#tw albiesm
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firedragon1321 · 6 months ago
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Note- This post is edited. Reason is at the end. Please reblog the edited version as the original is unintentionally albiest.
I joke and laugh about Leon Pokemon being a dummy idiot (affectionate). He can't even find his way to the largest building in a city without assistance. But. Like. I started thinking about all the ways Chairman Rose took advantage of that over the years. Telling Leon what to say. How to act. Who to be. To say nothing of the sponsors on his cape. How much power do they have over Leon's persona? Where does he end and they begin?
And THEN I thought about how the League works in Galar. It's just...a much bigger thing than elsewhere in the Pokemon world. Simple gym battles take place in massive stadiums. How many of these battles occur per week, let alone per day? They are part of every person's life, even if they are just a spectator. And the sponsors/League controls the entire circus. Rose's intentions weren't fantastic. You expect me to trust the nameless corporations?
Also, how many Pokemon were scooped out of the Wild Area to train for glory, for a sponsor, for money, for power? How many were thrown away, unable to measure up to the standards of an extraordinarily complicated and demanding League? How many Trainers only care about being as strong as Leon, not caring about the well-being of their Pokemon?
We saw Hop do this. Admittedly, he is not malicious and Bede was crawling under his skin. But there are malicious Trainers out there. If not for the fact you need a sponsorship to participate in the League- this bottlenecking how many Trainers can participate- Galar's ecosystem would be in fucking shambles.
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And speaking of Bede, his entire identity revolved around victory and power thanks to- surprise surprise- Chairman Rose. Only when he met Opal did he finally reach his potential...and even that involved shifting from Psychic types to Fairy types. Meaning his Duosion and Gothorita had to be either released or retired.
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And I didn't forget about Piers the Rat Man and Spikemuth. Rose told Piers to move to a far away location with a Power Spot to enable flashy Dynamax battles. Piers told him to fuck off. Thus his gym is in backwater nowhere where few Trainers dare to dread and the whole town has been swallowed by crime and poverty. Did I mention Piers blames himself for Spikemuth's current state? Meanwhile, this is- once again- Rose and the League/sponsors having more power than anyone has the right to possess.
Combining these factors, you get a society in which the Trainer and Pokemon- provided they are strong enough- are a product. A commodity. Something to wow audiences and nothing more. Trainers like Hop are left in the shadows of the greats. But the greats are decaying giants, dangling from slowly snapping puppet strings.
This system doesn't go away because Rose is gone. In fact, Leon takes over as League Chairman. But how much of the new leadership is really Leon? Outside of battle, the man has his struggles. I can see the Battle Tower and Galarian Star Tournament being his ideas. But there's more to running the League than that. How many people- including his sponsors- are vying for power in the background?
If I didn't sell you on Galar being a dystopian nightmare yet, there is so much pollution the local Corsola are effectively zombies. Much of it probably comes from the stadiums- powering the screens, keeping the lights on at night, possibly energy from Dynamaxing. Electric-type Pokemon could debatably cut down on the pollution but like- how many Pikachu do you need?
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It's a shame there was so much sleeping on SwSh because there's so much insidiously good shit bubbling just under the surface. I think if it was canonically explored people would like Gen 8 more (even if it ended with a reinforcement of status quo like Gen 5). But GameFreak had been afraid to make digs at its own formula since Black and White. The League does exist in other regions, albeit it's not as secretly dark as this. Addressing the Galar League could put a foot in the door to question the entire series.
EDIT- It has been brought to my attention that Leon is smarter than he looks, refusing to cooperate with the Darkest Day plot. More importantly to this edit, he may also be interpreted as disabled, making parts of this post unintentionally come off as albiest. As an autistic person, I apologize for this. However- as it's been reblogged a few times and Leon having a disability is not proved by canon- I chose to leave the text as-is- save for eliminating one joke that went too far- and attached a tw for albiesm. I am deeply sorry.
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firedragon1321 · 7 months ago
Alternatively- autism. But people on the spectrum often end up falling into one (or all) of these categories too. I'm definitely 1 and 3, and probably 2 as well.
