#twd s2
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multifandomgifss · 2 days ago
The Walking Dead 2.06 — Secrets
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daryltwdixon · 28 days ago
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his lips just look so nice and he looks so pretty 😭
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28gaugeshotgunshells · 8 months ago
.- TWD, Rick Grimes x F!Reader x Shane Walsh -. part two
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__________ A/N: Oh my gosh! I was trying to edit the original and I mis-clicked and deleted it, so here's the re-uploaded version. Thank you all again for your support. This is the second part to TWO'S COMPANY, THREE'S A CROWD! It's recommended that you read that one first for the best experience. __________
It's quiet for a moment, Glenn merely staring at you in a haze of confused surprise. He opens his mouth to speak, and yet nothing comes out; the only audible noise around remains the swooshes of the country breeze. "You mean.. a pregnancy test?" He finally asks, gentle brows furrowed in confusion. "I-.." You pause, before taking in a breath and slowly nodding your head. "Yes. I'd really appreciate if you could.. be discreet about going out and getting that for me."
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!?!" Glenn suddenly shouts super loud! Goddamn!! Bro could not keep a secret for shit what the fuck!!
"SHUT YOUR FACE GLENN! SHUTUP!!" You shout, covering his mouth with your hand.
"WHAUHOK!!" His voice comes out all muffled, and after giving him the bitch fit death glare for ten seconds you take your hand off.
"YOU! GO GET ME IT NOW!! AND YOU DONT TELL ANYONE!! or else you'll wake up outside of the shitty ass farm fence that doesn't do anything to protect us... and you'll be all alone.. and when you cry no one will hear you.. except the monsters will hear you.. and then they'll eat you up.. or whatever the hell Carol says.. I mean me.. I mean GO GET ME MY SHIT!!!!"
"Um ok." Glenn replies. Then there is silence... and then it smells really bad.
"Awe man.. silent fart." Glenn whispers as he turns around in disappointment and walks off. "OH WAIT! AM GONNA BRING MAGGIE!" He suddenly shouts.
"AM GOING TO GO GET MAGGIE!" Then Glenn runs off!! that little shit!!
You shake your head in anger and then walk off, that fat hoe better bring you back your pregnancy test! You walk back to the residential camp part of the farm, side eyeing Hershel's house as you went. Why did those fat hoes make you sleep outside.. and why was Rick okay with being so hobo.
You miss TV and sitting on the couch.
You let out a large sigh as you walk, but then are interrupted by the sound of distant giggling. You look over and see Carl showing Shane a rock.
"Um, buddy that's gross don't be doin' that." Shane says, his voice heavily southern accented.
Carl says something but you can't hear it over the sound of your inner rage!! SHANE NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM YOUR BOY.
Suddenly you bolt over. "HEY! You need to stay away from him!!" You shout at Shane.
Shane frowns at you. "Listen I-"
"Hey mom look-" Carl tries to say.
"NO! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT SHANE!" You shout back.
"hey mom."
"I wasn't trying to-" Shane attempts to interject.
"I DON'T CARE! GET AWAY!" You hiss.
"MOM!!" Carl shouts at the top of his lungs as he shoves a rock in your face.
"WHA-" Your eyes finally focus on the rock.. it.. says poop on it.. and the poop is written with some weird brown substance.. Carl pulls it back and starts laughing his ass off, he laughs so hard that blood starts spurting out of his nose and onto you.
"AHAHAAH- AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He exclaims.
"OH DAMMIT! CARL!" Shane tries to help but you give him the 'gtfo!!' look and he leaves. And so, you deal with Carl's bloody nose all by yourself, and wait for the return of Glenn. But his ass is taking forever.. so you get mad. and take matters into your own hands. You storm up to Dale's RV.
"Oh hey (name)ie poo." Dale coos, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Hi dale!" You say very passive aggressively. "Guess what! There's this cloud outside that looks exactly like my toes!"
Dale practically jumps out of the RV and starts aggressively looking all over the sky. You take this moment of distraction to steal one of the guns off the counter and shove it in your pants. You then quickly get out of the RV like you didn't do anything. "
WHERE! WHERE?!" Dale shouts at you.
"I FORGOT!!" You yell back as you run away to the car area.
Dale doesn't even ask you why you're running because he's so obsessed with looking for that one cloud in the sky. You let out a loud phew noise as you head up to the cars. You tap your chin as you look them over. "Hmmm..."
They all look hobo so you let out an angry sigh and just pick the yellow one. You hop in and turn the keys that were in the ignition for whatever reason and then you drive off at full speed. As you drive into town for the pregnancy test you wonder what the hell is taking Glenn and Maggie so long.
"Hey Glenn."
"What's up, Maggie?"
"English or Spanish?"
NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. That is the sound of your car driving. "oh yeah I love driving." You say BEFORE HITTING SOME WAKLKER AND HAVING YOUR CAR GO FLYING WHAM!!! You scream and are so scared before everything goes dark..
Back at the farm, it's gotten really dark. Shane is a stubborn bitch so he's looking around for you because he wants to talk...
