#twister x daughter!reader fandom
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callsign-dexter · 3 months ago
A Father's Heartache
Request: So Idk if your writing for twisters but I keep seeing how Tyler Owen would be if his girlfriend got hurt or something but I was wondering if you write like if his daughter got hurt 
Pairings: Tyler Owens x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, hospitals, tornados
A/N: Thank you to @hauntedlovecreator
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Tyler Owens had been through many hardships, witnessing his first tornado when he was a little boy, many many bull riding accidents and more. However, the most painstaking hardship was losing your mom to an EF5 tornado when you were just 5 years old and almost losing you to an EF5 tornado when you were 17 years old, the age you are now. 
He has two loves, your mom and you, his daughter. Tyler and your mom were high school sweethearts believe it or not. Both of them grew up on ranches and both enjoyed doing farm work and riding horses, which was their main thing to do when they were off of school just to spend time with each other. He was a bull rider and she was a barrel racer. They married quickly, right out of high school. They stuck with each other through thick and thin. She would still barrel race while she went to college and he bull rode until he got his head stomped on one too many times and decided to go to school. They both went to University of Arkansas and studied Meteorology, due to them loving storms, where he didn't finish, she did. They soon created the Tornado Wranglers and quickly became popular on YouTube. 
His second love is you, his daughter. When you came along you were perfect, you looked exactly like him and had his witty personality. You got the love of storm chasing from them both. You were always the calmest when there was a storm going on, falling asleep almost everything. You were a pretty good baby but boy did they start having their hands full when you started to walk and talk. As long as it wasn't lighting you were outside in the storm just admiring it. As you got older the love for storms grew and when you got old enough to travel with the team you did as long as it was during the summer or on breaks. It just so happened to be summer vacation for you so here you were with your dad the crew traveling from Arkansas to Oklahoma. You were in the truck with your dad in the front seat while Boone was in the back with Ben. “So, Y/N, how old were you when you started chasing with your father?” Ben asked as you looked back at him.
“I think I was 4. Right Dad?” You asked your father as you turned to him.
“Yea, that is right. Then a year later an EF5 hit and we lost your mom.” He said 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Ben said 
“It was a long time ago. Still hurts but we never forget about her. Do we?” Tyler asked you.
“Absolutely not.” You said as you touched the necklace that your mom had given you before she passed. 
“Do you enjoy chasing?” Ben asked and you and you smiled and nodded, having turned back to him.
“Oh, I love it! The adrenaline from chasing and seeing one up close is amazing.” You said and Tyler smiled you were so much like him.
“She gets that honestly from Tyler.” Boone said as Tyler leaned over to rub you head and you pulled a face but it was all in playfulness. 
“How much longer until we are in Oklahoma?” You asked him.
“About an hour or so. Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when we cross state lines.” Your father said and you nodded and got comfortable and closed your eyes and almost instantly you were asleep. When you were little and wouldn’t go to sleep your mom and dad would drive you around in your dad’s truck since it gave a low gentle ‘hum’ and it would instantly put you to sleep, turns out it still can. True to his word your dad was gently waking you up by saying your name and rubbing your arm. “Sweetheart, we just crossed the state line. We’re going to make a stop first.” He said and you nodded. The short drive to the gas station was filled with chatter and getting pumped for the season. As you grew closer you smiled seeing all the cars there and knew what was about to go down. “Ready?” He asked and you smiled.
“Ready, Dad.” You said smiling.
“Turn on the music.” He said and you did and cranked it up Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma by Luke Combs blasted through the speakers as you pulled in and yelling began. Boon was doing the live stream focusing on the crowd and Tyler. You mainly blocked out the conversation as he stopped the truck and got out. You could hear him shout “If you feel it..”
“Chase it!” The crowd replied and he smiled his charming smile that hooked your mother. 
“I said if you feel it..” He said loving the attention and pumping up the crowd.
“Chase it!” The crowd shouted and you smiled, staying out of the way mostly with Dexter, Lilly and Dani. As you stood and watched the crowd and your father you looked around and spotted Storm Par and another woman that was unfamiliar. You had run into Storm Par before and while most team members were unpleasant one was nice and that was Javi. As you looked at them the unfamiliar woman caught your eye and furrowed them out of curiosity and you quickly looked away as your father was calling you over. 
Kate couldn't help but stare at the group that just rolled their way in. They really didn't impress her much and they somewhat annoyed her. As they got out and everyone crowded, she stood with Javi as she looked at everyone although one person stood out, you. She thought you looked way too young to be out chasing. “Who are they?” Kate asked Javi.
“That is Tyler Owens and his group from Arkansas they call them the Tornado Wranglers.” Javi said 
“Who is the girl? She seems too young to be out here doing this. It's dangerous.” She asked as she watched Tyler bring you under his arm and kiss you the top of your head. 
“That is Y/N. Y/N Owens.” Javi said
“Sister?” Kate asked 
“No. She would be his daughter.” Javi said “She's really a sweet kid.” He added and Kate was shocked.
“Seems like nobody would be able to settle him down long enough to have a kid.” She said exasperated. 
“She was a chaser too. She was sweet just like her daughter.” Javi said
“Was?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yea, an EF5 rolled through and the Tornado Wranglers and Strom Par were chasing it. It caught the truck and threw it like it was nothing. Everyone came, most of everyone came out unscathed besides her, they rushed her to hospital but it was too late. It wrecked Tyler and the whole team.” Javi said 
“Where was Y/N?” She asked, watching the way Tyler tended to you so carefully and with love.
“She wasn't in the truck with them. I think she was in the RV at the time.” He said and she nodded. 
“How do you know all of this?” She asked 
“She's an old friend of mine. We went to the same elementary and middle school then she moved at the start of high school.” He told her.
“Oh wow.” Kate said and he nodded then he started to ask her which tornado they should go after taking her mind off you and the group.
You watched Javi and the woman talk and then she was walking off. You looked up at your dad and saw him watching her, it stung just a bit because he hasn't looked at anyone like that since your mom but he deserved happiness. “I'll be right back, Sweetheart.” He said and kissed your head and walked off towards her direction. You watched them for a bit and watched Ben go over after a few minutes you decided to make yourself busy, really you were just sitting in the truck playing on your phone. 
“Hey, Y/N/N.” Dani said and you looked up not having paid attention to anyone.
“Which one do you think we should chase?” She asked and you got out to look at the map. You studied the sky and then the map. 
“West.” You said just about that time your dad came running up and telling everyone to wrap up. “Which way dad?” You asked, hopping into the front seat. 
“West. She tried to throw us off.” He said and you smiled.
“Damn girl! You got a talent for this.” Dani said as she ran past you and you smiled. Your dad got in the driver's seat as you watched Storm Par rush off.
“Did you call it?” He asked and you looked down smiling shyly.
“I did.” You said
“That's my girl.” He said as he took off. As you were heading towards the tornado Strom Par was coming up and past you so in your typical dad fashion, he cut them off and everyone cheered. Your dad smiled at the woman with Strom Par and then jerked the wheel going off into the field heading towards it “Harness up!” He said as he put his on and then yours. Ben said something but you weren’t paying attention to it as he stopped and sent fireworks up and you looked up at it in amazement. Afterwards you went back to the motel as everyone was outside you stayed in the backseat of the truck laying down the chase having taken the energy out of you. You were asleep in no time. You missed the little spat between your dad and the woman you saw with Storm Par. Throughout the tornado season you were chasing almost every day. You got to see twin tornados and even though you wanted to go after the one Storm Par wanted to go after you let your dad decide and even if it ended up being the wrong choice you still had the adrenaline pumping through you. When the tornado hit the town, you were right there helping. “Y/N/N you stay close to me. I don’t want you to get lost or hurt.” He said.
