#tw::light polygamy mention
houseofoddballs · 8 months
Fuck it. Trauma bond Ghoap with a forgotten reader because all I can write is angst. Final word count is about 3,700, enjoy! Sorry about the lackluster ending and fair warning that Soap is a bit of a dick and fairly OOC.
Tw: Emptional neglect, light nsfw, mentions of torture. (Tell me if there are any more to add!)
You had never heard of trauma bonding, not before your 6'2 masked boyfriend brought back his Scottish best friend. Ghost was never one to be shy or sheepish, but the way that he bowed his head as he told you that he had fallen in love with Soap during their capture and torture, well, it broke your heart a bit. You thought that was going to be the end of it, that he was going to choose the mowhawked muscle over you (and you couldn't really blame him after the small tidbits about the incident you had heard) but then Ghost dropped to one knee and held your hands in his own as he looked you dead in the eyes and begged you not to make him choose, because he still loved you too. And how were you supposed to turn him down?
So, that's how you ended up living with two discharged military men. At first, things were a little rocky. You and Soap were getting along and getting to know each other after all. You weren't exactly dating Soap, but the threesomes made it hard to understand what exactly you were. Polygamy? It didn't matter, though, because Ghost was the one you loved. Ghost was the man who had stolen your heart and treated it like a golden retriever treats eggs. Gently, softly, sweetly. And you had done your best to do the same.
But Soap? Soap was... different. Where Simon was quiet and calm, Soap was loud and boisterous. Where Simon was introverted and kept to himself, Soap was ambiverted (at best) and loved social media. They were like night and day in a lot of ways, and it made your head spin. Another difference? Soap was SO *clingy*.
It was ok at first. Apparently, Simon and Soap had been captured for nearly a week and took turns watching each other get tortured. In the dead of night, when they got any reprieve, they spent that time whispering sweet words to each other just to keep them level-headed and alive. Trauma bonding. Ghost and Soap were bound to be connected at the hip for at least a bit. Right?
Well, 'just a bit' turned into months. Inseparable. You couldn't get five seconds alone with your boyfriend unless Soap was in the bathroom because he refused to do anything without Ghost.
That would have been OK if you didn't see how much it was wearing on your sweet Simon. Any time you got a minute alone together, he would gently hold your face and apologize to you. Murmur to you with his brows knit up about how exhausting Soap could be and how soothing your quiet company was.
He was burnt-out. No other way to put it. In the fleeting moments you got where you could hold Ghost and do things with him, he was simply exhausted and worn-out from Johnny clinging so tightly to him and making him a part of everything in his life. Simon was definitely an introvert, and hardly ever got time to recharge those batteries on touch and the like.
So what did you do? You gave him space. The time you got to spend alone was spent at a distance, small conversations about the things that interested Ghost, since Soap hardly ever talked about those. You had asked why Johnny was still here if he was really making Ghost so miserable, and all he had told you was that he couldn't leave Johnny, couldn't hurt him. So, you relented and just tried to be supportive. You could be happy like this.
Except you weren't. One can only live on table scraps for so long, but you were willing to try for Ghost, and even for Soap. So when Johnny told Simon that it was irritating how little alone time the two of them got because you were always hanging around and asked him to have a talk with you about it, what did he do? Well, he didn't defend you, that's for sure.
Groceries. How pathetic. Soap finally let you and Ghost get *Groceries* together, just the two of you, and your heart utterly soared. Just you and Simon, for possibly an hour. How long had it been since you could do this? How long had it been since you had even hugged or been hugged by your boyfriend? You had no idea.
But all of that went cold as you finished loading your haul into the trunk. Simon turned to you, dark eyes peeking out from behind his Skull balaclava that he only took off at home. He looked so tired, so exhausted.
"Listen, love... Johnny-..." You froze. Of course, you should have known better. No way Soap would let you and Ghost go somewhere together alone while he just sat at home scrolling through short clips on his phone. Of course, there was a condition, a caviot. But this was Simon, your Ghost, so you heard him out. "Johnny was wondering if you could... give us a bit more space. He feels like he doesn't get enough alone time with me. I'm sorry, love, I promise that I'll make it up to you."
If your heart hadn't sunk into your stomach, you would have had to resist the urge to laugh. Soap wasn't getting enough time with Ghost? The same Soap who had been draining every ounce of willpower out of Ghost until your strong-willed Simon was just complacent? The same Soap who drug Simon wherever he went and whined when you wanted to come with? The same Soap who had kicked you out of your shared room for reasons that you still don't know how he convinced Simon? And yet, he didn't get enough alone time with Simon.
You wanted to scream, to cry, to do or say anything to fight back. But one more look into Simon's weary, amber eyes shut down all of your complaints. He was slowly being worn down, and you didn't know what you could do to help. So, you just nodded.
The entire drive back was silent. At some point, you had reached over and gently held Simon's hand on the center console to let him know that you weren't mad, and he had let you. Your first physical contact with Simon in ages. You helped carry in and put away the groceries, acutely aware of Soaps eyes boring into and watching you for your next move, and then you simply retreated to your room. Alone.
That night, you had to listen as the two made love. Headboard banging against the wall, soft moans permeating through your headphones and into your ears, vibrations buzzing and echoing through the halls. You cred that night, just like so many other nights.
You were being forgotten, forced into invisibility in your own house.
And that's how so many months passed by. With you hiding away in your room and only coming out to eat or eagerly take Johnny's table scraps of Ghost's time. But Ghost hardly ever got any time to himself, so, sometimes you would just let him be and relax. Maybe it was simply time for you to move on.
That's when the texts came. Any time Johnny was gracious enough to give Ghost a moment of peace and you either didn't know or just let him relax, he would text you. "Johnny's still at work." "I miss you, love." "I'm on the couch." "Come see me?"
He was making you feel loved, needed even. Even though most of that time spent was him complaining about Soap, every time he would look at you with those soft brown heart melting eyes and thank you for being so understanding and supportive. He would tell you that he loved you so much and that you didn't know how much having you there kept him sane. And how could you leave him like that?
You wished that you had made Simon choose. Nearly five years of this neglect. Simon was so physically overstimulated by Johnny's constant need to be touching him, that something as small as resting your hand on his thigh made him irritable. Johnny would openly complain about you right in front of you, and Ghost would just sigh and let Johnny think he was having his way because it was better than fighting and dealing with Johnny being bitter and whiny.
It was fucking torture. Do you know what that's like? To be slowly isolated and forgotten in your own household? Yes, you do. Because Johnny has made sure of that. Are you going out too much? Johnny is complaining. Are you working too much? Johnny is complaining. You watch too many shows with them? Johnny is complaining. It was getting to the point where you only left your room to eat and when Simon texted you, period. Soap had insisted that with him and Ghost working civilian jobs, you should stay home to keep things tidy and make life a little easier. All it had taken was for Ghost to agree that that would make things easier for you to relent since your job wasn't the best anyway. But the pure isolation that you felt from only interacting with the two of them unless Johnny was gracious enough to let you come with them on an errand?
It was debilitating.
Finally, everything came to a head. "Hey Johnny, would you go to the corner store and pick up some soda?" "Would you come with?" "I would have bloody come with three hours ago right after work. Now I'm in my fuckin' pajamas. Not goin' anywhere like this." "Well, you know I dinnae like going right after work, Simon."
This was your opportunity, your chance. Soap was nose deep in some book he was reading and only half paying attention while you sat next to Simon on the couch, his feet propped up on your lap.
