#tw: gross old men
frownyalfred · 10 months
a random socialite at a fundraiser: you know Bruce, that boy of yours is getting to be a little too pretty. heh.
Bruce Wayne, who was also "too pretty" at fourteen and is absolutely ready to castrate anyone who even looks at Dick directly: oh?
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snarky-badger · 1 year
Okay, Men/Males/AMAB of Tumblr - here's what NOT to do.
Do not approach a female human being (AFAB or otherwise) - who is with their family (actually just don't do this in general) - sit next to her table while trying to give her compliments she doesn't want, ask to share her serving of soup, tell her 'oh I always wanted a bigger woman as a wife, they're sterner', when she declines, and then proceed to STARE AT HER FOR THE ENTIRE TIME you're there, and then, when you leave, tell her she's pretty and then RUB YOUR FUCKING MEAL RECEIPT AGAINST HER CHEEK with a creepy smile.
God I need several showers and some bleach.
THIS. This is why women/females/AFAB don't feel safe with men/males/AMAB! Because lots of you pull shit like this - WHILE OTHERS JUST WATCH AND DO NOTHING! (like my goddamn father).
I got to have a panic attack in a restaurant bathroom this afternoon. I did not enjoy it.
It is not 'cute', it is not 'suave', it is not a fucking COMPLIMENT!
It's fucking CREEPY and GROSS!
And if you see another man/male doing this to someone FUCKING STOP THEM!!
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justmewondering56 · 1 year
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I’ve been 22 for one hour and MacDen is essentially canon like Megan Ganz rlly gave me the best birthday gift i could ask for. Also i’m drunk so like.... i might think this is a dream in the morning and boy i will be so pleased to find out it is real
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shout out to all the 20-something’s who wear pigtails to their jobs where tips are split up by hours worked… we do more for our stores than the actual managers
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Denial of Desire
Yandere Vampiress x Henchman Fem Reader
TW: comphet, internalized homophobia, denial of feelings, yearning, slowly slippping into madness, yandere behavior, unhealthy relationship, murder (threatened), etc.
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Ophelia often dismissed you despite your constant concern of her well being. You knew she was a vampire and a mistress of the night, but she consistently put herself in danger. You once loved Ophelia, yet you knew she was straight. It would be rude to impose your feelings on your mistress when she only held distaste for you. Especially since you were nothing more than a servant to Ophelia.
Whether it was to hunt for food or to bring some random man back to her manor, you always had to clean up the mess. It started to get on your nerves since you were still new to being a vampire yourself… yet you had no interest in drinking human blood. Not like Ophelia did.
“Your cleaning skills are subpar. Can’t you do it any better?” Ophelia nagged you as she kicked over your mop bucket with her black pinkie wickers. You sighed, hours of work now ruined in mere seconds.
“My lady, I was simply on the first round of mopping. This quite difficult to remove old blood from the walls and floor.”
“Then find a better way to do it. I need to fetch my next victim soon and I don’t want them to see this mess.” Ophelia gestured to you and the filthy floor. “If you have any complaints, you can simply leave.”
You bowed your head and frowned. No matter how kind you were to your mistress or how you did your best to meet her demands, it was never enough. You were never enough.
“Apologies, I’ll keep cleaning.” You went back to scrubbing the walls and floor. You couldn’t let her rudeness get to you… not until you found a new master at least. Ophelia would be hosting a vampire ball by the end of the week so you may have your chance to flee then?
Ophelia studied your form before she smiled. You never complained no matter how rude she was to you, it was a trait she adored about you. She wished every servant was like you. It would make her life less stressful then… except she knew you were her favorite. You always dutifully fulfilled your every command in a timely manner… Ophelia was positive you’d always stay by her side. Why would you ever leave your mistress? She made you.
Ophelia had brought yet another man home and quickly whisked him up to her room without sparing you a glance. You shook your head at her antics before you decided to explore the manor’s garden to tend to. Despite now being a creature of the night, you still retained your love for gardening. It was just a shame you could never see the flowers under the sunlight again…
Ophelia on the other hand, couldn’t even get past kissing with this man. He was just like all the others before him… no matter what she did, it felt wrong. Being with men made her feel sick to her stomach and the vampiress didn’t understand why.
All her life, her parents told her she’d find a man one day and she could turn him into a vampire to be with her… yet all of them were subpar. Their genitalia disgusted her and they were far too hairy for her. Everything about men was gross other than their blood. That’s all they seemed to be good for…
Ophelia wiped her mouth from yet another messy meal, the vampiress made her way to her balcony to study her night garden. And that’s when she spotted you. What were you doing down there?
Ophelia studied your form as you trimmed up some of the bushes and tended to the flowers. You were so soft looking compared to the men. Soft and delicate like the petals of the roses below… forever young and beautiful thanks to Ophelia. You’d never have to age or worry about sickness. In Ophelia’s mind, she saved you. Yet why did you always look so sad? Was her company not enough for you?
Ophelia rested her arms on her balcony, her red eyes scanned your sullen form in thought. She wondered if her night would be different if it was you beneath her and not the many men she’s brought to her room. If your skin was as soft as it looked… if you were sensitive and lovely- no!
Ophelia shook her head and pushed herself from the balcony in haste. The vampiress ran a pale hand through her Snow White locks in horror. Why would she think of you in such a way? You were another woman… you weren’t a man. You were soft and sweet like fruit but she couldn’t have you. She couldn’t sleep with you because you were a woman. And Ophelia wasn’t a lesbian… she couldn’t be. She had to produce a pure blood vampire, it was her destiny.
Yet her impure thoughts said otherwise. Ophelia knew the truth deep down… she loved you. It’s why she was so mean to you. It was to try to scare you away.
When the ball came around, Ophelia’s breath hitched when she spotted you in your dress. How could someone look so lovely? If she still had a beating heart, she was sure it would burst
Ophelia did her best to ignore you at the ball but her eyes often shifted to you as you danced with other vampires… how could you dance so carefree with other women? Didn’t you feel shame like she did?
It was when Ophelia hung out with a young couple of pure blood vampires that she questioned herself. This couple consisted of two women? Two female vampires could be together? It was okay to be… she had no idea she could make that choice.
Ophelia felt tears gather in her eyes as the two pure bloods reassure her that it was okay to like other women. That they were immortal creatures who could do whatever they pleased.
And that was all it took for Ophelia to go running after you. The vampiress had to confess, she had to tell you how she felt-
Ophelia nearly fell to the floor when she saw you kissing another vampiress. Her dead heart dropped to her feet in shock when you ran your fingers through the other woman’s black locks. You… you were hers. You were her servant and no one else’s!
Ophelia wanted to kill this vampire you touched! How dare she touch you when you were her property! You cannot be with anyone other than Ophelia, herself!
Ophelia rushed forward and separated you from the other vampire. Her breathing ragged and her white hair in disarray. “I am in need of your assistance this instant. You do not have time to fraternize with the other candies here.”
You can’t even protest as Ophelia dragged you away by your arm. You’re speechless when Ophelia dragged you up the stairs towards her room.
“Mistress-“ You’re suddenly thrown to her bed, unable to scramble away since Ophelia lunged at you.
“I hate you…” Ophelia cried. “I hate how you make me feel. How I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“Mistress-“ Ophelia pressed her lips against yours with fervency. Her hands hungrily grasped at your flesh. You’re absolutely gobsmacked at this transgression. What?
“I hate you so much because I love you. I love you so much, it makes me crazy.” Ophelia muttered into your lips. “And I don’t care who I have to kill or what I have to do, I won’t let anyone else have you.”
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thewulf · 2 years
Cross || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: The four times you captured Jake Seresin’s attention and the one time he did something about it.
A/N: A request from a friend. Enjoy!
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 6,500+
TW: Abuse (Physical)
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From an early age you learned how to sit down, shut up and do what you were told. Growing up on the south side of Chicago didn’t bode well for the greatest childhood. Your parents, if you could even call them that, gave you a shelter and sometimes some food but other than that? You were on your own from a very early age with your older brothers. Who quite frankly didn’t give a shit about you either.
You wished and prayed that your parents would snap out of it and start taking care of their children, but they never did. You gave up praying on your eighth birthday when your mom picked the pills over her own babies. Classic drug addicts. You gave up trying to form a relationship on your tenth birthday when you had to call an ambulance because your dad was unresponsive. He lived, somehow.
Things often got violent in the household. You learned how to protect yourself, learning how to fight back against two methed out parents by the age of twelve. Realizing quickly you had to learn how to defend yourself or you’d likely end up dead. You did just that. You wished your parents were alcoholics like every other parent on the south side. But no, they had to be hard drug users. They were so terribly unpredictable. Sometimes they’d treat you like gold but the very next day you could be getting beat on, you just never knew. You had to be ready at all times. It was exhausting being in constant fight or flight mode.
On your eighteenth birthday you left without saying a word. You didn’t have a plan nor a cent to your name but you sure were scrappy. You’d found weird jobs across the country for a few years before landing in San Diego and meeting Penny Benjamin.
You liked to think Penny saved your life from spiraling even further than it had. She was desperate for a bartender, and you were desperate for a stable job. You ended up falling in love with the job and the area. Most days were great, but some days were awful. And today? Today was one of those awful days.
“Hey sweetie, how about another beer?” A lovely patron of the Hard Deck clinked his empty beer glass against the wood countertop eyeing you up and down. Disgusting. You’d gotten used to brazen men checking you out, but it never ceased to amaze you just how gross they could get. Especially with a little beer in their system.
Rolling your eyes, you simply ignored him deciding to focus your attention elsewhere. Not giving the creepy old man who couldn’t seem to stop eye fucking you any satisfaction. You greeted a younger couple happily chatting away with them trying to ignore the creep as best as you could.
“Baby, I’m talking to you.” He yelled from across the bar interrupting you from the conversation. Penny gave you a look asking if you could handle it. You could. You dealt with these gross drunks all the time. It still didn’t make it pleasant though.
Giving her a quick nod, you turned back to the couple.
You were so tempted to ring that damn bell, but it was more effort than it was worth tonight. See, it was a Friday night at the hard deck and a bunch of Top Gun pilots were back making it even busier than you were used to. You didn’t have time to think let alone serve this entire bar another round. So, you decided against it instead finishing up the order you were already working on.
Once you finished serving the couple you turned your attention back to the man knowing you’d have to confront him eventually. You decided to serve everybody around him first making sure to pay him no attention.
“Baby is playing hard to get.”
Snapping your eyes up at him you swore your nostrils were flaring, “Don’t you fucking baby me.” You were tired. So damn tired of men thinking they could speak to you like you were nothing. Like your only purpose on this god forsaken planet is to serve them beer and look pretty.
“Feisty little one.” He winked as he slid his empty glass in front of you.
“Get the fuck out of this bar.” You stared at him with icy eyes. Any friendliness in your tone completely gone.
You noticed him pause at your words. Taking a second to see if you were being serious. It didn’t work though, he continued to press on, “A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t have a mouth like that.” He slurred his words this time.
“Get the fuck out. Now.” Nearly growling you turned away. You were far too busy to be dealing with this shit right now. Another bartender called off and it was just you and Penny trying to serve hundreds of impatient people.
You didn’t make it too far feeling a cold hand wrap around your wrist.
Fuck it. He started it.
Turning around quickly you made a fist out of your hand like it was second nature. Not putting much thought into it you used all your might as your hand collided with his right eye. He dropped to the floor almost instantly with a thud sending the bar into an almost eerie silence.
“Fuck.” You groaned shaking your wrist out. You had forgotten just how bad it hurt to make direct contact like that. Penny flew over to you making sure you were okay.
It suddenly hit you how silent the bar had gotten after you threw that nasty punch. Only hearing a few whistles from the aviators over in the corner who were all eagerly watching in anticipation. Looking up at them you saw them all nodding and smiling. Simply thrilled this had happened while they were there.
“You okay?” Penny asked as she wrapped some ice in a towel for you.
“Perfectly fine.” You smiled graciously accepting the ice. Your knuckles were already turning purple from the impact.
She leaned over the bar to assess the damage you had inflicted, “Damn girl. You knocked him out cold.” Penny gave you a wide eyed expression as she turned back to you.
Smiling awkwardly at the customers who were still a little shocked you decked someone right in the face, you mimicked Penny leaning over the bar taking a peek. Nodding to yourself you were quite proud of that hit. Not that you necessarily condoned violence but sometimes it was necessary, like right now.
Penny rang the bell trying to liven the crowd back up and trying to signal for the young pilots to come over, “Seresin! Fitch! Throw him out will you?” She yelled to the two closest aviators who couldn’t seem to get enough of what was going on.
“Yes ma’am.” The pretty blond pilot answered her grinning from ear to ear. He looked like he loved this shit. You’d never seen him before. You were sure you would’ve remembered that face. That smile.
