pianocarnival · 1 year
Tagged by @witchklng 💕
Lockscreen, last song played, and last photo saved
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I'm tagging @that-cameo @that-gnasty-gnome @theglasspaladin @seattlegirl1011 @causticclockwork @twirlergirl1206
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hqkurokenzine · 1 year
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✨Contributor Spotlight : Jordan✨
Next in line is our superb writer, Jordan!
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
Telemarketer Love
Reader/Bokuto Koutaru
A/N: Reader is a telemarketer for a company legit called Volleyball Monthly. Except Volleyball monthly exists as a sub-division of a different volleyball apparel company. On your 10th birthday, somewhere on your body, there is a permanent etching of the first sentences your soulmate says to you. Please enjoy this two part story as a present for @twirlergirl1206 as an apology for a lack of reciprocation during an event I planned and poorly executed. I hope you can enjoy this little story and again, I apologize luv. As always, likes/questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome and appreciated (:
 Now! Onto the story!
 Chapter 1-Bokuto is…crazy
 “Hey Aakashi!” The loud boy called to his friend as he saw they were both headed into the gymnasium.
 “Bokuto-san.” The dark-haired male responded simply.
 It was peaceful between the friends/former teammates. And they easily fell back into their old rhythm of conversation as if they hadn’t spent the past year in separate schools and not seeing one another.
 When Aakashi noticed Bokuto kept scratching at his left shoulder, the younger male internally questioned why the former captain’s soulmate mark could be bothering him now, when he has had it for so long. While he half felt it wasn’t his place to ask, the other half of his mind was too curious and decided to inquire about it.
 “Bokuto-san.” He called after a short silence as the pair had seemingly been watching the current game below. Catching the golden pair of eyes’ attention and pulling them away from the sport both males loved dearly. “Is your soulmate mark bothering you?”
 The salt-and-pepper haired boy laughed out whole-heartedly, appreciating how observant his kouhai was, while also feeling a bit embarrassed at being caught with his fiddling. “Ah, not really. I guess, I am just nervous I still haven’t been able to find them and when I touch the words it reminds me that they are still out there somewhere. I know that is really strange and all, but I think it is okay.”
 Black hair bobbed, as Aakashi nodded in understanding. “I understand. Have you gotten any other telemarketing calls?”
 Bokuto gave a nod in affirmation, but the down-turn of his lips was indicative that he hadn’t any hope for the callers being his soulmate.
 “I see. I apologize for bringing up a sore subject Bokuto-san.” Aakashi concluded, fully intending to let the subject matter drop and to turn back his attention to the current volleyball match being played below.
 A few minutes of silence passed between the pair, and Aakashi thought he’d been successful in his concluding maneuver. Until Bokuto spoke up once more.
 “Don’t apologize Aakashi, we are friends, if we can’t talk about real stuff what’s the point in being friends at all? Anyway though,” The happy-go lucky boy said plainly, “I think my current method of going about the process is poor though. Because telemarketers either call based off online purchase history, or because they are calling past customers, right?”
 Since he wasn’t quite sure where this thought process was leading, Aakashi just hummed in agreement, as to encourage his friend’s monologue.
 Bokuto continued his speech, saying, “Well as of now I have only been a customer to places called Volleyball Monthly but a coworker told me that sometimes the companies don’t use the same name as the telemarketers. Because their job is to bring in customers to sub-divisions, or partner companies. And I talked to my father about it. He agrees. So now what we want to do is buy from as many volleyball and other sports centric stores. Then it opens up more options for telemarketers to call from the right place.”
 “Well, I hope your idea works the way you hope it will.” Aakashi said in response when it was clear Bokuto was finished saying what he intended to.
The owl-looking boy just smiled at his friend before turning his attention back to the game.
 Once the game reached its conclusion, with the home team coming out victorious, the two males made their way towards the exit.
