#twd: TBOC
haircoveredwriter · 6 months
She’s here!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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emeryhiro · 21 days
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Carol x Daryl: My favourite shots of Caryl in one frame - Seasons 8-9
They're so soft with each other 🥹❤️‍🩹
[Part 1]
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reedusmcbridedaily · 2 months
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grimmjowkurosakidrake · 2 months
Daryl: I want to travel and see what's out there. Daryl after a few weeks without Carol: Okay, I've seen enough.
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hisdahlia · 1 month
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youmakethelight · 20 days
Character integrity would be either carol and daryl are platonic and daryl is asexual, or they're romantic endgame and they fuck.
That's literally it.
Daryl dixon is not globe trotting apocalypse bachelor.
"When daryl falls in love, he'll love you forever", "daryl will not enter a relationship easily". "I'm never gonna hate you". Carol or no one.
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springzbee · 2 months
My favorites from San Diago Comic Con
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apascalypse · 4 months
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#MelissaMcBride and #NormanReedus wave to fans July 10, 2023, after a day of filming in Paris.
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shana-silver-fox · 2 months
I really thought more people would be happy that the Nun is dead? But instead we have people upset because she got to appear as a ghost and Carol didn’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️Why on earth would Carol appear as a ghost to Daryl? He just got her back there’s no way his brain is going to even let him consider she’s dead, even in a hallucination. And Izzy conveniently newly dead, and the person who is always talking to him about having Hope and Faith, it just makes sense.
“Oh, but Isabel gets to look like an angel, why not Carol?”Uh… because she’s not dead! There is nothing romantic in the ghosts interaction either. Y’all really want me to be jealous of a 👻? Does he tell her he can’t go on without her? Nope. Does he tell her she changed his life and he’ll never be the same? Nope. Does he tell her he wishes they had more time together? Nope. It’s just say hi to my dead pals 
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To me, this whole scene proves that Isabel was never there as a romantic plot or even ship baiting. Her entire purpose was to absolve Daryl of his guilt. That’s why we had to go the religious symbolism route with a nun. Daryl now feeling lifted of the guilt he’s been carrying around for his friends/brother/izzy can now have an open free heart for Carol.
Carol is of course getting her absolution in a similar way.
Now both free from the shackles the old shows constant grief cycle for the both of them…nothing but blue skies.
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jadesea33 · 23 days
I read @9lives2mics post this morning and felt like it pretty much summed up my thoughts and feelings about all of this so I wasn’t going to share what I wrote yesterday. But Shalaka encouraged me to add my voice to the chorus and she’s right: if we want something to change, we need to speak up about it, so here we go.
I’m going to start with something positive: I’m happy that Carol will be confronting some of her past trauma and it’s clear that Melissa is too, based on everything she’s said during promo for the show. This has been the main focus of her comments. I believe she wants to give Carol personal closure and I respect her for that. But I’m at the point where it seems likely to me that she agreed to do the spin-off for Carol. Not Caryl. Not because she doesn’t care about Caryl but because it seems that what happens with Caryl may be beyond her control.
People say we should trust her. And I do. But people also seem to forget that she’s only one woman in a room full of men. She doesn’t get to decide everything (unfortunately, because I’d be 100% on board with THAT show). I imagine it’s more likely she gets to say what she wants for Carol but she’s not going to be able to decide the arc for Caryl on her own. Norman’s made himself wishy-washy enough about it all over the years that I honestly have no idea how he feels about romantic canon but if the showrunner doesn’t want it, it’s not going to happen. And David Zabel has said he doesn’t want it.
And trust me, I get that the source of all this is a clickbait article written by someone who apparently has proven themselves to be anti-Caryl but my feelings are based entirely on the direct quotes from Zabel. I actually didn’t read any of the article except the quotes. So unless he was grossly misquoted or was using the world’s worst deflection tactics, he does not want romantic canon for Caryl. I see no ambiguity in what he said. No room for interpretation.
And not only that, but he wants to set up a Daryl/Isabelle romance that undermines Daryl’s character and his relationship with Carol. And I just can’t tolerate that. Carol is going to cross an entire damn ocean to search for him and what? Find him experiencing “mutual interest” in a relationship that’s “more than friendship” with a manipulative nun he barely knows? Is Daryl even going to be happy Carol’s there? Is he going to show her the love and appreciation she deserves or is he going to be too busy with his “feelings” for another woman? Are we going to have to watch Carol comfort Daryl through his man pain over a forced relationship that never made sense and that took place while Carol was risking her life, battling her claustrophobia and confronting her personal trauma in order to find her “friend”? None of that is anything I have the slightest desire to watch.