“Thank you.” Penny smiled at him before turning back to you. Eyeing your hand, she looked at you curiously, “Can you still serve or …” She trailed off not sure what to say. It wasn’t that often that a young female bartender straight decked a customer and knocked him out cold. Of course, it was you who had to break the mold. It was always you doing something you shouldn’t have.
You weren’t a bad kid. Quite the opposite really. A bit naïve if anything, you simply wanted the best for everyone. But you also weren’t a pushover. You’d given him a few warnings and he was the one that touched you first. You felt every justification in knocking the old creep out.
You always seemed to end up in these situations though. Your trash life just seemed to follow you everywhere like a curse you couldn’t break.
Shaking your head you dropped the ice, “I’m good!”
“That was one hell of a punch.” The blond pilot spoke up drawing your eyes back towards his. Damn, he was pretty. He was even more handsome when he was a few feet from you.
“Thanks.” You laughed grabbing a glass to fill up with a draft, “Guess my dad was good for something.” Smiling brightly at him you attempted to crack a joke. It might’ve been a defense mechanism, but it was true. Your dad was a low life good for nothing fuck who would’ve sold you if he knew he could. He was far too dumb to pull anything like that off though.
His smile dropped slightly being a bit taken aback by your casual statement, “You otta teach our friend Bobby over there how to throw a punch.”
The other pilot laughed at the blonds remark as he began to pick up the unconscious man.
“I’m sure Bobby can throw a punch just fine.” You halfway returned the smile. He was trouble and you could sniff that out a mile away. Growing up like you did gave you a sort of superpower to sniff out bullshit. Being able to read people like a book surely had its advantages.
“I beg to differ.” He threw you a wink before helping his friend out. Taking a breath, you were sure this was just the first of many encounters with the blond pilot. You weren’t sure if that excited you or made you want to quit on the spot.
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The next few days had slowed down quite a bit at the Hard Deck. You sure did love the money you made on Friday, especially after throwing that punch, but you were thankful it was slower. Finally, being able to catch your breath after the busy weekend shift.
You were distracted serving a few customers at the bar or you would’ve seen the blonde pilot enter with a few friends. You didn’t see his face perking up ever so slightly when he saw you behind the bar. He considered himself increasingly intrigued by you. He had surely never seen any woman handle herself like that. He simply loved it.
Of course, he offered to get the first round. He wanted to talk to you, even for a moment. Payback and Coyote teased him before he walked over to you. The two of them noticed how he kept bringing you up in conversation even though he knew nothing about you.
“I have a nickname for you.” A silky smooth southern voice from behind you spoke up. Turning around you bit your cheek to hide the stupid smile that wanted to grace your face. There he was… trouble.
“And that is?”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, “You’re going to have to explain that one to me.”
“You’ve got an amazing cross shot.” He grinned before continuing, “And I wouldn’t want to cross you.”
“The punch, really?” You grabbed him a few domestics from the fridge sliding them over after popping the tops.
He shrugged taking a slow sip from the glass, “What can I say? It was hot.”
You laughed shaking your head, “Noted…” You trailed off waiting for him to properly introduce himself.
“I’m not calling you Hangman. I’m Y/N.” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a rag wiping down the counter next to him. Making sure to do anything to avoid eye contact with the pretty man.
“And why not? That’s a beautiful name, Y/N.”
“It’s weird.” You rebutted almost instantly ignoring his second comment. Terribly flirty this man was.
This time he let out a hearty laugh. He was enjoying himself all too much. The effortless back and forth between the two of you made him giddy. He could see how sharp you were, how witty you are.
“It’s not weird if I give you permission.”
You continued to clean, “I don’t need your permission. It’s still weird.”
He didn’t stop the smile that formed on his face, “Call me Jake then. I’m still calling you Cross though.”
You looked up to him now, “And if I don’t give you permission?”
“Like you said, I don’t need it.” He countered using your own words against you.
“Fair.” You narrowed your eyes in on him. He got you there, you couldn’t deny that one.
“So, where are you from doll?” You knew he was just being polite, no ill will towards the term of endearment. But you hated it.  Your childhood really truly traumatized you. When you were far too young you’d have men catcalling you on the streets calling you sugar, sweetie, honey, or baby. It made your skin crawl. You hated that simple terms of endearment were traumatizing to you. Those sweet nothings were taken from you. Why couldn’t you just be normal?
“Don’t call me that.” You harshly spoke back to him. Your eyes softened seeing his confused expression, “Please.” You added trying to soften the blow.
“I thought I didn’t need permission.” He smirked, testing your boundaries.
You bit your lip thinking hard about how you wanted to respond to him, “Please.” You smiled softly, opting to go the easiest route of begging him not to.
He nodded sharply understanding your near desperation in your ask. Taking another long sip of the beer he hesitated to leave even though his fellow aviators were so patiently waiting on their own.
“Yes ma’am.” He smiled before sauntering off back towards the pool table.
You spent your night relatively busy as the Hard Deck picked up. Sending glances Jake’s way, you couldn’t seem to keep yourself from looking at him. Maybe it was the way he presented himself so surely, but no man had ever treated you with the respect he had already shown.
The bar was literally in hell, yes, but here you were also intrigued with the pretty blond pilot.
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It had not been a good few days. Your piece of shit ex-boyfriend had shown up at your doorstep begging you to forgive him. You had called off the shitty relationship a month ago after you caught him cheating. Trash life, trash men.
You really did think he was different until you walked in on him hooking up with a neighbor.
Long story short he wouldn’t leave. The cops had to come. Once they left he had decorated your cheek with a nice little back slap which split your lip right open. He ended up leaving after telling you just how worthless he thought you were.
 You sat there crying to yourself wondering why you couldn’t get out of this shitty spiral that your life always seemed to be in. You’d escaped Chicago just to end up in the same situation that you’d grown accustomed to. Being abused by the people that should love you.
You told Penny the truth, not wanting to lie to her. Sure, she was your boss, but she was also one of your better friends here. The two of you got along like peas in a pod and you sure did suffer through enough long nights at the bar together.
She let you take the night off, understanding you would likely not be up for it.
However, she did invite you down to the beach the next day. She mentioned that shirtless pilots running around playing football might cheer you up. Not being one to pass up on such an opportunity you sped on down to the beach sitting next to Penny just outside the Hard Deck.
“Damn. You were right Penny.” You whistled lowly admiring the scene before you, “This really does help.”
She was smiling until she saw your lip, “You alright?”
“Yeah. Nothing I can’t handle. Just caught me by surprise is all.”
She was frowning now, “Did he do that before?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Shrugging you smiled as you found Jake in the swarm of men. Damn, he looked even better shirtless. That just wasn’t fair.
“I’m used to it Penny. Can’t seem to escape it.” You laughed softly accepting your fate. It’s all you really could do. Laugh. What else could you do?
She shook her head, “Don’t say that Y/N. Nobody deserves that.”
“Sure.” You smiled towards her trying to comfort her more than yourself. She looked so worried for you.
She broke the eye contact the two of you were holding first, “Looks like you’ve got a visitor. I need to talk to Pete anyway.” She laughed after seeing your shocked expression. She was just up and leaving you to deal with the handsome stranger?
He immediately noticed your bruised cheek and busted lip. Making sure to brush the frown away quickly he plopped down next to you. Closer than you would’ve, not that you were complaining.
“Another fight there Cross?” Jake grinned hoping to extract something from the closed book that you were.
Huffing to yourself you looked up to him, “Something like that.” You kept it vague as you turned your attention to the waves rolling before you. That’s what you loved about this place. You lived mere minutes from the beach.
He nudged you with his shoulder, “Should I see the other guy?”
Blinking rapidly, you kept your attention away from him suddenly feeling awfully vulnerable as he kept his attention trained on you, “Yeah.” You whispered
“You okay?” He mimicked your whisper. Almost afraid he might spook you if he spoke too loudly.
That question knocked you back into reality, “I’m perfectly fine Jake.” You flashed him your most genuine smile careful not to bust open your lip again. You had finally gotten it to stop bleeding.
“Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You returned his question with one of your own.
“You seem a little spacey and you have a split lip. Just checking that’s all.” Throwing his hands up in defense he refused to look away. He kept his eyes trained on your face.
You were quickly becoming an enigma to him. The two of you seemed to talk frequently but he didn’t know a damn thing about you. He knew your first name and that you bartended at the Hard Deck. That’s all he could seem to get out of you.
You nodded along noticing how defensive you had become, “Volleyball accident. Took a hit right to the chin.” Lying as casually as you could you found the courage to look back over to him.
He clearly didn’t believe you eyeing you curiously, “If that’s the story you’re sticking to. So be it I guess.”
You frowned knowing he wasn’t going to let you get away with it. He was just too confrontational, “Well, it’s the story so.”
“Bullshit.” He countered clearly ready to get into whatever this situation was.
Rolling your eyes, you turned your body away from him slightly. He was annoying. You really didn’t want anybody digging into your life. It was already embarrassing enough to come from where you did. Having to explain that to Jake sounded downright mortifying.
“Does it matter?” You replied refusing to look at him.
He scoffed this time not sure how you weren’t understanding him, “Yes it matters Y/N. Of course, it matters.”
“I slipped in the shower.” You attempted to lie again.
“Why are you lying?” He too seemed to have a mega bullshit detector just like you.
You shrugged, “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
He frowned seeing you look so utterly defeated, “Are you at least safe?”
“I think so.”
His eyes were nearly bugging out of his head now. He couldn’t understand you. How you so utterly nonchalant about whatever situation you were in he couldn’t grasp, “You think?”
Nodding your head you turned back to him, “I should be fine. I can handle him.”
“Him?” He jumped from his seat standing in front of placing his hands gently on your shoulders. You really hadn’t meant to let that one slip, but it was far too late to try and backtrack now.
Sighing you looked up to him, “It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m safe. I can handle it.”
Narrowing his eyes in on you it didn’t look like he quite believed you. But what could he do? He didn’t know you and you sure weren’t planning on sharing, “Are you sure.”
You nodded, “Quite.”
He dropped his hands from your shoulders, “Alright. I should get back?” He pointed to the group almost questioning if he should go or not.
You smiled, “Sure. I’ll see you around Jake.”
“You sure will.” He winked before jogging off back to the group of aviators not able to shake the sinking feeling he had in his gut.
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You were in fact able to handle him the second time around. It did come at a cost though. A pretty black eye, a bruised rib and a potentially sprained wrist didn���t stop you from putting him in his place.
Completely forgetting to lock the deadbolt he was able to get in with a copy of your housekey.
The sheer rage your ex had laced in his eyes eerily reminded you of your parents when they were cracked out of their minds. Shuddering at the thought you were able to get the upper hand. You didn’t think he’d be so brazen but then again you couldn’t tell if he was high out of his mind or not.’
Of course, you realized he was a shitty dude at the end of the relationship, but this was completely out of the ordinary from him. He hadn’t laid a hand on you prior to smacking you across the face. But now? The look of sheer rage horrified you, looking like he wanted to seriously hurt you.
Being terribly confused by the whole situation didn’t help either. You just couldn’t understand why he wanted to hurt you. Why he couldn’t have just left the relationship and moved on? He was the one that cheated anyway. It’s not the two of you were terribly in love either. You were only together for a few months. You simply just chalked it up to having the world’s worst luck.
After forcing him out by hitting him with a frying pan a few times you ended up calling the cops, unsure of what to do. They weren’t much help, telling you to find a different place to stay and they’d start a document for a restraining order. It was all bullshit, and you knew it. It wasn’t worth the cost to follow through.
Deciding to call Penny instead of risking staying in the house she let you come sleep on the couch at her place. She let the small gasp come out when she saw your state. You groaned realizing just how bad you probably looked. But true to your words you didn’t really feel that bad. You were used to being roughed up.
She got you some ice for your eye and wrist letting you pick out a movie as she did so. You settled on Step Brothers hoping to take your mind off of everything.
“Thanks Penny.” You yawned beginning to feel exhaustion creep up over you.
“Anytime kid. Get some sleep kid.” She patted your head before departing to her room upstairs. You snuggled in hoping to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Penny let you stay there that day as you searched for new locks, knowing you couldn’t go back until those were changed. She also let you skip your shift that night much to Jake’s dissatisfaction. He was really looking forward to seeing you, you always worked on Thursday’s.
Penny may have let it slip that you were staying at her place just up the road and that you were ‘sick’ after Jake complained that you weren’t there.
Immediately understanding what she was putting down Jake grabbed his keys and walked out of the bar. Shooting a text to his friends letting them know he’d be right back. But he needed to see you, make sure that you were okay.
Softly knocking on Penny’s door, he anxiously waited for you to answer.