“Ok, Dad.” You said as you, your dad, and Boone started to help around and find people, things, or pets. Currently you were looking for a dog when your dad looked up and saw the woman coming up. 
“Stay with Boone.” He said and you nodded as he headed off to talk to her. They got pretty loud at some points and you were close enough to hear them. 
“Are you recruiting kids now?” She asked
“That kid is my daughter. She had the choice to stay at home or come along. She chose to come along because she loves chasing just like all of us.” Tyler said getting defensive of you. You chose that moment to walk away and not eavesdrop. After finishing helping out you all went back to the hotel. You and dad got into the hotel room after getting pizza and he turned to look at you. “I’m gonna head to the rodeo. You wanna come?” He asked and you looked up at him.
“No, it’s ok. I’m kind of tired. You should go and ask that woman.” You said smirking.
“Kate. Her name is Kate.” He said and it looked like he was blushing.
“Kate…. You should go and ask Kate.” You said 
“You think so?” He asked
“Oh yes. Take a pizza to her.” You said and he nodded and grabbed it as you shooed him away and out the door. You smiled like an idiot. He was so in love with her. As you were relaxing and watching some TV your phone and then the TV started to go off warning everyone that a tornado had touched down and to take shelter. Your dad had prepped you on everything and the safety of everything. You were quick to take shelter, you were scared and you wanted your dad but you knew you had this. You stayed undercover and when it was over you were coming out just as soon as your dad was coming in and taking you in his arms and hugging you tightly.
“You’re ok.” He said “You’re ok.” He said and you knew he was saying it more for him and not you.
“I’m here, Dad. I’m here.” You said holding him tighter. 
“You’re not leaving my side again. Never.” He said and you nodded. “Come on, we need to go.” He said, “Grab your stuff.” He added and you nodded and did so and then he was ushering you out and into the truck. You regrouped with everyone and while you stayed in the truck your dad was talking to Dexter and then he was getting in as the sun was coming up. 
“Where are we going?” You asked
“You’ll see.” He said and you nodded as he drove. After a few minutes he was pulling up into a driveway.
“Wait… Dad?” You asked
“Yes, we are paying her a visit.” He said and you nodded. He parked the truck and the both of you got out and a woman was coming up and greeting the both of you. She introduced herself as Cathy Carter and she was Kate’s mother. “You mind keeping her busy while I go and talk to Kate?” He asked her.
“Not at all.” She said and smiled and walked off. 
“I’m Y/N.” You said and she smiled. 
“I’m assuming you are his daughter.” She said and you nodded. 
“I am.” You smiled 
“I could tell.” She said “Come on, help me get supper ready.” She said and you nodded and did so. After talking and helping her out she said that she was going to go and get them and you nodded as you set the last bit of food on the table not very long, they were all coming up. 
“Hi.” You said as your father came over and kissed your head and sat down.
“HI, Sweetheart. Kate, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N this is Kate.” Your dad said and she smiled at you.
“It is finally nice to meet you.” She said and you smiled at her.
“Right back at you.” You said and then you all began to eat. Stories were told and laughs were to be had. As the supper ended you stayed behind saying you were going to get some shut eye. You were just about asleep when your father came in. “Dad?” You asked sleepily.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Go back to sleep. We’re leaving early in the morning.” He said and you nodded as you got comfortable. The next morning like he said you were leaving and as you got to the truck first and then he was coming out. He looked upset and that made you upset. He looked up at the upstairs several times and was about to start going but a knock there was a knock on the window and it was Kate. She asked your dad a question and he got excited and then the both of you were getting out of the truck. Everything was explained and then the experimenting started. You loved the thrill of it all and had the biggest smile on your face and after getting it perfect it was time to gather the crew again. Tyler turned and looked at you “Ready?” He asked.
“Born ready.” You said and he smiled.
“That is my girl.” He said and so the chase started. You were in the back with Ben, Boone, and Lily while your dad and Kate were upfront. Storm Par cut you off and you had to laugh. As you were going off towards a tornado you noticed it was getting bigger and bigger it was turning into an EF5. You were following Storm Par when the tornado hit a factory and it turned into a fire tornado. You watched the Storm Par truck get hit and flip yelling was heard and then it was hit again and turned back up it was pointed out that it was heading towards the town. You started off towards the town. When you arrived, the truck was quickly put into park and everyone started to help out and get people to safety. 
As you were helping the sheer strength of the wind was making things blow around and knocked something loose and made it come flying your way. You tried to outrun it but you were unlucky as your leg got stuck “Fuck.” You said as you started to try and lift it off your leg. Your dad heard you and turned to look and his heart plummeted.
“Y/N!” Your dad yelled as he started to try and get it off with the help of Kate.
“Go. Save the others.” You said and he shook his head.
“Not a fucking chance. I’m not losing you like I lost your mom.” He said and continued to try to get it off your leg then Javi came out of nowhere to help and get it off. As you were getting stood up with the help of your dad the water tower came crashing down and water flooded the area pushing you three down. Then you three were heading to the movie theater. “Help the people out in the back!” Your father said over the roar of the tornado and you nodded. You heard him yelling as you watched Kate run out of the theater but you knew what was happening. You bunkered down as the roof and wall started to come off. As you were waiting for the tornado to pass something came loose and you heard it but couldn’t do anything as it hit your head knocking you out. 
The tornado passed and everyone was standing up and your father was quick to notice you weren’t there and he began to panic. “Where is Y/N?” He asked and everyone started to look around for you and call out for you.
“I found her!” Javi said as he knelt down beside your unconscious form and your dad was rushing over to you.
“Shit! Sweetheart!” Tyler said kneeling down trying to wake you up but nothing was working and he was panicking. “Go check on Kate!” He hollered and everyone nodded as he stayed with you. He checked your pulse and was glad you still had one. “Come on, Baby. Don’t do this to me.” He pleaded as he started to try and arouse you. He was about to give up hope until he heard you start groaning.
“Dad?” You asked 
“I’m here, Sweetheart.” He said 
“My head.” You whimpered out.
“I know I know.” He said cradling you as you became more aware of your surroundings. “I got you.” He said as he pulled you up into his lap cradled you. Everyone came rushing to you and him.
“You’re ok.” Javi said and you nodded but winced.
“I’m ok.” You said 
“They told me what happened. I was worried about you.” Kate said and you smiled at her.
“Nothing can keep me down. I'm an Owens.” You said and everyone cracked a smiled and chuckled.
“Damn right.” Your dad said as he held you closer. Your dad kissed your head as you were recovering and getting your bearings together. Nothing could keep you down, not even an EF5 tornado. You weren’t going to leave your dad anytime soon, not now and not ever. 
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rootedinrevisions · 3 days ago
Requests ✨
Welcome to my Requests Page! I’m always happy to take on new prompts and ideas, so if you’re interested in requesting something, feel free to read through the guidelines below.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I handle requests and what you can expect!
🖋️ Fandoms & Characters I Write For
Here’s a list of the fandoms and characters I currently write for! If you want to make a request for a particular character or ship, make sure they’re listed here:
Glen Powell
RPF (Real Person Fiction)
Tyler Owens
Scott Miller
Top Gun: Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Robert "Bob" Floyd
Marvel / MCU
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
WWE & Pro Wrestling
Because there are so many this is kind of individual by individual please let me know who you would like the request to be about and I will do my best to make it happen!
❌ What I Won’t Write
While I’m happy to take on most requests, there are some topics I don’t feel comfortable writing. Here’s a list of what I won’t be writing:
Underage Content (all characters and Reader Inserts I write for are 18+)
Non-Con / Dub-Con (consent is sexy and required in all my story)
Daddy Kink (it’s a personal thing. Tried writing it. Failed miserably. Won’t do that again.)