 Realizing he would have to say good bye to his friend, and not yet wanting to, Bokuto turned towards Aakashi with a wide grin plastered on his face. “Aakashi, do you want to go get dinner with me? We haven’t seen each other in so long, it would be sad to split ways so soon again.”
 Aakashi nodded before commenting, “I agree. Did you have a place in mind to eat at?”
 Instead of answering verbally, the more excitable boy clutched onto the more reserved one’s hand and started sprinting towards the mom-and-pop dumbling place he had decided he wanted to go to.
 When the two reached their destination and Bokuto let go of Aakashi’s hand, the younger male took a few deep breaths with hands held above his head. To open up his lungs after the sudden and unplanned sprinting his body just endured. “I appreciate the warning there Bokuto-san.” He said sarcastically.
 The boy in question just smiled innocently as he half-heartedly apologized and walked into the shop anyway.
 As the two sat down, Bokuto’s phone began to ring. He answered it without looking at the call screen. “Hello, Bokuto speaking.”
 “Dear customer, hello. I am calling on behalf of Aces of the Court. We are reaching out to---”
 “I see. Thank you for calling, but I already have all the volleyball gear I need. Thank you, goodbye.” He interrupted before hanging up the call as quickly as he’d answered.
 Aakashi shock his head, but a small smile pulled at his lips. “Not them I take it?”
 Bokuto just grumbled in response, before digging his nose into the menu in front of them.
 Throughout the meal, 3 more telemarketers had called Bokuto, and to both boys’ expectations none of them had been the telemarketer he’d wanted it to be.
 “Is this normal? I mean the frequency of calls you receive?”
 Nodding as an answer, Bokuto realized just how long it’d been since the two had been in the same vicinity for such an extended period of time. “Yes, actually, today it has been less calls then normal. I told you back in school, I’m serious about finding them. No matter what.”
 Aakashi nodded as he remembered their old conversations on the subject. “Yes, I recall. I think you’ll find them soon though.”
 “Thanks Aakashi! I appreciate the hopeful thoughts!” He replied cheerily.
 As thanks for joining him, and in apology for literally dragging him to the restaurant, Bokuto offered and then paid for both meals. Despite Aakashi’s arguments that the action wasn’t necessary, the older male felt it was both his responsibility and his pleasure and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
 The pair walked out of the fooderie, prepped to say their goodbyes/see-ya-laters when Bokuto received his fifth call of the night.
 “Dear customer, hello. I am calling on behalf of Volleyball Monthly Mag—”
 Bokuto sighed, pulled the phone from his ear and hung up without even responding to the telemarketer.
 Except, as soon as he removed his finger from the end-call red-circle, the word on the back of his left shoulder started to burn.
 His eyes grew wide as the golden orbs locked onto the electronic device currently falling to the ground as in his shock his hand had released it.
 When the clattering subsided, and Bokuto was finally able to actually hear the words Aakashi was shouting into his face as the younger male held and shook the older one’s shoulders.
 “Bokuto-san! What just happened?!” He asked again incredulously.
 “That was them.” He said, still staring in shock at the now cracked screen of his cell-phone. Tears welled in his eyes as he finally looked at his companion, “Aakashi. I just hung up on my soulmate.”
Part 2 to come soon. Before though, what do you think of part 1???
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catastrafey · 4 years
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Some IwaOi fanart for my friend @twirlergirl1206‘s fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/21219836!
Never Trust The Wild Fae
Prompt:  One eye/two hearts/three breaths/four hands/five teeth/six ribs/seven crowns
Rated M (Mature) for implied sexual themes and fantasy horror
Please give it a read if you are of age! It’s very very good!!