"I would go with you?" Simon's eyes flicked to you, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Yeah, love, that would be great. Mind makin' a list for me so I know what all we need to pick up?" A task. You loved when Simon gave you things to do, because whith those things to do was always some form of praise or appreciation upon completion. You ate it up whole and completely. "Of course, Si. I'll be ready by five tomorrow." "It's a date then, love."
And so, that's how you flitted around the house all day, straightening up and making a list of what you needed, absolutely giddy and buzzing wirh hopeless excitement. Soap got home early that day, which wasn't much of a shock, just made you retreat into your room early. Nothing new. Simon would text you when he was ready, right?
You sat by your phone eagerly with baited breath. 5:30. You guessed that work had kept Simon late again. It wasn't that big of a deal. But you sent him a text just to let him know that you hadn't forgotten about him. "I'm ready whenever you get off work, no rush. I love you."
5:30 turned to 6:00 and that's when you finally got the message. "I'm here." Short, sweet, to the point. That was Simon for you. You practically threw yourself off of your bed and ran to the garage with a large grin on your face. Even if it was as simple as groceries, you cherished every moment of time you got with Simon as if it were spending time with God himself. Because, in a way, Simon was your God. You looked up to him, depended on him, revered him, practically worshipped the ground he walked on; because he deserved it in your eyes.
Your grin fell at the sight before you. "Oh, hey Bonnie." Soap was hopping out of the passenger seat of Ghost's Jeep, going around to the trunk and popping it to pull out several grocery bags. Hurt, confusion, and betrayal all pooled together in your gut as you watched him take the bags inside all in one go. But, what about your list? Your phone felt heavier in your pocket as your stomach churned at the realization that to bring up the completion of the task would be pointless now.
"Hop in." Ghosts voice shook you from your haze, and you slowly took Soap's empty seat beside Ghost. Why? The question swam through your head in several versions and variations, like fish in a barrel, trying desperately to find the freedom to burst forth from your lips. But, you just couldn't ask, too afraid of the answer.
"Where do you want to go?" The question almost caught you off-guard. Where did you want to go? Did he mean Groceries? Were there some left? Or did he mean just in general? Was he offering to do something with you? "I um, I don't know." You admitted, eyes flicking between Simon and the road.
"...'M sorry love." He admitted with a sigh, shoulders sagging with the weight of the world placed upon them. "There was a bit of a mix-up, ya see? I got home and texted Johnny to ask if he would ask if you were coming-" Of course, the plan had been to bring Soap all along. That hurt a bit. "- and he told me 'no' so I thought he meant that you didn't want to come."
"I didn't get your message until we were already in the bloody market, and when I asked Johnny about it, he told me that he had told me that he didn't ask you. I felt so plum bad because I knew that you wanted to come with. 'M so sorry, love."
You were so close to losing it. Hot tears stung at your eyes, but you refused to let them fall when Simon was trying so hard, going so far as to take you for an extra drive just to make sure you had some time with him and felt loved.
"I already told Johnny, so he knows that I'm spending some time with you. Tried to throw a fit, but I shut him down." Simon sighed and ran a hand down his mask as he looked over at you while stopped at a red light. "It's ok, Simon, really. I'm just happy to spend this time together with you. That's all I can ask for. Even though you're tired after work and going for groceries, you're still taking the time to make it up to me even though it wasn't your fault. I really appreciate it."
Simon didn't pull away as you clasped his hand in your own, softly running your fingers over the back of his knuckles. He looked so grateful and relieved, as if so much pressure had just been released. He had been so worried about how you were going to take it, about if this small bit of time would be enough.
"Thank you, love. You have no idea how much I appreciate you and how-" Simon was cut off by a loud click and a light being turned on on his dashboard. "Bloody hell, check engine? I'm so sorry. It doesn't seem too big a deal, but I should probably check it out before it becomes an issue. Is that OK, love?"
What were you supposed to say? 'No!' 'For the first time in months, I get some time alone with you, and it's just 20 minutes in a car!?' 'I miss you' 'please don't!' You couldn't. Simon was tired enough as it was with Soap clinging to him. You simply felt dejected as you tried to smile and reassure him that it was ok and that you enjoyed your time together.
When you got home, Simon muttered about checking the engine tomorrow as he herded you inside, plopping down on the couch next to Soap. The sight made your heart hurt even more. You were ready to just head to your cold, lonely room to cry out your frustration when Simon piped up. "Hey, love, mind cooking up some chips for me? I'm bloody starving, and they sound wonderful."
How could you say no? Sitting in your kitchen waiting for the French fries to bake, you couldn't do it anymore. You sobbed quietly into your open palm as you clasped your hand over your mouth to quiet any noises. What were you supposed to do? Staying was only wearing you down and tearing you apart. You felt more like the ghost in this household, forgotten and lost. You were losing yourself, touch starved beyond belief and to the point of isolation where you were starting to sleep more than you were awake because it made the pain go away for a bit.
But leaving would be just as hard. You hadn't been employed for so long because the boys took care of you, which wasn't going to look good on a resume, and you had nowhere to go. But worst of all?
Worst of all was how you knew your leaving would affect Simon. Johnny was consuming all of him and leaving mere shreds, and the only time that Ghost got to indulge in his own interests was with you. But he just couldn’t bring himself to leave Johnny. You were his support system, his pillar.
You knew this, and yet, it still felt so unfair. Simon was everything to you. When you had been at your worst, he had held you and told you that you were beautiful. When he had been deployed for months at a time, you always texted him and told him how much you loved and missed him. He gave all of himself that he had to give to you before Soap came and statched that all away.
And you couldn't blame Simon for how badly the trauma had messed him up! He still had nightmares about that week. Being tortured and having to watch Soap get tortured as well. Sometimes, you would wake up in the middle of the night to one of them screaming and waking up on a picnic only for the other to softly murmur and reassure them that they were ok and alive. You couldn't do that, not for Simon, not like Soap could.
A sharp 'ding' cut off your thoughts as the oven beeped, signaling the end of the potato strings furnace treatment. You pulled them out of the oven and put them on a plate, heading to the bathroom to clean yourself up. The time for your little mental breakdown was up. Now you had to go take the fries to Simon like you weren't just bawling, like you were perfectly fine and happy, like you didn't want to scream and shout and beg for things to be different, to change. But that would be selfish of you to do, and Simon couldn't deal with you and Soap both being selfish.
God, you looked like shit. Bags were heavy under your puffy eyes, your nose was red and runny, your face all splochy from your crying, tear streaks running down your cheeks. This wouldn't do. You sighed as you splashed some cold water on your face and took a deep breath, trying desperately to distance yourself and disassociate from these awful feelings.
Once you were sure you looked fine once more, you towled your face off and grabbed the plate, plastering on your 'I'm fine' smile as you took the french fries to Ghost. The way he smiled so softly and gently at you made it all worth it, made you temporarily forget all of that pain. "Thank you, love. You're welcome to stay?"
"No, thank you, I think I'm going to try and catch up in some games. Thank you, though." Ghost didn't press any, didn't ask again. You wished he would ask again, would even try just a bit to make you feel like he loved you a shred as much as you revered him. But you had to remind yourself that you were getting greedy. He had just taken you for a car ride just the two of you, he had just stood up to Soap so you two could have a bit of time alone, he had just done exactly what you were asking him for. And yet you still wanted more.
The realization that you felt terrible for wanting the bare minimum amount of attention and affection for a relationship was just another reminder of how unhealthy this was for you.
