#tw: transphobic violence
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v0id-clawz · 5 months ago
I wish I could turn into a dragon so I can bite transphobes
You don't respect someone's right to their gender identity? Well I don't respect your right to YOUR SKULL *Chomp*
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an-albino-pinetree · 4 months ago
Putting this here, as a reminder to myself, to stop going on Twitter
Tree, please stop doomscrolling Twitter, watching Trump supporters celebrate and say awful things is making you terribly upset-
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 2 years ago
Let's talk about Radical Feminists and TERFs: Another collection of hate.
(Content Warning: Pretty much everything, but especially transmisia, particularly transmisogyny, eugenics and other Nazi rhetoric, racism, intersexism, slur usage, mentions of not sfw topics/not sfw sentences and mentions of sexual assault. Reader discretion is especially advised on this, as this is probably one of the most triggering posts I've ever created). Additional Disclaimer: Like with my "Let's Talk about Exclusionists" post, I've collected multiple screenshots of the horrid things TERFs and other Radfems have said or done. Not all of those screenshots are mine, some of them are things I have found on the web. Credits to especially radfemstruggles (Twitter), terfism-harms-women, terf-cringe and other anti-terf pages/blogs I've found these on. As always, I don't condone harassment. Just because someone is a TERF doesn't give you the right to harass them, especially considering a good chunk of TERFs I've noticed are literal teenagers (of course, that never excuses their actions). Just report them and block. Pride month is over, but that doesn't mean queer folks are going away.
However, neither are the bigots, and especially not the TERFs. Nope. They're still out there and as harmful as ever. "Now, wait a minute Shadow. What even *IS* a TERF anyway?" Well, you're gonna be in for one hell of a ride, so buckle up sunshine.
TERF is short for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Put simply, Transphobic "feminists". TERFs align themselves with Radical Feminism- Radfem for short, a very extreme branch of feminism. However, not every Radfem is a TERF, though Radfems are still best to be avoided due to their extreme ideology. (Likewise, not every feminist is a Radfem, let alone a TERF). How to Identify a TERF: Common Dogwhistles and Nicknames. TERFs won't call themselves a TERF by themselves. In fact, some consider the term to be a slur (News flash: no it is fucking not lmfao). There are many dogwhistles, and I can't fit all of them in here. However here's the most common ones: Gender Critical - a very *VERY* common identifer by TERFs. MERF - Short for Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It basically calls trans women men and also ignores the fact that there are, contrary to popular belief, men that are also feminists. "TERF is a slur/Cis is a slur" - A common dogwhistle. The latter is also used by transphobes in general. Misandrist/Proud Misandrist - Misandrist refers to hatred of men. The term originated from misogynists as a counter to feminism, however the term has been reclaimed by radfems. However, a good majority of folks who identify with this term are transphobic, so it should best be avoided. Womyn/Wombyn and their varients - Alternative spellings of "woman/women". Per Wikipedia, "Some writers who use such alternative spellings, avoiding the suffix "-man" or "-men", see them as an expression of female independence and a repudiation of traditions that define women by reference to a male norm." The term "womxn" is also used in some cases, however that term should not be a sole identifier, as "womxn" is also sometimes used by agender individuals. "Womyn" alone is also not a sole identifier, as there are some who try to reclaim it (that and there's also something about it being used in AAVE, but I can't find much info on that). However, "Womyn-born woman" should be an instant red flag. KAM - Short for K-ll all men (i). Even without the TERFy connections, I don't think I need to explain why this is bad. --It should also be noted that any variation of "all men are trash" is inherently TERFy, no matter how you look at it. You'll see why in a bit. Hygenic - Another term used by TERFs. It also references eugenics, explained further in this post. FebFem - Short for "Female Exclusive Bisexual Female". This term is common in TERF spaces, especially with Bi TERFs. However, there have been attempts to reclaim the term from the group. Similar groups that overlap - Should also be avoided:
SWERF - Short for Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. This group is against the objectification of women, sex trafficking and the exploitation of women in pornography. Sounds harmless right? Wrong. While it appears good intentioned at first, most SWERFs are against sex work overall, believing that women can't *truly* partake in sex work willingly. This group also overlaps with TERFs, 99% of the time, though not every SWERF is a TERF. Due to sex work being a topic that gets pretty NSFW, I won't be going over this group in this post any further outside of mentions, since I'm not qualified to talk about NSFW topics as a minor. There are, however, probably several other posts that talk about this particular group. TEHM - Short for Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Males. The same as TERFs, but with homosexual men instead of women. Enby Skeptics - A group skeptical of nonbinary identities, as shown by the name. Some TERFs may identify with this term. Longsword Lesbian/Gravity Knife Gays/Gold Star Lesbian - See here for more information regarding these groups. LGB/LGB Drop the T - A movement that claims that being Trans isn't queer. It should go without saying - TERFs aren't harmless. TERFs aren't just some weird basement dwellers on the internet. Nope. They exist *everywhere*. You know JK Rowling? She's a TERF! And probably one of the most recognizable TERFs out there (she's also a lot more bigoted beyond transphobia, so yeah). However, this post will mostly cover the online aspect of TERFism, since even the online world can seep into danger in real life. So, without further ado, let's get into the hate. Note: This post covers Radical Feminism in general, however the main focus is TERFs and similar groups. Of course, you have the transphobia, slurs and suibait.