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haikyuuautumnzine · 3 years
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Here is Jordan! @twirlergirl1206
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missicle · 4 years
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I was privileged enough to get @twirlergirl1206 as my partner for the HQ Rarepair Bang 2020 done by @hqrarepairbang, and was able to illustrate this after scene from A Walk in the Dog Park.  My art... came out way better in person, sadly. Technology ruins everything. But Twirlergirl1206′s fic is beautiful and amazing and I adored every second I spent reading it, and honestly you will too. And I’m pretty picky, especially with my ships, so you should take that as my wholehearted endorsement and go read it right now. js.
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o-o0613 · 4 years
Oop another one that I said I would do later and forgot about until now. Tagged by @honestlyprettyconfused once again, thank you~~~
Get to Know Me
Rules: Answer some questions and tag some bloggers you want to know better.
NAME: Sarah
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7" or 5'8"
LANGUAGE(S): English, Arabic (I can understand it well but I don't practice speaking so I'm bad at that) & I can read Korean
FAVORITE SEASON: Winter or Spring (even though where I live we only have like 1.5 seasons 😭)
FAVORITE FLOWER: I've never really thought of this but maybe Forget-me-nots? Or Jasmine? Or Lillies? (I want a spider lilly tattoo) (I also love cherry blossoms)
FAVORITE SCENT: Jasmine or Cucumber Melon
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Right now it's Oikawa Tooru from Haikyuu! (before him it was Aomine Daiki from Kuroko no Basuke) (Kakashi Hatake is also up there)
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE?: Tea (I hate iced tea tho)
# OF BLANKETS: 1 super thick one (but it's perpetually hot here so I kinda sleep with it but mostly kick it off by morning)
DOGS OR CATS?: Cats (I like dogs but I hate being licked so, even tho my cat probably hates me because I annoy her)
DREAM JOB: Talent Agent/Manager or Traveling Nurse
# OF FOLLOWERS: 93 (┐(´д`)┌)
BLOG ESTABLISHED: like many years ago, maybe 5? But I started actively using it again a few months ago (I always use it then stop every few months, usually when I become obsessed with something new)
REASON FOR URL: uh no real reason, I couldn't think of anything so I picked a face and a number (is it BTS debut date, I totally had no idea)
RANDOM FACT: I hate this question lol uhhhhh I've basically taken a two year break from school (mostly because I've been lazy, unmotivated and working too much) but I decided for some reason when the country is shut down that would be the perfect time to talk with counselors and continue school lmao oops
I'm tagging the same people I always tag because you interact with my blog and ily for that (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ Sorry if u hate me for always tagging you now lmao (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
@cathgotyourtongue @tamcitrus @redroseinsanity @emigmatic @thelittlebirdthattoldyou @wordswithinmoments @losingdarkness @aespiss @twirlergirl1206
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kurokenfanzine · 4 years
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Next up, Jordan!! As a writer, they will be contributing a written piece to the zine. Follow them on tumblr with the username @twirlergirl1206, as well as on AO3!!
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joshllyman · 5 years
weathering the storm
for @twirlergirl1206
“Iwa-chaaaan,” Tooru calls, settling onto the couch. He drapes his Suga-knitted blanket over his legs and takes his cup of tea in both hands. “Come sit with me and watch the rain!”
Hajime grunts noncommittally, poring over paperwork brought home from the office. Tooru frowns in his direction even though he’s not looking.
“Shouldn’t you have done that at work?” he asks.
“We got busy today,” Hajime sighs. “I’ll be done soon.”
“Alright,” Tooru agrees. He looks out the window and snuggles deeper into the blanket. It’s orange and black because of who Suga is as a person, but they’d made it with incredibly soft yarn, so the hideous color scheme can be overlooked. He takes a sip of tea, pondering how Suga and their partners are doing, and is just considering picking up the phone to send them a text when a loud crack of thunder startles him out of his thoughts.
“Iwa,” he says quietly, looking over to his husband. “Come join me?”
“Nearly done,” Hajime says tersely, his grip on his pen tighter than before. Tooru sets his cup on the coffee table and takes the blanket with him, standing behind Hajime, pressing his nose into Hajime’s neck and letting the blanket fall around both of them. “Hajime,” he rumbles. “It’s alright. I’m here.”