Any kind of Domestic Violence, Partner Violence, etc. (please ask if you’re unsure!)
I’m always open to hearing new ideas, but I want to ensure that all my work is something I’m comfortable with and that others can enjoy as well. If I get a request that falls outside of my comfort zone or isn’t something I’m able to write, I’ll respond and let you know.
💭 How to Request
To request a fic, please send an ask with the following details:
Person or Character(s)
A brief description of your request
Any specific details you’d like included (fluff, angst, smut, pairing, etc.)
Feel free to send in requests, but please note that I write them in the order they come in! So it may be a little bit before you see your request posted. Thank you for your patience!
💬 Current Requests
Below are all the current requests I have in the works! Please note that I work on these in the order I received them, not how they are listed below which is by fandom/character.
Glen Powell (RPF)
Glen x Reader - Reader is invited to a bachelor/bachelorette party where she's partnered up with Glen for festivities.
Glen x Reader - Baby fever with Glen
Glen x Reader - Today show interview
Glen x Reader - Protective Glen at a red carpet or event
Glen x Reader - Glen harboring a secret crush on his long term stylist
Glen x Reader - Recreating the Titanic scene
Tyler x Reader - Situationship with some angst.
Tyler x Reader - TikTok Pranks
Tyler x Reader - Tyler has a crush on someone from another team.
Tyler x Reader - Reader's been struggling with depression and Tyler is there for for
Tyler x Reader - Based on the song Wondering Why by The Red Clay Strays
Tyler x Reader - Tyler wants you to join his crew. You tell him no. Because you secretly harbor feelings.
Tyler x Reader - Shattered and Rebuilt from Tyler's POV.
Tyler x Reader - Proposal, Wedding, and Wedding night with Tyler
Tyler x Reader - Inspired by "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain
Top Gun: Maverick
Jake x Reader - Friends to lovers. Accidental pregnancy.
Jake x Reader x Bradley - "You can take it." prompt.
Jake x Reader - Jake worries he's holding you back.
Jake x Reader - Enemies to lovers with Jake
Jake x Reader - Secret Wife Trope with Jake
Jake x Reader - Brother's Best Friend. And you almost get caught.
Jake x Reader - Jake sneaking around with the captain's daughter
Bradley x Reader - TikTok Pranks
Bradley x Reader - Golden Retriever Boyfriend Bradley.
Marvel / MCU
Bucky x Reader - Friends ot lovers fluff.
WWE & Pro Wrestling
Cody Rhodes x Reader - Reader gets jealous of Cody being "lovey dovey" with Liv Morgan.
Cody Rhodes x Reader - Hidden feelings in Legacy Era Cody..
Damian Priest x Reader - You and Damian do the "Ikea Marriage Test"
Damian Priest x Reader - First Look on your wedding day with a surprise
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years ago
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work/look at your blog by tagging me or sending it to me.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Prompt Lists:
Why I Write Named Reader Characters:
Wondering Why You Haven't Been Added To The Taglist? Did You Read These Rules?
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
Spencer Dutton
Lou Ransone
Eddie Diaz
Evan 'Buck' Buckley
Bobby Nash
911 Lone Star:
Judd Ryder
Owen Strand
All Creatures Great and Small:
Siegfried Farnon
The Bear:
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto
Michael "Mikey" Berzatto 
Richie Jerimovich
Blue Bloods:
Jamie Reagan
Joe Hill
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Sam Carver
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Doctor Odyssey:
Max Bankman x Tristan Silver x Reader
Endeavour Morse
Peter Jakes
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI International:
Scott Forrester
Wes Mitchell
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
The Good Wife:
Kurt McVeigh
Sidney Chambers
Will Davenport
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Hudson & Rex:
Charlie Hudson
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Raylan Givens
Tim Gutterson
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Ed Green
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Toronto:
Henry Graff
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Eliot Spencer
Magnum PI:
Rick Wright
Logan Howlett
Clint Barton
Frank Castle
Mayor of Kingstown:
Mike McLusky
Robert Sawyer
The Mentalist:
Kimball Cho
Marcus Pike
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries:
Jack Robinson
NCIS - Origins:
Mike Franks
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
Jimmy Palmer
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Douglas Hamilton
Chris LaSalle
Sebastian Lund
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Carlton Lassiter
Declan O'Hara
Rupert Campbell-Black
The Rookie:
John Nolan
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
David Hale
Dean Winchester
John Winchester
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Colter Shaw
Russell Shaw
Tulsa King:
Mitch Keller
Dwight Manfredi
Bill Bevilaqua 
Armand Truisi
Cal Thresher
Goodie Carangi
Tyler Owens
What We Do In The Shadows:
Nandor The Relentless
Jamie Dutton
Kayce Dutton
Lee Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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theycallmebecca · 2 years ago
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I posted 2,782 times in 2022
381 posts created (14%)
2,401 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 551 of my posts in 2022
#becca replies to readers - 186 posts
#chris evans - 72 posts
#becca reads - 69 posts
#becca makes mood boards - 58 posts
#mood boards - 52 posts
#theycallmebecca - 47 posts
#becca’s sugary sweet dad collection - 46 posts
#becca writes drabbles - 40 posts
#theycallmebeccawrites - 40 posts
#becca's sugary sweet dad collection - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#they purchased like a million dollars worth of medical debt for people in their community and forgave it using this debt buying strategy
My Top Posts in 2022:
Drabble: Box of Chocolates
My friend challenged me to write a drabble inspired by Chris being the voice of Godiva chocolate. So here y’all go.
Title: Box of Chocolates
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: suggestive
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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Hearing the video call alert on your phone, you grabbed it and smiled when you saw Chris’s name. You accepted the call and then waited for it to connect.
“Hey, babe,” Chris greeted, his face super close to the screen.
“Hey, handsome,” you replied. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” Chris said.
As if he realized how close he was to the screen, he pulled his face away from the phone, but going farther back than normal.
He was talking about what he was doing on set when you noticed how familiar his background was.
“Where are you?” you interrupted him.
See the full post
385 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Prompt for Chris Evans father's day: Chris's wife went out for a few hours leaving Chris with his 4 year old daughter. She ends up skinning her knee and he rots teeth with how sweet he is taking care of her.
Aww I love this prompt! Though... as I write this part now... it really became the Dodger and daughter show. But look at this face... I couldn't not include him!!!
Becca’s Sugary Sweet Dad Collection Masterlist
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Title: Bandaids
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
See the full post
516 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
18+ Drabble: Twister
Got the idea for this drabble earlier today and friends encouraged me to write it. So here goes nothing!
Edit: Fixed the warnings... I wrote them before I changed things up. Sorry for any confusion!
Title: Twister
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
Rating: R
Warnings: language, semi-graphic sex & oral sex (female receiving)
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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“Play a game with me,” you said to Chris.
He looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow when he saw the box in your hands. “You want to play Twister?”
“I want to play strip Twister,” you replied. “You can either choose between doing what the wheel says and risk falling, or you can just remove an item of clothing.”
“And if you fall?” Chris asked.
See the full post
530 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
If your state makes it hard for you to vote… that means your vote is even more important because that is a fear tactic on their part.
Go to the polls. Let your voice be heard.
Democracy is on the ballot in more ways than one right now.
Don’t let them intimidate you.
As a United States citizen, you have a right to vote.
Practice your right.
600 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
18+ Drabble: Gray
Like a lot of you, the pictures of Chris from the MTV Movie Awards last night having been living rent free in my mind ever since. Especially the close ups that really show off the gray in his beard. 🤤
Now that I’m off work for the day... here’s a little idea that came to me...
Title: Gray
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
Rating: R
Warnings: suggestive, semi-graphic sex
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
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A late spring rain fell steadily outside as you made your way into the living room where Chris was sitting in an easy chair reading.
