’s, bringing him inside her guard. She tried to shove him back but he disengaged with a quick twist and sent her stumbling back. As she fell, the sachet of protective herbs she kept on a cord around her neck slipped from under her tunic. Madoc lashed out with one green clawed hand, snapping it from her neck. 
Cardan could feel the magic tingling in the air as the Redcap opened his mouth to speak. 
He couldn’t let Madoc glamour Jude.
That was the only thought on the cat prince’s mind as launched himself, all claws and teeth and feline fury—straight onto Madoc’s face. Hissing and spitting, Cardan clung to the older fey, raking his nails across green skin until blood oozed from various wounds. 
Madoc screamed—in pain and anger, deep and earth-rumbling and vicious. His sword fell from his grip, hitting the dirt floor with a dull thud. He clawed at the cat whose nails were so deeply embedded in his skin, howling the whole time. His hands were bruising, grasping Cardan around the chest and neck, and try as he might, the prince couldn’t fight him off.
Thankfully, there was no need: Jude, recovering her feet and her weapon, saw the opportunity as it presented itself. She planted one foot against the wild, reeling Redcap’s hip and shoved. 
Her foster father stumbled back, arms cartwheeling as he tried to keep his balance. Cardan sprang away as he fell into the cell. Amber, still behind the door, slammed it shut, and the lock engaged with a loud click!
No one spoke. Jude pocketed the key, and she and Madoc stared at each other for a long time, their panting breaths—one tired, one angry—the only sounds in the subterranean room. Slowly, Jude picked up the sachet of herbs from where it had fallen. She re-knotted the broken cord and strung it over Amber’s neck.
“To keep you safe from glamours,” she explained, but her voice seemed quiet and far away, as though it had been swallowed by the earth. 
Blood roared in Cardan’s ears. He tried to take stock of his body—was everything intact? He twitched his tail, his ears, then did a full-body shake. Nothing hurt too badly. His ribs and neck were a little sore from where Madoc had grabbed him, but nothing was broken, no blood drawn.
Not mine, at least, he thought, flexing blood-sticky claws. He shuddered. There was no way he was cleaning that off the cat way. 
A hand brushed his shoulder and he looked up into walnut eyes. Jude. He climbed into the proffered arms. She felt warm and solid, and Cardan could almost feel the tension of the past few minutes drain from his body.
“Thank you,” Jude whispered.
She cast one more glance at her foster father, whose hands  were wrapped around the metal bars, before taking the Amber’s hand and leading her out of the alcove. 
“Let’s go get your sister.”
~ ~ ~
The silver-eyed prince was in his room when she found him. 
The heavy wooden door was cracked open, a sliver of wavering torchlight spilling out into the hallway. An invitation, taunting. Apparently, Balekin was expecting her.
So much for the element of surprise. She almost wanted to laugh, to release the nervous energy that was curling in her stomach, rendering her body electric with anticipation. 
This is it. She was either going to free Cardan and save her sister… or die trying. Hopefully the first option, but still, her mind spun. Everything felt so similar to the first time—when she’d arrived in Faerie to confront Balekin, furious and fear-filled—and look how badly that had gone, her mind insisted.
She shook her head, as though doing so could dislodge the thoughts from her brain. She’d been stupid that time, rushing in with no plan, wielding weapons and white-hot rage as her tools of revenge. This time, she was ready. This time, she had a plan and allies and she knew what she was facing. This time, she was writing the rules.
Pellia drew her sword, the one she’d stolen from the Palace guard what felt like aeons ago. Raising it to deflect a surprise attack, she pushed the door open with one foot and stepped inside. 
The centre of the room was empty except for the large area rug covering the flagstones, the furniture pushed back against the walls. In a large armchair at the far side of the room, his loose white shirt unbuttoned halfway to expose his bare chest, sat Balekin. 
“I was starting to think you weren’t coming in,” he sneered. He held a goblet in one hand, swirling its contents idly. A naked sword was propped against the armrest next to him. “Where’s your entourage?”
Pellia said nothing, just moved farther into the room.
“Nothing to say today? No witty remarks?” 
She stopped at the edge of the rug and Balekin tsked. “Boring,” he said. “I thought you’d be more interesting now, not less. Maybe your sister’s life on the line is taking its toll, hm?”
“And whose fault is that?” Pellia responded, red eyes meeting silver.
The prince smirked. “She would have been safe if you had upheld your end of the bargain.”
“I did my part!” The words slipped from her mouth without any forethought. Her sword point was aimed at Balekin’s chest, like he wasn’t half a room away. Pellia gritted her teeth, calming her voice. “I did my part,” she repeated. “I was working for you. I was following your orders. I couldn’t have done anything else.”
Balekin hummed noncommittally. “I must say, I thought you would be a little more difficult to catch. You disappointed me, Nerium.”
“You’d know about disappointments,” she said acidly. “And can we talk about the whole ordering-to-kill-me thing, ‘cause that wasn’t part of the deal! They fucking tortured me, and I didn’t talk, but you couldn’t even do a little thing like not order my death?!”
“You were a liability.”
“Fuck off.”
“And so the teeth come out,” he chuckled. “Does that not feel better?”
“Things will be ‘better’ when I have my sister, and you’re six feet under,” Pellia snapped.
Balekin smirked. “Bold words, considering you’re the reason she’s in this situation in the first place.”
“Respectfully,” Pellia said, trying hard to keep a leash on her temper, “if one more dumbfuck sentence like that comes out of your mouth, I am going to violate the Geneva Convention.” 
When Balekin’s face flickered with confusion, she said, “War crimes. I’m going to commit war crimes.”