Also, it's context-dependent. If I'm infodumping about Tai Kamiya Digimon, it's not trauma-based. He's my blorbo boy and I like talking about him. If we're talking about a non-hyperfixation thing, it's probably one of these three.
(This doesn't reflect all people on the spectrum.)
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theworsttrollhunter · 5 years ago
I mean, should I really accept my co-worker’s apology for how she treated me? Her getting angry at me for showing symptoms of autism, blowing up on me for making mistakes at work, and being really insensitive to my stress dealing with starting college in a pandemic?
Plus this is the third time she’s “apologized” to me ever since I started working with her. I’m not gonna accept it only for it all to happen again.
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magicalgirlpropaganda · 6 years ago
"If you don't abandon the disabled, you will mess up the gene pool" is so stupid
•we've been doing this for centuries!!!
•if you knew basic genetics, you would know that two nondisabled people can have a disabled child.
•bold of you to assume that they are weak. Lot of them can and will kill you.
•Bold of you to assume that you are superior
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gaymingbinosaur · 4 years ago
Someone: bullying is bad
Tumblr: is it though? You probably like anime too much.
Me rambling below because I went into rant mode. Not out of anger but I’m sleepy and have adhd so just rambling. Maybe struggle with keep reading on mobile
:keep reading:
Just damn tumblr sure loves my elementary bullies for mocking me for stimming. Also anyone nerodiverse or mentally ill. Any one feel that tumblr is a bit okay with people getting bullied because of ableism? Like if you act wrong you deserved to be bullied to make you normal and a better person. Is the foundation of the arguments of why bullying is okay on this hellsite. And like bully you until normalcy was one of my first memories of my adhd making my life hard. Like I always hate the argument of someone needing to be normal because that feels not only a waste of time but a dumb waste of time. But for it to be the reason constantly being attacked/belittled is okay is making me kind of mad. “Like yes tell me why we need to bully the freak child. Why did the children do what was right mocking and belittling their classmate or physically attacking them?” Like I swear to god I hate tumblr sometimes trying to figure out a good reason for bullying. Sorry adhd went off a bit but like their arguments just seem to write off nerodiverse people to me. Like getting bullied for a hyperfixation isn’t as bad as being bullied for other marginalizations (actually saw this argument but didn’t use the term hyperfixation but was liking a band too much I think) or acting slightly out of what is considered “normal” and just like it seems like people are either trying to write off getting bullied for nerodiverse symptoms as not as bad or actually good. Just it feels like thinly veiled albiesm to me. Like of course if someone gets bullied for liking anime or whatever and is nerotypical that’s bad but the arguments on why it’s good is what I was focusing on. But like no one deserves to be bullied.
Also I remember this post saying they hate the word bullying and wished it had a more severe term to actually state what it is more accurately and maybe people would struggle to defend it and sound like a good person and saying it’s peer abuse. And I’m sure if there is a way tumblr will find it but sometimes I do think about how hard it would be to sound reasonable and not like abuse apoligist or victim blaming or ranking tramau of it was called that. Like don’t know if it’s an appropriate word or not but like I guess realistically probably will have people find more excuses to shrug off tramau for bullying but still sometimes I wonder if the discussion around bullying be deserved would change if it was called that.
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firedragon1321 · 9 months ago
I'm tired of being given the "stop using your disability as an excuse" BS. Not in the "I'm gonna be a dick but don't debate I am autistic 0w0" sense. More in the "You can do anything in spite of your disability. Stop being disabled and do the thing! uwu" sense.
I'm autistic. 24/7. Just because I'm verbal doesn't mean I'm not autistic, nor that I can stop being autistic specifically to Be Brave and Do a Hard Thing.
I get extreme anxiety over things that does not matter to a normal person. Especially new things. And also things that cut me off from my hyperfixations. Plus things I cannot control. This is because I am autistic.
My brain stores Pokemon abilities easier than money-related matters. I can barely figure out how the job sphere works, either (networking? is that a Digimon thing?). This is because I am autistic.
Sometimes my headphones are loud and I wear them around the house in places people don't like. I am stimming. This is because I am autistic.