Grabbing your favorite blanket, you made to sit down but Chris’s voice stopped you.
“Come sit with me,” he said, a smirk playing on his handsome face. “I’ll keep you warm.”
“I thought you were reading,” you replied, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ve read it before,” he said, setting the book aside.
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755 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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justabigassnerd · 4 years ago
hey y'all please find below the list of various characters and fandoms I write for. if I write for a fandom and a certain character isn't listed don't be afraid to ask and I'll let you know. feel free to send in requests :)) (this list may change as I go but this is as of 02/12/2024).
You can request x reader, x teen!reader, x daughter!reader or x sister!reader and I do not write smut
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker (MCU, TASM or Raimi!verse)
Loki Odinson
Yelena Belova
Poe Dameron
Cal Kestis
The Mandalorian
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Daryl Dixon
Tommy Shelby
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Ethan Hunt
Tim Bradford
Tyler Owens
JJ Maybank
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darksiders-scenarios · 7 years ago
I don’t always write but when I do, most of them shall be found here. 
When are my followers’ birthdays?
Dear Darksiders Fandom
Horsemen/ Angels post coitus (calm after the do)
Reader slapping War's ass
Upfront (Strife x Reader)
Horsemen supporting their S/O to clean their appartment
Horsemen not caring for their S/O (distressing) 
Death dealing with his S/O's first kill
Horsemen's S/O singing for them 
Bathing with the Horsemen
My take on the fight between the Archon and Death
Death's son and Azrael's daughter courting?? (pfft)
Death and War lost in the White City 
Death dealing with Dust liking Strife more than him.
Strife is accused of stealing your hot chocolate. He sets out to clear his name.
Humans referring to Death as Thanatos. 
Horsemen relaxing with their S/O
Horsemen's S/O taking a hit for them
Horsemen and characters dealing with hiccups (hehe)
Death dealing with an S/O agitated by trivial things.
War with a sweet-toothed S/O
Strife and Death (Angsty Wangtsy) 
Angsty Strife
Horsemen dealing with the death of their s/o mother.
Horsemen bonding with pregnant mum s/o
Horsemen taking care of a pregnant, grieving mother 
Horsemen with a Badass pregnant mother (V2)
Death and Strife dealing with reader in labour
Proud big brother Death gushing over baby brother War
I have a Theory. (Death x Reader)
One More Ride (War x Reader)
Death and the Stalker
Dinner with Strife 
Death is an Asshole (Strife & Death)
War receiving Chaoseater for the first time
Cuddling War for the first time
Death's Dental Service for an S/O with a tooth problem.
Horsemen, Azrael & Ezgati encountering the cuddlefish
Horsemen with a *sighs* shot S/O
Death encountering a 4 years old human child (Part 1)  
Death with a female child- Part 2
Office AU short 
He is Innocent (Death and Karn)
Horsemen & Azrael caring for a sick S/O
S/O requesting Horsemen to finish them
Death with a sick S/O
Horsemen and their S/O reunion after three years
Death/ War witnessing their S/O getting abused by their family member
Cuddling with Death
Strife with a tired S/O
Horsemen, Azrael and Karn coming across a severely injured human 
Horsemen, Azrael & Damsel asking their S/O about trying to have kids 
Strife/ Fury with an S/O with selective mutism 
War and S/O with selective mutism
Death and S/O with selective mutism
Death comfort scenario for S/O who’s feeling down
Horsemen comfort scenarios for s/o with drug addict brothers.
Horsemen, Uriel and Azrael’s child informing them they want to transition
S/O comforting Horsemen
Horsemen, Draven, Azrael & Samael proposing to their S/O
Horsemen, Azrael and Samael dealing with a suicidal S/O
Secret Genius Strife??
Horsemen catching their depressive S/O humming 
Horsemen accidentally hurting their S/O in a fit of anger
Horsemen dealing with a hyper kitten
Horsemen, Azrael and Samael finding out their S/O is self-harming
Death supporting his S/O suffering from exam stress
S/O assuming Death + War are cheating on them. 
Death’s S/O coming across their old home post-apocalypse.
War’s thoughts on Death’s S/O getting the upper hand in a sparring match.
War’s Reaction to Uriel and her S/O
How will Uriel get along with War’s SO?
Horsemen encountering a doll-sized S/O (part 1 + part 2) 
War, Death and Azrael dealing with S/O unexplained insomnia
Horsemen dealing with S/O with low confidence and self-esteem
Horsemen protecting S/O after the restoration of humanity  (part 1 + part 2)
Horsemen dealing with tongue twisters and riddles (part one + part two)
Horsemen and Azrael dealing with newborn rabbits (part one).
Comforting S/O following one of their deaths (part 2)
S/O introducing Lilith to their parents (part one) 
Horsemen+ Samael reactions (part two)
Horsemen and Samael with an S/O who was exactly like them personality wise
War’s reaction to S/O almost dying in battle 
Death comforting S/O after an argument with their parents (my first debut yayz!)
Horsemen reacting to their shy s/o dressing up nicely for them
War's first time doing the do, siblings instruct (I’m serious)
Azrael reading Harry Potter
Horsemaster reaction from a cheek kiss
Horsemen reacting to their vampire S/O
Horsemen, Alya, Azrael and Muria with a dragonborn S/O
Death reacting to a mini reaper on Halloween.
Angels' reactions to an S/O who preens their feathers
Everyone's reactions to a polyamorous S/O
Horsemen's reactions to an S/O mothering them
Death's reaction to a fan's man-crush  
Horsemen's reactions to posing for a painting (French)
Horsemen, Lilith and Alya towards an S/O with a teleporter
Horsemen reacting to Greek Mythology
Horsemen, Azrael, Vulgrim's reactions to s/o with tetrachromacy
Angels learning that their S/O is a White Witch
Angels with newborn angels Part 1 + Part 2
Angels’ reactions to S/O caring for wounded birds
Horsemen/ Angels' reactions to s/o revealing they've done some immoral things 
Horsemen/ human reactions to being flirted at
Angels and Vulgrim reacting to their painted portrait
Horsemen's reactions to being painted on a canvas
Horsemen's S/O dabbling in the dark arts
Horsemen hearing their non-verbal S/O speaking for the first time
Introducing Horsemen to Pancakes
Horsemen, Karn, Ulthane, Uriel, Samael & Azrael with a werewolf S/O
Horsemen's reactions to a sincere compliment
Horsemen's reactions to their steeds vanishing
Horsemen, Angels and Samael meeting S/O’s baby sibling 
Strife attempts to cheer s/o with bad puns
Horsemen, Samael and Azrael reactions to bands/ songs about them 
Horsemen's reactions to their human companion vlogging them
Horsemen’s reactions to a sarcastic S/O
Death and Draven’s reaction to an S/O with a tendency towards collecting any animals 
Horsemen’s reaction S/O with a large number of siblings
Horsemen, Azrael and Samael’s reactions to War and Uriel’s relationship
Horsemen, Azrael and Samael reaction to a usually unafraid S/O with a fear of simple things
Horsemen experiencing kissing for the first time
Personalities that attract Horsemen
Horsemen as the four humours/ temperaments
Hairstyles that attract Horsemen 
Horsemen/ Pride month
Angels as Pigeons/ Doves
Horsemen/ Angels surfing...
Jealous Horsemen
Lilith HC 
Horsemen's curse
Death reacting to his s/o being injured
War and Reader acknowledging their mutual attraction 
Real reason why Abaddon hates mankind
Crowfather but without the crow
[Tag yourself] How do you like your coffee?