"I love you." Simon said, his eyes so soft and sweet. "I love you too." You had to hold back tears as your smile grew a little bit, and you turned. You couldn't even wait until you made it back to your room to start crying. It wasn't fair. You did everything right, did everything Simon asked, and asked nothing in return, you loved him unconditionally with all of your heart and gave all of yourself to him; meanwhile Soap didn't even care enough to give Simon personal space when they were together because it made HIM feel better. And yet, Soap was the one who got all of Simon's time and love simply because it was easier for Simon to cave to his whims than put up with his bitching. You couldn't handle it anymore! Couldn't take it!
But what were you supposed to do? What could you do? Nothing. The only thing you could do was throw a fit, and that would just wear Simon even thinner and wouldn't accomplish anything because things would be the same again within a month.
And so, you did the only thing you could do. You fell asleep crying again, clutching your pillow to your chest, wishing desperately that Simon would finally come to his senses and put you first for once. But you didn't fool yourself into believing it.
Only shooting stars Grant wishes, and all of yours had been shot down.
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quentinxdelancret · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Quentin & Roman
Discord thread featuring: Quentin and Roman
When: December 18th
Mentions: Landon, Aaron, and Khai.
Description: Quentin texts Roman drunk on Hennessy after reading the gossip blog to ask him if he has feelings for Aaron. They talk about lots of random things lol.
Trigger Warnings: jokingly mentions of polygamy.
Quentin. hey.. are you into Aaron?
Roman. he’s my sugar daddy. That’s all. At least until you want me to stop doing that
Quentin. Well yeah, I know he is.  But you don’t have stronger feelings for him?
Roman. why are you asking me this?
Quentin. I just saw something about it with the gossip and I just wanted to ask you straight up. I don’t believe half that shit
Roman. no. There’s nothing more.
Quentin. you sure?
Roman. my heart is with someone else.
Quentin. Okay. Cause you know I’d never wanna do anything to hurt you
Roman. Q I would never want to hurt you either. You’re my best friend and bleh. I can’t stand the thought of it.
Quentin. I know, you’re the sweetest person ever. And you know if you did like him I’d back off.
Roman. you love each other.
Quentin. I don’t know about that. Khai Khai? Lmao oops
Roman. 😂
Quentin. idk why i said that lmao
Roman. thinkin about my man???
Quentin. Oh yeah... you know me. Doin all the hotties lol Aaron is mad that I’m with Landon I think?
Roman. well he might actually be lol he’s in love with you, and that’s his best friend
Quentin. He’s not in love with me. Why do you keep saying that? lol
Roman. because I know these things lol
Quentin. hmm well I told him I love him and he said... Quentin so I’m guessing that’s a no lol
Roman. he’s not handling it well, I’ll say that lol but he does love you
Quentin. if you say so
Roman. I do know so. What I say goes!!!
Quentin. hahaha man, I’m a mess
Roman. you’re perfectly fine
Quentin. Again... if you say so lol. I like three different guys and I’m clueless lol
Roman. I’m sorry love  there could be worse problems I guess lol you’re just THAT great
Quentin. yeah I guess there could be. I’m not that great though lol
Roman. I disagree
Quentin. man... like I said whenever I said it.. lol. Maybe you should be my boyfriend then
Roman. you know I would if I wasn’t in love with my roommate. I still cannot believe I fell in love with my fucking roommate  what kind of whack ass television show are we living in.
Quentin. lmao right. I don’t know, but sometimes I feel like I’m being punked lol
Roman. you are. SURPRISE
Quentin. 😂 I just don’t get why it’s so hard to stop fucking people you like when you’re in love. How does that even make sense? I’m cursed lol
Roman. I feel like some humans just aren’t really made to be monogamous. Humans didn’t always function that way, you know?
Quentin. Yeah, jealousy is an evil wench! I’d like five boyfriends please ha
Roman. hahahahah
Quentin. I’m also very selfish though. Cause I only want them with me
Roman. I get that feel. It’s like men with sister wives lol
Quentin. oh lord! I’m going to hell for sure now lmao
Roman. no 😂
Quentin. I’m a... what are those men called?
Roman. polygamist us lol where did us come from???
Quentin. well I mean it is us. Or at least me lmao
Roman. hahaha it is
Quentin. well if all else fails we can just marry each other lol
Roman. hahaha deal!
Quentin. How are things going with you and Khai anyway? You two together yet?
Roman. we’ve been so focused on trying to find places to live
Quentin. damn, I still can’t believe you have to move out
Roman. same. I LOVED that apartment and I’m so upset
Quentin. I’m so sorry Romie. That guys a real douche
Roman. eh whatever. I’ll live I GUESS need a place with a big closet lol
Quentin. I can talk you to look at this place near me when we get back from boarding. It’s really nice
Roman. okay!!
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myheartrevealedocs · 4 years
Untouchable Ch 25: Minimal Loss (S4E3)
[TW!!] Warnings: (This is the same content as found in the episode, so if you’ve seen it, don’t worry too much, but I find this one to deal with multiple sensitive topics at once, and I don’t gloss over it all, like I often do, so be careful) mentions of rape and pedophilia, depictions of torture, cults, murder-suicide
Ch 24 | Ch 26
A/N: Okay, so I’m four days late on posting this, but this is quite possibly the longest chapter I’ve posted, so hopefully that makes up for it?
~ ~ ~
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Lydia’s family stayed for about a week, attached to Lydia at the hip the whole time. She loved her sister dearly and was glad to have some time with her father, but she could barely breathe by the time she was taking them to the airport. As she explained to Spencer, she was merely frustrated they didn’t give her any heads up.
Luckily, they left before her teaching schedule came back into full swing at the university. It was nice to get back into her routine and see some of her students and coworkers who were worried about her. She didn’t realize how close she’d gotten to the people there until the letters, phone calls, emails, and gifts started flooding in, telling her to take it easy and get back soon.
And then, in October, Hotch finally gave her a call for a case.
It was small, but she wanted to get out of her apartment so bad.
Hotch was sending Lydia and Prentiss to Colorado where there was a claim against a separation church leader raping young girls.
Spencer wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear Lydia was leaving, but the whole thing was fairly straight-forward: interview the kids, determine what they could about the cult itself, then see if there was reason to shut them down. Hotch knew that there wasn’t going to be any extraneous activity, so it was a perfect start to reintroducing Lydia to the field. Not to mention, she was very perceptive and a master manipulator.
“Tell us about the 911 call,” she said as she flipped through a file on the people of the church.
Emily was in the front seat with Nancy Lunde, from Child Protective Services. She was the head of the case and had the most prior knowledge on the group itself. “I believe the ‘he’ that they referred to is the church’s leader, Benjamin Cyrus.”
“Benjamin Cyrus,” Lydia mumbled, flipping to his page. “No criminal record. No record at all, really. I doubt it’s a real name. Correct me if I’m wrong, Emily, but Cyrus is a biblical name. A monarch. I’m seeing some subtle messages in there.”
“It translates to ‘sun’ in persian,” Emily agreed. “What else do you know about him?”
Lunde shook her head. “It’s rumored that he’s practicing polygamy and forced marriages,” she said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Any idea who the caller is?”
“Uh, Jessica Evanson is the one who the age fits, but… we can’t be sure. So I negotiated interviews with all the children. It wasn’t easy.”
“Well, considering their view on outsiders, it would be best if you didn’t identify us as FBI,” Emily explained and Lydia got to work on their covers. She took their guns, holsters, and badges, hiding them in the door of the car and handed Emily two fake IDs. “Just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts.”
The Bureau had made them brand new drivers licences and CPS badges with Colorado addresses to complete their cover stories.
All too soon, they were approaching the front gate. The sign read ‘Liberty Church Ranch’ with a large cross beside it.