The dark prince smirked. “You plan to fight me? In that state?” He laughed, a full-belly laugh that made Pellia want to throttle him.
She knew it wasn’t the best plan. She knew she was weak, still unhealed from her injuries and recovering from torture and starvation. But she had no other choice. She would fight, and maybe she would even get in a few good cuts before he took her down. She just had to keep him occupied long enough for Jude and Cardan to free her sister.
“Are you scared?” she taunted.
Balekin chuckled again, recognising the bait for what it was. “I am not the one who should be afraid,” he said, draining the contents of his goblet and trading the cup for his sword. He rose to his feet. “Try not to bleed all over my carpet.”
Torchlight flickered off live steel as they circled, each tracking the other’s every move. Their feet shuffled across the rug. The fireplace crackled in the background. 
Maybe, if she was lucky, Pellia could get the first hit—incapacitate him early and end the fight before he could take advantage of her injured state. 
Fast as a snake, she struck, aiming for the muscle between his neck and shoulder with an overhead slash. Balekin met her attack, deflecting her sword and shoving his own point-first toward her throat. 
She swayed out of the way just in time, though his blade did catch the side of her neck. Blood welled from the scratch. Pellia ignored it, stepping into him in an attempt to catch him off guard. Steel screamed against steel as her blade slid down the length of his. They were locked toe-to-toe. She gritted her teeth as the prince pressed down harder. This may not have been her brightest idea, and she knew he recognised it too.
“Bad choice,” he said and hooked her ankle with one foot. Pellia went down. Her back hit the ground hard, driving the air from her lungs. She had just enough sense to roll out of the way before Balekin’s sword plunged down, piercing the rug where she had been a heartbeat before.
Pellia scrambled to her feet, eyes wide, and brought her sword back to the guard position. She was moving on autopilot, her muscles taking over while her dazed mind caught up. Balekin let her rise, smirking. 
They circled again, the prince’s movements smooth and predatory while Pellia was still trying to catch her breath. Her fractured rib burned, but she pushed the pain aside, blinking rapidly. She just had to keep him occupied until Cardan found them. 
This time, Balekin attacked first. He went low, slashing for her thighs, and Pellia brought her own sword down to meet him. The clash of their weapons rang off the stone walls. 
She disengaged, knocking his blade away, and that was when she saw the opening. With all her strength, Pellia lunged forward, her swordpoint thrusting for his heart—
Balekin’s smile was that of a predator, baring its teeth as it moved in for the kill. He swayed out of harm’s way, caught her wrist in one hand, and threw her across the room.
Pellia soared. 
During the brief moment she was in the air, she found herself hoping that Cardan wouldn’t be too angry with her for failing. She hoped he and Jude would find Amber and help her get home. She hoped her sister would be okay without her.
Then Pellia slammed into the ground.
~ ~ ~
Jude followed close on Cardan’s heels as he led the way through the stone corridors of Hollow Hall. She held her sword ready in one hand, holding onto Amber’s wrist with the other. She tried not to be frustrated at the slow but steady pace they were setting—it wasn’t fair to expect Amber to keep up after having been locked in a cell for who knows how long. 
Still, she worried about Pellia facing Balekin alone when she was already injured. She would need to be one hell of a fighter to have a shot at winning that match up, and while she carried herself like someone who was capable, Jude didn’t get the sense that Pellia knew when to back down. 
Which is why, despite her promise not to interfere, Jude wanted to be there to step in if it looked like Balekin had the upper hand. But first, she had to get there.
The sound of clashing steel rang out in the next corridor. Jude slowed as she rounded the corner. Halfway down the hall was an open door that spilled light from within and, about ten feet earlier, a shallow alcove. The trio stopped before it.
“Stay here,” Jude said to Amber, tucking her into the space. “And hang onto this—just in case.” Jude unsheathed the long dagger at her hip, handing it to the girl. 
“Is Pellia in—” Amber started, brown eyes wide. She was craning her neck to see past Jude to the open door.
“Yes,” Jude said, pushing the girl back gently and forcing her to meet her eyes. “And I’m going to help her but you need to stay here, got it? I can’t help Pellia and watch out for you.”
Swallowing, Amber nodded, taking the weapon.
It was confirmation enough for Jude. She headed for the open doorway, Cardan racing at her heels—and stopped just inside the threshold, in time to see Pellia crash into the rug-covered floor. 
Jude winced, stepping farther into the room, sword raised. Cardan hurtled past her to stand between the downed pixie and the menacing form of his older brother. Balekin regarded the cat calmly, spun his own sword, and glanced sideways at Jude. 
“Oh, look: your friends have come to your rescue,” he taunted as Cardan hissed, hair puffed and claws out. 
Pellia was on her back, eyes closed and chest heaving as she tried to recover the air that had been forced from her lungs. Cardan put one soft black paw on her shoulder. “Took you long enough,” she coughed. 
Balekin looked almost annoyed. “Having others fight your battles for you, Nerium?” he said. “I thought you had more pride than that.”
Still breathless, Pellia struggled to sit up. “I do,” she said, swaying and blinking hard. She looked at the mortal girl, red eyes meeting walnut. “Jude, you promised.” 
Jude’s lips thinned, displaying her scepticism. She searched the other girl’s face, trying to find something to indicate the pixie was okay, but Pellia was pale and swaying unsteadily. 
Yes, she had promised not to step in. But if she didn’t, the chances of Pellia being alive to take her sister home at the end of this were slim. Jude tightened her grip on her weapon.
“Pellia—” Jude started, but the pixie cut her off. 
“No,” she snapped. “This is my fight.”