"Pookie?" Shane calls out, then he gasps. "POOKIE IS MISSING!"
Later on you wake up in the dark!
"Rrraaghh.. raggghh!!"
"SHUTUP CARL! I'M TRYNA SLEEP!" You shout instinctively as your eyes shoot open. Your head hurts like a motherfucker, and you can hardly see.
Your eyes take a minute to adjust to the dark.. but when they do.. you see some fat walkur trying to get at you through the windshield!!
"NAH! BROS CLAWING AT ME LIKE IM AN ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!" You exclaim looking at the big daddy- you mean.. walker.. trying to eat you!! why was it kinda bad though... You think as uour face gets all hot and warm.. like really hot and warm like you had a fever or something... and then you kind of start sweating..
You quickly push those thoughts out of your head because you remember you are a married woman!! you can't have two affairs on your hands!! oopsie poopsie!
Quickly you do some really cool moves and grab your gun somehow and then you shoot the walker, the gunshot being so close hurts the shit outta your ears but like mama raised a fighter not a bitch or whatevr so you climb outta dat car and get running away!! back to the farm!! After a minute of running though you got kind of exhausted so you stopped to catch your breath.. and then you just started walking.
About like 30 minutes passed when you saw headlights nearing and you were like NAH!! who's that!!! and so you were about to jump behind a tree but then you heard a distant "LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING!"
And you were like oh!! So when the car approached you hopped in!!
Shane spoke your name firmly, "What in the world are you doing out here?" He then asked.
But you didn't want to deal with his whiny clingy bullshit so you were like UMMM!! and then you pulled him in for a kiss!! OOPSIE POOPSIE!! then you pulled back and smacked him across the face.
"DRIVE ME HOME NOW!!" Then you rode back in silence... When you got back to the farm it was pitch black, but everyone was outside of Hershel's house in a circle.. this was either the start of singing campfire songs and then participating in a crazy dance circle.. or you were getting an intervention.
You get out of the car before Shane and then run up to the circle because you just spotted Glenn. Shane follows shortly after you. You give Glenn the death stare before you look back at the others.
"No, wut is goin' on wit you!" Rick replies. "You were missin'! Where did you go?"
"I was OUT. okay." You reply, looking away from him.. you didn't want to tell him why you left...
"OUT doin' WUT!? Cheatin' on me again!?" Rick claps back.
EVERYONE GASPS!! and stares at you in shock.
"I'm not stewpid..." Rick replies, shaking his head.
"mommy what test did you cheat on.. you're gonna have to retake it now.." Carl whispers.
"UM! SPEAKING OF TESTS! (NAME) IS PREGNANT!!" Glenn suddenly shouts.
"UM UM!! I CANT KEEP SECRETS!" Glenn cries out as he opens his bag and then quickly hurls the pregnancy test at your face before running away.
"YOU BITCH!!" You flip him off as he runs away.
"IM GONNA BE A DADDY!?" Shane and Rick shout in unison, both holding their head in their hands out of pure shock.
"AY! WUT!" Rick glares at Shane.
"NAW!" Shane glares back.
"Dogfight!!!!!!!!!!!" Carol shouts.
THEN TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE DALE JUMPS ON TOP OF THEM, "Group hug.." He says as he creepily caresses them.
"WHAT!!!" They both scream as they suddenly stop fighting and hop up off the ground.
"what.. what happened.. huh.. where am I.." Dale whispers as he wanders back to his RV.
"uhhhh." Rick says.
Then you all stand there in silence.
"She's mah wife so it's mah baby." Rick breaks the ice.
"Um, I didn't pull out so it's MAH baby." Shane retorts. "
WHY YOU SUMOFA-!" Rick starts winding up another punch but then Andrea steps in!!
"guys stop this isn't you."
"ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Rick ums.
You space out while all of this happens.. everything goes silent for you.. what were you gonna do.. and then your eyes flicker over to your left arm.. wait.. what was that.. You look.. and see.. a bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"OHHH!" You suddenly exclaim in realization, causing everyone's head to snap your way.
"What!?" Everyone replies.
"GUYS! I'm not pregnant! I'm just bit!"
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grim333z · 2 months ago
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Rick when carl does something an ounce romantic with anyone.
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multifandomgifss · 2 days ago
The Walking Dead 2.05 — Chupacabra
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THE WALKING DEAD S02E05 “Chupacabra”
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clinicshamartia · 1 year ago
(S2 x EP12)
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pinkiscent · 2 years ago
im like 10 years late but i started watching twd and my god i need shane to die YESTERDAY he's such a piece of shit and i can't believe people like his character but above all i can't believe i've never seen anyone online talking about how he took advantadge of lori. im not talking about the cdc scene, which made my stomach turn, im talking about him seducing his best friend's grieving wife that is now living in a fucked up world. you CANNOT convince me he didn't gaslight her into a relationship with him with the way he has acted so far. he's not above sexually abusing her so why wouldn't he do this?
