#twin flames universe
carriesthewind · 8 months
I'm watching the documentaries on the Twin Flame Universe cult, and decided to take a look at their website for myself, and found this Very Normal "Legal Disclaimer":
"For example students would be removed for intentionally cultivating hatred, choosing to soak attention for the sole purpose of getting attention, controlling for control’s sake, being toxic, making classes about themselves, being a disruptive student, taking from the class and student experience rather than adding to it
These rules are in place for the benefit of all students so hatred may take no footholds in our sacred space.
By signing up, each student agrees to respect the confidentiality and privacy of the other students. Every student agrees not to engage in what might be construed as libel, slander, defamation, abuse, attack, bullying or hatred of any kind against any client, student or affiliate of Twin Flames Universe, the Church of Union or their affiliates in perpetuity. To violate these terms, the perpetrator agrees to pay a fee of no less than $5,000 USD adjusted for inflation plus damages." (emphasis in original)
Yep, that is 100% a totally normal "legal disclaimer" of an organization that is 100% Not A Cult.
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psychicmediumlisa · 9 months
These two are big con artists and grifters !
Please avoid them and their online cult !!
The “Twin Flame” concept isn’t real. It’s New Age crap. I believe in Twin Souls but they have nothing to do with love and romance just wisdom and growth !
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Watching the TFU, Twin Flames, documentary. I can’t even believe there is an episode two. These people are asshats. How about, No Marlee, you’re just 19. Gotta kiss frogs. And by the way, this guy has a record for someone else’s stuff that was in his car and he couldn’t leave the state for like 11 months. Yeah, Marlee, he is a SWELL fella. Throw away your fucking life. It hasn’t even begun but this asshat is who you’re supposed to settle for, break restraining orders for, like… FOR REAL????
These people are horrible, people. Yea, maybe you will find a twin flame. Everyone has a word for it. Mirroring is very important for self preservation! But you can’t mirror yourself out of insanity.
I won’t even say their names. And the misogyny. She was the inspirational and chatty one in the beginning of their “journey”. Eventually he gets this God complex and she just repeats his word. This is psychological abuse vs. really helping you find your best self so you attract your best self back.
Get out. Don’t pay a dime. I don’t even know if I can stomach episode two. Lord, Jesus!
WTAF is wrong with people?!!!!
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serpentcoded · 9 months
PSA that not everyone who believes in some version of the concept of twin flames is in that cult.
I discovered the concept back in 2008-2009, around nine years or so before the cult was formed. It makes me sick to think that if the cult had existed back then, I could have gotten sucked into it.
I still believe in the concept (a queer friendly version that omits the heteronormative 'divine feminine/masculine' bullshit and that ties into my belief in reincarnation and doesn't really involve a 'god'), and I just don't want people to assume anyone who does is a part of this fucked up cult.
I do hope it implodes soon and that the people who are being taken advantage of by the abusive and insufferable leaders can get out safely and get some therapy from actual mental health professionals.
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rodgermalcolmmitchell · 3 months
Most common personality traits of a cult leader
Is this as perfect a description of Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans as you ever have seen? The 9 Most Common Personality Traits In Cult Leaders Story by Caroline Bologna • 3mo •© Provided by HuffPost “Cult leaders are notable for the enormous amount of power they have over their group,” Ashlen Hilliard, a cult intervention specialist and founder of People Leave Cults, told HuffPost. “This…
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runaway90s · 4 months
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Congratulations to new Twin Flames Universe Ascension Coach, Iris!
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lordfarragut · 10 months
was the twin flames universe actually a big thing or was it yet another case of mid sized facebook group gone wrong
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dedicatedblog · 10 months
Tell it in one sentence! Escaping Twin Flames
Oh, look, if we're to believe this new release, here's a guy who thinks harmonious relationships mean constant mind-blowing sex even if one party says no (totally not controlling), who builds an entire online school, and further a religion on his claimed gift to find your perfect partner, the true you, and thus the solution to your whole life (totally not a cult), you only have to do as he says and blame yourself if you don't succeed (totally not a bully), and you have to work for him in his business model of preying on vulnerable women at the cost of overwriting their core identities, sorry, in finding new members for the community (totally not an MLM system); and look, here's an important documentary on said man and his wife!, full of tear-jerking, cliffhangers, and more Netflix trickery so that you can delve deeper and deeper into this narrative until you receive some form of catharsis (totally not docutainment).
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carriesthewind · 8 months
I'm continuing to poke around on the Twin Flames Universe website, and here are some additional fun things I've found:
Number of clicks to get from the homepage to a direct reference to the Matrix: three
Bonus sentence from said blog post referencing the Matrix: "Before we start with the signs, let’s do a quick overview of the Luciferian system so we can know whether it exists or whether it’s just hearsay." I'm honestly less bothered by the content than the writing quality, especially the use of the word "hearsay." That's not the word you mean!