Balekin laughed. “Stubborn to the end. Will you still feel that way when I run you through?”
Pellia smiled back, cold and ruthless. “Violence isn’t the only way to do battle, Balekin. You’re playing my game now; maybe next time you should read the rules.”
She grabbed Cardan by the scruff of his neck, hauling the cat toward her and climbing to her feet. He scrambled as she lifted him into the air, flailing against her hold until she drew her stolen dagger. She placed its tip against the delicate skin of Cardan’s throat, and he stopped struggling. 
She’s going to kill him, Jude thought, stunned. She could feel the blood draining from her face. After everything, she’s going to kill him. And she’s going to use my knife to do it.
Balekin was less stunned. “You won’t kill him,” he chuckled. 
“No?” Pellia gritted her teeth, adjusting her grip on the hilt. “And why's that?”
“What would you gain? Killing him won't get you your sister back.” Disdain coloured the prince’s voice, but there was something else, something other—the slightest tinge of uncertainty hiding in the space between his words.
Pellia nodded, considering. “Maybe not. But what do you really know about me?” Her breathing was heavy and pained. Her eyes bore into Balekin's with a fury so hot it could have started a wildfire. “Killing him might not get me my sister back, but it sure as hell will cause you some issues,” she spat. 
The fey prince was quiet for a long moment, calculating. Jude’s heart dropped all the way to her stomach. Her eyes flicked back and forth, from Pellia to Balekin, from hot, wild rage to cool, quiet calculation. Then Balekin straightened, an ugly half-smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“I do not think you have an accurate read on my relationship with my little brother,” he explained. The words were oily smooth and indifferent. Jude wanted to scratch them off her skin. “I would not cry if he were gone. I do not care for him the way you care for that mortal brat.”
The reference to Amber caused the pixie to flinch. "I didn’t say you cared," she snapped back. “I don’t think for a moment that you'd be sad over his loss—you’d have to have a heart for that.” She held Cardan higher and stepped closer to Balekin. “I just think it would cause you some problems. How can you be his benevolent saviour if he's dead? How can you manipulate someone who owes you nothing?”
Balekin opened his mouth to speak, but Pellia shook the cat, pressing the knife closer. Cardan squawked in alarm, and his brother fell silent.
“Isn't that your plan?” she ranted, voice rising. “Isn’t it?! Massacre your family, but keep him—” she nodded to the cat hanging uncomfortably by his scruff “—safe, so you can play the saviour? So he’ll be indebted when you find the antidote to the spell that made him this way? I’m not done,” she snapped as Balekin drew breath to speak.
Veins were pulsing in the dark fey prince’s forehead, his eyes a rage-filled inferno. His jaw was so tight Jude could almost hear his teeth creaking under the strain. Any moment now, he would erupt.
“You don’t care about Cardan,” Pellia continued, “only his royal lineage. You just need someone to put the crown on your head. Well, news flash, buddy,” she scoffed, “it won’t be him.”
Balekin lunged for Pellia with an inarticulate roar. She must have seen it coming as Jude had, though, and a quick sidestep carried her out of harm’s way. The fey prince’s momentum carried him forward to trip over Pellia’s extended ankle and he skidded across the floor to stop at Jude's feet. 
Jude, who jumped backward to avoid a collision. Jude, who looked up and felt the blood drain from her face. Jude, who couldn’t hide her look of complete and utter horror at the sight before her. Her heart felt as though it had stopped, and also as though it were trying to beat out of her chest. Her body was numb. She stared.
Balekin turned, too, his sword falling from his grip as he beheld the scene taking place. 
“You bitch—” he snarled.
Across the room, Pellia crouched to lay the still body of Cardan on the floor. Darkness coated his cat's chest, a red stain seeping into the carpet beneath him. Jude’s dagger in her hand ran red from hilt to tip. 
When she spoke, the pixie’s voice was quiet. Flat. 
“What's your plan now, Balekin?”
Jude could barely tear her gaze away to see the prince’s reaction. His face contorted with fury, a hate so black it nearly seeped the light from the room. Balekin screamed and charged for Pellia—then stopped. 
He looked down. The silver point of Jude’s sword protruded from his stomach. The anger fell from his face as she tried to figure out what it meant, what had happened. When Jude yanked her blade from his body with a slight squelch, he swayed, stumbled forward, then fell at Pellia's feet. 
Jude barely noticed. She was halfway to Cardan, scrambling, the floor feeling oddly immaterial beneath her feet, when Pellia’s voice rang out, laced thick with glamour:
“Stop,” she commanded, and Jude felt her feet freeze beneath her. 
Those stupid herbs. In trying to uphold her end of the deal, in trying to help Amber before all else, she had given up the one thing that had protected her against the glamour. She threw herself against the magic restraining her, but still her feet remained locked to the ground. 
Panic began to creep through Jude’s veins and hot tears burned her eyes. 
“Let me go!” she screamed, thrashing in Pellia’s magical hold. "Let me see him!" 
The pixie looked taken aback for a moment. “I’m sorry for the pain this has caused you, Jude,” she said. She sounded sincere. It meant nothing.
“Fuck you!” Jude’s voice broke over the words. Her heart felt like it was being ripped in half. “How could you?! He did nothing! You were supposed to help him—you're a liar!”
Pellia shook her head. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, then, glamour lacing her voice again, she ordered, "Please, be quiet." 
The air rushed from Jude's lungs. No matter how much she screamed and sobbed, no sound came out. With silent tears streaming down her face, she collapsed to her knees. 
Pellia turned back to Balekin. Panting from the pain of his wound, he had struggled his way onto all fours and drawn a knife. It was a simple matter to knock one hand from under him, sending the prince crashing face-first into the carpeted floor. Pellia lowered herself to a crouch beside him and laid the edge of her dagger under his jaw. 
