#twas a scary time
goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Steve has active nightmares, like I mean he will be moving, he will be screaming, but the one that happens most these days is he doesn't breath when he dreams of the demobats attacking him, or the vines.
When it gets to the part of the dream where they are choking him his body just.....doesn't breathe, it fights for breath like he is actually being choked and he has woken up way to many times coughing and trying to get catch his breath but ends up always hyperventilating till he can recognize he's not dreaming anymore. This boy is crying, drooling, sounding like he was actually being choked to death and most times he scratches at his neck.
Of course he doesn't tell The Party, they're just nightmares. The kids deal with enough and Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and Eddie are graduating and making plans and he doesn't want to be a burden.
This bit is inspired by @nightshiftz where Steve makes sure he doesn't fall asleep anywhere but at home.
If The Party spends the night, he makes himself stay awake all night just in case. He's been having nightmares frequently, almost every night, he hides the signs as best he can. Makeup under his eyes and some of his mother's expensive eye bag treatment cream that she forgot she had and never takes with her anymore. If it's a scratches night he makes sure to but bandages on and put on a turtleneck. If it's hot out he still wears a turtleneck, just one he cut the sleeves off of. He makes the excuse that his scar was itching that day and the turtleneck helps him not itch at it as much.
Everyone believes him except Robin and Eddie but both don't know how to go about bringing it up or exactly what they are bringing up. They just notice the turtleneck is odd and when he wears it Steve is stiff and not himself. Like he's doing everything he can to take attention off himself, but Steve is smooth, Steve is smart at reading people and how best to distract their attention.
Then Eddie notices that Steve never actually sleeps whenever The Party sleeps over or even when it's a smaller group like Eddie, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan. Or even just Robin, Eddie and Steve. Eddie notices because he woke up during one of these sleepovers, it was one with the whole Party, Steve had opened up his home for a small movie night and Eddie had had his own nightmare.
Eddie, contrary to popular belief is a quiet dreamer, even with nightmares. Sure his breathing may get heavier, but he's pretty quiet up until the point of waking where he chokes on a cut off scream or if he does scream it's the once. Noisy nightmares, or even just noisy dreams used to be one of the many things his dad disliked from him.
It was one of those nights that he woke before the scream could leave. He was grateful he didn't wake up anyone and decided he needed a glass of water. He tended to hold himself so tense when having a nightmare, even to the point where he tensed his throat so he always awoke parched. He does his best not to make too much noise as he gets his glass of water but that's when he noticed the light on outside in the backyard.
Eddie is innately curious so of course he had to go see what it was. He thought perhaps that Steve just forgot to turn it off but he racked his brain trying to remember if the boy even turned it on in the first place. Then he noticed the sliding glass door slid slightly open, and of course he had to peak outside, he even armed himself with a kitchen knife. That's when he saw Steve, Steve who looked, frankly, awful. He had dark bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess but no less charming (no less infuriating either that it still seemed to stay charming) and he looked pale from what Eddie could see in the moonlight and back porch light.
Eddie had wanted to go outside, see what was wrong, but something stopped him. So he just stood there and watched. Thoughts came and went, as did hopes that Steve just went out for some air and would be back in soon and Eddie could apologize for being a creep and watching him. It never happened.
30 minutes passed.
2 hours.
It was at the 5 hour mark of just watching Steve sit there on a pool chair where the sun was coming off that Eddie noticed that Steve had his nailbat at his side. Gripped in one hand, but down by his side like he was giving off the image of being defenseless, of being vulnerable and just waiting for whatever creeper at night to try him. To try and get inside.
It worried Eddie beyond belief, but when Steve finally stood up to come in Eddie had made his way as fast as he could back to his spot on the couch to pretend to be asleep. Again, he didn't know why he did this, just that he did. He could hear Steve walk into the living room, knew well that he was making sure everyone was okay, could feel his eyes on him for a good minute before he heard him go upstairs.
Eddie didn't know what to do. He couldn't bring it up, then he would have to explain why he just watched, why he pretended to be asleep. So he promises to see if this is a one off thing, if it is then Steve probably worked through whatever made him watch over them all that night, if not....if not then he didn't know but he would plan.
It was then he noticed that Steve never stayed the night anywhere whenever the group got together somewhere else. Even when it was offered he never did. Next sleepover at the Harrington Residence had Eddie staying awake, waiting until he heard the footsteps. Till he heard the back door slide open.
It wasn't a one off thing.
Eddie watched again. Pretended he was asleep again. Then it was like he couldn't help himself from noticing the makeup under the eyes, the exhausted way Steve held himself when he thought no one was looking, the way he stared at any surface that you could sleep on with such want that Eddie wanted to cry.
Then he made it his mission to get the boy to sleep. Maybe it was trickery that he invited Steve to his and Wayne's government funded trailer. Maybe it was trickery that he was confused that Robin canceled because she had some family thing she forgot (he never asked her but he would be sure to fill her in if his plan succeeded. And maybe it was trickery that he listened to old wives tales and did his best following recipes to make lettuce soup and this weird warm milk mixture of honey and chamomile.
It's absolute trickery when he tells Steve that Wayne was trying out new recipes and asked Eddie to tell him how he liked them and if Steve would help him out. After all two minds were better than one and they could give Wayne tips. Steve is so sleep deprived that he believed the half-baked excuse and well he hadn't eaten dinner....or lunch so why not.
Eddie could see the warm food doing it's job, so he stepped it up, he made sure the temperature was slightly cool since he read people sleep better if they are somewhat cool. And, "Hey Steve wanna hear the new song I've been working on? Just really quick and then we can pick a movie."
Of course Steve agreed, because Steve is kind and great. So Eddie played a soft melody, hummed until Steve just dropped asleep there on the couch. Eddie felt like he had won the biggest prize, he got a blanket out to cover Steve, helped set him in a comfortable position and popped in a movie. He would watch over Steve for how ever long it took for him to sleep.
He gets through the first movie, pops in a second and it's near the end of the second that he notices Steve tossing and turning on the small couch. Then he notices the breathing, but before he could actually begin to debate whether he should wake Steve up or not Steve tossed himself right off the couch.
Eddie thought that was it. Steve would wake up, but he didn't. Eddie watched horrified as he noticed Steve wasn't breathing. STEVE WASN'T BREATHING!?
He freaked out. Of course he did. It was when he got closer, dropped to his knees to wake Steve up that Steve reached to his neck and scratched. Eddie panicked and grabbed Steve's hands because Steve drew blood. He drew blood! Eddie was crying as he begged Steve to wake up and Steve did but he's still half asleep when he does so he goes through his routine of gasping, crying, hyperventilating but he hears Eddie, feels him.
Eddie was freaking out but he noticed Steve wasn't fully awake, was panicking and quickly pulled Steve's back to his chest. His legs bracketed on either side of the boy, his arms wrapped around him. He started directing Steve, telling him to match his breathing. He whispered sweet nothings. He did all he could.
When Steve finally was aware he realized he was still at Eddie's. Fell asleep at Eddie's. Had a nightmare at Eddie's and it's like he couldn't hold it in anymore. He just sobbed. It was heartbreaking and Eddie just held him through it all. Then when Steve got his bearings he thanked Eddie and tried to leave but Eddie didn't allow that.
They argued a bit but Eddie won out and gently guided Steve to his bedroom where he cleaned the scratch, gave him some pajamas which for Steve meant a shirt and that's it. Then they laid down and Eddie knew Steve was scared to fall asleep again but Eddie was running his hands up and down his back softly, rhythmically. Steve tucked into his side and Eddie started humming again and Steve was out. It took a while for Eddie to fall asleep though but come morning Steve was surprised he actually got some sleep.
It became routine for Steve to go to Eddie for sleep or help with nightmares.
Then Steve slipped. He fell asleep at a group sleepover at his house. Pool party this time. Being around Eddie just helped Steve sleep and this time he was one of the first to fall asleep. The kids were surprised, made jokes about it but they were all worried, they noticed just then how tired Steve looked even though he was sleeping. Eddie redirects their attention, he knows Steve wants to tell them about his nightmares, but didn't know how and Eddie wasn't going to be the one to do it. He didn't want to break Steve's trust.
Then Eddie fell asleep and he felt really guilty for that because he knew Steve would probably be freaked if he woke up and realized he fell asleep in front of everyone. He tried to stay awake but he was so damn tired from the day. Then they were all awoken by screams. Terrifying, heart-wrenching screams. They all were looking for the trouble, ready to fight but that's when they realized it was Steve. Steve who was screaming and thrashing and Eddie trying to get close to him.
They all watched in horror as Steve just stopped screaming and instead started gasping for air like he couldn't breath his movements desperate. Robin was crying and trying to get close and Nancy and Jon were trying to keep the kids calm and away. Then Steve started scratching at his neck. His face. And they all started crying and screaming for him to wake up, screaming at Eddie asking what was happening. Eddie had to explain.
He had to explain as he expertly caught Steve's hands and maneuvered himself behind Steve and held him. Yelling at everyone to shut up because Steve would be half asleep waking up and if he heard then crying, worrying, that he would think there was a problem and panic more. So they watched as Eddie spoke quietly into Steve's ear, rocking them and finally Steve woke up for a brief second before he just sobbed into Eddie's chest and fell back asleep.