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(Image: Two Tumblr anons side by side. One word has been covered in red. One anon reads "You troons sure love playing the victim. 😂😂No won-der people can't stand you". The second reads "Hng yourself gendie". End ID).
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(Image ID: An anon that reads ""They can't even say woman" Not everyone who menstruates is a woman." The reply is "Yes they are. Nonbinary isn't real, only two genders exist. Gender and sex are the same thing. Your personality and clothing preference doesn't define your sex. Your biology does. Have a good day!" End ID) ...Having pronouns is misogynistic? Really? You know women have pronouns too... right?
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(Image ID: A user's twitter bio. Their username is covered. The bio reads "All I think about is karma. Pronouns in bio signify membership of misogynist cult". End ID) Seriously they're not even trying to hide the transphobia.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr bio that reads "trans activism is misogyny").
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(Image ID: A post from user "radfem-moira" that reads "Transwomen are men and it shows when they speak").
However, the transphobia, as despicable as it is, is not the only thing that makes TERFs dangerous. TERFs have also even went as far as to advocate for violence, as shown here.
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(Image ID: A post from user "terf-vengeance" featuring artwork of an individual wearing a crop top covered in blood, reading "I punch trans activists". Below the artwork reads "Is it okay to punch transtrenders? Yes two thousand times, yes, punch them!" Also, here is something I've noticed. Notice how Radfems talk about abuse, particularly sexual abuse. In conversations regarding such a topic, women are usually brought up as the victims. Male victims are almost never mentioned, and when you bring them up they accuse you of not caring about male victims because you brought them up when talking about women. Well, you might not think much of it, but it goes deeper than just misinformation and being insensitive. TERFs don't care about male victims either. In fact, they don't care about sexual assault survivors at all if you look hard enough. In fact, if the victim is a male, they actually *encourage* it. And will sometimes admit to even *wanting* to do the same thing to men. Here's one *literally* repeating a common misogynistic argument, but with men at the focus.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post with the individual's username and profile picture covered. The post reads "Males are only tools for sex and labor. THATS IT". End ID). ...this post makes me sick just by looking at it alone.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post from a person named "aoi". Some information is covered. The post reads "Young boys are degenerates beyond any help. I wouldn't even oppose them getting their ass rped by grown men (they deserve that) if it wasn't for the risk that other grown ass men would also start to advocate for pedophilia on girls. I can't care less about boys". End ID). And this one is even *worse*
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post featuring an anon asking "What are your thoughts on male sex workers?". The reply is "Male "sex workers" make up an incredibly tiny amount of "sex workers", and while I think prostituted men deserve to get out of it as well, they're pimped and rped by men, which makes it a male-on-male issue and not a priority for feminists"). The point of feminism is gender equality for ALL and fighting the patriarchy. This however is not feminism. This only shows that you don't actually care about gender equality. Here's one straight up admitting to want to abuse people.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post with the individual's name blacked out. The post reads "i won't lie the urge to manipulate, gaslight and psychologically torture a man and lead him to suicide has been festering inside me for a while now. studying psychology too, i genuinely think i could pull it off. they grow attachments very easily and if i could just find one that was already mentally ill i think i could do it easily". End ID). ...All I'm gonna say about that one is that I hope this individual never EVER gets into a relationship or has kids, and if they're already in a relationship I genuinely feel sorry for their partner and I hope said partner leaves them. And here's someone who sent a sexual assault wish to a literal *minor* (And when called out on it they said the screenshot was "fake").