You took a peek out the window cursing when you saw Jake standing there. Your face looked even worse than yesterday but there wasn’t enough time to try and hide it.
Sighing you opted to just open the door.
“Jesus Christ Y/N.” Jake frowned examining your black eye and bruised nose.
You smiled softly, “You should see the other guy.”
He grumbled not taking his eyes off your broken face, “Not really a time for jokes Y/N.”
“It’s always time for joking Jake.” You countered knowing it’d drive him mad. Something you enjoyed doing all too much as of late. The simple back and forth the two of you had grown accustomed to gave you so much joy throughout your stay in San Diego.
“Are you okay?” He pushed you back out of the doorway with his own body, inviting himself right on in.
“What are you doing here?” You asked after moving out of his way, not protesting in the slightest.
“I’m checking in.” He gave you the most obvious look, as if it was clear what he was doing here, “Penny told me what happened.”
“That little snake.”
“Well to be fair she just said you were sick. I kind of just assumed after seeing you a few days ago.” He frowned again grabbing some more ice from the freezer for you, “You need to keep ice on it.”
“Okay.” You simply nodded taking the ice pack from him gingerly knowing he was entirely right.
“What? No witty remark? No comeback?”
You giggled for the first time in a while. Feeling lighter and freer with the man standing in front of you. Having an odd sense of trust in him, “No. I don’t argue everything Jake.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” He smiled before guiding you to the couch wanting you to sit down.
Obliging you took a seat at one end, “Pot calling the kettle black.”
He laughed taking a seat at the opposite end, giving you some needed space, “But seriously, are you alright.”
You nodded, “I’m fine. Just need to change my locks and then I’m good.”
“You said that last time.” He deadpanned.
“I was being serious earlier. He took a cast iron pan to the forehead, multiple times. I think he’ll think twice.” You smiled remembering your victory over the weak man.
He looked you over while he nodded, somewhat impressed, “Can’t be too careful though.” He studied you yet again not being able to hide his upset expression. He really couldn’t believe that somebody would ever dare lay a hand on you let alone leave such a mark on your eye. He might’ve only known you for a brief time, but he felt protective over you. So oddly protective.
You shrugged, “I’ll sleep with my pan at night.”
He laughed taking you in. He was fully enamored with you now. How you could make such light out of the seriousness of the situation and manage to calm him down was something magical. Truly unlike anyone he’d ever met, “That’s a start. I’ll tell you what. I have the day off tomorrow, why don’t I help you change those locks then?”
You smiled nodding at him, “I’ll happily take some help.”
“Great.” He smiled, “10 AM work?”
You nodded feeling a burst of excitement at the prospect of Jake helping you out, “Works great.”
“Perfect, see you then. Gotta get back to the bar though, just wanted to check in. Have to go beat Rooster’s ass in a round of darks”
Nodding you didn’t stop the smile that come over you, “See you tomorrow Jake.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
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Another busy night at the Hard Deck had you focusing on everything but watching the front door. After changing your locks your ex didn’t attempt anything, thankfully. You thought he had gotten the hint. Being terribly nervous about the whole situation had you on edge, head on a swivel at all times.
Your heart dropped when you heard that voice from behind you, sitting at the bar as if nothing had happened between the two of you, “Baby, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Gulping you refused to turn around instead searching for Penny. But just as you looked up you saw her run off to the back. Sighing you opted to simply keep serving the guests on the opposite side of the bar instead of confronting him. You had the advantage of the bar being particularly busy this night.
“Y/N.” You heard your name called sharply from behind you.
“I’m busy.” You shouted still refusing to turn around moving on to the next customer.
He wouldn’t take no for an answer though. He simply just moved around the bar, dodging, and weaving in between everyone making sure he was in your line of sight. When you saw what he was doing you simply turned around to serve the other side of the bar. Simply not in the mood to indulge in whatever fantasy this dude has. You were prepared to avoid as long as needed.
“Y/N.” There it was again. That damn voice. For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why he was not taking the hint.
“I said, I’m busy.” You snapped back focusing on washing the racks of dirty beer glasses in front of you
“You’re not getting rid of me like this, Y/N. We need to talk about this!”
Rolling your eyes, you kept moving down the bar, strategically avoiding him. The gull on the piece of shit was baffling to you. He was the one that cheated on you. You were pretty damn sure that wasn’t the first time either.
What you also didn’t notice was how Jake was observing you every now and then. Often doing so, he wanted to make sure that you were okay. He caught flack from his fellow aviators for treating you so differently, they didn’t have a clue though. Not a damn clue.
He noticed your relaxed and easy going attitude change drastically throughout the night. You were usually so cheery and happy to talk to people. Tonight, you looked agitated and a little stressed out. For the life of him Jake couldn’t pinpoint what was causing you to feel so distressed.
He didn’t want to bother you when you were so busy, so he hung back for a while. As soon as it began to die down though he found a barstool and waited patiently until you noticed him.
The utter relief you felt when you spotted Jake sitting there was unlike any other. Your ex was still at it getting rather agitated at you dodging him for the last two hours.  Relaxing just a little when you spotted him you quickly walked over to where he was sitting, “Jake. What can I get for you?”
“The usual.” He grinned leaning towards you.
“Sure thing.” You returned his smile with a half-hearted one of your own.
“Are you okay?” He asked as you returned with his beer.
Nodding your head you leaned into the counter, “You ask that a lot.”
“You seem to get yourself into very precarious situations.”
Laughing at his comment you realized he didn’t know the half of it. He couldn’t understand because you refused to tell him, “I do, don’t I?”
“Yes ma’am. Now answer the question.” His eyes darkened over slightly letting you know he wasn’t playing around.
You shrugged, “I have a small issue.”
Eyebrows raised he was a little taken aback you were actually going to tell him something. Not that he didn’t enjoy the banter between the two of you, but this was different, more serious, “And what’s that?”
“Don’t look. But my ex is sitting on the opposite side of the bar right now. He’s been following me around all night.” Sighing you leaned in even closer, “I’m so sorry. He’s probably going to confront you now that I’ve been talking to you for more than a minute.”
Jake returned your shrug almost getting a kick out of it, “I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you right now. Which one is he?”
Smiling softly at his bluntness you continued, “Red hoodie almost right behind me.”
The moment he spotted him Jake’s eyes darkened a few shades. His cheery smile with the dimples was immediately replaced with a straight line running across his face. If you didn’t know any better of him that look would have absolutely petrified you.
“Just keep your eyes on me Y/N.” Jake spoke quietly as he watched your ex eye you as you served customers.
Nodding softly, you kept your eyes trained near Jake not daring to serve that side of the bar. Another bartender noticed and kept that side locked down, “Thanks Jake.”
“Nothing to thank me for Y/N.” He gave you a serious look to let you know he wasn’t kidding. Jake could never accept a thank you for doing what he was raised to do, protect women. You couldn’t grow up in Texas and not think the world of all women. It always baffled Jake that other men didn’t think the same. That other men could even think of harming a woman.
Jake eventually caught the eye of your ex. He threw in a smirk for good measure. Jake made sure to look back to you to piss him off. And it worked. Almost instantly Jake noticed his red hoodie begin to walk around the bar. He knew this was going to be too good now.
“You fucking my girl?”
Jake grinned, loving every second of this, “Don’t think she’s your girl anymore.”
“Yes she is.” His nostrils flared in an attempt to intimidate Jake, you knew that wasn’t going to happen though.
Shaking his head casually Jake stood from his bar stool finally getting a good look at him. You knew Jake was taller than him, but you didn’t realize just how much. Taking a defensive stance, he eyed the man up and down cracking a smile when he met his eyes again, “Not according to Y/N, you’re not.”
“And you believe the little bitch?” He puffed his chest out not backing down from Jake. You had to hand it to the stupid man, he sure didn’t know when to call it quits.
Jake slowly shook his head, “I reckon you apologize to her.”
He laughed, a full on belly laugh. Getting a kick out of that one. You couldn’t rip your eyes from the scene unfolding before you, neither could the other aviators who had grown quiet observing the interaction between the two men. It was still busy enough that nobody paid them any mind, yet.
“For what?”
Jake didn’t break his stare down on the coward, “You know what for.”
He smirked somehow feeling like he had the upper hand in this argument, “I’m just putting my girl back in her place. Mind your own damn business.”
Realizing this was likely going to escalate you waved down Penny to try and figure out what to do. She waved you off letting you know that it was okay. She didn’t mind a fight in her bar.
“No, see I have a problem with that. Where I’m from a man never lays a hand on a woman.” Jake spoke as coolly as you’ve ever seen him. You just knew you were about to witness some shit go down.
He laughed, “And where I’m from she’s lucky it wasn’t worse.”
Eyes widening at that you actually felt fear from the man for the first time. Had he manipulated you that bad in the relationship that you couldn’t see what a true monster he was? Sure, it was only a few months but at one point you genuinely liked the guy. Now he was sitting here threating to hurt you even further.
Jake saw your fear in his peripherals. He took a step back towards you letting you know that he’s got you covered. He wouldn’t let this so called man hurt you again.
“Touch her again and you’ll understand just how nice we treat men like you.”
“I will do whatever the fuck I want to do to her. She’s mine.”
Your skin was crawling now, breaking out into chills all throughout your body. You definitely had to have missed some big red flags in the relationship.
The other aviators noticed the altercation wasn’t dying down but firing up. You noticed the one that helped him drag the unconscious man out of the bar last week was slowly making his way over to Jake.
“That’s just not going to happen.”
He then placed his pointer finger on Jakes chest, “Like I said. You don’t tell me what the fuck I can do.”
“You have 2 seconds to remove your hand.” He glared coldly.
“One.” Payback spoke up stepping closer to the scene crossing his arms over his chest. Having Jake’s back, “Two.”
Your stupid ex didn’t have a clue apparently because he smugly stood there. How he could be so cocky was beyond you, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Jake spoke. Catching a faint grin, he cocked his head to the side giving him one last chance to step back.
“What are you going to do?”
Jake sighed, “This.”
With his left hand he quickly grabbed his finger bending it back until he head the snap. Your ex wailed in pain at the broken finger. That wasn’t enough for Jake though. He knew he needed to really drive this lesson home for him.
So, as he was crying in pain Jake took his right arm and punched him right under the chin sending him to the floor instantly.
For the second time in a few days another patron was knocked unconscious. Penny sighed while shaking her head opting not to worry about it. Letting the two aviators handle it.
Payback snickered, “You did warn him.”
Jake nodded, “I did. Many times.”
“Damn.” You grinned, “That was one hell of a punch.”
Jake spun on his heels smiling from ear to ear, “I took notes from the best.”
He studied you again noticing just how much more relaxed your demeanor had become when he wasn’t a direct threat anymore, “Let me see your phone.” He demanded more than asked as he walked back closer to the bar.
“What for?” You asked while handing it to him.
“If that motherfucker even looks at you weird again, you call me. Okay?” He quickly added his name to your contacts before handing it back to you.
“Okay. Thank you Jake. Really, thank you.” You leaned over the counter taking it back from him. Pausing when you realized just how close your faces were together.
“Anytime. And if you just want to talk or hang out you can call me too.”
“Really?” Your smile grew at his statement.
Nodding his head he scanned your face again, “Please do. I’m looking forward to it.” He winked before pulling back away from you.
You watched, a little speechless, as the two aviators dragged your good for nothing ex out of the bar and hopefully far away from your life.
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luverine · 5 months
Caged Animal
Yandere (M) Hybrid x (F) Reader
0.8k words Part 2 Part 3
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TW: bad writing, abuse, old men, drugs?, hunger, blood
(This was some nonsense I came up with bored at work nothing serious!!)
ID: 187904 (Zaki)
Age: 23-27
Gender: Male
Species: Lupinian
Height: unturned 5’9 / turned 6’8
Weight: unturned 175 lbs / turned 260 lbs
Description: Medium tan skin, dark brown overgrown buzz cut hair, dark brown/ black eyes, scar from cheek to chin on right side of face, scar from mid waist around to mid back, missing left pinky finger, lean build.
Triggers: Men, loud noises (beeping), black lab coats.
Note: Violent against men, especially older men. Wears muzzle for appointed checkups and while being fed.
Removed from the environment when cleaning the room.
Always have a shocker on you while handling patient.
Doesn’t talk.
Never give eye contact.
“You get all at’? The son of a bitch’s a handful.” An overweight man puffing a cigarette says. “Annoying too, We’ve gone through every caretaker in rotation and nothing he nearly killed all of em”
Looking down at the paper skimming over its contents. You nod “I never worked with any of the projects here though, I prep medicine and surgical equipment. What made you think I could take this on?” You asked unsure.
“We're runnin’ outa options it’s either you or the custodians. At least you have some experience.” The man puffed out.
“Well, does my pay increase? Concerned for your life you ask.
