#tw: endeavour
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mossy-opal · 2 years ago
Personal Rant
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of All Categories of Abuse, Trauma Dumping on a Massive Scale, Endeavour Slander
I really really hate him. This hate was originally held against him for Shoto, because I used to not be so fond of Dabi- Thought he was very bland. But, ever since his reveals and I got to know him, I got attached to him.
Not only that, I see a lot of similarities between us.
My dad beat my mom, babytrapped her, financially trapped her, manipulated her, gaslit her. My dad beat my brother, manipulated my brother and myself. When my brother was born my dad basically forgot about me.
Why is it that if/when I talk about my dad, I always get a lot of support, and people always bring up "Oh wow yea what an asshole." But when Endeavour is brought up, or Dabi, suddenly it's, "Well Enji is trying his best," and "Dabi shouldn't have done this, that and the third". Is it because of myself being female presenting? Is it because Dabi is a villain? I actually think, in another time line, I could have ended up exactly like Dabi.
And you know what? I don't mind that thought one bit. What I would give to see my father set ablaze by his past sins-
Just like Enji however, my dad tried reaching out and asking for a relationship with me.
But unlike Natsuo and Fuyumi, I held him accountable. I told my dad straight out, "I will give you a chance, if you apologise."
Guess what he wouldn't do?
Guess what Enji still hasn't done?
Not once has he said "I'm sorry." Only ever after becoming a pro and being in the spot light does he want to "atone" for what he's done- That alone rubs me the wrong way. My dad was an upstanding citizen too, went to work and did his job, ran his business, and just like Enji, he came home to beat his wife and kids.
Don't you find it odd that Natsuo got really fucking worried for his mother when he found out Enji was just dropping off flowers?
Don't you find it odd people continue to victim blame Rei for having a literal mental breakdown? When she hurt Shoto, she didn't see Shoto.
She saw Enji.
When Touya left home and Rei tried stopping him, she froze when he looked at her, because those were Enji's eyes.
It's odd to me that no one gives two fucks that Enji babytrapped Rei, financially trapped Rei, continues to Stockholm her into loving him, etc.
And even at this massive plot point, he has yet to say "I'm sorry. I love you."
Not, "I'm sorry you feel that way," or, "I'm sorry but," No. No no no, that's not how you apologise.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was wrong. I love you."
That's all he has to say, but he won't, you know why? Because he doesn't truly believe that.
So when people say "He's changing" and "He's getting better", from my own personal experience, I find that very hard to believe.
My apologies if this rant is a little bit- All over the place. With recent manga leaks and people still being Endeavour apologists, I just had to put this in a coherent post for all to see.
I hate my father. I hate Endeavour. I hate Endeavour Apologists. I hate Rei Haters. I hate Heroes.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program of Shigaraki simping.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 4 months ago
Can we talk about a Pro-Hero Award ceremony / gala event and how it would be such a chaotic event, because it’s the only time of the year where all of the Pro-Heroes and their (un)willing darlings come out together in public. 
Bakugo is 100% sure to spend the entire evening with a locked face and strong arm around his darling’s waist, not letting her out of his sight for one moment, regardless of how bad it looks.
As soon as the ceremony is officially over, Bakugo is dragging his darling back home, one hand tightly gripping her wrist while his other hand is busy handling the two awards he managed to win. 
Shoto and his darling are wearing matching outfits and are probably one of the chillest couples in the event. They don’t argue or yell, and they spend most of the time intertwined in the dance floor as Shoto stares at her sweetly obsessed the whole time.
He also receives a very surprising congratulating cheek kiss when he wins an award, and his thank-you speech consists of 99% of him praising the support of his darling (she’s now warming up to him and he’s very happy with it). 
Deku is a whole other story. He’s so stressed about the ordeal that he also ends up stressing his darling (RIP her mental health, seriously). At one point, he’s completely hunched over his darling in a corner, attempting to feed her some cake even though she vehemently refuses and, but he keeps insisting and insisting and insisting.
He also won’t stop blabbering and info dumping every piece of use(less)ful information as if she actually cares about the Pro Heroes that are present at the gala. 
I also believe that - on a certain point - she snapped at Izuku, tired and exhausted from his annoying behavior, and some of the yandere's - Endeavour, Hawks, Bakugo - threw Izuku a condescending glare, cause none of them would ever allow their darling to direspect them like that, much less in public.