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(Image ID: Two Tumblr convos side by side, both have two messages, the first one reads, from stopglorifyingkillers, "I never called you a pedo, please point out where I had.". itchy-astroterf replies with "I hope your stupidity and misguided trust in trans gets you rped. Maybe then you'll see my fucking point.". The next convo reads, the first message from actuallyabused, "ah yes, you totally dont want anyone to get rped.". To which itchy-astroterf replies with "That's copyshopped, you dingus".) Oh yeah. You know how TERFs argue that "Trans women are predatory"? Well... about that. (Full post here - CW: Pedophilia, sexual assault, ableism, uncensored slur).
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(Image ID: Three posts from Tumblr user "homohooker". Reading, in this order, "You look beautiful with makeup on !", "You're so cute 😍😍😍 but this isn't gay babes this would be straight" and "Its a sexual orientation like being lesbian or gay lol you're a fucking"- the final word is blanked out. Next to the username reads either "taling to a minor" or "talking about pedophilia" in red text. End ID).
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(Image ID: A Tumblr User's bio reading "Right back at it again" in bold black text. Below it reads "Riley, 21, femle, lesbian, map, kids can consent, men aren't lesbians". End ID) This one wasn't in the post but it's from the same person sooo.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post that reads "ok but who doesn't think 12-17 year old girls are cute". End ID) Honestly, it's posts like these that make me *really* hope it's a troll. Also, let's not ignore the fact that TERFs and Radfems are more than transphobic. In fact, they can be other kinds of bigoted for example. Arophobia and biphobia in ONE.
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(Image ID: A tumblr post from user "guncase". The post reads "Men cannot love. It is not in their nature to stay monogamous. You can look at the Bible, you can look at recorded history, you can look at present day - you can even look at your own experiences with men. Their love is one sided. They only love themselves, and not even each other. Find love within yourselves, your fellow women, and keep it safe, because the minute you let a Man find that love, the minute you lose it.") More biphobic crap. (I should also add that there is a huge debate in radfem spaces on whether or not bisexual women are welcome or if their "traitors", just throwing that out there).
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(Image ID: Two Tumblr posts/asks with usernames censored. The posts read, respectively, "because your nullye! stop making thousands of fucking accounds and talking to yourself. go d homophobe" and "first off you're female and if you said that you're actually dating a man that makes you fucking hetero. I really doubt that you're actually dating".) I'd also like to add I had to censor an anti-schizophrenic slur in the first one, so there's that.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr ask from an anonymous user. The ask reads "I hope you di in a violent and torturous way. I hope your genitals get mutilated. You are a disgusting person for even liking a male. Fuck you." End ID). And let's not forget the intersexism! (Disclaimer: Using it/it's pronouns is valid. Using "it" to describe *all* intersex people however... is shitty).
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(Image ID: A Twitter post from an individual who's name is censored. The post reads "If you have XX chromosomes your pronouns are she, if you have XY chromosomes your pronouns are he. If you're intersex your pronouns are it. No way in hell I'm calling an intersex thing 'she'. You are not to appropriate my gender") Oh speaking of ableism, a lot of TERFs can be pretty fucking ableist too. ...Towards each other.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post from user "femaleinsight". The post reads "i hope all autistic men fucking di the most painful fucking death that could ever be experienced on this earth. signed, a tired autistic woman <3") (First of all, what is it with disabled/neurodivergent terfs and wanting their own kind *dead*?) ...And some can also be PRETTY FUCKING RACIST :D (Had to censor the n-word in this one).
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "You know saying TERF to someone is like calling someone a ner. Which are terms that are insults and pejorative"). For context, MENA is short for Middle East and North Africa. Make what you will of this screenshot.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "if you see me with a machete randomly k*ll*ng mena males mind your business").
And sometimes, two and two can actually go together! A while back, I reblogged a that talked about TERFs using the word "hygienic" to mean "cis", like this individual shown below (Edit: link and reblog removed since OP fit my DNI + one of the folks adding to it was hacked and became a scambot, and I'd rather not expose people to that).