Eddie had to tell them.
From there they tried to get Steve to open up, talk about everything that happened because they noticed, he was always there for them but they never noticed him struggling or even offered to see if he was. He never spoke about nightmare or problems and they all felt terrible but they were determined to be there now.
It took a while. Longer than they wanted but slowly Steve started to talk about what happened, how it made him feel, things even not Upside-down related.
They were all determined to take care of him the way he took care of them.
And if Eddie was one who took care of him more often than the others that was his business. And if he liked taking care of Steve and making sure he was okay that was his business too. And if maybe he just wanted to kiss Steve's sadness and stress away, again that was his business.
Until it became their business because Eddie actually kissed him one night and messy confessions were made but neither were trade them for anything.
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ashtreelane · 9 months
in the throws of an episode.going to staple a stickynote to my head that just says "Can someone buy me a good fucking sandwich"
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i just had the weirdest dream/almost-nightmare ever??? thanks for that brain
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Top gender moment:
Telling someone you will push them off the lift you are on if they don’t respect the name change.
Success rate 100%
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huramuna · 8 months
banshee's lament - chapter 2.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
a former ward of alicent hightower and aemond's childhood companion, shera stark, returns to king's landing after ten years. ten years after the incident at driftmark that left her and aemond permanently disfigured. after so many years apart, shera and aemond are almost strangers. almost.
shera's voice sounds like blue diamond in this clip. a soft, dreamy whisper.
wordcount: 4.2k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, ofc has a service direwolf, i'm taking canon rules and putting them in a blender and taking a shot, arranged marriage, graphic depictions of violence
story playlist
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She’d never ventured south before and her nose wrinkled at the thought. What does the south have that the north doesn’t? Warmth, mayhaps– but you can easily make that with a fire! Pretty silks and lots of fruit, she was told. Shera wasn’t entirely sure what use she would have for pretty silks, as they'd dirty right away if she ventured in the snow– and fruit. Surely there wasn’t anything better than freshly picked blackberries and blueberries.
The little girl couldn’t sit still in the wheelhouse as she poked her head to the sliding wood window, brown eyes trying to gauge the landscape. It was certainly green! They had been on the road for a moon and a half and Shera was about to pull out her hair from boredom. The stewardess, Warra, that her father had stowed away with her for the journey, irritated Shera to no end.
‘Sit down!’
‘Stitch inward, not outward.’
‘You’re fraying the thread, be gentle.’
If looks could kill, the poor stewardess would be dead within the first week of the journey. Warra glared back at the impudent child, thinking the exact same thought.  
“You must be Shera Stark,” a young woman cooed, who had greeted the little girl at her arrival to the keep. Her hair was the same shade as Shera’s. She was dressed in a green dress, and it reminded the little girl of the pine forests beyond Winterfell. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet… you,” Shera returned, curtsying with a small wobble. “M’lady.” 
Shera felt an odd connection to the woman almost instantaneously, her arms held out for a hug. At the age of five, she was still very much a baby, and craved the warm touch of another person. “Are you my mumma now?” she whispered.
“Oh,” the woman murmured. “You may call me Alicent,” she added, looking slightly confused at the little girl’s request for an embrace. Alicent stared at the child for a moment, seeing herself reflected in her huge brown eyes. She scooped her up and held Shera to her hip. “It’s scary being here all alone, isn’t it?” 
The south was no place for a wolf, she feared. Not only her own wolf, but herself as well. She heard their whispers as she arrived in the city, the stares of prying eyes, wishing to catch a glimpse of the infamous Banshee of Winterfell. 
‘Twas an ugly name, Shera thought. Banshees were decrepit creatures with haunting yowls and spindling claws like cracked branches– was she truly so ugly? She hardly spoke, no less screamed, lest she awaken the still tender pain against her neck. Sometimes she would hum a broken tune from her girlhood days, but she would hardly call that a song.
The journey had taken over half a moon and was as agonizingly long as she remembered from her girlhood, even more so now. Cregan opted to leave her alone in the wheelhouse while he rode outside on his horse. She’d much rather be upon horseback than in the sweltering carriage— the movements made her ill, and she spent much of the time with her face firmly supplanted into Moongeist’s fur. 
Jacaerys had offered to take Shera to King’s Landing by dragonback before they left. 
“It would be a much faster and easier journey, my lady. It is even easier than riding horseback.” he exclaimed, his dragon just now grown enough to saddle two. Vermax loomed in the background on the snow laden grass, sniffing the air and making soft trilling noises. He reminded Shera of a whippoorwill. 
“I… I would very much love to, my prince— but I would be blind without Moongeist with me upon arrival and I do not think Vermax would take kindly to another passenger who weighs more than you and I — and is a wolf.” she said softly. Shera wished to keep both feet supplanted on the ground— she would never acclimate to flying upon a dragon or being ferried by ship. She was prone to seasickness, and imagined dragonback no different. 
Moongeist pressed to her hip, guiding her and keeping her on a straight path. Shera’s fingers laced through the thick fur of the wolf, who’d become somewhat of a guardian for her since the incident ten years ago. The loss of vision in her eye threw off her calibration of the world, often leaving her lost and clinging to walls. Cregan had procured the wolf as a pup, six moons after Shera’s return to Winterfell– she hardly remembered Moongeist as a puppy, as she lived on milk of the poppy and venison stew broth for a year. 
The now gigantic wolf, Cregan citing him as a Winter King’s direwolf, acted as Shera’s eyes and balance. She could still see, of course, out of one eye– but her chronic pain debilitated her, rendering her into that sobbing, sniffling, poppy-addled child she was a decade ago. Cregan, whom Shera hardly knew when she returned, was very much the depiction of an angry wolf, pacing back and forth in the maester’s chambers for weeks. She didn’t remember much during those months, but she remembered the movement of Cregan’s shadow, bristled and looming like a creature out of fantasy. 
And now she had returned to the place that started it all– ‘twas her home for eight years. Cregan was here, too, meeting with the Queen and Princess Rhaenyra on matters pertaining to Shera’s betrothal, a sign of goodwill from Alicent to somehow mend the rift between the Starks and the crown.
It all seemed very dreary to Shera. She didn’t wish to be looked at, perceived, much less married to a man, to whom she would have to share the intimacies of her disfiguration with and lay bare beneath.
Shera walked through the halls of Keep, fingers skimming over the familiar yet so foreign stone.
She looked very much like a ghost or banshee in her gown and veil, one she preferred to wear to conceal her scars, flitting through the corridors. She was often dreamy eyed, when people did see her eyes, and certainly was a touch maddened — especially since the accident at Driftmark.
She was a quiet, solemn woman now, tamed by the Queen into a proper young lady as a child under almost solely Queen Alicent’s eye as her ward— an unexpected oath that Viserys upheld, as he’d made a promise to Rickon Stark, the girl’s father, many years before. She had come to King’s Landing at the tender age of five.
Alicent brought up Shera as she saw fit—sheltered and safe, softening her rough edges and wild nature. Shera became the perfect Hightower daughter that Alicent never had, who attended prayer, read the Pointed Star of the Seven front to back and served the Gods with honor, much to the chagrin of Cregan once she returned.
She adjusted her veil as she walked towards the holdfast, thankful for the shield from the resplendent sun. Her hair was coiled into a braided bun, pinned with silver jewelry. 
Shera was much a Northern lady in her appearance now, with copper hair in billowing curls. Her hair hadn’t been trimmed much in her lifetime, and when unleashed from its braided confines, it would fall past her bottom. Her unblind eye was a deep brown, edging on black, and her blind one was a milky, pupil-less blue.
Her stomach churned with anticipation and she mostly felt like vomiting. Her hands were now clenched together tightly, white knuckled, as to distract herself. She wished to see the Queen first— a way to anchor herself to reality, and would be the easiest, along with Helaena, to reacquaint herself with.
As she reached the corridor that held the queen’s chambers at the end, it was oddly bereft of people. She watched as the heavy doors swung open and a svelte figure dressed in black receded from the solar. She blinked profusely, seeing the white hair, long and taken pristine care of— and pin straight. That couldn’t be Aegon, could it? 
The figure turned after closing the doors, facing Shera’s direction, who was still at the very end of a long corridor. It was not Aegon. The leather eyepatch gave it away instantly— Aemond. He had gotten tall, much taller than she by at least a foot. 
They made eye contact, violet to brown— he paused, lips pursed. His form went rigid as he clearly acknowledged her presence; but said nothing. 
Shera said nothing, either. The wind was taken out of her lungs, stolen by him, it seemed. 
His one eye widened in surprise, then narrowed. She couldn’t parse the nature of his expression besides cold, hard steel. His fists clenched and unclenched— and he walked away in the other direction, a corridor off to the left, towards the ramparts. Away from Shera. Purposefully. 
“A-Aem,” she attempted to raise her voice to call to him, but was stopped by the sting of pain. “Aem—!” she croaked again, persisting past her limits. 
He looked at her again and kept going, going… until he was out of sight. Gone. 