All Might and his darling are definitely one of the happiest couples in the room, seated at a table with other Pro-Heroes and he’s proudly boasting his darling and how sweet and amazing she is, while she shyly clings to his buffy bicep, hiding her face behind the strong muscle.
Sitting at a nearby table is Endeavour, upsettingly huffing and puffing because his darling isn’t yet at the right stage of obedience and submission that he had hoped to achieve and in result, he had no other option other than leaving her at home. The basement, to be specific. Not to mention that her rebellious attitude soured his mood earlier that day, which led to a nasty backhand he gave her before leaving the house in frustration.
And now the No.2 is pissed cause her deplorable behavior is ruining his meticulously built reputation and image. Endeavour is certainly going to take his frustration on her once he gets back home, that’s for sure. 
Seated next to him is Hawks, wearing a smug smirk that fuel’s up as Endeavour’s irritation grows throughout the night. Keigo is definitely the type to perform excessively sweet and annoying PDA: kissing her, hugging, holding hands, feeding his darling, fussing over little details about her hair and make-up.
He’s so overwhelmingly affectionate (and loud) that his darling has to hide in the ladies room every 15 minutes, otherwise it gets too unbearable for her mentally sanity. But needless to say that there’s always a discreet red feather following her all the time. 
Obviously, Eraserhead didn't bother putting on an appearance. 
Whose darling do you think have the potential to cause some drama?
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xserpx · 1 month ago
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"And you know all about it, I’m sure. Because you went to Oxford. But you didn't finish it, though, did you? For all your books, and your poetry, and your snooty music. You failed."
ENDEAVOUR 8.02 Scherzo
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erostheartist · 1 month ago
//down with the boy// prologue: part one// pages 1-10
a/n: i am so excited to share with you all, the first chapter of my endeavour morse graphic novel, down with the boy. this has been such a labour of love and whilst i don't know how long it'll take me to write and draw the rest of the planned chapters, i'm excited for us to be on this creative journey together. i will add a masterlist link, once i upload some more pages.
edit: i decided to reupload the images in their original colour.
synopsis: following the events of a case gone wrong, endeavour morse finds himself struggling to come to terms with the loss of an innocent life.
tw: death, blood, dead bodies and depression.
support my endeavours
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kannibalkaiii · 8 months ago
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Dabi daydreaming about being in his Dad's arms ~
Used this ref
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"Full on twitt"
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morsesnotes · 1 year ago
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Endeavour | Terminus
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 1 month ago
TW: Manipulation; Implied (future) Noncon.
Imagine a Pro-Hero who rescues a poor homeless girl and takes her to his home.
You're insanely grateful for the comforting bath and the warm food - almost having forgotten what it feels like to have the protection of a roof under your head after spending those few but miserable nights out in the cold street after losing your low-paying job and apartment not long ago. 
Your hopes of him finding you a spot at the local homeless shelter are shattered when he informs you no beds are available because of an incoming storm.
Practically twists your arm into staying in his place - there's lots of bad weather coming and he can't let you out in such conditions, obviously. 
You reluctantly accept, a bit humiliated and nervous to be in such a deplorable position, but there's no other option for you anyways. 
Only for him to declare that you gotta pay him back though - did you really think he does charity for free?
If yes, then you thought wrong. Now you can start by opening the fly of his pants and getting on your knees. 
Bakugo, Hawks, Fatgum, Endeavour.
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year ago
Here be yet more Fred Thursday musings ;-)
[Long post and spoilers for all of Endeavour here.]
So, I was thinking yet again (for the billionth time ;-) ) about Fred Thursday and the three people we see him kill over the course of Endeavour while trying to save someone else:-
Mrs Coke-Norris
Ludo Talenti
Raymond Kennitt/Peter Williams
The show seems to be pointing us into believing that the third of those is somehow much, much worse than the first two and I... have a problem with this.
I mean, in all three cases Fred was responding to an immediate threat to life (of someone he cared about, and in the second and third cases also Fred himself). In the case of Mrs C-N Fred was officially on duty which gives him some extra legal cover, but I'd say no extra moral cover.
I'm no legal expert, but from what I understand, under English-and-Welsh law, none of the three were murders; you're looking at manslaughter at worst, at best a good case for self/other-defence, which... is a grey area but certainly a decent defence lawyer could have had a good go.