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compromised-emotionally · 11 months ago
Watching the Walking Dead for the 1st time since it came out. I'm in s2, someone please tell me why this little girl Sophia immediately left the hiding spot Rick told her to wait in. Kids in apocalypse stories can never just listen 😑
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multifandomgifss · 2 days ago
The Walking Dead 2.05 — Chupacabra
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THE WALKING DEAD | 2.05 “Chupacabra"
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hannahstarshade · 1 year ago
I never watched The Walking Dead. I'm familiar with and love a lot of zombie apocalypse media: Resident Evil, The Last of Us, I Am Legend, Dead Island, Zombieland. I even watched the three Telltale Walking Dead playthroughs by Two Best Friends. Here I am over a decade later and I'm finally giving the series a try. Surprisingly, a lot of it was new to me. I only knew a little bit about The Walking Dead just from cultural osmosis:
Zombies are called walkers. They need a shot to the head to go down for good. Doesn't matter if you die or get bitten, you'll come back as a walker either way.
The main character Rick wakes up in a coma after the zombie outbreak is well into effect. He meets up with his wife Lori and his son Carl. Lori hooked up with Rick's best friend Shane after she was sure Rick had died a long time ago. Drama ensues.
Daryl is the guy with the crossbow. Michonne is the woman with the katana and walkers on leashes. Aside from Rick, these are the two most featured on posters and promotional material. This must mean they are the most popular and capable badass characters.
This past weekend I finished the first two seasons. My honest opinion is that they were pretty solid, each serving a purpose for the narrative at large. Season 1 focused on the novelty of walkers and how society has had to quickly adapt. Seeing governing bodies and fail-safes crumble under the pressure is uncanny, given the most recent pandemic we were/are witness to. Season 2 is more character driven. Not to say Season 1 wasn't, but the second season is filled moral dilemmas that span multiple episodes. Is it worth bringing children into this scary world, and will they put other people at risk? Is suicide an individual's right to choose, or are others obligated to dissuade them? Do you sacrifice the life of someone you barely know at the risk of the group of people you care about most?
I am really attached to this group of characters. Everyone is so dramatic, and are constantly being pushed to their limits. I can believe that the woman who lost her sister and gained a new lease on life would want nothing more than a weapon in her hand to prevent disaster from striking the group again. I can believe that the man who hooked up with his best friend's wife has diluted himself into thinking it can continue because it's the only semblance of the past reality he has left. I get where everyone is coming, even if I don't personally agree with them or if they are delulu. Of all the character deaths in those first two seasons, it was Dale's that really got to me. He was one of the only people in the group that desperately clung to any sense of humanity and goodwill. He latched onto the idea of "we don't kill the living" and made that point at every opportunity. RIP rv roof guy, you will be missed.
All this to say that yes this show is not perfect by any means. I was taken aback by the amount of racism, sexism, and homophobia right out the gate. There is also a level of humor and levity that feels out of place at times especially in the first season with pop-punk or rock-n-roll music cues after a dire situation. I can sort of understand, given this was a decade ago and airing on public television. I did notice while it's still present, those moments and phobias have been scaled back a bit. That doesn't make it less cringy when someone calls Glenn "Short Round" or when Lori gets mad at Andrea for patrolling instead of doing "women's work" like cooking and cleaning.
With that said, the plot so far and the characters we have left have me hooked to see what happens next. Plus we get Michonne in the next season!
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joveforgiovanni · 1 year ago
Did- did Glenn not know what a pregnancy test was? I was assuming she asked for Plan B with it’s generic name (even tho I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that) and that’s why he was confused
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prismweaver · 2 years ago
if bonnie takes this baby from my arms one more time we're gonna have words
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multifandomgifss · 2 days ago
The Walking Dead 2.02 — Bloodletting
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The Walking Dead 2.02 "Bloodletting"
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clinicshamartia · 1 year ago
(S2 x EP12)
Look, I know they have a LOT on their plates right now but I’m kinda getting ticked off by Rick and Lori neglecting Carl. They’re there to yell at him and discipline him but when he disappears for hours at a time? When he’s still hanging around someone who’s established to be a threat and danger? When he’s still recovering from being SHOT? Shane tells Rick that Carl is blaming himself for a death he didn’t cause while stealing loaded guns and running around unsupervised in the woods and Rick says to let Lori deal with it??? Now I HATE Shane, I can’t wait to see his little bitch ass die, but he’s right in this one moment. Rick IS more worried about the hostage than his own son. And I get it, you’re not good with your words, that’s okay, I’m not either, but essentially telling your son to ‘stop being a kid, people are going to die’ isn’t enough. He flinched at the sight of the gun. You can’t just say ‘take it I can’t deal with this anymore’. I’m not saying I dislike Rick or Lori, but it’s like c’mon guys. You’re too worried about your unborn child instead of the one right in front of you. It’s getting really sad to watch.
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tail-waggon · 1 month ago
i'll never understand why ppl were so anti-suicide in the apocalypse. like rlly what do yall have to live for...?? whats the driving factor?
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joveforgiovanni · 1 year ago
Lmao no Andrea stop I was just praising this show for treating suicide seriously and not black and white but Andrea’s like “yeah I do think the child should be allowed to do it and she should do it right away”
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