“Nah, we don’t have enough funds sorry girl.” He replies
You huff a little annoyed you're probably going to die for minimum wage. “What’s his room number I’ll go there at dinner time”
“First level of quadrant C, 316. Can’t be missed.” The man says. “Make sure he gets extra for dinner; he's been a good boy.” The man chuckles, placing the cigarette back in his mouth.
“Ugg gross!”
The raw meat is slimy, smells fishy, and a deep brown color.
“This has to be rotten” You make a disgusted face at what you're about to feed this poor experiment.
Room 316.
You walk towards it with your cart of meat, water, and a small fluffy blue blanket.
You give the door operator a nod. The door unlocks and you wheel inside to another door. You wait a moment and tap the door three times and card swipe the door open.
Inside is a man curled up in the corner. His arms and legs, at least what you can see, are covered in bandages. The bottom of his feet are caked in blood. You step in the room and he growls.
Sighing you grab his tray of food and a water canister. You set the items on the metal table that extends from the wall. You slide back over towards the door, it opens and you step out back into the little hallway. You grab the small fluffy blanket and card back into the room.
His back is to you it’s obvious he doesn’t want you in here. “187904” He lets out a deep growl.
“Here, take the blanket. You’re going to have to get used to me at some point I’m going to be your caregiver, I guess” you mutter.
“Don’t call me that…” the wolf man replies, his voice deep it unsettles you.
“Call you what? 187904? ” You ask.
“…” He sat up with his hand held out expecting you to drop the fluff into his hand.
Extending your arm out to hand him the small blanket. You back away immediately when he snatches it and pulls it toward his face. His nails are sharp with a black tip that you can’t make out to be dried blood or not.
“Uh…here you go guy..?”
“Zaki.” He grunted out.
“That’s um… nice name Zaki.” You say to the wall. His eyes were burning holes into the side of your face, but you knew better. He’d tear you to sheds if you looked into them.
He grunts, turning away from you once more you take it as your queue to leave.
The door slides closed and you shuffle the cart out of the room and into the actual hallway.
I sniff the air. “Hmm”.
Getting up off the floor, I walk to the table.
Everything is rotten, the meat has turned to brown jelly . The smell is taking over the whole room and suffocating me.
Growling I pick up the rotting slime and slam it into the camera covering it from being visible. Wiping my hand on the wall. I huff and lay back into the corner curling around the blanked. “She smelled good” I murmur, trying to ignore the growing hunger and just sleep it off.
“Good to see ya alive. Report to me, how was the big bad wolf?” The man asked, puffing out smoke.
“It was fine, I admit scary, but he didn’t do or say much.” You say
The man chuckles “It’s either that or ya become his lunch, be glad he ignored ya it means he likes you.” Huffing out more smoke and shooing me off with his hand.
You walk out of his office “what a dick” I murmur. Heading to the main building to go to your locker and pick up your bag.
You head home knowing the same bullshit will welcome you tomorrow.
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A/N: Bullshit mentioned!!! I have really bad writers block so I’m posting this old work. Let me know if you want more of this dope. The monster fic is taking wayyyy longer that I thought (sorry and cya)
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somanyratsinthewalls · 9 months
The Crew's Whore Part 6 (+18)
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The Crew’s Whore (Part 6) (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your powerful fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great talent. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Nami x Robin x Female!Reader
WC: 2200
TW: gossip, alcohol consumption, making out, lesbian sex, wlw, threesome, fingering, face sitting, ass play, squirtin! three girls, mild voyeurism, oral sex, Sanji having an aneurysm.
— —
It was growing late in the evening aboard the ship. The table in the center of your bedroom was littered with wine bottles and empty chip bags. Robin was laying on her back on the loveseat in your room while you and Nami were laid on your bed. You were on your stomach, propped up on your elbows facing Robin on your couch while Nami had settled against the pillows at your headboard. The three of you were all reading through the huge stacks of trashy magazines you had purchased at the last island. 
This was a guilty pleasure of yours. The life of a pirate isn’t exactly one that allowed many feminine wiles. Because of that, the three of you loved to splurge on girly gossip rags whenever you arrived at civilization. 
“‘Hot or Not? Marines’ I’m voting not.” Robin skims through the pages of the magazine and comments at the articles. “Oooh here’s one. ‘Who is Your Warlord Boyfriend? Take This Fun Quiz to Find Out.’ I hope I get Mihawk. He’s probably the least offensive of the bunch.” 
“Wait check how old it is, is Jinbe still in there?” Nami closes her magazine. Robin flips through the pages and settles on one. 
“Damn, this is only from a few months ago. Could you imagine if he was???” Robin chuckled. 
“We could never let him live it down.” You laughed as you flipped through your own magazine. “I’m sure he was quite the stud back in the day.” 
“I mean… if you’re into that!” Nami couldn’t help but let out a boisterous laugh. The three of you laughed together, there were at least 2 empty bottles hanging around your room from just this evening. You grab a handful of potato chips and shove them into your mouth. You take a gulp of wine to wash them down. 
“If Sanji knew we were having convenience store cinnamon buns and spicy chips for dinner, he would have a fucking heart attack.” Nami remarked with a smirk. 
“Doesn’t that make it taste better?” Robin smiles as she takes a drink. 
You both hum in agreement and raise your glasses to the middle of the room casually. 
“How exactly did you assure that the ever present cook would leave us alone tonight?” Robin looks up from her magazine quiz to meet your gaze. 
“I jerked him off before we left for town. 10 minutes in exchange for peace all night? An easy deal to make.”  You smirked. 
“Not in the galley though, right? ‘Cuz we like? Eat there?” Nami cocked her head at you, annoyed. 
“No of course not!” You shoot back and return to your magazine. “Not today at least.” 
Suddenly a pillow was launched at your head and you felt Nami next to you kick your shins. 
“Gross!” She half scolded half laughed at you. 
“Hey don’t look at me! Blame your cook for his appetite!” You toss the pillow back jokingly at Nami. 
“Honestly he’s been much more enjoyable to be around now that he finally has an outlet for his proclivities. I have to extend my gratitude!” Robin remarks. 
“No thanks needed, it’s what I enjoy doing. If it makes being around a ship full of sweaty men more tolerable, then I’m only reaping the extra benefits.” You smile and kick up your feet behind you. 
“OK I know I said I’d never ask about it, but like… there’s no way they can all make you cum, right? Like, most of them are certifiably stupid.” Nami asks, feeling curious after a few drinks. 
“Hah!” You laugh. “Not really at first with some, no. But… men are surprisingly trainable. Even the stubborn ones are very easy to bend to exactly how you like it.” 
“Ew sorry I asked.” Nami rolls her eyes and returns to her magazine. 
You chuckle and go back to reading the article ‘Latest Beauty Craze: Moisturizer Made From Sea King Semen. Would You Try It?’ You finish your wine and settle back onto the bed. 
“You know Franky’s dick vibrates, right?” You burst out into the silence. 
“AAAAH!” “Yes.” Nami and Robin reply differently but at the same time. Robin laughs and Nami contemplates killing both of you before she wrestles you playfully onto your back. 
“You are so nasty!” Nami huffs out from above you. 
“You have actually no idea how nasty I am.” You grin up at her before taking her by surprise and flipping your positions so that she was on her back with you hovering over her. 
“You don’t say? Maybe I’d like to find out why the freak cook likes you so much…” You weren’t expecting her to match your flirtatious energy so you were shocked to say the least. Suddenly the tides were shifted again and Nami flips you back over and straddles your hips. 
“I’d love to show you..” You look up at Nami with half lidded eyes, her hands pinning your forearms above your head. 
Nami leans down and kisses you, gently at first. You softly moan at the feeling of her soft lips on yours and she uses this opportunity to kiss you harder. Nami moves from your lips to kiss and bite at your neck while she yanks your shorts off your body. You gasp sharply at the cool air hitting your now exposed sex. Without reacting, Nami quickly pulls your sports bra over your head, leaving you completely naked on the bed. She hovers over your nude form with a wicked smile on her face. 
“Your turn.” You smirk and tug firmly at Nami’s top. She sits up briefly to remove her crop top and lets her breasts bounce freely in front of you. They were absolutely stunning. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you buried your face between them, relishing in how the soft, plush skin feels against your cheeks. You placed a small kiss between her tits before you slide your hand down to cup her clothed sex. 
“Let me taste it.” You seductively whisper up at her. 
“You’re so cute, I’m starting to see why the boys won’t put you down.” Nami remarks at you before getting off of you to remove her shorts and panties. Snapped out of your frenzied foreplay, you both remember that you aren’t alone in your bedroom. 
“Care to enjoy her with me, Robin? You’re more than welcome.” Nami asks while fluffing the pillow laying under your head affectionately. 
“You girls look so pretty, I think I’ll just watch for right now, if that’s alright?” Robin winks at Nami and settles back on the loveseat. Nami winks back as she moves to straddle your face. 
“Hear that, y/n? Robin said we look pretty. Don’t you agree?” Nami teases as she lowers her slick pussy down towards your waiting mouth. You felt your cunt clench as you saw Nami’s pink lips glisten with arousal leaking from around her tight hole. 
“Mhm…” You reach your arms to hook around Nami’s thighs so she couldn’t escape your hold. “So fuckin’ pretty…” 
You pull Nami down to sit fully on your face and she shrieks as you begin to kiss and suck at her clit lightly. You pay sweet, loving attention to Nami’s sensitive bud as you knead at the soft skin of her hips and tummy with your hands. Nami throws her head back and moans, her long orange hair tickling your forehead. You spend what feels like both an eternity and the blink of an eye between Nami’s legs and you had barely noticed the pulsing throb of your own cunt. 
“Oh sweet y/n, you’re doing such a good job making her feel good. I think it’s only fair you get a reward too, don’t you?” You hear Robin coo from across the room on the couch. Suddenly you feel two slim fingers stroke up and down your wet slit teasingly. You groan into Nami’s pussy at the sensation. 
Once deciding you had received enough torture, Robin’s pointer and middle finger slip easily into your wet walls. She curls them gently to just barely graze your sweet spot and pulls back. She repeats her actions until you were whining and begging underneath Nami. 
“You focus on making Nami cum, sweetheart. Once you do that, I’ll let you have yours. 
*easy enough…* you thought to yourself. 
You slide your tongue backwards from her clit through her now dripping folds. Continuing further, you use your hands to pull Nami’s ass apart and begin licking at her tight ass. 
“HOLY SHIT- Y/n! What are you?!” Nami jolts and looks back at you. 
You look back up at her and rub small circles around Nami’s asshole. 
“If you trust me, I can make you cum so hard.” You ask breathlessly, so close to your own release you could taste it. 
“I… yes…” 
You smile and continue rubbing the tight hole. You return to suckling and licking Nami’s clit and slowly slip your thumb into Nami’s virgin ass. 
“Ah!” Nami shouts. 
You pick up your pace with your mouth and you can tell the woman above you is getting close. A few moments later you feel Nami’s body jerk forward and she slams her eyes shut. 
“Oh shit, oh fuck, fuck, shit, I’m gonna-  AH!” You feel Nami’s muscles tighten all over her body, inside and out. Droplets of Nami’s release splatter all over your face and neck and the feeling makes you groan and clench around Robin’s fingers. Nami collapses to the side of you with heavy breaths. 
“Wow you did such a good job girls! Now it’s your turn to cum, y/n. Would you like that?” Robin’s soothing voice reaches your ears. Now that Nami was off of your chest, you realize Robin never had gotten up, only using her Devil Fruit powers to play with your pussy from across the room. 
“Yes, fuck! Yes I want to cum, please!” You pant out, exhausted from being on edge for so long. You look at Robin with pleading eyes. You see she has hiked up her skirt and discarded her panties, using a hand to gently rub at her cunt. This hand was also soaking wet, so she must have just finished herself. Robin uses the fingers inside of you to hammer into your g-spot repeatedly, and another hand to push down on your stomach. 
“Shit, yes! I’m so close!” You cry out and writhe against the comforter. 
“Come on, give it to us.” You hear Nami purring up at you from her head now resting on your thigh. She lifts her hand and uses it to rub your clit in tight circles. The combined sights and sensations sent you into a brain melting orgasm and you feel fluids and tension leave your body. You couldn’t form words so you just arched your back and moaned at your ceiling. 
You flopped down bonelessly on your bed and caught your breath. “We should probably shower and change before bed, right?” Robin suggests as she stands up. 
“And we should probably sleep in my room… unless we want to change the sheets.” Nami looks at you and giggles. 
“Yes to both.” You throw a towel on and give one to Nami to wear to the bathroom. The three of you casually leave your room and head down the hallway of the ship to the bathroom. Upon exiting your room, you run into a certain ever present cook coming down from the kitchen for the night carrying a pile of folded clothes. 