Metal song styles for the Horsemen
Death's journal
Gifs for Horsemen as parents
Movie genres for Horsemen, Azrael and Beamboi
The Five
Draven headcanons 
Saying that you like traveling with Death
Sports for Horsemen, Vulgrim and Azrael
Jamearah Platonic/ romantic Headcanons
Death's Face  
Ecanos' painted portrait!! <3
Ecanos and Ezgati's professions
Azraowl by @speaker-of-the-black-hand <3
Horsemen with their S/O after a heartbreak
Protective and Possessive Horsemen
Death and his S/O with twins
How Horsemen confess their feelings
Some Strife Gunslinging HC?
Valus has Selective Mutism
Ecanos [part 2]
Ecanos Headcanons 
Ezgati Headcanons
Horsemen dealing with a sick S/O
Headcanons for Archon Lucien and War 
Drunk headcanons for 3 dead lords; Phariseer, Judicator, Basileus 
Drunk Headcanons for Uriel, Vulgrim, Azrael and Draven 
Human procreating with non-human species
Physical affection in Nephilim Culture - (kissing) + (handholding) 
If angels, demons or nephilims sought a different lifestyle; faith, religion or migration. 
Horsemen’s S/O character type, class, battle/weapon, magic style, role and other features 
If horsemen played musical instruments 
‘Opposite attracts’ partners for the horsemen
Horsemen finding out their S/O is a duchess by birthright 
Horsemen as stress responders 
Horsemen, Azrael and Samael marriage visual markers 
Little details about S/O that horsemen like (personality, behaviour, appearance)
Archon Fluff (meh)
Crowfather fluff
Sum Death fluffs ;)
Cuddling Death while sleeping
Horsemen, Azrael and Karn cuddling with S/O
Samael and Lilith
Ezgati [Bonus Unca’ Ecanos]
Fury's wearing a- 
Nathaniel Mystery Surprise [part 1]  
How characters react to being kissed on New Year.
Christmas blues
Christmas with the Horsemen
~ADVICE/ SUGGESTIONS/ OTHERS (be warned, they suck) ~
Writing an autistic character
Writing Fury 
Which Horseman will I date/ be best friends with
@woodland-princen - Vulgrim reaction's to an S/O with questionable culinary skills
@infernallightofdarkness wrote: Epic insults for @askthedarksidersfam ’Gordon Ramsay and Death having a roasting battle.' 
@ohmygillygoshoppler wrote: Azrael’s Midnight Snack
@apocalypticentaurs wrote: Azrael and War’s reaction to S/O not wanting to leave Eden 
@cogsandcherryblossoms wrote: War’s S/O coming across their old home post-apocalypse. (scroll down) 
@never-enough-darksiders wrote: scenarios of HM’s reactions to a sarcastic S/O (part two) 
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callsign-dexter · 5 months ago
Here Comes The Storm Masterlist
Summary: A year after rekindling their marriage, Bill and Jo Harding have a daughter, you. You grew up in the world of storm chasing. You grew a love for it a love so strong that you went to school for it. There you find your group. After an accident chasing a tornado, everyone lost connections besides you and Javi.
A year after recovering you found a group of YouTubers that chases and decided to reach out deciding to give storm chasing another try. You grew to love the team leader, Tyler Owens, and he grew to love you. He loved you so much that he proposed but after arguing about you falling pregnant and asking him to take some time off you left. 9 months later you had your guy’s son Chase Storm Owens. Neither of you broke off the engagement and neither fell out of love for each other. It's almost like history repeating itself.
Pairings: Tyler Owens x Harding!Reader Tyler Owens x OC!Son!Chase Storm Owens, Reader x OC!Son!Chase Storm Owens, Bill Harding x Daughter!Reader, Jo Harding x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Maybe more to come
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callsign-dexter · 29 days ago
A Father's Nightmare
Request: Hi!!!! 
OMG I am obsessed with Twisters!!!!!! 
I was wondering if I could please request a Tyler Owens x daughter reader where Tyler and his daughter are at a rodeo and a tornado happens but they get separated so Tyler isn’t able to find the reader until after the storm. 
maybe the reader is like 5 or so?
totally your choice and it is no pressure and feel free to change anything 
thank you
Pairings: Tyler Owens x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, tornadoes, cursing
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When Tyler found out he was having a child he was ecstatic and when you arrived, he was even more ecstatic. The team loved you and were surprised that Tyler actually had a child but took you in with open arms. Your mother was never in the picture since it was a one-night stand with your father and when she told him she was having you, he stayed with her and when you were born, she took off. Tyler was devastated but he had you and that was perfectly alright with him. If you ask him, he would say that you two were better off without her and that you're the most important thing to him and nothing was going to change that even if he dated other women besides your mom, then again you were too young to know who your mother was anyways.
When the team went chasing you usually stayed in the van with Dexter and Dani. Most of the time you were with your dad in his truck with Boone while not chasing. You loved the chasing of the storms always had and always will. You had been through so many states probably more than any kid your age and you loved it. Each time you got a souvenir from the state either from your dad, the team, or everyone. Your room back at your home was full and it just kept growing especially thanks to your dad that knew how to make more storage. 
Currently you are heading to Oklahoma. You had a passenger with you, a reporter from London, Ben is his name and you liked him especially his accent. You loved listening to him talk. “Dad?” You asked from your booster seat.
“Yes, Sweetie?” He asked looking in the rear-view mirror.
“I'm hungry.” You said and he chuckled.
“Uncle Boone has some snacks for you.” He said and you lit up and Boone smiled as he pulled out Goldfish and turned around to give them to you.
“There you go my favorite Owens.” He said 
“I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.” Tyler said and Boone chuckled and turned to him as you watched them as they bickered.
“I mean, Tyler. C'mon on man. You're handsome but you can't beat that cuteness back there.” Boone said and Tyler knew he couldn't argue with that.
“You're right. Nobody can compete with that.” He said looking at you through the rear-view mirror as you watched him and munched on your Goldfish and offered some to Ben who gladly and politely took what you were offering to him. 
By the time you had arrived at a gas station in Oklahoma you were fast asleep. Tyler didn't want to move you or wake you but you needed to be transferred to the RV. So, after he met the crowd and got them hyped up, he went over to you and carefully and skillfully got you out of the truck and transferred to the RV and now it was time to go chasing. You only woke up when you started moving and noticed you were in the car with Dexter. “Dex?” You asked and he briefly turned to look at you.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He said and turned back to the road.
“Daddy?” You asked 
“He's in the truck in front of us.” He said and satisfied with that answer you went back to doing your own thing. Your own thing was looking around at the scenery and the tornado up ahead and you got really excited. Your eyes widened in excitement and you loved every second of it. When the chase was over everyone was parking and celebrating and your dad held you and paid attention to you.
Throughout the days you were there you hardly rode with your dad for safety reasons. Whenever you weren't chasing you were in your dad’s arms just being with him. You got stares but he ignored them and had his attention on you and only on you. One tornado tore through a town and instead of chasing like your dad had planned you were heading to town to help people out. As he was helping the town out, he stuck you with Dexter who was handing out food and dealing with merchandise by the RV. You had a clear view of your dad and some lady. You watched him intently and could tell they were arguing and that made you upset but didn't say anything. After you were done there, everyone was heading back to the motel. Once everyone was settled in and became dark out Tyler got word of a rodeo and decided to take you there along with the girl he was talking to “Come here, Sweetie.” He said picking up.
“Where are we going?” You asked as he walked towards his truck. 
“We're going to a rodeo.” He said as he opened the truck.
“A rodeo?” You asked confused but excited. 
“Yup, a rodeo.” He said starting to buckle you in. 
“Are there going to be horses there?” You asked excitedly and he chuckled. Ever since you were little horses have always excited you. 
“Yup there are going to be horses there.” He confirmed.