Just because my autism gives me writing/drawing/academic-related benefits does not mean it is not a disability. My brain is a computer that allotted too much memory to my hyperfixations. So there's not a lot of room for anything else (work, money, social interactions). When I can't interact with my hyperfixations or do something that must pull from the "smaller knowledge banks", I become anxious or shut down. This is not how a neurotypical brain works.
Just being disabled is not "using autism as an excuse". I can rarely Be Brave and Do a Hard Thing. But don't assume that is the default. Courage is hard- even for neurotypical people.
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Draco paused and nodded. “Alright,” He said, finally dropping the subject. He figured it was useless arguing with someone who never actually gave up.
Draco frowned at the mention of Neville’s family. “And— You’ll get your chance with Lestrange— he can’t hide forvever...” he said.
Soon, Draco was out of St. Mungos and put to desk work while he waited for the Hogwarts School year to end. “This is Slughorn’s last year— I’m hoping to take his place as the potions teacher at Hogwarts,” Draco told Neville as he walked with him. He had to use a cane until his body was ready to use the magical prosthetics.
Unfortunately someone mentioned the use of he cane. “Hey Malfoy, trying to mimic your father with that cane there?”
Draco sighed, shaking his head. “Prick,” he muttered under his breath. “I have only about half of my left leg.”
MALFOY ( @teeth-and-ambitions​ )
“I don’t know…” Draco said, frowning. “I don’t want you in trouble for my sake,” he said. But then he frowned, realizing Neville was right and he sighed. “Alright, if that’s the excuse you want to use…” he said and nodded.
Draco nodded. “I’ll spent the day with him once I’m out of St. Mungos… it’ll be good for him, I hardly see him these days since I was so busy…” he said. He paused. “I… thank you for letting come on the mission— even if it didn’t go as planned.”
“It’s not the excuse I want to use. But I owe you one.” There was no other way to put. Malfoy had saved his life, several times, and all the kids would be dead without him. And he truly should have been paying more attention. Focused more on the children’s safety than on getting Lestrange.
He sighed softly. “Yeah. You’re welcome. If… if it had been my family. I would have done the same thing.”
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firedragon1321 · 10 months ago
I just recycle the same evil bitch in all my stories and give her a different name and slightly different goals. But. Listen. I love writing villains with obsessions. And also we need more evil women so why not?
I love the millionaire who has everything she wants except the protagonist. I love the huntress whose pursuit of the protagonist grows more personal with each failure. I love the mother who sets forth to "fix" her autistic son and makes it the world's problem. I love the woman who used to be ugly, but was given beauty and magic and misused both. I love the woman blinded by "love", who forgot she's the girl who grew up too soon. I love the women who fear death so much that they'll last for eons, ruining the lives of generations.
I will keep writing these kinds of villains probably until I die. It's also really fun to make them snap and see how much hell that causes for everyone around them.
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firedragon1321 · 11 months ago
My brain: Hey so Tomoya doesn't talk right?
Me: Yeah why?
My brain: Add some albiesm to that OC's backstory all nice and project-y like for me, ok? :)
Me: Sure, whatever.
Time: *passes like gas*
Me, reading Tomoya's backstory weeks later: Did I seriously make this kid's parents tell him to his face they wish he was "born normal"?
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firedragon1321 · 7 months ago
One of My Writing Anxieties
Me: I wrote an autistic character based on my own experiences as an autistic person. His condition was more severe as a young child, but did not go away entirely. This character does not reflect all autistic people. Autism is a spectrum, and different people display different symptoms due to various factors (including treatment/early intervention, which I had). I'm not trying to write about all autistic people with this one character.
Dumbshit Fuckface: So autism goes away as you age?????? If you intervene early????? Does that mean there's a cure????? 👀
Asshole Dipwit: This character is offensive because he doesn't reflect my specific experience with autism!!!! You need to rewrite him from the ground up NOWWWWWW!!!! 😡
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firedragon1321 · 7 months ago
Predictions for What Will Happen to My Works if They Are Put in the Fandom Machine
Just me bullshitting. Nothing to see here.
High School/College AUs
I'm putting these under the same banner since college AUs have gained in popularity over the years. The very plague that infested some of my first fandoms will invade en masse. This will be uniform across my works. The reason for this prediction is very simple.