I could possibly still give AMC my money without romantic canon. I could potentially watch Carol working through her trauma with the person closest to her in the world by her side if it highlighted their bond in a deep, meaningful way. But the shipbaiting is going too far for me. It disrespects the relationship that Carol and Daryl have shared for the last 14 years and it disrespects the fanbase that wants to tune in to see their bond continue it’s natural course, to see them nurture it and watch it grow.
If AMC wants someone like me to watch this show, they need to find a new showrunner, one who actually understands and respects Carol, Daryl and Caryl. Because it’s clear to me now that David Zabel doesn’t. I know filming has started on S3 but if we get a S4 and beyond, a new showrunner could still potentially clean up the mess that Zabel seems intent on creating.
Okay, if you actually read this far, thank you. And please, I know it can be hard to speak out. It causes me great anxiety to do so, especially when I know that some of my fellow Carylers will not like what I say. I fear some of the friendships I’ve formed in this fandom may be strained now because of differing opinions and that breaks my heart. But ultimately I care too deeply about these characters to remain silent when I see a great disservice being done to them. If you see that disservice too, please speak up about it. Will it make a difference? I don’t know. But we’ll never know if we don’t try. Sending love to you all. ❤️
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frangipanilove · 4 months
We have a new music box reference, my friends!!!
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I could write a thesis on how this is excellent news and why I love it! But I don’t really have to, do I, because everyone already knows.
Is it September yet???
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haircoveredwriter · 7 months
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A house made of Caryl bricks. ❤️ Sounds good to me.
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emeryhiro · 6 months
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New clips of our Queen herself from today's TBOC teaser ♡
Her using Daryl's crossbow and riding his bike😫she just looks so natural, like they belong to her just as much as him ♡♡♡
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hisdahlia · 24 days
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youmakethelight · 23 days
Dear AMC
Okay, so here's where I'm at following the David Zabel quotes released yesterday. I truly hate to be in this negative mindset and I wanted my tumblr to be a fun space only, but it's what I'm feeling, so I'm going to get it out. This is the most serious post I'll ever write (hopefully) so buckle up.
I'm not doing this because I don't want to continue to spread joy about caryl. I'm doing this because, if there's any chance, however small, that I can help to make a positive difference for the people I've come to care about, then I'm going to do that. This is because I care about female representation and empowerment. And because I care about what these stories mean to and for people, and especially people who relate to characters who have experienced abuse. Holding these characters' stories is a responsibility and those who do so need to be held accountable for how they do it.
I'm going to talk a lot now, but it's going to mainly be about Melissa, Isabelle's character, David Zabel, Greg Nicotero, and the idea of romantic caryl. I'm going to try to break it up into sections just because it's so long.
Melissa McBride snuck up on me. I started watching TWD a couple of years after it first aired and like many, I fell for Daryl as a character. I observed his chemistry with Carol and always thought their relationship was something special. But like many, I gave up on the show around season 6/7. When TWD was released on Now TV in the UK this year, I decided to catch up, and season 9 hooked me on #caryl. Specifically, I was mesmerised by Melissa McBride and I've only grown to love her more. It's been beautiful finding the fandom and realising that Melissa McBride is the beating heart of it. She might not have as many Twitter followers as Norman Reedus, but she is valued more than I have seen any actor and she honestly doesn't even have to try. Fans will support her for walking to a car. I like Norman but I love Melissa.
Melissa looks happier than I have ever seen her look and she is honestly the only thing that has been keeping me tethered to any hope that I will enjoy this spinoff. My hype has been 100% driven by Melissa and how she has spoken about being back. I've already paid for Carol merch, which is something I never do. And if it wasn't for the fact I knew she was coming back at the end of season 1, I honestly wouldn't have watched Daryl Dixon. After investing in their relationship over 12 years of TWD, I'm not interested in seeing Daryl solo travel the globe and find a girl in every port. I'd rather watch something else and pretend the spinoff doesn't exist. But since Melissa is here and she's happy, I've still been hooked.
Seeing Carol confront her trauma surrounding Sophia is something I have been wanting for years. Since I started watching TWD again this year, all you'd ever hear me say is "why does no one ever talk about Sophia?". So I am beyond happy that story is receiving a spotlight in season 2. And I sense this is what Melissa is happy about too.
