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thespoonhasreturn · 2 years ago
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I tried things okay
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xyanmajor · 2 years ago
I took the decision to DM "The wild beyond Witchlight" with my current DM and a co-player of our current CoS campaign. I'm both excited and fearfull at the same time cause it's a hardwork prep to come !! I found an adventure for session 0 with the futur-players as children and i'm totally in love with it ! From the creation, to the addition its totally my type and i'm so happy !! I hope that we could take a little time one day to play >w< <3
This world is odd and cute at the same time <3
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year ago
Ok but if The World Between Worlds is where force ghosts (possibly) go when they aren't manifesting and Jacen could hear the duel between Ahsoka and Anakin in twbw...
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Force ghost Kanan meeting his son when Disney???
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marvelstars · 1 year ago
Ahsoka´s training records
So I have seen some discussion about how exactly Ahsoka got a hold of those training records Anakin made for her given she left the Jedi Temple with not much besides the clothes at her back so I believe it´s time to remember that wasn´t the last time she saw Anakin and I may be wrong but I believe this is how she got them.
I believe Anakin gave them to Ahsoka along with her lightsabers before she went to Mandalore
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In fact after she left the Jedi temple Anakin was shown hidding something in a very similar box inside his room at the temple so my guess is that he keep all of Ahsoka´s things, her lightsaber, her padawan braid and her training records and gave them back to her when he saw her before she went to Mandalore as a sort of parting gift from him to her, given he didn´t know if she was going to come back or go her own way again, it was a sort of moment of closure between them.
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Another and more heartbreaking scenario is that Vader keep her lightsabers and may have found the box with her training records and kee´p them to himself so years after Ahsoka found them at his castle on Mustafar after Vader died.
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So there isn´t much backstory but it´s very possible she found the records because Anakin gave them to her or she got them back from Vader´s castle post ROTJ given no one goes there anymore.
PD: Given Huyang´s reaction to seeing Ahsoka training with Anakin´s projection I can bet she keep them hidden but wasn´t able to see them until she got closure in TWBW with her Master, she needed to see for herself Anakin truly came back to the light for her to be able to love and mourn her Master as she wanted to do all those years ago.
Now I just need her to share them with Luke if she isn´t already planning to give them to him but time will tell if this does happen, I don´t think Luke would want to take them from Ahsoka but would appreciate seeing them.
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bleached-socks · 2 months ago
Okay so Bleach Brave Souls post time
Why have there been so many TYBW banners lately??? Since the Anniversary, there has only been one (1) banner that hasn’t been TYBW. Plus the banner before Anni was the TYBW Swimsuit Bambi’s, which doesn’t help. And this especially frustrating to me since I’ve been trying to collect every Quincy character in the game (and I’d been successful until they just started spamming TYBW banners).
So the banner order has been:
TYBW Swimsuit Bambis (also Seasonal but they’re in the free TYBW summons)
8th Anniversary Kenpachi and Gremmy (technically Premium but still TWBW characters)
TYBW Toshiro, Soi Fon, and Komamura
TYBW Shinji and Kensei
TYBW Oh-Etsu and Tenjiro
A Yamamoto, Unohana, and Jushiro banner
TYBW Byakuya, Rukia, and Renji
TYBW Candice and Mask (this banner broke my streak for having every Quincy in the game because I missed Mask, who I don’t even like)
TYBW Giselle, Zombie!Bambi, and Cirruci (they finally realeased Giselle and I MISSED HER because I was still trying to get Mask)
TYBW Bazz and Robert (I didn’t get either of them because I was still trying to get Giselle)
TYBW Christmas Unohana, Nemu, and Isane (also Seasonal but they’re in the free TYBW summons)
TYBW Christmas Liltotto and Gremmy (who I presume will also be both TYBW and Seasonal) (also why are they releasing a seasonal version of Liltotto before her ACTUAL version???)
And End of Year has usually been TYBW as well, so we can expect the next banner to be the same
I’m glad that we’re getting all these characters but can we PLEASE space them out more.
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bleachart12 · 3 months ago
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Wary of time, good
In 30 episode Twbw
Chahter: Ichigo kursakui
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senruthmartinsbob · 2 years ago
If hyperspace is an alternate dimension that you can travel to and drop out of for FTL travel into GFFA then I think after all the episodes in Rebels it’s pretty well confirmed that TWBW is in the same dimension as hyperspace. Hyperspace is like flat land and TWBW is a train station built on it. It’s obvious that some group of force wielders- the Mortis Gods or the Jedi or some unknown group- are able to build constructions and technologies using the force. Theyre not based in science and physics but the rules of the force, which is unscientific all the time. That’s how temples are made, for example. “As you know, these temples can be tricky.” Temples are man made versions of naturally occurring points with a strong connection to the force in the galaxy (like the cave on dagobah) which then causes weird events like visions etc.
