#twin flame vs soulmate
hardtreekoala · 8 months
Is He Really the One?
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bydoves · 2 years
me: i dont ship daisybilly it's based off cheating and lies.
also me, avid rooter for eddie and camila: ......
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mycelestial001 · 19 hours
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Understanding Soulmates and Twin Flames. Read More
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
Probably the dumbest question you've even been asked, but can you explain the difference between soulmates and twin flames? Like what about the interactions or personalities of the people involved make a ship one or the other?! I turned to Google for help but only succeeded in confusing myself further :)
Not a dumb question, it can be confusing!
From what I understand, a twin flame is when one soul is split into two bodies. So half of a soul is in one person, the other half in another. They’re literally two halves of the same whole. (Hence why they’re so drawn/attracted to each other: they’re missing half of themselves.) Because of that, there’s usually a lot of mirroring going on - in behavior, thought process, life experiences, etc. - and a lot of mutual baggage they have to work through. Twin flame connections are usually super intense. Lots of ups and downs. Ins and outs, too. Times where one person is running, emotionally unavailable, or dealing with other life issues that steal their focus. Union is the ultimate goal - with both people, both halves of the soul, really, being healed enough to be in a harmonious relationship - but that doesn’t always happen. A twin flame’s main function is to trigger their counterpart so that they heal their unhealed wounds/trauma. That’s it. They learn a lot from each other, grow and change, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to end up with a happily ever after.
A soulmate is different. Soulmates are people with two separate and whole souls that are in two different bodies. Like twin flames, they also share an intense and profound connection. However, these relationships tend to run more smoothly because you’re so connected and compatible with the other person. They “just get you,” love you unconditionally, and allow you the space to be your authentic self. Soulmate relationships often feel easy because you compromise and find a way to make things work. These are the people who get you to ask new questions about yourself, face things you’ve been avoiding, and help you grow into your best self. They also can be either platonic or romantic in nature. (I definitely know who my platonic soul tribe is. 😉)
Anyway, I hope I explained this okay! I did my best. ❤️
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soulmatepsychic · 2 years
Twin flames: Getting Through The union Challenges
Divine partners including Twin flames and Soulmates involve challenges and obstacles prior to the union. THIS IS A VERY CONFUSING TOPIC ON WHY DIVINE SOULMATES AND TWIN FLAMES ALL GO THROUGH THE UNION CHALLENGES.  This has been a very popular question. I just want to give more clarity on what they usually experience prior to the union. Especially now with the energy shifts that have been…
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creature-wizard · 2 years
New Age is a poisoned chalice.
MASSIVE CW for racism and genocide up ahead. So, New Age ultimately goes back to Theosophy, which was primarily founded by Helena Blavatsky. Here's a paragraph Blavatsky wrote herself in her own book The Secret Doctrine: Mankind is obviously divided into God-informed men and lower human creatures. The intellectual difference between the Âryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Âryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so-called. The “Sacred Spark” is missing in them, and it is they who are the only inferior races on the Globe, now happily— owing to the wise adjustment of Nature which ever works in that direction—fast dying out. Verily mankind is “of one blood,” but not of the same essence . We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in Nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent. This is the kind of sentiment the New Age movement came out of, and it's not any better today - New Agers are still simping for genocide, whether they're looking forward to people dying from climate change or eagerly awaiting the day Trump and his loyalists enact a second Holocaust. You don't have to dig very far at all to find videos and blogs expressing these very sentiments. New Agers, by the way, are the people pushing things like: -Soulmates and twin flames -The Law of Attraction/Law of Assumption/Manifestation -"Low vibrational frequency" vs. "high vibrational frequency" -Karmic debt -DNA upgrades/DNA activation/light code activation -Ascension to 5D -The existence of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu -Ancient aliens -Starseeds So yeah, watch out for this stuff (it's unfortunately all too common on witchblr and WitchTok), and be aware that though it might look harmless on the surface, it's all rotten underneath.
