#twd high school au
hiro--aoki · 4 months
While I work on my Carol and Daryl fic, I did a little AU. A high school AU. Not by my opinion, but a spin wheel. So, this'll be fun.
Part 1:
Principal: Sam Anderson
Vice-Principal: Gregory
Office Lady #1: Siddiq
Office Lady #2: Jadis
Office Lady #3: Scott
Nurse: Ben Sutton
Guidance Councillor: Gareth
History Teacher: The Governor
Science Teacher: Magna
Math Teacher: Guillermo
English Teacher: RJ Grimes
Humanities teacher: Henry Sutton
Business Teacher: Ron Anderson
Home Economics Teacher: Tobin
Art Teacher: Lizzie Samuels
Drama Teacher: Axel Hay
Music Teacher: Spencer Monroe
Media Arts Teacher: Lucille Smith
HPE Teacher: Heath
Janitor: Michael Mercer
Supply Teacher #1: Judith Grimes
Supply Teacher #2: Daryl Dixon
Supply Teacher #3: King Ezekiel
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abirthdayclown · 6 months
I know Ron is that kid that goes WAY too hard when running the mile.
Enid and Carl are walking that shit—jogging when they’re being observed. Ron is sprinting his gangly ass along and singing ‘Hey There Delilah’ as loud and off key as possible.
Negan switches the song mid-verse to embarrass him and he has never been more humbled.
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
drunk on you (epilogue) || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader (no apocalypse!AU)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
series taglist: @ryoujoking @zomb-1-egutzz
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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Summary: You'd known Rick forever, as far back as freshman year. He was a guy you (if you were honest) had a crush on; there was just something in his stance and the low drawl of his voice. You'd say that feeling only got worse from there. Before you could blink, he was married and had a kid; and suddenly, despite your best efforts, you felt very out of place. You faded out of his life, and he yours. So when Rick shows up at your door (drunk out of his mind) about 5 years after the last time you spoke to him, you have a lot of questions.
TWs: vague allusion to sex.
[[A/N: I cannot stop watching this gif fr. So pretty. So sad to be ending it but it is perfectly wrapped up. Thank you to all who loved it. Enjoy :))]]
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You woke up that morning warm, comforter neatly wrapped around you -all white and plush. The mattress was perfectly holding you in place just like it always did. But somehow, you still felt cold.
You reached your hand out, patting the mattress on his side of the bed, empty. You furrowed your eyebrows, peeking your eyes open; they flickered across the bedsheets. The comforter was pulled back, and he was decidedly not there.
"Rick?" You mumbled out, pulling yourself to the end of the bed, grabbing your ring, and slipping it onto your finger.
You stood then, adjusting your pajamas (an old pair of his), and padded your way through your bedroom. Hardwood cool under your feet, you slowly made your way out into the hallway.
Fingers drifting along the walls, you blearily blinked the sleepy fuzz out of your eyes. Attention catching elsewhere, you heard two things: the sizzling of breakfast, and the low murmur of voices like they didn't want to wake you.
"Rick?" You asked, again -although, at this point, you definitely knew where he was.
Lining the walls, your eyes caught onto a slew of photos. There was some of everybody, your eyes dipped particularly to Carl's graduation. Cap and gown, Rick on one side and you on the other, all three of you were smiling. Something in your chest warmed.
You turned the corner into the dining room, eyes smoothing across the empty table before you guided yourself into the kitchen -following the smell and the voices. The white cabinets shined in the morning light, and as you expected, Rick, still in his pajamas stood at the stove. And just beside him-
"Carl, baby, oh my god-" you rushed forward, gathering up the tall, now, man into a hug, "-how are you? How's school?"
"Good, good. Everything's good," Carl laughed, eagerly accepting your hug -he was so tall now. Your eyes darted along his face, taking him in. All the changes, you still remember him when he was just a little baby, all wrapped up in your arms.
"I like the hair too, by the way," you smiled, gently fixing it on his head -instinctively.
He was growing it out, dressed as casually as could be in some of Rick's old stuff. You would recognize it anywhere, you just didn't know if it was from his high school or young adult days. Wordlessly, you straightened the flannel over his shirt.
"Alright, Y/N," he laughed again, playfully, "-I think I'm all fixed up."
"Sorry," you apologized, "-It's a force of habit. You know your Dad."
Rick spun to you then -long hair mussed, but curled at the ends with a salt and pepper stubble climbing up his cheeks. Your very own Rick.
"'Ey," he spoke, defensively, "-I'm right 'ere."
To prove your point, you ran a hair through his hair -fixing the mess from where he must've woken up, and pulled slightly at his shirt -straightening the collar. It was almost out of instinct, and he seemed to expect it -standing perfectly still.
Rick grinned at you the same way he always did, you still felt your heart skip a beat even now. You doubted it would ever go away. Before you could turn back to Carl, instead Rick got your attention.
Gently placing the spatula down, he turned to you ever-so-slightly and opened up his arms.
You laughed, a little -the routine.
And with unhesitating steps, patted on over to him -wrapping your arms around his chest and placing your head on his shoulder. Still woodsy, still Rick. You could feel him chuckle, reverberating through his chest -bright and twinkly.
With a breath, he pressed a kiss on top of your head, "Mornin', baby."
"You guys are still gross, good to know."
"'S love," Rick corrected, slipping his hands over your shoulders, "-if 'at's gross ya got a bleak future, Carl."
"Hey," you swatted at his chest, almost in warning -Carl had a very bright future.
Rick laughed, pressing another kiss to the top of your head, "He knows I don't mean it, don't ya?"
"Yeah, yeah," Carl laughed, dismissively waving his hand, before retorting, "-I can't be 'ere for long, Dad. Breakfast almost done?"
You let go of Rick, mindlessly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He grinned, even though it happened everyday.
"Why are you here?"
Carl smiled, bringing you into another hug, "For a special occasion, Y/N, plus, Dad asked me to be here."
"Think it as a gift," he mumbled out, before siphoning off eggs -scrambled.
You almost said for what exactly, but then it suddenly struck you.