Shera wracked a cough, clutching her throat. What… was that? Did he just flee from her? She pushed her utter confusion (and ever creeping despair) aside, knocking on the queen’s door. 
A handmaiden, Talya, answered. “Her grace is expecting company— if you haven’t a prior engagement, you must return later.” 
“‘Tis… ‘tis the company,” Shera murmured, suppressing the urge to hack up a lung. “Shera Stark.” 
The handmaiden’s eyes widened with a gleam of recognition, confusion, and then pity— she stepped aside, bowing her head. 
How Shera tired of those expressions being thrown in her direction. She passed through the threshold, a shaky hand gripped into Moongeist’s fur. 
“Oh— Shera?” Alicent echoed, standing up from the settee she was perched upon. She was radiant, to say the least— her hair was shorter than it had been before, but she hadn’t aged much. Aside from a lingering shadow beneath her eyes and in the depths of her irises. She was tired. “By the Seven, I hardly recognized you, my dear.” 
“Your grace,” Shera whispered in greeting, once again curtsying with wobbly legs. As much as she anticipated seeing Aemond, she wished it’d been after she greeted his mother— she felt the part of a ruffled hen, her fragile demeanor temporarily cracked. “It’s… good to see you— you haven’t aged a day.” 
Alicent rushed to her, only slightly phased by Moongeist, who stood now off to the side in preparations for the Queen’s no doubt touchy-feely welcome. “Your voice,” Alicent murmured, her large brown eyes wide, lips downturned. “It’s… you’re very quiet now, my sweet.” she swallowed, putting her arms around the woman— who now, inherently flinched. Shera, as a child, loved to be showered in physical affection, and loved to be hugged, kissed and snuggled by Alicent. But now, she flinched. Only for a moment— she had to get used to it again, she was much a spooked horse, skittish. 
Shera nodded slowly as Alicent led her to sit. “Yes— I… I cannot sing any longer, I am deeply sorry, your grace.” she looked down at her hands.
Shera loved to sing as a child, Aemond listening to her songs, usually ones associated with the Faith of the Seven, and hummed along while he studied. They were both outcasted children, bullied and poked at to a point where they recused themselves into one another, communicating in a language that they made up— a combination of High Valyrian, which Aemond had lovingly taught Shera at the same time he was learning it, and gibberish. 
“It was a terrible thing, what happened that day,” the queen said, pouring them both tea. “It was a terrible thing with naught justice brought.” 
Shera sipped at the tea, letting out a soft sigh as the warm liquid soothed her irritated throat. “… I remember nary a bit, your grace— only…” she clenched the cup tightly, the memories of that day flooding back. 
“You!” one of the twins bellowed.
“‘Tis I.”
“You claimed my mother’s dragon– you stole Vhagar!” 
“You cannot steal a dragon.” Shera huffed, proverbial feathers already fluffed. 
“I do not remember.” Shera corrected herself. 
“I wish I could forget– I still remember it… all too well.” Alicent echoed. “... you must know, I– we rejoiced with the Gods when we heard we hadn’t lost you. I am remiss that we did not get a chance to say goodbye, though.”
The scream that she would never forget– the slash of Lucerys’ blade piercing and mangling Aemond’s eye.
It was a wail that haunted her dreams still. 
Shera could hardly react– did they want to kill him? Were they going to kill her? She moved, shoving Lucerys down, his head hitting the wall, the blade skidding in the dust. Where were the guards? Where were the adults? Where was anyone?
As Lucerys began to cry, blood trickling from his head, Jacaerys went into a rage– fists swinging with a crooked look in his eye that Shera was afraid he would kill her. If she were to die in a skirmish, she would go down with a fight! Barreling toward Jace, she supplanted her weight into the center of his chest, scratching at his face and snapping her jaws like a rabid dog.
Then she was pushed back– but not by Jacaerys. ‘Twas Baela, the more brazen of the dragon twins. She shoved Shera back, brandishing the same dagger that Lucerys had used– it was still dripping with Aemond’s blood. She wasn’t as close as they had been, but the cut was the same, slitting up Shera’s eye as her vision filled with blood. She felt dizzy and could hardly hear herself scream over Aemond’s wails– she was silent, sputtering for breath. 
“Kill her! She’s going to tell on us, Baela!” one of the other kids had cried. Shera couldn’t remember who. 
Her body went into shock– she didn’t even feel the knife slice her throat, her mumbles coming out as garbled choking, spitting up blood– 
Her hand went to her throat absentmindedly, feeling the raised scar where she’d been slashed by that damned knife. The maesters said it was an act of the Gods that it didn’t hit a prominent vein— but as the Gods give, they taketh away. She couldn’t sing any longer, nor hardly talk above a whisper, and was not able to see out of one of her eyes. It wasn’t taken out like Aemond’s, but muted into a milky blue color. 
“... I’ve missed you much, your grace,” Shera uttered, her hand snaking to Alicent’s as she clutched it with a small tremble.
“We cannot change the past, Shera– we can only… forge our future,” Alicent returned her squeeze with a smile, brows downturned. “... do you wish to marry him, my dear?”
Shera breathed audibly. Did she want to? Was that her wish? No– of course it wasn’t. It wasn’t– Jace had changed much since the incident on Driftmark, but she feared how to tell him that she would wake up sobbing from nightmares about him, about him and his brother and his cousins, brutalizing her. It was twisted, in truth, how when they would share a bed, how they would have to conceive an heir, how she would have to let him touch her. He would be gentle, she knew, he would let her take her time and be studious and princely and all the things encompassing the future King after his mother– but she wouldn’t be able to truly look at him without thinking of that, of the pain, the blood filling her throat, gurgling and drowning in her own life’s essence–
“... yes, your grace.” Shera responded. “I wish to… marry Jacaerys Velaryon and mend the rift between the crown and the Starks.” 
Alicent’s brow furrowed and she regarded Shera for a long moment before nodding. “Then… it shall be done.”
Shera felt her skin prickle into goosebumps as she left the queen’s solar. She felt flustered, like she’d been pricked in the bum by a thousand needles– she sorely needed to go to the Weirwood and pray. As she turned to abscond to the ramparts, she was stopped. A pair of arms boxed her against the wall, the scent of dragon and sandalwood overwhelming her senses. Moongeist let out a growl at the intruder, but Shera silenced him with a hand gesture. She knew who it was, of course– she carefully lifted her gaze to him. Aemond.
“Ñuha dārilaros,” My prince, she murmured in High Valyrian– she had rehearsed her greeting to him so many times over the years in her head. Her eyes roved over his form, taking in all of the changes of nearly a decade. He was tall, so much taller than she was now, his once curled hair straightened to a point. His aquiline nose led to his mouth, pursed in anticipation, in challenge. “… it’s good to see you.” 
Aemond’s brow furrowed, his hands still boxing in, as if he were the wolf and she the prey. He looked like a shadow of the boy she once knew— he had all the makings of a predator now, a true dragon in his own right. “Shera,” he grunted. “I’m surprised you remember our lessons, I can’t imagine you use it much anymore, talking to weirwood trees and wolves, or not talking much at all, I’ve heard.” his voice was so laissez-faire, but it held an unmistakable edge to it, like a sheathed blade. 
Her jaw clenched at his tone. She wasn’t expecting a warm reunion like no time had passed, but she wasn’t expecting to be iced out, either. Her mouth twinged in irritation, bleeding into a pang of sorrow in her chest. They had been so close all those years ago, so close that at times it felt they were fused as one— was he so unhappy to see her? She instinctively thumbed over her choker again, poking the tip of her finger into the cool threading to anchor herself. Moongeist pressed to her hip, sensing her change in emotion. The wolf stared at Aemond before nudging Shera’s hand atop his head in an effort to calm her.  “I may not speak it much anymore… but I still remember. We learned it together.”
Aemond’s hand reached out to inspect the veil concealing her face between his thumb and forefinger, as if testing its worth. His violet eye roamed over the outline of her face— he couldn’t quite see all of her from behind the wretched garment, which seemingly agitated him. “You always had such an excellent memory, my lady. You look much like the banshee they say you are with this… veil. Why do you insist on wearing such a thing, it mustn’t be so terrible under there, is it? Not like mine– they took it out. I heard you still have yours, don't you?” he paused, “Why have you returned?” he tugged on the laced curtain, earning him an annoyed whine from Shera and a rumbling growl from Moongeist. He was so callous now, so rough— like unhewn wood, splintering at the edges. 
“I wear it for the same reason you wear your eyepatch– It appears that my brother, your mother and sister, as well as the Gods have other plans for me. I’m to be betrothed.” Shera whispered back, her hand going to her throat as she felt an acute pain from raising her voice a bit too high. 
Aemond’s pupil wavered as he looked her over, concerned over her mewl of pain, then the realization of what she’d said coming over him. “Betrothed,” he said, his voice flat and clipped. “Betrothed,” he repeated again, his grip on her veil increasing. “And who is it? Who dares to try and claim the banshee of Winterfell? I always thought it would be me to claim you, hm? But you ran away to the North and replaced me with a dog.” he eyed the giant black and gray wolf with a curled lip.