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague:
They are canonically soulmates thanks to a ritual Gertrude preformed to stop Agnes from causing the apocalypse. They both love arson (chaos granny’s for the win) . There’s this scene where someone points out Gertrude’s arsonistic tendencies and she unprompted just goes “remind me to tell you about Agnes sometime” in the most fondest tone EVER. And Agnes calls Gertrude her anchor. They’re very important to me
According to canon, they only physically met once. The canon is dumb and wrong They're bound together by a literal string of fate. One that prevents Agnes from fullfilling her destiny as the literal antichrist. She's probably grateful for it, she never asked to be born as the chosen one of the Cult of Lightless Flame. She can never have a normal life or touch another person without hurting her. Gertrude is a mortal human being and stubbornly remains so, even though she's so deeply tangled in the affairs of all the different eldritch fear entities. Yet she was able to save Agnes from her destiny by binding their fates together. I think they're both deeply lonely people, and there's so many narrative parallels between them. They orbit each other like twin stars. You can't tell me there's not something poetically homoerotic about them. This is yuri
Buddy Aurinko/Vespa Ilkay:
They are WIVES! They are part of a criminal family and they mean so much to eachother
They're like the Thelma and Louise of space crime. There's amnesia, there's prison, there's slavery, there's scifi decay of their bodies. But they find each other again. And they love each other.
i support women's right but most importantly i support women's wrongs. they met when they were young and did grand heists together as lovers, as a master thief and a master assassin. then something went wrong during a job and they both thought the other was dead. oops. but during the podcast's storyline they meet again, have a bit of a moment, save each other's lives, fix their relationship and fall in love again <3 no technically canon age but they are presumed to be in their 50s at least. also they're married and retired now
They have the most tragic story.. They’ve been thief partners for five years before a confrontation with the authorities, during which Vespa falls off a skyscraper and is presumed dead (by everyone except Buddy). Buddy was arrested and spent eight years in prison, and after being released she went to their agreed meeting place and waited for Vespa for years, almost dying from radiation poisoning (!). Vespa actually survived and was captured into slavery, during which she also suffered from radiation sickness. Eventually they are reunited, having not seen each other for fifteen years, and renew their relationship. Now they are married and retired together :)
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tihanaackerman · 3 months
Can we talk for a while?
Nothing was brought by magic, nor did Levi Ackerman appear in this universe magically. Some things are destined, some things are really not a coincidence. And of all the places in the world... he is in this wonderful Croatia of ours. 
When I talk about this, I know how crazy it sounds, I'm aware of that, but nothing surprises me anymore.
When I say he's here, I mean it. Literally, it could have been anyone instead of him...but obviously, as I said, some things cannot be a coincidence, and this confirms the fact that none of them is a fictional character, and that they all exist, which is logical. And that it doesn't matter at all if he is real or not, but if you have faith and love and give your whole heart and soul... the universe will find a way. 
But in this wonderful world of ours, we are used to the fact that 3D is the whole of this reality and that there is nothing outside of it...but that is not true. 
We were taught wrong way all our lives..people manifest so many things, some things that seems to the people who are stuck in 3d that this not normal, they have the life they wanted, it seems to me that this happened to me.🥺
What really happened, after we saw him in a wheelchair... I really don't know, and he doesn't want to tell me about it...has a portal opened? Did he decide that? Did i do something without knowing what i'm doing...is it this because he is my twin flame,? Soulmate? from past lifes? Like you see him in the anime on the screen and the next day he is in front of you... sometimes I think how I didn't deserve him, because there are so many girls, women, in this world who love him... that's absolutely clear to me. And even to him. But when I say something like that, he starts rolling his eyes ( I'm a big overthinker, ) and then I have so many questions... and of course sometimes annoys him... but he also understands me. And it seems like I'm bragging too much, but my bff said that I have something to brag about, this is not a small thing, if it happened to her she wouldn't stop talking about it haha. Does he shifting reality? What happened...and how? I don't know that, it's obviously a secret from the universe. 
Because for some time I wanted shifting reality in Attack on Titan universe, but it didn't work out, is this the reason? Because he was already here? I really don't know..