Hajime sets his pen down altogether and turns to accept Tooru into his arms. “I know, Tooru,” he says, and Tooru feels the rumble of it where their chests are now pressed together. 
“I know you’re almost done,” Tooru whispers, “but what if it waited just a little bit to finish and you came and sat with me?”
“So needy, Tooru,” Hajime mumbles, but he stands and lets Tooru pull him over to the couch. Tooru ends up with Hajime pressed against him, Hajime’s knees curled up into himself, one arm around Tooru’s neck, the other hand flat against his chest. His head rests against Tooru’s shoulder. Hajime wraps the blanket around both of them the best he can, and Tooru drapes one arm around Hajime’s waist. He brushes his lips across Hajime’s forehead.
“I’m very needy,” he says quietly. The rattle of thunder rattles them both, and Tooru takes a deep breath and pulls Hajime a little closer. “I won’t be able to handle this storm at all without you, I’m afraid.”
“Hmmph.” Hajime’s eyes fall closed. “I suppose I can sit it out with you, then.”
Tooru hums his approval and lets his own eyes close, as well. “Thank you, Hajime. I love you.”
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karasunovolleygays · 5 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Sawamura Daichi Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi Additional Tags: Bara Cafe AU, Mentions of Dangly Bits, colleagues to friends to lovers Language: English Words: 2719 Chapters: 1/1 Notes: This was my gift for @twirlergirl1206 for the HQ!! Writers discord server Valentine’s Day Exchange.
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
Telemarketer Love--part 2
Once Again!
Reader/Bokuto Koutaru
A/N: Reader is a telemarketer for a company legit called Volleyball Monthly. Except Volleyball monthly exists as a sub-division of a different volleyball apparel company. On your 10th birthday, somewhere on your body, there is a permanent etching of the first sentences your soulmate says to you. Please enjoy this two part story as a present for @twirlergirl1206 as an apology for a lack of reciprocation during an event I planned and poorly executed. I hope you can enjoy this little story and again, I apologize luv. As always, likes/questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome and appreciated (:
 Find part 1 there! It is necessary in order to understand part 2!!
(read part 1 first you crazy people!!!)
Chapter 2-But so are you.
 “Well, that was rude.” You said more to yourself than anything else.
 Unfortunately, your coworker mistook it as a comment sent their way. “Sorry? What was that (Y/N)?”
 “Oh nothing new. Just still getting used to people hanging up mid-first sentence is all.” You explained.
 “Yea, it takes a while. But, you’ve been doing great so far this week. I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Besides this is only a part time gig for you right? Aren’t you also doing that radio gig downtown? How’s that going?” They asked.
 You appreciate this coworker, even if they were a bit intrusive sometimes, so you decided to indulge a bit and answer their questions honestly. “Yea, it is a part time position for me, but I’m not sure, still guessed I should take it seriously like you all do, right? But yea, no that gig is great. The station actually just decided to let me do a late night show over the holiday as extra practice in reaching different types of audiences. I’m really looking forward to it.”
 The pair of you discussed some more with relative ease, before the new list of numbers to call was emailed out. You had appreciate the way this company ran its telemarketing when you received calls as a customer and were happy to be able to follow the bosses guides in making your own.
 Each hour a random list of 15 phone numbers was sent out to everyone in the office and you then had an hour to call each one before a new list would be sent out. You liked this because if callers dropped you like the one you had last just now, then you didn’t have to get rejected forty-something times in a row, but had a time to calm down before interacting with a different customer. And since customers are only supposed to be called if they clicked the box that they wanted to be contacted by the sales’ reps, it was even less likely that people would so rudely hang up like the one who had just flat out refused you.
 Dialing the first number on the new list, you felt a relaxing smile cross your features. You knew for a fact that the customer on the other end of the phone could not see you, but it just always seemed to feel right to you.