A flush of heat came to her cheeks. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call me such things, it's a nasty name. I didn’t expect you of all people to pay attention to court gossip,” she scoffed. “It’s none of your concern whom I’m to marry, Aemond.” Shera let out a breath.
“Who. Is. It?” he continued, spitting each word through gritted teeth.
“That isn’t for me to say. Your mother wishes to announce it formally at dinner tonight.” Shera distanced herself from him as he rescinded now, allowing her some breathing room. She smoothed down her dress and fixed her veil. She sighed inwardly, based on his reaction now, that once Alicent announces her betrothed tonight, he will lose it. She can only speculate how severely he will react when he finds out that his once close companion is being betrothed to someone he loathes. 
He squinted slightly, resting his hands behind his back, foot planted carefully on the ground. “I pray then,” he said with somewhat condescension, “that they aren’t terribly important— all the easier for them to be charred fodder for Vhagar’s belly.” 
Shera snorted, twisting her sapphire signet ring on her middle finger, shaking her head. “You jest, my prince.” 
“Not a jest, sweet wolf. Think of it as a promise.”
“You cannot,” she glanced up, her veil rippling with the sudden movement of her head. “You’re unbelievable, do you know that?” 
“What is so unbelievable about my promise?” 
“You act as if you have a claim over me, Aemond,” she whispered his name, her voice taut as she swallowed a sting of pain from the sudden change in tone. “No one has a claim over me, least of all you.” she coughed, her hand clutching her throat as she awkwardly took in a breath, stretching the limits of her injured vocal cords. Shera let out a strained sigh, shaking her head.
Aemond’s nostrils flared at her words, his jaw clenching. “No one? And yet, you let your brother sell you off like a broodmare. Or mayhaps a prized bitch.” he glanced at the wolf at their feet. “You’ll let him sully you? That basta–,”
Another voice broke the heated conversation. “Brother,” a cool tone said. It was Rhaenyra, on her way to Alicent’s solar. “… Shera.” she squinted slightly, violet eyes darting between Moongeist and the pair. 
“Sister.” Aemond responded, clipped and short. 
“Princess,” Shera greeted shakily, bowing her head. 
“We shall see you tonight at dinner, won’t we, Aemond?” Rhaenyra asked, cocking her head. 
“I suppose I can be persuaded. I’m quite busy, though and don’t have much time for idle pleasantries.” he dipped his head, facing away from Shera now. “Ladies.” he bid his farewell, stalking off like a half-cocked dragon. 
Once he was out of earshot, Rhaenyra leaned close to Shera. “You should steer clear of my brother. You were companions once— but he’s different now,” she paused, taking a breath. “I only have your best interest at heart, dearest. For you and Jace.” 
“… thank you, princess,” Shera swallowed, grasping her skirts. “I will… keep that in mind.” 
Rhaenyra gave a nod before disappearing into Alicent’s chambers– leaving behind an exceedingly frazzled Shera, who retreated to the Godswood. 
Kneeling down before the ancient weirwood, she clasped her hands together. “For guidance… for peace…” she murmured, staring at the face etched into the red wood, its eyes bleeding. It felt familiar, in a way. 
“So, which is it? The Old Gods, or the new?” a deep voice interjected into her prayers. She didn’t recognize it at all. Glancing over, she took in the figure of an older man, dressed in black leather and cloth with white hair cropped to his shoulders. A sword was strapped to his waist. Dark Sister.
“Prince Daemon,” Shera sighed, not entirely up to verbally spar with the Rogue Prince. “... I am praying to the Old Gods, as is custom in the North.”
“Ah? And here I’d heard you were quite the little septa in your youth, singing hymns like a… delightful little sparrow.” 
“... that isn’t untrue– I… I hold both the Old and new ways–” 
“What does your brother think of such a thing? Northerners are so rigid in their worship.”
“It isn’t my brother’s concern–” 
“Well, mayhaps you shall start learning of the Valyrian gods, if you’re to be married to Jacaerys.”
“I know… a few, my prince. Tessarion, Meraxes, Shrykos….” she paused, brow furrowing under her veil. “Vhagar.” Shera gave a pointed stare to Daemon.
“Ah, knowledgeable you are. You must be a bookworm like my dear nephew. But, you forgot quite a few– Syrax, Meleys, Arrax, Vermax, Caraxes… the list goes on. I won’t fault you for forgetting them. You have quite a few Gods on your plate already, young wolf.” Daemon gave a toothy smile, extending his hand to her. It was ungloved and looked calloused, old scars littering over his skin like shells on a beach. “Do you need assistance getting up?”
Against her better judgment, Shera took his hand. It was warm, unnaturally so like all of the Targaryens. He hoisted her up to her feet, steadying her with an overreaching hand upon her waist. It made her skin crawl.
“Very good,” he hummed. “Enjoy your prayers, Lady Stark.” 
Moongeist grumbled uneasily next to her, eyeing the Rogue Prince with a wary amber gaze. Shera felt sick.
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 days
even more TO characters as things from my school(this years been boring af)
twobit: me cooking up the most diabolical lunch combinations. mozzarella sticks w blue pop rocks💖
dally: the several holds(less intense lockdowns) in a week and general safety threats. also just general unruliness + kids swearing at the art teacher. i feel bad for her bc shes constantly getting cussed out and im pretty sure she's senile
johnny: there being so many crickets in the fine arts hall. like multiple have to be dealt with within 30 minutes. also getting "What duh heeeaal" yelled at me while i was minding my own beeswax.
darry: english teacher wearing a "human by chance alpha by choice" shirt. a student lent it to him idk why. twas funny tho.
steve: i forgot like last year there wuz a cupcake in my bag and it turned to dust like today n spilled everywhere + the inside joke "THEY TURNED HIM INTO CRUDE OIL!!!!! THEIR REFINING HIM STOP!!!!!!!"
pony: this one kid having the most loud ass diabolical elderly man cough EVER. to give you an idea of how bad it is the teacher said to him "if you cough like that one more time we're sending you to the nurse" im kinda concerned for his health atp because this has been happening for a week
+ some girl during art screaming "STOP!!!!!" when it was silent bc a boy threw like a sheet of paper at her. it was like an ear piercing scream 2
soda: me flunking out of math within the first three weeks of school. i didn't even get consulted about it at all?? like they were just "oh yeah u failed anyways bye bye effective immediately get out" + boys yelling out the lyrics to "last christmas i gave you my heart" really loud down the hall
i mean expand on these if u want?? idk what this is doing in ur inbox I'm sorry. but something compelled me to to this
nonono this gives me the perfect opportunity to add on the shepards and my own stories in general
curly: me laying down and watching adventure time but my cousins came in running and one jumped over me but the other, i shit u not, TRIED to jump over me but put his whole body weight on my one knee🙎🏽‍♀️🙎🏽‍♀️
angela: me SWEARING my aunts house was haunted bc she had these scary masks on the wall and apparently, someone died??? in her living room once???? and the ppace where me and my cousins and sister would sleep just scared the shit outta me i was so scared to get up to use the bathroom at night 😭
tim: my sister catching me kissing the tv when i saw kuzvo from emperors new groove
bonus pony: my cousins laughing at me bc they found me on wattpad</333
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kaleaido · 15 days
So... episode 16 huh?
Okay guys, what the FUCK WASTHATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!1! that was. wow. oh my god. wow. okay I need to sit down. I'll be doing the bullet point breakdown again cause my thoughts are everywhere:
THE ANIMATION IS PHENOMENAL??? The art in general is AWESOME ii2 always had really fluid and cinematic animation imo but GOD this is such eye candy
Seeing the III contestants ISFUCKING SCARY I DIDN'T THINK WE'D GET TO SEE THEM AT ALL??? I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA BE MENTIONED??? They look soo weird in the old art style but this is cool I like it
II SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A MUSICAL WHATT!!! Steve Cobs song certainly was not on my bingo card but here we are. hate that guy but man he got a good voice
I'm digging the payjay angst but I didn't think that was a segue TO KILL OJ?????WHY WAS THAT SCENE SO GOOD. I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH IT WAS HORRIFYING!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE OF MEPHONEX APPROACHING THE CONTESTANTS WASSOASHDGHWAHWASHJD But real talk, does this imply that Toilet was created by Mephone in some ways???
Hi guys I'm actually not okay with us seeing characters that are in pairs be separated. Mm yeah. OJ, Soap, Nickle. Yeah. I'm not okay that they spent the episode showing these characters hanging with their friends only for them to die. Yeah.I'm not okay seeing their friends being in complete shock of what just happened. Yeah. Mh yeah.........
THE HAUNTED MANSION GUYS ARE BACK YAYYY!!!!! and they were roomates <3 (dough i hope you die the second time)
Knife and Suitcase interactions are so well written I can't get over them. Also the way both of them handle 3GS isSOOEUAHGH I lovee 3GS
Knife and Trophy. Need I say more
Suitcase, Nickel and Balloon. Need I say more
Steven Cobs is horrible I hate him but he was also the most entertaining character in this. Him putting Mephone on speaker phone isEVIL I HATE HIM!!!!!! also never realised that he was so egotistical to name his products with "Me" in them that's such Steve Cobs things
THE PLOTTWIST IS SO. DEVASTING. IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR HOURS NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT MEPHONE WAS JUST ROLEPLAYING WITH HIS OCS????? SERIOUSLY???? This just makes so much sense but it's also so horrible. like how many of the stuff tthat contestants did was intentional??? Is this why Bot was one of Mephone's favorite contestants? because they were "real"???