“Yay!” You said as he finished buckling you. He smiled and kissed your forehead and then got in the front seat.
“We need to make a stop first.” He said and you nodded at him as he took off driving. It wasn't that far until he was pulling into a spot and then quickly got you out. “Hold my hand.” He said and you nodded latching onto it. You didn't say anything as you walked up stairs to a door and he knocked. “Hi.” He said and the woman looked at him.
“Hi.” She said and then she noticed you.
“This is my daughter, Y/N.” He said “Y/N this is Kate.” He added and you looked at her and became insanely shy and zoned out on the conversation at hand. Next thing you knew you were being picked up and carried. You kept staring at Kate as you walked to the truck and he buckled you in. It wasn't a very far drive to the rodeo and you were silent. “Sorry she gets shy.” He said.
“You don't need to apologize. I get it.” Kate said as he parked the truck. He got out and then got you out.
“Hold my hand, remember.” He said and you nodded.
“Ok, Daddy.” You said quietly and grabbed his hand. The three of you walked into the grounds. “Daddy, I'm hungry.” You said as he looked down at you.
“Alright, we'll get you something. Anything you want?” He asked 
“Surprise me.” You said giggling.
“Anything for my girl.” He said and Kate looked at the two of you smiling. Tyler got something for you and a drink and then you were heading to find seats. You found them and sat mainly on his lap but had moved over to his side. The rodeo started and you were in awe as you ate. Kate and Tyler talked and you tuned them and every now and then excitedly got your dad's attention.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look!” You said and he looked at a beautiful horse.
“I see, Sweetie. He's beautiful.” He said and you nodded as he watched your eyes light up. When the bull riding came up and a friend of your dad's signaled to him, he saw you and waved at you and you excitedly waved back. You snuggled into your dad still intently watching and food having been eaten. The barrel racing started and you were so excited it was your favorite. That was going on for a while and then the wind started to pick up, you knew what that meant and looked at your dad who looked at you and then Kate. 
“Are you tracking anything out here?” She asked and when he didn't reply she knew her answer. Suddenly everyone's phones started to go off and the overhead speakers were going off. As the thunder and lightning lit up the sky you saw the tornado and got really scared.
“Daddy.” You whined and he could hear how scared you were in your voice. 
“It's going to be ok. Stay close to us.” He said and you nodded and then chaos erupted and everyone was rushing to take cover. You were carried down the steps and set on the ground. You grabbed your dad's hand but your little legs couldn't keep up. 
“Daddy!” You yelled out but didn't hear him over the chaos. You stood frozen and started to cry. 
“Hey, you ok?” A couple asked and you recognized them as the ones that sat behind you on the bleachers.
“I lost my daddy.” You said as the woman picked you up. 
“He was sitting in front of us, right?” Her husband asked and you nodded. 
“Yea.” You said 
“Ok, ok. We're going to keep calm and take shelter and we'll find him afterwards.” She said and you nodded and buried your head into her shoulder. The three of you took shelter and now it was time to ride the tornado out. You were shaking and freaking out. The woman and man comforted you but you really wanted your dad.
Tyler and Kate moved together. “Stay with me.” He said “Y/N?” He asked not feeling the weight of your hand in his and that made him look down and he froze. You weren't with him.
“Tyler!” Kate said as she felt him stop.
“Y/N! Y/N is not here!” He panicked and that made her go rigid.
“Oh shit!” She shouted over the commotion and she didn't know what to do. As he started to shout your name and look around.
“We need to find her!” He said and started to backtrack but she stopped him.
“I want to find her too but right now safety is the key right now. Let's get to safety. Maybe someone took her to safety.” She said as she was urging him to move. 
“If she ends up being hurt or worse. I will never forgive you.” He said and started to move and it hurt Kate to hear that but she understood it. They got most of everyone to safety inside a pool including a mother and child and that just made Tyler 10x more anxious he needed and wanted to find you. For the first time since the first tornado, he witnessed he was terrified. 
The tornado seemed to last forever but it was only a few minutes and it was over. He uncovered Kate and then stood up and the search for you began. He was quick to get out of the pool and started to look for you. He was calling out your name but got nothing back and that scared him. He was close to tears in fact he knew some slipped out. “Y/N!” He yelled out starting to lift debris and hoping you weren't under there but knew he had to check. 
“Tyler!” Dani yelled and he turned to look at her.
“Y/N is missing. Please help me.” He pleaded and she nodded.
“Ok ok. Let's keep calm. I'll get the others to help. We'll find her.” She said and he nodded. She took off from him and he resumed his search. He started towards the fairgrounds. 
“Y/N!” He yelled out looking under debris and people that were hurt. He asked people if they had seen you and showed a picture of you and they shook their heads. He sent a pain throughout his chest; he was close to giving up but knew he had to find you if he didn’t, he would never forgive himself or Kate since she made him leave you. As he was yelling out your name and looking through the wreckage, he was becoming pissed at Kate for making him leave you. Who knew where you were, you could be hurt and scared or wish dead, he wasn’t going to think about the second one though he would be lost without you. “Y/N!” He yelled in a desperate tone. He could faintly hear the others calling out your name too. He was about to look in another place when a voice, your voice caught his attention.
“Daddy!” You yelled out and he straightened up and looked around trying to find the source, if there was one.
“Y/N!” He yelled your name again and waited to hear you call back again hoping his ears weren’t playing tricks on him. 
“Daddy!” You yelled out and again and he was rushing to the sound tripping over stuff along the way. “Daddy!” Your voice carried to him. He was close.
“Y/N if you can hear my voice, come to me Baby Girl!” He yelled out and sure enough you did and you were accompanied by two people, a husband and wife he assumed.
“Daddy!” You yelled and he kneeled down as you ran into his arms throwing your arms around his neck and he hugged you tightly. Tyler started to cry and he was never going to deny that. Almost losing you was the scariest part of his life. 
“Oh, thank goodness. You're alive. I was so worried.” He said burying his head into your neck. You started to cry as well. “I should've just picked you up when we started evacuating.” He said as the couple came up to him. He looked up at them with tears in his eyes “Thank you. Thank you so much. How can I repay you?” He asked and they shook their heads.
“No need. We were able to get your little girl back to you. Seeing you happy is all you need to repay us with.” The man said and Tyler nodded as he stood up with you in his arms and you clung to him and buried your head into his neck. 
“She's a really sweet girl.” The woman said and he smiled and nodded while sniffling. 
“She really is.” He let out a watery laugh. “I would be lost without her.” He said.
“Well now you're both safe and reunited. We can rest easy knowing so.” The man said and all three of them smiled. Tyler shook their hands and you, him, and the couple took off. He started walking back towards the group. 
“Y/N!” You heard Boone's voice and looked over his way but went back to hiding in your father's neck.
“Thank goodness you found her.” Dexter said as everyone came to the two of you.
“Yea a couple had her and made sure she was safe.” Tyler said, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “I think after this we will take some time off. I need some time with my girl.” He said and everyone nodded.
“That sounds like a good plan.” Lily said of course they would feel sad about it but they understood it since Tyler was close to losing you. 
“Let's go head in for the night.” He said and everyone agreed. Tyler took you to the truck that somehow managed to survive, and buckled you. Everyone else rode together; they knew he needed time with you. When the two of you arrived back to the motel, he was quickly shutting the engine off and scooping you up. Without a word he carried you to the room and opened the door and shut it and turned around getting ready to grab your pajamas.
“Daddy.” You said and he was quick to turn and face you.
“Yes, Baby Girl?” He asked, kneeling in front of you. 
“I love you.” You said and he smiled as tears sprang to his eyes.