 “Dear customer, hello. I am calling on behalf of Volleyball Monthly Magazine. We noticed that you have purchased some items online through our mother company Volleyball is Life. As per your request, we are calling to see if you are interested in joining in our magazine subscription, or to further our customer/retailer relationship and give us any feedback on the products you recently purchased.”
 Every call for the rest of the evening went smoothly. You only had one other customer interrupt your spiel, and they just asked if you could call back in a couple weeks as they were dealing with some personal issues. Which of course you were more than sympathetic towards. Made a quick note about the situation on the contact’s file and finished your work for the evening.
 You had just finished your last call of the shift, and were preparing to make a quick exit to go work on some personal projects back home when your coworker leaned over the separator with a weird expression across their face.
 “(Y/N), I have a guy on the phone here who says he has to talk to the person who had called him last. The file says that was you. Umm” They drag on before putting their hand over the speaker part of the landline telephone, “You didn’t turn this into one of those types of calling centers…did you?”
 You rolled your eyes at their suggestive comment and very plainly said, “Wow, get your mind out of the gutter. No, I didn’t. Who would ask to speak to a specific telemarketer anyway? That’s why we never give our names.”
 “Ah. Good point there. Hang on.” They disappeared behind their cubical for a minute.
 Sitting back in your chair, you wondered what the caller could have wanted. You knew none of your calls the past few days had ended poorly on the customers end, and you hadn’t left any callers’ questions unanswered.
 When your coworker screamed and jumped away from their desk, flinging the corded phone towards the table, your interest was even more peaked.
 Giving them the side-eye, you rolled your chair over to reach their phone and picked it up, “Hello, sir. I am the person who called you last. Did I leave a question of yours unanswered?”
 “I love you. Marry me!” The excited voice practically screamed into your ear. Not a split second later the words of your soulmate, the dark scripted tattoo that had appeared as soon as your physical age reached double digits, the words started to full like they were burning beneath your clothes.
 “Well. This is definitely a surprise. Why is my soulmate exclaiming this when we haven’t even officially met?” You snarking-ly countered.
 The voice laughed what sounded like a head thrown back, ear splitting grin inducing cackle. They sobered up quickly though, and very seriously commented, “I apologize for hanging up on you earlier. I swear it will not ever be a common occurrence, soulmate.”
 Now, it was your turn to laugh out loud. As you calmed yourself to mere giggles, you looked into the caller’s folder your coworker had still pulled up on their desktop. “Hmm, it says hear your name is Bokuto Koutarou. You played volleyball all through middle school and high school and were a nationally ranked hitter. Wow! Congratulations sir. That’s quite an accomplishment. You traveled around a bit after graduating high school and are now playing for a different team, though you still take it super seriously because every month you buy from one of our sister companies. Huh. Who would’ve guessed that my semi-new job would teach me so much, let-alone introduce me to my own soulmate.”
 Your coworker stood behind you, a sweet smile on their face. They shook their hand and reached around you to grab their keys, making a quick exit and leaving you to continue talking to your newly found other half.
 “Well, now hey hey hey. That isn’t too fair. You already know so much about me and I don’t even get a name?” They voice seemingly pouted.
 Smiling into the phone you realized you were already falling for the male on the other end of the phone, “(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” You supplied, ready to answer any questions this cavity causing voice may ask you.
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
Hello all! And welcome to the #HQSS2019 ! Or, to not use the tag, Haikyuu Secret Santa 2019.
I am super excited to do this with everyone and hope you are also!
Now! Some dates to save. Everything should be counted in EST. As it is the easiest time zone for me to quickly regard in comparison to my own.
11.10: Signups to participate have officially closed. Sorry, but if you missed signups, try again next time.
That being said, if I just forgot to tag you, immediately message me and I will correct my mistake as quickly as possible.