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post from user "dykexy" that reads "petition to change the word "cis" to "hygienic"". End ID) Now you might be wondering, why am I bringing it up again? Well, someone in the comments of said post mentioned that it reminded them of "Racial Hygiene". Now, what is "Racial Hygiene"? Well... according to Wikipedia, it refers to "an approach to eugenics in the early 20th century, which found its most extensive implementation in Nazi Germany (Nazi eugenics)." So basically, it's eugenics. Specifically, Nazi eugenics. And with TERFs using the term "hygienic", they're saying that Trans people are inherently dirty by genetics. You might think this is a reach, but with everything shown here, there's clearly more to it.
Then again, what else do you expect from folks who do *this*
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "I'm not really going to spend another Saturday taking photos of trans people and running them through the sex-change filter on FaceApp to see what they looked like before, am i? I am". End ID) And act hypocritical (TERFS: "Trans women fetishize real women!" Also TERFS:)
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "It is so weird to me when trans people show a "before and after" when they get their first binder. If you have bad enough chest dysphoria to buy a binder in the first place, why are you showing the whole internet your tits?" End ID) And make nonsensical posts/replies like THIS.
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(Image ID: A Twitter user replying to a post that reads "Me and my good friend texting about the #BodyBlitz thing: "People need to get used to gender non-conforming bodies"". The reply reads "Gee, so you are in favor of rpe culture? Telling women to "get used" to rpists and perverts in women's spaces? Really?" End ID) Seriously. Don't let the "feminist" label fool you. TERFs and Radfems do not care about gender equality or women's rights. They are using the feminist label and women's rights as an excuse for their transphobia and other bigotry. They do not care about sexual assault survivors. They do not care about women of color. They do not care about disabled women. In fact, they only advocate for the very abuse they claim to be against. They advocate for the racism and nazism they claim to be against. Don't let them fool you.
Other posts talking about TERFs, Radfems and the like, as well as additional resources: Caelan Conrad's "Gender Critical" series. A bunch of Jessie Gender videos on TERFs and Gender Criticals. The TERF to Fascist Pipeline by Kayley Whalen. The FASCIST Links Of Anti-Trans Activism Exposed by Owen Jones. Tips for Allies of Transgender People. How Can I support someone who's Trans or Nonbinary? Shinigami Eyes - A browser extension that detects anti-trans content.
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sydsixx-does-art · 1 year ago
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digital art I created in order to screen print
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years ago
Your SAMS family/ SAMS family (including evil family) reacting to a transphobic pos
KC straight up kills them. Blood Moon is usually disposing of the bodies, taking them apart and shoving them in a hole (because he doesn't want their nasty person blood). Tag-team murders for the dad-son duo win.
Harvest just stares at them completely straight-faced until they get uncomfortable talking to what is essentially a wall. Now, he's not tuning them out or offline or sleeping, he's fully aware of them and what they're saying. But the moment they get uncomfortable and stop talking, Harvest Moon snaps their neck and tells Bloody there's a body and tosses them to him like a chewtoy.
Sun gets upset, ungodly upset. And he bottles it up and explodes about it later to Moon. But if it's about someone he knows or a patron of the daycare, or even a staff member, Sun will scream at them to get out of his daycare and the entire PizzaPlex while they're at it and call security.
Lunar punches transphobes, no other provocation needed. Just *punch in the face* *acts like nothing happened*. Moon leers at them and backs them into a corner and takes access of his voice mods to make his voice as threatening as possible to growl at them the 'Shut. The fuck. Up. Out of my daycare. Now!' and makes them run for their lives. If they don't, he lets KC out.
Eclipse isn't good at threats, he knows this, everyone who knows him knows this. But he has a taser function, that unfortunately backfires on him as well. So he tases transphobes when they don't go away and then his brothers and dad will take care of him after he gets what's essentially a controlled shock from the taser function and Blood Moon will take his new chew toy after KC kills them.
Solar Flare brings them to KC like a present, all tied up with a pretty ribbon in a bow over their mouth. Good Eclipse tries the nice approach in telling them to stop three times in a row like a strike system. If they don't either shut up or leave by then, he takes out a kneecap because Fazbear isn't liable for injuries on premises.
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very-uncorrect · 2 years ago
Transphobes will say shit like "transphobia?? HA! I'M NOT SCARED OF THEM, I'LL SHOOT THEM IF I SEE THEM!" and then start foaming at the mouth and choking on their own vomit when they see pink blue and white together or a woman with a strong jawline
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