“I love you too, Baby.” He said hugging you and you hugged him back. After a minute he pulled away and the both of you got ready for bed. He laid down and you snuggled underneath him. Tonight was a scary night and he almost lost you but you were safe and unharmed with him now and that's all that matters. Once he knew you were sound asleep, he let himself fall asleep. As he was drifting off, he whispered “I'll always protect you as long as you let me.” and then laid a kiss to your forehead which caused you to snuggle into him more. Tyler finally fell asleep with you safe in his arms. He would deal with everything tomorrow but right now he just wanted to be with you and only. 
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callsign-dexter · 7 months ago
Storm Warning Masterlist
Summary: 5 years ago Javier Riveria lost three of his friends and one stopped talking to him completely. He went back to college to graduate and there he met the love of his life Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens' twin sister. They got engaged on a chilly October day, 9 months later they had you, Y/N Y/M/N Riveria, 2 years later they married. Now they have to survive a tornado season with a 5-year-old.
Pairings: Javi Rivera x OC!Wife!Olivia Owens, Javi Rivera x Daughter!Reader, OC! Olivia Owens x Daughter!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Sister!Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens x Niece!Reader
Warnings: tornados, fluff, angst, blood, cursing
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Maybe have more parts
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callsign-dexter · 3 months ago
You're in luck! I have another request that involves him being a dad!
A Father's Heartache
Request: So Idk if your writing for twisters but I keep seeing how Tyler Owen would be if his girlfriend got hurt or something but I was wondering if you write like if his daughter got hurt 
Pairings: Tyler Owens x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, hospitals, tornados
A/N: Thank you to @hauntedlovecreator
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Tyler Owens had been through many hardships, witnessing his first tornado when he was a little boy, many many bull riding accidents and more. However, the most painstaking hardship was losing your mom to an EF5 tornado when you were just 5 years old and almost losing you to an EF5 tornado when you were 17 years old, the age you are now. 
He has two loves, your mom and you, his daughter. Tyler and your mom were high school sweethearts believe it or not. Both of them grew up on ranches and both enjoyed doing farm work and riding horses, which was their main thing to do when they were off of school just to spend time with each other. He was a bull rider and she was a barrel racer. They married quickly, right out of high school. They stuck with each other through thick and thin. She would still barrel race while she went to college and he bull rode until he got his head stomped on one too many times and decided to go to school. They both went to University of Arkansas and studied Meteorology, due to them loving storms, where he didn't finish, she did. They soon created the Tornado Wranglers and quickly became popular on YouTube. 
His second love is you, his daughter. When you came along you were perfect, you looked exactly like him and had his witty personality. You got the love of storm chasing from them both. You were always the calmest when there was a storm going on, falling asleep almost everything. You were a pretty good baby but boy did they start having their hands full when you started to walk and talk. As long as it wasn't lighting you were outside in the storm just admiring it. As you got older the love for storms grew and when you got old enough to travel with the team you did as long as it was during the summer or on breaks. It just so happened to be summer vacation for you so here you were with your dad the crew traveling from Arkansas to Oklahoma. You were in the truck with your dad in the front seat while Boone was in the back with Ben. “So, Y/N, how old were you when you started chasing with your father?” Ben asked as you looked back at him.
“I think I was 4. Right Dad?” You asked your father as you turned to him.
“Yea, that is right. Then a year later an EF5 hit and we lost your mom.” He said 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Ben said 
“It was a long time ago. Still hurts but we never forget about her. Do we?” Tyler asked you.
“Absolutely not.” You said as you touched the necklace that your mom had given you before she passed. 
“Do you enjoy chasing?” Ben asked and you and you smiled and nodded, having turned back to him.
“Oh, I love it! The adrenaline from chasing and seeing one up close is amazing.” You said and Tyler smiled you were so much like him.
“She gets that honestly from Tyler.” Boone said as Tyler leaned over to rub you head and you pulled a face but it was all in playfulness. 
“How much longer until we are in Oklahoma?” You asked him.
“About an hour or so. Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when we cross state lines.” Your father said and you nodded and got comfortable and closed your eyes and almost instantly you were asleep. When you were little and wouldn’t go to sleep your mom and dad would drive you around in your dad’s truck since it gave a low gentle ‘hum’ and it would instantly put you to sleep, turns out it still can. True to his word your dad was gently waking you up by saying your name and rubbing your arm. “Sweetheart, we just crossed the state line. We’re going to make a stop first.” He said and you nodded. The short drive to the gas station was filled with chatter and getting pumped for the season. As you grew closer you smiled seeing all the cars there and knew what was about to go down. “Ready?” He asked and you smiled.
“Ready, Dad.” You said smiling.
“Turn on the music.” He said and you did and cranked it up Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma by Luke Combs blasted through the speakers as you pulled in and yelling began. Boon was doing the live stream focusing on the crowd and Tyler. You mainly blocked out the conversation as he stopped the truck and got out. You could hear him shout “If you feel it..”
“Chase it!” The crowd replied and he smiled his charming smile that hooked your mother. 
“I said if you feel it..” He said loving the attention and pumping up the crowd.
“Chase it!” The crowd shouted and you smiled, staying out of the way mostly with Dexter, Lilly and Dani. As you stood and watched the crowd and your father you looked around and spotted Storm Par and another woman that was unfamiliar. You had run into Storm Par before and while most team members were unpleasant one was nice and that was Javi. As you looked at them the unfamiliar woman caught your eye and furrowed them out of curiosity and you quickly looked away as your father was calling you over. 
Kate couldn't help but stare at the group that just rolled their way in. They really didn't impress her much and they somewhat annoyed her. As they got out and everyone crowded, she stood with Javi as she looked at everyone although one person stood out, you. She thought you looked way too young to be out chasing. “Who are they?” Kate asked Javi.
“That is Tyler Owens and his group from Arkansas they call them the Tornado Wranglers.” Javi said 
“Who is the girl? She seems too young to be out here doing this. It's dangerous.” She asked as she watched Tyler bring you under his arm and kiss you the top of your head. 
“That is Y/N. Y/N Owens.” Javi said
“Sister?” Kate asked 
“No. She would be his daughter.” Javi said “She's really a sweet kid.” He added and Kate was shocked.
“Seems like nobody would be able to settle him down long enough to have a kid.” She said exasperated. 
“She was a chaser too. She was sweet just like her daughter.” Javi said
“Was?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yea, an EF5 rolled through and the Tornado Wranglers and Strom Par were chasing it. It caught the truck and threw it like it was nothing. Everyone came, most of everyone came out unscathed besides her, they rushed her to hospital but it was too late. It wrecked Tyler and the whole team.” Javi said 
“Where was Y/N?” She asked, watching the way Tyler tended to you so carefully and with love.
“She wasn't in the truck with them. I think she was in the RV at the time.” He said and she nodded. 
“How do you know all of this?” She asked 
“She's an old friend of mine. We went to the same elementary and middle school then she moved at the start of high school.” He told her.
“Oh wow.” Kate said and he nodded then he started to ask her which tornado they should go after taking her mind off you and the group.
You watched Javi and the woman talk and then she was walking off. You looked up at your dad and saw him watching her, it stung just a bit because he hasn't looked at anyone like that since your mom but he deserved happiness. “I'll be right back, Sweetheart.” He said and kissed your head and walked off towards her direction. You watched them for a bit and watched Ben go over after a few minutes you decided to make yourself busy, really you were just sitting in the truck playing on your phone. 
“Hey, Y/N/N.” Dani said and you looked up not having paid attention to anyone.
“Which one do you think we should chase?” She asked and you got out to look at the map. You studied the sky and then the map. 
“West.” You said just about that time your dad came running up and telling everyone to wrap up. “Which way dad?” You asked, hopping into the front seat. 
“West. She tried to throw us off.” He said and you smiled.
“Damn girl! You got a talent for this.” Dani said as she ran past you and you smiled. Your dad got in the driver's seat as you watched Storm Par rush off.