(It is worth noting, of course, that this is the morseverse and this is Fred Thursday; he's made so many enemies both in the criminal justice system and among criminals, mostly through doing actively good things, that his chances of either a fair trial or then surviving prison are basically non-existent. I think we have to weigh all of Morse's decisions in "Exeunt" with that in mind because there's no way Morse isn't aware of it. Sam's chances of surviving prison for drug-dealing I think we can assume would also be remote, again due to the enemies Fred has made. And I think again, we have to weigh both Fred's and Morse's decisions with that in mind.)
So... yeah. I think there are only three things that you might consider as making the killing of Raymond Kennitt worse than that of Ludo Talenti or Mrs Coke-Norris:-
the use of the knife rather than a gun, which makes it theoretically possible that Fred could have found a way to end the fight that didn't involve killing Kennitt. That does strike me as something that's probably easier to see from a backseat than if you're Fred in the middle of what's happening, but still.
we know Kennitt's horrifying backstory (not that Fred does), and so feel huge amounts of compassion for him even though he's obviously awful in the "present", and sympathy for the grief that Jakes would feel if he knew what had happened. That's inevitable I think, but, well. Can we be sure that Mrs C-N and Ludo aren't child abuse survivors too? (We do know that Fred and Charley both are, though not the details.) All in all, I think this is a show that wants us to feel compassion for as many characters as possible, and I don't want to assume that Mrs C-N and Ludo didn't end up Like That for no reason.
the fact that Fred kills Mrs C-N and Ludo in defense of Morse (the protagonist, Fred's protege, and a character we all love) and kills Kennitt in defense of Sam (a more minor character, and Fred's son). I would hope that Morse wouldn't see it like that and that neither does Russell Lewis because obviously that's a dreadful position to hold, but... yeeeah. It would annoy me a lot if that's part of the reasoning of the show, but protagonist-centered morality is a flaw in an awful lot of fiction, and while Endeavour mostly doesn't give into it, I don't think any writers are immune. So I do have a horrible suspicion that this is the bit that makes the actual difference, even though I really think it shouldn't be. If Fred had killed Kennitt to save Morse rather than Sam... would we as an audience feel differently? (I ask that of myself as well as of anyone else who wants to ask it of themselves! And honestly, I probably would feel better about the killing if it was for Morse, even though rationally I know it's no different!)
I'd actually say that in the case of the killing of Kennitt there are a couple of minor mitigating factors that the first two lack:-
Fred is in the worst state mentally we ever see him in "Exeunt", and is completely falling apart; earlier in the day he had some form of heart episode or possibly severe panic attack. At any rate: he's going through hell and he is ill as a result.
I can't actually remember if he has his gun with him during the fight with Kennitt, but he certainly isn't willing to use it given the situation; the knife is Kennitt's not his, and a weapon you aren't intending to use is for practical purposes not here, so he's... taken on an armed man while essentially unarmed. Fucking berserker that he is. Rather than two people with guns going up against each other.
you can see a moment of decision in Roger's face for the killings of both Mrs C-N and Ludo; by Fred's own account to Morse (which I think we can take as honest) he didn't make any conscious decision to kill Kennitt (see above re awful mental state).
Honesty? I think that killing in immediate self-defence and/or defence-of-other is however as close to necessary and justified as killing ever gets, and I'm inclined to be extremely forgiving about all three deaths. I'm not sure Fred had a real choice in any of the three cases.
What Fred does do in the third case that really is different of course is the cover-up, in misleading everyone, in being an absolute arsehole to Morse when he comes to check on him that night. In all of it it's massively, massively understandable (as he's a) ill, b) still trying to protect Sam). Morse's sense of betrayal though is also massively understandable. Ugh. My heart hurts. *shakes fist at Russell Lewis, and also at Roger and Shaun for being so amazing*
Anyway. Do I have an overall point? Probably: Fred Thursday is a complicated character and I love him and I want to hug him and also throw things at him. He has horrible violent tendencies but he isn't a murderer under English-and-Welsh law, and I don't think s9 makes sense unless we interpret him as very mentally unwell by the end of it. Also: Morse and Thursday both need different jobs, holy shit. Also also: I reckon Morse ended up forgiving Thursday and being in touch with him, because he is pretty fair when given time to process things, and he doesn't have Morse-centered morality. Also also also: Russell Lewis is a meanie and I want more fix-it fics. ;-)
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bibibbon · 7 months ago
I honestly hate that Dabi’s abuse has to be debated. Like, it’s pretty clear as day that he was neglected by Enji.