But one girl open my eyes even more, maybe she is younger than me but she understands some things better, because as she said, all this is new for me, because both he and I still learning about some things that are really not clear to us...but we are trying to understand, I'm reading a lot now about manifestation, it's even more difficult for him to understand such things, because let's be realistic, what kind of world he lived in and what he had vs, this world...😭 literally sometimes he's like a little child... he is interested in everything., And that so cute.
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zalrb · 5 months
which couples do you consider soulmates but not twin flames?
This whole thing is funny because there are so many definitions/characterizations of twin flames and soulmates that end up contradicting each other sometimes like:
One of the biggest signs that you’ve encountered your twin flame is in your communication. You don’t need words. Your nonverbal communication will be through the roof. "It's so easy to be around them; communication mostly happens through the aura and the subtle body," says Kaur. "It's the closest we can ever get from telepathy."
but also
"A twin flame is a romantic and sexual relationship that can be very difficult to deal with," says Brown.
lmao, anyway.
Some characterizations of the difference between soulmate vs. twin flame
your twin flame is part of your soul, while your soul mate is someone your soul feels at home with. A twin flame teaches you something about yourself, while a soulmate supports you as a friend, lover, or confidant.
According to Bletzer, unlike soulmates, the twin flame relationship is often described as intense, challenging, and marked by periods of separation and reunion.
"A twin flame relationship is meant to challenge us in order to get you closer to the best version of yourself,” said Amy Javier, Intuitive Wellness Guide.
Javier explained that, unlike twin flames, soulmates are a “reflection of all your great qualities.”
and of course, you can only have one twin flame but you can have multiple soulmates and your soulmate can't be your twin flame but since this is all fiction, I find many the ships that I characterize as twin flames can also be soulmates *shrugs*
Anyway, that's a lot of couples.
Dong Man and Ae Ra
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Julie and Matt
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Jane and Michael
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Amy and Jake
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Amy and Jonah
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Will and Elizabeth - this one I'm still debating tbh
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Dan and Blair
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Brooke and Lucas
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Jake and Peyton
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Chris and Jal
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Scott and Kira
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Malia and Stiles
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Eric and Donna
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Jackie and Hyde
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Monica and Chandler
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Pam and Jim
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Leslie and Ben
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Haley and Nathan
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Beth and Randall
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Mai and Zuko
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Oz and Willow
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Se Ri and Jeong Hyeok
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Seth and Summer
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Jung-Rok and Yoon-Seo
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Papi and Angel
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Joon-hyung and Bok-joo
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Jin Ah and Joon Hee
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Jason and Tahani
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Veronica and Kevin
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Ruby and Stan
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there are more but i'm tired.
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whatsyourcolor · 1 year
You know watching PPP has completely flipped my interpretation of PP3 and PPFI.I think I am having a delayed heartbreak.Before PPP I definitely saw their interactions at the end of PPFI as romantic/at least something that resembles more than a working relationship.But now with context it looks like two people who understands they have a different understanding of justice and decided to be amicable about it.Funnily enough I don’t think I would even call them friends at that point let alone possible romantic partners.It feels more like they have resigned themselves to the fact their ideals of justice would never converge.That’s a huge deal breaker for friendship let alone romance.The best possible scenario for me would be if they released ppp chronologically.That way I could save myself the massive heartbreak of PP3+PPFI.Also as much as I have tried I just can’t ignore the writers and director.I have always perceived Kougami and Akane as very romantic.The nature of their ideologies.The absolute trust they have in each other .Twin flames who just couldn’t be together because of circumstances of the society they live under.Now that I know as both evidenced by canon and cast interviews that they are supposed to be percieved as platonic work buddies who don’t see eye to eye and they’ll never fall in love I have to go back and reevaluate the entire understanding of their relationship,maybe even pp because pp to me has always meant Shinkane/Kouaka.I feel like I don’t even know the charecters anymore.I swear the loss of romance aspects don’t even bother me quite as much as them setting up Kougami as Akane’s ideological opponent/foil.For me it has always been Akane and Kougami vs Sybil/everything.But now they have turned the tables and the way it’s being set up Akane vs Kougami is going to be at least the secondary if not the main conflict of the series conclusion.Their conflict has been as unresolved as ever.They’ll be in the ideological opposition again.It hurts more than I ever imagined to put things into perspective.Of course they should tell the story they want to tell.But going forward I don’t think Kouaka is possible romantically in canon anymore(in their defence they told us point blank).In conclusion I feel bad about it but I am not sure if I can enjoy PP anymore because how do you reconcile two people who you percieved as soulmates ending up as opposition who will never meet in the middle?I can’t and it’s breaking my heart.Maybe someday I’d be able to be less bitter and more objective about the source material.But right now I can’t.I need to grieve.