"Shit, really?" You asked, scurrying up to the calendar hung up on the wall. And there it was, circled with little doodled hearts.
"Happy 10 years, baby," Rick smiled big and bright, gathering you up in his arms -gently swaying in place.
You started laughing with movement, "That long? Jesus. How long have we had the house?"
"'Bout year 3," Rick answered, quickly pressing his lips to yours -just a surface level kiss.
You remembered the day he'd showed you.
He wouldn't let you come on the land, ever, wouldn't let you help, nothing.
"I'm buildin' it for ya, you'll see it at the end."
And then, one day, years ago, he'd dragged you out of the apartment with a blindfold, put you in the car and drove you all the way to the house. You remember the grass scratching your legs and the creak of the trees. And then, just seeing it.
All white walls, and big porch, and windows, and just... everything.
"Shit," you repeated -coming back to the moment.
"What?" He teased, "-Had enough of me, 'ave ya?"
"No, just-" you went a little quiet, just looking at him, "-I can still remember you showing up at my door, wasted, after five years."
"You're always gonna be holdin' on to the drunk thin', ain't ya?"
"Yes," you patted his cheek, "-and I will forever."
Rick grinned at that -something twinkling in his eyes. Even now, he couldn't wait for forever with you. You couldn't either.
"Breakfast?" Carl repeated -acting a little annoyed, but you could tell he wasn't. Not really.
"Yeah, yeah," Rick rolled his eyes, letting you go and grabbing the plates -guiding all of you into the dining room.
Carl left soon after that, promising to come back after the semester just for a visit. He'd had an apartment in the city, just like yours. Ready to go and pursue his dreams, just like you did. The two of you followed him to the car, wishing him well, and your own very cautious, be safe. He rolled his eyes but still promised you.
You and Rick stood outside, watching the car disappear down the driveway. He held you tight to his side, cool wind brushing over your skin but not exactly cold. You didn't mind being by his side though, never would.
With a sigh, you turned back to the house -his arm still wrapped around you. You felt the thrum of his body heat against your side -he always was like a furnace.
Your eyes settled along it, taking it in.
"I still can't believe you built me a house."
Rick laughed, looking at you -blue eyes twinkly, "You were the one who suggested it!"
"Was I?" You paused, trying to think back.
"Oh yeah," he turned you toward him -gently holding your shoulders, "-I was talkin' about me imaginin' a future wit' ya, a big white house-"
You smiled at him.
"-and you said we could build one."
You remembered then, his big smooth smile and those eyes. He'd just looked at you like you were everything he wanted, and he'd give you anything to keep you. That was a big day.
"Okay, yes," you finally responded,"-but I was joking, Grimes."
"Were ya?" He hummed, that sort of mischievous grin he'd always given you, "-'Couldn't tell."
"Liar," you shot back.
"Okay, fine," he conceded, "-You said it an' I realized how much I wanted to. For you. For us, I guess."
You pursed your lips, before patting him on the cheek, gently, "Sap."
"Just the way ya like it," he quipped, grin bright.
"You know," you started, as he pulled you into his side again -the two of you making your way inside again, "-sometimes I think about what we would've been like together in high school."
"Do ya?"
"Yeah," you replied -thoughtfully, "-because if you're sappy now. Imagine you in puppy love."
"Hmm," he hummed, "-ya probably wouldn't 'ave doodled in all those notebooks if we 'ad, huh?"
"First of all, I would've doodled twice as much, and secondly-" he laughed at you, "-what is with you and those notebooks?"
"'S nice," he responded, softly, "-you loved me then, and I didn't even kno'. I keep one of 'em in my wallet, actually, reminds me how lucky I am to be 'ere. Because I was such a dumbass back then."
You laughed a little, before pausing -realizing, "Wait. You keep one in your wallet?"
"Yea', I never told ya?"
"There's no way you're telling the truth right now," you laughed -a bit astonished, "-a doodle? Really? From high school-"
He stopped walking just under the porch, moving his arm to pull out his wallet (he always brought it everywhere, even in his pajamas), and flipped it open.
With a breath, he dug behind his license in the clear little pocket, "'Keep it behind my license, so it don't get tore up. Or smeared."
"Look," he pulled a tiny little piece of lined paper out -extending it to you, "-I ain't a liar."
"Rick," you nearly cooed.
You flipped it in between your fingers, you even knew the pen you'd drawn it in. It was one of your favorites, and it didn't smear, so you don't know why he was worried about that. A part of you couldn't believe it. But right there, over the blue lines was a big heart, and on the inside two words.
Y/N Grimes
"You really keep this in your wallet?" You asked in awe, gently pinching the paper between your fingers.
"I just pulled it out infront of ya, baby-"
"Well, yeah, but-" you laughed in defense, "-you could be looking for extra brownie points on our anniversary."
Rick paused, holding your eyes, "Ya think I'd do 'at?"
"For the right motivator," you defended, "-yes."
He quirked a brow, a smirk smoothing across his lips -you knew the look, "What kinda motivator, darlin'?"
"Stop you," you swatted his shoulder, "-you were just being sweet."
He laughed at you a moment, before countering, "'Could still be sweet."
"Rick," you warned.
"Just sayin'."
"Okay, okay," he hummed -taking his hands to cup your face, "-gimme a break, I'm bein' sweet."
"Yes, you are," you smiled, handing it back to him, "-Now, I have to know, do you keep them stashed anywhere else?"
"Whaddya mean, baby?"
"Don't play dumb," you accused, his eyes slinking over you in a certain kind of way.
"Ya know what," he tapped his chin, thoughtfully, playfully really, "-I think... I think I might 'ave some stashed in the bedroom."
"Rick," you laughed, "-are you really doing this right now?"
"Doin' what?" He questioned, innocently.
"I'm just answerin' your question," he smiled, bringing your face closer to his, "-I do think I 'ave some stashed in the bedroom."
"Let me guess," you quipped, "-on the bed?"
He grinned at you, teasingly, and dropped his hands down to your waist, "How'd ya know?"
