maitaitiu · 1 year
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i'll get to the other ancient sages at some point, but for now, a quick design for the sage of wind!
if we get dlc it had better give the sages names at the very least or i'm going to snap!
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sunroofangel · 2 years
chap one of this whole college bs go check it out if u wanna lol
making what should be a multi chap ff as my first written fanfiction was not a great idea but oh well
if anyone notices anything iffy ab it feel free to reach out bc i lowk wrote it sleep deprived
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Target Pengunjung di Candi Borobudur Tahun 2022 Tak Penuhi Target
Target Pengunjung di Candi Borobudur Tahun 2022 Tak Penuhi Target
BNews—MAGELANG— Target kunjungan wisatawan ke Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB) di tahun 2022 tak capai 100 persen. Dari target yang dibebankan sebanyak 1,6 juta pengunjung baik asing maupun domestik. ”Hingga akhir Desember 2022 lalu, target kunjungan wisatawan tidak dapat terpenuhi. Dari target 1,6 juta wisatawan hanya mencapai 1,49 juta orang, atau masih kurang sekitar delapan persen,” kata…
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sydmarch · 2 years
sometimes you gotta spend 2 hours forcing a game from 2002 to run on windows 10. to cope.
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darkicedragon · 4 months
Was reminded of Protocreed thanks to some reblogs and now I'm developing an itch to write for it again (though I've got at least two Noblesse ideas in the backburner still going, pft).
And since since this is me, I can probably try to ease myself in with some wingfic or werewolf fic, though I'm not sure how a werewolf would fit in, unless Desmond gets bit too hard, Alex has to change him to keep him alive, but blacklight mixes with the wolf DNA and mutates again because also reacting with the TWCB genes and oops, werewolf!Desmond.
I'm not sure if I had infected!Desmond realise he can now tendrilise a hidden blade in any of my other AUs, so that's also fun to play with, but probably as part of a bigger idea, hmmm. 'Well. Good to know I'll always have a weapon handy, I guess.'
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Dev Stream
We’ll be starting a dev stream soon, working on Think Well, Cook Better!
Tune in here to see coding progress and hear Courtney talk design. Tonight at 9PM EST.
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sparkynsnoozles · 3 years
So like, I know why I named it that, but why did I name it They Will Come Back
It's so ominous
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dragongirliekaykat · 5 years
Watching some playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human is motivating me to do some more grand storytelling. Finally getting some more work done.
 Do expect an MHA-related AU in the future.
 As an update on TWCB, some basic information has been confirmed, and the guidelines are currently being set. About 1000 words in the first chapter have been written, but I assume that it will be deleted once I finish the outline. I’m excited for when I can finally show it off.
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rachelkaser · 4 years
Has the Assassin’s Creed series lost its way... or its mind? (Part 2)
Disclaimer up front: The fact that my last blog post coincided with the reveal of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was a complete coincidence. That being said, I’m so glad it happened, because it gives me more examples of the, we shall say, modern problems with Assassin’s Creed. But still, I won’t judge it too harshly considering I haven’t seen it yet.
It’s time for me to give what I think are the two most prevalent (and fixable) problems regarding the series -- namely what the fuck everyone in the games is doing, and what they’re trying to accomplish. I also want to talk about the disconnect between the way the series started and where we currently are.
And we might as well start with the biggest disappointment in the series so far: Juno.
Juno A Thing or Two
First, let’s go all the way back to when this series began. The original game cloaks Those Who Came Before in very sinister hints, and Al Mualim speaks of them with even more quiet reverence than he does the Apple of Eden. In the next game, we meet one of TWCB, Minerva, albeit very briefly, and she outright states that her people, who aren’t gods, are long gone from the world and have only left behind a trail of bread crumbs in order to protect humanity -- their creation -- from a world-scorching solar flare.
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If you think about it, that ought to have been all we ever knew about TWCB, at least to a certain degree. We know they aren’t gods, and we know they’re no longer around. Based on the cutscene from AC Revelations, we know they also didn’t manage to protect humanity from the previous solar flare. They were kind of like the Protheans from Mass Effect: a wise, powerful predecessor race brought low by their own overconfidence, acting as a warning for humanity to use their talents for better things.
Yet, by the time Odyssey rolls around, we see them constantly meddling with human history, undermining the original point that it was a last-ditch effort on the part of Minerva to avoid utter catastrophe, and not something they otherwise would have tried. In spite of the fact that Minerva explicitly said she and her kind weren’t gods, and weren’t strong enough to stop the solar flare, later games ramped up their power as a way of trying to make them interesting enough to take up a bigger part of the story.
They really didn’t need a bigger part of the story.
Also, the first six games of the series -- that’s about a combined 200 hours of play time, roughly -- revolved around one central plotline: The Juno story. It was even brought up, albeit in a tangential way, in later games such as Syndicate. Essentially, it was the backbone of Desmond’s story arc, and involved him making the difficult decision to unleash a literal evil god in the machine in order save all of humanity from a natural disaster. Not only did he die, but subsequent Assassins were left to deal with the fallout of a malevolent entity trying to assert herself in the modern world. It was corny as all hell, sure, but in the hands of interested and creative writers, I think it could have gone somewhere cool.