Also quick thing but I just hopped off from Brian's stream just now and he said something along the line of how BP is the opposite of Steve Cobs. Which just makes me wonder if like. did Mephone ALSO make BP??? Did he make someone he could look up to as a healthy father figure??? This is making me insane
yeah my brain is absolutely jumbled right now. if anyone still want to yap on about ii16 hit my dm please I still don't know how to feel about this act. LIKE YEAH It's awesome I love it but wow......is the emotional damage really worth it....
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lymtw · 2 months
if u see bite marks on ur fic, it wasnt me trying to eat it nononono 😋🤰 (twas delish tysm <3)
on a side note, toji and shy reader reminds me sm of fave trope: flower shop vendor x tattoo artist/tattoo shop owner. idk if thats common but the fics with that trope always deliverrr esp with the domestic stuff, them being opposites of each other—gives me so much soft sweet endearing feelingsssuh, like how u write toji and shy reader :3
anyways sry for rambling, i jus rly love ur fics sm i wish i could eat them. ily mal mwah 💋
Could've sworn I saw missing chunks on my fic... oh well, it's made to be consumed anyway 😚🫶🏼
Flower shop vendor x Tattoo artist??? It's like the sun illuminating a cloudy sky and it sounds so, so very cute! 😭💗 I'll have to do a little digging to find some of those fics because now i'm intrigued.
I really enjoy writing out Toji and shy reader because in my head it goes something like this...
Toji, a big, strong man who kills people for a living, looks mean and scary, and has a sharp tongue towards those who irk him, is with someone so gentle and soft spoken and just overall kindhearted. You'd think he would overlook someone like that—someone who can barely look him in the eyes as she speaks—but he's on his knees, entirely smitten for her. He's so careful with her heart and keeps it in both of his enormous hands, despite it fitting in one, to make sure he doesn't drop it. His patience is unlimited when it comes to her and when she speaks to him, he's hanging onto her every word. He knows it would be so easy to break her, which is why his gaze softens when directed towards her, and he doesn't raise his voice, and he never taps his foot impatiently when she's collecting her thoughts. She is his peace.
Shy reader is constantly on edge around Toji, not understanding what he sees in her. She's confused as to why a man as handsome and outgoing as him is sticking around and why he calls and texts first and asks if she's eaten anything. She fails to understand why he wants her around despite how often Toji tells her about how he turns down outings with colleagues in favor of spending time with her. His affection makes her go rigid. If he stares at her for longer than a second when she's doing something, she gets nervous and loses the ability to focus. Her heart is put to work whenever he's around, but that feeling of being unloveable for these "flaws" is put to rest for moments at a time when he keeps coming back to her.
There, we both rambled 😊 Love you 💙
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little-annie · 4 months
Steddie Mermay anyone?
The night sky's a hazy sort of blue-black, the stars swimming throughout the wispy clouds as fish do through the coral below the calm waters. From where he sits, wood solid below him and murky depths beneath that, Steve sees not much more than the two blending together; night sky meeting ocean waters in a never ending blur of uncertainty, intrigue and mystery. 
Whispers between lips and the ears of strangers and kin, stories have been told seemingly for centuries. Forwhat lurks beneath the clouded waters is what seals the fates of many men. Only the scarred and hardly lucky left to tell their tales. 
It'd been an elder fisherman who'd told Steve of an evening from his past. Dark eyes, porcelain skin and water wet curls accompanied by the deadly hymns of a creature that'd pierced his skin with nails black as the night sky and dragged him to what he assumed to be his death.
The docks were busy as they'd sat side by side, the screeches of gulls in the distance and the nattering of the market to their rear, old Gus had muttered with whiskey stained breath as he continued.
“ ‘twas a scary thing boy, ain't no other thought in my mind than I'd die right there. I ain't even remember much of it. Seems to ‘ave faded with time I think. Jus’ when I saw that thing's face and suddenly I was under water, bleeding from my arm and pulled along by those damn claws.”
Gus had paused for a moment then, scratching at the greying scruff of his chin as if in thought, ageing clouding eyes squinting into the midday sun, he grumbled, “Ain't even remember how I got back to town for Christ's sake. Woke to the gulls screaming something awful right here on this bench, soaked from ass to teeth, head throbbin’ and m’ arm wrapped in a mess of seaweed.”
At the time Steve had simply hummed, hat hanging low on his head shielding his eyes and mole dotted cheeks from the sun. He'd stop to take a nap in the warmth before he set out for a noon-hour fish. Truthfully he hadn't asked Gus a damn thing, the old bastard just plopped down next to him with a grunt and sorta just started rambling. 
But that was days, weeks ago now and with the nerve to find something of substance, to track down the creature he'd heard so much about, Steve was out on the waters for what felt like the 100th night in a row.
He's yet to have seen anything of grandeur, only ever the whispers of hymns in the breeze and the ripple of water when scale skinned bodies have dove from his devoted gaze. 
Though that's not to say such creatures' eyes haven't fallen upon him. 
Beyond the stillness of death tainted waters, nestled in the jaggedness of stone and rock nearest the shores, floats with a sense of ease a creature whose eyes reflect the starry onyx of the night skies and the silent but waiting silhouette of a man who it hungers for.
This being knowing with a sense of certainty that someday soon the breaking of golden flesh would be felt beneath its teeth and the sweetness of the man's very life's force on its tongue.
Because at 37 weeks pregnant, I don't know when I'll ever have the time or energy to finish this 💁🏻‍♀️
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mothgardens · 5 months
twas just talking with my friend about music and thinking about the nostalgic value of sensory related memories.
so i wanted to create my own little tag game :)
what’s a song that reminds you of a specific time in your life? any time, it can be childhood or like a year ago. just a song that makes u nostalgic :)
mine is “Garden in the Backyard” by BL.
My ex introduced it to me, and i used to listen to it tons before i moved from central new york to a state about 800 miles away. I heard the song for the first time in like ?? November of 2021. It is so dear to me because it reminds me of the times with my old friend group and how happy we were. It was such a peaceful and perfect time. the move was so scary, but my friends were super supportive and sweet. This song just transports me back to that time. It’s like a bittersweet yearning.
no pressure tags: @babyblue-mind, @trx34ksh (u were the pal i was talking to so i obvi know urs already but still—), @serendipity0930, @dqmens, @thanatos-dahilias, and anyone else who wants to partake in this :)
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seokmingming · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @juiceofmoons, thanks for tagging me, lowkey forget about this ngl
1. are you named after anyone? nope
2. when was the last time you cried? i cried a little on my bday sunday bc of a dream
3. do you have kids? nooo
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? maybe
5. what sports do you play/have you played? i have two left feet and terrible hand-eye coordination, thank you very much
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? idk?? their energy/aura?? i don't notice people, i'm too busy living in jenna's jungle
7. what’s your eye colour? dark brown, like you can barely see my pupils
8. scary movies or happy endings? i hate scary movies to my core so 100% happy endings
9. any special talents? no, i'm a very boring person, i can tell you a useless talent tho, i can touch my nose with my tongue (very aware that i contradict myself)
10. where were you born? twas born in london, england 😊
11. what are your hobbies? playing sims (when the bloody thing works), making gifs/mbs (i haven't made a mb in forever tho), listening to music, watching stuff,
12. do you have pets? no :(( never had one
13. how tall are you? i will predict, 160cm ish
14. favourite subject in school? mathematics 🤓
15. dream job? I don't dream of working, my dream is to be rich w/o doing anything
idk who's done this and who hasn't so feel free to ignore, but i'll tag: @seungwoonies, @ggthydrangea, @sojohns, @seok02 and @y--eontan
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Sixteen)
previous: fifteen
next: seventeen
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liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,552 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update show: quinnjamin edition! he is at one game more than the total amount of goals scored tonight in the very sad 4-1 loss against the kings. tonight was what the canucks called “autism acceptance night” which really warms my heart. it’s much better than “autism awareness” because we are all clearly aware of autism.
what DID happen tonight was quinn getting hit up against the boards, something that rarely ever happens! i checked both broadcasts, and both were very perplexed as to how he was in that situation. rough him up, kings! just don’t kill him! i’m all for it!
special shoutout to petey (@_eliaspettersson)! he was given a double minor, protested it, and the penalty was wiped! good for him! he even drew a penalty tonight by getting high sticked by quinton byfield— so one quint(i/o)n was in fact in the box tonight. love ya, petey!
my second shoutout is to akita hirose (@/kithirosee) for making his nhl debut tonight! you were great tonight, kid! welcome to the team! i’m sure i’ll love you when i meet you!
and, as always, shoutout to quintin for not dying in his 29:38 minutes of ice time! and for putting up with me <3 i love you with my whole butt!💙
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 239 comments
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername i’m sorry, you missed a step in this conversation
_quinnhughes i love you, too, y/n/n💙
yourusername tysm continue
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername so don’t jinx yourself you dumb slut!