“Oh, hey Sanji.” You all greet him in passing. 
“Y/n I took the liberty of doing your laundry today, shall I put it in your room?” Sanji smiles brightly at you. 
“That would be great, thank you Sanji.” You give him a kiss on the cheek as you enter the bathroom with the girls. You chuckle, remembering where your lips had just been. The three of you turn on the showers and strip down. 
“You know that skin cream article was actually really interesting, I think I’m gonna buy some.” Nami makes casual conversation as you all enjoy your showers. 
Suddenly you hear a man scream followed by the sound of a body hitting the wooden floor of the ship. The three of you look at each other. 
“Oh my god. My room! Sanji probably passed out!” You clasp your hand over your mouth. 
The three of you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 
“Let’s clean the room and leave him there. That way we can gaslight him into thinking it was a fever dream.” Nami grins. 
“You’re a genius.” 
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yanderesimp2000 · 6 months
Extreme Yandere Adam x Fem reader Chap 1/5 Start of your new life !MINORS STAY AWAY!
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(hey this is my first post here Just wanna say my english might be bad since I'm from Armenia but I'm excited to post here I USED ALOT OF INSPO FROM OTHER ADAM WRITES TO here are the TWS
Kidnapping, Adam being an incel as usual, threats of violence , Degrading, Manipluation, Violence, Noncon listener, threats of SA ,Gasliting, narcissism and rape if that's not your cup of tea SCROLL
Your are an angel You made it into Heaven recently Heaven would be like a paradise but is kinda like your old life in the big city You have to get a job buy things and Just deal with the classic shit of reality even though your in the FUCKING PROMISELAND
You decided to just be what you did back in Yerevan city and just be a secretary but it was the person to hire you that was strange it was Adam the First man when you met him you expected him to be some wise, kind and Gentle soul but instead you got a creepy, weird man child that you needed to cater to at every Second, Like you could just be standing in Adams office when he says "hey bitch bring me that soda bottle" the bottle was 2 inches out of reach. It seemed like he took pleasure in seeing you be miserable he always said "good girl good good girly" LIKE YOU ARE A FUCKING PET
Every second of your time with Adam was hell he was rude gross and was a FUCKING MISOGYNIST today while you were giving him a back massage he said "yes good girly" again as usual like you were a fucking pet but then he said "that's all you women are good for to serve men" this Made you even more angry but hey the pay is good and that Leeds to today You walk in sad as usual into Adam mansion when he starts making comments about something your already insecure of your wings he rubbed your wings and he then said "heh bitch your wings are so dirty you a fuckin slob yknow that but a hot one at that" he then Grabbed your ass and that's when you broke "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" you yelled "I QUIT" you then storm of and back into your apartment crying about the insult of your wings and just fed up in general But that's when you get a text from Adam he always texted you when you were working for him but you quit it read "You really thought you could leave me you DUMB WHORE I treated you soo well I gave you everything you could of wanted and this I how you repay me I don't even need you you stupid fucking slut"
You were used to Adams shit by now but this this was just something else you text back "Adam stop messaging me Ill be back tomorrow at 10 am to get my stuff from my office and you better not try ANYTHING" he then responds "why would I try to interact with a brain dead whore anyway" that hurts you but you brush it off "being verbally abused by that dickhead isn't worth the pay" you thought before going to sleep
The next day you woke up at your alarm you got dressed but on a casual Black hoodie with Sweat pants because you weren't doing anything today other then going to Adams mansion to pick up your stuff. you flew over to his mansion only A 13 minute fly before landing at the door you were nervous but you knocked you waited and waited until someone opened the door "wow the whore really had the nerve to show her face again' He snarled "well I cant be to mad at you your fucking hot all we have to do to make your perfect is Shave down those ugly wings" he said in a arrogant tone. You walk inside and go to were your stuff is before you hear Adam locking the door 'what the fuck are you doing Adam" you snarl His mask lights up into those annoying little circle eyes he looks like a giddy child
"well I Talked to The big man upstairs if you get what I'm saying and since he would NEVER Say no to his precious Adam his first creation the person who gets ALL his love and affection he said I could keep you since your such a low ranking angel and you have no family in heaven no one will miss you " He still looked like a giddy child while saying this as all of a sudden He pulled out a stunning ring filled with jewelry and gems and luxury "cmere" he says before Walking towards you he towered over you, you were a quite short and small angel being only 5,5 and he was a Huge 13,2 foot angel. " ADAM THIS IS NOT FUNNY" you yelled at him but he said "Bitch? its not supposed to now were gonna cuddle and snuggle because Im feeling lonely and you cant do JACK SHIT" he sounded firm and serious you were scared and try to make a run for it but were tackled down "fuckin bitch your not escapin" he said before tossing you over his shoulders and taking you into his room upstairs and throwing you onto the bed before "cuddling" with you which was more like Wrestling a teddy bear he managed to restrain you with ease and he giggles "I love small girls like you so short and weak easy for me to... Manhandle" he says in an ominous tone you keep squirming and this just makes him giggle "so feisty" he says "don't worry my little Slut I'll fix you sooner or later I'll break your brain down till its just mush then I'll rebuild it to my liking and then you'll be loyal to me just me unlike those last 2 whores I married ill make sure you never leave" he says in a low coo ''i don't like you adam' you hissed he then got surprised "oh talking back to me don't you know who I am Im Adam the first man and your my new Wife you were created from my fucking rib you have to that me for your existance Im a superior being and your just my Wife you should me grateful so many people would beg to be in my presence and your trying to leave it ungrateful whore" he hissed as he started down at you you noticed he was starting to undress first his shirt then his pants then his Underwear but he kept that stupid mask on
His dick is fucking massive it was huge or maybe you are just small but damn and around it is just a bush of his grey hair He even has a piercing on his cock and his dad Bod OMG but as much as you hate it he was hot "like what you see" Adam teased you try to squirm away only angering him Well if your gonna resist I guess I'm gonna have to fuck that tiny pussy lose he said eagerly before starting to Teasing his cock around the hole "sh sh sh sh sh shhhh let it happen" Adam cooed "your my new wife you like this you have to your just in denial" he giggled before saying "Oh your sooo small My dick might kill you I bet I'd bet I'm like I don't know fucking 11 feet taller then you and my dick is huger then anything I've bet you've seen" he teased while rubbing his cock at the entrance of your pussy "damn it I just cant hold back" Adam yelled "p-p-please stop Adam" you whimpered but it just turned him on more as he said "going in bitch" suddenly you feel his entire dick in you it was huge and painful you were not enjoying yourself but Adam was "f-fuck babe I'm fucking you loose" he laughed as he kept fucking me so hard I felt like I was gonna throw up blood and organs he rearranged with every thrust it felt like a new bone in your body was being reangared you tried to flap your useless little wings which just made him think you were even more about how precious you are "that's so cute the only thing I dislike about you is your wings they get in my way might have to clip your wings soon" he teased scaring you He kept thrusting and more and more got hurt the more you pleaded whimpered yelped winces or squealed the more turned on he got as he was thrusting he laughed at the bulge in your stomach from his dick "it went to far in you really do like this ya whore"
You let out a whimper when he said that and that was the turning point he said "f-fuckkkkk I'm cummingim cumming" before long ropes of the warm jizz entered your pussy "yeah get pregnant bitch that's your only purpose breeding machines for men" he said at you and said let me clean myself up He then gets a rag and clean you and him up before seeming to get more gentle
"look I'm sorry when I get horny I go feral this is not how I am most of the time your just so fucking hot I just c-cant control myself" he said while cuddling you "I love you I really do and this world is cruel you have no family here no friends Nobody I'm the only one you have so im taking you under my wing figurative and literally" he said laughing since he tucked you in between his warm chubby chest and his soft comforting wings he then gets really soft and says "I've seen you on your own and your in so much danger so many people will try to take advantage of you and you have nobody to run to but me so I take it as my duty to protect you and coddle you like the cute little toy your are" he says that in a low coo while petting you his soft voice seemingly temporally calming you down you start to stop Wriggle and start giving up and snuggling into him causing him to turn bright red "their ya go girlly your a good little Beliver right so you should worship me if it wasn't for me you would not me alive you would not of been a thought you have to thank me for everything and disobeying me is just like spitting in the face of God it will get you banished to rot in hell ya get that" he pats your head as you cuddle into his chest since he's so big you look like a little housecat on his chest ''thats it just let my voice soothe you to sleep once you wake up tomorrow your life will be soon much better he teased as you snuggle against his body "nighty nighty" he says before you drift off to sleep
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
One of The Boys: Takeomi Akashi, Keizo Arashi, & Wakasa Imaushi x Fem!Reader
synopsis: You're just one of the boys. You hang out, eat, and drink with them like they're your childhood friends. Except... when you're all drunk. Then... you're something more.
wc: 1.3k
tw: dubcon, drinking, smut
"You act like I'm not with you three twenty-four-seven." You tip the beer bottle up to your lips and take a sip, your face focused on the glowing television screen.
"Oh, come on," Takeomi mumbles, lying on the couch behind you and swirling a finger around your shoulder. "We let you have some time to yourself, don't we, guys?" Waka and Keizo grunt in unison, one splayed out on the floor beside you and nursing a glass of scotch. The other, larger one is sitting in the reclining chair, his eyes kidding ever so slightly.
"You're all old men and fucking drunk." Wakasa belches in response to your quip, but no one argues back.
"But you like old men," Takeomi replies slowly. You turn to face him and look into his eyes with defiance.
"Says who?" Three pairs of eyes look around at each other. There's something unspoken in the air, some conversation that had occurred without you present before this evening. But no one says a word. Waka settles back into the couch, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
"You just know us so well," Keizo slurs, frowning. "You're kind of like the little buddy that tags along our quests."
"You're damn right. I know you three so well, I could tell you apart in my sleep."
"Let's play a game," Takeomi blurts, sitting up suddenly.
Waka calls out, "No Uno," while Keizo huffs, "Or Monopoly."
"No, no," Takeomi hisses, waving them off with a limp hand. "It's called, 'Guess Who.'" Everyone groans, including you. "You haven't even heard what the game is!" Takeomi stumbles in front of the TV, blocking the only light source as he reaches for something. "Okay, y/n, you're the guesser. I'm going to blindfold you, and you have to guess which of us is touching you since you know us like the back of your hand."
"Touching me?" Your pussy throbs at the thought of any of them touching you outside of a fight. You'd never spoken about your desire for fear of ruining your perfect dynamic, but it would be a lie if you said you didn't think about them in more than just a friendly way.
"You're with us twenty-four-seven, right?" Takeomi resurfaces with a bandana. "You get five tries. If you get three wrong..." He smiles at you wickedly. "Then you have to do whatever we say."
"I'm not going to lose," you admit confidently. "Go ahead. And if I win, you guys have to do whatever I say for a week."
"Three days," Waka counters.
"Alright." Takeomi shrugs, placing the blindfold over your eyes and tying it tight behind your head. He takes the beer out of your hand, sits you on the couch, and then shuffles around. The recliner creaks - Keizo is getting up - and Waka gets off the floor with a grunt. There's whispering, but you can't hear it over the TV that's been turned up considerably.
Feet shuffle toward you after a long pause, and you try to measure the gait of each step. But it's nearly impossible, and you feel a hand move over your arm. The feet move back, and you try wrapping your mind around any distinguishing factors. They were thin fingers, so it had to be either Wakasa or Takeomi. Beyond that...
"Guess who?"
"Lucky guess," Takeomi mutters, no doubt crossing his arms. "Alright, next one." There's shuffling and whispering, and then another one approaches you. This time, they touch your shoe, taking it off and revealing your socked foot.
"That's not fair," you grumble. "I can't even tell."
"Just guess."
"Then it was you, Omi."
"Wrong. It was me. Your shoes are on my carpet, and that's gross," Keizo replies.
"One wrong," Takeomi laughs. "Two to go." More movement. Then someone comes up to you and leans down. Breath fans across your face before lips touch yours, and your mind goes blank. Oh, fuck.
A moment passes before the lips disappear, and you're left breathless and unable to guess.
"That was... you, Omi."
"Oh, so sorry," Takeomi answers, chuckling again. "That was Waka."
"I've wanted to do that for ages," Waka admits emotionlessly. You're stunned into silence as the next guy approaches you, smoothes a hand over your hair, and then kisses your cheek.
"Two wrong answers," you hear as the blood begins to rush to your head. "This could be your last chance to win."
"I..." Your head begins to swirl as if the beer finally took hold of your senses. "I don't know..."
"Final answer?"
"Come on, y/n," Takeomi teases. "You know us so well."
"I guess I don't," you gasp, and fingers pull at the blindfold, lifting it off of one eye.