“Ah, ah,” she tutted. “Let's not do that, shall we? You lost. Now tell me: what did you use to bind the cat spell?”
“What does it matter?” Balekin snarled. “You’ve already killed him.”
“Humour me.” Pellia’s voice was sweet and deadly, dripping honey over a razor sharp blade. “I’m ever so curious.”
When he still refused, she applied pressure to the weapon at his throat. A thin line of blood sprang up where the blade met flesh, and the prince flinched.
“The ring,” he spat, voice dripping with contempt. “The match to the one you put on him.”
Pellia smiled, cold and sharp, giving him some space to move. "Remove it for me." Balekin's fingers trembled as he did, though with rage or fear Jude couldn’t be certain. The stone set into the band was the same warm orange as the cat's eyes. Jude’s heart ached at the thought of never seeing those eyes again. As Balekin dropped the ring into Pellia's hand, the air in the room seemed to crackle. Through wet eyes, Jude looked to Cardan; shimmering white light glowed over the cat's changing body.
“Thank you,” Pellia said from her spot with Balekin. Neither she nor the prince seemed to have noticed Cardan’s transformation.
“Would that misfortune follow you, any path you take,” the injured prince spat—an ancient curse. 
Pellia raised her eyebrows at him, unphased. “Go stick your dick in a toaster, fucknugget.” She glanced over her shoulder to where the naked-but-very-much-fey body of Cardan now lay. 
“It’s over, Catboy. You’re good now.”
Jude didn’t understand what she meant at first. Her confusion was answered a moment later as Cardan sat up, graceful as ever and uninjured. Then it hit her full force as she realised—Cardan had just sat up, graceful as ever and uninjured. The shock of it was enough to stop the tears sliding down her cheeks.
“Jude,” Pellia said, “I release you, as long as you promise not to stab me.”
Still trying to wrap her mind around what was happening, the girl nodded, and the glamour broke. She hurled herself across the room at the newly-returned fey prince and dipped to her knees beside him, hands hovering, unsure whether to hug him or hold his hand or die of embarrassment over the sheer amount of relief she was feeling—or over the fact that he was sitting there, fully nude and still glowing with the effects of the spell, which she was just processing now. Jude felt her cheeks flame at the realisation. Cardan, on the other hand, seemed completely unaffected. 
Instead, he gave her a crooked smile. “Hello, Jude,” he said. 
She could feel herself turning an even deeper shade of red. “Um—hi,” she stuttered, her tongue feeling awkward in her mouth. “I’m—I’m glad you’re back.” She studied a particularly interesting spot on the stone wall behind him, refusing to meet his eyes.
That didn’t last long. Cardan began to sway as the light around him faded. Instinctively, Jude reached out to steady him. He fell against her. 
“Jude,” he said again, insistent as his voice started to slur with sleep. “You need to know….”
Then he passed out.
~ ~ ~
Pellia watched as Jude hurtled across the room to Cardan's side. It had been difficult for her to intentionally allow the girl to believe she had killed Cardan. After all, Pellia knew firsthand what it was like to have someone important stolen from right under your nose—the feelings of helplessness and despair and anger that it provoked. She comforted herself with the knowledge that it had been a quick affair, just long enough to force Balekin to remove the ring that bound the spell. 
Pellia wiped sanguineberry juice from the assassin's dagger before sheathing it at her hip. Her body ached, protesting its recent treatment, and she knew it would only get worse as the adrenaline faded. She wished she had thought to save some of those blessed painkilling berries, instead of putting them all into the poison vial hidden in the dagger's hilt.
The pixie girl spun toward the voice. It came from the main doorway, where a slight figure stood, shrouded in shadow. Pellia swallowed. 
“PELLIA!” Amber exclaimed. She rushed forward, tackling her older sister in a bone-crushing hug, tears streaming down her face.
“Can’t breathe—” Pellia winced at the pain in her ribs but held on just as tight. She pulled back for a moment to fervently check her sister’s face. Amber was pale, her cheeks sunken and eyes haunted, but it was her.
Pellia took a breath that morphed into a sob. She'd done it. Amber was here. She was real and solid and alive, and she was here. 
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” Pellia whispered., burying her face in her sister's hair as they sank to the floor. 
Amber held on tighter. Her tears turned to sobs as the two girls clung to each other, neither wanting to let go. “I—I thought I was—" she hiccuped and started again. “I thought I was never gonna see you again.”
Pellia's heart cracked. “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “You’re safe now. I’m so sorry.”
The younger girl shook her head, her face still buried in Pellia’s shoulder. “You were right,” she admitted. Her voice cracked, and she clutched at Pellia's clothes, holding on as tightly as she could. “It’s scary here.”
Pellia’s heart broke in her chest. “I know,” she whispered, stroking her sister's hair. “But it’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna take you home.”
A/N: That wasn't that bad, right? Happy ending? For everyone except dear Balekin? Also, I know this started mainly with Jude and Cardan. I'm sorry to anyone who is disappointed about the copious amounts of Pellia screentime. I haven't read FotA in like three years and I don't remember enough to write them in-character. So yeah, Pellia took over.
Theoretically, there is one more chapter to be written. Will I actually write it? Who knows. (Probably, but it'll take A Bit.) (I've learned my lesson about posting as I write... So much respect to people who are dedicated and organized enough to do that. You really gotta have the plot figured out first. Anyway. Lesson learned. If I ever write anything else, I will finish the story before posting.)