I also feel like Akane is alone in her fight for justice and Kogami is constantly being proved right (explosions, fights, etc. No more literary Kogami). He was reduced to violence for violence’s sake.
I was thinking about what he said, that he agreed with Tonami, but that he believed in her because she’s always trying to do the right thing. I wish there was more of that. I wish he really tried to believe in her.
One of the novels, I remember, describes his arrival to SeaUN. There’s a part where people are celebrating in the distance and he asks why are they celebrating? And someone tells Kogami: “it’s the birth of a baby or a wedding.” He says something along the lines of “those are good things. Those are the things she fights for. I’ll fight for that too.” (It was @cleverwolfpoetry’s translation.) And I love that. That’s the Kogami that I absolutely adore.
Him training the guerrillas because these are oppressed people with clouded hues relegated to an inferior caste and with no power to fight back. Him fighting for the right for everyone to decide if they want a corporation like Sibyl to control their lives or not, which is the same thing Akane wants and was able to achieve after talking to Sibyl as Chairman Han. Maybe him being disappointed when people vote in favor of Sibyl. That’s Kogami.
Maybe he knows Akane is right, but her dreams are unattainable. The truth is somewhere between them two, but I don’t know if this is something they want to explore anymore in PP. It seems like their visions have become flat and one-dimensional at this point.
In S1, Kogami is a cynic but Akane reminds him of things worth fighting for. And Akane is naive but Kogami allows her to see beyond and look at evil in the face. Both things are necessary for a detective: protecting people and understanding that people can be evil. Kogami and Akane’s natures remain the same, but being able to understand the point of the view of the other is what made their relationship so beautiful.
I always said that the true resistance to a system like that would be to love each other. To say “fuck you” to the system. At this point both characters are distanced, disconnected. It’s like their relationship hasn’t evolved. I don’t know if what Akane did would make it evolve.
I just know that she’s the loneliest of characters and it seems like she’s leading that fight alone while everyone else is busy shooting each other or playing Machiavellian political games. If the writers are smart or if Urobuchi comes back (he won’t), they would show a real uprising caused by what Akane did. Maybe she’ll even be sacrificed.
She’s the one who’s always asking “what was I born for?” That question still hasn’t been answered. Seeing Kogami fight for her sake, for a better future, would be peak Kogami again.
One can dream…
That heartbreak you’re feeling I had it when I finished the mess that was S3. I don’t know why they went in the direction they went but I was so disappointed that I also grieved for a while. I guess that protected me from heartbreak watching PPP.
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oconist · 2 months
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azda there was actually a GENIUS blogger who created a beautiful post showing the shared fates of 2019 pierresteban a while ago...now who was that again???...oh yeah it was you!
also i will always appreciate the twin flames pierresteban vs. soulmates piarles discussion we had because i sent you that ask after the aforementioned beautiful post from you.