My work is absolutely infested with teenagers. The "old" characters tend to be in their 20s. One of my "older" characters- Bruno- is only 25, because those kids needed a goddamn adult.
I usually don't write protagonists older than me for a few reasons. One is they're my babies and it just feels- odd. Another is teenagers are fascinating to write. A third reason is I look forward to "unlocking" new ages as I grow older. Looking back on the previous periods of my life without fear and playing with them is a sign of growth.
The side effect of this is that my works will fall into the YA crowd, who will project their experiences onto them. From my sixteen years of fandom experience, I know what that means.
Modern/No Power/Human AUs
This is also universal. Going hand-in-hand with sticking my characters in a stifling school environment, they'll also be stripped of any powers they have. Right now, I have only one story where that means basically nothing.
My OC Kova is from a post-apocalypse story set on Earth. No-one has powers. Literally everything else I write has some degree of thunderbolt flinging or fire-breathing. I write fantasy, sci-fi, and sci-fi fantasy almost exclusively.
I get people want to put the blorbos in Situations. But sometimes, the Situations run against the characters and I Can't. It's worse when it comes to species because a species can be an entire identity.
That's the case with Jake, to some extent. He was a genetic experiment whose species was killed off, save for a few children. He was adopted and raised by humans. This and an incident in his childhood create fertile ground for an identity crisis, which he slowly has to untangle over the course of the story. He wouldn't be Jake if he didn't have a tail and antlers.
Casual Albiesm
As an autistic person, I can't wait to have my obviously autistic or autistic-coded characters made neurotypical by fanworks. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside thinking of people doing the very thing the antagonists of one of my main works set out to do. Jackie's entire character arc is about being autistic and proud but ignore that I guess, lol.
Oh! You know what else is gonna rock hard? Infantilism! Never mind that Jackie masturbates off screen (he is a fifteen year old boy). No he is an innocent baby who doesn't even know how to say "fuck"! What's that? I added those scenes to counter that trope? Haha that's funny! :3
I also can't wait for people to completely ignore other forms of disability. Just ignore that the gay cyborg is an amputee, or the bird boy is a part-time cane user.
Look, I've made mistakes with this kind of stuff. I get it. But I'd rather make a mistake than wipe away the character's identity. This is similar to the Jake example above. It'll be really obnoxious with Jackie, though, because it's really in-your-face with him. His form of autism is heavily based on my own, too...
The above applies to making black or brown characters white, etc., etc. I'm just talking about albiesm because this is the only thing I really have expertise on. I make mistakes in the race arena all the time. Ignorance is one thing. But if someone draws the mixed race Native-American/Asian Kova as a white guy, that's a conscious choice and I will puke.
I'm okay with genderswaps (I've even done it myself), as long as the character's core personality is the same and you aren't being sexist with it. Not every character needs to be a supermodel with breasts the size of Nissans. Please. I beg of you.
I have been in fandom sixteen years, and this is the thing that terrifies me the most (about equal with solo sexualization of underage characters). Shipping is part of the lifeblood of fandom. It is what fans do the most with downtime between installments, and the focus of many an analysis. Sometimes, meta will mention ships for no reason (a pet peeve of mine- if you're talking about how trauma effects your blorbo, there's no reason to go off-topic).
The scary part is I know exactly who is getting shipped.
Protagonist/deuteragonist slash pairings are expected. I grew up on Digimon and Kingdom Hearts. I'm a born again Trekkie. I've seen this pairing type in all its forms and know it is inevitable. I've even made canon pairings that were basically this. My OCs Jake and Zak are both eighteen, so I'm more comfortable showing (some) of the physical side of their relationship. This will be catnip to fangirls if the book ever sell and I accept that.
What will bug me is when people ignore other types of relationships and character ages to go straight for romantic relationships. I am talking explicitly about Soren and Beck- the ship that doesn't exist that stalks my nightmares.
