#tw historical discussion of infanticide/abortion
entertext · 9 months
HGSN 23-2
Chapter (Japanese)
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Rough translation by me
Hikaru: (A change...)
Yoshiki: ...It's my fault
Hikaru: No, it's not...Stop saying things like that
Hikaru: (So that's why I started to feel pain)
Hikaru: (and lost to the impurity at the family restaurant and got my head chopped off, huh?)
Hikaru: (And on top of all that, somehow there's this strange feeling...)
Hikaru: Oh! That guy! The sword that sunglasses guy cut me with...
Hikaru: That sword wasn't normal...
Hikaru: That guy must have attacked me knowing that
Hikaru: There's something suspicious about it.
Rie: ...It's clear that he must be someone well-informed about that sort of thing
Yoshiki: (I'm so stupid! I didn't notice anything...)
Yoshiki: If you get attacked by him again...
Hikaru: Then I'll just run away!! Even if he cuts my head off again, it'll stick back on!
Hikaru: But maybe my head'll come off easier now, haha!
Hikaru: Wahahahahaha
Rie: As I thought, this child is dangerous
Rie: But...it's no good. I've also gotten attached...
(sfx: crowd chatter)
(sfx: crowd chatter)
Yuuki: Maki was surprisingly the one that worried the most, cute huh?
Maki: Hey!
Yuuki: You said "It's so boring when Hikaru's not around" like ten times
Maki: I did not!
Maki: By the way, what've you been writing all this time?
→Grants wishes in exchange for human heads?)
(sfx: snap shut)
Yoshiki: No...it's nothing
Maki: Are you looking up "Unuki-san"?
Yoshiki: Huh? What...did you just...?
Maki: Hehe, I'll tell you all about it
Maki: A looooong time ago, around these parts
Maki: It was used as a secret codeword
Maki: Since ancient times, this area for some reason has suffered from lots of illnesses, crop failures, and accidents
Maki: Despite being a place like that, the reason there was still a fair amount of settlement was 'cause mercury could be mined here.
Maki: Even so, year after year, the amount that was extracted dwindled...
Maki:...and in the struggle to put food on the table, there was often the need to abort a pregnancy
Maki: In order to do that, they made a medicine using the mercury here
Maki: An abortion pill local to this land
Maki: If I remember correctly, the medicine was called "Uronuki" medicine
Maki: Apparently it refers to "infant-culling" medicine
Maki: Since it was a medicine made with mercury taken from the mountain, they started to call using it to end a pregnancy as "returning it to 'Unuki-san' of the mountain"
Maki: That's what it's code for... Ummmm
Maki: Eventually, it started to be worshipped as the god of the mountain...
Maki: And after that, strangely the illnesses and stuff died down...
Yoshiki: Mercury... that's the origin of the name of the forbidden mountain, Nisayama*?
Hikaru: ...
* 丹砂山 - red sand (cinnabar) mountain
Next chapter: 2023/01/02
Twitter Extra (link):
Yoshiki: Is the line on your neck okay?
Hikaru: Yeah, there shouldn't be anything physically wrong
Hikaru: 'cause it's a ghost scar!
Yoshiki: Oh...that's a relief
Hikaru: Oh, it came off
Yoshiki: Uwaaaaaaah!!
(sfx: wakes up)
EDIT 2024/01/18:
Fixed Translation Error: It's what you'd call "haunted" → There's something suspicious about it.
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