It was hot outside and Lydia could feel the dust coating her nose and throat as she exited the car, approaching a set of stairs leading up to the church.
“I’m looking for Mr. Benjamin Cyrus?” Lunde called to a figure on the steps.
“You found him.”
Cyrus wore a light flannel and jeans, with reading glasses perched on his nose and a book in his lap. Lydia had to hold herself back from calling him out on framing the scene. Oh, look how kind and relaxed we are. Our leader sits outside and reads books all day blahblahblahbl-
Open mind, Lydia.
“I’m Nancy Lunde. We spoke on the phone regarding the allegation.”
He got up and approached the three of them. “‘Savages they call us. ‘Cause our manners differ from theirs.’”
“We didn’t come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus,” the red-headed woman huffed.
“Actually, that’s Benjamin Franklin,” he sneered.
Nancy ignored this, and began introducing them. “Emily Prentiss, Lydia Ambers. They’re child victim interview experts.”
“How far from God’s word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called child victim interview expert?” Cyrus wondered.
“We wish we didn’t have to be here,” Emily said.
“So do we. But you are welcome, nonetheless. The children are in the school as I indicated.”
“Thank you.”
Lydia nodded and followed Emily off to the school building.
~ ~ ~
Jessica Evanson was not the kid they were looking for. Lydia could tell the moment she walked into the interview room. She was completely calm, the perfect child. Her hair was neatly brushed back, her polo shirt well ironed, and her hands folded neatly in front of her.
Her mother, Kathy, stood beside her, petting her hair gently, as if to reassure her, but Jessica clearly didn’t need it. She wasn’t intimidated by their presence at all.
“We go to school. We do our chores. And we treat ourselves and each other with the respect God demands.”
Emily sat across from her, conducting the interview, and Lydia stood beside her.
“But you’ve never been off of the ranch?” Emily asked.
“I brought Jessie here when she was two,” Kathy explained.
Jessica clearly was not having any of this. “You’ve talked to lots of children in your work. Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours?”
“We devote ourselves to God,” Kathy continued. “That doesn’t mean we’re not devoted to our children.”
“We are not here because of your religious beliefs,” Emily reasoned.
“Why are you here?” Jessica demanded.
She was starting to become hostile. She grew up in a cult that taught her to hate outsiders, so Lydia couldn’t blame her for her behavior. But her mother was clearly a peacemaker, so where did she learn it from? It wasn’t defiance from her family, because that would put her against the group, not for it.
“We received a phone call alleging that an adult male member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here.”
“You’re talking about Cyrus,” she responded, almost immediately.
“What makes you say that?” Emily asked.
Her mother immediately became defensive, trying to get her daughter to be quiet, but Jessica was still determined to make a point.
“Is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?”
Lydia’s eyes shot open. His what?
“You are married to Cyrus?” Emily spoke slowly, as if worried that the question would escalate the situation, but Jessica stayed proper in stance, if not in tongue.
“Yes. Cyrus is my husband and a prophet. It’s an honor to bear his children.”
It took everything in Lydia not to look disgusted by the thought and keep the interview going. “Jessica, you aren’t old enough to get married without parental consent.”
Emily nodded at the mother. “She gave consent.”
Before anyone could continue, a loud sound from outside got their attention. There was some yelling and suddenly Cyrus and a few other men were rushing in, machine guns in hand.
Lydia let her shock show on her face. Not just that they had the weapons, but that they would carry them around a school where CPS workers were present.
“Get up!” Cyrus demanded, turning on her and Emily. “Get up! Move!”
On the other side of the room, Nancy was entertaining the other kids. “What’s going on?” she asked softly.
“We just got a very strange phone call from a news reporter,” Cyrus began and a man walked around Emily and started to pat her down for weapons.
They were both unarmed, but Lydia was starting to regret that. These men were clearly threatened by their presence. What the hell had happened?
Another man walked around to check her and unceremoniously smacked her in the side, causing her to wince involuntarily. Cyrus clearly noticed this, but said nothing, continuing on with his point.
“Is there anything you want to tell me? About a raid, maybe?”
She and Emily exchanged a concerned look. A raid? They weren’t prepared for that. They had checked in with the state before joining child services to the ranch, there shouldn’t have been a raid on this church.
Luckily for them, Cyrus took their concern for fear and nodded. “They don’t know,” he determined. “Bring them along.”
A man grabbed Lydia’s arm and dragged her across the room, where another armed man was opening a hatch in the wall. A tunnel. A few guards went first, then they started ushering the people in. Women with their kids, Nancy, Emily, and Lydia all surrounded by machine guns, leaping into a dark hole underneath the church.
The passage underneath the buildings was too thin to walk side by side, so the guards let them go on by themselves.
“What’s going on?” Nancy whispered to the two FBI members ahead of her.
“We’re not sure yet,” Emily hissed. “Just stay calm.”
As they reached a large opening directly underneath the chapel, they could hear gunfire from above ground.
Prentiss pulled Lydia aside, trying to get as far away from the crowd as possible. “If this escalates, Cyrus is going to put this place on lockdown. The FBI is going to be in charge of negotiations as long as we’re inside. Do you know the Critical Incident Response Group handbook?”
Lydia shook her head quickly. God, it would be helpful if Spencer were here. He probably knew that book front and back. Lydia didn’t know what she was doing.
“Okay.” Emily fumbled, trying to determine what was important for Lydia to know before they had to revert back to their covers. “CIRG will bug all the windows and anything else they can get to. So, anything you need them to know, find a way to say it out loud. Keep the inside members talking. We won’t be able to know what the team already knows so tell them everything. If there are blinds on a window, they might be blocking the sound, so try and get them out of the way before speaking.”
“Best hope it doesn’t come to that,” Lydia argued, but the sound of the gunfire overhead was diminishing her hopes of getting out any time soon. She just hoped Spencer didn’t know what was going on.
At the sound of Cyrus’s voice, the two girls stepped away from one another, trying to blend in with the crowd.
“Alright! Move quietly! Quickly, go to the left! Everybody stay together!” he ordered, pushing his way through the room. “Children, listen to your parents. Have faith.”
“Where did these guns come from?” Emily whispered hurriedly and Lydia glanced around her to see what she was looking at.
Wooden crates lined the walls, each labelled as bullets or magazines. Leaning into the corners were more machine guns. Buckets of them.
“I thought Garcia checked with the state police to see if they were involved in…” Lydia trailed off, not sure how to frame the inquiry, but luckily Emily was on the same page.
“Someone lied to us. You don’t just lose track of these weapons, not when you’re already watching this group.”
“At least the raid is unrelated to the FBI,” Lydia reasoned. “Our cover is still intact. But you’re right… someone from the Colorado government just ruined their career. Once we’re back in Quantico, Hotch is going to lose his shit.”
Lunde approached the two of them once more. “This is ridiculous,” she sneered.
“It’s okay,” Emily tried again. “Just calm down.”
Cyrus continued to reassure his followers, telling them that God would look out for them as long as they stayed calm.
Once he had disappeared, Nancy was arguing with them once more. “It’s the state police. I’m an officer of the state.”
“Well, there’s nothing we can do right now.”
“I can talk to him.”
“No!” Emily rushed after her but Nancy was already halfway through the crowd of people. “You can’t. It’s dangerous. Nancy, stop!”
The woman rushed out of the room and before the two of them could follow, one of the guards blocked their way. The other went after Nancy, but she was booking it back up to the ground level of the chapel.
Shit. This was starting to look… bad.
She stood next to Emily at the front of the group, anxiously waiting for the battle to cease, but the hail of bullets above them never slowed. After a minute or two, Cyrus came stumbling back down the stairs.
