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Rereading the Fires of Heaven and laughing cause I forgot just how often Rand has his coat buttoned halfway down his chest. Tits out in the desert is his default mode when he's in the Waste and it's so funny to me
it's his only option if he's going to insist on wearing a wool coat!! maybe the real reason he insists on wearing a wool coat in the desert is so that he can have an excuse to keep it unbuttoned all the time. rand i am onto you!
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I know it's still a long wait but I can't stop thinking about Kaladin and Szeth's Shinovar roadtrip. It's gonna be such a culture shock for Kal cause like he's spent his entire life in Alethkar so to go from Alethkar to suddenly being dumped in the middle of stereotypical fantasy Europe is gonna be so weird for him. "The grass doesn't move! The trees are weird! Why are all the animals so fluffy? Szeth, explain all these things to me."
IT'S GONNA BE SO GOOD!!!! Kal finally getting to touch grass good for him he needs it <3 related, I actually just restarted the way of kings (again lmao) and in one of his earliest flashbacks Kal talks about how he wants to travel wide and far and I realized damn he's doing it 🥺
#rote#kowt#stormlight archive#twicetolivetwicetodie#again#I am so sorry for answering two nights late. lmao#*MONTHS not nights lmao. I am all over the place smh
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I'm rewatching Q&A and god we never found out what was up with baby Malcolm running in the woods with a pocket knife or Martin looking to guiding him to stabbing someone on the camping trip
literally the biggest mystery of the show I NEED ANSWERS LIKE??? are we supposed to assume that john washed up after martin (?) tossed him in the river and tried to get malcolm to stab him again?? I think malcolm running in the woods fits better like maybe he got scared after stabbing john or john tried to attack him but none of the flashbacks really fit with what we know about the camping trip imo at least like it feels as if they had a direction to go in but they needed john while michael sheen couldn't film for a few episodes and based the plotline around THAT
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Not to keep bugging you, but have you watched Wheel of Time yet?
I DID! And I'm still working on S1! But I'll try and finish it tomorrow!
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13 books tag game, tagged by @aceofthegreenajah
1) Last book I read:
Network Effect, and it slapped!
2) A book I recommend:
Everybody go read The Jasmine Throne NOW.
Fantasy sapphics in a gorgeous and thematic India-inspired world
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
I never talk about the Hunger Games in like a fandom sense but truly the first book I literally read in one sitting in one day and then immediately started the second
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
The entirety of WoT, let’s give it up for the entirety of WoT
5) A book on my TBR
Umm there’s quite a few as I’m trying to get over the like decade period in my life where I didn’t really read but maybe RotE haha I promise it’s in the list!!
6) A book I’ve put down
Oooh I’m sorry but … A Feast of Crows. I got to some point in that book and then realized I was done forcing myself through a series I was not enjoying
7) A book on my wish list
where the FUCK is Alecto!!!!
8) A favourite book from childhood
well unfortunately I was a [redacted] kid but we don’t talk about that anymore. Otherwise I LOVED the Chronicles of Narnia and Prince Caspian specifically, although I had that anthology that had them all as one big book so I’d just read it cover to cover
9) A book you would give a friend
I think most of my friends already at least know about WoT so.
10) The most books you own by a single author
Don’t own a ton of physical books but yeah. WoT
11) A nonfiction book you own
My Old English dictionary
12) what are you currently reading
I’m a little bit into Children of Dune, so far it’s smoother than Messiah, which was a chore to get through, but it’s still pretty early to say anything about it (Jessica has also returned to me so that helps)
13) what are you planning on reading next?
I’ve got Babel checked out so I’m excited about that! I want to read her work but I’m not entirely sure if The Poppy War is For Me based on what I’ve read about it so idk, I thought this one might be better, and I’ve also waited MONTHS to get it lol so it’s popular
And then I have no shelfie to share because I’m basically exclusively ereader right now lol
And then to tag (no pressure and this goes out to anyone I didn’t tag as well, because I’m nosy and am always collecting book recs)
@lordgolden @highladyluck @gunkreads @cozcat @clearancecreedwatersurvival @loamvessel @hauntedmoors @sixth-light @twicetolivetwicetodie @bogreader
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Tag Game
@losersclubisms @series-thoughts @thebogcreature @brightmalcolm @oimoi-op @twicetolivetwicetodie
Respond with the nonfiction books you have read or are currently reading that stuck with you most.