"Grimes," you sighed out, fingers coming up to twirl into his hair, "-you are just so very predictable."
"Am I?"
"Very much so," you hummed.
"Can ya predict what's gonna happen next," he was a breath away from your face, "-Grimes?"
"I can think of a few things."
And then, with a laugh and a few spare kisses, he picked you up like he always did and brought you inside the house. Laughter bubbling out your chest and kissing the man you loved, you realized it then.
Five years was just a speck in your life. Those five years were nothing, not compared to this. To Rick, to your life now. And a part of you wished you'd gotten it back, gotten it all sooner.
Well, you smiled big and wide -arms wrapped around his neck, this is kinda perfect now, isn't it?
Rick smiled at you then, kicking the door shut without even looking away. Only looking at you, a little like you were everything. His everything. And for a second, you thought maybe you were.
Yeah, you decided, you wouldn't want it any other way.
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ninelives2 · 19 days
Happy September! Fanfiction Challenge, Fundraising!
We start September with two big announcements. Firstly, below you will find the details of our first fanfic challenge in several years - we hope you will be inspired to take part.
The second announcement is that, while we have been incredibly fortunate to have had enough funding to keep us going through the Caryl dark years, sadly funds are now running low. 
Our last funding drive was in 2021, and the money raised then and since has paid for upkeep costs through 2024!
We are incredibly grateful to those who have donated to the site in the past, and those who have set up a regular donation - you are seen and appreciated, friends! 
However, In order to continue Nine Lives as an active site, we need to ask for your help to boost the funds and keep the site going.
We want to keep being the Caryl safe haven you love and need through the next few years, so if you can help contribute to the running costs of the site, please click the donate button on the home page.
Thank you in advance for any donation, however small. 
Reunited and it feels so good… After a long hiatus - enough time to take a slow boat to France and back - the Nine Lives Fanfic Challenge has returned!
To celebrate Carol’s return to the Walking Dead Universe, and the premiere of season two of TWD: Daryl Dixon The Book of Carol, we invite you to participate in the challenge by writing a fic on the theme of “Reunions”.
Just as we are reuniting with challenges, many fans are being reunited with The Walking Dead - all because we know this fall we will be witnessing another epic Caryl reunion, as Carol travels to France to find Daryl.
Your fic can be your imagining of the upcoming French reunion, or it can be any other kind of reunion. Maybe AU Caryl are attending their high school reunion? Maybe you want to expand on an already canon reunion between Carol and Daryl with new insight? Maybe pirate Caryl have a reunion on the high seas? 
Whatever kind of “Reunion” takes your fancy, here are the rules if you wish to take part in the challenge:
Challenge Dates - Submission date is September 28th; Posting date is September 29th (fics will be posted ahead of the Sunday evening premiere, to give you something to read as you wait.)
Open to - Fan Fiction (Caryl)
The Prompt - Write a story that deals with the theme of Reunion. Please remember, however, as this is a Caryl archive, the story must feature both Carol and Daryl prominently.
The Deadline - All submissions must be turned in by midnight on September 28th, Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Send a PM to tarascarol, subversivegrrl, or ikkleosu on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you’re not sure you’ll have anything ready in time - let us know you’re planning on it. *YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED*
WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.
Multiple entries are allowed (and so veryyyy welcome)!
Do not upload it yet!
Submission Day is Saturday, September 28th – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category! Just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you’ll be participating.)
Publication Day is Sunday, September 29th – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once.
Any challenge fics posted before September 28th will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 28th, please send a PM to one of the challenge mods - we will work with you.
Any questions? Post here or privately to one of the admins. Happy ficcing!
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Negan Masterlist
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Below you’ll find all of my Negan fictions.
Please note any trigger warnings and if a fic is 18+ before reading! 
(back to Main Masterlist)
JDM and Characters Master-Masterpost
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Prized Possession
Summary: Negan’s back at Alexandria to collect and this time he wants Rick’s prized possession; you.
Rating: 18+ - NSFW (Smut, Fluff and Angst)
Status: Complete
Chapters: 29
TW: scenes of dub-con and sexual assault
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A - Z with Negan (Smut Edition)
Summary: A short story for each letter of the alphabet exploring many different kinks and fantasies with Negan.
Rating: 18+ - every single part will be smut, some mild, some strong.
Status: Complete
Chapters: 26
TW: Knife play, Rape play
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Loyalties Lie
Summary: Dean, Y/N and Sam are doing all they can to survive in the apocalypse when they stubble across the Saviors. Negan’s striking resemblance to their father, John, has Sam weary and Dean eager to please. But Negan is leading Dean down a dark path despite Y/N and Sam’s attempts to keep him away. As things take a turn for the worst, everyone is left to question where their loyalties lie.
A TWD/SPN crossover set in The Walking Dead Universe (Around season 8)
Rating: 18+ (Smut, Major Angst, Fluff, Dark themes)
Status: Posting on Patreon - coming soon to Tumblr
Chapters: 20
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Patience is a Virtue
Summary: Returning to your old high school for college placement, you find yourself being mentored by Coach Negan, the teacher you would relentlessly flirt with as a student, only this time, he’s not letting you get away with it so easily.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (Smut and some Angst)
Parts: 2
Part One    Part Two
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The Backseat
Summary: Y/N is the spoiled, ‘pampered princess’ daughter of rich businessman, Simon Y/L/N. As soon as she hits 18 she starts to prove she’s quite the handful. Meanwhile, Simon’s recently divorced best friend, Negan, is looking for a job. Simon hires Negan to chauffeur and keep control of Y/N, but it’s not long before she’s making him lose control too.
Rating: 18+ (Smut, Angst, Fluff)
Parts: 5
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Summary: Y/N is desperate to escape her hometown and her controlling half-brothers, Sam and Dean, and now she’s 18 college seems like the only way out. But her gym coach, Negan is failing her and his proposition to help her pass takes a bad turn.