“Do not fear! We are on the side of the righteous.”
Behind him was the guard that went after Nancy, but no Nancy herself.
“Where’s Lunde?” Emily asked him.
“It wasn’t us.”
“What?!” Lydia screeched, then quickly lowered her voice, seeing the attention she had attracted. “You can’t shoot it out with the cops! You have children here!”
“I didn’t start this,” Cyrus argued back.
Emily was clearly distraught watching him reload his gun, then take off with the rest of the men to the roof.
“The BAU is coming,” she whispered.
~ ~ ~
JJ’s voice reached Spencer from the center of the bullpen and he looked up from his email curiously. “Hm?”
Her eyes were on the TV she was in the process of starting up and he noticed that Morgan was also looking up at it intently. It lit up in the middle of a news report.
“...a routine questions and answers meeting by Colorado child services-”
Colorado… that’s where Lydia and Prentiss were…
“-has turned into a violent and deadly standoff between Colorado authorities and a fringe religious group known as the Separtarian Sect.”
Spencer jumped up, joining Morgan and JJ in the middle of the room, his mind still not coming to terms with what was happening.
“JJ,” Morgan breathed, standing up, his eyes not leaving the TV, “That’s not the ranch where Prentiss and Ambers-”
“They’re still inside,” she said, softly.
Spencer’s legs almost gave out underneath him.
“HOTCH!” Morgan screamed.
The unit chief was rushing out a moment later to see what was going on, but Spencer didn’t pay him any attention. His eyes were glued to the screen in front of him. Where’s Lydia? Where’s Lydia? Where’s Lydia???
“...While no one knows for sure how many people are inside, it is believed that at least three of the child service members are still trapped within the compound.”
~ ~ ~
Spencer sat on the couch of the jet, his head in his hands, listening intently to the ongoing news report on Morgan’s laptop.
“...turned deadly when the Colorado state police officers tried to serve a warrant. Colorado Attorney General Jim Wells says the reclusive cult has been the subject of a 6-month weapons investigation.”
“Six months,” Morgan repeated. “We didn’t check?”
“No. We checked,” JJ argued. “I had ATF call Wells. He told ATF there were no pending state investigations. He lied.”
“Why?” Rossi demanded.
“Wells is challenging the governor in the next election. He thought that ATF was about to poach his big election-launching weapons bust,” JJ explained. “Now, it’s clear he didn’t know there were FBI agents there. He just thought the best time to serve a state warrant was when the kids were safe inside the school being interviewed.”
“Agent,” Spencer corrected quietly, his head finally lifting from his own grasp.
“What was that?” JJ asked.
“There aren’t ‘FBI agents’ in there. There’s only one.”
It seemed to slip everyone’s mind that Lydia wasn’t an agent. They looked around nervously, noticing the edge in Spencer’s voice as he corrected them. Hotch was the first one to speak up.
“Ambers may not be an agent, but she’s not a civilian, Reid. She can look out for herself.”
“The FBI only worries about their own,” Spencer hissed.
“She is one of our own,” Morgan fired back. “We’re going to get her out of there, just like Prentiss.”
“Just like all of the hostages,” Hotch continued.
Not wanting to argue more, Spencer nodded at him, then jumped up from his seat and walked to the back of the plane, unable to listen to any more. The media wouldn’t be able to tell him what he wanted to know, anyway.
“Hey, Spence,” JJ called as she approached him at the refreshment table. “I know you’re worried about Lydia, but we need your help on this case. You gotta stay focused, okay?”
“JJ, she’s in the middle of a deadly standoff and she’s still recovering from getting shot last May. Injured tissue takes months to repair itself and it’s going to take even longer for her to regain abdominal strength.”
“I’m sure that she’s safe inside the church with the other hostages.”
“Even if that’s true, I-” He shook his head. “I always seem to be away from her when she needs me most. When that bomb went off in Annandale, when Sonia had a stroke, when Frank got her… Why does it always feel like I can’t reach her?”
JJ sighed, contemplating his question. “I don’t know, Spence. I wish I did.”
~ ~ ~
Once the police had fallen back, Cyrus brought the two of them into a seperate room. Clearly he wasn’t sure how to deal with outsiders being barricaded in with his people. As him and his men tried to assess the damage done to the church and get people back inside, Emily was prepping Lydia for the worst.
“Don’t antagonize them,” she tried to reason. “I know you’re not a fan, but we need to know everything we can. They won’t tell you anything if they don’t think they can trust you.”
“There are two ways to find things out, Em.”
“What are you talking about?” Her voice was sprinkled with annoyance. Emily knew that Lydia tended to be very blunt. She didn’t need to worry about Cyrus killing Lydia when she was supposed to be helping the team get these people out.
“You keep Cyrus’s favor. But someone here doesn’t believe him, or else we wouldn’t have gotten that phone call. They’re going to seek us out.”
It wasn’t a terrible plan, she realized. One of them learn from the higher ups, the other speak to the underdogs. “You want to play two different sides?”
Lydia nodded. “For the time being.”
“Okay. That means we have to distance ourselves, though. Act unfamiliar with one another.”
“Brief me faster, then.”
She was on top of it from that point on. “The hostage negotiator’s job is to slowly get the women and children out. They want as few innocent people inside when they raid. But if they think anyone inside is in danger, they’ll come in, no matter what. We can speak to them through the mics on the windows, but they have no way of talking to us. So if we need to know anything, they’ll tell us through other means. Look out for signs from them. They’ll be listening to our every word…”
~ ~ ~
Hotch had put Rossi in charge of being the lead negotiator, in the hopes that he was both objective enough to not be blinded by his care for Prentiss and Ambers, but also knew them well enough to predict how they’d react while still inside.
Frankly, Spencer wasn’t sure he could do either. He hoped that Lydia would play it safe, but a part of him knew that she was just too impulsive.
The entire team gathered around as Rossi made his first call to the church, waiting to find out what happened to their friends.
“You killed my mommy and daddy. Are you going to kill me too?”
A kid. A little girl had answered the phone. It wasn’t surprising that Cyrus had set something like this up, but it was frustrating nonetheless.
“No one is going to kill you, honey,” Rossi said calmly.
Then, there was a shift. A new voice. “This is Benjamin Cyrus. Who am I talking to?”
“David Rossi. I’m an FBI agent. We sent the state police away. There’s just us and the local sheriff. All we wanna do is resolve this before anyone else gets hurt.”
“Then leave us alone.”
“I’m afraid we can’t do that, Benjamin. One of the police bled out on the way to the hospital. So let’s just stop this before things get worse. Please, just put down your guns and come out.”
“We’re believers, Dave. We believe God says what he means and means what he says. His laws don’t depend on what state you live in.”
“I have no issue with your beliefs.”
“You don’t, but the state does.”
This was taking too long. Spencer needed to make sure they were okay. He needed to make sure Lydia was okay.
“I can’t answer for other people.”
“Oh, God will answer for everyone in the final battle I’ve foreseen.”
“That’s why I’m here. To make sure that this is not that battle.”
“We shall see.”
“Now, the three child service workers...” 
“One of them is dead.”
Everyone’s heads shot up. Dead. Dead…
“It wasn’t us.”
Rossi leaned away from the phone, trying to take in a deep breath before continuing. “I need a name to inform the family.”
“Her name was Nancy Lunde.”
The relief between them was almost a solid entity, letting their eyelids hang heavy as they realized neither of their friends had died. But someone had.
“Okay. Now, please, Benjamin, send out your wounded. I promise you they’ll be well taken care of.”