_quinnhughes right, of course. my bad.
user1 the commentators truly were gobsmacked at huggy getting hit lmao
lhughes_06 rip quinn but that was funny
yourusername it twas
jackhughes top notch comedy imo
_quinnhughes don’t i suffer enough? must we bully me?
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes you haven’t suffered enough
jackhughes @_quinnhughes not even close
yourusername @_quinnhughes just family things✨
user2 the canucks have a new player every game now let’s see how long this streak lasts
trevorzegras have a nice time hugging the glass, huggy bear? @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes have a nice time getting rammed into the boards by petey last game?
trevorzegras …
yourusername “the woman was too stunned to speak”
user3 i thoroughly enjoy the extremely brief somewhat of a game recap y/n gives us now
user4 everyone lost tonight and i hated it thx
kithirosee thank you! can’t wait to meet you!
_quinnhughes she is in fact great don’t let these posts fool you
yourusername @_quinnhughes s a p
_quinnhughes i stand corrected
_alexturcotte maybe if they hit him hard enough he’ll go feral
yourusername i like your thinking turcs!
_quinnhughes i do not
yourusername aw boo hoo :(
user5 huggy said 😛 but less happy
jackhughes what if i fight him? do you support this?
yourusername interesting. i have not pondered this.
_quinnhughes i’ll win
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i’m bigger than you
yourusername @/jackhughes he might be small but he be scary (like me)
_quinnhughes @/yourusername thank you…?
_eliaspettersson i love you too!
yourusername you’re so sweet <3 unlike some people!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername I SAID IT BACK, WOMAN
yourusername @_quinnhughes AFTER I CALLED YOU OUT, HIMBO
_eliaspettersson added this to their story
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Arthrit was my Favourite Character and I want to write about him; My reflection on the SOTUS Franchise as a newbie
In brief: I am attempting to understand the growth of Thai BLs by watching ABL’s understand the history of thai bl list on the Thai master post. I’m more interested in the growth and change on screen than the tracking of different actors/directors etc. but I do enjoy reading about those things. I am concurrently understanding the history of All BL by watching the Foundation Syllabus lists as well, I am not planning to review everything, but I adored SOTUS and I’ve started following @waitmyturtle’s journey through oldgmmtv and was surprised by our different initial takes on SOTUS and to a lesser extent the SOTUS franchise so I thought I’d share my own feeling about the shows. Yes I know ‘twas a while ago.
I don’t know anything about the actors as people and have minimal knowledge of the IRL ship drama (just aware that there was drama)
THIS POST IS LONG (LIKE LONG LONG), and I cut out so much you wouldn’t believe
Obviously, these are my own thoughts, I am not expecting everyone or even anyone to agree, I’m just sharing.
I only talk about Arthrit and Kong in this post, I enjoyed the side couples but I was much more invested in the main one and that’s what I want to talk about.
Not defending Gay for you as a damaging trope
Not defending blushing maiden and sex negativity as damaging tropes
Damaging tropes suck and being aware of them while viewing content is important for not internalising their message for yourself or your perception of others.
I’m demisexual FYI (My sexuality suddenly felt relevant halfway through my reflection so Imma put it here)
General SOTUS Thoughts
In writing this I have realised my attachment to Arthrit started later in the franchise than I thought but eh still mostly going to write about him.
Bullying/hazing (I didn’t mind this time) – I don’t like Hazing or bullying, but the way it was portrayed here, as a form of relationship building which was openly discussed as damaging and then improved on as part of the arc was fine for me. It was about recognizing the good parts of a practice and removing the bad and I was cool with that.
Kongpob (I’m a fan) – He’s hard working, he’s snarky, he’s clearly got good learning habits and cares about his education, he’s supportive of his friends and he stands up for injustice. I was definitely watching SOTUS for this character in the beginning.
Disparate personalities and positions of power (And the different ways our leads present as authority) (there’s also obvs age dynamics at play)
Arthrit is older but also the shyer and less expressive, his assumption of leaderships feels less aligned with his personality and so he cares more about maintaining his professionalism, first as head Hazer and later as an employee while Kong is an intern. (This does not make him a bad leader I think he’s a good one).
Kong is a natural leader, shown overwhelmingly by his standing up for his peers and their inclination to elect him as the campus star and then as the representative (which he runs away from cause he’s already got enough on his plate). His comfort with his own authority is a part of his pursuit of Arthrit and also his differing experience with Authority. (I think the way he bonds with P’Paga the scary office lady is a great example of this difference, he has good instincts).
This feels important to me as Arthrit is holding onto that authority a lot tighter than Kongpob, he’s working to maintain it because it’s NOT natural.
OKAY Onto Arthrit’s Arc and why I found it so impactful.
First up I can tell you the exact moment I fell in love with Arthrit’s character, it was right…
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Here (Please study hard P'Arthrit)
(His eyes my good people, they had me and they never lost me) (I literally learnt how to GIF just so I could keep this moment forever) (Episode 13) (I mean, I found a GIF generator) From this point on I was watching this entire franchise for the way Arthrit emoted with his eyes first, and everything else second.
But let’s back up slightly.
My take on Arthrit’s emotional arc through the early parts of SOTUS was essentially:
Why is the first year defiant-flirting with me?
This first year is incredibly clever and that’s dangerous because it could undermine my authority and I want this program to be successful (He did recommend him as campus star, and comment to himself/his friends about not underestimating Kongpob, we had clearly early signs that Arthrit thought Kongpob was pretty amazing, he just couldn’t show this because of this authoritative position) (also age dynamics = a big deal in Thailand)
Then we had the sleep confession (He’s never really sleeping)
Arthrit’s panic over the fact that his sort of friend, definite nong who is a guy apparently had feelings for him
This manifested as his removing himself from Kongpob to work through and process his own emotions, my personal feelings on this were that Arthrit’s reaction was more confused than disgusted and he was trying to avoid a confrontation so he could figure himself out without hurting Kongpob. (There was also some unresolved feelings in here for his highschool friend that needed to be dealt with).
Not the ideal move and poor Kong was so confused and got hurt anyway but then we got to
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“I don’t know you well enough Kongpob… But I want to know you more”
Now I seriously appreciated this because I often feel frustrated when characters emotions just immediately match: like one person confesses and two days later other person is like, oh turns out I am also madly in love with you. Boom. Couple. (This does sometimes make sense in the story, just not always).
Arthrit’s emotional response of: Yes I think I like you but I’m still figuring it out so do keep flirting with me so I can keep figuring it out…
I liked it.
Now immediately after this, Arthrit kisses Kongpob (mutual kisses yay!). I don’t take this as say, a final cementation of their relationship (as the kiss often seems to be treated, especially in K BL) but as an expression of interest.
Kiss = I am interested in you romantically, let’s flirt more/date to get to know each other so our feelings can develop.
Then we got to see Arthrit melt (the eyes conveyed it, I adored) honestly it was their tiny little movements that I liked the most and you can’t see that here but still.  
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Also his shy little smiles.
I totally think that the attraction here is not conveyed by Arthrit’s character the same way Kong’s but to me this reflects
Kong’s more straightforward and open personality + plus his self confidence (Seme dynamics definitely factor into this since these are characters not real people)
Arthrit being more uncertain as to his own emotional state, AND his greater shyness with expressing his emotions publicly (uke dynamics obvs - but not too pronounced I think). I like how the actor conveys these emotions. (whether or not it was intentional)
People have different levels of comfort with any kinds of PDA and that’s okay (look I’m not sure if blushing maiden trope arguably comes into play here but to me some people are shyer of affection than others and I personally feel that for Arthrit, this early on, his emotions were pretty clear and his responses makes sense.)
And then at the end of episode 13 we handed over the gear
In episode 14 we had a bit of drama because it’s early days and Arthrit is just realising he likes a popular boy
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Jealously thou name is Arthrit
But things get resolved (by accident by Kongpob’s gift, amusing) and so we have the public declaration (like the kiss earlier this is instigated by Arthrit which I appreciate because he’s the one with the boundaries being crossed in this scenario). His little smile and duck down to hide his face felt very authentic because he’s not a PDA person and so he feels a bit embarrassed about drawing attention to himself.
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And they had a good convo afterwards too + Kiss etc but I really want to get onto:
(Because episode 15 of SOTUS is over the time jump it's included here)
Thoughts on the stuff that happens during the time jump (e.g. the end cut scenes of some episodes).
We had 2 scenes which stuck in my mind from this time, the piggyback ride ("you are my faen after all") after Kong hurts himself.
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Arthrit handing over the metaphorical power to the future head hazer.
I personally felt this scene was super important because it showed us:
Arthrit simping all over his boy being authoritative and flirting back with the same lines Kong had once used, in a public space.
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Arthrit’s continued uncertainty, NOT (in my opinion) with the idea of being openly affectionate with his boyfriend (what do you call his face above if not openly affectionate) but with having his professionalism undermined by being asked to kiss said boyfriend in front of a whole group of his peers while he is technically their leader (plus they will tease him).