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These two are cartoon characters from different in-universe shows (that's why they look different). Soren is 12, Beck is 16. They have a platonic, elder brother/younger brother relationship. Both are dumped out of their cartoon and into reality. Beck arrives first, so he serves as a guide to Soren, especially in the first two books. He's also the first friendly character Soren meets, with other characters providing advice but not much warmth or outright trying to harm him. Something happens to Beck in the second book that gives Soren nightmares. He goes through hell trying to undo that thing. When Soren learns that Beck smiles to hide a lot of pain, he does what he can to help. These two characters provide support and would die for each other. But at the end of the day, they're brothers- a word Beck used and Soren wholeheartedly adopted.
I think you see what a shipper would do with this information.
This bugs me not only due to the huge gap in their ages (for children/teens, four years is a lot), but because it ignores the nuances in their relationship in favor of TEH SEX. That also ignores a lot of the book's themes. One of the main villainous factions is made up of people who have become quite rich sexually exploiting toons.
I think my main fear is putting up huge signs that say "look at this thing- it's important" and having people spit on them. The Soren/Beck ship is the crown jewel of this. It throws the whole story in the trash to feed the fandom machine.
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firedragon1321 · 9 months ago
Chapter One: I'm gonna write a story about my school trauma!
Chapter Eight: Let's add some repeating negative fantasies caused by my school trauma!
Chapter Fifteen: LOBOTOMY
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firedragon1321 · 10 months ago
Finally making a Legit Post for Leo
I posted "but sire the quality" versions of him before. But here he is in all his glory.
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Lore in the readmore. TW- school trauma/child abuse, asylum mention, allegories for albiesm and masking.
Leonard "Leo" Marshall
Gender- Male (He/Him)
Age- 13 (nearing 14)
Height- 4’10”
Weight- 100 lb.
In Leo's world, ten percent of people have monsters. His is an electric/fire dragon named Buddy. The monsters are a cross between Digimon and daemons from The Golden Compass, able to be "banished" (i.e.- become invisible) at the human's will. People with monsters are rounded up at a young age and sent to a special school. The school forces the students to repress their monsters to appear "normal". Oh, and the students cannot leave. This shapes a lot of Leo's personality.
Leo has an imaginative, impulsive nature that can't sit still for long. His best way of learning things is "fuck around and find out". He is clever, but not in the way the adults want him to be. He's better at finding ways to sneak out of his school/prison than paying attention in class. Class is nap/doodle time.
Leo has never met his parents. But he despises them for letting him end up in the school. His goal is to leave the school- which he calls Jail- behind. He fantasizes about impossible situations for when he leaves, like setting up shop on a desert island or making an obscene amount of money. The fantasy changes with the day.
Leo's only interaction with his parents is through letters, one (1) photograph, and a stuffed lion for when he got a fever at age 6. Parents aren't allowed to visit in person for a variety of reasons (they can have long-distance contact thought). At first, Leo was a "good boy", so he could graduate and meet his family instead of being sent to an asylum. But he lost patience as a preteen and started to rebel.
His design is part of that rebellion. Leo is not a natural redhead, and his hair does not grow in a lightning bolt shape. His real hair color of brown, bordering on black. It matches that of his parents. He doesn't want to see them in the mirror. Instead, he built his appearance around "electricity"- Buddy's main power. He tried blond/blue hair before, but didn't like them.
That's about it so far. I want to give him a friend group. But I haven't designed them yet. All I know is they all have monster buddies of their own, and none of them are primarily electric-element (to prevent overlap). I have an idea for a girl with an air-element bird, but I'm still designing her.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year ago
I just saw a weird prompt for an AU where X has a nonverbal autistic toddler. Okay, cool. But then the prompt continues something like "she only stims around X and Y, but now she trusts Mysterious Stranger Z. So she stims around him, too " The implication being that stimming is some kind of magical radar for "nice people", or that the child is nothing more than a catalyst to bring X and Z together.
I might be reading too much into it but as an autistic person (verbal), I'm just... confused? How is stimming a "good person radar"? Why are you using the "autistic people are pure gentle souls" trope in the first place?
Fuck it. I have my own characters. I'm gonna think about my autistic former monster tamer and/or autistic coded cartoon characters falling fist and head first into Shenanigans that are partially their fault as flawed human beings.
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