“With enough supplies we can tend to our own.”
“Okay. I need a few hours to put it together. I’ll bring them up myself at first light.”
With news that supplies was coming, Cyrus hung up the phone and the rest of the team was left to ponder what to do now.
~ ~ ~
Lydia and Emily didn’t know much about their situation until the next morning. Everyone was assembled in the chapel to pray. Cyrus had sent the two of them to the end of a row of chairs, trapped in by the wall. Not that there was any point in running anyway. There were men at all exits, guns at the ready.
A soft knocking came from the church entrance and to Lydia’s surprise, Cyrus opened the door. It was difficult to see at first, with all the armed men surrounding him, but after a moment of discussion, Lydia was able to make out Rossi walking through the front door, a box of bandages in his arms.
Despite everything Emily had told her, Lydia could feel a twist in her heart. The BAU was right outside. Spencer was here.
Dear lord, he was never going to let her leave their apartment again.
Lydia reminded herself to steady her facial expressions. Cyrus had no suspicions of their connection to the FBI yet and she wasn’t about to give him any. She silently prayed that whatever Rossi was bringing in was bugged, so that she wouldn’t have to make sure all the important dialogue happened by a window.
They took his supplies, patted him down, and then Cyrus walked him down the center isle. Lydia couldn’t make out much of their conversation, but it seemed like Rossi was trying to convince Cyrus to let some people go.
Their discussion took all of about 30 seconds, then Cyrus was ushering him back out the door. With Rossi gone, Cyrus started giving instructions to his right hand man, Cole, then indicated for Lydia and Emily to get up.
The two of them exchanged a look before standing and walking to the back of the chapel.
“We’re going to have communion,” Cyrus informed them. “Feel free to stand and watch for the time being.”
They nodded politely, noticing Cole at the front with a jug of wine and stacks of plastic cups. A few of the men went around, passing them out while Cyrus poured each person a sip of wine.
“We are celebrating,” he announced. “Everyone drinks. Everyone rejoices. Because today we are one day closer to being with Him.”
“Look at Jessica’s body language,” Emily whispered. “The way she looks at him.”
Lydia nodded. “She literally worships him. There’s no way she made that 911 call.”
“Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings. Trust in mine.”
As Cyrus kept talking, Kathy stood up and walked over to the row her daughter was sitting in, leaning over her and speaking quietly. Jessica tried multiple times to nod and turn her attention back to Cyrus, but her mother kept talking.
“Look at how she comes between Cyrus and her daughter,” Emily continued. “She’s inserted herself between them.”
“Acknowledge Him in all things and He will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge him and I will guide our way.”
Everyone lifted their cups together and followed Cyrus in raising it to their mouths. Men, women, and children alike drank the entirety of their share and watched him intently.
“We will be with him soon. We have drank the poison together.”
Lydia was almost too distracted by the audience's reactions to comprehend what this meant. Some seemed completely calm, maybe even relieved. While others gasped or looked around wildly. It was easy to see a line between the diehard believers and the… less-so believers.
“Mothers… Fathers… Children… Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil. For thou art with us. And God will wipe the tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death nor sorrow nor crying. And there will be no more pain. For all of the former things have passed away.”
Some families grouped together, mothers holding tight to their kids. A few of the loners cried silently while the rest nodded to Cyrus in admiration. It was a wild array of people he’d collected.
“What do we do?” Emily hissed.
Lydia blinked, beginning to realize that the team was probably thinking the same thing. They wanted to save these people. If the bugs were working, they could hear Cyrus announce their imminent death.
“I don’t think he’s telling the truth,” Lydia admitted, looking Emily in the eyes.
She looked frantic. Her instinct to help was kicking in, but there was no way for her to act on it. “What makes you so sure?”
“Look at Cole.” She nodded up to the stage. “He’s writing in a notebook. I think Cyrus told him to make note of the people who had a bad reaction to the news.”
Emily’s gaze followed that of Lydia’s. At that point, both Cole and Cyrus were scanning the crowd. “They’re writing down the names of the people who are crying,” Emily realized.
“It’s a loyalty list,” Lydia finished out. “He wants to know who will follow him to the end.”
“Be still.” Cyrus’s voice broke through their conversation just in time to confirm their theories. “There was no poison. Instead a test of faith. Because your adversary, the Devil, walketh about as a roaring lion! Choosing whom he may devour. Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brother’s keeper.”
“What’s he going to do with those that the Devil has devoured?” Lydia asked slowly, but Emily shook her head, not ready to consider it yet.
~ ~ ~
“You exhausted yet?” Emily asked jokingly as the two of them lay up against the stone walls of the basement. Cyrus had brought the two of them back down there a few hours ago and left them on their own.
“You’ll excuse me if I didn't get much sleep last night,” Lydia shot back. “A cement bomb shelter isn’t exactly my idea of comfort.”
“No kidding.” She was on the opposite wall, one leg propped up on the wooden bench she had taken. “You should try to get some sleep now. We don’t know how long we’ll be here. I’d rather have you well rested when the raid starts.”
“I would try, but-”
They swiftly stopped their discussion as the sound of footsteps echoed through the halls. Cyrus was at the door and he looked pissed.
“Ambers. Stand up.”
Her and Emily shared a curious look, but she did as he said and got up from her bench.
“Lift up your shirt,” he ordered.
“What the hell?” she demanded, but Cyrus had already stepped between her and Emily, reaching for the hem of her shirt and pulling it up above her waist. “Hey! what are you-?”
“That’s what I thought,” he grumbled. “Child interviewers don’t often get shot, do they?”
Lydia glanced down nervously at the bullet wound on her side. She had seen the weird look he gave her when his men had searched her and hit it painfully, but she never would have thought it would lead to blowing her cover.
“I don’t know why you…”
Dropping the front of her shirt, he reached up and grabbed a chunk of her hair, pulling her head back painfully. “We just got word that there was an undercover FBI agent in our midst. Care to explain that?”
Lydia hissed through gritted teeth. “What do you want?”
“You’re not CPS, are you?”
His grip was getting stronger by the minute. She didn’t like the idea of blowing her cover, but he already knew it was one of them. Might as well let him think it was only her.
“No. You were right,” she admitted. “I work for the FBI.”
Now, Lydia didn’t expect him to thank her for her honesty and let her go, but it still came as a shock when he walked off, while still holding her hair. Her feet were immediately yanked out from underneath her, not prepared enough to steady herself, but Cyrus just kept going, not deterred in the slightest by her weight.
Lydia groaned, her hands wrapped around his wrist in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure, but it did very little. Luckily he didn’t take her very far, throwing her down on the ground inside a nearby supply closet.
“I told you not to put me in this position!”
She moved to look up at him, but he was faster, swinging an arm up to her chin and knocking her down onto her back. Upon her next attempt to stand, she received a swift kick in the stomach.
“Ugh.” Her left side lit on fire in an instant and she stayed on the ground, her arms and legs wrapping protectively around her abdomen.
“Get up!” Cyrus sneered.
He reached for one of her arms and pulled her to her feet. Lydia flinched away from him as he threw an arm above his head and brought it down against the side of her face. There was a mirror on the wall behind her which shattered as her right arm moved to steady herself.
“Proverbs 20:30 tells us blows and wounds cleanse away evil.” As he said this, he held her still against the broken mirror so that she could see herself.
It wasn’t until she physically saw the blood dripping from her nose that she could taste its warmth on the edges of her mouth. The temple that he hit was tinged pink, but from the way it ached, Lydia knew it would be a dark purple by evening. And her right arm, which was still lodged in the remaining pieces of the mirror was staining the white sleeve of her shirt.