"So you admit it," Takeomi smirks. "You thought you knew us." You nod, and he shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "You can't even tell my touch apart from Keizo's or Waka's. Such a shame." He replaces the blindfold and sighs. "You lose, then. Now you're ours for the night."
You're not sure how your clothes came off so quickly, but fingers are sliding into your soaked pussy while one of them sucks leisurely on one of your exposed nipples.
"I'm feeling generous," Takeomi whispers in your ear, his half-naked body pressed into your backside. "You should take another chance to guess whose fingers are inside you."
"I know they're yours," you reply softly.
"Of course you do," he mutters back. "You really do know me after all, hm?"
It's Waka that's pressing your head down into his lap and holding the tip of his cock against your lips. And it's Keizo that's got one of your tits in his mouth while he hums.
How did you get so lucky?
Takeomi's fingers slip out of you as Waka's fingers knot in your hair, helping you bob up and down on his veiny length. A cockhead presses at your entrance, and you moan loudly, hoping Takeomi wouldn't stop as he sinks into you with care.
"Fuck," he whines, beginning to thrust into you. "You like that cock stretching you out, yeah?" You can only grunt around Waka's cock before it pops free, saliva and precum smearing over your lips.
"You'll be able to tell us apart in no time," Waka chuckles before shifting around. "At least, Omi and I. You'll have no problem knowing when Keizo's inside of you, right, Kei?"
"Right," he breathes, the cool air fanning across your chest as he moves into Waka's empty space. Your lips wrap around a bigger cockhead, which you're sure is twice as thick. "Take your time, baby," Keizo coos, holding your hair in one hand. Takeomi picks up the speed of his movements, his hips smacking your ass as you meet him thrust for thrust.
"You have to feel this pussy, Waka," Omi breathes. "It's like silk."
"Maybe next time," you hear Waka mutter from afar. "You're enjoying yourself."
"Shit yeah," Takeomi hisses, gripping your hips tighter. "You'll learn the difference between us, won't you, princess?" Keizo curses, angling his hips to take control of the blowjob you're giving. And you're stuffed full, praying that it would never end.
Keizo pushes you down on his cock, making you gag for a moment before letting you up and exhaling roughly, cum shooting on your face. "That's it," he pants. "That's it. There you go..."
You reach a hand down as you feel your own orgasm cresting to rub at your clit furiously. "Play with yourself," Takeomi encourages you, lifting your leg a little. "Yeah... that's what I like to see."
"Fuck, Omi... Gonna cum..." you whimper. Takeomi says nothing in response, but you can feel his cock twitch and hear him groan. "I'm cumming!" Your pussy clenches around Takeomi's cock just as he huffs and grunts and sighs loudly, his hips stuttering as he cums inside you.
There's a long wait before Takeomi slips out of you, his cock softening.
"We'll do this game again soon," he murmurs, taking the blindfold off. "We'll play fair next time, too. Deal?"
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tang3r1n · 6 months
here’s my list of anime dudes and chicks who’d fuck with eating ass and why;
(tw, i allude to dark subjects at some points, please be cautious and keep yourself and your mind safe <3)
animes; one piece, jjk, mha, aot
sanji— he’d be weird abt it, too loud, too wet, too gross abt it, idk man he’d be NEEEAAASSSTY.
zoro— not weird but he’d be like…so in love with your ass. like you gotta beg him to touch your clit cause he’s so focused on ur booty
law— hrrngh. hnnngfh- mmmmph.. love him. anyways, another one obsessed with ass but he’d be that sleaze who licks from your clit to asshole. like he edges you by just licking long stripes from one hole to the other reeeaalll slow. fingerbangs you like a MOTHER FUCKER while eating ur ass tho, like the kinda fast that looks like it hurts but feels fucking fantastic
luffy— obviously. no duh. no shit. he’s feral with it, but like law he switches between pussy and ass.. okay wait nvm he leans towards ur ass more imo, more stuff to actually ingest ig
doffy— he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s so fucking into ass, like the sight of a lil booty hole and he’s rock fucking hard, so he makes it a humiliation thing. like he’s making you feel pathetic and horrible for cumming from your ass like his dick isn’t sore as fuck and he’s cumming dry.
i really wanna say shanks. i really wanna fucking say shanks…. i’m saying shanks. he’d be lazy abt it tho, mainly eats you out to get your ready for his dick ngl, more of an ass fucker than an ass eater.
KIDD. KIDD. ON GOD. he’d be like doffy except he’s open abt LOVING ass AND humiliating you. he’s so fucking mean and on his knees slurping and sucking and fucking. deco loves biting your ass so hard you bleed. he’d fuck dry. yes he would.
hrrngk- nami<3– yall i have a PHAT crush on nami.. obsessed with her being obsessed over her bestie. anyways. FUCK. GOD. she’ll never fucking tell you abt it, never ever, but you can always feel her thumbs twitching near your lil pucker when she goes down on you, BIIIGGG into spanking tho. bitch leaves marks through jeans.
gojo— it’s gojo satoru, of course he’s into ass. he is THE man. THE MAN. he’s gonna eat ass, he’s gonna eat pussy, he’s gonna cum in ur mouth and make out, he’s gonna cum in your holes and eat it out. nasty mf with nasty desires.
g-..hm..yeah geto— he’d also be a humiliator. he doesn’t REALLY like ass all that much, doesn’t mind it, BUT.. it upsets you, makes you all teary and squirmy and he DOES like that. spanks so hard you welt <3
sukuna— fuck off you know why. i-i don’t have to say anything, ITS SUKUNA
mommy— I MEAN SHOKO— big bad mommy dom who makes you eat her ass then shoved all kinds of shit in your holes <3 loves doctor play and ‘taking your temp’ the old fashioned way <3 (god spit on me…)
aizawa— UUUUGGGHHHH :( i feel like he’s one of those men who loves fucking ass more than pussy, yknow? he’ll shove a vibe up there, turn it on full blast, and make you sit on his face while he eats you out and fingers ur pussy <3 a true gentleman who cums hands free when you squirt on his face and squeal then draws you a bath <33
fat gum— too easy. too fucking easy, gang he’s another everything man, loves it all.
ende-hm. en. hm. lemme sit on it for a second.
HOLY SHIT DABI— oh such an ass fucker, such an ass eater. he likes it for the taboo, naughty, gross aspect of it. the more you hate it the more he adores it. OH LORD he’d burn lil hearts on your ass so you couldn’t sit, make you lay face down and naked so he can eat your ass out while you’re ‘healing’ (he’s gonna do it again when they’ve scarred over.)
MIDNIGHT.— shes an either-or. she’ll let you choose which she eats out but both holes WILL be stuffed.
miruko— ofc dude. like. ofc. she’s got this carrot dildo you see, BABE JUST HEAR HER OUT PLEASE JUST LISTE—
eren mf yeager, BOTH yeager brothers— zeke is just an ass man, nothing really weird, just loves bootyhole. EREN NOW. eren’s like sanji. like literally so fucking loud and so fucking annoying and so fucking GROSS. there spit and lube everywhere, he’s drenched, whined and cries when you don’t let him fuck ur ass
jean(?)— also cried when you don’t let him go through the backdoor:( he’s such a crybaby, fucking your pussy so hard you can’t breathe while his thumbs are both hooked in your ass, i bet that’d feel weird as fuck cause he uses them to pull you back in.
hange— another obvious gross one. they’d be..so hot with it. god. i love team ‘girlcock hange’ btdubs. they’re the kind to finger you while DEMOLISHING your ass, spitting on ur pussy and rubbing your clit to tight and fast you’re dizzy all while they try and dig their dick deep enough to punch your gut.
yknow who is??
endeavor, i decided he’d be an ass fucker. ooohh yeeeaaahhh… he’s not weird abt it, but the SSSSECOND you say you wanna get your ass ate he’s tossing you on the bed and ripping off your pants. a snogger, shoves his face ALL up in there <3 another one who SPANKS AND SLAPS AND SPITS AND BITES. he’d be like hange, fucking the shit out of your ass with his.. yknow those like, big logs of ground beef you can buy at stores? enji, anyways, and he’s finger blasting ur cunt with two fingers cause they’re big enough that if he fisted you he’d prolly fucking kill you.
k done. can you tell i’ve discovered a new kink guys?????
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darlingsfandom · 14 days
Reader being a villain whos like poison ivy and mix of johnathan but she uses other peoples lust and desires against them . No one not even crane suspects his co worker in arkham using posion ivys mating pollen against him while to others shes sweet as sugar behind closed doors sadistic yet likes her boss . She even knows cranes secret as scare crow and uses it as a leverage in a way (fun idea)
I like this!
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TW: mean fem dom! mentions of violence , cock riding, drugging, cream pie! Swearing, not proofread .
This was requested before the inbox was closed .
There’s the old saying that looks can be deceiving and in your case it’s true! No one would bat an eye at you and think the worst. How could little ole you ever hurt a fly? Your neighbors thought highly of you, you were the one who made cookies when someone new moved in, the who planted beautiful flowers in her garden, the who who volunteers at the soup kitchen all while being a full time physician at the asylum which no one ever wanted to end up in but sometimes we don’t always get what we want.
“Dr. y/l/n ?” You perked your head up from your paper work on your desk to see Dr. Crane standing there with a file in his hand.
“Yes? How can I help you?” You pushed your glasses up with your pen before tossing it down and getting out of the chair to meet him.
“I have a new patient for you. Chronic masturbater with mommy issues.” He handed you the file. You arched your eyebrow while reading the file only to close it with a snap and sigh.
“Let me guess, I’m getting him because I’m the only female here.”
“Well yes, a smart attractive female with authority!” Crane cleared his throat before walking away quickly. You rolled your eyes in annoyance before throwing the file onto your desk. It always the gross men that landed in your lap. Although crane did make a good point even though you hated it.
That was the thing about Crane, better known as Dr.Johnathan Crane the top psychiatrist in all of Gotham he had a certain aura about him. It was as if no one else could pick up on it because everyone was charmed by him and even you were charmed but you knew deep down it was a facade. The way he carried himself with confidence and cockiness it was interesting to the naked eye.
You sat back at your desk flipping through the file before you got back up to walk up to the roof. You stood at the edge watching all the people below shuffle around quickly, slowly, all sorts of action going on but that’s not why you were standing there. You followed a crane from above. A man is only as smart as he believes he is. He hid his own secret but he underestimated how smart you actually were. Men are just messy little play toys to you that you’ve used for your own pleasure and Crane was about to be the next one.
You watched him scurry to his car and look for something frantically but when he couldn’t find his silly little mask you chuckled to yourself while spinning it on your finger. The sky started to turn black making you smirk before walking to the edge of the roof and leaned over it. A whistle left your lips making Crane look up at you but he couldn’t make out that it was you. It couldn’t be you. His eyes were playing tricks. He ran as fast he could towards the building but by the time he made it inside you were already back in your office studying the file again.
“Can I help you?” You asked looking up at a breathless Crane who was standing against your door frame.
“You’ve been here the whole time?” He couldn’t believe it.
“Where else would I go? You gave a new patient to study.” You rubbed the bridge of your nose in disbelief . Crane approached you and placed his hands on your desk. The two of you didn’t speak a word before he gripped your cheeks and squished them together.
“Whistle for me!” He demanded
“I can’t , never learned how.” You spoke through the squished cheeks. He tilted his head, squinted and pulled away before fixing his posture and pushing his glasses up with his finger. “Doctor crane please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think it would be best if you had a seventy two hour psych hold.” You stood up and circled your desk until you were face to face with him. “I believe you’ve gone mad.” You tried to touch his face but he back handed your hand away.
“I haven’t gone mad!” “
“Oh sweetheart,” you gave him a pathetic pout. “You’re saying one thing but your body language is saying otherwise.”
“I am perfectly capable of determining my own mental status!” He barked at you before slamming the door shut. You smiled as he left because you got him so worked up that the sweat from the palm of his hands was on your desk. You scraped it off with a gloved finger and put it in a little tube.
The storm outside was pouring against the windows making you feel good. The clock on your wall read seven which meant everyone would’ve gone home besides Crane which is what you wanted. After making your way downstairs to your other office you slipped into something a little more comfortable that left almost nothing to the imagination. Just like crane you had your own mask but it didn’t cover your whole face, it was almost like Miss Poison Ivy’s if it were mixed with Cat Woman’s. You pulled your hair back and laced it with herbs you’ve crushed into a love/lust powder. You took the tube with Cranes DNA and mixed it into the potion you had created specially for him. The cool air brushed against your warm skin as you walked down the hallway to cranes office upstairs.
At first you waited outside the door before slowly opening it and tossing in a small ball the let out a mist to knock him out.
“What the hell?” He spoke before his body gave out and collapsed to the floor. You had a little bit of an issue pulling him down the hall until you got to an examination room. While he was passed out, you got him into a straight jacket and perched up on the bed.