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Now the modern stories are primarily about the pursuit of the Pieces of Eden, and the Juno plotline has been dropped entirely. Juno herself was actually unceremoniously killed off -- in a comic book, no less. Just to make the whole thing feel more like a rip-off, she was killed by Desmond’s bastard son (a character the games have only hinted at up to now) who’s also a Sage, meaning he carries the soul of Juno’s dead husband.
I can’t even begin to describe the disdain and frustration within me when I say, “Gee, I sure as hell wish I could have played that.”
The son of the previous protagonist, struggling with the sinister presence in his head, joining forces with both Templars and Assassins to take down the sinister would-be god responsible for his father’s death, his own mental health struggles, and potential global catastrophe? Pardon my language, but why the actual FUCK was this not the plot of one of the games?
The comics came out in 2017 and 2018. What were the games we got in that same time period? Origins and Odyssey, which star Layla Hassan in the modern sections, quite possibly the most boring person in the whole series. You’re telling me that someone seriously looked at this series and decided the modern gameplay of two tentpole games would best be propped up with the most uninteresting stick of wood Ubisoft has yet crafted? Fuck. Right. Off.
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Everything the first seven games, from AC1 to Black Flag, had been building towards with regards to the modern story, including Desmond’s sacrifice for humanity and the race to give Juno a physical form, is for absolutely nothing. It’s abandoned in-game for no better reason than to give the player Pieces of Eden to play with instead.
Having mentioned that, it’s about time I told y’all what I really think about this particular plot device.
Pee Oh Ees? Pee Oh Ess
For the uninitiated who’re only here to see me have a big ol’ fangirl aneurysm, the Pieces of Eden are gadgets left behind by TWCB with various superpowers assigned to them as the plot demands. In-universe, they’re objects of great renown that cropped up in various forms throughout recorded history -- as crystal skulls, sacred orbs, swords, staffs, blankets, jewelry and even, in one memorable instance, the actual Koh-i-Noor diamond.
But let me establish -- as indeed we must again -- that while the POEs have always been described as powerful, in the first several games in the series they were only ever used to further a larger purpose. They were part of an elaborate communication network left behind by TWCB in order to contact Desmond, specifically, and get his help averting the end of the world.
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The only reason they were ever important was because they usually somehow led to the clue that would help him move forward with that goal. Altair’s Apple? Showed where to find the other Pieces. Ezio’s Apple? Led to Desmond’s first contact with Minerva. Connor’s crystal ball? Showed Desmond where to find the medallion that opens the chamber where the end of the world may be averted. My point is, while the concept of them was cool, laying hands on them was never the ultimate goal.
Sure, they’re leftovers from the Precursor society, but let’s not forget they had a literal Precursor spirit haunting Abstergo’s computers, and the writers chose instead to focus on this garbage. And I don’t use the word lightly: In Assassin’s Creed 2 codex, Altair even wonders if humans are just squabbling over what was effectively rubbish to TWCB. He’s not exactly right (see again: communication network to Desmond), but you gotta wonder if he’s completely wrong either.
Instead of examining that, and pondering whether anyone, Assassin, Templar, or otherwise, should have these artifacts, the series has settled for shuffling them around like so many footballs. And to make them more interesting, the writers of later games have chosen to make the PoEs more powerful.
For example, the one in Syndicate is essentially a healing blanket that brings people back from the brink of death. The one in Odyssey makes the bearer immortal. All I could think when I found out about these was “Gee, it sure would have been nice if Minerva had led Desmond to that one when he was preparing to sacrifice himself for humanity.”
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It’s getting to the point where I’m goddamned sick and tired of seeing them crop up. All three episodes of Assassin’s Creed Chronicles were about retrieving a POE -- the same POE, no less -- and playing keep away with the Templars at three different points in history.
It’d be different if we saw the Assassins ever used the POEs to further their cause or make the world a better place, but it’s happened almost never in the series. Most of the time it’s as though playing POE hot potato with the Templars is the only thing the Assassins can actually be bothered to do.
Which brings me to my last, and biggest issue...
Road to Nowhere
Let me ask a question: What, at this point, is the endgame for the Assassin’s Creed universe?
I don’t mean what’s the planned endpoint of the series -- Ubisoft will keep making them for as long as we keep buying them. I mean, what’s the desired world state for the Assassin and Templar factions -- what, in essence, is the end goal of their efforts?
I have played every game in the series multiple times, read the comics and novels, and even watched the movie. I know this series very well, and it disturbs me that, when I ask myself that question, I can’t come up with more than a vague answer for the Templars, and no answer at all for the Assassins.
Think about it: What have the Assassins done for the last few games besides follow behind the Templar group du jour with a paint roller, covering up and undoing whatever it is they’ve done? When’s the last time the Assassins made an effort to do anything, rather than just react? When’s the last time you, the player, felt like you were playing a character that could have actually existed in history and made some kind of an impact?