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Look it's dark here, and I know my love of his eyes and their emotions is irrational but to me that gaze says: “you know I love you, but why are you doing this HERE.” @waitmyturtles, this was the thing I found most discrepant about your thoughts and mine, to me Arthrit’s emotions were conveyed so clearly by Krist, even in SOTUS but especially in SOTUS S. I was so absorbed by Arthrit sometimes I got completely distracted from Singto’s (excellent) portrayal of Kong.
Onto the main timeline of SOTUS S
(How many of my images of Arthrit being a simp can i put it here to justify my having them in the first place) (I restrained myself a lot you have to believe me)...it turns out I hit the limit, enjoy!
(I started doing a quick flick through the show to check my continuity but then I wanting to add stuff so I stopped and I'm trusting my brain)
We get an early sign that their relationship is going strong with their mutual missing of each other: Arthrit’s visit to campus and seeking Kong out because he misses him, and Kong telling Arthrit he has a duty to him as his faen and convincing Arthrit to stay the night with him because he misses Arthrit.
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(They're both so doting naaaaww)
Later, we have this scene where Arthrit goes to tell his coworkers he has a faen and gets interrupted ("well I…") Now we don’t know this for sure, but he drew himself up and prepared to face it and then sort of deflates when he missed the chance, so I’m projecting and that’s what I think.
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There’s some bumps in the road while they navigate their new seperation and Kong hits a boundary of Arthrit’s he clearly didn’t know existed when he showed up at Arthrit’s work. (I think this is again more of a personality thing, Arthrit is still figuring out his position and authority in the company and feels very unsure about having his male faen show up to his office without warning. This is not the university space where everyone around them knows they’re dating, it’s DIFFERENT. Kong on the other hand is the kind of guy who totally would have interrupted everyone at that dinner to be like, actually I cook dinner for my man. All. The. Time.) Anyways, they talk, Kong visits work in a planned way, and things are more settled and physical (have some more photos, justify my having them in the first place)
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until…Kong shows up at work, and then after they sort of talk, Kong shows up next door.
Now while writing this I had a personal realization that I need to check in about (detailed in small text below the next photo) but first.
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This moment makes everything else in the Arthrit’s arc make sense to me, to me he’s feeling uncertain about fundamental aspects of their relationship, rather than purely being temporarily hurt by Kongpobs actions, he internalises this uncertainty about their communication.
This is then kind of resolved but then made much worse by Kongpob moving in next door. (Yes Kong says it's to be close while giving Arthrit space, but doesn't Arthrit deserve to be part of that decision?) (We don't see how much they communicated prior to this, but it seems to me that Arthrit's point here, about losing faith in their ability to talk to each other is super relevant)
(Personal note, how secure I feel in a relationship directly affects how comfortable I feel physically in the relationship, and I don’t mean ‘I’m sad so I don’t feel like having sex right now’ I mean, ‘the foundation of our relationships feels less stable and as a result my comfort with physical things, especially sexual intimacy feels significantly reduced’
Having sat and thought about it right now, I don’t think that’s actually the case for the majority? like not all the time at least? This made me think about my personal reaction to watching Nevertheless a few months ago (a kdrama) and I was crazy uncomfortable with the discrepant emotional comfort vs physical desire plot, (I finished it, because I had to, because leaving in the middle would have been worse but just, No.) I mean I get sex without feelings, sure, or with budding feelings, but sex while you’re feelings have moved from stability to instability or are just floundering in instability without resolution?. Possible? Absolutely. Comfortable? No way.
Is this a demisexual thing? (I'm demi if you missed the disclaimer at the top) Is this a me thing? I am going to examine this more but for now you have my facts and perspective and we’re moving on)
(also this relationship being kind of ace has actually been put forth by ABL (here) and most likely others. I had previously read this post and moved on (because I hadn’t seen SOTUS), so I just wanted to say this is not a Tumblr revelation, just a me revelation)
I may be projecting but…
I adored the way the actor continued to show Arthrit’s foundational uncertainty in where their relationship was going/at, through his discomfort with being physical with Kong even after he’d consciously forgiven him. (Okay definitely projecting)
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Episode 7, where Kong gets hurt by the door and is forgiven, but Arthrit still seems kind of uncomfortable with the physical side of things both here and in the next episode.
Plus the excellent scenes where Arthrit keeps telling Kong off for giving him food and then ends up yelling, and Kong goes back to being uncertain about where the line is. (Arthrit needs to talk more I'll admit it).
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Arthit during the scene where Kong professes his uncertainty, because it's another screenshot I already had. (HIS. EYES.)
BUT because Arthrit realises he's hurt Kong, they talk about it and tada: Arthrits more comfortable physically again next ep, because he’s more certain of his relationship again.
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We get beaches
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(seriously Arthrit’s little smile, I’m dying) and fun times and kisses
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(I have so many screenshots in here everyone, it's concerning)
And then:
Arthrit get’s double shaken again (Dad + Photo) (and he processes things by taking physical space. AGAIN.) (still totally relatable but I’m actually kind of annoyed with him for not saying a word to Kong now that I’m writing it down, I was not at all annoyed when I watched it, for the record)
And then Kong goes “OKAY THAT’S IT” and expresses his (totally justifiable) uncertainty about what is going on, because Arthrit keeps not being clear and can’t they actually talk about things!! So Kong gives him back his gear and leaves. My take on this was basically:
Kong: You need to be sure you want to be with me.
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Arthrit: wait what, you’re leaving? But you’re always there? You’ve been hurting? Oh no I’ve hurt you? *cries* *Processes* *Publicly declares feelings* There I fixed it.
To me, Arthrit was never uncertain about whether or not he Loved Kong (Is this in question?, I don't know), he was just navigating the stability of his existing relationship in a new environment with many new revelations. And I believe that, because, even through the uncertainty, Arthrit continued to stare at Kong with such intensity that I couldn’t look away.
Hmm despite that, I think this reflection has actually left me a little bit less obsessed with Arthrit (definitely a good thing, I realized after I finished SOTUS S that I have 48 screenshots of Arthrit’s face staring at Kong with different adoring expressions and that is… too many).
For me, Arthrit’s emotional arc was so captivating because of the way Krist acted throughout, his expressions (HIS EYES) and the links between his emotions and his physical comfort were compelling and I was sucked into his emotional journey above all else. Did the actor intend this? I don’t know, but I had a great time. I almost feel like I need to rewatch SOTUS S just to pay attention to Singto more because he was kind of sidelined for me.  
OUR SKYY SOTUS (the quickest summary because the words are totally out of hand)
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(I totally had more pics from our skyy but I've apparently hit my limit oops)
We had some lovely relationship comfort and stability followed by compelling drama and then resolution. I loved it.
The drama is basically just Arthrit going: oh no you’re leaving, what if I make things harder for you, what if things end, how will I live, *get’s bad advice about breaking up* we should take a break because I love you way too much.
Kong: You complete moron, I love you and that’s why we’re supposed to stay together, now I’m leaving tomorrow, and you better prove you love me too by showing up.
Arthrit: *takes time to process* Oh yeah cool cool, I totally love you a lot *shows up and decides to travel with him for a little bit because these boyfriends be clingy*
But with all the excellent acting.
(Tiny note, my understanding is that this performance might be more compelling because Krist is expressing more emotions, but I took that as the first time Arthrit had actually tried to talk about and express his feelings, due to feeling stable enough to do so (all previous space taking was emotional processing). So there isn’t a single scene in SOTUS or SOTUS S where I would have expected this level of emotion (except for when he realized Kong was leaving because Kong was hurt). I would have found it confusing because Arthrits clearly a brooder. So he doesn’t talk to Kong while he’s hurting (an incorrect choice but one he continues to make) and so only the attempt to speak about his emotions here induces this level of physical display.
I cry more when I try to talk about my emotions, anybody else?)
ALSO, I appreciate all you Tumblr master posters so much more now (I swear I already appreciated you lots!! but seriously I thought this would take like an hour or two and it DID NOT - and I'm not even meta-ing just throwing my thoughts on a page)
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alby-rei · 6 months
Prologue (IkeVamp; Luigi's Mansion AU, Part 1)
a/n: Heavily (more like, entirely) inspired by @scummy-writes's playthrough of Luigi's Mansion. 'Twas a lot of fun merging the wackiness of that game with the IkeVamp universe! Multiple parts have already been written, to varying degrees of polish, so I'll be posting them on a schedule (Tentatively, one part per week). Without further ado, Enjoyyy ✨
Series: Comte's Ghost Mansion Tags: Humor, Crack treated seriously, Luigi's Mansion AU, Spooky scary spectral vampires, Ghostbuster MC Word Count: 1000 words Characters: You, Sebastian, Comte (mentioned) Next: Part 2
You woke up in a dark endless abyss with a headache.
"Where...am I?"
You were not sure how long you were out for, but it must have been a long time.
Last you remembered, you were walking around the Louvre museum in the daytime. A handsome man in a three-piece tailored suit had graciously retrieved your earring from the ground, only to drop and forgot his own handkerchief.