Beyond that, I really feel like Melissa doesn't have much space for her own voice. At SDCC, she said that she's quiet on her EP notes because she's the new person. And David Zabel made a joke that she doesn't want to make him cry (hilarious). Of course, I have no idea what the reality is, but my gut feeling is that Melissa is happy that she finally had some control with her character's own story after 14 years. But I truly don't believe she has even been given the space to think about how she *personally* would like the caryl story to look, let alone what they choose to do with the other major female character's story. I think Melissa respects Norman and trusts him with that part of the story. She knows he's had more power with the other producers - he was there for all of season 1, it's his name on the title of the show, and he chose the showrunner and writers.
And as for everything else, Melissa has spent the majority of her career in a male-dominated genre, all of her most powerful coworkers are part of that demographic, and in response to caryl, she has been the target of misogyny and ageism that is ongoing today. If I were her, I'd feel I can only speak so loud for so long before someone feels I've stepped on their toes.
While I do believe Norman cares about her deeply, I don't have any reason so far to trust that he understands the nuances of sexism well enough to be able to make the calls I'd want him to make. I really feel that if he did, he would never have agreed to the half naked shipbait nun scene in season 1. On to my next section...
Isabelle, David Zabel and Greg Nicotero
I will die on the hill that Isabelle's story should never have been touched by any inkling of shipbait, because she is a dedicated nun. The idea of romance for her present day story (especially with the male lead) grossly over-simplifies the decisions that led her to become a nun.
I do personally feel that the isabelle-laurent-daryl surrogate family idea is *pretty much* just that. I think, personally, DZ is lying when he says that the idea of romance wasn't manufactured. I think he wants us to believe that what we see on screen is organic. Absolutely nothing about the half naked wound helping scene, the happy stares across rooms with a happy score, and the 'isabelle just woke up in hospital and oh look its daryl's crossbow he must have been looking over her' scene is organic. Those are manufactured. Until episode 6, I liked isabelle and I think clemence is great. But daryl and isabelle's chemistry is non existent. I honestly think calling it a friendship is a stretch. Maybe the god awful, problematic "are you going to do to laurent what your dad did to you" could have been forgiven if they'd genuinely had any compelling bond whatsoever, but they didn't, and at best, it came off as needy. At worst (and what it actually was) was emotionally abusive. The thing I have always loved about caryl is that they *never* guilt-tripped each other like that. I really hope Zabel knows that line was truly offensive.
So anyway, I don't know, I think DZ would have liked it to go romantic, but nobody liked it. And based on the way they talked about it at SDCC, I think Norman is set on the idea it's really all about Laurent, and Isabelle is just another adult who cares about the kid so he cares about her too. However, I do think Nicotero and Zabel are invested in the idea that Daryl is falling for her. Nicotero in particular is obsessed with the idea that Daryl's falling for her while he doesn't know Carol is on her way - I actually find him enjoying that idea repulsive. So, I think they've written some ship bait in there, but I think Norman's acting choices will be reluctant. So, as long as there isn't something physical between them, I think Norman and Melissa's chemistry can recover from it. But. Zabel (and Nicotero) are showing their true colours.
While we're on Nicotero. I recently discovered that he has spoken about supporting bethyl before. So, if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about him and his idea of how women and romance should be presented on screen in 2024, I don't know what will.
Romantic Caryl
Finally, I want to address the idea of whether Carol and Daryl should or could add a romantic element to their relationship. Lots of people that I agree with have already written well articulated thoughts about this, including this by my-mt-heart. My personal feelings are these.
Carol and Daryl have built a layered, deep, and emotionally rich relationship over 11 seasons of TWD. Fans are aware of the romantic layers throughout the years, and even those who don't follow it closely can see the romantic potential. It would be a disservice to fans to let those years of layering and emotional depth fall flat. And frankly, so many fans simply won't follow. (And if you're worried about fans who don't like the idea not watching - well, honestly, I don't like Richonne. Love them both individually but I never saw the chemistry and it felt random to me. But I still watched them and cared about them and their story and I even watched The Ones Who Live despite cringing the whole time.)
The creative opportunities are huge. Carol and Daryl are not a stereotypical love story by any means. Their dynamic has been fuelling creative minds for over a decade. I would personally admire any showrunner/writer who steps up to the challenge. Alternatively, not bothering comes across as lazy and cowardly to me.