When he slowly started to wake up, you took out the little potion tube and waved it in his face. His eyes came into focus to see you standing there with a wicked smile. You squeezed his cheeks together forcing his mouth open so you could pour the sweet liquid down his throat. Once it was gone you made him swallow before he snarled at you.
“Now is that anyway to behave?” You licked his cheek before tossing the tube out the window causing it to shatter against the ground.
“What have you done to me?” Crane started to struggled against the jacket.
“Just relax and soon you’ll be on cloud nine.” Your hands cupped his face before you kissed him. After a quick kiss you licked his bottom lip before stepping back and smirking before a chuckle bursted out of you.
“What’s so funny?”
“All of you men are the same. It doesn’t matter what your status in life is , the second lust takes over your body it’s over. You see Dr.Crane you hold the title of the smartest man in all of Gotham but whoever said man was the smartest creature?” You circled around him and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You walked over to examination tray and pulled off his mask before tossing it in his lap.
Panic was written all over face with the fabric sitting there.
“I know your little secret and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” You played nice with him. Your hands ran over the straight jacket before you straddled his lap. He watched you with glazed eyes. “Play with me scarecrow .” Your voice was like honey as he nodded in agreement. Crane was raging with lust as he felt your hands run down his back.
“I’ll play with you anyway you want.” His breath hitched when you pressed your soft lips against his pulse point in his neck. You bit down hard enough to draw some blood making him twitch all over. “Please! Again!” He whimpered. The great Dr. Crane was whimpering below you and you couldn’t help but grin against the bruised skin.
“Oh would you look at that sweetheart…” you pulled away and stood up. Crane let out another whimper at the loss of you on him. You undid his belt , pulled down his pants along with boxers and listened to him hiss when the cool air hit his harden cock. “Pathetic.” You clicked your tongue. “Claims to be so smart that he’s better than an average man but your cock says otherwise!” You spit on your hand before wrapping it around the shaft and slowly jerked him off.
“Fuck! It feels good!” Crane looked at you with pleading eyes.
“I’m sure it does.” You pulled away your hand. “Now here’s the deal, I won’t tell anyone that you’re scarecrow if you partner up with me. Think about it. We’d be the hottest couple in all of Gotham. Your fear toxin mixed with my lust potion we’d do so good together.” Your fingers grazed his cock making him groan. “The choice is yours darling, be with me and we can eliminate all the issues that fill our city or I tell everyone your secret.” You licked his bottom lip again before you put your leg over his waist and delicately rubbed your wet pussy against his hard cock.
Crane moaned at the feeling. He wanted to give in to the temptation he really did but he was also fighting it until he felt you sink yourself down on his cock and wrap your arm around his neck.
“Say it baby, say you want me!” You pulled him closer as he started whining at how you rode his cock.
“Fuck I want you! I need you!” He was on cloud nine as you had promised. The way you were riding his cock made his brain fuzzy. You were holding the back of his neck as you swirled your hips in a figure eight style until something snapped in him. It was as if he could think clearly again but the smell of sex filled his nose again making him think like a man. “Fine! I’ll be your partner.” He sounded normal again.
You stopped riding him for a second only to start bouncing on his dick. He watched you fucked yourself using him for your pleasure and he couldn’t lie he enjoyed how pretty you looked with your mouth gapped open and eyes piercing through the darkness around them. Both of you could sense what was happening between the two of you and for once Crane would admit he met his match. The way you dug your nails into the straight jacket made him bite his lip because how sharp were your nails? Your orgasm was on the edge and so was his.
With a fast snap of your hips clenching around his cock he was whining with the toss of his head. He looked back down at you to look into your eyes as he filled you with cum. You rode him until your own orgasm crashed over you soaking his cock, balls and thighs. Both of you stayed silent until you pulled off to see his messy cock and to his surprise your mouth was on his cock cleaning up the mess of the mixture. Crane couldn’t believe this was happening.
You licked him clean before tucking him back into his pants. Crane sighed as you stood up straight licking your lips and blew him a kiss. He tilted his head as he tried to take off the jacket.
“Oh no honey, you need to relax.” You breathed into his ear before licking the shell of it. “I think it would be best if you had a seventy two hour hold.” You smirked against his ear before you started to walk out of the room. It dawned on him who it was that had just fucked him into a partnership.
“Wait a minute !” He yelled out making you turn on your heel. You stood in the door way still in that sexy outfit that he couldn’t take his eyes off.
“This means I know your secret too!” He thought he had you on the ropes.
“And I know yours, the difference is… you’ve killed for your pleasure as to where I give those what they need… a sweet release.” You blew him a final kiss as he sat there too stunned to speak. How could his sweet little doctor with the face of an angel be so mischievous ? He couldn’t figure it out now but soon enough he would when the two of you would become gothams hottest couple.
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wooahaeruby · 2 months
Chapter 12: Heart On The Line
Chapter Word Count: 4,193
(including spoilers) 1) SOMEONE GETS SHOT, IT'S MESSY. 2) Major Character near death experience (Someone flat lines) 3) REALLY BAD DESCRIPTION OF MEDICAL ENVIRONMENT / Someone puts their hand in a body (non-sexual, actually horrible) (this is here because I- listen….this is a heavy chapter) 4) Mouse has some trauma, we'll get into that later, kinda 5) Gross depiction of blood. 6) Someone throws up 7) This is my villain arc 8) Everyone is sad. 9) I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.
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Seungcheol had requested your presence at the penthouse in the middle of the week late at night, having one of their men drive you over. Wonwoo had sent a message to your work computer about it and once you replied, it was gone. 
The man had walked you from the car, to the elevator, and to the set of double doors that separated you from the second home SVT shared. He opened the door and you entered but closed the door behind you. 
Looking about, no one else was in the penthouse from what you saw. The place was quiet and you didn’t want to poke around in their business by walking down the halls. 
“Hello?” You called out, sliding your hands into your pajama pants pockets and got closer to the hall but didn’t step through the arching barrier. “Seungcheol?” 
Was this some kind of test? You thought, furrowing your brow in confusion. 
Taking your phone from your back pocket, you pulled up his number and called, hoping to hear a ringtone but nothing came. Anxiety bubbled in your chest and you tried to call Seokmin but it went straight to voicemail. 
“What the fuck-” 
“Ma’am!” The driver threw the door open, panic in his eyes. “ King has told me to bring you somewhere else-” 
That didn’t ease the anxiety, you felt sick to your stomach. “What’s going on?” 
“I- Something has happened.” 
The car ride there was nerve wracking and each moment that past made you want to crawl out of your skin. The driver was speeding through the city towards the warehouses near the waterways, the red lights he had to stop were taunting you maliciously. He did not say a single  entire ride to the new destination. You’ve never been this far into the warehouse district and it was mostly abandoned but the building you pulled up to had Pledis Shipping written on a sign. The lights were on and the driver rushed you from the car and in through the main door. 
The openness of the building was weighing down on you, it was dizzying as unknown faces stared at you as you rushed around them towards the back. You didn’t bother to notice the crates and trucks that littered around, things being moved or looked through. You stood out for sure in some old pajama pants and bleach tarnished hoodie, not wanting to change for a simple meeting with Seungcheol. 
Ushered into the back of the building, under the second level overhang, you stopped dead in your tracks. The floor was covered in a trail of blood, still fresh by the bright color. The sight made you want to throw up. 
“-’am!” The shout had you snapping out of the trance placed upon you. 
A loud rumble of a scream down the hall had you moving once more. There in the hall was half of SVT, they were either pacing the floor or sitting on it, back pressed against the wall and heads low. Chan was hanging his head and Minghao sat beside him, rubbing his back. Seokmin was holding onto Soonyoung and Junhui like his life depended on it. Seungcheol was pacing at the far end near the door, speaking with a teary eyed Seungkwan. Wonwoo wasn’t to be seen, but you assumed he was at Pandora and was making his way down into the city as you spoke. 
“Sir I-” The driver began and you pushed passed, eyes still on the blood trail that lined the floor. 
“Mouse, you shouldn’t-” Seungcheol called out but you were already opening the door. 
“Jihoon, knock him out already!” Jeonghan yelled, trying his best to hold Mingyu down with Vernon as he thrashed and screamed out in pain. 
The room you stepped into was more of an emergency room type area. There were a few medical beds with machines beside them and cabinets upon cabinets of supplies. The left wall held two doors, both labeled ‘shower/bathroom’ for convenience. 
In the far right corner was a sectioned off with a smaller room, windows outline the top to be able to see in. Jihoon was struggling to get the needle in with how much the taller man was lashing out.
Rooted in place, you stared in disbelief at everything before you. 
Mingyu was hurt, blood was on the floors leading exactly where your gaze was placed on. Jeonghan was yelling for Jihoon to keep trying but each time it got harder and harder. 
Your feet were moving before you had a chance to think. Pulling off your sweatshirt and leaving you in the tanktop below, you hurried to the sink and washed your hands and arms as fast as you could, thankful your hair was already pulled back out of your face. You didn’t know what you were going to do to help but you needed to help. 
Jeonghan yelled your name but you ignored him. 
“Give it to me and all three of you hold him down-” Your voice was shaky but Mingyu didn’t stop thrashing on the table and he was getting blood everywhere, wasting all his energy in the pain of it.
Jihoon looked to Jeonghan for an order and he warily nodded. The syringe was placed in your hand and Jihoon moved to use all his strength to hold town Mingyu’s shoulder. You grabbed his bicep when he was stable enough and jabbed the needle into his arm, pushing the sedative. Thankfully it didn’t take long before it kicked in and the thrashing and screaming went from violent to calm, somewhat shallow breathing. 
Jeonghan grabbed surgical scissors and quickly cut open Mingyu’s shirt, revealing something you only thought you’d see in movies. In his lower right abdomen were two holes, both leaking blood at an alarming rate. You rounded the table and Jeonghan ordered Jihoon and Vernon to collect gauze, forceps, and anything else he could need. Off the counter, you grabbed a handful of gauze and started to apply pressure to the wounds the best you could. 
“I’m going to need a blood bag,” Jeonghan called out as he hooked Mingyu up to a heart monitor, blood pressure cuff, and placed an oxygen mask. Jihoon wasted no time in placing an IV and starting a saline drip to get everything going. He pushed a few small syringes of medicine through the line silently. 
Looking over to the monitor that beeped steadily with his heart rate, it was low but his blood pressure looked decent given the circumstances. The gauzes beneath your hands were getting soaked and warm blood was coating your palms and fingers. You threw the other ones aside, out of the walkway field, and grabbed more, leaning as much of your weight as you could down on the wounds. The other three were moving around you quickly but it was all a relative blur, keeping your focus on the task literally at hand. 
“Mouse, I need you to step back.” Jeonghan stated calmly. 
Lifting your head, you could see the concern on his face. His eyes were darting between Mingyu and you, keeping the best neutral face he could. You didn’t want to move, your mind was racing. 
The blood wasn’t stopping. How did this happen? Why did it happen? Is he going to die? 
Jeonghan held your stare before slowly moving his now clean hands over one of your wrist and pulled it back. 
“I’m not leaving.” You finally managed to say and he nodded again.
Dropping your hands to your side, you stepped back. In a flurry of movements, Jihoon and Jeonghan were starting their work. Vernon assisted in getting what they needed, but you lent a hand in hanging things over, grabbing more items, and overall being an extra set of hands if needed. 
You stayed quiet, watching them all work, calling things out or cursing at something going on. It was sickening and painful to watch them press and dig into the wounds, trying to find the bullets. It was clear there wasn’t an exit to both holes with how much they were frantically working. 
“Vernon, put your two fingers here.” Jeonghan pointed and without hesitation, Vernon was placing his fingers against one of Mingyu’s bullet wounds, applying the pressure asked, while Jeonghan was holding a small retractor to see inside. “ Fuck- I can’t see anything with all this blood. Give me the suction tubing.” 
Jihoon was grabbing it and the hiss the machine made as it extracted any blood from the wound sounded distant in your head. Jeonghan said something and a pair of long forceps were placed in his hands and the ends of it disappeared inside of Mingyu’s abdomen. The beeping of the monitors was the only thing grounding you to reality, letting you know that Mingyu was alive, that he was breathing, that he had a fighting chance. 
You took a few steps closer to see what was happening more clearly. Jeonghan was holding a retractor still, keeping the first wound open while Jihoon was trying to get the bleeding of the second to at least slow down. Vernon was holding gauze to catch any trailing blood and keeping his fingers right where Jeonghan had told him to. 