Thanks for reading, friend. Hope you enjoyed. <3
Tagging: @stardustsroses @nahthanks @jurdanhell @my-one-true-l @thefolkofthefic @greenbriarxrose @bookavert @queen-of-demons-and-hell @theviolettulip @lysandra-ghost-leopard @playlistmusings @black-like-my-soul @mirubyai @eldritchred @hpcdd3 @myunfortunatenightmare @angelpaulene ​ @localgoof @garnet-baby @iamaprincessallgirlsare
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bellarkeex · 2 years ago
Let Someone, Let Me. [Jude x Cardan]
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Jude's exhausted from her Queenly duties, Cardan takes care of her
☾ warnings: don’t think there is any, mention of the Undersea, soft Cardan, fluff 
☾ read on ao3: here | ☾ masterlist 
☾ wc: 745
Exhaustion had seeped into my bones many hours ago. The last few days had seemed like non-stop revels, living council meetings, and running around so often I'm surprised the soles of my shoes are still intact. In my strained attempt to conjure up any final bit of energy I had left, some may say my behaviour had begun to border on 'unseemly'. More so than usual.
Cardan had also been his usual, oh so helpful, self as he'd decided to fill his days with lounging on his half of the throne and entertaining our subjects. I mean, I suppose he's listened to the occasional request.  
I reach where Fand stands outside our room. I barely manage to greet her before I'm pushing my way into the room, making a beeline for the bed.
I don't register Cardan laying there until he's pulling me into his side, tucking an arm around me to stroke lazy patterns into my back. His tail coming to rest atop my thigh.  
"Well, I've had a very long day of entertaining our lovely folk, what about you my wretched wife?" He sighs with dramatised fatigue into the top of my forehead.  
"Is that why the ongoing revel is missing your wonderful presence?"  
"Would you stab me if I said maybe I've missed you these last couple days?"
"Not right now." I sign into his chest, letting my hand slide under his lowly buttoned shirt. "It seems like a lot of work."  
At that he gives me a small chuckle, before he's sitting up to take my feet into his hands. Fingers carefully untying the laces of the shoes I hadn't managed to take off, then reaching for my stockings to pull them off my aching legs.  
Then he's leaving me. Disappearing into the bathroom. I hear faint water begin to fill the tub and when Cardan returns his clothes have been discarded, moonlight illuminating the skin of his chest.  
Despite my exhaustion, I can't help but notice the skip of my heartbeat at his sudden nudity. But if Cardan notices the flush of my cheeks, he doesn't mention it.
I don't have the energy to resist as he picks me off the bed to haul me into his arms. Not that I would.  
"What are you doing?" I breathe against his neck.  
"Jude." he gently shushes me. "Just let someone take care of you for once. Let me."  
I'm placed before the filled bath, cool stone beneath my feet sending a chill through my spine. Flickering candlelight reflects in the steaming water below me, creating shadowed waves which dance along the bottom of the tub. I push away any thought of the Undersea, forcing myself to breathe deeper, and narrow my focus on Cardans hands skilfully unlacing the back of my dress to help me step out of it.  
"Should I be worried?" I raise my eyebrows in question, gesturing in the direction of the candle. "You seem to have an awful habit of setting your rooms on fire."  
He only smiles and begins to lure me into the tub with a soft hand, guiding me to sit in front of him.
I allow myself to rest against my husband as he holds me to his chest, grounding myself in his presence. I'm thankful for the window that has been cracked open, the occasional breeze reminding me I'm above water. Only then do I let myself become conscious of the warm water that's beginning to sooth my sore skin.  
Neither of us speak for a while, basking in each other's company trying to make up for lost time. Simply breathing in one another. 
Cardan takes his sweet time in gracing his hands over my aching joints, as though he's trying to relieve my body from the tension it holds, before reaching up to gently release my hair from the pins letting it flow over my shoulders. Under his touch I slip deeper into the warmth of his chest, eyes heavy lidded I try to focus on the steady thump of his heart and the light touch of his fingertips.  
I must fail in my attempt to resist sleep because I wake beneath the embroidered covers of our bed, washed, and my hair loosely braided.
It doesn't take long for me to fall back into a peaceful sleep, head leaning against the slow rise and fall of Cardans chest.  
But not before managing to mumble a barely audible, "I've missed you too."
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☾ i like the idea that Cardan knows how to braid hair even though no one's ever taught him. i imagine he has it memorised from all the times he’s watched Jude do it, so he tried to recreate it when she was asleep. 
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avelanlorelay · 1 year ago
I desperately want to write a little one-shot with some scenes of jurdan that we didn't see in the prisoners throne, but i don't know if it's a nice thing to do, since the stars of the book are oak and wren. I don't want to be an obnoxious fan TT (please give me an opinion)
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pollyaunt · 2 years ago
tw: yall dont know what youre in for after reading this hahaha
fandom: tfota
a/n: im so sorry for my absence since past year but im trying to get better everyday and i check up on here everyday too i love yall stay hydrated <3
also for best experience, listen to this one while reading because it gives hardcore big jude energy and has a significance in the fic:
It was never meant to go so far.
I hold soft flames on my tongue And chew on them like chewing gum,
I couldn't remember how it ended up like the way it did. I was supposed to extract as much intel as possible from him tonight. Not end up with hot and wet kisses trailing down my neck, my cheek, my face.
There's an inferno in your mouth
I can tell by the way you smile like it burns,
But I did remember how it began; with swift moves, swaying and sashaying of hips along with the attractive yet sultry beats of the song playing out, one of my favourites of all time. I remembered how my hazel eyes met the same dark charcoal black ones I saw back on the board pinned in the middle, but the intensity of that deep ruthless gaze didn't hit me until my masked eyes saw it for themselves.