- Night (read in high-school)
- The Home Place (read in college)
- The Glass Castle (have been reading slowly for 8 years and am still currently reading)
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@twicetolivetwicetodie and I both foaming at the mouth at Zoom and Godspeed respectively JSHDKFLG:F - this was for US specifically
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get to know me
tagged by @ofthebrownajah and tag 9 people to get to know better
three ships: Rand/Mat (WoT), Indy/Helle (my OC's), Lestat/Louis (for the sheer melodrama)
first ever ship: the wild fae creatures I imagined in the trees behind my school/me
last song: ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine
last movie: Across the Spiderverse!
currently reading: Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny - Kate Manne. Just finished Assassin's Apprentice and was not prepared for the continuous gut punch throughout the entire goddamn thing. Loved it.
Currently consuming: Jury Duty & a dry white wine
currently craving: Reese's Cups, because I'm kicking my own ass and dieting/hitting the gym for the first time in a year and feeling it
Tagging: @lordgolden, @unreasonablereasoner, @vanillatwist, @corellianne, @lockedinabookstore, @mermaidtablet, @flame-of-tar-valon (idk why tumblr won't acknowledge this is a real blog and link it wtf), @wheelofshenanigans, @twicetolivetwicetodie
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This came across my Twitter feed and...these people don't deserve Show Rand. Also, s2 is cringe? Imagine having such garbage taste couldn't be me.

show!rand is the sweetest baby and they do not deserve him!!!!!! i also cannot comprehend how show!rand and early-book!rand could feel SO significantly different from each other to anybody, like, yeah there's some tweaks here and there, but they 100% feel like the same person (vs. mat who i do acknowledge kinda feels like a different person atm in the show. a better one lmfao)
if TGH rand was a girl, he would absolutely be criticized as a mary sue. he's randomly amazing at some difficult skills despite little to no training, he defeats a blademaster AND a forsaken singlehandedly, a seasoned general respects him as an equal, a peasant is desperate to worship him as a lord, a whole city's worth of nobles are drooling over him, etc. but so many readers take all that as his due, so when s2 pulls it back a little and says "hey, let's make this more realistic by having rand NOT be randomly amazing at difficult skills and NOT get hero-worshipped by every person he talks to", they cry that the show has done rand dirty and made him useless and weak and passive and pathetic. no, they just made him a more believable character.
#making this unrebloggable because i'm afraid of people coming in to add their shit takes unsolicited lmao#twicetolivetwicetodie#answered
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I like that your pfp and user name are from two different fandoms, so my question is: would Elayne and Beloved be friends
The mere thought of Elayne and Beloved in the same room just froze my brain. Imagine….. Camelyn’s newest court jester/cunt serving lord/woman with aes sedai energy… any facet fits
and in ALL OF THOSE SCENARIOS THEY ARE BESTIES!!!! Between the two of them the Camelyn servants would have to be heating bath water 24/7.
Also for some reason I’m imagining Avi and Fitz having a hilariously antagonistic relationship
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Rewatching Alone Time and it is still the episode of all time
malcolm breaking his own hand with a hammer...to ME that's cinema
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Adding more onto this chain with a few book spoilers but only the kind that improve the recommendation. And tbh wot is complex enough that spoilers absolutely do not ruin the narrative, they enhance it. It’s better and better on every reread when you can pick up the foreshadowing.
If you like BBC Merlin, you should watch Wheel of Time.
See above: hot villainous lady mages
codependent sworn fealty relationships between mages and knights
Magic systems where the main characters who are magic users are basically demigods able to exercise some insane cosmic powers over the fabric of spacetime
arthuriana stuff. Theres two different Arthur characters and like 3/4 Merlin characters and this is very vague book spoilers that have already been hinted at in the show but one of the Merlin characters is also the Guinevere character and they’re great dramatic and political foils
homoerotic bromances #cauthorcanonwhen
Protagonists hounded by prophecy
Magic battles. Oh my god. Just trust me on this, prime released a preview scene from season three, the magic fight scenes pop the fuck off in season three.
And also as as @twicetolivetwicetodie pointed out previously, if you like Critical Role or dnd in general you should watch the wheel of time.
The main ensemble are basically a chaotic dnd party prone to engaging in absurd near-slapstick comedy shenanigans in a magical post apocalyptic feudal fantasy setting whose job it is to save the world at the Last Battle between the forces of the Light and the Shadow. The first book is basically a lord of the rings fellowship fanfiction. Here’s the main party rundown.