“I got the first one-” Jeonghan yelled out, relief flooding your mind for a moment. He was slow in taking it out to not hit anything internally and dropped the bullet on the tray to his side. “We need to get the other out and close it up quickly-” 
The machine that was monitoring Mingyu’s heart blared a loud, ear piercing alarm that had your heart dropping to your stomach. A chorus of curses were shouted out and it became clear that Mingyu was flatlining. They scrambled to start preventative measures but you were quick to move, pulling up a stool you found in the corner of the room and pushed Vernon out of the way to start CPR.
If you weren’t keeping the blood pumping through Mingyu’s body, you would have laughed. You were very angrily yelling the lyrics to ‘ Stayin’ Alive’ in your head, compressing down on his chest with all your might. If he didn’t wake up with bruised ribs, you weren’t doing it right, that’s what your first-aid instructor told you years ago.
Jihoon and Jeonghan were quick to put up the blood bag and placed another IV, saying something about him losing too much blood and needing more to sustain his heartbeat. It took a few moments and a dose of whatever medicine Jihoon pushed to help him, but the rhythmic beating of his heart came back and it was steady. 
You climbed off the stool to give space once more but adrenaline was pumping through your limbs, hands trembling and breath shaky. Blood was still coating your hands from earlier and you couldn’t bother to step outside now. Sweat clung to your skin, a gross layer that sent chills down your spine in the cool air. Jeonghan, Jihoon and Vernon were working fast but skillfully, wasting no time to get everything done. Backing up, you placed yourself against the wall and just slid down it, letting yourself rest on the floor, eyes never leaving them as they did their work. 
The tightness in your chest had you heaving breaths in and out, pulling at your shirt like it was going to help. It felt like the room was spinning, your pulse was pounding in your head and an agonizing headache debilitated you. Images you never wanted to remember flashing behind your eyelids with every blink, each chilling you to the core.
It took a good two hours for everything to be done. They found the second bullet and needed to search for any internal damage and patch up anything that was caught in the crossfire. More gauze pads were thrown on the floor, needing to have a clear field of work. You were letting the rhythmic beating of Mingyu’s heart calm you, still scared it might stop once more.
Jeonghan had requested your help towards the end with cleaning off the blood around each stitched up incision and bandaging Mingyu up. Jihoon muttered something about pushing antibiotics as a precaution which both men agreed was for the best. 
 Mingyu wasn’t out of the woods just yet, he was probably going to need one more bag of blood and it would be a waiting game of when he was going to wake up. 
Though you didn’t have to, you started to organize the tools that would need to be cleaned and sterilized, placing them all in a row by type of tool while the other three finished up. Your anxiety was fueling this tired perfectionist streak to give some sort of control to the situation. You moved more or less on autopilot, picking up gauze pads and tossing them in the biohazards trash they had in the room, seeing that your hands were already dried with blood. You used other pads to kneel down and wipe up some blood but it could only do so much, blood was horrible to clean and the iron smell was nauseating the longer you breathed it in. 
“Hey,” Jeonghan knelt down and stopped you. Your eyes were fixated on the crimson red streaking the floor. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” 
“But it’s a mess-” 
“We’ll have someone clean it up. Don’t worry about it.” Jeonghan took your hand and removed the pad from it, standing you up not a moment after. Both of you had a decent amount of blood on your hands and wrists, Jeonghan’s extending up to his elbows and definitely on his gray button up. 
 Quietly, you spoke, keeping your voice as steady as you could. “I want to stay here with him.”
“I know, I’m sure he would like that.” Jeonghan spoke softly, leading you from the surgical room and into the medical bay. “We’ll get you some clothes to change into and have you take a shower while we transfer him into a cot so he can rest, okay?” 
With a nod of your head, you were walked to the bathroom and encouraged to head in and clean up. Jeonghan told you to take as long as you needed and promised that Mingyu would be waiting right in the room when you came out. 
Left alone in the bathroom, the first thing you did was empty the entire contents of your stomach in the toilet. You had been holding it back since you had blood on your hands and the headache only pounded harder. You wanted to cry, really you should be crying, but it didn’t feel like there was anything to cry. Everything felt out of touch – numb – and you just wanted to get clean.
You didn’t know how long you were in there if you were being honest. Once the water hit your back after stripping, everything moved in slow motion. The scorching water burned, but it hurt less than the pain that thrumbed in your chest. With your head hanging, you watched as steaks of blood dripped from your wrists and hands, letting you process the last few hours. 
Mingyu nearly died. Whatever situation they found themselves in was bad enough to result in Mingyu getting shot. You didn’t pay attention to any of the guys outside earlier when hurrying passed, not knowing what their injuries were, if any at all. As you thought over the situation that you didn’t have full context to, anger was starting to build up, the burning taste of stomach acid just at the back of your throat once more.
Scrubbing every inch of your skin came after the blood was nearly water-washed off. The small hand towel and antiseptic soap was enough for the job and left your skin bright pink. A knock had you jumping and bracing yourself on the walls behind the thick shower curtain. 
“I’m just putting some clothes in here for you. He is in a proper bed once you are done washing up.” Jeonghan’s voice bounced off the walls when the door opened and was quickly closed soon after.
You finished your shower and toweled off, tossing on the sweater and joggers provided, each item warm and soft against your irritated skin. Letting the towel rest atop your head to catch any droplets of water, you checked yourself in the mirror, wiping the fog off the surface with a hand. Through the clouded image of yourself, you could see that you looked pale. Your eyes drooped but you knew you weren't going to get any sleep tonight between staring at Mingyu’s heart monitor and waiting for him to wake up. The headache was still a dull ache behind your eyes. 
Shaking off the discomfort, you tugged the towel from your head and pushed the door to the bathroom open, your socked feet shuffling against the clean white floors. 
“-Know she was gonna rush in-” Seungcheol whispered to Joshua and Jeonghan, throwing his hands up in defeat, the three standing off towards the entrance of the room. “She just went in on her own.” 
The room was flooded with all of SVT. Vernon, Jihoon, and Jeonghan had showered in less time than it took for you to. Wonwoo was sitting beside Mingyu’s bed, head against the edge of the mattress. Seungkwan was hugging Vernon’s side, dried layers of tears still streaking his cheeks, eyes red and puffy. Minghao and Junhui stood at the foot of the bed, Minghao’s hands gripping the end of the bed frame to the point his knuckles were turning white. Jihoon was grabbing some medicine from the cabinet to your right, mumbling something you couldn’t catch under his breath. Seokmin, Soonyoung, and Chan were sitting opposite Wonwoo, the youngest holding Mingyu’s hand tightly. 
“That isn’t an excuse, you should have stopped her-” Joshua scolded in a hushed voice. They weren't as quiet as they thought, but everything felt too loud and too bright. The overstimulation that coursed through you was dreadful. 
Ignoring them, you walked over to Wonwoo’s side of the bed and dropped a hand gently on his back, letting your nails drag against the fabric of his t-shirt. He didn’t lift his head but he didn’t make you stop so you used it as a way to soothe yourself, knowing that you could be providing a smidge of comfort to someone else. None of you spoke around the bed, there wasn’t a need to. It smelled too clean now that you’ve showered. Your feet were cold against the vinyl flooring. The image of a blood covered Mingyu kept flashing in your mind.
“Enough.” Jeonghan said, louder than the two. “It’s over, let’s get through this.” 
“SVT,” Seungcheol’s voice rang out and most of them looked to their leader, Wonwoo even lifting his head. “Jeonghan can’t have the horde here all night, you know his rules.” 
A few grumbles of protest followed. 
“If you want to sleep upstairs on the couches, the floor up there, I don’t care, but I need you out. I don’t need to have to push you all aside and have you crowd my field if anything is to happen.” Jeonghan crossed his arms. “And don’t argue, this was the same with Seokmin and Jihoon. I’ll be here all night with Jihoon.” 
Another wave of protests followed. Seungkwan looked ready to cry again. Their love for the tallest was heartwarming but Jeonghan was right. Though this wasn’t a hospital, it was enough of a medical room to warrant the need for space in preparation for any disaster. They were averse to the idea of leaving, but with more prodding from Seungcheol that Mingyu would be fine and they needed to sleep, they left one by one. Jihoon administered whatever he grabbed earlier with more space and checked each machine to make sure it was hooked up properly, leaving once he was finished up. The oldest three stayed near the door and Wonwoo was the last of the younger ones to leave but you continued to rub his back. 
“Wonwoo,” You said barely above a whisper, letting your fingers draw continuous patterns on his back. “I’ll stay here, you know I won’t let anything happen.” 
He lifted his head to look at you, eyes shiny from unshed tears. His eyes study you, likely looking just as hollow and worried as he was. “Call me if anything changes.” 
Giving him a nod, you stepped back to let him leave, filling the space where he sat previously. You scooted the chair a little closer and gently took Mingyu’s much larger hand into your own, turning it slowly into a more comfortable position. Any move you made scared you enough to think it was going to hurt him. 
“Jihoon, go up and take a break, I’ll handle the rest for a bit.” You heard Jeonghan and footsteps out the door were a signal the shorter man left. 
The three chairs across from you were soon filled, the three oldest deflating and taking a breath for what felt like the first time all day. Raising your eyes to them, Joshua was rubbing his face and pushing his hair back, Seungcheol was slouched, head hanging back with his eyes closed and Jeonghan looked exhausted, slightly more composed then the other two but you could see the worry behind his eyes. It might have been hard on them, they were the heads of the whole operation. You wouldn’t be surprised if the three blamed themselves for what happened to Mingyu. 
“Tell me what happened.” You broke the shell of silence, keeping your voice low as if it would disturb the man knocked out before you. 
Seungcheol sighed but didn’t move. “They were at that building where you first saw us. We bought it as extra storage. One of the distributors we had was trying to two time us, Mingyu was there helping oversee the hand offs with Chan, Soonyoung, and Jihoon. God, he wasn’t even supposed to be there but another person was needed because of how large the case was.” You’ve never heard Seungcheol more upset since knowing him. There was a shake to his voice that had your heart breaking. “Shots were fired and Mingyu got hit twice since he was the closest to the fuckers. Soonyoung drove here as fast as he could and he got here not even ten minutes before you showed up.”
“Did they get-” 
“They handled it.” Joshua answered before you could fully get the question out. 
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you let your thumb run over Mingyu’s knuckles, watching the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. “If you three want to take some time to rest, I’m not moving.” 
Joshua shook his head, “You don’t have to, Mouse. We can have someone take you home.” 
Your eyes moved to him and your eyes narrowed in a glare. “I’m not moving.” You repeated sternly. 
“Ah, if looks could kill.” Jeonghan tried to lighten the mood with some humor, but you moved the glare to him and even he tensed up at your icy gaze. “...Sorry.” 
Seungcheol met you with a glare of his own, thick eyebrows drawn together in a frown. 
Should you have backed down? Yeah, probably. But really you knew that they needed a moment to collect themselves and you needed a moment to try and wipe the traumatizing image of Mingyu flatlining from your memory by watching him. 
You held his glare, tightening your hold on Mingyu’s hand, mirroring him with a frown of your own. In the moment, you weren’t scared of Seungcheol, not that you were fully scared after the many encounters you’ve had with him. Sure, he could threaten to kill you, you’ve probably done more than enough for him to toss you to the curb. He could actually kill you to tie up loose ends for all you cared, but you weren’t going to move from this spot until Mingyu woke up. You’d go out kicking and screaming if they tried to drag you out. 
“Cheol, I don’t think we are winning this one.” Joshua placed a hand on Seungcheol’s leg and patted it. “And before you think it, I don’t think threatening her will make her back down.” 
Jeonghan rolled his eyes, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “I’m exhausted so I’m not even going to fight you, Mouse. I’ll have Jihoon and I switch out every hour to check up on things.” He stood and stretched, long limbs playfully hitting against his friends. Both swatted him away. 
Seungcheol grumbled out a ‘ Fine’ before raising to his feet. Joshua followed behind the oldest as he exited and Jeonghan went to a cabinet and grabbed a neatly folded blanket. He returned and unfolded it, draping it over you to keep you warm. He ruffled your still wet hair and soon left. When the door closed, you leaned forward and folded your arm to cradle your head against the mattress. Really you more collapsed than anything, criss crossing your legs in the chair to get comfortable the best you could. 
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I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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fuck-customers · 1 year
TW: sexual harassment
despite what people seem to think about working in an Adult Novelty Store, being a man doesn’t stop you from getting sexually harassed by customers on the daily. creepy old men, creepy old women — i’m so fucking tired of it but whenever i complain to management all i get told is it’s an “occupational hazard” and that i “need to be able to deal with it”
i have curly hair and i generally like to keep it long so my curls actually show and can be healthy, and i went about 3-4 years of growth, even in kitchens, before this job made me chop it all off because I was sick of gross old men telling me how “pretty” it would look wrapped around their fists
older women just feeling me up, telling me all the ways their husbands are slacking and insinuating that a younger man like me could help them
it’s literally traumatizing.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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