A SPN/TWD Crossover mini fic set in an AU
Rating: 18+ (Dark Fic - Smut/Angst/Sistercest)
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Bad Blood (AU)
Summary: You thought you’d put the past behind you, until it moves it moves in next door and opens old wounds and reignites old flames.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (Smut)
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A Night with Negan (JDM/Negan)
Summary: When Jeff discovers you are attracted to his character, Negan, he knows what this year’s anniversary gift will be.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (Smut and a pinch of Fluff)
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Chocolate and Wine
Summary: After nursing some of the Saviors back to health, Negan owes you a favour.
Rating: 13+? (This would literally be like a NR if it wasn’t for Negan and his foul mouth) Fluff
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Summary: When Negan discovers one of his people is hurting themselves, he does everything in his power to make them feel something better.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (swearing, sex and self harm)
WARNING: SELF HARM. The reader doesn’t physically harm themselves in the fic but it is talked about and there is imagery of the self inflicted wounds, and talk about why they self harm. Please don’t read this if it’s triggering for you.
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It’s Good to be Back
(with FP Jones (Riverdale) )
Summary: Former Serpent King, Negan, is back at his old stomping ground. And as you find out, him and current King, FP, make quite the team
Rating: 18+ NSFW (swearing and sex - shameless threesome)
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(with John Winchester (SPN) )
Summary:  Negan doesn’t like your attitude and before you can join the Saviors, John needs to prove he can keep you in your place.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (swearing and sex - shameless threesome)
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Look What You Made Me Do
Summary: Negan’s there to welcome home his step-daughter after her first date, but he doesn’t like what she chose to wear, and decides to show her what the consequences of dressing like a slut might be.
Rating: 18+ (Dark Fic - non con)
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Summary: Negan’s watching baseball, but you have a distraction.
Rating: 18+ NSFW (Smut & Swearing)
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Better Grades
Summary: To stay on the dance squad, you need better grades. Which is where Coach Negan comes in. (Smut prompt request)
Rating: 18+ NSFW (Smut)
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Leave a Mark
Summary: No plot, just smut. Kinky sex (spanking), affair. (Smut prompt request)
Rating: 18+ NSFW (smut)
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Summary: A blind date with Negan goes well, so you invite him back for coffee. But you don’t get that far. (DRABBLES ARE HARD TO SUMMARISE OKAY!?) (Smut prompt request)
Rating: 18+ NSFW (smut)
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A Bad Dream
Summary: A bad dream sees you in bed with your step dad, Negan - but it’s far from innocent.
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
A/N: 1000 Followers Prompt request
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Daddy Day Care
Summary: It was Negan’s first day of Daddy day care.
Rating: 13+ (Fluff but some swearing)
A/N: 1000 Followers prompt request
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Better Than You
Summary: Negan knew it was wrong, but no one does it Better than you.
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
A/N: 1000 Followers prompt request
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Room 406
Summary: The sins room 406 has seen…
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
A/N: 1000 Followers prompt request
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The New Recruit
Summary: Negan has a new recruit
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
A/N: 1000 Followers prompt request
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Win You Over
Summary: Negan wants you, but you’re not playing game
Rating: 13+ (Swearing because Negan)
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Daddy’s Little Girl
Summary: Daddy takes what he wants when he’s drunk.
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
A/N: Drunk drabble - dub con, incest could be implied.
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The Best I’ll Ever Have
Summary: Negan’s a proud guy who doesn’t like the idea of being outdone and you can’t wait for him to prove you wrong.  
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
* * *
* Negan Bingo Masterlist *
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loeyparker · 2 years
s.o.s besties
would yall be more interested in reading a daryl au that takes place when he’s younger? like high school/ college aged daryl? 
this daryl??? 
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or something set in the apocalypse w twd aged daryl??? 
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sansanwritersguild · 8 months
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New Year, New AU Prompts are here!
Thank you to all who signed up! Can't wait to read the prompt fills!
Your prompt fill should be at least 500 words. Your fill can be a drabble, text message fic, one-shot, multi-chapter, whatever you choose.
Please tag "SanSan New Year, New AU 2024" on AO3 and/or tumblr so we can track all the wonderful fics!
Post by 29 February. For multi-chapter fics, you’ll only need to have posted the first chapter by 29 February. You can post sooner than this. If real life crops up and your fill will be delayed, just post as soon as you can. If you’re unable to fill your prompt, please reach out to @sansanwritersguild.
Prompts assignments are below the cut:
1: To: @littlewolfbird From: @fuzzychapstick (AO3: Glitterswitch)
High school AU! The older characters can either be fellow students or teachers. Sansa must be a student, however. Bonus points for either cheerleading!Sansa or aversion-to-sweat!Sansa. Most smut is fine, if you want to go that direction, just no urination or defecation kinks. No Sansa and Arya haters.
To: @rayne11 From: @musicfanforlife (AO3: Kylorenfan123)
Horror movie au. You can choose whatever character dynamic you want though I am partial to horror antagonists x protagonists. Smut is fine.
To: @corinalannister From: @3rdstarksistr (AO3: 3rdstarksistr)
Tavern or Bar AU. Smut is fine. No non-con or pregnancy/babies.
To: @fuzzychapstick From: @corinalannister (AO3: CorinaLannister)
Modern day historian Sansa gets thrown back in time to a Westeros of the past. She's not just researching the past, she's now living in it. Sandor is the only one who knows she's not from the time period. Smut is fine. No male pregnancy (female pregnancy is fine).
To: @3rdstarksistr From: @rayne11 (AO3: rayne11)
Futuristic AU: where Sansa is an AI (who may or may not "come to life") and Sandor is a grumpy, lonely but ultimately good at heart individual, long suffering due to the antics of his dear sister Eleanor. No smut. Nothing too dark/sad. I'd appreciate something relatively light hearted. No SA/Violence (may be included in backstory). No troubling scenarios involving Starks (let them all live pls if they're in the fic), Joffrey, or Ramsay, or LF.
To: @cranberry-wine From: @estevnys (AO3: estevnys)
Apocalypse AU. Sandor and Sansa are traveling across the apocalyptic landscape to escape from the Lannisters on his motorcycle "Stranger" :rofl:. Choice of apocalypse up to you-- zombies in no way required. Think Beth and Daryl from TWD. Smut is fine.