“Did you call it?” He asked and you looked down smiling shyly.
“I did.” You said
“That's my girl.” He said as he took off. As you were heading towards the tornado Strom Par was coming up and past you so in your typical dad fashion, he cut them off and everyone cheered. Your dad smiled at the woman with Strom Par and then jerked the wheel going off into the field heading towards it “Harness up!” He said as he put his on and then yours. Ben said something but you weren’t paying attention to it as he stopped and sent fireworks up and you looked up at it in amazement. Afterwards you went back to the motel as everyone was outside you stayed in the backseat of the truck laying down the chase having taken the energy out of you. You were asleep in no time. You missed the little spat between your dad and the woman you saw with Storm Par. Throughout the tornado season you were chasing almost every day. You got to see twin tornados and even though you wanted to go after the one Storm Par wanted to go after you let your dad decide and even if it ended up being the wrong choice you still had the adrenaline pumping through you. When the tornado hit the town, you were right there helping. “Y/N/N you stay close to me. I don’t want you to get lost or hurt.” He said.
“Ok, Dad.” You said as you, your dad, and Boone started to help around and find people, things, or pets. Currently you were looking for a dog when your dad looked up and saw the woman coming up. 
“Stay with Boone.” He said and you nodded as he headed off to talk to her. They got pretty loud at some points and you were close enough to hear them. 
“Are you recruiting kids now?” She asked
“That kid is my daughter. She had the choice to stay at home or come along. She chose to come along because she loves chasing just like all of us.” Tyler said getting defensive of you. You chose that moment to walk away and not eavesdrop. After finishing helping out you all went back to the hotel. You and dad got into the hotel room after getting pizza and he turned to look at you. “I’m gonna head to the rodeo. You wanna come?” He asked and you looked up at him.
“No, it’s ok. I’m kind of tired. You should go and ask that woman.” You said smirking.
“Kate. Her name is Kate.” He said and it looked like he was blushing.
“Kate…. You should go and ask Kate.” You said 
“You think so?” He asked
“Oh yes. Take a pizza to her.” You said and he nodded and grabbed it as you shooed him away and out the door. You smiled like an idiot. He was so in love with her. As you were relaxing and watching some TV your phone and then the TV started to go off warning everyone that a tornado had touched down and to take shelter. Your dad had prepped you on everything and the safety of everything. You were quick to take shelter, you were scared and you wanted your dad but you knew you had this. You stayed undercover and when it was over you were coming out just as soon as your dad was coming in and taking you in his arms and hugging you tightly.
“You’re ok.” He said “You’re ok.” He said and you knew he was saying it more for him and not you.
“I’m here, Dad. I’m here.” You said holding him tighter. 
“You’re not leaving my side again. Never.” He said and you nodded. “Come on, we need to go.” He said, “Grab your stuff.” He added and you nodded and did so and then he was ushering you out and into the truck. You regrouped with everyone and while you stayed in the truck your dad was talking to Dexter and then he was getting in as the sun was coming up. 
“Where are we going?” You asked
“You’ll see.” He said and you nodded as he drove. After a few minutes he was pulling up into a driveway.
“Wait… Dad?” You asked
“Yes, we are paying her a visit.” He said and you nodded. He parked the truck and the both of you got out and a woman was coming up and greeting the both of you. She introduced herself as Cathy Carter and she was Kate’s mother. “You mind keeping her busy while I go and talk to Kate?” He asked her.
“Not at all.” She said and smiled and walked off. 
“I’m Y/N.” You said and she smiled. 
“I’m assuming you are his daughter.” She said and you nodded. 
“I am.” You smiled 
“I could tell.” She said “Come on, help me get supper ready.” She said and you nodded and did so. After talking and helping her out she said that she was going to go and get them and you nodded as you set the last bit of food on the table not very long, they were all coming up. 
“Hi.” You said as your father came over and kissed your head and sat down.
“HI, Sweetheart. Kate, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N this is Kate.” Your dad said and she smiled at you.
“It is finally nice to meet you.” She said and you smiled at her.
“Right back at you.” You said and then you all began to eat. Stories were told and laughs were to be had. As the supper ended you stayed behind saying you were going to get some shut eye. You were just about asleep when your father came in. “Dad?” You asked sleepily.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Go back to sleep. We’re leaving early in the morning.” He said and you nodded as you got comfortable. The next morning like he said you were leaving and as you got to the truck first and then he was coming out. He looked upset and that made you upset. He looked up at the upstairs several times and was about to start going but a knock there was a knock on the window and it was Kate. She asked your dad a question and he got excited and then the both of you were getting out of the truck. Everything was explained and then the experimenting started. You loved the thrill of it all and had the biggest smile on your face and after getting it perfect it was time to gather the crew again. Tyler turned and looked at you “Ready?” He asked.
“Born ready.” You said and he smiled.
“That is my girl.” He said and so the chase started. You were in the back with Ben, Boone, and Lily while your dad and Kate were upfront. Storm Par cut you off and you had to laugh. As you were going off towards a tornado you noticed it was getting bigger and bigger it was turning into an EF5. You were following Storm Par when the tornado hit a factory and it turned into a fire tornado. You watched the Storm Par truck get hit and flip yelling was heard and then it was hit again and turned back up it was pointed out that it was heading towards the town. You started off towards the town. When you arrived, the truck was quickly put into park and everyone started to help out and get people to safety. 
As you were helping the sheer strength of the wind was making things blow around and knocked something loose and made it come flying your way. You tried to outrun it but you were unlucky as your leg got stuck “Fuck.” You said as you started to try and lift it off your leg. Your dad heard you and turned to look and his heart plummeted.
“Y/N!” Your dad yelled as he started to try and get it off with the help of Kate.
“Go. Save the others.” You said and he shook his head.
“Not a fucking chance. I’m not losing you like I lost your mom.” He said and continued to try to get it off your leg then Javi came out of nowhere to help and get it off. As you were getting stood up with the help of your dad the water tower came crashing down and water flooded the area pushing you three down. Then you three were heading to the movie theater. “Help the people out in the back!” Your father said over the roar of the tornado and you nodded. You heard him yelling as you watched Kate run out of the theater but you knew what was happening. You bunkered down as the roof and wall started to come off. As you were waiting for the tornado to pass something came loose and you heard it but couldn’t do anything as it hit your head knocking you out. 
The tornado passed and everyone was standing up and your father was quick to notice you weren’t there and he began to panic. “Where is Y/N?” He asked and everyone started to look around for you and call out for you.
“I found her!” Javi said as he knelt down beside your unconscious form and your dad was rushing over to you.
���Shit! Sweetheart!” Tyler said kneeling down trying to wake you up but nothing was working and he was panicking. “Go check on Kate!” He hollered and everyone nodded as he stayed with you. He checked your pulse and was glad you still had one. “Come on, Baby. Don’t do this to me.” He pleaded as he started to try and arouse you. He was about to give up hope until he heard you start groaning.
“Dad?” You asked 
“I’m here, Sweetheart.” He said 
“My head.” You whimpered out.
“I know I know.” He said cradling you as you became more aware of your surroundings. “I got you.” He said as he pulled you up into his lap cradled you. Everyone came rushing to you and him.
“You’re ok.” Javi said and you nodded but winced.
“I’m ok.” You said 
“They told me what happened. I was worried about you.” Kate said and you smiled at her.
“Nothing can keep me down. I'm an Owens.” You said and everyone cracked a smiled and chuckled.
“Damn right.” Your dad said as he held you closer. Your dad kissed your head as you were recovering and getting your bearings together. Nothing could keep you down, not even an EF5 tornado. You weren’t going to leave your dad anytime soon, not now and not ever. 
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