The sheer fact that Touya was literally harming himself to be even noticed by his father should’ve been a massive red flag!
“Oh but Enji did the best he could-“ No, he didn’t? Enji could’ve at least put Touya through some mental health care or you know, STOP LIVING THROUGH HIS FUCKING KIDS!
Also, another thing that grosses me out about the MHA fandom is how people “joke” about how Rei only stayed was because Endeavor had a big sholng and that’s just pretty disgusting in of itself
Hi @palesweetscherryblossom 👋
Absolutely I hate the fact that what the todoroki family all went through has to be debated if it's abuse or not. I have seen people say that shoto was never abused and that enji done nothing wrong by training shoto to the point he puked his guts out at the age of 5 or that enji wasn't in the wrong for purposefully neglecting touya and inserting very harmful ideologies in his head. No enji may have not of abused touya physically but he definitely did abuse touya by neglecting him (neglect is a form of abuse!!!!)
It's still surprising that people can't pick up on the fact that enji very much did neglect touya and shoved the hero ideology down touya's throat (Iam aware that touya's backstory came from enjis pov probably to make enji look better but even with that there are clear signs of neglect)
Chapter 301 to 302 literally had touya say multiple times that it was enji who "lit this fire beneath him to beat all might and become a great hero". The blame is on enji and should be put on him for trying to use a child to live his own foolish dream while also filling the child's mind with harmful ideologies and ideas (I know full well that the whole girl comment that touya made towards fuyumi was directly influenced from enjis thinking and what enji probably told touya when he would ask whenever fuyumi wouldn't train with them)
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The thing that some people can't seem to fully grasp is that touya was approximately 7 when all of his training stopped and he was abandoned by enji. Touya had a good 3 years spent being around enji almost 24/7 learning from him and being built to be this powerful masterpiece that is his father's favourite and all of that got taken from him because his body couldn't handle it. Now for a child at that age it would be difficult to understand why his father doesn't talk or love him anymore because I bet full well that touya probably connected enji training him = father son bonding time and as a sign that enji loves and cares for him the most. This is the reason why touya continues to train and harm himself so he can get enji's attention. In the end it was more about enji's love and attention than it was about becoming a hero. For touya becoming a hero was the key to his father's love and attention and that key was robbed from him because his body wasn't compatible with his quirk.
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You have Rei literally calling out enji's neglect and behaviour saying that touya is only doing this because he wants his father's attention but enji replies saying that the only attention he can give is showing the path of a hero which is something that touya cant do. This literally goes to prove touya's own thinking as right. The only way touya can get his father's attention and love is by being the best machine to let his father's dream live through him. Touya needed to be the perfect puppet so his father could love him.
Then there's the fact that touya was Ultimately around 8 or so when he found out about the himura family and their secrets and why his mother is having children. All of that is too complex for a child and honestly traumatising to learn about but touya knew it from an incredibly young age. @thr0wnawayy 's post goes into more detail about touya learning what Rei had to go through and his whole family situation.
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Enji should of helped touya understand it's not his fault, he should of loved his children equally and should of definitely given him therapy (the guy is rich there's no excuse for him not to take his child to a therapist)
Oh and don't even get me started on the fandoms messed up jokes when it comes to enji and Rei. It's like they don't even read the manga and realise that Rei didn't have a choice in any of this. She didn't stay because she liked it or because she wanted to, the poor women didn't have a choice at all.
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notholaenas · 10 months ago
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muse / colours / icarus
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years ago
"Dad, I was playing heroes with my friends when an unfamiliar man who was watching us took me away. I've never seen him before but he knew my name and my address".
"An unfamiliar man was watching you? Did he hurt you? How did he look like? Maybe we should contact the police".
"NO TALK ABOUT HEROES! Go outside, you are punished! No dinner!"
"Mom, dad, look! A little birdie! So pretty!"
"Don't put her in your mouth! You might get sick, dear. Let's wash your hands and then make a beautiful grave for poor birdie, okay?"
"We gave birth to something inhuman..."
"Dad, everyone in my class wants to be a hero! I want to be a great hero like you!"
"Okay, I'll teach you how to put your flames down and we will order a support item so you wouldn't get hurt by your quirk. But remember, being a hero isn't about a quirk, it's about your kindness and desire to help others!"