To: @ricketyrunt From: @shoshi.gideon (AO3: Shmae)
The Bachelorette AU. Smut is fine.
To: @lemonoak From: @cranberry-wine (AO3: Cranberry_Wine)
Inside the universe of Stephen King's fictional setting of Castle Rock, Maine. Smut is fine.
To: @musicalfanforlife_93 From: @littlewolfbird (AO3: Littlewolfbird)
Your Expertise AU. Whatever you are best at - professionally, hobby-wise, et cetera - that's the AU that I want to read about. Smut is fine. No dubcon, no rape (past mentions is fine), no incest, no minors (as in one is a minor the other is not), no bdsm.
To: @estevnys From: @ricketyrunt (AO3: Ricketyrunt)
Picture them getting stuck in an elevator during a power outage, forcing them to confront fears, share personal stories, and create a unique bond under tense circumstances. Smut is fine. I Don’t love alpha/beta/omega dynamics, but I also want you to write your own thang!
To: @shoshi.gideon From: @lemonoak (AO3: LemonOak)
Mafia princess Sansa and Made man Sandor, what happens is up to you. Smut is fine. No gun or knife kink. No rape or dislike.
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backwaterscum · 4 months
character information.
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Name: Daryl Dixon Canonpoint: Defaults to S1-S4 of TWD or Daryl Dixon (2023) unless otherwise plotted, but happy to explore other timelines and AUs
Age: Early thirties (TWD S1) / mid-forties (DD 2023) Birthdate: 12th July Gender: "I'm a guy" Sexuality: "What the fuck ever"
Species: Human Eye colour: Blue Hair: Dark brown Height: 178 cm (~5'10") Weight: 76 kg (168 lbs) Education: High school graduate Affiliation: Rick Grimes' survivor group
Wiki link: Here Brief Info:
man i don't know how i got here in 2024. i'll write proper info after i finish canon reviewing
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basicallyjaywalker · 11 months
A Non-Comprehensive List of AUs I really wanna do fanfics for in the future (and may do a poll on which ones I should do first)
Whumptober has sparked my love of writing fanfic and taken away literally all of my insecurities with writing fanfic so I need to tell you guys a small bit of the fifty million aus spinning in my brain (most of them are stock standards) (long post)
Zombie Apocalypse
I've got two prompts set in this so far and I killed both of the blorbos off now am I guaranteeing that's canon no am I saying I wanna make em all suffer cuz i've been rewatching StephenPlays's Telltale's TWD playthrough again yes yes i am
2. High School
Self explanantory make em human don't give em powers make em survive high school (and make all of the parents alive and possibly some of them are teachers or local figures
3. Band!!!! BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!!
Hot and cool and I need Hannah shredding on the guitar for all to see
4. Gods
Mentioned this before but kill the superpowered children make them deities it'll be SO funny
5. Monster Living
Fairy Tale Living but for emos. Based on a submission from @/blursed-ninjago-ideas
6. Ninja Mystery Solvers aka Scooby Doo AU also i can't believe I've been calling it nsm what a fool i've been it's nms
Jay, Cole, Nya, Pixal, and Kai are all the Scooby Gang. Based on What's New, Scooby-Doo? and Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? more than anything else
7. Organized Crime
AMORAL NINJA WITH GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Wrong Ends
Based on @/saline-coelacanth's bad ends AU but with my OCs and I mix and match as I please (not bad ends because some of them aren't evil just screwed up) (jasmine is just a weird hermit)
9. Celebrities
They don't have powers but they are rich and famous. New Americana by Halsey core.
10. Greaser/Surfer/Soc
My absolute favorite silly stock AU, sort everyone into one of the three categories and make em fight. Better is siblings are divided Even BETTER if it's Teen Beach Movie core and insanely goofy. Jay is so soc coded he is such a prep y'all.......
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You know, it would be an absolute adventure to do a Ronance Walking Dead AU.
Hear me out.
Almost ten years ago (I can’t believe that holy shit) my first real fandom was The Walking Dead. I had a completely different tumblr, only two of my current mutuals knew me then, and I was a bratty little fandom kid who had wayyy too many opinions. I stopped watching the show because the longer it went on the more the writing sucked so I dropped it.
I’m also terrible at binging shows because I was used to seeing an episode a week and I lost my desire to actually use a streaming service.
But Netflix has it back on there and I’m just watching it in the background while I prepare my rhetoric assignments, and I’m shocked by how much I remember considering I haven’t spared it a glance since my sophomore year of high school.
And then I remembered, the first three or four seasons *were* good, and Nancy would absolutely thrive in that hellscape. Anyone who knows anything about TWD knows that since season three there’s been an individual, big scary bad guy, and plenty of ST characters would fit that bill.
Not to mention romance has thrived in the TWD universe, even if it’s heterosexual romance and most if not all queer characters have been killed off. This is such a ramble but I’ve been in a very nostalgic place lately so it might be some fun.
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zushimart · 2 years
my modern au hc for scara & ei has always been tht she was a working single mom of two and nvr had time to put twds her kids (and she nvr received luv from her own mother so she has a lot of trouble giving what she nvr got). she probably had a very “hands off” approach to parenting, thinking it was better if she wasnt as involved bc she didnt want to “ruin” anything w/her interference, but it kind of manifested as neglect & a very distant parent-child relationship. she doesnt know much about him at all and scara thinks she doesnt care at all (she does care, she just doesn’t know how to properly express it). and while his younger sister, raiden, stonewalls to protect herself (bc, through scara, she sees what happens if u DO care/set those expectations for their mother), scara doesn’t and just gets hurt over and over by that perceived lack of interest in his life. i also think ei’s also very down-to-earth and practical, so when scara starts expressing a love for the arts (in his last yrs of high school + starts applying to colleges) she tries to steer him away and into a stereotypical money making career (doctor, businessman, computer scientist, etc.). he goes to school for art against her advice, and their relationship is very tense till this day. i think modern au scara understands on some level that this is an intergenerational trauma thing and not malicious intent on her behalf, but he cant help but feel wronged. ykyk. like why couldnt ei be supportive, proud? why can’t she tell him she loves him? 😞💔 anyway in his adulthood i bet he’s a successful artist ... maybe a scholar of the arts (art history major in college? maybe goes to a trade school for something) and dabbles in making his own on the side. maybe sculpting or pottery... jewelry making possibly. i think he’d know how to do a lot of things with his hands. i bet he knows how to sew or embroider, detailed finger painting... charcoal... he just works with a lot of mediums. probably sells his work or has his art displayed in a gallery every once in awhile. doesn’t tell anyone ever, though. he’s too shy to show his art to people he’s close to (he never EVER wants to show ei. it wld hurt too much if she was unimpressed w his work, but i think she definitely peruses his works without him knowing on online galleries or news articles. she reads academic papers he posts, etc.. silent, proud from afar, achingly unsure how to connect). 