Though I think Mortis as a planet is good evidence that it was probably the Ones who built TWBW because they obviously already have experience with this sort of “pocket dimension” technology. They are the ones who guard the power, although I think they’re obviously talking about the force as they each embody an aspect of it, they aren’t masters over the force, the force is a master over them just like everything in the physical world. So it makes more sense that they are guarding specifically the Hyperspace and the things they built in hyperspace.
Purgill and lothwolves can travel through hyperspace but Lothwolves are specifically attributed to Force technology and the light side in general. They disappear when the empire rises, and are painted on a living mural on the Lothal door. Its like a raccoon washing its food or a monkey using a rock to smash things, they cant built intricate technologies but they get the core concept and can apply it. The lothwolves have a connection to the force as does lothal as a planet in general so they can tap into hyperspace.
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quidprofaux · 4 months ago
Watching new TWBW within 24 hours of finally getting my POTS diagnosis. Life is good. Great even.
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minigenos · 1 year ago
I didn't know that the next season of Bleach TWBW was not only out but nine weeks into episodes!
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marvelstars · 1 year ago
I may be wrong but I believe Anakin gave them to Ahsoka along with her lightsabers before she went to Mandalore
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In fact after she left the Jedi temple Anakin was shown hidding something in a very similar box inside his room at the temple so my guess is that he keep all of Ahsoka´s things, her lightsaber, her padawan braid and her training records and gave them back to her when he saw her before she went to Mandalore as a sort of parting gift from him to her, given he didn´t know if she was going to come back or go her own way again, it was a sort of closure between them.
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Another and more heartbreaking scenario is that Vader keep her lightsabers and may have found the box with her training records and keep them to himself so years after Ahsoka found them at his castle on Mustafar after Vader died.
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So there isn´t much backstory but it´s very possible she found the records because Anakin gave them to her or she got them back from Vader´s castle post ROTJ given no one goes there anymore.
Either way those are a testament of Anakin´s care and love for Ahsoka and she would not leave them around to be lost once again, not if she can keep them and after her talk with Anakin in TWBW she was ready once again to see them and Anakin as she meet him, as her young master who only wanted the best for her. Huyang obviously didn´t see them before so my guess is that she wasn´t able to see them until she got her own closure over her master life and death.
Parachuting into your inbox because I'm ready to throw my phone into the sea, after seeing all of these posts about Ahsoka showing Luke Anakin's training holocrons.
That is, if it made ANY sense for Ahsoka to have them at this point in time, let alone for them to still exist.
More terrible writing for fan service and we can't keep letting them get away with it.
Ahsoka left the temple with nothing but the dress on her back.
As far as we know and can easily gather from her living in the lower levels and having presumably sold her akul tooth headdress - the one symbolic tie she had to the only cultural identity she had that wasn't the Jedi, the only one she could still associate positive feelings with, she was not meeting up with any Jedi or Padme, and therefore was not hiding them at the Martez warehouse.
And it isn't likely that Anakin would have tried to find a way to find them to her. It isn't illegal to own a lightsaber, but Anakin kept them hoping that she would one day come back, making it even more likely that he kept her training holocrons.
Why, after all, when Ahsoka said she didn't want to be a Jedi, would she have either found a way to ask for them, or Anakin thought they would be a welcome parting gift, and there was no time.
We can then easily infer that the holocrons could only possibly have been relocated from her quarters to four places:
- Anakin's quarters in the temple
- Anakin's quarters on his Venator
- Ahsoka's quarters on the Tribunal, in the unlikely event that in the flurry of Anakin only being able to give her sabers back and leaving for Coruscant
- The archives in the Jedi temple, possibly to be used for training other Padawans, or for more secure storage
One of those three places (and the most unlikely) were destroyed, the other Vader had direct access to.
Are we really to believe he didn't ensure there wasn't a single trace left of any of the virtual time capsules of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker?
He minimally took them to Mustafar and hid them in a closet, but it's much more likely that he destroyed them.
I want as much Anakin and Ahsoka content as the next person, but I am beyond tired of heartstrings, including mine, being tugged on through shoddy writing that insists on breaking canon and logic repeatedly in order to evoke said emotional response from the audience, and distract them from the fact that this show is riding on nostalgiabaiting and milking beloved relationships from much better written shows (when this show didn't put in the work to earn it).