You, wanting nothing more than to return the favor, sought to return it to him. Your quest led you to a secluded section of the museum, barren of any foot traffic, and past a set of large double doors that appeared, at the time, as part of the museum experience.
In hindsight, the dwindling number of visitors around you should have alerted you to think otherwise.
Lightning flashed and the hallway blinked in view, like a snapshot captured with a camera shutter. Thunder cracked once, twice, forcing you out of memory lane and back into the present.
In the split-second that you saw the hallway, a line of tall arched windows stood to your left and closed wooden doors to your right. A high-backed chair was stationed between each door, and a framed picture hung above it. A wall blocked the path at one end and extended into darkness in the other. So, not an endless abyss. But it was not the Louvre museum, either.
Slowly, hesitantly, you took a step forward, and another, and then another, keeping your eyes peeled for any signs of an exit. A door creaked nearby.
You scrambled to hide behind the nearest curtains, but you were caught by two firm hands. Your heart lurched in your throat. You turned around to face your assailant, and a second round of lightning gave you a chance to get a good look. It was a young man with grayish hair swept to one side, his eyes narrow and inquisitive.
"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" He asked, though he did not wait for a response. "Doesn't matter, let's get you out before the others notice."
You followed him through the maze of hallways, each turn taking you down an identical path. It was a wonder that your guide could tell heads from tails in the darkness.
"Watch your step," he called out as the two of you descended a set of grand stairs.
Just when you thought you reached the bottom, you were met with more stairs. Blood pumped in your ears as you focused on getting out of here, one step at a time. You sighed in relief when the first sliver of light peeked through the grand double doors at the opposite end of what, you assumed, was the foyer.
Once outside, you gawked at the building you just escaped. It was a three-story mansion. Grapevines crept around and across the walls and into some open windows. Dark clouds loomed over the estate, but the rain died down into a drizzle.  
"Don't fall behind, now!" Your guide called out from the garden up ahead. Rather than continue straight ahead and out the gate, he took a turn going behind the mansion. You stared at the open gate, contemplating your chance of survival. Feeling unsafe venturing out into the unknown, you kept up pace with him along a narrow cobblestone path.
He stopped abruptly, causing you to bump into his back, and asked, "Where did you say you were from?"
You huffed and said, "If you would've let me speak the first time..." You explained your situation to him, and he furrowed his brows. You then barraged him with your own set of questions. Rather than answer any of them, he turned on his heel and talked on the way.
He introduced himself as Sebastian. He woke up in a similar way to what you had described a few years prior.
“I’m sorry, did you say years?” You gaped. What hope did you have of returning home if he had not done so yet?
He continued. "I came face to face with the head of this mansion, a French nobleman who goes by the title, Le Comte de Saint-Germain. He gave me an offer I could not refuse, and so I serve the mansion as its butler."
He stopped in front of a quaint wooden garden shack.
Facing you, he wore a wry smile as he said, "I would like to consider myself lucky, as I haven't seen another human in quite some time. But you, I'm afraid, are out of luck to end up here."
Your eyes shifted. "What do you mean by that?"
"Wait here."
He ducked inside and came out with a backpack that looked an awful lot like a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum tube in his hands only further confirmed your suspicions.
He reminded you of a ghostbuster.
"Unfortunately, I don't know how to get you home. But what I can offer is a means to defend yourself for the night.
"Defend myself?" You echoed. "Against what?"
That was how you ended up back inside the mansion, carrying Sebastian's 'Poltergust 1899' (as he proudly called it) on your back, alongside an oil lamp in hand and an item pouch around your shoulder.
What’s the pouch for? You may be wondering.
After much debate with the butler, you agreed to retrieve "items of interest" for him if he promised to investigate a means of getting you back home. His final remark was to avoid disturbing the mansion's esteemed residents and, contrarily, to report back any interesting behavior you encounter, seemingly of said residents.
The main entrance door creaked open. The mansion's foyer was bedecked with a carpeted floor that stretched up its wide central staircase. White Ionic columns lined the sides. At the top of the stairs, bright moonlight shone through, enveloping the room in a bluish hue.
The door slamming shut behind you pulled your flighty spirit back into its boney prison. Several voices murmured behind the walls.
You caught some of their words, or so you believed.
"A guest?"
"They returned!"
"Oh dear."
"How delightful."
"Go away."
You wished you didn't.
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hitracks · 3 months
i'm going to throw up please explain your though process behind that latest pumpkinduo piece /pos /pleading
Of course … any reason to rant and rave about my minecrafters in my brain. LONG POST WARNING OMFG. I feel like I should like preface my view on Them lwk before I say anything first UMMM Pumpkinduo to me was a very obvious marriage of convenience and political advantage at first. Two parties joining together to gain voter power is way unethical but what are you gonna do if the Runner and his Vice are making eyes at eachother the whole time and then get engaged? Nothing. Especially if one of them is Jschlatt ( Scary in a real sense, can and would make you unable to live in peace physically. ) and the other is Quackity ( Doesn’t shut his mouth and trips people up real easy just by talking. Reputation ruiner over here! ) I think they just slotted together easily in a dominating act. But Schlatt is an emotionally repressed alcoholic and Quackity is an attention seeking nobody with avoidance/dismissive issues. So when they stick together it’s more like how Velcro is rather than anything softer than that. 
I believe they do fall in love in a real way after a while, but given how they see themselves / others it’s not feasible for either of them to properly pursue it. I think Schlatt falls particularly bad into self sabotage, because he denies himself positive things that are ‘handed’ to him. He loves Quackity but he didn’t work for him, he didn’t shape him into being quick witted and kind along with being a good & ruthless politician. Schlatt is not the cause of the aspects he enjoys from Q. He hasn’t seen Quackity be anything but hedonistic, and he resents it badly. Either for the fact he is envious to be that way himself or upset that he knows he doesn’t HAVE to be the way he is. But he is anyway. He likes these qualities from Q as well — but the two conflict in his mind so badly that he is unable to take the feeling in stride. 
So whenever they get comfortable, outside of the public eye, it kind of just makes him angry? Not explosively but snide and quick to close off. He wants to deny Quackity himself ( Which he knows Quackity sees as good in some fashion. ) Because he doesn’t allow himself the same luxury of having Quackity. And it makes Quackity feel awful no matter how many times they have something good. I think part of the reason Schlatt treated him that way was because he didn’t know what the fuck to do with that. Even in SMPLive almost all of the people there were more like business endeavors rather than anyone close to him ( save for Connor and like two others. ) so he doesn’t have a basis for anything else other than treating everything like an investment or a transaction. 
He wants to make Q feel less than because he doesn’t know how to be anything but devastating to anybody. He could be better but he has resigned himself into thinking that’s just what he is. He loves that Quackity holds himself well and is productive but HE wants to control that, to be the cause. Schlatt doesn’t think anything other than being broken down and chiseled into a smaller version of himself can make him healthier, so when Quackity comes to him with a gentle approach it feels demeaning. If he can’t help himself, why should he let others? You can’t buffer stone with a wet cloth. ( Which is ironic, you can buffer stone with wet grit cloth … usually the tactic keeps the original shape more clear rather than sanding it flatter. Ha! ) 
Sorry for so much text I hope this is comprehensive. I think about these two really hard all the time they’re evil and special to me at the same time. Glad that last post punched you in the face anon, twas the intent!
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iwaasfairy · 3 months
Yo! 🧜 twas I~ No pressure or anything on the Fluidity sequel, like I'd love one ofc but only if you loved writing it yknow? Hate when ppl try to guilt or bully fic writers :C. I so get that, I have a pile of wips and I want to do them, I really do but instead I'm reading fics and writing other ones whooops! Although you're writing has given me the bug to write more dark content, been too wuss to write and post it so thanks for posting yours, seeing you get positive feedback makes it less scary.
Oh man, you can tell you had fun writing them too! They are SO good. I'm still blown away with how you wrote Megumi, like, he was so delulu but you wrote it so well that I like, understood how he felt? like I was sympathising hard ugh like, I needed to take five after that it was phenomenal. And agreed, delusional men are *chefs kiss* (Like your Nanami one! woof that was also very good)
I'm almost through Free! and then i'm watching it for suuure, like I'm so excited to watch it now, I've been meaning to but now I just HAVE too and honestly I'll absolutely be back with thoughts lmao!
Anyway, was gonna type this as a comment but I had too much to say!
YEAAAAA WRITE IT WRITE IT!!! And yea I do love monsters so there’s still a good chance I finish it in my own time ♡ just can’t promise anything because sadly I only have so many hours in a day and too many thoughts to write out but the free guys are in my heart and soul I love theMMMM
Yea yEA YEA! Megumi in that is like,, idk he’s sort of my fave because he’s just so ? insane and has zero holdups about it. It just makes sense to him so what more does he need. No thoughts head so fucking empty that boy,, anyhow I appreciate that so MUCHHHH love (;◔ิд◔ิ)/
And yeSSS I’ll be waiting hehehhe sharing your experience w others is what makes fandom so fun imo I’M GLAD IT APPEALS TO YOU
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