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hiro--aoki · 1 month
GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET... I was so excited to write that little high school au to send you, I love twd aus where there's no apocalypse and theyre just normal kids in high school...
Also Carl still doesn't have his eye because Ron fucked up shooting practice and he's really apologetic about it. Lori also still had Judith (shane is still her dad but I'll let you guess how. not by cheating, i love you lori grimes) and died in childbirth. Rick still met Michonne and she's Carl's step mom. Ed is also dead, Rick had to arrest him for domestic abuse and Ed pulled out a weapon so Rick (gladly) had to shoot him
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vvolfsbaneblooms · 4 months
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♚ main ♚ bio ♚ face ♚ muse ♚ wishlist ♚
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it’s easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It’s also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general, I write Fangs exclusively after his graduation from Riverdale High School. After that, I will most likely diverge from canon, since nothing gets old quicker for me in a thread than rehashing canon events as they happened.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Fangs with other Riverdale characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Sweet Pea, Toni Topaz, Jughead Jones, Kevin Keller, Joaquin DeSantos Possible Ships: most Riverdale muses
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default verses:
college!verse: Fangs is a college student working on a degree in health sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.
canon (+/-): After college, Fangs returns to Riverdale to work as a volunteer firefighter and paramedic and manage the White Wyrm with Toni, where he's made Serpent King. He may or may not be in an open relationship with Toni and raising their baby.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
rivervale: A canon-divergent alternate dimension of Riverdale where supernatural elements are commonplace. Any supernatural crossovers will take place there.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where the outbreak happens shortly after high school graduation. Fangs and Toni rally the Serpents to protect what's left of Riverdale.
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
Magnolia in May (Part Two) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Part 1...
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TWS: rumors.
[[ A/N: Also, am I so inspired by this concept that I wrote a second part in a day? Maybe so... 👀👀👀 Anyway, thanks for reading!!! ]]
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You realized pretty quickly that you hadn't gotten the man's name, only his daughter's first. It was a bit frustrating, and even more so as your Headmistress continued to ramble on about timeliness and arriving on time.
You knew the lesson, it had been drilled into your head since you'd been late to school once at age six. It only grated on your ears now.
There was a thought there to tell her it was because of a man -she'd be so delighted, her whole rant would be long forgotten. But another part of yourself wished to hold it back -to keep this man and his darling daughter in your brain for no one else to see.
It was a rather selfish thought, but having never seen the two before you assumed they were travelers -they'd be gone soon enough. And without his name, it would be rather difficult to describe to a Headmistress all about social standing. He could be a farmhand for all you knew, an overdressed farmhand, sure, but one no less.
"Y/N," Headmistress pursed her lips -a grainy sort of disgust in her face, "-are you even listening?"
"Yes ma'am," you cleared your throat, moving to cut into your pancake, "-sorry, I was a little distracted, what have you asked?"
Elisa frowned, set deep into her face and you wondered how she'd been so smiley before with how heavily ingrained it looked, "I asked, young lady, what distracted you on your trip? It's not normal for you to take such time! So what happened?"
You paused, quickly eating a bite to buy some time -unsure if you wished to speak the truth. The more you thought about it, you found it rather stupid -the man was surely gone and it wasn't anything to concern them. You were a lady of age, and speaking to a man hardly was anything to talk to your parents about.
"Mrs. Sweets had some new dresses in the window," you lied -carefully dabbing your face with the napkin (you had noticed the new dresses but it had hardly taken any time at all), "-I wanted to look at them closely, and lost track of time, I suppose, I truly apologize."
"Hmm," the Headmistress pursed his lips -seeming to evaluate your words, "-lesson learned, I presume?"
"Very," you replied -simply, wishing for the conversation to navigate elsewhere.
And just as it seemed to (Maggie saying something that the Headmistress just had to dispute), there was a heavy knock on the door.
The room fell abruptly silent, the only noticeable noises being the slight clink of silverware and the creaks of the old chairs. Your father was the first to stand, making his way to the door with a confidence you'd wished you inherited.
The man who stood there was short, a cap situated on his head and a determination in his eyes, "This the Greene residence?"
Your father answered, a little uncertain -blocking the man's eyes from farther into the house, "Yes, I'm Dr. Hershel Greene, is this about work?"
"No sir," he responded -respectful and quite direct before extending a hand forward, a thick piece of paper exchanged between them, "-your family has been invited to the Ball, come next Tuesday. Mr. Grimes personally requested your presence."
Headmistress couldn't hold back a gasp, as Father took the paper -skimming over it with a heavy sort of look, "Personally?"
"Yes, sir. He insisted I bring it to the residence directly."
You thought back to the man, and his insistence on buying you more -just for the lack of one. Poking around the fruit on your plate, you frowned. He was probably married after all, he did have a child -someone as charming as he was most certainly bound to a wife.
Before you could dive further into your sudden despair, your father joined back at the table -slow and sure steps. Opening his mouth to say something, he didn't get very far before the Headmistress snatched the invite out of his hands.
Her lips pressed into a thin line as she skimmed over the words, she seemed to digest it (like it could be a fake).
You furrowed your brows, as she seemed to stall.