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Like, at this point, I dont know what else to say.
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erostheartist · 10 days ago
//down with the boy// chapter one// page 20
a/n: i genuinely cannot believe we're already at 20 pages!
synopsis: it's always darkest before the dawn, isn't that how the old adage goes? left to his own devices, endeavour must survive the demons that continue to haunt him or find solace at the bottom of a bottle...
tw: death, depression and mentions of alcohol/substance abuse.
support my endeavours
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limjiminz · 2 years ago
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hoistersaoy101 · 7 months ago
Struck by Lightning (a tododeku fic)
This fic is extremely self-indulgent and it's also the first fic I write here on Tumblr. angst is at an all-time high in this one, but Todoroki and Izuku are traumatized kids in canon and I like making characters suffer, what did you guys expect? also! the song part of the fic begins at "Izuku paused as mix-matched eyes met his, smiling slightly at the sight of his best friend" └──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────┘
Deku always smiled, deku was a crybaby, and deku never got angry or actually upset. Deku smiled in the face of danger, deku was a hero and could do nothing wrong, and deku's only dream was to be a hero, but Midoriya Izuku wasn't Deku. Midoriya Izuku screamed and cried in anger, Midoriya Izuku smiled rarely, Midoriya Izuku did everything wrong, and Midoriya Izuku didn't want to be a hero, not anymore.
Endeavor's son was cold and rude, Endeavor's son hated talking to others, and Endeavor's son never cried or showed emotion in general. Endeavor's son had a perfect past, and Endeavor's Son would be a great hero, but Todoroki Shouto wasn't Endeavor's son. Todoroki Shouto tried to be kind, Todoroki Shouto cried and yelled like any normal person, Todoroki Shoto had anything but a perfect past, Todoroki Shouto never wanted to be a hero in the first place.
Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto tried to make others understand that they weren't who they thought they were, but no one seemed to understand. No matter how hard they tried... ⛈️ ⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊��� ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ⛈️ Izuku walked through the dorms, ignoring the greetings sent by his classmates as he walked. The green-haired boy didn't think he could look them in the face, not right now. "I'm sorry young Midoriya, but you can no longer handle one for all...I'm afraid you must give it up."
the boy grits his teeth, the words of his mentor repeating in his head no matter how much he tried to push it away and into the dark space in his head where he pushes everything he doesn't want to remember. But he can't. He lost One for All, he lost the one thing that kept him together and the opportunity to become a hero. He was quirkless, again... his mind flashed to the doctor who originally 'diagnosed' him, making tears spring up to his eyes as he moved even faster to get to his dorm.
As soon as the door closed behind him Izuku let the tears free, sliding down the down as sobs rocked his body, the boy curled in on himself, hands wrapping around his knees and head lowering as his sobs echoed throughout the room. A drop of water hit the window, followed by more, and soon the rain accompanied the sobs that rang through the room, the constant tap tap tap washing over Izuku, the boy's sobs slowly diminished into the quiet sniffles easily overpowered by the sound of heavy rain against his window. the greenette flinched at the crack of lightning that echoed from outside, sighing softly the boy slowly stood up, legs sore from sitting in that position for so long. ... Izuku paused as he went to walk towards the showers, the sound of rain hitting the roof making him turn and instead walk towards the roof, it had been so long since he laid under the rain, and yes maybe it was a bit dangerous to go lay on a roof that had several electrical wires while there's a thunderstorm outside but who was going to stop him? The boy hummed quietly as he made his towards the door that led to the rooftop, he smiled when he finally made it to the roof, rain soaking into his clothes as he stepped out, only when he looked to the side did he notice the duo colored boy who was up there with him. ⛈️ ⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ⛈️ Shouto glared at his phone, the message seemingly mocking him as frustrated tears welled up in his eyes Todoroki Enji' ' I have found you a wife. I hope you show up to family dinner, if you don't there will be consequences. ' The mix-matched-eyed boy growled before shutting his phone off, throwing himself on the bed, and taking deep breaths to keep himself from hyperventilating. Shouto slowly relaxed into the mattress, closing his eyes and taking a few more deep breaths before getting up again with plans of getting water and completely ignoring the text before the tap of rain hitting the window made him pause, the boy had always enjoyed just sitting under the rain whenever he was upset, the memory of his mom smiling down at him as they danced in the rain made him the corners of his mouth tick up into a smile before nodding to himself and making his way towards the roof in hopes to enjoy the rain. ⛈️ ⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ⛈️