The sad reality is that this clusterfuck of a show isn't actually delivering satisfying nor compelling storytelling at all.
Name dropping fan favorites while saying absolutely nothing about them, while depending on Ray Stevenson and Hayden to carry this show on their backs through their excellent performances isn't good enough.
I really think that people either feel afraid of speaking openly about the show, or they are settling for worse than mediocrity, while Filoni is getting away with murder, giving Ahsoka holocrons and psychometry she shouldn't have, because he doesn't know how to tell his story without doing so.
I wanted Ahsoka to have a show worthy of the character she was up until the end of Rebels. Those who haven't watched her in animation aren't going to walk away from this series understanding why Ahsoka is so beloved, and it's a tragedy.
I wanted live-action only audiences to watch this show and be driven to give The Clone Wars and Rebels a chance, instead of doing the opposite.
I wanted to love this show instead of wanting to eat a plank of wood. Your scathing and accurate reviews are a balm for my soul right now. Wednesday can't come soon enough. Then the healing can begin.
Until the next Filoniverse show.
Exactly. All of this is so fucking true.
Filoni's playing around like a child in a sandbox. Except he doesn't care if the sandcastles he's knocking down are his or not.
The one of the earliest examples, but also the deepest cut that I can think of is the needless recon (and weird whitification) of Kanan in the beginning of The Bad Batch.
Now, a lot of people don't know this, but Kanan had his own book, exploring his backstory and how he came to meet Hera. It was also turned into a 12 issue comic run called Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan which was how I knew about it. The story depicts Kanan and Depa Billaba final moments together, including banter with their clone troopers, on a very obviously desert planet, with no Bad Batch people in sight.
And there are numerous other examples of written Star Wars content being thrown in the bin by Filoni, like massive portions of the Ahsoka novel that was needlessly condensed for Tales of the Jedi. It's obvious that he must have nothing but contempt for the canon Thrawn books given how he's made Thrawn into some insane pro-imperial warlord that doesn't even fit with his Rebels characterization in a void, let alone his book characterization on top of it.
AND we all know it doesn't stop at written works either. Midichlorians, while incredibly stupid, are a pivotal part of Star Wars now and don't just get to be thrown away cuz Filoni doesn't like them. Entire character arcs have been utterly scrapped for the sake of the disgusting GirlBossification of Bo Katan, for the sake of making Luke more mystifying while seeking synergy with the sequels, for the sake of having an easy marketing ploy with Ahsoka the Jedi.
For me, this all ties back to the fact that Filoni actively discouraged people from watching the previous shows. It was a warning flag then that has morphed into the massive red flag that it is now. He doesn't want people watching the old shows, because he wants to appeal to a larger audience who is naive and will eat this shit up. The amount of people who I've seen online who are singing the praises of the show, but admit to having never watched Rebels let alone Clone Wars is really concerning. Because it proves exactly who his target audience was with this.
Which is such a shame because even on it's own, Ahsoka is a bad show. As previously discussed here, the choreography is laughable and the acting from everyone is that of a cardboard cutout and how the pacing is absolutely fucked and how the costumes could be outdone by a 5 year old's first cosplay. But that's not even touching the lackluster sets, and the really weird messaging (both @trashquisitor-shirozora and @kanansdume have extensive metas on the show's treatment of Xiono that are definitely worth the read), and so much more.
But to return to your original reason for persecuting in, yes. Those tapes should not exist, in any way shape or form, and the fact that they do without explanation is fucking ridiculous.
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xyanmajor · 1 year ago
Weep not dear children, For life is this way. Murdering beauty And passion... (...) Rest now my children, For soon we'll away. Into the calm And the quiet.... In my garden of enchantment... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIbFSkK68uc
With this fuc*** beauty of cover and instrumental <3 ♦♦♦♦♦
I want to add this music and lyrics in my TWBW campaign but i must traduct them in french and i don't have the skill and the mic to sing, it will be very awkward, my baby will get up and well, u know. In addition, this is hocus pocus song and, even if we are all grown-up I think people all know this song so i can not. But i do want, in a way, cause i see the lyrics and i'm "AH. It coould be a lovely way to explain THIS particular thing that the book didn't 8D " #ramble
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nanacoubo95 · 3 years ago
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My dears beloved ♥
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thespoonhasreturn · 2 years ago
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those are my ocs, i will hurt them
pls ignore the english mistakes
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thedayoftoast · 4 years ago
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Separated but connected 
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lisbonsteresa · 4 years ago
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this show is a disaster
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chloeinletters · 5 years ago
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Mood board for The Weight Beneath Water
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