11.21: Participants must send me their “introduction” as detailed below by the 21st. It’s a bit longer period because I understand that sometimes internet cramps out, and life gets busy. But, if I don’t get the “introduction” by the 21st, I will unfortunately have to cut that participant.
11.26: Find out who you get to create for and started planning/working your best (:
11.26-12.24: get to know your person (rules on how detailed below).
12.25: Post your gift as either your own post tagging your gift-ee, or as sending in a post to them.
Red, what exactly is a secret santa?
Good question, I explained a little to those that haven’t done this before but hopefully this post clarifies any leftover reservations.
This is an event to share our love for the beautiful HQ characters that have connected strangers across the globe for years. With the new season finally getting a time to shine in just a short while now, the fandom is getting hyped all over and we want to show our own variation of love and support.
Specifically. You will get a person assigned to you that you must create a type of gift for (and someone will also get you). The idea is that all the gifts will be sent out on Xmas, and you can finally learn who had you! If you ever have done a SS irl, it isn’t that much of a difference. Really the only thing that is different are the rules and regulations detailed below.
Firstly, ALL forms of ‘ART’ are welcome! Whether its writing a fic, drawing, headcannons, mixtapes, its good to go. Because the goal is to have fun, and show appreciation for the characters and other members of the fandom.
Thus, people will need to know about their person. As either an ask or a message, each participant should send me the following inscription format, filled with their own responses. (I have filled in mine as an example)
Name/Nickname/Name to be called and pronouns:   Red, she/her
Email address (for generator to send you your person): [email protected]
Type of ART you want to create:  Fic
Type of ART you want to receive:  Fic
Your favorite characters/pairings (what do you want in your gift):  any boy over 6ft tall/fem!reader
Characters you will not create for:  Yachi
Characters you are confident to create for: Kuroo and Bokuto
Things about you:  I am a HS math teacher. I played volleyball growing up and now coach it. I love chicken and most sweets. Bubble tea is an addiction I am not even trying to get over. I love movies. I currently live in China, so life be crazy. And I am 6ft tall so I have a bias towards guys who are taller than me.
Rules and Regulations:
First rule is to have fun.
Second, to show appreciation for one another as fans of the same works.
Third, stay anonymous!!!
This is to say that participants should have anon turned ON.
If you are not comfortable with that, tell me now. That way I can work it out so that the person who has you sends their messages to me and I send them to you.
Or, just don’t ask a question directly to your person. Ask to the whole group, and then no one will know who it is actually secretly directed at.
I have a discord group created for all the participants. You can go and just talk HQ, or life, or ask questions to sneakily find out more about your person, etc. I will send the link to everyone as soon as I can. If you do not receive the link by Nov. 12th, shoot me a message to remind me,
Fourth, enjoy your own work.
Fifth, send out your gifts by Dec. 25th at 11:59pm EST with the tagg #hqss2019
And, finally, enjoy the work you are gifted.
This event is, again, for all of us fans of the same work to come together and appreciate it and each other. There is no reason for anyone to be rude or disrespectful to anyone else.
Emergency drop-outs:
If you have to drop out of the event for any reason at all, please let me know as soon as possible. I understand that things happen in life.
If it happens before the peoples are assigned, there’s no major issue, but if after I will need to make sure that no one is left “empty-handed” on the day of sharing. 
Participants Tagged under the cut!
@supern-a-vengers @bokunotan @twirlergirl1206 @magictwunkspider  @global---weaboo @haikyuuball @sevensus @tinypotatoo @kzombi3 @haikyuu-honeys @senpai-writes @calicoloves @kuroast @kosekiko @summon-the-stars @honey-shippies @haikyuu-baikyuu @sfw-haikyuu-nsfw @oinkawater  @kurokoxstraydogs @kevindyy @haikyuu-tee @haik-utie @how-to-voleebol @haikyuu-philia @drenchedlettuce @ninliane
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