"I'll be looking forward to your presence signed Mr. Grimes," the Headmistress read out loud -a grin large and wide, "-he wrote us a note! He must be in search of a wife!"
"Miss Elisa," Father tried to calm her, now sitting back in his spot at the table.
"I'm only thinking optimistically, Hershel," she responded -tone much more controlled but still quite touched in tone, "-wouldn't it be wonderful for the girls to have suitors?"
"I'd rather not discuss speculation," your father leveled with her -eyes set in a certainty that not even the Headmistress could refuse.
And that was where the talk of the invite ended.
Your father was rather stubborn in his restrictions, and starting any sort of rumors about a man he respected was far below his limit. It wasn't even mentioned until that Saturday afternoon at the seamstress.
"Beth, dear," Headmistress hummed -rapting her knuckles on the small room she'd been dressing in, "-how does the blue one fit?"
It was a beautiful blue dress that matched her eyes with pillowing sleeves -layers of fabric heavy on the skirt. The cotton seemed soft to the touch, and you thought it a very good match to your sister -she'd suited it well from what you assumed. Beth hadn't shown the dress to you yet.
"It needs to be tightened," she echoed with a huff -frustrated, "-I can't reach-"
"Alright, alright," your Headmistress responded, her tone calming and direct -as she navigated into the room to help.
With that, you sighed deeply. Rather unamused by the extensive shopping you found yourself currently in, you enjoyed getting new dresses, really. It was just a long process, and for whatever reason, the Headmistress had always focused on you last.
It was rather stuffy in the store, dresses hung up in any corner they could. They were beautiful, truly stunning works of fabric and ribbon -you'd trailed your fingers along some of the layers with keen interest. It was always rather fascinating to study how the dresses were made, each individual stitch had its own purpose and you enjoyed the complexity of it.
Maggie grabbed your attention, motioning to a rather fluffy pink dress -detailed by too many rather large ribbons. She pulled it up to her side, posing like she was prim and proper -a grin biting on her face, "What do you think?"
You smiled, always amused by her antics, "We might need to-"
Your eyes caught on the window framing behind her, and there was someone so familiar there. You'd only seen a glimpse, but it had struck you so intricately, your eyes peered the area looking for whoever you recognized-
And then, you saw him.
He was still rather overdressed, darker button-up detailed by a lovely light blue ascot tied around his neck -it looked satin. Actually, he looked much fancier with a peacoat of a rather deep blue splayed across his shoulders, and hair still a little tussled from the day -brown curls resting still rather perfectly. He seemed content on a bench, Judith not present -as he looked on in front of him, absorbed by something quite heavily. You stilled, he was still here?
With a quick thought, you realized just how close the shop had been to the markets -it was a short walk, and you'd done it often. You had a wonderful view, well... right where he was seated. It was treacherous thought flooding your mind that he might be waiting for you.
"Y/N?" Maggie waved her hands in front of your face, starting to match your eyes towards where yours lay on the window, "What are you looking a-"
She stiffened. You hadn't been quick enough to divert her attention, as her eyes skimmed over the figure without much report. Maggie was a very upfront woman, after all.
"We might need to look elsewhere!" you finished your thought, rather loud and squeaky, as you quickly turned to a few other mannequins, "-what about this one, Maggie? I think the color is exquisite, really-"
"Y/N-" she spoke at full volume before you caught her eyes and made a shush motion -head tilting toward the dressing room.
"Everything alright, girls?" your Headmistress asked, most likely from your tone only a few seconds ago. You'd been thoroughly embarrassed it had even left your lips -so loud and not very graceful.
Maggie, a simple master at her craft, replied -without a flinch, "Yes, ma'am. Y/N just slipped on a skirt."
"Right, yes," you spoke, trying to contain the rather squeaky tone your voice had taken on, "-there are some quite long ones."
Headmistress must've accepted this answer, as she no longer responded -assumedly preoccupied with the dress mechanics, you briefly wondered how it had become so complicated. Before the more pressing matter made itself known.
Maggie was a hair away from jumping up and down right there in the seamstress shop, eager to be in on the loop. She'd gotten that trait from Ms. Elisa, you assumed.
Her voice was much quieter now, "Do you know him?"
"Oh, no-" you answered a little too fast, judging by the mischievous glint in her eyes only gleaming brighter, "-I just think he's rather handsome, that's all."
As if on cue, the man looked in the direction of the window of the shop. You don't know why, maybe the old man on the corner had grabbed his attention or the little boy who was currently chasing a butterfly down the street. It didn't matter, because his eyes neatly settled on you.
As if you were the only one on the street. Your cheeks turned a fantastic crimson at the mere thought-
And then, they shifted -flickering to your side. Where Maggie stood, grinning brightly and waving to the man. You were going to kill her.
With a little questioning look smoothing across his face, he raised his hand and waved back. His right hand, you noticed. (There was no ring.) You bit down the little flutter your stomach had done, bashfully raising your hand to wave as well.
The smile that stretched across his face was incredibly telling.
Maggie grinned even wider, not turning to face you, "You know him, how do you know him?"
Before you could say anything else, the man seemed to falter for a minute -turning to his side and grabbing something you couldn't quite see. He then lifted it, seeming to try and show it to you. It seemed to be a delicately woven basket one with much better craftsmanship than your own. You hadn't known what to expect in it, except-
Oh, he was waiting for you. He had the berries.
Your sister couldn't hold the pose, now fully turning to face you-hands gently taking your arms, "He's got a present."
"It's not quite a present, really-" you started.
Maggie didn't wait, eyes darting to the room where your other sister and Headmistress stayed stationed. Before she seemed to decide something -a familiar determination sparked in her eyes.
"Go," she whispered.
You opened your mouth, "What about-"
"I've got it," she reassured, a sort of warm affection bubbling up her voice, "-I'll lock them in there if I have to."
You rolled your eyes, knowing better than to argue with your sister, "I'll be quick, I promise."
Maggie rolled her eyes and pushed you to the door -scampering off to find whatever distraction she intended on using. God, you truly loved her.