At this point, there's absolutely no doubt in the audience that Carol and Daryl are soulmates. Their happy ending has been an important theme for a while now. And they are the characters that fans care about. Even fans who don't care about whether they have a romantic relationship agree that their idea of a happy ending would be with each other (and Dog). This wouldn't have to be romantic, but since we know that they are both interested in romantic relationships and have some romantic foundations together - why not? No other romantic relationship either of them could have is ever going to match up against Daryl and Carol's relationship. And why should they both be deprived of romance if they are both interested in romantic relationships? Who does that serve?
The idea that two people can so selflessly love each other for over a decade and end up together romantically is the ultimate bond of love. Suggestions that romance would 'cheapen' or 'ruin' a bond make me question what those people think romance means. It isn't the same as Richonne's romance. It's quiet and calm and careful. It's two damaged souls uplifting each other. So many viewers are empowered by that sort of story.
It would show that AMC are progressive and not ageist or sexist.
Final thoughts
I can't express enough how much I wanted to ignore all of my doubts about this spinoff because of Melissa's involvement and because I genuinely do trust her creative imagination more than anyone. But the comments by Zabel that were released yesterday have brought back the pit I was feeling in my stomach. I trust Melissa and I will always trust Melissa. But I don't trust Zabel. I don't trust that Zabel is doing right by Melissa or by the characters of Carol and Daryl. That doesn't mean that I think he's evil and doing nothing at all right. I just truly believe that we deserve better and Melissa deserves better.
I will give all of my hard earned cash and time to Melissa projects, but I won't do the same for Zabel, or even Norman without Melissa.
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jailhouserock45 · 20 days
I still can't get it out of my head.
From what I've gathered and seen through the lovely gifs that everyone shares, I got myself excited for caryl going canon even though I told myself that ship had probably sailed😅
After around season 8-9 I started thinking "huh, maybe they won't do anything about these two people who very much love eachother and have chemistry off the charts, and keep them buddies instead."
And I slowly have been accepting it (ish) over the years...UNTIL....
Daryl got his spinoff.
And even though I haven't watched it, only through gifs, videos, tumblr posts etc etc...(so please correct me if I'm wrong anyone😆) but it REALLY seemed to me that they were finally finding the excuse to make Daryl realize his feelings for Carol this whole time, in turn making him NEED to get back to her and finally do something about it.
From things like the pigeon handler saying "maybe he has a girlfriend? Yes, we all have someone who waits for us somewhere." Then the camera immediately showing Daryl, who looks down in thought as if longing for something...(*cough cough* someone...)
Like, we already know he has DREAMT of going back home, and he has DREAMT of Carol.
Dreaming of her, people...What are we SUPPOSED to think he's thinking?
The pigeon handler even mentioned a girlfriend. That wasn't completely necessary to add but they did. Hmm.
Then I saw a clip of Daryl, (the whole thing probably lasts 2 seconds) glancing at an older couple who are sitting close together, and smiling at eachother.
Daryl observes that, then has that same longing/sad look on his face before moving on.
What on earth? Like I said, I haven't watched it so maybe I'm way off and I need context, but to me that implies he is wanting something like what those older people have... and with who else other than Carol? There is no other person he has been close to...
Then we have a moment of pretty big significance to me.
Daryl was asked if he'd ever been in love....and he HESITATES.
He didn't automatically shake is his head, and let out a gruff "nah" and drop it. He had to think about it.
It's plain to see in his body language that the answer is yes, but he doesn't say anything.
Obviously a person came to his mind, we just don't know who. Why??
If we are supposed to view him as a guy who only wants to go home, WHY are there so many romantic undertones going on? And if there is hints of romance, who would they (the writers) be implying Daryl is thinking about?
We've seen the only woman on his mind is Carol, (hence the dream) and we aren't supposed to put the pieces together??
Ever since the first episode of the spinoff aired, I've been confused and hopeful and excited and then sad and then feeling foolish...the list goes on😂
Like I said before, if this whole time they hadn't been leading up to Canon, and they only wanted to keep Daryl and Carol "sibling-like" besties, they REALLY didn't do a great job at it.
(Or maybe we were supposed to think that Daryl was thinking about Isabelle? If that's the case, they messed up with that too😆)
I'm just an observer so maybe I'm dead wrong about everthing and just hung up on Caryl...that is a possibility I guess lol!
Anywhoo, I'm done blabbing. Bye👋
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