The longer we do this dance, the less it feels like we’re working towards some kind of goal -- and that’s a damned drag. At the very least, with the Desmond storyline, we had a definite end. Ubisoft kind of painted itself into a corner by needing Desmond’s story to be wrapped up before the end of 2012 in order to tie into that whole “Mayan Doomsday” thing from December of the same year. So if nothing else, we knew his story was going to have to end by then.
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Even Disney is aware it couldn’t just keep making Marvel adaptations forever without some kind of larger destination in mind or people would lose interest. But apparently that lesson’s escaped Ubisoft, because there doesn’t seem to be a cosmic expiry date on the modern-day story.
Its very tempting to say the series would be better off it cut out the figurative tumor and no longer have a modern narrative at all. But if it did, what would tie these games together, truly?  Because the meat-and-potatoes of the games takes place in the past, it falls to the modern-day sections to deliver the big-picture story, which they have failed to do for a while now.
The problem isn’t that the modern sections exist. The problem is that the modern sections aren’t good. They’re aimless and boring, and the characters are so bland and uncontextualized that it’s impossible to sympathize with them. And that sucks because it means we have no connection to the world beyond the past storyline anymore. If you’d told me circa 2012 I’d be missing Desmond Miles in a few years, I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are.
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I’m not trying to give the impression, with this screed, that I don’t like or have fallen out of love with Assassin’s Creed. Because somehow, shockingly, I haven’t. I still love AC. I’ve loved AC since I was 17, which is over a third of my life. I’m just bitterly dissatisfied with AC at the present moment. At this point I’m afraid Valhalla is going to resemble For Honor more than previous entries in the series.
A franchise can change. A franchise can evolve. But this isn’t evolution. This is a game series that has gone completely off the rails and is spinning its wheels aimlessly in the air. I’ll revisit this topic after Valhalla, but I’m not holding out hope for a great change.
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vintagebarbershop · 7 years
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#Repost @twcbs ・・・ 💈Guaranteed Clientele | Great Pay & Commission on Product Sale ✂️ DM @twcbs or Email info twcbarbershop.com to Join Our Team. Spread The Word‼️ @jobs4barbers #TWCBS #RutgersUniversity #TheLivingstonPlaza #Rutgers #JerseyBarbers #Barber #Haircut #Andis #Wahl #BabyBliss #Layrite #Elegance #Pacinos #Xotics #Fade #StylistShopConnect #StylistWanted #BarbershopConnect #BarbersWanted #LicensedBarbers #jobs4barbersnewjersey
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maitaitiu · 1 year
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zora sage of water ideas. wanted to draw from the lionfish mipha concept bc its so cool....
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sunroofangel · 2 years
giggling bc i just revamped my entire blog, and realised that maybe i do want to update my total drama fanfiction!! lmao anyways twcbs chap 2 coming soon question mark
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borobudurnews · 3 months
Tingkatkan Sinergitas TNI-Polri, Polresta Magelang Gelar Olahraga Bersama di Kawasan Candi Borobudur
BNews—MAGELANG— Dalam rangka menyambut Hari Bhayangkara Ke-78, Polresta Magelang menyelenggarakan olahraga bersama TNI-Polri. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Marga Utama kompleks Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB), Kabupaten Magelang, Jumat (21/6/2024). Tampak hadir pimpinan dan anggota dari Polresta Magelang, Kodim 0705/Magelang, Yonarmed 11 Kostrad, Yonarmed 3/105 /Tarik/Naga Pakca, anggota Persit…
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sydmarch · 2 years
I keep losing track of where I stand on this series so notes for myself: never wet needs a new sketch start completely over. possibly for yesterday too but try a rough painting first. gloria also needs to be started from scratch. redo the rough paintings for sod & short time. you know where the others are at
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dailystraitsdotcom · 2 years
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Kuala Lumpur, May 31: Ta Win Holdings Berhad (Ta Win), an integrated Malaysian manufacturer of copper products, through its subsidiary Ta Win Copper Biohealth Sdn Bhd (TWCB), today entered into a Research and Development Collaboration Agreement with a leading research institution Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This will see Ta Win and UPM embark on research to explore the wound healing effects of copper, with a view toward potentially developing copper-based products for the healthcare market. “As part of our strategy to explore the downstream application of the biochemistry and chemistry of copper, this partnership with UPM will enable us to tap into this further by determining the healing effects of copper,” Datuk Seri Ngu Tuieng Ung, Group Managing Director of Ta Win said. “Copper is already known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and several studies have found evidence of the abilities of copper in enhancing and easing wound healing. The project is set to take place over a two-year period from this June to May 2024 and the research will be carried out by UPM in cooperation with TWCB. #NewsInBrief #UPM #Malaysia (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOTprUhcVG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keycuts · 6 years
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No enhancements • @twcbs (at The Wright Cut) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpaWouQDUgP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=108zp4kv0yt6g
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