Izuku paused as mix-matched eyes met his, smiling slightly at the sight of his best friend It's storming out, maybe you should come inside And tell me why you don't wanna be alive
"what are you doing here Shouto?" the smaller boy spoke, trying to grasp why his friend was also here, he didn't think the other boy enjoyed the rain, it never came to his mind but it would be great to have something in common. If you don't respond, I'll put my shoes on And lay down on the pavement next to you When he didn't receive a response he simply smiled, the boy was probably also here because he was upset, and sometimes it's best to just have someone there than someone to speak to, so he decided to sit down next to Todoroki who paused for a moment before a small smile outlined his face. If we get struck, at least we'll make the news The news when the sound of lightning reached his ears again, Shouto couldn't help but wonder- "Hey Izuku?" said boy hummed in response "Do you think if we died, hit by lightning, we'd make the news?" Izuku paused before smiling, small giggles leaving his mouth "Oh yeah, definitely! I mean imagine it-" What a way to go out Something this town will forever talk about The two kids who were laying down And struck by lightning in front of your house "-the press will never let UA live that down! Two 1-A students struck by lightning at the rooftop of UA High! god! I can already see it! what a way to go out huh?" Shouto hummed, nodding in agreement "Yeah, I can see it." In the mud, sinking down Thinking of everything I have to think about You shut me up, look at the clouds As lightning struck
Shouto couldn't help but forget the thoughts that plagued his mind as he spoke with Midoriya, the boy pushing those thoughts away like a freight train, the small but genuine only he got to see playing on his face, he looked up at the clouds as lightning struck again, the sounds of the storm becoming nice background music. What a way to go out Something this town will forever talk about The two kids who were laying down And struck by lightning in front of your house And kids out on the playgrounds Years from now will say, "Did you ever hear about The two kids who were laying down And struck by lightning in front of your house?"
Shouto continued to listen in on Izuku's rambling "Oh! do you think future students will talk about us if we did die? Will they tell stories of the two students who were struck by lightning on UA's rooftop?" Shouto could only hum, he didn't have the answer after all, maybe if they did die they could be able to find out "Yeah, good point!" oh, had he said that out loud? Izuku chuckled "Yeah, you did! don't worry I do it a lot too!" Maybe on a sunny day You might have some things to say But if you don't, that's okay Izuku wondered if another day Shouto would speak his mind freely like that again, maybe, but if he didn't Izuku would speak enough for both of them.
What a way to go out Something this town will forever talk about The two kids who were laying down And struck by lightning in front of your house Izuku and Shouto kept talking, oblivious to just how bad the storm had gotten until they heard the spark of electricity and looked up just as a bolt descended right where they were sitting, neither of them had time to react before the electricity moved through them, making them both cry out in pain before everything went numb, the last thing both students saw was each other, small smiles playing on their faces from their last moments together. A few wires started sparking, with electricity, buzzing their passed-out bodies with even more electricity. And kids out on the playgrounds Years from now will say, "Did you ever hear about The two kids who were laying down And struck by lightning in front of your house?" The two boys were found that morning and after tons of procedures were pronounced dead.
As lightning struck And struck by lightning in front of your house "Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto died of a Lightning strike on the rooftop of UA High."
The end.
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future-dregs · 2 years ago
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Tattoo this on my fucking body
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 16 days ago
TW: Captivity situation; Violence.
Yandere with a short fuse is any darling’s worst nightmare.
Fear oozes out of you like an instinctive reaction, as you spend every moment in his company utterly anxious and distressed over being a good girl - just like he demands from you. 
Everyday you wake up and the first thing you do is pray that everything goes well, that he doesn’t get upset and angry at you. That he doesn’t punish you. 
Your daily life consists of tiptoeing around him, always worried sick about the fact that one wrong step from you and he’s going to backhand you till you see stars. 
By now, you’ve lost count of all the reasons he’s gotten angry at you. An expression that wasn’t submissive enough, a reply that took too long to be said, a dirty spot in the apartment that you missed while cleaning.
It’s almost too easy to set him off, it takes close to nothing to turn him into a violent beast that shouts and berates you until his voice gets all raspy.
A monster that pushes, slaps and hurts you till you’re the one apologizing, promising you won’t do it again.
In the end, no matter how hard you try, it's never enough.
Bnha - Bakugo, Endeavour.
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