Rand: what if a paladin was also a level 20 mage with no control by birthright? And also his innate magic is slowly driving him insane because of a magical cataclysm 3000 years ago. And he’s King Arthur and a Christ figure and the reincarnation of magical Eve (see magic cataclysm 3000 years ago)
Nynaeve: this healer can will and probably already has kicked your ass. Incredibly stubborn, mad as hell, usually right.
Egwene: wizard and also resident badass. Has killed before, will kill again. Egwene has done nothing wrong ever in her entire life.
Elayne: this future monarch is an artificer!
All four of the above are so innately magical that they’re basically walking nukes. The magic users in wot are elemental benders who are channeling the fundamental power that creates the fabric of reality, the woven pattern of an age threaded with the lives of individuals. And it both feels wonderfully addictively good to channel, and if you channel too much of the One Power you die!
Lan: uncrowned king of a lost kingdom who already maxed out fighter levels and keeps on taking more levels in adjacent classes
Mat: what if a rogue had world breaking levels of luck and the memories of dead generals in his head. Token funnyguy.
Perrin: this blacksmith can talk to wolves (it gives him magic dream powers)
Moiraine: this magical mentor/gandalf figure is a Demi-immortal spymaster milf. And she’s in a secret lesbian marriage with the wizard pope.
Do you like the lord of the rings? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like arthuriana? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like the locked tomb? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like dune? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like GOT/HOTD? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like the expanse? You should watch the wheel of time.
Do you like complex science fantasy worldbuilding, showstopping villains, weird cultural mishmash religious allegories, codependent knight/mage relationships, geopolitical dramas, homoeroticism, polyamory, and again I can never stress this one enough, femdom stuff?
You guessed it!
You should watch The Wheel Of Time!!!!
#bbc merlin#dnd#critical role#wheel of time#wot show#wot on prime#I’m not tagging for book spoilers because again these are the spoilers I usually mention when#I didn’t include aviendha in the main party#trying to get people into the wheel of time#only because she has not graduated from side to main character yet#and I hope she will in season three#caitie speaks
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Tag Game: 9 Favorite Characters
Tagged by @asha-mage
I’ll do one character per fandom or this would just be nine WoT characters. I love the quotes that asha-mage had so if I can find some I’ll include them
1) Egwene al’Vere - the Wheel of Time
“I’d name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.”
2) Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb
“Did I sin, lord? Did I kill two of my fathers that day?”
3) Marissa Coulter - His Dark Materials
“It came to me like a thief in the night, and now I love her so much my heart is bursting with it.”
4) Wynona Earp - Wynona Earp
“Make your peace.”
5) Jasnah Kholin - Stormlight Archive
“A woman’s mind is her most precious weapon.”
Jasnah fanart by blacksalander
6) Ellie Williams - the Last of Us
“I’m just a girl, not a threat.”
7) Jasper - Steven Universe
“My diamond, your diamond, Pink Diamond!”
8) Reinhardt - Overwatch
“I have been called. I must answer. Always.”
9) Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars
“I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side like you do.”
I’ll tag @cozcat @wheresmulder @clearancecreedwatersurvival @sixth-light @romanimp @riddleredcoats @twicetolivetwicetodie @jaqobis @butterflydm
#wheel of time#his dark materials#the locked tomb#wynona earp#stormlight archive#overwatch#Star Wars#steven universe#the last of us#tag games
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This is how I keep track of rslash videos I like
@losersclubisms @twicetolivetwicetodie @brightmalcolm
Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊

Ok, I’ll go first

If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️🔥
Tagging: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @nic-214 @milkyway-ashes @dr-radiation @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @sunsetdaydreamer @therockywhorerpictureshow @delicatelyfantasticninja and everyone 😊
Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!
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lostinthespeedforce ----> twicetolivetwicetodie
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Have you seen the Randfear Renaissance painting picture:

oh to be lanfear tenderly cradling rand in my arms. oh to be rand being tenderly cradled in lanfear's arms. god i wish that were me!!!
looks like this must be from inside the ways en route to falme? i wonder if there was originally a scene of the gang spending the night in there, or if this was simply taken as an on-set photo and isn't from an actual filmed scene. can you imagine the vibes of a lanfear-rand-moiraine-lan Ways Sleepover djkfjgh i would pay so much money to witness that
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