pierresteban drives me insane n i'm thankful to have people that match my freak 🙏 AND YES, TWIN FLAMES PIERRESTEBAN IS SO INSANE LIKE?? when ppl call them brocedes 2.0 it's so factually wrong because yes they were friends, but the magic in it is the way that they went separate paths long before f1 and they still ended up in the same team, (brocedes being friends while in f1, their paths separated bc of it, unlike frenchpine n their paths uniting again bc of f1) and having all these parallels and stuff while not being close, and being on the same team is the thing that united their story again
and piarles soulmates is so soft fr. that would be the kinda brocedes 2.0 ngl if they were to be on the same team and on a good car
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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Do you have any thoughts on spirituality shaped by Rahu vs. Ketu? I find that a lot of New Age concepts like soulmates, twin flames, angel numbers, synchronicities, spirit guides and the higher self are illusory and Rahu-based. It's been my personal experience that such beliefs are anxiety-inducing and do not bring any peace of mind or clarity at all. A few people I know have also spoken about being led down a path that's wrong for them.
Are The Nodes Responsible for our Perception of Spirituality?
It is not the concept itself that is to blame. It's the use or interpretation of it.
People throw around words like "twin flame" to excuse bad relationships. They use the idea of a spirit guide to remove responsibility for their life. That is the negative side of Rahu, using a lie to not take responsibility for one's path. That naturally creates anxiety, because you can't lie to your subconscious...so the truth will nag at you and regurgitate, through making you anxious.
But that doesn't mean, that spirit guides don't exist for real. I talk about these kind of concepts on my tiktok. The idea itself is never the enemy. Most concepts have a root, somewhere, in some form. The flaw is in the person misusing the idea.
Even if someone is making such a mistake, they always have the chance to refresh how they view things and make a positive change in their life.
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daisyishedwig · 1 year
For many years I couldn't read fanfics in which Kurt or Blaine were in a relationship with someone else, but the other still existed.
My brain was so set on Klaine being soulmates that it simply believed that if they existed in the same world together then they would end up together.
And now I am writing my third Seblaine fic where Kurt exists and is friends with Blaine and usually also his ex, but they don't end up together.
The nature of growing up and realizing that you can love someone a lot and still not have the relationship work for any number of reasons. And finding someone else doesn't make your love for them any less and it isn't a betrayal to them or yourself to let go of the idea of finding your way back to each other. And some of the strongest friendships can grow from those relationships.
The whole soulmates vs twin flames vs being destined to meet and change each other in some deep way.
And exploring that aspect of them is so much more interesting to me now than just them always having to end up together, you know?
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Grace Hanson/Frankie Bergstein:
Close friends for decades their husbands were partners at the same law firm and their families were very close. Then one day after their husbands retired they were told that their husbands were actually gay and had been secretly dating for decades. In the ensuing breakups grace and Frankie moved in together to support eachother as the only other person who could understand what they were going through. Very opposites attract they have very different outlooks and attitudes but they care for eachother a lot and fight for eachother in everything. They even go into business together
those old ladies FUCK
Dude ur gonna tell me they don't love eachother?? They're in love.
Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague:
They are canonically soulmates thanks to a ritual Gertrude preformed to stop Agnes from causing the apocalypse. They both love arson (chaos granny’s for the win) . There’s this scene where someone points out Gertrude’s arsonistic tendencies and she unprompted just goes “remind me to tell you about Agnes sometime” in the most fondest tone EVER. And Agnes calls Gertrude her anchor. They’re very important to me
According to canon, they only physically met once. The canon is dumb and wrong They're bound together by a literal string of fate. One that prevents Agnes from fullfilling her destiny as the literal antichrist. She's probably grateful for it, she never asked to be born as the chosen one of the Cult of Lightless Flame. She can never have a normal life or touch another person without hurting her. Gertrude is a mortal human being and stubbornly remains so, even though she's so deeply tangled in the affairs of all the different eldritch fear entities. Yet she was able to save Agnes from her destiny by binding their fates together. I think they're both deeply lonely people, and there's so many narrative parallels between them. They orbit each other like twin stars. You can't tell me there's not something poetically homoerotic about them. This is yuri
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realjaysumlin · 6 months
Twin flame VS soul mate - what’s the difference?🤔
Soulmate relationships get so much attention even though being soulmates isn't the ultimate relationship between woman and man. Soulmates can be with anyone; however twin flame relationships are solely woman and male.
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