Yet, I continued to move along with the music blasting through the speakers stacked in the corners of that Elite club. Feeling slightly hypnotic by the way he lifted his glass of whiskey to those lush lips and how his black curls fell on his forehead, I raked a hand through my own deep brown hair to the side as I tossed a wink his way, ending my slight adrenaline rush with a controlled move of my cleavage and hips.
A smirk spread on his face, complimenting those sharp cheekbones enough to have me near ready, begging to cut my heart as though glass by them.
His golden clad fingers pressed tighter on his glass, as though reading my thoughts.
And the flicker flames weave in through my teeth
If the hot gum were to slip out, where would we be?
I knew the answer to that just a few minutes later.
I clenched his shirt from the back, bunching the material in my hands as he continued to leave a trail of the feeling of his lips against my skin in a dark corner of the endless dimmed hallway right outside.
I was burning with the way his hands moved on my body, like a musician searching for the right notes to create his best masterpiece ever to exist. A gasp escaped my lips when I felt him nibble my ear with a tug before he tightened his hold on my waist and his mouth went down, down, down, right in the center of the ample cleavage my bright maroon dress displayed.
Goosebumps scattered across my skin wherever his delicate brush of fingers and lips lingered on my body for a little too long, causing me to arch my back in pure ecstatic pleasure.
And when I felt another lick of his tongue on the column of my throat, I knew the night had just began.
He's a keeper, he's a believer
And he put us in a car, I don't know where we are
My breathing turned ragged as he continued to explore my body in the darkest and most sinister way one could imagine. As I reached my high, craving the sharp sting it left behind, I imagined how I never wanted to stop feeling that pleasure like an addict begging for his drug.
And when he finally pressed his lips against mine, I let myself float so high in the most pleasurable hell he made me put through.
I watch us burn and fall
The heat is ten feet tall
So high that I didn't decipher the small click until it was too late to register.
And the flicker flames weave in through my teeth
If the hot gum were to slip out, where would we be?
Or the press of unmistakable cold metal against my very hip I felt him caress seconds ago.
My heartbeat struck just when he whispered his very first words to me tonight, "Such a dirty girl you are, Jude."
I took in a sharp breath as I felt him tug my straightened hair into a tight hold of his hands, as he slowly raised the gun against my neck, smirking in the same cruel way he did during his previous heists.
But this time, I was his heist. And he had successfully won in his mission to corrupt me before I brought any furthermore damage to his plans.
My pulse spiked at the thought but he continued to smile in that same evil manner I saw him did all those days when I was asked to get more and more information on him from the bureau.
"Shh, it'll be over soon, Jude." Cardan continued to nuzzle my neck even though I was still put on gun-hold by his other hand and I couldn't decide what really mattered to me at that moment.
But what I did think of was just one thing:
It was never meant to go so far.
Your teeth are on on fire, do you notice? No.
Your mouth is burning, do you notice? No.
alright this struck my mind while I heard the above mentioned song and couldnt settle until i finished this piece in one go. i hope yall liked it mwah <3
also, dominant cardan>>>>
@jurdannet @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @thewickedkings @thekingdomofelfhame @greenbriarxrose @cinnamonsketchdust @charincharge @clockworkgraystairs @jurdanhell @rhysandswingspan
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zinniax · 2 years ago
It’s canon right that jurdan have twins a girl named Alice Eva(who’s very much like Jude and has Cardan and uncle Oak the king wrapped around her finger) and a boy named Justin Dagger (iykyk and he’s a little quiet artist but lethal bc you know he’s jude son)
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chillwildwave · 10 months ago
The Wishing Kingdom: Chapter 2: Hearts Of Green
Context of this animatic: In the kingdom of Rosas, a bunch of servants are waiting outside of the castle as the royal couple make their grand entrance announcing some news for the entire kingdom, now here's some parts of the script:
Slave 1: What are you doing just standing there, the king and queen are waiting, if not, we'll be sacked, it won't happen to me, and not to you!
Slave 2: But just the thoughts of all honesty cripples under my skin, what if I... Stop thinking about them?
Slave 1: All I can say is to just keep your thoughts to yourself and come with me, we got a show to go too!
(At the castle)
Slave 1: Just remember what I said earlier, just forget the thoughts and other ones too!
Slave 2 (confused)
Slave 1: Nevermind they're coming!
(The Royal couple make their entrance)
Magnifico: GOOD MORNING ROSAS!!!!!!!!!
(grand applause from the servants)
Amaya: We’re so happy to have you all here, am I right, mi Amor?
Magnifico: Absolutely, its always a pleasure when our people look at our hearts to see the inside of us, and I do the same for you as well.
Magnifico snaps back to reality: And now, our rules for this ceremony coming up is that you need to tell us what you wish for, think about it, it could be your very own personal target to aim for, and we can grant it for you.
Amaya: And most importantly…
Servant 7: But what if we don't tell the wishes?
Amaya: WHO dares to look down on the mistress like that?!
Magnifico: Darling, darling calm down, it's nothing too ill-treat, its just a… Just a question.
Amaya: Oooh yeah, I forgot, and so the answer is, if you don't tell us your wish, you would have no choice but to drag your entire body to the town markets where the scatters will wait for ALL OF YOU, until we decide, no matter how long it takes.
Magnifico: Now finally, to conclude, we shall make sure everyone’s wish gets granted, including some others as well.
Amaya: And there's not need to pleed because we know how to grant such power.
Magnifico: Now everyone, BOW DOWN!
(everyone bows down while chanting “All hail the king, all hail the queen!”