She shrieked as he threw her backwards again, running into the shelf of canned goods against the opposite wall.
The BAU is listening, she remembered. And Emily said that if they thought someone was in danger, they’d begin the raid.
They needed to prepare. They hadn’t gotten any of the children out yet. If the team could hear her and decided to come in prematurely, a lot of people would die. Lydia wasn’t about to let that happen.
There was a window towards the back of the closet she was in. She could only hope that Spencer was listening.
“Careful.” Her voice was shaky and unconvincing, but she made sure Cyrus saw the anger in her eyes. This message wasn’t for him. “Hit me too hard and everyone will see the bruises on your knuckles.”
“No one is going to care,” he replied calmly. “You came here to shut us down! I’m protecting them!”
“From me?” Her laugh came out almost maniacal with her bruised stomach and battered jaw. “I’m fine! I got bruises on my knuckles too! I can take it!”
“Pride comes before the fall.”
His next blow sent her into the metal shelf again, this time her skull ricocheting against one of the sides and knocking her to the floor. She was just able to see a few drops of blood land on the ground below her, though she couldn’t identify where exactly on her face they came from, before her arms shakily gave out and her cheek hit the cold cement.
She prayed silently to whoever may be listening that Spencer understood. She really hoped she didn’t face all that torment in vain.
~ ~ ~
“We’ve got audio!” Morgan called from across their tent set up.
Spencer ran as fast as he could to the panel controlling the microphone feedback, throwing on a set of headphones.
Hotch hadn’t let him do anything for the past day, claiming he was the most emotionally involved in the situation. And although he couldn’t argue with that fact, it killed him to sit and listen. Lydia was right there. She was in the building just over that hill. And he wasn’t allowed to see her, talk to her, call her, save her.
When the fact that an FBI agent was in the church hit the news, Spencer felt an anchor drop to the bottom of his stomach. She wasn’t even an agent. There was nothing to suggest Cyrus would target her. But his instincts screamed that Emily wouldn’t be the one in danger.
And unfortunately, he was right. When he set those headphones over his ears, he immediately recognized Lydia’s voice. She was moaning in pain.
“We gotta go in,” Hotch said, but Rossi stopped him from throwing off his headphones.
“We’d be risking the lives of everyone in there.”
“Get up!” Cyrus’s words were followed by a crashing noise, like glass shattering.
Please be okay. Please don’t let it be as bad as it sounds.
“Proverbs 20:30 tells us blows and wounds cleanse away evil.”
There was more struggling over the line and Spencer threw off his headphones, unable to bear it any more. She was in pain. He knew this would happen.
“How could you let this happen?” he demanded of Hotch. “We have to go in! She’s not-”
“Sh! Sh!” Rossi hissed, one hand over his earpiece, the other between the unit chief and the boy.
Both looked at him confused, but he just kept listening silently.
“Everyone will see the bruises on your knuckles,” he finally recited. “Does that mean anything to you?”
Spencer didn’t answer, but put his headphones back on swiftly.
“-protecting them!”
“From me?” Lydia’s laugh sounded more like a wail over the mic. “I’m fine! I got bruises on my knuckles too! I can take it!”
“She’s antagonizing him!” Morgan exclaimed, frustratedly.
“She’s not talking to him,” Rossi argued.
“Pride comes before the fall.”
There was one more grunt, then the line went quiet. When Spencer finally breathed in again, all eyes were on him.
“She gets bruises on her knuckles when she lets off steam on a case,” he explained quietly. “I always worry for her, but she says she’d rather hurt her hands for a little bit then do something rash or detrimental on a case.”
“So what she’s saying is-”
“Don’t come in,” he finished begrudgingly. “She’s telling us not to go in.”
~ ~ ~
Cole had to basically carry her to one of the upstairs bedrooms. Every breath was agony for her lungs and a violent sting for her nose and mouth. And she figured it was psychosomatic, but her bullet wound hurt as if she’d just been shot yet again.
Who would have thought this whole hostage thing could get ten times worse?
Cole tied her arms to the sides of the bed, though frankly, she didn’t think she’d have the abdominal strength to sit back up anyway. And she didn’t want to try.
Kathy Evanson came by with a washcloth to clean the blood away from her nose, mouth, and temple. She tried to warn Lydia against lying to Cyrus, to which Lydia snapped back, “Do you speak from personal experience?”
Kathy didn’t say another word before standing up and leaving. It was a clear sign that she was hiding something and Lydia could only hope Emily caught onto that too. ‘Cause Lydia… she wasn’t going anywhere fast.
Downstairs, Cyrus had pulled Emily into his office, using some of his only medical supplies to disinfect the tiny abrasions in his hand from his fight with Lydia.
“Did you know she was FBI?” he demanded, as Cole shut the door behind the three of them.
Emily quickly shook her head, but her heart was in her stomach with fear for Lydia. Lydia was strong. She could take a lot. But she was also far too defiant to make this easy on herself. Emily silently wished she’d been smart.
“Nancy told me the woman was a child abuse interview expert from Denver.” Emily hated to put the blame on someone else, but Cyrus couldn’t hurt Nancy anymore. Nancy was gone. Lydia was still here and if Emily made her sound worse, it could fuel Cyrus’s anger towards her. “In the 4 years I worked with her, Nancy had never lied to me before.”
“As far as you know,” Cyrus replied. “Their law says that a 15-year-old girl is a child. Fifty years ago, that same law said a 14-year-old was an adult. Have children changed so much in 50 years?”
No, but people have, Emily thought. It was frustrating. Hotch had chosen Lydia because she was so good at acting calm. At least… in the workplace. She could have any unsub they met trust her entirely, or keep them constantly on their toes. Now, Emily could act, but she couldn’t do that.
If anyone’s cover should have been blown, it should have been hers. Emily knew more about CIRG protocols. She could diffuse a situation. Acting like she wasn’t totally disgusted by Cyrus’s morals was not in her skill set.
“I think it’s a matter of trust. People have stopped believing that kids can make good decisions, they’ve stopped believing in selfless acts, and they stopped putting their trust and faith into God.”
Her appeal seemed to work. Cyrus looked intrigued. She hoped it would hold long enough to make a good argument in her favor. Now was the perfect time to build up Cyrus’s trust with the FBI, because he had brought in the medical supplies Rossi had given them. There was absolutely no way that the BAU wasn’t listening.
“On your next call, you should test them. Test the negotiator. Make him prove that he isn’t a liar.”
“How would you suggest I do that?”
“Ask for the identity of the FBI agent.”
Cole looked unamused. “No. We already know her identity.”
Emily opened her mouth to respond, but Cyrus beat her to it. “They don’t know that.”
“Yeah. But the FBI would never tell us.”
“They keep asking you to release people,” Emily argued. “Tell them you’ll release a kid and you won’t harm the agent. If they really care about the children, they’ll have to tell you.”
“You’re trying to get us to release a child!” Cole accused.
“It’s one kid! If they don’t hold up on their end of the deal, then you know they can’t be trusted!”
“She has a point,” Cyrus conceded much to Emily’s relief. “What is it, Christopher?”
Emily glanced over her shoulder to find Cole pacing the room.
“Some people have been talking about… leaving.”
Cyrus glanced at his hands. “Wake the baby. Let’s let them meet the orphan that they’ve made.”
~ ~ ~
Cole held onto Lydia’s shoulder’s firmly as he led her back to the chapel. She’d been dozing for most of the day, unable to move from her bed, so her ability to process the situation was hazy.