"You are wrong. All the baby needs for gassiness is their mother’s love." (I would provide context, but it wouldn't help.)
From the front page of the website: "It’s because of the secrets that I know that my relationship with my Twin and myself is not toxic, it’s actually quite healthy and this makes Twin Flame Union possible to be permanent and harmonious." It's very normal to introduce your relationship by emphasizing how it's totally healthy and not toxic and all the people who say it is just don't know your secrets!
"I was very sick at the time with an autoimmune disease...but nothing really worked until I found Twin Flames Universe and I started applying the Teachings in my life. I started noticing shifts in my health, my bloodwork started normalizing." COOL AND GOOD.
In their "Success Stories" there is a "Friends & Family" section that is supposed to show how much better the "students" are doing since they jointed TFU, from an outside perspective. It also is clearly intended as a "we're not a cult! See all these healthy outside relationships that our members maintain!"...Except several of them slip up and reveal that the "friend or family member" is also a member of the group.
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I absolutely love how it’s canon in the books AND the show that Anthony will happily make a fool of himself for Kate’s amusement.
It’s sort of poetic that even though certain things may change and shift, in every universe, Anthony is always going to make Kate laugh. That never changes.
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phoenix----rising · 1 year
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𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑖
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stargazer333 · 11 months
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whitelionspirit · 1 year
Been a minute but some thoughts about linguistics reader! In bayverse.
You met Optimus and the others during the beginning stages of working with NEST. While young you were one of the more skilled people in their arsenal as you took special interest in the ancient language that is Cybertronian.
Being the only human who could decode and understand the language you became crucial in communication with the Autobots as you gain the attention of Optimus who was very interested in your work and your grasp on understanding their language to any capacity.
As a being who cared deeply for history and science youboth got along swimmingly. It baffled everyone especially your superiors but they decided to use it to their advantage.
Over the course of the years working together the two of you developed a deep bond. One that was ripped away when the world turned on your friends.
It broke something inside of you when you thought they had been killed when forced to leave your planet.
Even when you found out they survived everything quickly changed and everyone had to flee. They tried to contain you to use you as a bargaining chip for Optimus but you were thankfully saved by Ratchet.
It put a target on everyone’s back and you soon found yourself being forcefully separated from the people who were your family.
For three years you were on the run constantly hiding until they finally caught up with you. Taken back to Chicago you were forced to work and be used as bait for Autobots.
It disgusted and devastated you to see humans experiment on Cybertronians as if they were just heaps of metal to dissect and create weapons from.
The day you were rescued was chaotic you were nearly fired on as you ran for safety in the lab. If you hadn’t been grabbed by Joshua and presented as a prized horse in front of the Autobots you probably would have tried to escape in the chaos.
You defended yourself explaining they had kidnapped you and forced you to do this.
They were shocked to say the least and from the look on Optimus’ face you felt the last of your already broken heart shatter. His last reigning hope had been soiled.
Even after leaving for whatever reason despite everything Hound scooped you up and carried you away from that hell of a place.
No one said a thing until you reunited with Bumblebee and the humans that they were protecting.
You nearly burst into tears at the sight of the yellow mech.
The talks of leaving and the revelation of Galvatron shocked even you. The questions turned to you to ask what you knew of this. You knew nothing and said so.
When Lockdown suddenly appeared you did your best to stay out of the way but got caught up in the fighting.
You and Tessa were taken aboard the ship. You tried to be a distraction for Tessa so she could get away as Lockdown spotted you and were forced from the car you had hidden in. He called you a rare prize indeed a human with the knowledge and history of Cybertron imbedded into your mind. Favored by the leader of the Autobots.
He tossed you into a cage near Optimus as if to taunt you both.
You didn’t speak at first but eventually you did not being able to bare the silence any longer.
“I’m sorry about the others. I didn’t want to help them but they forced me I didn’t know where you were but they knew just using me would attract them out of hiding.”
He was silent for a long time and it made you hate yourself more.
“It is not your fault my spark.”
The last of your sanity burst at his words as you began sobbing uncontrollably.
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runaway90s · 5 months
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Jeff and Shaleia told us when we were living with them that if we did really well in sales in August 2020, they would purchase cleaners for their own home so we would not have to exhaust ourselves cleaning their entire house top to bottom every weekend anymore.
Not only did we kill it in sales that month, but (I believe) we were top of sales, if I remember correctly. They did not buy cleaners for their own home.
As you can see, blocks, inconsistencies and upsets are not just a "student" issue.
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My heart will continue to bleed in silence for the soulmate connection that was never meant for this lifetime.
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jimin-my-sunshine · 29 days
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They ARE twins and I'm so lucky to be apart of their beautiful union as their other half ♡
"You are me and I am you..."
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