Magnifico: Its only a matter of time before the ceremony, darling, only before, WE get the job done, then they'll never know…
Back at the hamlet,
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We get a shot that is similar to that of Sleeping Beauty where it zooms into the cottage where Asha is seen about to enter after her conversation with her 3 friends, she is seen outside the door where we go into Sabino and Sakina as they are cleaning up the house for when Asha enters.
“Nearly finished…” Sakina declared as she was at her final fate of dusting the ceiling with Sabino holding onto her, which explains something about their height difference.
“Agh, Sabino, I’m trying to get down, but your head is just, a bit too big for my size.”
He immediately took this as a compliment as he tried to balance the weight of his own body causing Sakina to start discharging her balance whilst holding onto him so that she could dust the final area of the ceiling.
“Well, it's not that big, it's mostly not because of my appearance, isn’t it, if it is, I’m not that old!”
Sabino tries to defend himself like a six-year-old child, but it would never work. “And if it weren't for your, giant-self, I wouldn't have to do all this!”
He defended yet again, close to fall right near a table where a couple of flowers were held, near the rock collection where Sabino had kept for a long time, before he nearly fell, there was a knock at the door.
Could it be Asha, could it be that resident who's always been a part of their entire village? Would she ever notice that mess that both her grandparents had, couldn’t she handle the situation herself if she was a part of it?
As soon as the sound echoed through Sabino’s ears, he darted towards to the door, where Sakina fell with a dust still in her hand, her head tilted to the ceiling, where she noticed that not even a feather of dust sat in its spot, while she was proud of herself for doing the chores inside, she also ran towards the door to help with the door as well, even though Sabino made it first.
As soon as his hand connected with the door, Asha was seen outside of it, with her basket and Valentino inside, jumping up and down while she patted him back down to remain calm.
“Hey everyone, did you miss me?”
Asha explained while she entered the room, noticing how a sparkle was translated into its floors, while her eyes were lit of surprise, Valentino hopped out of the basket, sniffing the floor underneath the bed noticing the dust still inside.
Sakina gave him the look, her eyes widening about to pop out!
“Oh, you're right, Valentino, I didn't notice that was there all along” She knelt down while she scooped up the pack of dust in her hands.
Asha was next to him where she was about to sit down on her bed, Valentino hopped on the bed as well while he tried his best to collect Asha’s equipment to take out of the basket.
Sabine strolled towards the bed, he tried his hardest to sit down for his small size, he gestured to Sakina as well, and she responded with a delightful touch when she was next to Valentino.
“So, how was your day outside in this Hamlet?”
Sabino looked at Asha in the eyes, inquisitive for her answers.
“If I’m not cutting my tongue, um, I would say that it was alright, nothing special.”
She replied, her whole body tugged with her arms whilst witnessing the look of her grandfather.
“It was just me and Leo, Gillia and Dextrous, hanging out and doing the daily, I guess…”
Her tone remained the same until she paused before saying “I guess” which is meant to imply that something isn't right.
“You guess? Oh, come on, Asha, cheer up, you got a whole day ahead of you!”
Sakina motivated her through her presence despite Asha’s low presence which was obvious through her emotions.
“Heh, thanks grandma, but… I know this is how we live because the hamlet is a home to us, but I’ve had this dream, a dream where… I don't know how I can explain but it was truly something Ive been invested in.”
Asha looked satisfied with what her mouth had to say, the dream she dreamt of was distinct from any other dream, she knew it, but no one else didn't, except Valentino, while she did that, he was still looking over her sketchbook to turn to her latest page, not with the self-portraits, but her recent pictures with her gesture drawings.
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While they weren't perfect like she'd hoped, Valentino saw in her process that she is slowly developing her new skill, even Sabino didn't notice, so he decided to grab it and look at a few of her drawings.
“Hmm, lets see, you've been swearing, huh? Have you?”
Sabino’s curiosity rose like a nerdy child once they grabbed the dictionary, Asha seemed to get defensive and replied that she would never do anything like that at all, not even in the entirety of life, he then realised that her swearing was a plea to explore more of herself through her artistic traits.
“Okay, I can see your skills are coming through in handy, but are sure you're going to make it someday?”
Asha nodded although she was still conflicted with her own skills, she tried not to acknowledge that through her smile, while she leaned towards Sabino who tried talk to her.
“If that's your wish, you should write it down on a ribbon for the stars!”
Sabino persuaded her while he was about to grab a ribbon and a feather pen for her to write her wish, although this was a complete tradition, Asha was still bugged about something that was odd.
“I know that true, but why can't I go and make a wish in person?”
This question struck Sabino in the heart, it struck him so hard he was unable to move, he knew that something prevented them from meeting the actual stars, after a moment, his hand was on Asha’s shoulder as he tried to explain the dark truth…
“Asha… Ever since it was read, the king and queen were the ones who broke the main tradition of wishing, they knew their wish was dangerous, and although the stars couldn't grant it themselves, they took on the challenge to manipulate and grab on that power by themselves as revenge, since then, we only stick to the ribbon tradition because if you tell your wish, its unlikely that it would come true but if you show your wish through this ribbon, the stars will come down in no time!”
Her gasp couldn't stop, she knew that this was the King and Queen’s doing, but she still had hope in herself to make a wish in person, although her brain never had the mind of its own, Sabino still believed that through her heart, she would be able to make her dreams come true.
“But what if someone, who wasn't the King and Queen, gave it a chance?”
She had so many questions in her mind, including one she asked earlier.
“Oh Asha, it is almost impossible, but maybe someday, there are thousands of people in this hamlet who have the power to make their fairy tale conclude with a happily ever after, through striving themselves into their own dreams, whereas over into Rosas, it’s like a plot twist.”