As soon as you exited the shop, the man raised to his feet -almost on instinct. You frantically looked across the street, keeping an eye on oncoming carriages -before hastily making your way to the bench where he now stood.
He was laughing by the time you got there, the sound sent a familiar buzz up your spine, "In a hurry?"
"A bit," you answered -brushing a bit of dirt off your dress at the commotion, "-let's say I'm on borrowed time."
"I could've come to you," he said, so genuinely that you found you had to remember your point of being here. He apparently had a way of making you forget what you were doing.
"You couldn't," you responded, before scrambling to explain, "-wait, that sounded a bit rude. My apologies, it's just my Headmistress would lose it if she saw me so much as speaking to a man. She wants to marry us off, and any living breathing specimen is of enough quality to her."
"I'd hope I was better than a specimen," he smiled, a lilt in his voice that sounded quite close to teasing, "-do you refer to lots of men as specimens, Ms. Greene?"
"Just you," you quipped and he broke out into a sort of laughter -head thrown back, pure joy. You were quite proud of yourself for that one, holding your head slightly higher at the boost -smiling at his contagious one.
"Right, well," he added, clearing his throat to try and regain his composure, "-I'll keep note of 'at. Oh, and before I forget, here's the berries I owe ya."
And then, the basket (which surely was worth more than everything you currently wore) was extended to you. You could already see that it was filled with an assortment of berries, not just the single blueberry Judith had actually eaten.
"Oh, I couldn't, really-"
"I insist," he repeated, familiarly, and you found you couldn't quite fight the man in front of you.
"At least take the basket back, sir," you urged, a bit mesmerized by the handwoven pieces, "-I can't imagine what it's worth."
"Think of it as a gift."
"No," you reiterated, "-this must've cost a fortune. I can't-"
"Ms. Greene," he straightened, blue eyes glazing over your face in a way that almost worsened the crimson stain on your cheeks -something of fond, "-it's a gift, an' I'd be rather honored if ya accepted it."
You sighed, a bit defeated, "Alright, thank you, sir. I have no way of repaying you though-"
"How about a-" he began, fidgetting slightly with his coat -as if he was nervous. Why would he be nervous?
"Y/N," Maggie hissed across the courtyard, a sort of nerves in her eyes -you knew she'd already been cutting it close.
"I'm so sorry," you spoke, trying to genuinely portray it in your voice, "-really. If I see you again, please do approach me. Maybe we can have a complete conversation?"
He smiled, noting before you could leave, "Will do, Ms. Greene, enjoy the fruits. I got quite a wide selection, didn't know what you'd prefer."
"I'm sure they're lovely."
And then, without much of a notice, you rushed back into the seamstress shop -only chancing a look back when you came back inside. When you did, he stood in the same place -eyes intently focused on you, and gently waving his hand.
You laughed, timidly waving back.
Maggie was staring at you as you turned around, the gleam from earlier only sparkling even brighter.
You started, trying to stop the train before it even started, "Maggie-"
"You're telling me everything."
Then, the door creaked open -Beth (still in the dress she came in) as her eyes settled on the basket you held carefully in front of your skirt, and your Headmistress rumbling something about corsets.
"Girls, I think-" she started, before faltering, her own eyes settling on the rather extensive stash of fruit you'd gathered, "Where did you get that?"
The Headmistress was already making her way to you, brushing her fingers over the woven material -much like she had handled the invitation. So delicate as if it was the finest piece of china.
"Just someone repaying a debt," you answered, vaguely.
Ms. Elisa furrowed her brows, glancing at you with a deep, questioning gaze but you refused to break, "An expensive debt, I assume? That craftsmanship could probably pay for three new dresses from scratch, dear."
The Headmistress continued her path to the dresses, calling out to Beth to join her -leaving you stunned in your own path.
"Everything," Maggie reiterated, her tone doused in much of the amazement you'd felt.
"Everything," you agreed.
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thcsedorks · 4 months
note to self for verses, dont rb please
twd - canon, pre-outbreak, certain no-death aus, crossover aus (l4d, mlp bc ive seen that and thought it was hilarious, hh,) no-outbreak au tadc - canon, pre-circus/human, npc aus maybe? waiting to see as more eps come out aiw - canon, surface au, animated movie lhotp - canon, maybe certain crossover aus, modern au hh - canon, human/pre-death, aus where sinners can go to the surface/travel across rings, maybe crossovers mlp - main grimdark au, canon au (ish. im still canon divergent fuck what they did w the future ponies,) eqg, human, zombie au dn - canon, no L-death/L fakes his death au, no death note au, pre-dn mm - main/canon, artemis and solis win/hathor banished au, mlp au (having them interact w celestia and luna wld be so fucking funny) cc - main au, purified dallas au, dallas yakuza leader au, monster/supernatural au, zombie au, teen au if i add any campers l4d - main, pre-outbreak, crossover aus (l4d, mlp bc again funny, hh maybe?,) monster au, infected au, high school au, no outbreak, conartist evelyn au?, ceda agent evelyn au too
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xpushback · 4 months
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♛ main ♛ bio ♛ face ♛ muse ♛ wishlist ♛
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it’s easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It’s also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general, I write Toni exclusively after her graduation from Riverdale High School. After that, I will most likely diverge from canon, since nothing gets old quicker for me in a thread than rehashing canon events as they happened.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Toni with other Riverdale characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Cheryl Blossom, Fangs Fogarty, Jughead Jones, Sweet Pea Possible Ships: most Riverdale muses
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default verses:
college!verse: Toni is a college student working on a master's degree in social work at Highsmith College and taking photographs for the school newspaper.
canon (+/-): After college, Toni returns to Riverdale to work as a high school guidance counselor, reclaim the Serpents, and fight to save the town from destruction. She may or may not be in an open relationship with Fangs and raising their baby.
welcome to new york: After getting her bachelor's degree at Highsmith College, Toni moves to New York City to work as a photographer and activist.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where the outbreak happens shortly after high school graduation. Toni and the Serpents rally to protect what's left of Riverdale.
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