#tw male degeneracy
radicalfemimist · 2 months
“don’t generalize men” they scream, in the comments of a video talking about recent news in which two teenage boys (aged 14 and 16), one of which turned out to have a concealed weapon, robbed and intimidated a 7-year-old girl running a lemonade stand.
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radykalny-feminizm · 5 months
I had the dubious pleasure of learning about the most insane and disgusting person I've heard about in a long time, and I don't want to be alone with this knowledge, so.
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This is Christian Weston Chandler (aka Christine aka Chris Chan)
He's an internet personality who was once popular in certain online circles because of his absolutely unhinged behavior and susceptibility to being trolled.
A handful of facts:
He's an extreme incel who, for most of his life, desperately tried to find a partner while claiming that he only needs a woman for sex
At one point he paid a woman so he could rape her
He created and published sexually explicit drawings of female bodies on the internet, including those of women he knew in real life who, of course, did not consent to such things
In addition to being a misogynist, he's also a racist and homophobe. In his own words: if I could have it my way, I'd make it illegal and forbidden to have homo men; women are safe
Surprise, one day he started identifying as a woman and an ally of the LGBT community. He assumed a new identity solely because he thought it would give him sexual access to lesbians. But hey, TRAs keep saying that such things don't happen, so we're good
He thought he was able to magically grow a vagina and showed off his infected taint gash as his new vagina
If you think that's already pretty bad, the worst was yet to come. In 2021 he was arrested for raping his 79-year-old dementia-ridden mother. That's right. If you've ever wondered about the embodiment of evil and degeneration, here it fucking is. The justice system didn't buy into his bullshit identity and treated him as a male. Unfortunately, he was released from jail in March 2023, and in August the same year his incest charge was dismissed as a result of his lawyer having filed for an autism disorder deferred disposition. Which is fucking outrageous and bullshit because hello?? Autism doesn't make you want to rape your own elderly mother??
I don't even have a proper conclusion to all of this. No words in any language can express my absolute contempt and disgust for this moid.
And for TRAs who don't understand why women don't want "trans women" in their spaces - this is why.
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microdoser · 6 months
Sick to my stomach rn thinking of that recent femicide case with the male who brutally murdered his gf (bludgeoned her im p sure & then I'm p sure raped her corpse/took pictures if I'm not mistaken, i have to souble check but im dreading reading the details again) & then meticulously arranged her crystals/tarot cards around her dead body & spoke so callously of her mocking her for like...'cringe normie astrology girl' interests, saying shit like 'some good those stupid rocks did her...!!' & proudly texting his friends what he did to her in detail.
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castleprincess · 9 months
"A Houston rapper allegedly kidnapped a homeless woman and held her captive in his garage for at least four years before she managed to get access to the suspect's computer to call rescuers, officials said.
The woman allegedly held by Lee Carter, 52, was found in April but the arrest on a charge of felony aggravated kidnapping only happened on Thursday, court records and Carter’s attorney said.
Records do not explain why it took authorities nearly nine months to arrest the suspect. The condition of the woman, who prosecutors say was 70 pounds and pregnant when authorities located her, was unclear Monday."
Four years! Four whole years being held and abused by that man! They need to lock him up and throw way the key!
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separatismus · 7 months
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Somehow everyone knows what a woman is, when the topic is sexual assault/rape.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
Guys i want to show you something awful i saw recently. Tw for eating distorders, emaciated bodies, male degeneracy
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This is the perfect example of that meme about how male e trads want a skinny submissive instagramesque woman wearing frilly dresses and with an elaborate braided hairdo meanwhile Bertha from 10th century, a real traditional god honoring woman, upon seeing their sickly cumstained physique, could beat them to a bloody pulp with an ard,
his definition of "skinny beautiful girls" are malnourished women with obvious EDs on the brink of death
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So you can probably imagine what "putting on a bunch of muscles" looks to him. Quite different to what normal people visualise in their heads.
Honestly I hate males who think that" healthy women are fat and we should eat like one meal a day and features that has maybe 1% of female population only when we are teeangers" just as much as coomers and sometimes even more
Its just... idk. Males who fetishize mental illnesses, but especially eating disorders that are the most terrifying conditions causing you to slowly kill yourself are sick in fhe head and evil. Lusting after someone who is so mentally unwell SPECIFICALLY because of how ill they are is a disgusting predatory behaviour.
It also reminds me of that post that trad women want to have a big family on a farm but trad males want a domestic sexual slave.
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radicalfemimist · 2 months
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What a surprise, for me to check Tumblr and see this activity in my notes. It’s not worth replying to this guy, so I’m not going to. But also:
This crime did not happen in America, because as it turns out— other countries do, in fact, exist. This happened in Canada, and in Canada, there are self-defense laws here. This article will break down the self-defense laws for you, but here’s an example I wanted to highlight.
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You can’t strike or cause bodily harm to the person that’s stealing your stuff. The little girl was robbed and intimidated, but it didn’t go far enough that the boys physically attacked her before the mother arrived on scene.
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radicalfemimist · 5 months
CW/TW: men (male degeneracy)
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