Sabino’s tone shifted into his voice as if he was running out of water, so much so that he needed a drink to warm his voice up, while he still flipped over a page, he had no choice but to hug Asha close to him because he knew that she was distraught by the answer, although she already knew the backstory, she never knew that doing things on her own was that dangerous.
“It’s okay, but someday, I will make a change, I will do it!”
Asha whispered in her grandpa’s arms as she was close to falling asleep, meanwhile Sakina gave her a kiss on the forehead before carrying on with her sorting with the thousands of rocks that Sabine had collected for years, meanwhile Valentino guarded the door in case any stranger would cross the path…
We fade to a mysterious black, it takes a few seconds to hear footsteps from someone or something, at first they’re still and soundless but as the footsteps get closer, more louder they get with the background music becoming more chaotic with a wailing choir, and after that montage, the screen becomes a door where Valentino guarded with a silhouette of Magnifico and Amaya standing before us.
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(It’s this scene where Mag breaks into Asha’s house but this time much more menacing.)
There’s no dialogue during the first part, the background music gets more suspense and the choir wails even more, further setting up the mood of the scene, Sakina startled herself as soon as the door opened but after seeing the king and queen, Valentino slowly turns his head and is frozen still like a statue, after Sabino woke up, tears were forced to come out of his own eyes, his mouth drooling with horror, while Asha was still asleep.
The king and Queen walk slowly past Valentino and right towards the bed, where Asha was sleeping, the camera zooms into Asha, her innocent face while she sleeps peacefully, then it goes into Magnifico’s hand, caressing her hair, and Amaya kneeling down and whispering that if she’s ever wondered if living in a fairy tale where she became the princess, but it turned out she wasn’t even a princess to begin with, she is from the Hamlet.
Whilst the whispering still carried on, Asha took time to open her eyes and was startled to what she saw, her eyes darted to Sabino, then to Sakina, and finally to Valentino, then back to the king and queen, she had no idea what was going on, she never knew that the king and queen paid a visit, but was she wrong all along?
And just like that, Magnifico and Amaya grasped onto her arm, and with his cape, SWOOSH! They were gone, with Asha under their wing, the camera is still a shot of the bed, where she laid the whole time, Sabino still had his hand out, desperate for her to return, while he was still frozen, Sakina walked over to his side and wiped a tear from his eye, his hand slowly came down and hugged her almost immediately, they couldn’t believe it, their most beloved treasure, now all they have is a bare chest with none of their precious fines in it, inside was an empty step leading down to a mosh pit of doom…
As for Asha, her way into life, never seemed any different, but if her life was leading a castle, the gates would soon open…
Final Thoughts
Hello, hello, for I have risen and finally completed that animatic, for the second chapter of my rewrite, now in the animatic and the chapter itself, I wanted to contrast the differences between Rosas and the Hamlet further by establishing their point of views on how to grant your wish, and yes, the part where you tell the wishes in Rosas and you show the wishes in the Hamlet is a clear reference to Cinderella because in that scene, she did say that if you tell a wish, it won’t come true, and I really wanted to showcase that contrast with my visual storytelling skills.
Another thing that I enjoyed was that I explored Sabino and Sakina’s dynamic that was used through height difference, Sakina is a lot taller than Sabino making it difficult for him to help her in a situation but their dynamic with Asha is more father-figure like Tiana’s Dad in The Princess and The Frog, and I also like how my Asha wants to change the world someday by doing something daring, which is to make a wish in person rather than using a ribbon, I feel like it goes to show that doing something small can mean big things but now that she’s taken by Magnifico and Amaya, will she ever be able to take her most wanted dream to become an animator, or will she sacrifice it for living in privilege?
And also, the cliffhanger I wrote, I feel like that was the best part of writing my second chapter, this is because I wanted to make sure that my story was suspenseful enough to hook readers in, and I was able to do exactly that by using my writing as if it’s a screenplay with my visual storytelling so that I’m capable of writing a fantasy-based story, in the next chapter, the focus is set entirely on the King and Queen and how they fostered Asha during all those years, and they could teach her some of their own methods of magic, will she struggle or will she succeed?
And finally, if you want more for this rewrite, feel free to like, reblog and leave a comment or a few comments down below as I would love to see how much fun you’re all having with this story, you can ask me a few questions about the rewrite too, I’m looking forward to writing Chapter 3 next, let me tell you, this is one hell of a ride!
Thanks for reading!
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face-meets-pavement · 9 months ago
Reassurance - Chaggie fanfic
Suggestion by @ilovemydogrykersomuch
“So… you really actually aren’t angry at me? I mean I’ve kept this from you for so long,” vaggie asked almost for the fifth time in the past twk days.
“babe, it was shocking, yea, but I cant be angry at you forever. Plus, the entire thing this hotel is about is forgivness.” Charlie said while straightening out her girlfriends wings. “Aand, I believe in this hotel so much, and love you so much, that I forgive you, and wont stop either of those things till the end of hell.” She added giving Vaggie a hug.
“im so lucky to have you char,” vaggie replied, and charlie agreed. “Wanna watch tv and cuddle?” She smiled wrapping her arms around her lovers waist” charlie nodded and they started watching Helluva-Novella before falling asleep together.
BONUS: Alastor had been reading a book when his ears perked up to the sound of the TV upstairs. “How can one fall asleep to the sounds of that horrid picture box?” He muttered to himself.
Prob one of my shorter ones im not sure but check out my wattpad (its gonna be apart of the HH and HB oneshot book) also and I just got an invitation to ao3 so I might post on there
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