Cyrus had everyone gathered in the pews. “It has come to my attention that some of our brothers and sisters have lost their faith in God. That they no longer love us. They want to abandon us. So, when I call out your name, please stand.”
Cole left her leaning up against one of the back walls as he went to usher the last of the people in and that’s when Lydia noticed Emily eyeing her, slowly creeping closer and closer while still looking as if she was listening to Cyrus.
“He looks pissed,” Lydia whispered to her when she was close enough. “He’s choosing the people who failed the loyalty test.”
“I’m so sorry,” was all Emily could say.
“Em, I’m okay,” she snapped, more forcefully than she meant. She knew she wasn’t okay. “You need to stay focused and tell me what to do. What does this mean?”
Emily cleared her throat quietly. “He’s releasing these people, because he knows it’s over. He’s getting rid of any possible threat to his mass suicide plan. I’ll try and figure out when it is and get word to the team. Be ready. There’s going to be a raid tonight.”
~ ~ ~
“Drugging the food’s not an option because of the children,” Hotch was saying as they passed around tubs of fried chicken. “We have to go in.”
“Best time to hit ‘em is when they’re least mentally prepared,” Rossi added.
“3 AM.” All eyes turned on Reid. “Biorhythms are at their low point then.”
“Reid, I told you to stay with JJ,” Hotch argued, already on his way to lead Spencer out of the room, but he stood firm.
“Please let me help. I can’t just sit here and pray that she’s going to walk back out of there. I need to do something.”
There was a moment of silent tension between the two of them. Hotch didn’t want him to go. Technically, he shouldn’t let him go. But he didn’t have the time to argue, and Spencer would no doubt be helpful when it came to setting up this plan.
“The plan depends on Ambers and Prentiss separating the diehards from the followers,” Hotch continued, turning back to the group.
“And delaying Cyrus’s diehards from reacting to our assault,” Morgan said.
“No, that’s not my main concern. Ambers and Prentiss know what they need to do. I don’t know how to tell them when we’re coming. This whole thing hinges on them being ready for us at 3 AM.”
“Reid? What the hell are you doing?”
Hotch and Rossi followed Morgan’s gaze to the young genius who was covering the top of one of the food trays with red sharpie.
When he stepped back, the tray read, ‘New owners! New hours! Open ‘til 3 AM!’ The time was underlined multiple times.
“They’ll recognize my writing,” he promised. “Just write this on a few different plates so that there’s a better chance they’re near someone with a sign.”
“Let’s just hope it’s that easy,” Morgan grumbled.
~ ~ ~
Lydia watched curiously as Emily slipped into her room and carefully shut the door. She wasn’t sure how Emily had gotten away from Cyrus’s men, but she was positive something big was happening, else she wouldn’t have taken such a risk.
“3 AM,” she said, reaching the bed and helping Lydia sit up. “We need to get all the women and children down to the basement before 3.”
Lydia had no clue what time it was, only that the sky was completely dark and their time frame was getting shorter. “Find Kathy,” she told Emily. “I’m pretty sure she made that 911 call.”
“Pretty sure?”
“She’s hiding something,” Lydia admitted. “But no, I’m not positive that that’s it.”
The unease was more than a little scary, but there wasn’t much else for them to do. These people wouldn’t trust her or Emily. The only way to save them was to find someone they trusted.
“Stay here. I’ll be back for you before 3.”
“Don’t get caught.”
~ ~ ~
“They’re setting the place to blow up,” Kathy said as she ran into Lydia’s room.
Lydia’s heart fell. “Where’s Emily?” she demanded.
“I told Jessie that Cyrus wanted the two of them to gather the women and children. She’s leading them to the basement now,” she explained, untying the ropes on Lydia’s wrists.
Oh, thank god. Lydia thought for sure when Emily didn’t come back that she’d been caught.
“It’s 2:45. We’ve got to hurry.”
Kathy pulled Lydia along by her arm, Lydia’s other hand wrapped around her waist. Her entire torso burned as she ran down the stairs towards the basement. Almost out. This was almost over.
The sound of gunfire was muted through the walls and Lydia didn’t have time to place where it was coming from.
Get out. Get out.
As they were reaching the door, Lydia could see Emily leading the group into the basement.
“Let’s go! This way!”
“Let’s go, kids!”
“This building’s going to blow up!”
There was shouting in all directions. Lydia’s legs barely held her steady as she ran alongside Kathy. The only thing that was keeping her from passing out was Spencer. He was just outside. She needed to see him.
“Lydia!” She looked up as she passed through the door frame and found herself face to face with Morgan. She didn’t have time to open her mouth before he had pulled her into his shoulder. “I’m going to kill Cyrus.”
“You don’t have long,” she said, almost jokingly, but the timing was badly placed. Not a moment later, the ground and walls began to shake and a deafening sound filled the basement.
Everyone still inside hit the floor, protecting their heads from possible falling debris, but the ceiling was solid. Lydia had been through earthquakes before, and she’d survived an explosion, but this was somehow worse than both. She felt so claustrophobic she didn’t even try to breathe, out of fear she’d find herself unable too. For many seconds, she stayed on the floor, unable to tell if the rumbling had stopped.
“We’ve got to get out of here.” She didn’t realize it was Emily who was talking until Morgan and Rossi were helping her off the ground. “That was the explosives. If Cyrus planned a second round, the basement might crumble too.”
The four of them made a run for the secret door in the school, Lydia now holding onto Rossi for support, so that Derek could lead the group and make sure the rest of the kids got out.
“How’s Spencer?” she asked as they climbed back into the school building.
“I imagine Hotch has got at least seven guys holding him down right now to keep him from running into the rubble to find you. How are you?”
Lydia didn’t want to answer that. Not only was she in a lot of physical pain, but after that explosion went off above her, her heart rate had been soaring.
Everyone’s eyes were on the smoking ruble that was the chapel, amazed by the destruction. Many kids were crying and women were no doubt waiting to see if their husbands had survived. Rossi kept pulling Lydia along, not letting her stop to watch. They walked through the barricade of armed men with ease.
“Lydia! Lydia!”
It was Spencer. He was looking for her. Lydia tried to yell back, but Rossi could tell she didn’t have it in her.
“I’ve got her, Reid!”
Not too long after, she saw her boyfriend pushing through the crowd, his eyes looking around frantically.
When their eyes met, it was like Lydia’s whole world muted to a dull roar. Three days. Three days she’d been trapped in that building, trying to reach the team and getting the shit kicked out of her. Three days she’d been quiet, accepting Cyrus’s blows. All to see him again.
She wanted to run to him, but she just didn’t have it in her. Luckily, he was eager enough for the both of them.
His arms were so tight around her that she felt like all her ribs would break at once and her nose was so deep in the side of his neck that the bruises burned. She couldn’t care less.
He pulled away all too fast and she was about to protest, when she realized why. As she looked up at him, a breeze hit her cheeks, making the wet trails going down her face apparent. She took in shuddering breaths.
She was crying.
“I’m sorry,” was all she could think to say, the back of her hand reaching to wipe them away, but for some reason, it didn’t feel like they were gone. “Sorry, I can’t-”
Before she could finish, he leaned down and kissed her. He kissed her in front of the whole team. In front of everyone. He’d never done that before. PDA was a very rare thing for him. But all her shock died on her lips, suffocating between his own.
“I love you,” he whispered, barely moving an inch away. “I love you so very much. You don’t need to apologize for your tears.”
Such kind and affirming words should have quelled her tears, but she just sobbed harder. “I love you too. Please don’t ever leave me.”
Tags: @kris-stuff​, @wooya1224​, @bispences​, @anotherr-fine-mess​, @eddysocs​
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